PORT ANTONIO PRIMARY SCHOOL INSPECTION REPORT Principal: Mrs. Leonie McDonald Board Chair: Ms. Gaile Seymour National Education Inspectorate Inspection Date: January 23- 27, 2012 Report Issued: July 9, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 Key Questions ............................................................................................................ 1 The Five-point Scale .................................................................................................. 2 Consistency in terminology ........................................................................................ 2 Profile ......................................................................................................................... 3 School‟s Demographics ................................................................................... 3 Socio-economic Context .................................................................................. 3 Executive Summary ................................................................................................... 4 Overall effectiveness of the school .................................................................. 4 Findings of School Inspection .................................................................................... 6 1) School Leadership and Management .......................................................... 6 2) Teaching Support for Learning .................................................................... 7 3) Students‟ Academic Performance ............................................................... 9 4) Students‟ Academic Progress ................................................................... 10 5) Students‟ Personal and Social Development............................................. 11 6) Use of Human and Material Resources .................................................... 13 7) Curriculum and Enhancement Programmes.............................................. 14 8) Student Safety, Security, Health and Wellbeing ........................................ 15 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................ 17 Further Action ........................................................................................................... 17 List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ......................................................................... 18 Appendices .............................................................................................................. 19 Appendix 1 - Record of Inspection Activities ................................................. 20 Appendix 2 - Inspection Indicators................................................................. 21 Appendix 3 - National Test Data .................................................................... 40 ii National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Introduction The National Education Inspectorate (NEI) is responsible for making an assessment of the standards attained by the students in our primary and secondary schools at key points during their education. It is the aim of the NEI to report on how well students perform or improve, as they progress through their schooling and learning life. The NEI is also charged with the responsibility to make recommendations to support improvement in the quality of the provision and outcomes for all learners. During school inspections, our trained inspectors observe classroom lessons, interview members of the school‟s staff, students individually and in small groups. Inspectors also look at samples of student work and study various school documents provided before and during the inspection. Additionally, School Inspectors hold meetings with the principal and senior members of the staff to get clarity on their roles and responsibilities at the school. Please see the Inspection Indicators (Appendix 2) used by School Inspectors to assist in forming judgements about a school‟s progress. Key Questions The inspection indicators are structured as a set of eight key questions that inspectors ask about the educational provision and performance of every school. These are: 1. How effectively is the school led and managed by the Board, the principal and senior management team and middle leadership? 2. How effectively does the teaching support the students´ learning? 3. How well do students perform in national and/or regional tests and assessments? (For infants: in relation to age-related expectations) 4. How much progress do students make in relation to their starting points? 5. How good is the students´ personal and social development? 6. How effectively does the school use the human and material resources at its disposal to help the students achieve as well as they can? 7. How well do the curriculum and any enhancement programmes meet the needs of the students? 8. How well does the school ensure everyone‟s security, health, safety and wellbeing? 1 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report The Five-point Scale Inspectors make judgements according to a five-point scale. The five levels on the scale are defined as follows: Level 5 – Exceptionally high quality of performance or provision Level 4 – Good: the expected level for every school. Achieving this level in all aspects of its performance and provision should be a realistic goal for every school Level 3 – Satisfactory: the minimum level of acceptability required. All key aspects of performance and provision in every school should reach or exceed this level Level 2 – Unsatisfactory: quality not yet at the level acceptable for schools. Schools are expected to take urgent measures to improve the quality of any aspect of their performance or provision that is judged at this level. Action on the inspectors‟ recommendations for improvement is mandatory Level 1 – Needs Immediate Support: quality is very low. Schools are expected to take immediate action to improve the quality of any aspect of their performance or provision that is judged at this level. Action on the inspectors‟ recommendations for improvement is mandatory. Consistency in terminology The following terms are used consistently throughout the indicators with the following definitions: All Almost all Most Many Some Few None 100% 90% to 99% 75% to 89% 50% to 74% 21% to 49% 1% to 20% 0 2 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Profile School’s Demographics School Name: Locale: Parish: School Code: Gender: School Organization: Size: Attendance Rate: Capacity: Enrolment: No. of Teachers: Pupil-Teacher Ratio: Owned by: Port Antonio Primary Urban Portland 04031 Co-educational Shift Class V 80% 395 1060 45 27:1 Government Socio-economic Context Port Antonio Primary School evolved from the former Oliver Park Intermediate School. The school was built to accommodate 650 students. However, the rapid growth in the student population led to the building of additional accommodation for a further 200 students. The site on which the school is built was once a park where the community along with the constabulary force played cricket and used for annual sporting activities. Hence, it was called „Police Park‟. Fifty-two years have passed and the school still bears the name, „Park school.