Social Initiatives Report Globo
Social Initiatives Report Globo
Social Initiatives Report Globo 2012 Since being founded almost 50 years ago, Globo has been consolidating its commitment of contributing to the country’s ongoing transformation. With a program schedule based on information, entertainment and knowledge dissemination, we have carefully chosen to portray socially relevant issues onscreen. In fact, in addition to being our greatest challenge, this is what makes us unique. This edition of the Social Initiatives Report shows how this role is performed in the company on a daily basis. This can be seen in the principles and values that guide our productions, in the relationship with our staff, in the telenovelas and news reports we produce, as well as in all shows that promote constant exchange with the audience. It is essential to point out that the actions described in this report, show how Globo engages in dialogue with society by listening to what people have to say and responding to the population’s current demands, be it on the air or at the corporate level. This can be seen in our productions and projects, such as Criança Esperança (Children’s Hope) and Ação Global (Global Action), in addition to our commercial breaks, during which we grant free air time to messages related to culture, education (valued by all our employees), important social topics and many other nationally relevant issues. Furthermore, Globo broadcasts Globo Cidadania (Globo Citizenship) as part of its program schedule, a unique piece on Brazilian free-to-air TV aimed at fostering knowledge and diversity through shows such as Globo Ciência (Globo Science), Globo Educação (Globo Education), Globo Ecologia (Globo Ecology), Globo Universidade (Globo University) e Ação (Action). We have closely followed the rapid and comprehensive changes brought about by technology, preparing ourselves for the future. Combining innovation with a concrete long-term social responsibility agenda, we are ready to further develop our experience and are certain of finding new ways of acting and contributing at the social level, which in turn, will help us build a society that is more just. Carlos Henrique Schroder General Director – Globo 2012 Highlight s 6 Globo 8 Program 22 Globo Cit izenship 34 Social Publicity 42 Social Project s 50 Globo University 60 O t her Init iat ives 68 2012 HIGHLIGHT S Social themes in telenovelas: over 430 socio-educational scenes Program Amor Eterno Amor: telenovela that supports missing children services Cheias de Charme: plot deals with the rights of housekeepers Jornal Hoje: news report exposing illegal logging in environmental reserves Globo Cidadania (Globo Citizenship) Social Publicity 11 million viewers every Saturday 52 programs aired 7 international programs 4 awards won 3 special programs - Environment, Criança Esperança (Children’s Hope) and Elections Supporting social causes: over 382,000 insertions, equivalent to approximately R$ Cultural support: approximately 62,000 insertions, equivalent to over R$ 142 million 17.7 million raised | Launch of Online Auction 1 edition of project presentation event st 1st project presentation event: 86 selections Ação Global (Global Action): 1.6 million people assisted | 10 events (01 national + 9 regional) | 29 cities Esporte e Cidadania (Sports and Citizenship): 35 cities | Over 450,000 people assisted | 195,000 attendees Amigos da Escola (Friends of School): theme “The value of reading” Globo Universidade (Globo University) 332 million Movimento Down | Legalization of Domestic Labor with UN Women and ILO Criança Esperança (Children’s Hope): R$ Social Projects 296 million Campaigns (self-sponsored or through partnerships): about 286,000 insertions, amount to over R$ 48 actions | 6,000 people mobilized | 45 research projects supported 66 visits: Rio de Janeiro (Projac) and São Paulo 2 publications: Globo Universidade Textbook (SP + Limpa) and Obitel Yearbook 32,000 followers on Twitter | 39 programs 703,000 hits, 76 interviews and 405 reports published Seminars: Suburbia (SP and RJ), 100 years of Jorge Amado (Flip, SP and Portugal), São Paulo+Limpa Some his toric al miles tones 2011 2006 2001 2000 Insensato Coração discusses homophobia Páginas da Vida addresses Down syndrome O Clone discusses drug addiction Laços de Família encourages bone marrow donation 2011 1995 1979 1974 Explode Coração helps locate 60 missing children Malu Mulher addresses female emancipation O Espigão popularizes the word Ecology 2011 2009 2008 1999 1990 1984 Sagrado wins the “Camélia da Liberdade” award Cidadania (Citizenship) Grid is created Globo Educação (Education) is created Globo Universidade (University) is created Ação (Action) is created Globo Ecologia (Ecology) is created Globo Ciência (Science) is created 2011 2009 2006 2003 1997 1983 1966 Supported the Ficha Limpa (Clean Elections) campaign Civil Registration Campaign – UNICEF Everyone against Aids Campaign Disarmament Campaign Nordeste Urgente (Urgent Northeast) Campaign 1st mobilization campaign for Rio de Janeiro Floods 2011 2006 2004 2000 1999 1995 1986 Ação Global (Global Action): record in assistance (2.4 million) 1st Edition Esporte Cidadania (Sports Citizenship) Project Criesp begins partnership with UNESCO Inauguration of the Children’s Hope centers in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo Amigos da Escola (Friends of School) is launched 1st Ação Global Nacional (National Global Action) (23 states) 1st Children’s Hope concert 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2002 1999 RespirAr Seminar (Globo in São Paulo) Live transmission of seminars via the Globo Universidade website Rios de São Paulo Seminar (Rivers of São Paulo) - Globo in São Paulo Creation of Globo Universidade (Globo University) TV program / Obitel* Partnership Partnership with Intercom** Delivery of the New Media course at the Rio de Janeiro Federal University Creation of the University Relationship Department Campaign to eradicate violence against women (Maria da Penha Bill) * Ibero-American Television Fiction Observatory 2013 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO ** Brazilian Association of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication 7 8 R E L AT Ó R I O D E A Ç Õ E S SOCIAIS 2 0 1 2 REDE GLOBO GLOBO GLOBO INFORM, EDUCAT E AND ENT ERT AIN To give life to its mission, every year Globo develops and supports hundreds of social and educational projects. These initiatives focus on respect, Brazilian identity and its values, principles that have been guiding the company since its foundation in 1965. These actions, which mobilize thousands of people around the country, can be seen in the program schedule, newscasts and programs, as well as during business hours, commercial breaks assigned to social organizations and institutions in general. As for TV, one of the main inspirations is the On-screen Principles and Values of TV Globo document. Based on the social role of television, it reflects the role of the media in influencing habits. Available online to all employees since its release in 2009, the text incorporates company values, practiced since its beginning and pays attention to program content. It is based on a document written in 1988 by journalist Roberto Marinho, founder of the Globo Organizations. The document is called Responsibility and Sensibility, and in it he addressed the ethics that should guide Globo TV production. Since then, an important obligation was established: Globo program schedule should abide by law and public sensitivity, guaranteeing a standard of quality in everything it does. All other guidelines of the broadcasting station are outlined in this document, which was written by a group of professionals from different areas and took nearly two years to complete. 10 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO A document for everyone On-screen Principles and Values of TV Globo is to be used whenever necessary to promote internal discussions on issues related to the station’s program content. The text accentuates one of the company’s basic guidelines, the promotion of culture and national identity, enhancing the country’s regional peculiarities, while respecting viewers. And it is open to suggestions: all employees are asked to cooperate via email, to improve it. In a transparent manner, the document focuses on controversial issues, daily situations of a great station that deserve attention. Respect for diversity, rejection of prejudice and of discrimination are part of the document that has guided the continuous pursuit of quality and accountability. Globo journalism also developed its Editorial Principles guidelines. Launched in 2011, they establish the rules and behavior in the network’s newsrooms, as well as newspapers, magazines, radio stations and websites owned by the group. The purpose of this document is to ensure independent, nonpartisan secular journalism. On-screen Principles and Values of TV Globo are part of all of our products, from telenovelas to newscasts. Pictured in the photo, the 9:00 p.m. hit Avenida Brasil and the Bom Dia Brasil news program GLOBO 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 11 GLOBO Human Resources There is a growing concern among companies to develop, appropriately train and care for their employees, beyond legislative requirements. According to the Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility publication entitled “Corporate Social Responsibility in Managerial Processes”, such a careful regard for human resources “can make a big difference to the future of the organization and to the sustainability of business”. Globo has approximately 12,000 employees and is constantly concerned about their professional development. To that end, in 2012 alone it invested R$ 27.5 million and provided new promotion and job rotation opportunities for 2,600 employees. However, that is not all. It is necessary to strengthen relationships and seek transparency with personnel. For this purpose, last year a website and newsletter were set up specifically to strengthen communication with internal stakeholders, providing information about the company’s actions. In 2012, Globo invested over R$ 27 million in human resources development 12 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Leadership development Preparing managers to mobilize their teams and to manage their own careers is a critical task for our future. Therefore, the first stage of the Global Leadership Program for leaders and executive managers was launched last year in partnership with the Dom Cabral Foundation. Inclusion and training of new employees Social inclusion is also part of Globo’s concerns The content of the program was tailored to and it tackles the issue with two main programs: meet the company’s needs for business and Sem Limites (No Limits), inclusion of disabled human resources management. In 2012, the individuals in the labor market, the subject of first year of the program, there were 16 classes, which in 2012 was “Being Different is Good”; mobilizing 450 professionals. and the Jovem Aprendiz (Young Apprentice), professional training, aimed at young people In order to share the experience, a website between the ages of 14 and 24. Last year, this was developed for the group of leaders and initiative ended a two-year cycle training 105 supervisors, and a cycle of lectures and apprentices. In fact, 107 young professionals breakfasts was offered with top executives, were hired to work in the new stage in different where professional challenges and Globo administrative areas, woodwork, web design, strategic projects were discussed. electricians, among others. GLOBO 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 13 GLOBO Support for volunteers Employees interested in joining volunteer programs should also be supported by the company. In fact, the company helps them to organize permanent or sporadic activities, such as collecting donations for flood victims, solidarity bazaars and donations of Christmas kits. At Globo in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, there is a School Reintegration program, currently congregating 68 volunteers and 72 students and is aimed at providing employees and contractors the opportunity to conclude their elementary, middle and high school education. This initiative is a partnership with the Roberto Marinho Foundation, which provides lecture training for volunteer employees. In Minas Gerais, the Voluntariado Global (Global Volunteer) program was expanded, bringing together the Grupo de Voluntários Sociais (Social Volunteer Group) with the Grupo de Gestão Ambiental (Environmental Management Group). The social volunteers gained an important ally: the Hartmann Regueira Institute, which started to monitor the management of sponsored institutions. Learn more on page 54. Globo employees actively participate in Ação Global (Global Action) activities, as well as in Esporte Cidadania (Sports Citizenship), social projects that sometimes assemble over 30,000 volunteers in a single day. Volunteers in action in Belo Horizonte 14 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO INVESTMENT WITH GUARANTEED RET URNS Last year, over R$ 3.5 billion were invested in Remuneration, Benefits, and Profit Sharing, among others. IN THOUSANDS OF R$ Personnel (*) 3,363,638 Health 109,074 Food 43,311 Transportation 8,693 Social and Labor Security 3,547 Integration and Festivities 13,629 Education and Development 27,551 Private Pension 26,324 TOTAL 3,595,767 (*) Remuneration, profit sharing and others. 