HP1200/1000/3300 series/FX8
HP1200/1000/3300 series/FX8
imaging system HP1200/1000/3300 series/FX8 (C7115A/X) HP LaserJet® 1000 HP LaserJet® 1005W HP LaserJet® 1200 HP LaserJet® 1200SE HP LaserJet® 1200N HP LaserJet® 1220 HP LaserJet® 1220SE HP Laserjet® 3300MFP HP Laserjet® 3310 Digital HP Laserjet® 3320MFP HP Laserjet® 3330MFP HP Laserjet® 3380MFP Canon® Fax L400 Canon® Faxphone L170 Canon® Laserclass 510 New! Odyssey ® Engine Overview The HP LaserJet® 1200 printer and 1220 printer/copier/scanner were introduced in April 2001 as replacements for the popular LaserJet® 1100/1100a, and included a number of features considered innovative at the time of release. For example, unlike the top-loading HP1100, the toner cartridge installed into the front of the machines, making them ideal for desktop use. The instant-on fuser allowed for a first-page-out time of less than 10 seconds, and their print speed of 15 ppm was nearly double that of the HP1100/1100a. Instead of being gear-driven like their predecessors, the 1200 and 1220 used a more reliable spline drive. Both supported USB and parallel ports and could be connected to two computers at once, had a more powerful processor, and were Macintosh® compatible. In October 2001 HP introduced the LaserJet® 1000, the first laser printer to be priced below $250. Aimed at entrepreneurial businesses, telecommuters and home office users, the 1000 offered professional-quality prints at personal-printer prices, but sacrificed print speed, and connectivity, and was not upgradable. The print speed was reduced from 15 ppm at 1200 dpi for the HP1200 to 10 ppm at 600 dpi, and there was no parallel port. All computers that used the HP1000 had to be IBM® compatible and have an available universal serial bus (USB) port. The same standard toner cartridges (2,500 page yield) were used by both the HP1000 and 1200/1220 printers, however, the high capacity (3,500 page) versions were keyed and could not be used in the 1000. Engine Information Engine Designation Printer Name Canon® EP-25 HP LaserJet® 1000 Printer Date of U.S. Printer Introduction Oct. 2001 Print Speed (pages per minute) 10 ppm Resolution (dots per inch) 600x600 HP LaserJet® 1200/1200n/ 1200Se Printer April 2001 15 ppm HP LaserJet® 1220/1220Se Print/ Copy/Scan April 2001 15 ppm/ 12 copies/min. 1200 print/600 scan 600 (1200 w/RET) HP 3300/ 3310/3320 3330/3380 September 2003 15ppm 1200x1200 Supplies Information Cartridge OEM Part Number OEM Rated Page Yield OEM Web MSRP* Wholesale Price* Hewlett-Packard® Hewlett-Packard® Xerox® Standard High Yield C7115A** C7115X** 6R932 2,500 3,500 3,500 $65.00 $82.00 $93.00 $50.00 $61.00 $54.00 **Also used in HP LaserJet 3300 series, 3310 Series, 3320 Series, and 3330 Series printers *Prices as of April 2006 WWW.SCC-INC.COM US/Canada 800.488.2426 International 919.774.3808 193 HP1200/1000/3300 series/FX8 featured products (C7115A/X) 12 mm Mag Roller Insertion/Removal Press HP1150/1200/1300 Seal with Pull Tab Static Control® has released the 12 mm Mag Roller Press which allows remanufactures to safely and securely insert and remove the magnet of qualified 12 mm mag rollers: the HP1000, HP1100, HP1150, HP1200, and AX. Constructed of heavy-duty aluminum, the 12mm mag roller insertion/removal press is designed for non-stop performance in demanding recharging operations. A