March 2016 - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club
March 2016 - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club
COMMEMORATING PORSCHE FELLOWSHIP IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION RMR.PCA.ORG ● March 2016 This Month: New Member Social! Helga’s Tour! 2016 Calendar! and More! Who wants a Ten Stall Garage? Coming mid March, spectacular 1500 foot garage which includes a three bed, two bath 1940’s farmhouse located on a pristine, 15,000 foot lot! Centrally located just 9 minutes west of Sloans Lake near Crown Hill Cemetery. Rare opportunity and near impossible to replicate at this price: $595,000.00 CALL DAN OR STACY TODAY FOR A SNEAK PREVIEW. Dan Fead & Stacy Resop STACY 303.506.3128 | DAN 720.300.9500 [email protected] | [email protected] 2 26 Features 28 12 18 15 28 Get to the Track 2016 Event Calendar Sharing the Porsche Passion In Case You Missed It In The Werks 7 8 20 22 New Members Social Spring Shakedown at La Junta Rally Quest Colorado AutoX School and May Day AutoX Event 20 Departments 4 5 6 7 9 13 24 26 29 30 32 32 33 Presidential thoughts Advertiser index Members’ Corral Upcoming events calendar Zero to Sixty Advertising Rates I get around In the Zone Classifieds Tech Talk Region coordinators/Technical resources Board of directors What we do Vol. 58, Edition 3 • March 2016 Editor: Russ Rydberg Asst. Editor: Bill Terry 9 Cover photo: Dave Liddle MARCH 2016 3 Pres Presidential Thoughts John Mackin, President EVERY YEAR OUR ZONE 9 REPRESENTATIVE Liz Shaw holds a meeting of the Region Presidents along with newsletter editors and webmasters. The purpose of the meeting is to learn what is happening at national PCA and to exchange ideas and information among the regions. This year the meeting was held here in RMR. Tom Gorsuch, PCA Vice President, attended and gave us a very informative presentation about the club. He described the growth that PCA has seen over the last ten years, from a club of 55,000 primary members in 2005 to 73,000 in 2015 making us the largest sports car club in the world. Also of interest was the change in social media trends and how we need to update the communications methods to our members and what this means for future investment of PCA resources. The PCA car raffles have been a huge success, and this has resulted in a significant return of money to the regions. It was interesting to note that of the seven regions in Zone 9, RMR is the largest with about half of the Zone’s membership. Some of the regions are very small, one with only 18 members and another with 60. On February 13th we held our annual Volunteer Party for Committee Chairs, Event Chairs, CDIs, Instructors and others who volunteered to make our events happen. We had over 60 awards to distribute. It was a great evening at the Lamar Street Center. If you were not present to get your award, I have it. We thank all of our volunteers, for without them we would not be able to have the events that we do. 4 After several back-and-forth negotiations with the Colorado State Patrol Track, we have finally pinned down a date for Ladies’ Day. We will hold the event on July 10th. The CSP track is a much more inviting track for new DE participants than HPR, so we hope to see many of the ladies out there for that event. Next month we will be having our New Membership Meeting at Man Cave North in Westminster. This event is geared toward members who have joined the club in the last year or so to acquaint them with the club and our activities. We will have representatives there to explain our different types of events. We of course want all club members to attend to mingle with our newcomers. This event will be held on March 12th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will be held in place of our normal monthly social. Hope to see you there. Get Involved! Contribute to your newsletter! HighGear needs your articles and photos! Please submit your content and ideas to the Newsletter Editor by the 15th of the month at [email protected]. Join RMR-PCA Not a member yet? Join RMR-PCA by visiting our website at and simply click the “Join PCA” link. Advertise in HighGear Please see page three for advertising rates details. RMR online discussion groups Would you like to discuss Porsches, RMR or anything else of interest to other Porschephiles? Check out the RMR online discussion groups. Yahoo: Facebook: Get your newsletter on the go! To read HighGear in PDF format on the Web, go to the RMR Web site at and click the Newsletter link. Back issues are also available on the Web site. Would you like to get involved? Do you want to be a part of the team? Do you like to see color photos in this publication? Do you have a gift for sales and marketing? We are looking for an Advertising Cooridinator to help increase the amount of income generated through advertising sales in the HighGear publication. More advertising dollars means more pages in the newsletter. More information for the members of the club, and more color photos to enjoy! If you are interested, please contact the editor at [email protected] If you are reading this, your potential customers could be reading it too. Advertise in HighGear and target your peers while helping your club at the same time! Email the HighGear editor (newsletter@ to get your ad in next month’s issue! Advertiser Index 3R Racing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3Zero3 Motorsports. . . . . . . . . . 27 Autoworks Colorado . . . . . . . . . 21 Boulder Orthotics (Bob Egeland). 4 CarQuip/Remington West Carz. 17 Chris Sarian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dan Fead, Sothebys Realty. . . . . 2 Dart Auto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Dave Brown, Targa Tops. . . . . . . 4 Eurosport Automotive . . . . . . . . 17 Eisenbuds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Ferrari of Denver. . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Joe Rothman, Driver Coach . . . 31 Sil-TerHar Motors. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Pedro’s Garage. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Prestige Imports . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Storz Garage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Tom Ludlow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Wine Country Motor Sports. . . . 27 Your ad here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! MARCH 2016 5 Pres Member’s Corral Holly Jackson, Membership Chair HELLO, ALL YOU RMR MEMBERS! It’s March, and things are starting to heat up! Not only the weather, but the club events too! This month is our New Member Social! We really want to encourage all NEW members who have never been to a social before to come to this one! We will have representation of the Board Members and our club’s committees and events. Come and learn about our Driving Events (DEs), Club Racing, Ladies’ Day, Eiskhana, Gimmick Rally, Autocross (AX), Tours, Monthly Socials, the Porsche Breakfast Club, the Club history, Concours d’Elegance, Tech Inspections, our HighGear Newsletter, volunteering and much more! And for our well experienced members, please January New Members William Bolton, Westminster, 2004 Cayenne S Jim Boxell, Lakewood, 2001 Boxster S Devin & Jamie Burns, Erie, 1998 Boxster Dennis Carlton, Littleton, 2016 911 GT3 RS Robert DiMarco, Louisville, 1985 944 Bryant Edmonson, Cody, WY, 2001 Boxster S Nathan Erickson, Boulder, 2006 Cayman S Scott Farrell, Arvada, 2003 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet Scott First, Littleton, 1972 914 Gary Forrest, Parker, 2012 911 Carrera Gary & Debbie Freedman, Telluride, 2016 Macan S & 2015 911 Targa 4S Mike Gies, Evergreen, 2005 Boxster S John Hartman, Ft Collins, 2000 911 Carrera Cabriolet 6 come too! We need you to welcome our new members and share your knowledge of our club! Remember, it’s not just the cars, it’s the people! I hope to see you Saturday, March 12th! We will have some giveaways and lots of great information! Come be a part of this annual event! I also wanted to let you know to look for a new section in HighGear this month. It’s called the Acronym Corner! It contains some of the most used acronyms in our club. This is just a start! If you have one, please email me at [email protected]. I will try to get it into the next issue of HighGear. I hope this section explains some of the mysterious acronyms we use in the club! Steven Heller, Littleton, 2001 911 Turbo Keith Jarvis, Littleton, 2004 911 Carrera 4S Logan Katzer, Lakewood, 2006 Cayman S Ricardo Landeira, Longmont, 1969 912 Kyle Marshall, Denver, 2004 Cayenne Turbo Dick Nieder, Columbine Valley, 2014 Cayman S Brent Niedringhaus, Aurora, 2005 911 Carrera S Cabriolet Michael Shaffron, Morrison, 1972 914 Joel Shaw, Longmont, 2009 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet Allen Stenger, Boulder, 2014 Cayman S Todd Trombley, Broomfield, 1986 944 Turbo Bob Wilbanks, Littleton, 2008 Boxster S Christine Napier, Frisco, 2008 911 Carrera Cabriolet (Transfer from Gold Coast Region) March NEW MEMBER SOCIAL to be hosted by The Man Cave Westminster! The Man Cave Westminster is generously opening the doors to their high end detail shop to hold our New Member Social. They will detail