15 GLOBO History on the Internet The anticipation surrounding the decision of the National Congress regarding the amendment of Representative Dante de Oliveira to include direct presidential elections in the Constitution (1984); the testimony of reporters and directors who participated in the coverage of the Constituent Assembly of 1988; the fall of the Berlin Wall and the September 11 attacks in New York. All this is documented in the Memória Globo (Globo Memory) website, whose redesigned version went on air on April 26 of last year. With an average of 195,737 unique visitors and 630,203 views, the site serves as a comprehensive digital archive. And it can be used by schools and universities to help show Brazilian history. Learn more on page 66. The Globo Memory staff, area responsible for preserving these documents, also takes part in editorial projects like the book “Irineu Marinho – the Press and the City”, by historian Maria Alice Rezende de Carvalho. For the launch, held in November last year, over a thousand text documents and about 600 images from the archives of Globo’s companies and from the country’s public and private collections were selected. Another important initiative was the Pioneers & Entrepreneurs exhibit: The Development Saga in Brazil held at the National History Museum in Rio de Janeiro and at the Unifor Cultural Center, in Fortaleza. The exhibition featured photos, images and objects from the founder of the Globo Organizations, journalist Roberto Marinho and also resulted in a publication distributed in universities, schools, libraries, and several Brazilian institutions. Launch of “Irineu Marinho – Imprensa e Cidade” (Irineu Marinho – The Press and the City), about the life of Globo’s founder. The publication brings together over 600 images from archives, with major contribution of Globo Memory 16 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Documentation Center The history of television and the world is available at Globo’s Documentation Center (Cedoc), which houses thousands of texts, photos and images captured and produced for journalism, sports and entertainment shows that can be used by the company’s professionals for consultation, new products and editions. Last year, Cedoc collaborated greatly to creating shows, newscasts and GloboNews, especially during the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20) and the judgment of the mensalão (monthly allowance) political scandal. There was also increased partnership with the Globo Affiliates department, which provided improved service to Globo’s 117 affiliated stations, scattered throughout the country. Additionally, for the first time ever, Cedoc enabled Brazil to be represented on the Executive Board of the International Federation of Television Archives, which has been around for 35 years and is comprised of 250 TV station members from around the world. RELEASE OF FREE IMAGES (TOTAL IN REAIS) Civil Society Organizations R$ 12,000 Public Institutions R$ 432,000 Private Institutions R$ 1.2 million Total R$ 1.6 million GLOBO 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 17 GLOBO Globo listens Globo exists for its audience and strives to listen to it. Thirty years ago, the CAT - Central de Atendimento ao Telespectador (Viewer Call Center), which is open every day of the week and caters for over 2,000 people daily, was created. Tuned to the public’s daily response – celebration, inquiry, laughter, criticism and comments about all types of journalism, sports and entertainment content – the station is constantly changing and adjusting, with increased knowledge about the interests of viewers from all ages, generations and regions of Brazil. Social media has allowed this conversation to be ported to other platforms. First to Twitter (@ rede_globo), where Globo already has over 4.5 million followers, and then to Facebook ( / RedeGlobo), Google+ (plus. / + RedeGlobo) and Instagram (@ redeglobo). Telephone: 4002-2884 The CAT - Central de Atendimento ao Telespectador (Viewer Call Center) answers an average of 2,500 inquiries every day 18 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Sustainable management Although television is part of a low environmental impact segment, the environment has always been a concern for Globo. Last year, Globo Production Center’s TV drama and entertainment studio complex, known as Projac, recycled and reused no less than 4,842 tons of wood from controlled sources. The same concern for sustainability’s famous three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) can be seen in the company’s actions to recycle 58% of the paper used in the complex. In addition, around 6,000 tons of solid waste were recycled. The same attention to sustainable practices can be found in Globo’s other markets. In Brasilia, even the use of air conditioning is carefully monitored. Also, three new sustainability focused initiatives were implemented: selective collection of solid waste, installation of timed faucets and low flush toilets, and the adoption of a new battery metering technology that resulted in reduced recharging. In Recife, almost 2,000 kilograms of solid waste, including paper, metals, batteries and plastic were properly discarded as a result of a program started in 2008 and which has been conducted every year since. Globo Recife also replaced 75% of the faucets with timed units and 50% of the toilets with two-cycle, low flush units that use less water. Such initiatives are part of day to day life at Globo, which is striving to develop a production standard without compromising future generations. At Projac and in Belo Horizonte, there is an established routine that seeks to reduce costs and preserve the environment through various initiatives, such as the ones below. GLOBO 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 19 GLOBO Globo Production Center (Projac) – Environmental policy • Opened in 1995, Projac has always sought quality-based • With a total area exceeding 1.6 million square meters, there are over management, so much so that in 2002 it was awarded the ISO 9001 240 electric cars at Projac used to transport employees and visitors. certification, which shows the company’s commitment to quality The other vehicles are rigorously tested on a quarterly basis to assure and customer satisfaction. Since 2004, there has been increased proper control of pollutant gas emissions. focus on environmental policy, which culminated in the company being awarded the ISO 14001 certification in 2007, certificate that • The site also has a sewage treatment plant that processes 200,000 recognizes companies whose management is engaged in preserving liters of wastewater per day and removes between 94% and 97% of the environment. organic and bacteriological matter, more than the 85% required by law. • Since the beginning of Projac’s activities, one million square meters of green area, comprising over 120,000 trees native to the Atlantic Forest, were recovered. • In 2012, savings of of 1.7 million sheets of paper were made, as well as reduced use of wood, scenery canvas and other materials. Faucets were replaced with newer models, with timers and aerators, and rainwater is being collected since 2011. The paint used in sceneries or even in buildings is reused and recycled. At Projac, over 1 million square meters of green area were recovered and preserved 20 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Belo Horizonte: ISO 14001 • Concerned with future generations, Globo Minas’ employees decided to roll up their sleeves and began supporting an environmental policy and management system that established goals, supplier requirements and training for all internal stakeholders. • Among new practices that reduce the environmental impact of local production are the monitoring of the fleet vehicles’ black smoke emissions, spray washing of vehicles and proper disposal of 100% of solid waste produced by the operation, including: 811kg per year of electronic waste, 8,358kg of paper, 2,774kg of plastic, 3,756kg of metals, 140 tires and 1,744kg of organic waste per month. • Another initiative started in 2008 involves planting a tree in city parks for every child born in Belo Horizonte, Betim, Contagem, Mariana, Ouro Preto and Sabará, in partnership with local governments. Consequently, since 2010 Globo Minas has been awarded the ISO 14001:2004 environmental certification. Globo Minas employees take part in the initiative to plant a tree for every single child born GLOBO 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 21 PROGRAM PROGRAM DAILY LIFE ON THE SCREEN Globo believes that entertainment is an important catalyst for reflection and social SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY THEMES debate. And since its foundation, lends the Social causes in telenovelas 500 socio-educational scenes scenes and over 1,500 scenes that portrayed Amor Eterno Amor Theme: Missing children voice of its characters to great public causes. Last year there were 500 socio-educational social issues in telenovelas. The authors, at liberty to choose the plots they wish to air, count on the support of the Social Responsibility team. The area promotes thematic meetings Cheias de Charme Theme: Domestic workers (housemaids) with institutions and experts in order to help Salve Jorge Theme: Human trafficking Cheias de Charme (Sparkling Girls) was a Meeting with authors Theme: Supporting social causes (Amor Eterno Amor and Cheias de Charme) support social causes in telenovelas. good example of the benefits provided by this information exchange. Before its debut in the 7:00 p.m. slot, authors Felipe Miguez and Izabel de Oliveira met with representatives of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the National Federation of Domestic Workers (Fenatrad) and the former Minister of the Secretariat of Policies for Women (SPM), Nilcéia Freire. At the meeting, data relevant to the development of the plot were discussed. According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in 2012, 30% of the 7.2 million domestic workers in the country had no formal employment contract. 24 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Bosses and domestic workers side by side in Cheias de Charme From the beginning, Izabel Oliveira and I determined that the main scenes of the telenovela were going to take place in the kitchen and for the first time, we would go home with the maid, showing her daily life, which is basically similar to her boss’. Both need to leave their houses and find someone to look after their children and take care of their homes. We had several messages like this, but the real social campaign was for the formal employment contract. For example, we learned that 90% of domestic workers in the Amazon region had no formal contract. And signing a formal contract is a guarantee not only for the employee but for the employer as well. That’s what we tried to show”, says the author Felipe Miguez. Learn more on page 44. Cheias de Charme: domestic workers as protagonists in a campaign encouraging formal employment PROGRAM 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 25 PROGRAM National mobilization Amor Eterno Amor, by Elizabeth Jhin, highlighted the issue of missing children and aired, at the end of each episode, pictures of children and young people missing in Rio de Janeiro. The endeavor was developed from March to September last year in partnership with the Foundation for Childhood and Adolescence (FIA) and the SOS Missing Children program in Rio de Janeiro. Another important dialogue was also held with the staff of the Terre des Hommes NGO: “It was also important to show the risks of losing a child and how to prevent them,” said Claudia Cabral, from Terre des Hommes. She also points out that the plot showed people that it is possible to ask for help to find a child. Near the end of Amor Eterno Amor in September, directors, cast and crew celebrated the location of a missing child. It was the highpoint of an important awareness raising effort for everyone , which focused on the subject and used its popular reach to show the drama experienced by many families”, said Elizabeth Jhin, of Amor Eterno Amor. Showing pictures of missing children at the end of episodes of Amor Eterno Amor led to a girl being located 26 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Outcry against homophobia Reporting violence and exploitation of people In fiction, on national television, a president As serious as homophobic prejudice, bullying publicly states that he made a grave also mobilizes parents and guardians of victims. mistake in his personal life by rejecting his There are no official statistics on this type of homosexual son. The scene, which was aired violence, but associations involved with the during the Brado Retumbante (Resounding issue say that one third of all students is or has Cry) miniseries, touched on another socially been a victim of bullying at some point in their delicate subject, homophobia. According to life. Malhação (Young Hearts), a telenovela for surveys conducted at gay parades in Rio adolescents, focused