2005 Program - City of Las Vegas Mayor`s Cup
2005 Program - City of Las Vegas Mayor`s Cup
What’s Inside Letter from the Mayor of Las Vegas Letter from the President of Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club Boys U-11 Girls U-11 Boys U-12 Girls U-12 Boys U-13 Boys U-13/14 Girls U-13 Boys U-14 Girls U-14 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 Fields Boys U-15 –16 Boys U-17 –19 Girls U-15 Girls U-16 Girls U-17 Girls U-18 – 19 Tops Tournament Rules 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 KMC Builders, INC. 570 W. Cheyenne, Suite 80 North Las Vegas, NV 89030 702-898-KMCB (5622) M-F 9am-5pm Sat/Sun & after hours by appointment Call for your free quote. -----Custom Design Consultation -----Military Discounts -----Senior Discounts Licensed, Bonded, Insured Family owned and operated since 1978 ________________________________________ Good Luck DLVSC Girls U-11/12 Ashley, Amanda, Kellie, Anna, Taylor G. Nicki, Elissa, Amy, Melanie, Michelle, Taylor P., Katie, Victoria, Becca, Chelsea 2 2005 Mayor’s Cup Nevada Contractor License # 59997 Nevada Electrical License # 59559 Specializing in Custom Patio Covers and Sun Rooms. KMC Builders, INC. Will make a 5% Donation to a Soccer Team or club of your choice with the purchase of a patio cover or sun room** ** *** must present this ad for donation opportunity. Only one donation per purchase. Tournament Specials: 10 x 20 solid, lattice cover or combination cover $ 2 ,69 9.0 0 12 x 12 Freestanding Cover $ 2,9 99. 00 10 x 20 Stucco-Tec Solid Cover $ 4,2 99. 00 10 x 20 Deluxe Sunroom w/ dual pane windows, Low-E Glass, 1 ceiling fan, tile, (3) Elect. Outlets, (1) sliding Glass Door $17,9 99. 00 10 x 20 Standard Sunroom w/ single pane windows, (1) Sliding Glass Door, (3) Elect. Outlets, (1) Ceiling Fan, Tile $9,99 9.0 0 All prices guaranteed through 11/30/05 Permit Fees Not Included 2005 Mayor’s Cup 3 4 2005 Mayor’s Cup 2005 Mayor’s Cup 5 Schedules Boys U-11 BU11 Gold Gold A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 AZ Storm 95 Genesis SC Downtown LVSC 96 Gold Salsa 95 Cordica 95 Central Valley SA Cyclone JUFC Olympia Legacy ESC 95 Black Gilbert Arsenal 95 Premier Cisco 95 Strikers NXL 95 Neusport 95 Green Palm Valley Boise Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Fresno Las Vegas Edmond Gilbert Scottsdale Las Vegas Las Vegas Result AZ ID NV NV NV CA-N NV OK AZ AZ NV NV SAT 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm Park Field BWilson 7 BWilson 8 BWilson 9 BWilson 10 BWilson 7 BWilson 8 BWilson 9 BWilson 10 BWilson 7 BWilson 8 BWilson 9 BWilson 10 Home AZ Storm 95 Salsa 95 JUFC Olympia Legacy Cisco 95 Strikers Genesis SC Cordica 95 ESC 95 Black NXL 95 Downtown LVSC 96 Gold Central Valley SA Cyclone Gilbert Arsenal 95 Premier Neusport 95 Green SUN 8:00am 8:00am 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson 1 2 7 8 9 10 1st Place A 1st Place C 2nd Place A 2nd Place C 3rd Place A 3rd Place C 1st Place B 1st Place D 2nd Place B 2nd Place D 3rd Place B 3rd Place D 12:00pm BWilson 12:00pm BWilson 1 2 Winner of Semi 1 Loser of Semi 1 Winner of Semi 2 Loser of Semi 2 Visitor Genesis SC Cordica 95 ESC 95 Black NXL 95 Downtown LVSC 96 Gold Central Valley SA Cyclone Gilbert Arsenal 95 Premier Neusport 95 Green AZ Storm 95 Salsa 95 JUFC Olympia Legacy Cisco 95 Strikers Semi Semi Silver BU11 Silver A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 SAT 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 9:20am 2:40pm 2:40pm 2:40pm 2:40pm Park BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson SUN 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash 4:00pm 5:20pm BWilson BWilson Field 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 5 4 Cisco 95 Warhawks JUFC Socceroos Neusport 95 White Downtown LVSC 96 White Rebels Select 95 Red Neusport 96 Green Heat FC 95 Downtown LVSC 95 Gold Scottsdale Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Henderson Las Vegas Home Cisco 95 Warhawks Neusport 95 White Rebels Select 95 Red Heat FC 95 JUFC Socceroos Downtown LVSC 96 White Neusport 96 Green Downtown LVSC 95 Gold Result AZ NV NV NV NV NV NV NV Visitor JUFC Socceroos Downtown LVSC 96 White Neusport 96 Green Downtown LVSC 95 Gold Neusport 95 White Cisco 95 Warhawks Heat FC 95 Rebels Select 95 Red Cisco 95 Warhawks JUFC Socceroos Rebels Select 95 Red Neusport 96 Green Neusport 95 White Downtown LVSC 96 White Heat FC 95 Downtown LVSC 95 Gold 1st Place A *2nd Place A 1st Place B 2nd Place B For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com 6 2005 Mayor’s Cup Schedules A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 LV Premier 95 White Tabagators 95 White Pinnacle 95 Premier Rebels Select 95 Red Rebels Select 95 White Tabagators 95 Green NXL 95 Vegas Vengeance Las Vegas Las Vegas Scottsdale Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Result NV NV AZ NV NV NV NV NV SAT 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm Park Field BWilson 2 BWilson 3 BWilson 5 BWilson 6 BWilson 3 BWilson 4 BWilson 5 BWilson 6 Home LV Premier 95 White Pinnacle 95 Premier Rebels Select 95 White NXL 95 Tabagators 95 White Rebels Select 95 Red Tabagators 95 Green Vegas Vengeance Visitor Tabagators 95 White Rebels Select 95 Red Tabagators 95 Green Vegas Vengeance Pinnacle 95 Premier LV Premier 95 White NXL 95 Rebels Select 95 White SUN 8:00am 8:00am 9:20am 9:20am BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson 