Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator`s, and Upgrade
Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator`s, and Upgrade
DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Windchill ProductPoint 2.0 January 2011 Copyright © 2010 Parametric Technology Corporation and/or Its Subsidiary Companies. All Rights Reserved. User and training guides and related documentation from Parametric Technology Corporation and its subsidiary companies (collectively "PTC") are subject to the copyright laws of the United States and other countries and are provided under a license agreement that restricts copying, disclosure, and use of such documentation. PTC hereby grants to the licensed software user the right to make copies in printed form of this documentation if provided on software media, but only for internal/personal use and in accordance with the license agreement under which the applicable software is licensed. Any copy made shall include the PTC copyright notice and any other proprietary notice provided by PTC. Training materials may not be copied without the express written consent of PTC. This documentation may not be disclosed, transferred, modified, or reduced to any form, including electronic media, or transmitted or made publicly available by any means without the prior written consent of PTC and no authorization is granted to make copies for such purposes. Information described herein is furnished for general information only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a warranty or commitment by PTC. PTC assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is provided under written license agreement, contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information, and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. It may not be copied or distributed in any form or medium, disclosed to third parties, or used in any manner not provided for in the software licenses agreement except with written prior approval from PTC. UNAUTHORIZED USE OF SOFTWARE OR ITS DOCUMENTATION CAN RESULT IN CIVIL DAMAGES AND CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. PTC regards software piracy as the crime it is, and we view offenders accordingly. We do not tolerate the piracy of PTC software products, and we pursue (both civilly and criminally) those who do so using all legal means available, including public and private surveillance resources. As part of these efforts, PTC uses data monitoring and scouring technologies to obtain and transmit data on users of illegal copies of our software. This data collection is not performed on users of legally licensed software from PTC and its authorized distributors. If you are using an illegal copy of our software and do not consent to the collection and transmission of such data (including to the United States), cease using the illegal version, and contact PTC to obtain a legally licensed copy. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Important Copyright, Trademark, Patent, Licensing, and Data Collection Information: See the About Box, or copyright notice, of your PTC software. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND This document and the software described herein are Commercial Computer Documentation and Software, pursuant to FAR 12.212(a)-(b) (OCT’95) or DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (JUN’95), and are provided to the US Government under a limited commercial license only. For procurements predating the above clauses, use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 (OCT’88) or Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at FAR 52.227-19(c)(1)-(2) (JUN’87), as applicable. 09012010 Parametric Technology Corporation, 140 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA 02494 USA Contents About This Guide........................................................................................................ 7 Windchill ProductPoint and SharePoint Functionality Overview ............................... 9 Structure Tables and Architecture ................................................................. 10 Sites............................................................................................................11 Client Authoring Application Support............................................................. 12 View and Markup Support ............................................................................ 13 Windchill ProductPoint Web Parts ................................................................ 13 Content Types............................................................................................. 18 Site Columns .............................................................................................. 20 Search Extensions ...................................................................................... 20 Features ..................................................................................................... 20 Groups and Permissions.............................................................................. 21 Menu and Toolbar Actions............................................................................ 22 Templates ................................................................................................... 22 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installation .............................................................................................................. 25 Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation ................................................................... 27 Installation Process Overview ...................................................................... 28 Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) Planning ..................................................................................... 29 Single Server or Server Farm Planning ......................................................... 29 Server Prerequisites .................................................................................... 30 Configuring a Network Directory for the Upload Directory............................... 58 Client Prerequisites ..................................................................................... 58 Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint ......................... 61 Installing SharePoint.................................................................................... 62 Installing Windchill ProductPoint................................................................... 75 Installing Sample Data................................................................................. 86 Uninstalling Windchill ProductPoint and Windchill ProductPoint Web Service ................................................................................................... 87 Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm.............................................................................................................. 89 Server Farm Planning.................................................................................. 90 Installing SharePoint.................................................................................... 92 Installing SharePoint on Additional Front-end Web Servers .......................... 109 Installing Windchill ProductPoint..................................................................117 Installing Windchill ProductPoint on Additional Front-end Web Servers........... 129 Load Balancing ......................................................................................... 133 Alternate Access Mapping ......................................................................... 139 Installing Sample Data............................................................................... 140 3 Uninstalling Windchill ProductPoint and Windchill ProductPoint Web Service ................................................................................................. 141 Re-hosting a Windchill ProductPoint Server on a New Domain............................ 143 Configuring an Extranet Server for External Collaboration................................... 145 Installation Troubleshooting .............................................................................. Cannot Connect to SharePoint Administration, Default SharePoint Site, or Windchill ProductPoint Websites During or After Installation ..................... Using Button in IISreset Prompts Some Installation Failures......................... The PTCRootSite#1 Deployment Fails Because the User is not a Member of the SharePoint Farm Administrators Group .......................................... Online Help Does Not Appear .................................................................... The Installer Is Not Able to Create the Downloads Directory on the IIS Server ................................................................................................... 147 148 149 149 150 150 Bulk Upload .......................................................................................................... 151 Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility ..................................................... About the Bulk Loader Utility ...................................................................... Bulk Loader Prerequisites .......................................................................... Uploading Data to Windchill ProductPoint ................................................... Bulk Loader Best Practices ........................................................................ Bulk Loader Resources.............................................................................. Creating Bulk Publishing Jobs Using the Representation Generation Utility..................................................................................................... 153 154 156 157 169 180 Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator ........................................... About the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator ............................................................ Migration Process Overview....................................................................... Exporting Models from Pro/INTRALINK ...................................................... Copying your Pro/INTRALINK Database to your Windchill ProductPoint Server................................................................. Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Bulk Loader Utility ...................... Creating Bulk Publishing Jobs Using the Representation Generation Utility..................................................................................................... 191 192 194 194 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 188 199 202 221 Administration ...................................................................................................... 223 Administering Windchill ProductPoint ................................................................ Retrieving Windchill ProductPoint Information ............................................. Managing File Content Growth ................................................................... Using the Publishing Service...................................................................... Using the Products and Catalogs Organizational Concept............................ Leveraging and Repurposing the Products Organizational Concept .............. Access and Visibility of Products ................................................................ Enabling SharePoint Services Search Server .............................................. Publishing AutoCAD and ProductView Installer Links on Downloads Page ..................................................................................................... Windchill ProductPoint Views ..................................................................... Content Types and Properties .................................................................... Windchill ProductPoint Settings .................................................................. 4 225 226 232 235 238 241 241 245 246 251 254 256 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Enabling E-Mail Notification for the Windchill ProductPoint Deployment......................................................... 258 Activating and Deactivating Features .......................................................... 258 Modifying Upload Size ............................................................................... 264 Administration Troubleshooting ......................................................................... A Creo User Cannot Access Windchill ProductPoint .................................... In Creo, Machine Name Displays Instead of User Name .............................. A Red Text Error is Seen on the Recently Modified Web Part on the Home Page Site .............................................................................................. User Has Trouble Exporting to Spreadsheet................................................ Creating a Product May Fail if Windchill ProductPoint is Not Configured Correctly ............................................................................................... Upload Multiple Documents Option Missing in Internet Explorer 7................. 265 266 266 267 269 269 270 Windchill ProductPoint Backup and Restore........................................................ 271 Planning Your Backup and Restore Strategy...................................................... 273 Performing a Single Command Backup ............................................................. Running the Single Command Backup........................................................ Additional Single Command Backup Settings .............................................. Scheduling Regular Single Command Backups ........................................... DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 275 277 277 278 Performing an Interactive Backup...................................................................... 281 Backing Up SharePoint Using the SharePoint Central Administration Console................................................................................................. 283 Quieting the System .................................................................................. 286 Restoring from a Backup .................................................................................. 289 Restoring from a Single Command Backup ................................................. 290 Restoring from an Interactive Backup ......................................................... 290 Backup and Restore Troubleshooting ................................................................ 297 More than One NDS Database................................................................... 298 Backup Fails During Verification ................................................................. 298 Upgrade ................................................................................................................ 299 Quieting Server and Client Connections ............................................................ 301 Ensuring the System is Quiet ..................................................................... 303 Stopping the Windchill ProductPoint Transaction Monitor Service ................. 303 Backing Up Databases ..................................................................................... 305 Upgrading to Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 ............................................................ 307 Upgrade Troubleshooting ................................................................................. Troubleshooting Overview.......................................................................... Files Upload Slower than when ProductPoint was First Installed................... Windchill ProductPoint Service Did Not Start After Rebooting....................... Contents 315 316 316 317 5 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE About This Guide Technical Support DRAFT ONLY For complete details, refer to Contacting Technical Support in the PTC Customer NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Service Guide. This guide can be found under the Related Links section of the Contact PTC Technical Support via the PTC Web site, phone, fax, or email if you encounter problems using this product or the product documentation. PTC Web site at: The PTC Web site also provides a search facility for technical documentation of particular interest. To access this page, use the following URL: You must have a Service Contract Number (SCN) before you can receive technical support. If you do not have an SCN, contact PTC Maintenance Department using the instructions found in your PTC Customer Service Guide under Contacting Your Maintenance Support Representative. Documentation for PTC Products You can access PTC documentation using the following resources: • Windchill Help Page – The Windchill Help Center is an online knowledgebase that includes a universal index of all Windchill documentation; you can access it by clicking a help icon or the Help link in any Windchill page header. You 7 can browse the entire Windchill documentation set, or use the advanced search capability to customize your keyword search. • Reference Documents Web Site – All books are available from the Reference Documents link of the PTC Web site at the following URL: • A Service Contract Number (SCN) is required to access the PTC documentation from the Reference Documents Web site. For more information on SCNs, see Technical Support: Comments PTC welcomes your suggestions and comments on its documentation. Send comments to the following address: [email protected] Include the name of the application and its release number with your comments. For online books, provide the book title. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 8 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 1 Windchill ProductPoint and SharePoint Functionality Overview Structure Tables and Architecture .............................................................................. 10 Sites .........................................................................................................................11 Client Authoring Application Support .......................................................................... 12 View and Markup Support ......................................................................................... 13 Windchill ProductPoint Web Parts.............................................................................. 13 Content Types .......................................................................................................... 18 Site Columns............................................................................................................ 20 Search Extensions.................................................................................................... 20 Features .................................................................................................................. 20 Groups and Permissions ........................................................................................... 21 Menu and Toolbar Actions ......................................................................................... 22 Templates ................................................................................................................ 22 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE This chapter describes the sites, templates, content types, column attributes, Web Parts, themes and other components that a Windchill ProductPoint installation adds to SharePoint. Because this information is intended to help SharePoint administrators and consultants understand how Windchill ProductPoint modifies and extends SharePoint, familiarity with SharePoint architecture, components, and administration is assumed. 9 Structure Tables and Architecture Windchill ProductPoint installs as a SharePoint web application that adds a site collection to your SharePoint instance. You can only install one Windchill ProductPoint web application into a SharePoint instance or farm. When you install Windchill ProductPoint, a separate structure database is created in addition to the SharePoint content database. The structure database complements the standard SharePoint document and list items, which do not support structure relationships. The structure information includes dependency relationships among Creo, Mathcad files and AutoCAD files. It also includes relationships among model files and the following: • documents • list items, such as tasks • issues managed in the standard SharePoint environment The following figures illustrate how Windchill ProductPoint is built on and extends the Windows SharePoint Services foundation, as well as how Windchill ProductPoint employs the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to support communication with complex, structured authoring applications such as Creo. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Windchill ProductPoint adds structure management functionality to the Windows SharePoint Services platform and includes integrations with engineering clients such as Creo, Mathcad and AutoCAD so that these clients can easily open and save documents to the Windchill ProductPoint server. 10 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Windchill ProductPoint adds ProductPoint NDS tables to SQL server to define and manage the relationships among the CAD authoring tools. DRAFT ONLY Sites FOR PRODUCTION USE NOT The following sections explain the sites added with a Windchill ProductPoint installation. Product Site Collection Windchill ProductPoint adds a Products site collection following installation. This site collection is designed to organize product design and development around a product site. Product Site Windchill ProductPoint adds a Products site type and template following installation. Each product site can organize a product or project team and its related information in order to facilitate collaboration and, perhaps, to limit access. Product sites are defined under a product site collection. As an administrator, you can choose to use the default Product Site collection, hide it, or relabel it to better serve your business needs. For example, companies who do project or job engineering work may choose to relabel this site “Project” or “Job.” Additional attributes, specific to your business needs, can also be included in the Product Site collection. Windchill ProductPoint and SharePoint Functionality Overview 11 Catalog Site Windchill ProductPoint adds a Catalog site following installation. This site is designed to serve as a repository for standard parts, templates, formats and standard documents. The Catalog site is defined with a default set of folders that can be extended, modified, or deleted. As an administrator, you can also choose to manage product development documents in this single site with an organization of folders and sub folders appropriate for your business. You can also define folder-specific permissions. For example, define folders for start parts, drawing formats, and standard parts that are read only, except to administrators. Using a single catalog site is recommended if you need to frequently move parts among locations because moving across sites is not supported in SharePoint. Client Authoring Application Support Windchill ProductPoint provides integrated support to save to and retrieve files from the server for Creo and Mathcad. The integration is patterned after the behavior of the Microsoft office applications, such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Concurrent updates and overwrites are prevented by an automatic locking mechanism that is transparent to users. DRAFT ONLY A client manager application is installed on the client to communicate with the FORwithPRODUCTION USE serverNOT and to make working the client applications and the server similar to working with a network file system. Creo Integration The Creo integration supports browsing and searching server content. You can launch Creo and open content managed in Windchill ProductPoint with the Open in Pro/ENGINEER action within a browser. Furthermore, any assembly which is saved to the server can later be opened in its exact As Stored configuration from the version history in Windchill ProductPoint by selecting Reports ▶ Version History. Windchill ProductPoint extends the Microsoft Office application functionality for Creo by adding integrated server awareness, caching, and synchronization to optimize performance and productivity for large, complex assemblies often stored in Creo. Mathcad Integration The Mathcad integration supports saving and retrieving related Mathcad files and intelligently manages Mathcad worksheets that drive Creo analysis features. 12 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide For more information on using Windchill ProductPoint with client authoring applications, see the Getting Started Using Windchill ProductPoint with Pro/ENGINEER and other applications guide. View and Markup Support Windchill ProductPoint adds 2-D and 3-D view and markup functionality in SharePoint for all items managed in Windchill ProductPoint. These capabilities provide access for view, measurement sectioning, exploded views and markup for users who do not have access to the native authoring application such as Creo. The following visualization capabilities are added: • Automatic generation of 2-D thumbnail images on save operations in Creo • Support to include images as customizable column attributes in any view • Support for 2-D hover thumbnails with part overview summary (number, version, state, description) • Support for embedded 3-D viewing control including 3-D rotation, pan, and zoom operations DRAFT ONLY • Support for 2-D and 3-D markup and the capability to list andUSE manage saved NOT FOR PRODUCTION markups in SharePoint • Support for 3-D cross-sectioning, exploded-view generation, and 3-D measurement • Support for 3-D visual reports embedded in web pages in SharePoint, which use color to distinguish release, modification, and lock status Windchill ProductPoint Web Parts Windchill ProductPoint adds the following Web Parts to the Windows SharePoint Server. These Web Parts can be added to or removed from any Windchill ProductPoint site page. Some of the Web Parts, such as the ProductView thumbnail Web Part, can be connected to other Web Parts. This connection allows an action in one Web Part to affect another Web Part. Windchill ProductPoint and SharePoint Functionality Overview 13 Structure Library The Structure Library Web Part displays various views of structured information managed in SharePoint (such as a Creo model structure or a parts list for an assembly). A structure library is a type of document library that adds support for complex relationships. Tip Any structure library list or tree can be exported to Excel. The structure library has the following default views, which can be customized: • Model Structure—Designed to simulate the model-tree view for a Creo assembly that is saved to the server. • BOM Structure—Designed to represent a typical indented engineering bill-of-material view of an assembly. It does not include CAD elements, such as skeletons and external simplified representations, which would not show up in an engineering or manufacturing BOM. It also does not include multiple instances of the same part or sub assembly under a parent assembly; instead, a count displays in a quantity column. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Note The BOM Structure view is hidden by default but can be exposed through the Creo Document Library Customization interface in SharePoint. To expose this view, select the structure library link in the left quick launch pane, select the Settings tool bar action, select Structure Library Settings, scroll to the bottom of the window with the “View” header and select the Activate action for those views you want to show or the Deactivate action for those views currently displayed that you wish to hide. • All Documents—Displays a list of all items in a document library location without regard to structure. Note The All Documents view (and views derived from this view) always displays the LATEST configuration—even if you had just set the configuration LATEST RELEASED for the structure view. • Parts Assemblies and Drawings—Displays all parts, assemblies and drawings associated with a structure item. • Drawings and Formats (Representations)—Displays all the drawings and derived representations (PDF, IGES, STL, DXF) that are defined for a source model such as a Creo assembly. Note This view is hidden by default. 14 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide • Parts List—Displays all parts in a structure or set of structures in a structure library, that is, only items of the part content type. • Where Used—Displays a list of all assemblies that use a particular part or sub assembly. Note This view applies only to a specific assembly node. Collaboration Spaces This Web Part displays the collaboration site that you are a owner of, member of, or have permission to view. This Web Part is not included on any page by default. It is typically most useful to include on the User Home page or on a Product Site Home page to view all the collaboration spaces in which you are a member or have created. Collaboration spaces are sub sites that can be created for any product item to manage a change project, investigation, design review or any activity related to the product item that requires a team of people working together on related information for some period to complete. DRAFT ONLY Collaboration Viewable NOT FORSpace PRODUCTION USE The Collaboration Space Viewable Web Part displays the viewable of the primary subject item in collaboration spaces and is included in the default collaboration site template. You can create you own collaboration space templates and can choose to include this Web Part. Incomplete Items This Web Part displays a report of the incomplete or missing items referenced by Windchill ProductPoint managed items such as assemblies. For example, if you saved a Creo assembly that was missing required and/or optional parts or other file references, the incomplete items report would list the missing references. The scope of this report is defined to be at the site at which it is included and all sub sites. For example, if you include this report Web Part on the Windchill ProductPoint Home page, the report will show all incomplete or missing references for all items in the system. If you include it in the catalog site, it will include missing references only for items saved to the catalog site. Windchill ProductPoint and SharePoint Functionality Overview 15 Locked The Locked Web Part displays the lock status for Windchill ProductPoint structure items, such as parts and assemblies. This Web Part serves two purposes: • View the items that you have locked. • View all items that are locked by all users. This Web Part is included on the Windchill ProductPoint home page. The scope of this report is limited to the site in which it is included and sites that are children of that site. Number Generator This Web Part can be included for manually generating new numbers using the numbering scheme that you defined for your system. You can use this to get part numbers needed by suppliers or design contractors who may be creating new parts but who are not connecting directly to Windchill ProductPoint. This Web Part is not exposed in a default installation. DRAFT ONLY The ProductView thumbnail Web Part displays a part or assembly image in an NOT FORviewer PRODUCTION embedded, 3-D ProductView component, which supports rotationUSE and ProductView Thumbnail zoom operations. This Web Part can be connected to a Creo List Web Part to show a 3-D image for a selected part or assembly. Recently Modified The Recently Modified Web Part displays a list of recently modified Windchill ProductPoint structure items, such as parts and assemblies. This Web Part serves two purposes: • View the items that you have recently modified. • View all items recently modified by all users. The number of items displayed per page and the maximum number of items are configurable in each Web Part instance. The default number of items per page is ten and the maximum number of items is 25. The scope of this Web Part is the site in which it is defined and all subsites. It is included on the Home page by default. 16 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Reference Items The Reference Items Web Part displays the reference items links in a collaboration space. It is included in the default collaboration space template and you can choose to use it if you create custom collaboration space templates. Subject Items The Subject Items Web Part displays the subject items in a collaboration space. The subject items are the primary subjects that represent the focus of the collaboration. The product item with which the collaboration space is associated is automatically included as a subject item but you can add links to other subject items. This Web Part is included in the collaboration space templates by default. Unsynchronized Changes The Unsynchronized Changes Web Part displays a report of files that were saved by a user to the user’s local file system cache but were not yet uploaded to the server. This report is important to run before upgrading a Windchill ProductPoint system to ensure that changes that a user completed but had not uploaded are not lost. The reports lists the user and machine name where the unsynchronized items are cached. This Web Part is included in the list of standard Windchill ProductPoint reports that are available from any site context. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE The Web Part scope is the site at which it is included and all child sites. User Tasks The User Tasks Web Part displays tasks that are assigned to the current user. This is a standard SharePoint Web Part that has been modified to include all tasks defined in a collaboration space in any site and which is assigned to the logged in user. This Web Part is not exposed by default but is typically useful to include in the Home page when standard tasks and collaboration space tasks are defined that must be tracked. Windchill ProductPoint and SharePoint Functionality Overview 17 Visual Report The Visual Report Web Part displays graphical reports of the structure information managed in a structure library. The graphical reports are supported by an embedded Creo visualization applications 3-D viewer component. The following visual reports are supported: • Graphic Report—Standard view of model with colors defined in Creo. • State—Displays In Work assembly items in red and Released assembly items in green. Locked by—Shows the users with locked assembly items. Each user is associated with a color, and a legend displays colors for the five users with the most locked items. • Locked by Me—Displays items in the standard model color if you have them locked. All other items appear in transparent gray. • Modified by—Shows users who have recently modified assembly items. Each user is associated with a color, and a legend displays colors for the five users with the most recently modified items. • Modified by Me—Displays items in the standard model color if you have recently modified them. All other items appear in transparent gray. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Content Types Windchill ProductPoint adds content types to SharePoint’s default list in order to support the management of CAD and product development information. Tip As an administrator, you can view and modify the SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint content types through the following menu: Home ▶ Site Settings ▶ Site Content Types. The following content type structure is added under the Product Item Content Types group when Windchill ProductPoint is installed: • Product Item Content types Note PTC Content is the top-level node. Any of the following content types inherit modifications made to PTC Content. ○ Assembly ○ Calculation (Mathcad) ○ Drawing 18 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide ○ Format (drawing format) ○ General (general structure item without special behavior) ○ Part ○ Representation (derived format such as PDF, IGES, Viewable, STL, DXF) Note Any user with edit privileges to a Product Item can change a Product Item’s content type through the Edit Properties page of the Product Item. The user can only pick from the defined list of PTC content types. All Product Item content types inherit support for the following operations through functionality added with Windchill ProductPoint: ○ Release ○ Rename (which enforces unique names) ○ Move ○ Save As (Copy) DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE ○ Structure (uses report) ○ Lock/Unlock ○ Where-Used (report displaying all product items that reference the reported item) ○ Parts list (report of all parts in a structure) ○ Drawings and formats (view of all drawings and formats associated with structure node) ○ Automatic numbering ○ Automatic, configurable revision labeling ○ Search of product item attributes and indexed content with wildcard support (question mark (?) for single character wildcards and asterisk (*) for variable character wildcards) • ProductPoint ○ ProductPoint Counter (used to track part number sequence) ○ ProductPoint Transaction Logs (records the start and end of Windchill ProductPoint transactions. The transaction log list is used to Windchill ProductPoint and SharePoint Functionality Overview 19 verify Windchill ProductPoint backups are performed while the system is quiet.) • Products List Content type - ○ Product (a list item content type that is used to define the attributes [site columns] associated with products) Note Sub types should not be added to the default Windchill ProductPoint content types because the solution does not support it. Site Columns In addition to SharePoint’s default list of site columns, Windchill ProductPoint adds attributes applicable to products and projects that are commonly used in discrete manufacturing companies. These site columns are defined under the Core Product Item Columns group. In additionWindchill ProductPoint adds the Counter column under the Windchill ProductPoint group. You can choose to use the default columns, modify the columns, or define unique columns. DRAFT ONLY Search Extensions NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Windchill ProductPoint extends the SharePoint WSS 3.0 Search functionality to provide search capabilities that are specific to Windchill ProductPoint product content types. The following support is added: • Searching product item column attribute values • Single character wild card (question mark (?) character) • Variable character wild card (asterisk (*) character) • Sorting search result sets • Filtering search result sets • Exporting search result sets to Excel Windchill ProductPoint search combines the results from a standard WSS indexed search that match entered keywords with the results that match database column values. Features Windchill ProductPoint adds new features into SharePoint. For example, the Lock status Web Part, the Product Item list, as well as features that may assist in trouble shooting are added when Windchill ProductPoint is installed. 20 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide For more information on viewing, activating, and deactivating features, see Activating and Deactivating Features on page 258 Note Sufficient permissions are needed to view the Site and Site collection features. Groups and Permissions To aid in controlling access to information, Windchill ProductPoint adds the following groups to the system: • Authors – This group can view, add, and modify lists and document items, as well as configure views and other UI components. The intended members of this group are Creo designers. • Viewers – This group can view information but cannot add, modify or configure UI components. The intended members of this group are consumers of product development information who do not produce or edit information, such as account management, sales, and marketing. DRAFT ONLY • Owners – This group can view, create, edit and delete items and has design NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE permission to edit pages for all users. The group has SharePoint “full control” • Members – This group can view, create, edit, and delete items but cannot edit pages or Web Parts. The group has SharePoint “contribute” permission. permission. • Release Managers – This group can release product items managed by Windchill ProductPoint. All members of this group are granted Manage Releases permission, which is a custom permission added by Windchill ProductPoint. Note The Manage Releases permission is granted through this group only. As a result, some users may need to be in both the Authors and Release Managers group. By default (as is standard SharePoint behavior), all Windchill ProductPoint Product and Catalog sites and Product sub sites inherit the user and group permissions of the Windchill ProductPoint home or root site. As an administrator, however, you can modify a site, so it no longer inherits the permissions of a parent site. Then you can define permissions that are exclusive to the site. Windchill ProductPoint and SharePoint Functionality Overview 21 Menu and Toolbar Actions Windchill ProductPoint adds the following set of menu and toolbar actions that support product development activities and apply to the structured content managed by Windchill ProductPoint: Product Item Actions: • View Properties • Edit Properties • Open in Creo visualization applications • View Structure • Add Association • Open in Creo (this action is displayed only when a product item includes Creo content files) • Reports ○ Visual Report DRAFT ONLY Data Management NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE ○ Where Used ○ Version History (displays events, such as move and rename, in addition to version changes) • ○ Lock/Unlock ○ Release ○ Rename (supports renaming structures of items) ○ Save As (Copy) ○ Move (only move within a site is supported due to SharePoint limitations) ○ Delete (supports deleting structures of items) ○ Manage Permissions Templates Template Name Site Templates 22 Description Windchill ProductPoint adds a template for defining Product sub sites and for Catalog sites. These templates define the default content and behavior for Product and Catalog sites. To use one of these templates, select the ProductPoint Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Template Name Themes and Page Templates Wiki Templates Description tab under the Select a Template option when creating a New SharePoint Site. Windchill ProductPoint adds a unique theme and template that define the look and feel of the following Windchill ProductPoint areas: • page header • footer • tables • forms structures • menus Windchill ProductPoint adds a Notes Wiki Library and a Notes Wiki template in the Notes Wiki Library. This template defines the pre-defined content for notes wikis that can be associated with Product Items. Windchill ProductPoint adds two structure library templates during installation: DRAFT ONLY Library Templates NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 1. Creo Documents structure library 2. Calculations structure library Either of these structure libraries can be used as a location for saving Creo or Mathcad files but the Creo Library is designed to include columns and views applicable for Creo file content and the Calculations Library template is intended to include columns and views applicable to Mathcad managed files. Windchill ProductPoint and SharePoint Functionality Overview 23 Template Name Collaboration Spaces Description Three collaboration space (site workspace) templates are included with a Windchill ProductPoint install: 1. Review 2. Investigation 3. Approval You can choose from these templates when you create a collaboration space for a product item. You can modify these workspace site templates or add your own. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 24 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide I Installation DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2 Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation Installation Process Overview.................................................................................... 28 Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) Planning ............................................................................................................... 29 Single Server or Server Farm Planning ...................................................................... 29 Server Prerequisites ................................................................................................. 30 Configuring a Network Directory for the Upload Directory ............................................ 58 Client Prerequisites................................................................................................... 58 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE This chapter describes the information needed to prepare for a successful Windchill ProductPoint installation, including server and client prerequisites as well as SharePoint and server decisions that need to be considered. 27 Installation Process Overview Before beginning the installation process, options are available depending on whether or not you already have SharePoint or SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint installed. If you have not installed one or both solutions, options for the kind of install are described. If you do not have either product installed yet, note that SharePoint needs to be installed before Windchill ProductPoint. Tip Reading through the entire installation process planned for your site before beginning the install is highly recommended. 1. SharePoint installation • If your site already has Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) installed, verify that your installation meets the Windchill ProductPoint requirements. For more information, see Server Prerequisites on page 30. In addition, gather the following information about your installation: DRAFT ONLY ○ Location of database(s) • NOT If you need to determine whether your site will install Windows SharePoint FOR PRODUCTION USE Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS), see Windows ○ Account permissions used SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) Planning on page 29. 2. Windchill ProductPoint installation • If your site already has Windchill ProductPoint installed, and you are upgrading, see Upgrade on page 299. • If you need to install Windchill ProductPoint for the first time, determine how your site plans to install: ○ single server ○ SharePoint on a single machine with SQL server on a different machine ○ server farm For information on determining whether to install on a single server or server farm, seeSingle Server or Server Farm Planning on page 29. 3. If you have decided to install Windchill ProductPoint on a single server or install SharePoint on a single machine with SQL server on a different machine, the following chapter describes the details of that procedure: Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint on page 61. or 28 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide If you have decided to install Windchill ProductPoint on a server farm, the following chapter describes the details of that procedure: Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm on page 89. Note The procedures for installing both Windchill SharePoint Services and MOSS are available in each chapter. Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) Planning When your site determines whether to install Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS), consider the following: • The following versions are supported with Windchill ProductPoint 1.1: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE ○ Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0 Service Pack 2 Note For detailed Windows SharePoint Server 3.0 system requirements, see ○ Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 Service Pack 2 • Windchill ProductPoint is a SharePoint web application that can be installed into an existing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (WSS 3.0) installation or into a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 instance. While Windchill ProductPoint installs into Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS), it does not directly take advantage of any of the MOSS extended functionality. • Although MOSS enables a number of workflows, using a workflow to update an item managed in Windchill ProductPoint is not supported. Single Server or Server Farm Planning Determining whether or not your site will install Windchill ProductPoint on a single server or a server farm depends on the needs of your site. Some general information is provided below; however, the following guide provides detailed sizing information: Windchill ProductPoint Server Hardware Sizing Guidelines to aid in your installation planning. • Single Server Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 29 Microsoft recommends that the application server and database server be installed on separate machines for best performance. A single server configuration is suitable for small teams. If the application server and database server are installed on the same machine, Microsoft recommends that the database server is installed on a separate disk drive from the application server for best performance. If you choose to install on a single server, view the following chapter: Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint on page 61. • Server Farm Server farms enable scaling to a larger number of users in order to accommodate the capacity of the data uploaded at stored in Windchill ProductPoint. If you choose to install on a server farm, proceed to the following instructions: Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm on page 89 Server Prerequisites DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Complete the following steps on a 64-bit or 32–bit Windows 2003 SP2 or 64–bit Production hardware and software support is documented in a standard PTC platform support matrix on The following information describes specific server prerequisites to be performed before installing Windchill ProductPoint: Windows 2008 server: Note This machine cannot also be a Domain Controller. Your Windows Domain Controller must be on a separate server. Components of Windchill ProductPoint are deployed using accounts that may not have sufficient privileges on a Domain Controller. 1. Disable Virus scan prior to the installation. 2. Ensure a minimum 4 GB of RAM is available. 3. Confirm that Microsoft .NET Framework is installed on the server: • In the Add or Remove Programs pane in the Control Panel, confirm the installation of the following: ○ Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 ○ Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 ○ Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 1 30 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide ○ Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 • If all programs are not present, install the latest cumulative .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1 Framework at: =ab99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7 4. Ensure Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 or later was installed as part of the Windows Server operating system. a. Start or restart IIS from a command prompt, using the iisreset command. DRAFT ONLY c. Under , verify that ASP.NET and ASP.NET 2.0 NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE extensions are set to . b. Navigate to Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Internet Information Services (IIS) Manage. Web Services Extensions Allowed If ASP.NET extensions are not set to Allowed, open a command window and type the following: cd /d %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2* aspnet_regiis -i Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 31 5. Install Microsoft SQL Server. Consider the following information regarding your SQL Server installation: • SQL Server Express Edition is supported for Windchill ProductPoint database extensions in configurations where SharePoint is deployed using its internal database. • Windchill ProductPoint supports deployment and configuration using SharePoint’s free and embedded database along with SQL Express, which is delivered with Windchill ProductPoint. However, PTC recommends that this configuration be used for evaluation or for use with only a few users and relatively small assemblies. • Windchill ProductPoint does not include tools or utilities to upgrade SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint from the free edition of database engines to the Workgroup, Standard, or Enterprise editions, which provide better performance. • A trial version of Microsoft SQL 2008 is available at the following location: DRAFT ONLY FORseePRODUCTION USE • NOT For more information, Installing SQL Server 2008 on page 32 Note It may require a Windows Live ID account to access the SQL Server download. orInstalling SQL Server 2005 on page 41 depending on the version you will install. 6. Once the preceding server prerequisites are met, proceed to the information on installing SharePoint. For more information, see Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) Planning on page 29. Installing SQL Server 2008 Before you begin the installation consider the following: • If you are installing a server farm, for best performance do not install SQL Server on a machine that will be used as a front-end web server. • SQL Server Express can be installed from within the Windchill ProductPoint installer for a single server configuration. • Install as a user in the machine's Administrators group. 1. Begin the installation by selecting New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation. 32 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. Enter your product key in the Product Key window. 3. Accept the license terms, and click Next. Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 33 4. On the Setup Support Files window, click Install. 5. 34 DRAFT ONLY When the support rules have passed, click . NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Next Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 6. Select the features for your site. Database Engine Services and Management Tools – Complete are required. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 35 7. On the Instance Configuration window, select Default Instance or enter a Named Instance. 8. 36 DRAFT ONLY The Disk Space FOR Requirements window appears. Click . NOT PRODUCTION USE Next Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 9. The Server Configuration window appears. a. Set the account to run the services. Tip Having a separate user run each service is recommended. If doing so, you can use your own domain log-ins as long as they are not administrators on the database machine. b. Set the browser to Automatic. Note If the browser if not running the database machine, it will not appear in the Windchill ProductPoint installer when you select your database source; however, you do have the option to enter it manually. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 37 10. On the Database Engine Configuration window, select the appropriate options and click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION 11. The Error and Usage Report window appears. Select the check boxesUSE for the options you desire, and click Next. 38 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 12. On the Installation Rules window, click Next. DRAFT ONLY 13. A summary of the installation options you select appears. Click NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE. Install Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 39 14. When the installation setup process has completed successfully, click Next. DRAFT ONLY 15. When the installation is complete, click . NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Close 40 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Installing SQL Server 2005 Use the following procedure to install SQL Server 2005, if you have installed the basic version of Windchill ProductPoint: 1. Select the license agreement. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 41 2. The Install Prerequisites appear. Click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 42 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 3. The Welcome window appears. Click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 43 4. Ensure a successful configuration check, and click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 44 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 5. Enter registration information, and click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 45 6. In the Components window, select SQL Server Database Services. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 46 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 7. Select a default instance or enter a named instance. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 47 8. Enter the information for your domain user account. Note Having a separate user run each service is recommended. If doing so, you can use your own domain log-ins as long as they are not administrators on the database machine. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 48 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 9. In the Authentication Mode window, select Windows Authentication Mode. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 49 10. Select the following Collation Settings: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 50 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 11. The Error and Usage Report window appears. Select the check boxes for the options you desire, and click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 51 12. On the Ready to Install window, click Install. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 52 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 13. When the installation setup process has completed successfully, click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Configuring SQL Server Use the following procedure to configure additional settings for SQL Server: 1. Complete the following steps to set the SQL Server Configuration Settings for protocols: a. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manger. b. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration in order to set the protocols for the database system to Enabled as shown in the following window: Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 53 Note Set Shared Memory, Named Pipes, and TCP/IP to Enabled. VIA can remain Disabled. DRAFT ONLY a. In SQL Server Management Studio, right click the top node, and select NOT. FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. Complete the following steps to set SQL Server to allow remote connections: Properties b. In the Select a Page pane, select Connections. 54 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide c. In the right pane, select the Allow remote connections to this server check box. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 3. Complete the following steps to configure SQL Server security: a. Run SQL Management Studio on the database server machine in order to create a SQL Server login for the setup user account. Note The setup user account should not be in the administrators group on the database server machine. Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 55 DRAFT ONLY b. NOT Select the following server roles for the setup user account: FOR PRODUCTION USE 56 • dbcreator • public • securityadmin Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 57 Configuring a Network Directory for the Upload Directory During the Windchill ProductPoint installation, you will be asked to select an Upload Cache Location. Create this location before beginning the installation process. Note If you are installing a server farm, create a directory that can be shared to all of the front-end web servers. The directory should have the same network path on each of the front-end web servers. 1. Create your directory. Possible sources for this directory include • • • SAN iSCSI A windows network share physically located on another machine, such as the database server machine or an additional machine. 2. Configure security so all Windchill ProductPoint users can read and write to this directory. For more information, see the Security and Accounts section in Installing SharePoint on page 62. 3. Configure those machines on which Windchill ProductPoint will be installed to access this directory. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Client Prerequisites Before installing Windchill ProductPoint, install the following client system requirements: • One of the following operating systems: • ○ Windows XP Service Pack 2; 32 or 64 bit ○ Windows Vista Service Pack 1 or later; 32 or 64 bit One of the following browsers: ○ Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 and later 7.0 versions ○ Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 and later versions • 58 Note Only Microsoft Level 1 browsers are supported. Level 1 browsers support advanced features such as datasheet view, edit in Microsoft Office application, explorer view, multiple file upload, rich text toolbars, Web discussions, and date picker control. Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or later Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide • One of the following Visualization plug-ins: ○ ProductView Lite 9.1 M020 ○ ProductView Professional 9.1 M020 Note ProductView Lite 9.1 is automatically downloaded and installed on the client when visualization actions are first performed. ProductView Professional may be separately purchased and installed. Additional ProductView components are separately available for ProductView Professional. For more information, see • Optionally, one of the following Office applications: ○ Microsoft Office 2003 ○ Microsoft Office 2007 Note Office 2003 and later versions are optional but support additional functionality when used with Microsoft SharePoint (such as editing in data sheet view). Microsoft Office 2007 is recommended to take advantage of full integration potential with Microsoft SharePoint. DRAFT ONLY For information on the Creo and Mathcad system requirements, see Getting Started NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Using Windchill ProductPoint with Pro/ENGINEER and other applications. Planning and Preparing for SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installation 59 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 3 Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint Installing SharePoint ................................................................................................. 62 Installing Windchill ProductPoint ................................................................................ 75 Installing Sample Data .............................................................................................. 86 Uninstalling Windchill ProductPoint and Windchill ProductPoint Web Service ............... 87 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE This chapter describes installation and configuration procedures for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) and Windchill ProductPoint on a single server or on a single server with a remote database. For the procedure on installing SharePoint and Windchill Product on a server farm, see Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm on page 89 61 Installing SharePoint Before beginning this procedure, determine whether you will be installing Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS). For more information, see Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) Planning on page 29. Security and Accounts Before beginning the installation of SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint, it is important to determine the administrative and security accounts your site will need for the installation. Review the information at the links below in order to plan the accounts and log-ins you will use once you begin the installation procedure: • Plan for administrative and service accounts — • Office SharePoint Server security account requirements — DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Tip The following tips may aid in a successful security and account management at your site: • Two user accounts are required: 1. The domain account used to perform the installation. This account should have administrative privileges on the server machine. For example, <domain>\wssadmin or<domain>\wppadmin. Many activities done on these systems using this user account will be impersonated as SHAREPOINT\system. 2. The local account used for the search service. This account should not have administrative privileges and should not be used a SharePoint or Windchill ProductPoint end user. For example, <machinename>\searchuser. • If installing MOSS on a remote database with Network Service as application pool account, ensure that the application pool account has db_owner permissions on shared services and search database instances. • The application pool user must be a domain user, not a local user if the server is on a Windows domain. This ensures Creo users will have a more successful experience when working with Windchill ProductPoint. For more information, see the following section in the Troubleshooting chapter: In Creo, Machine Name Displays Instead of User Name on page 266. 62 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide SharePoint Installation Steps To install SharePoint Services 3.0 with Service Pack 2 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, using the steps below: 1. If you are installing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, click on the link below:Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with Service Pack 2 Then, click Download Or If you are installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, insert the Microsoft Office SharePoint Services CD, or access the download provided by Microsoft. 2. When prompted, run SharePoint.exe. Note If you are installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, you will be prompted to enter the product key. 3. Select the Accept check box on the Microsoft Terms and Conditions window, and then click Continue. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 63 4. On the Choose Installation window, click Advanced. DRAFT ONLY Note NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE If you wish to install the most basic configuration of Windows SharePoint, choose Basic and continue to Configuring SharePoint on page 65. 5. If you are installing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, select Web Front End on the Server Type tab, and click Install Now. Or If you are installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, select Complete on the Server Type tab and click Install Now. 6. Before proceeding to the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard documented in the following section of this guide, install the needed upgrades to bring your SharePoint installation to Service Pack 2. a. Install the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 upgrade found in the following location: &FamilyID=79bada82-c13f-44c1-bdc1-d0447337051b b. If you are installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, also install the MOSS upgrade package found in the following location: &FamilyID=b7816d90-5fc6-4347-89b0-a80deb27a082 64 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Configuring SharePoint Use the following steps to configure Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. 1. When installation is complete, the following window appears. Select the Run SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard check box, and click Close. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. On the Welcome window, click Next. 3. When prompted to confirm the restart of services as required, click Yes. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 65 4. The Server Farm window appears. Select No, I want to create a new server farm, and click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 66 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 5. The Database Settings window appears. Enter information in the following fields: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE a. Database server: If your database server will be installed on the same machine as SharePoint, then enter the name of your current machine. If you are using a database server installed on a different machine than your SharePoint server, enter the name of that machine. That is, enter the host name of the server where you installed the SQL database. b. Database name: Enter a database name. c. Username and Password: • If your database server will be installed on the same machine as SharePoint, use the user name and password for that machine. A domain user is recommend; otherwise, use a local user account. OR • If using a database located on a different machine, use the username and password of a person or account that is a domain user on the specified machine. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 67 When choosing a remote database or installing on a farm, the account used for this username and password must also: ○ be a user in the SQL server ○ have Dbcreator and security administrator server roles ○ be granted the following permissions on the SharePoint machine: “log on as batch job” and “log on as a service.” To grant these permissions, navigate to the following Microsoft Office settings: Local Security Settings ▶ Local Policies ▶ User Rights Assignments. If you have issues granting these permissions, you can set the user as a back-up operator by navigating to the following location: Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ User Accounts ▶ Manage User Accounts. Click on the Backup Operators group, add the account, and click Apply. d. Click Next. 6. The web application appears. Select and enter the following information: a. Use the default port number assigned by SharePoint, or specify a port number that in not an in-use port. . DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 68 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide b. Under Configure Security Settings, select NTLM. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 69 7. On the Completing window, accept the defaults, and click Next. 8. Wait for the configuration to take place, and click Finish. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE After you click Finish, the browser window will open to the SharePoint Central Administration site. For example, http://<MACHINENAME:12345>/default.aspx. Note The initial connection may take up to 60 seconds. If you experience problems connecting, see the Troubleshooting chapter of this guide. Installing SharePoint Server 2007 Language Packages To allow Windchill ProductPoint to deploy in a language other than English, you must install the appropriate SharePoint language packages. The location from which to download and install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Language package is: 70 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide FamilyID=2447426b-8689-4768-bff0-cbb511599a45&DisplayLang=en Note To select a language package, go to the Change Language drop-down box and select a language. Click Change and then Download to download the package for the selected language. The following languages are supported by Windchill ProductPoint: • • • • • • • • • • English (United States) French (France) German (Germany) Italian (Italy) Spanish (Spain) Japanese (Japan) Simplified Chinese (PRC) Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) Korean (Korea) Russian (Russia) DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Assigning Services to Servers for Microsoft Office SharePoint Services (MOSS) Note If you installed Windows SharePoint Services (WSS), you do not need to complete this procedure. It applies to MOSS only. 1. Navigate to the Operations tab on the Microsoft Office SharePoint Services Central Administration site. 2. Under Topology and Services, click Services on server. 3. The Services on Server window appears. Under the Action column, click Start to activate the MOSS services that you intend to use in your SharePoint environment. Only the Office SharePoint Services Search option is required to be configured for Windchill ProductPoint to operate correctly in a MOSS environment. 4. After you start Office SharePoint Services Search, the Configure Office SharePoint Server Search Service Settings window appears. 5. Under Query and Indexing, select both Use this server for indexing content and Use this server for serving search queries. 6. Under Contact E-mail Address, enter a valid e-mail address. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 71 7. Accept the default settings for all other fields, and click Start. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 8. Next, on the Services on Server window, start the Windows SharePoint Services Search by clicking Start under the Action column. 9. Configure the search service using the following information: Service Account: Username: MACHINENAME\Administrator Password: Content Access Account: Username: MACHINENAME\SearchUser Password: Search Database: Accept the default. Indexing schedule: Indexing Schedule: Every 10 minutes. 10. Click Start. Wait while changes are processed. 72 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Configuring Search Services for Windows SharePoint Services SharePoint provides flexibility and configurability regarding its search index. The SharePoint search services can be configured to crawl and index file systems, web sites, and other external databases. Even within the content managed by SharePoint, specific sites and farm instances can be included or excluded from search indexing and can have different update schedules. Only one particular configuration of SharePoint automatically configures the search services; all others require explicit and manual configuration. Since Windchill ProductPoint extends SharePoint with its own “sister” database for explicitly managing structure relationships, this database must also be explicitly configured into the SharePoint search services. Use the following procedure to enable search services: 1. Navigate to the Operations tab on the SharePoint Central Administration site. Under Topology and Services, click Services on server. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. The Services window appears. Next to the Windows SharePoint Services Search listing, click Start. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 73 3. The Configuration window appears. Configure the search service using the following information: • Service Account — This account should be the administrator account that was used to install SharePoint. User name: MACHINENAME\Administrator or <Domain>\Administrator Password:P@ssW0rd DRAFT ONLY • — This account should be a non-administrator NOT PRODUCTION USE user accountFOR that is created on the server. For more information about user accounts, see Content Access Account User name: MACHINENAME\SearchUser Password: P@ssW0rd Note For proper search functionality and information security, do not use an administrator account. Also, do not use accounts that have permissions to modify content. • Indexing schedule Indexing Schedule: Keep the default or set to Every 10 Minutes. • 74 For the remaining fields, leave the default values. Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide DRAFT ONLY 4. Click . Wait while changes are processed. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Start Note You may need to start the default SharePoint site and SharePoint Administration site from IIS Manager. Use the following procedure: • Navigate to Start ▶ My Computer. Right-click My Computer, and select Manage OR • Enter the iisreset command at a command prompt to start the SharePoint site after installation. Installing Windchill ProductPoint Use the following procedure to install Windchill ProductPoint server: Tip You may want to review the installer’s access permissions and roles prior to using the account for installation. For more information, see Security and Accounts on page 90. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 75 Note If you already have Windchill ProductPoint installed and are upgrading to a newer version, follow the process in Upgrade on page 299. 1. Insert the Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 CD. The Setup program should run automatically. If not, find and double-click the Setup.exe file provided on the CD. Note The administrator account installing Windchill ProductPoint must be the same account used to install SharePoint. The user who installs SharePoint will automatically be created as a SharePoint administrative user during install. Similarly, for Windchill ProductPoint, the installing user is created as the system account user. Because of the extended access allowed to this account, distribution to non-admin users is not recommended. 2. The Windchill ProductPoint installer extracts and then runs the Setup wizard. 3. After the file extraction is finished, the Setup window appears. Click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 4. On the PTC Customer Agreement window, select I accept the agreement, and click Next. 76 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 5. Next, the installer checks the system configuration. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE If checks do not pass, an error message appears with a More Info button. Click the button and follow the directions to correct the error. If all checks pass, click Next. 6. Once you have resolved all errors, return to the Windchill ProductPoint installer. 7. On the destination folder window, either accept the default folder path or set it to a path of your choice, and click Next. 8. Review the Current Windchill ProductPoint Install Settings. Select the Launch the Deployment Wizard after installation completes check box, and click Install. If SQL Express is necessary, it will be listed as well. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 77 9. The Windchill ProductPoint progress bar appears. Note If only an embedded SQL database exists on this machine, the installer will detect it and trigger the installation of SQL Express. An embedded SQL database is created if SharePoint is installed using its Basic install path. In upcoming Windchill ProductPoint installation windows, you can choose to use your SQL Enterprise database; however, if you do, having two different SQL databases on your machine may affect performance. The Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 Deployment Wizard window opens. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 10. Click Next. 78 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 11. The configuration window appears. Select Basic or Advanced. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE • If you choose the Basic path, Windchill ProductPoint installs and deploys using all default settings. A window opens that lists the settings. Click Deploy and continue to step 15 is this procedure. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 79 Note The default version scheme is letter based (for example, -.1, -.2, A.0, A.3, B.0…). To select the alternative version scheme, you must choose Advanced. However, the scheme can be modified after installation. For more information, see Modifying Version Schemes on page 256. • The Advanced path allows you to select specific settings. If you choose Advanced, the following window appears: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE a. Select Configurable, and enter the user name and password of the existing security account that will run Windchill ProductPoint services. b. Keep the default settings in the Database Source field. The SQL server instance you created previously should be the default. 80 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide c. By default, Authentication is set to Windows. Click Next on the Database Settings window. 12. The cache location window appears: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE a. Enter the file path to the uploads directory that you created earlier. For more information, see Configuring a Network Directory for the Upload Directory on page 58. b. Keep the default setting for the Application URL. c. Click Next. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 81 13. The following window appears: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE a. Enter the user name of the Data Owner. Note Use any domain account and note that this account will become an administrator of the Windchill ProductPoint site. b. Select the language for your site. c. Select the revision scheme for your site. For more information on modifying revision schemes after the installation, see Modifying Version Schemes on page 256. d. Click Next. 14. On the settings window that appears next, click Deploy. The installer creates your Windchill ProductPoint site. 82 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 15. The Congratulations window appears. Click Finish. 16. Your Windchill ProductPoint site opens. Click Finish. If prompted, enter the installing data owner's computer login or network login credentials. Note The initial connections may take up to 60 seconds. If the browser does not connect you may need to run an IIS reset. From a command prompt, start or restart IIS using iisreset command . Initial Login to Windchill ProductPoint Following the successful installation of Windchill ProductPoint, a browser window will automatically open to the server login window. Log into the newly installed Windchill ProductPoint server using the credentials of the data owner who installed Windchill ProductPoint. Tip When the install is complete, two administrative users of the new Windchill ProductPoint site exist: DRAFT ONLY • The data owner account NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Either account can be used to add more users. For more information, see Adding • The account used to install Users on page 85. Configuring Windchill ProductPoint Like SharePoint, Windchill ProductPoint is very configurable. The following list provides common examples of modifications to the out-of-the-box configuration: • Attributes relevant to your specific needs for parts, assemblies, drawings, design specifications, and so on. • Users with permission to create new Product sites, users with read-only access, and so on. • The interval at which to update the search indexing of new content. • The layout of various windows. For example, do you want a Wiki Web Part or an additional document library for particular types of documents? • The names of folders you want in your parts catalog hierarchy. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 83 Configuring Search to Include Windchill ProductPoint Now that the Windchill ProductPoint Web Application has been added to the SharePoint server, you will need to configure the SharePoint search to include the Windchill ProductPoint web application, so its content can be indexed and displayed along with other SharePoint content. 1. From the SharePoint Central Administration site, select the Application Management tab, and click the Content databases link in the SharePoint Web Application Management section. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. Select the Windchill ProductPoint Database. 3. Next, select the SharePoint server as the Search Server for Windchill ProductPoint. 84 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide DRAFT ONLY Use the following procedure to enable other users to access Windchill ProductPoint. For information on the accounts that can add new users, see Initial Login to NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Windchill ProductPoint on page 83. Adding Users Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 85 1. From the panel in the left pane, click People and Groups. From the New drop down menu, select Add Users. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. You can now add individual users, or create a SharePoint group of users. You can also add all authenticated users. Note By default new users will be added to the Windchill ProductPoint Owners group, with full permission to add to content and control the site. Installing Sample Data Use the following procedure to install Windchill ProductPoint sample data: 1. After installation, locate the sample files listed below in the following location: C:\Program Files\PTC\ProductPoint\Samples • DeploySampleData.exe • 2. Place these two files together anywhere on your SharePoint server. 