Pushing the limits of what`s possible.
Pushing the limits of what`s possible.
Pushing the limits of what’s possible. FO R G ET A B O U T L I V I N G O N T H E E D G E . AT I N T EG R A , TEC H N O LO G I E S A N D F E AT U R E S T H AT A R E N ’ T E V E N O N PA P E R AT OT H E R M A N U FAC T U R E R S A R E M A K I N G T H E I R I M PAC T O N T H E EY E S A N D E A R S O F T H E I N T EG R A E N T H U S I A ST. A DVA N C E M E N T S I N I N T EG R AT I O N A N D CO N N EC T I V I T Y A R E R E A F F I R M I N G T H E CO N F I D E N C E A N D CO M M I T M E N T O F O U R D E A L E R S A N D I N T EG R ATO R S . A N D D E S P I T E O U R P O S I T I O N O U R DAY B EG I N S B E YO N D T H E E D G E . Pushing the limits of what’s possible. O F R E S P EC T A N D L E A D E R S H I P I N T H E I N D U ST R Y, T H E M E R E A N T I C I PAT I O N O F P U S H I N G T H E P O S S I B I L I T I E S O F S I G H T A N D SO U N D E V E N F U RT H E R M A K E S U S E AG E R LY AWA I T TO M O R R OW. E X P LO R E T H E P O S S I B I L I T I E S F O R YO U R S E L F. E X P E R I E N C E T H E I N T EG R A L I N E U P C LO S E A N D P E R SO N A L … O R LO G O N TO W W W. I N T EG R A H O M ET H E AT E R . CO M More About Integra Products that stand out begin with features that set us apart. Part of our exacting manufacturing standards, the Integra feature set includes: The premium line of audio video components. WH AT I S I N T EG R A ? HOW D O W E D O T H I S ? O U R M I S S I O N I S U N I Q U E : I N A D D I T I O N TO O U R PA S S I O N W I T H W H AT R E AC H E S YO U R EY E S B U I L D I N G CO M P O N E N T S T H AT H O M E T H E AT E R A N D E A R S B EG I N S I N T H E M I N D S O F O U R P EO P L E . E N T H U S I A ST S LOV E , W E ’ R E A L SO O U T TO WE FIND ENGINEERS AND DESIGNERS WHO ARE D E S I G N A N D C R E AT E CO M P O N E N T S T H AT S ET M O R E T H A N J U ST GO O D AT W H AT T H EY D O — W E N E W STA N DA R D S F O R SY ST E M I N T EG R AT I O N , F I N D T H E FA N AT I C S . T H E N W E P R OV I D E T H E M W I T H U P G R A D E C A PA B I L I T Y A N D M U LT I - ZO N E E X PA N - T H E A B SO L U T E F I N E ST PA RT S A N D M AT E R I A L S , T H E S I O N . SO TO S AY T H AT I N T EG R A I S A P R E M I U M M O ST SO P H I ST I C AT E D T E ST A N D M E A S U R E M E N T A U D I O V I D EO L I N E I S A N U N D E R STAT E M E N T — EQ U I P M E N T AVA I L A B L E A N D I SO 9 0 01 C E RT I F I E D W O R L D - C L A S S CO M P O N E N T S A R E O U R L I V E S . FAC I L I T I E S T H AT A R E S ECO N D TO N O N E . RS-232 PORTS — for integrated system control and access. On some units, this port allows for firmware upgrades and updates. I T D O E S N ’ T STO P T H E R E . FA R F R O M I T. W E B AC K I T A L L W I T H T H E S U P P O RT A N D T EC H N I C A L R E SO U R C E S O F A PA R E N T CO M PA N Y W I T H A N U N PA R A L L E L E D T R AC K R ECO R D O F A U D I O E N G I N E E R I N G E XC E L L E N C E T H AT S PA N S M O R E T H A N H A L F A C E N T U R Y. T H E E N D R E S U LT S A R E A CO M PA N Y A N D A P R O D U C T L I N E T H AT HAS NEVER HAD ANY INTENTION OF BEING THE B I GG E ST. J U ST T H E B E ST. MULTI-ROOM CAPABILITY — for ease of expansion, operation and installation. 12-VOLT TRIGGERS — to allow remote control of screens, amps, lights, etc. A MINIMUM OF 6 CHANNELS ON ALL SURROUND RECEIVERS — means distinct separation of sound, ample power for a range of applications and optimal performance, along with the support of the latest surround formats like DTS-ES and Dolby Digital EX. VLSC (Vector Linear Shaping Circuitry) — to dramatically improve sound quality for all types of music signals, a “vector generator” removes pulse noise and outputs a smooth and noiseless analog signal from digital sources. DETACHABLE HEAVY GAUGE POWER CORDS — to accommodate and simplify custom installation into a wide variety of cabinets and locations. GOLD PLATED INPUT/OUTPUT JACKS — for a cleaner signal path and better connectivity between components. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. The remarkable Net-Tune audio distribution A-BUS lets you integrate your Full dual-zone capability lets you system allows you to “stream” an entire system throughout your home. create mood where atmosphere is collection of music to multiple users on Using the RJ-45 jack, you can add needed and great rhythm where a network. You can also tap into Internet amplified keypads to expand your the action is, all at the same time. radio, share access to stored files and more. system. You can even use your remote control from any room. –4– integra Receiver HEAVY DUTY POWER SUPPLIES AFORM (AUTO FORMAT DETECTION) Optimum performance requires tremendous amounts of A feature found on all Integra surround receivers, AFORM power. That's why each Integra component is built around simplifies the listening experience by detecting the format an enormous, custom-designed power supply. From the of the input source signal and automatically setting the massive, fully-encapsulated toroidal power transformer of predetermined Listening Mode. For example, the receiver our DTR-9.1U2, to the oversized, magnetically-shielded unit senses the PCM bitstream on a music CD and automati- of our DTR-5.3, each Integra component is optimized to cally switches to the STEREO mode. Drop in a DVD and it provide the power you need…and deliver the performance will sense the Dolby Digital bitstream and switch to DD 5.1 you expect. And while many manufacturers use oversized, (for movie soundtracks). low ESR capacitors in the power supplies of high-end models, Integra includes them in our full line of receivers WRAT (WIDE RANGE AMPLIFIER TECHNOLOGY) and amplifiers. An exclusive collection of technologies (that others have tried to duplicate) that combines to reduce distortion while EXTREMELY CLEAN SIGNAL PATHS extending frequency response. Now found on all receivers The design and layout of the circuit boards for Integra in the Integra line, WRAT brings out the true capabilities of components provide the shortest, cleanest path for the advanced audio formats, such as DVD-Audio and SACD. audio signal. This is accomplished with heavy-duty pure copper bus bars in the output stage and power supply. UNPARALLELED VIDEO SWITCHING On the low-Ievel side, we use only the highest-grade With advanced features like professional grade parts—like Fine Gold capacitors and AKM 24-bit DACs, Component Video Switching and Upconversion, your to preserve the integrity of the source signal. Integra receiver is ready for today…and tomorrow. Likewise, the upconversion from Composite to S-video, advantages HAND SELECTED AND MATCHED AUDIOPHILE PARTS Beyond ensuring the cleanest signal paths, Integra also found on all of our surround models, simplifies hook up of your system while providing high quality video delivery. meticulously matches the characteristics of components for overall circuit performance that is flawless. The benefit? A CONFIDENCE IN OUR COMPONENTS sound so pure it truly must be experienced to be believed. Our scientific “no-compromise” approach to component design extends to our extremely rugged build quality, which is backed up by Integra's three-year manufacturer's warranty, one of the best in the industry. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. Every Integra surround receiver is Infrared (IR) capability on Integra Custom controls feature wired with an RS-232 port for robust, components lets you control an entire 12-volt triggers for lowering bi-directional communication to third system or individual components from projection screens, dimming party control systems. anywhere in your home. lights, switching amps on and off and similar tasks. –5– I N T EG R A R EC E I V E R S A R E C A PA B L E O F D ECO D I N G A M U LT I T U D E O F S U R R O U N D F O R M AT S . O F O U R F I V E R EC E I V E R S , T H R E E A R E C A PA B L E O F 7. 1 D ECO D I N G ; T H E OT H E R T W O A R E C A PA B L E O F 6 . 