6th Sunday of Easter 1st May 2016


6th Sunday of Easter 1st May 2016
Money Matters
Offertory Collection last weekend
£679.17 of which
£279.50 was Gift Aided.
Mission Appeal : £888.64
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer,
please consider filling out the Gift
Aid form which is in the church
porch to receive a box of weekly
envelopes for your
offertory donation or for a one-off
donation then please use the
Green envelopes.
Please remember to write your
name, address, sign and date the
green envelope.
Thank you for supporting
our Parish.
Responsorial Psalm:
Let the peoples praise
you, O God, let all the
peoples praise you
Gospel Acclamation:
Those whose anniversaries
30th Apr) William Kunstle, Thomas McManus,
Patrick John Condon, James Mills, George Murdock, Alan Welsh,(1st May) George Thomas
McManus, Thomas Rowlands, Mary Meacock,
Michael James Carney, James Joseph Fazal
(2nd May) James Walsh, Thomas Hurst, Catherine Wilson, William Brannan, (3rd May) Mary
Catherine Owen, Sarah Ivy Wilson (4th May)
Mary Vaughan, Sarah Ann Kinney, Dilys Hormell
(5th May) John Boland, John Rottgardt, Camelia
Williams (6th May) Mary Rooney, Denis Evans
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: [email protected]
01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: http://www.stdavidsmold.org.uk/
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
1st May 2016
Pilgrimage to LOURDES
If anyone requires transport from Mold
Church car park to the pick-up point at St
David's Ewloe, please add your names to
the list at the back of the church.
The cost of this leg of the journey is approx
£5 per person (return fare). Times to follow
when available. For information:
Helen Russell (07789388013)
Jubilee Celebrations
Red Boxes
The Missio Red Boxes are now due to be
emptied; please leave them in the Sacristy. Please ensure your names are on the
boxes when you drop them off. If you forgot
to collect your boxes last time, you will find
them in the porch.
Tricia Hird
Sixth Sunday of Easter Year C
30th April Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
Let us pray for the Sick
Margaret Evans, Pat and Terry Loftus, Fred
Battersby, Gwen Jones,Joe Goggin, Ian
Byron, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell,
Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay McCornick, Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne Turner,
Mary Rowe, Rose Bryan, Jenny Mansley,
Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson, Joe &
Luisa Desena, Shelagh Fulham, Margaret
Stubbs, Philomena Lamano,
and Leo
Alleluia, alleluia!
Jesus said: ‘If anyone
loves me, he will keep my
word, and my Father will
love him and we shall
come to him.
It is hoped to record memories of
the people of the parish who
were present in 1950s/60s. The
first session of recording will take
place in the Convent on this
Tuesday at 2.30pm. We shall
love to hear from you.
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
We remember in our prayers
For People of the Parish
1st May Sunday
Mass 11am
Int. Endsleigh Reunion
(Margaret & Mike Bunting)
Monday :
2nd May
3rd May
Mem: St. Athanasius
Mass 10am
Alicia Mullen: Blessings on all kind
friends in St. David’s
Feast: Ss.Philip and James, Apostles
Mass 7pm
FM: Una Elizabeth Johnson
Wednesday: Liturgy of the day
4th May
Mass 9.15am
Dee Kenyon RIP (HF, Wexham)
Liturgy of the day
5th May
Mass 9.15am
FM : Thomas and Margaret Atherton
Liturgy of the day
6th May
Mass 9.15am
Teresa Small RIP (HF, Wrexham)
7th May Saturday
Mass at 5.30pm
For People of the Parish
8th May Sunday
Mass 11am
Jim Dunlea RIP
(Teresa Dunlea&Family)
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
Sundays before
the Mass
hen two Hebrewspeaking people
greet each other, they say
“Shalom aleichem” which
means “Peace be with
you.” When two Arabicspeakers give the same
greeting, they say “Salaam
aleichem.” Shalom/salaam
refers to the state of integrity, harmony, serenity
and completeness
within a person’s life.
Peace is not merely
the absence of struggle but the abiding
presence of calm.
In today’s gospel
Jesus gives his disciples a parting gift, a
gift that he says the
world cannot give:
peace. To have faith in Jesus and be possessed by
the Holy Spirit means that
we enjoy the peace of
Of course, in everyday talk,
peace usually means the
end of war (which often is
not peace but simply truce)
or the idea of peace and
quiet, when we are not
troubled and are allowed
just to “chill out” or have a
few moments to ourselves.
But the peace that Jesus
offers us is that deep-down
sense of wellbeing that
comes from knowing that
we are loved by God, have
been called to be God’s
children in baptism and are
permanently held in the
hand of a God who will nev-
er let us be lost, unless we
absolutely insist on it.
Christian peace brings
owever, the peace
we enjoy is not a
static thing; it’s something
active and dynamic. Consequently we have to work at
keeping this peace alive,
which is what Jesus meant
when he said “Blessed are
the peacemakers”. We
have to work with the Holy
Spirit to keep our relationship with God alive and
active and then we have to
work for unity among ourselves so that the gift of
peace may be a reality in
our communities.
Some people can have a
false sense of security.
Others can have
a false sense of
peace. If our
peace is just built
on not being troubled by others,
not having worries about our job,
our family or our
finances, then we
are simply enjoying freedom from
anxiety. If, however, our
peace is built on our relationship with God, on our
trust in his promises to us
and the confidence that his
always keeps his word,
then we enjoy that peace of
Christ which the world cannot give. And this is what
we wish each other at every Mass when we turn to
each other and say, “Peace
be with you”.
 'Coffee and
Tea with the SVP'
straight after Mass
today (Sunday)
in the hall.
SVP Holywell Pilgrimage - Pentecost Sunday 15th May. Mass will
commence 2.30pm. We will provide
transport there and back for anyone
wishing to go. Please contact 01352
 Congratulations to this year’s
Mini Vinnies who will be officially commissioned as members
of the SVP family this Thursday
at 9.15 Mass.
Final few places still available on our
coach to Tatton Park. List in the
Any queries please ring 01352 755067.
Brian Cullen
Christian Aid Week
May 15th—21st
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to distribute
and collect the envelopes in the area
surrounding our church. If you can
help, please get in touch with Deacon David Joy
L’Arche Flintshire
Bedding Plants &
Hanging Basket Sale
Order now and collect from St.David’s
Church Hall On Saturday 21st May
Between 2pm and 5pm.
More information and order forms from
the Notice Board at the back of the
church or
Contact Jane Dowell 01244 545758
Cytun News
Cytun AGM is on Friday 6th May at 2 pm
in the Salvation Army Centre, Wrexham
Rd. All are welcome to come and meet
those from other churches, and see what
goes on.
Mena Kerlslake &Sue Cocker.
Feedback from the Cytun Pentecostal
Parkfields Lunches Meeting
At the last of the Cytun Pentecostal Parkfields lunches on Monday, Dr. Mike Ward
spoke about ‘The World and its Climate’ as
experienced by the impoverished people of
the Philippines. The numbers of typhoons
and cyclones resulting in widespread
deaths and devastation among the peoples of South East Asia have increased as
a result of world-wide climate change
caused by human exploitation. The government of the Philippines having at last
realised that the cutting down of mangrove
swamps has destroyed natural barriers
against death dealing winds has begun replanting in the expectation of saving lives.
He recommended support for the Christian
Aid Fellowship for Organising Endeavours
(FORCE) as a way of helping the people of
the Philippines to help themselves.
Freda and Jim Hynes

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