3. Click and launch DeploySampleData.exe. 86 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide The sample files are installed. Note This assumes that you installed at the default url and that is in the same directory. If you need to install elsewhere, use the following command line options: DeploySampleData.exe [–uri WppSite] [–f SampleDataZipFile] The defaults are and Uninstalling Windchill ProductPoint and Windchill ProductPoint Web Service Note When uninstalling Windchill ProductPoint, make sure to uninstall the web front end that launched the deployment wizard first before uninstalling the rest. DRAFT ONLY Navigate to . Choose NOT FOR PRODUCTION , and click . Choose one of the followingUSE options for To uninstall Windchill ProductPoint and Windchill ProductPoint Web Service: Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Add or Remove Programs ProductPoint 1.1 Remove Windchill content data: • Choose to retain the content data, if you are uninstalling in preparation for an upgrade. • Choose to remove all content data as well the Windchill ProductPoint application. This removes all the user data managed by Windchill ProductPoint, including Windchill ProductPoint data content residing in the SharePoint database and the sister Windchill ProductPoint structure database. Caution Once the Windchill ProductPoint data (user content data) has been removed, any subsequent installation of Windchill ProductPoint will have an empty set of user data. If you choose to retain the user data during uninstall, and later wish to install Windchill ProductPoint with no legacy Windchill ProductPoint data, you must remove the file named WPP_DATABASE.TXT from the Windchill ProductPoint installation directory. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint 87 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 4 Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with Server Farm Planning ............................................................................................... 90 a Server Farm Installing SharePoint ................................................................................................. 92 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installing SharePoint on Additional Front-end Web Servers ....................................... 109 Installing Windchill ProductPoint ...............................................................................117 Installing Windchill ProductPoint on Additional Front-end Web Servers ...................... 129 Load Balancing....................................................................................................... 133 Alternate Access Mapping....................................................................................... 139 Installing Sample Data ............................................................................................ 140 Uninstalling Windchill ProductPoint and Windchill ProductPoint Web Service ............. 141 This chapter describes installation and configuration procedures for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS), and Windchill ProductPoint with a server farm. Caution Read and follow the additional instructions for upgrading to the most recent version of Windchill ProductPoint 1.1, which are provided in the Windchill ProductPoint Read This First document for that release, before continuing your installation. 89 Server Farm Planning When installing a server farm at your site, the basic process is as follows: 1. Consider the security and accounts you will implement at your site and use for the install. 2. Ensure you have the necessary requirements, including a database server and front-end web servers that are set up for the install. 3. Install and configure SharePoint (either Windows SharePoint Services [WSS] or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server [MOSS]) on a primary front-end web server. 4. Install and configure SharePoint (either WSS or MOSS) on additional front-end web servers. 5. Install and configure Windchill ProductPoint on the primary front-end web server. 6. Install and configure Windchill ProductPoint on additional front-end web servers. DRAFT ONLY 9. Complete the load balancing procedure. NOT FOR USE 10. Complete the alternate accessPRODUCTION mapping steps. 7. Verify the uploads directory has been configured properly. 8. Configure an Alternate Access URL for additional front-end web servers. Security and Accounts Before beginning the installation of SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint, it is important to determine the administrative and security accounts your site will need for the installation. Review the information at the links below in order to plan the accounts and log-ins you will use once you begin the installation procedure: • Plan for administrative and service accounts — • Office SharePoint Server security account requirements — Tip When installing SharePoint in a farm configuration on a 2008 Server operating system, you may need to disable User Account Control to successfully complete the installation, as User Account Control prevents the installation of sample data from running. As examples, the following accounts and log-ins were developed for use in the installation procedure documented in this chapter. 90 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide SharePoint Security Account Used as Admin account on DB server machine; used to install SQL Server SLQ Server Service Account Setup User Account Server Farm Account (aka. DB Access Account) Application pool identity Login spSQLinstall spSQLservice spWFEinstall spFARMadmin nimuser Requirements The items in the following list are necessary for a server farm installation: • Db server • Front-end web servers — computers that host the SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint web pages and respond to requests from browsers. DRAFT ONLY ○ Turn off Window Firewall on each machine and make necessary NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE adjustments. Complete the following steps on these machines: ○ Install Server 2008 operating system. ○ Create and configure static IP address for the machines. ○ Add the appropriate security account to the administrator group on each machine. In the example presented in the table of the preceding section, the “Setup User Account” login would be used. • Load balancer — Register and configure the load balancer on the network. Note This is a machine name registered and configured on the network; it does not have to be an actual machine or virtual machine. • Ports 1975 (or the default port where Windchill ProductPoint will be installed) and 8820 be allowed access through the company's firewall. Tip For more advanced information on installing SharePoint Services, see Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 91 Installing SharePoint Before beginning this procedure, determine whether you will be installing Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS). For more information, see Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) Planning on page 29. Security and Accounts Before beginning the installation of SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint, it is important to determine the administrative and security accounts your site will need for the installation. Review the information at the links below in order to plan the accounts and log-ins you will use once you begin the installation procedure: • Plan for administrative and service accounts — • Office SharePoint Server security account requirements — DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Tip The following tips may aid in a successful security and account management at your site: • Two user accounts are required: 1. The domain account used to perform the installation. This account should have administrative privileges on the server machine. For example, <domain>\wssadmin or<domain>\wppadmin. Many activities done on these systems using this user account will be impersonated as SHAREPOINT\system. 2. The local account used for the search service. This account should not have administrative privileges and should not be used a SharePoint or Windchill ProductPoint end user. For example, <machinename>\searchuser. • If installing MOSS on a remote database with Network Service as application pool account, ensure that the application pool account has db_owner permissions on shared services and search database instances. • The application pool user must be a domain user, not a local user if the server is on a Windows domain. This ensures Creo users will have a more successful experience when working with Windchill ProductPoint. For more information, see the following section in the Troubleshooting chapter: In Creo, Machine Name Displays Instead of User Name on page 266. 92 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide SharePoint Installation Steps To install SharePoint Services 3.0 with Service Pack 2 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, using the steps below: 1. If you are installing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, click on the link below:Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with Service Pack 2 Then, click Download Or If you are installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, insert the Microsoft Office SharePoint Services CD, or access the download provided by Microsoft. 2. When prompted, run SharePoint.exe. Note If you are installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, you will be prompted to enter the product key. 3. Select the Accept check box on the Microsoft Terms and Conditions window, and then click Continue. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 93 4. On the Choose Installation window, click Advanced. DRAFT ONLY Note NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE If you wish to install the most basic configuration of Windows SharePoint, choose Basic and continue to Configuring SharePoint on page 65. 5. If you are installing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, select Web Front End on the Server Type tab, and click Install Now. Or If you are installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, select Complete on the Server Type tab and click Install Now. 6. Before proceeding to the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard documented in the following section of this guide, install the needed upgrades to bring your SharePoint installation to Service Pack 2. a. Install the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 upgrade found in the following location: &FamilyID=79bada82-c13f-44c1-bdc1-d0447337051b b. If you are installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, also install the MOSS upgrade package found in the following location: &FamilyID=b7816d90-5fc6-4347-89b0-a80deb27a082 94 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Configuring SharePoint Use the following steps to configure Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. 1. When installation is complete, the following window appears. Select the Run SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard check box, and click Close. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. On the Welcome window, click Next. 3. When prompted to confirm the restart of services as required, click Yes. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 95 4. The Server Farm window appears. Select No, I want to create a new server farm, and click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 96 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 5. The Database Settings window appears. Enter information in the following fields: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE a. Database server: If your database server will be installed on the same machine as SharePoint, then enter the name of your current machine. If you are using a database server installed on a different machine than your SharePoint server, enter the name of that machine. That is, enter the host name of the server where you installed the SQL database. b. Database name: Enter a database name. c. Username and Password: • If your database server will be installed on the same machine as SharePoint, use the user name and password for that machine. A domain user is recommend; otherwise, use a local user account. OR • If using a database located on a different machine, use the username and password of a person or account that is a domain user on the specified machine. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 97 When choosing a remote database or installing on a farm, the account used for this username and password must also: ○ be a user in the SQL server ○ have Dbcreator and security administrator server roles ○ be granted the following permissions on the SharePoint machine: “log on as batch job” and “log on as a service.” To grant these permissions, navigate to the following Microsoft Office settings: Local Security Settings ▶ Local Policies ▶ User Rights Assignments. If you have issues granting these permissions, you can set the user as a back-up operator by navigating to the following location: Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ User Accounts ▶ Manage User Accounts. Click on the Backup Operators group, add the account, and click Apply. d. Click Next. 6. The web application appears. Select and enter the following information: a. Use the default port number assigned by SharePoint, or specify a port number that in not an in-use port. . DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 98 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide b. Under Configure Security Settings, select NTLM. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 99 7. On the Completing window, accept the defaults, and click Next. 8. Wait for the configuration to take place, and click Finish. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE After you click Finish, the browser window will open to the SharePoint Central Administration site. For example, http://<MACHINENAME:12345>/default.aspx. Note The initial connection may take up to 60 seconds. If you experience problems connecting, see the Troubleshooting chapter of this guide. Installing SharePoint Server 2007 Language Packages To allow Windchill ProductPoint to deploy in a language other than English, you must install the appropriate SharePoint language packages. The location from which to download and install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Language package is: 100 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide FamilyID=2447426b-8689-4768-bff0-cbb511599a45&DisplayLang=en Note To select a language package, go to the Change Language drop-down box and select a language. Click Change and then Download to download the package for the selected language. The following languages are supported by Windchill ProductPoint: • • • • • • • • • • English (United States) French (France) German (Germany) Italian (Italy) Spanish (Spain) Japanese (Japan) Simplified Chinese (PRC) Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) Korean (Korea) Russian (Russia) DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Assigning Services to Servers for Microsoft Office SharePoint Services (MOSS) Note If you installed Windows SharePoint Services (WSS), you do not need to complete this procedure. It applies to MOSS only. 1. Navigate to the Operations tab on the Microsoft Office SharePoint Services Central Administration site. 2. Under Topology and Services, click Services on server. 3. The Services on Server window appears. Under the Action column, click Start to activate the MOSS services that you intend to use in your SharePoint environment. Only the Office SharePoint Services Search option is required to be configured for Windchill ProductPoint to operate correctly in a MOSS environment. 4. After you start Office SharePoint Services Search, the Configure Office SharePoint Server Search Service Settings window appears. 5. Under Query and Indexing, select both Use this server for indexing content and Use this server for serving search queries. 6. Under Contact E-mail Address, enter a valid e-mail address. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 101 7. Accept the default settings for all other fields, and click Start. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 8. Next, on the Services on Server window, start the Windows SharePoint Services Search by clicking Start under the Action column. 9. Configure the search service using the following information: Service Account: Username: MACHINENAME\Administrator Password: Content Access Account: Username: MACHINENAME\SearchUser Password: Search Database: Accept the default. Indexing schedule: Indexing Schedule: Every 10 minutes. 10. Click Start. Wait while changes are processed. 102 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Configuring Search Services for Windows SharePoint Services SharePoint provides flexibility and configurability regarding its search index. The SharePoint search services can be configured to crawl and index file systems, web sites, and other external databases. Even within the content managed by SharePoint, specific sites and farm instances can be included or excluded from search indexing and can have different update schedules. Only one particular configuration of SharePoint automatically configures the search services; all others require explicit and manual configuration. Since Windchill ProductPoint extends SharePoint with its own “sister” database for explicitly managing structure relationships, this database must also be explicitly configured into the SharePoint search services. Use the following procedure to enable search services: 1. Navigate to the Operations tab on the SharePoint Central Administration site. Under Topology and Services, click Services on server. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. The Services window appears. Next to the Windows SharePoint Services Search listing, click Start. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 103 3. The Configuration window appears. Configure the search service using the following information: • Service Account — This account should be the administrator account that was used to install SharePoint. User name: MACHINENAME\Administrator or <Domain>\Administrator Password:P@ssW0rd DRAFT ONLY • — This account should be a non-administrator NOT PRODUCTION USE user accountFOR that is created on the server. For more information about user accounts, see Content Access Account User name: MACHINENAME\SearchUser Password: P@ssW0rd Note For proper search functionality and information security, do not use an administrator account. Also, do not use accounts that have permissions to modify content. • Indexing schedule Indexing Schedule: Keep the default or set to Every 10 Minutes. • 104 For the remaining fields, leave the default values. Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide DRAFT ONLY 4. Click . Wait while changes are processed. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Start Note You may need to start the default SharePoint site and SharePoint Administration site from IIS Manager. Use the following procedure: • Navigate to Start ▶ My Computer. Right-click My Computer, and select Manage OR • Enter the iisreset command at a command prompt to start the SharePoint site after installation. Configuring Shared Service Providers (SSP) for Microsoft Office SharePoint Services (MOSS) Use the following procedure to configure a server farm's shared services. The Shared Service Provider (SSP) is the set of resources such as databases, the admin site, and web service hosting used by shared services. 1. On the SharePoint Central Administration site, navigate to the New Shared Services Provider page under the Application Management tab. 2. In the SSP Name section, complete the following: Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 105 a. Keep the default SSP Name or enter a name. b. Click the Create a new Web application link. 3. The Create New Web Application page appears. Complete the steps as described below and shown in the following figure: DRAFT ONLY i. Select NOT FOR. PRODUCTION USE ii. Enter a a. Under IIS Web Site, complete the following: Create a new IIS web site Description iii. Choose a port. b. Under Security Configuration, keep the default settings. c. Under Load Balanced URL, keep the default settings. d. Under Application Pool, complete the following: i. Select the Create new application pool option and enter an Application pool name. ii. Under Select a security account for the application pool, select the Configurable option and enter credentials for the account. e. Under Shutdown, and/or restart Internet Information Services , select Restart IIS Automatically. f. Keep the defaults for Database name and Authentication. 106 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide g. Click OK. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 4. The web application is created, and the New Shared Services Provider page returns. Complete the steps as described below and shown in the following figure: a. Under My Site Location, click the Create a new Web application link and repeat the process described in the previous step. b. Under SSP Service Credentials, enter a username and password. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 107 Tip You may want to reference the Office SharePoint Server security account requirements in order to determine the credentials to enter here. For more information, see c. Keep the remaining defaults. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 108 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Installing SharePoint on Additional Front-end Web Servers Note The user account installing Windows SharePoint Services, Microsoft Office SharePoint Services, and Windchill ProductPoint must have system administrative privileges, but should not be a user account that will later be a SharePoint or Windchill ProductPoint user account. The user account installing these products should be a domain user account (for example, <domain>\wssadmin, or <domain>\wppadmin). Many activities done on these systems using this user account will be impersonated as SHAREPOINT\system. To install SharePoint Services 3.0 with Service Pack 2 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, use the following procedure: 1. If you are installing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, click on the link below: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with Service Pack 2. Then, click Download Or DRAFT ONLY 2. When prompted, run SharePoint.exe. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE If you are installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, insert the Microsoft Office SharePoint Services CD, or access the download provided by Microsoft. Note If you are installing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, you will be prompted to enter the product key. 3. Select the Accept check box on the Microsoft Terms and Conditions window, and then click Continue. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 109 4. On the Choose Installation window, click Advanced. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 110 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 5. Select Web Front End on the Server Type tab, and click Install Now. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Configuring SharePoint on Additional Front-end Web Servers Use the following steps to configure Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server on additional front-end web servers. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 111 1. When installation is complete, the following window appears. Select the Run SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard check box, and click Close. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. On the Welcome window, click Next. 3. When prompted to confirm the restart of services as required, click Yes. 4. The Server Farm window appears. Select Yes, I want to connect to an existing server farm, and click Next. 112 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 113 5. The Database Settings window appears. Enter information in the following fields: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE a. Database server: Enter the name of the database server you created on the first front-end web server<MACHINENAME>. b. Database name: Enter the name of the database you created on the first front-end web server, or click Retrieve Database Names and select the correct SharePoint_Config database. c. Username and Password: i. Enter the name of the database access account you used on the first front-end web server, or if you clicked Retrieve Database Names in the previous step, the username field will automatically populate. ii. Enter the related password. d. Click Next. 114 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 6. The Completing Configuration window appears. Click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 115 7. After the configuration is finished, the Configuration Successful window appears. Click Finish. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE After you click Finish, the browser window should open to the SharePoint Central Administration site. For example, http://<MACHINENAME:12345>/default.aspx. Note The initial connection may take up to 60 seconds. If you experience problems connecting, see the Troubleshooting chapter of this guide. Installing SharePoint Server 2007 Language Packages To allow Windchill ProductPoint to deploy in a language other than English, you must install the appropriate SharePoint language packages. The location from which to download and install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Language package is: 116 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide FamilyID=2447426b-8689-4768-bff0-cbb511599a45&DisplayLang=en Note To select a language package, go to the Change Language drop-down box and select a language. Click Change and then Download to download the package for the selected language. The following languages are supported by Windchill ProductPoint: • English (United States) • French (France) • German (Germany) • Italian (Italy) • Spanish (Spain) • Japanese (Japan) • Simplified Chinese (PRC) DRAFT ONLY • Russian (Russia) NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE • Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) • Korean (Korea) Installing Windchill ProductPoint Use the following procedure to install Windchill ProductPoint server: Tip You may want to review the installer’s access permissions and roles prior to using the account for installation. For more information, see Security and Accounts on page 90. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 117 Note If you already have Windchill ProductPoint installed and are upgrading to a newer version, follow the process in Upgrade on page 299. 1. Insert the Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 CD. The Setup program should run automatically. If not, find and double-click the Setup.exe file provided on the CD. Note The administrator account installing Windchill ProductPoint must be the same account used to install SharePoint. The user who installs SharePoint will automatically be created as a SharePoint administrative user during install. Similarly, for Windchill ProductPoint, the installing user is created as the system account user. Because of the extended access allowed to this account, distribution to non-admin users is not recommended. 2. The Windchill ProductPoint installer extracts and then runs the Setup wizard. 3. After the file extraction is finished, the Setup window appears. Click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 4. On the PTC Customer Agreement window, select I accept the agreement, and click Next. 118 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 5. Next, the installer checks the system configuration. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE If checks do not pass, an error message appears with a More Info button. Click the button and follow the directions to correct the error. If all checks pass, click Next. 6. Once you have resolved all errors, return to the Windchill ProductPoint installer. 7. On the destination folder window, either accept the default folder path or set it to a path of your choice, and click Next. 8. Review the Current Windchill ProductPoint Install Settings. Select the Launch the Deployment Wizard after installation completes check box, and click Install. If SQL Express is necessary, it will be listed as well. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 119 9. The Windchill ProductPoint progress bar appears. Note If only an embedded SQL database exists on this machine, the installer will detect it and trigger the installation of SQL Express. An embedded SQL database is created if SharePoint is installed using its Basic install path. In upcoming Windchill ProductPoint installation windows, you can choose to use your SQL Enterprise database; however, if you do, having two different SQL databases on your machine may affect performance. The Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 Deployment Wizard window opens. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 10. Click Next. 120 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 11. The configuration window appears. Select Basic or Advanced. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE • If you choose the Basic path, Windchill ProductPoint installs and deploys using all default settings. A window opens that lists the settings. Click Deploy and continue to step 15 is this procedure. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 121 Note The default version scheme is letter based (for example, -.1, -.2, A.0, A.3, B.0…). To select the alternative version scheme, you must choose Advanced. However, the scheme can be modified after installation. For more information, see Modifying Version Schemes on page 256. • The Advanced path allows you to select specific settings. If you choose Advanced, the following window appears: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE a. Select Configurable, and enter the user name and password of the existing security account that will run Windchill ProductPoint services. b. Keep the default settings in the Database Source field. The SQL server instance you created previously should be the default. 122 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide c. By default, Authentication is set to Windows. Click Next on the Database Settings window. 12. The cache location window appears: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE a. Enter the file path to the uploads directory that you created earlier. For more information, see Configuring a Network Directory for the Upload Directory on page 58. b. Keep the default setting for the Application URL. c. Click Next. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 123 13. The following window appears: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE a. Enter the user name of the Data Owner. Note Use any domain account and note that this account will become an administrator of the Windchill ProductPoint site. b. Select the language for your site. c. Select the revision scheme for your site. For more information on modifying revision schemes after the installation, see Modifying Version Schemes on page 256. d. Click Next. 14. On the settings window that appears next, click Deploy. The installer creates your Windchill ProductPoint site. 124 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 15. The Congratulations window appears. Click Finish. 16. Your Windchill ProductPoint site opens. Click Finish. If prompted, enter the installing data owner's computer login or network login credentials. Note The initial connections may take up to 60 seconds. If the browser does not connect you may need to run an IIS reset. From a command prompt, start or restart IIS using iisreset command . Initial Login to Windchill ProductPoint Following the successful installation of Windchill ProductPoint, a browser window will automatically open to the server login window. Log into the newly installed Windchill ProductPoint server using the credentials of the data owner who installed Windchill ProductPoint. Tip When the install is complete, two administrative users of the new Windchill ProductPoint site exist: DRAFT ONLY • The data owner account NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Either account can be used to add more users. For more information, see Adding • The account used to install Users on page 85. Configuring Windchill ProductPoint Like SharePoint, Windchill ProductPoint is very configurable. The following list provides common examples of modifications to the out-of-the-box configuration: • Attributes relevant to your specific needs for parts, assemblies, drawings, design specifications, and so on. • Users with permission to create new Product sites, users with read-only access, and so on. • The interval at which to update the search indexing of new content. • The layout of various windows. For example, do you want a Wiki Web Part or an additional document library for particular types of documents? • The names of folders you want in your parts catalog hierarchy. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 125 Configuring Search to Include Windchill ProductPoint Now that the Windchill ProductPoint Web Application has been added to the SharePoint server, you will need to configure the SharePoint search to include the Windchill ProductPoint web application, so its content can be indexed and displayed along with other SharePoint content. 1. From the SharePoint Central Administration site, select the Application Management tab, and click the Content databases link in the SharePoint Web Application Management section. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. Select the Windchill ProductPoint Database. 3. Next, select the SharePoint server as the Search Server for Windchill ProductPoint. 126 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide DRAFT ONLY Use the following procedure to enable other users to access Windchill ProductPoint. For information on the accounts that can add new users, see Initial Login to NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Windchill ProductPoint on page 125. Adding Users Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 127 1. From the panel in the left pane, click People and Groups. From the New drop down menu, select Add Users. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. You can now add individual users, or create a SharePoint group of users. You can also add all authenticated users. Note By default new users will be added to the Windchill ProductPoint Owners group, with full permission to add to content and control the site. 128 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Installing Windchill ProductPoint on Additional Front-end Web Servers Use the following procedure to install Windchill ProductPoint server: Note You may want to review the installer’s access permissions and roles prior to using the account for installation. 1. Insert the Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 CD. The Setup program should run automatically. If not, find and double-click the Setup.exe file provided on the CD. Note The administrator account installing Windchill ProductPoint must be the same account used to install SharePoint. The user who installs SharePoint will automatically be created as a SharePoint administrative user during install. Similarly, for Windchill ProductPoint, the installing user is created as the system account user. Because of the extended access allowed to this account, distribution to users is not recommended. DRAFT ONLY 2. The Windchill ProductPoint installer extracts and then runs the Setup wizard. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 129 3. After the file extraction is finished, the Setup window appears. Click Next. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 4. On the PTC Customer Agreement window, select I accept the agreement, and click Next. 130 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 5. Next, the installer checks the system configuration. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE If checks do not pass, an error message will appear. Click the More Info button and follow the directions to correct the situation. If all checks pass, click Next. 6. Once you have put in place all necessary prerequisites, return to the Windchill ProductPoint installer. 7. Review the Current Windchill ProductPoint Install Settings, and click Install. 8. The Windchill ProductPoint progress bar appears, and then the Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 Deployment Wizard window opens. Click Next. 9. A window appears displaying the settings to be installed. Click Deploy. The installer creates your Windchill ProductPoint site. 10. The Congratulations window appears. Click Next. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 131 11. Your Windchill ProductPoint site opens. Click Finish. If prompted, enter the installing user’s computer login or network login credentials. Note The initial connections may take up to 60 seconds. If the browser does not connect you may need to run an IIS reset. From a command prompt, start or restart IIS using the command iisreset. 12. After you have successfully installed Windchill ProductPoint on additional front-end Web servers, verify that the uploads directory has been configured properly. Use the following steps to change the upload location: a. Open the Central Administration site, and navigate to the Operations tab. b. Click Services on Server. Click Windchill ProductPoint Service and ensure that the path is set to the desired uploads directory location. Checking the Success of the Installation Use the following procedure to ensure SharePoint has automatically replicated portions of Windchill ProductPoint to any additional front-end web servers: DRAFT ONLY On the panel, under , verify that there is a NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Windchill ProductPoint application pool and that the status is . 1. Launch the IIS Manager. 2. Connections Application Pools Started 132 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 3. On the Connections panel, under Sites, verify that there is a Windchill ProductPoint site and that the status is Started. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION Configuring an Alternate Access URL for USE Additional Front-end Web Servers Use the following procedure to configure an alternate access URL for additional front-end Web servers: 1. 2. 3. 4. Open the Central Administration Site, and navigate to the Operations tab. Under Global Configuration, click Alternate access mappings. Under the Internal URL column, click on the Windchill ProductPoint site URL. From the Windchill ProductPoint site, click Edit Internal URLs. Add an internal URL that points to the additional front-end Web server. For example, enter Load Balancing Use the Windows Network Load Balancing Manager to configure your network load balancing. This requires static IP addresses for any front-end Web server machines. Tip See for a detailed explanation on configuring this. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 133 1. Add both 8820 and 1975 ports to your load balancer configuration. 2. On the front-end Web server, open the Server Manager. 3. Under Features add the Network Load Balancing feature. After it has been installed, the following window appears. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 4. Once this feature is installed, navigate to Start ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Network Load Balancing Manager. 5. Open a command window and run the ipconfig command to see the baseline of the IPs on the front-end Web server. 6. In the Network Load Balancing Manager, right click on the top node and pick New Cluster. 134 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide When the configuration is complete, the following window appears: DRAFT ONLY 7. Enter theFOR fully qualified name of the front-end Web server andUSE click NOT PRODUCTION 8. Leave the defaults for the . Connect. Host Parameters Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 135 9. Click Add and enter IP and Subnet Mask. See your command window ipconfig results for what to enter here. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 136 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 10. Under the Cluster Parameters tab, enter the full internet name and set the cluster operation mode to Multicast. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 11. Under the Port Rules tab, complete the following steps: a. Set the Port range from 1000 - 65535 b. Under the Protocols column, select Both. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 137 c. Under Filtering mode, select Multiple host, and set Affinity to None. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 12. When finished, run the ipconfig command again to ensure that the additional IP addresses of the load balancer show up properly. 13. On additional front-end Web servers, run the ipconfig command to get baseline IPs . 14. After installation of the Network Load Balancing (NLB) feature on additional front-end Web servers, open the NLB Manager and select Connect to Existing. 15. Enter the name of the load balancer. For example, 16. Click Finish. 138 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 17. Right click on the node in the left pane, and select Add Host to Clusterto add the additional front-end Web servers. 18. Click Next to select the IP. 19. On Host Parameters, click Next, and then Finish. Alternate Access Mapping Use the following procedure to change alternate access mapping: 1. Open Central Administration. 2. Go to the Operations tab. 3. Click Alternate access mappings in the upper right of the window. 4. Under the Internal URL column, click on the URL for the Windchill ProductPoint site. For example http://<MachineName> DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 139 5. Change the URL to your load-balanced URL. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 6. Remove any alternate access mappings that point directly to the machine, such as one added earlier before adding additional front-end web servers. Installing Sample Data Use the following procedure to install Windchill ProductPoint sample data: 1. After installation, locate the sample files listed below in the following location: C:\Program Files\PTC\ProductPoint\Samples • DeploySampleData.exe • 2. Place these two files together anywhere on your SharePoint server. 