1 D ECO D I N G . N AT U R A L LY, T H EY A R E D E S I G N E D A R O U N D T H E M O ST SO P H I ST I C AT E D S U R R O U N D D ECO D E R S AVA I L A B L E A N D P R OV I D E D ECO D I N G F O R T H E F O L LOW I N G F O R M AT S : I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. Integra pioneered the use of color Part of Integra’s Integra engineering expertise coded speaker jacks. In addition, exquisite control is is applauded by audiophiles detachable power cords make set- the way dials are logical, and enthusiasts everywhere; it’s up and custom installations easier. and logically presented. evident in interior environments of every component. –6– THX SURROUND EX 7.1 DOLBY DIGITAL EX 6.1 DTS 96/24 Originally developed by THX for movie theaters, this Home theater realism reaches new heights with the While DVD-Video has in the past been limited to surround format enhanced the 5.1 channel surround creation of Dolby Digital EX. By adding a matrix-encoded delivering 96 kHz, 24-bit sound in two-channels, sound by decoding two additional surround back surround back channel derived from the existing Digital Theater Systems (DTS) now offers DTS 96/24, channels. The benefit of this is immediately evident. discrete left and right surround channels, the lack of the first format to allow 96/24 technology for 5.1 Sound can now be positioned directly behind you, rear surround in 5.1 channel is eliminated. The result— channel surround sound along with full-motion video creating a more realistic 360º envelopment of sound. a fuller 360º experience is created…even from 5.1- on a DVD-Video disk. The sound quality of DTS audio Fly-overs, drive-bys and other dramatic panning effects channel DVD releases. Best results are obtained when rivals that of DVD-Audio, delivering spacious high- can now be experienced with more accuracy and much Dolby Digital EX Processing is used with movie sound- resolution sound quality. Since the 96/24 audio format greater impact. tracks encoded with Dolby Digital EX. can be encoded in the video zone of DVD-Audio discs, Digital Surround Formats DTS-ES 6.1 DOLBY PROLOGIC II it does not require a separate DVD-Audio player. The A surround format developed by DTS, this algorithm The latest format from Dolby, this is an improvement on sound quality is transparent to the original 96/24 master decodes a discrete mono surround back channel, which the original ProLogic standard. ProLogic II provides and it’s fully backward compatible with all existing DTS provides benefits similar to that of THX Surround EX. full-range stereo surround channels, rather than a decoders, providing a 48 kHz signal output. The main difference is that the single surround back frequency limited mono channel for surround. This channel is discrete—meaning it can be the sole sound provides a quasi-5.1 system for enhancing the quality source, as opposed to the matrixed Surround EX format. of two channel audio sources such as videotapes and Additionally, the source material must be encoded with cable TV broadcasts. Movie and Music modes deliver this surround back channel signal. the best possible sound when watching movies or listening to music CDs. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. I N T E G R A H I G H L I G H T S : Q U A L I T Y, F E AT U R E S A N D T E C H N O L O G Y. Heavy-gauge, high-current-capacity Over-size capacitors Fine Gold audio capacitors, cords enhance power-supply give Integra greater standard on Integra receivers and stability. Power moves effortlessly power reserves. amplifiers, are the finest known. from wall receptacles to Integra components. –7– DTR-9.1U2 7.1 Channel THX Surround EX Receiver NO - C O M P R O M I S E S . N O C O M P E T I T I O N . T H E R E I S N O H O M E T H E AT E R R E C E I V E R M A D E A N Y W H E R E … B Y A N Y O N E … T H AT C A N M AT C H T H I S U N I T ' S P E R F O R M A N C E Q U A L I T Y. W I T H P R O F E S S I O N A L G R A D E V I D E O S W I T C H I N G –8– N O - CO M P R O M I S E S . N O CO M P ET I T I O N . This incredible component is THX Ultra2 certified and As remarkable as the video is, it's the DTR-9.1U2's audio outfitted with THX Surround EX, DTS-ES, DTS 96/24, Dolby performance that clearly puts it in a class all its own. The Digital EX, ProLogic II and even DTS Neo-6. It also includes an resolution is nothing short of extraordinary, thanks to the AKM M A D E A N Y W H E R E … BY A N YO N E … T H AT expansion port for future upgrades, an RS-232 port for 192kHz/24-bit digital to analog converters for all eight C A N M ATC H T H I S U N I T ' S P E R F O R M A N C E control and powerful flash memory that can be updated channels. These state of the art DACs, the same used by many anytime with a new surround format, making this the ideal esoteric manufacturers, also deliver astoundingly wide soul for your home theater now…and in the future. dynamic range – up to 120 dB – wider than any receiver we T H E R E I S N O H O M E T H E AT E R R EC E I V E R Q UA L I T Y. W I T H P R O F E S S I O N A L G R A D E V I D EO S W I TC H I N G A N D T H E F L E X I B I L I T Y TO G R OW W I T H YO U R N E E D S , T H E R E While other receivers offer video switching, very few can switch component video signals, and even fewer provide know of. And they allow you to digitally upsample conventional 44.1kHz/48kHz signals to 96kHz/24-bit resolution. component video switching for three devices. The DTR-9.1U2 The DTR-9.1U2 also boasts exclusive linear optimum- I S B A S I C A L LY O N LY O N E C H O I C E F O R goes a step further to give you an option no other receiver gain volume circuitry to give you a signal-to-noise ratio that A H O M E T H E AT E R C E N T E R P I EC E T H AT gives you – professional grade video switching that has suffi- exceeds 100 dB – a refinement that helps deliver a purity of cient bandwidth – up to 50MHz – to ensure loss-free routing sound that other receivers simply cannot touch. O U T P E R F O R M S A L L OT H E R S – of images from progressive-scan DVD and HDTV sources. T H E DT R - 9 . 1 U 2 . Feature-for-feature, spec-for-spec, the DTR-9.1U2 truly stands alone. A N D T H E F L E X I B I L I T Y T O G R O W W I T H Y O U R N E E D S , T H E R E I S B A S I C A L LY O N LY O N E C H O I C E F O R A H O M E T H E A T E R C E N T E R P I E C E T H A T O U T P E R F O R M S A L L O T H E R S – T H E D T R - 9 . 1 U 2 –9– DTR-8.3 7.1 Channel Net-Tune Ready THX Select Receiver B U I LT TO TH E SAM E EX ACTI NG P ER FOR MANCE STAN DAR DS, AN D I N FACT, SHAR I NG MANY OF TH E SP ECS OF TH E DTR-9.1U2, I NTEGR A P ROU DLY OF F ER S TH E DTR-8.3. AS A R ESU LT, TH E F EATU R E PACK AGE OF TH I S U N IT C AN B E SU M M ED U P I N – 10 – B U I LT TO T H E S A M E E X AC T I N G Besides the professional grade video switching – up to information on this ground-breaking system, please see page 60MHz for HDTV and progressive DVD capabilities – the 30. The unit’s RS-232 port allows connection to a whole DTR-8.3 features multi-zone system expansion capability. On house control system. The DTR-8.3 also comes with our new FAC T, S H A R I N G M A N Y O F T H E S P EC S the video side, you’ll find a 3-line comb filter for composite to Custom Home Automation Device–or CHAD–a programmable, O F T H E DT R - 9 . 1 U 2 , I N T EG R A P R O U D LY S-video conversion and component video “upconversion” IR/RF touch-screen LCD remote, that provides comprehensive – which converts composite and S-video to component – just control of the receiver and the entire system. P E R F O R M A N C E STA N DA R D S , A N D I N O F F E R S T H E DT R - 8 . 3 . A S A R E S U LT, T H E F E AT U R E PAC K AG E O F T H I S U N I T CAN BE SUMMED UP IN ONE WORD: AMAZING. for starters. Add THX Select certification, THX Surround EX, By using the same circuit design and construction that DTS-ES, Dolby Digital EX, DTS-96/24, Dolby ProLogic II and make the DTR-9.1U2 such a tremendous performer, we’ve even DTS Neo-6 decoding, and you’re still only getting a taste ensured that the sound quality is nothing short of spectacular of what it has to offer. by including Optimum Gain Volume Control, heavy duty System expansion and flexible control are two areas power supplies, high density filtering capacitors, hand- where the DTR-8.3 really shines. The unit offers three different matched components and absolute ground circuitry through methods for dual zone operation: Powered Zone 2 uses the the use of pure copper busses and shorting bars and high- unit's internal amps to drive speakers in another room. Line resolution 192kHz/24-bit DACs. Level Out and a 12V trigger let you use an external amp to Finally, convenience and ease of use have not been drive the Second Zone. And Net-Tune, a revolutionary system sacrificed—despite the powerful capabilities. For a home theater that allows you to connect your receiver(s) to the NAS-2.3 centerpiece with the flexibility to grow with your needs, to “stream” audio from a music server. For more detailed choose the DTR-8.3…and you’ll never be disappointed. ONE WORD: AMAZING. BESIDES THE PROFESSIONAL GRADE VIDEO SWITCHING – UP TO 60MHZ FOR HDTV AND PROGRESSIVE DVD CAPABILITIES – THE DTR-8.3 FEATURES MULTI-ZONE SYSTEM EXPANSION CAPABILITY. – 11 – DTR-7.3 7.1 Channel Net-Tune Ready THX Select Receiver I N ADDITION TO TH E B U I LT-I N DOLBY DIGITAL EX AN D DTS-ES DECODI NG, TH E DTR-7.3 P ROVI DES DOLBY P ROLOGIC I I, DTS N EO -6, AN D EVEN DTS 96/24 DECODI NG; AS WELL AS TH E L ATEST THX SU R ROU N D EX DECODI NG. IT ALSO P ROVI DES – 12 – WH ET H E R YO U ’ R E STA RT I N G O U T … OR UPGRADING AN EXISTING SYSTEM, The receiver you choose as the heart of your system The DTR-7.3 also introduces a variety of features should be capable of full-bandwidth power, decoding the unheard of at its price range, most notably our Net-Tune latest surround algorithms, versatile digital processing and audio distribution system, Powered Zone 2, and VLSC. A GO O D , SO L I D F O U N DAT I O N I S comprehensive connectivity. And it should not become Net-Tune is a revolutionary system that allows you to connect E S S E N T I A L TO A Q UA L I T Y H O M E obsolete in six months. your receiver(s) to the NAS-2.3 to “stream” audio from a T H E AT E R . Well, here it is. In addition to the built-in Dolby Digital EX music server. For more detailed information on this ground- and DTS-ES decoding, the DTR-7.3 provides Dolby ProLogic II, breaking system, please see page 30. Along with color-coded DTS Neo-6, and even DTS 96/24 decoding; as well as the speaker terminals, these are just a