Annual Review - Madasafish web space holding page


Annual Review - Madasafish web space holding page
Kwik-Fit Holdings plc
G roup Operations 1999
Kwik-Fit Holdings plc
“At Kwik-Fit, our aim is 100% Customer Delight and all
Kwik-Fit people are committed to exceeding their
customer’s expectations. The famous Kwik-Fit Fitters are
the all important contact with the customer and they
continue to benefit from the best training and personal
development programmes in the business. Our ambition is
to make Kwik-Fit the Company that everyone wants to be
part of and deal with.”
Sir Tom Farmer CBE KCSG
Chairman and Chief Executive
2 Chairman’s Overview
4 Kwik-Fit Holdings
4 Kwik-Fit Group Operations in the UK
4 Kwik-Fit GB
8 Kwik Fit Fleet and Kwik-Fit Mobile
10 Kwik-Fit Insurance Services & Telemarketing Centre
12 Apples Car Clinics & Hometune Motoring Services
14 Tyre Plus Autoservice
14 Preston Paints
16 Kwik-Fit Group Operations in Europe
17 Kwik-Fit Netherlands and USN/Centuri
18 Speedy and Pit-Stop
20 Kwik-Fit Group Board of Directors
Group Operations 1999 . Kwik-Fit Holdings plc 1
C h a i rm a n ’s Overv i e w
The first Kwik-Fit Centre was
France and Pit-Stop is growing its
opened in McDonald Road in
market share in Germany. Both
Edinburgh in 1971. Today the
companies specialise in exhausts,
Kwik-Fit Group is operating from
brakes, suspension, tyres and
1,907 service points across Europe
lubrication services. The Speedy
with plans to open further centres
and Pit-Stop operations are a
in other countries. Our aim from
perfect fit for the existing Kwik-Fit
the outset was, and remains, to
centres in Holland and Belgium,
deliver 100% customer delight.
and the Group now has one of the
This, together with the commitment
most extensive European coverages
and expertise of all Kwik-Fit people
in the automotive repair business.
has resulted in the Kwik-Fit Group
expanding to become one of the
In the UK, the Group acquired the
world’s largest independent
remaining 75% of Apples Car
automotive parts repair and
Clinics who specialise in car
replacement specialists.
servicing and mechanical repairs.
Also, the acquisition of our joint-
“The Kwik-Fit Group is now one of
the largest independent automotive
parts repair and replacement
specialists in the world”
Over 9,500 Kwik-Fit people, in
venture partner’s 50% interest in
England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland,
Northern Ireland now brings this
Holland, France, Belgium, Germany
operation fully under Kwik-Fit
and Spain now service the needs of
management control.
almost 7.5 million motorists a year.
No other organisation in the car
Kwik-Fit Insurance Services which
repair industry can rival the
now employs over 1,000 people
achievements of the Kwik-Fit Group
continued to expand their
and of Kwik-Fit people.
operations with the development of
a second call centre facility adjacent
2 Kwik-Fit Holdings plc . Group Operations 1999
In January of this year Kwik-Fit
to the existing operation, based in
completed the acquisition of
Tannochside near Glasgow. From
Speedy and Pit-Stop in Europe.
this telemarketing call centre
Speedy operates 411 company
Kwik-Fit conducts one of the largest
owned and franchised centres in
on-going customer surveys in the
France, Belgium, Spain and
world and also provides Kwik-Fit
Switzerland. Pit-Stop operates
branded motor insurance on behalf
through 163 centres in Germany.
of a panel of leading insurance
Speedy is the market leader in
Kwik-Fit (GB), Kwik-Fit Fleet and
Kwik-Fit will continue to build on
Kwik-Fit Mobile have continued to
its success and will continue to
increase market share as have the
identify new opportunities to build
Kwik-Fit operations in Holland and
customer loyalty, to delight our
customers and to ensure that all
Kwik-Fit people share in the success
The Kwik-Fit Group will continue
that they help to create.
to invest substantially in the
training and development of all our
Kwik-Fit will maximise the
people, as they are the first and
efficiencies and opportunities that
most important contact with our
arise from the new enlarged Group.
customers. There are now four
The vision of 2,000 service points
purpose-built training schools,
by the year 2000 will be realised as
including a high-tech facility in
we continue to drive expansion
Paris and the multi-media Kwik-Fit
programmes in all the countries in
Training Academy at Tannochside
which we trade to bring the benefits
in Scotland.
of dealing with Kwik-Fit to more
and more motorists.