everything from your daily driver to your multi-million dollar exotic! They offer a wide variety of detail options as well as vehicle storage. All members are welcome to attend. We will have different booths representing the different facets of our diverse club! Come and learn while meeting new people and having some food and refreshments. We will have hourly giveaways as well! Saturday, March 12th 10a.m. to 2p.m. 7535 W 92nd Ave #800 Westminster, CO 80021 Upcoming Events Calendar March 5 12 19 26 7:00 a.m. Cars & Coffee Car Show Lafayette, CO RMR Club Race Meeting Tech Inspector Training New Instructor Training Prestige Imports 8:00 a.m. Breakfast Club The Perfect Landing Restaurant at Centennial Airport 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. New Member Social The Man Cave Westminster DE101 Porsche of Colorado Springs 8:00 a.m. Taste of the Track & Helga’s Tour April 2 TBD p.m. All Instructor Classroom Clinic M Tech Mechanical Westminster, CO 2 7 9 9-10 20 23-24 24 30-5/1 30-5/1 7:00 a.m. Cars & Coffee Car Show Lafayette, CO 6:00 p.m. RMR Membership Social 3ZERO3 Motorsports Wheat Ridge, CO 8:00 a.m. Breakfast Club The Perfect Landing Restaurant at Centennial Airport PPIR DE Dwight Kasten AMR social Denise Jordan, [email protected] HPR DE High Plains Raceway Pete Romenesko; Iryna Butler Edelweiss Spring Tour Erik Behrendsen AutoX School and AutoX Front Range Airport Chris Sully La Junta DE All dates subject to change. For a comprehensive list of all upcoming RMR events, click the “Events” link at! Get To The Track SPRING SHAKEDOWN @ LA JUNTA RACEWAY April 30th & May 1st 2016 Spring means: La Junta HPDE!! The city of La junta has resealed the track and the sun is out. Shakedown means: First test with a brand-new car or engine or upgrades to your car or engine. La Junta Raceway is the perfect track for novices and experienced drivers alike. Also the perfect track to test out all of the amazing work you did on your car over the winter. You did work on your car over the winter, didn’t you??? Well, La Junta is always a great time for all (even if you didn’t touch your car during winter) The City of La Junta has supported our passion for safe and FUN High Performance Driver Education track days and is making efforts to improve the track. We’d love to show them how much we appreciate it by having a good turn out. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there. We will meet at Pappy's Grill & Bar (formally known as The Rattlesnake Grill) Friday evening April 29th at 6 PM a down home dinner, a beer, and then Ground School. This is a great refresher for veterans and it's mandatory for first timers. But, it is for ever entertaining for all. On Saturday and Sunday the gates open @ 7:00 AM which is just before Sunrise, so we will have coffee and snacks on hand. The mandatory drivers meeting for all attendees is at 8:00 AM. Dinner Saturday night is included in your registration. We pay for dinner and soft drinks; you pay for you bar tap. Your registration fee also includes a commemorative T-shirt. HPDE COST: 2 Days: $190……$170 for co-drivers…… 1 Day: $125……$105 for co-drivers…… REGISTRATION: Opens soon at If you have any QUESTIONS please contact: -- Jeffrey Estein [email protected] -- Justine Estein [email protected] 8 Pres Zero To Sixty Russ Rydberg, Editor AS THEY LIFTED THE COVER, the crowd was oddly quiet, a reverent, in awe sort of quiet. There were hushed “Ohs” and “Wows”, but no eruption of applause – no whistles or cheers. I don’t think anyone was expecting the color. I know I sure wasn’t. I was fully expecting an eye blistering flamboyant color like Chrome Yellow or Neon Green. The kind of color that screams, “Hey! Look at me! Don’t you wish you were me?” No, this was a discreet color. A secret agent color. A show up to play Baccarat with world leaders color. A Sean Connery color. It looked like liquid metal. Lamborghini calls it “Grigio Lynx Metallic”. It was a very classy and conservative color that seemed to accentuate the sharp angles of the car, giving it a real knife edge effect. The shadows helped to accentuate the design of the body, hinting to an almost aeronautic influence. “Designed to cut through the air and become one with the sky...” When they started to the car and pulled it forward to allow everyone access in the full round, the tone of the exhaust reverberated in my chest. It was a deep growl that hinted at the beast that lay beneath the bonnet. At a little over $200,000 Lamborghini’s “entrylevel” supercar may not be everybody’s cup of tea, but it certainly is a beauty to behold in the flesh. “DESIGNED TO CUT THROUGH THE AIR AND BECOME ONE WITH THE SKY...” “Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Lamborghini Huracán Spyder.” Holly is having way too much fun. A special thanks to Jack TerHar for hosting a wonderful event. There were mixed emotions regarding the interior color but, in my opinion, the Rosso Alala leather really set off the exterior color. And adding to the apparent aircraft imagery, the toggle switches and dials truly made it feel like one was sitting in a cockpit. In fact, the press release from Lamborghini reads, in part, I am too tall! MARCH 2016 9 Lamborghini Denver LAMBORGHINI HURACÁN LP 610-4 SPYDER Lamborghini Denver Authorized Dealer 125 Alter Street Broomfield, CO 80020 Phone: 303 . 469 . 1801 10 10 On every first Saturday of each month (rain or shine), a glorious gathering of cars puts on an impromptu show dubbed “Cars & Coffee” in Boulder/Lafayette in the parking lot at 95th and Arapahoe. Porsches, Ferraris, Cobras, Bentleys and Lamborghinis have all been known to show up as well as more American Muscle Cars than you can shake a stick(shift) at! It’s a great time, very casual, and lots of fun. The show starts at 8:00 a.m., so grab a cup of java, a bagel, and a camera and come check out the biggest little car show in Colorado! Show Us Your Car! You have found the greatest group of car nuts on the planet. Our monthly meetings are loaded with food, beverages, networking with like-minded Porsche People and much technical and social camaraderie. Some of the venues we’ve been to before, and some places are new to us. All are interesting and fun. It’s all about the people. We all share the love of anything Porsche-related. From real racing or just driving fast in a controlled environment like on the track or autocross, to meeting a mechanic or owner of a car just like yours for a chat about problems and solutions, to washing and waxing in preparation for the weekend tour or car show, you’ve found the most precious resource for the care and feeding of your car and hobby. Show us your car! Let’s see your smiling face! How about a photo of your “garage queen’s” throne room! Share photos from your favorite drive; share the story of your hunt for the favorite car; share the triumph of your first rebuild. That story and those pictures are worth immortalizing in print. We’ve all been there; maybe you’re experiencing the newness of that first special car. Perhaps you’re climbing the ranks in a competitive series of races. Have you found the perfect wash and wax routine to deliver the trophy? (Some secrets are worth keeping.) The point is that the club’s members are its true strength. Your membership is your key to unlocking the wealth of knowledge and friendship the club represents. The membership socials are the first step to a deeper understanding, a deeper relationship with your vehicle. You know that Porsche has won many awards for racing and technical and aesthetic design. Come share the experience! Scott First Photo MARCH 2016 11 Pres GET BACK TO THE TRACK! Have you ever tried a Driver’s Education event? Well, now’s the time for you and your car to get out to High Plains Raceway! Winter excuses will be gone… late April weather is usually good, your car trailer should no longer buried in the snow. NOW is the time to get off the recliner and into your track ride. You can test those cool new parts and horsepower improvements, take advantage of great driving instruction, and get the seat time we all need to go faster. Please join us for our April 23 & 24 RMR DE – whether first timer or veteran. We have two new chairs for this event Pete Romenesko and Iryna Butler. Get To The Track James Thorburn We promise plenty of excellent seat time, improved driving skills, camaraderie with our gear head friends, and most of all – FUN! FUN! FUN! Like last year, we’ll have paid corner workers and lots of track time! Register early! This event usually sells out. Please keep in mind that day-of-event walkins are always discouraged. Please watch for the opening of online registration soon. To get your dose of spring fun go to and sign up! For more details please contact the event chairs: Pete Romenesko at [email protected] or Iryna Butler at [email protected]. Get To The Track AN OPEN INVITATION to all PCA Club Racing participants in the SPEC BOXSTER class You are invited to join the Colorado Region SCCA in our new SPB Class for our 2016 regional race season. Because of the large number of really enthusiastic PCA Club Racing SPB racers in the Rocky Mountain Region, we have formed a brand-new SCCA SPB class just for you! Well - OK, it is for everyone but what we actually have done, and this is really cool, is that we have imported the PCA Club Racing SPB rules word for word just for the SPB class. That means if your Spec Boxster is 2016 PCA CR legal it can race with us without modification. That goes for the driver, too. Show up, present your PCA log book and your competition license, and race. Additionally, we will have PCA race officials on hand to help make certain that your SPB is PCA legal and to make certain that the races are run just like a PCA Club Race. The point of all this is that you can use these SCCA regional races to train for the big Club Race in September. You don't have to tow for two days to get some serious racing in anymore. When the big dogs from Texas show up at HPR in September you will be ready. 