Getting mining policy right


Getting mining policy right
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) have the honor to invite you to
the following seminar:
Getting mining policy right
Date: Monday, December 5th 2016, at 13:00-17:00 o´clock
Location: Geological Survey of Finland GTK
Address: Betonimiehenkuja 4, Espoo
The seminar gives you an introduction to the publication titled “Getting Mining Policy Right: The challenges of
managing national mineral endowments and the mining industry in Bolivia, Ecuador, Finland, Mongolia, Namibia and
In addition we shortly present the activities of GTK and a brief overview of the Mining Finland Growth programme
with the presence of Finnish companies.
Online registration,, Please register before 25.11.2016.
We also hope for an active discussion and networking.
Sincerely yours,
Ari Mäki
Foreign Ministry of Finland
+358 40 753 6865
Fredrik Karell
Senior Scientist
+358 50 348 7766
Seminar program:
Sederholm sali
13:00 Welcome
13:10 Opening words and introduction to GTK
Mika Nykänen, Director General, GTK
13:30 Getting mining policy right - An introduction to the publication
Pentti Noras, Author
14:15 Mining Finland growth program
Harry Sandström, Programme Director, GTK
14:45 Closing words
Kimmo Lähdevirta, Director General, Foreign Ministry of Finland
GTK Aula
15:00-17:00 Meet the companies of Mining Finland
Refreshments and light snacks will be served
Free copies of the publication will be available
Link to the e-publication: (English) (Spanish)