Kwik-Fit people’s contribution to
the growth and expansion of the
Our aim has always been, and will
Group is well recognised through
continue to be, to be the Company
our remuneration packages and our
that everyone wants to deal with
profit share schemes. Through the
and to be part of.
Share Scheme for Kwik-Fit people,
everyone who has completed three
years service is eligible for shares in
the Company. In excess of 2,500
Kwik-Fit people are now members
Sir Tom Farmer CBE KCSG
of this scheme.
Chairman and Chief Executive
Group Operations 1999 . Kwik-Fit Holdings plc 3
Kwik-Fit Holdings
Through the Central Services unit
Kwik-Fit Properties is responsible
Kwik-Fit’s Information Technology
based in Murrayfield, Edinburgh,
for ensuring that uniform policies
division is responsible for the
Kwik-Fit Holdings provides support
are adopted throughout the Group’s
provision and development of all
to all Kwik-Fit Group companies.
operations, and for managing the
computerised information systems
Main Board Executive Directors and
UK property portfolio. This includes
for the Group’s operating divisions
senior executives have responsibility
the maintenance and repair of
including the point-of-sale terminals
for the implementation of policies
properties, the purchase and
installed in the trading outlets and
and programmes for expansion; for
development of new sites, the letting
the timely processing of
financial forecasting and reporting;
and sale of surplus premises as well
management information.
for supplier relations and central
as the collection of internal and
buying policies, and for the
external rents. Kwik-Fit Properties’
The Management Board comprising
development of the Kwik-Fit brand
prime objective is to ensure that the
the Main Board Executive Directors
together with the identification,
Group’s property assets are
and the Managing Directors of the
introduction and promotion of new
managed in such a way as to
Group’s operating divisions provides
products and services.
maximise the return to the Group.
for a strong, unified management
structure and resource.
Kwik-Fit Group Operations in the UK
UK Operating Divisions
The Kwik-Fit Group’s services are provided through eight operating divisions
in the UK, each one focused on the achievement of 100% customer delight.
Today, there are over 26 million
lengthen, leading to an increase in
licensed cars on UK roads – an
the value of the UK aftermarket.
increase of nearly two million over
4 Kwik-Fit Holdings plc . Group Operations 1999
the last five years – and it is forecast
This means continued growth
that this could increase by another
opportunities for Kwik-Fit,
two million cars by 2002. It is
which remains the market leader
further estimated that 77% of UK-
in the UK car aftermarket,
licensed cars are over three years
currently valued at approximately
old. This average age is expected to
£12.2 billion.
Above: Kwik-Fit Centre in Wednesbury, opened July 1998
Kwik-Fit GB
Business Development Dire c t o r
National Operations Dire c t o r
Training & Development Dire c t o r
Operations Support Dire c t o r
– John Clark
– Mike Craddock
– Simon Dawson
– Desmond Farm e r
Marketing Dire c t o r
Financial Dire c t o r
C o m m e rcial Dire c t o r
Customer Services Dire c t o r
– Doug McKenzie
– George Middlemiss
– Les Mort o n
– David White
At the year end Kwik-Fit GB was
trading through 644 specialist tyre,
exhaust and brake fitting Centres in
the UK and Ireland. 22 new Centres
were opened in 1998/99 and a further
21 were upgraded in order to improve
the facilities for our customers.
Kwik-Fit’s success is built on a strong
retail identity which our customers
equate with quality service,
professionalism and convenience.
Sited on main traffic routes close to
work, shops and home and open
Comprehensive stocks and automatic
363 days a year, Kwik-Fit Centres
Above: Kwik-Fit GB’s Management Board and Divisional
Directors – Front row, left to right: Des Farmer; George
re-ordering from our suppliers means
Middlemiss; Doug McKenzie; Simon Dawson; Mike
offer clean, comfortable customer
that we are able to meet the demands
Craddock; Jeff Goodacre; David White. Second row: Ivan
reception and waiting areas with
of almost every motorist
modern, well-equipped fitting bays.
immediately. The variations in tyre
tread patterns, speed ratings and
Kwik-Fit aims to achieve high
profiles has continued to evolve in
throughput on these dedicated sites
line with the vehicle manufacturers’
in order to minimise site costs. On-
original equipment specifications.
Holloway; John Clark; Paul Boulton; Mark Harley; Les
Morton; Dave Turner
Greg Dolan,
Director of
Kwik-Fit Ireland
with Brendan
Callan, Master
site stocking and direct ‘just-in-time’
During the year, a specialist technical
replenishment by suppliers further
advice and supply centre, Kwik-Fit
Park Centre,
Tyre Source, was established which
improves efficiency and profitability.