3. Click and launch DeploySampleData.exe. The sample files are installed. Note This assumes that you installed at the default url and that is in the same directory. If you need to install elsewhere, use the following command line options: DeploySampleData.exe [–uri WppSite] [–f SampleDataZipFile] The defaults are and 140 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Uninstalling Windchill ProductPoint and Windchill ProductPoint Web Service Note When uninstalling Windchill ProductPoint, make sure to uninstall the web front end that launched the deployment wizard first before uninstalling the rest. To uninstall Windchill ProductPoint and Windchill ProductPoint Web Service: Navigate to Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Add or Remove Programs. Choose Windchill ProductPoint 1.1, and click Remove. Choose one of the following options for content data: • Choose to retain the content data, if you are uninstalling in preparation for an upgrade. • Choose to remove all content data as well the Windchill ProductPoint application. This removes all the user data managed by Windchill ProductPoint, including Windchill ProductPoint data content residing in the SharePoint database and the sister Windchill ProductPoint structure database. DRAFT ONLY Caution NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Once the Windchill ProductPoint data (user content data) has been removed, any subsequent installation of Windchill ProductPoint will have an empty set of user data. If you choose to retain the user data during uninstall, and later wish to install Windchill ProductPoint with no legacy Windchill ProductPoint data, you must remove the file named WPP_DATABASE.TXT from the Windchill ProductPoint installation directory. Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm 141 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 5 Re-hosting a Windchill ProductPoint Server on a New Domain Use the following procedure to facilitate moving a machine that was pre-configured off-site to a production deployment site. Re-hosting can also be used to facilitate moving a pilot setup in one domain to a production setup in another domain. DRAFT ONLY 1. Install SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint. For more information, see InstallingFOR and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint on page 61. NOT PRODUCTION USE 2. Join a domain using the following procedure: Note This must be done by a domain administrator. Note Before joining a domain, it is recommended you stop Windows SharePoint Server search services. a. On your system, navigate to Start ▶ My Computer. b. On the My Computer window, right-click in the window and select Properties. c. On the Computer Name tab, click Change, and enter the domain membership information. d. Next, you will receive a username and password dialog box. Enter the username and password of a user with enough permission to create a computer account in the domain. e. A Welcome page appears, and you have joined the new domain. 3. After you have joined the server to the new domain, configure the domain by modifying the internal URLs. For more information, see Alternate Access 143 Mapping on page 139. Additional steps may be required depending on your domain configuration. Application and system event logs may indicate additional configuration that is required and in some cases will provide necessary information. Note This step must be done by a local administrator. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 144 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 6 Configuring an Extranet Server for External Collaboration Windchill ProductPoint can be deployed externally to your corporate network using either the Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006 (ISA) or the Microsoft Threat Management Gateway 2010 (TMG). To configure an extranet server for external collaboration, see Configuring an Extranet Server for External Collaboration. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 145 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 7 Installation Troubleshooting Cannot Connect to SharePoint Administration, Default SharePoint Site, or Windchill ProductPoint Websites During or After Installation................................... Using Button in IISreset Prompts Some Installation Failures ...................................... The PTCRootSite#1 Deployment Fails Because the User is not a Member of the SharePoint Farm Administrators Group................................................................. Online Help Does Not Appear.................................................................................. The Installer Is Not Able to Create the Downloads Directory on the IIS Server ............ DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 148 149 149 150 150 This chapter describes solutions to issues that may occur during the SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint installation process. 147 Cannot Connect to SharePoint Administration, Default SharePoint Site, or Windchill ProductPoint Websites During or After Installation The following settings may resolve this problem: • Turn off Windows Firewall. • Apply the following DNS settings: 1. Navigate to Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Network Connections. 2. Right click on the LAN connection. 3. Select TCP/IP. 4. Click Properties. 5. Choose Advanced. 6. Click the DNS tab and select the following options: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE ○ Register this connection’s address in DNS ○ Use this connection’s DNS suffix in DNS registration 148 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Click OK. 7. From the Start menu, select Control Panel. Double click Internet Options. Under the Connections tab, configure the settings to use a Proxy Server. DRAFT ONLY Using FOR ButtonPRODUCTION in IISreset PromptsUSE Some NOT Installation Failures If using the button in IISreset causes an installation failure, use the following procedure to correct it. 1. Close the prompts. 2. Restart IIS manually by running the iisreset command in the command window. The PTCRootSite#1 Deployment Fails Because the User is not a Member of the SharePoint Farm Administrators Group When installing Windchill ProductPoint, the user may encounter an installation error if they are not a direct member of the SharePoint Farm Administrators group. For example, if the user performing the installation is a domain user that did not install SharePoint, and is not a direct member of SharePoint Farm Administrators group, they may not have sufficient privileges to complete the installation. This issue can be resolved by adding the user account to the group. Installation Troubleshooting 149 Use the following procedure to add a user account: 1. Navigate to Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ SharePoint Central Administration. 2. On the Central Administration site, click Operations. 3. Under Security Configuration, click Update Farm Administrator’s Group. 4. Select New and add the user account. Online Help Does Not Appear After installing Windchill ProductPoint, the online help will not appear immediately. The help will deploy 15 minutes after installation. The Installer Is Not Able to Create the Downloads Directory on the IIS Server Users installing Windchill ProductPoint on a second web front end on an IIS server may need to manually create a downloads directory. Use the following procedure to create this directory: 1. DRAFT ONLY Select NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE . Start ▶ All Programs ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager 2. Right click Windchill ProductPoint and select New ▶ Virtual Directory. Note Do not choose Virtual Directory (from file). 3. On the Virtual Directory tab, make sure A directory on this computer is selected. 4. In the Local Path field, enter the location for your downloads directory, and select Read, Directory Browsing, and Log Visits. 5. In the Application Settings pane, set Execute permissions to None, and set Application pool to ProductPoint. 6. On the Documents tab, select Enable default content page and add index.htm, index.html, and default.htm to the list of pages. 7. On the Directory Security tab, select Edit. 8. In the Authentication Methods window, select Enable anonymous access and enter your windows user account user name and password. 9. Click OK. The downloads directory is created. 150 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide II Bulk Upload DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 8 Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility About the Bulk Loader Utility ................................................................................... Bulk Loader Prerequisites ....................................................................................... Uploading Data to Windchill ProductPoint................................................................. Bulk Loader Best Practices ..................................................................................... Bulk Loader Resources ........................................................................................... Creating Bulk Publishing Jobs Using the Representation Generation Utility ................ DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 154 156 157 169 180 188 This chapter describes the process of uploading data to Windchill ProductPoint, as well as strategies, best practices, and reference materials for using the bulk loader. 153 About the Bulk Loader Utility The bulk loader is a command line utility that enables you to upload large data sets to Windchill ProductPoint product or catalog sites from local or network file system folders. With some exceptions (.exe, .xml, and .mdb), the bulk loader can be used to upload most file types. Data sets that can be uploaded through the bulk loader include entire directories of Creo models, Microsoft Office documents, and other specified data. Parts and assemblies generated in both current and previous releases of Creo can be uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint product or catalog sites. Parts and assemblies can be uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint with the same folder structure as the source file system. Installing the Bulk Loader After installing Windchill ProductPoint, the bulk loader can be downloaded from the downloads page of your Windchill ProductPoint server. The bulk loader will download the following files as part of the installation: • • • DRAFT ONLY (sample setting file which can be opened like TXTFOR file) NOT PRODUCTION USE BulkLoader.exe ReadMe.txt • (sample data) • Log4net.dll • The following applications must also be installed on the client machine before running the bulk loader: Note The bulk loader only works on Windows operating systems. • Creo 5 or 4 M100 or greater Caution If Creo 5 is used during the bulk load process, all uploaded files will be stored in Windchill ProductPoint as Creo 5 files, which are only supported in Creo 5 and higher builds. • Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 (installed on the server) • Microsoft Excel (2007 recommended) must be installed along with Microsoft Excel for the bulk loader to work correctly. 154 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Note Problems may result when using older versions of Microsoft Excel to view control or report files for file systems containing more than 65,000 files. If you encounter errors while analyzing file systems with this many files, make sure only Microsoft 2007 is installed on your machine. • Windchill ProductPoint Client Manager (downloaded from Windchill ProductPoint downloads page) The Bulk Load Workflow Process The following diagram describes the bulk load workflow process. See the following topics in this chapter for specific instruction surrounding these workflow steps. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 1. Prepare—Create a settings file containing all relevant settings and file locations used during the bulk load process. 2. Analyze—Run the bulk loader to analyze the file system data against existing data in Windchill ProductPoint. The bulk loader creates a control file and various mapping files. Work with the control file to specify resolutions to conflicts the bulk loader identifies so that the data can be safely uploaded to the Windchill ProductPoint server. 3. Verify—Run the bulk loader to verify that all conflicts in the control file are resolved prior to the actual upload. Resolve all problems reported during this step before attempting to upload the actual data. 4. Load and Report—Run the bulk loader to perform the upload of Creo data from your source file system to the Windchill ProductPoint server. Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 155 Bulk Loader Commands Use the following commands and parameters when running the bulk loader: Command -analyze -checkSanity -load –report Description Analyzes source directories andWindchill ProductPoint file locations to produce the control file. Checks the control file and folder mapping file to verify that the upload will run smoothly. Uploads data to Windchill ProductPoint. Creates a report file that checks the load status of a partially uploaded batch. When running each of these commands, declare the location of the settings and control file in the same command line (the example is shown on multiple lines; enter the command on one line): -analyze -settings=<path to settings file> –controlfile=<path to control file> DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE To avoid typing the full path to the BulkLoader.exe file, set the system property environment variable PATH to the directory where the bulk loader is installed. You may also create batch files to execute bulk loader commands and declare bulk loader parameters. Bulk Loader Prerequisites Keep the following in mind before running the bulk loader: • Back up all file system data before running the bulk loader. Because running the bulk loader and manually resolving conflict issues may result in changes to source data files, copy all of your file system data to be uploaded to a temporary location exclusively for this purpose. • If the server is registered before the bulk loader is run, the name of the server in server manager needs to be a fully qualified host name. For example, • The user that does the bulk loading must have owner privileges in Windchill ProductPoint. Add the bulk load user to theWindchill ProductPoint client machine and to the Windchill ProductPoint server machine in the Administrators group and Backup operators group. Also, log in to Windchill ProductPoint on the client machine as an ‘Administrator’, add the same user through Home Page ▶ People and Groups in the Owners group. If the domains are different for the client 156 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide and server , then the username and passwords need to be identical on the client side and the server side. • Until you have a good feel for the bulk load process, run test bulk loads into test environments of Windchill ProductPoint before loading to a production environment. • Start Creo before starting the bulk loader. The bulk loader will use that Creo instance. Do not start Creo from the bulk loader for Windows 64 bit Vista and XP systems. • Creo must not have any data in session when you start using the bulk loader, and must be connected to your Windchill ProductPoint server. If Creo is not already running it will be started by the bulk loader. • You should prevent additional Creo users from accessing the system during the bulk load process, or the upload will fail. • If you plan on loading a large amount of data, make sure that enough space is available for the server and Agent logs (ETL files). Make sure that enough space is available on the machine hosting the SQL server database as well. ONLY ProductPoint UploadingDRAFT Data to Windchill This section describes the necessary steps that need to be taken to successfully NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE upload data from source file systems to Windchill ProductPoint using the bulk loader utility. For instruction on navigating some of the more advanced interactions between your source file system, Windchill ProductPoint, and the bulk loader, see Bulk Loader Best Practices on page 169. Preparing the Settings File Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 157 Before running the bulk loader utility, a settings file must be created containing the following relevant settings and file locations used during the bulk load process. For a complete list of settings fields, see Settings File Table on page 180. The following settings require additional description: • The Batch Size setting • The Load All Versions setting • The Use Source Revision Label setting Batch Size Setting The Batch_Size setting controls how many files will be processed as a batch. Keep the following in mind when working with this setting: • The default size of 100 is generally more efficient than smaller or higher values for moderately sized hardware. However, the optimum size for a batch will depend on the hardware you are using to run Creo. • The bulk loader will attempt to group and organize the items to be uploaded into batches according to the following rules and principles: DRAFT ONLY ○ Multiple versions of the same file should be in different batches, sorted by NOT FOR USE timestamp, so that earlierPRODUCTION versions are uploaded first. ○ Derived/secondary items should be in the same batch as the principal item. ○ If an earlier version fails, subsequent versions should be excluded. ○ Family table size should be taken into account. If some file in a batch happens to be a large family table, the actual number of items uploaded in the batch may not match the batch size you entered. In these situations, include fewer files in the batch. • Dependent items that are not already in Windchill ProductPoint and fall outside of a particular batch that has a dependency on that item will have a placeholder item created on Windchill ProductPoint during the uploading of that batch. When the subsequent batch that contains the dependant item is uploaded, the placeholder item will be replaced in Windchill ProductPoint. • Windchill ProductPoint provides a report Web Part that shows incomplete placeholder items. Use this report Web Part to be sure all incomplete items have been uploaded and resolved before considering the bulk load process to be complete. 158 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Load All Versions Setting Use the Load_All_Versions setting to optionally load non-latest versions of Creo files. Because Windchill ProductPoint does not have the ability to insert iterations into product items, it is not possible to load and subsequently insert earlier iterations of the same part if the latest iteration is already loaded. In order to ensure the sequential ordering of multiple versions of the same file, each version must be in a different batch. Using the Load_All_Versions setting may slow the bulk loader's processing speed. For this reason, upload only the latest versions of files in the source directories, if possible. Furthermore, if you know that each file in your data set only has one version, or if you are not interested in testing all versions of a file, set Load_All_Versions to false. Note Non-latest items will be loaded without derived associations. Use Source Revision Label Setting If you wish to use version labels for Creo files from your previous product data management system in Windchill ProductPoint, use the Use_Source_Revision_Label settings option in your settings file. DRAFT ONLY When Use_Source_Revision_Label is set to one of the values shown NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE below, the bulk loader populates the control file column when you Target Version run the -analyze command. When you run the -load command, the bulk loader loads these values to the Version field in Windchill ProductPoint. Before running the -load command, verify that the Target Version control file column is correctly populated. Verifying the control file is especially important if you are using custom parameters. Any changes made to values in the Target Version control file column will be populated to the Version field in Windchill ProductPoint. Version labels for Creo files can be used from a variety of source systems. Custom source revision labels can also be used. Use the following in the your settings file depending on your source system: Note You may use more than one of these values in your settings file. You must separate each value by commas. For example, Use_Source_Revision_Label=PRO_INTRALINK,MY_REVISION . • Windchill PDMLink: ○ Use_Source_Revision_Label=Windchill Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 159 ○ Values from the Creo parameter: PTC_WM_VERSION will be used. • Pro/INTRALINK: ○ Use_Source_Revision_Label=Pro_INTRALINK ○ The combination of the Creo parameters PROI_REVISION.PROI_VERSION will be used. Tip Use the setting Use_Last_Modified_Timestamp=true to ensure that file versions are sorted according to the file modification time, as opposed to the time when the files were exported from a prior PDM system. If the file versions have the same timestamp, they will be sorted by the file version extension (a.prt.1, a.prt.2, etc.). • Another product management system: ○ Use_Source_Revision_Label=Pro_PDM ○ The value is taken from internal version and revision data • Custom source: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE ○ This data should be already stored within the Creo files. ○ Use one or two user-defined designated parameters from Creo files. For example, if you wish to use the parameter MY_REVISION, use the setting: Use_Source_Revision_Label=MY_REVISION Analyzing the Source Data After preparing a settings file, run the -analyze command. From the command prompt window, run the following command (enter the command on one line): bulkloader.exe -analyze -settings=<settings file> -controlFile=<control file>. 160 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Note The control file and mapping files will be created by the bulk loader after you run the —analyze command, and therefore shouldn't exist on your machine before running the —analyze command for the first time. Make sure your settings file contains the proper settings to create the mapping files you wish to create. For more information, see Settings File Table on page 180 You may also use –oldControlFile if you made changes to the local file system and want to re-run the analysis. From the command prompt window, run the following command (enter the command on one line): bulkloader.exe -analyze -settings=<settings file location> -controlFile=<control file location> -oldControlFile=<old control file location>. This command will compare the file system data against existing data in Windchill ProductPoint. If you resolve conflicts identified in the control file by making changes to the files in the source file system, you will need to re-run this command until all of the conflicts you resolve through changes in the file system no longer appear as conflicts in the control file. DRAFT ONLY • The control file NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE The bulk loader uses up to five files, some automatically created, depending on your settings file and –analyze command parameters: • The folder mapping file • The user mapping file • The attribute mapping file Additionally, a parameter designation file should be created at this time. For more information, see The Parameter Designation File on page 164. Note For more information on strategies and best practices for using the control file, see Bulk Loader Best Practices on page 169. The Control File The bulk loader creates a control file that lists information about each file, assembly dependency, and family table instance in the analyzed source data. The control file lists any conflicts that would occur if the source data was uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint as is. The control file is intended to be edited with Microsoft Excel to enter resolutions for those conflicts. Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 161 The control file contains four tabs: Files, Dependencies, Instances, and Summary. Any conflicts will list in the Conflicts column of each tab. Enter resolutions to conflicts in the Resolutions column. For a list of all potential conflicts and the potential resolutions that can be entered, see Conflicts Table on page 185. Tip Printing out the conflicts table can save time when working with the control file. You can also enter setting options for specific items in the control file by entering a value into one of the following columns in the control file: Set Released state, Use Last modified by, and Target Version. The Folder Mapping File The bulk loader creates a folder mapping file which lists all source and target folders. Only the uncommented lines in this file will be used when you run the –load command to determine the folder mapping. Edit this file to map source folders to the target folders in Windchill ProductPoint. You can map a target folder that doesn’t exist in Windchill ProductPoint, as long as it belongs to an existing product or library. You can also choose to only map the parent folder, and the subfolders will be mapped accordingly. DRAFT ONLY For example: NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE C:\temp\Caster_Catalog=/Catalog/Parts/Mechanical/Casters Note In the above example, the target structure library Catalog ▶ Parts must exist in the Windchill ProductPoint server and be listed in the Target folders section of the folder mappings file. However, the target folders Mechanical and Casters are not required to already exist. If they are not already found, they will be created during the upload. C:\temp\Bolts=/Catalog/Parts/Mechanical/Bolts C:\OrderNo20080516\standard parts=/Catalog/Parts/Mechanical C:\OrderNo20080516\PrimaryAssy=/Products/Engines/ ProENGINEER Documents Note All subdirectories in the source folder (left side of “=”) will be created below the folder on the right side of the “=” unless specific mappings for those subfolders are defined in the mapping file. To collapse or flatten a source folder structure into one folder on the server, each source subfolder must be mapped to the same target folder on the server. 162 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide The Attribute Mapping File The bulk loader creates an attribute mapping file which lists all designated parameters in the source files along with the matching server attributes. The designated source parameters which do not have a match in Windchill ProductPoint will cause a warning message when you run the –checkSanity command. To avoid the warning message, remove any parameters from the list that will not be mapped to attributes on the server. Note Attributes are mapped through the parameter designation file. The listed mappings in the attribute mapping file are for your information only. The attribute mapping file only lists designated Creo parameters. For example: ProE.DESCRIPTION.String=ProductPoint.DESCRIPTION.Text ProE.Weight.Float=ProductPoint.Weight.Float ProE.Material.String= ProductPoint.Material.String DRAFT ONLY In the above example, note that ProE.Cost.Integer is not configured as NOT FOR PRODUCTION a Windchill ProductPoint attribute. Therefore, the Creo parameterUSE will not be ProE.Cost.Integer= mapped to a server side attribute. If you add an integer attribute named Cost to the Windchill ProductPoint server and content type for the Creo parts, the mapping will be found and resolved when you re-run the -analyze command. The User Mapping File The User Mapping file is used if the Use_Last_Modified setting is set to true. For example, the bulk load should assign the last modifier of the file to the Windchill ProductPoint item. The User Mapping file allows the Last Modified By users to be mapped toWindchill ProductPoint users. Note You do not need to have the User Mapping file if the Last Modified By column in the control file specifies the user name as your Windchill ProductPoint user name. The user mapping file template will be created during analysis. It may look as follows: ##### Pro/E users ##### nazarenko ##### WPP useres ##### Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 163 #PTCNET\aglubeva #PTCNET\knazarenko #PTCNET\nimbusall #SHAREPOINT\system You can edit the file as follows: #This is my mapping nazarenko=PTCNET\knazarenko The lines starting with # are comments and are ignored during the load. You can add or remove converted lines as you wish. The Parameter Designation File Note An example parameter designation file named example_param_designation_file.txt can be found in your bulk loader install directory. You can create a parameter designation file to add and designate a standard set of parameters and parameter values to files that are bulk loaded to Windchill ProductPoint. Those parameters that match the name and type of Windchill ProductPoint server site columns are then viewable on the associated product items from the server. If family tables are included in your batch, parameters will be added for all family table instances as well. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Note If aCreo file already has a matching parameter name with a mismatched type to the parameter designation file, then this parameter is not changed. From the parameter designation file, you can specify the type and access level of a parameter that will be added to all bulk uploaded files. Each parameter listed will be designated after the batch is uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint. If a file does not have the parameter listed in the parameter designation file, the system will create and designate the parameter and optionally set a default value for the new parameter. You may also add new parameters to your batch with values that are added based on relations to existing parameters. For example, you could create a new parameter by adding the values of two existing parameters or by calculating a mathematical expression involving another parameter in the Creo file. If a default value is listed for that parameter, any relations defined in the parameter designation file will override the default value. To use the parameter designation file, you must include the setting dm_parameter_designation_file in your settings file. The bulk loader creates a parameter designation file in the location specified in this setting. 164 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Additionally, if you would like to undesignate any designated parameters that are not listed in the parameter designation file, you can include dm_parameters_undesignate_not_listed=true in your settings file. Use the following syntax to designate or undesignate parameters: ND_RelParSet_K01 = { NAME = test1 PARAMETERS = { Name = My_Bool Type = bool Default = Yes }, { Name = My_String Type = string Default = 'defaultvalue' }, { Name = My_Int Type = integer Default = 15 }, { Name = My_Real Type = real Default = 1.0 m/sec }, { Name = My_Real_2 Type = real Default = 2.0 in }, { Name = My_Real_3 Type = real Default = 3.0 }, { Name = My_Real_4 Type = real Default = 4.0 } DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE RELATIONS = My_String = MODELED_BY My_Real_4 = 5.6 IF My_Real_4 == 5.6 My_Real_2=My_Real_4 ELSE My_Real_2=My_Real ENDIF } Note Default, Access, and Relations are optional. Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 165 Note Do not include empty default values (Default=<blank>). Caution Usage of the parameter designation file may significantly slow your bulk upload process, and therefore should only be used for batches that absolutely require properly designated parameters. Verifying Files DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE After you have resolved all conflicts and mapped the desired folders and attributes from your source data to Windchill ProductPoint, verify that the control and mapping files will properly load the source data: In the command prompt window, run the following command (enter the command on one line): bulkloader.exe -checkSanity -settings=<settings file location> -controlFile=<new control file location> The command prompt window displays the bulk loader's progress, as well as any errors or warnings the bulk loader finds: 1. If an error message appears in the command prompt window, work with your mapping and control files to correct the files as needed. Error troubleshooting 166 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide may require that you perform the —analyze command again. If so, reference the old control file. Note For more information on strategies and best practices for using the control file, see Troubleshooting the Control File on page 172 2. If no error messages appear in the command prompt window, you may proceed to running the upload command. Note Since these messages are displayed only in the command window, they may scroll off screen and be missed. If you acquire one of several freely available 3rd party “tee” utilities, you can simultaneously capture the command window output in a persistent log file by appending 2>&1 | tee <logfile name>. Uploading Data and Creating a Report DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE If no errors occur, upload the data to Windchill ProductPoint: 1. Suspend all other activity on the source network file system and the server. 2. In the command prompt window, run the following command (enter the command on one line): bulkloader.exe -load -settings=<settings file location> -controlFile=<control file location> Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 167 The command prompt window displays the bulk loader's progress. After each batch is uploaded, a message appears stating whether the batch loaded successfully or not. Note For more information on strategies and best practices for resolving problems with the bulk upload, see Troubleshooting Loading Data to ProductPoint on page 176 3. The bulk loader notifies you when it has uploaded all data to Windchill ProductPoint. Afterward, the bulk loader monitors the synchronization status as Creo files are synchronized between the local file system and Windchill ProductPoint. 4. After synchronization completes (or after timeout), the bulk loader updates the Load status column in the control file. Interrupting the Bulk Loader Problems may force you to interrupt the bulk loader while it is loading data to Windchill ProductPoint. To interrupt the bulk loader, press CTRL-C. The bulk loader finishes processing the immediate batch it is working on and the remaining batches are not uploaded. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Caution After interrupting an upload batch, do not run the –load command with the same control file, as the control file will unnecessarily iterate already created items. Instead, run the -report command and use the generated report file as the new control file. See The Report File section below for more information. If you need to interrupt the bulk loader because the bulk loader is having problems importing files from Creo, the files std.out and proimpex.log can be used to identify the problem. These files may be stored in different places, depending on how you launched your session of Creo: • If you started Creo from the shortcut that was created during install, then the files will be written to the Start In directory mentioned in the shortcut. • If Creo was started by the bulk loader, then the files will be written to the same directory from which the bulk loader was started. Because multiple std.out files may exist from multiple attempts to launch Creo, check the timestamp of the std.out file to confirm that it is the correct std.out file. 168 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide The Report File If you need to interrupt the bulk loader during an upload batch, you can generate a report file to see which files were successfully uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint. To generate the report file, run the following command (enter the command on one line): -report -settings=<setting file> -reportfile=<report file> Tip Using a different name for your report file than for your old control file allows you to compare any additional status information in the report file with your old control file. You may optionally enter -session=<session name> along with the above bulk load parameters, if you wish to create a report for a specific session. Otherwise, the latest session bulk load session will be used for the report. The bulk loader generates a Microsoft Excel report file that lists whether files were uploaded or not in the Load Status column. When you run the -load command again, declare the report file instead of the old control file to ensure that previously uploaded items are not uploaded again. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Bulk Loader Best Practices Keep the following strategies and best practices in mind when using the bulk loader to upload files to Windchill ProductPoint. Planning Your Bulk Upload Before you begin the bulk upload, planning how you will order the files to be uploaded helps maximize the efficiency of the process. Planning a conflict troubleshooting strategy will also save you wasted time and effort. The Top Down Approach versus the Bottom Up Approach You can approach uploading Creo files to Windchill ProductPoint in one of two ways: from the bottom up (uploading all standard part libraries and shared parts first) or from the top down (uploading your top level assemblies first). Which approach you choose is heavily dependent on how you have organized your data on your local file system: • In some cases, it may be desirable to upload all standard part libraries and shared parts and then subsequently upload all the assemblies that utilize them. This simplifies dealing with dependencies in the control file, but there are two Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 169 risks to this approach. First, if you rename standard parts or family table items in one upload batch, you have to remember in subsequent upload batches to rename those dependencies. Second, you may spend a lot of time cleaning up the standard and shared parts in your file system which may not be utilized by any assemblies. • In some cases, it may be desirable to start with your top level assemblies and iterate your search path setting in the settings file so the bulk loader will find all required and necessary dependant standard parts for you. This approach will only upload the standard and shared parts that are actually used in some assembly. Preparing Your Source and Target File Systems Before you run the bulk loader, review your source file system and remove any unnecessary files. In Windchill ProductPoint, verify that your parameter and subdirectory settings are accurate. Copying file system data to a separate load location is also recommended, as running the bulk loader and manually resolving conflict issues may result in changes to source data files. DRAFT ONLY Validate that the Creo parametersPRODUCTION you want to be uploaded are set in USE NOT FOR Windchill ProductPoint. If there are missing attributes or attributes not associated Windchill ProductPoint Parameter Setup with the part and assembly content types, configure these before rerunning the –analyze command. Use the parameter designation file to create and map new parameters into Windchill ProductPoint. Windchill ProductPoint Subdirectory Setup If there are subdirectories on the file system you want to organize and map to Windchill ProductPoint locations, create the product sites and structure libraries necessary to map those subdirectories before rerunning the –analyze command. Analyzing Your Data and Refining Your Settings and Mapping Files The following topics may be helpful before and after you have run the –analyze command. Refining Your Search and Source Paths Dependencies may be missing because the settings file did not contain the search path to the subdirectory where the missing dependency is stored. 170 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Handling Multiple Versions of the Same File Changing the configuration setting Load_All_Versions=False to Load_All_Versions=True will allow for loading of multiple versions of the same file. For example, if your file system contains the following files /dir1/abc.prt.1 /dir1/abc.prt.2 /dir1/abc.prt.3 and Load_All_Versions is set to false, the bulk loader will only load abc.prt.3 to Windchill ProductPoint. If the setting is true, all three versions of the file will be loaded to Windchill ProductPoint. However, only the latest version, abc.prt.3, will have secondary associated content also loaded (if any exists). Files with the same name in different source folders can be incorrectly flagged with a “duplicate” conflict. You can resolve the conflict by either renaming one of the files or by making one file an iteration of the other by entering skip. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Folder Mapping Best Practices Since Windchill ProductPoint utilizes a global common name space regardless of folder or library location, tactics of organizing files into different folders or sites for the purpose of keeping the same name are no longer applicable. In many cases, you may want to collapse source file folder structures into a common location on Windchill ProductPoint. On the other hand, for document libraries in SharePoint (and therefore structure libraries in Windchill ProductPoint) performance is known to degrade for certain operations when any given folder contains more than 2,000 items. Therefore, you may want to consider an organization strategy that will utilize a folder hierarchy to reduce the number of files in any given folder. Attribute Mapping and Parameter Designation Best Practices As noted earlier, the attribute mapping file is primarily used to inform you of what attributes are already defined in Windchill ProductPoint map to a Creo parameter and which will be set as part of the upload. This information provides you the opportunity to create any missing attributes in Windchill ProductPoint with matching names and types to those found in your Creo source files. You may also want to modify source Creo files to include any desired parameters that can be passed up to the server. For example, older files that do not have your company standard parameters defined and set should be modified before uploading to Windchill ProductPoint. Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 171 You can also use the information provided by the attribute mapping file to decide whether to use the parameter designation file to add and designate or undesignate parameters for a batch of files. However, usage of the parameter designation file may significantly slow your bulk upload process, and therefore should only be used for batches that absolutely require properly designated parameters. For more information, see The Parameter Designation File on page 164. Troubleshooting the Control File Use the following topics when working directly in the control file. Excel Best Practices Use the following tips to help manage the large amount of information that appears when you first generate the control file: • In each tab, highlight and double click the columns to automatically resize their width before working with the control file. • Turn on data filtering. Data filtering allows you to filter by any particular value in a column. For example, you can filter the data to show only one type of conflict at a time. • DRAFT ONLY You may add columns for personal use to the right of the default columns PRODUCTION in NOT each tab, suchFOR as a Notes column. However you should not delete USE any of the control file's default columns. You can safely hide any of the columns if they are in your way or inhibiting your ability to process the contents of the control file. Renaming Files Because Windchill ProductPoint does not allow two files of the same name to exist, you may need to rename a family table as well as all the instances within that family table. Microsoft Excel's string functions help resolve conflicts that require systematically renaming a large set of data. String functions can add substrings from one column to be concatenated with another to create a unique name. For example, the following formula adds the prefix “XYZZY” prior to the “<” character to the substring of each cell in the Instance Name column of the Instances tab:="XYZZY-"&LEFT(C22,FIND("<",C22,1)-1). Dependencies Best Practices Use the following tips when working in the Dependencies tab: • 172 If missing dependents cannot be found in your source directory through any search path, and are not found already in Windchill ProductPoint, they may Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide be either unnecessary or will need to be found in another file system in a subsequent bulk load session. In this case, you can specify a resolution to allow the assembly to be loaded anyway. • The assembly referencing the missing dependency may no longer be valid and can be removed from the source directory. Family Tables Best Practices Use the following tips when troubleshooting conflicts involving family tables: • If you find duplicate family tables in your local file system and know which file should be used, it is easier to delete the duplicate file from the file system and rerun the –analyze command than to have the bulk loader skip the file. • If you have duplicate family tables and want to upload both to Windchill ProductPoint, rename one family table file (located in the Files tab) and all of its corresponding instances. If you rename a family table file, make sure that assemblies that referenced the old name now reference the new name in the Dependencies tab. DRAFT ONLY Use the following tips when troubleshooting conflicts involving instances: NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE • To resolve instance conflicts involving duplicates, try sorting the Instances Best Practices Instance Name column and filtering the column to only show rows with the duplicate string. If the instance is duplicated because two family tables include the same instance name, then you will need to determine which family table to keep and which to skip. Enter your resolution in both the Instances and Files tabs. • Using a Pivot table (or macro) can be helpful in identifying instances differences between duplicate family tables. For example, a pivot table could identify that one family table has 660 instances while the other duplicate has 661 instances. Pivot tables can also help identify cases where one instance in each duplicate table has a slight spelling difference. • When renaming an instance, be sure to check the Dependencies tab for assemblies that use that instance and carry forward the renaming as appropriate. Conflict Resolution Strategy Because the control file presents many different types of conflicts simultaneously, it is important to have a planned strategy for tackling each of those conflict types sequentially in a way that prevents needless rework. Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 173 Because each source database is unique, a universal conflict resolution is not feasible. However, the following strategy may be appropriate for many source databases: 1. After generating your control file for the first time, attempt to identify all conflicts that can be resolved by adjustments to the settings file. For example, expanding the search_path field to include more directories may find missing dependents that are currently causing errors in the control file. 2. Continue altering the settings file and regenerating the control file until all conflicts related to the settings file are resolved. 3. Next, address all duplicate dependency conflicts that can be resolved by excluding some source folders. After cleaning up the source file system to eliminate duplicate dependency conflicts due to junk or no longer used folders, recreate the control file to see if you were successful. Continue altering the source directories and regenerating the control file until the majority of duplicate dependency conflicts are resolved or can be safely ignored. 4. Finally, address duplicate family tables in the source file system. Work with the control file and your source data to determine which family table is in use and which is no longer applicable and exclude the no longer used family tables from the source file system. DRAFT ONLY Note NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE While the skip resolution tag can be used in the control file to achieve the same result, it is easier and more efficient to fix these issues in the source file system than in the control file. In some cases, however, both duplicate named family tables in different source locations will be required to be uploaded, with one (or more) being renamed during the bulk load. 5. After you have chosen which family tables need to be uploaded, utilize the rename resolution tag in the control file to resolve all remaining duplicate issues. Be sure to rename both the family table generic in the Files tab and instances in the Instances tab accordingly. Following this strategy should reduce the number of errors that occur when you run the –checkSanity command. Continue following your strategy to resolve any additional errors that result from running the –checkSanity command. Bulk Upload Strategy Creo data accumulated over time can contain data from different versions of Creo. Some of this data cannot be successfully uploaded by the bulk loader. Over time data is copied, which introduces corruption. Some of these corrupt files may not be filtered out via the control file and will pose problems when uploaded. Because 174 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide a wide variety of data can be uploaded through the bulk loader, it is possible to have some other special situations that will not be handled correctly by the bulk loader. Use the following strategy to make sure that non-corrupt data can be uploaded to the Windchill ProductPoint server. The data that remains can be tested with Creo. If Creo can successfully retrieve the data, it can then be saved to the Windchill ProductPoint server from Creo. 1. Ensure that all conflicts are properly resolved and the –checksanity command has passed before the load operation is started. For more information, see Conflict Resolution Strategy on page 173. 2. Use the default batch size of 100. (If working with higher end hardware with lot of memory, this can be increased to improve overall consumed time. It is recommended to not use a batch size higher than 500. Higher batch size can lead to instability.) 3. During the bulk upload, it is possible that Creo will crash when it encounters unexpected data. For more information on Creo errors and data recovery, see Troubleshooting Loading Data to ProductPoint on page 176. 4. A particular batch may fail during the bulk upload, but not stop the bulk upload. This happens when the import process encounters a file it cannot properly handle. Since the bulk loader uploads either all or none of the batch, the remaining objects in the batch are not uploaded. In this situation, let the bulk loader finish the bulk upload. Afterwards, the control file will report all the files that were successfully uploaded and those that were not uploaded. Reduce the batch size to 10 and restart the bulk upload. This should successfully upload more objects, while some batches will continue to fail. Restart the bulk upload using a batch size of 1. At the end of this run, most data should be uploaded successfully to the Windchill ProductPoint server. The control file will report files that were not successfully uploaded. Use Creo directly to open these objects and if Creo successfully opens those files, save the files to the Windchill ProductPoint server. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 5. Network failure may cause the bulk upload to stop. If this is encountered, ensure that you have network connectivity and restart the bulk loader using the resulting control file. A new control file must be generated using the –report command once network connectivity is established. 6. If the bulk upload becomes slow (due to slow network, large amount of data, etc), different components can time out and stop the bulk upload. Most of these timeouts are configurable. If this situation is encountered, increase the appropriate timeout and restart the bulk upload using the control file. 7. If the Windchill ProductPoint Client Manager (productpointservice.exe and productpointserviceagent.exe) crashes during the bulk upload, the bulk upload Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 175 will fail. Stop these processes, restart the client manager, generate a new control file using the –report command and restart the bulk upload. Note When objects have the status “loaded” in the control file, they are not uploaded again. In some situations, the control file is not completely updated to reflect latest load status of the files. If you are unsure of the correctness of the load status in the control file, use the –report command to generate a correct control file. For more information on the report file, see The Report File on page 169. The information and location of various log files that can provide more information about the bulk upload can be found in the following locations: • • • %tmp%/PTC_ProductPoint_Logs/windchillProductPoint-bulkloader.log %tmp%/PTC_ProductPoint_Logs/windchillProductPoint-agent-<server name.log> Creo log files (std.out, std.err, proimpex.log) are located under theCreo current working directory. DRAFT ONLY Use the following tips when troubleshooting conflicts involving family tables: NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Troubleshooting Loading Data to ProductPoint • • Recovery Best Practices Creo Toolkit Error Troubleshooting. Recovery Best Practices Use the following table when recovering Creo files. For more information on the std.out file, see Interrupting the Bulk Loader on page 168. Problem Solution Procedure 1. Open the std.out file and determine the reason the file The bulk was skipped. loader gives the following error 2. If the file was in fact skipped because of this error, then: after running a. Open the PROE_CONTROL_FILE_ the —load <Batch Number>.csv file (located in a time command: 176 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Problem Error in import control file at line: <line number> A Creo file causes Creo to crash. Solution Procedure stamped folder in the bulk loader temp directory) and find the skipped file. b. Find the corresponding line in the control file. c. Put the required resolution in the control file. 3. You may continue with the bulk upload. 1. First, determine if the file is corrupted: a. Open the std.out file. b. Locate the last Creo file mentioned and attempt to open it in Creo. c. If the file cannot be opened in Creo, then it is considered corrupted, and should not be loaded. 2. Next, you will need to reload the data: a. Allow synchronization to complete and the bulk loader to update the control file with the Load status. DRAFT b. In the controlONLY file, Enter Skip for the corrupted file. c. In your task manager, stop ProductPointServiceAgent.exe, and restart the Client NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE manager. d. Delete your server cache located within: %appdata%\PTC\ ProductPoint Service\<server name> 3. You may continue with the bulk upload using the same control file. Creo times out Analysis can take over a half hour for large data sets. If while analysis is analyzing a large data set, change the RPC_TIMEOUT variable still taking place. to prevent the machine from timing out early: 1. Navigate to My Computer ▶ Properties ▶ Advanced ▶ Environment Variables. 2. In the System Variables pane, click New. 3. In the Variable name: field, enter RPC_TIMEOUT. 4. In the Variable value: field, enter 3600. The machine will be prevented from timing out until an hour has passed. 5. Reset your machine and begin analyzing your data set. Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 177 Creo Toolkit Error Troubleshooting The following errors may appear in the command prompt window when you run the -load command: Error Resolution Procedure PRO_TK_GENERAL _ERROR The connection with the server was likely lost. Generate a report file and begin the load process again using the report file. PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS To determine the specific issue, review theCreo logs. Either your Creo session could not be found, or information on the session could not be read from the named server. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE To correct this, first verify that PRO_TK_E_NOT_FOUND Creo is running. If it is, then yourWindchill ProductPoint server name must be registered in Creo and made a primary server. A server with this alias or location/workspace is already registered. PRO_TK_E_FOUND PRO_TK_OUT_OF_MEMORY 178 Check if the server name you entered in Windchill ProductPoint is the same as the one entered in the bulk loader setting file. There was insufficient memory to build a query. Restart Creo and close other applications while running the bulk loader. Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Error Resolution Procedure PRO_TK_COMM_ERROR The Creo session refused connection. This can happen if an asynchronous application tries to connect to a Creo session that is in a conference, or if application initialization fails. PRO_TK_CANT_ACCESS To correct this, check if Creo is running. If not, start Creo and run the operation again. If Creo is running, see the preceding Recovery Best Practices section for preventing Creo from timing out. Either there was a server communication error or a lack of permission to view workspaces on your server. Check if Windchill ProductPoint server DRAFT ONLY is running and active in Creo with a valid user authentication. PRO_TK_E_AMBIGUOUS More than one Creo session with the NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE specified characteristics was found. PRO_TK_E_BUSY PRO_TK_E_IN_USE PRO_TK_NO_LICENSE Check if two Creo application instances are running. If so, close one of them. Another workspace is already registered and cannot be de-registered because there are items in theCreo session. Clear the Creo cache in your File ▶ Erase menu. The Creo session did not respond to your request for connection. Check if Creo is currently doing any operation. If so, wait untill it is complete, then clear the Creo cache in your File ▶ Erase menu. Creo could not obtain a license. Renew your Creo license. Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 179 Error Resolution Procedure PRO_TK_APP_NO_LICENSE Creo was run without the licenses needed to run this application. PRO_TK_EMPTY Renew your Creo license. Your server does not have any workspaces. Check if Windchill ProductPoint server is registered in Creo. Note If the complexities of a file make loading using the bulk loader impossible, you may be forced to manually add the file to Windchill ProductPoint. Bulk Loader Resources DRAFT ONLY Settings FileFOR Table PRODUCTION USE NOT The following table lists all settings options that can be included in your settings The following tables may be useful when running the bulk loader application. file. For more information, see the file that was downloaded to your bulk loader directory. Field Allow_Objects_ With_Missing_ Dependents= 180 Value true or false Required Notes If false, missing dependents in the control file must be resolved by identifying a different dependent name or increasing the search path in the source directories so the bulk loader will find the missing dependents. Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Field Value Required Notes Note This setting is only used for analysis. A Windchill ProductPoint setting controls whether missing dependents are allowed during the bulk upload. Attribute_Mapping_ <Path to File= save attribute mapping file> Batch_Size= 1 to 5000 Default is true. See The Attribute Mapping File on page 163. Default = 100 See Batch Size Setting on page 158. You must have write access to this file directory. Specify location of file that adds and designates a standard set of parameters and parameter values to a batch of files being uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint DRAFT ONLYY <Path to bulk loader output NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE file directory> BulkLoader_Temp _Dir= dm_parameter_designation <file path to _file= parameter designation file > See The Parameter Designation File on page 164 Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 181 Field dm_parameters_ undesignate_ not_listed= File_Types_ To_Load= Value true or false <list of file extensions> Required Notes Specifies whether to undesignate parameters currently designated in aCreo file but not listed in the parameter designation file. See The Parameter Designation File on page 164 Specify file extensions to be uploaded. All other file types will be ignored. DRAFT ONLYDefault is <*.asm, *.prt, *.drw, *.frm, *.xpr, NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE *.xas, *.sym, *.lsl, *.mrk, *.fmd, *.mdb, *.tph, *.drm, *.tx3, *.bmp, *.lay, *.sec, *.mda, *.mfg, *.lgh, *.tx1, *.tx4, *.edz> The following file types cannot be loaded to Windchill ProductPoint: 182 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Field Value Required Notes <*.exe, *.xml, *.mdb> Folder_Mapping_ File= Load_All_ Dependents= <Path to save folder mapping file> true or false Y Y Note Numeric file extensions (for example *.123) as well as wildcards in the extension (for example *.p* are not supported. See The Folder Mapping File. on page 162 Indicates whether all dependents should be collected. DRAFT ONLY Default is false. Load_All_ true or false Indicates whether NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Versions= all versions of a file residing in the same directory should be collected. Default is false. Load_Timeout= Number of Minutes See Handling Multiple Versions of the Same File on page 171 Time, in minutes, until bulk loader stops monitoring synchronization status. Default is 1,200 minutes. Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 183 Field Mark_As_Released= Value true or false ProE_Installation_ <Pro/ENGINEER Path= Wildfire bin subdirectory in installation directory> Required Notes Indicates whether the items should be marked as Released after bulk upload. Y C:\Program Files\ proeWildfire 4.0 May have one or many entries for source directories. All subdirectories will also be searched for file dependents. If set to false, dependencies will not display in the control file. Dependencies will still be added to Windchill ProductPoint, but you will not be able to use the Rename resolution for naming conflicts. <Path to directory to search for dependents> Search_Path= Default is false. Common subdirectory: DRAFT ONLY Show_dependencies true or false NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Source_Directory= <Path to source directory> Y Target_Prodpoint_ url= <Windchill ProductPoint Server URL> Y 184 Default is true. May have one or many entries for source directories. All subdirectories will also be searched for files. Your URL should end with ‘/’. Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Field Use_Last_ Modified_By= Value true or false Use_Last_Modified _Timestamp= Use_Source_ Revision_Label= Required Notes Maps Last Modified By value to Windchill ProductPoint. true or false true or false Default is false. Maps Last Modified date and time to Windchill ProductPoint. Default is false. Default is true. See Use Source Revision Label Setting on page 159. User_Mapping_File= <Path to save user mapping file> DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR Conflicts Table PRODUCTION USE The following table lists all conflicts that can exist in the analyze file: Note Instances are not files and therefore cannot be skipped. Conflict Description TargetExists Name already exists in Windchill ProductPoint Applicable Tab and Resolution Options File: Take/Rename/Skip Dependency: Take/Rename Instance: Take/Rename Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility Notes checkSanity will throw an error if the target name contains an extra extension (for example, target name a.prt.1 or or a different extension (for example, 185 Conflict Description Applicable Tab and Resolution Options Notes renaming a.prt to a.asm) TargetLocked NotFound Unreadable Duplicated Versioned Name exists and locked to write File: Rename/Skip Instance: Rename Name not found in Dependency: source directories Take/Rename File does not have File: Skip read permission More than one file File: or instance name in Take/Rename/Skip source directories Instance: Take/Rename File: More than one Take/Rename/Skip version of the file in the same directory DRM protected file File: Skip Zero file size File: Skip Problem during file File: Skip retrieval Regeneration error File: Skip DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE DRMProtected Empty RetrievalError Regeneration Error PrimaryHas Conflicts Primary content file contains conflicts within it Primary Primary content NotFound file not found in source Duplicated The primary PrimaryNotFound content file is a duplicate 186 File: Skip File: Skip File: Take/Rename/Skip Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Conflict Description IncompleteItem TargetExists* Incomplete item already exists on the Windchill ProductPoint server TypeNot Supported FileNameInvalid Applicable Tab and Resolution Options File: Take/Rename/Skip Notes Dependency: Take/Rename Instance: Take/Rename File: Skip The file type is not supported by the bulk loader or byWindchill ProductPoint File name includes File: Skip characters that are not supported by SharePoint See http://support. kb/905231 for a complete list of unsupported characters. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE File: Unknown Miscellaneous conflicts whose description can be found in proimpex.log IllegalProE File has FileName Creo extension but its name is not valid in Creo NewerFileVersion The source file analyzed is of a new version than the Creo version being used during the —Analyze command. Dep_Target File dependent exExists ists in Windchill ProductPoint Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility Take/Rename/Skip File: Take/Rename/Skip File:Skip File: Take/Rename/Skip 187 Conflict Dep_NotFound Description File dependent's name not found in source Dep_Incomplete File dependItemTargetExists* ent's incomplete item target exists in Windchill ProductPoint Inst_Duplicated File instance is duplicated Inst_Target File instance exExists ists in Windchill ProductPoint Inst_Target File instance Locked exists in Windchill ProductPoint and is locked to write Inst_Incomplete File instance's inItemTargetExists* complete item target exists in Windchill ProductPoint Applicable Tab and Resolution Options File: Take/Rename Notes File: Take/Rename/Skip File: Take/Rename/Skip File: Take/Rename File: Rename/Skip DRAFT ONLY File: NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Take/Rename/Skip *IncompleteItem indicates that a prior upload batch created a placeholder item in Windchill ProductPoint. The file found during this upload batch will replace the placeholder item on the server. You should make sure that any assemblies that use or reference the placeholder item can receive the particular file as its real replacement. If not, you may want to rename this item to avoid creating unloadable assemblies that expect different content in an item of that name. Creating Bulk Publishing Jobs Using the Representation Generation Utility Unlike the manual upload of product items into Windchill ProductPoint, bulk loading data into Windchill ProductPoint does not automatically create a publishing job to generate a visual representation of each product item that was bulk loaded. 188 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide For more information on the Windchill ProductPoint publishing service, see Using the Publishing Service on page 235. Use the Representation Generation utility command line utility to create publishing jobs to generate visual representations of those product items. The Representation Generation utility is included with your Windchill ProductPoint installation from within the \RepresentationGenerationUtility folder. If you have installed Windchill ProductPoint to its default location, you can find the utility here: C:\Program Files\PTC\ProductPoint\RepresentationGenerationUtility Before running the command, choose the format type of the visual representation by navigating to the following configuration file from your Windchill ProductPoint site: Site Settings ▶ Windchill ProductPoint Settings ▶ Open representation format settings files ▶ RepresentationRuleForBulkJobs. For each authoring application used at your organization listed in the RepresentationRuleForBulkJobs configuration file, enter the format(s) you would like generated for each content type you plan on uploading. Note Ensure that the Publishing Service Feature site feature must be enabled prior to executing this utility. DRAFT ONLY To create theFOR publishing jobs, run the Representation Generation utility from a NOT PRODUCTION USE command line or .bat file, along with the following arguments: • /siteUrl: – Enter the url of Windchill ProductPoint site. For example, /siteUrl: • /libraryPath: (optional) – Use this argument if you would like to create publishing jobs for a specific product or library. Otherwise, the utility will attempt to generate representation jobs for the whole Windchill ProductPoint site. Enter the path, in Windchill ProductPoint, to the library or product. For example, /libraryPath:/Products/MyProduct • /logFile: (optional) – Use this agrument to specify a specific path for the log file for the utility. Otherwise, a log will be placed in TEMP directory under the name RepresentationGenerationUtility.log. For example, to create publishing jobs for all items you bulk loaded to your Windchill ProductPoint product library, run the Representation Generation utility from its location using the following syntax: RepresentationGenerationUtility.exe /siteUrl:http://wpp1:1975/ /libraryPath:/Catalog Uploading Data Using the Bulk Loader Utility 189 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 9 Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator About the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator.......................................................................... Migration Process Overview .................................................................................... Exporting Models from Pro/INTRALINK.................................................................... Copying your Pro/INTRALINK Database to your Windchill ProductPoint Server........... Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Bulk Loader Utility ................................... Creating Bulk Publishing Jobs Using the Representation Generation Utility ................ DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 192 194 194 199 202 221 This chapter describes the process of uploading data to Windchill ProductPoint from Pro/INTRALINK, as well as strategies, best practices, and reference materials for using the bulk loader. 191 About the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator Use the Pro/INTRALINK migrator to export Creo models stored in a Pro/INTRALINK database into Windchill ProductPoint. Pro/INTRALINK Migrator Prerequisites Note The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader is not available to ProductPoint Express customers • Pro/INTRALINK version: ○ 3.4 M062 ○ 3.4 M063 ○ 3.4 M070 The following applications must also be installed on the client machine before running the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader: DRAFT ONLY Creo 5 or 4 M100 or greater NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Caution Note The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader only works on Windows operating systems. • If Creo 5 is used during the bulk load process, all uploaded files will be stored in Windchill ProductPoint as Creo 5 files, which are only supported in Creo 5 and higher builds. • Windchill ProductPoint 2.0 with SqlServer Standard Edition or higher (installed on the server) • Microsoft Excel (2007 recommended) must be installed on the client. must be installed along with Microsoft Excel for the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader to work correctly. Note Problems may result when using older versions of Microsoft Excel to view control or report files for file systems containing more than 65,000 files. If you encounter errors while analyzing file systems with this many files, make sure only Microsoft 2007 is installed on your machine. • 192 Windchill ProductPoint Client Manager (downloaded from Windchill ProductPoint downloads page) Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Downloading Pro/INTRALINK Migrator Setup Files Beta users can download the Pro/INTRALINK migrator’s tool to mark and export files from a Pro/INTRALINK database ( from the beta FTP site. Known Beta Issues Please review the following list of known Pro/INTRALINK migrator issues for the Windchill ProductPoint 2.0 beta release: • The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader times out when uploading large data sets corresponding to a control file of approximately 8 MB. (SPR 2008641) • Pro/ENGINEER needs to be started manually and the server must be registered with the full domain both in the proi_settings file as well as in the server registry of Pro/ENGINEER before commencing the bulk load operation. Register using the following domain syntax: DRAFT ONLY • The user mapping file must be mapped correctly before running the –load command to avoid failure during the load process. This is because the NOT FORbulkPRODUCTION USE Pro/INTRALINK loader’s –Checksanity functionality does not (SPR 2012765) fail if a user mapping file is not mapped to any target user with Windchill ProductPoint 2.0. (SPRs 2012686 and 2014425) • User created attributes are not propagated after bulk load with Windchill ProductPoint 2.0, even if they are saved in Pro/INTRALINK and are mapped to the corresponding attributes in Windchill ProductPoint. (SPR 2013419) • The attribute mapping file created after the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader’s –analyze command is run does not show parameters for the matching attributes in the Windchill ProductPoint server. After completing the bulk load process, manually check that your attributes correctly mapped to Windchill ProductPoint (SPR 2013425) • Parameters created by user in Pro/ENGINEER and saved in a Pro/INTRALINK server are not shown in the Properties page of Pro/ENGINEER files after bulk loading of files with Windchill ProductPoint 2.0. Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 193 (SPR 2013813) • Versions of files, as well as instances of family tables, that are loaded to a Windchill ProductPoint server are incremented by one after they have been uploaded. For example, a file with revision version 1\0 is loaded to server as -.2 in Windchill ProductPoint 2.0. (SPRs 2013808 and 2014001) Migration Process Overview Migrating data from a Pro/INTRALINK database to a Windchill ProductPoint server is divided into three steps, utilizing three separate tools: DRAFT ONLY Copy Pro/INTRALINK Database to Windchill ProductPoint: Next, you will NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE copy your entire Pro/INTRALINK database to Windchill ProductPoint as 1. Export Data from Pro/INTRALINK: First, you will use the ProI-Exp tool to export Creo models stored in your Pro/INTRALINK database. 2. a separate schema using the CopyProIDbUtility. This will allow the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader to add all the necessary metadata into Windchill ProductPoint. 3. Upload Models to Windchill ProductPoint: Use the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader to upload the models that you exported to your Windchill ProductPoint server so they can be viewed and modified in your Windchill ProductPoint site. Exporting Models from Pro/INTRALINK The following topics describe the tool and procedure used to export model data from a Pro/INTRALINK database. Before data can be uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint, the models that you want to load must be exported from Pro/INTRALINK using the ProI-Exp tool. Note The tool only supports Windows platform in English. 194 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide You can choose to export versions of models using one of the following three rules: • Export all latest versions (default) • Export latest versions of a specific Release Level • Export all versions You can set which model versions will be exported, along with additional configuration parameters in the export_config.xml configuration file. For more information, see Configuration File Settings on page 197. Use the ProI-Exp tool to automatically export your preferred model versions by execute a several of .bat files. These .bat files will create PTC_EXP_DATA lifecycle attribute in Pro/INTRALINK, mark the models to be exported as to _export, and check those models out to a temporary workspace to be exported using the Workspace export action. After the export .bat file runs, the values of the PTC_EXP_DATA lifecycle attribute will be updated for each model to indicate the completion (exported) or failure (failed). For a step-by-step procedure, see Running the ProI-Exp Tool on page 195. Note You may also manually modify Pro/INTRALINK’s Lifecycle attribute to mark additional model versions to be exported. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Running the ProI-Exp Tool Use the following procedure to export Pro/INTRALINK models using the ProI-Exp tool. 1. Extract the file into a directory on the machine that runs Pro/INTRALINK. Your machine must also be properly configured to both connect to your Pro/INTRALINK Commonspace and work with Creo. 2. Update parameters of the tool by modifying the configuration file: bin\export_config.xml. For more information, see Configuration File Settings on page 197. 3. Open a command window to the \bin sub-directory of the location you extracted and enter the following command (enter in one line. Do not include “<” and “>” carrots): 1_install.bat "<Pro/I launch script path>" Where <Pro/I launch script path> is the complete path to an executable that will launch Pro/INTRALINK. This script creates the remaining .bat files needed to complete this process are generated. 4. Run the following command or launch the .bat file from the directory: 2_setup.bat Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 195 This script creates the lifecycle attribute PTC_EXP_DATA, locates files that meet the version criteria set in the export_config.xml configuration file and sets browser table configurations in Pro/INTRALINK used in the export process. 5. Run the following command or launch the .bat from the directory: 3_mark_objects.bat This script sets the lifecycle attribute PTC_EXP_DATA to to_export for each model that met the version criteria set in the export_config.xml configuration file. Note If you would like to reset the value for models that have already been marked as to_export, you can unmark objects that have already been marked. To unmark all objects, run the unmark_objects.bat batch file. All model marked as to_export will be marked as do not export. Run the 3_mark_objects.bat batch file again. 6. Finally, run the following command or launch the .bat from the directory: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 4_export_objects.bat All models marked as to_export are exported to the location specified in your export_config.xml configuration file for each marked model. A message stating There are no more objects satisfying the conditions will appear when the process completes. A model’s versions and iterations will be stored in a folder structure. Each revision of a model is exported its own folder and each revision’s iteration is exported to sub-folders of the revision folder. Note If Pro/INTRALINK windows stop flashing on your client machine, then the process may have stalled. Kill the javaw.exe and xtop.exe processes in your Task Manager and launch the 4_export_objects.bat file again until the completion message appears. 7. Open a Pro/INTRALINK session and execute a search. Make sure no attributes are marked as failed or to_export. If there are models that were marked as failed, launch the remark_failed_objects.bat file to set the remaining models’ PTC_EXP_DATA attribute to to_export and return to step 6 of this process. Note If models are still marked as failed or to_export after running the remark_failed_objects.bat, reduce the batch_size export_config.xml configuration file parameter to 1 to determine the specific model that is failing. 196 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 8. When all models have been exported, you may optionally remove the ProI-Exp tool by deleting the PTC_EXP_DATA attribute, which was created in the following location: Administration ▶ Object ▶ Attributes ▶ Object Attributes. Configuration File Settings Before running the ProI-Exp tool, review and update the following export_config.xml configuration file parameters: Parameter ldb_path Description Required? Yes full path to a new folder that will be used as the local database for the exported models. If the folder does not exist, it will be created. Caution The existing local database path cannot be used, as the ProI-Exp tool will modify the local database’s environment. Pro/INTRALINK Yes administrator’s user name. Pro/INTRALINK Yes administrator’s password. Full path to the folder that the Yes models will be exported to. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE user password export_folder Note Make sure the folder has enough available disk space to store the exported models. Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 197 Parameter locate Description Required? Choose one of the following Yes rules for exporting models: • exp_latest: Exports latest versions. This is the parameter’s default value. • exp_Latest_Released: Exports latest version of specific Release level, which you will specify in the parameter release_level. • release_level exp_All: Exports all versions. Choose the release level to export. The latest version of the specified release level will be exported. Number of objects to be checked out and exported as one batch operation. Use higher number if machine resources permit. Number of objects to be processed in a given Pro/INTRALINK session. Use higher number if machine resources permit. Specify if you want to export objects out of a specific Pro/INTRALINK folder. By default, the value is empty, which means all folders under "Root Folder" will be included. Do not include a final slash (“/”). Use the following syntax: Yes if locate = exp_Latest_Released DRAFT ONLY No batch_limit NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE session_limit il_folder No No Root Folder/Blue 198 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Parameter recursive silent_exp_log Description Required? Note No This parameter is only applicable if il_folder is set to a specific folder Specify if models in sub-folders of the il_folder folder should be included recursively, by setting this parameter to true. Suppresses verbose export logging. Setting this parameter to False is not recommended. No DRAFT ONLY Database Copying your Pro/INTRALINK to your Windchill ProductPoint Server NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Use the CopyProIDbUtility command line utility, which is installed as part of yourWindchill ProductPoint server installation, to copy your Pro/INTRALINK database to your Windchill ProductPoint Server. After running this utility, all Pro/INTRALINK tables will be copied to your Windchill ProductPoint NDS database as a separate schema (‘PROI’). The data from these tables will later be used to add to models when uploading models using the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader. In order to successfully copy your Pro/INTRALINK database, both Oracle and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) must be installed and configured correctly on your Windchill ProductPoint Server. Note The user who runs CopyProIDbUtility must be added to the public role in SQL Server. Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 199 Installing an Oracle Client Use the following procedure to install and configure Oracle 10i on your Windchill ProductPoint server and verify that you can connect to your Pro/INTRALINK database: Note This procedure can also be used for Oracle 9i. 1. Login to the server machine as an admin user. 2. Download the 32 bit 10i Oracle client ( from the Oracle web site: Note You may need to register and accept the license agreement before you can download. 3. Install the Oracle client. For more information, see DRAFT ONLY Verify the system variable ORACLE_HOME was created and points to the Oracle client’s installation Reboot the server machine if you make NOT FORdirectory. PRODUCTION USE changes to this variable. 4. After you complete installation of the Oracle client, reboot the server machine. 5. 6. Verify that you can connect to the Pro/INTRALINK Oracle database using sqlplus by opening a command line and entering the following command: >sqlplus user/password@db_name user, password, and db_name are the user name, password and name (alias) for your Pro/INTRALINK Oracle database. If you are not able to connect using sqlplus, verify your Oracle client configuration file looks correct: %ORACLE_HOME%/network/admin/tnsnames.ora Installing SQL Server Integration Services The CopyProIDbUtility uses SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) which has to be installed as part of your SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition or higher installation. Use the following procedure to install SSIS or verify that it is installed. 