12 Keith Hall RMR-PCA, SCCA The SPB Class will be available for your personal use on these three dates in 2016: April 30-31 at HPR July 23-24 at PMP Aug 20-21 at HPR Details: Keith Hall RMR-PCA, SCCA [email protected] Mike Quigley RMR-PCA, SCCA [email protected] Photo credit Brian Leary Display Advertising The print version of the award-winning HighGear is mailed to 1,500 households and reaches nearly 2,500 members! Please contact the RMR Newsletter Editor to explore promotional possibilities for your business or event in RMR’s magazine: [email protected] • 720.260.9462 Advertising rates (monthly) Note: all annual contracts receive a 10% discount Size (W x H) Placement Color B&W Full (8.5” x 11”) outside back cover $400 - Full (8.5” x 11”) inside front cover $350 - Full (8.5” x 11”) inside back cover $325 - Full (8.5” x 11”) interior page $300 $200 Half (8” x 5”) inside back cover $230 - Half (8” x 5”) interior page $200 $125 Quarter (4” x 5” or 8” x 2.5”) interior page $115 $70 Sixth (2.5” x 5.5”) interior page - Eighth (4” x 2.5”) interior page - $50 $40 HighGear is printed in Englewood, CO by HighGear (ISSN1061-1746) is the official magazine of the Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of America (RMR/ PCA) and is published monthly. Non-RMR subscriptions are $35.00 per year. The opinions and views appearing in HighGear are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the official opinions of the RMR/PCA, PCA National, or this magazine as an official RMR/PCA publication. Additionally, none of these organizations nor this publication assumes any responsibility for the accuracy of material provided by individual writers and contributors. HighGear entire contents copyright © 2015 by Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Articles and photos are the copyright of their respective creators and are used with permission. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to PCA National Office, P.O. Box 6400, Columbia, MD 21045. Periodical paid in Lafayette, Co and additional offices. HighGear is produced at 1155 Ash St., Denver, CO, 80220. MARCH 2016 13 Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of America 2015 BALANCE SHEET (Cash Basis) ASSETS 31-Dec-15 31-Dec-14 Current Assets Cash & Other Current 53,947 48,154 Cash Reserves 100,000 100,000 Total Current Assets 153,947 148,154 Total Fixed Assets 6,989 6,989 High Plains Raceway LLC Membership 200,140 200,140 TOTAL ASSETS 361,075 355,283 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Jerry's Bleacher Project 11,943 12,089 Credits & Rebates 16,305 18,865 Total Liabilities 28,248 30,954 Total Equity 332,827 324,329 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 361,075 355,283 2015 INCOME STATEMENT (Cash Basis) Jan - Dec 15 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Advertising 29,241 Events 185,944 Merchandise/Donations/Other 7,558 Membership 31,643 Total Income 254,386 Expense Newsletter 49,480 Event Expense 174,003 Merchandise/Donation Expense 17,008 Administrative/Other 7,955 Total Expense 248,446 Net Income 5,939 SHARING THE PORSCHE PASSION Mark Stolberg, AMR CDI Committee is noticeable. But, the payoff on the street is even more important. The skills learned at a driving event just may save someone’s life because the driver has improved both, on the track and on the street. Several students have reported that the skills they learned have saved their lives, their families lives and the lives of other drivers on the road with them. And, every one of them can tell you the instructor that taught them those lifesaving skills. As participants of driving events we tend to get focused on lap times or timing or advancing to the next run group. We bench race. We boast. We extoll the virtues of our latest modification. We share ideas and techniques. We seek the advice of more experienced and faster drivers and builders. We keep looking for the next little gain in performance. But, we tend to forget the benefit we have gained through our participation. We take our high skill level for granted. So, the next time you make a move while driving on the street and have a ‘close call’ rather than a crash, the next time you recover a little skid and stay out of the ditch, the next time you carve a perfect corner and get an unexpected smile on your face, the next time you recognize that you are driving one of the worlds greatest cars and you are DRIVING IT WELL!!! Take a moment and think about the instructors that have helped you develop your skill. And, then make an effort to tell them you thought of them and thank them for what they do. The Instructors of the Alpine Mountain and Rocky Mountain Region are among the best in the county. The work hard, both at events and in the ‘off season’. They submit themselves to some intensive training and many of them pursue additional training on their own. The Chief Driving Instructor Committee is very grateful and thankful to have such talent available. We will be recognizing our instructors with a few more incentives in 2016. We are planning some ‘instructor only’ events and we will be experimenting with a reward program for instructors that are very active. We hope that these efforts will help show how much the club appreciates their contribution. We know these folks are really doing it for you, the members and we look forward to seeing them all in your passenger seats very soon. The thrill of performance. The exhilaration of speed. The adventure of finding and pushing boundaries. The joy of living life to the fullest. The personal challenge of doing something that forces you out of your comfort zone. The pursuit of developing skills and ‘excellence’. Whether you are motivated by one of these or you have your own unique passion that drives you. There is a reason you own and drive a Porsche. Some of us enjoy the beauty of Colorado through the windows of these fine road cars. A number of us are drawn by the precision and intensity of an autocross. Still others chase the adrenaline rush of driving on a track. Each and every one of these are a noble use of our Porsche but, the real reward, the highest personal satisfaction and the greatest enjoyment comes from sharing these experiences with others. As a club our purpose and our mission should be to enrich the lives of our fellow club members, friends and neighbors. And, our efforts should be for their benefit, not our own. It is our privilege when we are able to use our Porsches to help us do this. There exists a subset of our club membership that does exactly that. We call them instructors. Really they are much, much more. They are the brand ambassadors for it is under their guidance that a new owner experiences the real capabilities of their car for the first time. It is at that moment the driver changes from being an owner to being an enthusiast. It is a magical moment and one that each of us can remember. It is likely that we remember who was in the seat next to us when it happened and we will always be grateful for that instructor. For me it was Ronn Langford and I clearly remember the first time I felt the car bite and rotate into a turn with purpose. It’s a feeling a crave everyday. The instructors are also missionaries. Although their stated objective is to help their student drive a better line, execute better turns or learn to brake more effectively there is a grander underlying purpose. The instructor is there to help create a better driver!!! The track or the autocross course are a performance laboratory and, each run is an experiment. Both the The 2016 High Performance Driver Education driver and the instructor are searching for ways to season is looking to be our best season ever. Please increase performance – not the car’s performance but rather, the driver’s performance. The techniques and take a look at the HPDE calendar and make plans to skills that the instructors are teaching are designed to join us at as many events as you can! help the driver extract the highest level of performance from these wonderful machines we drive. Once the MARCH 2016 15 driver learns these lessons the payoff on the track PORSCHE SPRING BREAK “MADNESS” HPDE Alpine Mountain Region Porsche Club of America April 9th and 10th, 2016 at PPIR First HPDE event of 2016 with PAID CORNER WORKERS at PPIR! Sponsored by Elite Deck and Fence We’re going to start the 2016 High Performance Driver Education season once again in style! We are very happy