blanchester mazda
blanchester mazda
1 SHOWA Philosophy 2 Message from the President 3 Review of Operations 6 Consolidated Financial Statement 11 Topics 13 SHOWA’s Global Network 15 Showa’s Technology 17 Outlook of Consolidated Business Performance SHOWA CORPORATION SHOWA CORPORATION SHOWA Philosophy Corporate Culture Our Corporate Principle Code of Conduct Our Fundamental Beliefs − Our Fundamental Beliefs − Respect for the individuals Trust/Fairness/Independence − Our Corporate Principle − With the aim of becoming a global company trusted by customers worldwide, we are committed to making continuous innovations to provide superior products of the best technology and the highest quality to meet users’ needs. − Code of Conduct − 1.Let actions be driven by ideals and visions 2.Value time and ideas, and approach problems based on fundamentals and principles 3.Place value on communications and understand the situation of others 4.Maintain operational transparency and soundness 5.Always be aware of environmental preservation, and make contributions to the community and society 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION Message from the President We would like to express our gratitude for your continued support over the year. We are pleased to present the summary of consolidated result of the 104th fiscal year (From 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2012). The net sales for the current term decreased compare to previous term. The reason is that despite the fact that the sales of motorcycle components increased mostly in Asia, the sales of automotive components decreased due to our customer production adjustment caused by the impact of the Tohoku earth quake and the Thailand floods. Also for the profit, although there was an improvement effect Yoichi Hojo President by the enhancement of production setup as well as thorough cost-cut, there was fluctuation in sales, changes in structure and increase in labor cost. Therefore both operating and ordinary income decreased compared to the previous term. Compare to the previous term, the net income increased because of the extraordinary income such as a gain on sale of investment securities in addition to the decrease in extraordinary loss caused by the disaster which was recorded for the previous term. The basic concept of our policy regarding profit allocation is the return profit which takes business performance and achievement into consideration. In reference to the final dividend, we have taken the future business development and business performance on a consolidated basis into consideration comprehensively from the long-term perspective. And 10 yen per share is decided hoping that we respond to your support. As a result, current dividend per share is 10 yen. Furthermore predicted dividends for next term (from 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013) are 11 yen per share for both interim and year-end dividends, and the annual dividend per share will be 22 yen. Our hope is that our shareholders will continue in their enduring support in the years to come. July 2012 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION Review of Operations Segment results (2012) In terms of business environment surrounding our group, the economic recovery remained weak worldwide. For motor vehicle industries, production and sales exceeded previous year despite the impact of the disaster and the Thailand floods. Under such circumstances, the sales for motorcycle components for our group increased compared to the previous term and achieved revenue growth, due to the fact that it was driven by strong market mostly in Asia. Another reason is that we acquired ownership of the joint venture company in Vietnam. However for automotive components, the sales and profit both decreased. It is because the our customers adjusted the production due to the impact of the disaster and the Thailand floods. Resuts(Consolidated) Operating profit Net sales JPY 7,507 mil. JPY 215,889 mil. (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 15.6% decrease) (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 7.5% decrease) Current profit Current term net profit JPY 2,549 mil. JPY 7,330 mil. (Previous fiscal year : JPY 122mil.) (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 9.1% decrease) * MACHINO AUTO-PARTS CO., LTD.