on this topic last year de Janeiro, transvestites and transsexuals and also highlighted the engagement of young are the groups that suffer the most violence people in social and environmental causes. (72%), next to gays (22%) and lesbians (9%). Data from the Gay Group of Bahia indicate For the Salve Jorge (Her Battle) telenovela by that transvestites and transsexuals represent Gloria Perez, a call center was established in 30% of people from LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, order to answer questions regarding human Bisexual trafficking and exploitation, subjects covered and Transgender) community in the plot. In partnership with “Viva Rio”, a murdererd over the past years. call center clarified via phone doubts about The repercussion of the miniseries was sexual exploitation, exploitation of children and celebrated by ABGLT – Brazilian Association adolescents, slave labor, and provided guidance of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites on where to seek help in Brazil and abroad. and Transsexuals – a national entity that congregates 257 similar organizations throughout Brazil, with the objective of protecting and promoting the inclusion of such segments of the population. In a letter sent to the broadcaster’s board, the organization stated that Globo “rendered a service of immeasurable value by demystifying transsexuality and sensitizing society.” Salve Jorge warns about human trafficking. The Brado Retumbante miniseries addressed homophobia The topic was also addressed in the final months of the 7:00 p.m. telenovela Aquele Beijo (That Kiss), by Miguel Falabella. PROGRAM 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 27 PROGRAM Focus on Rio+20 Last year, Rio+20 took up much of the station’s program slots. Journalism award For example, this was the case for the Environment Special, At the Rio+20, a news story by Jornal Hoje (Today News) issued a challenge: is there illegal wood extraction in forest reserves? Those responsible for the “Câmera JH”, from Jornal Hoje headed the project, which mobilized Globo’s Technology, Engineering and Arts areas. The first step in proving criminal action was to develop a microchip powerful enough to emit signals via satellite and withstand impacts, and at the same time be inconspicuous enough so as to not alert the criminals. conducted by Globo Cidadania (Globo Citizenship) (learn more on page 40), and of the Climate Change series, in which journalist Miriam Leitão focused on the challenges presented at the Rio+20 Conference, which marked the 20th anniversary of the fight against global warming. The Globo Natureza (Globo Nature) program, whose DNA is intrinsically tied to this subject matter, aired six hours and forty minutes worth of environmentally based material during the Conference. The highlights were: Thanks to IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources), the JH crew spotted chopped trees in an • Terra, lotação esgotada (Earth, Sold Out) – Six-episode series environmentally protected area. The chip was installed in a tree trunk by reporter Sônia Bridi, aired on Fantástico (Fantastic), about the and trail cameras where hidden in the bushes. Days later, the monitoring impact of consumption on the environment in China, India, United radio connected to the chip detected signs of movement. The JH crew followed the arrival of the trees at a saw mill where the action was flagrantly recorded. The news report resulted in the closure of the saw mill and after a few months, in the arrest of 17 people and the issuing of an additional 40 arrest warrants. This initiative was recognized with States, Indonesia and Brazil, the five most populous countries in the world. • Energia limpa (Clean energy) – Six part news report on the future three awards: Allianz Award for best TV news story, Embratel Award for of production of electricity in Brazil, recorded in seven states by best investigative news story and honorable mention in the 2012 Rede reporter Alberto Gaspar from Jornal Nacional (National Journal). Globo Award for Journalism and Sports. • Sustentabilidade (Sustainability) – Five part news report, with André Trigueiro, Cristina Serra, Marcos Losekann and Tonico Ferreira, for Jornal Nacional. • Produção do alimento (Food production) – Eight part news report about increasing farming productivity without destroying Placing a microchip in a tree trunk led to the arrest of members of a ring responsible for wood extraction in protected areas 28 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO the environment. Recorded in Brazil’s regional agricultural hubs, with Nelson Araújo and local reporters, for Globo Rural (Rural Globo) and Globo Rural Diário (Rural Globo Daily). • Desafios, ameaças à vida no planeta (Challenges, threats to life on the planet) – Five part news piece on sea fishing, desert survival, Atlantic Forest in Brazil, with Neide Duarte, for Bom Dia Brasil (Good Morning Brasil). endangered species and urban chaos recorded in Japan, England, United States, Chile and Brazil, for the Jornal Hoje. • Cem anos de Amazônia (Amazon – 100 years) – news report recorded in the Amazon about the transformations that took place • Cerrado – Two special reports, recorded in Goias and Bahia, about the environmental impacts of intensive land use on the biome where most in the forest over the past century, with Daniela Assayag, for Globo Reporter (Globo Reporter). of the grains are produced in Brazil. With Sandra Passarinho for Jornal da Globo (Globo News). • Lista Negra (Black List) Two special reports, recorded in Para, about new deforestation fronts in the Amazon and municipalities that have adopted • Serra do Mar (Sea Ridge) – Five part news report, recorded in São new environmental stances in order to leave the devastation blacklist. Paulo, about the rich biodiversity in the largest continuous area of With reporters José Raimundo and Camila Marconato for Globo Rural. Rio+20 inspired a series of news reports for Globo’s news programs. Among them, Terra, Lotação Esgotada (Earth, Sold Out), from reporter Sonia Bridi, aired on Fantástico PROGRAM 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 29 PROGRAM Concern for the environment Globo is also concerned in preserving the environment wherever it operates. Thus, last year, in São Paulo, the journalism department created the São Paulo + Limpa (Cleaner São Paulo) project. Over three months, local newscasts portrayed problems and solutions for the production and collection of solid waste in the metropolis. There were 150 news stories, 25 live feeds, five studio interviews and two community task forces set up to clean up the city’s neighborhoods. The project won the Grand Prix and the 17th Abrelpe (Brazilian Association of Sanitation and Special Waste Companies) News Award in the Television Category and resulted in a seminar sponsored by Globo Universidade (Globo University), which edited a textbook with the results of the discussions. Learn more on page 65. Over in Rio, the Rio + Limpo (Cleaner Rio) campaign organized, over four Saturdays, community task forces to implement a new trash collection scheme in the communities of São Carlos, Macacos and Coroa, with the goal of raising awareness among locals about the importance of small gestures to keep the city streets clean. The Project, a RJTV initiative supported by Globo in Rio, City of Rio, Movement Rio I Love It, I Take Care of It, Favela Center (CUFA) and the Marine Corps, brought together hundreds of volunteers and also provided a analysis of the situation of the trash in the city. The São Paulo + Limpa Project, from Globo São Paulo, addressed problems and solutions related to solid waste produced in the megalopolis 30 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Corporate citizen As a company that wishes to be in the forefront of sustainability cannot forget to take care of the society to which it belongs, Globo took its vocation as a communications outlet to sensitize viewers with socially significant stories. For that reason, Globo Recife aired five news reports during Transplant Week that sensitized families to organ donation. It worked: by the end of the series, the Transplant Center had received as many donors as it normally received during an entire month. The Jornal Hoje sought to help anyone looking for a job and in 2012, started airing the Mercado de Trabalho (Labor Market) news segment, where Veruska Donato talks about employment opportunities and new professions. The piece gives important tips on how to behave in job interviews, preparing resumes, as well as how to relate to colleagues and bosses in the workplace. PROGRAM 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 31 PROGRAM Millions of young talents revealed The largest student sport event in Brazil, the School Olympics, since 2013 known as the Youth School Games, brings together millions of pupils from public and private education institutions from all over the country. Participants total 2 million athletes and approximately 3,900 participating municipalities. Organized and conducted by the Brazilian Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Sport, the competition is institutionally supported by Globo. Globo’s program schedule also emphasizes the importance of sports not only for individual wellbeing, but also as an element that can promote the development of a healthy relationship between communities. Such was the case of the ten-episode series My favorite sport (Meu esporte favorito), aired last year by Globo’s São Paulo journalism unit, which shows cities in the state of São Paulo where soccer does not prevail. In Pernambuco and Minas Gerais, where soccer is indeed favored, Globo Esporte (Globo Sport) followed groups that play pick-up games on makeshift fields and showed the ninth edition of the amateur soccer tournament from the communities of the Belo Horizonte metropolitan area. In Rio, for over a year, Globo supported the Favelas Cup, a tournament organized by CUFA (Central Union of the Favelas) that congregates dozens of communities and uses soccer as a means of community integration and interaction. These are some of the initiatives that effectively show that the company views the practice of sports as an essential right for the promotion of education and social inclusion. 32 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO The School Olympics, co-sponsored by Globo, rallied 2 million athletes in approximately 3,900 cities across the country PROGRAM 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 33 34 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO GLOBO CIT IZENSHIP 2013 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 35 GLOBO CITIZENSHIP MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLE’S LIVES EVERY SAT URDAY From very early Saturday mornings, the audience has a meeting set with information that can make a difference in their lives. It is with this purpose that the special program grid Globo Cidadania (Globo Citizenship) is aired, which includes shows such as Globo Ciência (Globo Science), Globo Educação (Globo Education), Globo Ecologia (Globo Ecology), Globo Universidade (Globo University) e Ação (Action), produced in partnership with the Roberto Marinho Foundation and Futura Channel. Sandra Annenberg became anchor of the Globo Citizenship piece in June 2012 36 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Good news predominate Last year, Globo Cidadania presented a new format. In July, journalist Sandra Annenberg made her debut as anchor and editor of all shows. For her, being part of Globo Citizenship “is an oasis”: As a journalist, I deal with hard news all the time, and a stark and difficult reality. There is no escape, that’s how it is, we try to find ways to sweeten things a bit, but reality remains harsh. Therefore, for me, Globo Citizenship served to fill a gap that I had, but was unaware of. It is great to make a difference in people’s lives and at the same time, let them make a difference in mine. In developing each of the five shows, we are able to focus on individual attitudes that make a difference. It is great to be part of this positive vibe and disseminate that it is possible to have an attitude and improve things”, said the journalist. Other good news from 2012 includes the launch of Pílulas de Cidadania (Citizenship Pills), content directed at satellite dish spectators. These are excerpts from local shows that address for example, how families can better participate in their children’s school life. Those responsible for the show feel greatly rewarded by developing news reports with such positive messages, attitudes that work, that can help improve the world. The idea is not to ignore reality, by not portraying difficult issues, but to show that it is possible to find creative solutions to problems. CIT IZENSHIP SPOT LIGHT All of Globo’s initiatives and social projects in just one place. That is what the “Portal da Cidadania” (Citizenship Portal) is about (, which brings together the websites of shows such as Globo Science, Globo Ecology, Globo Education, Globo University and Action, and Children’s Hope and Global Action. At the Citizenship Portal, it is possible to watch shows and news reports and delve into public interest issues, such as urban mobility. GLOBO CITIZENSHIP 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 