Manager, Omni
Group Operations 1999 . Kwik-Fit Holdings plc 5
Kwik-Fit GB
sources any tyre that a Kwik-Fit
We regularly review the training
Centre does not hold as part of its
and development needs of all
core stock. Within 24 hours, the
Kwik-Fit people;
located tyre is delivered to the Centre,
We continually evaluate our
allowing us to increase our ability
investment in the training and
to meet the growing demand for
development of our people;
specialist tyres in the high
performance and 4x4 vehicle market.
We take action to train and
develop our people throughout
their employment;
Skilled teams
We are committed at all levels to
Kwik-Fit Master Managers and their
developing Kwik-Fit people to
teams of Kwik-Fit fitters are
achieve our business objectives.
responsible for day-to-day operations
within their Centres. They are
Kwik-Fit people benefit from
supported by Kwik-Fit Partners, who,
comprehensive training programmes
in turn, are each responsible for
throughout their career. Covering all
groups of three Centres. Six Divisional
the practical aspects of their work,
Support Centres ensure that each
customer care and general
Centre is able to maximise its
management techniques, the training
balances on-the-job learning with
courses conducted at one of Kwik-Fit’s
Our people’s commitment to
two central training centres and six
delivering 100% customer delight
divisional facilities in the UK. During
ensures that each Centre is run by a
the year, over 11,500 training days
motivated and skilled team. Kwik-Fit’s
were completed on 1,900 different
policy of promoting from within
training courses within these facilities.
offers everyone the same opportunities
Top: Kwik-Fit Centre at Donnybrook in Dublin
Middle: The Mayor of Rainham opening
our new Kwik-Fit Centre at Rainham
to progress up a well-structured career
All Kwik-Fit trainees are given the
ladder. Within five years, a Kwik-Fit
opportunity to work towards
fitter demonstrating talent and
nationally recognised qualifications
enthusiasm can expect to become a
including City & Guilds Qualification
Kwik-Fit Master Manager. Those
in Automotive Parts and Fitting Skills
Master Managers showing exceptional
and the National Vocational
leadership skills, coupled with
Qualification in Automotive Service
achieving consistent growth for their
and Parts Replacement. As part of
Centres, are appointed Kwik-Fit
their training and personal
development, all Kwik-Fit people are
encouraged to participate in local
Bottom: Meyboob Hussain,
Supervisor at Old Street, London
6 Kwik-Fit Holdings plc . Group Operations 1999
As a recognised Investor in People,
community projects. Our commitment
Kwik-Fit is committed to four basic
to the Prince’s Trust Volunteers allows
graduates of the Kwik-Fit
Apprenticeship Programme the
income tax. In addition, everyone
Northern Ireland. The acquisition of
opportunity to take part in initiatives
who has completed more than three
our joint-venture partner’s 50%
that benefit both themselves and their
years’ service is allocated Kwik-Fit
interest in Northern Ireland in
shares as part of The Share Scheme
December 1998 allows us to bring
for Kwik-Fit people. In 1998/99, more
these operations fully under Kwik-Fit
Kwik-Fit is a Charter Founder
than 2,150 people each received
management. We plan to develop our
Member of The Duke of Edinburgh’s
shares then worth £1 million in total.
services to the motorist in Ireland and
Award Scheme. Designed to broaden
to increase the number of Centres.
young people’s horizons, to encourage
Listening to the customer
teamwork and self-development, the
By listening to our customers, we can
Scheme and its Members co-ordinate a
measure our performance. In every
structured programme of assignments
Kwik-Fit Centre, customers are
and challenges for people aged 16-25.
offered a reply-paid questionnaire to
comment on the service they
Kwik-Fit encourages all eligible
experienced or, if they prefer, they
Kwik-Fit people to take part in the
can contact us on our freephone
Scheme and also promotes the Award
helpline, open 24 hours a day. In
Scheme to local businesses. The
addition, our Kwik-Fit Customer
challenge and adventure of the Award
Survey Unit allows us to make
benefits the individual, local
contact with over 5,000 customers a
community and employers.
day, within 72 hours of their visit to
a Kwik-Fit Centre. This year, over
Sharing in success
1.2 million customers were
We believe that Kwik-Fit people are
contacted, with 98.2% confirming
the best and reward their commitment
their satisfaction with our service.