( present: SHOWA AUTO-PARTS VIETNAM CO., LTD.) Prospect for the next term (2013) For business development of our group, we implemented “opereations organization” and newly organized four divisions; “Motorcycle and Hydraulic components Operations”, “Automotive components Operations”, “Steering Systems Operations” and “Gas Spring Operations”. We will be improving the competitiveness in the global market which is expected to escalate in the future by giving necessary authority and responsibility to operate the business to business divisions. This leads each division to make a swift progress globally and to make maximum use of the specialty of functional organization. Prospects(Consolidated) Operating profit Net sales JPY 243,000 mil. JPY 12,500 mil. (Compared with the previouss fiscal year : 12.6% increase) (Compared with the previouss fiscal year : 66.5% increase) Current profit Current term net profit JPY 13,500 mil. JPY 7,000 mil. (Compared with the previouss fiscal year : 84.2% increase) (Compared with the previouss fiscal year : 174.6% increase) 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION Review of Operations Financial Performance Highlights Sales Operating profit Non-consolidated (Unit:Million Yen) 300,000 271,510 207,657 200,000 135,421 100,000 Non-consolidated (Unit:Million Yen) 10,000 250,000 150,000 Consolidated 233,381 215,889 8,895 2,409 114,997 104,972 107,165 0 5,001 4,058 2,370 March 2009 March 2010 March 2011 5,000 March 2012 Current net income March 2009 March 2010 7,000 Consolidated 4,883 122 11,195 11,609 100 0 March 2011 200 March 2012 Net asset 112.47 113.11 Non-consolidated 87,228 March 2010 59,605 52,058 Consolidated (Unit:Yen) March 2011 Non-consolidated 1,200 85,054 80,000 82,753 50,469 984.38 81,010 900 54,359 784.61 929.52 685.27 600 40,000 TMarch 2012 Consolidated 892.75 664.36 884.61 715.56 300 20,000 0 March 2009 Net asset per share (Unit:Million Yen) 60,000 33.57 16.89 100 March 2010 Consolidated 1.62 147.37 152.82 8,544 8,593 100,000 March 2012 64.28 2,549 7,000 March 2009 March 2011 Non-consolidated (Unit:Yen) 1,283 14,000 428 833 Net income per share Non-consolidated (Unit:Million Yen) 0 7,507 5,000 50,000 0 Consolidated March 2009 March 2010 March 2011 0 March 2012 4 March 2009 March 2010 March 2011 March 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION Review of Operations Segment results Japan Sales Operating Profit JPY 117,165 mil. (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 6.5% decrease) 125,258 North America Sales 117,165 (Unit:Million Yen) JPY 472 mil. JPY 41,110 mil. (The previous fiscal year profit: JPY 28 mil.) (Unit:Million Yen) Operating Profit (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 21.9% decrease) 52,627 472 JPY 845 mil. Operating deficit (The previous fiscal year defisit: JPY 101 mil. ) 41,110 △101 28 Previous tems Previous tems This tem This tem Previous tems The sales and profits of our automotive components decreased mainly to reduction of production by our customers due to impact of the Tohoku earthquake. Operation profit increased due to reduction of production reconstruction costs and improvement in costs. South America Sales (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 1.6% decrease) 21,229 Previous tems 20,883 Asia Sales JPY 875 mil . (Compared with the previous fiscal year: 9.4% increase) 41,359 (Unit:Million Yen) 1,123 Previous tems (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 8.2% decrease) 24,370 22,382 This tem Other Sales JPY 1,295 mil. (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 49.7% decrease) This tem Previous tems This tem JPY 371 mil. Operating deficit (The previous quarte fiscal year : JPY 347 mil. ) 7,717 (Unit:Million Yen) 2,173 1,295 Previous tems 6,297 Operating Profit JPY 3,885 mil. (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 40.4% decrease) (Unit:Million Yen) (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 2.0% increase) Sales of automotive components declined in Thailand and India owing to the impact of the disaster and floods, reduction in power steering business respectively. Sales of motorcycle components increased in Indonesia and Thailand. It also increased by acquiring ownership of joint company in Vietnam and the same applies to the revenue and operating profit. Operating Profit JPY 22,382 mil. JPY 6,297 mil. 6,173 In Brazil, in spite of the fact that and sales of motorcycle components improved, it declined sales of automotive components. As for the operating profit, it was reduced because of the decrease in sales and the impact of exchange conversion. China Sales 45,256 875 Previous tems This tem This tem This tem Operating Profit JPY 45,256 mil. (Compared with the previous fiscal year : 22.1% decrease) (Unit:Million Yen) △845 Previous tems In the US, sales of motorcycle components increased. However sales of automotive components decreased by the reason of the impact of the disaster and Thailand floods. The sales and profit of parts for four-wheeled vehicle decreased in Canada. And the operating profit fell because of the decrease in sales. Operating Profit JPY 20,883 mil. This tem 3,885 Previous tems This tem △347 Previous tems Because of the fall in sales of our customer, and sales of automotive components reduced. As for the operating profit, it also declined caused by the decrease in sales and steep rise in row material cost. This tem △371 Previous tems This tem Segment sales (for external customers) Total Sales JPY 215,889 mil. Japan JPY 86,669 mil.40.1% North America JPY 40,570 mil.18.8% South America JPY 20,883 mil.9.7% Asia JPY 44,799 mil.20.8% 5 China JPY 19,080 mil.8.8% Other JPY 3,885 mil. 1.8% ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Following consolidated financical statements have been compiled from the consolidated financial statements prepared by the Company as required under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan and, therefore have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in Japan, which are different in certain respects as to the application and disclosure requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards. The translation of yen amounts into U.S. dollar amounts is included solely for the convenience and has been made, as a matter of arithmetic computation only, at the rate of ¥82.19 = U.S.