200 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Note SSIS Runtime and therefore the CopyProIDbUtility are only supported on SQL Server Standard Edition or higher. For more information, see 1. From your server machine’s Control Panel, select Programs ▶ Programs and Features. 2. Click Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (64–bit) and click Add Features. A SQL Server 2008 Setup window appears. 3. Under Installation Type, choose Add features to an existing instance of SQL Server 2008. Click Next. 4. Under Feature Selection, check the Integration Services check box. Note If Integration Services is already checked, then the feature is already is already installed and you can Cancel the installation. DRAFT ONLY 6. Reboot the server machine once the installation is complete. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 5. Click Next for the remaining steps and complete the installation. Running the CopyProIDbUtility The CopyProIDbUtility.exe is installed as part of your Windchill ProductPoint server installation and is located in the CopyProIDbUtility sub-directoy, which can be found in the following location by default: C:\Program Files\PTC\ProductPoint\CopyProIDbUtility. To run the CopyProIDbUtility to copy your Pro/INTRALINK database to your Windchill ProductPoint server, open your command prompt in this location and run the following command (enter the command on one line. User input variables are contained in “<” and “>” carrots): >CopyProIDbUtility.exe -sourceConnection "Data Source=<Pro/INTRALINK Oracle database name>; User ID=<Oracle database user>; Password=<Oracle database password>; Provider=MSDAORA.1; Persist Security Info=True" -destConnection "Data Source=<SQL Server host>; Initial Catalog=<Windchill ProductPoint NDS Database>; Provider=SQLNCLI10;Integrated Security=SSPI;" Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 201 -logFile <Log File Path> The following notes apply to this command: • Your Pro/INTRALINK Oracle database name can be determined per tns_admin.ora configuration of your Oracle client. • You can find your Windchill ProductPoint NDS Database name in SqlServer Management Studio. • It is strongly suggested to use Integrated Security=SSPI (Network credentials ) for the destination connection. • It is required to have use Persist Security Info=True; in the source connection string. Not using it causes Oracle connection issues, however. Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Bulk Loader Utility This chapter describes the process of uploading data to Windchill ProductPoint, as well as reference materials for using the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Note The user who runs the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader must be added to the public role in SQL Sserver and also the Owner role in Windchill ProductPoint. Installing the Pro/INTRALINK Bulk Loader Utility The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader utility can be installed from the Software Downloads page of Windchill ProductPoint (windchillProductPointBulkloader.msi). The utility should be installed on the client. The client machine must have Excel installed. 202 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Preparing the Settings File Before running the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader utility, a settings file must be created containing the following relevant settings and file locations used during the bulk load process. For a complete list of settings fields, see Settings File Table on page 213. DRAFT ONLY • The Batch Size setting • The ProIFOR Released setting NOT PRODUCTION USE The following settings require additional description: Batch Size Setting The Batch_Size setting controls how many files will be processed as a batch. Keep the following in mind when working with this setting: • The default size of 100 is generally more efficient than smaller or higher values for moderately sized hardware. However, the optimum size for a batch will depend on the hardware you are using to run Creo. • The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader will attempt to group and organize the items to be uploaded into batches according to the following rules and principles: ○ Derived/secondary items should be in the same batch as the principal item. ○ Multiple versions of the same file should be in different batches, sorted by timestamp, so that earlier versions are uploaded first. ○ If an earlier version fails, subsequent versions should be excluded. ○ Family table size should be taken into account. If some file in a batch happens to be a large family table, the actual number of items uploaded in the batch may not match the batch size you entered. In these situations, include fewer files in the batch. Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 203 • Dependent items that are not already in Windchill ProductPoint and fall outside of a particular batch that has a dependency on that item will have a placeholder item created on Windchill ProductPoint during the uploading of that batch. When the subsequent batch that contains the dependant item is uploaded, the placeholder item will be replaced in Windchill ProductPoint. • Windchill ProductPoint provides a report Web Part that shows incomplete placeholder items. Use this report Web Part to be sure all incomplete items have been uploaded and resolved before considering the bulk load process to be complete. ProI Released Setting Unlike Pro/INTRALINK, Windchill ProductPoint does not allow multiple release schemes or user specified release levels. Instead items are either set to a Released or In Work state. Therefore, it is necessary to specify which Pro/INTRALINK release level(s) correspond to a Released state in Windchill ProductPoint. This is done using the ProI_Released setting. For example, if the settings specify the following, then all items at Release to Production and Released levels in Pro/INTRALINK will be set to the Released state in Windchill ProductPoint: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Where Rs1 and Rs2 are Pro/INTRALINK release schema names. ProI_Released= Release to Production(RS1), Released(RS2) Analyzing the Source Data 204 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide After preparing a settings file, run the -analyzeProIData command. From the command prompt window, run the following command (enter the command on one line): bulkloader.exe -analyzeProIDdata -settings=<settings file> -controlFile=<control file>. Note The control file and mapping files will be created by the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader after you run the —analyze command, and therefore shouldn't exist on your machine before running the —analyze command for the first time. Make sure your settings file contains the proper settings to create the mapping files you wish to create. For more information, see Settings File Table on page 213 The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader uses up to five files, some automatically created, depending on your settings file and –analyze command parameters: • The control file • The folder mapping file • The user mapping file • The attribute mapping file DRAFT ONLY Additionally, a parameter designation file should be created at this time. For more information,FOR see [MissingPRODUCTION cross reference text]. NOT USE The Folder Mapping File The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader creates a folder mapping file which lists all source and target folders. Only the uncommented lines in this file will be used when you run the –load command to determine the folder mapping. Edit this file to map source folders in Pro/INTRALINK to the target folders in Windchill ProductPoint. You can map a target folder that doesn’t exist in Windchill ProductPoint, as long as it belongs to an existing product or library. You can also choose to only map the parent folder, and the subfolders will be mapped accordingly. For example: Root Folder/Caster_Catalog=/Catalog/Parts/Mechanical/Casters Note In the above example, the target structure library Catalog ▶ Parts must exist in the Windchill ProductPoint server and be listed in the Target folders section of the folder mappings file. However, the target folders Mechanical and Casters are not required to already exist. If they are not already found, they will be created during the upload. Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 205 Root Folder/Bolts=/Catalog/Parts/Mechanical/Bolts Root Folder/standard parts=/Catalog/Parts/Mechanical Root Folder/PrimaryAssy=/Products/Engines/ ProENGINEER Documents Note All subdirectories in the source folder (left side of “=”) will be created below the folder on the right side of the “=” unless specific mappings for those subfolders are defined in the mapping file. To collapse or flatten a source folder structure into one folder on the server, each source subfolder must be mapped to the same target folder on the server. The Attribute Mapping File The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader creates an attribute mapping file which lists all Versioned Pro/INTRALINK attributes (file-based, and non file based) along with the matching server attributes. The designated source parameters which do not have a match in Windchill ProductPoint will cause a warning message when you run the –checkSanity command. To avoid the warning message, remove any parameters from the list that will not be mapped to attributes on the server. DRAFT ONLY For example: NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE ProI.DESCRIPTION.String=ProductPoint.DESCRIPTION.Text ProI.Weight.Float=ProductPoint.Weight.Float ProI.Material.String= ProductPoint.Material.String ProI.Cost.Integer= In the above example, note that ProI.Cost.Integer is not configured as a Windchill ProductPoint attribute. Therefore, the Pro/INTRALINK attribute will not be mapped to a Windchill ProductPoint attribute. If you add an integer attribute named Cost to the Windchill ProductPoint server and content type for the Creo parts, the mapping will be found and resolved when you re-run the -analyze command. 206 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide The User Mapping File The User Mapping file is used if the Use_Last_Modified setting is set to true. For example, the bulk load should assign the last modifier of the file to the Windchill ProductPoint item. The User Mapping file allows the Last Modified By users to be mapped toWindchill ProductPoint users. Note You do not need to have the User Mapping file if the Last Modified By column in the control file specifies the user name as your Windchill ProductPoint user name. The user mapping file template will be created during analysis. It may look as follows: ##### Source users ##### nazarenko ##### Target users ##### #PTCNET\aglubeva #PTCNET\knazarenko #PTCNET\nimbusall #SHAREPOINT\system DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE You can edit the file as follows: #This is my mapping nazarenko=PTCNET\knazarenko The lines starting with # are comments and are ignored during the load. You can add or remove converted lines as you wish. The Parameter Designation File You can create a parameter designation file to add and designate a standard set of parameters and parameter values to files that are bulk loaded to Windchill ProductPoint. Those parameters that match the name and type of Windchill ProductPoint server site columns are then viewable on the associated product items from the server. If family tables are included in your batch, parameters will be added for all family table instances as well. Note If a Creo file already has a matching parameter name with a mismatched type to the parameter designation file, then this parameter is not changed. From the parameter designation file, you can specify the type and access level of a parameter that will be added to all bulk uploaded files. Each parameter listed will be designated after the batch is uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint. If a file Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 207 does not have the parameter listed in the parameter designation file, the system will create and designate the parameter and optionally set a default value for the new parameter. You may also add new parameters to your batch with values that are added based on relations to existing parameters. For example, you could create a new parameter by adding the values of two existing parameters or by calculating a mathematical expression involving another parameter in the Creo file. If a default value is listed for that parameter, any relations defined in the parameter designation file will override the default value. To use the parameter designation file, you must include the setting dm_parameter_designation_file in your settings file. The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader creates a parameter designation file in the location specified in this setting. Additionally, if you would like to undesignate any designated parameters that are not listed in the parameter designation file, you can include dm_parameters_undesignate_not_listed=true in your settings file. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Use the following syntax to designate or undesignate parameters: ND_RelParSet_K01 = { NAME = test1 PARAMETERS = { Name = My_Bool Type = bool Default = true }, { Name = My_String Type = string Default = 'defaultvalue' }, { Name = My_Int Type = integer Default = 15 }, { Name = My_Real Type = real Default = 1.0 m/sec }, { Name = My_Real_2 Type = real Default = 2.0 in }, { Name = My_Real_3 Type = real Default = 3.0 }, { Name = My_Real_4 208 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Type = real Default = 4.0 } RELATIONS = My_String = MODELED_BY My_Bool = DESCRIPTION My_Real_4 = 5.6 IF My_Real_4 == 5.6 My_Real_2=My_Real_4 ELSE My_Real_2=My_Real ENDIF } Note Default, Access, and Relations are optional. Note Do not include empty default values (Default=<blank>). Caution Usage of the parameter designation file may significantly slow your bulk upload process, and therefore should only be used for batches that absolutely require properly designated parameters. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE The Control File The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader creates a control file that lists information about each file, assembly dependency, and family table instance in the analyzed source data. The control file lists any conflicts that would occur if the source data was uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint as is. The control file is intended to be edited with Microsoft Excel to enter resolutions for those conflicts. The control file contains four tabs: Files, Dependencies, Instances, and Summary. Any conflicts will list in the Conflicts column of each tab. Enter resolutions to conflicts in the Resolutions column. For a list of all potential conflicts and the potential resolutions that can be entered, see Conflicts Table on page 218. Tip Printing out the conflicts table can save time when working with the control file. You can also enter setting options for specific items in the control file by entering a value into one of the following columns in the control file: Set Released state, Use Last modified by, and Target Version. Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 209 Verifying Files After you have resolved all conflicts and mapped the desired folders and attributes from your source data to Windchill ProductPoint, verify that the control and mapping files will properly load the source data: In the command prompt window, run the following command (enter the command on one line): DRAFT ONLY bulkloader.exe -checkSanity -settings=<settings file location> -controlFile=<new control file location> NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE The command prompt window displays the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader's progress, as well as any errors or warnings the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader finds: 1. If an error message appears in the command prompt window, work with your mapping and control files to correct the files as needed. Error troubleshooting may require that you perform the —analyze command again. If so, reference the old control file. 2. If no error messages appear in the command prompt window, you may proceed to running the upload command. Note Since these messages are displayed only in the command window, they may scroll off screen and be missed. If you acquire one of several freely available 3rd party “tee” utilities, you can simultaneously capture the command window output in a persistent log file by appending 2>&1 | tee <logfile name>. 210 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Uploading Data and Creating a Report If no errors occur, upload the data to Windchill ProductPoint: 1. Suspend all other activity on the source network file system and the server. 2. In the command prompt window, run the following command (enter the command on one line): DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR The command promptPRODUCTION window displays the Pro/INTRALINKUSE bulk loader's bulkloader.exe -load -settings=<settings file location> -controlFile=<control file location> progress. After each batch is uploaded, a message appears stating whether the batch loaded successfully or not. 3. The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader notifies you when it has uploaded all data to Windchill ProductPoint. Afterward, the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader monitors the synchronization status as Creo files are synchronized between the local file system and Windchill ProductPoint. 4. After synchronization completes (or after timeout), the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader updates the Load status column in the control file. Interrupting the Bulk Loader Problems may force you to interrupt the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader while it is loading data to Windchill ProductPoint. To interrupt the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader, press CTRL-C. The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader finishes processing the immediate batch it is working on and the remaining batches are not uploaded. Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 211 Caution After interrupting an upload batch, do not run the –load command with the same control file, as the control file will unnecessarily iterate already created items. Instead, run the -report command and use the generated report file as the new control file. See The Report File section below for more information. If you need to interrupt the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader because the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader is having problems importing files from Creo, the files std.out and proimpex.log can be used to identify the problem. These files may be stored in different places, depending on how you launched your session of Creo: • If you started Creo from the shortcut that was created during install, then the files will be written to the Start In directory mentioned in the shortcut. • If Creo was started by the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader, then the files will be written to the same directory from which the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader was started. Because multiple std.out files may exist from multiple attempts to launch Creo, check the timestamp of the std.out file to confirm that it is the correct std.out file. DRAFT ONLY The NOT Report File FOR PRODUCTION USE If you need to interrupt the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader during an upload batch, you can generate a report file to see which files were successfully uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint. To generate the report file, run the following command (enter the command on one line): -report -settings=<setting file> -reportfile=<report file> Tip Using a different name for your report file than for your old control file allows you to compare any additional status information in the report file with your old control file. You may optionally enter -session=<session name> along with the above bulk load parameters, if you wish to create a report for a specific session. Otherwise, the latest session bulk load session will be used for the report. The Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader generates a Microsoft Excel report file that lists whether files were uploaded or not in the Load Status column. When you run the -load command again, declare the report file instead of the old control file to ensure that previously uploaded items are not uploaded again. 212 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Settings File Table The following table lists all settings options that can be included in your settings file. For more information, see the sample file below: Note For the Windchill ProductPoint beta release, you will need to create this settings file manually. Formatting characters may need to be removed if copying and pasting text from the below sample properties file. # This is a sample setting file for Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader # ATTENTION: This line is required for Pro/INTRALINK Load !!! Is_ProI_Load=true #Host name for Windchill ProductPoint database WPP_Db_Host={Windchill ProductPoint database host} #Name of Windchill ProductPoint NDS database WPP_NDS_Db_Name={Windchill ProductPoint NDS database name} DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE #Root directory to which Pro/INTRALINK content files were exported, e.g. C:\PTC\ProILoader\ExportDir ProI_Export_Directory={Root export directory path} #Comma separated list of Pro/INTRALINK release levels (with release schemes) which correspond to Windchill ProductPoint 'Released' state. E.g. "Release to Production(RS1), Released(RS2)" ProI_Released={comma separated list of release levels} #Url of target ProductPoint server e.g. Target_ProductPoint_Url={Target Product point url } # Proe_installation_path is the location where bin directory in your Pro/E installation resides. E.g. - "C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 4.0" OR "W:\shipsrcl03_3\spg\system_1" Proe_Installation_Path={Pro/E installation directory} #Path of temporary directory used by bulkloader BulkLoader_Temp_Dir={Temp Dir Path} #Path of attribute mapping file, e.g. C:\PTC\bulkload\attr_map.txt. This setting is optional but recommended. If present, the file will be created by -analyze operation and will show the list of versioned Pro/INTRALINK attributes and whether they have a matching attribute in Windchill ProductPoint. Attribute_Mapping_File={Attribute mapping file path} #Path of Folder mapping file, e.g. C:\PTC\bulkload\folder_map.txt. This file will be created by -analyze operation Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 213 Folder_Mapping_File={Folder Mapping File Path} #Path of user mapping file, e.g. C:\PTC\bulkload\user_map.txt. This setting is optional but recommended. If present, the file will be created by -analyze operation and can be used to map Pro/INTRALINK users to Windchill ProductPoint users. User_Mapping_File={User mapping file path} #The number of files to be transferred as a single batch default is 100. Batch_Size=100 #Time, in minutes, that bulk loader will stay alive to monitor the synchronization status. Default is 20 hours. Load_Timeout=1200 #Use_Last_Modified_Timestamp indicates whether to use last modified date/time in the Pro/INTRALINK system as the last modified date/time in Windchill ProductPoint. Values allowed – True, False. Recommended Value – true. Use_Last_Modified_Timestamp=true #Use_Last_Modified_By indicates whether to use last modifier in the Pro/INTRALINK system as the last modifier in Windchill ProductPoint, A proper user mapping must be provided. Values allowed – True, False. Recommended Value – true. Use_Last_Modified_By=true DRAFT ONLY The following table lists all fields that can be entered into your settings file. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Field Value Attribute_Mapping_ <Path to File= save attribute mapping file> Batch_Size= 1 to 5000 BulkLoader_Temp _Dir= 214 <Path to Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader output file directory> Required Notes See The Attribute Mapping File on page 206. Default = 100 Y See Batch Size Setting on page 203. You must have write access to this file directory. Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Field Value dm_parameter_designation <file path to _file= parameter designation file > dm_parameters_ undesignate_ not_listed= Required Notes Specify location of file that adds and designates a standard set of parameters and parameter values to a batch of files being uploaded to Windchill ProductPoint See The Parameter Designation File on page 207 Specifies whether to undesignate parameters currently designated in aCreo file but not listed in the parameter designation file. true or false DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Folder_Mapping_ File= Is_ProI_Load Load_Timeout= <Path to save folder mapping file> True Number of Minutes Y See The Parameter Designation File on page 207 See The Folder Mapping File. on page 205 Y Time, in minutes, until Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader stops monitoring synchronization status. Default is 1,200 minutes. Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 215 Field Mark_As_Released= Value true or false Required Notes Indicates whether all items should be marked as Released after bulk upload. ProE_Installation_ <Pro/ENGINEER Path= Wildfire bin subdirectory in installation directory> Y ProI_Export_Directory Pro/INTRALINK content files export root directory (export directory of Pro/INTRALINK export tool) ProI_Released Comma separated list of Pro/INTRALINK release levels (with release schemes) which correspond to 'Released' state in Windchill ProductPoint Show_dependencies true or false Y Default is false. Common subdirectory: C:\Program Files\ proeWildfire 4.0 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE N See ProI Released 216 Setting on page 204. When set to false, dependencies will not display in the control file. Dependencies will still be added to Windchill ProductPoint, but you will not be able to use the Rename resolution for naming conflicts. Set to Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Field Value Target_Productpoint_<Windchill url= ProductPoint Server URL> Use_Last_ Modified_By= Required Notes false when loading Pro/INTRALINK data into a new database for better performance. Y true or false Default is false. Your URL should end with ‘/’ and should include the domain path, for example as opposed to http://wpp2:1975/ Maps Pro/INTRALINK Last Modified By value to Windchill ProductPoint. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Recommended value Use_Last_Modified _Timestamp= is True. Maps Last Modified date and time to Windchill ProductPoint. true or false Recommended value is True. User_Mapping_File= <Path to save user mapping file> WPP_Db_Host <Windchill ProductPoint server name> WPP_NDS_Db_Name <Windchill ProductPoint NDS database> Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator Y Y 217 Conflicts Table The following table lists all conflicts that can exist in the analyze file: Note Instances are not files and therefore cannot be skipped. Conflict Description TargetExists Name already exists in Windchill ProductPoint Applicable Tab and Resolution Options File: Take/Rename/Skip Dependency: Take/Rename Instance: Take/Rename Notes checkSanity will throw an error if the target name contains an extra extension (for example, target name a.prt.1 or or a different extension (for example, renaming a.prt to a.asm) DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE TargetLocked Name exists and File: Rename/Skip locked to write NotFound Unreadable Duplicated Versioned DRMProtected Empty RetrievalError 218 Instance: Rename Name not found in Dependency: source directories Take/Rename File does not have File: Skip read permission More than one file File: or instance name in Take/Rename/Skip source directories Instance: Take/Rename File: More than one Take/Rename/Skip version of the file in the same directory DRM protected file File: Skip Zero file size File: Skip Problem during file File: Skip retrieval Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Conflict Regeneration Error PrimaryHas Conflicts Description Applicable Tab and Resolution Options Regeneration error File: Skip Primary content file contains conflicts within it Primary Primary content NotFound file not found in source Duplicated The primary PrimaryNotFound content file is a duplicate IncompleteItem Incomplete item TargetExists* already exists on the Windchill ProductPoint server Notes File: Skip File: Skip File: Take/Rename/Skip File: Take/Rename/Skip Dependency: DRAFT ONLY Take/Rename Instance: NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Take/Rename TypeNot Supported FileNameInvalid Unknown The file type is not File: Skip supported by the Pro/INTRALINK bulk loader or byWindchill ProductPoint File name includes File: Skip characters that are not supported by SharePoint Miscellaneous conflicts whose description can be found in proimpex.log Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator See http://support. kb/905231 for a complete list of unsupported characters. File: Take/Rename/Skip 219 Conflict Description NewerFileVersion The source file analyzed is of a new version than the Creo version being used during the —Analyze command. IllegalProE File has FileName Creo extension but its name is not valid in Creo Dep_Target File dependent exExists ists in Windchill ProductPoint Dep_NotFound File dependent's name not found in source Dep_Incomplete File dependItemTargetExists* ent's incomplete item target exists in Windchill ProductPoint Inst_Duplicated File instance is duplicated Inst_Target File instance exExists ists in Windchill ProductPoint Inst_Target File instance Locked exists in Windchill ProductPoint and is locked to write Inst_Incomplete File instance's inItemTargetExists* complete item target exists in Windchill ProductPoint Applicable Tab and Resolution Options File:Skip Notes File: Take/Rename/Skip File: Take/Rename/Skip File: Take/Rename DRAFT ONLY File: NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Take/Rename/Skip 220 File: Take/Rename/Skip File: Take/Rename File: Rename/Skip File: Take/Rename/Skip Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide *IncompleteItem indicates that a prior upload batch created a placeholder item in Windchill ProductPoint. The file found during this upload batch will replace the placeholder item on the server. You should make sure that any assemblies that use or reference the placeholder item can receive the particular file as its real replacement. If not, you may want to rename this item to avoid creating unloadable assemblies that expect different content in an item of that name. Creating Bulk Publishing Jobs Using the Representation Generation Utility Unlike the manual upload of product items into Windchill ProductPoint, bulk loading data into Windchill ProductPoint does not automatically create a publishing job to generate a visual representation of each product item that was bulk loaded. For more information on the Windchill ProductPoint publishing service, see Using the Publishing Service on page 235. Use the Representation Generation utility command line utility to create publishing jobs to generate visual representations of those product items. The Representation Generation utility is included with your Windchill ProductPoint installation from within the \RepresentationGenerationUtility folder. If you have installed Windchill ProductPoint to its default location, you can find the utility here: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE C:\Program Files\PTC\ProductPoint\RepresentationGenerationUtility Before running the command, choose the format type of the visual representation by navigating to the following configuration file from your Windchill ProductPoint site: Site Settings ▶ Windchill ProductPoint Settings ▶ Open representation format settings files ▶ RepresentationRuleForBulkJobs. For each authoring application used at your organization listed in the RepresentationRuleForBulkJobs configuration file, enter the format(s) you would like generated for each content type you plan on uploading. Note Ensure that the Publishing Service Feature site feature must be enabled prior to executing this utility. To create the publishing jobs, run the Representation Generation utility from a command line or .bat file, along with the following arguments: • /siteUrl: – Enter the url of Windchill ProductPoint site. For example, /siteUrl: • /libraryPath: (optional) – Use this argument if you would like to create publishing jobs for a specific product or library. Otherwise, the utility will Uploading Data Using the Pro/INTRALINK Migrator 221 attempt to generate representation jobs for the whole Windchill ProductPoint site. Enter the path, in Windchill ProductPoint, to the library or product. For example, /libraryPath:/Products/MyProduct • /logFile: (optional) – Use this agrument to specify a specific path for the log file for the utility. Otherwise, a log will be placed in TEMP directory under the name RepresentationGenerationUtility.log. For example, to create publishing jobs for all items you bulk loaded to your Windchill ProductPoint product library, run the Representation Generation utility from its location using the following syntax: RepresentationGenerationUtility.exe /siteUrl:http://wpp1:1975/ /libraryPath:/Catalog DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 222 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide III Administration DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 10 Administering Windchill ProductPoint Retrieving Windchill ProductPoint Information........................................................... Managing File Content Growth ................................................................................ Using the Publishing Service ................................................................................... Using the Products and Catalogs Organizational Concept ......................................... Leveraging and Repurposing the Products Organizational Concept ........................... Access and Visibility of Products.............................................................................. Enabling SharePoint Services Search Server ........................................................... Publishing AutoCAD and ProductView Installer Links on Downloads Page ................. Windchill ProductPoint Views .................................................................................. Content Types and Properties ................................................................................. Windchill ProductPoint Settings ............................................................................... Enabling E-Mail Notification for the Windchill ProductPoint Deployment ..................... Activating and Deactivating Features ....................................................................... Modifying Upload Size ............................................................................................ DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 226 232 235 238 241 241 245 246 251 254 256 258 258 264 This chapter describes tasks administrators can perform after the Windchill ProductPoint installation is complete. 225 Retrieving Windchill ProductPoint Information This chapter describes the various ways you can retrieve information about your Windchill ProductPoint server and client machine that may be helpful when troubleshooting issues. Downloading Client Information Use the following procedure to retrieve a ZIP file with information about a client machine that is connecting to a Windchill ProductPoint server: 1. Click the About Windchill ProductPoint link at the bottom of your window. 2. From the window that appears, click the Download Client Information link. 3. Choose a location on your machine to save the Client Info ZIP file. Click OK. The Client Info ZIP file contains the following information: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE • Machine Information: • ○ Host Name ○ Physical Address ○ IP Address ○ Total Physical Memory ○ CPU Architecture ○ Free Space on Hard Drive ○ Graphics Card Windchill ProductPoint Products Information: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 226 Windchill ProductPoint Client Manager All versions of Pro/ENGINEER VFS Windchill ProductPoint Client Service ProductView Plugin for Acrobat ProdcutView Express WindchillProductPointExplorer Windchill ProductPoint BulkLoader All versions of Mathcad All versions of SolidWorks Windchill Integration to AutoCAD 2009 for PTC SharePoint Products Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide ○ Windchill Integration to AutoCAD 2010 for PTC SharePoint Products ○ All versions of AutoCAD ○ All versions of Microsoft .NET Framework • Operating System ○ OS Name ○ OS Version ○ System Locale ○ Input Locale ○ User • The PTC _CACHE_LIMIT environmental variable • All Windchill ProductPoint running processes corresponding to the above products are listed • Windchill ProductPoint Services information on the PTC VFS Controller Service • (depending on the server name) • windchillProductPoint-bootstrap.log • Config.fld file • Pro/ENGINEER related files - std.out, std.err, Proimpex.log, ptcsetup.log, trail.*, traceback.*, pps_dbg_log*, pps_dbg_ntf_log*. • AutoCAD related files - PtcWppWgmAutoCAD_log.txt, acaddon_2010_integration.*, acaddon_2009_integration.*, acaddon_2011_integration.* DRAFT ONLY • All the recipe files from {proe installation dir}\apps\prodview\recipe directory NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE • file Downloading Server Information Use the following procedure to retrieve a ZIP file with information about the server that is running Windchill ProductPoint: 1. Click the About Windchill ProductPoint link at the bottom of your window. 2. From the window that appears, click the Download Server Information link. 3. Choose a location on your machine to save the ServerInfo ZIP file. Click OK. The ServerInfo ZIP file contains the following information: • Machine Info: Administering Windchill ProductPoint 227 ○ ○ ○ ○ • Host Name Physical Address IP Address DHCP Enabled : If DHCP is enabled then IP address is dynamic else it is static. ○ Total Physical Memory ○ CPU Architecture ○ Domain Role ○ Free Space on each Hard Drive ○ System Manufacturer ○ System Product Name Operating System: • • ○ OS Name ○ OS Version ○ System Locale ○ Input Locale ○ User ○ .Net Version ○ Sharepoint Version The status and type of all services on the server SQL Server Information: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Note This information is retrieved only if the SQL Server is present on the same machine as the Windchill ProductPoint server. ○ ○ ○ ○ Version of SQL server SQLPath (Installation location of server) Log File Size (for both the NDS and Content databases) Log File Location (for both the NDS and Content databases) • 1. Windchill ProductPoint: “HKLM\SOFTWARE\PTC\Windchill ProductPoint” ○ ○ ○ ○ 228 Location Version Build Date Build Label Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide ○ Install Date ○ Assembly version ○ Setup information (Farm/Standalone) ○ Windchill ProductPoint web application URL ○ Alternate access URL Advanced Techniques for Changing Logging Levels The following information is for advanced users only and should be used only after reviewing all log files that can be retrieved through standard processes. For more information on capturing these logs, see Retrieving Windchill ProductPoint Information on page 226. There are three different processes that write out these traces. Depending on which process is being investigated, one or more of these changes should be made: • Server Logs • Deployment Logs • Client Logs DRAFT ONLY Changing Windchill ProductPoint Server Log Levels NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Use the following procedure to enable detailed logging for server logs: 1. First, modify IIS logging by opening SharePoint Central Administration (Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration). 2. Select Application Management tab. 3. Click on Manage Web application features within the SharePoint Web Application Management group. 4. Change level: a. To enable verbose output: i. Deactivate “Windchill ProductPoint Logging” feature. ii. Activate “Windchill ProductPoint Diagnostics” feature. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 229 Note If you want more control, you can change the configuration file located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\1975\web.config. If Windchill ProductPoint system is customized to use a different port number, replace 1975 with the port number used by the Windchill ProductPoint system). For these changes to take effect, IIS needs to be reset using command iisreset in a command prompt window. 5. Windchill ProductPoint service uses this configuration file: Ptc.Nimbus.Service.WindowsService.exe.config While the transaction monitor service uses this configuration file: Ptc.Nimbus.Service.TransactionMonitorService.exe.config Open these configuration files from the Windchill ProductPoint installation directory, find all instances of Information and replace with Verbose. (The source name controls the area of the code writing out the logs). Caution These changes take effect after IIS reset and restart of services: wppservice and wpptmservice. Restart IIS and services when the server is not actively used, otherwise data loss is possible. 