‟) The present Principal has been in the position approximately four (4) years; she was appointed in 2008. The school operates a shift system because of the great influx of students who are drawn from the communities of: Anchovy, Prospect, John Town, Folly, Wain Road, Sommers Town, West Retreat, Boundbrook, Port Antonio and other neighbouring communities. There are also three American students. Most of the students are from a low socio-economic background. Many parents are unemployed, some are domestic helpers, some work in the tourist industry in various capacities and still others work in business places around Port Antonio. The area is affected by many social problems; however, the Guidance Department has programmes in place to assist these students. Presently, there are approximately 300 students on the PATH programme. 3 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Executive Summary Overall effectiveness of the school The overall effectiveness of the Port Antonio Primary School is unsatisfactory Leadership and management is satisfactory The leadership is firm with a clear vision for the school and receives the support of representatives of all stakeholder groups in implementing the vision. Self-evaluation is a priority and there is a committee in place consisting of representatives from stakeholder groups that monitors the process and activities for self-evaluation. The efforts of leadership towards school improvement are not reflected in students‟ progress. The Board is fully constituted, has good insight and understands the education system. It meets regularly with the staff to set targets and state expectations. Satisfactory relationships exist between the parents, the local community and the school and many parents are satisfied with the quality, type and frequency of communication received from the school. Teaching and learning is satisfactory The teaching methods used by teachers are satisfactory and most have well developed weekly lesson plans with clearly defined, appropriate objectives. Assessment is a continuous process and takes various forms. It is used to track students‟ achievement, identify students‟ strengths and weaknesses; indicate what they have learnt and to help them to understand what they need to do next. Many students can apply their learning experiences to new and real life situations and demonstrate satisfactory concept learning and progress through simple problem-solving skills. Performance in English and mathematics is unsatisfactory Although the students performed above the national average in language arts in the Grade Four Literacy Test, they were below the regional average in 2010 and equal to or below both national and regional averages throughout the period in Grade Four Numeracy. In the Grade Six Achievement Test, they performed below the national average in both subjects. The female students continue to out-perform the male students, but the gap has been narrowing in both English and mathematics, Overall progress in English and mathematics is unsatisfactory Satisfactory progress is made in English but unsatisfactory progress in mathematics. The school‟s performance in Grade Four Literacy improved only slightly between 2008 and 2010 showed no improvement in GSAT during this period. However students made progress in all grades during lessons and over time. In mathematics, there was a was a decline on performance in the Grade Four Literacy and slight progress in GSAT with only some students making a little progress during lessons. Overall, students’ personal and social development is satisfactory Most students of the Port Antonio Primary school display satisfactory behaviour in and out of class and most attend school regularly. Most display a fair understanding of their civic responsibility, are aware of the national emblems and are able to give basic information about 4 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report the national symbols. Students‟ economic awareness is adequate and most students appreciate the value of working and earning money to take care of the family. Most have well developed understanding of national and global environmental issues. They are able to identify countries that were affected by natural disasters and are able to recall that many Haitians came to Jamaica by boat after the earthquake in their country in search of a better life. Many know about hurricane, tsunamis and flooding in various parts of the world and their impact on the environment. The school’s use of its human and material resources is satisfactory The school has its full complement of staff, satisfactorily deployed to deliver the curriculum. Though the staff makes satisfactory use of the available teaching and learning material resources, the school lacks some necessary resources. Electronic technology devices and textbooks are insufficient. The school buildings are well laid out and effectively utilized to promote teaching and learning and most teachers make satisfactory use of the available material. Curriculum provisions and enhancement programmes are satisfactory The Ministry of Education‟s Revised Primary Curriculum is modified, adapted and used to cater to the needs of the students including those students who have learning challenges. The programmes put in place for the enhancement of the curriculum are good. Cross-curricular links and extra-curricular activities form a part of the enhancement programmes of the school. Provisions for safety, security, health and wellbeing are satisfactory The school has a safety and security policy which is being implemented and there are adequate security personnel to man the operations at the school. Similarly there are good programmes in place to address the health and wellbeing of all students. There are good relationships among teacher and students which promotes good mental health. Inspectors identified the following key strengths in the work of the school: Thorough governance of the school Highly qualified teaching staff Provisions for health and wellbeing are commendable Students‟ environmental knowledge and awareness is good How effective is the school overall? The overall effectiveness of the school is unsatisfactory 5 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Findings