$1.00, the exchange rate prevailing at 31st March, 2012.The translation should not be construed as a representation that yen amounts have been, could have been, or could in the future be, converted into U.S. dollars at the above or any other rate. Consolidated Financial Statement Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited) 31st March 2011 and 2012 Assets Current assets ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Cash and deposits Notes and accounts receivable-trade Marketable securities Merchandise and finished goods Work in process Raw materials and supplies Deferred tax assets Other Allowance for doubtful accounts Property, plant and equipment Buildings, net Machinery, equipment and vehicles, net Tools, furniture and fixtures, net Land Lease assets, net Construction in progress Total property, plant and equipment Intangible assets ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Goodwill Other Millions of yen Thousands of U.S. dollars 2011 2012 2012 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... 20,402 28,026 − 4,638 3,416 14,759 485 8,568 (97) Total current assets Noncurrent assets ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Millions of yen 80,200 17,289 32,382 3,800 5,697 3,202 15,725 387 6,245 (172) 84,559 210,354 393,990 46,234 69,315 38,959 191,325 4,709 75,982 (2,093) 1,028,823 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... 17,386 30,421 1,653 10,466 958 3,013 63,899 16,392 26,807 1,429 10,208 781 1,793 199,440 326,159 17,387 124,200 9,502 21,815 57,411 698,516 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... 633 98 Total Intagible assets Investments and other assets Investment securities Long-term loans receivable Deferred tax assets Other Allowance for doubtful accounts Total investments and other assets Total noncurrent assets 732 1,763 10,581 200 261 2,480 (16) 13,508 8,142 200 296 3,183 (17) 11,805 78,140 158,340 Total assets 1,660 102 70,981 155,540 20,197 1,241 21,450 99,063 2,433 3,601 38,727 (207) 143,631 863,621 1,892,444 Liabilities Current liabilities ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Notes and accounts payable-trade Short-term loans payable Accounts payable-other and accrued expenses Lease obligations Income taxes payable Provision for product warranties Provision for bonuses Provision for loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and affiliates Other ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... 25,077 16,158 7,130 124 1,001 1,244 2,701 28 2,602 Total current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Long-term loans payable Lease obligations Deferred tax liabilities Provision for product warranties Provision for retirement benefits Provision for directors' retirement benefits Other 56,069 8,851 866 2,943 1,034 5,261 354 206 19,517 75,586 Total noncurrent liabilities Net assets Shareholders' equity Capital stock Capital surplus Retained earnings Treasury stock Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities Deferred gains or losses on hedges Foreign currency translation adjustment 646,502 10,812 719 2,075 1,124 5,985 339 338 21,393 74,529 131,549 8,748 25,246 13,676 72,819 4,125 4,112 260,287 906,789 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... 12,698 13,455 49,906 (53) Total shareholders' equity Valuation and translation adjustments ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 53,136 327,923 135,114 79,839 1,387 15,391 18,713 32,425 − 35,661 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Total liabilities ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 26,952 11,105 6,562 114 1,265 1,538 2,665 − 2,931 76,008 12,698 13,455 52,440 (53) 78,542 154,496 163,706 638,034 (645) 955,615 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... 4,176 − (12,364) (8,187) 14,933 82,753 158,340 Valuation and translation adjustments Minority interests Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets 6 3,174 − (14,515) (11,340) 13,808 81,010 155,540 38,618 − (176,603) (137,973) 168,001 985,643 1,892,444 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Consolidated Financial Statement Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) Year ended 31st March 2011 and 2012 Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Income (loss) before income taxes Depreciation and amortization Impairment loss Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts Increase (decrease) in provision for product warranties Increase (decrease) in provision for retirement benefits Increase (decrease) in provision for loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and affiliates Interest and dividends income Interest expenses Foreign exchange losses (gains) Equity in (earnings) losses of affiliates Subsidy Income Loss (gain) on sales and retirement of property, plant and equipment Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable-trade Decrease (increase) in inventories Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable-trade Loss (gain) on sales of investment securities Loss on adjustment for changes of accounting standard for asset retirement obligations Loss on disaster Other, net Subtotal Interest and dividends income received Interest expenses paid Proceeds from subsidy Income taxes paid Income taxes refund Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities Payments into time deposits Proceeds from withdrawal of time deposits Purchase of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment Purchase of investment securities Proceeds from sales of investment securities Collection of loans receivable Payments for short term investment Proceeds from short term investment Purchase of investments in capital of subsidiaries Other, net Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities Net increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable Proceeds from long-term loans payable Payments from long-term loans payable Proceeds from sade and leaseback Cash dividends paid Cash dividends paid to minority shade holders Other, net Thousands of U.S. dollars 2012 2012 6,866 10,120 111 (43) 212 632 (2,748) (879) 769 194 (281) (426) 582 3,758 1,033 (1,887) − 68 354 (342) 18,097 851 (777) 432 (3,424) 1,377 8,996 9,777 409 8 289 734 (3) (942) 725 (71) (437) (417) 15 (4,451) (2,422) 2,537 (1,963) − − (296) 12,490 1,012 (760) 300 (3,786) 462 109,454 118,956 4,976 97 3,516 8,931 (37) (11,461) 8,821 (864) (5,317) (5,074) 183 (54,155) (29,468) 30,868 (23,884) − − (3,601) 151,965 12,313 (9,247) 3,650 (46,064) 5,621 16,557 9,720 118,263 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Millions of yen 2011 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Millions of yen (2,208) 2,407 (7,634) 174 (109) − − (8,920) 6,140 − (190) (1,632) 3,241 (5,341) 119 (5) 2,223 8 (1,000) 3,392 (1,605) (117) (19,856) 39,433 (64,984) 1,448 (61) 27,047 97 (12,167) 41,270 (19,528) (1,424) (10,340) (717) (8,724) ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... (2,855) 3,234 (6,167) 1,006 (1) (1,693) (96) 307 6,698 (5,083) − (0) (3,669) (123) 3,735 81,494 (61,845) − (0) (44,640) (1,497) (6,572) (1,870) (22,752) Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents 752 639 7,775 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 396 7,772 94,561 Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year 12,449 12,846 156,296 Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year 12,846 20,618 250,858 Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 7 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Consolidated Financial Statement Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets (Unaudited) Year ended 31st March 2011 and 2012 Overview of Cash Flow The balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the fiscal (Net cash provided by (used in) financial activities) (Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities) on year, mainly due to an increase in net increase (decrease) in year, mainly due to an increase in trade receivables and payable. Cash used for financial activities decreased ¥4,701 million year year totaled ¥20,618 million, up ¥7,772 million year on year. short-term loans payable and proceeds from long-term loans Cash earned from operation decreased ¥6,836 million year on inventories, though there was an increase in income before income taxes. (Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities) Cash used for investment activities decreased ¥9,623 million year on year, mainly due to a decrease in fund management due to short-term investments, proceeds from sales of investment securities and a decrease in purchase of property, plant and equipment. Shareholders' equity Capital stock ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Balance at the end of previous period Changes of items during the period Total changes of items during the period Capital surplus Balance at the end of previous period Changes of items during the period Total changes of items during the period Retained earnings Balance at the end of previous period Changes of items during the period Net income Change of scope consolidation Total changes of items during the period Treasury stock Balance at the end of previous period Changes of items during the period Purchase of treasury stock Total changes of items during the period Total shareholders' equity Balance at the end of current period Changes of items during the period Net income Purchase of treasury stock Change of scope consolidation Total changes of items during the period 12,698 12,698 154,496 − − − 12,698 12,698 154,496 − 13,455 13,455 − 13,455 163,706 163,706 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... 