37 GLOBO CITIZENSHIP Feedback from viewers Viewer feedback shows that the Globo Citizenship program schedule is on the right path. Elízia Pereira Gomes, a schoolteacher who lives in the city of Além Paraíba in the state of Minas Gerais, is a self-entitled faithful viewer. For her, “it is a joy when Saturdays arrive”: I feel as if I were in a continued general education class. We learn everything, always up to date. I love education and I have learned and even improved my teaching skills in the classroom. (…) The homes that do not watch Globo Citizenship are missing out on continued education in their own living rooms”, she wrote via e-mail to the show. Sheila Oliveira, who lives in São João de Meriti, in Rio de Janeiro, also enjoys Saturday mornings: I wake up early just to watch Globo Citizenship. It’s added so much to my life! Thank you all for such beautiful work.” Another innovation that Globo Citizenship brought last year was the Você Cidadão (You Citizen) piece, where reporters go to the streets to listen to common people’s opinions regarding citizenship. That is why viewer Carlos Henrique Doth da Silva, from Fortaleza, does not miss a single Globo Citizenship and thinks it is “the best free-to-air show on TV”: TV was missing shows that showed the best that Brazilians can accomplish. Congratulations to all who are part of this success.” Above, news story by Helena Lara Resende for Globo Education. Below, Alexandre Henderson of Globo Science and Max Fercondini of Globo Ecology 38 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Social issues on the agenda In 2012, the Ação team recorded three shows about Haiti portraying the work of Brazilian U.N. peacekeeping soldiers and the Viva Rio NGO during the reconstruction process the country is going through after being hit by an earthquake in January of 2010. Two news reports recorded in Saint Thomas and Prince showed initiatives to combat illiteracy and generate income that are being coordinated by cooperation programs between Brazil and other Southern Cone countries. Daily life in Brazilian schools, the effort of teachers and community engagement in schools were some of the themes of Globo Educação, which also discussed food, sustainability, consumer issues and topics such as the inclusion of music and religion in the school syllabus. Globo Ciência illustrated how scientists explain the world today, through examples of everyday life, such as stress and headaches, technological innovations and controversial issues, such as the end of the world predicted by the Mayan calendar. In turn, Globo Ecologia was inspired by Rio+20 to address sustainability related challenges. The “Ecological Footprint” – calculation of how much of the planet we consume – waste, energy and climate change were some of the topics discussed. Globo Universidade presented new careers and traditional courses, the experience outside the classroom and the experiences of Brazilian students in Cape Verde, Bolivia, USA and even in China. Mariane Salerno during Action’s visit to Haiti in 2012. The news report protrayed the work of UN Peacekeeping forces and of the Viva Rio NGO in the country GLOBO CITIZENSHIP 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 39 GLOBO CITIZENSHIP Dialogue with society In order to talk directly to the Third Sector audience, in March last year the What is Citizenship? workshop was conducted during the 7th Congress of the Group of Institutes, Foundations and Enterprises (GIFE), which annually brings together members of the NGO whose mission is to disseminate concepts and practices regarding the use of private resources for the development of the common good. The workshop was mediated by journalist Serginho Groisman and included the participation of the Secretary of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, Cesar Callegari, physicist José Goldemberg, economist Eduardo Giannetti and GIFE’s general-secretary Fernando Rossetti, who debated the challenges facing Brazil in education, science, the environment and social entrepreneurship. Globo Cidadania (Globo Citizenship) also promoted debates about important issues with thematic TV specials “Environment” and “Elections”. The former aired in June, month the Rio+20 Conference was held. During this period, all shows that are part of Globo Cidadania (Globo Citizenship) were dedicated to themes linked to sustainability, depicting how environmental issues of the last decades influenced education, scientific research, universities and social action. In September, the TV special “Elections” dealt with municipal elections by addressing the issue from different angles: from the technology behind electronic ballot boxes to social projects that walk hand in hand with activities conducted by councilmen. Thus, Globo Cidadania (Globo Citizenship) remains up to date on themes relevant to the daily lives of its viewers. And the awards followed. Globo Ecology won the Best Electronic Media Production on Recycling from the Brazilian Aluminum Association; Globo University won the Belem Journalism Award and the seventh Sindhrio (Rio de Janeiro Syndicate of Hospitals) Journalism and Health Award for the news report “Tropical Diseases”; and Globo Action placed third in the Sebrae Journalism Award with a show about solidarity economy. 2012 HIGHLIGHT S 11 million viewers every Saturday 82 citizenship pills 52 programs aired 7 international programs 4 awards won Serginho Groisman coordinates the Globo Citizenship workshop, during which the use of private resources for the development of the common good was discussed 40 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Sagrado and other partnerships Is it possible for humans to live comfortably in society without harming the environment? Does religion produce conformism? What is the social role played by women in the contemporary world? These and other current issues are addressed in Sagrado (Sacred), a series of two-minute wraparound pieces co-produced by Globo and the Futura Channel. Created with the goal of promoting reading in view of religious diversity, the show discusses one current theme per week, portraying the vision and understanding of ten religions: Catholicism, Protestantism, Spiritualism, Islam, Judaism, Candomblé, Buddhism, Umbanda, Indigenous Traditions, and Pentecostal. Each Sacred show is presented by religious representatives and Globo actors, such as Stênio Garcia, Christiane Torloni and Juliana Paes, among others. Another important source of knowledge in the lineup is the Telecurso, Roberto Marinho Foundation’s (FRM) distance education system. Since 1978, the show has helped Brazilians throughout the country to finish basic education, also providing professional training. In over three decades, FRM created models and methodologies for sharing knowledge in several areas – environment, education and culture. Among the projects under the management of the Foundation is the Futura Channel, a social communication project of public interest supported by the private sector. Globo is one of the partners and sponsors of the channel, which has two dimensions: attractive educational TV shows and community mobilization endeavors, as well as educational and social institutions. 41 42 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO SOCIAL PUBLICIT Y 2013 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 43 SOCIAL PUBLICITY OPEN SPACE FOR GREAT SOCIAL CAUSES Every year Globo makes room in its lineup for socially relevant initiatives. Campaigns that are developed in-house or in partnership with organizations focused on social development. In 2012 alone, the sum of in-house, civil society organizations, medical societies and other non-profit groups amounted to about 736,000 insertions, which corresponded to R$ 769 million. Of this amount, 143,000 insertions, equivalent to R$ 137.7 million, were aired in slots provided free of charge by Globo’s 117 affiliates. Behind the numbers are initiatives such as the campaign for the right to a formal contract for domestic workers, launched immediately after the end of the telenovela Cheias de Charme (Sparkling Girls). Developed in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UN Women, the initiative brought back to the screen Penha, character played by Tais Araujo, and Lygia, played by Malu Galli. The video focused on the advantages of signing a formal contract, both for workers and for employers. Learn more on page 25. At the end of last year, Globo received an award for a similar initiative. The Hemorio Volunteer Association (Blood Bank coordinator of the State of Rio de Janeiro) handed the Henfil Trophy to the broadcaster. The award aims to recognize volunteers - NGOs, companies, universities, advertising agencies, the general media and personalities - that stood out during the year while supporting projects and campaigns that encourage blood donation and treatment of patients with hematologic diseases. 44 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Scene from the formal domestic employment campaign, sponsored in partnership with ILO (International Labor Organization) and UN Women Main campaigns Among the 119 campaigns from civil society organizations, medical societies and other nonprofits, freely aired by Globo, the following can be highlighted: • Down Movement – Down Syndrome Portal • National Association of Adoption Support Groups - Encouraging adoption • Exploratory Science Museum / Unicamp - 4th National Olympiad of Brazilian History • Democratic Movement of the Prosecution Office - Fighting Corruption • Brazilian Society of Mastology - Preventing breast cancer • United Nations Information Center - Mobilization on the sustainability of Rio +20 • Human Rights Movement - Eradication of slave labor • Social Goal Institute - “Being different is normal”, encouraging inclusion and diversity In over 700,000 social campaign insertions, themes included the National Olympiad of Brazilian History, prevention of breast cancer, fight against corruption and Rio+20 SOCIAL PUBLICITY 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 45 SOCIAL PUBLICITY Down Movement According to recent surveys, Brazil has close to 300,000 people with Down syndrome. But how much do many of us truly know about this syndrome? It is the most common genetic occurrence among those currently classified as having the syndrome. How do our health and education professionals behave when dealing with a person with the syndrome? These and many other questions are answered by the Down Movement Portal team (, which averages 12,000 hits per month from 26 Brazilian states and 25 countries. The launch of the portal, considered an innovation in the Third Sector, was supported by Globo. The company understands that part of its role is airing campaigns by civil society’s organizations and institutions, as well as organizing its own campaigns. Therefore, the network provides free airtime, its main instrument for advancing society’s high-impact causes and issues. The institutional campaign aired by Globo between March 22nd and April 5th 2012 drew so many people that the website went down due to the high volume of simultaneous traffic. This mobilization accelerated the discussion about public policies for patients with this type of syndrome and in record time, obtained the definition of Ministry of Health guidelines for health professionals responsible for the care of such persons. . The Down Movement portal receives about 12,000 visits per month from all over Brazil and another 25 countries 46 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Proximity to organizations In 2012, the Social Responsibility team launched a new relationship tool with partner institutions and civil society organizations. Monthly virtual reports were produced which highlighted the program and social projects. In total, nine editions were published with information on social issues addressed in telenovelas, sponsored social publicity campaigns, Globo Citizenship program grid and sponsored permanent shows. 2012 HIGHLIGHT S Social sponsorship (free airtime) 387,000 insertions, equivalent to approximately R$ 296 million Self-sponsored campaigns 286,000 insertions, corresponding to over R$ 332 million Culture Support Monthly reports record social issues addressed in telenovelas and sponsored publicity campaigns, among other topics 63,000 insertions, equivalent to over R$ 141 million SOCIAL PUBLICITY 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 47 SOCIAL PUBLICITY Cultural events In the cultural area, Globo also granted video exposure to publicize artistic expression, exhibits, shows and other events. One of the exhibits was “Jorge Amado and Universal”, which ran from April through to July at the Museum of the Portuguese Language with elements related to the life and work of the author. The viewer also learned through Globo’s screen, about the International Literary Festival of Pacified Favelas (Flupp), which included a lecture by playwright Ariano Suassuna in the Prazeres Community in November. The 4th Brazil Youth Transforming Art Exhibit, the Adaptation Festival on cinema and literature and the 22nd International Book Biennial of São Paulo are among many of the free cultural events publicized by Globo. Learn more on page 70. 