9 10 9 10 LV Premier 95 White Tabagators 95 White Rebels Select 95 White Tabagators 95 Green Pinnacle 95 Premier Rebels Select 95 Red NXL 95 Vegas Vengeance 12:00pm BWilson 12:00pm BWilson 9 10 1st Place A 2nd Place A 1st Place B 2nd Place B Girls U-11 GU11 Gold Gold Silver GU11 Silver A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 Bonita Rebels Rebels Select 95 Black LV Premier 96 Red Nighthawks Rebels Select Juniors LV Premier 95 Red LV Blast FC 95 Tabagators 96 Green Chula Vista Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Result CA-S NV NV NV NV NV NV NV SAT 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 9:20am 2:40pm 2:40pm 2:40pm 2:40pm Park Field BWilson 1 BWilson 2 BWilson 3 BWilson 1 BWilson 7 BWilson 8 BWilson 9 BWilson 10 Home LV Premier 96 Red Rebels Select Juniors LV Blast FC 95 Bonita Rebels Rebels Select 95 Black Nighthawks LV Premier 95 Red Tabagators 96 Green Visitor Nighthawks LV Premier 95 Red Tabagators 96 Green Rebels Select 95 Black LV Premier 96 Red Bonita Rebels LV Blast FC 95 Rebels Select Juniors SUN 9:20am 9:20am 9:20am 9:20am BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson 1 2 3 4 Bonita Rebels Rebels Select 95 Black Rebels Select Juniors LV Premier 95 Red LV Premier 96 Red Nighthawks LV Blast FC 95 Tabagators 96 Green 2:40pm 4:00pm BWilson BWilson 10 10 1st Place A *2nd Place A 1st Place B 2nd Place B * If 2nd A is Bonita Rebels, Championship & Consolation Game Times will be Reversed For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com 2005 Mayor’s Cup 7 Schedules Boys U-12 Gold BU12 Gold A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 San Ramon Siege Neusport 94 White Cordica 95 Downtown LVSC 94 Gold Central Valley SA Cyclone Devastation SC 94 Blue Pumas United Neusport 94 Green Laguna Beach SC TSA 94 Red Rebels Select 94 Red Heat FC 94 San Ramon Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Fresno Henderson Las Vegas Las Vegas Laguna Beach Tucson Las Vegas Henderson Result CA-N NV NV NV CA-N NV NV NV CA-S AZ NV NV SAT 9:20am 9:20m 9:20am 9:20am 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 5:20pm 5:20pm 5:20pm 5:20pm Park Field BWilson 7 BWilson 8 BWilson 9 BWilson 10 BWilson 7 BWilson 8 BWilson 9 BWilson 10 BWilson 7 BWilson 8 BWilson 9 BWilson 10 Home San Ramon Siege Downtown LVSC 94 Gold Pumas United TSA 94 Red Neusport 94 White Central Valley SA Cyclone Neusport 94 Green Rebels Select 94 Red Cordica 95 Devastation SC 94 Blue Laguna Beach SC Heat FC 94 Visitor Neusport 94 White Central Valley SA Cyclone Neusport 94 Green Rebels Select 94 Red Cordica 95 Devastation SC 94 Blue Laguna Beach SC Heat FC 94 San Ramon Siege Downtown LVSC 94 Gold Pumas United TSA 94 Red SUN 8:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson 3 4 5 6 7 8 1st Place A 1st Place C 2nd Place A 2nd Place C 3rd Place A 3rd Place C 1st Place B 1st Place D 2nd Place B 2nd Place D 3rd Place B 3rd Place D 4:00pm BWilson 4:00pm BWilson 3 4 Winner of Semi 1 Loser of Semi 1 Winner of Semi 2 Loser of Semi 2 Semi Semi For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup 2005 GOOD LUCK DOWNTOWN! Your Real Estate Expert Ann Imhof 702 524-2513 x x x x x Buyer services: thorough knowledge & familiarity with inventory: Summerlin, Green Valley, the Ranchos, McNeil, Las Vegas Country Club Investments, Hi-rise First-time buyers, transfers, move-up, downsize Expert marketing plan for sellers: full promotion of YOUR property and YOUR priorities Call today! 524-2513 U-12 Girls Gold Emily MacKenzie Jessica Jordyn McKenzie Ryann Kristen Shelby Stacie Brianna Nikol Dara Lauren Breanna Wendi Cara Coach Warren Coach Scott “Good luck, play hard and have fun” Sheriff Bill Young 8 2005 Mayor’s Cup Schedules A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 Tabagators 94 Green Devastation SC 94 Blue Irvine Lasers Heat FC 94 Orange LV Premier 94 White Rebels Select 94 Red Revolution SC Downtown LVSC 94 Gold Las Vegas Henderson Irvine Henderson Las Vegas Las Vegas Incline Village Las Vegas Result NV NV CA-S NV NV NV NV NV SAT 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 5:20pm 5:20pm 5:20pm 5:20pm Park Field BWilson 7 BWilson 8 BWilson 9 BWilson 10 BWilson 3 BWilson 4 BWilson 5 BWilson 6 Home Tabagators 94 Green Irvine Lasers LV Premier 94 White Revolution SC Devastation SC 94 Blue Heat FC 94 Orange Rebels Select Red Downtown LVSC 94 Gold Visitor Devastation SC 94 Blue Heat FC 94 Orange Rebels Select Red Downtown LVSC 94 Gold Irvine Lasers Tabagators 94 Green Revolution SC LV Premier 94 White SUN 9:20am 9:20am 9:20am 9:20am BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson 5 6 7 8 Tabagators 94 Green Devastation SC 94 Blue LV Premier 94 White Rebels Select Red Irvine Lasers Inter Milan Revolution SC Downtown LVSC 94 Gold 4:00pm 4:00pm BWilson BWilson 7 8 1st Place A 2nd Place A 1st Place B 2nd Place B Girls U-12 Gold GU12 Gold GU12 Silver Silver A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 Downtown LVSC 94 White Celtic LV Lightning LV Premier 94 Red Heat FC 94 Blue Rebels Select 94 White LV Stars Tabagators 94 White Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Henderson Las Vegas Henderson Las Vegas Result NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV SAT 8:00am 8:00am 9:20am 9:20am 2:40pm 2:40pm 4:00pm 4:00pm Park Field BWilson 5 BWilson 6 BWilson 5 BWilson 6 BWilson 1 BWilson 2 BWilson 1 BWilson 2 Home Downtown LVSC 94 