with job security and a remuneration
More importantly, this enables us to
programme which enables all Kwik-Fit
identify any customer who is not
Partners, Kwik-Fit Master Managers
completely satisfied with our service
and Kwik-Fit fitters to share in the
and allows us to take appropriate
profits that they help to create. This is
in addition to their basic salary and is
part of the Company’s unique
Kwik-Fit prides itself on customer
‘Branchise Programme’ that rewards
care. By talking to the customer, we
the achievement of service and
are able continually to improve our
Top: Stephen Loundes, Supervisor at
service, which is essential to sustained
Wednesbury fits a car seat for Jade, watched
performance standards.
business growth.
by her mother Amanda Wootton
Middle: Prince’s Trust Volunteers team
Other benefits include participation
working on The Water of Leith, Edinburgh
in the Government approved Profit
Kwik-Fit in Ireland offers the same
Related Pay Plan which enables
products and services as Kwik-Fit GB.
Kwik-Fit people to receive a
There are 31 Kwik-Fit Centres
proportion of their earnings free of
in Ireland: 18 in Eire and 13 in
Bottom: Master Manager of the
Wednesbury Centre, Martin Pugh with a
Group Operations 1999 . Kwik-Fit Holdings plc 7
Kwik-Fit Fleet and Kwik-Fit Mobile
Kwik-Fit Fleet:
Managing Dire c t o r
Sales & Marketing
Financial Contro l l e r
– Ron Bambra
– Simon Roper
– Simon Latham
Kwik-Fit Mobile:
Managing Dire c t o r
– Ann Shankland
The UK is one of the largest
Dial Contracts, Highway Vehicle
company car markets in Europe
Leasing, Capital Bank, Swan
with 3.2 million vehicles registered,
National and FCM.
accounting for almost 60% of all
new car purchases in this country.
Major customers have also chosen to
Kwik-Fit Fleet provides a
have the expertise of a Kwik-Fit Fleet
comprehensive range of services to
tyre line controller to oversee all of
meet the needs of this important
their contract hire, fleet management
market, promoting Kwik-Fit’s
and leasing services.
extensive network of Centres and
Kwik-Fit Mobile’s fleet of tyre fitting
Operating from a 24-hour control
vehicles. Last year, Kwik-Fit Fleet
centre based in the Kwik-Fit
helped maintain over two million
Telemarketing Centre in Tannochside
vehicles for 12,000 customer account
near Glasgow, Kwik-Fit Fleet Tyre
Management offers a risk-free
solution to large fleet operators who
Managing your motoring
require fixed costs for tyre
The Kwik-Fit Fleet service is designed
replacement based on specific vehicle
to make vehicle management simpler
model and tyre size. Over 200,000
and more efficient. Fleet operators
fleet vehicles operated by Lex Vehicle
benefit from the Kwik-Fit guarantee
Leasing, Arriva and Autolease are
of quality service and the cost
currently on this programme with
savings that arise from our ability to
tyre replacement being authorised
offer a range of motoring products
by Kwik-Fit Fleet’s own tyre line
at the best prices. Fleet customers
benefit from the services of the
Above: Ron Bambra, Managing
Director, Kwik-Fit Fleet with
Mick Gant, National Accounts
Kwik-Fit GB Centres and Kwik-Fit
In addition, Kwik-Fit Fleet offers
Mobile as well as Apples Car Clinics
outsourcing to those fleet customers
and Hometune’s mobile servicing.
who wish to pass their authorisation
Centralised invoicing provides
and invoice checking procedures to
efficient and straightforward billing,
this control centre. Outsourcing is
wherever the work was carried out in
expected to grow rapidly as fleet
the Kwik-Fit Group, while seven day
operators benefit from increased
opening allows the work to be
controls and reduced administration
completed at a time convenient for
costs. Customers presently using this
the company car driver.
system include Tesco, Legal &
General, First Mutual Contracts,
Kwik-Fit Fleet helps maintain the
Hartwell Motor Contracts, Jessups
vehicles of the country’s largest fleet
and N G Bailey.
operators, including Cendant,
8 Kwik-Fit Holdings plc . Group Operations 1999
The Kwik-Fit Business Drive Card is
In order to further improve efficiency
designed to make company car costs
and meet the increased demand for the
easier to monitor and covers most
Kwik-Fit Mobile service, each fitter is
of the motoring expenditure a
equipped with a hand-held computer
company can expect to incur over
which provides a direct link to regional
the course of a year. Managers of
control and UK Kwik-Fit Centres,
fleets totalling less than 25 cars find
enabling them to quickly check stock
the Business Drive Card particularly
useful. Welcomed at over 12,000
fuel outlets throughout the UK, the
Award-winning service
Card can also be used in every UK
Since its launch in 1987, Kwik-Fit Fleet
Kwik-Fit Centre, and Kwik-Fit
has set some of the highest standards
associated companies, as well as
of service in the fleet industry. In
service outlets, car hire companies
twelve years of business, Kwik-Fit’s
Kwik-Fit Mobile, with Carl Atkinson,
and other services dedicated to the
service to Fleet customers has won
Mobile Controller
motorist’s needs, some at
22 major awards and in 1998 was
discounted prices.