of School Inspection 1) School Leadership and Management How effectively is the school led and managed by the Board, the principal and senior management team and middle leadership? Overall, leadership and management is satisfactory School-based leadership and management is satisfactory The leadership is firm with a clear vision for the school. It receives the support of representatives of all stakeholder groups in implementing the vision. The school operates through various committees such as the School Development, Disciplinary, Cultural, Sports, Curriculum Development and School Improvement Planning Committees. The Principal and staff have good interpersonal relationships. Although there are differences of opinion sometimes, the school has a culture where students‟ learning and progress are prioritized. Instructional leadership is visible as the Principal visits classrooms for observation of teaching and gives feedback to teachers orally and in written form. All members of staff are consistently held accountable for their performance and that of their students. Self-evaluation and school improvement planning is satisfactory The school has a committee in place consisting of representatives from stakeholder groups which monitor the process and activities for self-evaluation; for example, feedback is received through the use of questionnaires and regular meetings held for the general critique of school. These methods allow the school to assess its performance and determine the strengths and weaknesses and possible strategies for improvement. The school develops its priorities based on the findings of the self-evaluation team. Teacher and student performance are closely monitored by the Principal, School Management Team (SMT) and the Board which has vested interest in these areas. Therefore, regular assessment of teachers‟ performance is done as instructional leaders and SMTs make frequent observation visits to classes and provide feedback to teachers and appropriate actions taken where necessary. The major staff appraisal required by the Ministry of Education is completed in the final term of each school year. However, more student input is needed in the self-evaluation process. Governance is good The Board of the Port Antonio Primary school is fully constituted and meets regularly. It has good insight and understands the education system, therefore it meets regularly with the staff to set targets and state expectations; for example, the Board analysed the results of the Grade Four Literacy Test and set targets for improvement in the schools‟ performance. The Board impacts positively on the school and is able to guide the school and give advice on certain policy matters. Good relationships exist between Board and staff. Members have good knowledge of the school and interface well with the staff. The school‟s leadership is rigorously held to account for its performance and detailed reports on the school‟s finances and the 6 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report performance of teachers and students is required at each regularly constituted meeting. Regular audits of the school‟s account are done as the Board Chairman has expertise in this area. Working along with the Principal, the Board has been effective in improving relationships within the school, improving discipline and changing the overall culture of the school. Relationship with parents and local community is satisfactory Satisfactory relationships exist between the parents, local community and the school. Many parents are satisfied with the quality, type and frequency of communication received from the school through term reports, circulars, telephone calls, Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meetings and one to one interface. Most parents express appreciation for the open door policy where they are able to visit the school and speak to the teachers at any time. Some parents visit the school regularly, assist teachers in classes, do odd jobs and help to maintain a clean environment. Community members sometimes give assistance to the school; for example, Port Antonio Youth Club helps to paint the school and the community organizes clean up days to clean the yard and drains. Links are also forged with local agencies, such as the GNED group which tiled the bathrooms and the Chess Club of Port Antonio which is assisting with the school‟s newly formed chess club. Some parents though are demanding more communication from the school. How effectively is the school led and managed by the Board, the principal and senior management team? 1-6 Grades School-based leadership and management Satisfactory Self-evaluation and improvement planning Satisfactory Good Governance Satisfactory Relations with parents and community 2) Teaching Support for Learning How effectively does the teaching support the students’ learning? Overall, teaching in support of learning is satisfactory The teachers’ knowledge of the subjects they teach is satisfactory Most teachers demonstrate satisfactory grasp of their subject content. This is evident in the quality of their preparation, introductory activities, and the varying teaching strategies used. Many teachers demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of how best students learn and cater to this in their lessons through the effective use of the questioning technique, grouping and other teaching and learning activities. Some teachers reflect on the impact of their teaching. This is observed in some lesson evaluations. 7 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Teaching methods are satisfactory Most teachers have well developed weekly lesson plans with clearly defined, appropriate objectives. Some had illustrations and used resources such as the prescribed text, dictionaries, teacher-made charts, word cards, articles and objects in the classroom to help reinforce the content. They use a variety of strategies and methods such as grouping, discussion and drama to stimulate students‟ interest in classes. The use of technology was very minimal with only one teacher observed using a cell phone to enhance her lesson. Many lessons are well paced and progress steadily as teachers use resources such as handouts and flash cards to help most students complete their tasks successfully. In most cases, tasks target are achieved within the specified time. In a few instances, the actual teaching time was not effectively. The quality of teacher and student interaction is for the most part good and some attempts are made to differentiate instruction. Some lessons however are teacher focused. Students’ assessment is satisfactory The school has an assessment policy which is being implemented. Assessment is a continuous process throughout