01 clima parameters 2015 E - Università Iuav di Venezia
01 clima parameters 2015 E - Università Iuav di Venezia
Climate and climatic parameters Università IUAV di Venezia, Environmental Building Physics– Introduction to sustainability Integrated Studio 1 – Master Degree in Architecture and Innovation The climate in a site is defined by the long-term behaviours (20-30 years) of the atmospheric physical conditions. Climate is pointed out by the statistical analisys of the measured atmospheric parameters: • • • • • • Climate Parameters Solar radiation Air temperature Air humidity Velocity and direction of wind Rain precipitations Clouds and sky covering Fabio Peron Climatic analisys refer to yearly mean temperature, mean temperature of hottest and coldest month, yearly thermal excurtion, mean rain precipitations. Università IUAV - Venezia Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Weather stations Radiation z On Earth surface arrive direct radiation and diffuse radiation. z The sum of direct and diffuse radiation is called global radiation. z The ratio between diffuse and direct radiation depends on sky covering: z z A weather station makes continuous measurements of different aspects of the weather. Weather stations use standard instruments so that their readings can be compared. Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron diretta diffusa •values ~ 1 with overcast sky •values 0,1-0,2 with clear sky. Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Radiation Radiation intensity: cosine law Radiation intensity on a surface, I [W/m2], depend on incidence angle. A= An cos ϑ n Bigger the incidence angle, lower θ the intentensity. I = I n cos ϑ Direct radiation Diffuse radiation A Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Radiation: daily variation Acos θ Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Radiation on a surface yearly variation 800 solistizio estiv o - 21 giugno 2 radiazione su superficie orizzontale [W/m ] 700 equinozi - 23 m arzo, 21 settem bre solistizio inv ernale - 21 dicem bre 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 ore del giorno Sea level, mild latitude, North Emisphere Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Facing South, 45°N Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Radiation on a surface yearly variation Temperature Temperature is recorded using thermometers housed inside a screened envelope. The sensor for the temperature is a thermoresistence, for the humidity is a capacity. Shielded Capacitive hygrometer and thermometer Various orientations, 45°N Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Daily temperature variation Mechanical thermometer and hygrometer Daily temperature variation The maximum intensity of solar rays peaks around noon but the daily high temperature is usually observed later in the afternoon. So why the discrepancy? Earth's surface temperature is a balance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing terrestrial radiation. Peak temperature lags after peak incoming solar energy because earth continues to warm until infrared radiation exceeds incoming solar energy. Temperature variation is a consequence of solar radiation variation. Maximum of temperature presents with a log of 2-4 hour depending on the season respect to the maximum of radiation intensity (noon). The minimum temperature presents at the end of the night caused by the nocturnal radiation of Earth. Sky covering can modify the Sun radiation and Earth irradiation levels and temperature variations. The highest temperature reading usually occurs between 3 – 5 P.M. local time. Orographic effect can play a role in max temp. Air Temperature rises Air Temperature falls Daily temperature variation Daily temperature variation Just how warm the air heats up depend on: • Type of soil – Sand is a poor conductor of heat which helps to heat the atmosphere even further • Moisture Content – More energy is used to evaporate the water and less is being used to heat the atmosphere • Vegetation cover – Forest Canopy versus corn field versus open grass field • Humidity – Along with haze and cloudiness tends to lower maximum temperature by preventing some of the sun’s rays from reaching the ground Yearly temperature variation 35 30 summer T°C Media 25 T°C Max T°C Min 20 temperatura [°C] Daily temperature variation 15 10 5 0 winter -5 Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu Lug Ago Set Ott Nov Dic mese dell'anno Yearly temperature variation for Venice (Marco Polo Airport 1988) Air humidity Daily air humidity and temperature Water vapour enters in the atmosphere by evaporation from water masses (lakes, oceans, 25 90 seas rivers) and vegetation 80 Exists a limit concentration of water in air. It 20 depends by temperature and is called saturation, umidità relativa [%] over it vapour start to condensate (saturation pressure, ps). Humidity content of water in the air is described by the Relative Humidity RH, is the ratio (usually 15 60 50 percentage) between vapour pressure Pv and the saturation vapour pressure at the describe how far the vapour is from condensation: UR 100% means saturation UR 0% means completely dry air. 10 umidità relativa same 40 temperature. It temperatura [°C] 70 RH = ϕ = pv ps temperatura 30 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 ore del giorno T Precipitations Precipitations Florence: mean monthly data z z z z z Rainfall, snow, hail and fog. Rainfall is measured in a raingauge. Some rain-gauges record rainfall automatically whilst others are emptied everyday by an observer The amount of precipitations is expressed in water mm 1 mm of water is equivalent to 1 liter of water on 1 m2. Susa Valley: the passage of a front in 2000 Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Wind z Direction and strength of the wind are both measured z A wind vane measures direction z An anemometer records strength z Wind strength can also be measured using the Beaufort Scale z Wind velocity varies quickly in time. Mean values are needed. Wind Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Wind rose and wind names Wind roses Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Wind regions - Mean velocity and direction Wind: Beaufort Scale Gradi Beaufort km/h Denominazione del vento Descrizione calma il fumo si alza verticalmente - 1 1-5 bava di vento debole deriva di fumo 0,1 2 6-11 brezza leggera le foglie stormiscono 0,3 3 12-19 brezza tesa le foglie e i piccoli rami si muovono continuamente 1,0 4 20-28 vento moderato si muovono i rami, si solleva la carta e la polvere 1,5 5 29-38 vento teso incominciano ad oscillare i piccoli alberi 2,5 6 39-49 vento fresco si muovono i grossi rami, i fili metallici sibilano 4,0 7 50-61 vento forte si muovono i grossi alberi, difficoltà a camminare controvento 5,5 8 62-74 burrasca si rompono i rami degli alberi 7,5 9 75-88 burrasca forte i fabbricati possono subire qualche danno 10,0 10 89-102 tempesta gli alberi vengono sradicati, danni considerevoli ai fabbricati 12,5 11 103-117 tempesta violenta danni generali 16,0 12 118-133 uragano danni ingentissimi - 0 Altezza delle onde in metri Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron z z z z Ancona Aosta Bari Bologna Bolzano Cagliari Firenze Genova Milano Napoli Palermo Reggio Calabria Roma Salerno Torino Venezia Verona Italian wind regions Altitudine (m) 16 583 5 54 262 4 40 19 122 17 14 15 20 4 239 1 59 Zona di vento 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 Velocità media (m/s) 3 2,6 3,5 1,6 0,9 4,0 1,4 3,8 1,1 2,3 3,6 3,8 2,6 1,8 0,8 2,6 0,9 Direzione prevalente W N W SW S NW NE NE SW NE SW N SW SW NE NE E Standard UNI 10349 Sky covering Pressure z Città o Località CIE Skies Pressure is the weight of the atmosphere When air rises pressure falls When air sinks pressure increases Pressure controls the type of weather Barometers and barographs record pressure Clear sky Overcast sky The cloud cover of a given site has appreciable impact on the quantity and quality of light and thermal radiation from the sun and the sky. In Italy we do not collect a lot of information about . Ideally the cloudiness is described by the number of eighths of sky covered. In the absence of such data it is possible to deduce the presence of clouds from the Sunshine Relative Index ratio between hours of clear sky and daytime. Università IUAV Environmental Building Physics – prof. Fabio Peron Climatic parameter: winter external design temperature Climatic parameter: Mounthly mean day Is defined as the temperature with a cumulative frequency of 99% for light buildings and 97,5% for heavy buildings. te isn’t the absolute minimum temperature, neither the mean winter temperature in the site. Using the first in the HVAC system design give an extrasizing, the second an undersizing. Climatic parameter: Degrees-day For each month are considered the values of climatic data for each of the 24 hours of a day and are done the means for each hour. Climatic parameter: Degrees-day The degrees-day for a site are calculated as the sum of the differences between the internal temperature ta (assumed 19°C) and the external mean temperature tem in each day of the heating period. This is defined as the period in which the external mean temperature is under 12°C. f DD = ∑ (t a − t em ) i The degrees-day are proportional to the energy dispertions of a building in a site. The DD are connected to the differences between internal and exernal temperature and to the extention of winter season. Degrees-day for Milano, Napoli Degrees-day and climatic zones The italian territory is divided in climatic zones using the DD: Zona A: numero di gradi-giorno non superiore a 600; Zona B: numero di