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Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training THESIS BY EDWIN KAREMA This thesis is presented for the degree of Master of Engineering Science of the University of Western Australia School of Mechanical Engineering Engineering and Asset Management 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Abstracts Abstracts Today increasing market competitiveness has forced manufacturers and primary industries to compete on price and reliability. At the same time, there are greater complexities and risks associated with the purchasing, installing, and maintaining assets. These are some of the factors, which have lead to an increase in industry practitioners’ and academics’ interest in the study of asset management. Asset management itself is defined by Asset Management Council as “the life cycle management of physical assets to achieve the stated output of enterprise”. One of the key roles in the in-service phase of the life cycle is the maintenance planner. The planner input is vital in selecting and deploying the right maintenance tasks and sequences to ensure an asset's function is delivered at the optimal cost. One way to increase the effectiveness of the maintenance planning process is to improve the competency level of the maintenance planner. However, improving training and qualification systems is not straightforward. The lack of agreement on the maintenance planner tasks is one of the reasons why it is difficult to find a specific course for planners. Developing an effective training package for maintenance planners needs to consider planner competencies, cost, infrastructure, time flexibility and the content of the training itself. This could be achieved by developing a better understanding of maintenance planner role. Hence, a survey has been carried out to collect data of maintenance planner tasks from companies in different market sector and from literatures. Analysis of this data is then used to define a recommended set of maintenance planner tasks, skill sets and competency levels. Utilisation of the computer simulation game as an educational tool could assist prospective and existing planners (students) in enhancing their learning experiences of maintenance planning. It also provides a tool that can assist educators to evaluate students’ understanding of a concept. The challenge in achieving the conditions above is to establish an effective structure of an education simulation game itself. A framework that is able to relate the components that affect the planner’s work and the detailed technical requirements of a computer/electronic simulation game is required. The understanding of the components within this framework provides a clearer view of the required technical elements of a Page ii Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Abstracts computer simulation game such as the functional requirements, data structure, simulation algorithm, interfaces, scenarios and entertainment aspects. As part of this research, a prototype of an Education simulation game for maintenance planners (ESMAP) was developed. The feedback has indicated a degree of enthusiasm for using a simulation game for maintenance planners training and a reasonable market/commercial prospect. Moreover, the findings from the process of developing the prototype, and the feedback of demonstration audiences have provide a valuable knowledge in understanding the requirements of a complete version of an education simulation game for a maintenance planner training system. Page iii Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Table of Contents Table of Contents ABSTRACTS .................................................................................................................. II TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... IV LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................... IX LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. X ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................XI ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................ XII DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. XIV 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND ............................................................................................ 1 1.1.1 ASSET MANAGEMENT STUDY...................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 MAINTENANCE PLANNER EDUCATION/TRAINING ....................................................... 2 1.1.3 COMPUTER EDUCATION SIMULATION GAME .............................................................. 3 1.2 THESIS CONTRIBUTION................................................................................................. 4 1.2.1 THE CHALLENGES ........................................................................................................ 4 1.2.2 RESEARCH QUESTION .................................................................................................. 4 1.2.3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................... 5 1.2.4 SCOPE LIMITATION ...................................................................................................... 6 1.3 THESIS OUTLINE ........................................................................................................... 6 2 LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................. 7 2.1 CHAPTER OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 7 2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW METHODOLOGY....................................................................... 7 2.3 EDUCATION SIMULATION GAME RESEARCH .............................................................. 8 2.3.1 SOCIETY ACCEPTANCE OF EDUCATION SIMULATION GAME .................................... 10 Page iv Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 2.3.2 2.4 Table of Contents DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION SIMULATION GAME ................................................. 11 EDUCATION SIMULATION GAME IN VARIOUS FIELDS .............................................. 13 2.4.1 SIMULATION GAMES IN THE MILITARY ..................................................................... 13 2.4.2 SIMULATION GAMES IN THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY .................................................... 15 2.4.3 SIMULATION GAMES IN BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT ............................................ 17 2.5 SIMULATION GAME IN MAINTENANCE PLANNING ................................................... 20 2.5.1 THE MANUFACTURING GAME AND THE OILPRO GAME ............................................ 20 2.5.2 THE MAINTENANCE GAME ........................................................................................ 22 2.5.3 THE RELIABILITY GAME ............................................................................................ 22 2.5.4 ABB RELIABILITY CHALLENGE ................................................................................ 23 2.6 GAP ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 24 3 MAINTENANCE PLANNER TRAINING SYSTEM................................................... 27 3.1 CHAPTER OVERVIEW .................................................................................................. 27 3.2 EXISTING MAINTENANCE PLANNING TRAINING SYSTEMS ...................................... 27 3.3 EDUCATION SIMULATION GAMES FOR MAINTENANCE PLANNING TRAINING- THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS ..................................................................................................... 28 3.4 MAINTENANCE PLANNING .......................................................................................... 30 3.4.1 DEFINITION ................................................................................................................ 30 3.4.2 MAINTENANCE WORKFLOW....................................................................................... 30 3.4.3 COMPUTERISED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMMS).......................... 33 3.5 UNDERSTANDING MAINTENANCE PLANNER ROLE ................................................... 33 3.5.1 DATA COLLECTION .................................................................................................... 34 3.5.2 MAINTENANCE PLANNER’S TASKS............................................................................ 35 3.5.3 MAINTENANCE PLANNER SKILL SET.......................................................................... 44 3.5.4 MAINTENANCE PLANNER PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ............................................ 47 3.5.5 FACTORS AFFECTING MAINTENANCE PLANNER TASKS............................................ 49 3.5.6 MAINTENANCE PLANNING GOOD PRACTICE .............................................................. 53 3.6 THE MAINTENANCE PLANNER FRAMEWORK ........................................................... 56 3.7 MAINTENANCE PLANNING COURSE ........................................................................... 60 3.7.1 MAINTENANCE PLANNERS AS STUDENTS.................................................................. 60 3.7.2 ADDRESSING MAINTENANCE PLANNERS REQUIREMENT AS A STUDENT.................. 61 3.7.3 ASSESSMENT METHODS............................................................................................. 62 Page v Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Table of Contents 4 COMPUTER SIMULATION GAME FOR MAINTENANCE PLANNER ............... 64 4.1 CHAPTER OVERVIEW .................................................................................................. 64 4.2 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION ............................................................ 64 4.2.1 SOFTWARE OVERVIEW .............................................................................................. 64 4.2.2 FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIES ....................................................................................... 65 4.2.3 FEATURES .................................................................................................................. 67 4.2.4 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE ....................................................................................... 67 4.2.5 PORTABILITY ............................................................................................................. 67 4.2.6 INTERFACES ............................................................................................................... 67 4.2.7 DATA STRUCTURES/ELEMENTS ................................................................................. 73 4.3 ESMAP WALKTHROUGH ........................................................................................... 76 4.3.1 STAGE 1- RISK ASSESSMENT / PRIORITISING ............................................................. 76 4.3.2 STAGE 2-PLANNING-PREPARING WORK PACKAGES .................................................. 77 4.3.3 STAGE 3- REVIEWING RETURNED WORK-PACKAGES ................................................. 79 4.3.4 STAGE 4- BILL OF MATERIAL MANAGEMENT ............................................................ 81 4.3.5 CYCLE COMPLETION AND DEBRIEFING ..................................................................... 81 4.3.6 SIMULATION ENGINE ................................................................................................. 83 4.4 ENTERTAINMENT ASPECTS ........................................................................................ 84 4.5 EVALUATION CRITERIA .............................................................................................. 84 4.5.1 COST .......................................................................................................................... 86 4.5.2 PERFORMANCE........................................................................................................... 88 4.5.3 DATA MANAGEMENT................................................................................................. 89 4.5.4 AUXILIARY CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................. 89 5 PROTOTYPE DEVELOPMENT, TRIALS AND ANALYSIS.................................... 90 5.1 CHAPTER OVERVIEW .................................................................................................. 90 5.2 PROTOTYPE AIMS........................................................................................................ 90 5.3 PROTOTYPE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS ...................................................................... 91 5.4 PROTOTYPE COVERAGE AND DETAILED REQUIREMENTS ........................................ 92 5.4.1 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED (EDUCATION SCENARIO)........................... 92 5.4.2 ENTERTAINMENT SCENARIO INCLUDED..................................................................... 93 5.4.3 NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT/FEATURES ............................................................ 93 5.4.4 INTERFACES ............................................................................................................... 93 Page vi Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Table of Contents 5.4.5 DATABASE ................................................................................................................. 93 5.4.6 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE ...................................................................................... 94 5.4.7 SOFTWARE STRUCTURE ............................................................................................. 94 5.4.8 WINFORM VS. WEB BASED...................................................................................... 94 5.4.9 DATA STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................... 94 5.4.10 HARDWARE REQUIREMENT ..................................................................................... 94 5.4.11 I/O REQUIREMENT ................................................................................................... 94 5.4.12 MEMORY REQUIREMENT ......................................................................................... 96 5.4.13 SCENARIO ................................................................................................................ 96 5.4.14 MULTIMEDIA ADD-ON ............................................................................................. 96 5.4.15 RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR .............................................................................. 96 5.4.16 INITIAL SET-UP VARIABLES ...................................................................................... 96 5.5 PROTOTYPE STORYBOARD DEVELOPMENT ............................................................... 96 5.5.1 SCENARIOS................................................................................................................. 96 5.5.2 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM ................................................................................................. 98 5.6 SCREEN MOCK-UP ..................................................................................................... 101 5.6.1 FRONT PAGE ............................................................................................................ 101 5.6.2 GAME PAGE- BRIEFING............................................................................................ 101 5.6.3 GAME PAGE- MAIN PAGE ........................................................................................ 102 5.6.4 GAME PAGE- SORTING WORK ORDER STAGE (STAGE 1) ........................................ 102 5.6.5 GAME PAGE- PREPARING WORK-PACKAGE STAGE (STAGE 2) ............................... 103 5.6.6 GAME PAGE- REVIEWING WORK-PACKAGE STAGE (STAGE 3)............................... 104 5.6.7 GAME PAGE- BILL OF MATERIAL MANAGEMENT STAGE (STAGE 4) ...................... 104 5.6.8 GAME PAGE – DEBRIEFING ...................................................................................... 105 5.6.9 GAME PAGE – VIRTUAL LIBRARY ........................................................................... 105 5.7 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................................... 106 5.7.1 EDUCATION AND COURSE CONTENT ASPECTS ........................................................ 107 5.7.2 ENTERTAINMENT ASPECT ........................................................................................ 111 5.7.3 DESIGN ASPECT ....................................................................................................... 111 5.7.4 MARKET ................................................................................................................... 113 5.7.5 THE WAY FORWARD................................................................................................. 113 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................ 115 6.1 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................ 115 Page vii Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 6.2 Table of Contents RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................. 117 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... 119 APPENDIX - 1 LIST OF MAINTENANCE PLANNER/ASSET MANAGEMENT TRAINING APPENDIX - 2 RECOMMENDED READINGS APPENDIX - 3 EXISTING SIMULATION GAMES APPENDIX - 4 ADVERTISED PLANNER’S TASKS APPENDIX - 5 PROTOTYPE CODE APPENDIX - 6 INTERVIEW QUESTION/QUESTIONER Page viii Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training List of Tables List of Tables TABLE 1 - LITERATURE REVIEW INCLUSION CRITERIA ........................................................................... 8 TABLE 2 - CHARACTERISTICS OF SIMULATION GAMES, SERIOUS GAMES AND TRAINING SIMULATORS ... 9 TABLE 3 - APPLICATION OF SIMULATION GAME IN DIFFERENT FIELDS ................................................ 13 TABLE 4 - EXTRACT OF WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT COMPARISON MATRIX .......................................... 32 TABLE 5 - IDEAL MAINTENANCE PLANNER TASK GROUP..................................................................... 35 TABLE 6 - MAINTENANCE PLANNERS’ MEDIUM TERM TASKS ........................................................... 37 TABLE 7 - MAINTENANCE PLANNERS’ LONG TERM TASKS ............................................................... 41 TABLE 8 - MAINTENANCE PLANNERS’ LIAISON TASKS ..................................................................... 42 TABLE 9 - MAINTENANCE PLANNERS’ AD HOC TASK ......................................................................... 44 TABLE 10 -GENERIC KEY COMPETENCY LEVEL ................................................................................... 45 TABLE 11 -MAINTENANCE PLANNER SKILL SET AND KEY COMPETENCY ............................................. 45 TABLE 12 -SELECTED MAINTENANCE PLANNER QUANTITATIVE KPI................................................... 48 TABLE 13 -COURSE TECHNICAL TOPIC ................................................................................................. 62 TABLE 14 -ESMAP COVERAGE .......................................................................................................... 65 TABLE 15 -ESMAP INTERFACES ........................................................................................................... 72 TABLE 16 -TASK COVERED IN ESMAP PROTOTYPE ............................................................................ 92 TABLE 17 -SETUP VARIABLES............................................................................................................... 96 TABLE 18 -ESMAP PROTOTYPE INPUTS ............................................................................................. 97 TABLE 19 -FEEDBACK DETAILS ......................................................................................................... 106 Page ix Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training List of Figures List of Figures FIGURE 1 - RESEARCH PHASE.............................................................................................................. 5 FIGURE 2 - CAPSTONE SNAPSHOT ..................................................................................................... 18 FIGURE 3 - THE MANUFACTURING GAME ........................................................................................ 21 FIGURE 4 - THE RELIABILITY GAME BOARD...................................................................................... 23 FIGURE 5 - SNAPSHOT OF THE ABB RELIABILITY CHALLENGE ......................................................... 24 FIGURE 6 - THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF SIMULATION GAME FOR MAINTENANCE PLANNERS’ TRAINING ...................................................................................................................................... 29 FIGURE 7 - SIMPLIFIED VERSION OF MAINTENANCE WORKFLOW ....................................................... 31 FIGURE 8 - MAINTENANCE WORKFLOW ............................................................................................ 40 FIGURE 9 - MAINTENANCE PLANNERS’ PLATFORM ........................................................................... 50 FIGURE 10 - MAINTENANCE PLANNER PRINCIPLES ........................................................................... 55 FIGURE 11 - MAINTENANCE PLANNER FRAMEWORK ......................................................................... 57 FIGURE 12 - DATA STRUCTURE(FULL VERSION) ................................................................................ 75 FIGURE 13 - ESMAP WALKTHROUGH .............................................................................................. 76 FIGURE 14 - RISK ASSESSMENT / PRIORITISING STAGE INPUTS-OUTPUTS ......................................... 77 FIGURE 15 - PREPARING WORK PACKAGES STAGE INPUTS-OUTPUTS ................................................ 79 FIGURE 16 - REVIEWING RETURNED WORK-PACKAGE FIGURE 17 - BILL OF MATERIAL MANAGEMENT STAGE INPUTS-OUTPUTS ........................................ 81 FIGURE 18 - ISO 9126....................................................................................................................... 85 FIGURE 19 - PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA ........................................................................ 87 FIGURE 20 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE DATA STRUCTURE ......................................................................... 95 FIGURE 21 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE SEQUENCE DIAGRAM ................................................................. 100 FIGURE 22 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE FRONT PAGE .............................................................................. 101 FIGURE 23 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE SCREEN MOCK-UP GAME PAGE BRIEFING .................................. 101 FIGURE 24 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE SCREEN MOCK-UP GAME PAGE – MAIN PAGE ............................ 102 FIGURE 25 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE SCREEN MOCK-UP GAME PAGE – STAGE 1 ................................. 103 FIGURE 26 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE SCREEN MOCK-UP GAME PAGE – STAGE 2 ................................. 103 FIGURE 27 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE SCREEN MOCK-UP GAME PAGE – STAGE 3 ................................. 104 FIGURE 28 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE SCREEN MOCK-UP GAME PAGE – STAGE 4 ................................. 104 FIGURE 29 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE SCREEN MOCK-UP GAME PAGE – DEBRIEFING ........................... 105 FIGURE 30 - ESMAP PROTOTYPE SCREEN MOCK-UP– VIRTUAL LIBRARY ...................................... 106 Page x STAGE INPUTS-OUTPUTS ................................ 80 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Acknowledgements It is an honour for me to thank those who made this thesis possible after a long journey. I am heartily thankful to my supervisor, A/Prof Melinda Hodkiewicz, whose guidance, patience and support from the beginning to the completion of this thesis enabled me to develop an understanding of the subject. Her knowledge about the topics never cease to amazed me I owe my most sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor James Trevelyan. His direction, logical way of thinking and encouragement, especially when things do not seem as bright as they are supposed to be, has provided me with significant help to reach this point To my supervisor at KBR, Geoff Reeves, my sincere thanks for all the technical and moral support, including all of the understanding during busy working times. To my supervisor on the RGP5 Project, Keith Jones, I wish to express my warm and sincere thanks for all the help. His experience as a former planner, and now, as a maintenance consultant without doubt has given me a lot of insight, and valuable feedback for this project. To my friend, Ari Patrick Kusnadi, who has provided me moral and technical support from the day I submit my research proposal to the end of this research. His knowledge about database has provided me help during the development of the prototype and trial session. To my friend Jeremy, my sincere thanks for helped me in the final proofread. It is a blessed to have a friend like you. Also, I would like to express my regards to my work colleagues, and my other friends, for all those who supported me in any respect during this long journey. Finally, to my special someone, Yohana, thanks for your love, your understanding, and your help which is too much to be listed in here. Without you, this thesis may have never reached its end. Last but not least, to my parents and my brother, I would express my greatest thanks. Although, they live overseas, in many ways they have provided more than moral support. Thank you for all of your help, your understanding and your love. Page xi Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Abbreviations ABBREVIATIONS AS Australian Standards AM Asset Management AMC Asset Management Council ACM Associations for Computing Machinery BM Breakdown Maintenance BOM Bill of Material CM Corrective Maintenance CMMS Computer Maintenance Management System COTS Commercial-off-the-shelf EAM Engineering and Asset Management ESMAP Education Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner FMEA Failure mode and effects analysis FMECA Failure mode, effects and criticality analysis HR Human Resources HSE Health, Safety and Environment IEC International Electrotechnical Commission KPIs Key Performance Indicators KVA Kilovolt Ampere PM Preventive Maintenance PMs Preventive Maintenance Works QA Quality Assurance MTBF Mean operating time between failures Page xii Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training MTTF Mean time to failure TMG The Manufacturing Game TQM Total Quality Management RCM Reliability Centred Maintenance R&D Research and Development MPP Maintenance Planner Principle W/O Work Orders UWA The University of Western Australia Page xiii Abbreviations Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Definitions DEFINITIONS Term Andragogy Definitions Integrated framework of adult learning(Knowles, Holton & Swanson 2005) Bill of Material List of components , from complete assemblies to individual components and parts for an asset usually structured in hierarchical layers from gross assemblies to minor items(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Breakdown Failure of an asset to perform to a functional standard(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Breakdown maintenance A maintenance strategy where no maintenance to be conducted unless and until an item no longer meets it functional standard, often when the asset is no longer to operate at all(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Contract maintenance Maintenance work performed by contractor(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Contractor An Individual or company providing specific services to another under contract for those services, tasks, or specific results(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Corrective maintenance Maintenance carried out after fault recognition and intended to put an item into a state in which it can perform a required function(AS IEC603000.3.14-2004)(Standards Australia International 2004) Edutainment the presentation of informative or educational material in an entertaining style (Egenfeldt-nielsen 2005) Equipment repair history A chronological list of defaults, repairs and costs on key assets so that chronic problems can be identified and corrected and economic decisions made(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Page xiv Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Inspection Definitions A review to determine maintenance needs, condition and priority of equipment(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Inventory Stock item that are actually on-hand in a storeroom or other area ready for use(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Asset Life Cycle the time interval between a product recognition’s of need or opportunity and its disposal(Standards Australia & Standards New Zealand 1999) Level of maintenance set of maintenance actions to be carried out at a specified indenture level (AS IEC603000.3.10-2004)(Standards Australia International 2004) Life Cycle Cost The sum of Acquisition cost and Ownership cost of a product over its life cycle.” LCC costs can be divided into five groups based on when it occurs: definition costs; design and concept and manufacturing costs; manufacturing and installation costs; operation and maintenance costs; and disposal costs.(Standards Australia & Standards New Zealand 1999) Maintenance The combination of all technical and administrative actions including supervisions actions intended to retain an item in or restore it to , a state in which it can perform a required function (AS IEC603000.3.10-2004)(Standards Australia International 2004) Maintenance Actions Maintenance task sequence of elementary maintenance activities carried out for a give purposes (AS IEC603000.3.14-2004)(Standards Australia International 2004) Maintenance Concept Application of general maintenance policy to a specific item (AS IEC603000.3.10-2004)(Standards Australia International 2004) Page xv Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Maintenance engineering Definitions A staff function intended to ensure that maintenance techniques are effective, equipment is designed for optimum maintainability, persistent and chronic problems are analyzed and corrective action/modification/perfective maintenance are made(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) A record of maintenance activities and result(Campbell & Maintenance History Reyes-Picknell 2006) Maintenance Management All the activities of the management that determine the maintenance objectives or priorities, strategies, and responsibilities and implement them by means such as maintenance planning, maintenance control and supervision, and several improving the methods including economical aspects 13306:2001)(European in the Standard organization CEN (EN (European Committee for Standardization) 2001). The person who is responsible for selecting and deploying Maintenance Planner the right maintenance tasks and sequence to ensure the asset's function is delivered at the optimal cost during the in-service phase Maintenance Planner Recommended practice for maintenance planner in Principle conducting their planning activities. Maintenance Strategy A high level statement of vision, mission and objectives with a description of a general plan for achieving them, also used to describe the specific approach to be sued for maintaining a specific assets(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Maintenance schedule A comprehensive list of planned maintenance , resources and its sequence of occurrence based on priority in designated period of time(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Maintenance shut shutdown A period of time during which a plant , department, process, or asset is removed from service specifically for maintenance(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Page xvi Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Maintenance Task Definitions Sequence of elementary maintenance activities carried out for a given purpose(AS IEC603000.3.10- 2004)(Standards Australia International 2004) Maintenance work package A detail description of the required maintenance action, resources, tools and others requirements to complete a work order. The work package also includes the required budget estimation Major defect A single defect that can cause equipment breakdown and operational looses(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Meta Cognition awareness or analysis of one's own learning or thinking processes(Merriam-Websters Dcitionary) Minor defect A single defect that cannot cause loses on its own but may contribute to loses in combination with other minor defects(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Preventive maintenance maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the probability of failure or the degradation of the functioning of an item(Standards Australia International 2004) Predictive maintenance A set of activities (i.e. by using measured physical parameters against known acceptable limits) designed to detect and correct an incidence before it occurs avoiding its effects within the network and in the services. Examples include vibration analysis, sonic testing, dye testing, infrared testing, thermal testing, coolant analysis, tribology and equipment history analysis(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Perfective maintenance A set of activities conducted after the start by improving the design of an asset. Also called design-out maintenance (Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Story board A walkthrough of the interaction/behaviour between the components, aspects and role within the simulation Page xvii Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Work Order Definitions The prime document used by the maintenance function to manage maintenance tasks. It may include such information as a description of the work required, the task priority, the job procedure to be followed, the parts, materials, tools and equipment required to complete the job, the labor hours, costs and materials consumed in completing the task, as well as key information on failure causes, what work was performed etc.(AM Council 2009) Work Request A simple request for maintenance service, or work requiring no planning or scheduling but usually a statement of the problem; usually precedes the issuance if a work order(Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006) Unscheduled Maintenance / maintenance carried out, not in accordance with an Reactive maintenance established time schedule, but after reception of an indication regarding the state of an item(Standards Australia International 2004) Page xviii Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training He who fails to plan is planning to fail (Winston Churchill) Page xix Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 1 Introduction 1.1 Research Background 1.1.1 Asset Management Study Chapter 1 Introduction Organisational structures and the methods of operating assets have undergone notable changes in the last few decades. Some of the factors that have contributed to these changes are the adaption of new technologies, the increasing awareness of environmental, health and safety issues, and sociocultural changes. These factors have increased the complexity and risks in the process of purchasing, installing, maintaining and disposing of an asset. At the same time, industrial globalisation has increased market competitiveness, forcing manufacturers and primary industry to compete on price and reliability. These conditions have contributed to the increase interests of both industry practitioners and academics in the study of asset management. The Asset Management Council (AMC) defines Asset Management as “the life cycle management of physical assets to achieve the stated output of enterprise”. Their asset management model is a plan-do-check-act process sustained by leadership and culture and reinforced by four fundamental principles. The first principle is capabilities that relate to what the asset does and outputs of those capabilities. The second principle is outputs, related to the identification of capabilities values and the way to measure those capabilities. The next principle is the level of assurance, which includes the management of the risk, or a level of uncertainty associated with each capability; and the fourth principle is the learning organisation, which relates to how people feel and share the values of the company and the processes involved (AM Council Body of Knowledge Team 2006). Page 1 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 1 Introduction In this model, one of the key aspects/persons is a maintenance planner who plays the role of the driver in ensuring the level of assurance achieved and at the same time providing input for the learning organisation. For the purposes of this thesis, a maintenance planner is defined as the person who is responsible for selecting and deploying the right maintenance tasks and sequence to ensure the asset's function is delivered at the optimal cost during the in-service phase. This in-service phase is usually the longest phase of the asset's life cycle, as it typically occurs from the asset procurement/construction time to its disposal time. The role of a maintenance planner is integral to the maintenance function and maintenance management. The term maintenance is defined in AS IEC60300 and EN13306:2001 as “the combination of all technical, administrative and managerial actions during the life cycle of an item intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform the required function”. In EN13306:2001, maintenance management (MM) is defined as “all the activities of the management that determine the maintenance objectives or priorities, strategies, and responsibilities and implement them by means such as maintenance planning, maintenance control and supervision, and several improving the methods including economical aspects in the organisation”. 1.1.2 Maintenance Planner Education/Training It is possible to increase the effectiveness of the maintenance planning process through improving the competence of the maintenance planner. A competent maintenance planner is expected to have a good understanding of maintenance and planning concepts as well as adequate technical skills. However, improving training and qualification systems is not as straightforward as it sounds. In general, factors affecting a training system includes individual needs, time, cost and the content of the training itself. A training system needs to address the special needs of the maintenance planners (or candidates) that are influenced by different work conditions and different industries. From a company’s point of view, the training should provide a balance between time, cost and effectiveness. Finally, the content of the training itself should provide a high correlation with the actual knowledge required by planners for their daily activities. Page 2 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 1 Introduction Currently, in Australia/New Zealand, there are a number of formal courses provided for maintenance planners through university or TAFE (diploma level) or short courses from recognised training providers (refer to Appendix 1 for the list of these courses). Traditionally, the material in these courses is delivered in the form of a lecture/presentation; group discussion; workshop and is typically followed by assignment(s)/test(s) or an exam at the end of the course. However, various changes that have occurred in society have led to questions such as: • Does the existing training system provide opportunities for the students to practice any applicable techniques for the problems that planners encounter in their daily tasks? • Do the students find that the course promotes self-learning? • Do the existing courses address company needs? • Could using alternative delivery methods improve training effectiveness? In response to the changes and questions described above, different options in delivering the courses to the students need to be explored. This may include adapting new technology, and/or evolving the traditional way of teaching and delivering a concept. 