few of its many system latest THX Surround EX decoding. It also provides seven integration features that make it a custom installation dream. channels of amplification, so you can immediately enjoy the You’ll also find line level outputs and a 12V trigger for a benefits of DTS-ES Discrete or THX Surround EX without having second zone amplifier, a bi-directional RS-232 port for use to purchase or hook up an additional amplifier. Another with touchscreen control systems and an infrared sensor important advantage, THX Select Certification, means that input so you can control the unit from another room. Two when other A/V receivers would start to feel the strain, the assignable 12-volt triggers can activate amplifiers, dim the DTR-7.3 kicks into high gear to match the pace of the action. lights, drop a screen or close the drapes. And to simplify The THX Certification is your guarantee that the DTR-7.3 was system connections, the DTR-7.3 also features an integral Y/C designed and built to deliver. separator to convert composite video to S-video. SEVEN CHAN N ELS OF AM P LI F IC ATION, SO YOU C AN I M M EDIATELY EN JOY TH E B EN EF ITS OF DTS-ES DI SCR ETE OR THX SU R ROU N D EX WITHOUT HAVI NG TO P U RCHASE OR HOOK U P AN ADDITIONAL AM P LI F I ER. – 13 – DTR-6.3 6.1 Channel A-BUS Ready Home Theater Receiver TRULY WORLD CLASS IN TERMS OF FEATURES, PERFORMANCE, CONNECTIVITY AND VALUE, THE DTR-6.3 IS DESTINED TO BE A BESTSELLER. OF COURSE THE DTR-6.3 GIVES YOU ALL THE PRECISION, PERFORMANCE AND CONTROL YOU EXPECT FROM – 14 – TR U LY W O R L D C L A S S I N T E R M S O F Besides its handsomely sculpted front panel accented Discrete and Dolby ProLogic II decoding built in to ensure that with high-grade aluminum, and its comprehensive remote, you'll be able to enjoy a true home theater experience from a the DTR-6.3 offers powerful performance, incredible conven- multitude of sources. The DTR-6.3 features AFORM, an exclusive T I V I T Y A N D VA L U E , T H E DT R - 6 . 3 I S ience and top quality construction, traits not normally found feature that allows the unit to auto-detect the input signal D E ST I N E D TO B E A B E ST S E L L E R . in receivers at even twice the price. The DTR-6.3 shares many format and automatically switch to a pre-assigned listening of the attributes of its larger brethren, such as 6 channels of mode. It doesn’t stop there — the DTR-6.3 also gives you an amplification, Wide Range Amplifier Technology to maximize A-BUS port for a second zone, variable subwoofer crossover, signal accuracy and deliver higher instantaneous current, 5.1 channel input for DVD-Audio/SACD, rear IR input & output, high-purity copper ground plates for better, more precise 6.1 channel pre-out, color-coded speaker terminals and an signal transfer and audiophile-grade Fine Gold coupling On-Screen Display. Three 12V triggers include two program- capacitors to help maintain signal purity. More features mable and one for Zone 2. There’s even a line output and include the latest 192kHz/24-bit DACs for left and right powered output for Zone 2. And as if that's not enough, the channels to deliver the highest possible fidelity and band- DTR-6.3 also features an RS-232 port for integration with a width from high-resolution sources, top-notch output devices whole and high-grade extruded aluminum heat sinks to reduce heat programmed remote control for easy system control. F E AT U R E S , P E R F O R M A N C E , CO N N EC - house control system and a learning/pre- Add it all up, and you’ve got a receiver that gives you and improve unit reliability. The DTR-6.3 also provides the latest in surround decoding much more than you’d expect…for way less than you’d imagine. and digital signal processing with Dolby Digital EX, DTS-ES I NTEGR A—LI KE SIX DI SCR ETE CHAN N ELS OF P U R E, CLEAN, WI DE R ANGE POWER, 192KHZ/24-B IT DACS FOR LEF T AN D R IGHT CHAN N ELS, DOLBY DIGITAL EX, DTS-ES DI SCR ETE AN D DOLBY P ROLOGIC I I DECODI NG. – 15 – DTR-5.3 6.1 Channel A-BUS ready Home Theater Receiver UNLIKE TYPICAL ENTRY-LEVEL RECEIVERS, THE DTR-5.3 HAS MORE IN COMMON WITH HIGHER END (AND HIGHER PRICED) HOME THEATER RECEIVERS. IN SHORT, IT’S ANYTHING BUT TYPICAL. NOR IS IT SHORT ON FEATURES. BESIDES ITS HANDSOMELY – 16 – U N L I K E T Y P I C A L E N T R Y- L E V E L Of course the DTR-5.3 gives you all the precision, 12V triggers to control auxillary equipment and a Y/C sepa- performance and control you expect from Integra—like six rator that converts a composite signal to an S-video signal to discrete channels of pure, clean, wide range power, simplify the connection of all your video sources. And color- M O R E I N CO M M O N W I T H 192kHz/24-bit DACs for left and right channels, Dolby Digital coded speaker terminals add further to the convenience. HIGHER END (AND HIGHER PRICED) EX, DTS-ES Discrete and Dolby ProLogic II decoding and our For easy operation, the DTR-5.3 features AFORM, an exclusive WRAT (Wide Range Amplifier Technology). But that’s exclusive feature that automatically senses the input signal R EC E I V E R S , T H E DT R - 5 . 3 H A S H O M E T H E AT E R R EC E I V E R S . just the beginning. You also get a 5.1 multi-channel input for format and selects the listening mode settings you chose for I N S H O RT, I T ’ S A N Y T H I N G DVD-Audio/SACD, two professional grade component video that format. It also features a comprehensive learning/pre- B U T T Y P I C A L . N O R I S I T S H O RT inputs for HDTV or progressive DVDs, an A-BUS port for a programmed backlit remote control. second zone, bi-directional RS-232 port, rear IR input & O N F E AT U R E S . output and variable subwoofer crossover. Two programmable SCULPTED FRONT PANEL ACCENTED WITH HIGH- GRADE ALUMINUM, AND ITS COMPREHENSIVE REMOTE, THE DTR-5.3 OFFERS POWERFUL PERFORMANCE, INCREDIBLE CONVENIENCE AND TOP QUALITY CONSTRUCTION. – 17 – DTM-5.3 2-Source A-BUS Ready Stereo Receiver W I T H 3 - ZO N E A N D 2 - SO U R C E C A PA B I L I T Y, T H E DT M - 5 . 3 ST E R EO R EC E I V E R D E L I V E R S 130 C R I S P WAT T S P E R C H A N N E L A N D 30 A M / F M P R E S ET S , J U ST F O R STA RT E R S . YO U ’ L L A L SO F I N D A DVA N C E D F E AT U R E S L I K E A N A - B U S O U T P U T F O R A – 18 – LOT S O F U N E X P EC T E D E X T R A S A R E PAC K E D I N TO T H I S R E M A R K A B LY With 3-zone and 2-source capability, the DTM-5.3 stereo receiver delivers 130 crisp watts per channel and 30 AM/FM presets, just for starters. You’ll also find advanced features V E R S AT I L E , M U LT I - R O O M C A PA B L E , like an A-BUS output for a second zone, our unique WRAT T W O - C H A N N E L R EC E I V E R T H AT ’ S (Wide Range Amplifier Technology), Zone 2 rear IR input & output, 9 assignable IR code sets, direct access tuning, I D E A L F O R A N Y A R E A O F YO U R H O M E W H E R E YO U WA N T S U P E R B SO U N D P E R F O R M A N C E . subwoofer output and much more. There’s also composite video switching, along with 12V trigger output for Zone 2 and 12V trigger input for remote turn-on. And while only some receivers are able to drive 4-ohm speakers, we know of none that do it quite this well. You’ll be amazed by the capabilities of this receiver—even more so once you hear its amazingly affordable price. SECON D ZON E, OU R U N IQU E WR AT (WI DE R ANGE AM P LI F I ER TECH NOLOGY), ZON E 2 R EAR I R I N P UT & OUTP UT, 9 ASSIGNAB LE I R CODE SETS, DI R ECT ACCESS TU N I NG, SU BWOOF ER OUTP UT AN D M UCH MOR E. – 19 – TH E F U T U R E O F F I D E L I T Y TO P U T I T M I L D LY, T H E DV D - A U D I O C A PA B I L I T I E S O F I N T EG R A ' S D P S - 8 . 3 A N D D P S - 7. 3 SO N I C A L LY B LOW AWAY T H E O L D E R C D F O R M AT. I T ' S T H E C LO S E ST T H I N G TO T R U LY P U R E SO U N D T H AT YO U C A N H E A R A N Y W H E R E TO DAY. A M U LT I C H A N N E L DV D - A U D I O D I SC C A N O U T P U T N E A R LY T E N T I M E S A S M A N Y B I T S P E R S ECO N D A S T H E S A M E T W O - C H A N N E L R ECO R D I N G STO R E D O N A T R A D I T I O N A L C D . T H AT ' S A LOT O F SO N I C I N F O R M AT I O N . DV D - A U D I O A L SO B OA ST S A F R EQ U E N C Y R AT E O F 19 2 , 0 0 0 S A M P L E S P E R S ECO N D — 4 . 3 T I M E S G R E AT E R T H A N A N A U D I O C D — TO G I V E YO U 256 T I M E S T H E R E SO L U T I O N , W H I C H I S Y ET A N OT H E R D R E A M CO M E T R U E F O R A U D I O P H I L E S . T H E D P S - 8 . 