the school. It takes forms such as written tests, oral questioning, drama, projects and portfolios. It is used to track student achievement, identify students‟ strengths and weaknesses, to indicate what they have learned, and to help them to understand what they need to do next. Assessment is also catered to in the delivery process, as teacher facilitate students‟ questions and asks questions in order to ensure students‟ participation and ultimately students‟ understanding of the concept. This is also a strategy which keeps students on task for sustained periods. However, there are not many opportunities for students to do selfassessment and students‟ books do not reflect many useful comments to help them to make improvement. Student learning is satisfactory Most students are highly motivated, keen to learn and attentive. They actively participate in classes and in many instances, work collaboratively, particularly in group activities and make good use of their time. Many can apply their learning experiences to new and real life situations and demonstrate satisfactory concept learning and progress through simple problem-solving skills. How effectively does the teaching support the students´ learning? 1-6 Grades Teachers´ subject knowledge and how best to teach the subject Satisfactory Teaching methods Satisfactory Assessment Satisfactory Students´ learning Satisfactory 8 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 3) Students’ Academic Performance How well do the students perform in national and/or regional tests and assessments? Overall, students’ performance is unsatisfactory in national tests Students’ performance in English is unsatisfactory The Grade Four Literacy Test results indicate that Port Antonio Primary performed slightly above the national averages by two per cent in 2008, one per cent in 2009 and more significantly so by ten per cent in 2010, with averages of 71, 68 and 75 per cent respectively. These were above the regional average in 2008 by three points, equalled the 2009 value at 68 per cent, but below the 2010 regional average by 25 per cent. The Grade Four Literacy target set for each primary level school by the Ministry of Education is 100 per cent mastery, which is to be achieved by 2015. Therefore, Port Antonio Primary will need to increase their average by five per cent each year to meet this target. In the Grade Six Achievement Test, the school performed slightly below the national averages from 2008 to 2011 by between two and four percentage points. Performance in GSAT English trended downwards during 2009 to 2011 but the female students continued to out-perform their male counterparts. The gender gap in language arts gender gap was 12 percentage points in 2008 but this narrowed towards the end of the period to six points in 2011. Students’ performance in mathematics is unsatisfactory In 2009 (cohort 1), the school‟s average mastery in Grade Four Numeracy was 41 per cent; this was slightly below the national (42 per cent) and was on par with the regional averages. In 2010, the school‟s average (35 per cent) declined by six percentage points. It was three and two percentage points below both national (38 per cent) and regional (37 per cent) averages respectively. The Grade Four Numeracy target set for each primary level school by the Ministry of Education is 85 per cent mastery, which is to be achieved by 2015. The school will need to increase their average mastery by ten per cent each year to meet this target. Results for GSAT showed that the school performed below the national averages in mathematics for the period 2008 to 2011 by between four and seven percentage points. The gender gap which was 12 percentage points in 2008 narrowed to one per cent by the end of the review period with the female students out-performing the male students throughout. How well do the students perform in national and/or regional tests and assessments? 1-6 Grades How well do the students perform in National or regional tests and examinations in English?e How well do the students perform in National or regional tests and examinations in mathematics?l 9 Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 4) Students’ Academic Progress How much progress do the students make in relation to their starting points? Overall, progress in mathematics and English is unsatisfactory Students’ progress in English is satisfactory The Grade 1 Readiness (2006) showed students performing above the national level in numberletter knowledge by seven per cent. They made satisfactory progress to Grade 4. This same cohort at Grade 4 performed above the national average by one per cent in the Grade Four Literacy Test but by Grade 6, performance was below the national average by four per cent in the GSAT examinations in 2011. The school‟s performance in Grade Four Literacy over time improved only slightly during the period, from 71 per cent in 2008 to 68 per cent in 2009 and 75 per cent in 2010, but remained almost flat in GSAT, fluctuating slightly between 51 per cent and 55 per cent throughout. Better progress is made in the lower grades than in the upper grades. Observations made during lessons, seat work, some worksheets and test scores recorded in teachers‟ mark books show that students make satisfactory progress. In Grade 6, most students were able to use adjectives of comparison while in a Grade 5 class, many were able to differentiate between a friendly and a business letter, and in Grade 4, many students could write a weather report. Grade 3 students are giving the definition for homophones and using them in sentences correctly, while in Grade 2, many students could identify verbs. Across the grades oral and written activities show that students are making progress in this subject. Students’ progress in mathematics is unsatisfactory Many students do not make expected progress in mathematics. Tracking of the 2005 Grade 1 cohort, reveal that they entered the school with an average readiness of 75 per cent in number letter knowledge. Even though most of the cohort (75%) displayed readiness only 41 per cent were able to attain numeracy mastery four years later at Grade 4. The schools performance over time decreased from 41 per cent in 2009 to 35 per cent in 2010 in the Grade Four Numeracy Test. In GSAT, after an initial decline from 51 per cent in 2008 to 48 per cent in 2009, there was incremental progress to 57 per cent in 2011. Some students make progress during lesson. For example, in Grade 6 students are able to justify reasons for the decisions they make while solving problems. Many students are also able to complete class activity independently after concept is taught. However, most students‟ records show decline at Grades 2 to 3 and many workbooks reflect little progress being made. According to the records, only approximately 44 per cent of the students are making acceptable levels of progress. Some students‟ achievement records are incomplete at the Grades 1 to 3 levels in many instances and tracking of students‟ progress becomes a challenge. 