to announce that we are hitting the track at Pikes Peak International Raceway for our first HPDE of the season WITH PAID CORNER WORKERS (worked fantastic last year). PPIR is a great track for the beginner and experienced driver alike. We will be running about 2/3 of the famed oval, plus the challenging infield road course section, so you get the best of both worlds. If you haven’t felt the thrill of going flat out around a banked oval, then hitting a tight road course, it’s something you need to experience (personally experienced last year for the first time and now hooked). The facilities here are the best in the state, with a fully paved paddock, spotless NASCAR garages, a large indoor viewing area, and a view of the entire circuit from atop the scoring tower. Plus, it’s only an hour south of the Denver Tech Center, just south of Colorado Springs, right off I-25. As part of this event, we’ll be hosting a “Hawaiian-themed” dinner on Saturday night in the track’s beautiful banquet room right after “Beer:Thirty,” where every participant will be “LEIed” at the front door. This dinner is open to everyone, so sign up for the festivities even if you’re not participating in the HPDE. Each driving day will end with the traditional “Beer:Thirty” celebration. As with all HPDE events, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from our dedicated corps of high performance driving instructors, who will give you one-on-one instruction on how to drive your car in a safe, fun and fast manner around this exciting 1.3-mile track. There will be a mandatory new drivers’ meeting held on Friday April 8th for all new drivers or participants who have not been on this track in the past (pizza and sodas included). Registration Opens February 1st, 2016 at MotorsportReg Details: • 2 Days: $235 for Primary Drivers, $215 for Co-Drivers • 1 Day: $180 for Primary Drivers, $160 for Co-Drivers • Driving Instructors save $50 for one-day registration, $100 for two-day registration • Non-Driving Instructors will receive a $50 per day credit • Saturday night “Hawaiian-themed” Dinner is $20 per person • NASCAR Garage space is $50 for the complete weekend starting Friday night • Non-PCA members additional $10 • Please see MotorsportReg for details on Free Tech Inspections at multiple area locations • On Site Tech Inspections $50 If you have any QUESTIONS please contact Dwight Kasten Jr. at [email protected]. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING EVERYONE AGAIN THIS YEAR – DANA & DWIGHT 16 MARCH 2016 17 2016 CALENDA MARCH JUNE SAT 3/5 Instructor Candidate Training Prestige Imports, Lakewood THU 6/2 Member Social SAT 3/5 RMR Club Race Meeting Prestige Imports, Lakewood SAT 6/4 Cars and Coffee SAT 3/5 Tech Inspector Training Prestige Imports, Lakewood SAT 6/4 First Saturday Car Show (AMR) SAT 3/5 Cars and Coffee Lafeyett, CO SUN 6/5 Concours d'Elegance SAT 3/12 New Member Social The Man Cave (North), Westminster SAT 6/11 Breakfast Club SAT 3/12 Breakfast Club The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood SAT SAT 3/19 DE101 (AMR) Porsche of Colorado Springs SAT SAT 3/26 HPR and Helga's Tour High Plains Raceway, Deer Trail SUN APRIL SAT 6/11-6/12 HPR DE 6/18 Steamboat Springs Tour 6/19-6/26 Porsche Parade 6/25 Northern Colorado Social JULY SAT 4/2 All Instructor Classroom Clinic M Tech Mechanical, Westminster SAT 4/2 Cars and Coffee Lafeyett, CO SAT 7/2 Cars and Coffee THU 4/7 Member Social 3ZERO3 Motorsports, Wheat Ridge SAT 7/2 First Saturday Car Show (AMR) SAT 4/9 Breakfast Club The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood THU 7/7 Member Social 4/9-4/10 PPIR DE (AMR) Pikes Peak International Raceway, Fountain SAT 7/9 Wounded Warrior Car Show (AMR) SAT 4/23-4/24 HPR DE High Plains Raceway, Deer Trail SAT 7/9 Cayenne Tour (AMR) SUN The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood SAT 7/9 Northern Colorado Social SAT 4/24 Edelweiss Spring Tour SAT 4/30-5/1 AutoX School and AutoX Front Range Airport, Watkins SAT 7/9 Breakfast Club SAT 4/30-5/1 La Junta HPDE (AMR) La Junta, CO SUN 7/10 Ladies Day MAY SAT 7/16-7/17 HPR DE THU 5/5 Member Social Sil-TerHar Motors, Broomfield SUN SAT 5/7 Cars and Coffee Lafeyett, CO WED SAT 5/7 Car Detail Clinic Adam's Polishes, Louisville SAT 5/7 First Saturday Car Show (AMR) First and Main Town Center, Colorado Springs SAT 8/6 Cars and Coffee SAT 5/14 Spring Rally (AMR) TBD SAT 8/6 AutoX (AMR) SAT 5/14 Breakfast Club The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood SAT 8/6 Member Social SAT 5/14 Rally Quest Centennial, CO SAT 8/6 First Saturday Car Show (AMR) SAT 5/21-5/22 DE (AMR) Pueblo, CO SAT 8/13 Breakfast Club SAT Squaw Pass and Guanella Pass SAT 5/21 Devil's Gate Tour Peak to Peak Tour 7/27-7/31 Rocky Mountain High Ways AUGUST 8/13-8/14 HPR DE SAT 8/20 Triple Bypass Tour SAT 8/20 AutoX THU 18 7/24 SAT 8/25-8/28 Snowmass DE (AMR) 8/27 4x4 Tour AR of EVENTS SEPTEMBER Stevinson Imports, Littleton SAT 9/3 Cars and Coffee Lafeyett, CO Lafeyett, CO SAT 9/3 First Saturday Car Show (AMR) First and Main Town Center, Colorado Springs First and Main Town Center, Colorado Springs WED 9/7-9/11 Treffen Tour Tahoe Resort at Squaw Creek, Olympic Vallley, CA Arapahoe Community College, Littleton SAT 9/10 Breakfast Club The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood SAT 9/10-9/11 Club Race/Super DE High Plains Raceway, Deer Trail High Plains Raceway, Deer Trail SAT 9/17 RMR Picnic TBD 3ZERO3 Motorsports, Wheat Ridge SAT 9/17-9/18 Mystery Fall Tour (AMR) TBD Jay Peak, VT SUN 9/18 Fall Foliage Tour The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood OCTOBER Poudre Sports Car, Fort Collins SAT 10/1 Cars and Coffee Lafeyett, CO Lafeyett, CO SAT 10/1 First Saturday Car Show (AMR) First and Main Town Center, Colorado Springs First and Main Town Center, Colorado Springs SAT 10/1 Gimmick Rally TBD Lamar Street Center, Arvada THU 10/6 Member Social Stevinson Imports, Littleton Porsche of Colorado Springs SAT 10/8 Breakfast Club The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood Porsche of Colorado Springs SAT 10/1 Gimmick Rally TBD Rennstall USA, Greeley THU 10/6 Member Social Stevinson Imports, Littleton The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood SAT 10/8 Breakfast Club The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood Colorado State Patrol Track, Golden SAT High Plains Raceway, Deer Trail SUN 10/9 Edelweiss Fall Tour The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood Stanley Hotel, Estes Park SAT 10/29 AutoX Front Range Airport, Watkins 10/8-10/9 HPR DE NOVEMBER Colorado Springs, CO T High Plains Raceway, Deer Trail THU 11/3 Member Social TBD Lafeyett, CO SAT 11/5 Cars and Coffee Lafeyett, CO Pikes Peak International Raceway, Fountain SAT 11/2 Breakfast Club The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood Autoworks, Littleton TUE 11/22-11/23 Chumps High Plains Raceway, Deer Trail DECEMBER First and Main Town Center, Colorado Springs The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood SAT 12/3 Cars and Coffee Lafeyett, CO High Plains Raceway, Deer Trail SAT 12/3 AMR Holiday Party Johnny Martin's Car Central, Colorado Springs 3ZERO3 Motorsports, Wheat Ridge SAT 12/10 Breakfast Club The Perfect Landing Restaurant, Englewood Front Range Airport, Watkins Aspen Notorsports Park, Woody Creek Breckenridge, CO All dates and locations are subject to change. Please check the RMR-PCA web site for confirmation MARCH 2016 19 20 Get To The Track 2016 AUTOCROSS SCHOOL AND MAY DAY AUTOCROSS EVENT Front Range Airport Saturday April 30—Autocross School and Car Control Clinic Sunday May 1—May Day Autocross New Location: Front Range Main Terminal; See Directions Below Mark your calendars for our first autocross event of 2016. Both the autocross school and the May Day autocross will be held at the Front Range Airport, where there is plenty of room to set up a long course with a lot of interesting autocross features. Twists, turns, and slaloms all await you to improve and challenge your driving skills. If you are new to the club, new to your Porsche or other favorite four-wheel means of transport, want to improve your driving technique, or simply want to enjoy your Porsche, we encourage you to register for the Autocross School and Car Control Clinic on Saturday April 30 and the full Autocross on Sunday May 1. Are you familiar with autocross? Autocross is a performance driving experience conducted in a safe environment at relatively low speeds. You will not hurt your car, and more importantly you will not hurt yourself. Autocross is a lot fun and provides small doses of adrenaline rush that will keep you smiling for days. Come out to the school on Saturday and learn to autocross with our experienced instructors. What will happen is that you will gain additional confidence in your driving ability, learn the limits of your car’s braking capabilities, practice correct seating, hand, feet and vision positions, and push and perhaps exceed the limits of your tires’ adhesion capabilities. By the way, autocross is a social event and a great time to meet new club members and visit with friends. Autocross School and Car Control Clinic Our excellent club instructors will work with you by providing plenty of driving time through three car control exercises. Learn about car balance through a slalom course, throttle steering around two skid pads, and threshold braking and acceleration in a unique triangle exercise. All of this in the morning, followed by an afternoon of learning how to autocross using these skills on a full-scale autocross course. 