1.1.3 Computer Education Simulation Game Examples of the barriers and challenges of existing traditional classroom-type training systems may include time-consuming training, material indirectly related to the workplace, inflexible class sizes, inconvenient schedules, and approaches resulting in disinterested and fearful training participants (Williamson 2006). An alternative pathway to improve the training's outcome is through a computer education simulation game. Initiated in military, and business management, nowadays computer simulation games have become an acceptable education tool in various institutions. As an educational tool, the simulation game itself has a number of advantages. Magee (2006), in his review of simulation education outlined advantages such as reducing the cost of acquiring and operating expensive equipment, reducing the complexity of and prerequisites for installing equipment and reducing the Page 3 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 1 Introduction risk of conducting a hazardous experiment in the real-world environment. Education simulation games provide flexibility in setting the environment based on input variables or different perspectives and relatively accurate feedback of their actions. The education simulation game permits users to re-play all their recorded actions and learn from their own mistakes, which increases strategic thinking and insight. Magee also highlights that students find simulation games to be more fun, encourage them to self-learn and provide motivation to become the best among the other players. Furthermore, education simulation games provide a metacognition and mental model, which helps to improve psychomotor, analytical, spatial, and computer skills (Magee 2006). In the last few decades, there have been substantial increases in the research into simulation games. Researchers have explored questions such as what is the effectiveness of simulation games for educational purposes, what are the drawbacks in using simulation games for teaching a subject, and what are the features that makes a quality education simulation. However, there are still gaps in the existing research into simulation games. These are discussed further in Chapter Two. 1.2 Thesis Contribution 1.2.1 The Challenges Utilisation of the computer simulation game as an educational tool could assist students in enhancing their learning experiences of maintenance planning. It also provides a tool that can assist educators to evaluate students’ understanding of a concept. The challenges with achieving this are associated with the establishment of the correct and effective education simulation game structure. The development process requires a clear understanding of the maintenance planner’s tasks, components affecting a planner’s performances, the relationship of an ideal maintenance model to a simulation game, and the requirements for implementing a simulation game. 1.2.2 Research Question The research focus questions were as follows. a. What is the value of using a simulation game as an educational tool for a maintenance planner? Page 4 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 1 Introduction b. What are the parameters that will drive a successful computer simulation-game’s learning outcomes? c. What are the critical factors to be considered in developing a training package for a maintenance planner? d. What would be required to develop a framework for a maintenance planner computer educational simulation game? 1.2.3 Research Methodology The research was conducted in six phases as shown in figure 1 Research Planning Literature Review Framework Development Conclusion and Recommendations Prototype Development Prototype Testing and Analysis Figure 1 - Research Phase • Phase 1 – Research Planning. This included research scheduling, methodology planning, and resources identification. • Phase 2 – Literature Review. This focused on obtaining information on simulation games and maintenance planner training. • Phase 3 – Framework development. This included: o Eliciting requirements for a maintenance planner education simulation game; o Identification of actual planner tasks; o Identification of supporting environments for planners; o Identification of recommended best practices in maintenance planning; o Identification of recommended skill set for planners; and o Identification of how the course can be delivered and assessed through the simulation games. • Phase 4 – Prototype development. This included story board development, interface design, defining the software data structure/hierarchy, defining the module, defining a testing procedure and simulation games coding. • Phase 5 – Prototype testing and analysis. This includes carrying out integrity tests, trial run and analysing the respective feedback from the trial runs. • Phase 6 – Conclusion and recommendation. As a close out, a set of conclusions and recommendations for future work was established. Page 5 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 1.2.4 Chapter 1 Introduction Scope Limitation The following were the scope limitations: o Prototype development was carried out in-house, and is limited/constrained by resources availability; o Research was conducted for general industry and excluded the study to address the requirement of specific products and/or industries; o Study of existing maintenance planning game was based on a desktop review of published literature and users opinions. No first hand experiences are included; and o The research excluded study in analysing student’s understanding prior and after using simulation, and comparison of using simulation and other teaching methods for maintenance planner training. 1.3 Thesis Outline • Chapter 1- Introduction The aim of this chapter is to define the research background, goals, thesis statement and methodologies. • Chapter 2 - Literature Review The aim of this chapter is to discuss what has been researched/developed in the past, and what gaps currently exist. • Chapter 3 –Maintenance Planner The aim of this chapter is to develop an understanding of role of a maintenance planner through identifying maintenance planners’ ideal tasks, factors affecting their work performance, and the required skill set/competency level. From this understanding a maintenance planner framework was developed. • Chapter 4 – Computer Simulation Games For Maintenance Planners This chapter focuses on what is required to develop computer simulation game for the maintenance planner training system. • Chapter 5 –Prototype Development, Trial and Analysis This chapter explores the development and analysis of the prototype. • Chapter 6 - Conclusion and Further work The aim of this chapter is to establish a set of conclusions of the research against the thesis statements and provides the recommendation for further work to develop a better simulation game for maintenance trainings. Page 6 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 2 Literature Review 2.1 Chapter Overview Chapter 2 Literature Review This chapter provides a description of the methodology used for the literature review. The data obtained from the literature review is presented in three parts. The first part defines an education simulation game and explores the empirical research of education simulation games. The second part explores the application of simulation games in different fields. The final section provides a gap analysis of existing research. 2.2 Literature Review Methodology The aims of the literature review was to provide a comprehensive examination of the usage of existing simulation games as an educational tool, especially in providing training for a maintenance planner. The literature review was limited to articles published in English. The literature was researched through the UWA library facility, online search engines such as Google and Yahoo and journal databases such as Quests, Compendex, Science Direct, Standards Australia and ACM Digital library Portal. The range for the application of education simulation games is extensive. Therefore, it is necessary to constrain the literature review to a specific topic. Table 1 shows the inclusion criteria and the list of key words used in this research. Some of these articles are listed in appendix 2 as recommended readings. Page 7 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review Table 1 ‐ Literature review inclusion criteria Inclusion Criteria List of Keywords It contained information/reference to E‐learning, edutainment, simulation game, games, simulation games as an educational simulation, COTS simulation game, health simulation, tool and/or its application for adult military simulation, business simulation, learning in different fields such as military, medical, business, management and maintenance. • Curriculum, skills based competency, assessment matrix It contained information/reference to empirical studies in education, software development, and/or management • Good Working Environment, management skills • Software engineering cycle, requirement analysis design, software development road map It contained information/reference to maintenance planning, maintenance techniques/strategies, reliability data. Maintenance planning, Asset management plan, Asset management strategy, maintenance game, maintenance planner skills, maintenance planning principle, maintenance planning scheduling, CMMS, maintenance planning diploma, maintenance planning certificate, maintenance planner 2.3 Education Simulation Game Research Archival and archaeological records have provided evidence of the use of simulation games as one method of training or improving a skill dating back thousands of years. In recent decades, the rapid development of technology has introduced more complex simulation game concepts. Today, people use the terms basic game, serious game/edutainment and training simulators to describe the different levels of sophistication of simulation games. Table-2 describes the difference between each of these terms. Along with the advancement of simulation, academies around the world have conducted a vast amount of empirical research to explore the relationship between simulations/games and education. It is possible to separate the empirical research topics into two groups. The first group investigated society’s acceptance of education simulation games. The second group focused on factors that affect the development of the education simulation game itself. Page 8 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review Table 2 ‐ Characteristics of simulation games, serious games and training simulators No Characteristics 1 2 3 Involves Simulation Imaginative experience Entertaining, fun and engaging 4 Skills development 5 Type of challenge Gestalt 1(Lindl ey 2004) 6 7 1 Goal Oriented Games Serious Game/Edutainment 1. A virtual environment is present 2. The application interactively engages the user in the form of simulation May provide an imaginative or fictitious simulated environment 1. Provides entertainment 2. Provides interesting and engaging challenges 3.Provides a fun experience 1. Does not provide an application of specific‐skill development 2. Possible although not as primary feature 1. Ideally a continuous and intelligent challenge 1. Presence of game play patterns 2. Game play patterns may vary 3. Possible development of a game play gestalt 1. Goal oriented activity present 1. End state present Training Simulators Only provide recreation of real world environments 1. Built for non entertainment 2. Can provide interesting and engaging challenges 3. Can provide a fun experience 1. Not intended to be fun, entertaining or engaging. 2. Operator may find the application fun, and entertaining 1. Usually designed to provide some form of skill development, especially in training applications 1. Operator skills are the primary purpose of the simulator 1. The challenges vary with the type of simulation 1. Challenges depicted accurately with respect to an equivalent real world scenario 1.Presence of standard operational procedure 2. Operational procedure does not change 1. Presence of game‐play patterns and gestalt varies depending on the application 1. Goal oriented activity absent 1. No obvious end state 1. May or may not have an obvious end‐state, depending on application (Adapted from NARAYANASAMY et al. 2006; Lindley 2004) Game play gestalt could be defined a player’s pattern move of performances (Lindley 2004) Page 9 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 2.3.1 Chapter 2 Literature Review Society Acceptance of Education Simulation Game Studies of this topic are often based on the exploration of the outcome of applying a commercial computer simulation game in a school, learning institute or trial environment. As an example, in the mid 2000s Egenfield conducted a study on a Danish high-school involving 72 students and two teachers with the purpose of examining the actual use of computer games in an educational setting from the third generation perspective. The study examined the use of a commercial computer historical strategy game (Europa Universalis II) in a two and a half month history course. The aim of the empirical study was to examine key findings related to barriers for the use of educational computer games, the scepticism towards the historical understanding of computer games, the problems relating to the experiences of computer games with other domains, and the effectiveness of learning from computer games (Egenfeldt-nielsen 2005). Another example is the research by Richard Sandford and Ben Williamson from Futurelab. In 2005, they published “Handbook of Games and Learning”. The handbook explores the issue of games as ideal learning environments, the educational outcome from playing games, social aspects of games that support learning and games design for learning. The handbook also discusses criticism of the use of games in schools(Sandford & Williamson 2005). Futurelab itself is a consortium comprising some of the UK's top players in the software, hardware and creative industries. It appears that most of the published studies focused on measuring the success/effectiveness of a simulation game outcome based on content retention (Warren 2001). These studies have produced mixed results and protracted debates between academics. Some studies (e.g. Bredemeier & Greenblat 1981; Keeffe, Dyson & Edwards 1993; Randel et al. 1992; Brenenstuhl 1975; Greenlaw & Wyman 1973; Egenfeldt-nielsen 2005) have shown that there is no difference in content retention between the traditional classroom approach and the use of simulation games. On the contrary, other studies (e.g. Egenfeldt-nielsen 2005; Boseman & Schellenberger 1974; Gander 2009), indicated that simulation games produced a better content retention. This result was also supported by longitudinal studies, signifying that students who use simulation games have a better content retention for a longer time after Page 10 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review they have completed the game/simulation (Specht & Sandlin 1991) when compared to the students who only attend a traditional classroom/lecture. Other studies claim that simulation games encouraged better learning (e.g. Page & Roberts 1992; Stembler 1975; Braskamp & Hodgetts 1971; Egenfeldtnielsen 2005). This can be explained by understanding the different characteristics of the simulation game approach and the traditional classroom approach. The simulation game provides a constructivist learning process where learners construct their skills through the process of acquiring new information/problems or conditions, and then actively discover the solution (Merrill, Li & Jones 1991; Kember & Murphy 1990; Gagne, Briggs & wager 1992; Gander 2009; Warren 2001; Hwang 1995; Shrock 1995). This approach has produced a more complex outcome, as it directly engages personality, social ability, cognitive thinking and the value/belief systems of the students (Warren 2001; Keegan 1995). This lead to the simulation game promoting behavioural change (Dukes & Mattley 1986) attitude/affect change (Orbach 1977) and toleration of ambiguity(Lee & O'Leary 1971). While there are some negative opinions about the effectiveness of computer simulation games, the end-users character will have a considerable effect on the advancement of this technology as an educational tool. Today, many people are exposed to computers at an early age. There is more familiarity with computers, electronic games and online information exchange. At the same time, there is a higher demand for education providers to provide training in a risk-free environment and at a lower cost. Moving forward, the combination of these factors is likely to make society tolerable and accepting of simulation games as an educational tool. Sara de Freitas, in her report for JISC e-learner, “A Review of Game-based Learning” stated that there is ample potential and need for tutors and practitioners to be involved with game development for learning and become more empowered with game-based learning (Freitas 2006b). 2.3.2 Development of Education Simulation Game In 2000, the University of Twente launched the Knowledge Management Interactive Training System (KITS) study. This study examined the theoretical analysis and empirical results from research in the field of instructional games and simulations. It also tried to find evidence concerning the appropriate Page 11 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review learning approaches and measures that could optimise the learning effects of games and simulations (Leemkuil, Jong & Ootes 2000a). The report of this study contains a number of case studies and reviews of various simulation software programs and how they were developed and used in business and science studies. Magee (2006) points out that what is often missing during the development/research of simulation games is an understanding of the underlying theory of design and philosophy of knowledge about the models used to develop the educational simulations. There are no comprehensible design paradigms; and there is a lack of well designed research studies (Greedler 1996). Furthermore, there is no uniform approach to compare successes in the use of simulation games (Jeffries 2005; Dreifuerst 2009). As a result, there is a need to have a more systematic study in designing, and evaluating simulation games. One crucial task is to develop relationships within the simulation community. Given the multidisciplinary aspects of simulation design, strong communication skills are needed to leverage and build relationships between engineers, computer scientists, educators and learners (Haluck 2005). This coordination will assist in providing an efficient road map to develop a simulation game that provides optimum benefits to the end users. In general, there are three classes of education simulation games. These are operational simulation games, teaching and training simulation, and role-play simulation. Operational simulation games are further divided into tactics and strategy, planning, and advocacy models. Tactic and strategy simulation games aim to build decision-making skills (i.e. to recognise the most profitable decision based on a given a set of criteria) (Wennergren 2003). Planning games focus on creating logistical skills i.e. to provide an understanding of the process that allows an organisation to function (Magee 2006). By using an advocacy game, one can demonstrate the validity of a plan or operation as a successful event. An example of an advocacy simulation game is The Schlieffen Plan, created in Germany (1894-1905). The game detailed an operational war game outlining how Germany could defeat both France and Russia in a single, short campaign (Wilson 1968). Page 12 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review Teaching and training simulation games focus on building competencies based on real-world scenarios. This training often focuses on training students in operating expensive or dangerous equipment where a mistake could bear significant costs/damage. An example of this training is military flight simulation games. In role-play simulation games, the trainer provides a narrative for their student to reach the end game. An example of role-play simulation games is the training of “DR ABCD” in the first-aid course, where students play the role of an accident victim and first aider. Today, it is common to have a combination of role-play, and teaching and training simulation games. There are differences in the characteristics of simulation games that are used in the military, the medical industry, business and management, and maintenance as shown in the Table 3. Evaluation methodology Validity Operational Tactics and Heuristic skills In‐simulation and real‐ Game theory Games Strategy world evaluation Planning Logistic skills In‐simulation and real‐ Simulation/ model of world evaluation real‐world process Advocacy Indoctrination Change in opinion Simulation/ model of perceived‐world process Teaching and Skill Specific Skill In‐simulation and real‐ Simulation/ model of Training Acquisition world evaluation perceived‐world skill Role‐play Narrative Empathy/ End Verbal/ Written De‐ Qualitative game brief assessment Maintenance Goal Business and management Type Medical Military Table 3 ‐ Application of Simulation Game in different fields a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a (Adapted from Magee 2006) 2.4 Education Simulation game in Various Fields 2.4.1 Simulation Games in the Military Historically, the military pioneered the use of simulation games as an educational tool, with the first official use of a simulation game for military training dating back to 1780 when Helwig, (later refined by Lieutenant Von Reisswitz), introduced games into the military. In the 19th century, Kriegsspiel Page 13 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review became the first organised effort to use games for a direct educational purpose in western culture when officers were trained in simulating strategy on the battlefield. At that time, a copy of the game was distributed to every regiment in the German army (Egenfeldt-nielsen 2005). The application then spread to the rest of the world (Avendon & Sutton-Smith 1971). Over time, the military has used education simulation games as a tool for assessing and practising tactics and strategies (Wilson 1968). Although simulation games were never intended as substitutes for real-world training, their development continues to occur. Simulation games are considered to be more effective, economical and safe (i.e. since they reduce causality levels associated with live exercises), especially in terms of honing the skills of war manoeuvres and warfare (Brown et al. 2001). In 1980 a significant shift occurred as the military received fewer funds for education simulation development. A new low-cost approach to producing war games was required, which led to the foundation of a strategic alliance between the military, the entertainment industry and academia. The first adaptation of the commercial game Battlezone to military training occurred in 1980. Battlezone, developed by game-maker Atari, was a tank combat game that provided a 3D first-person perspective simulation (Parish 2005).The military used this game for hand-eye coordination training systems (Egenfeldt-nielsen 2005). In 1998, the US military started to use commercial computer games for training, with a modification of Doom called Marine Doom (Leemkuil, Jong & Ootes 2000b; Egenfeldt-nielsen 2005). In 1999, the US military signed a $45 million contract with the University of Southern California to establish the Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) (Magee 2006). ICT’s goal is to develop new modelling and simulation technologies for military and educational purposes (Blank 2004; Magee 2006). In 2003, this alliance released its first products, Full Spectrum Warrior (used for squad-based tactics training) and Full Spectrum Command (used for logistical training simulation) (Smith 2010). The advantages of commercial/civilian hardware and software compared to military simulators, have promoted this trend (Strachan 1999). They cost less than their military counterparts and they can operate on consumer-grade technology (Oliver 2005). Nowadays, many of the commercial military games have as much realism, physics engineering and artificial intelligence as military Page 14 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review grade simulations (Magee 2006). The major drawback is that the military often consider them as toys, (Blank 2004) which in turn is likely to reduce the seriousness of the students and instructors. Nevertheless, the military’s use of simulation games is likely to increase in the future. Continual changes in warfare tactics will require the rapid development of new and cost-effective training (Oliver 2005). The integration of simulation into the design and eventual deployment of new equipment will become more common (Strachan 1999). Integrating training simulation within the hardware allows learners to interface directly with the equipment that they will eventually use in real life (Aldrich 2005; Magee 2006). This feature will narrow the distance between the learning context and the actual real world (Brown et al. 2001; Magee 2006). Unfortunately, access to some of the military findings and results for education simulation games is often limited due to security reasons. Regardless, the knowledge that the military have gathered in this field provides many useful lessons for the future application of education simulation games. 2.4.2 Simulation Games in the Medical Industry The first medical simulator was a basic model of a human patient (Meller 1997). In line with the development of technology, medical simulation has become more complex. Nowadays, there are three types of medical education simulation games: operational games; teaching and training games; and roleplay games. There are a number of factors that have led to an increasing interest in the use of medical simulation games as a training and continuing competency assessment tool (Knapp 2004; Hook 2004; Gordon et al. 2005). First, an increasing number of fatal medical errors occur every year (Hook 2004). Significant changes in healthcare’s delivery methodologies have led to the reduction of in-patient time and students’ exposure to a variety of disease and physical findings (Issenberg et al. 2005). Newly evolving threats such as pandemics and bio-terrorism require methods to train competent medical workers urgently (Hook 2004). Moreover, the increasing number of new techniques in medical imaging and surgery means that students need to have a better understanding of threePage 15 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review dimensional medical information (Hariri et al. 2004). The increasing pace of innovations in the field of medicine forces medical students to absorb knowledge at a faster rate (Shaffer, Gordon & Bennett 2004). Under these conditions, there is an increasing awareness that medical graduates’ critical thinking skills may not be adequate to work in an increasingly complex clinical environment (Jeffries 2005). Compared to the traditional approaches with bench or cadaver models, computer simulation provides tools to gather quantitative data about student performance for evaluation purposes (Knoll et al. 2005). The controlled environment (i.e. for practices such as surgery) within a simulation field allows students to learn at their own pace, building their skills without the real-life constraints of physiology and surgery (Liu et al. 2003). Simulation games provide opportunities for the learner to engage in various real clinical situations to provide training in communication, leadership and team interaction as well as observation and repetition as many times as is necessary to achieve a mastery/acceptable proficiency level (Brunner et al. 2004). The introduction of simulation games has led to a better-trained health care worker, reduced medical errors (Gallagher & Cates 2004), reduced costs due to lower malpractice, and improved the overall quality of patient care (Hamilton 2005; Eder-VanHook 2004; Issenberg et al. 2005). There is also a higher level of student satisfaction in those groups who use simulations rather than traditional, lecture-based material (Docherty et al. 2005) as they find that simulation-based approaches are more motivating and engaging than traditional work assignments (Spinello & Fischbach 2004). However, there is an argument that simulation games have notable shortcomings as they do not address needs in communication and coordination skills between participants (Silverman & Wood 2004). In the future, Higgins projected that medical simulation growth overcomes the limitation, and provide the following features: ¾ Powerful question management tools linking the learner to the literature and to human experts with knowledge of the subject, the context of the question, and the background of the individual asking the question; ¾ Practical experience in using new information tools for “just in time” learning which is required in practice; Page 16 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training ¾ Chapter 2 Literature Review Display accurate 3D simulations of human anatomy and be adaptable to illustrate the wide range of variations in normal anatomy as well as pathologies; ¾ Vividly and accurately shows active signalling and interaction of cells operation; ¾ Allow users to explore systems and pathologies at the molecular, cell, or gross anatomy levels; ¾ Train users in the operation of sophisticated imaging and laboratory equipment; ¾ Allow interaction with simulated patients, including plausible conversations about symptoms; ¾ Allow users to conduct a general practice and organ system-focused physical examination; and ¾ Allow individuals and groups to practice tasks requiring collaboration and communication. (Higgins et al. 2005). Today, there are more developed medical education simulation games available on the market. An example of medical education simulation games is ACLS (Advance Cardiac Life Support) Interactive which is geared toward nurses, paramedics, and other health care professionals. The simulation game provides 20 different and challenging medical scenarios that require ACLS at different locations such as in the Cardiac Care Unit, at the Emergency Department and in the ambulance. Users are required to treat the patient using more than 40 realistic medical tools and then examine the results based on the treatments used (Burg 2006; Bohrn 2004). More examples of medical education simulation games are available in Appendix 3. 2.4.3 Simulation Games in Business and Management In business and management, simulation games development has focused on areas of strategic and planning games, which assist companies in understanding how their own decisions could influence market behaviour and financial performance (Ghemawat 2002). In 1944, the publication of “The Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour” served as the quantitative basis for the development of business games' mathematical models. The games support business understanding in how to make strategic decisions effectively. In 1956, the US Air Force simulation, Monopologs was released. In this game, the user plays the role of an Air Force inventory manager who manages the supply system. One year later, the University of Washington used AMA Top Page 17 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review Management Decision Simulation in their business college class (Egenfeldtnielsen 2005; Meier 1969). Since then, many business institutes have used education simulation games. Figure 2 - Capstone snapshot (Meglio 2008) Today, education providers around the world have incorporated simulation games as part of their curriculum. An example of this is CAPSTONE which been used at Harvard, University of Western Australia, Kellogg, Berkeley and Curtin Universities. In CAPSTONE, users play the role of corporation stakeholders, involved in making business decisions in various fields, as well as competing with five other simulated corporations for eight simulated years (Capsim Management Simulations 2009). Utilising a blended learning approach of concepts and execution, users employ a combination of cases, software, online tutorials, pre-work exercises and guidebooks to make decisions in the areas of Human Resources (HR), Marketing, Finance, Production, Total Quality Management (TQM) and Research and Development (R&D) for their company. This allows users to stop Page 18 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review looking at a business solely from their standpoint (e.g. production, finance etc.); instead the simulation game promotes a strategic/holistic mindset towards the business, understanding the entire business process and its nuances in a simple and unforgettable manner. The winning team is decided - according to the highest profits, market share, sales, stock price and other predefined measures (information adapted from Capsim Management Simulations 2009). More examples of business simulation games are available in Appendix 3. The increased integration of simulation games within business and management schools’ curriculum (Maxwell, Mergendoller & Bellisimo 2004) is due to several factors: • Criticism from the business community that current curriculum is inflexible, has a conservative nature and often not linked to business realities (Lainema & Makkonen 2003) • Change in the business dynamic under the pressure of globalisation and new business processes (Summers 2004) • Traditional approaches that allowed the student/practitioner to learn from their mistakes became less of an option due to cost implications and the unavailability of time to conduct such exercises (Rasmusen 1989). Based on the comparison between early simulation games (i.e. AMA Top management Simulation) and more recent simulation games such as Capstone, it appears that while technology has significantly changed in the last 40 years the business simulation games still have a relatively similar approach. At the simplest level, business simulation games provide “sequential decision-making exercise structured around a model of a business operation” (Carson 1969; Magee 2006). Most of these games expose the student to the consequences of their single or combined decisions over time (Meier 1969), by providing immediate and long-term feedback. In recent years, simulation games offer more features, which provide a student’s capability to perform more analysis. Some of the more recent simulation games enhance students’ understanding of the system’s wide/long-term implications of unethical choices within an organisation. In a simulated environment, students can experiment with different ethical choices (Teach, Christensen & Schwartz 2005). Although there are obvious benefits with using simulation games for business and management training, there are some criticisms. Some consider the games Page 19 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review are not realistic enough to help in solving real management problems and emphasise quantitative factor more than qualitative factors (Magee 2006). Once students realise the cost of failure is nonexistent, they may end up playing rather than learning during the business game (Roberts 1969). Moreover, Magee in his report also mentioned that there is concern in the validation of the business game skills in the real world as the game could over-simplify the training context. Regardless of the weaknesses mentioned above, the rapid changes in business practices, the development of new simulation technologies (includes supporting hardware) and the demand for effective, efficient and low cost educational tools will facilitate the increased application of educational simulation games in the business and management field (Summers 2004). 2.5 Simulation Game in Maintenance Planning This literature review found limited information about education simulation games, especially computer simulation games, in maintenance planning. The few simulation games that are available on the market are mostly board-game types. The aims of these games are to address the need to develop better interaction between production, finance and maintenance by showing the consequences of users’ acts rather than generating better technical skills as a maintenance planner. 2.5.1 The Manufacturing Game and the OilPro Game In the early 1980’s, based on their benchmark study, DuPont developed a board game named The Manufacturing Game (TMG) (Ledet Enterprises 1992). Today, TMG has reportedly gained a number of successes around the world with clients from leading companies such as BP, Philips and Mobil Refinery (Griffith, Kuenzli & Monus 1999; Griffith, Kuenzli & Monus 1998). Participants usually play TMG in a guided workshop where they simulate the roles of operations, maintenances or business services. Operations decide what equipment could be shut down, invest in eliminating operational defects, and produce the product. Maintenance decides resources allocation and the required maintenance works. Business services handle the logistics sector i.e. shipping products to customers, collecting revenues, storeroom management and spare parts management (Griffith, Kuenzli & Monus 1999; Griffith, Kuenzli Page 20 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review & Monus 1998; Ledet & Paich 1994; Ledet Enterprises 1992; Ledet & Ledet 2002). Figure 3 - The Manufacturing Game (Ledet Enterprises 1992) Through the microworld within TMG, the participants become aware of how organisational breakdowns are often caused by "local" or "functionality” perspectives, how feedback from different sectors can amplify or diminish an action, and how operational and information delays in the system could cause various effects in breakdown management. After completion of the game, the participants are guided to identify the actual problems within their organisation, and actively resolve them. This approach ensures that the team has better ownership of the problem and greater focus on the action itself, rather than only identifying what is necessary to make their decisions (Ledet & Paich 1994; Ledet & Ledet 2002). Later, DuPont also introduced a variant of the Manufacturing game called The OilPro Game® (OPG). OPG allows users to explore how best practices combine in dealing with the integration of real-life petroleum production Page 21 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review functionalities, including high-priority factors such as environmental, health, safety and a shrinking workforce. 2.5.2 The Maintenance Game In the 1990s, IDCON developed a board game called The Maintenance Game (IDCON 2007). In this game, each participant takes the role of a member in one out of five management teams. Each team has control of a company with profitability problems. Each management team has a manufacturing, maintenance, accounting or plant manager's position. The teams lead their corporations through one simulated operating year through careful planning, analysis, and teamwork. External and internal forces such as equipment failures, lack of raw materials, delayed deliveries, and weak demand for products require participants to constantly review and adjust plans and practises. 2.5.3 The Reliability Game During the 1990s, MRG developed The Reliability Game (MRG Inc 2008). This is a board game where players take on the role of Financial Manager, Operation Coordinator, Maintenance Resources Planner or Purchasing Coordinator. The Financial Manager is responsible for managing the relationship with the outside suppliers, keeping financial records and making sure the company is financially successful. The Operations Coordinator is responsible for the revenue as this position determines what equipment will be running and which will undergo maintenance. The Purchasing Coordinator is responsible for maintaining central stores so spare parts are available for repair, and at the same time, maintaining inventory at the lowest possible level. The Maintenance Resource Planner is responsible for planning and scheduling crews for equipment maintenance and repair (MRG Inc 2008). Page 22 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review Figure 4 - The Reliability Game board (MRG Inc 2008) 2.5.4 ABB Reliability Challenge ABB Reliability Challenge is an online virtual manufacturing world, developed by ABB on 2009, which aim to show the player how reliability decisions impact overall business performance(Isenhour 2009; ABB 2009). To improve their scores, players need to address dilemmas as they happen, and select the best choice to resolve the dilemmas. Over the course of the game players need to keep track profit/loss, employee morale, overall equipment effectiveness, customer satisfaction and working capital. As part of the game, the user can play mini games (e.g. the boxing game, parcel delivery game, etc). If the user wins the mini game, he/she score some bonus points. The next figure shows some snapshots of ABB reliability game. There is no evidence that this game has been used as a formal training tool. The game itself does not cover specific areas of maintenance planning, and instead focuses on broader asset management issues. Moreover some parts within this game are purely for entertainment purpose and lack clear educational purpose. Therefore, this game can be considered more as an informative game rather than training game. Page 23 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Factory situation Chapter 2 Literature Review Bonus game-Player to deliver parcel and, if delivery occur on time the Customer satisfaction score increase Dilemma that require player input Figure 5 - Snapshot of the ABB reliability Challenge (ABB 2009) 2.6 Gap Analysis At the empirical level, there are various gaps in the existing research. Freitas has identified the research required to obtain empirical evidence of how to use game-based learning effectively (Freitas 2006a). The Summit on Educational Page 24 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 2 Literature Review Games in 2006 has identified that more studies are required to understand how stories/scenarios contribute to motivation and learning, how to link gaming features to goal orientation and how to integrate simulation games in a classroom and formal learning environment to support learning goals. In addition, there is a need to investigate the challenges that are essential for motivation and learning, the impact of immersion and engagement on learner motivation and the features of game playing which contribute to the development of higher-level thinking skills. Similar gaps are also identified by Williamson, who states that more research is needed to validate small-scale study findings where learning with games is introduced in mainstream settings with large numbers of teachers and children (Sandford & Williamson 2005). In addition, Williamson highlighted that further investigations are required to explore the tools that are capable of assessing what has been learnt through simulation games. Such tool need to be accessible to all stakeholder including students, educators and industry communities (Sandford & Williamson 2005). In many of these areas, collaborative research among industry, schools and universities, assessment bodies and research communities is needed. Looking to the application of simulation games in maintenance education, the existing simulation game (refer to section 2.5) does not provide evidence as to whether or not it improves maintenance planners’ skills. While the existing board games have reportedly provided notable improvement to overall company maintenance performance, this can be skewed by the metrics selected to measure improvement. Furthermore, the existing game focuses on creating a greater understanding between personnel within the organisation. The exploration of the effectiveness of computer simulation games in improving planner skills is yet to be investigated. In conclusion, the research of education simulation games is considered to be still in its early years. As highlighted throughout various sections in this literature review, there are numbers of gaps from existing research. This study attempts to address the following identified gaps: ¾ Identification of the requirements for developing a computerised education simulation game for a maintenance planner; Page 25 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training ¾ Chapter 2 Literature Review Empirical study in the effectiveness of simulation games outside the military and business management field s (i.e. in engineering and maintenance); ¾ Investigation of how to link simulation game features to goal-orientation in maintenance planner simulation; and ¾ Exploration of education simulation game features which contribute to developing higher level thinking skills for a maintenance planner. Page 26 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System 3 Maintenance Planner Training System 3.1 Chapter Overview This chapter provides details of the requirements for developing a course for maintenance planner training. As background information, this chapter starts with the exploration of existing training for a maintenance planner. The discussions are then presented in five sections. The first section describes the process needed to develop a simulation game for a maintenance planning training system. The second section explores the concept of maintenance planning, includes maintenance workflow, and Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS). The third section provides a detailed discussion of the investigations carried out in order to understand a maintenance planner’s role. This includes discussions of maintenance planner tasks, factors that affect them in completing their tasks, maintenance planner skills set and recommended maintenance planning practices. The next section discusses the maintenance planner framework. The final section describes a summary of course contents and assessment methods. 