48 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Cultural initiatives such as the Jorge Amado and Universal exhibit, and the 22nd International Book Biennial of São Paulo were highlighted in Globo’s program Theater support Promoting Brazilian theater is another of Globo’s commitments. Therefore, since 2006, the network sponsors the Globo Theater special project, which promotes plays and festivals by exhibiting 4,000 clips during commercial breaks. In 2012, 209 theatrical productions across the country received media support. At the Globo Theater portal (www.globoteatro. com), the public can follow what’s playing in Sao Paulo and Rio, interviews with actors and authors, news about inaugurations of new theaters, videos and photos. Globo Theater also promotes productions through their profiles on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The show, Gonzagão, the legend, by João Falcão was sponsored by Globo Teatro SOCIAL PUBLICITY 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 49 50 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO SOCIAL PROJECT S 2013 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 51 SOCIAL PROJECTS CHILDREN’S HOPE A Globo crew went to Vila Brasilândia, a community in São Paulo, to do a piece on a project supported by Criança Esperança (Children’s Hope). Because the neighborhood is large, there was a moment when they realized they were lost and decided to ask for help from a man with a child. The man did not know where the project was, but the child did. Just by looking at the Children’s Hope symbol he immediately told his grandfather that he would be able to give the crew directions. That said and done, the crew got to where they needed to go quickly, with the boy’s directions. Indeed, children identifying themselves with the project is part of the project’s historical roots. Children’s Hope was created in 1986 with the goal of mobilizing Brazilians in relation to the rights of young people and children. At the time, the aim was to strengthen the childhood issue in the national political agenda and Globo, in partnership with UNICEF, contributed using its communications outlet to give visibility to the cause. As time went past, the subject grew and increased in importance. Since 2004, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has been an important partner of the program. The Organization is responsible for selecting projects to be sponsored and managing all funds donated to the project, which are deposited in its bank account. Projects sponsored by Children’s Hope were shown during a party held at the Tom Jobim Space in Rio de Janeiro 52 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Partners celebrated Last year, Globo decided to hold an event to present the 86 projects supported by the 2012 Children’s Hope throughout the country. One of 2012 CAMPAIGN the things that stood out at the event, held at the Tom Jobim Space in R$ 17.7 million raised Rio de Janeiro, with the special attendance of couple Alexandre Borges 1 million telephone calls and Julia Lemmertz, was the pride the NGOs felt in being part of such 216 cast members involved a wide reaching program. As the event’s master of ceremony, Alexandre Borges said that he believes it is extremely important to show where the funds raised are invested: It’s a really great initiative, after all, thousands of people donated, participated in the campaign, went to the show”, he added. Founder of the Social Investment Fund “Elas”, Amalia Eugenia Fischer also stated that the event held to tell people which projects were selected was 168 news reports 165 cross-media insertions 130 internet pieces 90 days of mobilization 62 network wide segments 59 in-person events The coordinator of the Maranhão Center of Black Culture Ligia Santos, Dia da Esperança (Hope Day), Corrida da Esperança (Hope Run), Brazilian Soccer League talked about the experience of having been benefited by the project: “With 34 films a further step towards transparency and citizenship for people. the arrival of Children’s Hope, the community saw us with different eyes, we increased the number of young people being assisted and today over 100 children and adolescents are part of this initiative alone,” she pointed out. Another beneficiary present at the event was Marques Anderson, coordinator of the Colíder’s Skateboarders Association, in the state of Mato Grosso. For him, Children’s Hope helped increase the visibility of their project, enabling them to hire more people and buy more equipment: Through skating, we teach not only maneuvers, but values,” he said. The day after the event, NGO representatives were invited to visit Projac, where they learned more about Globo’s production activities. Through its webpage,, the campaign is increasing its use of social networks and internet year after year. 53 SOCIAL PROJECTS GLOBAL ACT ION After establishing that there were a considerable number of Brazilians without proper identification, the first Ação Global (Global Action) was carried out NAT IONAL GLOBAL ACT ION at Globo in Minas Gerais in 1995. Afterwards, it was propagated throughout Consultations Brazil. Last year, in Rio de Janeiro alone, the initiative was conducted in Magé, Araruama, Salgueiro samba school, Vila Isabel, Magueira Olympic Village, Rocinha and Talavera Bruce female penitentiary, totaling about 364,000 free General Public Documents issued consultations. There was innovation in Bangu: in addition to the traditional Volunteers booths placed in local shopping centers to offer people legal guidance, Partner Institutions space was allocated in train carriages of SuperVia, company that operates Cities commuter trains in suburban Rio de Janeiro and Baixada Fluminense. As conveyed by its name, the project – conducted in partnership with the Cast members 1.6 million 2 million 51,000 31,000 2,000 29 34 actors Industry’s Social Service (Sesi) – covers a wide range of initiatives, from REGIONAL GLOBAL ACT ION (RJ) the issuing of documents to access to important information on health, Consultations nutrition and social services relevant to the citizen’s life. “I came for my documents because a citizen’s joy is to respect and be respected”, stated General Public José Ribamar de Oliveira, 59 years old, who benefitted from the Global Documents issued Action carried out in Mangueira, Rio de Janeiro. Volunteers National coverage Every year, Global Action is held on the same day across the country. The 19th national edition benefitted 1.6 million Brazilians from 29 cities and included the participation of 31,000 volunteers. Free services and activities related to health, sports, education, law (public defender) and leisure were offered, in addition to information aimed at improving the quality of life of the population throughout the year. Another novelty was the identification of volunteers who always participate in the program. They ended up inspiring the national slogan for the project: “I Participate in Global Action Year Round”. Achieving citizenship is in fact, Global Action’s greatest challenge: encourage male and female Brazilians to pursue their rights wherever available in society. 54 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Partner institutions Cast members Total of regional events 364,000 152,000 7,000 6,000 320 31 actors 9 Citizenship everywhere Joy of participating In 2012, the Talavera Bruce Institute inmates Many of Globo’s cast take part as volunteers in Global Action. Alexandre Borges, one of the oldest in Rio de Janeiro were also visited by Global and most frequent participants, is the program’s “godfather”. For him, it is always a great pleasure Action. Throughout the day, they had access to participate. to the regular services and were provided with a little more knowledge about the rights We must thank all of the volunteers throughout Brazil that rallied to make this a really of citizens – even those incarcerated. memorable day, a citizenship day”, he states. Since the services were offered in a single Aílton Graça was in Bangu and offered to explain people’s rights as citizens. “It is a pleasure to be visit, they benefitted not only the inmates among these volunteers because we, as citizens, have many duties and we know little about our but their families as well. The services of the rights”, he states. Public Defender were the most requested, especially by foreign prisoners. For many foreigners, who do not speak Portuguese and who do not have the means to hire a lawyer, Global Action gave them access to a public defender in addition to information regarding their ongoing lawsuits. Global Action encourages civic engagement of the population. Actors and artists of the network, like Dudu Azevedo, take part in the activities SOCIAL PROJECTS 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 55 SOCIAL PROJECTS FRIENDS OF SCHOOL Which book marked your life? With that question, directed at parents, students, teachers and Globo actors, Amigos da Escola (Friends of School) emphasized during the third Thematic Day the importance of reading, in August of last year. The event attracted 19,000 attendees from 16 states and 41 public schools. Thematic Days were dates on which the project underlined the mobilization of participanting schools from all over Brazil, always dealing with an issue relevant to the country’s education agenda. The events held were based on educational processes that complement teaching activities, always with the aim of stimulating knowledge and debate on the selected topic. The Friends of School Thematic Day, close to 20,000 participants in 60 public schools and 14 states 56 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Education, long-term commitment Globo has a long-standing commitment to education, which guides all of the station’s initiatives. Consequently, Friends of School was supported for 13 years through various partnerships, by seeking to involve all of society in valuing public schools and teachers. However, at the end of last year, the station decided to expand this set of initiatives by focusing on a new educational project, which has just been created – Globo Educação (Global Education). 2012 HIGHLIGHT S 86,000 students 10,000 parents 3,000 teachers 300 schools 22 states 3 thematic days It is an initiative which aims to further the commitment to education and broaden the area of operation. In addition to the homonymous show, aired on Saturday mornings, a group of activities and a permanent communications platform will be developed, with high potential for disseminating ideas and information in order to contribute to quality public education. The project will expose schools to best practices by promoting the exchange of successful ideas. Throughout 2013, video campaigns and news reports will be aired to show examples of success and disseminate these and other relevant information to society in general, in particular to the school community. In-person events will broaden the debate with specialists and partners. All of these activities will emphasize the importance of education and value of public schools. Thematic day that promoted reading SOCIAL PROJECTS 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 57 SOCIAL PROJECTS SPORT S CIT IZENSHIP Esporte Cidadania (Sports Citizenship) offers several activities, from hopscotch to lectures from high performance athletes. Activities aim to highlight the importance of sports activity and rally adults and children. For the athletes, the initiative is essential. “Sport has the power to transform lives”, points out Rodrigo Figueiredo, gold medalist at the South American Paracanoeing Championship held in Mato Grosso do Sul. Former judoka and founder of the Reaction Institute NGO, Flávio Canto recalls that the program is entirely appropriate because, despite being a constitutionally guaranteed right for everyone, the practice of sport is still not accessible to most Brazilians. It is our duty to bring this right established by the Constitution to everyone. Sport is essential to humanize, it is a school of values”, says Flávio Canto. 58 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 2012 HIGHLIGHT S 461,000 people served 195,000 participants 7,000 volunteers 830 partners 173 athletes 35 locations Sports Citizenship activities highlight the importance of sports and show the athlete as an example to be followed SOCIAL PROJECTS 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 59 60 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO GLOBO UNIVERSIT Y 2013 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 61 GLOBO UNIVERSITY T V AND ACADEMIA SHARE EXPERIENCES AND KNOWLEDGE Through Globo Universidade (Globo University), Globo and academia have maintained a relationship program since 1999. With the mission of sharing experiences to build knowledge, Globo University promotes this exchange on a daily basis through seminars, courses, academic visits, publications, TV shows and social network campaigns. The program for such exchange is based on the national agenda’s key issues. Throughout 2012, Globo University attracted 6,000 participants to 48 events. The website had over 760,000 hits and activities promoted together with public and private institutions in Brazil and abroad, which were followed by 33,000 people on Twitter. Main events included tributes to great authors, such as Jorge Amado, and the debate on the future of solid waste, one of the major challenges facing humanity today. 