22 Chris Sulley PCA Parents, remember that the School and the Autocross are both open to licensed 16- and 17-yearolds. Do you want to be the BEST PARENT EVER? Register your teenager for the school. We always have an instructor in the car, and the skills they learn are directly applicable to the street. May Day Autocross on Sunday On Sunday, we return to the Front Range Airport facility to run against the clock! Are you the quickest air-cooled 911, Boxster, Turbo, 914, Cayenne? Run times are around a minute, which is a long time to hold your breath if you haven’t attended the school to learn how to breathe! This event is a great chance to try out your new found skills from the school and to compete against your friends. Details Registration is open and closes April 29. Click the RMR Event Registration link on the club home page, Remember, autocross events are open to licensed 16- and 17-year-olds. RMR Junior Participation forms and instructions can be found under the forms tab on the club’s website. Please read them carefully. The Autocross School is limited to 50 participants. Please register early to assure your spot. Walkups will be accepted for Sunday (cash and check payments only), but pre-registration for both events is appreciated as it allows us to plan for “beer”thirty” as well as organize the event and obtain volunteers. A Porsche is not required. Only SUVs with a Porsche badge are permitted, and no pickups are allowed. Convertibles are just fine, and you can run them with the top down. Restrooms are available onsite. No concessions are available, nor are any nearby. Please remember to bring your own lunch and non alcoholic drinks during the day. Refreshments will be served at the end of each day. Coffee and rolls will be served each morning. You will need a Snell-rated 2005 or newer helmet. Motorcycle helmets with this designation are acceptable. The club will have several loaner helmets available. Autocross School $45.00 Autocross $40.00 Both Events $75.00 (Continued next page) Directionsto Front Range Airport Main Terminal I-70 East to exit 295 (Watkins) Turn left (North) and continue to Highway 36 (Colfax) Turn right (East) and continue to Imboden Road and turn left (North) Continue North to 48th Avenue and turn right (East) Continue east to Front Range Parkway and turn left (North) Continue until you arrive at main terminal. If you can volunteer to assist the chair in setting up the course and other activities to make this a successful event, please call Chris Sulley at 720-630-6898 or send an email to [email protected]. Time: School – Saturday 7:00 to 8:30 8:00 to 9:00 8:45 to 9:00 8:30 to 9:15 9:00 to 9:15 9:30 to 10:15 10:20 to 11:05 11:10 to 11:55 11:55 to 12:45 12:45 to 1:15 1:15 to 2:15 2:30 to 3:30 3:30 3:30 to 5:00 Course Setup Registration/Check-in Instructor-Only Meeting Top Tech Drivers’ Meeting (Mandatory) First Exercise Session Second Exercise Session Third Exercise Session Lunch Break (No Concessions) (Set up autocross course) Autocross Course Walk Autocross Group One Autocross Group Two Beer:Thirty Full Autocross Setup (Volunteers Needed) May Day Autocross – Sunday 7:00 to 8:30 Complete Autocross Setup (Volunteers Needed) 8:00 to 9:00 Registration/Check-in/Course Open for Walking 9:00 to 9:30 Drivers’ Meeting (Mandatory) 9:45 Corner Workers Out (Group B) 10:00 Group A – First Car on Course a.m. 10:45 Group B – First Car on Course a.m. 12:00 Lunch Break (No Concessions) 12:45 Corner Workers Out (Group A) 1:00 Group A – First Car on Course p.m. 1:45 Group B – First on Course p.m. 3:00 Course Teardown 3:00 Beer:Thirty Top Tech to be held prior to the start of each run group on Sunday. MARCH 2016 23 I Get Around Danielle Badler, RMR/PCA Columnist WHO DRIVES THESE THINGS? I was loaned a new Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport 4x4 Double Cab for a few days. Let me be clear about something. I’m the antithesis of a Tacoma driver. I once considered a Lotus Elise. I drove three. I thought it would be the perfect car for me, a vehicle you wear, to proudly show your form, like tight-fitting clothes. And I almost bought one. Until, on the last test drive, my friend riding shotgun said to me “stop hitting me.” Actually, she said it each time I shifted. Turns out my elbow was punching her in the abdomen. And I couldn’t contort my body any other way and still shift. I bought another Porsche. But, in Colorado, pick-ups are ubiquitous. Maybe even more popular than SUVs. You see them everywhere. Navigating supermarket parking lots. Dropping off kids at day care. I have this nightmare. I’m sitting at a stoplight, in a Porsche, in a, ahem, Porsche sports car. The thing in front of me starts backing up. And I’m squashed, like a bug. Because they didn’t have a clue that I was behind them. In day to day life, just what’s the point? Why? Why pick up the dry cleaning in a vehicle that stretches from here to there and back again? Because the vehicle’s called a pick-up? And how? Just how do you maneuver, especially in the semi-urban landscape in which I reside? Are they fun to drive? At all? Or do you rationalize the experience by the fact that you’re up high, high enough to be able to make eye contact with tractor trailer drivers? These thoughts and more were pressing on my brain, the first time I hoisted myself … it’s really the only way to describe it … into the driver’s seat. Looking forward, it was like I was peering out over the prow of an ocean-going vessel. And the hood scoop didn’t help forward vision. Why a hood scoop? And where does this thing end? Looking aft … sorry, rearward, wasn’t much better. Behind the rear bench seat, large enough it could have been pinched from the Fusion parts bin, was a box that went way back to … I have no idea. But, oh, starting it up, putting it in reverse, I could see the vehicle was endowed with a rear view camera. That might be helpful, I thought. But what do those horizontal lines on the screen actually mean? Are they accurate? I had no idea. And I didn’t want to find out, the hard way. That became abundantly clear, later in the day, when I endeavored to leave a tight parking lot. Oh, I had parked in an area that I thought afforded me ample room to back up. But what happened was that I really couldn’t judge how much rear room I had. By sight, I had no idea where the stern … sorry again, the rear bumper, actually was. By camera, the lines were meaningless to me. So I rocked back and forth, trying to get the thing sideways enough to be able to maneuver out. This went on for a good five minutes, until a woman came up from nowhere and motioned for me to roll down the window. She said I had a good three feet behind me, and offered to help guide me out. And, with that, she gestured and yelled “back, back, back,” way beyond what I would have thought was safe. Until I was far enough back to be able to move forward and out. I yelled down, thank you! The next day I had a dentist appointment. Like a lot of dentists in my semi-urban confines, my dentist has reserved parking spots. But they’re along a narrow alley, where you have to sideslip in to the spaces. There was no way in, and no way out, so to speak, in the Tacoma. That meant I had to get a spot on the street. And get there early, before they all filled up. Which I did. A spot with a driveway ahead of me, so nobody would park in front, meaning I could pull forward and out. The plan worked faultlessly. But it made me think. About something I had A DUAL-CAB PICK-UP, LIKE MY TACOMA, IS GREAT FOR HAULING BAGS OF SAKRETE OR SHEETROCK TO A CONSTRUCTION SITE. BUT IT CAN HARDLY GET INTO AND OUT OF A SAFEWAY PARKING LOT. 24 witnessed years before, about drivers of low to the ground supercars. I had been at a dealer and watched a Lamborghini driver depart by crabbing sideways to avoid his bumper scraping the driveway. A salesman, watching this scene with me, said the guy plans his route every time he takes the car out. I thought, that’s what happens whenever you drive something extreme, something that’s not made, necessarily, for the cut and thrust of daily life. A low-slung sports car has no problems on the track. But it may not be able to get out of its own driveway. A dual-cab pick-up, like my Tacoma, is great for hauling bags of sakrete or sheetrock to a construction site. But it can hardly get into and out of a Safeway parking lot. Oh, don’t get me wrong. The Tacoma was solid. It worked just like any Toyota vehicle. It had cruise, satellite radio, that rear view camera, keyless entry. Though it did roll a bit harshly. And that made me think that it might be stiffly sprung to enable enthusiastic cornering speeds. But no, as I found out. But I’m sure it was very capable at hauling large loads. Oh, and according to the Mulroney sticker, it gets 20 mpg on average. Not bad. But I guess I’m just not into planning my day by what I drive. FIRST EVER SWAP MEET AND ALL PCA members are invited. We have sent out invitation to shops within 350 mile radius of Lubbock to participate in our Porsche Swap Meet. Date is 23 April, Lubbock, PCA no charge for 10x10 space, non PCA members 50$ charge for 10x10 space. 