gradi-giorno maggiore di 600 e non superiore a 900; Zona C: numero di gradi-giorno maggiore di 900 e non superiore a 1.400; Zona D: numero di gradi-giorno maggiore di 1.400 e non superiore a 2.100; Zona E: numero di gradi-giorno maggiore di 2.100 e non superiore a 3.000; Zona F: numero di gradi-giorno maggiore di 3.000. Degrees-day and climatic zones Prov. Zona GG Alt. Comune VE E 2383 3 CAMPAGNA LUPIA VE E 2429 3 CAMPOLONGO MAGGIORE VE E 2432 4 CAMPONOGARA VE E 2649 1 CAORLE VE E 2313 4 CAVARZERE VE E 2313 2 CHIOGGIA VE E 2649 5 CONCORDIA SAGITTARIA VE E 2467 7 DOLO VE E 2348 2 ERACLEA VE E 2467 9 FIESSO D'ARTICO VE E 2348 5 FOSSALTA DI PIAVE VE E 2649 8 FOSSALTA DI PORTOGRUARO VE E 2432 7 FOSSO’ VE E 2345 2 IESOLO VE E 2541 4 MARCON 2453 12 VE E MARTELLAGO VE E 2447 4 MEOLO VE E 2541 6 MIRA VE E 2541 9 MIRANO VE E 2348 4 MUSILE DI PIAVE VE E 2527 18 NOALE VE E 2349 3 NOVENTA DI PIAVE VE E 2649 5 PORTOGRUARO VE E 2649 11 PRAMAGGIORE VE E 2541 4 QUARTO D'ALTINO VE E 2635 10 SALZANO VE E 2348 3 S.DONÀ DI PIAVE DRP 412/99 For detailed energy analysis are needed temperature, radiation, wind velocity for each hour of a year. These are obtained by statistical analysis of long period data. A part of a Test Reference Year is reported in the following: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20,9 20,9 20,6 20,0 19,3 18,7 19,2 23,6 25,8 28,0 29,6 30,6 90 91 92 94 96 98 98 83 69 64 57 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 373 468 566 602 Zona A: numero di gradi-giorno non superiore a 600; Zona B: numero di gradi-giorno maggiore di 600 e non superiore a 900; Zona C: numero di gradi-giorno maggiore di 900 e non superiore a 1.400; Zona D: numero di gradi-giorno maggiore di 1.400 e non superiore a 2.100; Zona E: numero di gradi-giorno maggiore di 2.100 e non superiore a 3.000; Zona F: numero di gradi-giorno maggiore di 3.000. Climatic data sources TRY (Test Reference Year) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The italian territory is divided in climatic zones using the DD: 0 0 0 0 0 1 46 130 199 267 287 315 20 360 20 0 0 0 0 290 290 270 270 180 2,1 1,5 0,5 0 0 0 0 1,5 3,1 2,6 1,5 2,6 Università IUAV Corso di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale – prof. Fabio Peron • Norma UNI 10349 • Dati climatici per la progettazione edile ed impiantistica - CNR PFE. • Profilo climatico d’Italia - ENEA • Dati “De Giorgio” - Politecnico di Milano • Handbook of Foundamental - ASHRAE • NREL DOE Dati meteo per Energy+: http:/www.nrel.gov • MeteoNorm - WMO: http://www.meteotest.ch/ • Satel-light: http://www.satel-light.com/ • National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration: http://www.noaa.gov/ • ARPA veneto: http://www.arpa.veneto.it/ • Società Italiana Meteorologia: http://www.nimbus.it MENNELLA, C., - Il clima d'Italia nelle sue caratteristiche e varietà e quale fattore dinamico del paesaggio, vol. I e vol. II. Università IUAV Corso di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale – prof. Fabio Peron Climatic data for design: standard UNI 10349 Climatic data for design - ENEA Mean hourly data for 738 sites in Italy: • Mean monthly temperature • Mean monthly vapour pressure • Daily solar radiation on horizontal and vertical planes. • Mean yearly direction wind velocity and • Maximum temperature and maximum variation during summer Università IUAV Corso di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale – prof. Fabio Peron Climatic data for design - CNR PFE • Minimum, maximum and mean air temperature • Solar radiation • Wind direction and velocity • Number of raining days • Sky cover • Minimum, maximum and mean air relative humidity Università IUAV Corso di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale – prof. Fabio Peron ASHRAE Handbook of Foundamentals • Data and diagrams • Rain precipitations • Mean temperature • Mean monthly days • Hourly Radiation Sintetic data around the world Università IUAV Corso di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale – prof. Fabio Peron Università IUAV Corso di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale – prof. Fabio Peron Climatic data for design - METEONORM World meteorological database from Switzerland: www.meteonorm.com Climatic data for design - PVGIS World meteorological data: http://iamest.jrc.it/pvgis/pv/index.htm Università IUAV Corso di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale – prof. Fabio Peron Climatic data for design – Energy Plus Weather Università IUAV Corso di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale – prof. Fabio Peron References World meteorological data: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/weatherdata_about.cfm; Università IUAV Corso di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale – prof. Fabio Peron Università IUAV Corso di Fisica Tecnica Ambientale – prof. Fabio Peron