White Lightning Heat FC 94 Blue LV Stars Celtic LV LV Premier 94 Red Rebels Select 94 White Tabagators 94 White Visitor Celtic LV LV Premier 94 Red Rebels Select 94 White Tabagators 94 White Lightning Downtown LVSC 94 White LV Stars Heat FC 94 Blue SUN 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash 4 5 6 7 Downtown LVSC 94 White Celtic LV Heat FC 94 Blue Rebels Select 94 White Lightning LV Premier 94 Red LV Stars Tabagators 94 White 4:00pm 4:00pm BWilson BWilson 2 9 1st Place A 2nd Place A 1st Place B 2nd Place B For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com 2005 Mayor’s Cup 9 Schedules Boys U-13 GoldBU13 Gold A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 Strikers FC Colorado Rush Swoosh Downtown LVSC 93 Gold Cordica 93 Las Vegas Lions Genesis SC Las Vegas Premier 93 Club Atlas TSA 93 Red Central Valley SA Cyclone Devastation SC 93 Blue Santos Laguna Reno Lakewood Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Boise Las Vegas Las Vegas Tucson Fresno Henderson Las Vegas Result NV CO NV NV NV ID NV NV AZ CA-N NV NV SAT 9:20am 9:20am 9:20am 9:20am 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 5:20pm 5:20pm 5:20pm 5:20pm Park Field BuffWash 8 BuffWash 9 BuffWash 10 BuffWash 11 BuffWash 8 BuffWash 9 BuffWash 10 BuffWash 11 BuffWash 3 BuffWash 4 BuffWash 5 BuffWash 6 Home Strikers FC Cordica 93 Las Vegas Premier 93 Central Valley SA Cyclone Colorado Rush Swoosh Las Vegas Lions Club Atlas Devastation SC 93 Blue Santos Laguna Genesis SC TSA 93 Red Downtown LVSC 93 Gold SUN 8:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash 1st Place A 1st Place C 2nd Place A 2nd Place C 3rd Place A 3rd Place C 1st Place B 1st Place D 2nd Place B 2nd Place D 3rd Place B 3rd Place D 2:40pm 2:40pm BWilson BWilson Winner of Semi 1 Loser of Semi 1 Winner of Semi 2 Loser of Semi 2 9 10 3 4 5 6 5 8 Visitor Colorado Rush Swoosh Las Vegas Lions Club Atlas Devastation SC 93 Blue Downtown LVSC 93 Gold Genesis SC TSA 93 Red Santos Laguna Central Valley SA Cyclone Cordica 93 Las Vegas Premier 93 Strikers FC Boys U-13/14 Silver BU13/14 Silver A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 Neusport 92 Green Dorado Rebels Select 93 Red Arsenal LV Blaze Neusport 93 Green TSA 93 Blue JUFC Olympia Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Tucson Las Vegas Result NV NV NV NV NV NV AZ NV SAT 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm Park Field BWilson 3 BWilson 4 BWilson 5 BWilson 6 BWilson 7 BWilson 8 BWilson 9 BWilson 10 Home Neusport 92 Green Rebels Select Red LV Blaze TSA 93 Blue Dorado Arsenal Neusport 93 Green JUFC Olympia Visitor Dorado Arsenal Neusport 93 Green JUFC Olympia Rebels Select Red Neusport 92 Green TSA 93 Blue LV Blaze SUN 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson 5 6 7 8 Neusport 92 Green Dorado LV Blaze Neusport 93 Green Rebels Select Red Arsenal TSA 93 Blue JUFC Olympia 1:20pm 4:00pm BWilson BWilson 8 1 1st Place Group A 2nd Place Group A 1st Place Group B *2nd Place Group B * If 2nd B is TSA 93 Blue, Championship & Consolation Game Times will be Reversed 10 Semi Semi 2005 Mayor’s Cup For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com Schedules A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 Jammers Blue Tabagators 93 Green 49er United Porterville United Heat FC 93 Blue MSC United 93 Blue Elk Grove United 93 Rebels Select Red 93 Las Vegas Premier 93 Sparta United 93 Devastation SC 93 Blue Heat FC 93 Orange Las Vegas Las Vegas Auburn Porterville Henderson Mesa Rancho Murrieta Las Vegas Las Vegas Salt Lake City Henderson Henderson Result NV NV CA-N CA-N NV AZ CA-N NV NV UT NV NV SAT 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 1:20pm 2:40pm 2:40pm 2:40pm 5:20pm 5:20pm 5:20pm 6:40pm Park Field BuffWash 7 BuffWash 8 BuffWash 9 BuffWash 11 BuffWash 7 BuffWash 9 BuffWash 10 BuffWash 11 BuffWash 6 BuffWash 7 BuffWash 8 BuffWash 5 Home Jammers Blue Porterville United Elk Grove United 93 Sparta United 93 Tabagators 93 Green Heat FC 93 Blue Rebels Select Red 93 Devastation SC 93 Blue 49er United MSC United 93 Blue Las Vegas Premier 93 Heat FC 93 Orange SUN 9:20am 9:20am 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash 1st Place A 1st Place C 2nd Place A 2nd Place C 3rd Place A 3rd Place C 1st Place B 1st Place D 2nd Place B 2nd Place D 3rd Place B 3rd Place D 2:40pm 4:00pm BWilson BWilson Winner of Semi 1 Loser of Semi 1 Winner of Semi 2 Loser of Semi 2 10 11 7 8 9 10 4 6 Visitor Tabagators 93 Green Heat FC 93 Blue Rebels Select Red 93 Devastation SC 93 Blue 49er United MSC United 93 Blue Las Vegas Premier 93 Heat FC 93 Orange Jammers Blue Porterville United Elk Grove United 93 Sparta United 93 Girls U-13 Gold GU13 Gold Semi Semi SilverSilver GU13 A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 SAT 8:00am 8:00am 10:40am 12:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm Park Field BuffWash 10 BuffWash 11 BuffWash 10 BuffWash 11 BuffWash 10 BuffWash 11 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold Unlimited Vegas Vengeance Crush Tabagators 93 White NXL 93 Home Downtown LVSC 93 Gold Crush Unlimited Tabagators 93 White Vegas Vengeance NXL 93 Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Result NV NV NV NV NV NV Visitor Unlimited Tabagators 93 White Vegas Vengeance NXL 93 Downtown LVSC 93 Gold Crush SUN 10:40am BWilson 10:40am BWilson 12:00pm BWilson 1 2 3 1st Place Group A 1st Place Group B 3rd Place