3 TA K E S T H I S O N E ST E P F U RT H E R BY A D D I N G M U LT I - C H A N N E L S AC D P L AY B AC K C A PA B I L I T Y. F I N A L LY, A DV D P L AY E R T H AT D O E S N ’ T Integra DVD The Premium Line of DVD Home Theater Components – 20 – F O R C E YO U TO C H O O S E B ET W E E N H I G H - R E SO L U - THX ULTRA CERTIFIED To earn the right to carry the THX logo, Integra's DPS-8.3 and DPS-7.3 VLSC – had to pass numerous video tests employed by the world's most VECTOR LINEAR SHAPING CIRCUITRY R E A D O N F O R A F U RT H E R TA ST E O F T H E F E AT U R E S prestigious engineers. These included luminance frequency response, Conventional analog filters reduce T H AT S ET I N T EG R A DV D A PA RT. linearity, chroma delay, generated multiburst signal level, chroma digital noise at the D/A conversion stage, differential gain, differential phase, and chroma level. Also tested was but are unable to remove it. Integra’s VLSC uses the ability of each player to deliver constant brightness over the entire a vector generator to output a smooth and noiseless screen. The THX engineers' stringent audio tests checked distortion, signal. The result: a purer analog reproduction of the noise, frequency response, digital-to-analog converter performance, analog signal from the digital source, and therefore output levels, multi-channel mixing and balancing, and the ability to dramatically improved sound quality. T I O N A U D I O F O R M AT S – I T P L AY S T H E M B OT H ! DIRECT DIGITAL PATH I N T EG R A ' S D I R EC T D I G I TA L PAT H I S J U ST T H AT — A S H O RT E R , C L E A N E R PAT H WAY F O R T H E D I G I TA L A U D I O S I G N A L . I T ’ S Q U I T E U N L I K E OT H E R D E S I G N S T H AT U S E T H I N , C I R C U I T M E A N D E R I N G facilitate selection of various audio channels. And if that wasn't enough, THX evaluators also check to see that there is a clear control hierarchy FIRST RATE BUILD QUALITY and whether control nomenclature and labeling is logical. To ensure long-term reliability, Integra DVD players feature simple, solid construction and fewer moving parts than other players. A P C - B OA R D CO P P E R T R AC E S . A S S I G N A L S A R E PROGRESSIVE SCAN VIDEO R E A D O F F T H E D I SC , I N T EG R A ' S D I R EC T D I G I TA L Featured on all Integra DVD players, progressive scan special vibration-damping suspension system guarantees high-accuracy disc-data retrieval. All Integra changers are equipped with high-quality changer mechanisms that video represents the ultimate in picture quality. Unlike PAT H P R OV I D E S A D I R EC T O U T P U T F O R T H E D O L BY D I G I TA L A N D DT S B I T ST R E A M S T H O U G H A H E AV Y G A U G E , H I G H - P U R I T Y S H I E L D E D C A B L E , the interlaced scanning of a standard TV (which dis- switch discs quickly and quietly, without the clunkiness plays only half the horizontal scan lines at a time) associated with other changers. Further proof of progressive scan technology displays all the scan Integra's commitment to quality construction is lines of a picture at one time, as a single frame. evident in our heavy-gauge, high-current-capacity AVO I D I N G P OT E N T I A L N O I S E F R O M N E A R BY Progressive scan video preserves the sparkling clean M I C R O P R O C E S SO R S A N D P OW E R S U P P L I E S . nature of movies and gives you a stunning, film-like, T H E R E S U LT : I N C R E D I B L E A U D I O P L AY B AC K . detachable IEC power cords with low-resistance copper strands to enhance power-supply stability, and gold-plated inputs and outputs to resist corrosion and provide distortion- flicker-free image with a higher vertical resolution and free signal transmission. smoother, artifact-free motion, making Integra DVD players compatible with HDTVs, digital TVs and high-end projectors. Direct Digital Path MP3, CD-R/RW Integra DVD system video inputs and outputs are gold plated to resist corrosion and provide distortion free signal transmission. PARALLEL VIDEO OUTPUTS Taking advantage of the many alternative formats available today, A unique feature of Integra's DVD players is the fact that all video out- all Integra DVD players feature playback capability for MP3 and puts are “live” at the same time. Besides simplifying system hook up, CD-R/RW. As a result, you’re able to utilize virtually any digital this provides the perfect solution for running video to multiple locations source available. without the need of any additional equipment. SYSTEM INTEGRATION FEATURES EASY TO USE RS-232 Inputs: By including bi-directional RS-232 ports Extremely well designed, Integra DVD players don’t sacrifice excellent on all Integra DVD players, integrated system con- ergonomics for performance. The sleek front panels have a very profes- trol and feedback is facilitated. IR Inputs: Rear sional look, yet they are exceptionally easy to learn and use. Remote IR input jacks on all Integra DVD controls also match the components' ease of use, with their logical lay- players aid in connection to control out and one-button access to many functions not typically found on and IR repeating systems. other remotes. DPS-8.3 THX Ultra Certified DVD Video/Audio & SACD Player DVD PERFORMANCE HAS REACHED A NEW LEVEL. AND IT’S CALLED THE INTEGRA DPS-8.3. IN ADDITION TO OFFERING PLAYBACK OF DVD-AUDIO DISCS, THIS UNIVERSAL PLAYER READS MULTI-CHANNEL SACD, – 22 – DV D P E R F O R M A N C E H A S R E AC H E D A NEW LEVEL. AND IT’S CALLED THE I N T EG R A D P S - 8 . 3 . In addition to offering playback of DVD-Audio discs, this universal player reads multi-channel SACD, DTS 96/24, MP3, and shock-damped solid steel cover that are designed to resist vibrations. CD-R/RW and DVD-R/RW*. And its progressive scan video To ensure extremely clean digital signal transmission, outputs deliver a video performance that you’ll immediately the DPS-8.3's coaxial digital jack is machined from a solid recognize as superior to anything that's ever come before. brass billet, rare craftsmanship in today's mass-appeal You would expect more from a unit of this caliber and price point and you won't be disappointed. Merely seeing and market, and its two specially-designed high-speed optical digital outputs can transmit signals of up to 100kHz. touching its crisply technical good looks and its beautiful, Its remarkable construction is equally matched by an eye-catching profile tells you that the DPS-8.3 is no ordinary impressive array of features: state of the art 192kHz/24-bit player. Pick it up and you'll be astonished by the weight of this audio DACs (with the capability to digitally upscale conven- substantial component—it tips the scale at more than 11 tional 44.1 or 48kHz signals to 96kHz for improved dynamics pounds, tangible evidence of its superior construction. You'll and resolution); a 108MHz/12-bit video DAC; VLSC (Vector also notice that it has the THX Ultra certification, the home Linear Shaping Circuitry) a bi-directional RS-232 port and rear theater industry's most recognized symbol. It guarantees that IR inputs. From the inside out, the DPS-8.3 is proof that Integra the DPS-8.3 truly represents the best in its class. The DPS-8.3's heavy-duty power supply, provided for the player's analog and digital circuitry, contributes to its extraor- does not compromise. If you’re ready to make that commitment, we highly recommend the DPS-8.3 for your system. dinary weight. As do the heavy-duty resin-impregnated base * Some formats not supported DTS 96/24, MP3, CD-R/RW AND DVD-R/RW*. AND ITS PROGRESSIVE SCAN VIDEO OUTPUTS DELIVER A VIDEO PERFORMANCE THAT YOU’LL IMMEDIATELY RECOGNIZE AS SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING THAT'S EVER COME BEFORE. – 23 – DPS-7.3 THX Ultra Certified DVD Video/Audio Player I N C R E D I B L E P E R F O R M A N C E M E E T S I N C R E D I B L E VA L U E I N T H E I N T E G R A D P S - 7. 3 , W H I C H O F F E R S E N T H U S I A S T S T H E S T U N N I N G S O U N D Q U A L I T Y O F D V D - A U D I O , T H E E X C I T E M E N T O F T H X U LT R A C E R T I F I C AT I O N A N D T H E R E M A R – 24 – I N C R E D I B L E P E R F O R M A N C E M E ET S I N C R E D I B L E VA L U E I N T H E I N T EG R A It may sound too good to be true at this price, but the RS-232 and IR inputs. For user-friendly control, the DPS-7.3 DPS-7.3 offers all that and more. Along with proven features a front panel joystick-like button to make navigating audio/video component design and Integra build quality, the the player's menu much easier. D P S - 7. 3 , W H I C H O F F E R S E N T H U S I A ST S DPS-7.3 packs all the features you’re looking for: Unusually And for those audiophiles whose priority is music, the T H E ST U N N I N G SO U N D Q UA L I T Y O F quick and responsive transport. Lossless 54MHz/10-bit video DPS-7.3 offers a video circuit off mode to reproduce the D/A conversion. MP3, CD-R/RW and DVD-R/RW* playback. recording in its purest form. Beyond usual features like 192kHz/24-bit audio DACs, with the capability to digitally Program Play, Random Play, Last Play Memory, and an upsample conventional 44.1 or 48kHz signals to 96kHz for on-screen display, the DPS-5.3 features the exclusive Quick improved dynamics and resolution. VLSC (Vector Linear Start Play, which can bypass all the stuff at the beginning of Shaping Circuitry). A 96kHz/48-bit selectable digital output. a DVD and get right to the movie. DV D - A U D I O , T H E E XC I T E M E N T O F T H X U LT R A C E RT I F I C AT I O N A N D T H E R EMAR K AB LE I MAGES OF P ROGR ESSIVE SC A N O U T P U T — A L L AT A F R AC T I O N O F W H AT YO U ’ D E X P EC T. * Some formats not supported K A B L E I M A G E S O F P R O G R E S S I V E S C A N O U T P U T — A L L AT A F R A C T I O N O F W H AT YO U ’ D E X P E C T. I T M AY S O U N D TO O G O O D TO B E T R U E AT T H I S P R I C E , B U T T H E D P S - 7. 