3.2 Existing Maintenance Planning Training Systems As mentioned in Chapter One, currently in Australia/New Zealand, there are a number of formal maintenance planner courses which are provided through university or TAFE (diploma level), or short courses from recognised training providers (refer to the list in Appendix-1). Maintenance planners usually commence their role as a technician/tradesman or as a junior planner, rather Page 27 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System than completing formal external course. The majority of maintenance planners in Australian organisations learn “on the job”. Maintenance planner education is likely to be affected by a number of factors such as follows: 1. Agreement on subject matter Currently there is limited agreement on the maintenance planner role 2. Relevance of subject matter to different industries 3. Cost 4. Accessibility This is includes time, course availability and demographic Personal development is often the responsibility of the planner who undertakes the course and he/she may or may not be supported by their employer (Hodkiewicz & Pascual 2006). On the other hand, he/she may be attached to their workplace, or other personal matters, and the existing course does not provide enough flexibility for the student to complete the course. Also, potential students may spend most of their time at a remote site (i.e. at a mining site), distant from the course venue. Unlike the military, the medical industry, or business and management training, where the education providers have started to integrate simulation games into their curriculum and have moved away from traditional lecture-discussion pedagogies (Maxwell & Mergendoller 2004), maintenance planning training is yet to experience this transformation. However, before this can happen, it is necessary to have an acceptable curriculum that can develop and assess maintenance planner competencies. 3.3 Education Simulation Games for Maintenance Planning Training- The Development Process The development of a computer simulation game for maintenance planning training requires studies in four stages. The development starts with a study exploring maintenance planning concepts. In the second stage, a comprehensive study is carried out to gain a better understanding of all factors that affect a maintenance planner. The next step includes the development of the simulation game course. The final stage is the development of the software Page 28 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System education simulation game itself. The next diagram shows the sub tasks at each stage. Figure 6 - The development process of Simulation Game for Maintenance Planners’ training Page 29 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 3.4 Maintenance Planning 3.4.1 Definition Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System The Asset Management Council of Australia defines maintenance planning as “The process conducted to evolve and establish maintenance concepts and requirements for a materiel system” (AM Council, 2009). Definitions of various maintenance terms are available in AS IEC 60300, and also EN13306:2001. Some of these definitions have been provided in Chapter One and other definitions can be obtained in the definition section. There are varying definitions of maintenance planner. Some academia/companies simply define a maintenance planner as an individual who plans and schedules works (Campbell & Reyes-Picknell 2006). Other define planner as the individual responsible to improve work force productivity and quality by anticipating potential delays through planning and coordination of labour, parts and material, tools and equipment, permissions, specialised documentation and equipment access (Nyman & Levitt 2001). Furthermore, the term maintenance planner is often confused with the term maintenance scheduler. In this thesis, maintenance planner is defined as the person who is responsible for selecting and deploying the right maintenance task and sequence to ensure the asset’s function is delivered at the optimal cost during the in-service phase and a maintenance scheduler refers to a person responsible for the day-to-day resources scheduling of the maintenance plan prepared by a maintenance planner. 3.4.2 Maintenance workflow Most companies have their own maintenance workflow based on the knowledge that the company has gained over time, resources that they have and supporting technology that they own. Maintenance workflow can be documented in different forms with different levels of details. Some companies may have this as part of their CMMS, as separate flow-charts, or documented in the company strategy document. In a general and simplified version, maintenance workflow includes five processes, as shown in the next figure. Page 30 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Identification of Problem Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Sorting, Planning and Work- Work-Order Scheduling Order Generation Procedure Work on site Follow-up and Close out Figure 7 - Simplified version of maintenance workflow Having efficient workflow management has several benefits. In 2008, the Industrial Maintenance Roundtable NSW held a Common Interest Work Group (CIWG) meeting on Maintenance Workflow Management focusing on how maintenance work in managed, how work order information flow is controlled, and the systems used to administer this. Some of the results from this meeting are shown in Table 4. At this event, one of the participants, Port Waratah WCS, indicated that with clear workflow management their maintenance operation at their Carrington site has improved significantly. The improvements were illustrated by the reduced percentage of recorded labour breakdown against total labour, from 45% to 12% in the 6 years. In addition, they now have 94% completion of scheduled Preventive Maintenance Works (PMs) (Todd 2008). The workflow management comparison matrix from this event provides intriguing data as to how different levels of maintenance workflow management affect different levels of works. There are apparent problems in controlling data flow, budget planning and role clarification in companies without clear documented workflow management. For a maintenance planner, good workflow management provides limits of accountability and timings of actions, provides more accurate and realistic information, increases role clarity, better understanding of training requirement, increases performance and time management, increases marketability of new skills, and increases consistency (Todd 2008). In this thesis, the knowledge about workflow management provides useful insight for understanding the following: • The effect of defining a clear workflow for a planner and other maintenance personnel • Planner contributions/tasks in maintenance workflow • Interaction between maintenance planner and the other maintenance personnel Page 31 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Table 4 - Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Extract of workflow management comparison matrix from CIWG (Todd 2008) Maint. Workflow Management How is your Maintenance Workflow management system documented? Hunter Water (HWC) Some documentation ‐ accessibility poor. What KPI's measure the success of your current Maintenance Workflow performance? Work done/ not done. Done within priority time frames. Schedules completed against issues per month come and go How does your Maintenance Workflow System affect the front line tradesmen? Priority system for response required. Limited info to trades. Lack of history. Mix of phone calls, text, 2way & email. Some use own spreadsheet for return of data but most use paper log sheets faxed to data entry. Most jobs issued directly to responsible trades person. Supervisor/ Planners have little input into day to day jobs issues. PM schedules issued monthly. How does your Maintenance Workflow System effect and assist planners and schedulers? Qenos Port Waratah (PWCS) VISIO Diagrams. No underlying backup data Newcrest Sydney Water (SWC) Setup on the Newcrest Web Portal Fully documented process ‐ Standards in place with workflow mgt flow charts integrated with outsourcing contracts Excel based graphical & list type data. Reviewed by maintenance management team KPI's measured at every level ‐ Data quality and data completeness ‐ Backlog measurement (W/Os BM, CM, PM) ‐ Work efficiency measure by measuring available hrs Not a lot Imposes disciplined reporting. Provides feedback on work done. ‐ More work ownership. ‐ Better organisation and use of resources Probably seen as a hindrance. Everyone can raise notifications. Planners change them to W/Os with no budget approval process. Provides limits of accountability and timing of actions More accurate and realistic information Some documents in procedures or strategic docs. Not well known. Hydro Aluminium ‐VISIO flow diagrams for overview. ‐ Maintenance procedures manual for details OneSteel Word doc for polices, flowcharts describe processes. Policies at differing levels of detail (overall down to specific processes) Sydney Catchment Authority Flowcharts and supporting procedures developed. Eraring Power Station 1996 MWMS formally documented and implemented but not updated since. Eraring currently reviewing document to load onto company Intranet. Monthly Management Team meet to review KPI's. Too many to mention in detail ‐ Summarised ‐ 9 Safety KPI's,10 Operational KPI's, 12 Maintenance KPI's. ‐ Backlog ‐ PM Compliance ‐ Schedule Compliance ‐ % Planned Work ‐ PM Cost distribution via W/Os Clarity of roles Work order initiation has a priority system with details of and responsibility and effect of what type of work is to be done. Trades selection is also overall process done upfront on the W/O. ‐ Equipment reliability ‐ Planning/ Scheduling Backlogs ‐ Planning compliance ‐ Cycle Time ‐ Schedule Compliance ‐ % Reactive Maintenance, etc *Work Orders in Backlog (PM) *Work Orders in Backlog (Reactive) *Request for Quotes outstanding Minimal to Moderate SCA has a mix of Contractor and Operators. All work orders are printed and handed to "Tradesmen" by Co‐Ordinators. All work orders contain full scope of work required including the tasks on the job plan (printed on the work order) Since initial implementation training, minimal follow up or new worker training has occurred. Self Managed work teams know of individual task duties and responsibilities but lack higher level training as to fully understanding their impact in the Management Process. This is to be re‐implemented. Clarity of roles and responsibility and effect of overall process ↑ Role Clarity ↑ Training ↑ Performance Mgt ↑ Time Mgt New Skills (more marketable) ↑ Consistency ↑ Use of the CMMS SCA CMMS has a Microsoft project interface. A monthly Project Schedule is produced containing all PM's and Non Pm's for both Operators and Contractors. Ops staff and Contractors have regular meetings to schedule the work over the month. Eraring has over the last few years implemented a High Level Planning Co‐ordination Team to review and co‐ ordinate work 5 weeks in advance. The Planning Team consists of a Maintenance coordinator, Production Co‐ coordinator, an Operator Isolations coordinator and a support officer. The main focus is on isolation work. Self managed work teams are responsible for planning all work with nominated senior trades who rotate in planning role. The Management Flow Process needs to be updated to include this process. Alarms protocol at SOC (ops) initiate work request that is sent to the schedulers to approve W/O for respective trades. Planned PM work is scheduled in MAXIMO that is generated by contractors monthly in advance to carry out monthly PM W/Os. Page 32 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 3.4.3 Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Today, most companies have started to use some form of CMMS in conducting their maintenance management. CMMS can help companies improve their maintenance planning process by providing a clearly documented workflow (i.e. embedded within CMMS itself), reporting, controlling all maintainable assets, schedule planned preventive maintenance activities, budgeting, cost analysis, work order management, and many other data manipulation activities. Different CMMSs provide different levels of automation of maintenance tasks. Nevertheless, implementation of a CMMS for maintenance management processes should not be considered as the “silver bullet” that can quickly solve the problems of poor maintenance practices. In 1997, Dunn reported that most CMMSs implementations failed to provide the promised benefits, and the results were significantly below expectations (Dunn 1997). In 2005, there were more than 300 CMMS on the market, each with a great variety of technical characteristics and a wide price range (from about $800 to more than $400,000). With increased complexity and the amount of data to be processed, inevitably CMMS, in the immediate future, will have a greater role in maintenance planning, allowing for the available data to be manipulated into useful information. While planners do not have control over the selection of CMMS, for most of their time, they need to use CMMS to complete their tasks. Therefore, it is crucial to have the right CMMS system in place. For the CMMS to meet its expectations, the Company should choose a CMMS that is compatible with their mission, vision and strategy and should provide supporting infrastructure and any necessary training. 3.5 Understanding Maintenance Planner Role As discussed in the previous section, there is little agreement on the role of a maintenance planner. Ahmadieh and Ghasemi, in ICOMS 2008, have highlighted the importance of clarifying a maintenance planner’s tasks in order to increase their job satisfaction and motivate them to contribute to the organisation’s goals effectively. Hence, Ahmadieh and Ghasemi have developed a list of maintenance personnel tasks based on four published maintenance journals/books (Ahmadieh & Ghasemi 2009). Page 33 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Looking at the size of the literature, the list may have some shortfalls. The list might only include theoretical tasks and not actual day-to-day tasks. In order to gain a better understanding of the maintenance planner’s role, a more comprehensive validation process is required. In addition, it is also necessary to indentify the set of competency skills and aspects that affect the maintenance planner’s role. 3.5.1 Data Collection In doing this research, two methods are considered in obtaining information concerning maintenance planner tasks. The first method is via a direct interview. The main advantage of this method is that the data is obtained firsthand. However, there are several disadvantages in using this method. It is necessary to choose and phrase the questions carefully to avoid obtaining inaccurate data. Narrow questions could direct the interview’s subject to answer in a certain way. Open questions may cause the interviewee to miss some tasks that they perform. In a direct interview, the interviewee might be reluctant to provide honest and accurate data due to personal reasons. In addition, direct interviews maybe too time intensive. The second method is by conducting surveys - collecting maintenance planner tasks in various job advertisements and literature. There are a number of advantages in using this method. It is less time-consuming and does not have geographic limitations. It also provides documented information on the company’s expectation of a maintenance planner. The disadvantage of this method is that the description in the advertisement may not cover all of the actual tasks of the maintenance planner. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each method, for this project the second method was considered a better method. The data collection occurred in two stages. The first stage was completed during the first and second weeks of May 2008, which included collecting maintenance planner tasks from online advertisements. The advertisements included companies which operate in different fields, including Oil and Gas, Manufacturing, Mining, Service Provider, and Aviation. The data were not limited to Australian companies, but also included American and European companies. The next stage was completed during the second week of May 2008. This stage included Page 34 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System a survey of maintenance planner tasks from maintenance related published literature. 3.5.2 Maintenance Planner’s Tasks The 36 companies examined in the survey produced mixed results. Some companies had a long list of tasks for a maintenance planner, while others only had 5-6 specific tasks. Literature surveys produced a similar result. From this, it was observed that there is no clear consensus on what maintenance planners actually do. As a way forward, using examination and interpretation of each identified task from the survey, data were analysed to find similarities in what each company expected from its planners. This required the writer to develop a set of keywords for sorting and quantitative analysis.. Based on this analysis, it is possible to divide a planner’s tasks into five main groups as shown in Table 5. Table 5 ‐ Ideal maintenance Planner Task Group Group Description Basic Analysis 1 Short‐term maintenance tasks A task considered as a short‐term maintenance task, when it needs to be conducted immediately/within (or for) a short period (i.e. within less than 1‐2 day(s)). Such tasks include breakdown/emergency planning tasks. 2 Medium term Medium term maintenance refers to tasks that the maintenance tasks maintenance planner needs to complete for the next maintenance scheduling cycle (i.e. one or two weeks). 3 Long term maintenance tasks Long‐term maintenance refers to tasks that require the planner to carry analyses beyond the next maintenance cycle. An example of tasks that fall within these categories is development, or identification of improvements to maintenance procedures. 4 Liaising Task As part of short‐term, medium‐term and long‐term maintenance task, the planner is required to interact with various people, both internally and externally to obtain information or to distribute information. There are four main activities of liaising, those are distributing Information, obtaining information, attending/chairing meetings and external contractor management. 5 Ad hoc tasks Outside the above tasks, from time to time maintenance planners are required to complete a set of ad hoc tasks. Ad hoc task are generally company specific. Page 35 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Once the data were sorted, the next step was to establish a set of criteria for defining a maintenance planner’s tasks. The criteria were selected with the view that maintenance planner tasks should focus on reducing poor coordination in maintenance workflows, and increase the maintenance team’s wrench time. These criteria are listed below i. Common consensus If an identified task has more than a 50% agreed response, this task was considered a common expectation from companies of their planners. ii. Applicable to different industries While each planner is required to have specific knowledge of his/her industry, in general, the tasks should be similar iii. Excludes shared task Often, due to their previous experience, a planner needs to handle other personnel tasks. For this exercise, roles such as maintenance clerk, maintenance supervisor and maintenance scheduler are assumed to exist. Therefore, the identified tasks should exclude the following: • extensive clerical tasks as this will be handled by a maintenance clerk; • urgent and actual maintenance work or any work that requires immediate access; and • day-to-day scheduling. This analysis has produced the following lists of maintenance planner tasks. a. Short term maintenance tasks While there are some expectations that a maintenance planner needs to assist in breakdown works, more mature organisations recognise that this detracts from a planner’s focus. This project has not included any shortterm task within the maintenance planner task list. Instead it was considered more effective for the maintenance supervisor to handle any urgent breakdowns as he/she has the authority for allocating/obtaining resources for the task. Page 36 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System b. Medium term maintenance tasks A medium term task refers to the maintenance planner tasks that need to be completed for the next work cycle. Most planners’ day-to-day activities fall into this group. These are described below Table 6 ‐ Maintenance Planners’ Medium Term Tasks (continue) Task ID MtT01 Description Comment Filter/Initial review of the new Depending on the maintenance system, an approved work requests initiator can submit a new work request using CMMS, manually submitting the work‐request form or presenting the request at a maintenance meeting. The work request could be breakdown work, non standard or new PM work, which is not yet included in the approved PMs work list. Normally, a maintenance team leader is responsible for approving new work requests and ensuring there is a sufficient budget available for the tasks. Planners should review the work request to ensure there is enough detailed information to initiate the next process. MtT02 Review backlog work‐orders Backlog work‐orders refer to all approved work‐requests/scheduled PMs from the previous maintenance cycle. The planner will review the backlog work‐ order to ensure the maintenance team have not carried out a work‐order within this list (due to priority changes or other reasons). MtT03 Review scheduled PM work‐orders for There are possibilities that some PMs are no longer effective or are needed for an the next maintenance work cycle. asset. As CMMS may automatically generate PM work‐orders, an asset may no longer exist, or it may soon become obsolete due to operational changes. Page 37 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Table 6 ‐ Maintenance Planners’ Medium Term Tasks (continue) Task ID Description Comment It is also possible that an asset may be near the end of its expected lifetime, and maintenance may no longer provide economical value. MtT04 Prioritise and arrange work‐orders This task concludes the initial work of reviewing and sorting the work request. based on risk, size and type. MtT05 Identify the work plans/work scopes MtT06 Identify required skills MtT07 Identify requirements for special equipment, permits, hazardous waste disposal processes and safety conditions. MtT08 MtT09 execution To prepare a work‐package, the planner needs to complete several tasks as described in MtT05‐MtT11. Nowadays, some CMMS are capable of producing a standard work‐package for standard PMs. However, a planner responsible for ensuring that each work‐ package is customised to the specific asset. Identify required parts/material Also, a planner may need to develop a standard work package for new standard Prepare technical documents PMs. including maintenance history of the particular asset MtT10 Estimate budget MtT11 Finalise, compile, communicate, and present the complete work package at the maintenance team meeting. This also includes providing support /clarification of the work package as required MtT12 Review and follow‐up previous work‐ orders status MtT13 Review completed work‐orders and Often a returned work order will contain carry out closeout procedure. limited feedback, if not none. The planner needs to ensure there is sufficient feedback in the maintenance history. MtT14 Ensure all maintenance data are The maintenance data include completed maintenance related forms/paperwork, Page 38 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Table 6 ‐ Maintenance Planners’ Medium Term Tasks (continue) Task ID Description recorded properly into CMMS. Comment asset technical specifications, and asset data after maintenance (i.e. updated status, location, maintenance history, feedback). MtT15 Initiate purchase requisitions and This includes submitting purchase orders; carrying out the procurement process; manage spares contacting vendors; and coordination with the storeroom. It is necessary to differentiate between bills of materials, which are required for operational purposes (e.g. raw materials required for manufacturing production items) with a bill of materials that is required for maintenance purposes. While it is possible to have a common storeroom, the planner should be responsible for managing a bill of material for maintenance purposes. MtT16 Review overall budget vs. current Planners should notify the maintenance status manager if the expenditure has exceeded the available budget and an additional budget is required Based on this understanding, it is possible to develop a more detailed maintenance workflow that describes the tasks of each maintenance personnel at a time. This is shown in the figure 8. In this workflow, the maintenance supervisor carries the initial review of the work request. Any emergency work request is allocated immediately to the maintenance team/tradesmen on the site. The maintenance supervisor may request the planner to prepare a work package for high-priority request, if he/she considers the risk is manageable. This maintenance team will complete this work order immediately after the planner completes the work package. Otherwise, the supervisor logs the approved work requests (i.e. the work orders) into the system (CMMS) for planning purposes. The planner then carries out the planning work (as described in MtT1-mtT10) for the newly approved work-requests (i.e. work order), the backlog work-order, and also the routine PMs. Page 39 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Figure 8 - Maintenance Workflow Page 40 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System The planner presents the completed work-packages in the maintenance weekly meeting. Normally, all the stakeholders will attend this meeting to review the proposed work-package and conduct the necessary approval process. The approved work-packages are passed to the maintenance scheduler and maintenance supervisor/team leader for daily planning and distribution to the maintenance team respectively. Both planner and the supervisor will review the completed work-order. Once the supervisor satisfies with the work quality, he/she will initiate close out procedure (e.g. removing “under-maintenance” tag, completing close out form, etc). The planner then will review the closeout information and update CMMS as necessary. c. Long term maintenance tasks The workflow shown in figure 8 does not show maintenance planner longterm tasks. These long-term maintenance tasks are shown in the next table Table 7 ‐ Maintenance Planners’ Long Term Tasks (continue) Task ID Description LtT01 In collaboration with the reliability engineer, conduct assessment of asset condition and maintenance history to identify chronic problems and/or recurring problems LtT02 Based on evaluation of an asset’s condition and maintenance history, provide recommendations for the asset’s replacement, or restoration. LtT03 Develop a standard work plan for recurring works. LtT04 Conduct long‐run risk assessments to identify and mitigate health, safety, environmental and financial risk. LtT05 Develop plant optimisation maintenance strategies. This includes: • Identify corrective measures to improve the accuracy for estimating work. • Identify a better approach for completing work. • Introduce new condition monitoring techniques. • Provide recommendations for procurement of new maintenance equipment. Page 41 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Table 7 ‐ Maintenance Planners’ Long Term Tasks (continue) Task ID Description • Provide recommendations for maintenance team / business structure changes. • Provide recommendation for new maintenance contracts or termination of ineffective existing maintenance contracts. LtT06 Develop and update the implementation of integrated business management plans such as a Quality Assurance (QA) plan, a health and safety plan, and an environment management plan. LtT07 Prepare maintenance expenditure forecasts for budgeting purposes. LtT08 Provide reviews and recommendations for new facilities/equipment design processes. LtT09 Identify and calculate maintenance related performance indicators. LtT10 Provide an input for the development of CMMS database structure. LtT11 Generate/prepare reports indicating company selected maintenance performance indicators, significant issues encountered over a reporting period and a recommendation to improve overall performance. d. Liaison tasks To be able to carry out the short-term, medium-term and long-term maintenance tasks, planners need to liaise with different stakeholders. Often, liaison tasks are not mentioned explicitly in the planner’s job specification. However, in reality this could take a large proportion of the planner’s overall work time. Table 8 ‐ Maintenance Planners’ Liaison Tasks (continue) Task ID LT01 Description Obtaining information Comment Internally, for work‐order planning purposes, planners are required to liaise with operation, maintenance, storeroom and management staff to obtain information such as work‐requests, technical specifications, labour resources availability, manuals, contract agreements, and feedback from the maintenance team. Externally, planners may need to contact Page 42 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Table 8 ‐ Maintenance Planners’ Liaison Tasks (continue) Task ID Description Comment external stakeholders/vendors to obtain technical data, special requirements for accessing specific areas, and other information as necessary LT02 Information distribution Internally, planners need to liaise with operation, maintenance, storeroom and management to distribute information such as the completed work‐order packages, material purchase requests, performance indicators for monthly reports, QA maintenance plans, safety procedures and other planning information as required. Externally, planners are responsible for contacting external stakeholders and notifying them of any maintenance information that may affect their operation. LT03 Contract management A number of companies use external contractors to carry out some or all of their maintenance procedures. Planners should be responsible for managing such contracts and ensuring that the external contractors adhere to company requirements. LT04 Attend /chair meetings. The planner is required to attend/chair the following meetings • planning meetings with operational, maintenance manager/supervisors • maintenance/operation related meetings with external stakeholders • regular and ad hoc meetings with the maintenance team Page 43 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System e. Ad-hoc tasks Following are some of the common ad-hoc tasks that most companies ask their planner to carry out. Table 9 ‐ Maintenance Planners’ Ad Hoc Task 3.5.3 Task ID Description AhT01 Acting as supervisor for the maintenance team when requested by maintenance manager/higher level manager AhT02 Perform other tasks, programs and special assignments as requested by the maintenance manager Maintenance Planner skill set It is possible to identify the maintenance planners’ skill set based on the following methodology 1. Identification of seven generic Mayer key competencies as used in the Australia Qualification frame work (see table 10). These key competencies were developed in 1992 by Mayer Committee in response to the National Training Board of Australia’s request. The key competencies measure young Australians' capacity to apply knowledge and skills in the work place (Russell-Bowie & E. 2004). 2. From each maintenance task identify • Related key competency to perform the task • Minimum level of competency • Specific technical skills to execute the task to achieve an acceptable result • Minimum knowledge required Page 44 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Table 10 - Generic Key Competency level [as used by Australia Qualification frame work] Key Competency Competency Level Collecting, analysing and organising information Level 1 Access and record ‐single source Communicating ideas and Simple information ‐Familiar setting Planning and organising Under supervision activities Working with others and Familiar activities in teams Using mathematical ideas Simple tasks and techniques Solving problems Level 2 Level 3 Access and select and record ‐more than one source Complex ‐Particular context With guidance Access evaluate and organise ‐Range of sources Complex ‐Variety of contexts Independently initiate and evaluate complex activities Collaborate in complex activities Evaluate and adapt as appropriate for task Complex problems, implement systematic approach. Design or tailor product Help formulate and achieve goals Select appropriate complex tasks Routine ‐ minimal, close supervision Routine ‐independent, exploratory, with guidance Reproduce or present Construct organise or basic product operate product Using technology (Russell-Bowie & E. 2004). Using this methodology, the following table indicates the skill set required by a maintenance planner. Table 11 ‐ Maintenance planner skill set and key competency (continue) Skill ID Skills Key competency 1 Using computer software • Using technology package(s) to support day‐to‐ day tasks. 2 Update and extract • Using technology information within a database • Collecting, analysing or documents management and organising system information Level 2 • Using technology 4 Establish a personal daily work • Planning and schedule and maintain it. organising activities 5 Contract management • Planning and organising activities 6 Leadership • Planning and Level 2 Related Maintenance Tasks MtT01‐MtT16 LtT01‐LtT11 LT01‐LT03 MtT01‐MtT03 MtT06‐MtT10 MtT12‐MtT16 LtT01‐LtT03 LT01‐LT03 MtT14, LtT10 Level 2 MtT04 Level 3 LT03 Level 3 LT04, AhT01 3 CMMS operation Page 45 of 124 Minimum C.L * Required Level 2 Level 3 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Table 11 ‐ Maintenance planner skill set and key competency (continue) Skill ID Skills 7 Using a range of spoken, written, graphic and other non‐verbal means of expression to communicate with internal and external stakeholders 8 Chairing meetings 9 Estimating and preparing budgets 10 Evaluating asset’s condition based on analysing reliability models, or other available technical information 11 Reviewing and verifying information, sources and methods of obtaining it 12 Interpreting and comprehending technical/graphic information 13 Providing technical assistance/solutions in resolving a maintenance problem 14 Relating to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental capabilities 15 Calculating KPIs in order to monitor performance levels 16 Presenting information in useful and easy to understand formats. 17 Identifying, locating , sifting and sorting through technical and non technical data 18 Understanding scientific and technological principles to explore and adapt systems. 19 Identifying new approaches by using new technologies, new Key competency Minimum C.L * Required Related Maintenance Tasks Level 2 LT01‐LT04 • Communicating ideas and information • Using mathematical ideas and techniques • Using mathematical ideas and techniques Level 2 LT04 Level 3 MtT10 Level 2 LtT01 • Collecting, analysing and organising information • Collecting, analysing and organising information • Solving problems Level 3 LT01 Level 3 MtT05‐MtT10 LtT01‐LtT11 Level 2 MtT05‐MtT10 LtT05 • Working with others and in teams Level 1 Lt01‐LtT04 • Using technology • Using mathematical ideas and techniques • Using technology • Collecting, analysing and organising information • Using technology • Collecting, analysing and organising information • Solving problems • Collecting, analysing and organising information • Solving problems • Collecting, analysing Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 LtT09 ,LtT11 Level 2 Level 3 MtT01‐MtT10 LtT01‐LtT05 Level 2 Level 3 LtT01‐LtT05 Level 3 Level 3 LtT01‐LtT02 organising activities • Communicating ideas and information Page 46 of 124 MtT11 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Table 11 ‐ Maintenance planner skill set and key competency (continue) Skill ID Skills Key competency processes or adopting design and organising modifications that provide a information better asset maintainability outcome 20 Preparing and compiling work‐ • Planning and packages to execute a work organising activities order • Using technology • Collecting, analysing and organising information 21 Gathering • Collecting, analysing information/feedback from and organising tradesmen of actual assets information condition and actual details • Communicating ideas work‐packages execution and information • Working with others and in teams 22 Identifying efficient and • Using mathematical effective ways for handling ideas and techniques maintenance tasks based on • Solving problems sound technical and practical • Using technology knowledge of the task 23 Evaluating works’ quality • Using mathematical based on the information ideas and techniques provided • Solving problems • Using technology 24 Developing and • Using mathematical understanding simple ideas and techniques mathematical models to • Solving problems obtain the most optimal solution of a given condition 25 Analysing risks • Planning and organising activities • Using mathematical ideas and techniques * C.L= Competency level 3.5.4 Minimum C.L * Required Related Maintenance Tasks Level 3 Level 2 Level 3 MtT05‐MtT11 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 MtT12‐MtT14 Level 3 Level 2 Level 3 LtT01‐LtT06 Level 3 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 MtT12‐MtT13 Level 3 Level 3 MtT04, LtT05‐LtT06 LtT01‐LtT06 Maintenance Planner Performance Indicators A. Quantitative Indicators There are a number of well-known quantitative maintenance KPIs. As part of this research, a number of these KPIs were selected and adapted to be used for measuring planner performance. Table 12 shows these KPIs and their method of calculation. Page 47 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Table 12 ‐ Selected Maintenance Planner Quantitative KPI KPI description Method of calculation Remarks Total each type of work package prepared Total completed work package Measure of whether a planner’s focusing on preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, predictive maintenance, or other. This can be measured monthly or yearly Percentage of work‐package completed on time Total completed work package × 100% Number of work orders that required planning Measures a planner’s ability to complete a work package in timely manner, and not defer the work to the back‐log. This can be measured monthly or yearly Percentage of work‐package completed on scheduled Number of workpackages completed on schedule × 100% Total completed work packages This KPI can be used to measure the quality of work packages. The better the quality of the work‐package, the higher the KPI value. Ratio of the type work‐ package prepared over a year Estimated time accuracy Total number of estimated hours for work over a year × 100% This KPI measure a planner accuracy in estimating Actual hours used the required time to complete work orders. It is expected that over time, with the increase in work‐ time record, and better familiarisation of the personnel skill, a planner will have a better accuracy for this KPI Estimated budget accuracy Total estimated amount ($) for work over a year × 100% Actual amount ($) spent Page 48 of 124 Similar as estimated time accuracy, but instead a measure of the total budget (i.e. $ amount) to complete work orders Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System B. Qualitative Indicators Qualitatively there are different ways to measures planners’ performance. Often, company policies will drive the selection of qualitative measurements. The following are some examples of qualitative KPIs for planners. a. Work-package quality. Work-package quality is derived by the completeness of information, accuracy of estimation, feasibility and clarity of the work plan, and the way the information is presented. b. Acceptance and recognition by peers. For a planner to perform within the organisation he/she should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of necessary technical knowledge and acceptable industrial practice, and align it with the applicable company policies. c. Leadership quality. A planner may need to supervise clerks and junior planners. He/she should show a certain degree of leadership in directing and coordinating them to reach the team outcomes. d. Level of proficiency and confidence in using different software. Planners are required to use different software packages including CMMS in their day-to-day activities. It is necessary for a planner to demonstrate a level of mastery in using this package. This is shown by their level of confidence in explaining the features of the package, and extracting information as necessary 3.5.5 Factors Affecting Maintenance Planner Tasks Other than skills and experience, planners require a supportive work environment. To identify the aspects that form a supportive environment for a planner, the following methodologies were used. • Carry out a literature review to obtain what is generally considered as a good working environment. • Identify any hindrances that prevent/delay planners in completing their tasks, and vice versa. • Carry out study cases(based on published literature) to explore factors that affect planners completing their tasks • Review these identified factors, and group similar factors together. • Verify these factors through discussion with one maintenance manager from a WA leading company. Page 49 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Based on this methodology, it is possible to identify eight general aspects that affect maintenance planners’ performance. This is called a maintenance planner platform as shown in the following figures. Figure 9 - Maintenance Planners’ Platform 1st Aspect - Vision The organisation should have a clear, articulated vision of the planner’s role. A clear vision prevents someone in the organisation perceiving a planner as an immediate solution to reduce budget and increase maintenance efficiency; or simply as another maintenance staff member with technical and administration skills. 