62 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Art and sports discussion The celebration of Jorge Amado’s (author from the state of Bahia) centennial led to three seminars at Globo University. The TV Drama Seminar, in partnership with the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP): Reinterpretation of Gabriela, which discussed the importance of the author’s work to Brazilian literature, adaptations of his novels for television and the production process of the latest version of Gabriela, written by Walcyr Carrasco. Among the speakers at the seminar were Mauro Alencar, TV drama specialist; Professor Benedito Veiga, from the State University of Feira de Santana, and the director of the miniseries, Andrew Binder. At the Paraty International Literary Festival (FLIP), playwright Walcyr Carrasco and author João Ubaldo Ribeiro took part in the Hundred Years of Jorge Amado roundtable discussion. Journalist Edney Silvestre mediated both meetings. Furthermore, Globo University promoted the International Cultural Colloquium Brazil-Portugal Dialogues, in partnership with the University of Coimbra and the Portuguese Catholic University. Both meetings were held in November 2012, in celebration of the Year of Brazil in Portugal and of Jorge Amado’s centennial. Maria Adelaide Amaral, José Wilker, Lima Duarte and Portuguese and Brazilian professors attended the event mediated by journalist Mauricio Kubrusly. Globo University also supported the 35th edition of the Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences, held at the University of Fortaleza (Unifor) between September 3rd and 7th 2012, in Fortaleza. The event, which is the largest communications convention in Latin America, attracted over 4,000 students and had as its main theme, “Sports in the Media Age - entertainment, Among Globo University’s 2012 activities, the seminar about Gabriela, Jorge Amado’s centennial and the Brazil-Portugal cultural exchange information and education”. GLOBO UNIVERSITY 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 63 GLOBO UNIVERSITY The suburb is subject of debate While Globo aired the Suburbia miniseries by Luiz Fernando Carvalho, a team of experts sat down to discuss the suburb, its relationships and cultural production at the Pontifical Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro and at the University of São Paulo. In Rio de Janeiro, under the mediation of Globo News journalist Bianca Ramoneda, professors Márcio Piñon de Oliveira (from the Graduate Geography Program of the Federal Fluminense University and coordinator of the Center for Urban Studies and Research), Renato Luiz Pucci (from the Graduate Communications Program from the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi and researcher of Luiz Fernando Carvalho’s series for the past five years) and Marina Henriques Coutinho (from the Theater Department at Unirio) addressed issues involving people living in the suburbs, bringing to the fore the importance of peripheral areas for the construction of Brazilian society. In São Paulo, the seminar Suburbia: The Individual in the Construction of Social Imaginary also marked the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the University of São Paulo’s Center for the Study of the Telenovela (CETVN) and had the attendance of professors Mauro Wilton, Maria Immacolata Vassallo Lopes, Roseli Figaro, Cristina Mungioli, Augusto Massi and Adilson Citelli, from the University of São Paulo, in addition to professors José Marques de Mello (Methodist University of São Paulo), Maria Aparecida Baccega (ESPM-SP), Luiz Eduardo Soares (UERJ) and Regina Celia Reyes Novaes (UFRJ). Karen Worcman, founder of the Museum of the Person, took part in two seminars and spoke about the partnership between the series and the museum. While Suburbia was broadcast, debates discussed issues inherent to residents of peripheral areas 64 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Seminar inspires creation of textbook The Future of Trash seminar led students, professors, journalists and sustainability experts to discuss current practices and what can be done regarding solid waste. The event, held at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, developed an idea which originated in Globo’s journalism department’s SP+Limpa (Cleaner São Paulo) news report series, whose objective was to discuss the destination of garbage in megacities like São Paulo. Learn more on page 30. The sought-after seminar also produced the first edition of the Globo University Textbook, which discussed the issue of “The Future of Trash”. The publication was developed with the goal of disseminating information and knowledge to contribute to the debate, the channeling of issues and reflection about themes important to the country’s agenda. The editorial board reflects the dialogue between academia and television. Members include Alice-Maria Reiniger, from Globo; Beatriz Azeredo, also from Globo and a Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) professor; Galeno Amorim, former president of the National Library, Heloisa Buarque de Holanda, UFRJ professor; Lucia Araújo, from the Roberto Marinho Foundation; Luiz Eduardo Soares, from the State University of Rio de Janeiro and University Estácio de Sá; Maria Adelaide Amaral, from Globo; Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes, from the University of São Paulo/ Obitel (Ibero-American Television Fiction Observatory); Marialva Barbosa, from UFRJ/Intercom (Brazilian Association of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication); Sérgio Besserman, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro; and Viviane Mosé, from Usina Pensamento/CBN Radio. In addition to the articles prepared by the experts invited to the seminar, the first edition of the Textbook recorded the debate which occurred after the lectures, the papers disseminated by Globo and a glossary of the more specific terms on the subject. The digital version of the Globo University Textbook is available on GU website ( Members of the editorial board of Globo University’s Textbook com/globouniversidade/). The printed version is distributed to schools, universities, education departments, libraries and journalists. GLOBO UNIVERSITY 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 65 GLOBO UNIVERSITY Publications and research support Last year, Globo University published another edition of the Obitel Yearbook in partnership with the Ibero-American Television Fiction Observatory. The 583-page book aims to present and discuss production and audience analyses, as well as the sociocultural impact of television fiction in Latin America and in the Iberian Peninsula through publications and seminars. Since 2008, Globo University has supported the publication of 15 books, which resulted from events organized with partner universities. Another important aspect of Globo University’s work is the transfer of information to researchers, collection from TV Globo’s Documentation Center (Cedoc) and Globo Memory (Read more on page 16). This area is also responsible for facilitating the contact between researchers with the network and its executives for projects that have Globo as its subjects. In 2012, 48 postgraduate research projects were supported. Globo University also brings students to visit its TV facilities. Last year alone, there were 66 visits. The Obitel Yearbook compiled analyses from Communications experts from 11 Latin American countries and the Iberian Peninsula 66 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Allotted airtime In line with other shows that are part of Globo Citizenship (aired every Saturday morning), last year Globo University broadcast 41 new shows, of which five were recorded in foreign universities: Cape Verde, United States, Germany, Bolivia and China. In addition, the show aired three thematic editions: Environment Special (new courses and professions related to environmental areas from the 21st century); Elections Special (presentation of the Public Administration and college students’ views on public administration and politics); and the Children’s Hope Special (presentation of the Antônio Malato project, integration through music at Marajó Island in Pará, as well as former students who study music at the State and Federal Universities of Pará). 2012 HIGHLIGHT S Presence on the web and in social networks Globo University also has a website, which not only compiles news stories, exclusive interviews, information about research support and coverage of seminars and events, but also 6,000 people mobilized 66 guided visits 48 initiatives 48 sponsored research projects 2 publications* *Obitel Yearbook and Globo University Textbook “SP+Limpa” (Cleaner São Paulo) allows visitors to watch full-length shows. There is a wide diversity of topics on the website. For example, last year, when Jorge Amado would have turned 100 years old, internet visitors were able to learn a lot about the author’s life and work, and his relationship with the Candomblé religion, a registered trademark in his books. In 2012, the website registered 762.640 visits. Globo university is also present in social networks with a profile on Twitter (@tvguniversidade), which drew 33,000 folowers last year. GLOBO UNIVERSITY 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 67 68 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO OTHER INIT IAT IVES To add to its social initiatives portfolio, the company uses funding from the Federal Culture Incentive Law, also known as the Rouanet Law, from the 2006 Federal Sport Incentive Law, from the Rio de Janeiro municipal culture incentive law (ISS Law), as well as São Paulo’s (IPTU Law), in addition to contributing to the Childhood and Adolescent’s Fund (FIA). In 2012, the Risadaria festival once again set aside space for children OTHER INITIATIVES 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 69 OTHER INITIATIVES Initiatives supported with tax benefits Cinefoot – Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo Master’s Touch – Rio de Janeiro First Brazilian and Latin American festival dedicated exclusively to the The Master’s Touch festival’s goal is to expand the facilities of the Bola Pra endorsement and promotion of soccer-themed films. Frente Institute in the neighborhood of Guadalupe in Rio de Janeiro. The Institute offers social advancement through sport, education, art, culture Risadaria – São Paulo and professional qualification for low-income children and adolescents, Largest comedy festival in the Southern Hemisphere and second largest between the ages of 6 and 17. In 2012 alone, over 4,250 children and in the world. During each edition, several comedy genres are showcased: adolescents were aided in Rio de Janeiro, São Gonçalo and eight towns in literature, cartoon, comics, theater, stand-up, improvisation, circus, radio, the northeast of Goiás. television, cinema, photography, Internet, graffiti, music and children’s humor. International Circus Festival – Rio de Janeiro Main festival of its kind in Brazil, with an extensive program with national and international shows, exhibits, workshops, projects and other activities Adaptation Festival – Rio de Janeiro The Adaptation Festival, which in 2012 reached its 3rd edition, aspires to establish a reflection medium for contemporary cinema and literature among lovers and professionals of these arts. carried out in communities and pacified areas of town. Dorina Nowill – São Paulo Olympic Reaction III – Instituto Reação (Reaction Institute) – Rio de Janeiro Organization dedicated to the social inclusion of visually impaired people The project offers judo training, aimed at adolescents and young people aged 12 and up, with the objective of developing high-performance athletes to take part in national and international official competitions. Sports Festivals – Instituto Sou da Paz (I Come in Peace) – São Paulo The Project’s goal is to use sports activities in public areas as a teaching tool to develop certain fundamental elements of peaceful culture such as solidarity, tolerance, and dialogue as an instrument to resolve conflict and respect differences. Fest Rio 2012 – Rio de Janeiro Latin America’s largest movie festival, which started in 1999 and is the combination of two of the country’s largest festivals: Rio Cine Festival – which had existed since 1984 – and Banco Nacional (National Bank) Cinema Exhibit, created in 1988. 