49,784 49,906 607,203 122 − 122 2,549 (15) 2,534 31,014 (183) 30,831 49,906 52,440 638,034 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Balance at the end of previous period ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2012 13,455 Balance at the end of current period ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Thousands of U.S. dollars 2012 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Balance at the end of current period ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Millions of yen 2011 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Balance at the end of current period ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Millions of yen (52) (53) (645) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (53) (53) (645) ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Balance at the end of current period 8 75,885 76,008 924,784 122 (0) − 122 2,549 (0) (15) 2,534 31,014 (0) (183) 30,831 76,008 78,542 955,615 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Consolidated Financial Statement Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets (Unaudited) Year ended 31st March 2011 and 2012 Valuation and translation adjustments Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Balance at the end of previous period Changes of items during the period Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity Total changes of items during the period Deferred gains or losses on hedges Balance at the end of previous period Changes of items during the period Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity Total changes of items during the period Foreign currency translation adjustment Balance at the end of previous period Changes of items during the period Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity Total changes of items during the period Total valuation and translation adjustments Balance at the end of previous period Changes of items during the period Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity Total changes of items during the period Minority interests Balance at the end of previous period Changes of items during the period Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity Total changes of items during the period Total net assets Balance at the end of previous period Changes of items during the period Net income Purchase of treasury stock Change of scope consolidation Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity Total changes of items during the period 4,176 50,809 (318) (318) (1,001) (1,001) (12,179) (12,179) 4,176 3,174 38,618 (16) − − 16 16 − − − − − − − (9,750) (12,364) (150,432) (2,614) (2,614) (2,150) (2,150) (26,159) (26,159) (12,364) (14,515) (176,603) (5,272) (8,187) (99,611) (2,915) (2,915) (3,152) (3,152) (38,350) (38,350) (8,187) (11,340) (137,973) ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Balance at the end of current period ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4,494 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Balance at the end of current period ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2012 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Balance at the end of current period ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Thousands of U.S. dollars 2012 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Balance at the end of current period ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Millions of yen 2011 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Balance at the end of current period ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Millions of yen 14,440 14,933 181,689 492 492 (1,124) (1,124) (13,676) (13,676) 14,933 13,808 168,001 ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Balance at the end of current period 9 85,054 82,753 1,006,850 122 (0) − (2,423) (2,300) 2,549 (0) (15) (4,277) (1,743) 31,014 (0) (183) (52,038) (21,207) 82,753 81,010 985,643 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Consolidated Financial Statement Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited) Year ended 31st March 2011 and 2012 Net sales Cost of sales Gross profit Selling, general and administrative expenses Operating income Non-operating income ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Interest income Dividend income Equity in earnings of affiliates Subsidy Income Other Total non-operating income Non-operating expenses ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Interest expense Foreign exchange losses Others Total non-operating expenses Ordinary income Extraordinary income ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Gain on sales of noncurrent assets Gain on step acquisitions Gain on sales of investment securities Reversal of provision for loss on liquidation of subsidiaries and affiliates Total extraordinary income Extraordinary loss ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Loss on sales of noncurrent assets Loss on abandonment of noncurrent assets Impairment loss Provision for product warranties Loss on disaster Loss on adjustment for changes of accounting standard for asset retirement obligations Total extraordinary loss Millions of yen Millions of yen Thousands of U.S. dollars 2011 2012 2012 233,381 202,655 30,726 21,831 8,895 215,889 186,587 29,301 21,794 7,507 ................................................... ................................................... 