presented with three of the top awards
Top of page: Steven Smith,
Kwik-Fit Mobile fitter
Above : Ann Shankland, Managing Director,
from Fleet News, including the ‘Best
Coming to your assistance
Fast-Fit Company’, ‘Best Customer
With the company car market
Working in association with
Service’ award and ‘Best Quality
forecast to reach 3.4 million vehicles
Kwik-Fit Fleet is Kwik-Fit Mobile, a
Company’ of any in the fleet industry.
by 2002, Kwik-Fit will continue to
service that comes to the motorist’s
Kwik-Fit was also awarded the
strengthen its position in the industry
assistance at home or office, with
Institute of Transport Managers’
by focussing on quality service,
166 specially equipped mobile tyre
‘Award for Innovation’ and the award
innovative products and award-
fitting vehicles.
for ‘Best Fast-Fit Company.’
winning service.
Group Operations 1999 . Kwik-Fit Holdings plc 9
Kwik-Fit Insurance Services and Telemarketing Centre
Managing Dire c t o r
Training & Development Dire c t o r
I n f o rmation Services Dire c t o r
Financial Dire c t o r
– Ron Hewitt
– Martin Houston
– Ian Mackay
– Martin Oliver
customer loyalty
Kwik-Fit’s sophisticated
With an increasing number of
Telemarketing Centre at
Kwik-Fit customers wishing to
Tannochside, near Glasgow, is the
receive a quotation when their car
base for the Kwik-Fit Customer Care
insurance falls due for renewal, a
Survey Unit and Kwik-Fit Insurance
new 50,000 sq.ft building is being
developed next to the existing facility
in Tannochside. Kwik-Fit Insurance
Increasing customer loyalty is crucial
Services now employs over 1,000
to the Kwik-Fit Group’s continued
specially trained people.
success. Over 5,000 Kwik-Fit
customers a day are called by the
Kwik-Fit Insurance policyholders
Kwik-Fit Customer Survey Unit
benefit from competitive premiums,
within 72 hours of visiting a
personal 365 day a year service and a
Kwik-Fit Centre. Valuable
range of benefits that come from
information on the standards of
being a part of the Kwik-Fit Group.
service provided is collected, and
Every Kwik-Fit Insurance
customers are advised of new
policyholder receives a free Kwik-Fit
products and services.
AutoSave Card, which entitles them
to a 10% discount on purchases for
Top: Ron Hewitt, Managing Director,
Kwik-Fit Insurance Services, with
Since its introduction three years ago,
the insured vehicle at any Kwik-Fit
Kwik-Fit Insurance Services has
Centre, Apples Car Clinic or mobile
grown to be a leading provider of
Hometune operator. All fully
motor insurance policies, through a
comprehensive policyholders are
panel of leading insurance
entitled to a courtesy car for as long
as their own vehicle is off the road in
the event of a claim.
Madelene Browne,
trainee insurance consultant
Above: The Kwik-Fit Telemarketing Centre
at Tannochside
10 Kwik-Fit Holdings plc . Group Operations 1999
Kwik-Fit’s day-to-day contact with
motorists means marketing costs are
In response to customer enquiries,
kept to a minimum, providing a
Kwik-Fit developed a number of new
competitive advantage in a price-
insurance products in 1998. Highly
competitive industry.
competitive travel insurance, offering
coverage for a single trip or a whole
system allows us to deal with all
year’s travel, has been launched to
customer enquiries quickly and
existing customers, as has an
efficiently, directing all calls to the
innovative policy which covers the
person best placed to help. It greatly
motorist against unexpected costs as
simplifies information gathering,
a result of an MOT failure. For a
allowing us to instantly see customer
one-off premium, and provided the
details and identify the best policy
policy is taken out more than three
for each customer.
months before the MOT is due, the
car owner can claim on any specified
Personal Service
MOT work up to the value of £350.