3 O F F E R S A L L T H AT A N D M O R E . – 25 – DPS-5.3 WA N T P R O O F T H AT YO U D O N ’ T H AV E TO DVD/CD Player For starters, the DPS-5.3 is compatible with The video playback is just as impressive. just about every disc format: CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW* With progressive scan output, a 27MHz/10-bit and MP3. It plays them all; including your favorite Video DAC, parallel Composite, S-video and even T H AT ’ L L B LOW YO U AWAY ? T H E N C H EC K MP3 CDs, which can contain up to 10 hours or Component video outputs, the DPS-5.3 looks and OUT THE DPS-5.3. IT BRINGS THE HIGH- more of music from a single disc, depending on sounds equally like it costs much more. The the file bit rate. DPS-5.3 doesn't cut corners on convenience either. B LOW T H E B U D G ET F O R P E R F O R M A N C E E N D CO N ST R U C T I O N A N D F E AT U R E S T H AT I N T EG R A I S K N OW N F O R … D OW N TO A P R I C E T H AT ’ S U N H E A R D O F. Other features include high-resolution Beyond usual features like Program Play, Random 192kHz/24-bit DACs for the cleanest sound, our Play, Last Play Memory, and an on-screen display, exclusive Direct Digital Path for noise-free signal the DPS-5.3 features the exclusive Quick Start Play, transfer to your receiver or amp, VLSC (Vector which can bypass all the stuff at the beginning of Linear Shaping Circuitry) and 96kHz/48kHz a DVD and get right to the movie. Additionally, the selectable digital output. DPS-5.3 provides an RS-232 for system integration, rear IR inputs and a preprogrammed multi-brand full-function remote control. * Some formats not supported T H E D P S - 5 . 3 I S CO M PAT I B L E W I T H J U ST A B O U T E V E R Y D I SC F O R M AT : C D - R / R W, DV D - R / R W A N D M P 3 . – 26 – DPC-5.3 STAT E - O F -T H E - A RT T EC H N O LO GY C A N CO E X I ST W I T H 5-Disc Carousel DVD/CD Changer remarkable progressive scan output, the dual laser as Composite, S-video and Component video outputs design and the high-resolution 192kHz/24-bit DACs all of which are parallel allowing you to easily send deliver accurate, pristine sound from DVDs, Audio the source to a second room. Additional perform- CDs, Video CDs, CD-Rs, CD-RWs and even MP3 ance/convenience features include Direct Digital encoded discs. The back panel provides more than Path and VLSC (Vector Linear Shaping Circuitry) for enough outputs to satisfy the needs of even complex unrivaled audio performance, a true CD shuffle E X A M P L E O F J U ST H OW W E L L P E R F O R M A N C E A N D CO N - home theater systems. There are optical and coaxial feature and for ease of use, a bi-directional RS-232 V E N I E N C E C A N W O R K TO G ET H E R . digital outputs, a gold plated analog output as well port, rear IR input and a full function remote. T H E CO N V E N I E N C E O F 5 - D I SC P L AY B AC K . A N D W I T H T H E D P C - 5 . 3 , I N T EG R A CO M B I N E S T H E S E T W O AT T R I B U T E S I N A B E A U T I F U L LY D E S I G N E D , C A R E F U L LY E N G I N E E R E D The DPC-5.3 begins with a heavy duty, shielded power supply that provides clean, dependable, noise-free power for stable operation. In addition to S TAT E - O F -T H E - A R T T E C H N O L O G Y C A N C O E X I S T W I T H T H E C O N V E N I E N C E O F 5 - D I S C P L AY B A C K . – 27 – DSR-7.3 Integrated 5.1 Channel Progressive Scan DVD Receiver L I K E A L L I N T E G R A D V D P L A Y E R S , T H E D S R - 7. 3 F E A T U R E S P R O G R E S S I V E S C A N V I D E O O U T P U T F O R I N C R E D I B L E O N - S C R E E N I M A G E S . A D D I T I O N A L F U N C T I O N A L I T Y I N C L U D E S C D - R / R W / V C D & M P 3 – 28 – PE R F EC T F O R T H E B E D R O O M O R A S ECO N D ZO N E I N YO U R H O M E , T H E D S R - 7. 3 B R I N G S I N CO M PA R A B L E I N T EG R A Q UA L I T Y TO A N I N C R E D I B LY V E R S AT I L E , Y ET S U R P R I S I N G LY A F F O R DA B L E DV D R EC E I V E R . This 5.1 channel receiver with integrated AM/FM tuner automatically when it senses a signal. Also included are delivers 25 watts per channel, along with Dolby Digital and Composite, S-video and Component video outputs, all of DTS Decoding, Dolby Pro Logic II, 12 DSP modes and which are parallel, allowing you to easily send the source to Integra’s unique VLSC (Vector Linear Shaping Circuitry). a second room. A variety of inputs covers all your system Like all Integra DVD players, the DSR-7.3 features needs and color-coded speaker terminals make installation a progressive scan video output for incredible on-screen breeze. There’s even a sleep timer and rear IR input for images. Additional functionality includes CD-R/RW/VCD & added convenience. Add a DSR-7.3 to your bedroom or MP3 playback, multiple memory, repeat & search functions second zone and we’re sure you’ll find yourself spending and the ability to switch between 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratios. quite a bit more time there. IPM (Intelligent Power Management) powers up the unit P L A Y B A C K , M U LT I P L E M E M O R Y, R E P E AT & S E A R C H F U N C T I O N S A N D T H E A B I L I T Y T O S W I T C H B E T W E E N 1 6 : 9 A N D 4 : 3 A S P E C T R AT I O S . – 29 – Net-Tune Audio Distribution System IN H O M E E N T E RTA I N M E N T, A N E W P R O D U C T O R T EC H N O LO GY C A N CO M E A LO N G A N D C H A N G E A C AT EGO R Y. O N C E I N A V E R Y G R E AT W H I L E , N E W P R O D U C T S A N D T EC H N O LO G I E S C H A N G E T H E E N T I R E I N D U ST R Y. I N T EG R A’ S N ET-T U N E A U D I O D I ST R I B U T I O N SY ST E M I S A R E VO L U T I O N O F S U C H M AG N I T U D E . Net-Tune allows you to “stream” an entire collection of music to multiple users on a network in your home or office. You can free up CDs for use in your car or elsewhere. Up to 12 users in different locations can access tracks from different albums at the same time. CDs and external sources can be recorded or “ripped” onto a hard drive in MP3 (compressed) and PCM (uncompressed) formats. If you’re into checking out up-to-the-minute broadcasts from around the globe on Internet radio, then Net-Tune will rock your world. ™ It’s the perfect way to tap into this wide open entertainment opportunity and discover its full potential. Multi-room capability makes it easy for everyone in your home to enjoy his or her favorite music. The world of home entertainment is changing—right before our eyes and ears. And Net-Tune will provide the soundtrack. For more information visit www.net-tune.net – 30 – NAS-2.3 TH E NAS-2.3 I S AN ADVANCED N ET WOR K AU DIO SERVER T H AT ’ S A L SO R E M A R K A B LY E A SY TO U S E , A L LOW I N G Network Audio Server select music by artist, album, musical genre or by Intuitive, logical operating keys make the NAS-2.3 creating your own custom play lists. CD text informa- surprisingly un-intimidating, while a backlit LCD display tion is automatically read, stored and displayed by the shows all functions. For connectivity, the NAS-2.3 offers E V E R YO N E I N YO U R H O M E TO E X P E R I E N C E T H E F U L L system. An Ethernet port lets you connect to a PC to an RS-232 port, Ethernet port, 56 kbs internal modem, P OT E N T I A L O F T H E R E VO L U T I O N A R Y N ET-T U N E A U D I O transfer MP3 files and store and sort them as well. USB ports (for future use), composite, S-video and VGA Once stored, multiple users on your network will be outputs, analog out and coaxial/optical digital outputs. able to access the complete collection of music from And it’s compatible with multi-room controllers from multiple locations. And powerful XiVA software allows leading manufacturers. A new level of multi-room The magic begins by being able to store (as com- you to tap into the power of the Internet. By accessing capabilities…and a new standard for connectivity and pressed MP3 or in uncompressed PCM format) 80GB of a “portal” users can view biographies on their favorite control. They all come beautifully together in the music on the built-in hard drive—that’s more than 1400 artists, purchase CDs, concert tickets and more. The remarkable new NAS-2.3. And soon you’ll wonder how CDs worth of your favorite music! You can store entire possibilities are endless. you ever lived without one. D I ST R I B U T I O N SY ST E M . CDs or single tracks faster than real time recording. Once stored on the NAS-2.3, you’ll be able to sort and T H E N A S - 2 . 3 I S A N A D V A N C E D A U D I O N E T W O R K S E R V E R T H AT ’ S A L S O R E M A R K A B LY E A S Y T O U S E . – 32 – NAC-2.3 TH E T E R M “ R EC E I V E R ” TA K E S O N A W H O L E N E W M E A N I N G W I T H T H E N AC - 2 . 