Group A 2nd Place Group B 2nd Place Group A 3rd Place Group B 5:20pm 5:20pm 1 2 Winner Semi 1 Loser Semi 1 Winner Semi 2 Loser Semi 2 BWilson BWilson Semi Semi For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com 2005 Mayor’s Cup 11 Schedules Boys U-14 Gold BU14 Gold A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold Bullard United UNAM Arsenal San Ramon Strike Force NLV Empire AZFC Hammers 92 Orchard Valley Eagles Devastation SC 92 Blue Delfines de Rosarito TSA 92 Red Pumas United Northwest United Las Vegas Fresno El Paso San Ramon No. Las Vegas Chandler Morgan Hill Henderson Rosarito Beach Tucson Las Vegas Las Vegas Result NV CA-N TX-S CA-N NV AZ CA-N NV MX AZ NV NV SAT 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 2:40pm 2:40pm 2:40pm 2:40pm Park Field BuffWash 6 BuffWash 7 BuffWash 8 BuffWash 9 BuffWash 7 BuffWash 8 BuffWash 9 BuffWash 10 BuffWash 5 BuffWash 6 BuffWash 7 BuffWash 8 Home Downtown LVSC 92 Gold San Ramon Strike Force Orchard Valley Eagles TSA 92 Red Bullard United Devastation SC 92 Blue NLV Empire Pumas United UNAM Arsenal AZFC Hammers 92 Delfines de Rosarito Northwest United SUN 8:00am 8:00am 10:40am 10:40am 12:00pm 12:00pm BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash 1st Place A 1st Place C 2nd Place A 2nd Place C 3rd Place A 3rd Place C 1st Place B 1st Place D 2nd Place B 2nd Place D 3rd Place B 3rd Place D 1:20pm 2:40pm BWilson BWilson Winner of Semi 1 Loser of Semi 1 Winner of Semi 2 Loser of Semi 2 7 8 10 11 1 2 7 7 Visitor Bullard United NLV Empire Devastation SC 92 Blue Pumas United UNAM Arsenal Delfines de Rosarito AZFC Hammers 92 Northwest United Downtown LVSC 92 Gold San Ramon Strike Force Orchard Valley Eagles TSA 92 Red For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com 12 2005 Mayor’s Cup Semi Semi Schedules Girls U-14 GU14 Gold Gold A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 Rebels Select 92 Red Las Vegas Heat FC 92 Henderson Evergreen Soccer Academy Everett Downtown LVSC 92 Gold Las Vegas Tabagators 92 Green Las Vegas Rebels Select 92 White Las Vegas Heat FC 92 Orange Henderson Red Hots 92 Las Vegas NLVA No. Las Vegas Utah Avalanche 92 Kaysville NV NV WA NV NV NV NV NV NV UT SAT 8:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm Park Field BuffWash 1 BuffWash 2 BWilson 6 BWilson 3 BWilson 5 BWilson 6 BWilson 3 BWilson 4 BWilson 5 BWilson 6 Home Tabagators 92 Green Red Hots 92 Rebels Select 92 Red Evergreen Soccer Academy Rebels Select 92 White NLVA Heat FC 92 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold Heat FC 92 Orange Utah Avalanche 92 SUN 9:20am 9:20am 10:40am 10:40am 12:00pm BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson 8 9 1 2 4 Heat FC 92 Rebels Select 92 Red 1st Place B 2nd Place B 3rd Place B Downtown LVSC 92 Gold Evergreen Soccer Academy 1st Place C Semi 2nd Place C 3rd Place C 1:20pm 2:40pm BWilson BWilson 9 9 Winner Semi Loser Semi 1st Place Group A 2nd Place Group A Result Visitor Rebels Select 92 White NLVA Heat FC 92 Downtown LVSC 92 Gold Heat FC 92 Orange Utah Avalanche 92 Evergreen Soccer Academy Rebels Select 92 Red Tabagators 92 Green Red Hots 92 Silver GU14 Silver A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 Dynomites LV Blast 92 Tabagators 92 White Ohana SC Devastation 92 White Silver Bullets NXL 92 Revolution SC Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Henderson Henderson Las Vegas Las Vegas Incline Village Result NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV SAT 12:00pm 12:00pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 5:20pm 5:20pm 6:40pm 6:40pm Park Field BWilson 1 BWilson 2 BWilson 1 BWilson 2 BWilson 1 BWilson 2 BWilson 1 BWilson 2 Home Dynomites Tabagators 92 White Devastation 92 White NXL 92 LV Blast 92 Ohana SC Silver Bullets Revolution SC Visitor LV Blast 92 Ohana SC Silver Bullets Revolution SC Tabagators 92 White Dynomites NXL 92 Devastation 92 White SUN 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am BWilson BWilson BWilson BWilson 3 4 5 6 LV Blast 92 Dynomites Devastation 92 White Silver Bullets Ohana SC Tabagators 92 White NXL 92 Revolution SC 1:20pm 5:20pm BWilson BWilson 10 3 1st Place Group A 2nd Place Group A 1st Place Group B * 2nd Place Group B * If 2nd B is Revolution SC, Championship & Consolation Game Times will be Reversed For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com 2005 Mayor’s Cup 13 14 2005 Mayor’s Cup 2005 Mayor’s Cup 15 Schedules Boys U-15-16 Gold BU15-16 Gold A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C4 RSC Fuego Jrs. Durango Mojave Green Aztecas Bullard United SCC Breakers 89 White Screaming Eagles Cisco Toros South Valley United Livermore Elite Extreme Fresno Las Vegas Kingman Las Vegas Fresno Santa Cruz Las Vegas Scottsdale Visalia Livermore Result CA-N NV AZ NV CA-N CA-N NV AZ CA-N CA-N SAT 9:20am 9:20am 12:00pm 12:00pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 5:20pm 5:20pm Park Field BuffWash 1 BuffWash 2 BuffWash 1 BuffWash 2 BuffWash 1 BuffWash 2 BuffWash 1 BuffWash 2 BuffWash 1 BuffWash 2 Home RSC Fuego Jrs. Aztecas Screaming Eagles South Valley United Durango Bullard United Cisco Toros Livermore Elite Extreme Mojave Green SCC Breakers 89 White SUN 9:20am 9:20am 9:20am 1:20pm 1:20pm BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash 4 5 6 1 2 1st Place Group A Screaming Eagles Cisco Toros 2nd Place Group A 3rd Place Group A 1st Place Group B South Valley