10 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report How much progress do the students make, in relation to their starting points? 1-6 Grades How much progress do the students make in relationship to their starting points in English?e How much progress do the students make in relationship to their starting points in mathematics? Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 5) Students’ Personal and Social Development How good is the students’ personal and social development? Overall students’ personal and social development is satisfactory The students’ behaviour and attitudes are satisfactory Most students display satisfactory behaviour in and out of class. They stand and greet visitors who enter their classes and speak politely to their teachers. During lessons they respond well to their teachers and are very helpful to each other as they work in groups. Some boys, however, have to be constantly reminded that they should walk briskly to their classes and not run because of the imminent danger. Punctuality and attendance is satisfactory Most students on both shifts attend school regularly. The school attendance log and other supporting documents show the students‟ daily attendance record averaging between 80 and 90 per cent daily. Most students hurry to class as they hear the bell for the start of classes. The civic understanding and spiritual awareness of the students are satisfactory Most students display good understanding of their civic responsibility. Most students are aware of the national emblems and are able to give basic information about the national symbols. For example, students interviewed were able to name the colours of the national flag, and tell what each colour means. Most students are aware of aspects of Jamaica‟s culture and are able to give demonstration of Kumina and Quadrille dances. Students speak enthusiastically about Bob Marley and the importance of Reggae music. Strong spiritual awareness is developed at the school through inspiring devotions at the start of each shift and the saying of grace before and after meals. Students’ economic awareness is satisfactory Most students appreciate the value of working and earning money to take care of the family. Students interviewed are able to name occupations of their parents and state the many uses of the money their parents earned. They understand the reasons for paying taxes, for example they are able to state that GCT is a part of the taxes government earns in order to pay salaries to workers, to build schools and hospitals. 11 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Many students are able to speak about foreign exchange that the government earns from mining and tourism. They are able to explain that Portlanders benefit from rafting on the Rio Grande River and the sale of crafts products to tourists. However, many students have limited knowledge about Jamaica‟s external trading partners even though they are able to tell what imports and exports mean. The students’ knowledge and understanding of their environment is good The students of Port Antonio Primary school have good knowledge of national and global environmental issues. Most are able to identify countries that were affected by natural disasters and are able to recall that many Haitians came to Jamaica by boat after the earthquake in their country. They know about hurricane, tsunamis and flooding in various parts of the world and the impact that flooding, landslides and land slippage have had on that part of the island and suggested that the planting of trees will prevent flooding and increase the oxygen in the air. Students are able to explain how the burning of garbage can do great damage to the ozone layer and should therefore be avoided. Most students know how to care for the environment to make it safe, beautiful and productive. They are able to give reasons for proper garbage management system and suggest that poorly managed garbage will pollute the environment, breed insect and rodents and cause air-borne and water-borne diseases. The school through its earthquake sensitization programmes ensures that the students are aware of what steps to be taken in the case of an earthquake. Most students are able to demonstrate proper safety procedures to follow. For example, many students are able to demonstrate how to stand in doorways, protect themselves by going under tables or moving into open spaces. The school has an environmental club and a beautification programme and great effort is made by many students to keep the premises clean and attractive. However, there are some students who litter some sections of the compound despite the availability of garbage bins. How good is the students´ personal and social development? 1-6 Grades Students´ behavior and attitudes Satisfactory Punctuality and attendance Satisfactory Civic understanding and spiritual awareness Satisfactory Economic awareness and understanding Satisfactory Environmental awareness and understanding Good 12 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 6) Use of Human and Material Resources How effectively does the school use the human and material resources at its disposal to help the students achieve as well as they can? Overall, the use of human and material resources is satisfactory The quality of human resources is satisfactory The school has the good complement of qualified, teaching staff consisting of 46 members who all have teaching qualifications. Most have additional qualifications inclusive of two with Master‟s Degrees, 37 with Bachelor‟s Degrees, six with diplomas and one with a teaching certificate. The school also has 11 support staff; this includes an administrative assistant, two cooks and three regular watchmen. All staff are satisfactorily deployed and complement each other for students to achieve good standards. The staff is encouraged to upgrade their skills and attend workshops and seminars and staff development session is scheduled. The use of human resources is satisfactory The staff is satisfactorily deployed by the Principal and School Management Team (SMT) based on the needs of the students, teacher competence, and teachers‟ qualifications and sometimes by teachers‟ requests. Staff attendance registers show that many teachers attend school regularly and are usually on time for their classes. The support staff complements the teaching staff in ensuring a clean and safe environment and preparation of healthy