3 , W H I C H A L LOW S YO U TO CO N N EC T TO T H E R E VO L U T I O N A R Y Network Audio Receiver create. Add an NAC-2.3 unit in up to 12 rooms, 15W amplifier means outstanding sound quality and multiple users within your home can tap —no matter what type of music you’re into. into the same music library of streamed MP3 and PCM formatted files. Whether you buy one, two or more NAC-2.3’s, the Net-Tune audio network will In addition, open your home to the world challenge your ideas about what home enter- of Internet radio (MP3 and WMA formats)—the tainment can be…and change the limits of the Through your home network, you’ll be receiver features 30 Internet radio presets, ways you listen to music. able to access the entire music collection that’s along with 40 FM/AM presets. A four-line dot stored on the hard drive of the NAS-2.3 audio matrix and on-screen displays network server and sort it by artist, album, guide you through system opera- musical genre or by custom playlists that you tions. Its integrated two-channel N ET-T U N E A U D I O D I ST R I B U T I O N SY ST E M . THE TERM “RECEIVER” TAKES ON A WHOLE NEW MEANING WITH THE NAC-2.3. – 33 – CDC-3.1 WE B ST E R ' S D I C T I O N A R Y D E F I N E S I N T EG R I T Y, T H E N A M E S A K E O F T H E I N T EG R A B R A N D , A S " A R I G I D A D H E R E N C E TO A CO D E O R Premium 6-Disc CD Carousel and a better sense of ambiance. These are just For operating convenience, you also get direct some of the characteristics that set the CDC-3.1 disc play from the front panel and remote. There's apart. Oh, and did we mention that it holds SIX also Next Selection programming that doesn't STA N DA R D O F VA L U E S ." A N D T H AT ’ S E X AC T LY W H AT YO U G ET W I T H discs? Where other brands stop short at 5-discs, interrupt play when you choose the next song. THE CDC-3.1 CD CHANGER. Integra gives you an additional hour or more of And six repeat modes allow you to sit back and playback from a loaded changer. enjoy your music the way that pleases you most. Just as the Integra brand stands for quality, style and performance, this full-featured six-disc carousel CD changer is built to standards that are second to none. Tighter tolerances, in the quality of its fit and finish. A higher sophistication of its circuitry, to deliver audio performance that critical music lovers require. A proprietary AccuPulse Quartz DAC, the most advanced single-bit system available, that provides ultra-fine resolution of music details, sweeter sounding quiet passages TH I S F U LL-F EATU R ED SIX-DI SC C AROU SEL CD CHANGER I S B U I LT TO STAN DAR DS THAT AR E SECON D TO NON E. – 34 – ADM-2.1 SEARCH I NG FOR A VERY VER SATI LE SOLI D -STATE AM P LI F I ER THAT C A N B E U S E D F O R A VA R I ET Y O F A P P L I C AT I O N S ? YO U ’ V E F O U N D ALL THAT AND MORE IN THE ADM-2.1: THE BEST KEPT DISTRIBUTED Second Zone Amplifier audio sources with amazing clarity and dynamics. There's also an input/output loop for audio pass To make it custom-installation friendly, the through to another amp. The multi-way, binding amplifier features a 12-volt turn on trigger and post speaker terminals and the detachable power phantom power-on and input level adjustments. cord add to its versatility in system integration. A U D I O S EC R ET I N T H E I N D U ST R Y ! T H I S F E AT U R E - R I C H , M U LT I P U R P O S E A M P L I F I E R R E P R E S E N T S A G R E AT VA L U E W H E N COM PAR ED TO OTH ER WHOLE-HOU SE AM P LI F IC ATION SOLUTION S. The ADM-2.1 is perfectly suited as a second zone amplifier or as the foundation for a distributed audio system. With 105 watts per channel into 8 ohms, the amplifier employs our exclusive WRAT circuitry to provide a tremendously wide bandwidth, making it capable of accurately reproducing high-resolution T H E A D M - 2 . 1 I S P E R F EC T LY S U I T E D A S A S ECO N D ZO N E A M P L I F I E R . – 35 – CHAD The Custom Home Automation Device TR A D I T I O N A L LY, T H E P R O B L E M W I T H H O M E T H E AT E R CO M P O N E N T S I S T H AT T H E M O R E SO P H I ST I C AT E D T H EY B ECO M E , T H E M O R E D I F F I C U LT T H EY B ECO M E TO U S E . AT I N T EG R A , O U R F O C U S O N E R GO N O M I C S A N D U S E R F R I E N D L I N E S S H A S C H A N G E D T H AT. C H A D – C U STO M H O M E A U TO M AT I O N D E V I C E , P U T S CO M P L ET E CO N T R O L O F YO U R H O M E T H E AT E R R I G H T I N T H E PA L M O F YO U R H A N D . Power up and operate your entire system or a specific component with the touch of a button. The large, dynamic liquid crystal touch-screen display and 2MB of internal memory let you arrange — and rearrange — the button layout and button functions. Customizable templates and editable macros make it simple to create a controller that matches your individual needs. To create more complex touch-screen designs and macros, CHAD can be connected to a personal computer. Software upgrades are available for download directly into your CHAD. For even more flexibility, CHAD is RF capable. With the optional receiver, you don't even have to be in the same room as the equipment to operate your system. The RF signal travels through walls, floors and cabinets, allowing the user the freedom to move around in their environment. CHAD comes pre-programmed and can be configured to operate components from over 500 different brands. Adding even more convenience, backlighting allows easy visibility in dark rooms, and direct access buttons create shortcuts to frequently used functions. For updates and latest software visit www.chadremote.com C H A D – C U STO M H O M E A U TO M AT I O N D E V I C E , P U T S CO M P L ET E CO N T R O L O F YO U R H O M E T H E AT E R R I G H T I N T H E PA L M O F YO U R H A N D . – 36 – A-BUS Amplified Volume Control System A- B U S I S A N I N G E N I O U S SY ST E M F O R M U LT I R O O M I N STA L L AT I O N S . I T I S A S I M P L E , E F F I C I E N T, E L EG A N T A LT E R N AT I V E TO CO N V E N T I O N A L A U D I O D I ST R I B U T I O N . GO N E A R E T H E E X P E N S I V E , I N E F F I C I E N T M U LT I - C H A N N E L A M P L I F I E R S , P OW E R ROB B I NG SP EAKER SELECTOR BOXES, AUTOFOR M ER S, I M P E DA N C E - M ATC H I N G EQ U I P M E N T A N D LO N G RUNS OF EXPENSIVE SPEAKER WIRE. With A-BUS, wiring installation time is significantly reduced as only a single CAT-5 wire is run to each location. Easy to use, reliable and affordable, A-BUS most importantly delivers far better sound than autoformer-based systems. A typical A-BUS system consists of an amplified control, a source connecting block and a power supply. Simplifying matters even further, Integra has incorporated the source connection block right into our newest receivers, the industry’s first A/V receivers to include this advanced new feature. Now, you can seamlessly integrate your audio system throughout your home. Utilizing the RJ-45 jack on the back panels of the DTR-5.3, DTR-6.3, and DTM-5.3, you can add amplified keypads to expand your system as your needs or family grow. Use your component’s remote control to control the entire system from any room. No need to walk back to the main room to adjust your system. And with the simple, intuitive A-BUS controls, virtually anyone in the family can control and enjoy music anywhere they want…and at the level they desire. A - B U S I S A N I N G E N I O U S SY ST E M F O R M U LT I - R O O M I N STA L L AT I O N S . I T I S A S I M P L E , E F F I C I E N T, E L EG A N T A LT E R N AT I V E TO CO N V E N T I O N A L A U D I O D I ST R I B U T I O N . – 37 – Features A/V RECEIVERS - FEATURES AMPLIFIER DESIGN POWER OUTPUT* (8 , 20 Hz - 20 kHz, FTC) IDENTICAL FULL-BANDWIDTH CHANNELS REDUCED NFB (NEGATIVE FEEDBACK) DESIGN WRAT (WIDE RANGE AMPLIFIER TECHNOLOGY) NON-SCALING CONFIGURATION DACS HIGH CURRENT LOW IMPEDANCE DRIVE ALL DISCRETE OUTPUT STAGE AMPLIFIERS OPTIMUM GAIN VOLUME CIRCUITRY DIGITAL UPSAMPLING HOME THEATER FEATURES THX®SURROUND EX™AND THX®CERTIFIED EXTENDED FREQUENCY RESPONSE (+ 1 dB, - 3 dB) DTS®-ES™DISCRETE/MATRIX 6.1, DTS®NEO:6 DOLBY®DIGITAL EX, DOLBY®PRO LOGIC™II VLSC - VECTOR LINEAR SHAPING CIRCUITRY AFORM LISTENING MODE MEMORY COMPOSITE TO S-VIDEO CONVERSION MULTICHANNEL INPUT CINEMAFILTER™ DIGITAL SOUNDFIELD PROCESSING MODES LATE NIGHT MODE COLOR-CODED SPEAKER TERMINALS ON-SCREEN DISPLAY ADJUSTABLE DIGITAL DELAY CROSSOVER ADJUSTMENT INTERNET FEATURES NET-TUNE™ ETHERNET NUMBER OF PRESETS (INTERNET RADIO) INPUTS AUDIO AND AV INPUTS HDTV-READY COMPONENT VIDEO INPUT/OUTPUT FRONT-PANEL VIDEO INPUT (WITH S-VIDEO) S-VIDEO COMPATIBLE JACKS INPUT/OUTPUT DIGITAL INPUTS DIGITAL OUTPUT AMP IN PRE OUTS FRONT L/R, CENTER SURROUND L/R SURROUND BACK SUBWOOFER OTHER FEATURES DOT-MATRIX DISPLAY DISPLAY DIMMER PURE AUDIO MODE DUAL BANANA PLUG COMPATIBLE SPEAKER TERMINALS SLEEP TIMER (90 MINUTES; 10-MIN STEPS) PHONO INPUT HEADPHONE JACK ZONE 2 (MULTISOURCE) LINE OUT POWERED ZONE 2 A-BUS PORT BI-DIRECTIONAL RS-232 PORT IR IN/OUT 12 VOLT TRIGGER TUNER FEATURES NUMBER OF PRESETS (FM/AM) CONTROL REMOTE CONTROL MACRO FUNCTION ABSOLUTE/RELATIVE VOLUME DISPLAY INTELLI VOLUME DTR-9.1U2 DTR-8.3 DTR-7.3 DTR-6.3 DTR-5.3 130 W/Ch x 7 7 x x x 192 kHz/24-Bit x 8 x x x (Linear) x 110 W/Ch x 7 7 x x x 192 kHz/24-Bit x 6 96 kHz/24-Bit x 2 x x x (Linear) x 100 W/Ch x 7 7 x x x 192 kHz/24-Bit x 6 96 kHz/24-Bit x 2 x x (Linear) x 100 W/Ch x 6 6 x x x 192 kHz/24-Bit x 2 96 kHz/24-Bit x 5 x x x - 80 W/Ch x 6 6 x x x 192 kHz/24-Bit x 2 96 kHz/24-Bit x 5 x x x - (Ultra2) 5 Hz-100 kHz x x x 7.1 (THX) 50 x x x x (Select) 5 Hz-100 kHz x x x x x 7.1 (THX) 39 x x x x x (Select) 5 Hz-100 kHz x x x x x 7.1 (THX) 40 x x x x x 5 Hz-100 kHz x x x x 5.1 x 13 x x x x x 5 Hz-100 kHz x x x x 5.1 x 13 x x x x x - x x 30 x x 30 - - 4/6 3/1 6/5 3 Optical 5 Coaxial 1 AC-3RF 1 Optical/1 Coaxial x (3) 3/6 2/1 x 6/3 5 Optical (1 Front Panel) 3 Coaxial 2 Optical - 3/6 2/1 x 6/3 4 Optical (1 Front Panel) 3 Coaxial 1 Optical - 3/5 2/1 x 5/3 3 Optical (1 Front Panel) 1 Coaxial Optical/1 Coaxial - 2/5 2/1 x 5/2 3 Optical (1 Front Panel) 1 Coaxial 1 Optical - x x x (L/R) x (2) x x x (L/R) x x x x (L/R) x