United Livermore Elite Extreme 2nd Place Group B 3rd Place Group B 1:20pm 1:20pm BWilson BWilson 4 5 Winner Semi Loser Semi 1st Place Group C 2nd Place Group C Visitor Durango Bullard United Cisco Toros Livermore Elite Extreme Mojave Green SCC Breakers 89 White South Valley United Screaming Eagles RSC Fuego Jrs. Aztecas Semi Gold BU17-19 Gold Boys U-17-19 16 A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 SAT 10:40am 10:40am 2:40pm 2:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm Park Field BuffWash 1 BuffWash 2 BuffWash 1 BuffWash 2 BuffWash 1 BuffWash 2 Mission SC Lion Kings Cisco Potros San Ramon Heat San Carlos Fusion Tracy United Assault Ft. Lowell Syndicate Home Mission SC Lion Kings San Carlos Fusion Cisco Potros Tracy United Assault San Ramon Heat Ft. Lowell Syndicate San Francisco Scottsdale San Ramon San Carlos Tracy Tucson Result CA-N AZ CA-N CA-N CA-N AZ Visitor Cisco Potros Tracy United Assault San Ramon Heat Ft. Lowell Syndicate Mission SC Lion Kings San Carlos Fusion SUN 8:00am BuffWash 8:00am BuffWash 10:40am BuffWash 1 2 5 1st Place Group A 1st Place Group B 3rd Place Group A 2nd Place Group B 2nd Place Group A 3rd Place Group B 1:20pm 2:40pm 1 1 Winner Semi 1 Loser Semi 1 Winner Semi 2 Loser Semi 2 BWilson BWilson For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com 2005 Mayor’s Cup Semi Semi Schedules A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 Impact Black Downtown LVSC 91 Gold CDO Charlton Athletic Rebels Select 91 Red HB United Arsenal Gold Revolution SC Tabagators 91 Green Arsenal Royal United Spitfire Rebels Select 91 White Inter FC 91 Salt Lake City Las Vegas Tucson Las Vegas Las Vegas Fort Collins Las Vegas Las Vegas Fort Collins Sacramento Las Vegas Salt Lake City Result UT NV AZ NV NV CO NV NV CO CA-N NV UT SAT 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm 6:40pm Park Field BuffWash 3 BuffWash 4 BuffWash 5 BuffWash 6 BuffWash 3 BuffWash 4 BuffWash 5 BuffWash 6 BuffWash 3 BuffWash 4 BuffWash 6 BuffWash 7 Home Rebels Select 91 Red Revolution SC United Spitfire Impact Black Rebels Select 91 White HB United Tabagators 91 Green Downtown LVSC 91 Gold Charleton Athletic Arsenal Gold Arsenal Royal Inter FC 91 Visitor HB United Tabagators 91 Green Rebels Select 91 White Downtown LVSC 91 Gold Inter FC 91 Arsenal Gold Arsenal Royal Charleton Athletic Impact Black Rebels Select 91 Red Revolution SC United Spitfire SUN 8:00am 8:00am 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am 10:40am BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash 5 6 6 7 8 9 1st Place A 1st Place C 2nd Place A 2nd Place C 3rd Place A 3rd Place C 1st Place B 1st Place D 2nd Place B 2nd Place D 3rd Place B 3rd Place D 1:20pm 2:40pm BWilson BWilson 6 6 Winner of Semi 1 Loser of Semi 1 Winner of Semi 2 Loser of Semi 2 Semi Semi Tabagators 90 White Rebels Select 90 Red Tabagators 90 Green Heat FC 90 Westminster FC Samba SAT 8:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 12:00pm 4:00pm Park Field BuffWash 3 BuffWash 4 BuffWash 3 BuffWash 4 BuffWash 7 Home Tabagators 90 White Tabagators 90 Green Westminster FC Samba Rebels Select 90 Red Heat FC 90 SUN 8:00am 9:20am 10:40am 12:00pm 2:40pm BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash Westminster FC Samba Heat FC 90 Rebels Select 90 Red Tabagators 90 Green Rebels Select 90 Red 11 7 3 11 6 Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Henderson Westminster Result NV NV NV NV CO Visitor Rebels Select 90 Red Heat FC 90 Tabagators 90 White Tabagators 90 Green Westminster FC Samba Tabagators 90 Green Tabagators 90 White Westminster FC Samba Tabagators 90 White Heat FC 90 Girls U-16 GU16 Gold Gold A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Girls U-15 GU15 Gold Gold Point Standings Determine Winner For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com 2005 Mayor’s Cup 17 Schedules Girls U-17 Gold GU17 Gold A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C4 Yuma Quest Downtown LVSC 89 Gold Rebels Select White Fusion Tabagators 89 Green Heat FC 89 49er United Flash Tabagators 89 White Xtreme NLV Empire Yuma Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Henderson Auburn Las Vegas Las Vegas No. Las Vegas AZ NV NV NV NV NV CA-N NV NV NV SAT 9:20am 9:20am 9:20am 9:20am 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 1:20pm 4:00pm 4:00pm Park Field BuffWash 3 BuffWash 4 BuffWash 6 BuffWash 7 BuffWash 3 BuffWash 4 BuffWash 5 BuffWash 6 BuffWash 8 BuffWash 9 Home Yuma Quest Fusion 49er United Flash Xtreme Rebels Select White Heat FC 89 Tabagators 89 White NLV Empire Downtown LVSC 89 Gold Tabagators 89 Green SUN 9:20am 9:20am 9:20am 1:20pm 2:40pm BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash BuffWash 1 2 3 2 7 1st Place Group A 49er United Flash Tabagators 89 White 2nd Place Group A 3rd Place Group A 1st Place Group B Xtreme NLV Empire 2nd Place Group B 3rd Place Group B 1:20pm 2:40pm BWilson BWilson 3 3 Winner Semi Loser Semi 1st Place Group C 2nd Place Group C Result Visitor Downtown LVSC 89 Gold Tabagators 89 Green Tabagators 89 White NLV Empire Yuma Quest Fusion Xtreme 49er United Flash Rebels Select White Heat FC 89 Girls U-18-19 GU18-19 Gold Gold A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 SAT 8:00am 9:20am 12:00pm 12:00pm 2:40pm 2:40pm Park Field BuffWash 5 BuffWash 5 BuffWash 5 BuffWash 6 BuffWash 3 BuffWash 4 CDO Charlton Athletic Tabagators 88 Green LVFC Rebels