400 spaces available, Already we have had 3 large PCA advertisers indicate that they are bring a trailer to this meet. Hope you will plan on attending and sharing the fun and jocularity. People can call or email Larry with their reservations or questions. [email protected] 806-777-7857 “It’s not just the cars, It’s the people!” RMR merchandise at the PCA web store! Your beloved Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of America has its own merchandise store! There are many items elegantly branded with the RMR-PCA logo and of top quality and modern design. Simply go to ROCKY MOUNTAIN and shop to your heart’s content. Show off your RMR membership with pride! New to RMR-PCA? Page 29 describes the various types of activities our club members regularly enjoy. Come to our next event and get involved! Tours, Rallies, Autocrosses, Driver Education Events, Club Races, Car Shows, Socials and Gatherings, Charity Support and more! MARCH 2016 25 Pres In The Zone Elizabeth Shaw, PCA Zone 9 Representative THE PCA WINTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ meeting was held in Atlanta during the next-to-the-last weekend in January. The Zone Reps started things early by meeting at 8 a.m. on Friday. We had several guest speakers throughout the day, and we had some good Zone-Rep-only discussions. It’s always great to get together and talk about what’s going on in our Zones, plus we welcomed four new Zone Reps into our special group. On Saturday, our meetings started early again, and we continued with speakers from the national staff. Even though we were stuck in the hotel meeting rooms all day, we did check on the weather from time to time. This was the weekend of the massive snowstorms that hit the south and traveled up to Washington, DC, Pennsylvania, and New York. Some people found out that their flights were going to be cancelled, so they reserved rental cars for the trip home. The Board of Directors’ meeting was held in the afternoon, and after a presentation from PCNA’s Paul Gregor, members from the PCA Executive Council presented quite a bit of information. Much of it centered around comparisons of what was going on in the club in 2005 to what is happening 10 years later. The EC also discussed its strategic vision for the next 10 years: providing value to the members, embracing and supporting new technologies as they relate to member communication and interaction, and remaining fiscally responsible. After the BOD meeting, everyone piled into big buses and headed to the Porsche Experience Center, on the Atlanta airport property. In case you’ve been living in a cave, I’ll quote the description from PCNA: “The Porsche Experience Center, which features a module-based 1.6-mile driver development track, includes a Driving Simulator Lab, Porsche Driver’s Selection Store, Carrera Café, and Restaurant 356 for the ultimate fine-dining experience. The venue is also home to Human Performance Center, Business Center, Classic Car Gallery and Restoration Center and the Porsche Exclusive – Personal Design Studio.” I was surprised at how HUGE the entire facility is! We were divided into a few groups, and Porsche staff members led us on tours to the major features of the building. My group was 26 the first one to get “spirited” rides around the track, and that was great because there was still some daylight left. When we went outside, there was a line of red 911s waiting for us. Fun, fun, fun! I definitely need to look into returning to the Experience Center to drive on that track. After the tours, we enjoyed a delicious dinner at Restaurant 356 and then got back into the buses for the trip back to the hotel. A few weeks later, I held the Zone 9 Presidents’ meeting at the Homewood Suites near the Denver International Airport. I was pleased to have presidents and vice-presidents from all seven Regions, and our guest speaker this year was PCA Vice-President Tom Gorsuch. There were also webmasters and newsletter editors from most of the Regions. Several of us met for dinner at the Urban Sombrero on Friday night; then on Saturday, we had a full day of meetings and discussions. Tom showed the slides from the EC’spresentation at the Winter BOD meeting and it was nice for the meeting attendees to get that information. After the meetings were finished, we met for dinner in downtown Denver at the Rock Bottom Brewery. This was Super Bowl weekend, so much of the crowds in the restaurants and the streets was dressed in Broncos orange and blue. There was a big group of Rocky Mountain Region members who joined us for dinner, and it was a great gettogether. Plus, we were treated to a beer tasting and short tour of the brewery. Thanks very much to RMR member Holly Jackson for arranging everything. Coming up for me in March will probably be the RMR New Member Social and maybe a couple of other Region events. Hope to see you around the Zone! Liz Shaw, Zone 9 Rep MARCH 2016 27 In Case You Missed it February Membership Social at Ferrari of Denver Photos by Paul Bingham & Russ Rydberg Photo provided by Linda Love Acronym Apex PCA - Porsche Club of America RMR - Rocky Mountain Region (Denver) AMR - Alpine Mountain Region (Colorado Springs) 28 Dave Liddle Photo OEM - Original Equipment of Manufacturer HP - Horse Power SCCA - Sports Car Club of America DE - Driver Education POC - Porsche Owners Club (Club Racing) AX - Autocross PBOC - Porsche and BMW Owners Club CDI -Chief Driving Instructor NASA - National Auto Sport Association HPR - High Plains Raceway BSR - Boxster Spec Racing GCR - General Competition Rules Classifieds Classified ads are free to RMR/PCA members for items personally owned by the member. No commercial ads. Ads for non-members are $10 for each month (send payment to RMR Treasurer - Blair Whitaker, 161 Race Street, Denver, CO 80206). Ads must be 75 words or less. Deadline for classified ad submission is the 15th of the previous month. Member ads will run for two issues. Ads will also appear with an optional photo on the Web site. E-mail your ad to [email protected]. PORSCHES 2001 Boxster tiptronic ca car seal grey/grey 110k miles all records has sport pkg. No IMS issues. Needs only some minor tlc. For more info pics. priced to sell $9,850 Pat O’Brien 303 243-4004 email [email protected] (Feb) 2014 Cayman S - PDK - loaded with upgrades - new rear tires, never tracked or damaged. Always garaged - carbon fiber door sills and engine inlets. Less than 16,000 miles - clear bra and K40 radar. $56K. Steve at 303-250-3390, Parker CO. (Mar) Very clean & fast 2004 GTC3 class 996 Cup car, wellmaintained by Autometrics. Club raced 3 yrs in PCA on the east coast, many podiums, no crashes. 3 sets BBS wheels (1 w/ rains), MoTeC, fuel cell, updated seat/belts, Cool Shirt, log book, spares. PMNA & transmission build receipts, all maint records. Awesome car! Location: Charleston, SC. Video: https:// $70,000 Bruce, 303-548-0202 dbmpub@ (Feb) MISCELLANEOUS 981 Indoor Boxster cover gently used & two like-new 20132016 Boxster black floor mats. $200. Gretchen 307-421-9258, [email protected]. (Jan) Race Seats, 6pt Harnesses, Fire Extinguisher & Wheels: Sparco EVO Fiberglass Race Seats with Recaro brackets & sliders, substrap & 1 fire extinguisher mount ($1,600 for pair); Schroth Profi II Camlock Hans 6pt harnesses ($100 for pair); 2.5lb Halon chrome fire extinguisher ($100); OZ Alleggerite HLT Anthractite 18x8 & 18x9 wheels (Set $900). All items in brand new condition. Mark (970) 349-5725 [email protected] (Feb) RARE! Original 8x16 Fuchs Black centers / 23.3 mm offset; from a 1986 944 Turbo (951) but will fit most 1983-1989 Porsches – 911, 930, 944, & 944 Turbo; Excellent Condition - “true, straight, and round”; Photos available; $2,500 – FIRM! Original 951 Steering WheelBlack Like New - $125; 944 Collapsible Spare Tire/Jack/ Hardware Perfect condition– photos available; $150 OBO; 951 Front Seats-Black Perfect condition–photos available; from 1986 951; $600; 951 Rear Seat Back-Black Perfect condition–photo available; from 1986 951; $300; Contact Dan Carlson 303.520.4567 dcarlson@ (Feb) Wanted to buy: Raspberry Pi computer in durable case with programming to correct the built-in overspeed bias in the speedometer of my 2016 Cayenne. Price negotiable. Contact Steven at s_ [email protected]. (Feb) 964-993 set of 4 wheels reonditioned oem will also fit other models. 