x x x x x x 3 Levels + Off All Terminals x x x x (Audio/Video) x 2 (Main/Zone 2)/0 2 (A/B) x 3 Levels x All Terminals x x x x (Audio/Video) x x 1/1 3 (A/B/Zone 2) x 3 Levels x All Terminals x x x x (Audio/Video) x x 1/1 3 (A/B/Zone 2) x 3 Levels x All Terminals x x x x x x x 1/1 3 (A/B/Zone 2) x 3 Levels All Terminals x x x x 1/1 2 (A/B) 40 40 40 40 40 Learning/Backlit/LCD x x x CHAD x x x Prepro/Learning/Backlit x x x Prepro/Learning/Backlit x Absolute x Prepro/Learning/Backlit x Absolute x STEREO RECEIVER - FEATURES POWER OUTPUT (STEREO AT 8 &, 20 HZ-20 kHZ, FTC) DISCRETE OUTPUT STAGE ZONE 2 (MULTISOURCE) LINE OUT A-BUS PORT IR IN/OUT 12V TRIGGER UNIQUE IR COMMAND SETS AUDIO INPUT/OUTPUT TERMINALS VIDEO INPUT/OUTPUT TERMINALS NUMBER OF PRESETS PRESET STATION NAMING APR (AUTOMATIC PRECISION RECEPTION) SYSTEM DIRECT ACCESS TUNING AUTOMATIC/MANUAL TUNING HEADPHONE JACK SLEEP TIMER RI-COMPATIBLE REMOTE CONTROL DTM-5.3 100 W/Ch x 2 x x 1 1/1 1 INPUT / 1 ZONE 2 9 4/2 2/1 30 x 2-Mode x x x x x Specifications A/V RECEIVERS - SPECIFICATIONS POWER SUPPLY POWER CONSUMPTION AMPLIFIER SECTION POWER OUTPUT* (8 , 20 Hz - 20 kHz, FTC) FRONT L/R CENTER SURROUND L/R SURROUND BACK POWER OUTPUT* (6 , 1 kHz,FTC) FRONT L/R CENTER SURROUND L/R SURROUND BACK DYNAMIC POWER** (FRONT) 3 4 8 THD (RATED POWER) DAMPING FACTOR (1 kHz, 8 ) DTR-9.1U2 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 11 .0 A DTR-8.3 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 8.4 A DTR-7.3 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 8.1 A DTR-6.3 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 6.7 A DTR-5.3 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 5.5 A 130 W/Ch 130 W 130 W/Ch 130 W/Ch (L/R) 110 W/Ch 110 W 110 W/Ch 110 W/Ch (L/R) 100 W/Ch 100 W 100 W/Ch 100 W/Ch (L/R) 100 W/Ch 100 W 100 W/Ch 100 W 80 W/Ch 80 W 80 W/Ch 80 W 170 W/Ch 170 W 170 W/Ch 170 W/Ch (L/R) 145 W/Ch 145 W 145 W/Ch 145 W/Ch (L/R) 130 W/Ch 130 W 130 W/Ch 130 W/Ch (L/R) 125 W/Ch 125 W 125 W/Ch 125 W 105 W/Ch 105 W 105 W/Ch 105 W 300 W/Ch 230 W/Ch 150 W/Ch 0.05 % (all channels) 60 280 W/Ch 220 W/Ch 140 W/Ch 0.08 % (all channels) 60 250 W/Ch 210 W/Ch 130 W/Ch 0.08 % (all channels) 60 230 W/Ch 170 W/Ch 115 W/Ch 0.08 % (all channels) 60 215 W/Ch 160 W/Ch 95 W/Ch 0.08 % (all channels) 60 INPUT SENSITIVITY AND IMPENDANCE PHONO (MM) CD AND TAPE PLAY 2.5 mV, 50 k 200 mV, 50 k GENERAL DIMENSIONS (W X H X D) 2.5 mV, 50 k 200 mV, 50 k 2.5 mV, 50 k 200 mV, 50 k 2.5 mV, 47 k 200 mV, 47 k 200 mV, 47 k 200 mV, 2.2 k 1.0 V, 470 20 Hz-30 kHz (± 1 dB) 5 Hz-100 kHz (+ 1 dB, -3 dB) 200 mV, 470 1.0 V, 470 5 Hz-100 kHz (+ 1 dB, - 3 dB) 200 mV, 470 1.0 V, 470 5 Hz-100 kHz (+ 1 dB, - 3 dB) 200 mV, 470 1.0 V, 470 5 Hz-100 kHz (+ 1 dB, - 3 dB) 200 mV, 470 1.0 V, 470 5 Hz-100 kHz (+ 1 dB, - 3 dB) 80 dB (IHF-A, 5 mV input) 100 dB (IHF-A, 0.5 V input) 110 mV RMS, 0.5 % THD 80 dB (IHF-A, 5 mV input) 110 dB (IHF-A, 0.5 V input) 120 mV RMS, 0.5 % THD 80 dB (IHF-A, 5 mV input) 110 dB (IHF-A, 0.5 V input) 120 mV RMS, 0.5 % THD 80 dB (IHF-A, 5 mV input) 100 dB (IHF-A, 0.5 V input) 120 mV RMS, 0.5 % THD 100 dB (IHF-A, 0.5 V input) - ± 10 dB at 100 Hz ± 10 dB at 10 kHz ± 10 dB at 50 Hz ± 10 dB at 20 kHz ± 10 dB at 50 Hz ± 10 dB at 20 kHz ± 12 dB at 50 Hz ± 12 dB at 20 kHz ± 12 dB at 50 Hz ± 12 dB at 20 kHz OUTPUT LEVEL AND IMPEDANCE TAPE REC PRE OUT FREQUENCY RESPONSE WEIGHT SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES ** Calculated on basis of IHF dynamic headroom S/N RATIO PHONO (MM) CD/TAPE PHONO OVERLOAD (1 kHz) TONE CONTROLS BASS TREBLE TUNER SECTION USABLE SENSATIVITY IHF) IHF) 11.2 dBf, 1.0 µV (75 17.2 dBf, 2.0 µV (75 30 µV IHF) IHF) 11.2 dBf, 1.0 µV (75 17.2 dBf, 2.0 µV (75 30 µV IHF) IHF) 11.2 dBf, 1.0 µV (75 17.2 dBf, 2.0 µV (75 30 µV IHF) IHF) 11.2 dBf, 1.0 µV (75 17.2 dBf, 2.0 µV (75 30 µV FM MONO FM STEREO AM 11.2 dBf, 1.0 µV (75 17.2 dBf, 2.0 µV (75 30 µV IHF) IHF) FM MONO FM STEREO AM 76 dB (IHF-A) 70 dB (IHF-A) 40 dB 76 dB (IHF-A) 70 dB (IHF-A) 40 dB 76 dB (IHF-A 70 dB (IHF-A) 40 dB 76 dB (IHF-A) 70 dB (IHF-A) 40 dB 76 dB (IHF-A) 70 dB (IHF-A) 40 dB FM MONO FM STEREO AM 0.2 % 0.3 % 0.7 % 45 dB at 1 kHz 30 dB at 100 Hz-10 kHz 0.2 % 0.3 % 0.7 % 45 dB at 1 kHz 30 dB at 100 Hz-10 kHz 0.2 % 0.3 % 0.7 % 45 dB at 1kHz 30 dB at 100 Hz-10 kHz 0.2 % 0.3 % 0.7 % 45 dB at 1 kHz 30 dB at 100 Hz-10 kHz 0.2 % 0.3 % 0.7 % 45 dB at 1 kHz 30 dB at 100 Hz-10 kHz 17-1/8 x 7-11/16 x 18” 435 x 196 x 451 mm 49.4 lbs./22.4 kg 17-1/8 x 6-7/8 x 18-1/18” 435 x 175 x 459 mm 36.4 lbs./16.5 kg 17-1/8 x 6-7/8 x 18-1/18” 435 x 175 x 459 mm 36.4 lbs./16.5 kg 17-1/8 x 6-7/8 x 17” 435 x 175 x 431.5 mm 26.9 lbs./12.2 kg 17-1/8 x 6-7/8 x 17” 435 x 175 x 431.5 mm 24.3 lbs./11.0 kg AM loop antenna, FM antenna DB-25 to 6-RCA adapter Remote control (RC-418M) AM loop antenna, FM antenna CHAD remote control AM loop antenna, FM antenna Remote control (RC-514M) AM loop antenna, FM antenna Remote control (RC-481M) AM loop antenna, FM antenna Remote control (RC-481M) S/N RATIO THD FM STEREO SEPARATION GENERAL DIMENSIONS (W x H x D) WEIGHT SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES * Channels are measured separately ** Calculated on basis of IHF dynamic headroom STEREO RECEIVER - SPECIFICATIONS POWER SUPPLY POWER CONSUMPTION AMPLIFIER SECTION POWER OUTPUT (8 , 20 Hz-20 kHz, FTC) POWER OUTPUT** (6 , 1 kHz,FTC) DYNAMIC POWER** 4 / 8 W (FRONT) THD (RATED POWER) FREQUENCY RESPONSE S/N RATIO PHONO (MM) CD/TAPE PHONO OVERLOAD (1 kHz) TUNER SECTION USABLE SENSITIVITY FM MONO FM STEREO AM S/N RATIO FM MONO/FM STEREO/AM THD FM MONO/FM STEREO/AM DTM-5.3 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 2.8 A 100 W/Ch 130 W/Ch 140 W/Ch / 135 W/Ch 0.08 % 20 Hz-30 kHz (± 1 dB) 80 dB (IHF-A, 5 mV input) 100 dB (IHF-A) 120 mV RMS, 0.5 % THD 11.2 dBf, 1.0 µV (75 IHF) 17.2 dBf, 2.0 µV (75 IHF) 30 µV 76 dB (IHF-A)/70 dB (IHF-A)/40 dB 0.15 %/0.25 %/0.7 % 17-1/8 x 5-7/8 x 13-7/16” 435 x 150 x 341 mm 19.8 lbs./9.0 kg AM loop antenna, FM antenna Remote control (RC-477S) Features DVD PLAYERS - FEATURES THX®CERTIFIED DVD AUDIO DECODING SACD DECODING PROGRESSIVE SCAN DTS®/DOLBY®DIGITAL/DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT BUILT-IN DECODER DIRECT DIGITAL PATH VLSC (VECTOR LINEAR SHAPING CIRCUITRY) 96 kHZ-48 kHZ SELECTABLE DIGITAL OUTPUT AUDIO DACs VIDEO DAC VIDEO CIRCUIT ON/OFF CONTROL DYNAMIC RANGE CONTROL VIDEO BLACK LEVEL CONTROL DIGITAL OUTPUTS ANALOG AUDIO OUTPUT CD-R/RW PLAYBACK CAPABILITY DVD-R/RW PLAYBACK CAPABILITY* MP3 PLAYBACK MPEG PLAYBACK COMPONENT OUTPUT S-VIDEO OUTPUT COMPOSITE OUTPUT PASSES PLUGE SIGNALS PROGRAMMED MEMORY PLAYBACK 8-LANGUAGE SOUNDTRACK CAPABILITY DIMMABLE DISPLAY BI-DIRECTIONAL RS-232 PORT IR IN/OUT NET-TUNE SERVER - FEATURES SUPPORTED CD FORMATS CD-DA HDCD CD-R/RW DTS-CD CD-TEXT CD-EXTRA NAS-2.3 x x x x x x HDD CAPACITY 80G or up to 1400 hours PLAYBACK RECORDING FORMATS: MP3 PCM PLAY BY ALBUM PLAY BY ARTIST PLAY BY GENRE PLAY BY PLAYLIST REPEAT WITHIN-TRACK SEARCH PLAYLIST SEQUENTIAL PLAYBACK RANDOM PLAYBACK OF PLAYLISTS RANDOM PLAY OF ARTIST RANDOM PLAY OF ALBUM RANDOM PLAY OF GENRE RANDOM PLAY OF PLAYLIST AUDIO/VIDEO AUDIO INPUT AUDIO OUTPUT VIDEO CONNECTIVITY IR INPUT 10/100 BASE-T ETHERNET 56KBPS MODEM RS-232 SERIAL USB GRACENOTE CDDB2 XiVA INTERNET PORTAL DPS-8.3 x (Ultra) x x x x DD/DTS x x x 192 kHz/24-Bit 108 MHz/12-Bit x x x 2 Optical/1 Coaxial x x x x 2 (1 BNC, 1 RCA) 2 2 x x x 3-mode + Off x 1/1 ANALOG IN OPTICAL COAXIAL ANALOG OPTICAL COAXIAL VGA COMPOSITE S-VIDEO 128 & 320 kb/s CBR; 192 kb/s VBR x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x DB15 x 1 RCA x 1 4 PIN MINI-DIN X 1 x x x x x x x DPS-7.3 x (Ultra) x x x DD x x x 192 kHz/24-Bit 54 MHz/10-Bit x x x 1 Optical/1 Coaxial x x x x 2 2 2 x x x 3-Mode + Off x 1/1 DPS-5.3 x x x x x 192 kHz/24-Bit 27 MHz/10-Bit x x 1 Optical/1 Coaxial x x x x x x x x x 3-Mode x 1/1 NET-TUNE RECEIVER - FEATURES POWER OUTPUT (STEREO AT 8 W, 20 Hz-20 kHz, FTC) NET-TUNE STREAMING AUDIO CAPABLE ON SCREEN DISPLAY AM/FM TUNER AM/FM PRESETS FM AUTO SCAN TUNING INTERNET RADIO INTERNET RADIO PRESETS DECODERS IR INPUT VLSC - VECTOR LINEAR SHAPING CIRCUITRY SLEEP TIMER AUDIO INPUT TERMINALS AUDIO OUTPUT TERMINALS HEADPHONE JACK DPC-5.3 x x x x x 192 kHz/24-Bit 27 MHz/10-Bit x 1 Optical/1 Coaxial x x x x x x x x x x 3-Mode x 1/1 NAC-2.3 15 W/Ch x 2 x x x 40 x x 30 MP3, WMA x x x 1 2 (fixed, variable) x DVD RECEIVER - FEATURES AMPLIFIER SECTION POWER OUTPUT** (6 20 Hz - 20 kHz, FTC) AUDIO DACS HIGH CURRENT LOW IMPEDANCE DRIVE 25 W/ch x 5 96 kHz/24-Bit x 6 x HOME THEATER FEATURES DOLBY®DIGITAL, DOLBY®PRO LOGIC™II, DTS® VLSC - VECTOR LINEAR SHAPING CIRCUITRY DIGITAL SOUNDFIELD PROCESSING MODES ANALOG AUDIO INPUT/OUTPUT OPTICAL DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT IPM - INTELLIGENT POWER MANAGEMENT ACOUSTIC CONTROL COLOR-CODED SPEAKER TERMINALS ON-SCREEN DISPLAY SUBWOOFER OUTPUT x x 12 2/1 1/1 x 2-mode x x x DVD SECTION PROGRESSIVE SCAN COMPONENT OUTPUT S-VIDEO OUTPUT COMPOSITE OUTPUT CD-R/RW PLAYBACK CAPABILITY MP3 PLAYBACK VIDEO DAC DYNAMIC RANGE CONTROL PROGRAMMED MEMORY PLAYBACK 8-LANGUAGE SOUNDTRACK CAPABILITY TUNER FEATURES NUMBER OF PRESETS (FM/AM) FM AUTO-SCAN TUNING OTHER FEATURES DOT-MATRIX DISPLAY DISPLAY DIMMER REMOTE CONTROL SLEEP TIMER (90 MINUTES; 10-MIN STEPS) HEADPHONE JACK IR INPUT RI CAPABILITY * Some formats not