Select 89 Red Regulators NYSA Fury 88 Red Home CDO Charlton Athletic Rebels Select 89 Red Tabagators 88 Green Regulators LVFC NYSA Fury 88 Red Tucson Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Norman Result AZ NV NV NV NV OK Visitor Tabagators 88 Green Regulators LVFC NYSA Fury 88 Red CDO Charlton Athletic Rebels Select 89 Red SUN 8:00am BuffWash 8:00am BuffWash 10:40am BuffWash 3 4 4 1st Place Group A 1st Place Group B 3rd Place Group A 2nd Place Group B 2nd Place Group A 3rd Place Group B 1:20pm 2:40pm 2 2 Winner Semi 1 Loser Semi 1 Winner Semi 2 Loser Semi 2 BWilson BWilson For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com 18 Semi 2005 Mayor’s Cup Semi Semi Schedules Tops Tops TOPS 1 Cal-South 1 CA-S 2 Cal-South 2 CA-S 3 Las Vegas 1 NV 4 Las Vegas 2 NV SAT 8:00am 8:00am Park Field BWilson 4N BWilson 4S Home Las Vegas 1 Las Vegas 2 Visitor Cal-South 1 Cal-South 2 1:20pm 1:20pm BWilson BWilson Las Vegas 1 Las Vegas 2 Cal-South 2 Cal-South 1 4N 4S For up-to-date schedules and results visit www.lvmayorscup.com 2005 Mayor’s Cup 19 Tournament Rules Las Vegas Mayors Cup Tournament Rules 2005 RULES OF PLAY FIFA Laws of the Game shall apply as modified by USYSA and USYSNV as described herein. ELIGIBILITY All properly registered teams in good standing and which comply with the Rules and Bylaw’s of the USYSA and USYSNV are eligible to compete in the Las Vegas Mayor’s Cup 2005 soccer tournament. Teams must be registered to an under 11 boys or girls team through under 19 boys or girl’s team. Eligible players are those players whose names appear on the team’s official league roster for 2005/2006. REGISTRATION Check-in for teams will be from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the (Neonopolis at 450 Fremont Street Experience, Las Vegas, NV 89101—Las Vegas Blvd. & Fremont Street) map at (www.neonopolis.net or www.lvmayorscup.com). No refunds after October 3, 2005. Tournament headquarters during game times will be at the Bettye Wilson Soccer Complex located at 7353 Eugene Ave., phone number 702-229-2488. It is mandatory that a representative from each team attend the check in. All teams will provide the following at registration. (Failure to provide the needed paperwork for each player could prevent players from participating in the tournament.) U.S. Teams * Official League Roster or Travel Roster * Official School roster-(if applicable) * Travel Papers (if applicable) * Guest Player Forms (up to [5] per team ) * Laminated 2005/2006 Player/Coach Passes * Medical Releases (White copy of 2005/2006 registration form) Foreign Teams *Foreign Teams: Passports or proof of entry and photo I.D. *Official League Roster or Travel Roster * Medical Releases SCHEDULE All teams are guaranteed at least (3) matches (weather permitting). Championship finalists will be determined by Tournament Scoring of first (2-3) matches (unless there is an uneven bracket). Most matches will be played at the Bettye Wilson Complex located at the corner of Lake Mead Blvd. and Tenaya Way, LV, NV and our new fields at the corner on Washington and Buffalo. The Tournament Committee will determine divisions/brackets. EQUIPMENT U11 - U12 will play with a size (4) ball and U13 - U19 and High School teams will play with a size (5) ball. All players are required to wear shin guards! No jewelry may be worn in competition. Players shall wear approved cleats. All players must wear numbered uniforms with no duplicated numbers on a team. Players not in compliance will be CAUTIONED (yellow carded) and sent off the field until the requirement is met. Casts-No hard casts are permitted; soft casts may be permitted with approval of Referee. HOME AND VISITING TEAM The home team is listed first on the schedule, must change jerseys in the event of a color conflict & will supply the match ball (if needed & which will be subject to referee approval). If the sub box is painted, all subs will wait in it to be brought onto the field. If no sub box, players stand at centerline. Home side of field is West side. Home team is listed first. It is the Head coaches responsibility to make sure both sides of the field are cleaned up after each match. No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or glass containers will be allowed on or near the tournament fields or anywhere in the Bettye Wilson Complex or any City of Las Vegas Park. Players and spectators of same team will occupy same side of field. 20 2005 Mayor’s Cup Tournament * No mechanical devices are used. * The tone of the voice is instructive and not derogatory. * No coach, team official, player or spectator uses profanity or incites, in any manner, disruptive behavior. * No coach, team official, player or spectator makes derogatory remarks or gestures to the referees, other coaches, players or spectators. Head coach is responsible for picking up players passes after each match from the Field Marshals. Rules COACHING All Head coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their other coaches, team officials, players, and spectators at all times. Coaching from the sidelines (giving directions to one’s own team on points of strategy and position) is permitted if: DURATION OF MATCHES ALL Matches (EXCEPT CHAMPIONSHIP) will consist of: (2) 30 minute halves. All matches will be terminated no less than (5) minutes prior to the start of the next match. All divisions will have a (5) minute half-time break. Championship