Male Organ Rash May Come From Different Forms of Psoriasis


Male Organ Rash May Come From Different Forms of Psoriasis
Male Organ Rash May Come From
Different Forms of Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a common skin disorder, and one that can in some cases present
in the midsection as a male organ rash and can therefore be considered a
male organ health issue. Many men already know this; however, what is
perhaps less known is that there are several forms of psoriasis, and that the
form of psoriasis may affect the manner in which the male organ rash
About psoriasis
More than 8 million people in the United States have psoriasis, and many
millions more have it worldwide. It is considered a chronic disease, meaning
it’s generally something people have their whole lives (although it typically
“comes and goes,” being bad at some times and better or even unnoticeable
at others). Although it can start at any time, it most often first appears in
people between 15 and 25 years old.
Psoriasis (which is not contagious, by the way) occurs due to a defect in the
immune system, which causes inflammation and encourages the body to
overproduce skin cells. This causes the affected skin to look different – for
example, giving the appearance of a male organ rash.
Forms of psoriasis
Most people are familiar with one particular form of psoriasis, which is
sometimes called plaque psoriasis. In this form, the rash produced looks
like a bunch of raised, scaly bumps. Often, the skin in the area is reddish,
and the scaly patches look silvery or whitish; in some cases, however, the
skin may take on a more purple hue. Plaque psoriasis can be especially itchy.
Another form of psoriasis is inverse psoriasis, which is somewhat more
likely to occur on the manhood. Unlike plaque psoriasis, the inverse form is
not marked by scaly skin and bumps; instead, the skin is relatively smooth
but takes on an inflamed, red look. It is most often found in areas where skin
rubs against skin, and it can be extremely itchy when irritated.
If psoriasis presents as a male organ rash that looks like small red dots (or
clusters of small red dots), it is likely guttate psoriasis, which affects about
8% of people with psoriasis. It tends to occur after the body has had an
infection, especially from strep throat.
What about a male organ rash that is noted for its white, pus-filled bumps?
That could likely be pustular psoriasis, which is rarer than any of the 3
types mentioned previously. It’s important to note that the pus in the
pustules is not infectious; when the pustules break and liquid leaks out,
partners may be concerned about catching something, but the pus is
harmless (if unpleasant in appearance and touch).
Finally, a male organ rash could be related to erythrodermic psoriasis,
which is the rarest of the forms. With this condition, large areas of skin cells
shed off, leaving a very reddened skin, sometimes all over the body. This is
a very serious form of psoriasis and can in some instances be fatal if not
treated. Anyone suspecting erythrodermic psoriasis should consult a doctor
Psoriasis has implications beyond a mere male organ rash and should be
treated by a professional. But sometimes the symptoms of that rash can be
alleviated through application of a top-drawer male organ health oil (health
professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven
mild and safe for skin). Best are those oils with a combination of
moisturizing agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E, which can help
provide soothing hydration. It also helps if the oil contains vitamin B5 (also
known as pantothenic acid), a vital nutrient that is required for cell
metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue. Regular application of the
oil produces better results.