6. DRAFT ONLY The following log files are modified: NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE • On Windows 2003 Server: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\PTC\ProductPoint\Logs\*.etl • On Windows 2008 Server: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\PTC\ProductPoint\Logs\*.etl Changing Windchill ProductPoint Deployment Log Levels These logs contain a trace of activities during the Windchill ProductPoint installation, configuration and uninstall. To enable detailed logging, the following configuration files must be modified after Windchill ProductPoint setup, but before Windchill ProductPoint deployment: • %ProgramFiles%\PTC\ProductPoint\PTC\Bin\DeploymentWizard.exe.config • %ProgramFiles%\PTC\ProductPoint\PTC\Bin\Retractor.exe.config • %ProgramFiles%\PTC\ProductPoint\PTC\Bin\WPPAdmin.exe.config 230 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Find and replace Info with Debug in the following fragment in each of the above files to enable deployment logging: <root> <level value="DEBUG" /> Note To disable this log, change the level value back to INFO. The following log files are modified: • %ProgramFiles%\PTC\ProductPoint\Logs \DeploymentWizard.log* • %ProgramFiles%\PTC\ProductPoint\Logs \WPPAdmin.log* • %ProgramFiles%\PTC\ProductPoint\Logs \Retractor.log* Changing Windchill ProductPoint Client Log Levels These configuration files contain a log of both agent bootstrapping activities that happen during service registration and session connection and agent session activities and communications with an authoring application and the server. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Find and replace Info with Debug in the following fragment in each of the To enable detailed logging for client manager logs, open the following configuration file: %ProgramFiles%\PTC\WindchillProductPointClientManager\ProductPointSe above files to enable deployment logging: <root> <level value="DEBUG" /> Note To disable this log, change the level value back to INFO. Modify the same fragment to enable verbose logging for Windchill ProductPoint client manager agent logs from the following configuration file: %APPDATA%\PTC\ProductPointServiceAgent\ <build_and_date_code>\ProductPointServiceAgent.exe.config Note The folder name will depend on the version of the deployed Windchill ProductPoint. When there are more than one such directories, use the one with a datecode that matches your installation of Windchill ProductPoint. This folder name can also be found as value of PPSBuildLabel element in xml file: http://wppserver:<port>/Downloads/ProductPointServiceSetup.xml Note These changes take effect after the client manager and agent are re-started. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 231 The following log file is modified: %TMP%\windchillProductPoint-*.log* Managing File Content Growth The following topics describe ways in which you can limit the growth of file content in your Windchill ProductPoint system by either manually or automatically deleting minor versions and iterations of items. Deleting Minor Versions Minor versions can be deleted manually or by scheduling a job to automatically delete them on an hourly basis. Note If an item is a family table member, then more restrictions apply. For more information, see Deleting Minor Versions of Family Tables on page 233 DRAFT ONLY Minor versions can be explicitly deleted from the item version history page individually per item by user using the following procedure: NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 1. On the Item Property page of your item, click . Manually Deleting Minor Versions Version History 2. Click Delete Minor Versions. 3. All minor versions are deleted, except the latest version if it is a minor version. Released versions will not be deleted. Automatically Deleting Minor Versions Use the following procedure to automatically delete minor versions on a structure library: 1. In Windchill ProductPoint, navigate to your structure library site, then go to Library settings ▶ Versioning Settings. 2. Check Keep drafts for the following number of major versions and enter the number of major versions for which you would like to keep non-released minor versions. Note A released or latest version, even if it is a minor version, is never deleted. 232 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide For example, if you have the following versions of an item stored in Windchill ProductPoint: • • • • • • • C.2 (latest) C.1 C.0 (released version) B.1 B.0 (released version) A.1 A.0 (released version) Choosing two major versions keeps all released versions (A.0, B.0, and C.0) of the item, along with the minor versions of the last two major versions (C.1, C.2, and B.1). If you choose one major version, all released versions (A.0, B.0, and C.0) are kept, but only minor versions C.1 and C.2 are kept. 3. Click Submit. The next time the Delete Minor Versions job runs, it will delete the appropriate minor versions from your structure library. DRAFT ONLY Deleting Minor Versions of Family Tables NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE A Family table typically contains a generic and one or more instances. Information of all the instances and the generic reside in a single file, but they are separate items in Windchill ProductPoint. All the following rules of minor version deletion of a standalone product item also apply to family table members: • • Released versions cannot be deleted during minor version deletion. Retention of minor versions is determined by the Keep drafts for the following number of major versions field. Because the deletion of a minor version of an instance/generic will also delete all the versions of a family table where those versions are present, a version of an item contained in a family table version can only be deleted if that version of the item exists in each other instance/generic item in a different family table version. For example, consider the below family table: Family Table Version 1 2 3 G I1 I2 I3 -.1 -.2 -.2 -.1 -.2 A.0 -.1 -.1 -.2 -.1 A.0 A.0 Administering Windchill ProductPoint 233 Family Table Version 4 5 6 7 G I1 I2 I3 -.3 A.0 A.1 A.2 A.1 B.0 B.1 B.1 -.2 A.0 A.0 A.0 A.0 A.0 A.1 A.2 In the above family table, if the generic (G) item is selected for minor version deletion, then no versions of G would be considered valid for deletion and nothing will be deleted. The following table shows why they cannot be deleted: Version of Can delete? G -.1 No -.2 Why? I1 and I3 becomes invalid because their -.1 version is not present in any other family table version than the one where -.1 of G is present I1 becomes invalid, because versions -.2 and A.0 are not present in any other family table version than the one where -.2 of G is present I1 becomes invalid because A.1 is not present in any other FTV than the one where -.3 of G is present G is released I3 becomes invalid because versions A.1 is not present in any other family table version than the one where A.1 of G is present I3 becomes invalid because versions -A.1 is not present in any other family table version than the one where A.2 of G is present DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE No -.3 No A.0 A.1 No No A.2 No Note I1’s -.2 version can be deleted, because each other generic’s and instance’s version from family table version 2 are contained in another Family Table version. 234 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide In this example, if both G and I1 are selected for the same delete version job, then conflict checking will be different. In that case -.3 of G can also be deleted because the conflicting version of I1, A.1, which was making it invalid, is also part of the deletion. So together they both can be deleted. One delete version job can contain versions of standalone as well of family table Product Items. Using the Publishing Service The Windchill ProductPoint publishing service allows you to generate visual representations of product items stored in Windchill ProductPoint in a number of formats. Visual representations of items are automatically scheduled to be generated both when product items are added to Windchill ProductPoint and when items are Released. You can also manually schedule a visual representation of an item to be generated. Visual representations of items are generated on individual users’ machines. You can configure your machine to generate representations when you are away. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Your Windchill ProductPoint site stores the product items scheduled to be published in the Jobs list, available from your site’s Quick Launch menu. For more information, see The Publishing Jobs List on page 236. Job Property Pages When you click a job’s name from the Jobs list, the job’s property page appears. A job’s property page lists the Details of the job, the Selected Items that will be published as representations during this job, and details about the Failure of the job, if applicable. To delete the job, click Delete Item. To modify the priority of the job: 1. Click Edit Item. 2. Choose a priority from the Priority drop down menu: • (1) High: The job will be published by the next available machine. If other jobs are marked as (1) High, the jobs will be published in the order they were scheduled. • (2) Normal: The job will be published in the order it was scheduled, after all other jobs are marked as (1) High have been published. • (3) Low: The job will be published in the order it was scheduled, after all other jobs are marked as (2) Normal have been published. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 235 The Publishing Jobs List Every job that is scheduled to be published as a visual representation can be viewed in Windchill ProductPoint from the Jobs list, available from your site’s Quick Launch menu. Note Accessing the ProductPoint Publishing Service through Reports is not supported for beta. Jobs List Actions The following actions can be performed on all jobs in the jobs list: • • • • Delete All Jobs: Deletes all jobs from the list. Delete Completed Jobs: Deletes all jobs whose status is set to Completed. Delete Failed Jobs: Deletes all jobs whose status is set to Failed. Restart Failed Jobs: Removes information about failed attempts to generate representation(s) from jobs’ property pages and sets the status of previously failed jobs to Ready. DRAFT ONLY Jobs List Columns The NOT list contains the following columns: FOR PRODUCTION USE Jobs Column Name Job Status Description Each publishing job is given a job number, which indicates its place in the queue. Lower numbered jobs will be published first. You can click this number to see a job’s property page. For more information, see Job Property Pages on page 235. Publishing jobs have three different statuses. Note Use the list’s View drop-down to view jobs of a specific status, such as all jobs, active jobs (jobs that are ready and in work) or jobs you initiated. • Ready: The product item is waiting to be published. 236 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Column Name Description • Completed: A visual representation of the product item has been successfully published. • Failed: The client machine was unable to publish a visual representation of the product item. Type Source Object Events Representation is the only type of job currently supported. Click this link to see the top level product item. The event that initiated the publishing job: • Manual: The publishing job was manually initiated. • : The publishing job was DRAFT ONLY automatically initiated when a product item was added without an associated visual representation. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE • : The publishing job was Upload Release Initiator Processing Agent Created Modified automatically initiated when a product item was released. The user that initiated the publishing job. The client machine that published the visual representation. The date and time the publishing job was created. The date and time the publishing job was modified. Publishing Service Settings and Configuration For each supported authoring application’s content type, Windchill ProductPoint administrators can set the rules for what formats a product item can be published into. Additionally, administrators can modify the formatting property files used when users’ machines generate representations. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 237 To make these settings and configuration changes, navigate to Site Settings ▶ Windchill ProductPoint Settings. The following settings and configuration options are available: • Representation Generation Rules: Click Open representation format settings files to modify the XML files that control format types that are generated automatically on upload and release, as well as the list of format types that a user can choose to generate when manually scheduling a publishing job. Note Selecting multiple product items and generating the STEP format type are not supported for the Beta release. • Representation Format Settings Files: Click Open representation format settings files to modify formatting property files used when users’ machines generate representations. Using the Products and Catalogs Organizational Concept DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE SharePoint limitations do not support the movement of data from one structure library to another (across site moves) in Windchill ProductPoint. If you anticipate the need to continually move data from one structure library to another, you may prefer to manage all structure content using the catalog site’s flexible hierarchy of folders rather than using product sites. Moving data from one folder location in the catalog site to another folder in the same catalog site can be done without issue. Moving data from a product site to another product site or to a folder in the catalog site is not supported with Windchill ProductPoint 1.1; however, an assembly stored to a product site can reference and use components that are stored and managed in the catalog site or even other product sites. If your typical use-model is to store your individual components and standard parts (to specific catalog folders, for example), and then store assemblies that use the previously stored standard or component parts, the products tab/site use-model could remain. If your use-model is to add entire assemblies (consisting of new parts) to a product site all at once, and later move any standard catalog parts to specific folders in the catalog, then you may want to consider using the catalog’s folder management system exclusively. 238 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide To prevent use of the products concept, remove the Product tab using the following steps: 1. Remove the products tab from the top link bar. a. Navigate to the Home site. b. Go to Site Settings. c. Under Look and Feel, click Top link bar. DRAFT ONLY d. Click the icon next to . NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Edit Products Products e. Click Delete. 2. Remove read permissions for the product site. Although the product tab is hidden, you can still access the top level product site and the sub-sites below it. To prevent this indirect access, you must remove read permissions for all users except the administrator. By default, all individual product sites below the top level product site inherit permissions Administering Windchill ProductPoint 239 from the parent site. Disabling access to the top level product site will restrict access to all specific product sites as well. Note Delete any structure content for the product site structure libraries in order to prevent naming conflicts when saving data into the catalog site. a. Navigate to Products ▶ Site Settings. b. Under Users and Permissions click Advanced permissions. DRAFT ONLY c. NOT From the FOR menu, select . PRODUCTION USE Actions Edit Permissions d. Select all users and groups except the system administrator. e. From the Actions menu, select Remove User Permissions. 240 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide f. To verify that the user permissions have been removed, log in as a user, other than the system administrator, and verify that the products site does not appear in the following places: • The Sites link in the left-hand tree navigation • The client agent from within Creo Leveraging and Repurposing the Products Organizational Concept If your organization would prefer a label other than “products,” for example “project,” complete the following steps: 1. 1. Change the title of Products site. a. Navigate to Products site. b. Click Site Settings. c. Under Look and Feel, click Title, description, and icon. DRAFT ONLY a. Navigate to HomePRODUCTION site NOT FOR USE b. Click . d. In the Title field, enter Project Teams. 2. Change the text displayed in the top navigation bar. Site Settings c. Under Look and Feel, click Top link bar. d. Click the edit icon next to Products. e. In the Type the description field, enter Project Teams and click OK. Access and Visibility of Products In most cases, all users should be able view and use the content managed under the Product tab when all content in Windchill ProductPoint shares a common name space. For example, if a part named XYZ.prt is saved in Windchill ProductPoint, whether in a catalog location or a particular product location, no other user can save another part with that same name. If an assembly is saved that contains a part named XYZ.prt, it will reference the existing XYZ.prt regardless of where the original XYZ.prt is located in Windchill ProductPoint. Be careful when restricting access to products that contain valid content. If an assembly in one location uses a part in another location where the user loading the assembly does not have read permission, they will get an error when trying to load the part that they have no permission to read. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 241 Another important concept to understand when considering restricting access and visibility to product data is that there is a separate and distinct list of products and there are the product sites themselves. The Products List The Product tab in Windchill ProductPoint is a SharePoint list. The items in this list are Product List content types that have their own attributes (which you can customize). These items are not SharePoint sites and, therefore, do not contain libraries for managing content. This list provides a convenient facility to navigate to the actual Product Sites that each list item represents. But other mechanisms are equally valid for accessing Product sites and library content without having or requiring this list. You can control which List Items appear in this Product List Web Part by modifying the permissions for each List Item. If you change the permissions such that some users do not have read permission, these users would no longer see those List Items when they open the Product tab. You can also prevent users from updating the attributes of individual List Items. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Note These permissions are not related to the underlying Product Site, its libraries and content. Even if you change permissions, so a user does not see a particular Product List item, they can still view All Site Content in the quick launch panel and navigate to the Product Site. The Product Site When a new Product List Item is added to the Product List Web Part, it triggers a Windchill ProductPoint action to create a new SharePoint site based on the name of the new list item. This site will use the Windchill ProductPoint Product Site template and contain the Creo Structure Library. The permissions of this Product Site are controlled independently from that Product List Item. Tip While you can restrict who can contribute content to a particular site, it is recommended that you do not restrict read or view permission from the Product Site content because of the global name space of Windchill ProductPoint. 242 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Managing Product List Permissions 1. To manage the permission for the Product List items, navigate to a specific product list item and select the Data Management ▶ Manage Permissions. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Or From the Properties page of a product list item, select Data Management ▶ Manage Permissions from the Actions menu. 2. From the Actions menu, click Edit Permissions. 3. When prompted with an alert telling you that the changes made to the parent folder or list permissions will no longer affect the list item you are editing, click OK. 4. Select the check boxes for all users and groups who should not see the list item. 5. From the Actions menu, click Remove User Permissions. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 243 6. Accept the change. If you no longer have permissions to see the List Item, you will be taken to a permission error window and asked if you want to login as someone else. This is normal and standard SharePoint behavior. 7. Only users who were left with permissions to see the product list item will be able to see it in the Product List Web Part and in search results. Note This does not hide the underlying Product Site. A similar process must be followed on the Product Site to prevent users from finding the Product Site and content within that site. That process is defined in the section titled “Choose whether to use the Products Organizational concept or not.” Managing People and Groups Assignment to a group controls the ability to access data, configurations, views, and actions in Windchill ProductPoint. Some groups allow full access to every version of every part stored on a site, while other groups only allow access to a limited number of configurations. Likewise, some groups allow access to all available actions on a part. Your Windchill ProductPoint site administrator controls which group you are assigned to. DRAFT ONLY To see what group you are assigned to, navigate to your NOT FOR PRODUCTIONfromUSE site. People and Groups Home The following groups are available by default: • Viewer • Member • Author • Release Manager See the following sections for more information on specific groups. Viewers Viewers can search, view, and download documents, parts, and assemblies, but cannot modify any products on the site. Viewers are only allowed to see the latest released configuration of a site's product and have read-only access to all parts and assemblies on the site. Viewers can not contribute to discussions or add associated documents to product items. 244 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Members Members can search, view, and download documents, parts, and assemblies, as well as contribute to discussions and add associated documents to product items. Members cannot modify product items on the site, however, as members have read only access to all parts and assemblies on the site. Authors Authors are responsible for creating and updating product items. Authors can see all versions of parts on a site, can modify their site's parts and assemblies, and can contribute to discussions and add associated documents to product items. Release Managers Release managers are responsible for approving and releasing parts and documents. Release managers can see all versions of parts on a site, modify their site's parts and assemblies, and approve and release parts and documents. Note If your administrator has not identified any release managers, any author can approve and release product items and documents. Once a release manager is identified, though, authors can no longer approve and release product items and documents. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Enabling SharePoint Services Search Server After installing or upgrading Windchill ProductPoint, Windows SharePoint Services search server must be enabled. Use the following procedure to select the appropriate search server to enable: 1. Navigate to the following location in the SharePoint Central Administration site: Application Management ▶ Content Databases ▶ Manage Content Database Settings. 2. In the Select Windows SharePoint Services search server field, select the appropriate server in order to enable it. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 245 Publishing AutoCAD and ProductView Installer Links on Downloads Page Use the following procedure to make the AutoCAD or ProductView installers available on the Windchill ProductPoint Downloads page. This procedure can also be used to replace existing installations with new installations of AutoCAD or ProductView. Note Different procedures are available for the following: • Windows 2003 Server, 32 bit • Windows 2008 server, 64 bit Windows 2003 Server, 32 Bit 1. After installing the server, browse to the following location: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ProductPointDownloads. 2. Copy the AutoCAD or ProductView installers to that location. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Tip If a previous version of the installation existed in this location, rename the old installer, and then copy the new installer as shown in the image below. 246 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Administering Windchill ProductPoint 247 3. Navigate to the Downloads page in Windchill ProductPoint to verify the installer DRAFT ONLY displays. NOTfor these FOR PRODUCTION Installation applications can now be run from the WindchillUSE ProductPoint Downloads page. Windows 2008 server, 64 Bit 1. Open IIS Manager. Tip To open the IIS Manager, select Start ▶ Run and enter inetmgr. 2. Select Sites ▶ Windchill ProductPoint ▶ Downloads. 3. In the right panel, right-click on Header Mappings and select Open Feature. 248 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 4. On the Handler Mappings page, locate the following file: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE CGI-exe a. Right-click CGI-exe, b. Select Edit Feature Permissions. c. Deselect Execute. d. Enure CGI-exe is no longer available (grayed out) on the Handler Mappings page. 5. Restart the Windchill ProductPoint site from IIS Manager. 6. Browse to the following location: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ProductPointDownloads. 7. Copy the AutoCAD or ProductView installers to that location: Tip If a previous version of the installation existed in this location, rename the old installer and then copy the new installer as shown in the image below. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 249 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 250 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 8. Navigate to the Downloads page in Windchill ProductPoint to verify that the installations DRAFT ONLY display. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Installation for these applications can now be run from the Windchill ProductPoint Downloads page. Windchill ProductPoint Views Standard SharePoint views display the content of a document library. Their scope is limited to those items stored and managed in the library for which the view is being applied. Like standard SharePoint views, Windchill ProductPoint views allow you to configure which attributes to show, the order in which to show them, the name by which to refer to a particular view, and so on. More specifically, when you apply one of the six Windchill ProductPoint views (BOM Structure, Model Structure, Parts List, Parts and Assemblies, Drawings and Representations, or Where Used) to an assembly, the assembly’s structure is used to populate the view, regardless of the library in which the individual components of the assembly structure are stored and managed. The list of views in the Views drop-down list is configurable. For example, you may choose to provide only the Model Structure and Parts List views and hide the other predefined Windchill ProductPoint views. This is done by navigating Administering Windchill ProductPoint 251 to Structure Library ▶ Settings ▶ Structure Library Settings. At the bottom of the Structure Library Settings page, you can enable and disable views as well as define the default view. Choosing a Windchill ProductPoint View for Your Site By default, several Windchill ProductPoint views of structure data are hidden; however, these views can be enabled if you decide they are a good fit for your company. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 252 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide To configure which views you want displayed to all users, use the following procedure: 1. Open the Structure Library Settings panel from one of the Windchill ProductPoint structure libraries. 2. At the bottom of the Library Settings page, all available Windchill ProductPoint views are listed. Click the Activate button to make each view active, and select a view to serve as the default. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Note Model Structure and BOM Structure are similar views. The Model Structure view will show all occurrences (multiple instances) of a part at a particular level of the structure. BOM Structure will summarize the multiple occurrences into a single row with a Quantity column showing how many occurrences there are. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 253 Content Types and Properties SharePoint content types are used to define behavior and properties that are specific to object types. Content types provide the mechanism to control which properties are displayed on the properties pages for all objects of a defined content type. For example, it is typically desirable to show a different set of properties for an office document than for a part or an assembly. Content types in SharePoint are hierarchical. Child content types inherit all the properties of their parent. Windchill ProductPoint adds to SharePoint’s list of content types to support the management of CAD and product development information. Note Properties of content types are sometimes referred to in SharePoint as ‘site columns’ or ‘columns’ because they appear as columns in SharePoint’s Web Parts. Creating a Custom Property Use the following procedure to create a custom property: DRAFT ONLY At the upper right corner of the page, change to NOT. FOR PRODUCTION USE 1. Navigate to Site Actions ▶ Site Settings. 2. Under Galleries, click Site Content Types. 3. Show Group Product Item Content Types 4. Select the content type to edit (for example, Part). 5. At the bottom of the page, click Add from new site column. 6. Enter the Column Name and other attributes for your property. Note Special characters are not recommended for use when entering property attributes. 7. Make sure Update all content types inheriting from this type is set to Yes. 8. Click OK. The property will now appear on property pages of the content type you chose in step four. 254 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Adding Custom Properties as an Advanced Search Option Use the following procedure to include properties you have created as an option in the Advanced Search page’s Where the Property... drop-down list: Note A value must be entered for your custom property at least once in order for it to appear in the Advanced Search page. 1. Manually start a full crawl of the search server: a. From SharePoint’s Central Administration site, click Manage Service Applications, under Application Management. b. Click Search Service Application. c. Under Crawling in the Quick Launch menu, click Content Sources. d. Choose Start Full Crawl from the Local SharePoint Sites drop-down menu to start the crawl. DRAFT ONLY a. Under in the Quick Launch menu, click NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE . The crawl is complete when the Status column is set to Idle. 2. Map your crawled property to a managed property: Queries and Results Properties b. c. d. e. Metadata Click New Managed Property. Enter your custom properties name in the Property name field. Make sure The type of information in this property is correct. Click Add Mapping, find your custom property, and click OK. Note Your property will include an ows_ prefix. f. Make sure the checkboxes Allow this property to be used in scopes and Add managed property to custom results set retrieved on each query are checked. g. Click OK. 3. Manually start a full crawl of the search server again (see steps 1.a through 1.d). After the crawl is complete, your custom property displays as an option in the Advanced Search page’s Where the Property... drop-down field. Note Only the first 2 kilobytes of data is available for display. You may not see the property’s value among the item’s other values in the search results page. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 255 Windchill ProductPoint Settings Windchill ProductPoint settings are available to tailor the settings of certain attributes at your site. For example, you can select the maximum number of search results that can display when a user runs a search. You can also access the configuration files to modify the version scheme and number generation used for items stored in Windchill ProductPoint. To view and modify the setting, use the following steps: 1. Select Site Settings in the drop-down list available on the right of the tab navigation bar. 2. Click Windchill ProductPoint Settings under the Site Administration heading. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Modifying Version Schemes The following procedure allows you to modify the version scheme used to iterate items stored in Windchill ProductPoint. Each version of an item is represented with a major version, minor version, and a separator. For example, in the version “1.2,” the major version is “1”; the minor version is “2”; and the separator is a period (.). Note During the installation process, if your site selected the Advanced install option, you were asked to select between a letter-based or number-based version scheme. 1. Navigate to the Windchill ProductPoint Settings as described in Windchill ProductPoint Settings on page 256. 2. In this location, the following appears: • Sample Revision Schemes directory containing the following sample files to assist in modifying your revision scheme: ○ letter-based revision scheme ○ number-based revision scheme ○ custom revision scheme • RevisionScheme.xml file which must be overwritten in order to change your version scheme. 3. Download and edit a copy of the sample revision scheme file that you plan to use. Each sample file contains additional information on the options available for modification. 256 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Note You will notice that you have the option to modify the starting point for your major and minor versions as well as the separator used in your revision scheme. In addition, the following attribute is available: CanAdminSetOutOfSequenceVersions If this attribute value is changed to True, it gives an administrator the ability to modify an item's version to any value, even one outside the version scheme, when performing the Edit Properties action 4. When your revision scheme edits are complete, use the sample file to overwrite the RevisionScheme.xml file. Note Changing the version scheme affects only those items created after the version scheme was modified. Existing items remain with the previous scheme. As a result, it is important to avoid schemes that could cause conflicts. Modifying Number Generator Schemes DRAFT ONLY 1. NavigateFOR to the as described in USE NOT PRODUCTION Windchill ProductPoint Settings on page 256. The following procedure allows you to modify the number generator scheme used to number items as they are created in Windchill ProductPoint. ProductPoint Site Settings or Under View All Site Content in the left pane of the Windchill ProductPoint window, navigate to the following location: Documents ▶ ProductPoint Configuration Files ▶ Number Generator. 2. In this location, the following appear: • Sample Number Generator Schemes directory containing a sample file to assist in modifying your number generator scheme. • NumberGeneratorScheme.xml file which must be overwritten in order to change your number generator scheme. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 257 3. Download and edit a copy of the sample file. The sample file contains additional information on the options available for modification. 4. When your number generator scheme edits are complete, use the sample file to overwrite the NumberGeneratorScheme.xml file. Note Changing the scheme affects only those items created after the scheme was modified. Existing items remain with the previous scheme. As a result, it is important to avoid schemes that could cause conflicts. Enabling E-Mail Notification for the Windchill ProductPoint Deployment Users can subscribe to notifications by using the Alert me option. If the option is enabled, users receive an e-mail notification if an object’s status changes (lock or unlock). You can also choose to be notified when content is added to a folder or when there is a change to any of the files. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE To allow notifications, the administrator must enable the SMTP server and add the information in the SharePoint administration site. Activating and Deactivating Features To view, activate, or deactivate features, navigate to the locations in which different features are located: Note Sufficient permissions are needed to view the Site and Site collection features. • Site Features • Site Collection Features • Web Application Features • Farm Features 258 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Site features From the Windchill ProductPoint site: 1. Select Site Settings from the drop-down list to the right of the tabs. Note Different features are activated or deactivated depending on which tab is selected when you select Site Settings. 2. Under Site Administration, select Site features. Feature Windchill ProductPoint Calculations Library Description Create a calculations library when you have calculations that you want to manage together. Like structure libraries, they provide special features for managing and displaying structures, such as CAD management and hierarchical views. Windchill ProductPoint Enables the use of the Web Parts Collaboration Space used for Windchill ProductPoint Collaboration Spaces. Windchill ProductPoint Lock Enables use of the Status Web Part Feature Windchill ProductPoint Lock Status Web Part on this site. Windchill ProductPoint Missing This feature enables the Web References Web Part Feature Parts for missing references. Windchill ProductPoint Number This feature enables the Generator Web Part Feature Web Part for generating new numbers. Windchill ProductPoint This feature enables the Web Recently Modified Web Part Part for recently modified items. Feature Windchill ProductPoint Reports Enable reporting lists for Windchill ProductPoint. Active No DRAFT ONLY Yes NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Administering Windchill ProductPoint Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 259 Feature Windchill ProductPoint Structure Library Windchill ProductPoint Structure View Windchill ProductPoint Unsynchronized Changes Web Part Feature Description Enables use of structured libraries. Use a structure library when you have related content that you want to manage together. Structure libraries provide special features for managing and displaying structures, such as CAD management, hierarchical views, and 3D visualization. This feature enables the grid structure view and toolbar. This feature enables the Web Parts for unsynchronized changes. Active No Yes Yes DRAFT ONLY From the Windchill ProductPoint site: NOT tabFOR PRODUCTION USE 1. With the selected, select from the drop-down list to Site Collection Features Home Site Settings the right of the tabs. 2. Under Site Collection Administration, select Site collection features. Feature Windchill ProductPoint Basic Release Management Windchill ProductPoint Product Item Content Types 260 Description Active Yes Enable release and configuration management for Windchill ProductPoint structure items. Sharepoint content types for Yes Windchill ProductPoint product items. Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Web Application Features From the Central Administration site: 1. From the Application Management page, navigate to the SharePoint Web Application Management heading, and click Web application list. 2. Click Windchill ProductPoint. 3. You are returned to the Application Management page. Click Manage Web application features. Feature Windchill ProductPoint AJAX 2.0 Feature Description Active Notes Yes Deactivating this feature Changes the will remove the AJAX web application 2.0 configuration from web.config to the web application. support AJAX 2.0 Windchill ProductPoint is extensions. dependent upon AJAX 2.0. It is quite common for SharePoint applications to provide AJAX support features. If you are co-hosting Windchill ProductPoint and another 3rd party application on the same SharePoint web application, note that Windchill ProductPoint requires AJAX version 2.0 and cannot run properly with AJAX version 3.5. Only deactivate this feature if activating another 3rd party feature that fully supports AJAX 2.0. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE If a 3rd party application that has an AJAX feature is installed and activated, it may be necessary to deactivate all AJAX related features, then reactivate this feature to restore proper behavior to Windchill ProductPoint. Administering Windchill ProductPoint 261 Feature Windchill ProductPoint Diagnostics Feature Description Active Notes No This feature should normally This feature be deactivated. It should only enables IIS be activated when diagnosing ASP compile problems within the Windchill time debugging ProductPoint system. and maximizes diagnostic logging for Windchill ProductPoint. This feature may be A farm deployment Yes Windchill deactivated on any farm ProductPoint Farm of Windchill that contains only one web ProductPoint Deployment front end server. requires the use Session Service of the IIS Session Feature If Microsoft has released State Service. This a patch or service pack feature configures to SharePoint, and, after the web application installing the patch or to use the Session service pack, the users are State Service. On experiencing strange web UI MOSS, if Session behavior, re-activation of this State Service is feature may help. not running it will start the service for farm deployments. For WSS an administrator must start the Session State Service individually on each machine. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Farm Features From the Central Administration site: 1. Click the Operations tab or Operations link under View All Site Content. 