2nd Aspect - Mission This aspect refers to a clear description of tasks and goals for planners. Having a sound mission can increase planners’ job satisfaction and motivate them to contribute to the organisation’s goals effectively (Ahmadieh & Ghasemi 2009). 3rd Aspect - Structure Some of the literature (Palmer 2006; Kelly 2005; Nyman & Levitt 2001) mentions the importance of having an organisational chart that supports planners in focussing on planning tasks. If the planner’s supervisor has a different main mission (i.e. the maintenance supervisor’s main mission could be “to fix any breakdown in the shortest time possible”), he/she may direct the planner to help other personnel to achieve this mission. Consequently, the planner may be unable to prepare numbers of work-packages on time, and therefore, it is possible that technicians / tradesmen start their work without adequate planning. In turn, this reduces the overall maintenance team’s performance. In extreme cases, in a busy month where a planner does not Page 50 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System complete a work-package, it may cost the organisation as much as hiring an additional 17 technicians as shown in the calculations below. • Three technicians without planning 3 x 35% =105% out of 300% of the total wrench time • One planner, two technician 1x 0% + 2 X55%=110% out of 300% of the total wrench time • Ratio Planner to technician 1:20-30 = 55% / 35%=1.57 • Therefore, if there are 30 technicians under 1 planner, that planner can increase the wrench time by 30 technicians x 1.57=47 technicians. (calculation quoted from Nyman & Levitt 2001) th 4 Aspect - Ratio While there is no clear agreements on an ideal ratio between planner and tradesmen, an organisation should consider the reasonable ratio between planner and tradesmen based on the plant size, complexity and number of required tradesman. Don Nyman’s Point System provides a method of calculating this ratio, by giving points to various factors in the field of planning structure, number of tradesmen coordinated, a level of planning, level of estimating, and inappropriate responsibilities. Then, based on the accumulated points, he concludes that the ratios of planner to tradesmen be varied from 1:10,1:12, 1:15, 1:20, 1:25 and 1:30( Nyman, 2001). 5th Aspect - Process Oriented As mentioned earlier, maintenance planners play the role of the drivers in ensuring the level of assurance achieved and at the same time providing input for the learning organisation. Planners develop a plan to allow the tradesmen/technicians to have an early start on their tasks. The plan is not formulated to restrict their movements but to provide guidance for minimising human error and ensuring quality of workmanship. Deviation from the original plan could still occur. However, unless there is a baseline plan, the organisation can not measure their operation efficiency, or what can be done to improve it. Therefore, everybody in the organisation needs to understand that maintenance planning is about the process and not merely about accuracy. 6th Aspect - Technology Today, it is undeniable that technology plays a crucial role in the maintenance planning process. Technology such as CMMS and data gathering equipment Page 51 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System assists a planner in obtaining and distributing information, evaluating technical data and presenting information. It also provides a tool for implementing the maintenance process (i.e. embedded maintenance workflow). With so many new technologies available on the market, an organisation needs to select and evaluate its performance carefully prior to making any decisions to implement it. The procurement of new technology should not be based purely on the purchase price. Other factors such as upgrading costs, training costs, infrastructure costs, reporting features, ease of use, and ease of updating should be considered. It is necessary to choose a technology that suits the organisation’s method of operation and allows different end-users (i.e. the maintenance/AM manager, planner, supervisor or even tradesmen) to use it optimally. Thus, the process of selecting new technology may have the same importance as the implementation of that new technology itself, if not more. 7th Aspect - Teamwork A planner needs support from the maintenance team, the production team and management to perform his/her tasks. In fact, there are a number of performance indicators such as percentage of PM works completed, which are affected by the performance of both the planner and the maintenance team. With competent teamwork, planners can get information such as completed work feedback, from technical team with the required level of detail. In turn, planners can provide a decent quality work-package. Similarly, the plan can only work effectively if there is support from the operation team (i.e. allow equipment shutdowns for PMs as requested by the planner) and management team (i.e. provide enough budget and resources). 8th Aspect - Culture Each organisation has its own unique culture. Maintenance process is about continuous improvement and having a maintenance planner within the organisation can support such a culture. In addition, maintenance planning promotes a proactive rather than reactive culture. Thus, if the organisation does not support such a culture, a shift needs to occur to allow planners to perform optimally within the organisation. Providing an ideal environment can require significant effort and some capital expenditure at the beginning of the process. However, in turn, a good working environment will likely increase the reliability, efficiency and productivity of the organisation. Page 52 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 3.5.6 Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Maintenance planning good practice With a better understanding of the maintenance planning process and the maintenance planners’ role, it is feasible to compile a list of good maintenance planning practices that are applicable for short and medium term tasks. This exercise was completed using the following methodologies. • Literature reviews were conducted to list any feedback or recommendations for good planning practices from practitioners. • Each task was studied to identify possible good practices that can assist planners to reach an outcome effectively. This is carried out with the understanding that: Planners need to perform technical and non-technical tasks. Planners have a role as “the guard” prior to and after maintenance execution to ensure that all planning requirements, procedures and documents are in the right place. Planners provide input for asset replacement, asset retention or asset refurbishment. • Planners’ input will affect the continuous improvement process. The identified good practices were then sorted and grouped based on similarity • A final list was compiled based on maintenance workflow timelines. In this research, the list is called recommended maintenance planner principles. Principle 1 - Understand the scope of work A helicopter review in the beginning of the planning process will help planners to understanding the content and the context of the tasks. This review allows planners to define the risks, priorities and work estimation of the work-request. As highlighted in AS IEC60300, “Planning for specific maintenance tasks needs to be done with enough lead time to plan and supply the necessary resources”. Principle 2 - Align Maintenance Actions with Acknowledged Standards Aligning maintenance action with acknowledged Standards/Policies will ensure that a repeatable quality can be achieved. In addition, using acknowledged Standards/Policies provides more weight to the planners approach. Principle 3 - Embrace all available support The planner should use all the available support. This support could be in the form of written information such as asset documentations, maintenance history/work logs, technical books or non-documented information such as team Page 53 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System knowledge, vendor /external consultant expertise. Other types of support include the technologies owned by the company, and various training opportunities that can improve planners’ skills. Principle 4- Prepare “just enough” plan Planners should prepare a work-package with the level of detail necessary for skilled tradesmen/technicians. This means that a planner should avoid overplanning. Over-planning requires a planner to spend more time preparing the work-package then preparing “just enough” plan. Also, over planning does not promote a sense of accountability and responsibility for the tradesmen/technicians. Planners should provide a plan with an appreciation of tradesmen’s skills. Obviously, limitations or checkpoints need to be stated to ensure quality of the workmanship is not compromised. In addition, there should be a clear performance metric to measure work quality. Principle 5- Keep it Simple, Familiar and Logical It is necessary to keep the plan simple and present the package in a familiar and logical format for tradesmen or any others stakeholders. This provides ease of use and encourages them to “stick with the plan” rather than abandon the plan if they consider it is too hard to be followed. Principle 6- Ensure the completeness of work-package In order to provide an excellent quality work-package, a planner needs to be certain that he/she does not overlook any aspects in his/her planning process. This includes attaching all updated technical documents, forms, drawings and other necessary information. Principle 7 – Follow up The planner should be pro-active in obtaining feedback from the maintenance team in the field. In an ideal world, a planner might expect that the feedback will come automatically. In reality, without follow-up, the tradesman may not return the feedback form at all, and it often contains unclear information (i.e. for sections describing the maintenance action, the execution team could simply write, "problem fixed”). Planners, with the support of maintenance supervisors should emphasize the importance of feedback for improving the overall efficiency of the maintenance team. Page 54 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Figure 10 - Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Maintenance planner Principles Page 55 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Principle 8 - Review, Evaluate and Seek Improvement The planner needs to review all feedback. He/she should study any deviations from the plan, including an understanding of the cause of the deviations. If a deviation occurs due to a flaw in the maintenance process, the planner needs to take action and rectify the problem at the next work-package. Even if a deviation occurs as an isolated case, the planner should evaluate and seek any possible improvement that can help him/her provide better planning. Principle 9- Document all findings Planners should document all of the maintenance planning, maintenance record, feedback, updated asset condition details and planning evaluations. Such documents are not only useful as references for the assets’ next maintenance; it also supports decision-making within the organisation. Good documentation can represent how efficiently the organisation is working. If required, one should be able to retrieve these documents easily. In more stringent industries (e.g. the aviation industry), the maintenance log is routinely scrutinised by different stakeholders and often used as a legal document. 3.6 The Maintenance Planner Framework The maintenance planner framework shown in the next figure provides the conceptual structure of how various elements, external factors, maintenance systems and processes correlate to each other from a maintenance planner’s point of view. This framework has identified four components as follows: a. maintenance elements that directly contribute to the maintenance management system. b. the maintenance management system. c. maintenance process/workflow. d. external factors, which include elements outside the planners' control and have both direct and indirect effects on the other components. Page 56 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Figure 11 - Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Maintenance Planner framework Page 57 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System a. The Maintenance Input elements One of the reasons an organisation requires a maintenance management system is to manage their assets so it can serve its purpose optimally. There are four main elements, which have direct contributions to the maintenance management system. The first input element is assets data. This is the basic information within the maintenance management system. Asset data often drives the asset maintenance strategy, and the complexity of the maintenance management system. The assets data also provides input for the second element, preventive/predictive maintenance and the third element, asset replacement/refurbishment. Moreover, current asset condition, manufacturer recommendations, failure behaviour, maintenance strategy and risk are likely to determine the preventive/predictive maintenance and asset replacement/refurbishment schedules. The final element is the asset breakdown maintenance data and occurrences. Unlike preventive/predictive maintenance and asset replacement/ refurbishment, the framework does not provide a direct link between breakdown maintenance and asset data. An asset breakdown does not occur due to poor asset data, but due to the result of flaws/defects or poor workmanship in the events within the maintenance workflow, as well as from external factors. b. The Maintenance Management System Generally, an organisation develops their maintenance management system continuously over its lifetime. This system can involve a computerised management system (CMMS), a manual system (paper-based system) or a combination of both paper-based and CMMS. In most cases, the asset management team within the organisation is responsible for selecting and defining any maintenance management system upgrades. The decision is made based on the organisation’s vision, mission, current needs, work environment and budget. Planners, as one of the stakeholders, play a vital role in ensuring the maintenance management system contains up-to-date asset data, a work-order register and other information. c. The Maintenance workflow/process As mentioned in the previous chapter, in a simplified world, maintenance workflow consists of four phases: planning, work on site, evaluation and closeout. In the maintenance-planning phase, the planner prepares workPage 58 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System packages for the approved work-orders listed in the work-order register. There are four maintenance strategies • Run to failure, This is include reactive maintenance; • Usage based, This includes preventive (Herbaty 1990), and proactive maintenance (Palmer 2006); • Condition based. This includes predictive (Moubray 1992)and corrective maintenance (Wireman 2004); and • Redesign. This is include perfective maintenance (IEEE 1993). All work should be classified using one of these four strategies After a work-package is presented and approved at a maintenance meeting, the scheduler and supervisor will arrange the time and resources for executing the work-package at the next maintenance cycle. The evaluation phase starts after tradesmen carry out the work-package and involves both the maintenance supervisor and planner. If one of them is not satisfied with the quality of the work (based on inspection or feedback), he/she can request additional works to be conducted. The final phase is the closeout phase, which should commence only if the work is considered fully complete. The closeout procedure includes the evaluation of any plan deviations, identification of lessons learnt, and updating of the CMMS record. The outcome from this final phase is updated asset data. Work quality of all maintenance personnel involved in the process above increases the possibility of an asset breakdown. Poor quality or unfinished work-packages may delay the tradesmen in completing the maintenance tasks. On site, tradesmen’s workmanship may define whether their maintenance work resolves the problems, or if it creates new problems. Finally, the correctness of the evaluation is the final control in avoiding any deficiencies/shortcomings with of the overall work. If the supervisor and planner fail to notice the substandard quality in the tradesmen’s workmanship, and request the poor workmanship to be rectified, the likelihood of assets’ breakdown is likely to increase. d. The external factors Maintenance elements, maintenance management systems, and maintenance workflows are not immune to the effects of various external Page 59 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System factors, beyond the planner’s control. Some of these include human factors, company structure, company strategy, vendor/client agreement, legal requirements, environment/nature condition and socio-economic factors. These factors can provide both direct and indirect effects. As an example, adverse environmental conditions could directly cause an asset breakdown, and it could also lead to the tradesmen conducting poor maintenance, before an asset breakdown. In this framework, planners have the responsibility to manage the effects of the external factors on work quality, poor workmanship and excessive nonproductive time of the tradesmen. In turn, this leads to a reduction in the number of unscheduled breakdowns. This supports the idea that a planner plays the role of the driver by ensuring the level of assurance achieved and at the same time providing input for the learning organisation as discussed in the first chapter. Furthermore, the framework is in-line with the AMC asset management framework model, the plan-do-check-act model, which has been discussed earlier (refer to Chapter One). 3.7 Maintenance Planning Course 3.7.1 Maintenance Planners as Students In order to design an effective course for maintenance planners, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of maintenance planners as students. Maintenance planners training fall in the age bracket of older than 18 years old(i.e adult age). In fact, most planners take their position after work several years on the field as technician. Thus, as adult learners, maintenance planners will likely have similar characteristics as explained in Malcom Knowles learning theory of Andragogy. The information about Andragogy is summarised below as extracted from a number of resources (Merriam & Caffarela 1999; Knowles, III & swanson 2005; Dunn 2000). Introduced in 1973, there are five assumptions in a formal learning environment that underpinned the Andragogy concept. Firstly, adult learners have an independent self-concept and ability to direct their own learning. Secondly, the readiness of an adult to learn is closely related to the development of his or her social role tasks Adult students usually know what they want to learn. They want to see a reason for learning something, and they like to see the program organised toward their personal goals - applicable to work or home. Thirdly, internal factor motivate adults to learn (i.e. promise of increased job satisfaction, Page 60 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System self-esteem, and quality of life) rather than external ones. Fourthly, as people mature their knowledge time perspective changes. Adult learners focus more on the immediacy of application (i.e. more problem-centred learning instead of subject-centred learning). Lastly, an adult accumulates a growing reservoir of experience. These experiences are a valuable lesson to learn . Planners in most cases fit these characteristics. Most of them started their career as recognised technicians rather than through a formal education and hence they have gained field experience. With these kinds of experiences, it is likely that they would want to know what the added values of the course are, and/or what the applicability of the course is to them. In addition, planners carry out many tasks in a day, which is why they (and the organisation/employer) will carefully consider the benefits of a course, prior to taking any courses. 3.7.2 Addressing Maintenance Planners Requirement as a Student a. The suitable learning concepts Based on the characteristics of adult learners as described above, Andragogy offers three types of learning concepts. The first one is experiential learning. This concept emphasises that an effective course for adult learners should be grounded in their experiences. The course should allow them to connect what they have learned through their experiences and future implications. The second learning concept is self-directed learning. This concept suggests that adult learners may initiate learning with or without assistance from others, as they enjoy learning, are capable of organising their time, and will develop plans for completion while remaining goal-oriented (Lowry 1989). The next concept is transformative-learning. This concept was developed based on the constructivist theory (Brunner 1996), and highlights that an individual learns by transforming their way of seeing the world (Mezirow 1997). Transformative learning helps adult learners “become a more autonomous thinker by learning to negotiate their own values and purposes rather than to act on those of others uncritically" (Mezirow 1997). One way to present the combination of these concepts is through delivering the course using a computer simulation game. By using this approach it is possible to develop scenarios that replicate a planner’s day-to-day environment. Planners can experiment with different approaches in handling Page 61 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System their tasks and explore the impact of their actions. As planners gain better understanding from the consequences of good or poor planning practices, they will experience transformative learning. In addition, one of the advantages of delivering a course using a simulation game is that the system will be able to recognise the user as a solitary individual who has a different starting point, different pace of learning and different needs. b. The Course Content As part of this research, the development of the simulation game will be focused on improving maintenance planners' skills in conducting mediumterm tasks. In order to achieve this, the course content should cover the following technical topics: Table 13 - Course Technical Topic Topic No. 3.7.3 Description T01 Risk Assessment T02 Maintenance workflow T03 Scheduling and Planning T04 Good and poor maintenance planning practices and their implications toward the organisation’s short‐term and long‐term overall performance T05 Fault Identification T06 Root Cause Analysis T07 Failure modes, effects and criticality analysis T08 Key maintenance strategies such as run to failure, preventive maintenance, breakdown maintenance, corrective maintenance, predictive maintenance, equipment redesign(includes perfective maintenance) , condition monitoring, and asset replacement T09 Procurement process T10 Bill material management Assessment Methods The following assessment methods are considered most suitable for the course using a simulation game. These methods are selected as it can be designed in such a way as to minimise the manual marking and evaluation process. Page 62 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training a. Chapter 3 Maintenance Planner Training System Concept Test/Minute Papers A conceptual multiple–choice question test can be provided at the beginning of the new maintenance cycle, addressing different topics. The students should be able to obtain immediate feedback once they complete their tests. b. Simulation Scores The students are awarded points for every correct action they take in simulation. There are two ways to assess a student’s competency using the simulation scores. Firstly, by comparing his/her final scores to the highest possible scores. Another way is to compare his/her scores in early stages (e.g. at first three rounds of maintenance cycle) to the scores in the final stages (e.g. at final three rounds). The last method provides a better way in knowing whether the student gains understanding during the game, or if the high score is only a streak of luck. c. Final Scenario A student’s understanding of the concept can be assessed by providing them with a new short scenario to be played. Their understanding can be evaluated based on their final score. d. Final Test At the end of the course, students will be required to complete a test, which consists of a combination of multiple-choice and short-answer questions. The advantage in having the test in electronic form is that it allows the lecturer to easily assess various quantitative variables. This includes evaluating which question takes the longest/shortest time to complete, which question has the most correct/wrong answer, what is the highest/lowest score, and what the distribution scores are. Page 63 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner 4.1 Chapter Overview The previous chapter provided answers to the questions: What do planners do? What do they want from their course? How will it be presented? What will be included in the course? This chapter takes it one step further by exploring the requirements for developing education simulation game software that can be used for maintenance planner training. This chapter presents the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) for the Maintenance Planner Simulation Game. In this research, the SRS was developed based on IEEE guidelines. 4.2 Software Requirements Specification The Software Requirement Specification (SRS) defines the system requirements and dependencies for design and development work. An SRS serves as the parent document to various subsequent documents, such as the detailed software design specification, extent of work and testing, validation and verification strategies (Donn Le Vie 2007). 4.2.1 Software Overview The Education Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training (ESMAP) is software developed by the writer as part of this research project at the University of Western Australia (UWA). This software, as its name indicates enhances maintenance planner training by playing a simulation game. The game develops a planner’s skills by promoting the concept of learn by doing (in a simulation environment), and learn by observing. It is expected that once fully developed, training providers will be able to either integrate this software with an existing course or use the software in stand-alone training. Page 64 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 4.2.2 Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Functional Capabilities Previously in Chapter 3, Tables 6 to 9, maintenance planner tasks were identified and in Table 11, maintenance planners’ skills were identified. Table 13 identified the technical topics that need to be covered for a maintenance planner course. ESMAP software concentrated on a number of tasks from Table 6 (Maintenance Planner Medium Term Tasks) and Table 7 (Maintenance Planner Long Term Tasks). This is summarised in the next table Table 14 ‐ ESMAP coverage (continue) No Task Task ID Skill ID Topics Covered 1 Review new approved work request form MtT01 2 Review backlog work‐orders MtT02 S11,S17 3 Review scheduled PM work‐orders for the next maintenance work cycle. MtT03 S11,S17 4 Conduct a risk analysis to prioritise work‐orders. MtT04 S25 T01 5 Identify the work execution plans/work scopes. MtT05 S2, S11‐S12, S17‐ S18, S20, S22, S24 T02‐T08 6 Identify required skills. MtT06 S2, S11‐S12, S17‐ S18, S22 7 Identify requirements for special equipment, permits, hazardous waste disposal processes and safety conditions. MtT07 S2, S11‐S12, S17‐ S18, S20, S22 8 Identify required parts/material. MtT08 S2, S11‐S12, S17‐ S18, S20, S22 T02, T09, T10 9 Prepare technical documents including maintenance histories of assets. MtT09 S2, S11‐S12, S17‐ S18, S20, S22 T02‐T08 S11,S17 T02‐T08 10 Estimate budgets MtT10 S9 T02, T09, T10 11 Review and follow‐up previous work‐ MtT12 S21 T02‐T08 Page 65 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Table 14 ‐ ESMAP coverage (continue) No Task Task ID Skill ID Topics Covered orders status 12 Review the completed work‐orders and carry out close out procedure. MtT13 S21, S23 13 Record all maintenance data properly into CMMS. MtT14 S3 T02 14 Manage spares MtT15 S24 T02, T09, T10 15 Based on evaluation of asset condition and maintenance history, provide recommendations for asset replacement, or restoration LtT02 S10 T07‐T08 Furthermore, as education software, ESMAP has two types of users, students and training providers. Based on each user type’s needs, ESMAP’s functional capabilities are as follows: For students: a. Allows users to walkthrough the process of maintenance workflow, from the time a work order was approved until the closeout of the work-order. b. Allows users to observe how applying good practice during the maintenance planning process could affect the different performance indicators c. Allows users to observe the impact of their actions and asset documentations availability towards time taken in preparing a work package. d. Allows users to observe what the impact of the quality of planning is on the actual work on site. e. Allows users to go through scenarios for maintenance planning in relevant industries context as in their actual daily activities For Training Providers a. Allows trainers to emphasise certain recommended actions or company policies within the maintenance workflow. Page 66 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner b. Allows trainers to assess students' competency in conducting the tasks described in Table 14. 4.2.3 Features In order to replicate the real world, it is necessary to design ESMAP with the following features: a. Tools which allow students to obtain answers/solutions as in the real world situation (i.e. through browsing online library or discussion with peers). b. Capabilities to set ESMAP to being fully dedicated to company training. This includes o set to specific scenarios/environments o allow users to browse the company’s body of knowledge ( e.g. policy, strategy, etc) o capability to set-up to suit/imitate the company’s maintenance system including CMMS c. Tools that allow students to make notes of lessons learnt or additional data while playing games, and retrieve it at any stage of the game or after the game. 4.2.4 Software Architecture The software should be structured in three tiers, (i.e. by have a separation between the data, logic and client interface). This arrangement provides the following advantages: • Cater the future development by allowing modification to each tier without affecting another; • Minimised risk of data loss; • Improved performance through load balance between each tier; and • Allowing better security management without hindering the client . (Ramirez 2000) 4.2.5 Portability The software should provide portability, i.e. it is can be installed/accessed in/from computer with different operating system platform. 4.2.6 Interfaces The interface creates the first impression for the users. The interfaces must have user-friendly and self-explanatory characteristics. As a minimum, the following interfaces are required to allow game to flow. Page 67 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Table 15 - ESMAP interface No. Interface Name 1 Front page 2 Tutorial Page 3 Game Page (Briefing) 4 Game Page(main) Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner (Continue) Description Direct Tasks Stand alone interface The front‐page interface is the first page that • Play new game, opens when the user login into the game. This • Open/finished unfinished game, page should provide the user with access to • Read any announcements from the other interfaces that allow them to carry on trainer/lecturer different tasks based on their role. • Chat/Messages with other users • Create personal notes Tutorial page that provides guidance for the Provide users the following information initial user. • Interface to the simulation game • The game • Scenarios within the game, • Tips and trick for the game • FAQ The game will start in this page, where the user • Read/Hear the scenario objectives will be briefed on the scenario, the mission and • Make personal notes objectives This interface allows the player to play the • Play the game Page 68 of 124 Link to Student: • Tutorial/help page, • library page • Set‐up page • My statistics page • Game page • Final game • Final test page Trainer: • As student • Assessment page • Game set‐up page • Library set‐up page • Final test set‐up page • Front page • New Game • Tutorial Game • Game • Front page Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Table 15 - ESMAP interface No. 5. 6 7 Interface Name Game Page(feedback) My Statistic Page Assessment page Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner (Continue) Description game and complete various tasks This interface displays the user their statistic within the game. This includes statistic of their action in each turn and the impact to the output variable This interface provide various information/statistics of the user for multiple game This page shall be accessible only by the lecturers/trainers and provides them tools to • • • • • • • • • Page 69 of 124 Direct Tasks Make personal notes Chat with another user Provide user the following information o Score on each stage compare to highest score possible o Performance indicators on each stage o Diagnostic of possible reasons why a user has poor performance in each stage Allow user to make personal notes Chat with another user Provide user the following information o Average Score on each stage and game compare to highest score possible o Average Performance indicators on each game o Login statistics o Mark for each end of game test o Mark for final test o Mark for other assignments( if any) o Overall mark Allow user to make personal notes Chat with another user View student performance indicator and score at each game (either as datasheet Link to • Library page • Tutorial/help page • Game page • Front Page • Library page • Tutorial/help page • • • Front Page Library page Tutorial/help page • • Front Page Quiz Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Table 15 - ESMAP interface No. Interface Name Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner (Continue) Description assess their students performance • • • Direct Tasks showing all students data or showing detailed individual data Conduct analysis of student performance for each assessment subject Setting up the assessment variable 8 Library page This interface act as the virtual library of the company/organisation 9 Game set‐up page 10 Final Test This interface allows the lecturer/trainer to add • or modify new/existing scenario • • • This is the interface to assess students’ For student understanding of the concepts delivered • Display the set of questions throughout the game. The student users need • Answer the questions to answer sets of questions (multiple choice • See the correct answers after the and short answer types). lecturer/trainer has finished marking The lecturer/trainer users will be able to assess • See their final score and give students a score based on their answer. For lecturer/trainer Page 70 of 124 Provide user with tool to access information on o Australian Standards o Company/organisation documents o Technical specification database o Company/organisation body of knowledge o Lecture/training materials Add new scenario Modify variable within the scenario Set scenario as final scenario Set short quiz within the game • • • • Link to Front Page Game Page Library Page Tutorial page Front page Front page Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Table 15 - ESMAP interface No. Interface Name Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner (Continue) Description • • • • Direct Tasks Display the questions Display the students answers for each question Display the pre‐set correct answers Auto check the correctness of the answers for multiple choice Score of each answer • Add new questions and answers Select method of question selection Add marking grade This interface is accessible by the • lecturer/trainer only and provides an interface • for inputting new questions, answers and • scores 12 Library set‐up This interface is accessible by the • Add new text information page lecturer/trainer only and provides an interface • Upload new information file for adding new data into the virtual library Non‐stand alone interface These interfaces are displayed as part of another interface. 13 Chat interface This interface allows users to exchange online • Send message to other users messages with another users • Retrieve message from other users 14 Score interface This interface displays the users score at the • Display user’s score end of each game compared to other user’s score’s 15 Note taker This interface allows the user to make his/her • Add new notes own notes and retrieve them as necessary • Retrieve notes 11 Final Test set‐up Page 71 of 124 Link to Front page Front page Part of front page and game page Part of my statistic and game page Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Table 15 - ESMAP interface No. Interface Name Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner (Continue) Description • • • Direct Tasks Delete existing notes Print notes Export notes to pdf or words Link to Table 15 - ESMAP interfaces Page 72 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 4.2.7 Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Data Structures/Elements The minimum required data structure of the software needs to cover the following a. User data Users should be able to access ESMAP either online or as a stand-alone application. As mentioned earlier, there are two types of ESMAP users, trainers and students. The trainer's user data includes login name, actual name, password, and last login detail. The student's user data includes login name, actual name, password, last login detail, course registration data and performance record. The user data also includes the user‘s setup data. b. Asset data In each scenario within ESMAP, the student needs to address the maintenance planning of existing systems within the organisation. A system will consist of several assets. As an example, an High Voltage electrical system consists of transformers, distribution boards, switches and cables. Each of these assets has a set of general asset data and a set of specific technical data. General asset data includes the purchase/installed date, age, manufacturer and expected lifetime. Examples of specific technical data are power rating for the transformer and oil quantity for switchgear. In addition, asset data will also include simulated variables such as asset condition (i.e. health level) and probability of failure/breakdown. In the real world, missing/incomplete asset data is a common occurrence. Thus, depending upon the scenario, the lecturer/trainer/simulation engine may purposely hide some asset data to simulate this condition. c. Maintenance Task Data Each asset type will have a function and set of functional failure modes. As an example, transformer failure mode is overheating, oil leaks, corrosion and switchboard failure mode is loose connection and instrumentation failure. Each failure mode has symptoms, failure behaviour and related maintenance tasks. The symptoms allow a student to diagnose the failure mode. Each failure mode should be managed based on the appropriate maintenance task. Furthermore, each maintenance task has a set of related associated planning variables. This includes estimated time, skills/personnel required, estimated budget, tools required, material required, other special Page 73 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner requirements and steps to conduct the task. Thus, maintenance tasks should be assigned using a structured process that considers the function of the asset, behaviour of the failure and consequences of the failure. d. Game data Game data refers to all variables that are generated for the purpose of having the game’s storyboard flow. The game data consists of visible variables (i.e. variables that users can access/retrieve during the game) and hidden variables (i.e. variables that run in the background during the game). Visible variables include retrieved setup data, calculated data based on predefined algorithms, and user input data. Examples of retrieved setup data are the short test questions, which are displayed at the end of each maintenance cycle. Calculated data covers variables such as the game score, game performance indicators (e.g. number of maintenance tasks completed) and user input data covers variables such as likelihood rating, priority rating, identified skills required. Hidden variables include a modifier for calculating the number of work-packages, related maintenance task ID and asset ID. Ideally, the user should be able to save the existing game data and continue the game later on. This would means that the system should record the game data while a user is playing the game. e. Educational/support files data In the real-world, users can obtain data from books, manuals, manufacturer recommendations, the Internet and various other sources. In order to replicate this condition, ESMAP includes data such as the manufacturer recommendations and brochure pages that are accessible through the game interfaces. Some of this data is recorded in the standard pdf or document format. The next figure shows ESMAP data structure relationships. Page 74 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Figure 12 - Data structure(full version) Page 75 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 4.3 Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner ESMAP Walkthrough Based on the maintenance planning framework, ESMAP was designed to consist of four stages, as shown in the following figure. Figure 13 - ESMAP Walkthrough Each stage requires input and produces outputs that affect subsequent stages and the overall game. These stages are repeated in each maintenance cycle. The following section provides the walkthrough of each stage. 