To ensure we provide the most
efficient personal service for our
The Kwik-Fit Training Academy is
customers, Kwik-Fit Insurance
also based in Tannochside and allows
introduced a number of new working
all Kwik-Fit people access to this
practices during the year. Our
state-of-the-art facility. Offering a
dedicated claims division enables a
mix of lecture-based training and
customer to receive the personal
self-help learning, the Training
attention of one consultant
Academy is in daily use. This facility
throughout their claim. The Kwik-Fit
is also available for use by schools,
code of conduct ensures that we are
hospitals, care groups and
in contact with the customer at least
community organisations.
once every three days, until their
claim has been settled.
Top of page: Kwik-Fit Insurance Services
Keeping in touch
at Tannochside
The Kwik-Fit Insurance service is
Top: Anton Manley handles
founded on the quality of our
customer enquiries
people, but we also invest
Middle: Kwik-Fit people celebrating
substantially in the systems that
their success
enable them to do their job
Bottom: The Kwik-Fit AutoSave card
efficiently. Our technologically
advanced telephone and computer
Group Operations 1999 . Kwik-Fit Holdings plc 11
Apples Car Clinics and Hometune Motoring Services
Apples Car Clinics:
Managing Dire c t o r
Sales & Marketing Dire c t o r
Personnel & Training Dire c t o r
Operations Dire c t o r
– Gwyn Jones
– Archie Curr i e
– Brian Wi l s o n
– Rob Wa r b u rt o n
Hometune Motoring Serv i c e s :
Managing Dire c t o r
Operations Dire c t o r
– Tony Kenny
– Brian Keenan
Thriving on
successful servicing
Above: Gwyn Jones, Managing
Director of Apples Car Clinics
Right: Apples Car Clinic, Walsall
12 Kwik-Fit Holdings plc . Group Operations 1999
Apples Car Clinics
tyre, exhaust and brake centres very
Operating from 70 centres, Apples
well providing an important and
Car Clinics provide a full range of
cost-effective service. We shall
technical services to motorists,
concentrate on further improving
including servicing, engine tuning,
customer service, increasing sales and
MOT testing, clutch and brake
profitability of existing Clinics and
replacement as well as tyres, exhausts
we will drive an expansion
and vehicle alarm systems. Kwik-Fit
programme to achieve UK wide
made an initial 25% investment in
coverage. A recent move into the
Apples in December 1994. In
company car market has seen Apples
December 1998, the remaining 75%
working closely with Kwik-Fit Fleet,
was acquired. Apples Car Clinics
providing fleet operators with the
complement the existing specialist
benefits of centralised invoicing.
Through these successful operations,
the convenience of home or office
Kwik-Fit is able to offer its customers
a broad range of value-added
services that further
Equipped with the latest
complement the
in hand-held computer
Group’s core activities.
technology, every
Hometune engineer
Mobile servicing
offers full car servicing,
Kwik-Fit holds a 33%
engine tuning and fuel
share in Hometune
Motoring Services, the UK’s
injection expertise.
Left: : Brian Keenan, Operations Director
and Tony Kenny, Managing Director of
Above: Stuart Morrice, Hometune operator
Customers can either make
largest mobile servicing company
appointments directly with their
with 92 vehicles operating across
local Hometune operator or by
the country. Hometune offers the
calling a special freephone number
private or fleet motorist a range of
at the company’s central offices in
specialist motoring services, all with
Group Operations 1999 . Kwik-Fit Holdings plc 13
Ty re Plus Autoserv i c e
Managing Dire c t o r
Financial Contro l l e r
General Manager (Ty re Sales)
General Manager (Ebley)
– Brian Kidd
– Robert Russell
– Colin Evans
– Glen Baxter
Local branding grows
market share
Tyre Plus is a group of 145
core of the Tyre Plus service, which is
autoservice centres, trading under
able to offer its customers best value
their own local brand names, located
through the Group’s buying power,
in key urban areas throughout the
centralised technology systems and
UK. These centres enable the
property management expertise.
Kwik-Fit Group to increase market
Top: Brian Kidd, Managing Director of
Tyre Plus with Craig Glowienko, Budget
share in major towns and cities and
Strengthening the Group
provide a competitive alternative to
The number of Tyre Plus outlets
local motoring repair and
increased by 12 during the year,
replacement operations.
including the acquisition of the
Exhausts & Tyres, Livingston
Taunton-based Tyres & Exhausts‘R’Us
With the same focus on customer
which operates eight depots in the
care found across the whole Kwik-Fit
South and West of England. The
Group, Tyre Plus provides a full
expansion of Tyre Plus will continue
service offering across its 145
with the opening of new centres and
different outlets. Tyre and exhaust
the acquisition of other local
repair and replacement forms the
Preston Paints specialise in the
area. Additional services include
production of top quality refinish
body shop design and the
products and consumables and is a
implementation of computerised
leading supplier to the automotive
body shop activities and paint
refinishing industry in the Lancashire
mixing systems.