16x7 - et 55, 16x9 - et 70 powder coated asking $1,050 best Pat O’Brien 303 243-4004 email [email protected] If you are reading this, your potential customers could be reading it too. Advertise in HighGear and target your peers while helping your club at the same time! issue!29 Email the HighGear editor ([email protected]) to get your ad in next month’s MARCH 2016 Tech Talk Soft Top Convertibles Being able to drop the top and drive “al fresco” is one of the greatest feelings in owning a Porsche cabriolet. The experience of sun and wind in your face, together with the enhanced sounds from your engine and the aromas of the countryside or of the exhaust and tire smoke of the car in front of you at the track, make owning and driving these open top cars very special. The other side of the coin is that these cars also offer most of the coupe’s benefits when the weather or other conditions dictate the need for top up. So cab owners have the best of both worlds. As you know, the material used on the Porsche cabriolets is a type of canvas, but not all canvas is the same. The Haartz Corporation supplies the majority of all of the auto manufacturers with close to 30 different canvas and vinyl materials, each with different specs. The Porsche Boxster and Carrera Cabriolets use, as an OEM material, the special Sonnenland A5.0 fabric from Haartz. This is an acoustically-enhanced, three-ply composite made of a surface singed acrylic twill weave outer fabric, a rubber or elastomer inner layer and a polyester (cloth) lining fabric. This unique construction of the material dramatically enhances in-cabin comfort when the top is up by reducing noise levels and providing sound attenuation over standard canvas material aside from the obvious which is protection from the elements and allowing the HVAC system to operate normally. Porsche engineers have worked to fine tune the acoustic properties of the cabriolets to provide maximum comfort inside the cabin with the soft top in the up position. In conjunction with the Haartz topping material a 30 Pedro P. Bonilla, PCA GCR Columnist noise deadening acoustical padding is crafted to compliment the properties of the top’s material. This combination of materials provides passengers with state-of the-art comfort. But, in order to enjoy for many years the added perks of the convertibles, there are a few things that you, as an owner, need do that coupe owners don’t. A unique set of challenges comes with your special drop- top. The material from which the top is made as well as the clear plastic window are far more delicate and vulnerable to the elements and in particular, to UV radiation than the rest of the painted surfaces of the car. The best thing you can do for a brand new soft top is to protect it on day one, when it’s still clean and free of contaminants. The day you bring it home you should treat it with a good UV inhibiting product, paying special attention to its weakest part, the stitching. The next best thing is to do it now. Convertible tops should never be stored down when the material is wet. The fabric does not promote mildew growth on it’s own, but mildew can develop on dirt and grime when not removed. This is more important for warm, humid and dark environments. When dust and dirt settle into the material’s weave, if left, over time will start to break down the fabric acting as sandpaper and cutting into the weave itself. When cleaning your soft top, do NOT use detergent or other harsh chemicals. There are several products made specifically for cleaning soft tops, and one in particular, Ragg Topp is endorsed by Haartz and most convertible owners. Ragg Topp offers two basic products: a cleaner and a protectant. To clean the top, do so in the shade or partial shade. If there are bird or tree droppings on the canvas, first vacuum with a soft brush attachment and then pre-soak the affected area with water. This will soften the deposits. Many times a strong water stream is all that’s needed in order to get most of the dirt and grime off the top. When the deposits are tougher, you can spray the cleaner evenly over the complete soft top, letting it soak in from 2 to 20 minutes depending on how soiled it is, and then scrubbing lightly with a soft-bristle brush and finally rinsing with running water until the runoff is clear and no more cleaner remains on the material. Washing with a mild soap, such as Ivory or Lux is also a safe alternative to the Ragg Topp cleaner, but not as effective. Once the top is completely dry, it should be followed up with several coats of Ragg Topp Protectant which will waterproof the fabric and filter out most of the damaging UV rays from the sun. This protectant will make water bead on the canvas and will help maintain the top’s color over the years with minimum fading. As of 2003 all of Porsche’s cabs now come with a glass window that requires no more maintenance than any other glass window, but prior to that year the top’s rear window was made of a flexible polyvinyl material which was sewn into the canvas allowing it to fold on itself. This clear material tends to fog and scratch and becomes the biggest complaint from cab owners. The fogging seen on polyvinyl windows happens when the plasticizers in the material evaporate due to exposure to UV light and heat from the sun. These plasticizers are what keep the plastic windows flexible and soft. So, the best way to prolong the clarity and flexibility of the clear plastic window is to keep the sun off the material as much as possible. Whenever the car is stored outside, at least the clear plastic window if not the complete top or car should be protected with a cover. Keeping the clear plastic window clean and using a protectant called Plexus which also has UV inhibitors and special additives will extend the use and life of the window. This product was developed for the acrylic canopies of fighter jets and does a great job of protecting the clear plastic window as well as the clear wind stop in our cars. When retracting a soft top with a plastic rear window, it is recommendable to stop the action mid way. Get out of the car and manually adjust the fabric and plastic so that no kinks or sharp angles are created when you continue the folding operation. Even placing a soft towel or similar between the folds of the plastic window will help maintain it’s clarity, avoid scratches and prolong overall life. If the air temperature is under 55 ºF do NOT try to lower or raise the top with a clear plastic window unless you first warm it up so that it becomes pliable. A hair dryer or placing a piece of black plastic over the window and leaving it under the bright sun for a few minutes will warm it up enough so that you can fold or unfold it. Not following these precautions may cause the window to crack and split open since the cold makes the plastic much more brittle. If this happens the only solution is to replace, but since the window is sewn in most of the time the complete top’s cover needs to be replaced. There is an alternative which some people have used which is removing the material from the top’s frame and taking it to a yachting center that repairs marine canvas and having them cut out the old and sew in a new piece in its place. There are also new alternatives for the older cabs with the flexible plastic windows. Several aftermarket manufacturers offer tops with a bonded glass window that can be installed onto the older top’s frames. These windows are a bit smaller than the original plastic window, and they are somewhat more cumbersome for engine access in the case of the Boxsters, but they offer defrosting elements within the glass to quickly clear fog and melt ice and snow. Some of these aftermarket suppliers also offer the same OEM fabrics from Haartz on their products so you can have the same OEM quality even on a replacement top. The top in my 1998 car is still original, a testament to the quality of the Haartz material. I treat it with Ragg Topp protectant twice per year and it has not faded at all, even though it is a South Florida car. Last year the stitching on the then somewhat scratched plastic window failed and I decided to keep the top and sew in a new plastic window myself, by hand, stitch-by-stitch. I did it, it came out very nice, but it just took too long. At least I don’t have to sew in a new window for another 13 years! To obtain additional information about convertible tops and more, please visit my website at: Happy Porsche’ing, MARCH 2016 31 Monthly board meetings are always open to club members. See the list of upcoming events for schedule. You may contact the entire board at [email protected]. To volunteer to be an RMR Board member, submit your intent by September so the Nomination Committee can add you to the ballot in November for club voting in November. Most positions are two-year terms. CAMA Representative Walt Fricke: 303.499.6540, [email protected] Charity/Good Works Luann Dodge: [email protected] Chief Driving Instructor Dan H. Carlson: 303.520.4567, [email protected] Control Chief George Strimbu: 303.736.9114, [email protected] Equipment Keith Hall: 303.940.7958, [email protected] Goodie Store Chair Mike Hebert: 360.202.5830, [email protected] Historian Amy Legg-Rogers: 970.686.0538, [email protected] Insurance Troy Nakatani: 720.402.1080, [email protected] Programs/Socials Erik Behrendsen: 303.840.7361, [email protected] Registration Nancy Warren: 303.604.1289, [email protected] Safety Scott Henderson: 303.521.9007, [email protected] Tech Inspection Hank Padilla: 303.470.1850, [email protected] Timing Joe Warren: 303.604.1289, [email protected] Webmaster Scott Rogers: 970.686.0538, [email protected] Zone 9 Representative Liz Shaw: 505.231.7003, [email protected] TechnicalResources Technical 356 Jim Kellogg: 303.840.2356, [email protected] 911 Dave Stribling: 303.238.8101, [email protected] 912 Rob Heath: 303.995.1147, [email protected] 914 Dale Tuety: 303.670.1279, [email protected] 924 Dan Semborski: 303.420.2708, [email protected] 928 Volunteer to be the RMR 928 specialist and help others! 