70 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO through the free production and distribution of braille, audio and digital books, which may be accessed directly by people with this disasility in over 1,400 schools, libraries and organizations throughout Brazil (photo below). International Literary Festival in Pacified Favelas – Rio de Janeiro Responsible for enabling communication between 14 communities, Rio’s literary universe, the Flupp, International Literary Festival in Pacified Favelas, held from November 7th to 11th last year, was one of the projects supported in 2012. Authors and Globo actors, such as João Emanuel Carneiro, Arlette Salles, Ailton Graça and Leandro Hassum, took part in the event, reading passages from children’s books. The Children’s Hope Area at the Cantagalo favela was also used to host part of Flupp’s activities. The Flupp (International Literary Festival in Pacified Favelas) had the attendance of Globo’s cast. In addition, the Children’s Hope Space also hosted part of the activities OTHER INITIATIVES 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 71 OTHER INITIATIVES LEARN MORE CHILDREN’S HOPE Tocant ins Associação Comunitária São Francisco de Assis ASFA | Project: Ensinando e Aprendendo PERMANENT LY SPONSORED PROJECT S Children’s Hope Space in Cantagalo, Pavão/Pavãozinho – Rio de Janeiro NORTHEAST Children’s Hope Space in Brasilândia – São Paulo Alagoas Movimento Pró-desenvolvimento Comunitário Oásis | Projeto: Cafurna Children’s Hope Space in Jaboatão dos Guararapes – Pernambuco Children’s Hope Space in Aglomerado da Serra – Minas Gerais Bahia Children’s Pastoral Program – Abrangência Nacional Grupo Cultural Bagunçaço | Project: Arte e Educação II NORTH Fundação Fé e Alegria | Project: Arte, Cultura e Humanização Amazonas Associação de Apoio à Criança com HIV Casa Vhida | Project: Fazendo da Vhida Uma Alegria Associação Sociedade dos Músicos do Extremo Sul - Some | Project: Geração de Sons Associação Humana Povo para Povo Brasil, Cansanção | Project: Imagem do Sertão Pará Obras Sociais da Diocese de Santarém - Pastoral do Menor | Project: Crianças da Amazônia por Um Mundo Melhor Associação Musical Antônio Malato - AMAM | Project: Música Marajoara - Orquestra Jovem Marajó Instituto de Artes Aurimar Monteiro de Araújo - Instituto AMA | Project: Sons do Caeté de Bragança: Multiplicando Esperança e Cidadania na Amazônia Pró-Menor São Daniel Comboni - Pastoral do Menor | Project: Informática e Cidadania 72 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Fundação Caminho | Project: Inclusão Social de Crianças, Adolescentes e Jovens em Vulnerabilidade através do Contraturno Escolar Grupo de Apoio à Criança com Câncer - GACC | Project: Mais Música, Mais Leitura, Mais Esperança Associação dos Moradores do Alto da Colina Project: Santo Antônio de Música Rondônia Centro Despertar da Criança e do Adolescente Project: Banda Musical Instituto Amigos de Santo André - IASA | Project: Ambiente Musical | | Sociedade Filarmônica Lira Popular | Project: Sopro Popular do Recôncavo - Restauração de Instrumentos Musicais de Sopro e Formação em Educação Musical Fundação Centro Brasileiro de Proteção e Pesquisa das Tartarugas Marinhas - Fundação Pró-Tamar | Project Tamar - Meio Ambiente, Cultura e Inclusão Social Associação Comunitária Educacional José da Rocha - Escola Família Agrícola de São Luís Gonzaga | Project Apoio à Educação e Inclusão Social dos Jovens do Campo Associação Recreativa Cultural e Artística ARCA | Project Tocando e Construindo Novos Ritmos Associação Projeto Crescer | Project Um Espaço para Ser e Conviver Centro de Cultura Negra do Maranhão - CNN | Project Arte Erê: Despertando as Habilidades Artísticas e Culturais Pernambuco Associação Pedagógica Waldorf de Várzea da Roça | Project Waldorf Várzea I Ceará Sociedade Pestalozzi de Barbalha | Project Caminho da Cidadania: Gerando Diversidade e Inclusão Educacional Associação Afro Didara & Cia BumbaCrioulo Didara São José | Project CarroCineBibliotecArte Instituto Educacional e Social de Artes e Ofícios Dom Helder Câmara | Project Cidadania em Ação Associação de Cidadãos e Cidadãs Solidários Vamos! | Project Construindo Oportunidades Associação Instituição Peró | Project Histórias Andantes Centro de Promoção da Vida de Crianças e Adolescentes - CEPROVI | Project Fábrica de Desmontação Bagulhadores do Mió | Project Plantando Futuros de Cidadania Organização de Assistência e Promoção às Famílias - Project Menor | Project Incluindo pela Arte Associação Comunitária Irene Cruz - ACIC | Project do Campo o Aprendiz - Cidadão do Futuro II Tempo Centro Comunitário Cultural e Eclesial de Vila Passos - CCCEVP | Project Jogar a Rede Tecendo o Futuro Associação Porteirense de Assistência Familiar APAF | Project EDUCART Centro Cultural e Educacional Mandingueiros do Amanhã | Project Maranhão, Mandingas e Mandingueiros: Promovendo a Cultura Ancestral Grupo Teatral Gritos e Risos | Project Transformando Ideias em Arte, Cultura e Trabalho Centro Educacional Vida Nova - Prelazia de Balsas | Project Paixão de Brincar Rio Grande do Nor te Associação Curumins | Project Erradicando o Trabalho Infantil e Promovendo a Cidadania Projeto Verde Vida | Project Mistura Comunitária: Cultura, Informação e Conhecimento para Povos em Crescimento Clube de Mães Mariana | Project Palco das Letras Associação Cultural Imperadores da Parquelândia - G.R.E.S Imperadores da Parquelândia | Project Multiplicadores de Música e Esperança Instituto Formação - Centro de Apoio à Educação Básica | Project Vi a Rua Associação Comunitária do Guarani | Project Sons que Transformam o Sertão Paraíba Centro de Crianças e Jovens - RECREARTE Project Chances Iguais Associação Comunitária de Milagres - ACOM | Project Transformação Social com Arte, Educação e Cultura Maranhão Associação de Moradores do Conjunto Maiobão Project Abrindo Fronteiras com a Música | | Lar Assistencial Maria de Nazaré | Formando Músico para Toda Vida Instituto Pró-Educação e Saúde - Proeza | Project Mulheres e Crianças na Escola Ação Social Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro Project PROMOVIDA - Gerando Vida e Esperança à Criança e Adolescente | Goiás Associação da Escola de Samba Estudante de Santo Antônio | Project Tocando Certo AFMA - Ação Social Comunitária | Project Um Novo Alvorecer Associação Lar do Nenen | Project Todas as Crianças São Crianças de Todos Lar e Abrigo Mater Salvatóris | Project Veículo para Transporte de Paraplégicos e Tetraplégicos Piauí Espaço Cultural Vila Esperança | Project Vivências Culturais Missão Vida | Project: Centro Educacional Vida - Formação de uma Fanfarra e Cozinha para Aula de Culinária Associação dos Moradores dos Bairros de Frutilândia I, II e Fulô do Mato | Project Centro de Convivência e Participação Social São Francisco Associação Amigos do Coração da Criança Project Implantação da Casa da AMICO | Associação para o Desenvolvimento de Iniciativas de Cidadanias do Rio Grande do Norte - ADIC | Project Passo Cidadão Casa Pequeno Davi | Project Conectando Vidas Sergipe Casa de Cultura Ilê Asé D’Osoguiã - IAO | Project Difusão da Cultura Afrobrasileira com Inclusão Digital Missão Cantinho do Céu Aracaju | Project Criança Esperta Associação de Moradores do Conjunto Noé Trajano - ASMOCONT | Project Tecnologia e Cultura se Abraçam na Capital do Sertão Dis t rito Federal Assistência Social Casa Azul - ASCA | Project Flor da Pele Associação Nossa Voz em Ação | Project Brincando com os Sons Associação Integrando e Construindo o Conhecimento - AICC | Project Canastra das Letras: O Acesso aos Livros, à Música, ao Teatro e a Formação de Agentes de Leitura Griô MIDWEST Mato Grosso do Sul Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais de Campo Grande | Project Muay Thai Especial Instituto de Desenvolvimento Evangélico - IDE Project Uns por Todos: Radical | Mato Grosso Project Ciranda - Música e Cidadania | Project Ciranda - Núcleo de Percussão Associação dos Skatistas de Colíder | Project Onça Pintada Companhia Teatral Spirits | Project Pequeno Artista - Teatro como Instrumento de Educação e Inclusão Social OTHER INITIATIVES 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 73 OTHER INITIATIVES SOUTHEAST Observatório de Favelas do Rio de Janeiro | Project Pinhole: Descobertas e Autorias Espírito Santo Instituto Luiz Braille | Project Aprendizado da Escrita em Braille São Paulo Associação Educacional e de Amparo Social Vida Feliz | Project Brinquedoteca Vida Feliz Associação Pró-Esporte e Cultura | Project Bom de Nota, Bom de Bola Associação de Futsal Infanto-juvenil de Santa Marta | Project Esporte Cidadão Associação de Proteção à Criança e ao Adolescente de Paraguaçu - Casa Lar | Project CARA - Construindo Ações Reais para Adolescentes Minas Gerais Instituto Agronelli de Desenvolvimento Social Project Bibliotecando: Re-lendo o Mundo | Lira Santo Antônio | Project Escola de Música da Lira Santo Antônio Grupo de Produtores Rurais de Tambadouro Project Paiolzinho de Cultura | Associação Ação Mineira para a Educação - AME Project Todos por Todos - Educando Além da Escola | Centro Social Mali Martin | Project ValeAÇÃO Rio de Janeiro Sociedade Cultural Projeto Luar | Project dos Pés à Cabeça Associação Casa das Artes de Educação e Cultura | Project Educação para as Ciências e Meio Ambiente Associação Cultural Prof. Hans Ulrich Koch - Escola de Música da Rocinha | Project Multiplicadores para o Ensino de Música Central Única das Favelas do Rio de Janeiro CUFA | Project Oficinas de Basquete de Rua e Skate Projeto Social Ajax | Project One Day at School Centro Cultural Cartola | Project Pacificarte pela Cultura de Paz na Mangueira Instituto Central de Cidadania | Project Pé na Escola II Lar Fabiano de Cristo | Project Pedagógico Jacaré Poió 74 Serviço de Aprendizagem Rural ao Adolescente ONG Sara | Project Contando Uma História Associação pela Infância e Juventude de Paulínia | Project Fazendo Arte com Judô Associação Brasileira das Franciscanas de Agudos - Creche Dona Maria Leonor | Project Inclusão Digital, Uma Oportunidade para Todos Associação de Formação e Reeducação Lua Nova | Project Incubadora de Habilidades Instituto Educadores Sem Fronteiras - ESF | Project Libertar Saberes na Alquimia de Conhecimentos Lar Espírita Ivan Santos de Albuquerque | Project Oficina de Aprendizagem e Pré-profissionalizante de Reciclagem SOUTH Paraná Pastoral da Criança Associação de Portadores de Fissura Lábio-Palatal de Cascavel | Project Ampliando Sorrisos Centro de Orientação e Apoio Sócio Familiar do Adolescente em Liberdade Assistida | Project Curso Profissionalizante em Fotografia, Edição de Imagem e Revelação de Fotos Associação Artesanal do Excepcional de Ponta Grossa | Project Eterno Aprendiz: Inclusão na Vida Digital Serviços de Obras Sociais - Cícero Nuto Figueiredo | Project Formando Cidadão com a Informática 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Norte | Natal Rio Grande do Sul | Igrejinha Rondônia | Porto Velho Roraima | Cantá Santa Catarina | Dionísio Cerqueira São Paulo | São Paulo Sergipe | Aracaju Tocantins | Paraíso do Tocantins Instituto Social Vó Durvina | Project Profissionalização com Qualidade Instituto Paranaense de Cegos | Project Ver com as Mãos Rio Grande do Sul Mitra da Diocese de Novo Hamburgo | Project Biografias de Futuro Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais Project Cidadão Digitalizado | Associação Ser Criança Feliz | Project Educação do Olhar Instituto Lenon Joel pela Paz | Project Educando pela Paz 2ª Edição O Despertamento de Dons como Impulso ao Protagonismo Juvenil Santa Catarina Instituto Ilhas do Brasil | Project Estrelas do Mar Instituição Espírita Casa da Fraternidade | Project Ponto de Cultura Juventude Luzes do Amanhã Associação Pró-Brejaru | Project Um Canto em Cada Canto GLOBAL ACT ION Nat ional Acre | Cruzeiro do Sul Alagoas | Maceió e Arapiraca Amazonas | Manaus Amapá | Macapá Bahia | Salvador Ceará | Caucaia Distrito Federal | Recanto das Emas, Brasília Espírito Santo | Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Goiás | Goiânia Maranhão | São Luiz Minas Gerais | Belo Horizonte Mato Grosso do Sul | Corumbá Mato Grosso | Cuiabá Pará | Parauapebas Pernambuco | Igarassu Piauí | Floriano Paraná | Araucária Regional Rio de Janeiro Cit ies São Gonçalo, Duque de Caxias, Nilópolis, Queimados, São Pedro da Aldeia Neighborhoods Borel, Vila Isabel, Madureira, Ilha do Governador, Vila Cruzeiro SPORT S CIT IZENSHIP Acre | Rio Branco Alagoas | Maceió Amazonas | Manaus Amapá | Santana Bahia | Salvador Ceará | Sobral Distrito Federal | Taguatinga Espírito Santo | Vitória Goiás | Goiânia Maranhão | Caxias Minas Gerais | Sete Lagoas e Juiz de Fora Mato Grosso do Sul | Campo Grande Mato Grosso | Cuiabá Pará | Altamira, Ananindeua, Castanhal, Marabá, Santarém, Mojú, Paragominas Paraíba | João Pessoa, Campina Grande Pernambuco | Belo Jardim Piauí | Floriano Paraná | Ponta Grossa Rio de Janeiro | Nova Iguaçu Rio Grande do Norte | Assú Rondônia | Porto Velho Roraima | Boa Vista Rio Grande do Sul | Canoas Santa Catarina | Caçador São Paulo | São José do Rio Preto Sergipe | Barra dos Coqueiros Tocantins | Gurupi SOCIAL PUBLICITY Self-sponsored and par t nered campaigns Cit izenship Jornada Mundial da Juventude | Preparai o Caminho (Evento Preparatório da Jornada) Museu Aeroespacial Global Action Rio de Janeiro: Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade Associação Brasileira de Emissoras de Rádio e Televisão (ABERT) | 50 Anos Abert Rio Tur | Rei Momo e Rainha do Carnaval Carnaval de Rua 2012 | Dicas de Cidadania Disque Salve | Serviço de Informações sobre Tráfico de Pessoas Spor t s Cit izenship Associação de Blocos de Carnaval de Rua da Zona Sul, Santa Teresa e Centro (Sebastiana) | Baile da Sebastiana/Grito da Sebastiana Show Arlindo Cruz - Evento Gratuito Show da Criança 2012 FIA/AAB | Segurança no Trânsito Show de Aniversário de Queimados Ficha Limpa | Eleições 2012 Show Paulinho da Viola 70 Anos - Evento Gratuito Instituto Innovare | Prêmio Innovare de Boas Práticas Jurídicas Show Stevie Wonder e Gil - Evento Gratuito Ministério da Justiça | Classificação Indicativa Shows de Reveillon Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República | Campanha contra a Homofobia