new rubber liner facilitates the gripping action and reduces the possibility of over clamping which can damage the mag roller sleeve. Predrilled mounting holes make it convenient and easy to secure the press to your work surface. Static Control® engineers have developed a new, patented seal for the HP1200 with increased rigidity for a simple one-step installation process. The tear away tab provides a built-in tool to make installation quick and easy while creating less waste than standard stabilizers. The stable base material makes accurate placement a snap. Newly discovered adhesive with excellent strength prevents leaking. More importantly, it adheres so completely to the base material that there is no residue left on the cartridge when the seal is removed. With the performance pull ribbon which resists narrowing, this is the seal of choice. HP12SEAL 12MMRPRESS-2 HP1200 Jumbo Empty Hopper Unit End Plates ® Extend the life of your print cartridges with Static Control's sealed jumbo hopper for the HP1150, HP1000, HP1200, HP1300, HP3300 and Canon® Laser Class 510. The empty hopper is beneficial to the remanufacturer, holding 365g of toner, more than double as the original hopper. The hopper includes foam seal, agitator, mag roller sealing blade, felts, foams, a cap ready for installation, and is sealed prior to shipment. Now keyed to work in FX8 applications HP12EMPTY HP1150/1200/1300 Seal w/pull tab 12mm Mag Roller Insertion/Removal Press HP1200 Jumbo Empty Hopper Unit Alignment pins on the end plates and the actuator arms on certain cartridges are susceptible to breakage, rendering your cartridges virtually useless. Now you can replace these broken parts and restore the life of your cartridge with SCC's new line of molded plastic replacements. These sturdy plastic parts are manufactured to closely match the material and color of the OEM cartridge. HP12EPLATE-L HP1100/1200 Cartridge End Plate (left) HP12EPLATE-R HP1100/1200 Cartridge End Plate (right) HP1200 Packaging Static Control® offers a full array of packaging products for the HP1000/1200 cartridge. The professionally illustrated cardboard cartridge boxes are complimented with matching green labels for the box and cartridge to create a coordinated image. HP12BOX HP1000/1200 Cartridge Box HP12INSERT HP1000/1200 Cartridge Box Insert HP12LABEL HP1000/1200 Cartridge Box Label HP12CLABEL HP1000/1200 Cartridge Label FX8LABEL Canon FX8 Cartridge Box Label FX8CLABEL Canon FX8 Cartridge Label 194 US/Canada 800.488.2426 International 919.774.3808 WWW.SCC-INC.COM product wirelines HP1200/1000/3300 series/FX8 (C7115A/X) Contact Side Drive Side Drum Support Plate OPC Drum DRHP12 DRHP12-I PCR VXPCR VXRMPCR Wiper Blade HP1012BLADE-10 Wiper Blade End Foam Wiper Blade End Felt HP12WBEFELT Wiper Blade Sealing Foam Waste Bin Section Shutter Arm Spring Recovery Blade HP12RECBLADE Drum Shutter Waste p r o d u c t Bin w i r eAssembly lines WWW.SCC-INC.COM US/Canada 800.488.2426 International 919.774.3808 195 HP1200/1000/3300 series/FX8 product wirelines (C7115A/X) Contact Side Drive Side Mag Roller Odyssey® HP1200 Mag Roller HP12MDR-OS-5 Odyssey® HP1200 Remanufactured Mag Roller HP12RMFMDR-OS Mag Roller Bushing - Short Electrical Contact Stabilizer Plate HP12MRBUSH-SH Mag Roller Stabilizer Plate Mag Roller Contact & Springs Mag Roller Stabilizer Bearing