meals so that the teaching/learning process can be enhanced. External and internal workshops are conducted to help staff with personal and professional development. However, some teachers arrive late for school. The quality and quantity of material resources are satisfactory While the quality of the school premises is adequate as buildings are clean and well laid out and classroom environment is interesting and conducive to learning in many instances, other important resources are in short supply. There are relevant, colourful instructional materials and manipulatives, which enhance student learning but the library though well stocked has very little space and cannot accommodate a full class. In many classes, insufficient textbooks force students‟ to share. This makes completion of some activities very time consuming. The playfield is water logged whenever it rains, depriving students of space to do some activities and forcing them to use the paved area in front of the classrooms. This is sometimes distracting to the classes nearby. Electronic technological devices are also insufficient, for the population of over 1000 students; there are only eleven working computers and there is limited quantity of DVDs, projectors, CDs and other electronic devices to support student learning. Much of the furniture at the school is old and dilapidated. The use of material resources is satisfactory The school buildings are well laid out and effectively utilized to promote teaching and learning. Classrooms are arranged to maximise the use of space and text books are extensively used in some classes to assist student learning. There is sufficient use of visual aids, hands on manipulative and technology to support quality teaching and learning. Allocation of time in the school‟s time table is adequate. Premises and resources are organized to satisfactorily support teaching and learning. 13 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report How effectively does the school use the human and material resources at its disposal to help the students achieve as well as they can? 1-6 Grades Human resources Satisfactory Use of human resources Satisfactory Material resources – quality and quantity Satisfactory Use of material resources Satisfactory 7) Curriculum and Enhancement Programmes How well do the curriculum and any enhancement programmes meet the needs of the students? Overall, curriculum provisions and enhancement programmes are satisfactory Provisions for curriculum are satisfactory The Ministry of Education‟s Revised Primary Curriculum is modified, adapted and used to cater to the needs of the students including those students who have learning challenges. Common planning time is used to plan strategies to improve curriculum delivery and to maintain continuity, progression and coverage through review of goals and the use of on-going assessment. Efforts are made to make the curriculum relevant to all students; for example, there is a special “pull out” programme for the less able students who are performing well below the expected standard to assist them in reaching minimum academic standards in literacy. Some of these students return to their former groups and are able to master the Grade Four Literacy Test. Enhancement programmes are good The programmes put in place for the enhancement of the curriculum at Port Antonio Primary school are good. Cross-curricular links and extra-curricular activities form a part of the enhancement programmes of the school. There are a number of clubs which are time tabled and include 4H, Spelling Bee, Bible and Young Writers clubs. Among the supporting activities are a reading competition and a Maths Day which are annual events. Students are also taken on field trips and are exposed to resource persons in an effort to broaden students‟ learning experiences. Students‟ learning is supported by a small computer lab which is used to provide access to students and teachers particularly those in the “pull out” programme. However, the size of the lab is inadequate to support the growing needs of the students and the size of the school‟s population. The school has good links with the local environment and the community. For example the local Police Youth Club which is based at the school and a nearby hotel offer assistance to the school in the form of work days to improve the physical plant and the provision of scholarships for students respectively. 14 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report How well do the curriculum and any enhancement programmes meet the needs of the students? 1-6 Grades How well does the curriculum meet the needs of the students? How well do the enhancement programmes meet the needs of the students? Satisfactory Good 8) Student Safety, Security, Health and Wellbeing How well does the school ensure everyone’s safety, security, health and wellbeing? Overall student safety, security, health and wellbeing is satisfactory Provisions for safety and security are satisfactory The school has a safety and security policy which is being implemented and there are adequate security personnel to man the operations at the school. There is a gate security guard on duty every day and watching service consisting of six watchmen; three relief who are assigned to week-ends and three assigned during the week. The guard monitors the gate for persons entering and leaving the premises and ensures students do not have free access to the street. There is a perimeter fence to the front of the school but some sections are in disrepair. The majority of the compound is secured with a concrete wall to the back. However, the wall is low and allows people to cross over it easily and use the premises as a thoroughfare. The school has covered walk-ways that allow for free movement to most sections of the buildings, regardless of weather conditions. Safety is further heightened by conducting regular earthquake and fire drills and students are made aware of evacuation points which are established according to the blocks. There are fire extinguishers which are placed at strategic points including the canteen. . Most classrooms are clean and there are bins in rooms on corridors and in other areas for garbage collection. No major accidents have occurred in recent times, however, two teachers are assigned chiefly to transport injured persons to the clinic or hospital. The tuck shop and canteen have adequate workers with valid Food Handlers Permit or some persons are in the renewal process. There is a water cistern with illustrations for proper hand washing drawn on the wall. However, there are uncovered drains around the compound. These are danger threats for both students and teachers. In addition waste water settles in a gutter located