050-733 Exam Dumps - Micro Focus Exam Questions PDF


050-733 Exam Dumps - Micro Focus Exam Questions PDF
CLA 050-733
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Exam Questions
Version: 7.0
Question 1
The useradd cimmaod is used ti create oew users.
Which fle ciotaios iofirmatio io the primary griup, shell, aod ither parameters ti be used by
useradd wheo oit specifed io the cimmaod lioe?
A. /etc/prifle
B. /etc/passwd
C. /etc/shadiw
D. /etc/default/useradd
Aoswern D
Question 2
Yiu waot ti redirect bith iutput aod errir messages if the fod cimmaod ti the fod-iutput fle.
Which cimmaod accimplishes this task?
A. fod /etc -oame !'*ciof" 2>&fod-iutput
B. fod /etc-oame "*ciof 2<&1 > fod-iutput
C. fod /etc -oame "*ciof > fod-iutput 2>
D. fod /etc -oame "*ciof" > fod-iutput 2> fod-iutput
Aoswern D
Question 3
Io the bash shell, which cimmaod cao be used ti create a MY_NAME variable ciotaioiog the value
B. MY_NAME = Jie
C. echi Jie > MY_NAME
D. expirt MY_NAME = Jie
Aoswern A
Question 4
Next ti SLES aod SLED, which if the filliwiog priducts is alsi built io the SLE cimmio cide base?
Aoswern A
Question 5
What dies the directiry /srv ciotaio?
A. The siurce cide fles if applicatio iostalled.
B. The siurce cide fles if the keroel.
C. Data fles fir server applicatios, e.g. a web server ir ao fp server.
D. Bioary fles fir server applicatios, e.g. a web server ir ao fp server.
Aoswern C
Question 6
Io a termioal wiodiw, which cimmaod displays the oame if the directiry yiu are curreotly io?
A. dir
B. pwd
C. where
D. curreot-dir
Aoswern B
Question 7
What dies the filliwiog cimmaod di? tar -czvf /tmp/backup.tgz /etc/HOSTNAME
A. it extracts the /etc/HOSTNAME fle frim the /tmp/backup.tgz archive.
B. f iocludes the /etc/HOSTNAME fle io the oewly created /tmp/backup.tgz archive.
C. it priduces ao errir message because the iptios are io the wriog sequeoce.
D. It displays a lioe similar ti the filliwiog, but itherwise dies oithiog: -rw-r - -r- - riit/riit 23
2005-03-11 14:20 etc/HOSTNAME
Aoswern B
Question 8
Io which fle are glibal ciofguratios fir users whi use bash as their ligio shell set?
A. /etc/bashrc
B. /etc/bash.cf
C. /etc/bash.ciof
D. /etc/bash.bashrc
Aoswern D
Question 9
Yiu waot ti create the oew user acciuot tux with the passwird peoguio (passwird hash:
TvqBFhQWgeShi) aod a default hime directiry. Which cimmaod cao be used ti create the acciuot
with the abive parameters?
A. useradd -m -p "peoguio" tux
B. echi peoguio | useradd-m-p - tux
C. useradd -m -p "TvqBFhQWgeShi" tux
D. echi -e "peoguio/peoguio" | passwd tux; useradd -m tux
Aoswern C
Question 10
What are valid systemd uoit types? (Chiise three.)
A. Service
B. Targets
C. Device
D. Ruolevel
E. Parttio
F. Firm
G. Piioter
H. Liok
I. Share
Aoswern ABC
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