Matches will consist of: (2) 30 minute halves, then PK’s. All divisions will have a (5) minute half-time break. TOURNAMENT SCORING Teams shall be awarded points for match results as follows: A. (6) points for each win. (0) points for each loss. (3) points for each tie. (1) point deducted for each red card received. (1) point for each shutout. (1) point deducted for each forfeit. (1) point for each goal scored, up to (3) maximum, regardless of win or loss. B. For a forfeited match, the winner will be credited with a 1-0 win and awarded (8) points (six for the win, one for the goal and one for the shut-out). A team abandoned by another team during a match will be awarded at least (8) points. The results of that match shall be based on the score at the time of the abandonment. No points for team abandoning the match. C. No points will be awarded if neither team shows up. D. Any team leaving the field prior to determination of a winner shall forfeit the match. E. A match is considered official upon completion of one half of play regardless of the circumstances of termination during the second half with final results based on the score at termination. F. Final standings for the pool will be determined by the total number of points accumulated during pool play. G. One point will be deducted from a team’s total points for each red card received. SCORE REPORTING Tournament Director and or Tournament committee are responsible for reporting scores and posting them on the scoreboards. Referees turn in game cards to field marshals and marshals turn in cards to committee at Bettye Wilson. Official score is kept at headquarters (Bettye Wilson Soccer Complex) TIE BREAKING WITHIN A POOL Ties in pool standings will be broken by employing a tie breaker. If more than two teams are involved in the tie, the first team to move ahead of the remaining teams will be awarded the highest place, and the tiebreakers continued until all ties are broken. A. Head to head (if all teams played each other). B. Least goals allowed. C. Largest goal differential (max. of plus or minus (3) per match). D. Most goals scored (maximum of (3) per match). E. Kicks from the Penalty Spot in accordance with the procedure outlined in the FIFA Laws of the Game (site and time at the discretion of Tournament Director. (11) players from a team must be ready to participate within (5) minutes of appointed time or else that team will forfeit its opportunity to prevail in the tie breaker.) 2005 Mayor’s Cup 21 Tournament Rules TIE BREAKING IN CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES If the score is still tied at the conclusion of play in any Championship match or semi-final match, Kicks from the Penalty Spots in accordance with the procedure outlined in the FIFA Laws of the Game will be taken until a winner is determined. No Championship or semi-final match shall end in a tie. Only the players on the field at the conclusion of regulation play may participate. (Center Referee will gather all the players on the field at the end of regulation play and not allow them to go to their respective sidelines. They are the players who will shoot the PK’s.) (Note: could be less than 11 players due to injury or ejection). PRE-MATCH CHECK IN Teams must check-in with the Field Marshal at the Field Marshal tent (30) minutes prior to the time their match is scheduled to begin. At this time, player equipment will be inspected, player passes turned over to the Field Marshal, match cards checked and any other necessary instructions given. The Field Marshals are at the matches to assist you with anything you might need and to handle the administrative concerns of the matches. They do not have any authority over any decision normally made by a referee. The Field Marshals will hold the player passes for both teams in their possession during the match; no exceptions. FORFEITURES Teams failing to check in (15) minutes prior to their scheduled kick off time or failing to report ready to play within (5) minutes of scheduled kick-off time will forfeit their match. All teams must have a minimum of (7) players present to start the match. Teams that forfeit during pool play may continue on in pool play but not in semi or final matches. SUBSTITUTIONS Unlimited substitution will be allowed in all age groups, with the Center Referee’s permission, and only at the following times: (Players will check in with the Sideline Referee, who will raise a flag, and then stand/kneel at the mid field line [in sub box, if painted] until Center Referee signals them to enter the field and only after the player they are to replace has left the field. All substitutions will be done at the centerline.) * Prior to throw-in by the team in possession. * Prior to a goal kick by either team. * On a Yellow card, cautioned player must leave field until next stoppage. * At half time. * After an injury on either team when Center Referee stops play. • After a goal is scored by either team. INJURY Referees will be instructed not to add time to a match except under the most extenuating circumstances. However, all preliminary matches will be terminated not less then (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next match. EJECTIONS/DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS USYSNV rules prohibit any coach, team official or player ejected from a match, or suspended by the proper authority, to be within