NBI Complaint vs Tallado PDF 13 - Sagip
NBI Complaint vs Tallado PDF 13 - Sagip
c Gg.l6 Septembes 2OIS* sriiness IEAM together with his gpup, wirich sdy$cates the care of n&trlre, condrrted documentatinn, ttu,ough t&re video and photqgr*pilu, 'aborJ iu-.rr""t"-"1 upen-pit rnining olnration-s tn Earangag tlapaod arrd $*gul Benit in Labo, Ca,marin"e.s. Norte- *r" :i o Later onr tll"y procee.ded tor'Bry; ,,Eenit, ,rvherc ,the mining of mineral ores was bcing condusted arrd found thrt 1ft.6 same hpd * larger cov€rag€ of mining sitee.'They ofuscrv€d t]rat t]re mining was "been-'done tluorrgtr' ttre use of cqripment tike bactCroe, brcav.etorrlllXh"eel laader, Road :Ra[Ief o rtrey {f,rcre ireformed -by ,Ergr. ard nrunp trrrcks- lBbetrrnau r.otenzo Bgirtroa and Ilrgrvrd krdo tho tenA boing nrinod by Bohai Top International Mining corporation art coveied by titles [{Certilicate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA}], which wcre diSrilutsd to t}re regishrd benefxiary tenants. o TSSlvfFe werc issued .by.Gov. ,faqado to RU,EL FONASO and \MILFREDO DE LEON" however, instead it was Bonhai Top "tlrat wa,e miniag the area, They.were a.ble to iieiei-uieur .Fo.rIAyo aua .np LEON and a6ked f9r their participation in the mining operations. Mr, poNAyo cl,aiiracd tlrat he was mcrctlr ,instrrret"d''by Engr. RoNAcDo c. yARS+s_to srgn an agre€ment conveyinf his-rnining rights to Top, who uras represented by its president Waa, Cnuu Yuan. It was the last time he talked with VARGAS. ' ) JPO_NA]IJ ryas gyen Php?OO Fqsos as p.atrryrent for.the rent of the Iand he is 6lling, fire same amount trlrned out ts be the first and l*gt Barnoeirt rnade .by v4BGgs. IVhen +rsked about V-ARGAS, PoNAYo claimed ttrat the latte: is urrder flre employ of €ov. ,latrlado and this clairn was piovea when he and- his father, ROGELIO, went to the capitol t; talk to Gov. Tallado. H-e ti 1r{