530 349 281 426 464 2,051 789 153 437 417 310 2,107 ................................................... ................................................... 769 1,733 380 2,884 8,062 725 1,378 180 2,284 7,330 ................................................... ................................................... 59 − − 70 130 66 128 1,963 − 2,157 ................................................... ................................................... 112 530 111 148 354 68 1,325 Income before income taxes Income taxes-current Income taxes-deferred Total income taxes Income before minority interests 6,866 3,505 118 3,624 3,242 3,119 122 Minority interests in income Net income 6 75 409 − − − 491 8,996 3,695 32 3,728 5,268 2,718 2,549 2,626,706 2,270,191 356,503 265,166 91,337 ................................................... 9,600 1,862 5,317 5,074 3,772 25,636 ................................................... 8,821 16,766 2,190 27,789 89,184 ................................................... 803 1,557 23,884 − 26,244 ................................................... 73 913 4,976 − − − 5,974 109,454 44,957 389 45,358 64,095 33,070 31,014 Overview of Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets Consolidated total assets at the end of the fiscal year totaled ¥15,540 million, down ¥2,799 million year on year. (Current assets) Current assets at the end of the fiscal year increased ¥4,359 million year on year, mainly due to an increase in notes and accounts receivable-trade. (Noncurrent assets) Noncurrent assets at the end of the fiscal year decreased ¥7,158 million year on year, mainly due to a decrease in Property, Plant and Equipment and investment securities. (Current liabilities) Current liabilities at the end of the fiscal year decreased ¥2,932 million year on year, mainly due to a decrease in short-term loans payable. (Noncurrent liabilities) Noncurrent liabilities at the end of the fiscal year increased ¥1,875 million, mainly due to an increase in long-term loans payable. (Net assets) Net assets at the end of the fiscal year decreased ¥1,743 million year on year, mainly due to a decrease in valuation difference on available-for-sale securities, foreign currency translation adjustment, and minority interests. 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION Topics Showaʼs product adopted for“Mira e;S” China Our shock absorbers (Damper Comps*) was adopted for the newly released mini vehicle CHENGDU NINGJIANG SHOWA AUTOPARTS CO.,LTD. “Mira e;S” by Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. in September 2011. This product is produced in CHENGDU NINGJIANG SHOWA AUTOPARTS CO., LTD. (china) and is supplied directly to Daihatsu Motor Kyushu Co., Ltd. This became the first global procurement for Damper Comp, supplying the products produced in overseas base directly to the final vehicle assembles. Daihatsu Motor Kyushu Co., Ltd. *Damper COMP is shock absorber that does not include exterior parts such as Spring, etc. SHOWA AUTO-PARTS VIETNAM CO.,LTD. Our subsidiary company in Vietnam, MACHINO AUTO-PARTS CO., LTD. has changed its company name to SHOWA AUTO-PARTS VIETNAM CO., LTD. In the future, we aim toward further development in the growing motorcycle market in Asia. Sales Expansion and Newly Adapted Product With regards to automotive components , shock absorbers (SA hereafter), propeller shaft and differential gear were adopted to “N BOX” by Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (Honda hereafter). Moreover Damper Comps* for “SUBARU BRZ” and ”TOYOTA 86” that were jointly developed by Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. and Toyota Motor Corporation, front Damper Comps* and Gas Spring for the global strategic vehicle “CX-5” by Mazda Motor Corporation were adopted respectively. *Damper Comp is SA which does not include exterior parts such as Spring, etc. N BOX SUBARU BRZ CX-5 With regards to motorcycle components , front fork (Big Piston Front Fork) and rear cushion (Balance Free Rear Cushion) for “CBR1000RR” by Honda, front fork and rear cushion for the New Mid Concept Series (NC700X, NC700S, INTEGRA) were adopted respectively. CBR1000RR NC700X NC700S 11 INTEGRA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION Topics Overseas expansion for motorcycle components business In March 2012, SHOWA INDIA PVT. LTD. started sales and production of motorcycle components, aiming to expand in sales to the clients of inside and outside of the Indian motorcycle market which is expected to expand in the future. Furthermore, SHOWA AUTOPARTS VIETNAM CO., LTD. established a new factory (schedule to start operation in December 2012) with its purpose to expand the clients of outside and inside of ASEAN. SHOWA AUTOPARTS (THAILAND) CO., LTD. started production and sales of motorcycle components (schedule to start April 2013). Discussion started on strategic technology alliances with TRW Automotive We started discussing with TRW Automotive Inc. regarding 【TRW Automotive Inc.】 strategic alliance about electric steering technology which does not include capital alliance. We are analyzing and discussing on the possibility of strategic alliance in order to make maximum use of our advantage, the world class level of technology which can be conductive to provide Location Michigan, USA # of payrolls Approx. 