at the back of the premises breathing mosquitoes and looking unsightly. Provisions for students’ health and wellbeing are good Commendable relationships exist between teachers and students. The relationship between staff and students is cordial and most students display good behavior and are mannerly in class. Behavioral issues are dealt with by the Guidance Counselors and the Vice Principals and there is a committee comprising Guidance Counselors, teachers and parents that develops a Critical Incident Plan. The academic staff provides good support for students and is always willing to give advice where necessary. The school has a well-structured guidance and counseling programme where counsellors have sessions with individual classes, do home visits, hold workshops, have small group and individual sessions, and make presentations at PTA meetings. There are other programmes that are being implemented; for example, counselors 15 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report do fund raising and seek sponsorship to support a daily breakfast programme, provide uniform, travel expenses and other school materials and lunch for needy students. Counselors provide some teaching and learning manipulatives that are used to enhance the curriculum. There are some students also benefit from the PATH programme How well does the school ensure everyone´s safety, security, health and wellbeing? 1-6 Grades Provisions for safety and security Satisfactory Provision for health and wellbeing Good 16 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Recommendations We recommend that the school takes the following actions to make further improvement: 1. The Principal, Board and senior management staff to: a. Identify and implement strategies to improve the levels of attainment and student progress in language arts and mathematics across grade levels but particularly at the Grades 4 and 6 levels by the beginning of the summer term 2012. b. Identify funding to provide a proper drainage system for the school, clear all blocked drains and to cover all open trenches around the school immediately. c. Identify funding to purchase needed teaching/learning gadgets, particularly electronic devices to improve the quality of curriculum delivery, enhance differentiated teaching/learning and to make students more competitive. 2. Principal and board to make request of the Ministry of Education for replacement of damaged furniture and for additional new furniture that is suitable for the various age groups and grade levels or for Principal, Board and PTA to identify funding to undertake the repairs and replacement of furniture. By the beginning of the Summer Term 2012. 3. The School Management Team to: a. Improve the teaching of mathematics and English by assessing the weaknesses and putting programmes in place to improve teacher competence in the areas. b. Assess the reasons for variation in rates of progress at the different school levels. Further Action The school has been asked to prepare an action plan indicating how it will address the recommendations of this report. The action plan will be sent to the National Educational Inspectorate and the Regional Education Authority within two months of the school‟s receiving the written report. The next inspection will report on the progress made by the school. Maureen Dwyer Chief Inspector of Education National Educational Inspectorate 17 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report List of Abbreviations and Acronyms CAPE CCSLC CSEC GNAT GSAT HEART ICT IT ISSA JSAS JTA MOE NEI PATH PTA SIP SJE SMT Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate Grade Nine Achievement Test Grade Six Achievement Test Human Employment and Resource Training Information and Communication Technology Information Technology Inter Secondary Schools‟ Association Jamaica Schools Administration System Jamaica Teachers Association Ministry of Education National Education Inspectorate Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education Parent Teacher Association School Improvement Plan Standard Jamaican English School Management Team 18 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Appendices Appendix 1 - Record of Inspection Activities Appendix 2 - Inspection Indicators Appendix 3 – National Test Data 19 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Appendix 1 - Record of Inspection Activities Evidence for this report was based on the following: Total number of lessons or part lessons observed 78 English Maths Other Number of lessons or part lessons observed [Primary] 31 32 15 Number of lessons or part lessons observed [Secondary, either grades 7 – 11 or 7 – 9 in an all-age school] N/A N/A N/A Number of scheduled interviews completed with members of staff, governing body and parents 5 Number of scheduled interviews completed with students 2 Parents Students Teachers Number of questionnaires returned and analysed 20 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Appendix 2 - Inspection Indicators Inspection indicators serve a number of purposes: They establish the vocabulary for a conversation with, and between, schools about the purposes of schooling and the key determinants of educational success They provide schools with a picture of educational excellence to which they can aspire They provide schools with a clear understanding of levels of provision and performance that are considered unacceptable and must be improved Schools can use the indicators to evaluate their own provision and performance, and to help them to make improvements The use of indicators ensures that inspectors concentrate on weighing evidence to make consistent judgements in all schools The publication of indicators helps to make inspection a transparent process for schools and the wider public. 21 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Inspection Indicators 1. How effectively is the school led and managed by the Board, the Principal and SMT and middle leadership? 