sight or hearing distance of the field of play during his/her suspension. A coach, team official or player receiving two cautions (yellow cards) in a single match is considered to have been given an ejection (red card) for the purposes of deducting points for the tournament competition. A player who has been ejected (sent off), shall not be replaced. A coach, team official or player who has been ejected for VIOLENT CONDUCT shall not be allowed to participate in the next TWO scheduled matches (subject to review by the tournament committee). Any coach, team official or player who assaults a referee will be expelled from the tournament. FIGHTING will not be tolerated for any reason. Coaches, team officials, players or spectators sent off for fighting (striking or attempting to strike another coach, team official, player or spectator) will not be allowed to participate in any further tournament matches. Coaches, team officials, players or spectators who enter the field of play for any reason, in the event of a fight, will be ejected from the tournament. If the coaches, team officials, players or spectators cannot be identified, the entire team will be removed from the tournament. No refunds will be made to any team that is removed from the tournament for fighting. One point will be deducted from a team’s total points for each red card received. The coach/team official shall forfeit the carded coach’s, team official’s or player’s pass to the Center Referee who will give the pass and the match report to the Field Marshal. The coach, team official or player in question shall be ineligible until the pass is returned to said coach, team official or player by the Tournament Committee. Any coach or team official that is coaching more than one team in the tournament and is suspended on one team, is automatically suspended from any other team or teams until the suspension has been served. If, in the opinion of the Center Referee, a match must be terminated for misconduct, the offending team forfeits that match and will be suspended from further play in all remaining matches which would be forfeits. Previous points earned and any right to a refund, awards or other consideration will be forfeited. In addition, the home league and State Association will be contacted. Any verbal abuse directed at committee members, referees or other volunteers will also result in suspension and ejection. Referees have complete authority during all matches and will not allow abusive or profane language, threats of any kind or any style of play that detracts from the Game of Soccer. ALTERNATE MATCH SCHEDULING The Tournament Committee has the authority to alter the schedule, move matches to the next day or move match sites for the good of the tournament. All matches will be played. INCLEMENT WEATHER OR UNEXPECTED TERMINATION OF PLAY Matches will be played in all weather conditions, unless the Center Referee or Tournament Director determines 22 2005 Mayor’s Cup mechanical products nevada inc. 2701 CRIMSON CANYON DRIVE, SUITE 110 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89128 JOHN KREILING President (702) 228-8974 Fax (702) 228-8954 Cell (702) 494-9800 [email protected] Innovative HVAC System Solutions... Tournament Contingency Plan: Plan A: All matches will be played as scheduled. Plan B: Shorten all first round matches to (15) halves. Plan C: Plan B plus shorten all second round matches the same. Plan D: Plan C plus shorten all third round matches the same. Plan E: In the event the fields become totally unplayable or the weather becomes a hazardous condition, it may be necessary to decide some matches with FIFA penalty kicks. DISPUTES The Tournament Committee shall settle all disputes and their decision shall be final. NO protests will be allowed. Rules the conditions are dangerous and/or life threatening as per FIFA/USYSA/USYSNV regulations. The Tournament Committee will do every thing in their control to make sure all matches are played, but if it is out of their control, the standings at that time will be final. No refunds will be given! AWARDS Each player participating in the Las Vegas Mayors Cup will receive a tournament program and a pin. At the conclusion of the final matches in each age group, first (1st) through third (3rd) place teams will receive individual player/coach awards. First place team in each age group will receive a Mayor’s Cup Trophy. Awards will NOT be mailed to teams failing to stay for presentations. Awards will be handed out at the Bettye Wilson Soccer Complex at the end of each 1st – 3rd place matches. The Tournament Committee is the final authority in ALL matters! 2005 Mayor’s Cup 23 24 2005 Mayor’s Cup the dream the vision the people the organization the change In 218 days, Downtown Las Vegas Soccer has become one of the largest and most respected soccer clubs in the state of Nevada. And this is just the beginning! 2005 Mayor’s Cup 25 26 2005 Mayor’s Cup GOOD LUCK DOWNTOWN! Committed to helping you achieve financial success Log on to www.trimyourdebt.com for: FREE Online Budget FREE Credit Score Instant Budget Analysis Credit Repair Guide Debt Paydown Plan Budget e-Guide Improving Your Credit Score Credit Myths & Facts Mortgage Preparation Tips Preventing Identity Theft Insurance Quotes “…To Teach and Serve Our Customers with Honesty and Integrity…” 2005 Mayor’s Cup 27
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