60,000 Sale Approx JPY 1279.8 billion (2011 fiscal year) Main products "Sfaety system (seat belt and airbag), steering system, brake system, etc. better services to Japanese clients. Returning in MotoGP We returned to MotoGP, one of the best two-wheel races by participating as a technical partner with TEAM SAN CARLO HONDA GRESINI. We provide shock absorbers (front folk, rear cushion) to all the class, Moto GP, Moto2 and Moto3. Our purpose is to reflect the technology and reliability cultivated at one of the best race to mass-produced product and we will be aiming to obtain the championship. 【Team】 Team Name TEAM SAN CARLO HONDA GRESNI Resp. FAUSTO GRESINI Rider ALVARO BAUTISTA, MICHELE PIRRO Machine HONDA RC213V *same as Honda Workds Team's 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION SHOWAʼs Global Network As of 31st March 2012 Overview of Business The SHOWA Group consists of our company, 15 subsidiaries and three affiliates, and our main businesses are the manufacture and sale of automotive parts. Corporate Head Office, Plants and R&D Facilities Corporate Head Office 1-14-1, Fujiwara-cho, Gyoda, Saitama Plants Saitama Plant (Gyoda, Saitama), Hadano Plant (Hadano, Kanagawa), Gotemba Plant (Gotemba, Shizuoka), Asaba Plant (Fukuroi, Shizuoka), Nagoya Plant (Kasugai, Aichi) R&D Facilities Automotive Parts R&D Centers (Haga, Tochigi / Gyoda, Saitama) Motorcycle Parts R&D Center (Fukuroi, Shizuoka) Japan Honda Cars SAITAMAKITA Automotive Parts R&D Center (Saitama) Automotive Parts R&D Center (Tochigi) Corporate Head Office / Saitama Plant Nagoya Plant SHOWA SEIKO CO., LTD. Hadano Plant SHOWA KYUSHU CORPORATION Gotemba Plants (No.1 / No.2) Asaba Plant Motorcycle Parts R&D Center (Asaba) Corporate Head Office Manufacturing Plants Domestic Subsidiaries & Affiliates R&D Facilities 13 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION SHOWAʼ s Global Network As of 31st March 2012 Overview of Subsidiaries and Affiliates Consolidated Subsidiaries P.T. SHOWA INDONESIA MANUFACTURING Equity Method Affiliates KAIFA INDUSTRY CO., LTD MUNJAL SHOWA LTD. CHENGDU NINGJIANG SHOWA AUTOPARTS CO.,LTD Non-consolidated subsidiary SHOWA REGIONAL CENTER (THAILAND) CO., LTD. AMERICAN SHOWA, INC. SHOWA DO BRAZIL LTDA. SHOWA KYUSHU CORPORATION SUMMIT SHOWA MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. SHOWA CANADA INC. SHOWA INDUSTRIA E COMERICO LTDA. SHOWA SEIKO CO., LTD. GUANGZHOU SHOWA AUTOPARTS CO., LTD. NISSIN SHOWA UK LTD SHANGHAI SHOWA AUTO PARTS CO., LTD. SHOWA INDIA PVT. LTD. SHOWA AUTOPARTS (THAILAND) CO., LTD. SHOWA AUTO-PARTS VIETNAM CO., LTD. Honda Cars SAITAMAKITA Overseas NISSIN SHOWA UK LTD. GUANGZHOU SHOWA AUTOPARTS CO.,LTD. WUHAN PLANT SHOWA CANADA INC. North America Europe CHENGDU NINGJIANG SHOWA AUTOPARTS CO.,LTD. China AMERICAN SHOWA, INC. Los Angeles Office Japan AMERICAN SHOWA, INC. Head Office and Sunbury Plant AMERICAN SHOWA, INC. Blanchester Plant MUNJAL SHOWA LTD. SHOWA INDIA PVT. LTD. SHANGHAI SHOWA AUTO PARTS CO.,LTD. SHOWA DO BRAZIL LTDA. KAIFA INDUSTRY CO.,LTD. SUMMIT SHOWA MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD. SHOWA AUTOPARTS (THAILAND) CO., LTD. SHOWA REGIONAL CENTER CO.,LTD. GUANGZHOU SHOWA AUTOPARTS CO.,LTD. SHOWA AUTO-PARTS VIETNAM CO., LTD. South America SHOWA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDA. P.T. SHOWA INDONESIA MANUFACTURING Southeast Asia 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION SHOWAʼs Technology Automotive Components Shock Absorbers Propeller Shafts Shock absorbers are critical to an automobile’s character The propeller shaft’s function is to transmit the driving force of because they make the auto comfortable to ride and affect the the engine to the wheel axis. The long cylindrical shaft rotates attitude and stability of the automobile body. With their superior at high speed. It must limit vibration and noise while ensuring performance and quality, Showa brand shock absorbers have high durability. Showa supplies leading-edge technologies, created satisfied customers around the world. Showa has years and our structural analysis enables a smaller number of of experience with strut modules and is also working on components and lighter weight. Further, we have implemented suspension modules combined with peripheral components. friction welding to achieve high precision, dynamic balance and ultra–strong parts connections. Gas Springs Gas springs help to open and close front hoods and rear gates Steering Systems by using gas reaction force. They come with speed-adjustment Of all automobile