P reston Paints
Above: Bob Billington (on right),
Managing Director of Preston Paints with
Terence Garrity, Technical Service Manager
14 Kwik-Fit Holdings plc . Group Operations 1999
Clockwise from top left: Autospeed Service Centre,
Bristol; Ebley, Cheltenham; Humphries, Reading;
Tyres & Exhausts ‘R’ Us, Taunton; Budget,
Coatbridge; Manor Tyres & Exhausts, Bristol; Tyre
Sales Centre, Crewe
Kwik-Fit Group Operations in Euro p e
Driving forward
across Europe
The value of the European fast-fit market has grown steadily over the last five years. This
growth has reflected the emergence of the fast-fit sector in many EU countries and the
development of fast-fit chains taking a greater share of the aftermarket. The UK fast-fit
sector holds the largest share of the aftermarket followed by France and Germany.
Above: Stephan Limdinger fitting an
exhaust at Kwik-Fit Houten, with
Manager Joop van den Brink
Kwik-Fit is already the market leader
The complementary mix of skills
in the Netherlands. The Kwik-Fit
and locations make Kwik-Fit, Speedy
Group’s acquisition in January 1999,
and Pit-Stop an ideal partnership.
of Speedy Europe, now comprising
The well-established strengths of
the 574 European automotive parts
Speedy and Pit-Stop, especially in
repair and replacement centres,
brake services, complement Kwik-Fit
trading as Speedy in France, Belgium,
in the development of its tyre,
Spain and Switzerland, and Pit-Stop
exhaust and other services in the
in Germany, provides considerable
UK and the Netherlands, and provide
opportunities for growth.
the ideal opportunity for further
expansion in Europe.
The people at Speedy and Pit-Stop
European Divisions
bring their own dedication to
The Kwik-Fit Group’s services in
customer service and a wealth of
mainland Europe are provided
local market knowledge. Their
through three retail operating
current training programmes are
Divisions – Kwik-Fit Netherlands,
already in line with the Kwik-Fit aim
Speedy and Pit-Stop – and a
of achieving 100% customer delight.
wholesale Division, Uitlaatservice
Nederland and Centuri Snelservice.
16 Kwik-Fit Holdings plc . Group Operations 1999
Kwik-Fit Netherlands
Managing Dire c t o r
Sales Dire c t o r
Personnel & Training Dire c t o r
P ro p e rty Dire c t o r
– Carel Bikkers
– Peter Wi e r i k x
– Michael Ve rw e i j
– Dries van Beek
Kwik-Fit Netherlands operates
Investing in our people
through 180 specialist tyre, exhaust
Last year, Kwik-Fit Netherlands
and brake fitting Centres in Holland
became the first automotive company
and the northern part of Belgium.
in continental Europe to receive the
An important additional market for
‘Investors in People Award’. In a
Kwik-Fit Netherlands is the supply
ceremony in Amsterdam on
and fitting of tow bars to meet the
11 November, Mme Jorritsma-Lebbink,
demands of caravan and trailer
the Dutch Minister of Economics and
Deputy Prime Minister, presented the
award to Kwik-Fit in recognition of
The introduction of Kwik-Fit Fleet
our commitment to people
and Kwik-Fit Mobile to the Dutch
development. A year-round training
market in 1997 has strengthened the
programme ensures our teams of
Kwik-Fit customer offering and these
Kwik-Fit fitters and Master Managers
Top: Assistant Manager of
specialist services open up further
are able to maintain the highest levels
Kwik-Fit Lelystad, Roel van der Velde
opportunities for market growth.
of service to the customer and, during
the year, almost 2,000 training places
Our success comes from a
were taken-up by Kwik-Fit people in
combination of Kwik-Fit’s industry-
Holland and Belgium.
Above: Mme Jorritsma-Lebbink, Deputy
Prime Minister of Holland, presenting
Carel Bikkers with the Investors in People
leading business strategies, the local
market expertise of our Dutch and
The Kwik-Fit business in Holland and
Belgian management team and our
Belgium has shown consistent growth
dedication to achieving 100%
since its formation fifteen years ago,
customer delight. Since our first Centre
expanding its business profitably from
opened in 1984, the Kwik-Fit brand
both new and existing Centres. In the
has become well-established as we
year ahead, 15 new Centres are
continually seek to meet the demands
planned as we look to achieve our aim
of our customers with quality service
of having a Kwik-Fit Centre in every
and a commitment to providing the
Dutch community with 20,000 or
best products at the best value prices.
more people.