4.3.1 Stage 1- Risk Assessment / Prioritising Stage 1 is aimed at improving students’ skill set in conducting risk analysis of different work requests. During this stage, the student is required to conduct an evaluation of the information provided in the work request form, as well as in the asset history record. Based on this evaluation and the provided risk matrix, the student needs to identify the level of risk associated with the work-request and the likelihood of the identified risk occurring. The student also needs to identify whether the maintenance work will require long-lead items. Page 76 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Incorrectly prioritising the work-requests leads to several outcomes. Firstly, the maintenance team will require more time to complete a work-package. If the maintenance work requires long-lead items and planners fail to identify this at an early stage, the actual maintenance task could be delayed due to spares’ unavailability. Secondly, it is possible that the total time required to prepare a complete work-package for all work-requests exceeds the planner’s work hours. Planners, therefore, have to choose which work-requests should be addressed in the next maintenance cycle. An asset breakdown probability could increase if its maintenance is continuously delayed. In turn, handling more breakdown tasks reduces the available time for the maintenance team to conduct preventive maintenance tasks. The next figure shows the inputs to and outputs from this stage. Work request risk consequence rating Score Work request likelihood rating Simulation Engine Noise variable for the time to complete the work package Long lead item requirement Preventive maintenance work request Non urgent Breakdown work request User Input System generated Input Figure 14 - 4.3.2 Risk Assessment / Prioritising Stage Inputs-Outputs Stage 2-Planning-Preparing work packages Stage 2 targets are to develop the student skill set in preparing work-packages. This includes the following: • Identifying the required maintenance actions, and providing a breakdown of necessary work; • Identifying the skills required to complete the work requests; Page 77 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training • Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Estimating the time and budget required by tradesmen to complete the work; • Identifying tools required; • Identifying special requirements(if any); • Identifying any required spare parts/materials. At this stage, the student is required to prepare as many work-packages as possible, starting from the work with the highest priority rating as defined in Stage 1. However, there is limited time (virtual time) for preparing the next maintenance cycle work-packages. Also, there are variations in the time for preparing certain work packages. Depending upon the initial settings for the game, it is possible to arrange some degree of automation within these stages. In the real world, CMMS could automatically generate some information such as the details of standard preventive maintenance work. The quality/completeness of the work package will affect the simulated actual time used by the tradesmen to carry out the works. As discussed previously, low quality/incomplete work package with lots of inaccurate information could increase the total tradesmen’s unproductive work time and reduce their wrench time. Conversely, a good quality work package helps the tradesmen by getting an “early start” for the work, allowing them to reduce their unproductive hours and therefore increase their wrench time. The next figure shows the inputs to and outputs from this stage. Page 78 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Score Skills required Steps required Modifier for the time to complete the work package Spares required Special procedures Tools required Simulation Engine Work request with highest priority in queue Time left to prepare work package for next work request Work package completeness/quality Time left to prepare work package for next work request Asset Data Modifier for time to complete the work package Other Documentation availability Number of remaining work packages Time left to prepare work package for next work request User Input System generated Figure 15 - 4.3.3 Preparing work packages Stage Inputs-Outputs Stage 3- Reviewing returned work-packages This stage is aimed at developing the planners' skill set in evaluating tradesmen's feedback and conducting an appropriate closeout procedure. At this stage, students are presented with the data from his/her input at Stage 2 (of the previous cycle) and the simulated actual data (assumed to be provided by the tradesmen). To simulate the real world, there are different levels of details in the simulated feedback. Based on this feedback, the student needs to choose a suitable follow-up action. Students should/could record this feedback for use in similar tasks in the subsequent maintenance cycles. Page 79 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Skill required Steps required Spares required Special requirements Score Tools required Action on feedback Action for documentation Simulation Engine Completed Work package with highest priority in queue Time left to complete the next work package review Current time left for reviewing work package Work package completeness/quality Time modifier for reviewing work package Noise level for time to complete the work package Actual Skills used Actual Steps used Noise level for time to prepare the work package Actual Spares used Actual Tools used Asset data updated time stamp General feedback Skills Feedback Steps Feedback Spares used Feedback Tools Used Feedback User Input System Figure 16 - System retrieved Reviewing returned work-package stage inputs-outputs The final task in this stage is the closeout procedure. Students should identify the correct closeout procedure action from various options. If the student Page 80 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner ignores/does not carry out the right closeout procedure, greater noise will be generated during the next work-package preparation for the particular asset. During this stage, there are limited unit times available for reviewing each returned work-packages. The student needs to complete each review within the available time. If the student fails to do this the simulation engine will use the default option as the student action. Figure 15 shows the inputs to and outputs from this stage. 4.3.4 Stage 4- Bill of Material management Stage 4 objectives are to improve the planners' skill set in managing a Bill of Material (BOM). This stage offers a relatively straightforward exercise. At this stage, the student needs to review the minimum asset level, the current stock level, the warehouse capacity, the budget remaining and criticality. Based on this condition the student should conduct an analysis, and then decide which additional material should be ordered and which ones should remain as is. The next figure shows the inputs to and outputs from this stage. Score Action to be conducted Asset minimum stock level Asset current stock level Simulation Engine Warehouse capacity Noise variable for the time to complete the work package Warehouse capacity Budget remaining Budget remaining Parts criticality User Input System Figure 17 - 4.3.5 Bill of Material management Stage Inputs-Outputs Cycle Completion and Debriefing A maintenance cycle is considered to be finished if the user has completed all the stages above, or if the user chooses to “call it a cycle” (i.e. fast forward to Page 81 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner the cycle end without completing all stages). Once a maintenance cycle is completed, the simulation engine will process all the user inputs in Stage 1 to 4 and generate new data for the next maintenance cycle. This includes simulating the following outputs: a. Assets’ health level. Assets’ health level should be simulated based on the following conditions: • In general, an asset’s health level decreases over time. Its performance and condition can deteriorate, and it can also fail. The conditional probability of failure is often described by one of the following three patterns i. Wear In ii. Wear out iii. Random • Health level decreases more rapidly when the asset does not receive its scheduled maintenances; • Correctly completed maintenance tasks increases an asset health level at predefined rates to a certain degree; • Health levels may vary due to random noise. The negative noise range could be set so it increases when there is more reactive maintenance than preventive maintenance (i.e. to promote more proactive maintenance). b. Asset breakdown. Breakdown occurs when an asset’s health level is lower than the predefined threshold value. Depending on an asset’s criticality and type of problems, a breakdown could be classified as urgent, or non-urgent. Any urgent breakdown will automatically reduce the total available time to complete the work package; c. Total maintenance team time available for conducting preventive maintenance in the next maintenance cycle; d. The number of work-packages completed by the maintenance teams in the next maintenance cycle; e. Status of each prepared work-package(i.e. completed, in backlog, in process); f. New work order list is based on new breakdown work, new preventive maintenance and backlog work; g. New preventive maintenance work-requests are generated based on the storyboard and asset profile; h. A list of Completed work-packages that require review; Page 82 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner i. New spare parts/materials current level; and j. Organisation production output and cost. As part of the maintenance cycle completion, ESMAP provides feedback to the student, indicating their action, and various performance indicators such as an asset health, number of breakdown and preventive maintenance tasks completed and production outputs/costs. This de-briefing session aims to highlight the following key points: • The lower the quality of asset documentation and work-packages the higher the time spent in preparing and completing the work-package and the lower the number of completed works; • The more delays in completing preventive maintenance, the higher the probability of an asset failure; ande • Asset failure will decrease the maintenance team’s available time to conduct preventive maintenance, decrease the life of the asset, increase maintenance costs and lower the production output. 4.3.6 Simulation Engine ESMAP simulation model was developed based on discrete system modelling; where the variable change only occurs at certain point in time. The simulation engine required both a random number generator and random variate generator (Banks 1998). Asset reliability can be simulated based on a predefined distribution (e.g. Weibul, normal distribution). However, other events may not have any predefined distribution, and therefore, using a more simple random number generator such as pseudorandom generator is sufficient. For a game with less than four maintenance cycles, the difference between using a simpler random number generator such as pseudo-random generation, and using a more complex algorithm such as quasi Monte Carlo integration would not be obvious. At the same time, a simpler algorithm could increase the game performance since it provides faster simulation/new data generation time, less complexity and minimal hardware requirements. The simulation engine should be developed as an independent module. This allows different types of the random number generator to be used for different versions or events. It also allows the system to merge with other simulation engines such as Crystal Ball. Page 83 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 4.4 Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Entertainment Aspects The entertainment aspect can be provided in the following way: • Score Competition ESMAP could permit users to post their score online, and this allows a user to compare his/her score with other users, and to obtain is his/her ranking among all users. • Titles Achievement Based on the scores, scenario and number of games, users will be awarded different titles. As an examples a user may start his/her first game as a planner apprentice, and after completing one scenario become junior apprentice, and so on • ‘Treasure hunt’ game Depending on their performance within the game, the user may obtain tools/items that can add to their game score. The treasure items could be in the form of “new condition monitoring technology”, or a series of books about EAM which can be used for completing tasks within the game • Multimedia Interface By using a multimedia interface, users are able to browse the organisation, production line or movies. It is necessary that the entertainment aspect does not exceed the educational aspect. In fact, the entertainment aspect should be set in such a way so it becomes part of the educational aspects. As this research did not include a detailed investigation of the entertainment aspect, in the future it will be necessary to investigate this aspect more thoroughly. 4.5 Evaluation Criteria The base evaluation criteria of ESMAP is based on ISO-9126. This Standard defines software quality based on six different characteristics: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, portability and maintainability (refer to the next figure for ISO-9126 Quality Model characteristics and sub characteristics). Page 84 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner ISO 9126 - Software Quality Model Characteristics Sub Characteristics Suitability Functionality Accuracy A set of attributes that bear on the existence of a set of functions and their specified properties Compliance Interoperability Security Reliability Fault tolerance A set of attributes that bear on the capability of software to maintain its level of performance under stated conditions for a stated period of time Maturity Recoverability Usability Learnability A set of attributes that have a bearing on the effort needed for use, and on the individual assessment of such use by a stated or implied set of users. Understandability Operability Efficiency A set of attributes that have a bearing on the relationship between the level of performance of the software and the amount of resources used under stated conditions. Time Behaviour Resource Behavior Stability Portability A set of attributes that have a bearing on the ability of software to be transferred from one environment to another Analyzability Testability Changeability Installability Maintainability A set of attributes that have a bearing on the effort needed to make specified modifications. Replaceability Adaptability Conformance Figure 18 - ISO 9126(Standards Australia & Standards New Zealand 2005) Page 85 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner As ESMAP is developed for maintenance personnel, we considered that Braglia, Carmignani, Frosolini and Grass CMMS selection criteria, which is published in their article “AHP based evaluation of CMMS software”, will provide a more refined evaluation criteria for ESMAP. In their article Braglia et. al have identified five criteria to evaluate CMMS Software based on various company surveys in selecting CMMS and published journals/books (Wireman 2005; Wireman 2004; Cato & Mobley 2002). The adaptation of these criteria is shown in Figure 19 and discussed in the next sections. 4.5.1 Cost Usually, cost is one of the judgment criteria when a company considers purchasing a software product. ESMAP’s final product should have a set of competitive costs (i.e. initial purchase cost, implementation cost and maintenance cost). Initial purchase cost refers to the cost at the time the customer purchases the products straight off the shelf. Implementation cost includes the cost of setting up, cost of upgrading infrastructure (if required), training and additional consultancy services. Maintenance cost refers to the operational costs over time. This includes the cost of maintaining/updating the data and upgrading the software. Depending on the end users’ needs, the proportion of each cost may differ. Training provider companies use ESMAP to train people from different industries. They may spend more in set-up and maintenance costs since they will constantly require more scenario variations, and updated data. On the other hand, a commercial user may only require certain scenarios and data that replicate their company environment. Page 86 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Figure 19 - Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Performance Evaluation Criteria (adapted from Braglia et al. 2006) Page 87 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 4.5.2 Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Performance ESMAP performance can be evaluated based on the following categories a. From the trainer /company point of view • Usability The time spent by the instructor in understanding the interface and mastering the game to a level that allows them to transfer their knowledge is one of the indicators of the performance of ESMAP. The trainer should be able to master the interface, master the game and master the tools provided within the ESMAP to evaluate their student performance in less than 4 hours. • Accuracy in assessing competency The trainer should be confident in using ESMAP as a tool for assessing their students’ competency in different skills. This means the competency assessment tools need to be robust, reliable and repeatable. b. From the student’s point of view • Usability Students should be able to use the game interface within a relatively short time (even without guidance from a trainer) and spend more time mastering the game to develop their maintenance planning skills. This means most controls should be self-explanatory and a clear accessible help button should be available. • Educational value for daily activities The student user of ESMAP is an adult learner, and hence they expect that this game is highly correlated to their daily activities. This can be measured by calculating the percentage of the contents' applicability from the feedback provided by the students. • Entertainment value As a game ESMAP should have some entertainment value. This can be measured based on user feedback, whether this game is engaging enough for them to play it more than once. c. Technical Characteristics • Number of Modules The number of modules developed and the integration between each module will reflect the complexity of the software. Page 88 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training • Chapter 4 Computer Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Ease of modification The trainers/developer should be able to add/modify scenarios to suit their clients’/students’ needs. Hence, a trainer, with no programming background, should be able to carry out these modifications easily. 4.5.3 Data Management As mentioned in section 4.3, in general ESMAP stores five different data sets. This data should be accessible through the reporting capability of the system. Trainer users should be able to modify some of the game setting data to make the game compatible with the training or the company’s actual method of operation. The students should know the effect of their inputs on selected game variables, so that they can change their behaviours/actions to result in different outputs. 4.5.4 Auxiliary Characteristics ESMAP evaluation should consider the auxiliary characteristics as follows: • The security techniques to protect a system from unauthorised access. ESMAP contains some private user data, which needs to be protected in accordance with the related privacy acts. In addition, customised ESMAP may have some sensitive company/organisation data. • The presence of an auto diagnostic system or automatic data back-up that allow recovery when the system fails. • The multimedia add-ons to provide a more engaging, realistic and entertaining interface. Page 89 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis 5.1 Chapter Overview As part of this conceptual study, the ESMAP prototype was developed at UWA. This chapter comprises five sections. The first section describes the prototype’s aims; the second section provides the prototype development process; the third section explains the prototype limitations, assumptions, and constraints of the prototype; the next section presents the prototype’s storyboard, and the final section explores the details in prototype testing and analysis. 5.2 Prototype Aims Software development is an iterative process, and very often software is issued in a number of versions to address bugs in the previous version, as well as adding new features. Prior to developing a full version of ESMAP, the writer decided to develop and test a prototype of ESMAP. This prototype addresses key parts of the full version functional requirements which were identified in Chapter 4. The aims of this prototype are as follows: • To provide a real model which allows the writer to: o Evaluate opinions from potential users and developers; and o Test concepts discussed in earlier chapters. • To identify any possible improvements as early as possible • To provide the basis for estimating the extent of work to develop the full software version. Page 90 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 5.3 Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Prototype Development Process The prototype development process consists of the following stages: a. Stage 1 – Identifying prototype coverage and detailed requirements Based on the defined software specification, data structure, and the simulation algorithm discussed in Chapter 4, an exercise was conducted to identify which aspects would be included in the prototype, which part of the simulation data would be hard coded and which part would be omitted due to resource constraints. This stage includes the requirements for developing software, such as the programming language, Input/Output (I/O) devices and where it was considered necessary, the rationale behind certain decisions. b. Stage 2 – Development of the storyboard The storyboard shows how the user will complete the game and what variables will be affected at each stage of the game. The storyboard was chosen based on the completeness of available supporting information and the writers understanding of the system. c. Stage 3 – Interface initial design Having screen mock-ups provided a visual cue to understanding the sequence flows. Moreover, it gives indicators for estimating the time required to develop the prototype. d. Stage 4 – Coding The coding process occurred in September-November 2009. ESMAP prototype consists of over 12,000 lines of VBA code split into 10 main modules and over 20 forms. e. Stage 5 – Testing and debugging Once the coding was complete, black box and white box testing were conducted to ensure the system fulfilled the intended design. The blackbox test focused on testing to confirm that the system delivered its functional requirements. The white-box test assessed the system design based on internal knowledge of the software. Page 91 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis 5.4 Prototype Coverage and detailed requirements 5.4.1 Functional requirements included (education scenario) The following functional requirements were included in the prototype: 1. Provide an interface that allows students to a. Walkthrough the process of maintenance workflow, from the time when a work order was approved until the closeout of the work-order (Ref No: Table 15 – S01); b. Observe how applying good practice during the maintenance planning process affects the overall outcome (Ref No: Table 15 – S02); c. Observe the impact of their actions and asset documentation availability on the time taken to prepare a work package(Ref No: Table 15 – S03); d. Observe what the impact of the quality of planning is on the tradesmen workmanship (Ref No: Table 15 – S04). 2. Provide an interface that allows trainers to assess students' competency in conducting the following tasks (Ref No: Table 15 – T01): Table 16 ‐ Task covered in ESMAP prototype (Continue) Ref No Task Limited Coverage Remarks TC1 Review new approved work request form • TC2 Review backlog work‐orders • TC3 Review scheduled PM work‐orders for the next maintenance work cycle. TC4 Conduct a risk analysis to prioritise work‐ orders. TC5 Identify the work execution plans/work scopes. a TC6 Identify required skills. a TC7 Identify requirements for special equipment, permits, hazardous waste disposal processes and safety conditions. a TC8 Identify required parts/material. a TC11 Review and follow‐up previous work‐orders status TC12 Review the completed work‐orders and Page 92 of 124 a Review only a • • • • For detailed user input Refer to table 18‐S01 For interface: Refer to figure 24 For detailed user input Refer to table 18‐S02 For interface: Refer to figure 25 For detailed user input Refer to table 18‐S03 For interface: Refer to figure 26 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Table 16 ‐ Task covered in ESMAP prototype (Continue) Ref No Task Limited Coverage carry out close out procedure. a TC14 Manage spares Remarks • • TC15 Based on evaluation of asset condition and maintenance history, provides recommendations for asset replacement, or restoration 5.4.2 a For detailed user input Refer to table 18‐S04 For interface: Refer to figure 27 Student to use the data when assessing whether a maintenance action is required for completing the work orders Entertainment scenario included This prototype only includes a score board system. This score system aims to engage the user’s competitiveness against other users. Other entertainment scenarios were excluded due to resources limitation. 5.4.3 Non functional requirement/features Features such as note-taker, multimedia tools and instant messages were not developed as part of this prototype. These requirements were considered to be secondary. In addition, development of these features would require relatively significant resources. 5.4.4 Interfaces The prototype includes basic interfaces only. The interfaces limited to those that are required to deliver the functional requirement stated in section 5.4.1. Thus, the following interfaces were considered necessary for the prototype: 5.4.5 • Login page; • Front page; • Game Page (Briefing); • Game Page(main); • Game Page(feedback); and • Library page Database The prototype utilise a MS Access database. MS Access was selected for the following reasons: • MS Access is widely available in most of PC, Page 93 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 5.4.6 Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis • The prototype only involved small data set • The writer experience and familiarity with MS Access Programming Language The software was developed using VBA for the following reasons: 5.4.7 • VBA is widely supported • VBA is compatible with MS Access Database • The writer’s experience and familiarity with VBA Software structure While the full version should be developed as a three tier system, as described in Section 4.2.6, for simplification, ESMAP prototype software was flattened into a single tier (mainframe architecture). This meant that all program modules and data is stored on a single computer (single packages). 5.4.8 WINFORM vs. Web based For the prototype, WINFORM was used since MS Access has a built-in function to develop such forms. This prototype does not include an online interface. 5.4.9 Data Structure As only limited data is required for the prototype, a simplified version of the full version data structure (which presented in Chapter 4) was used to develop the prototype. This simplified data structure available in figure 20. 5.4.10 Hardware Requirement The hardware requirement is driven by the MS Access requirement. Thus as minimum a computer with a Pentium processor with a clock speed of at least 233 megahertz (MHz) is required. 5.4.11 I/O Requirement The following input devices are required for ESMAP prototype: a. A Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse, or compatible pointing device; b. Keyboard. The following output device are required for ESMAP prototype: a. A Super VGA monitor with at least 800x600 resolution and 256 colours. Page 94 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Figure 20 - ESMAP prototype data structure Page 95 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 5.4.12 Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Memory Requirement Similar to the hardware requirement, the memory requirement is driven by the MS Access’ requirement, being a minimum of 256 MB of RAM, and a minimum of 400 MB of available hard-disk space. 5.4.13 Scenario The prototype only covered one scenario. 5.4.14 Multimedia add-on Due to resource constraint, no multimedia add-on were included in the prototype. 5.4.15 Random Number Generator ESMAP prototype utilise the VBA built-in random number generator, which is Pseudo Random Number generator. Since the prototype only has a low number of assets and maintenance cycles, a more complex random number generator was considered unnecessary. 5.4.16 Initial set-up variables The following set-up variables were used for the prototype Table 17 ‐ Setup Variables Variable Name/Description Default Value Number of player/time 1 Number of maintenance cycle 3 Number of Assets(Max) 20 5.5 Prototype Storyboard development 5.5.1 Scenarios The prototype was developed based on the scenario of an electrical maintenance planner who has just started his/her job at a fictitious company, called Silverstone Corporation. Silverstone Corps. is a typical heavy industrial plant such as a refinery. They privately own significant infrastructure that supports their core business. The plant occupies an area of approximately 20 hectares. The company has recognised that they need a good maintenance Page 96 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis planning process to minimise any interruption to their asset services. In the game, the student will play the role of the maintenance planner who plans maintenance tasks for the company’s electrical network. The company’s electrical infrastructure consists of high voltage (HV) equipment such as distribution transformers, HV cables and switches, as well as low voltage (LV) equipment such as LV cables, and LV distribution boards. The company has an in-house maintenance team comprising electricians, mechanics and general operators. In the past, although slightly under-staffed, this team has performed relatively well in keeping the services running. Recently, the company had a management change. This has shifted the company’s asset management strategy from a reactive to more proactive culture. Furthermore, the ageing of some equipment is likely to increase maintenance works significantly. With limited resources, Company management expects that having the planner on board will assist the maintenance team in becoming more efficient in handling their maintenance tasks. The company also expects that planner will align planning procedures with the company’s policies such as Health, Sfatey and Environment (HSE) and QA( quality Assurance) policy.. Similar to the ESMAP full version design (as described in chapter four), in this prototype, the student need to complete four stages and provide following inputs at each stage. Table 18 ‐ ESMAP Prototype Inputs (Continue) Ref No Stage Description Input Description Comments S01 Sorting & For each work‐order: User selects the right consequence Prioritisation stage and likelihood rating reflecting the • Consequences Rating available risk matrix • Likelihood Rating The consequence rating, likelihood • Requirement for long rating and long lead items should be analysed from detailed lead items information about the asset and the work‐order S02 Work Package For each work‐order: Preparation Stage • Required Page 97 of 124 Based on work‐order detail and asset details, the user needs to decide whether maintenance work Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Table 18 ‐ ESMAP Prototype Inputs (Continue) Ref No Stage Description Input Description • • • • Comments maintenance actions need to be completed or other action Required skills If maintenance work is required, Work processes the user needs to prepare the (5 input max) work‐package. In this prototype, budget will be automatically Tools/parts(1 only) simulated. Special requirements(1 only ) In this prototype there are a limited number of inputs the required work processes, tools/parts and special requirements. S03 Work Package For each Review Stage work‐order: • • S04 completed For each completed work‐order from the previous maintenance cycle, tradesmen feedback, and review actions actual hours spent on‐site are closeout actions simulated. Based on this data the user is expected to choose the appropriate review and closeout actions. Bill of Material For each spares in BOM: (BOM) Management • the required action Stage to maintain appropriate spares level In this prototype, the user has an unlimited budget, and he/she can order new spares any time. However, the user still needs to keep the spares stock level above a defined threshold, and only order additional supply when it is needed In the prototype, this scenario runs for three maintenance cycles. Upon completion of each cycle, the player receives feedback indicating the impact of his/her actions on the current maintenance cycle, including his/her scores and other performance indicators as necessary. 5.5.2 Sequence Diagram The sequence diagram of the activities within the ESMAP prototype is displayed in the next figure. The diagram is based on standard UML symbols. Some modifications have been made to the symbols for illustration purposes. Page 98 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Page 99 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis ESMAP Login Page ::Student Student Front Page Game Page ::Trainer Trainer Start Stage 3 Display completed work package Identify review action Identify close-out action Time available and work available [Yes] Calculate Score Repeat [No] Stage 3 Completed Start Stage 4 Display Bill of material Identify review action No Call as finish? Yes Calculate Score Stage 4 Completed Finished Cycle Display Cycle feedback Acknowledge feedback Final Cycle ? Simulate each asset health level Calculate total score Generate new work request Simulate completed work package [No] Yes Back to stage1 start Simulation game finished Figure 21 - ESMAP Prototype Sequence diagram Page 100 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 5.6 Screen mock-up 5.6.1 Front Page Figure 22 - Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis ESMAP Prototype Front Page The front-page interface provides portals for a user to do various things. The mock-up screen shown in the above is the prototype’s front page for a user with trainer role. As the prototype included only key interfaces, some buttons in this interfaces are disabled. 5.6.2 Game Page- Briefing Figure 23 - ESMAP Prototype screen mock-up Game Page Briefing Page 101 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis In the beginning of the game, players will be briefed by his/her manager about the company’s current condition. The prototype simply displays this as text, as shown on the left. The final version may use multimedia capabilities, including video/animations of the factory/site tour. 5.6.3 Game Page- Main Page Figure 24 - ESMAP Prototype screen mock-up Game Page – Main Page This interface shows a simulation of the planner’s computer where he/she has access to various information, the CMMS, and can conduct analyse to make decisions. The game is not intended to provide training in a specific CMMS, therefore, the interface was designed to serve the gaming purpose rather than replicating an existing CMMS. 5.6.4 Game Page- Sorting Work order Stage (Stage 1) During the first stage, users are required to conduct a risk analysis of work requests. Users can open the details of each work request, read the organisation’s risk matrix (the prototype uses the AS 4360 risk matrix), and then define the risk rating, likelihood rating and requirement for any long-lead items. Page 102 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Figure 25 - 5.6.5 Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis ESMAP Prototype screen mock-up Game Page – Stage 1 Game Page- Preparing Work-package Stage (Stage 2) Figure 26 - ESMAP Prototype screen mock-up Game Page – Stage 2 At the second stage, the player needs to prepare actual work-packages. The interface allows him/her to examine the detail of the work request, finding information about the related assets and then use the drop-down box for entering their input in terms of required maintenance action, skills required, tools, special requirements, and work process. Page 103 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 5.6.6 Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Game Page- Reviewing Work-Package Stage (Stage 3) Figure 27 - ESMAP Prototype screen mock-up Game Page – Stage 3 In Stage-3, the user is required to review the tradesmen’s feedback, and decide whether this feedback is sufficient to close-out the work order. If the player considers there to be insufficient feedback to support the decision making processes in the future, he/she can request the tradesmen spend more time in completing the feedback. Otherwise, the user should ensure that he/she has filed the document properly. 5.6.7 Game Page- Bill of Material Management Stage (Stage 4) Figure 28 - ESMAP Prototype screen mock-up Game Page – Stage 4 Page 104 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis The interface for Stage 4 is relatively straightforward. The user has to decide which spare parts need to be re-ordered. 5.6.8 Game Page – Debriefing Figure 29 - ESMAP Prototype screen mock-up Game Page – Debriefing The debriefing interface displays a number of performance indicators. The users are able to examine how their actions at each maintenance cycle affected their overall performance. 5.6.9 Game Page – Virtual Library The interface in figure 29 shows a virtual library. This interface, allows users to browse information that can help him/her make decisions. Page 105 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Figure 30 - Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis ESMAP Prototype screen mock-up– Virtual Library A walk-through video presentation of the demonstration of ESMAP is available in the CD attached 5.7 Analysis and Discussion Upon completion of the prototype, various demonstration runs were conducted over a number of occasions. Feedback was obtained from a number of sources as summarised in the following table. Table 19 - Feedback details (Continue) No 1 Description Audience Demonstration run 2 Remark Audiences were author supervisors. 