Viradão Carioca 2012 Cult ure Direitos da Infância e Adolescência Criança Esperança Aniversário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro Aniversário Municípios do Rio de Janeiro Central Única das Favelas | Show Dia dos Pais Concurso Batalha dos Passinhos Exposição “Guerreiros da Vida Real” – Mostra de Fotos de Personalidades do Complexo do Alemão Feira de São Cristóvão | Comemoração do Centenário de Luiz Gonzaga / Concurso Beleza Nordestina Worker’s Right s Globo / Organização Internacional do Trabalho / ONU Mulheres | Campanha pela Defesa dos Direitos das Trabalhadoras Domésticas Secretaria de Política para as Mulheres da Presidência da República | Campanha sobre Mulheres na Construção Civil Educat ion Amigos da Escola | Campanha de Valorização da Educação Festa Literária Internacional das Upps (Evento no Espaço Criança Esperança) Festival Cinefoot 2012 | Festival sobre Cinema e Futebol Festival de Presépios Freedom of Expression 1º de Maio Gospel Campanha Religiões - Efemérides Religiosas (Budismo/Islamismo/Judaísmo/Espiritismo/ Protestantismo/Umbanda/Candomblé) 75 OTHER INITIATIVES Dia de São Sebastião 2012 Caminho das Artes | Festival Grito Rock 2012 Marcha para Jesus São Gonçalo Gospel | Festival de Música Centro de Estudos de Políticas Públicas | 4ª Mostra Brasil Juventude Transformando com arte Troféu Promessas Circuito das Artes do Jardim Botânico Environmental Preservat ion Plataforma Cidades Sustentáveis Healt h Medidinha Certa Corrida e Caminhada contra o Câncer de Mama Doação de Sangue Hemorio | Doação de Sangue Comunidade Católica Shalom | Festival Halleluya (Evento de Música) Mostra Internacional de Cinema Negro Crescer e Viver | 1º Festival Internacional de Circo Arquivo Nacional | Recine 2012 - Festival Internacional de Cinema de Arquivo Embaixada do Reino da Suécia | Semana da Inovação Brasil Suécia Risadaria | Festival de Humor Exposição Espelho da Arte | Exposição sobre a Carreira de Regina Duarte Exposições Museus Projetos Culturais (Expomus) | Exposição Impressionismo: Paris e a Modernidade Festival Adaptação | Festival sobre Cinema e Literatura T hird-par ty campaigns Cult ure Anima Mundi | Festival Internacional de Animação Arteccom | Conferência Mundial de Fomento à Inovação (Wob 2012) Associação Candido Portinari | Exposição Guerra e Paz (São Paulo) Associação Cultural Estudos Contemporâneos | Festa Literária Internacional das Upps (Flupp) Associação Cultural Panorama | Festival Panorama 2012 (Evento de Dança) Associação Imaginário Digital | Festival Visões Periféricas Bex Feiras e Eventos Culturais | Artrio 2012 (exposição de Arte) Câmara Brasileira do Livro | 22ª Bienal Internacional do Livro 76 Instituto Música no Museu | VII Rio Harp Festival Loucos por Música | Inclusão de Pessoas com Distúrbios Mentais Exposição Glob All Mix | Exposição de Cartazes sobre Sustentabilidade Solidarity Instituto de Estudos de Televisão | Festival Internacional de Televisão 2012 Festival Assim Vivemos | Festival Internacional de Filmes sobre Deficiência Festival Back2black Festival Internacional de Criatividade (Crio) Evento sobre Design | Festival Internacional Intercâmbio de Linguagens (Fil) Festival Tangolomango | Festival da Diversidade Cultural Fundação Nacional do Livro Infantil | 14º Salão do Livro para Crianças e Jovens Grupo Cultural Afroreggae | Praça Tropicalismo (Espaço Cultural) Insert | Um Novo Olhar sobre o Design Instituto Arte do Futebol Brasileiro | Exposição Vestiário Instituto Brasileiro Leitor | Jorge Amado e Universal 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO Sergio Ricardo | Concerto João Joana/S. Ricardo - 80 Anos (Exposição Comemorativa) União Nacional dos Estudantes | Bienal da UNE Virsky | Balé Nacional da Ucrânia Voz da Comunidade | Arraiá da Paz Cit izenship Agência Redes para a Juventude | Protagonismo de Jovens em Comunidades Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo | 7º Congresso de Jornalismo Investigativo Associação dos Juízes Federais do Brasil (Ajufe) | 40 Anos Ajufe Atitude Brasil | Movimento Limpa Brasil Central Única das Favelas | Prêmio Anu Central Única das Favelas | Taça das Favelas Centro de Informação das Nações Unidas (Unic Rio) | Mobilização para Rio+20 Comitê para Democratização da Informática (Cdi) Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Cebds) Conselho Nacional de Justiça | Semana Nacional da Conciliação Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público | “Paz, Essa é a Atitude” (Campanha contra a Violência) Federação Brasileira de Associações de Fiscais de Tributos Estaduais (Febrafite) | Prêmio Nacional de Educação Fiscal Grupo Cultural Afroreggae | Desafio da Paz (Evento Esportivo contra a Violência) / Prêmio Orilaxé Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil | Caminhada pela Cidadania Instituto Empreender Endeavor Brasil | Semana Nacional de Empreendedorismo Instituto Vladimir Herzog | Prêmio Jovem Jornalista Junior Achievement | “Empresário” (Campanha de Incentivo ao Empreendedorismo) Movimento do Ministério Público Democrático | Campanha contra a Corrupção (Mãos/Bebê) Canto Cidadão | Doutores Cidadãos (Programa Social em Hospitais) Mitra Arquiepiscopal do Rio de Janeiro Procissão de São Sebastião Movimento Humanos Direitos | Trabalho Escravo Conselho Nacional de Justiça | Pai Presente (Campanha Pelo Reconhecimento de Paternidade) Rádio Catedral | Rádio Catedral 20 Anos Instituto Millenium | Campanha sobre Cidadania e Democracia | ONG Morhan | Informações sobre Hanseníase Secretaria de Comunicação da Casa Civil do Rio de Janeiro | Combate à Dengue Secretaria de Estado de Cultura | Via Sacra Rocinha Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia | Caminhada em Prol dos Cuidados com o Coração Environmental Preservat ion Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia | Cuidados com a Tireoide Dia Mundial de Consciência sobre o Autismo Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil | Rj - OAB 80 Anos Grupo de Apoio ao Adolescente e à Criança com Câncer (Graacc) | Corrida Beneficente Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro | Carnaval Sem Preconceito Grupo Mundo Azul | O Brasil Precisa Conhecer o Autismo Centro de Cultura, Informação e Meio Ambiente | Green Nation Fest (Festival sobre Sustentabilidade) Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia | Campanha sobre Cuidados com a Voz Secretaria de Comunicação Social/Comando da Marinha | Segurança no Mar Instituto Meta Social | Que Diferença Faz (Incentivo à Inclusão e à Diversidade) Fundação Roberto Marinho /Rio+20 | Exposição Humanidade 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Mastologia | Prevenção contra o Câncer de Mama Tribunal Superior do Trabalho | Semana Nacional de Execução Trabalhista Movimento Down | Portal sobre Síndrome de Down Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica | Viva a Mata 2012 Sociedade de Neurocirurgia do RJ | Prevenção contra Acidentes em Piscinas Viva Rio | Lei de Drogas: É Preciso Mudar Rede Não Bata, Eduque | Campanha “Não Bata, Eduque” Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social | Um Novo Contrato Social para o Século XXI (Evento sobre Sustentabilidade) Sociedade Viva Cazuza | Prevenção contra HIV Educat ion Instituto e / UNESCO - Prêmio e Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente (Pnuma) Campanha sobre Economia Verde Right s of Children and Adolescent s APAE de São Paulo | Campanha do Pezinho Associação Capixaba contra o Câncer Infantil Diagnóstico Precoce | Associação Nacional dos Grupos de Apoio à Adoção (Angaad) | Campanha de Incentivo à Adoção Associação para Crianças e Adolescentes com Tumor Cerebral (TUCCA) Feira Brasileira de Ciências e Engenharia (Febrace) Todos pela Educação | Campanha pela Valorização do Professor Museu Exploratório de Ciências/Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) | 4ª Olimpíada da História do Brasil Solidarity | UNESCO Brasil | Campanha sobre Sustentabilidade Healt h Associação Brasileira de Transplante de Órgãos (ABTO) | Doação de Órgãos Associação de Amparo ao Idoso | Apoio à Terceira Idade Associação de Interesse Público Or Avrohom Campanha Sangue por SP | Associação Brasileira de Linfoma e Leucemia (Abrale) Banco da Providência | Roça in Rio - Arraial da Providência 2012 (Evento Beneficente) Associação Operação Sorriso do Brasil | Cirurgias Gratuitas de Lábio Leporino e Fenda Palatina Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB) | Campanha da Fraternidade 2012 Freedom of Expression Associação Parceria contra Drogas Arquidiocese do Rio de Janeiro | Corpus Christi 2012 / Encerramento do Mês de Maio, Mês de Maria Fundo Social de Solidariedade do Estado de São Paulo (Fussesp) | Campanha do Agasalho Associação Viva e Deixe Viver | Fóruns de Humanização da Saúde 2012 Retiro dos Artistas | Festa Junina 2012 (Evento Beneficente) / Institucional Associação Arte de Viver | Medita Rio / Medita SP Conselho Brasileiro de Oftamologia | Campanha sobre Saúde Ocular Sociedade de Nefrologia do Rio de Janeiro | Campanha de Doação de Órgãos (Disque 155) Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (Icesp) | Incentivo a Exames Preventivos Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo | Campanha pela Doação de Órgãos Universidade de São Paulo | 100 Anos da Faculdade de Medicina Associação Cultural e Beneficente Beit Lubavitch | Pessach 2012 Confederação Israelita Brasileira | Ano Novo Judaico Irmandade Nossa Sra. do Outeiro | Festa de Nossa Senhora da Glória Instituto Paulo Gontijo | Campanha sobre Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica Naranon | Campanha contra as Drogas OTHER INITIATIVES 2012 SOCIAL INITIATIVES REPORT GLOBO 77 REDE GLOBO GENERAL INFORMATION • Founded in 1965. • 12,000 employees and 122 broadcasting stations (5 owned and 117 affiliates). • Coverage of 98.6% of Brazilian municipalities / 99.5% of the population. • Audience share of 42.2% in 2012 (7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.). • Production volume: 2,431 hours or 3,011 episodes in 2012, including telenovelas, miniseries, variety shows, shows and events. INTERNATIONAL MARKET • Present in 16 countries. • Premium cable TV channel in Portuguese. • Distributed by more than 70 operators around the world. INTERNET • Website audience leadership in news, sports, entertainment, with G1, and Globo Entretenimento. • Over 5 million followers on Twitter. DIGITAL TV • Digital signal reaches around 50% of households (95 million inhabitants). In addition, 70 local programs are produced in HD. GLOBO BRANDS • Granted FIFA Master License for the FIFA Confederations Cup Brazil 2013 and the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil. • 320 new products and 31 DVDs launched, including four telenovelas. GLOBO FILMS • 2.3 million potential viewers. • 127 films, whose audiences totaled over 148 million people. • 59 products sold to 92 countries in 2012 alone. • 2012 Highlights: “Até que a Sorte nos Separe” and “E aí, Comeu?”, comedies that attracted 3.4 and 2.5 million spectators respectively. • 4,000 hours of shows broadcast to 190 countries via the Globo TV Sports Channel. • An average of 25,000 hours licensed to about 90 countries in over 30 languages. PRODUCTION AND EDITORIAL COORDINATION Central Globo de Comunicação ILLUSTRATIONS The illustrations used in this report were created by artist Orlando Ferreira Ribeiro, resident of Cantagalo - Rio de Janeiro GRAPHIC DESIGN AND LAYOUT Refinaria Design PHOTOS P. 11 | Bom Dia | Globo/Estevam Avellar | Avenida Brasil | Globo/Renato Rocha Miranda • P. 12 | Glória Maria | Globo/Alex Carvalho • P. 14 | Crianças BH | Ronaldo Guimarães • P. 16 | Lançamento livro ‘Irineu Marinho’ | Ronaldo Guimarães • P. 18 | CAT | Dario Zalis • P. 20 | Vista aérea Projac | Globo/João Cotta • P. 21 | Plantando árvores MG| Divulgação Prefeitura de Ouro Preto • P. 25 | Cheias de Charme | Globo/Estevam Avellar • P. 26 | Amor, Eterno Amor | Globo/Alex Carvalho • P. 27 | Salve Jorge | Globo/Estevam Avellar e Brado Retumbante | Globo/Matheus Cabral • P. 29 | Reportagem Sônia Bridi | Para Identificar • P. 30 | SP+Mais Limpa | Globo/Matheus Cabral • P. 36 | Sandra Annenberg | Globo/Zé Paulo Cardeal • P. 38 | Globo Educação| Carlos Nascimento | Globo Ciência | Monique Nóbrega | Globo Ecologia | Gabriela Salgado • P. 39 | Ação no Haiti | Fábio Barão • P. 40 | Workshop ‘O que é Cidadania’ | Globo/Zé Paulo Cardeal • P. 46 | Movimento Down no Congresso Nacional | Maria Cristina de Orleans e Bragança • P. 49 | Cena da peça ‘Gonzagão, a Lenda’ | Silvana Marques • P. 55 | Festa beneficiados Criesp | Kiko Cabral • P. 56 e 57 | Amigos da Escola | Kiko Cabral • P. 59 | Esporte e Cidadania | Kiko Cabral • P. 63 | Seminário de Teledramaturgia: Releitura Gabriela | Studio 3X • P. 63 | Debate Cem Anos de Jorge Amado | Globo/Luís Erlanger • P. 63 | Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação | Artur Lourenço • P. 64 | Seminário Suburbia | Studio 3X • P. 65 | Conselho Editorial do Caderno Globo Universidade | Renato Velasco • P. 66 | Anuário Obitel | Renato Velasco • P. 69 | Festival Risadaria | Divulgação • P. 70 | Apresentação na Fundação Dorina Nowill | Divulgação • P. 70 | Feira Literária Internacional das UPPs| Divulgação | Follow on and RedeGlobo | Like and
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Octávio Florisbal
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