944 Richard Winnick: 303.429.5213, [email protected] 968 Zach Schroeder: 970.229.0990, [email protected] Boxster/Cayman Doug Bartlett: 970.214.7279, [email protected] Cayenne Zach Schroeder: 970.229.0990, [email protected] GT2, 32GT3, Cup Cars Chris Cervelli: 303.809.6173, [email protected] RMR-PCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Region Coordinators President John Mackin [email protected] Vice President Rick Seiferth 1stvicepresident@rmrporscheclub Second Vice President Jim Thorburn Treasurer Blair Whitaker [email protected] Secretary Mark Taylor [email protected] Membership Chair Holly Jackson [email protected] Newsletter Editor Russ Rydberg [email protected] Past President Jim Widrig [email protected] What We Do Whether your tastes are social, technical, or competitive, RMR has something for you! You can have fun in your Porsche by particip ating in driver education and time trials at area tracks, autocrosses, rallies, tours, tech sessions, car shows and more. DRIVING EVENTS Tour A tour is a non-competitive driving event in which participants follow a given route to a destination (which may or may not be known in advance). A tour may vary in length from a day trip to a long weekend with an overnight stay or two. Tours usually follow scenic routes (which are plentiful in Colorado) and/or visit interesting or obscure destinations. Tours are sometimes combined with rallies to add variety and a dose of competition to the event. RMR hosts at least one tour each year; AMR typically offers several. A number of tours are usually offered at Porsche Parade as well. Rally A rally is a competitive event in which contestants attempt to follow a course specified by a set of instructions. Rallies are typically run on public, paved roads, and speed limits are always observed. The two major types of rallies are the Time-Speed-Distance (TSD) rally and the Gimmick rally. In a TSD rally, participants attempt to follow the instructions precisely, maintaining the correct speed, as points are deducted for arriving at checkpoints (the locations of which are not known in advance) early or late. A Gimmick rally is typically a bit less rigid and usually involves solving puzzles of some type. Between RMR and AMR, a handful of rallies— at least one of each type—are offered. Porsche Parade also hosts a TSD rally, and sometimes a Gimmick rally, each year. Autocross (AX) An autocross is a competition in which drivers navigate their cars through a course defined by orange cones, usually in a large parking lot. Top speeds are generally moderate, topping out around 40-65 MPH (no higher than second gear for many cars). Competing cars are spaced at long intervals — typically only two or three cars are on the course at the same time. Autocross is a safe way to experience high-performance driving while learning to drive your car at its limit. Together, RMR and AMR host several autocross events each year, including Eiskhana (essentially an autocross on the ice!) in the winter and an AX school in the spring. Additionally, autocross is a major event at Porsche Parade. Driver Education (DE) A driver education event provides a safe, controlled environment for high-performance driving instruction. DE offers drivers of all skill levels the opportunity to hone their driving skills, with the help of an experienced instructor, in a controlled, closed-course environment. In keeping with PCA philosophy, the primary emphasis at all times is on safety. A word of warning, though: the DE experience may be habit-forming! As DE events are not racing, nor preparation for racing, lap times are not recorded. However, some DE events are followed immediately by a time trial event, which gives drivers a chance to quantify their performance. Lap times may then be used to measure personal improvement or for bragging rights amongst your peers, etc. RMR hosts six DE’s each year at High Plains Raceway, with AMR hosting several more at the La Junta, Pueblo and (possibly in the future) Pike’s Peak International Raceway tracks. Club Race A club race is a wheel-to-wheel racing event. A race weekend consists of a number of practice sessions and “heats” (race sessions), often involving both “sprint” and “endurance” races. Since a Club Racing license (issued by PCA National) is required for competition, club racers are serious and experienced drivers. The cars they bring with them to the track can be quite impressive! As a point of interest, the PCA Club Racing program was inaugurated with the RMRhosted “First Ever Anywhere” club race at Second Creek in 1992. Because of the logistics involved in an event of this magnitude, a club race requires a legion of volunteers. However, it is also one of most exciting events to participate in, so be sure to sign up! RMR hosts one club race each autumn at High Plains Raceway which, when combined with a Driver Education event, adds up to one thrilling weekend! NON-DRIVING EVENTS Membership Social Membership socials provide an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and meet new members. Historically, a membership meeting begins with a social hour with a cash bar, followed by the evening’s program. The content of the program varies, sometimes featuring a “slide show” from a recent event, or a guest speaker such as accomplished Speed World Challenge racer Randy Pobst. Membership socials, unless otherwise stated, are held the first Thursday of the month. Different venues and topics will keep the meetings fresh and inviting. Watch HighGear and the RMR Web site for details. If you have any ideas for a program, talk to the Committee Chair or a Board member! Tech Session A tech session is just what it sounds like–a session in which a technical topic is discussed. Not just for gearheads, a tech session may demonstrate practical, “do-it-yourself” procedures such as brake bleeding. Tech sessions are usually presented by experienced Porsche technicians, many of whom are sponsors of RMR events and High Gear. RMR hosts a few tech sessions each year, typically in the “off months” when few driving events take place. In addition, numerous tech sessions are offered at Porsche Parade. Concours d’Elegance A concours is essentially a car show, in which contestants endeavor to present their cars in as close to “perfect” condition as possible. A number of judged categories usually exist, typically differentiating between types of cars (e.g. 356, Boxster) and level of preparation (“daily driver” or “full preparation” or somewhere in between). Cars sometimes may be entered as “display only,” for owners who wish to participate but not compete. RMR participates in a handful of local concours events each year, including the annual Exotic Sports Car Show and Concours d’Elegance, benefiting United Cerebral Palsy Colorado. The annual Porsche Parade also hosts a major concours each year. MARCH 2016 33 In The Rearview Mirror Amy Legg-Rogers, RMR Historian The 1976 Econo Rally was held on March 7. A common site on the Rally was that of an empty Porsche, engine shut off, with both driver and navigator pushing it across an intersection. Glenn Mueller and Jane Herrick had the lowest gas mileage overall, but it was Jim Joska and Marty Gorce who had the lowest Rally score for the day. Cathy Harper “While we are RMR members - we always enjoy the Alpine Region’s Fall Mystery Tour where we see the Aspen trees turning gold.” Phillip Patrick O’Brien “ Eiskhana! sideways at a speed where nothing breaks...” Susan Bucknam “Ladies’ Day” This month’s random question asked to five random members: “What event sponsored by your local PCA region is a “must attend” for you every year? Why?” 34 Brian Leary “I must attend the Club Race each year...” Vicki Cox-Jones “I have to say Ladies Day. It was the event that started me down that slippery slope, not to mention the great friendships that started there.” 吀䠀䔀 䰀伀吀唀匀 䔀嘀伀刀䄀 㐀 ⸀ 吀䠀䔀 一䔀圀 匀唀倀䔀刀䌀䄀刀 䘀愀猀琀攀猀琀 愀渀搀 洀漀猀琀 瀀漀眀攀爀昀甀氀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀椀漀渀 䰀漀琀甀猀 攀瘀攀爀 吀栀攀 渀攀眀 䰀漀琀甀猀 䔀瘀漀爀愀 㐀 昀攀愀琀甀爀攀猀 愀 挀漀洀瀀氀攀琀攀氀礀 爀攀ⴀ攀渀最椀渀攀攀爀攀搀 猀甀瀀攀爀挀栀愀爀最攀搀 愀渀搀 挀栀愀爀最攀ⴀ挀漀漀氀攀搀 洀椀搀ⴀ洀漀甀渀琀攀搀 ㌀⸀㔀ⴀ氀椀琀爀攀 嘀㘀 攀渀最椀渀攀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀椀渀最 㐀 栀漀爀猀攀瀀漀眀攀爀 愀渀搀 ㌀ ㈀ 氀戀昀琀 漀昀 琀漀爀焀甀攀⸀ 䄀 渀攀眀 愀氀甀洀椀渀椀甀洀 挀栀愀猀猀椀猀 椀渀挀漀爀瀀漀爀愀琀攀猀 愀 戀爀愀渀搀 渀攀眀 椀渀琀攀爀椀漀爀 愀渀搀 琀栀攀 氀椀最栀琀眀攀椀最栀琀 挀漀洀瀀漀猀椀琀攀 戀漀搀礀 栀愀猀 挀栀愀渀最攀搀 猀椀最渀椀昀椀挀愀渀琀氀礀 戀漀琀栀 昀爀漀渀琀 愀渀搀 爀攀愀爀⸀ 䰀椀最栀琀攀爀 愀渀搀 洀漀爀攀 攀昀昀椀挀椀攀渀琀 琀栀愀渀 攀瘀攀爀 戀攀昀漀爀攀 䘀漀氀氀漀眀椀渀最 琀栀攀 挀漀爀攀 瘀愀氀甀攀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 挀漀洀瀀愀渀礀Ⰰ 渀漀琀 漀渀氀礀 椀猀 琀栀攀 渀攀眀 䰀漀琀甀猀 䔀瘀漀爀愀 㐀 渀漀眀 昀愀猀琀攀爀 琀栀愀渀 琀栀攀 瀀爀攀瘀椀漀甀猀 洀漀搀攀氀Ⰰ 椀琀 椀猀 愀氀猀漀 ㈀㈀ 欀最 氀椀最栀琀攀爀Ⰰ 愀挀栀椀攀瘀攀搀 琀栀爀漀甀最栀 挀愀爀攀昀甀氀 愀渀搀 挀氀攀瘀攀爀 搀攀猀椀最渀 愀渀搀 愀琀琀攀渀琀椀漀渀 琀漀 搀攀琀愀椀氀⸀ 䐀漀渀✀琀 洀椀猀猀 礀漀甀爀 挀栀愀渀挀攀Ⰰ 瀀爀攀ⴀ漀爀搀攀爀 渀漀眀 吀栀攀 渀攀眀 㐀 眀椀氀氀 戀攀 漀渀 猀愀氀攀 猀漀漀渀 猀漀 爀攀猀攀爀瘀攀 礀漀甀爀 猀瀀漀琀 渀漀眀℀ 倀氀攀愀猀攀 挀漀渀琀愀挀琀 䰀漀琀甀猀 漀昀 䐀攀渀瘀攀爀 琀漀 爀攀最椀猀琀攀爀 礀漀甀爀 椀渀琀攀爀攀猀琀⸀ 圀攀 挀愀渀 最甀愀爀愀渀琀攀攀 戀甀椀氀搀 猀瀀漀琀猀 琀漀搀愀礀℀ 䰀伀吀唀匀 漀昀 䐀䔀一嘀䔀刀 㐀㠀 䔀 䌀漀甀渀琀礀 䰀椀渀攀 刀漀愀搀Ⰰ 䠀椀最栀氀愀渀搀猀 刀愀渀挀栀Ⰰ 䌀伀 㠀 ㈀㘀 吀攀氀 ㌀ ㌀⸀㜀㌀ ⸀㜀㌀㐀 眀眀眀⸀氀漀琀甀猀漀昀搀攀渀瘀攀爀⸀挀漀洀 MARCH 2016 35
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