2 Presentation demonstration by author and run 8 Presentation was given at UWA to the engineering and asset management postgraduate students and lecturers. More than 85% students are working / have experiences in the maintenance/reliability/asset management field Page 106 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Table 19 - Feedback details (Continue) No Description Audience Remark 3 One on one demonstration run, test by user and interview/feedback form 4 Interviewee were chosen from different backgrounds as summarised in the next table Interviewee No 1 Age Range 30‐40 2 3 30‐40 >50 4 >50 Background Programmer /Lecturer Programmer Maintenance consultant ( with maintenance planner experience) Asset Management Consultant The feedback form/list of question are attached in Appendix 6 The key findings from this feedback are presented in the next section: 5.7.1 Education and Course Content Aspects Following the explanation about the background of the prototype and the project, it appeared there was general consensus about the lack of agreement maintenance planner’s role, as stated in the following feedback: “The maintenance planner position starts as an informal position. Since there are increasing complexities of the plants/operations, this position has become formalised”. ”I can imagine there are wide variations of their role. In some companies, the role of a short-term planner, scheduler and long-term planners were combined as one single role, while in others it could be split into two or three roles”. Page 107 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Creating a course or training program that can address a planner’s many needs, is recognised as one of the most challenging tasks for this project. Moreover, the development of scenarios/tasks needs to address how the educational values are connected to the scenarios. As an education simulation, users should not achieve high score/positive marks based on random acts, or tasks. Also, there should be ample flexibility in how users play the game. However, to avoid over-complexity, it would be necessary to have some degree of rigidness within the game. So, does ESMAP overcome the conditions above? ESMAP engages students in exploring different ways of handling maintenance planners’ day-to-day tasks, observing the respective impact on various performance indicators. While the demonstration only shows the scenario of power network maintenance, (and some of the interfaces are limited in their use), the tasks within the game represent the common tasks that planners face in different industries. ESMAP’s ability to tailor maintenance tasks and assets that are specific to a particular industry/company, clearly attract most of the audiences/interviewees’ attention. Such features train users on how to carry out planning tasks, and increase users’ familiarity with the company’s different assets. Furthermore, ESMAP provides interfaces that guide students through the exploration of different concepts by acquiring understanding, and conquering new skills at their own pace. As an example, ESMAP allows students to handle four main tasks: sorting work orders; preparing work-packages; reviewing and closing out completed work-packages; and Bill of Material management. While these were described as stage 1 to 4 for the game, ESMAP interfaces allow users to do these tasks in any order. Students who have an adequate understanding of a maintenance planning process will do these tasks in the correct order (for example sort a work order before preparing a work package). However, novice planners may possibly start at a different stage but should soon understand why it is more efficient, for example to sort the work order first. This aligns with some of the feedback received (as shown below): “ESMAP/Simulation game can provide an effective tool for educating both the new planner and experienced planner providing it is designed to be operated at different levels.” Page 108 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis “ESMAP may a bit complex for beginner/new planner that is not familiar with the process. However with some guidance, this tool will be very beneficial. For an experienced planner, different /various scenarios can help them keep up with new procedures.” In order to avoid the game becoming a random race of clicking answers, the game’s timing system (e.g. time for preparing a work package, time to complete sorting task, etc.) does not have a direct relation to the actual time spent in completing the task. Instead, the time is calculated based on each task’s attributes. For example, time spent in preparing a work package is calculated based on the task’s complexity, historical documentation availability, and random modifier. This is to replicate the real-world condition where a planner would take a longer time to prepare a complex work-package, or a workpackage for an asset without adequate supporting documentation/data. The random modifier represents various interruptions or other events that a planner may reasonably experience during their work. For experienced planners, the ESMAP prototype may not provide enough challenges. Some of the tasks may become too mundane, especially if users need to complete a similar task across a number of cycles. Depending on the CMSS that the planner uses in their workplace, some tasks may be seen as unnecessary, as examples, in the real-world, some CMMS capable to generate standard work-packages automatically. This problem was identified not only by the interviewees/audiences, but also during the design phase. It is intended that the full version overcome this by having different level of details needed in preparation of the work package. In addition, the full version should provide the following challenges: • Different numbers and types of assets in different scenarios; • Different levels of complexity between the early maintenance cycles and the final maintenance cycle. Users may need to prepare workpackages for a major shutdown which would require sequencing skills; • Different types of maintenance strategies (i.e. predictive, preventive, run to failure, perfective, proactive, corrective) that can be used in each maintenance cycle (for example, some assets may be capable of having predictive maintenance, while others may not); • Actual work order from a company. Page 109 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis There are questions behind the reasons ESMAP does not provide a tool/scenario to directly promote team work between maintenance, operational and management staffs. Some audiences may have experienced one of the board games described in Section 2.5. Thus they may have opinions that excluding teamwork exercise from the game could reduce its overall effectiveness. In addition, the capability to use the simulation to play some team competitions may provide benefits as highlighted by two of the interviewees: “Play as a team engages the player in using tactics/strategies that may give more effective outcomes.” “Play as team will provide different responses, changing the scenario.” While this argument maybe valid, the teamwork aspects of maintenance planning was not included as one of the functional requirements for this simulation game, since the game is intended to develop planners technical skills as an individual. Furthermore, once fully implemented, features such as the virtual library, notetaker and online chat could become a useful tools for students to further their learning. The virtual library would allow users access to various information, such as Australian Standards, International Standards, or other articles, including those not directly related to the game. The note-taker feature would allow students to record any pertinent concepts that they discover during the game, or any discussions and could be printed as required. The online chat feature would allow a user to discuss problems with other users. Some of the interviewees have also highlighted the benefit of having the tool developed as an online tools. “Effectiveness is definitely improved when the tool is developed as an online tool. Upgrades can be done centrally. Infrastructure will play a major role whether this type of set up is suitable for everyone, especially for remote locations (like mining sites).” It is expected that this feature to be incorporated into the full version of ESMAP. Page 110 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 5.7.2 Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Entertainment Aspect The development of the ESMAP prototype included limited entertainment features. In most cases, the planned entertainment aspects were described to the audiences/interviewees. With this condition, the feedback may be more orientated to the interviewees’/audiences’ past experience with simulation games. There was a mixed opinion regarding the entertainment aspects. Some audiences have a strong opinion about it. “Entertainment aspect could be the key in how to attract and glue the people(i.e. students) to use such system” Some audiences express their concern that too many entertainment factors may make users view the simulation as a toy, thus reducing their focus on the tools true objectives: “I don’t think entertainment is necessary as the simulation should accurately reflect real world scenarios and not be viewed as a toy” “It can reduce the seriousness if not handled properly . Too many props/gimmicks will cause that. However, a well prepared simulation game will not.” In fact, most of the interviewees indicated that even if the simulation game only has a basic multimedia effect (e.g. no fancy third interface), it still attracted their interest. Given the interviewees’ varying opinions about the proposed entertainment aspects of the game, it is suggested that further longitudinal study is required to investigate the actual effectiveness of the entertainment aspects to increase students’ ability to engage in self-study. 5.7.3 Design Aspect The prototype was developed using a simplified data structure. During the interview, those interviewees with a programming background were presented with the prototype data structure and the full version data structure. From the design point of view, the full version data structure was seen to be capable of Page 111 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis providing the intended capability for future data size growth, as was commented: “The data structure is definitely flexible and provides enough room for expansion. The design has gone towards third normal form (although no test has been conducted to prove it is). This way, it's very flexible in regards modification and data maintenance. This flexibility also allow room for expanding the product whether it's data related (more scenarios) or changes to the data structure (as it's in normal form, there is minimal redundancies, hence adding more data structure is easier). The maintenance of the data or its structures, however, must be handled with someone who is at least familiar with database concept and minimal redundancies principle. Hence it is more rated toward moderate in term of ease of maintenance”. It appears there was agreement that the full software version should be developed in a three tier system - splitting the database, workforce and the front interface. This approach allows: • Utilisation of the database engine based on the current data size. In the future this database could be changed when the data size grows (e.g. MS Access is only good for small to medium size database, my SQL for medium to large data, and Oracle for large data). • Transformation from WINFORMS interfaces to web-based interfaces without affecting the other parts of the system. • Re-coding using a different programming language. In terms of the interface, most of the interviewees considered that the prototype interface was reasonable, user-friendly and served its purpose. There was a suggestion that the stages be automatically initiated when one stage is finished (for example after the planner finished sorting the task, it automatically initiated the next stage, etc.). While this may provide a clearer flow, it would eliminate the educational intent of the interface, which allows some degree of flexibility as to real-world conditions (as discussed earlier). Page 112 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 5.7.4 Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Market Developing a full working version of this simulation game will require noteworthy effort, time and skill. The main question that was raised by two of the interviewees concerned the justification of the cost in buying and customising this software. The answer lies in the fact that this software framework is designed in such a robust way that it provides provision for future expansion. While there are concerns that having a robust system may prevent a lecturer/educator from assessing the depth of the planner’s competency in a certain area, this approach allows a lecturer/trainer to establish the general principle idea for planners from a wide range of industries. It is possible that the simulation game be developed such that it is to be a perceived as a formal knowledge transfer tool, tailored to a specific company. This could be achieved by developing a scenario using the company’s actual equipment data, aligned with the company’s maintenance strategy and maintenance management system (CMMS), which could then be used to train newly recruited planners. In turn, as the planners’ skills-set and competency increase, the company could see that the cost of customising the simulation game would be money well spent, and therefore, attract the company to invest more in using ESMAP. 5.7.5 The Way Forward Overall, it is clear that there is some degree of enthusiasm for using a simulation game for maintenance planning training. Most of the negative comments tended to focus on the incompleteness of the prototype and different perceptions of the overarching purpose of ESMAP. The writer believes that these shortcomings would not be apparent if a complete version of the simulation game was used. The complete version would allow the user to experience the education as well as the entertainment factors. Moreover, the educational aims would be clearer with more than one scenario and with more detailed data. The additional scenario would highlight how ESMAP aims to improve and assess the technical skills of a planner, as well as why it is necessary to have a planner with a technical understanding of their respective industry field. Nevertheless, the positive comments were a strong indicator that there is a reasonable prospect for ESMAP. Page 113 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 5 Prototype Development, Trials and Analysis Moving forward, there are numbers of further works required to be carried out to bring ESMAP from the prototype to level where it can be used as an effective training aid. This work include the following • The development of a business case for the full version of the simulation game as a maintenance planner training system; • Evaluate the extent of multimedia requirement to support the learning outcomes and its entertainment factor; • Investigation to obtain the optimum variable settings for the simulation game which allow planners to learn effectively (e.g. not over promoting one aspect); • Identification of features that can provide meaningful value adds to the learning outcome; • A comparison study of the level competency between planners who experience training with a simulation game, and without a simulation game; • Exploration of the effectiveness of different scenarios in building planners’ competency levels; • Evaluation of the full versions’ performance, cost and other indicators as required with larger sample size of students covering wider age range Page 114 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations 6 Conclusions and Recommendations 6.1 Conclusions This thesis presents findings and analyses that define the requirements for developing a simulation game for maintenance planner training and address the key thesis questions. The literature review provides an overview of the current state of research and development education simulation games as well as an insight into the value of using a simulation game as an educational tool. To date, there are a number of reviews that highlight how simulation games can provide a low-risk and cost effective training solution in various fields, such as medical, business, aviation, military and more. Similarly, a simulation game provides added value that addresses a maintenance planner’s training needs by allowing them to experience similar situations to that of the actual world in a measured and controlled environment. The interfaces allows students to explore and observe how different actions impact on the overall performance of the plant/organisation. Moreover, it is possible to configure a simulation game to fit with their individual needs (i.e. by implementing certain scenarios, with real data). The survey conducted on maintenance planner job advertisements and published literatures provides a set of data, which lead to a better understanding of the maintenance planner role. This methodology allowed the writer to collect reasonable data across industries in different sectors worldwide within the research’s constraint. Page 115 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations The validation/verification of this data is carried out via a combination of feedback from the project presentation, prototype demonstration, personal communication with a number of personnel from industry who involved in asset management, and general published information about maintenance such as maintenance workflows and CMMS. The analysis confirms the lack of agreement on maintenance planner tasks, and how the term “maintenance planner” is often mixed-up with the term “maintenance scheduler”. Upon completion of quantitative and qualitative analysis on the data, a set of recommended maintenance planner tasks, good maintenance planning practices and a maintenance planning framework are presented. In addition, factors that affect maintenance planner performance are identified. This information is needed to develop the requirements for the education simulation game for maintenance planners. To test whether the requirements are adequate, ESMAP prototype was developed based on the simplification of these requirements. During the software development process, there is no significant modification was made to the requirements, which is evidence that the defined requirements are adequate. Moreover, since the requirements are relatively robust, it is possible to accommodate changes in the planner’s role definition as feedback is received. This allows the game characteristics to be changed as the planner’s role changes with time by configuration changes rather than having to modify the underlying software The developed prototype has a limited capacity as it is developed based on simplified requirements and with limited resources. While the prototype presented/demonstrated is still in its early stages, valuable feedback has been received during demonstrations and interviews, including: • The importance of having different real scenarios that cover different industry sectors; and • The importance of having simulation game capacity to use actual company data to tailor to a particular company’s needs and to replicate the actual day-to-day work. Two main concerns were raised during the software/requirement review. Firstly, the concerns that ESMAP does not develop team work skills. Secondly, that Page 116 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations ESMAP does not look at a specific CMMS but rather a general approach in carrying out maintenance planning tasks. These arguments are valid, however, the writer believes these issues should be addressed separately in another research project. The scope of this project was restricted to the role of an individual. Any game that sets out to replicate team interactions would need to be based on much more extensive research. Furthermore, it is debatable whether an education aid should go beyond a particular aspect of human performance as it would be difficult for the trainee to interpret feedback. The findings from this result are indeed can provide valuable input for further work. In addition, other factors such as the establishment of national qualification/standards and/or curriculum would likely result in refinement of both the software requirements and the further research direction in developing an education simulation game for maintenance planners. Finally, in the writer opinions ESMAP has offered a unique solution for maintenance planner training since: • It is arguably the first simulation game that is specifically aimed at developing maintenance planners’ competencies; • It has highlighted the required skills and competency of a maintenance planner to complete his/her daily tasks; • It provides a framework for a better understanding of the importance of the maintenance planning role in relation to the bigger picture of asset management. 6.2 Recommendations Further work required beyond this research, includes • Further development of the prototype, which includes: o The development of a business case for the full version of the simulation game as a maintenance planner training system; o Evaluation of the extent of multimedia requirements to support the learning outcomes and its entertainment factor; o Investigations to obtain the optimum variable settings for the simulation game which allow planners to learn effectively (e.g. not over promoting one aspect); Page 117 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training o Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations Identification of features that can provide meaningful value adds to the learning outcome; o A comparison study of the level competency between planners who experience training with a simulation game, and without a simulation game; o Exploration of the effectiveness of different scenarios in building planners’ competency levels; o Evaluation of the full versions’ performance, cost and other indicators as required • Investigation into integration of specific maintenance planner tools with the education simulation game. • More empirical research about education simulation games in other Engineering and Asset Management field. • A longitudinal study of the effectiveness of simulation games or other teaching methods in o Creating a better understanding of the maintenance planner’s role, and effective maintenance planning; o • Assessing maintenance planner competency. 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Page 124 of 124 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 1 List of Maintenance Planner Training Appendix - 1 List of Maintenance Planner/Asset Management Training No. Course Name General Asset Management Maintenance & Planning Duration Provider Location AUS UK URL 1 Asset Management Fundamentals V 1 day Asset Management Council V http://www.amcouncil.com.au/education/asset‐management‐ courses.html 2 Best Practice Maintenance Planning & Asset Management Informa Australia V http://www.informa.com.au/training/resources‐infrastructure‐ engineering‐maintenance/best‐practice‐maintenance‐planning‐ asset‐management‐GI4031 3 Enterprise Physical Asset Management Excellence V V 2 days General Training Pty Ltd (Lifetime Reliability Solutions) V http://lifetime‐ reliability.com/Enterprise_Asset_Management_Excellence.pdf 4 Modern Asset Management and Condition Monitoring in Power System V V 1 semester The University of Queensland ‐ Australia V http://www.uq.edu.au/study/course.html?course_code=ELEC7 420 5 Maintain Inventory & Asset Records V The Accounting College MYOB Correspondence Courses V http://www.studynow.com.au/courses/The‐Accounting‐ College/MAINTAIN‐INVENTORY‐ASSET‐RECORDS.html 6 Foundation and Endowment Asset Management Program V 5 days London Business School V http://www.london.edu/facultyandresearch/researchactivities/ feam/shortprogrammes.html 7 Asset Management V 4 days Institute of Public Works V http://www.ipwea.org.au/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Events_st orage_area_&Template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=8 Appendix 1 - 1 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 1 List of Maintenance Planner Training Location Engineering Australia (IPWEA) 8 9 Bachelor of Business (Property and Asset Management) Master of Business and Engineering Asset Management 952 University of the Sunshine Coast Queensland, Australia V http://www.usc.edu.au/Students/Handbook/Undergrad/BU343 / V 3 years full time V 2‐3 years The University of Western Australia V http://www.mech.uwa.edu.au/meam/ 10 Asset Management V 2 days Chifley Business School V http://www.chifleyshortcourses.edu.au/asset_management.asp 11 Infrastructure Asset Management V 2‐4 years University of Tasmania V http://courses.utas.edu.au/portal/page?_pageid=53,32959&_d ad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&P_COURSE_CODE=N5C&P_YEAR =2009 12 Criticality in Asset Management Course V 1 day ESS Ltd. V http://www.essltd.ie/trainingcourses‐page49525.html 13 Asset Integrity Management V 3 ‐ 5 years Robert Gordon University V 14 Master of Engineering Asset Management V 3 months to 1 year University of Wollongong V 15 Asset‐Liability Management V 1 semester Australian School of Business, The University of New South Wales V http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/postgraduate/courses/200 9/ACTL5303.html 16 Asset Management V 4 days Premier's London Training Centre V http://www.premcs.com/outlines/finance/asset_management_ pro.html Appendix 1 - 2 http://www.rgu.ac.uk/prospectus/disp_pgProspectusEntry.cfm ?CourseID=DIMEAM&year=2007&CFID=7475417&CFTOKEN=78 907702& http://www.uniguru.com/studyabroad/Australia‐ courses/Master‐Engineering‐Asset‐Management‐course‐ details/cseid/15398/cid/72245/programs.html Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 1 List of Maintenance Planner Training Location 17 18 19 Asset Allocation and the Business Cycle Master of Facilities and Asset Management Strategic Asset Management V Underoak Limited V http://www.underoak.co.uk/public‐training‐courses/city‐ corporate‐courses/asset‐management‐ training/C122436/enquiry.html V 2 years University of South Australia V https://my.unisa.edu.au/unisanet/programs/program.asp?Prog ram=OMFM V 5 months V https://my.unisa.edu.au/unisanet/courses/course.asp?Course= 100452#Subject V http://euromoneytraining.com/default.asp?Page=16&cc=44&pr oductid=4052&SearchStr= University of South Australia Investment Management School ‐ London 20 Asset Management V 9 days 21 Asset Management V 3 days Value Solutions V http://www.value‐ solutions.co.uk/value_management_training.aspx 22 Asset Management V 2 days Redcliffe Training Associates V http://www.redcliffetraining.co.uk/courses/asset_management .htm Appendix 1 - 3 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Appendix - 2 Recommended Readings Australia Standards/International Standards (list adapted from AMC 2009) Information Management • ISO 10303-232:2002 Industrial Automation Systems and Integration -- Product Data Representation And Exchange -- Part 232: Application Protocol: Technical Data Packaging Core Information And Exchange • ISO/IEC 15289:2006 AS/NZS ISO/IEC 15289:2007 Systems And Software Engineering -- Content Of Systems And Software Life Cycle Process Information Products (Documentation) • ISO/IEC 21827:2002 Information Technology -- Systems Security Engineering -- Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM®) • ISO/PAS 20542:2006 Industrial Automation Systems and Integration -- Product Data Representation And Exchange -- Reference Model For Systems Engineering • MIL-PRF-32216 Evaluation Of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (Cots) Manuals And Preparation Of Supplemental Data • MIL-STD-38784(1) NOT 2 Standard Practice For Manuals, Technical: General Style And Format Requirements • PAS 2001:2001 Knowledge Management Lifecycle Management • ANSI/EIA 632-2003 Draft under development: BSR Processes For Engineering A System SP-4028: Process For Engineering A System - Part 2: Implementation Guidance (DRAFT STANDARD) • ANSI/EIA-632-1999 Processes For Engineering A System • AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Management • AS/NZS 4536:1999 Life Cycle Costing - An Application Guide Appendix 2 - 1 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training • Appendix 2 Recommended Readings IEC 60300-3-3 Ed. 2.0 (Bilingual 2005) AS IEC 60 Dependability Management - Application Guide - Life Cycle Costing • IEC 60300-3-9 - Ed. 1.0 – Bilingual Dependability Management - Part 3: Application Guide - Section 9: Risk Analysis Of Technological Systems • IEC 61025 - Ed. 2.0 - Bilingual IEC 61025 Ed. 2 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) • IEC 61160 - Ed. 2.0 – Bilingual Design Review • IEC 61882 - Ed. 1.0 – Bilingual Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP Studies) - Application Guide • IEC 62198 - Ed. 1.0 – Bilingual Project Risk Management - Application Guidelines • IEEE1220 Application And Management Of The Systems Engineering Process, Standard • ISO 14040:2006 Environmental Management -- Life Cycle Assessment -- Principles and Framework • ISO 14044:2006 Environmental Management -- Life Cycle Assessment -- Requirements and Guidelines • ISO 15865:2005 Space Systems -- Qualification Assessment • ISO/IEC 12207:1995 AS/NZS ISO/IEC 12207:1997/Amd Information Technology -- Software Life Cycle Processes • ISO/IEC 15288:2002 AS/NZS 15288:2003 Systems Engineering -- System Life Cycle Processes • ISO/IEC 16085:2006 AS/NZS ISO/IEC 16085:2007 Systems And Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Processes -- Risk Management • ISO/IEC 19770-1:2006 AS/NZS ISO/IEC 19770.1:2007 Information Technology -- Software Asset Management -- Part 1: Processes • ISO/IEC 24744:2007 Software Engineering -- Metamodel For Development Methodologies • NOHSC 1010(1994) Regulations For Plant • NOHSC 1014(2002) Regulations For Major Hazard Facilities Appendix 2 - 2 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training • Appendix 2 Recommended Readings PAS 55-1:2003 Asset Management Specification For The Optimized Management Of Physical Infrastructure Assets • PAS 55-2:2003 Asset Management Guidelines For The Application Of PAS 55-1 Maintenance Management • EN 13306:2001 Maintenance Terminology • IEC 60300-2 Ed. 2.0 (Bilingual 2004) AS IEC 603 Dependability Management - Guidance For Dependability Programme Management • IEC 60300-3-11 Ed. 1.0 (Bilingual 1999) AS IEC Dependability Management - Application Guide - Reliability Centred Maintenance • IEC 60300-3-12 Ed. 1.0 (Bilingual 2001) AS IEC 6 Dependability Management - Application Guide - Integrated Logistic Support • IEC 60300-3-14 Ed. 1.0 (Bilingual 2004) AS IEC Dependability Management - Application Guide - Maintenance And Maintenance Support • IEC 60706-2 - Ed. 2.0 - Bilingual Maintainability Of Equipment - Part 2: Maintainability Requirements And Studies During The Design And Development Phase • IEC 60706-3 - Ed. 2.0 - Bilingual Maintainability Of Equipment - Part 3: Verification And Collection, Analysis And Presentation Of Data • IEC 60706-5 - Ed. 1.0 - Bilingual Guide On Maintainability Of Equipment - Part 5: Section 4: Diagnostic Testing • IEC 60812 - Ed. 2.0 - Bilingual IEC 60812 Ed. 2 Analysis Techniques For System Reliability - Procedure For Failure Mode And Effects Analysis (FMEA) • IEC 61014 - Ed. 2.0 - Bilingual Programmes For Reliability Growth • IEC 61078 - Ed. 2.0 - Bilingual Analysis Techniques For Dependability - Reliability Block Diagram And Boolean Methods • IEC 61164 - Ed. 2.0 - English Reliability Growth - Statistical Test And Estimation Methods Appendix 2 - 3 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training • Appendix 2 Recommended Readings IEC 61165 - Ed. 2.0 - Bilingual Application Of Markov Techniques • IEC 61649 - Ed. 1.0 - Bilingual Goodness-Of-Fit Tests, Confidence Intervals And Lower Confidence Limits For Weibull Distributed Data • IEC 61703 - Ed. 1.0 - Bilingual Mathematical Expressions For Reliability, Availability, Maintainability And Maintenance Support Terms • IEC 61710 - Ed. 1.0 - Bilingual Power Law Model - Goodness-Of-Fit Tests And Estimation Methods • IEC 61713 - Ed. 1.0 Software Dependability Through The Software Life-Cycle Processes- Application Guide • IEC 62308 - Ed. 1.0 - Bilingual Equipment Reliability - Reliability Assessment Methods • IEC 62347 - Ed. 1.0 - Bilingual Guidance On System Dependability Specifications • ISO 2394:1998 General Principles On Reliability For Structures • ISO 3977-9:1999 Gas Turbines -- Procurement -- Part 9: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability And Safety • ISO 5843-8:1988 Aerospace -- List Of Equivalent Terms -- Part 8: Aircraft Reliability • ISO 8107:1993 Nuclear Power Plants -- Maintainability – Terminology • ISO/IEC 14764:2006 AS/NZS 14764:2001 Software Engineering -- Software Life Cycle Processes – Maintenance AS/NZS Title: Information Technology - Software Maintenance • ISO/IEC 2382-14:1997 Information Technology -- Vocabulary -- Part 14: Reliability, Maintainability And Availability • NAVAIR 00-25-403 Guidelines For The Naval Aviation Reliability-Centered Maintenance Process • IIEEE 1219-93 Standard for Software Maintenance, Appendix 2 - 4 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Quality and Audit Management • ISO 10014:2006 ISO 10014:2006/Cor 1:2007 Quality Management -- Guidelines For Realizing Financial And Economic Benefits • ISO 19011:2002 AS/NZS ISO 19011:2003 Guidelines For Quality And/Or Environmental Management Systems Auditing • ISO 9000:2005 AS/NZS ISO 9000:2006 Quality Management Systems -- Fundamentals And Vocabulary • ISO 9004:2000 Quality Management Systems -- Guidelines For Performance Improvements • ISO/IEC 17021:2006 Conformity Assessment -- Requirements For Bodies Providing Audit And Certification Of Management Systems • ISO/IEC 20000-2:2005 AS ISO/IEC 20000.2-2007 Information Technology -- Service Management -- Part 2: Code Of Practice • ISO/IEC 25000:2005 Software Engineering -- Software Product Quality Requirements And Evaluation (Square) -- Guide To Square • ISO/IEC 25001:2007 Software Engineering -- Software Product Quality Requirements And Evaluation (Square) -- Planning And Management • ISO/IEC 25051:2006 Software Engineering -- Software Product Quality Requirements And Evaluation (Square) -- Requirements For Quality Of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Software Product And Instructions For Testing • ISO/IEC 25062:2006 Software Engineering -- Software Product Quality Requirements And Evaluation (Square) -- Common Industry Format (CIF) For Usability Test Reports • ISO/IEC 90003:2004 Software Engineering -- Guidelines For The Application Of ISO 9001:2000 To Computer Software Appendix 2 - 5 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training 1. Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Books Aldrich, C 2004, Simulations and The Future of Learning, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, San Fransisco. Aldrich, C 2005, Learning By Doing: A Comprehensive Guide to Simulations, Computer Games, And Pedagogy In E-Learning And Other Educational Experiences, Pfeiffer, San Francisco. August, J 1999, Applied Reliability Centered Maintenance, Penwell, Oklahoma. Avendon, EM & Sutton-Smith, B 1971, The Study of Games, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. Boehm, BW 1988, A Spiral Model Of Software Development And Enhancement, pp. 61-72. Bonk, CJ & Dennen, VP 2005, Massive Multiplayer Online Gaming: A Research Framework for Military Training and Education. Bureau of Labour Statistics 2004, Occupational Handbook 2004-2005, Bureau of Labour Statistic. Campbel, JD & Jardine, AKS 2001, Maintenance Excellence, Marcel Dekker Inc, New York. Campbell, JD & Reyes-Picknell, JV 2006, Uptime - Strategies for EXcellence in Maintenance Management, 2nd edn, Productivity Press, New York. Carson, JR 1969, Business games: A Technique For Teaching Decision-Making, American Management Association, Inc. Coetzee, J 2005, Maintenance, Maintenance Publisher, Hatfield, Republic of South Africa. Collis, B & Moonen, J 2001, Flexible Learning In A Digital World, Kogan Page, London. Crookall, D 1995, Debriefing: The Key to Learning From Simulations/Games, Sage Publications Thousand Oaks, CA. Gagne, RM, Briggs, LJ & wager, WW 1992, Principles of Instructional Design, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, New York. Greedler, ME 1996, 'Educational Games And Simulations: A Technology In Search Of A (Research) Paradigm', in Handbook Of Research For Educational Communications And Technology, ed. DH Jonassen, Macmillan, New York, pp. 521-539. Hays, RT & Singer, MJ 1989, Simulation Fidelity In Training System Design: Bridging The Gap Between Reality And Training, Springer Verlag., New York. Herbaty, F 1990, Handbook of Maintenance Management, Noyes Publications, New Jersey. Higgins, LR, Mobley, RK & Smith, R 2002, Maintenance Engineering Handbook, 6th ed edn, McGraw-Hill, New York. JONES, S 2003, Let The Games Begin: Gaming Technology And Entertainment Among College Students, Pew Internet & American Life Project, WASHINGTON, D.C. Keegan, M 1995, Scenario Educational Software: Design and Development Of Discovery Learning. , Educational Technology Publications: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Appendix 2 - 6 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Kelly, A 2002, Maintenance Strategy Bussiness - Centered Maintenance, Butterworth Heinemean, Oxoford. Lee, J & Wang, B 1999, Computer-aided Maintenance Methodologies and Practices, Kluwer Academic Publisher, London. Zeraxis Limited, 2003, Application Maintenance Methodology - Summary, Zeraxis Limited, pp. 1-4. Meier, RC 1969, 'Decision Making Versus Strategy Determination: A Gaming And Heuristic Approach', Business Games Handbook. Mobley, K 1999, Root cause failure analysis, Butterworth-Heineman, Woburn, USA. Moore, R 2004, Making Common Sense Common Practice Models For Manufacturing Excellence, 3rd ed edn, Elsevier Buttterworth Heineman, Oxford. Moubray, J 1992, Reliability Centered Maintenance, Industrial Press Inc, New York. Nyman, D & Levitt, J 2001, Maintenance, Planning, Scheduling and Coordination, Industrial Press Inc, New York. Palmer, D 2006, Maintenance and Planning Scheduling Handbook, 2nd Edition edn, McGrawHill, New York. Piaget, J 1976, To Understand Is To Invent: The Future Of The Education, Penguin Books, New York. Prensky, M 2001, Digital Game-Based Learning, McGraw-Hill, New York. Rasmusen, E 1989, Games and Information: An Introduction to Game Theory, Blackwell, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Reason, J & Hobbs, A 2003, Managing Maintenance Error, Ashgate Publishing Company, Burlington. Roger, K 1994, Engineering Management, Thomas Nelson Australia, Melbourne. Sandford, R & Williamson, B 2005, Handbook of Games and Learning, Futurelab. Sansrisk 2008, Capstone, sansrisk. Shrock, SA 1995, 'A Brief History Of Instructional Development', in Instructional technology: Past present and future 2nd edn, ed. GJ Anglin, CO: Libraries Unlimited Inc., Englewood, CO, pp. 11-18. Sondalini, M 2003, The Pocket Maintenance Advisor, Feed Forward Publication, Bentley, Western Australia. Wireman, T 2004, Benchmarking Best Practices In Maintenance Management, Industrial Press Inc, New York. Wireman, T 2005, Developing Performance Indicators for Managing Maintenance, Industrial Press, New York. Appendix 2 - 7 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings 3. Conference Proceedings/Publications Ahmadieh, SZM & Ghasemi, J 2009, 'Maintenance Personnel's Roles And Responsibilities', ICOMS Asset Management Conference. Adams, M, Componation, P, Czarnecki, H & Schroer, BJ 1999, 'Simulation As A Tool For Continuous Process Improvement', in 1999 Winter Simulation Conference, Squaw Peak, Phoenix, AZ, pp. 766-773. Adelsberger, HH, Bick, M & Pawlowski, JM 2000, 'Design Principles For Teaching Simulation With Explorative Learning Environments', in 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, Wyndham Palace Resort & Spa, Orlando, FL, USA, p. 8. Banks, J 2001, 'Education for Simulation Practice—Five Perspectives: Panel Session', in 33rd Conference on Winter Simulation IEEE Computer Society Arlington, Virginia, pp. 15711579. Bennett, D, Carrel, A, Payne, J, Sherrer, C & Byrnes, K 2007, 'Lake Tawakoni Water Supply Project, Design and Construction Issues for Fast-Tracking a $100 million Water Transmission Project', in Pipelines 2007 International Conference Boston, Massachusetts.Blanchard, BS & Fabrycky, WJ 2006, System Engineering and Analysis, 4th edn, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Brailsford, SC 2007, 'Tutorial: Advances and Challenges In Healthcare Simulation Modeling', in 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE Press Washington D.C., pp. 1436-1448 Cameron, BH & Wijekumar, K 2003, 'The Effectiveness of Simulation in a Hybrid and On-line Networking Course', in SIGCSE’03, ACM, Reno, Nevada, USA, pp. 117-119. Chwif, L & Barretto, MRP 2003, 'Simulation Models as An Aid For The Teaching And Learning Process In Operations Management', in 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, pp. 1994 - 2000. Cliburn, DC & Miller, SM 2008, 'Games, Stories, or Something More Traditional: The Types of Assignments College Students Prefer', in SIGCSE’08, ACM, Portland, Oregon, USA, pp. 138-142. Dillon, R, Wong, G & Ang, R 2006, 'Virtual Orchestra: An Immersive Computer Game for Fun and Education', in 2006 International Conference on Game Research and Development Murdoch University, Perth, Australia pp. 215 - 218 Din, HW-H 2006, 'Play to Learn: Exploring Online Educational Games in Museums', International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Donald P. Cox, M & Salim Hariri, P 2007, 'Efficacy of Modeling & Simulation in Defense Life Cycle Engineering', Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2007 (SCSC 2007). Dunn, S 1997, 'Implementing a Computerized Maintenance Management System: Why Most CMMS Implementations Fail to Provide the Promised Benefits', Maintenance in Mining Conference. Appendix 2 - 8 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Ferrin, DM, Miller, MJ & Muthler, D 2005, 'Lean Sigma And Simulation, So What’s The Correlation? V2', in 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, pp. 20112015. Federation of American Scientist 2006, 'Harnessing the Power of Video Games for learning', Summit on Educational Games. Federation of American Scientist 2006, 'R&D Challenges in Games for learning', Summit on Educational Game. Francis, R 2006, 'Towards A Pedagogy For Game-Based Learning', in JISC Online Conference: Innovating e-Learning 2006, Direct Learn Services Ltd, Chelthenham. [12 January 2007]. Freitas, Sd & Oliver, M 2004, 'An investigation of the use of simulations and video gaming for supporting exploratory learning and developing higher-order cognitive skills', in IADIS Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Griffith, J, Kuenzli, D & Monus, P 1998, 'Proactive Manufacturing accelerating step change breakthroughs in performance', NPRA MC-98-92, pp. 1-3. Griffith, JD, Kuenzli, D & Monus, PA 1999, 'A New American TPM: Leadership Requirements For Breakthrough Change', in NPRA Maintenance Conference. Halpin, DW & Kueckmann, M 2002, 'Lean Construction And Simulation', in 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, California, USA pp. 1697-1703. Halverson, R, Shaffer, D, Squire, K & Steinkuehler, C 2006, 'Theorizing Games in/and Education', International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2006. Hamey, DLGC 2003, 'Teaching Secure Communication Protocols Using a Game Representation', in The Fifth Australasian Conference on Computing Education Australian Computer Society, Inc., Adelaide, Australia pp. 187 - 196 Hatton, S, Birchfield, D & Megowan-Romanowicz, MC 2008, 'Learning Metaphor through Mixed-Reality Game Design and Game Play', in 2008 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Video games ACM, Los Angeles, California, pp. 67-74. He, D & Banerjee, P 2004, 'Enhancing Simulation Education With A Virtual Presentation Tool', in 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, USA. Hodkiewicz, MR & Pascual, R 2006, 'Education In Engineering Asset Management – Current Trends And Challenges', in International Physical Asset Management Conference, Tehran, Iran. Houten, S-PAv & Jacobs, PHM 2004, 'An Architecture For Distributed Simulation Games', in 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, USA. Johnson, WL 2005, 'Lessons Learned from Games for Education', International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Komisarczuk, P & Welch, I 2006, 'A Board Game for Teaching Internet Engineering', in The 8th Australian Conference on Computing Education Australian Computer Society, Inc. , Appendix 2 - 9 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Hobart, Australia Layman, L, Williams, L & Slaten, K 2007, 'Note to Self: Make Assignments Meaningful', in SIGCSE’07, ACM, Covington, Kentucky, USA, pp. 459 - 463 Ledet, W & Paich, M 1994, 'The Manufacturing Game', in Goal/QPC TQM Conference, Boston. Lindley, CA 2004, 'Narrative, Game Play, and Alternative Time Structures for Virtual Environments', in Second International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, TIDSE, eds S Gobel, A Hoffmann, I Iurgel, O Schneider, J Dechau & A Feix, Springer, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 183-194. Leutenegger, S & Edgington, J 2007, 'A Games First Approach to Teaching Introductory Programming', in SIGCSE'07, ACM, Covington, Kentucky, USA, pp. 115-118. Martínez-Miranda, J, Jung, B, Payr, S & Petta, P 2008, 'The Intermediary Agent’s Brain: Supporting Learning to Collaborate at the Inter-Personal Level', AAMAS 2008. Merrick, K & Maher, ML 2007, 'Motivated Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Characters in Open-Ended Simulation Games', in ACE’07, ACM, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 127-134. Mørch, AI, Engen, BK & Åsand, H-RH 2004, 'The Workplace as a Learning Laboratory: The Winding Road to E-learning in a Norwegian Service Company', in Participatory Design Conference 2004, ACM, Toronto, Canada, pp. 142-151. Morrice, DJ, Anderson, EG & Bharadwaj, S 2004, 'a Simulation Study To Assess The Efficacy Of Linear Control Theory Models For The Coordination Of A Two-Stage Customized Service Supply Chain', in 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, USA, p. 8. Navarro, EO & Hoek, Avd 2004, 'SimSE: An Educational Simulation Game for Teaching the Software Engineering Process', in ITICSE’04, ACM, Leeds, United Kingdom, pp. 233 233 Overman, R & Collard, R 2003, 'The Complimentary Roles Of Reliability-Centered Maintenance And Condition Monitoring', IMC-2003 the 18th International Maintenance Conference. Papaloukas, S & Xenos, M 2008, 'Usability and Education of Games through Combined Assessment Methods', in The 1st international conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, ACM, Athens, Greece Rai, S, Wong, KW & Cole, P 2006, 'Game Construction as a Learning Tool', in 2006 International Conference on Game Research and Development Murdoch University, Perth, Australia pp. 231 - 236 Rapeepisarn, K, Wong, KW, Fung, CC & Depickere, A 2006, 'Similarities and Differences Between “Learn Through Play” And “Edutainment', in The 3rd Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment Murdoch University, Perth, Australia pp. 28-32. Raybourn, EM & Bos, N 2005, 'Design and Evaluation Challenges of Serious Games', in CHI 2005, Portland, Oregon, USA. Raybourn, EM & Waern, A 2004, 'Social Learning Through Gaming', in CHI 2004, Vienna, Appendix 2 - 10 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Austria. Sawhney, A & Mund, A 1998, 'Simulation Based Construction Management Learning System', in 1998 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington DC, USA, p. 6. Schrier, K 2006, 'Using Augmented Reality Games to Teach 21st Century Skills', The 33rd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. Squire, K & Barab, S 2004, 'Replaying History: Engaging Urban Underserved Students in Learning World History Through Computer Simulation Games', in The 6th International Conference on Learning Sciences International Society of the Learning Sciences, Santa Monica, California pp. 505 - 512 Srinivasan, J & Lundqvist, K 2007, 'A Constructivist Approach to Teaching Software Processes', 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'07). Ståhl, I 2005, '”Using Discrete Event Simulation In The Teaching Of Decision Analysis', in 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, pp. 2280-2289. Trevelyan, J 2008, 'Real Engineering is not what you learned at school... or is it?', in Research in Engineering Education Symposium Davos, Switzerland Wilensky, U & Stroup, W 1999, 'Learning Through Participatory Simulations: Network-based Design for Systems Learning in Classrooms', in The 1999 conference on Computer support for collaborative learning, International Society of the Learning Sciences, Palo Alto, California. Williamson, R 2006, 'How To Overcome Maintenance Skill Shortage', in Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professional 14th Anual Conference The Plant Maintenance Resource Center, Sheraton Birmingham Hotel. [1 February 2007]. Winter, JCFd, Groot, Sd, Dankelman, J, Wieringa, PA, Paassen, MMv & Mulder, M 2008, 'Advancing Simulation-Based Driver Training: Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives', in The 10th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with mobile devices and services ACM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands pp. 459-464. Wong, WL, Shen, C, Nocera, L, Carriazo, E, Tang, F, Bugga, S, Narayanan, H, Wang, H & Ritterfeld, U 2007, 'Serious Video Game Effectiveness', in International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology ACM, Salzburg, Austria pp. 49-55. Zee, D-Jvd & Slomp, J 2005, 'Simulation And Gaming as A Support Tool For Lean Manufacturing Systems – A Case Example From Industry', in 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, pp. 2304-2313. Zyda, M 2004, 'Keynote Address: Does The Future Of Modeling And Simulation Have A Game Face?', in The 36th Conference on Winter Simulation Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C. , pp. 3-3. Appendix 2 - 11 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings 4. Journal Articles Alfares, H 1999, 'A Simulation Model For Determining Inspection Frequency', Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 36 pp. 685-696. AGUILERA, MD & MÉNDIZ, A 2003, 'Video Games and Education (Education in the Face of a "Parallel School")', ACM Computers in Entertainment, vol. 1, p. 14. Al-Najjar, B & Alsyouf, I 2002, 'Selecting The Most Efficient Maintenance Approach Using Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making', International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 84, pp. 85–100. Alsyouf, I 2006, 'The Role of Maintenance In Improving Companies’ Productivity And Profitability', International Journal of Production Economics, pp. 70–78. Al-Zubaidi, H & Christer, AH 1997, 'Maintenance Manpower Modelling For A Hospital Building Complex', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 99, pp. 603-618. Amory, A & Seagram, R 2003, 'Educational Game Models: Conceptualization And Evaluation', South African Journal of Higher Education, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 206-217. Andrew, WP, Lambert, CU & Lambert, JM 1986, 'Decision Modelling Using Simulation: Hospitality Perspective', Int. Journal Hospitality Management, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 47-54. Baines, T, Mason, S, Siebers, P-O & Ladbrook, J 2004, 'Humans: the missing link in manufacturing simulation?' Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory vol. 12, pp. 515– 526. Bayazit, O & Karpak, B 2006, 'An Analytical Network Process-Based Framework For Successful Total Quality Management (TQM): An Assessment Of Turkish Manufacturing Industry Readiness', International Journal of Production Economics, pp. 79–96. Becker, K 2001, 'Teaching With Games: The Minesweeper And Asteroids Experience', Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 23-33. Beusmans, J & Wieckert, K 1989, 'Computing, Research, and War: If Knowledge is Power, Where is Responsibility?', Communications of the ACM, vol. 32, pp. 939-947. Blackman, S 2005, 'Serious Games…and Less!', ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 12-16. Blank, D 2004, 'Military wargaming: A commercial battlefield', Jane’s Defence Weekly, vol. February, no. 4. Bohrn, MA 2004, 'ACLS Interactive!', Annals of Emergency Medicine, vol. 44, no. 2, p. p195. Boseman, FG & Schellenberger, RE 1974, 'Business Gaming: An Empirical Appraisal', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 5, pp. 383-402. Braglia, M, Carmignani, G, Frosolini, M & Grass, A 2006, 'AHP-based evaluation of CMMS software', Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 585602. Appendix 2 - 12 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Braskamp, LA & Hodgetts, RM 1971, ' The Role of an Objective Evaluation Model in Simulation Gaming ', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 197-212. Bredemeier, ME & Greenblat, CS 1981, 'The Educational Effectiveness Of Games: A Synthesis Of Findings Simulation & Gaming', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 307-332. Brenenstuhl, DC 1975, 'Cognitive Versus Affective Gains In Computer Simulations', Simulation & Gaming, vol. 6, pp. 303-311. Brown, N, Hoyle, C, Lake, D, McGhie, S & Burger, K 2001, 'War Games', Jane’s Defence Weekly, vol. November, no. 14. Browne, M, Lowe, S, Wells, S & Berry, MW 2006, 'An Assessment Of Computer Science Animations: A Case Study', Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 162 - 168. Brunner, WC, Korndorffer, JR, Sierra, R, Massarweh, NN, Dunne, JB, Yau, CL & Scott, DJ 2004, 'Laparoscopic Virtual Reality Training: Are 30 Repetitions Enough? ', Journal of Surgical Research, vol. 122, pp. 150-156. Burgos, D, Tattersall, C & Koper, R 2006, 'Re-Purposing Existing Generic Games And Simulations For E-Learning', Computers in Human Behaviour Journal. Burg, MD 2006, 'Book and Media reviews: ACLS INTERACTIVE! St. Louis/San Diego, MosbyJems, 2003, CD-Rom, $49.95.', The Journal of Emergency Medicine,, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 253-254. Cercone, K 2008, 'Characteristics of Adult Learners with Implications for Online Learning Design', Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Journal, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 137-159. Chin, J, Dukes, R & Gamson, W 2009, 'Assessment in Simulation and Gaming: A Review of the Last 40 Years', vol. 40, pp. 553-568. Crichton, M & Flin, R 2001, 'Training For Emergency Management: Tactical Decision Games', Journal of Hazardouz Material, vol. 88, pp. 255-266. Crocker, J & Kumar, UD 2000, 'Age-Related Maintenance versus Reliability Centered Maintenance: A Case Study On Aero-Engines', Reliability Engineering and System Safety vol. 67, pp. 113–118. Dieleman, H & Huisingh, D 2006, 'Games By Which To Learn And Teach About Sustainable Development: Exploring The Relevance Of Games And Experiential Learning For Sustainability', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 14, pp. 837-847. Docherty, C, Hoy, D, Topp, H & Trinder, K 2005, 'E-learning Techniques Supporting Problem Based Learning In Clinical Simulation', International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 74, no. 7, pp. 527-533. Dreifuerst, KT 2009, 'The Essentials Of Debriefing In Simulation Learning: A Concept Analysis', Nursing Education Perspectives, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 109-114. Dukes, RL & Mattley, CL 1986, 'The Effects Of Social Structure And Mobility On Attitudes And Appendix 2 - 13 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Behavior In A Simulated Society', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 467-484. Duman, E 2006, 'Decision Making By Simulation In A Parcel Transportation Company', Journal of the Franklin Institute. Eden, H, Eisenberg, M, Fischer, G & Repenning, A 1996, 'Making Learning a Part of Life', COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, vol. 39, pp. 40-42. Ernst, DH, Bolte, JP & Nath, SS 2000, 'Aquafarm: Simulation And Decision Support Aquaculture Facility Design And Management Planning', Aquacultural Engineering, vol. vol 23, pp. p121-179. Ferreira, FF, Francisco, G, Machado, BS & Muruganandam, P 2003, 'Time Series Analysis For Minority Game Simulations Of Financial Markets', Physica A Journal, vol. vol 321, pp. pp. 619-632. Freitas, Sd 2006, 'Using Games and Simulations for Supporting Learnings', Learning Media and Technology, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 343-358. Freitas, Sd & Oliver, M 2006, 'How Can Exploratory Learning With Games And Simulations Within The Curriculum Be Most Effectively Evaluated?', Computers and Education Journal, vol. vol 46, pp. p249-264. Fullerton, JT & Ingle, HT 2003, 'Evaluation Strategies for Midwifery Education Linked to Digital Media and Distance Delivery Technology', The American College of Nurse-Midwives, vol. 48, pp. 427-436. Goh, C, 'State of the Art: The Internet Meets EAM', Maintenance Journal, pp. 64-65. GREENFIELD, PM, DEWINSTANLEY, P, KILPATRICK, H & KAYE, D 1994, 'Action Video Games and Informal Education: Effects on Strategies for Dividing Visual Attention', Journal Of Applied Developmental Psychology vol. 15, pp. 105-123. Greenlaw, PS & Wyman, FP 1973, 'The Teaching Effectiveness of Games in Collegiate Business Courses', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 4, pp. 259-294. GREITZER, FL, KUCHAR, OA & HUSTON, K 2007, 'Cognitive Science Implications For Enhancing Training Effectiveness In A Serious Gaming Context', ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing, vol. 7. Groothuis, S, Merode, GGv & Hasman, A 2001, 'Simulation as Decision Tool For Capacity Planning', Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine journal, vol. 66, pp. p139151. Haapasalo, H & Hyvonen, J 2001, 'Simulating Business And Operations Management - A Learning Environment For The Electronics Industry', International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 73, pp. pp. 261-272. Haluck, RS 2005, 'Design Considerations for Computer-based Surgical Simulators ', Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, vol. 14, no. 4 & 5, pp. 235 - 243. Hariri, S, Rawn, C, Srivastava, S, Youngblood, P & Ladd, A 2004, 'Evaluation Of A Surgical Simulator For Learning Clinical Anatomy', Journal of Medical Education, vol. 38, no. 8, Appendix 2 - 14 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings pp. 896-902. Herriot, AM, Bishop, JA, Kelly, M, Murphy, M & Truby, H 2003, 'Evaluation of a computer assisted instruction resource in nursing education', Nurse Education Today, vol. 23, pp. 537–545. Hwang, A-S 1995, 'Two Traditions Of Systems Thinking In Instructional Development', Educational Technology, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 40-42. Issenberg, SB, Mcgaghie, WC, Petrusa, ER, Gordon, DL & Scalese, RJ 2005, 'Features and uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead to effective learning: a BEME systematic review', Medical Teacher, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 10–28. Jeffries, P 2005, 'A Framework For Designing, Implementing, And Evaluating Simulations Used As Teaching Strategies In Nursing', Nursing Education Perspectives, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 96-103. Kanev, K & Sugiyama, T 1998, 'Design and Simulation of Interactive 3D Computer Games', Computer and Graphics Journal, vol. 22, no. 2-3, pp. 281-300. KATHURIA, R & PARTOVI, FY 2000, 'Aligning Work Force Management Practices With Competitive Priorities And Process Technology: A Conceptual Examination', The Journal of High Technology Management Research, vol. 11, pp. 215–234. Keeffe, MJ, Dyson, DA & Edwards, RR 1993, 'Strategic Management Simulations: A Current Assessment', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 24, no. Sep 1993, pp. pp. 363 - 368. Kelly, H 2005, Games, Cookies and the Future Education in Science and Technology, vol. Summer 2005. Kelly, T 2006, 'An Audit of The Maintenance Strategy At An Agri-chemical Plant', Maintenance Journal, pp. 56-63. Kim, JS 2005, 'The Effects of a Constructivist Teaching Approach on Student Academic Achievement, Self-concept, and Learning Strategies', Asia Pacific Education Review, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 7-19. Klassen, KJ & Willoughby, KA 2003, 'In-Class Simulation Games: Assessing Student Learning', Journal of Information Technology Education, vol. 2. Krauth, BV 2006, 'Simulation-Based Estimation Of Peer Effects', Journal of Econometrics, vol. 133, pp. 243-271. Lainema, T & Makkonen, P 2003, 'Applying Constructivist Approach To Educational Business Games: Case REALGAME', Simulation & Gaming, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 131-150. Langley, PA & Morecroft, JDW 2004, 'Performance And Learning In A Simulation Of Oil Industry Dynamics', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 155, pp. 715-732. LEUTNER, D 1993, 'Guided Discovery Learning With Computer-Based Simulation Games: Effects Of Adaptive And Non-Adaptive Instructional Support', Learning and Instruction, vol. 3, pp. 113-132. Leverette, J 2006, 'An Introduction to the US Naval Air System Command RCM Process and Appendix 2 - 15 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Integrated Reliability Centered Maintenance Software', Maintenance Journal, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 22-29. Lewis, MA & Maylor, HR 2006, 'Game Playing And Operations Management Education', International Journal of Production Economics, pp. 134–149. Liu, A, Tendick, F, Cleary, K & Kaufmann, C 2003, 'A Survey Of Surgical Simulation: Applications, Technology, And Education', Presence, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 599-614. Ma, J & NICKERSON, JV 2006, 'Hands-On, Simulated, and Remote Laboratories: A Comparative Literature Review', ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 38. Malkawi, A 2004, 'Developments In Environmental Performance Simulation', Automation in Construction, vol. 13, pp. 437-445. Mathew, J & Rajendran, C 1993, 'Scheduling Of Maintenance Activities In A Sugar Industry Using Simulation', Computers in Industry, vol. 21, pp. 331-334. Maxwell, NL, Mergendoller, JR & Bellisimo, Y 2004, 'Developing a problem-based learning simulation: An economics unit on trade', Simulation & Gaming, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 488498. MAYO, MJ 2007, 'Games For Science And Engineering Education', vol. 50, p. 6. McHaneya, R & Cronan, TP 2000, 'Toward An Empirical Understanding Of Computer Simulation Implementation Success', Information and Management Journal, vol. 37, no. 135-151. Meller, G 1997, 'A Typology Of Simulators For Medical Education', Journal of Digital Imaging. Merrill, MD, Li, Z & Jones, MK 1991, 'Limitations of First Generation Instructional Design.', Educational Technology, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 7-11. Merrill, MD, Li, Z & Jones, MK 1991, 'Second Generation Instructional Design (ID2 )', Educational Technology, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 7-14. Meyen, EL, Aust, RJ, Bui, YN, Ramp, E & Smith, SJ 2002, 'The Online Academy Formative Evaluation Approach To Evaluating Online Instruction', Internet and Higher Education, vol. 5, pp. 89–108. Narayanasamy, V, Wong, KW, Fung, CC & Rai, S 2006, 'Distinguishing Games and Simulation Games from Simulators', ACM Computers in Entertainment, vol. 4, p. 18. Oermann, MH 2003, 'Using Health Web Sites for Patient Education', J WOCN, vol. 30, pp. 217223. Oliver, D 2005, 'Simulation and training: new frontiers', Jane’s Defence Weekly, vol. November, no. 3. Orbach, E 1977, 'Some Theoretical Considerations In The Evaluation Of Instructional Simulation Games', Simulation and Games, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 341-360. Papargyris, A & Poulymenakou, A 2005, 'Learning to Fly in Persistent Digital Worlds: The Case of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games', SIGGROUP Bulletin vol. 25, pp. 41-49. Appendix 2 - 16 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Prensky, M 2004, 'The Motivation of Gameplay', On the Horizon, vol. 10, no. 1. PRUETT, JM & LAU, K-KK 1982, 'Humanizing A Highway Maintenance Simulation Model', Cornput & Indus. Engng vol. 6, pp. 149-157. Randel, JM, Morris, BA, Wetzel, CD & Whitehill, BV 1992, 'The Effectiveness Of Games For Educational Purposes: A Review Of Recent Research', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 25, pp. 261-276. Reilly, S 2006, 'Asset Basic Care', Maintenance Journal, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 14-21. Richard, P 2003, 'Leak Detection Practices And Techniques: A Practical Approach', Maintenance Journal, vol. December, pp. 44-45. Schwid, HA, Rooke, GA, Ross, BK & Sivarajan, M 1999, 'Use Of A Computerized Advanced Cardiac Life Support Simulator Improves Retention Of Advanced Cardiac Life Support Guidelines Better Than A Textbook Review', Critical Care Medicine, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 821-825. Shaffer, DW, Gordon, JA & Bennett, NL 2004, 'Learning, Testing, And The Evaluation Of Learning Environments In Medicine: Global Performance Assessment In Medical Education', Interactive Learning Environments, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 167-178. SIEGEL, LJ, SULLIVAN, DC & GREENE, JR 1974, 'Decission Games Applied To Police Decison Making - An Explanatory Study Of Information Usage', Journal of Criminal justice, vol. 2 pp. 131-146. Silverman, J & Wood, DF 2004, 'New Approaches To Learning Clinical Skills', Medical Education, vol. 38, pp. 1020-1023. Sim, G, MacFarlane, S & Read, J 2005, 'All work and no play: Measuring fun, usability, and learning in software for children', Computers & Education, vol. 46, pp. 235–248. Smith, R 2006, 'Everybody's Got an Excuse', Maintenance Journal, vol. 19, no. 3, p. p12. Smith, R 2010, 'The Long History of Gaming in Military Training', Simulation & Gaming, vol. 41, pp. 6-19. Specht, LB & Sandlin, PK 1991, 'The Differential Effects Of Experiential Learning Activities And Traditional Lecture Classes In Accounting', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 22, no. Jun 1991, pp. 196-210. Spinello, EF & Fischbach, R 2004, 'Problem-Based Learning In Public Health Instructions: A Pilot Study Of An Online Simulation As A Problem-Based Learning Approach', Education for Health, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 365-373. Squire, K 2003, 'Video Games in Education', International Journal of Intelligent Simulations and Gaming, vol. 2, no. 1. Standridge, CR & Marvel, JH 2006, 'Why Lean Needs Simulation', in 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE, Monterey, California, USA, pp. 1907-1913. Stembler, WA 1975, 'Cognitive Effects of A Programmed Simulation', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 6, pp. 392-403. Appendix 2 - 17 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Summers, GJ 2004, 'Today’s Business Simulation Industry', Simulation & Gaming, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 208-241. Teach, RD, Christensen, SL & Schwartz, RG 2005, 'Teaching Business Ethics: Integrity ', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 383-387. Trevelyan, J & Tilli, S 2007, 'Published Research on Engineering Work', Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, vol. 133, no. 4, pp. 300-307. Was, CA, Woltz, DJ & Drew, C 2006, 'Evaluating Character Education Programs And Missing The Target: A Critique Of Existing Research', Educational Research Review, vol. 1, pp. 148–156. Welsch, K & Jenlınk, K 1998, 'Challenging Assumptions about Teaching and Learning: Three Case Studies in Constructivist Pedagogy', Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 413-427. 4. Miscellaneous Asset Management Electronic Publications ABS, 2006, Feature Article - Skills shortages in Western Australia: Part 2, Mar 2006, ABS. Available from: <http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[email protected]/featurearticlesbyCatalogue/0A25C7D74 117EE2DCA2571FC0018469B?OpenDocument>. AM Council Body of Knowledge Team, 2008, What is Asset Management?, AM Council. Available from: <http://www.amcouncil.com.au/files/Asset_Management_Council_0906_2000_084%20 What%20is%20Asset%20Management.pdf>. Bonk, CJ & Dennen, VP, 2005, Massive Multiplayer Online Gaming: A Research Framework For Military Training And Education. Available from: <http://www.strategicleader.us/ExperientalLearningPapers/GameReport_Bonk_final.pdf .>. Bruegge & Dutoit, STARS Project Requirement Analysis Document. Available from: <http://undergraduate.csse.uwa.edu.au/units/670.200/se.resourcespage/RADtmpl.html >. Capsim Management Simulations, I 2009, Capsim Management Simulations, Inc.® (Capsim®), Capsim Management Simulations, Inc. Curtin University 2009, Business Capstone Unit, Curtin University. Donn Le Vie, J 2007, Writing Software Requirements Specifications. Egenfeldt-Nielsen, S 2005, Beyond Edutainment: Exploring the Educational Potential of Computer Games, University of Copenhagen Commonwealth of Australia, 2006, Job Outlook. Available from: <http://jobsearch.gov.au/joboutlook/default.aspx?PageId=Disclaimer&WHCode=2>. Appendix 2 - 18 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Department of Immigration and Citizen, Sydney and Selected Areas Skill Shortage List. Available from: <http:// www.immi.gov.au>. Department of Science Education and Training, July 2006, Audit of Science and Engineering Skills. Available from: < http://www.dest.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/AFD7055F-ED87-47CB82DD-3BED108CBB7C/13065/SETSAsummaryreport.pdf>. Fitchett, D 2008, 'What is the True Downtime Cost (TDC)?' Freitas, Sd 2006, Learning in Immersive worlds: A review of game-based learning, London. Freitas, Sd, 2006, JISC e-Learning and Pedagogy Experts Group Meeting: Games for Learning session. A Summary Report. Available from: <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/Summary_report.pdf>. Gander, SL 2009, Does Learning Occur through Gaming? , ASCILITE. GLO−BUS Software, IGBS, Inc. 2009, What Is The Business Strategy Game? , GLO−BUS Software, Inc. GLO−BUS Software, Inc. Groupman, J, 2005, A model patient: How Simulation Are Changing The Way Doctors Are Trained, New Yorker, METI. Available from: <www.meti.com/downloads/newyorker.pdf>. Higgins, G, Howell, K, Kelly, H & Cannon-Bowes, J 2005, Virtual Patient Research Roadmap, Federation of American Scientist and The Learning Federation. Hook, JE-V 2004, Building a National Agenda for Simulation-based Medical Education, Advanced Initiatives in Medical Simulation, Washington, DC. IBM Corporation, 2006, The Use Case Model. IBM Corporation 2009, INNOV8-a BPM Simulator. ITEM Software, I 2007, Reliability Block Diagram (RBD). Hägerby, M & Johansson, M 2002, Maintenance Performance Assessment Strategies and Indicator, Master thesis, Linköping Institue of Technology. IDCON, 2007, The Maintenance Simulation / Game - A Unique Production - Engineering, And Maintenance Training Opportunity. , Idcon. Available from: <http://www.idcon.com/maintenance-game.htm>. Jones, PA, 2006, End to End Asset Management-Exploring the roles, responsibilities and competencies of key player Institute of Asset Management UK. Available from: < http://www.iam-uk.org/default.asp?section=publications>. [26 February 2007]. Jones, PA, 2006, Evolution, Revolution or Generic Modification - Examining How Asset Management Companies will develop. Available from: <http://www.iam- uk.org/default.asp?section=publications>. Knowles, C, 2006, Asset Management Verification, Institute of Asset Management UK. Available from: < http://www.iam-uk.org/default.asp?section=publications>. Leverette, JC, Introduction to RCM, ISI, NAVY. Available from: <http://logistics.navair.navy.mil/rcm/library/C1-1(Intro).ppt >. Appendix 2 - 19 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Ledet Enterprises 1992, The Manufacturing Game. Ledet, WJ & Ledet, WP 2002, Dynamic Benchmarking: Experiencing the best practice of Others in Your Plant. Leemkuil, H, Jong, Td & Ootes, S 2000, Review of Educational Use of Games and Simulations, D1, University of Twente. Magee, M 2006, State of the Field Review Simulation in Education, Alberta Online Learning Consortium Calgary AB, Marx, DA 1998, 'Learning from our Mistakes: A Review of Maintenance Error Investigation and Analysis Systems'. Meglio, FD 2008, Enhanced with Technology, Business Education Meglio, FD, Business Education, Enhanced with Technology, BusinessWeek. Available from: <http://images.businessweek.com/ss/08/01/0130_online_simulations/source/1.htm>. MRG Inc, 2 January 2008, The Reliability Game. Available from: <http://www.mrginc.net/>. Murray et al, Maintenance Engineering Society Maintenance Model. Available from: <www.mesa.org.au/engineering.html>. Myers, D 2005, 'What’s good about bad play?', in The 2nd Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment Creativity & Cognition Studios Press, Sydney, Australia pp. 133-140. Oblinger & Oblinger, Educating the Net Generation. Educause. Available from: <http://www.educause.edu/content.asp?PAGE_ID=5989andbhcp=1>. Repenning, A, Loannidou, A & Phillips, J 1999, 'Collaborative Use & Design of Interactive Simulations', in Proceedings of the 1999 conference on Computer support for collaborative learning, Palo Alto, California Russell-Bowie & E., D 2004, 'Creative Arts Education and the Key Competencies Comparing Teaching and Learning within Creative Arts Education with Practical Experiences in the Other Key Learning Areas in Relation to the Mayer Competencies', 25th Annual Conference. Roberts, AL 1969, 'What’s wrong with business games', in Business Games Handbook, American Management Association, Inc. Scottish Qualifications Authority 2003, 'Key Competencies — Some International Comparisons', Policy and Research Bulletin, pp. 1-24. Sondalini, M, 2004, Why You Must Never Let Equipment Fail. Available from: <http://www.cheresources.com/asset_management/asset_management02.shtml>. [13 October 2006]. SKF Group 2006, 'Reducing Meantime Between Failure By 400% In A Mineral Processing Application', pp. 8-10. STI, 1999, STI Field Application Note, Maintenance Methods. Available from: <http://www.stiweb.com/appnotes/maintain.htm>. Appendix 2 - 20 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 2 Recommended Readings Sydney Water 2007, Maintenance Metrics for Maintenance Contract Key Performance Indicators. Takashi, D 2009, IBM To Launch New Version Of Business Simulation Game, Venture Beat Digital Media. Taylor, P 2007, EE-Oz Training Standards Skills Council, National Electrotechnology Training Advisory Group (NETAG), Canberra. Texas A & M University, Behaviour Change Vs. Skills Training Two Goals for Serious Games. Tewksbury, BJ & Macdonald, RH, 12 March 2008, Designing Effective and Innovative Courses. Available from: <http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/coursedesign/tutorial/index.html >. Todd, P 2008, 'Maintenance Workflow Management CIWG', in NSW IMRt Common Interest Workgroup (CIWG) on Maintenance Workflow Management. Warren, DV 2001, Design And Development Of Simulation/Game Software: Implications For Higher Education, The University Of British Columbia. White, B, Tutty, J & Finegan, A 2005, 'A Qualitative Analysis Of Issues In Developing An Online Learning Project', Ascilite 2005. Woodhouse, J, February 2001, Asset Management, Institute of Asset Management UK. Available from: <http://www.iam-uk.org/default.asp?section=publications>. Woodhouse, J, Education and Training in Asset Management, Institute of Asset Management, UK. Available from: <http://www.iam-uk.org/default.asp?section=publications>. Woodhouse, J, May 2001, Finding The Right Mix Of Cost, Risks & Performance. Available from: <http://www.iam-uk.org/default.asp?section=publications>. Appendix 2 - 21 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Appendix - 3 Existing Simulation Games Developed or released on No Name Short Description Developer 1 Hospital Tycoon DR Studios 5 June 2007 (North America); 8 June 2007 (Europe); 12 Aug 2007 (Australia) Codemaster http://www.codemas ters.co.uk/hospitalty coon/ ; http://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Hospital_Tyc oon 2 Railroad Tycoon The game lets the player manage a hospital from a god (a construction and management simulation that casts the player in the position of controlling the games on a large scale) view. Each different hospital is staffed by medical teams and is packed with ill patients. The player needs to manage the staff, ensure patients are cared for and have the correct treatment facilities. As time progresses, new equipment will need to be built in order to cope with incoming patients. The objective of the game is to build and manage a railroad company by laying track, building stations, and buying and scheduling trains. The player can choose Simple Economy or Complex Economy. Sid Meier; Chris Sawyer 1990 MicroProse http://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Railroad_tyco on Appendix 3 - 1 Publisher Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Developed or released on Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer 3 Theme Park Bullfrog Productions 6‐Nov‐08 Electronics Art, Inc. http://www.themepa rk.ea.com/ ; http://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Theme_park ; http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/ps3/ theme‐park 4 Lincity A management simulation game in which the player designs and operates the amusement park. This game offers several levels of simulation with higher difficulties requiring more management of aspects such as logistics. A construction and management simulation game which puts the player to manage all aspects of a city's socio‐economy. The player can develop a city by buying appropriate buildings, services and infrastructure. I J Peters Aug 2004 GNU General Public License http://lincity.sourcef orge.net/ 5 Football manager A football management simulation games Sports Interactive 1992 SEGA N/A http://www.football manager.com/index. php?p=fansites 6 Big Biz Tycoon A business simulation game allows player to create a successful business by developing products. Animedia 29‐May‐02 Activision Value http://www.gamesp ot.com/pc/strategy/b igbiztycoon/review.h tml?om_act=convert &om_clk=gssummary &tag=summary;read‐ Appendix 3 - 2 Publisher Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training No Name Short Description Developer Developed or released on Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Publisher Screenshot Source/URL review 7 Premier Manager 8 AirwaySim 9 A football management simulator video game for managing a football club successfully. An online airline management simulation where the players can run their own airline. An Inventory A multiproduct computer management simulation of the Bell System simulation inventory loop which can be game controlled over a series of time periods. In the simulation the inventories, material flows, and accounting procedures of the Zoo Digital Pub 1992 Gremlin Interactive http://www.gamesp ot.com/pc/sports/pr emiermanager09/ind ex.html http://www.airwaysi m.com/Information/ Features/ SCS 1977 Winter simulation conference Winter simulation conference ‐ 1977; ORSA Bulletin ‐ 1976; http://portal.acm.org /citation.cfm?id=807 550 Appendix 3 - 3 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training No Name Short Description Developed or released on Developer Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Publisher Screenshot Source/URL inventory system are modeled in detail. 10 11 JD: American A realistic farming simulation Farmer where the players can create and manage their own farm with the goal of keeping it profitable. Airport Tycoon 3 An economic game that imitates designing and management of an airline terminal. The players manage all things related to airport life start from choosing a ground area, provide staff, play some scenario where you will be about to cope with delays and finally become a real Airport Tycoon. Gabriel Entertainment Take 2 Interactive and Destineer Studios http://www.downloa d‐free‐ games.com/simulatio n/john_deere.htm InterActive Vision 30‐Oct‐03 Global Star Software Appendix 3 - 4 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training No Name Short Description 12 Cake Mania A time management where the players can help Jill to manage her cake shop. 13 Capitalism 14 Maximum Capacity: Hotel Giant A business simulation computer game where the players may start their own business or play a scenario with a pre‐made business with a set goal. The player can also choose to run research and development (R&D) operations as either their sole business or alongside running other operations such as department stores and factories. The aim of the game is all about the creating and running of a hotel. Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Developer Developed or released on Sandlot Games 2006 Enlight 1995 Interactive Magic http://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Capitalism_(g ame) Enlight 17‐May‐02 JoWood Productions http://www.hotel‐ giant.com/en/ Appendix 3 - 5 Publisher Screenshot Sandlot Games Source/URL http://sandlotgames. com/w4/cakemania. aspx Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer Developed or released on Publisher 15 Build‐a‐lot 3: Passport to Europe Hipsoft LLC 2007 Hipsoft LLC http://www.playfirst. com/game/build‐a‐ lot‐3#reviews 16 Chocolatier A casual vido game where the players can construct, upgrade and sell houses for profits. They can flip houses for quick cash or collect rent to make funds go up. Players help mayors from eight different areas. Players assume to be a young chocolatier (someone who makes confectionery from chocolate). Players will buy ingredients, manufacture chocolates and sell to shops. In this game, players have to become successful chocolatiers. Big Splash Games 1‐May‐07 Playfirst http://www.playfirst. com/game/chocolati er 17 Hot Dog King A business simulation game which allows the players to manage the hot dog franchise. Fuzzyeyes Studio Meridian 4 http://www.meridian 4.com/games/hotdo gking/index.html Appendix 3 - 6 Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Developed or released on Publisher Lionhead Studios Nov‐05 Activision http://compsimgame s.about.com/od/gam ereviews/gr/themovi es.htm OOTP Developments Mar‐07 Sports Interactive N/A http://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Out_of_the_ Park_Baseball Nov‐02 No Name Short Description Developer 18 The Movies 19 Out of The Park 2007 A game where the players can manage a movie studio and also can make their own movies. The players need to construct buildings, discover talent, and hire staff. Players need to start at the bottom and work your way up to having a profitable, well‐known movie studio. A baseball management game where the players can manage historical or fictional teams. 20 Trailer Park Tycoon A game of management and problem solving. The management part consists of setting rent prices, building amenities, and choosing which trailers to build. The other major part of the game is decorating the lawns of tenants. Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Appendix 3 - 7 Screenshot Jaleco Entertainment Source/URL http://compsimgame s.about.com/cs/gam ereviews/gr/trailerpa rktyc.htm Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Developed or released on Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer 21 SimFarm A fun game about farm management. The players choose the environment their farm is located, and which types of crops to grow, and take care of animals. Leaping Lizard Software 1996 Maxis Software http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/win3 x/simfarm 22 Casino Empire A management simulation game that involves buying casino games, hiring lounge girls, etc. This game requires good business thinking and people skills. Sep‐02 Sierra 23 Equintium Equintium is a free online horse‐simulation game where players around the globe can do many of the same things they would do with a horse in real life, like breed, train, show, buy and sell. The structure of Equintium can closely be related to other pet‐simulation games. 2004 N/A Appendix 3 - 8 Publisher Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Developed or released on Publisher Cyberlife Technology 1998 Mindscape http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/wind ows/creatures‐2 Maxis Software 1991 Maxis Software http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/sima nt‐the‐electronic‐ant‐ colony No Name Short Description Developer 24 Creatures 2 An artificial life computer program series where the user hatches small furry creatures called Norns into a world called Albia, and teaches them how to talk, feed themselves, and protect themselves against vicious creatures called Grendels. 25 SimAnt SimAnt explores the detail of the lives of ants, as you take full control of an ant colony. Build up your colony to conquer the other colonies in the yard. Foes include spiders and humans ‐ make their lives a misery by invading their homes. Appendix 3 - 9 Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer Developed or released on 26 Spore A single player god game which allows a player to control the development of a species from its beginnings as a microscopic organism, through development as an intelligent and social creature, to interstellar exploration as a spacefaring culture. Maxis 2002 Electronics Art, Inc. 27 Odell Lake An early educational simulation game about the lives of fish. Players play as one of several species of fish and play by selecting actions from a list at each junction in the game. The goal is to survive and find food while avoiding hostile creatures and exploring the lake. There are two ways to play, "go exploring" or "play for points." MECC 1986 MECC Appendix 3 - 10 Publisher Screenshot Source/URL http://www.spore.co m/what/scc N/A http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/odell ‐lake Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Developed or released on Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer 28 Evolution: The Game of Intelligent Life A life simulation and real‐time strategy computer game that allows players to experience, guide and control evolution. Crossover Technologies 1‐Dec‐97 Interplay Entertainment , Globo 29 Eco Denton Designs 1988 Microids 2000 30 An evolution life simulation game where the player can simulate an amoeba undergoing an evolution process. The player must find nutrition and food for the organism, protect it from predators, and find a mate. As the evolution progresses, the organism, through modification of genes, will evolve to higher life forms such as an insect or a fish. Empire of the A real time 3D game that Ants allows the players to raise their tribe and resist some of the most dangerous enemies an ant can have. The game requiring strategy and management is set in the combative world of ants and their anthills. Appendix 3 - 11 Publisher Screenshot Source/URL N/A http://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Evolution:_T he_Game_of_Intellig ent_Life Ocean Software http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/eco Microids http://www.microids .com/en/catalogue/3 0/the‐empire‐of‐ ants.html Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training No Name Short Description 31 E.V.O.: Search for Eden E.V.O. is a side‐scrolling platformer‐style action game where players must navigate a creature of their own design across a number of environments resembling Earth's past. 32 Seventh Cross Evolution The theme of Seventh Cross is evolution. The player begins with a protist, and through eating and consuming, progresses through two other stages until it becomes an animal. The game begins in a lagoon, where the player's organism must avoid predators while nourishing itself. If the creature dies, it is returned to its lowest form unless it has successfully evolved into its 'origin' stage, in which case the creature regresses to that instead. After death, any parts gained by evolution are kept, but any gathered food is lost. Seventh Cross contains six stages, each with a boss. Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Developed or released on Publisher Almanic Corporation 1993 Enix Atypical Alchemists Associate 1999 UFO Interactive Games, NEC Developer Appendix 3 - 12 Screenshot Source/URL http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/e‐v‐ o‐search‐for‐eden N/A http://www.rpgamer .com/news/Q4‐ 1999/123099c.html Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Developed or released on Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer 33 Science Horizons Survival An educational game in which the player takes on the role of one of a series of animals and had to find food to survive whilst avoiding predators. Five Ways Software 1984 Sinclair Research and Macmillan 34 Lion Manley & Associates, Inc. 26‐Nov‐95 Sanctuary Woods, Inc. 35 Monster Rancher 2 An animal simulation game where the player plays the role of a lion. The players take the role of a lion chosen from a pool of 20 different animals, with varying attributes, in existing prides or handpicked groups made by the players. This game involves raising, fighting, and breeding monsters. The main character is never seen on screen and never talks to anyone directly. Instead, all of the dialog and action is done by the trainer's assistant Colt and her toucan Joy. The player chooses his actions and choices through menu options. Tecmo 1998 (Japan), 1999 (US) Tecmo Appendix 3 - 13 Publisher Screenshot Source/URL http://www.worldofs pectrum.org/infosee kid.cgi?id=0005080 N/A http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/lion http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/mon ster‐rancher‐2 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Developed or released on No Name Short Description Developer 36 Wolf Manley & Associates, Inc. Sep‐94 37 Alter Ego In the game, you take the role of a wolf, either in a mission (such as survive for a day) or in simulation mode, which alllows you to do whatever you want. All the aspects of life as a wolf are simulated, from eating and hunting to mating and avoiding hunters. The game also features an interactive wolf encyclopaedia. Alter Ego is a "life simulator" that presents you with a series of life experiences that take you from infancy through old age. You can live out your own life, or the life of someone else, possibly someone you wish you could be. You can live out fantasies without risk, relive your childhood, or maybe see the world from your kids'/parents'/spouse's eyes. Activision, Inc. 1986 Appendix 3 - 14 Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Publisher Sanctuary Woods, Inc. Screenshot Source/URL http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/dos/ wolf Activision, Inc. http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/alter ‐ego Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training No Name 38 Desperate Housewives: The Game 39 Jones in the Fast Lane Short Description Developed or released on Developer A life simulation adventure Liquid game based on the television Entertainment series Desperate Housewives. The player takes the part of a housewife with amnesia who has recently moved with her husband and son to Wisteria Lane. The plot takes place over 12 episodes. The game features a script by Desperate Housewives writer Scott Sanford Tobis and voice acting by Brenda Strong. A life simulation game with Sierra the objective is to attain as Entertainment much money, happiness, status and education as necessary to win. The exact amounts needed are set up by the players before the game began. The game's name and goals are a play on the concept of keeping up with the Joneses. Oct‐06 1991 Appendix 3 - 15 Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Publisher Buena Vista Games Screenshot Source/URL http://buenavistaga mes.go.com/despera tehousewives/ Sierra Entertainment https://www.mochi media.com/communi ty/games/mrjones/ty coon‐jones Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer Developed or released on Publisher 40 Singles: Flirt Up Your Life Robotee 2004 Deep Silver http://www.singles2. com/englisch/index.h tml 41 Wall Street Kid Sofel 1990 Sofel http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/wall‐ street‐kid 42 Gossip A video game which is very similar to the Sims in that the player is responsible for characters who have to be taken care of, such as by ordering them to eat, sleep, go to work, etc. A video game where the player is encouraged to spoil his girlfriend, as all men of the Benedict family pampered their wives. If the player is unable to raise the money needed for a key item, such as a boat or the house, he is disowned by the family, in which case the game is over. An experimental game which simulates aspects of human social interaction, thus creating games with “social challenges” that would broaden the universe of computer and video game genres. He hoped people‐ games would also appeal to different audiences from the then‐prevalent combat‐based and sports games. He especially hoped to appeal to women. Atari 1983 Atari N/A http://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/Gossip_(com puter_game) Appendix 3 - 16 Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Developed or released on Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer 43 The Sims 2: Nightlife Maxis Software September 13, 2005 (USA and Canada) and September 16, 2005 (European Union, Australia and New Zealand) Electronics Art, Inc. http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/sims ‐2‐nightlife 44 Floor 13 The second expansion pack for The Sims 2. The expansion pack centers on the new downtown area, which has various activities, such as bowling, karaoke, dining and dancing, as well as a photo booth, and includes a dating mini‐game which allows player to engage in their Sim's relationships in greater depth. A management simulation controlled by a menu‐based system and is presented in black and white for a film noir feel. Players take the role of the Director General in this secret organization, and are given a target date of 20 days to attend to their duties. During this period, performance will be evaluated based on the Prime Minister's polling results. If the PM is doing well, the agency will be expanded and will have more equipment and services available to handle the situations it will encounter later in the game. If the PM is behind, PSI Software Designer 1991 Virgin Interactive http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/floor ‐13 Appendix 3 - 17 Publisher Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training No Name Short Description Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Developer Developed or released on Publisher Stardock 2004 Ubisoft Screenshot Source/URL Floor 13 risks reduction in the number of services it has available or the even player's continued employment. After each successful 20 day period, another 20 days are added to the calendar, full of new problems and objectives. 45 The Political Machine A government simulation game in which the player lead a campaign to elect the President of the United States. The player accomplishes this goal by traveling from state to state and engaging in a variety of activities to either raise money or raise poll numbers. Appendix 3 - 18 http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/politi cal‐machine Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer Developed or released on Publisher 46 Ultimate Soccer Manager or USM Impressions 1999 Sierra http://web.archive.o rg/web/2001040904 1120/usm.footymana ger.net/index.html 47 Euro Truck Simulator A soccer management video game series for MS‐DOS, Commodore Amiga and Windows 95. The game was never more than a minor hit in Europe (except in Germany, where it was better received due to some similarities with managers produced by local software houses such as Software 2000 and Ascaron), although it gained much support in Japan. The series was noted for its micromanagement, where the player had to do the job of the team manager and much of that of the chairman, from player training up to bank balance management. A truck simulation game where the player can drive across a depiction of Europe, visiting its cities, picking up a variety of cargos, and delivering them. SCS Software 2009 http://www.eurotruc ksimulator.com/ Appendix 3 - 19 Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer Developed or released on Publisher 48 Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight It included an improved weather engine, which provided true three‐dimensional clouds and localized precipitation for the first time. The engine also allowed users to download weather information from real weather stations, allowing the simulator to keep the weather synchronized with the real world. Other enhancements from the previous version included better ATC communications, GPS systems, interactive virtual cockpits, and more variety in autogen (such as barns, street lights, silos, etc.). Microsoft Appendix 3 - 20 Screenshot Source/URL http://en.wikipedia.o rg/wiki/History_of_M icrosoft_Flight_Simul ator#Flight_Simulato r_2004:_A_Century_ of_Flight Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training No Name Short Description Developer 49 Rally Trophy A historic PC rally simulation. The cars modelled are Mini Cooper 1275S, Saab 96 V4, Alfa Romeo Giulia GTA, Fiat 600 Abarth, Opel Kadett, Lancia Fulvia, Ford Cortina, Ford Escort MK1 RS2000, Volvo Amazon, Alpine A110 and Lancia Stratos. In the game, the player is taken through 42 highly detailed stages in five countries ‐ Russia, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and Kenya ‐ which cover several road surfaces including gravel, mud and tarmac. Stages take place in all weather conditions such as rain in both the day and night. Damage is accurately re‐ created, even down to broken headlights which the player must of course preserve to see during night stages. Bugbear Entertainment and JoWood Productions Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Developed or released on Publisher 2002 Appendix 3 - 21 Screenshot N/A Source/URL http://rally.jowood.c om/rally‐e/index.php Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer Developed or released on Publisher 50 SODA Off‐ Road Racing An off‐road racing simulation was based on the SODA series but featured only fantasy vehicles and tracks. Software Allies 1997 Sierra 51 Richard Burns Rally (RBR) Warthog SCi 52 Dangerous Waters A sim racing game which simulates both classic and modern rallying, and is best known for its realistic physics engine. A naval simulator which is allowing the player to control over multiple air, surface, and submarine platforms in a modern‐day naval environment. The game allows the player to focus attention and to take direct control of individual crew stations and also plan and execute combined arms naval strategies from a top‐down 'Commander's Eye' perspective. Sonalysts Combat Simulations 22‐Feb‐05 Strategy First Appendix 3 - 22 Screenshot Source/URL http://www.gamesp ot.com/pc/driving/so daoffroadracing/revi ew.html?om_act=co nvert&om_clk=gssu mmary&tag=summar y;read‐review N/A http://www.richardb urnsrally.com/home. htm http://www.sonalyst scombatsims.com/da ngerous_waters/ Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Developed or released on Publisher h2f Informationssy steme and Rondomedia 2007 Strategy First http://au.gamespot.c om/pc/sim/1914shell soffury/index.html?t ag=quicklinks;summa ry Douglas Niles 1989 TSR http://www.boardga megeek.com/boardg ame/3707 No Name Short Description Developer 53 1914 Shells of Fury A submarine simulation set during World War I. The game centers on commanding Kaiserliche Marine U‐boats from the beginning of the War in 1914 to its end. 54 Red Storm Rising A turn based game covering a theoretical Warsaw Pact invasion of Germany. Units are upright and specific information about them is hidden from the other player. Army groups are made up of 5‐6 different units; each unit is roughly division sized. Map areas are irregular, and the board covers basically from the Soviet Union to France. Time scale is unspecified, but appears to be in the days per turn range. Advanced rules add air combat, airborne units, and chemical weapons. Appendix 3 - 23 Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Developed or released on Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer 55 Silent Hunter Aeon Electronic Entertainment 1996 Strategic Simulations http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/silen t‐hunter 56 Silent Steel Tsunami Media, Inc 1995 Tsunami Media, Inc http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/silen t‐steel 57 Merchant Prince A World War II submarine combat simulation for MS‐DOS. The game takes place in the Pacific War during World War II, the player commanding a submarine of United States Navy. Most contemporary US submarines and Japanese warships are featured along with some generic merchants. An unorthodox submarine simulator computer game. It was created during the influx of 'interactive movies' during the 1990s. The game is made entirely in FMV (Full Motion Video) with real actors and surroundings. The only real computer generated graphics are those filmed outside of the boat, during torpedo attacks and atmospheric fly‐bys. An historical trading simulation set in the Renaissance and the golden age of Venice. Here, the players play the role of one of the wealthy merchants in the period, wielding not only economic Several Dudes Holistic Gaming 1993 Quantum Quality Productions http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/merc hant‐prince Appendix 3 - 24 Publisher Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training No Name Short Description Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Developer Developed or released on Publisher Atlus 2006 Atlus Screenshot Source/URL power but also political, religious and military. 58 Trauma Center: Second Opinion The second game in the Trauma Center Series. Second Opinion is the first to be available on the Wii, was a launch title for the system in North America and Japan, and made full use of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk attachment. The player takes control of Doctors Derek Stiles and Naomi Weaver who is a new addition to Second Opinion. The game also features more voice acting than the original, difficulty levels, a new "Z" chapter that focuses on Doctor Weaver, and a sixth chapter that is different that takes place after the original chapter. Appendix 3 - 25 http://www.atlus.co m/tcso/about/about 01.html Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Developed or released on Publisher HAL Laboratory 1999 Nintendo http://www.pokemo n.com/#videogames_ 31 Rhino Studios 2008 Natsume N/A http://www.jp.playst ation.com/scej/title/ afrika/?ref=rss No Name Short Description Developer 59 Pokemon Snap 60 Afrika (known as Hakuna Matata in Asia) Todd Snap, a fledgling Pokémon photographer, is summoned by Professor Oak to an unusual island to help him with a report. Oak needs quality pictures to accompany his scientific findings, and knows from past experience that Todd is the right person for the job. Pokémon Island, which contains a variety of climatic and geographic regions, is a place where Pokémon live relatively undisturbed by humans. Using a motorized, amphibious buggy named the Zero‐One, Todd explores the island and takes photographs of the wide variety of Pokémon that inhabit its environments. A photography and safari simulation video game for the PlayStation 3. The game was first announced in a promotional video during the Sony press conference at E3 2006. Afrika has been referred to as being similar to the Nintendo 64 title Pokemon Appendix 3 - 26 Screenshot Source/URL Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training No Name Short Description Developer Developed or released on Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Publisher Screenshot Source/URL Snap. 61 Silent Service A submarine simulation game II where the players could choose either single scenarios or a war career. The latter was where the best game play occurred, with a typical career taking many hours to complete. MPS Labs 1990 MicroProse Software, Inc. http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/silen t‐service‐ii 62 The Hunt for Red October Beam Software 1990 Grandslam Entertainment http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/hunt ‐for‐red‐october__ The title for two different video games. One based on the book The Hunt for Red October and one based on the movie The Hunt for Red October. The game is a combination of submarine simulator and strategy game. Appendix 3 - 27 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Developed or released on Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer 63 Stunt Car Racer It is also distributed under the title Stunt Track Race. It is a racing video game. Geoff Crammond 1989 64 AquaNox Massive Development 12‐Oct‐01 Fishtank Interactive http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/wind ows/aquanox 65 Indianapolis 500: The Simulation A series of submarine‐based shooter/simulation games set in distant future. The game splits up into a series of primary and secondary missions, which allow the player to proceed in the storyline as well as earn additional funds. Indianapolis 500: The Simulation attempts to be a full simulation of the Indianapolis 500 race, with 33 cars and appropriate Indy car "feel". While racing, it only offers a first‐person perspective, but the game offers a replay mode as well. Indy 500 offers the ability to realistically set up the car, and any changes made to the car directly affect how it handles. Papyrus Design Group 1989 Electronics Art, Inc. http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/india napolis‐500‐the‐ simulation Appendix 3 - 28 Publisher Screenshot MicroStyle and MicroPlay (US) Source/URL http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/stunt ‐track‐racer Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training No Name 66 Enthusia Professional Racing 67 Gran Turismo Gran Turismo is (commonly fundamentally based on the abbreviated racing game genre. The player to GT or GT1) must maneuver an automobile to compete against artificially intelligent drivers on various race tracks. The game uses two different modes: arcade and simulation. NASCAR A detailed simulation with Racing realistic car models, accurate controls and room for a distinct racing style. Nine tracks are featured, the Watkins Glen road course alongside oval racing. Players have full control over the car's set up and paint job. 68 Short Description Enthusia Professional Racing is a racing game for the PlayStation 2. Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Developer Developed or released on Publisher Konami 2005 Konami Polyphony Digital 1997 Virgin Interactive Entertainment , Ltd. 1994 Appendix 3 - 29 Screenshot Source/URL http://www.konami.j p/gs/game/enthusia/ eng/crs/c11.html Sony Computer Entertainment http://www.us.playst ation.com/granturis mo/products_gt1_ho me.asp Electronics Art, Inc. http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/dos/ nascar‐racing Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Developed or released on Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer 69 Forza Motorsport Turn 10 Studios 2005 Microsoft Game Studios http://forzamotorspo rt.net/en‐ us/default.htm 70 FlightGear An epic racing game featuring more content and more ways to play than any racing title today. An innovative single‐player season mode puts you through a completely personalized racing calendar that includes more than 200 different events, including Circuit, Oval, Drag, Drift and Timed Events. An open‐source multi‐ platform flight simulator. FlightGear Developers & Contributors 1997 GNU General Public License, http://www.flightgea r.org/ 71 Ace Combat 2 Namco 1997 The game features several elements that are still used in other Ace Combat games: the ability for the camera to focus on the last target that was destroyed, and the ability to give wingmen orders. Appendix 3 - 30 Publisher Namco Screenshot Source/URL http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/ace‐ combat‐2 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games No Name Short Description Developer Developed or released on Publisher 72 Air Combat A semi‐realistic flight‐ sim/action game. You play as a freelance mercenary hired by world governments to strike against terrorists. The missions get harder as you proceed, but the money you earn for completing each mission makes it worthwhile. You can purchase additional aircraft and arms as you go along, as well as hire wingmen to make the going easier. Namco 1995 Namco Screenshot N/A Source/URL http://www.mobyga mes.com/game/air‐ combat In addition of the game mentioned above, following is a list (as provided in Wikipedia), compiled by a number of userx of various commercial on the shelf game that they have played/known. This list is indicative only. We have not verified this list, as some of this game may no longer available in the market. Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) Biological simulation * Equintium * Creatures series o Creatures o Creatures 2 o Creatures 3 * Dragon Seeds * Dragon Throne: Battle of Red Cliffs * E.V.O.: Search for Eden Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) Social simulation * Aa Yakyū Jinsei Icchokusen * Alter Ego * America Daitouryou Senkyo * Animal Crossing series o Animal Forest o Animal Crossing o Animal Crossing: Wild World * Chibi-Robo series Appendix 3 - 31 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) * Eco * Empire of the Ants * Evolution: The Game of Intelligent Life * Lion * Monster Rancher series o Monster Rancher o Monster Rancher 2 o Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout o Monster Rancher Battle Card: Episode II o Monster Rancher Battle Card Game o Monster Rancher Explorer o Monster Rancher 3 o Monster Rancher 4 o Monster Rancher EVO o Monster Rancher Advance o Monster Rancher Advance 2 o Monster Rancher Jamboree o Monster Farm Online * Odell Lake * Science Horizons Survival * Seventh Cross Evolution * SimAnt * SimEarth: The Living Planet * SimLife * Spore * Wolf Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) o Chibi-Robo o Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol * Crime and Punishment * Desperate Housewives: The Game * Executive Suite * GiFTPiA * Gossip * Headline Harry and The Great Paper Race * Jones in the Fast Lane * Kowloon Youma Gakuen Ki * Little Computer People * My Life My Love * Real Lives * The Sims series o The Sims(2000) + The Sims: Livin' Large(2000) + The Sims: House Party(2001) + The Sims: Hot Date (2001) + The Sims: Vacation (2002) + The Sims: Unleashed (2002) + The Sims: Superstar (2003) + The Sims: Makin' Magic(2003) o The Sims 2 (2004) + The Sims 2: University (2005) + The Sims 2: Nightlife (2005) + The Sims 2: Open for Business (2006) + The Sims 2: Pets (2006) + The Sims 2: Seasons (2007) + The Sims 2: Bon Voyage (2007) + The Sims 2: FreeTime (2008) + The Sims 2: Apartment Life (2008) o The Sims 3 (2009) Business simulation Aerobiz(Koei)(1992) Aerobiz Supersonic(Koei)(1993) Airline Tycoon(Spellbound)(1998) Airlines(Interactivision)(1994) Appendix 3 - 32 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) Airlines 2(InterActive)(2002) Airport Tycoon(Krisalis)(2000) Airport Tycoon 2(Sunstorm)(2003) Airport Tycoon 3(InterActive)(2003) Anno 1404(Related, Ubisoft, Blue Byte) Anno 1503: The New World(Max)(2003) Anno 1503: Treasures, Monsters and Pirates(Max)(2003) Anno 1602: Creation of a New World(Max)(1998) Anno 1701(Related)(2006) Anno 1701: Dawn of Discovery(Keen)(2007) Anno 1701: The Curse of the Dragon(Related)(2007) Atlantis Underwater Tycoon(Activision)(2003) A-Train(Artdink)(1992) A-Train 6(Artdink)(2004) A-Train HX(Artdink)(2008) Beach Life(Deep Red)(2002) Big Biz Tycoon(Animedia)(2002) Big Biz Tycoon 2(2head)(2003) Big Business(DigiTek)(1990) Black Gold (a.k.a. Oil Imperium)(reLINE)(1989) BossInGame Business Game(Advanccing)(2008) Business Tycoon(Stardock)(2000) Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space(Strategic)(1993) Capitalism(Enlight)(1995) Capitalism Plus(Enlight)(1996) Car Tycoon(Vectorcom)(2003) Carnival Cruise Line Tycoon 2005: Island Hopping(Artex)(2004) Casino Mogul(Monte Cristo)(2002) Casino Tycoon(Cat Daddy)(2001) Casino, Inc.(Hothouse)(2003) Casino, Inc: The Management(Hothouse)(2003) Catan(Big Huge)(2007) Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) * Singles: Flirt Up Your Life * Space Colony * Trust & Betrayal: The Legacy of Siboot * Viva Piñata * Wall Street Kid Government simulation * A Force More Powerful * Ars regendi| * Balance of Power * Commander in Chief (video game) * CyberJudas * Democracy series o Democracy o Democracy 2 * Floor 13 * Global Domination * Hidden Agenda * Medieval Lords: Soldier Kings of Europe * President Elect * President Forever 2008 + Primaries * Simcountry * The Cardinal of the Kremlin * The Doonesbury Election Game Campaign '96 * The Global Dilemma: Guns or Butter * The Political Machine * Tropico Sports management * 1-0 Soccer Manager * Badminton Championship Manager * Baseball Mogul series Appendix 3 - 33 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) Caterpillar Construction Tycoon(Gabriel)(2005) Chocolatier(Big Splash)(2007) Chris Sawyer's Locomotion(Chris Sawyer)(2004) Cinema Tycoon(Tikgames)(2005) Cinema Tycoon 2: Movie Mania()(2008) Coffee Tycoon(Jamopolis)(2005) Corporate Machine, The(Stardock)(2001) Cruise Ship Tycoon(Cat Daddy)(2003) Deep Sea Tycoon (a.k.a. Atlantis Underwater Tycoon)(Anarchy)(2003) Dino Island(Monte Cristo)(2002) Dino Island (a.k.a. Dyno Tycoon)(Monte Cristo)(2002) DinoPark Tycoon(MECC, Manley & Associates)(1993) Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon!(Red Cap)(2002) Drug Trafficking Tycoon(The Valley Authority)(2008) Drug Trafficking Tycoon 2-Addicted(TVA) Earth Orbit Stations(Karl Buiter)(1987) Elisabeth I.(Ascaron)(1995) Entrepreneur(Stardock)(1997) Europa 1400: The Guild(4HEAD)(2002) Fast Food Tycoon (a.k.a. Pizza Syndicate)(Software 2000)(2000) Fast Food Tycoon 2 (a.k.a. Pizza Connection 2)(Software 2000)(2001) Fish Tycoon(Last Day)(2004) Flamingo Tours(Sayonara)(1994) FreeTrain(Various) Fugger II, Die(Sunflowers)(1996) Fugger, Die(Ballhaus)(1988) Gadget Tycoon(Monte Cristo)(2001) Game Tycoon(Try Synergy)(2006) Gangsters 2: Vendetta(Hothouse)(2001) Gangsters: Organized Crime(Hothouse)(1998) Geniu$: The Tech Tycoon Game(Radon Labs)(2005) Golf Resort Tycoon(Cat Daddy)(2001) Appendix 3 - 34 Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) * Battrick * Blackout Rugby * Brasfoot * Championship Basketball Manager * Championship Manager series o Championship Manager o Championship Manager 93/94 o Championship Manager 2 o Championship Manager 96/97 o Championship Manager: Season 97/98 o Championship Manager 3 o Championship Manager: Season 01/02 o Championship Manager 4 o Championship Manager: Season 03/04 o Championship Manager 5 o Championship Manager 2006 o Championship Manager 2007 o Championship Manager (PSP) o Championship Manager Online * Chaos League * CSFBL (Computer Simulated Fantasy Baseball League) * Cyberfoot * Eastside Hockey Manager series o Eastside Hockey Manager o NHL Eastside Hockey Manager o NHL Eastside Hockey Manager 2005 o NHL Eastside Hockey Manager 2007 * Extreme Warfare * FIFA Manager series o FIFA Soccer Manager o FIFA Manager 06 o FIFA Manager 07 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) Golf Resort Tycoon II(Cat Daddy)(2002) Hanse: Die Expedition(Ascaron)(1994) Harvest Moon(Pack-In-Video)(1996) Harvest Moon 2(Pack-In-Video)(1999) Harvest Moon 3(Victor, Natsume)(2000) Harvest Moon 64(Toy Box, Victor)(1999) Harvest Moon DS(Marvelous)(2005) Harvest Moon DS Cute(Marvelous)(2005) Harvest Moon for Girls(Victor, Natsume)(2000) Harvest Moon GB(Victor)(1997) Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life(Marvelous)(2003) Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life(Marvelous)(2004) Harvest Moon: Back to Nature(Victor, Marvelous)(1999) Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town(Marvelous)(2003) Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness(Marvelous)(2007) Harvest Moon: Magical Melody(Marvelous)(2005) Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town(Marvelous)(2003) Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland(Victor)(2001) Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility(Marvelous)(2007) Heist(Virgin)(2001) Herrscher der Meere(NovaTrix)(1997) Hillsea Lido(Vulcan)(1995) Holiday World(Island)(2004) Hollywood Mogul(Hollywood Mogul Co.)(1997) Hospital Tycoon(DR)(2007) HotDogs HotGals(Fuzzyeyes)(2006) Industry Giant(JoWood)(1997) Industry Giant II(JoWood)(2002) Industry Giant: Expansion Set, The(JoWood)(1997) IndustryPlayer(Thomas Lehnert)(2007) Intopia()(1963) John Deere: American Farmer(Gabriel)(2004) Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) o FIFA Manager 08 * Footballer of the Year * Football Manager series o Football Manager o Football Manager 2005 o Football Manager 2006 o Football Manager 2007 o Football Manager 2008 o Football Manager 2009 * Formula One * Front Office Football * Front Page Sports Football * Gazza * Gladius * Grand Prix Manager * Grand Prix Manager 2 * Grand Prix World * Hattrick * Let's Make a Soccer Team! * LMA Manager series * Madden NFL series o Madden NFL '95 o Madden NFL '96 * NFL Head Coach * O'Leary Manager 2000 * Online football managers * Out of the Park Baseball * Player Manager * Premier Manager series o Premier Manager o Premier Manager 2 o Premier Manager 3 Appendix 3 - 35 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis(Blue Tongue)(2003) Kaiser Deluxe(Linel)(1995) Kosmos(AK)(1995) Legal Crime(Byte Enchanters)(1997) Lemonade Tycoon(Hexacto, Jamdat)(2002) Lemonade Tycoon 2(Jamdat)(2004) Lionel Trains: On Track(Black Lantern)(2006) Lula: The Sexy Empire(CDV)(1998) M.U.L.E.(Ozark)(1983) Machiavelli: The Prince(Holistic)(1995) Mad News(Ikarion)(1994) Mad TV(Rainbow)(1991) Mad TV 2(Greenwood)(1996) Maid's Story, The(C's Ware)(1997) Mall of America Tycoon(4HEAD)(2005) Mall Tycoon(Holistic)(2002) Mall Tycoon 2(Fusion Digital, Virtual Playground)(2003) Mall Tycoon 3(Cat Daddy)(2005) Marine Park Empire(Enlight)(2005) Maximum Capacity: Hotel Giant(Enlight)(2002) Merchant Colony(Impressions)(1991) Merchant Prince(Holistic)(1993) Merchant Prince II(Holistic)(2001) Miniconomy(Trade Games)(2002) Monopoly Tycoon(Deep Red)(2001) Moon Tycoon(Legacy)(2001) Movies, The(Lionhead, Robosoft)(2005) Movies: Stunts & Effects, The(Lionhead, Robosoft)(2006) Mugsy(Melbourne House)(1984) Mugsy's Revenge(Beam)(1986) Oil Barons(Epyx)(1983) Oil Tycoon(Soft)(2001) Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) o Premier Manager 64 * PureSim Baseball 2007 * Sim Dynasty Baseball * SimonT Hockey Simulator * Tactical Manager * Ultimate Soccer Manager * Winning Eleven Truck simulation * 18 Wheels of Steel series * Euro Truck Simulator Flight simulation * Ace Combat series o Air Combat o Ace Combat 2 o Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere o Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies o Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War o Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation o Ace Combat Advance o Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception o Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War * Falcon series o Falcon 4.0 o Falcon 4.0: Allied Force * FlightGear * Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator series o Combat Flight Simulator WWII Europe Series o Combat Flight Simulator 2 o Combat Flight Simulator 3: Battle for Europe * Microsoft Flight Simulator series Appendix 3 - 36 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) OpenTTD(Various) Patrician II: Quest for Power(Ascaron)(2000) Patrician III: Rise of the Hanse(Ascaron)(2003) Patrician, The(Ascaron)(1992) Pizza Tycoon (a.k.a. Pizza Connection)(Software 2000)(1994) Planer 3, Die(MadCat)(2003) Planer, Der(Greenwood)(1994) Playboy: The Mansion(Cyberlore)(2005) Port Royale 2(Ascaron)(2004) Port Royale: Gold, Power and Pirates(Ascaron)(2003) Ports of Call(Aegis)(1987) Prison Tycoon(Virtual Playground)(2005) Prison Tycoon 2: Maximum Security(Virtual Playground)(2006) Prison Tycoon 3: Lockdown(Virtual Playground)(2007) Prison Tycoon 4: Supermax(Virtual Playground)(2008) Railroad Tycoon 3(PopTop)(2003) Railroad Tycoon 3: Coast to Coast(PopTop)(2004) Railroad Tycoon II(PopTop)(1998) Restaurant Empire(Enlight)(2003) Rock Manager(PAN)(2002) RollerCoaster Tycoon(Chris Sawyer)(1999) RollerCoaster Tycoon 2(Chris Sawyer)(2002) RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Time Twister(Frontier)(2003) RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Wacky Worlds(Frontier)(2003) RollerCoaster Tycoon 3(Frontier)(2004) RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Soaked!(Frontier)(2005) RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Wild!(Frontier)(2005) RollerCoaster Tycoon: Corkscrew Follies(Chris Sawyer)(1999) RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes(Chris Sawyer)(2000) School District Tycoon(TVA) School Tycoon(Cat Daddy)(2004) SeaWorld Adventure Parks Tycoon(Deep Red)(2003) Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) o Flight Simulator 1.0 o Flight Simulator 2.0 o Flight Simulator 3.0 o Flight Simulator 4.0 o Flight Simulator 5.0 o Flight Simulator 5.1 o Flight Simulator 95 o Flight Simulator 98 o Flight Simulator 2000 o Flight Simulator 2002 o Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight o Microsoft Flight Simulator X Racing simulation * EA Sports F1 series o EA Sports F1 2000 o EA Sports F1 Championship Season 2000 o EA Sports F1 2001 o EA Sports F1 2002 o F1 Career Challenge o F1 Challenge '99-'02 * Enthusia Professional Racing * Forza Motorsport series o Forza Motorsport o Forza Motorsport 2 * Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix series o Formula One Grand Prix o Grand Prix 2 o Grand Prix 3 o Grand Prix 3 2000 o Grand Prix 4 Appendix 3 - 37 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) Shopping Centre Tycoon(Holistic)(2002) Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon(MicroProse)(1990) Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon Deluxe(MicroProse)(1993) Sid Meier's Railroads!(Firaxis)(2006) SimFarm(Maxis)(1993) SimHealth(Thinking Tools)(1994) SimTower(OPeNBooK)(1994) Simutrans(Hansjörg Malthaner, Various) Skateboard Park Tycoon(Cat Daddy)(2001) Ski Resort Tycoon(Cat Daddy)(2001) Snowboard Park Tycoon(Cat Daddy)(2002) StarTopia(Mucky Foot)(2001) Tabloid Tycoon(ValuSoft)(2005) Theme Hospital(Bullfrog)(1997) Theme Park(Bullfrog)(1994) Tower SP, The(Vivarium)(2005) Traffic Giant(JoWood)(2000) Trailer Park Tycoon(Jaleco)(2002) Transport Tycoon(Chris Sawyer)(1994) Trevor Chan's Capitalism II(Enlight)(2001) Tropico(PopTop)(2001) Tropico 2: Pirate Cove(Frog City)(2003) Tropico: Paradise Island(BreakAway)(2002) TV Tycoon(Niels Bauer)(2001) Tycoon City: New York(Deep Red)(2006) Vegas Tycoon(JoWood)(2003) Wet Attack: The Empire Cums Back(Interactive Strip)(1999) Wildlife Park(JoWood, Encore)(2003) Wildlife Park 2 (a.k.a. Wildlife Zoo)(Deep Silver)(2006) Windfall: The Oil Crisis Game(David Mullich)(1980) X: Beyond the Frontier(Egosoft)(1999) X2: The Threat(Egosoft)(2003) Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) * Gran Turismo (series) series o Gran Turismo o Gran Turismo 2 o Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec o Gran Turismo Concept o Gran Turismo 4 Prologue o Gran Turismo 4 o Gran Turismo HD Concept o Gran Turismo 5 Prologue * Grand Prix Legends * GT Legends * GTR series o GTR - FIA GT Racing Game o GTR - FIA GT Racing Game 2 * Indianapolis 500: The Simulation * IndyCar Racing series o IndyCar Racing o IndyCar Racing II * Live for Speed * Mobil 1 Rally Championship * NASCAR Racing series o NASCAR Racing o NASCAR Racing 2 o NASCAR Legends o NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition o NASCAR Craftsman Truck Racing o NASCAR Racing 3 o NASCAR Racing 4 o NASCAR Racing 2002 Season o NASCAR Racing 2003 Season * NASCAR Heat series o NASCAR Heat Appendix 3 - 38 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) X3: Reunion(Egosoft)(2005) X-Tension(Egosoft)(2000) Yoot Tower(OpeNBooK9003)(1998) Zapitalism(LavaMind)(1996) Zoo Empire(Enlight)(2004) Zoo Tycoon(Blue Fang)(2001) Zoo Tycoon 2(Blue Fang, MacSoft)(2004) Trade simulation * High Seas Trader * Interstellar Trader series o Interstellar Trader o Interstellar Trader 2 * Merchant Prince series o Merchant Prince o Machiavelli: The Prince o Merchant Prince II * Millennium Auction * Tradewinds series * Uncharted Waters series o Uncharted Waters o Uncharted Waters: New Horizons + Mobile Uncharted Waters II o Daikoukai Jidai Gaiden o Daikoukai Jidai III: Costa Del Sol o Daikoukai Jidai IV: Porto Estado + Daikoukai Jidai IV: Rota Nova o Uncharted Waters Online + Uncharted Waters Online La Frontera Photo simulation * Afrika Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) o NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona * netKar Pro * RACE series o RACE - The Official WTCC Game o RACE 07 - The Official WTCC Game * Racer * Rally Trophy * REVS * rFactor * Richard Burns Rally * Stunt Car Racer * SODA Off-Road Racing * Test Drive Unlimited * Viper Racing * Virtual Grand Prix 2 Submarine simulation * 688 Attack Sub * Jane's Combat Simulations: 688(I) Hunter/Killer * Aces of the Deep (video game) o Command Aces of the Deep * AquaNox * Dangerous Waters * Enigma: Rising Tide * Gato (computer game) * Operation Steel Tide * The Hunt for Red October (video game) * Red Storm Rising * SSN-21 Seawolf * Shells of Fury * Silent Hunter * Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific Appendix 3 - 39 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) * Pokemon Snap Appendix 3 Existing Simulation Games Game Name(developer)(Year Developed/Released) * Silent Hunter II * Silent Hunter III * Silent Hunter IV: The U-Boat Missions * Silent Service (video game) * Silent Service II * Silent Steel * Sub Battle Simulator * Sub Command * Tom Clancy's SSN * WolfPack Medical simulation * LifeSigns: Surgical Unit * Theme Hospital * Trauma Center series o Trauma Center: Under the Knife o Trauma Center: Second Opinion o Trauma Center: New Blood o Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 Appendix 3 - 40 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 4 Advertised Planner’s Tasks Appendix - 4 Advertised Planner’s Tasks(Sorted Data) Appendix 4 - 1 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 4 Advertised Planner’s Tasks Appendix 4 - 2 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training Appendix 4 Advertised Planner’s Tasks Appendix 4 - 3 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training System Appendix - 5 Prototype Code Code available on request To request the code please contact the following: Edwin Karema [email protected] Appendix 5 - 1 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training System Appendix - 6 Interview Question/Questioner ESMAP Evaluation Questioner/Interview Question Privacy and Confidentiality Agreement: This questioner will be used for educational purpose only. Interviewee identity will be kept confidential for all time. The interviewee has no obligation in anyway as the result of answering the question in this interview. The interviewee aware this interview is part of a research in master engineering. As a research subject, the interviewee has the right to refuse to participate and may withdraw at any time. A. Interviewee Background Please circle/highlight the most suit 1. Age Range a. 20-30 b. 30-40 c. 40-50 d . >50 2. Background a. Lecturer/Educator b. Maintenance Consultant c. Programmer d. EAM consultant d. Maintenance Planner B. Education Aspect 3. Do you think ESMAP/Simulation game provide an effective tool for educating a. new planner ( Yes/No) b. experienced planner (Yes/No) Comments: 4. Do you think the concept of using simulation game could reduce the seriousness of the education process Yes / No Comments: 5. Based on the prototype / explanation from the interviewer do you consider that this simulation game can provide a robust and consistent way of assessing planner competency? Yes / No Comments: 6. Do you agree that planner competency should not be assessed only based on content retention, but through their behaviour change? Does the prototype serve that purpose Yes / No Comments: 7. Full version of ESMAP allow trainer to assess student competency in 3 way, through game, short test and final test. What other method of evaluation should be included in Appendix 6 - 1 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training System ESMAP Comments: 8. For maintenance planning training, which aspect of simulation game that most support the concept of educational tool?(please choose/rank) a. Portability b. Provision of different scenarios c. Customisation fit to company purpose d. Customisation fit to students pace e. Self engage f. Cost Comments: 9. In the prototype which features will give most benefits for maintenance planning training a. Customisation b. Notes taker c. Actual data uploader d. Actual Virtual Library e. Others_____________________________________________ Comments: C. Course Content Only answer this sections if you have been exposed to maintenance planning in your work experience 10. ESMAP Stage 1 aims to train planner in risk analysis. Is this content applicable /useable for their daily tasks? Yes / No Comments: 11. ESMAP Stage2 aims to train planner in preparing work package. Is this content applicable /useable for their daily tasks? Yes / No Comments: 12. ESMAP Stage3 aims to train planner in reviewing work package. Is this content applicable /useable for their daily tasks? Yes / No Comments: 13. ESMAP Stage4 aims to train planner in managing bill of material. Is this content Appendix 6 - 2 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training System applicable /useable for their daily tasks? Yes / No Comments: 14. What other content should be added into the simulation game to improve planner skills/competency? D. Entertainment Aspect 15. What kind of entertainment aspects do you expect from the simulation game to increase your attention to the game, and engage you to play more?( please choose/rank the following) • Challenging mission to conquer a title of master planner • Appreciation sounds/ “booing” sound based on the actions • Competing with opponents • Competing with time • Treasure hunt type scenario ( try to obtain random reward which may drop after successfully completing certain tasks) • Advance 3d movie Comments: 16. Do you consider having the capability to play as a team or compete with real opponent as a main factor that will engage you to play more Comments: 17. Does simulation game with very basic multimedia effect reduce your interest in the game? Yes / No Comments: E. Design Aspect Only answer this sections if you have been exposed to software design/database/ programming experience 18. Does the data structure provide ease of maintainability and expansion capability? Yes / No Comments: Appendix 6 - 3 Edwin Karema 2010 Requirements for Developing a Simulation Game for Maintenance Planner Training System 19. In your opinion how you evaluated ESMAP design? Comments: F. Miscellaneous 20. Do you consider the simulation game will significantly more effective and entertaining if it is developed as online tools? Yes / No Comments: 21. Please provide any other feedback that you considered will be useful for improving the outcome of the simulation game Comments: Appendix 6 - 4 Edwin Karema 2010