Above: Frans Kerssens, Managing Director
of USN, with Erik Brandhoff, manager of
Centuri Snelservice, Heerhugowaard
Managing Dire c t o r
Sales Dire c t o r, USN
– Frans Kerssens
– Johan van den Hoeven
Centuri operates 29 distribution
throughout Holland and Belgium.
centres in Holland and Belgium. It
Uitlaatservice Nederland (USN) is an
supplies parts to all Kwik-Fit Centres
importer and wholesaler of exhausts,
and more than 250 independent outlets
brakes, batteries and shock absorbers.
Group Operations 1999 . Kwik-Fit Holdings plc 17
Speedy and Pit-Stop
Managing Dire c t o r
Financial Dire c t o r
I n f o rmation Services Dire c t o r
Operations Dire c t o r
Marketing Dire c t o r
– Gilles Chauveau
– Alastair Symers
– Patrice Delmas
– José Garc i a
– Marc de la Cro i x - Va u b o i s
Managing Dire c t o r
Financial Contro l l e r
Marketing Dire c t o r
– Bahman Anzalichi
– Matthias Wi e r l i n g
– Martin John
The Kwik-Fit Group already has
companies operate which have
market leading positions both in
proved to be successful, and which
the UK and Holland; the acquisition
can be shared for the benefit of the
of Speedy Europe brings similar
leading positions in France,
Germany and Belgium, and a
For example, in Germany, Pit-Stop
springboard for growth in the
operate sites with varying stock
Managing Director of Speedy
Spanish market where Speedy
profiles according to their location,
Right: Bahman Anzalichi,
currently has 11 centres in the
and are supplied by local factors on
Barcelona area. The overall
a just-in-time basis.
Left: Gilles Chauveau,
Managing Director of Pit-Stop
European market is in aggregate
Below: Pit-Stop Centre at Eberswalde, Germany
four times the size of that of the
Speedy and Pit-Stop’s emphasis has
UK and is less developed in terms
always been on the mechanical
of the fast-fit share of the total
business in terms of exhausts and
brakes, whereas Kwik-Fit’s strength
has been tyres and exhausts. This
Speedy Europe specialises in car
complementary mix of skills will
parts repair and
enable Kwik-Fit, Speedy
replacement services
and Pit-Stop to benefit
for the private
from each other’s
motorist. Trading
specialist expertise.
under the brand
The Managing
name Speedy, it
Directors of Speedy
operates from 375
and Pit-Stop have
centres in France,
joined the Management
including 87 franchises,
25 centres in Belgium and 11
Board and they will have
a key role to play in the future
in Spain. There are 163 centres in
development of our European
Germany trading under the Pit-Stop
Speedy and Pit-Stop have strong,
Right: Speedy fitters at work
Above: Speedy Centre at Chrissier, Switzerland
18 Kwik-Fit Holdings plc . Group Operations 1999
Joining forces
well-established brands across their
The Speedy and Pit-Stop concept is
major markets, with a reputation for
very similar to that of Kwik-Fit in
service and value. The combination
the UK and the Netherlands.
of Kwik-Fit, Speedy and Pit-Stop
However, there are a number of
gives the Kwik-Fit Group a
differences in the way the respective
substantial platform on which to
expand further within Europe,
and established supplier
Top of page: Speedy Centre, Paris
building on the current centre
relationships, both Speedy and
Above: Pit-Stop Centre, Zwickau, Germany
network running from Inverness in
Pit-Stop will benefit by offering
Scotland to Barcelona in Spain.
customers an enhanced service and
greater value for money. It also
Welcoming our new people
provides the opportunity to develop
As part of a larger group with
the Kwik-Fit Fleet business in
complementary entrepreneurial
management style, people
motivation skills, proven systems
Group Operations 1999 . Kwik-Fit Holdings plc 19
Kwik-Fit Holdings plc
G roup Board of Dire c t o r s
Sir Tom Farmer CBE KCSG
Graeme Bissett
Peter Holmes
Chairman and Chief Executive
Group Director of Finance
Group Director of
John Houston
Group Director of Strategy
and Development
Professor Neil Hood
Ervin Landau
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director
Ian McIntosh
John Padget
Ken McGill
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director
Company Secretary
20 Kwik-Fit Holdings plc . Group Operations 1999
Kwik-Fit Holdings plc
17 Corstorphine Road
Edinburgh EH12 6DD
0131-337 9200
0131-337 0062
Web Site Address
info @