components, steering systems must provide devices that enable operators to open and close the hood and performance and reliability. The steering system is the trunk at optimal speed. Showa develops a variety of products man/machine interface that transmits the driver’s steering to meet customers’ diverse needs. motion to the automobile and conveys information on running conditions from the automobile to the driver. The term “power Differential Gears steering system” refers to a component that assists steering and The role of a differential mechanism is to absorb the difference provides drivers with comfortable maneuverability. in rotation between the right and left wheels when an Power steering systems are classified into hydraulic power automobile is cornering. These products must offer durability, steering systems (HPS), which use the engine’s power as a drive transmission efficiency and quiet operation. Showa’s source, and electric power steering systems (EPS), utilizing the differential gears are light in weight while exhibiting high vehicle’s battery. Showa has a full line of power steering models. performance in automobiles from subcompacts to SUVs. 15 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION SHOWAʼs Technology Motorcycle Components Shock Absorbers Showa motorcycle shock absorbers are used extensively in motorcycle races around the world. From racing machines to scooters, we use our technology and experience to meet a wide variety of performance needs. Front Forks T h e f ro n t f o r k i s a k e y s t r u c t u r a l component of a motorcycle, holding the front wheel securely and providing the steering function. This vital part must be able to closely follow road contours through smooth operation Outboard Marine Engine Components a n d s t e a d y d a m p i n g f o rc e , w h i l e retaining high rigidity. Power Tilt and Trim Units Rear Cushions Power trim and tilt units change the angle of outboard engines The rear cushion is attached to the rear and provide the following three functions. The trim function fork directly or through a link. By provides good screw efficiency and steady cruising by adjusting controlling the attitude and energy the angle of the outboard engine while running. The tilt function absorption of the motorcycle body, the enables owners to prevent outboard engine damage from rear cushion helps the rear wheel to clinging shellfish by raising the engine above the water’s surface follow road contours. when moored. When driftwood or other objects strike the outboard engine while under way, shocks are absorbed, helping Drive Unit Products to prevent damage to the outboard engine and boat. For motorcycle and ATV drive unit products, Showa has achieved lighter weights through analysis of functions, shapes, and materials, while maintaining excellent durability, transmission efficiency and quiet operation. 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 SHOWA CORPORATION Outlook of Consolidated Business Performance As of 31st March 2012 Major shareholders Status of Shares Total Number of Authorized Shares 180,000,000 shares 33.48 7,057,000 9.28 2,554,500 3.36 2,181,000 2.87 1,774,800 2.33 1,740,560 2.29 SSBT OD05 OMNIBUS ACCOUNT-TREATY CLIENTS 1,221,800 1.61 RBC Dexia Investor Services Bank Account Luxembourg Non-Resident Domestic Rate 1,189,230 1.56 1,185,400 1.56 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) THE BANK OF NEW YORK, TREATY JASDEC ACCOUNT Japan Trustee Service Bank Ltd. (Trust 9G Account) Share Distribution by Shareholders Showa Holdings Financial institutions CBNY DFA INTL SMALL CAP VALUE PORTFOLIO 27.32% (43) Foreign Investors 21.54% 120 (139) 1.70 1,291,480 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Individuals / others (6,727) 25,447,856 Japan Trustee Service Bank Ltd. (Trust Account) Number of shareholders 7,053 Investment ratio (%) (shares) Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Total Number of Issued Shares 76,020,019 shares 12.86% Shares held Shareholder Name Showaʼs Stock Price (06ʼ/4=100) 100 Other corporations 80 37.83% 60 (116) 40 Securities Traders 20 0.45% 0 ‘06/4 7 (28) 10 ‘07/1 4 7 10 ‘08/1 4 7 10 ‘09/1 4 7 10 ‘10/1 4 7 10 ‘11/1 4 7 10 ‘12/1 4 7 Showa’s Stock Price Nikkei Average Board of Directors and Corporate Auditors As of 28rd June 2012 Directors Representative Director and President Representative Director, Executive Vice President and Executive Officer Representative Director and Senior Managing Officer Directors and Managing Officers Corporate Auditors Yoichi Hojo Statutory Auditors Akira Kadoya Auditors Kenshi Hirai Hajime Hirata Mitsutaka Sugino Directors and Operating Officers Tetsuo Nishikiori Nobuyuki Sugiyama Masaharu Sobue Tetsurou Aoyama Yuetsu Sato Tsuneo Mizusawa Hikoyuki Miwa * Tsuneo Mizusawa and Hikoyuki Miwa are outside company auditors. Exective Officers Managing Officers Atsushi Izumina Takeshi Nagao Operating Officers Teru Oda Akira Wada Kenichi Ono Masami Matsuo Yutaka Ueno Shuichi Kawahara 17 * Serving consecutively as both Director and Executive Director. ANNUAL REPORT 2012