Doctor Blade HP12DBLADE-10 HP1012DBLADE-10 Cartridge Pin HP12CARTPIN Mag Roller Sealing Foam Mag Roller Bushing - Long HP12MRSFOAM HP12MRSBUSH-L Seal HP12SEAL Mag Roller Drive Gear Mag Roller Sealing Blade HP12MRSBLADE Mag Roller End Felts AXMRFELT Cartridge Pin Drive Gears End Plate HP12EPLATE-L HP12CARTPIN Hopper Cap PCHCAP Toner Hopper Contact your Sales Representative for Toner Information End plate HP12EPLATE-R Toner p r o d u c tHopper w i r e l i n e Assembly s 196 US/Canada 800.488.2426 International 919.774.3808 WWW.SCC-INC.COM product listings HP1200/1000/3300 series/FX8 (C7115A/X) HP1200/1000 SCC Code Call for Competitive Market Quotation Qty. Description Toner SCC Code HP12-150B HP12-150B-MICR 1 1 Cartridge Tools & Kits HP12-225B HP12-225B-MICR 1 1 HP1000/HP1200 Toner, 150g Bottle HP1000/HP1200 SecureRiteā¢ MICR Toner, 150g Bottle HP1000/HP1200 Toner, 225g Bottle HP1000/HP1200 SecureRiteā¢ MICR Toner, 225g Bottle Drums DRHP12 DRHP12-I 1 1 Odyssey® drum with gears for use in HP1200 cartridge Odyssey® inserted drum with gears for use in HP1200 cartridge Qty. 12MMRPRESS-2 1 HP12PRTOOL HP12PRKIT 1 1 HP12PRDBIT 1 FX8CONVJIG-BIT 1 Description 12mm Mag Roller Insertion/Removal Press- AX/HP1012/HP1150/HP1200/1300 HP 1200 Pin Removal Tool HP1200/1300 Pin Removal Kit Includes: Hopper Fixture (1) Pin Removal Tool (1), Drill Bit (1), Drill Fixture (1) HP1200 Pin Removal Drill Kit Bit w/Collet Canon® FX8 Conversion Jig Kit Replacement Bit Blades HP1012DBLADE-10 10 HP12RECBLADE 25 HP12MRSBLADE 25 HP1010/1012/1015 Doctor Blade HP1200/1300 Recovery Blade HP1200/1300 Mag Roller Sealing Blade Mag Rollers HP12MDR-OS-5 HP12RMFMDR-OS HP12MRBUSH-L HP12MRBUSH-SH 5 1 50 50 Odyssey® HP1200/1300 Mag Roller Odyssey® HP1200/1300 Remanufactured Mag Roller HP1200/1300 Mag Roller Bushing - Long HP1200/1300 Mag Roller Bushing - Short 1 1 10 1 1 Cycle Remanufactured HP1200 PCR (flat open end) HP1200 Remanufactured PCR (flat open end) VX New PCR Canon® VX Remanufactured PCR 25 1 25 1 1 1 HP1000/HP1200/ Cartridge Box HP1000/HP1200/ Cartridge Label (100 per roll) HP1000/HP1200/ Cartridge Box Insert HP1000/HP1200/ Cartridge Box Label (100 per roll) Canon® FX8 Cartridge Box Label Canon® FX8 Cartridge Label PCRs 1CHP12RMPCR HP12RMPCR VXPCR VXRMPCR Packaging HP12BOX HP12CLABEL HP12INSERT HP12LABEL FX8LABEL FX8CLABEL Cartridge Parts & Supplies HP12CARTPIN HP12EPLATE-L HP12EPLATE-R HP13MDRISPACE 50 10 10 25 HP12EMPTY FX8DSFIN FX8DSHTR 18 25 5 HP1000, HP1200/1300 Cartridge Pin HP1000/1200/1300 Cartridge End Plate - Left HP1000/1200/1300 Cartridge End Plate - Right Internal mag roller spacer for use in HP1200/1300 cartridge HP1200 Empty Hopper Canon® FX8 Drum Shutter Fin Canon® FX8 Drum Shutter Sealing Systems - Equipment, Kits & Supplies HP12WBEFELT AXMRFELT HP12MRSFOAM HP12SEAL HP12HJIG PCHCAP HP13CONVIN HP13CONVJIG 100 100 100 50 1 100 1 1 HP13CONVKT-NTL 1 FX8CONVJIGKIT 1 HP1200/1300 Wiper Blade End Felt AX/HP1100/1300 Magnetic Roller Felt HP1200/1300 Mag Roller Sealing Foam HP1000/HP1200/1300 Seal w/Pull Tab Arrow Label HP1000/HP1200/1300 Hopper Jig PC Hopper Cap HP1300 Conversion Insert HP1300 Conversion Jig HP1300 Conversion Jig Kit without Rotozip® Canon® FX8 conversion jig kit (used to convert HP1200 cartridges to Canon® FX8 cartridges) WWW.SCC-INC.COM US/Canada 800.488.2426 International 919.774.3808 197