supported ** Channels are measured separately DSR-7.3 x x x x x x 27 MHz/10-Bit x x x 30 x x 3-mode Prepro/Backlit via remote x x x Specifications DVD PLAYERS - SPECIFICATIONS POWER SUPPLY POWER CONSUMPTION LINEAR VELOCITY SINGLE LAYER DUAL LAYER FREQUENCY RESPONSE (DIGITAL AUDIO) DVD LINEAR SOUND AUDIO CD S/N RATIO (DIGITAL AUDIO) AUDIO DYNAMIC RANGE (DIGITAL AUDIO) HARMONIC DISTORTION (DIGITAL AUDIO @ 1 kHz) WOW AND FLUTTER VIDEO OUTPUT S-VIDEO OUTPUT COMPONENT OUTPUT DPS-8.3 AC 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz 36 W DPS-7.3 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 25 W DPS-5.3 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 14 W DPC-5.3 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 14 W 3.49 m/s 3.84 m/s 3.49 m/s 3.84 m/s 3.49 m/s 3.84 m/s 3.49 m/s 3.84 m/s 48 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 22 kHz 96 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 44 kHz 192 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 96 kHz (DVD Audio) 44.1 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 20 kHz 118 dB 100 dB 0.001 % Below threshold of measurability 1.0 V p-p, 75 negative sync. pin jack x 2 (Y) 1.0 V p-p 75 (C) 0.286 V p-p 75 negative sync., Mini DIN 4-pin x 2 (Y) 1.0 V p-p, 75 negative sync., pin jack x 1, (Pb)/(Pr) 0.7 V p-p, 75 48 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 22 kHz 96 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 44 kHz 192 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 96 kHz (DVD Audio) 44.1 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 20 kHz 106 dB 100 dB 0.005 % Below threshold of measurability 1.0 V p-p, 75 negative sync. pin jack x 2 (Y) 1.0 V p-p 75 (C) 0.286 V p-p 75 negative sync., Mini DIN 4-pin x 2 (Y) 1.0 V p-p, 75 negative sync., pin jack x 2, (Pb)/(Pr) 0.7 V p-p, 75 48 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 22 kHz 96 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 44 kHz 48 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 22 kHz 96 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 44 kHz 44.1 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 20 kHz 100 dB 96 dB 0.015% Below threshold of measurability 1.0 V p-p, 75 negative sync. pin jack x 1 (Y) 1.0 V p-p 75 (C) 0.286 V p-p 75 negative sync., Mini DIN 4-pin x 1 (Y) 1.0 V p-p, 75 negative sync., pin jack x 1, (Pb)/(Pr) 0.7 V p-p, 75 44.1 kHz sampling 4 Hz to 20 kHz 98 dB 95 dB 0.008 % Below threshold of measurability 1.0 V p-p, 75 negative sync., pin jack x 1 (Y) 1.0 V p-p 75 (C) 0.286 V p-p 75 negative sync., Mini DIN 4-pin x 1 (Y) 1.0 V p-p, 75 negative sync., pin jack x 1, (Pb)/(Pr) 0.7 V p-p, 75 - 22.5 dBm x 2 0.5 V p-p, 75 , pin jack x 1 2.0 V RMS, 420 pin jack (5.1 ch) x 1, pin jack (L/R) x 2 17-1/8 x 3-9/16 x 12-5/16” 435 x 91 x 312 mm 11.0 lbs./5.0 kg Audio/Video cable x 1, S-Video cable x 1 Remote control (RC-499DV) - 22.5 dBm x 1 0.5 V p-p, 75 pin jack x 1 2.0 V RMS, 420 pin jack (5.1 ch) x 1, pin jack (L/R) x 2 17-1/8 x 3-9/16 x 12-5/16” 435 x 91 x 312 mm 7.9 lbs./3.6 kg Audio/Video cable x 1, S-Video cable x 1 Remote control (RC-451DV) - 22.5 dBm x 1 0.5 V p-p, 75 pin jack x 1 2.0 V RMS, 420 pin jack pin jack (L, R) x 1 17-1/8 x 3-9/16 x 12-5/16” 435 x 91 x 312 mm 7.5 lbs./3.4 kg Audio/Video cable x 1, S-Video cable x 1 Remote control (RC-451DV) - 22.5 dBm x 1 0.5 V p-p, 75 , pin jack x 1 2.0 V RMS, 420 pin jack pin jack (L, R) x 1" 17-1/8 x 5-1/16 x 16-15/16” 435 x 129 x 430 mm 15.0 lbs./7.0 kg Audio/Video cable x 1, S-Video cable x 1 Remote control (RC-503DV) DVD RECEIVER - SPECIFICATIONS POWER SUPPLY POWER CONSUMPTION AMPLIFIER SECTION POWER SPECIFICATIONS POWER OUTPUT** OPTICAL AUDIO DIGITAL AUDIO ANALOG AUDIO DIMENSIONS (W X H X D) WEIGHT SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES NET-TUNE SERVER - SPECIFICATIONS POWER SUPPLY POWER CONSUMPTION GENERAL DIMENSIONS (W x H x D) WEIGHT SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES NAS-2.3 AC 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz 25W 17-3/8 x 3-7/8 x 14-3/4” 440 x 98 x 375 mm 17.0 lbs/7.7 kg Remote control NET-TUNE RECEIVER- SPECIFICATIONS POWER SUPPLY POWER CONSUMPTION AMPLIFIER SECTION POWER OUTPUT (8 , 20 Hz-20 kHz, FTC) THD (RATED POWER) FREQUENCY RESPONSE AUX S/N RATIO AUX DAMPING FACTOR (1 KHZ, 8 ) INPUT SENSITIVITY AND IMPENDANCE AUX OUTPUT LEVEL AND IMPEDANCE FIXED OUTPUT VARIABLE OUTPUT TUNER SECTION USABLE SENSITIVITY FM MONO FM STEREO AM S/N RATIO FM MONO FM STEREO AM THD FM MONO FM STEREO AM FM STEREO SEPARATION GENERAL DIMENSIONS (W X H X D) WEIGHT SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES NAC-2.3 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 58 W (6 FRONT L/R CENTER SURROUND L/R THD (RATED POWER) DAMPING FACTOR (1 kHz, 8 AUDIO OUTPUT DSR-7.3 AC 120 V, 60 Hz 130 W ) INPUT SENSITIVITY AND IMPENDANCE TV/LINE MD/CDR/TAPE 200 mV, 50 k 200 mV, 50 k OUTPUT LEVEL AND IMPEDANCE TAPE REC SUBWOOFER OUT FREQUENCY RESPONSE S/N RATIO TONE CONTROLS 200 mV, 2.2 K 1.0 V, 470 20 Hz-30 kHz (± 0.8 dB) 100 dB (IHF-A, 0.5 V input) 1: 2: +9 dB at 120 Hz + 9 dB at 120 Hz, +6 dB at 10 kHz SINGLE LAYER DUAL LAYER FREQUENCY RESPONSE (DIGITAL AUDIO) S/N RATIO (DIGITAL AUDIO) AUDIO DYNAMIC RANGE (DIGITAL AUDIO) HARMONIC DISTORTION (DIGITAL AUDIO @ 1 kHz) WOW AND FLUTTER VIDEO OUTPUT 3.49 m/s 3.84 m/s 96 kHz sampling 10 Hz to 44 kHz 100 dB 93 dB 0.025 % Below threshold of measurability 1.0 V p-p, 75 negative sync. pin jack x 1 (Y) 1.0 V p-p 75 (C) 0.286 V p-p 75 negative sync. Mini DIN 4-pin x 1 (Y) 1.0 V p-p, 75 negative sync. pin jack x 1 (Pb)/(Pr) 0.7 V p-p, 75 DVD SECTION LINEAR VELOCITY S-VIDEO OUTPUT COMPONENT OUTPUT 15 W/Ch 0.1 % 10 Hz-100 kHz (+1/-3 dB) 100 dB (IHF-A, 0.5 V input) 60 150 mV, 50 k 1 kHz,FTC) 25 W/Ch 25 W 25 W/Ch 10 % (all channels) 40 AUDIO OUTPUT OPTICAL AUDIO ANALOG AUDIO - 22.5 dBm x 1 2.0 V RMS, 420 pin jack TUNER SECTION USABLE SENSATIVITY 150 mV, 2.2 k 2.0 V, 470 FM MONO FM STEREO AM 11.2 dBf, 1.0 µV (75 17.2 dBf, 2.0 µV (75 30 µV IHF) IHF) FM MONO FM STEREO AM 73 dB (IHF-A) 67 dB (IHF-A) 40 dB FM MONO FM STEREO AM 0.2 % 0.3 % 0.7 % 45 dB at 1 kHz 30 dB at 100 Hz-10 kHz S/N RATIO 11.2 dBf, 1.0 µV (75 17.2 dBf, 2.0 µV (75 30 µV IHF) IHF) 76 dB (IHF-A) 70 dB (IHF-A) 40 dB 0.2 % 0.3 % 0.7 % 45 dB at 1 kHz 30 dB at 100 Hz-10 kHz 8-1/16 x 3-9/16 x 11” 205 x 91 x 279 mm 3.6 lbs/7.9kg AM loop antenna, FM antenna Remote control (RC-508S) THD FM STEREO SEPARATION GENERAL DIMENSIONS (W x H x D) WEIGHT SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES 17-1/8 x 4 x 16-13/16 435 x 101 x 428 mm 15.4 lbs./7.0 kg Audio/Video cable x 1 S-Video cable x 1 AM loop antenna, FM antenna Remote control (RC-507M) Features/Specifications CD CAROUSEL - FEATURES SINGLE-BIT DAC ACCUPULSE QUARTZ SYSTEM 6-DISC CHANGER PEAK SEARCH NUMBER OF REPEAT MODES RANDOM TRACK MEMORY SHUFFLE/RANDOM PLAY DIRECT TRACK ACCESS DIGITAL OUTPUT (OPTICAL/COAXIAL) ANALOG OUTPUT (FIXED) RI REMOTE CONTROL CDC-3.1 x x Carousel by remote 6 40 by remote by remote 1 Optical x x CD CAROUSEL - SPECIFICATIONS DIGITAL FILTER FREQUENCY RESPONSE S/N RATIO DYNAMIC RANGE THD (1 kHz) CHANNEL SEPARATION (1 kHz) WOW AND FLUTTER DIMENSIONS (W X H X D) WEIGHT SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES CDC-3.1 352.8 kHz, 8 x oversampling 5 Hz-20 kHz 92 dB 96 dB 0.005 % 92 dB Below threshold of measurability 17-1/8 x 5-3/16 x 17-1/16” 435 x 131 x 433 mm 15.2 lbs./6.9 kg Audio cable x 1 RI cable x 1 Remote control (RC-435C) CHAD - FEATURES HARDWARE SOFTWARE INFRARED (IR) RADIO FREQUENCY (RF) MEMORY BATTERIES BATTERY LIFE POWER MANAGEMENT DIMENSIONS (W x H x D) OPERATING TEMPERATURE SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES High-resolution (320 x 240) LCD with contrast control Large touchscreen Seven programmable direct-access buttons Backlighting for LCD and direct-access buttons Infrared sending and learning RS-232 serial interface Dynamic, animated interface Editable macros (up to 255 commands per macro) Total number of devices and macros limited only be memory Database of IR commands pre-loaded to operate other brands Operating distance of 33 feet Learning frequency up to 56 kHz Learning distance from 2 inches to 1 foot Operating distance of approx. 65 feet, depending on surrounding conditions Band: 418 MHz Bandwidth: ± 100 kHz 16 Extender IDs and 4 Channels 2 MB non-volatile flash memory (retains programming even when batteries are removed) 512K SRAM 4 AA 1.5V batteries, or optional rechargeable battery pack Approx. six months with average use Power on by touching screen, power off by timeout 6 x 3-3/4 x 1-3/4” 32° to 122° F RS-232 cable for PC connection Rechargeable battery and charger: BCC-5 RF Receiver: RFR-5 18 Park Way Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 201.785.2600 :: FAX 201.785.2650 www.integrahometheater.com Performance features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Integra is not responsible for typographic errors. Dolby and Pro Logic are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. THX, THX Select, THX Ultra and THX Ultra2 are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. DTS is a trademark of Digital Systems, Inc. A-Bus is a registered trademark of LeisureTech Electronics. Windows Media Audio and WMA are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.