262 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 2. Under Global Configuration, click Manage farm features. Feature Windchill ProductPoint Help Feature Description Active Notes Deactivating this feature will remove the This feature is Yes Windchill ProductPoint help set from the automatically SharePoint farm. Normally this is only done activated on at uninstall. The following maintenance the farm 15 issues may require the deactivation and minutes after re-activation of this feature: the initial installation • If a new SharePoint language pack of Windchill has been installed on the farm after ProductPoint. Windchill ProductPoint has been The time installed, re-activation may be required. delay prevents You must deactivate this feature overloading of and re-activate the feature to have the SharePoint Windchill ProductPoint help appear in system during the new language. This assumes that the installation the new language added to the farm process. When is one of the languages supported by activated, this Windchill ProductPoint. feature installs • If Microsoft has released a patch or the Windchill service pack to SharePoint and after ProductPoint installing the patch or service pack help set and the Windchill ProductPoint help is no links it to longer visible, re-activation is required. the native You must deactivate this feature and SharePoint re-activate the feature to restore the help. links between the SharePoint help set and the Windchill ProductPoint help set. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE • If PTC releases a standalone update to the Windchill ProductPoint help, the feature must be re-activated to show the new help documentation. On the web front-end where the SharePoint Central Administration web application is running, copy the new help set into: C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\ FEATURES\ Administering Windchill ProductPoint 263 Feature Windchill ProductPoint Document Icon Merge Feature Description Active Notes PtcProductPointHelp\ Yes This feature merges Windchill ProductPoint file extensions and their icons into SharePoint in order to show Pro/ENGINEER files with their correct icons. Deactivate and re-activate the feature to load the new help set. The associations created by this feature can be overwritten by various events. In this case, the icons added by Windchill ProductPoint will no longer show their correct icons. Instead, they will show standard, default icons. To merge the Windchill ProductPoint back into SharePoint, deactivate and re-activate this feature. Deactivating this features does nothing except to allow the feature to be re-activated, where the merge is performed. The following events may require deactivation and re-activation of this feature: DRAFT ONLY • Microsoft releases a patch or service NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE pack which resets the document icon associations. • A third party application is added to the SharePoint farm, which overwrites the existing associations. Modifying Upload Size You can use the SharePoint Administration Console to increase the maximum size of uploads. Navigate to Central Administration ▶ Application Management ▶ Web Application General Settings and set the desired value for Maximum Upload Size. 264 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 11 Administration Troubleshooting A Creo User Cannot Access Windchill ProductPoint.................................................. In Creo, Machine Name Displays Instead of User Name ........................................... A Red Text Error is Seen on the Recently Modified Web Part on the Home Page Site .................................................................................................................... User Has Trouble Exporting to Spreadsheet ............................................................. Creating a Product May Fail if Windchill ProductPoint is Not Configured Correctly............................................................................................................. Upload Multiple Documents Option Missing in Internet Explorer 7 .............................. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 266 266 267 269 269 270 This chapter describes solutions to issues that may occur after Windchill ProductPoint has been successfully installed. 265 A Creo User Cannot Access Windchill ProductPoint Creo users must provide a login name and password each time they establish a connection to the Windchill ProductPoint server. In Creo, Machine Name Displays Instead of User Name If the application pool identity is not a domain user and the server is on a domain, then in Creo, in the File ▶ Open window, Locked by user and Modified by user show a machine name instead of user name. To avoid this problem, use a proper domain user account for the application pool identity and not a user defined only on the server. For example, use <domain name>\<user name> and not <server name>\<user name>. For more information, see the Security and Accounts section in Installing SharePoint on page 92. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 266 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide A Red Text Error is Seen on the Recently Modified Web Part on the Home Page Site When a user installs Windchill ProductPoint on a machine with a database server that is hosted on a different machine, they may encounter an error when connecting to the NDS database. Note Note: The NDS database is also known as the Structure database. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE You can use one of the following techniques to resolve this problem: • SQL Authentication • Windows Autentication SQL Authentication The following steps describe the basic procedure for enabling SQL Server Authentication on the database server. For more details about this procedure, see: Administration Troubleshooting 267 1. On the remote server SQL installation, add a new SQL Server login by completing the following steps: Note Make sure that it uses SQL Server Authentication. a. Deselect the boxes for Password Privacy, Expiration, and Change at Next Login. b. Set the server role for this user by selecting sysadmin. 2. On the Windchill ProductPoint server, install Windchill ProductPoint using the custom installation path. To do this, complete the following steps: a. On the Database Source window, choose Change for the Structure database. b. In the Authentication window, select the remote database from the Data Source drop-down list. c. Select Use SQL Server Authentication and enter the SQL server login you created. d. Continue with installation. DRAFT ONLY Note NOT FOR PRODUCTION It is best to use the same data source for both the Content and the USE Structure Database. 3. After the installation is complete, you can change the permissions on the newly created SQL Server login. You can also remove the sysadmin role, as well as any other permissions that are no longer needed. Windows Authentication Users working with Windchill ProductPoint may not have SQL access rights, since the default user is “NT AUTHORITY\Network Service.” Use the following procedure to grant the user running Windchill ProductPoint SQL access rights: 1. Start the SQL Server Enterprise Manager. 2. Expand the folders in the left panel and locate the Security folder for your local SQL server. 3. Right-click Logins in the Security folder, and select New Login. 4. On the SQL Server Login Properties – New Login page, enter DomainName\AspNewServer$ in the Name field, and click on the Server Roles and select sysadmin. Accept the defaults for the other settings, and then click OK. 5. Expand the Database folders, and double-click the desired NDS database. 268 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 6. Navigate to the Security folder. Right-click Users, and select New Database User. 7. On the Database User Properties – New User page, use the browse button to select the DomainName\AspNetServer$ account. 8. In the Database Role Membership list, select the db_datareader check box. 9. Click OK, and then close the SQL Server Enterprise Manager. 10. On the Windchill ProductPoint server machine, run iisreset, and open the browser to verify that the error no longer appears. Note It may be necessary to adjust SQL Server permissions after completing this procedure. For more information, go to, and browse to Granting Access to a Remote SQL Server. User Has DRAFT Trouble Exporting ONLY to Spreadsheet NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE The Windchill ProductPoint Export to Spreadsheet action creates Excel compatible XML. If you have another application set as the default to open XML files, you will need to change the default application to Microsoft Excel. Creating a Product May Fail if Windchill ProductPoint is Not Configured Correctly If Windchill ProductPoint is not configured correctly when installed on MOSS, some actions such as creating a product will fail with a NullReferenceExceptions error from Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.SqlSessionStateResolver .System.Web.IPartitionResolver.ResolvePartition. For more information about resolving this issue, see the section on configuring Windchill ProductPoint. Administration Troubleshooting 269 Upload Multiple Documents Option Missing in Internet Explorer 7 When using the Internet Explorer 7 browser to upload multiple documents to Windchill ProductPoint, the Upload Multiple Documents option may be missing. Use the following procedure to restore the Upload Multiple Documents option: 1. From Internet Explorer 7, navigate to Tools ▶ Internet Options. 2. Click the Security tab. 3. Click Local Intranet and then Custom Level. A new window appears. 4. Choose Enable for all ActiveX related settings. 5. Click OK and restart Internet Explorer 7. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 270 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide IV Windchill ProductPoint Backup and Restore Performing a successful backup is a critical part of your Windchill ProductPoint installation. This chapter helps you choose between two distinct backup and restore techniques for Windchill ProductPoint, and provides step-by-step procedures for backing up your system and restoring that backup, if necessary. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 12 Planning Your Backup and Restore Strategy In order to plan your backup and restore strategy, it is important to consider whether your environment has been customized or not and the amount of dedicated resources committed to maintaining your environment. This guide offers two distinct backup and restore strategies depending on the amount necessary or available administrative overhead available to you: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE • Single Command Strategy: This strategy relies on a utility, included in your install, to handle backing up and restoring your environment through a single command line operation, which can be scheduled through Microsoft Windows Scheduler. This strategy allows for minimal administrative overhead, but is supported in specific Windchill ProductPoint environments only. For a complete list of requirements for performing a single command backup, see Performing a Single Command Backup on page 275. • Interactive Strategy: This strategy is recommended for farm server, multiple SharePoint web-applications, or otherwise customized environments. For more information on completing an interactive backup, see Performing an Interactive Backup on page 281. Note Use the same strategy to restore from your backup. Restoring a single command backup using the interactive strategy or restoring an interactive backup using the single command strategy is not supported. 273 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 13 Performing a Single Command Backup Running the Single Command Backup ..................................................................... 277 Additional Single Command Backup Settings ........................................................... 277 Scheduling Regular Single Command Backups ........................................................ 278 DRAFT ONLY In order to perform a successful backup and restore using a singleUSE command NOT FOR PRODUCTION backup, ensure that the following conditions are met: Note Single Command Backup is only available for Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 M030 and greater releases. • You have not set up a farm environment. The following environments are currently supported for use with Single Command Backup: ○ Windchill ProductPoint and SQL servers are on the same machine. ○ Windchill ProductPoint server and SQL servers are on different machines. ○ Windchill ProductPoint with content database on Windows internal database and NDS on SQLServer Express edition. ○ Windchill ProductPoint using SQLServer Express, SQLServer Standard, SQLServer Workgroup, or SQLServer Enterprise edition. • No other web applications are integrated with your SharePoint installation, which is used solely to support Windchill ProductPoint. • Windchill ProductPoint is not installed on a MOSS server. 275 Additionally, you must complete the following before you can perform a backup or restore using the Single Command utility: • Establish Administrative privileges: you must have the following administrative roles and privileges: ○ You are logged in as an administrator on the machine where Windchill ProductPoint is installed. ○ You are part of the Owner list in Windchill ProductPoint. ○ You have sysadmin and dbcreator roles in SQL Server. • Complete and verified installations of SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint • Sufficient disk space to hold a complete copy of both the SharePoint content database and the Windchill ProductPoint structure database. Note Windchill ProductPoint backup assumes copying to the local disc is sufficient because periodic file system backup will archive the local disc copy to offline media. • 276 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Databases with no current users or operations—Windchill ProductPoint uses two databases, which must be synchronized. These databases must be idle during both backup and restore and cannot be modified. Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Running the Single Command Backup Use the following procedure to run a single command backup of your environment: 1. Create a shared directory for the backup with read and write access for all users. Note It is required that this directory is created on the same machine as SQLServer. 2. In a command prompt window, go to <Windchill ProductPoint Installation Directory>\PTC\ProductionPoint 3. Enter the following command: WppBackupRestoreUtil.exe /action:backup /path:\\<sharedDirectory>\WppBackups Where <sharedDirectory> is the location of the shared directory. 4. The single command backup checks whether the system is quiet or not. If the system is quiet, then a backup will be taken. Otherwise, a message stating that Windchill Product Point is currently busy and to try again later appears. 5. When the backup is complete, the backup will be saved to your specified folder (\\<sharedDirectory>\Wppbackups in the above example) under a date-time coded directory (for example \\machineName\Wppbackups\Backup-2010-06-08_02-45-07-PM ) along with the backup.log file, NDS, and SharePoint Database reports. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Tip It is recommended that you verify that this folder was created the first time you run the single command backup utility. If no folder was created, ensure that you properly set the directory’s read and write access. 6. The backup is also verified for sanity and restorability. The verification directory, along with its reports and log, is created as well. Additional Single Command Backup Settings The following optional settings may be used when running a single command backup: Performing a Single Command Backup 277 Setting Force Backup Retry Backup Description Use the force backup (/f) setting to allow the single command backup to continue even if the system isn’t quiet by killing any ongoing transactions. Use the retry backup (/rc:# /ri:#) setting to make the backup command retry a certain number of times (/rc:#) after a certain number of minutes (/ri:#) if the system is busy. Syntax WppBackupRestoreUtil.exe /action:backup /path:"\\<MachineName>\WPPbackups" /f WppBackupRestoreUtil.exe /action:backup /path:"\\<MachineName>\WPPbackups" /rc:3 /ri:20 In this example, the backup command will retry 3 times after a interval of 20 minutes each if the system is currently busy. Use the ignore verify (/iv) WppBackupRestoreUtil.exe setting to skip verifying /action:backup that the system is quiet. /path:"\\<MachineName>\WPPbackups" /iv DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Ignore Verify Scheduling Regular Single Command Backups Automated backups allow you to reuse a scheduled backup script to ensure a reliable backup occurs. You can construct the script to run on intervals. Use the following procedure to schedule backups using Windows scheduler: 1. Save the below command into a .bat file: “C:\Program Files\PTC\ProductPoint"\WppBackupRestoreUtil.exe /action:backup /path:"\\machineNa 2. Open the Scheduled Tasks window by selecting All Programs ▶ Accessories ▶ System Tools ▶ Scheduled Tasks. 3. Click Add Scheduled Task A Scheduled Task Wizard window appears. Click Next. 4. A list of programs installed on your computer. Click Browse and navigate to your .bat file. 278 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Click Open. Click Next. 5. Choose a name and duration for running the .bat file. Click Next. 6. Refine your scheduled start time by adding a start date and time. Click Next. 7. Enter the user name, and then enter and confirm the user’s password. Note The current user will be entered by default. Click Next. 8. Verify your choices and click Finish to add this task to your Windows schedule. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Performing a Single Command Backup 279 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 14 Performing an Interactive Backup Backing Up SharePoint Using the SharePoint Central Administration Console............ 283 Quieting the System ............................................................................................... 286 DRAFT ONLY Use the following procedure if the single command backup and restore utility is not applicable to you. PRODUCTION USE NOT FOR You must complete the following before you can perform a backup or restore using the Single Command utility: • Establish Administrative privileges: you must have the following administrative roles and privileges: ○ You are logged in as an administrator on the machine where Windchill ProductPoint is installed. ○ You are part of the Owner list in Windchill ProductPoint. ○ You have sysadmin and dbcreator roles in SQL Server. • Complete and verified installations of SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint • Sufficient disk space to hold a complete copy of both the SharePoint content database and the Windchill ProductPoint structure database. 281 Note Windchill ProductPoint backup assumes copying to the local disc is sufficient because periodic file system backup will archive the local disc copy to offline media. • Databases with no current users or operations—Windchill ProductPoint uses two databases, which must be synchronized. These databases must be idle during both backup and restore and cannot be modified. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 282 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Backing Up SharePoint Using the SharePoint Central Administration Console To perform an interactive backup, first begin with SharePoint, and then backup the Windchill ProductPoint structure database as described in the sections below. Note Backing up from outside of the SharePoint Central Administration Console could prompt security messages that could interfere with the process. Note The system must be quiet throughout the entire backup. For more information, see Quieting the System on page 286 1. Start the SharePoint Central Administration Console from the Windows Start menu. For example, select Start ▶ All Programs ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Sharepoint 3.0 Central Administration. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 2. From the Central Administration window, click Operations. Performing an Interactive Backup 283 3. Under Global Configuration, click Timer Job Definitions 4. Select Backup/Restore and click Delete. 5. Return to the Operations page, and under the Backup and Restore heading, click Perform a backup. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 284 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 6. Select your desired SharePoint sites to include in the backup and click Continue to Backup Options. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 7. From the Select Backup Options window, complete the following steps: a. Under Type of backup, select Full. Note Full backup will copy all content and is the simplest to restore. Differential backups are not recommended for Windchill ProductPoint. b. In the Backup location field, select a destination for the SharePoint backup files. c. Click OK. 8. From the Backup and Restore window, monitor the status of the backup. Tip Click Refresh to update the status. 9. After a successful SharePoint backup, continue to Quieting the System on page 286. Performing an Interactive Backup 285 Quieting the System It is extremely important that the system is quiet before and during a backup. Before you begin a backup there should be no open transactions. A backup performed on a system that is in use, may be corrupt and should not be restored. Before performing a backup, make sure that the system is quiet by running the Transaction Status tool. Use the following flow chart to ensure you are running the Transaction Status tool and backup correctly: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE If the tool exits with an error level of 0, begin the backup of both the Windchill ProductPoint content database and the structure database. If the tool exits with an error level of 1, do not run the backup and wait until the system is quiet to do so. After the backup is complete, run the Transaction Status tool again. In order to verify that the system was quiet during the backup, the script will compare the output from the initial running of the Transaction Status tool to the output generated after the backup has been performed. If the two outputs match, the system was quiet during backup and it was successful. If they do not match, the system was not quiet. Delete the backup and start over. 286 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide You can use the Transaction Status tool to check lists and transaction logs to see if Windchill ProductPoint databases are quiet. The tool can also determine if the databases were quiet during the backup. The Transaction Status tool is located in the Bin directory of your Windchill ProductPoint installation folder:C:\Program Files\PTC\ProductPoint\Bin\TransactionStatus.exe. If there are any open transactions, the tool will exit with an error level of 1. If there are no open transactions, the tool will exit with an error level of 0. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Performing an Interactive Backup 287 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 15 Restoring from a Backup Restoring from a Single Command Backup .............................................................. 290 Restoring from an Interactive Backup....................................................................... 290 DRAFT ONLY Restoring from a backup becomes necessary when catastrophic failures occur, such as when a failed upgrade PRODUCTION or hardware failure results in a loss of data. NOT FOR USE For information on restoring from a single command backup, see Restoring from a Single Command Backup on page 290. For information on restoring from an interactive backup, see Restoring from an Interactive Backup on page 290. 289 Restoring from a Single Command Backup Use the following procedure to run a single command restore of your environment: 1. In a command prompt window, go to <Windchill ProductPoint Installation Directory>\PTC\ProductionPoint 2. Enter the following command: WppBackupRestoreUtil.exe /action:restore /path:\\<sharedDirectory>\WppBackups\<backup-time_sta Where <sharedDirectory> is the location of the shared directory. And <backup-time_stamp> is your preferred backup to restore. 3. Both NDS and SharePoint databases are restored. The system is returned to the point in time when the backup was taken. Restoring from an Interactive Backup The following topics describe restoring from an interactive backup: DRAFT ONLY Restarting Internet Services NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Restoring SharePoint Content 1. Stopping Windchill ProductPoint Services 2. Stopping the Windchill ProductPoint Transaction Monitor Service 3. 4. 5. Enabling the SQL Server Service Broker 6. Validating Database Synchronization 7. Starting the Windchill ProductPoint Transaction Monitor Sercice 8. Starting Windchill ProductPoint Services 9. Restarting Internet Services Stopping Windchill ProductPoint Services 1. Open the Windows Control Panel services. For example, select Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Services. 2. From the Services window, complete the following steps: a. Right-click Windchill ProductPoint Service, and select Stop. b. Right-click Windchill ProductPoint Transaction Monitor Service, and select Stop. 290 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Restarting Internet Services 1. Start Internet Information Server (IIS) Manager from the Windows Start menu. For example, select All Programs ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. 2. Select and right-click the server. 3. Select All Tasks ▶ Restart IIS. 4. From the Stop/Start/Restart window, select the Restart Internet Services option and click OK. When internet services are successfully stopped, continue to the next section. Restoring SharePoint Content 1. Start the SharePoint Central Administration Console from the Windows Start menu. For example, select Start ▶ All Programs ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration. 2. From the Central Administration window, click Operations. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 3. Under the Backup and Restore heading, select Restore from backup. Restoring from a Backup 291 4. Under Backup location, select the backup source and click OK. 5. Select the backup set to be restored and click Continue Restore Process. 6. Select the SharePoint sites to be restored and click Continue Restore Process. 7. Under type of restore, select Same Configuration. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 8. A warning message appears asking if you want to overwrite all selected components. Click OK. 9. Click OK on the Select Restore Options step. 10. From the Backup and Restore window, monitor the status of the restore. Tip Click Refresh to update the status. 11. After a successful restore, continue to the next section. 292 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Enabling the SQL Server Service Broker 1. Open the SQL Server Management Studio. 2. Enable the SQL Server Service Broker for the restored database by executing SQL statements and queries. Select New Query as shown in the window below Note The database to be selected should be the database for NDS, which is the database ending with _NDS. : DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 3. Enter the following code block and Execute (F5): Tip Make sure your database name is surrounded by square brackets DECLARE @DBName nvarchar(256) DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(256) SELECT @DBName = DB_NAME() SET @SQL = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DBName + '] SET NEW_BROKER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE'; EXEC (@SQL) Restoring from a Backup 293 4. Enter the following code block and Execute (F5): DECLARE @sql nvarchar (600) DECLARE @DBName nvarchar(256) SELECT @DBName = DB_NAME() DECLARE @Broker_Enabled INT; SELECT @Broker_Enabled = is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE [NAME] = @DBName IF(@Broker_Enabled = 0) BEGIN SET @Sql = 'ALTER DATABASE ['+ @DBName + '] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE'; PRINT @SQL EXEC( @SQL ) SET @Sql = PRINT @SQL EXEC( @SQL SET @Sql = PRINT @SQL EXEC( @SQL 'ALTER DATABASE ['+ @DBName + '] SET ENABLE_BROKER'; ) 'ALTER DATABASE ['+ @DBName + '] SET MULTI_USER'; ) END DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 5. Verify the SQL Server Service Broker is enabled by entering the following query (make sure your database name is surrounded by single quotation marks): 294 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide SELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = ‘database name’; DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE If there is a 1, under the Results tab, you have successfully enabled the SQL Server Service Broker. Validating Database Synchronization Use the following procedure to validate that the structure and SharePoint databases are sufficiently synchronized to resume normal operation. Note Before validating database synchronization, verify that backups of the two databases are from the same time period. Your backups may not be a matched pair from the same period, and therefore may be out of synchronization. 1. From the command prompt, navigate to the bin subfolder of your Windchill ProductPoint installation directory (typically C:\Program Files\PTC\ProductPoint\bin) . 2. Run the following command line: TransactionStatus /CheckDatabaseSynchronization Restoring from a Backup 295 3. The transaction status tool indicates if the databases are synchronized or lists errors and warnings. Tip Generally, structure and SharePoint databases become unsynchronized because modify operations involving transactions were in progress during the backup. Ensure that the system is quiet during the backup. For more information, see Quieting the System on page 286. 4. If warnings or errors appear, restore a synchronized set of backups before continuing. Note Any uncertainty about errors and warnings should be discussed with Windchill ProductPoint technical support. Starting Windchill ProductPoint Services 1. Open the Windows Control Panel services. For example, select Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Services. DRAFT ONLY a. Right-click , and select . USE b. NOT Right-click FOR PRODUCTION, and select 2. From the Services window complete the following steps: Windchill ProductPoint Service Start Windchill ProductPoint Transaction Monitor Service Start. Restarting Internet Services 1. Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager from the Windows Start menu. For example, select All Programs ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. 2. Select and right-click the server to manage. 3. From the right-click menu, select All Tasks ▶ Restart IIS. 4. From the Stop/Start/Restart window, select the Restart Internet Services option and click OK. 5. When internet services are successfully started, you have completed the restore process. Note You must clear the client agent cache on each client machine prior to reconnecting to a restored database. 296 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 16 Backup and Restore Troubleshooting More than One NDS Database ................................................................................ 298 Backup Fails During Verification .............................................................................. 298 DRAFT ONLY This chapter describes solutions to issues that may occur during the Windchill ProductPoint and restore process. NOT FOR backup PRODUCTION USE 297 More than One NDS Database While enabling the broker, if there are more than one database with the _NDS suffix, some older NDS databases still exist. To find the current NDS database, look inside the database.txt file, under the Windchill ProductPoint installation directory. Backup Fails During Verification If your backup is failing during the verification phase, and you have confirmed that the problem is due to some trivial reason, run the backup using the ignore verification option (/iv). /iv should only be used as a temporary solution and the verification problem should be fixed as soon as possible, otherwise the backup may not be restorable. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 298 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide V Upgrade This chapter describes the process of upgrading to Windchill ProductPoint 1.1. Caution Read and follow the additional instructions for upgrading SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm to the most recent version of Windchill ProductPoint 1.1, which are provided in the Windchill ProductPoint Read This First document for that release, before continuing your upgrade. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 17 Quieting Server and Client Connections Ensuring the System is Quiet................................................................................... 303 Stopping the Windchill ProductPoint Transaction Monitor Service .............................. 303 DRAFT ONLY Note NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Before beginning the upgrade, it is important to restart SQL server. To begin upgrading toWindchill ProductPoint 1.1, both the server and client connections must be shut down. Tip To ensure that no client machines are attempting to interact with a SharePoint server, an email should be sent out several days before the upgrade informing all users of the need to save all files a day before the upgrade is scheduled. Ensure that all client machines are disconnected from the server by completing the following steps: 1. Turn on or adjust your firewall so all Windchill ProductPoint ports are blocked: • 8820 • 1975 or your site-specified port Tip For Windows firewall, navigate to Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Windows Firewall. 2. Shut down IIS using the following procedure: a. Navigate to Start ▶ Accessories ▶ Command Prompt. 301 b. Enter iisreset at the prompt. Or a. Navigate to Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ IIS Manager b. Select your server on the left panel, and then select Restart under Actions in the right panel. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 3. Shut down all Windchill ProductPoint services: Navigate to Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Services. Select Windchill ProductPoint Services. Right-click and select Stop. 302 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Ensuring the System is Quiet After completing the preceding steps, ensure that your system is quiet by running the Transaction Status tool. Note This tool is not available for Windchill ProductPoint 1.0. 1. Navigate to the following file: C:\Program Files\PTC\ProductPoint\Bin\TransactionStatus.exe. 2. Double click TransactionStatus.exe. 3. If the Transaction Status tool is done running, it returns an error level. • If the error level is 1, Windchill ProductPoint is busy. • If the error level is 0, Windchill ProductPoint is quiet. It is recommended that you do not continue with the upgrade until the system is quiet. Stopping DRAFT the ONLY Windchill ProductPoint Transaction NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Monitor Service Use the following procedure to ensure that the Windchill ProductPoint Transaction Monitoring Service is stopped on the server: 1. Navigate to Start ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Services. 2. Select Windchill ProductPoint Transaction Monitor Service. 3. Select Stop in the left panel. Quieting Server and Client Connections 303 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE A dialog appears stating that Windows is attempting to stop the service. Tip If the service does not start after your upgrade is complete, restart the service. 304 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 18 Backing Up Databases Caution It is very important that you back up your SharePoint databases before attempting to upgrade your system, as a failed upgrade could result in database memory loss or corruption. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Before backing up your databases, make sure to save the WPP_database.txt file, which is stored in your install directory. You will use this file later to point SharePoint to your existing Windchill ProductPoint database. If your upgrade fails, you must restore from this backup before beginning the upgrade process again. For more information on backup procedures, see Windchill ProductPoint Backup and Restore on page 271. 305 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 19 Upgrading to Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 Use the following procedure to uninstall an older version of Windchill ProductPoint and upgrade to Windchill ProductPoint 1.1: DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 1. Before running the installation CD, take note of your current uploads directory (stored in Central Administration) and all port numbers currently used for Windchill ProductPoint. a. Go to Central Administration ▶ Operations ▶ Services on Server. i. Click Windchill ProductPoint Service, if it exists. The Uploads Directory form will open. Note Windchill ProductPoint Service does not exist for Windchill ProductPoint 1.0. ii. Record your Uploads Directory information. b. Go to Application Management ▶ Web Applications List. Record the port numbers for Windchill ProductPoint. c. Go to Start ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ IIS Manager. i. Expand the Server node and choose Application Pools ▶ ProductPoint. ii. Record the Identity (name of the user account) that runs the service. 2. Insert and run your the Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 installation CD. 3. The installation CD recognizes that Windchill ProductPoint is already installed and asks if you want to upgrade. Click OK. 307 4. The installation CD uninstalls your older version of Windchill ProductPoint. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 308 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 5. You may now follow the typical install steps. See Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint with a Server Farm on page 89 or Installing and Configuring SharePoint and Windchill ProductPoint on page 61. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 6. When given the option, enter the uploads directory and port numbers previously used by your site. Upgrading to Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 309 7. On the next window, select Basic or Advanced. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 310 • If you choose Basic, all other options will be set automatically. Continue to step 10. • If you choose Advanced, continue with the next step. Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 8. Select Configurable and enter the Windchill ProductPoint Services user name used in step 1. This is the user name that will run the application pool for Windchill ProductPoint. Click Next. Note If you are deploying Windchill ProductPoint into a single server, non-farm environment, or a non-domain environment, you may instead choose Network Services. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Upgrading to Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 311 9. The following window appears. Click Next. Caution If you would like to install Windchill ProductPoint into a new directory, you must copy the WPP_DATABASE.TXT file into that directory before completing this step, otherwise the upgrade will fail. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 312 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 10. The following window displays before deployment. Click Deploy. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 11. A window appears showing the progress of the upgrade. When the installer is finished, make sure to start up all services shut down before upgrade and reopen all blocked ports. Upgrading to Windchill ProductPoint 1.1 313 DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 314 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide 20 Upgrade Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Overview ....................................................................................... 316 Files Upload Slower than when ProductPoint was First Installed ................................ 316 Windchill ProductPoint Service Did Not Start After Rebooting .................................... 317 DRAFT ONLY This chapterFOR describes solutions to issues that may occur during USE the NOT PRODUCTION Windchill ProductPoint upgrade process. 315 Troubleshooting Overview If the scenarios that follow do not help resolve an issue you encounter during or after the installation process, access and save your event logs and include them in a report to Technical Support. To access and save your event logs, use the following procedure: 1. Navigate to the Start menu. 2. Right-click on My Computer. 3. Select Manage. 4. Select Event Viewer. 5. Right-click Application and select Save As. Do the same for System and Security log. Files Upload Slower than when ProductPoint was First Installed DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE The Windchill ProductPoint server uploads directory will contain unreferenced files if the client’s upload is interrupted. For example, files uploaded from the client, such as Creo files. Those unreferenced files may cause performance problems if many of those files are allowed to accumulate. If there are many files in the server uploads directory (many thousands), Microsoft Windows file operations can be noticeably slowed, which may slow the server and may slow the upload process for all users. Upload operations may be interrupted if the user disconnects from the network during upload. Uploads might also be interrupted by a client reboot during upload, or by a server reboot during upload. Any of those cases will leave unreferenced files in the uploads directory. Server administrators may need to remove old files from the Windchill ProductPoint server uploads directory to avoid the potential performance penalty associated with unreferenced files. One approach to removing those files is to sort the directory by file creation date, then delete files older than some administrator chosen threshold, for example, one week. Use the following procedure to locate the uploads directory: 1. Click the Operations tab in Central Administration 2. Under Topology and Services, click Services on server. 3. Click Windchill ProductPoint Service. The uploads directory location is displayed. 316 Windchill® ProductPoint® Installation, Administrator’s, and Upgrade Guide Windchill ProductPoint Service Did Not Start After Rebooting If the Windchill ProductPoint Service did not restart after rebooting your system, use the following procedure to start the server: 1. Navigate to Start ▶ Control Panel ▶ Administrative Tools ▶ Services. 2. Highlight ProductPoint Web Service, and click Start in the upper left of the Services panel. DRAFT ONLY NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Upgrade Troubleshooting 317