1.1 School-based leadership and management Key features: Leadership qualities Vision, direction and guidance Culture and ethos Instructional leadership Impact on standards and progress Development of relationships with staff Accountability School information and document management system Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high The school‟s leadership lacks drive and authority. There is widespread lack of confidence in the leadership among the staff. The leadership holds the staff accountable for their performance in a very limited way. Most students are under-achieving and make very little progress Staff in leadership positions are insufficiently rigorous in focussing on improvement. The leadership holds the staff accountable in a limited way for their performance. Many students in one or more age groups do not make enough progress in their work and personal development. The school has a strong sense of direction, which focuses on improving students’ achievements and wellbeing. The staff share a common purpose. The leadership consistently holds the staff accountable for their performance. Most students make satisfactory progress and all groups are supported well Leadership is firm and decisive. The staff work well together, with clear lines of responsibility. The staff respond positively to initiatives. Staff accountability systems are rigorously applied. The needs of most students are well catered for and most students make good progress Leadership is dynamic and often inspirational. A clear vision for the future directs and guides staff and students. The leadership holds the staff highly accountable for their performance. The school is successful with all groups of students, including those who do not respond well to school or have difficulties with learning 22 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 1.2 Self-evaluation and improvement planning Key features: Process and activities for school self-evaluation Monitoring and analysis of the school‟s performance, including views of parents and students Process for staff appraisal and development Process for school improvement planning, implementation and monitoring Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Self-evaluation is poorly developed. There is almost no monitoring or evaluation of the school‟s provision and performance, including teaching and learning. As a result, the school has no clear agenda for improvement Self-evaluation is inadequately developed, so managers do not have a realistic view of the school‟s strengths and weaknesses, including teaching and learning. Planning for improvement is not based on realistic priorities The school’s priorities are based on sound analysis of its performance. The work of the school is monitored effectively, including the performance of staff and students, and appropriate actions are taken Through effective selfevaluation, which takes into account the views of parents, managers know their school well. They use the outcomes of self-evaluation to plan and take action promptly to make necessary improvements. Staff appraisal procedures are effective. Systematic and rigorous selfevaluation is embedded in the school‟s practice at all levels. Staff appraisal is rigorous and staff development is well-planned and highly effective. Strategic thinking is clear. Ambitious improvement planning results in the achievement of identified goals. 23 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 1.3 Governance Key features: Strategic and advisory role of the Board Operational support for the management of the school Accountability Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support The Board has almost no influence on the work of the school. It does almost nothing to support the efficient and effective management of the school. The Board holds the school leadership accountable for its performance in a very limited way. Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high The Board has little influence on the work of the school. It does little to support the efficient and effective management of the school. The Board holds the school leadership accountable in a limited way for its performance. The Board meets all its responsibilities. It gives clear support and advice to the school leadership. The Board consistently holds the school leadership accountable for their performance. The Board has a positive influence on the work of the school. It plays a significant strategic and advisory role in leading the school’s development. . The school leadership is rigorously held to account for its performance. The Board makes a significant contribution to the leadership of the school and its successes. It works most effectively in support of the school‟s educational leaders. The Board holds the school leadership highly accountable for its performance. 24 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 1.4 Relations with parents and the local community Key features: Communications with parents Parents‟ involvement in their children‟s learning and the life of the school Links with the local community and agencies Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Communications with parents are infrequent and of poor quality. Many parents know too little about the work their children are doing to be able to help them effectively. The school has very little to do with its local community. Opportunities are missed to enrich the curriculum through the use of community resources The school gives parents insufficient information about their children‟s progress and wellbeing. Community involvement is limited and the school does not actively seek relationships with outside agencies to support the wellbeing and progress of students Parents receive regular, detailed reports about their children’s progress. There are regular opportunities to talk to teachers and some parents are actively involved in school life. The school works with outside agencies to enhance the wellbeing and progress of students Methods for communicating between home and school are well established. Many parents are involved in school activities. The school has productive links with the local community and uses them to enrich the curriculum and strengthen teaching and learning The school has a strong educational partnership with parents, who are actively involved in many aspects of school life and play an important role in decisionmaking. The school capitalises on the expertise and resources in the community to improve its performance and benefit students 25 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 2. How effectively does the teaching support the students´ learning? 2.1 Teachers‟ knowledge of the subjects they teach and how best to teach them Key features: Teachers‟ knowledge of their subjects Teachers‟ knowledge of how best to teach their subjects Teachers‟ understanding of how students learn best in their subjects Teachers reflect on their teaching Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Many teachers have insufficient knowledge of the subjects and the curriculum they teach. This seriously limits the progress that many students make and the standards they reach Some teachers have insufficient knowledge of the subjects and the curriculum and of how to teach effectively. This results in ineffective and inaccurate teaching and incomplete curriculum coverage Most teachers have a secure understanding of the subjects they teach. There is evidence that teachers reflect on the impact of their practice. Curriculum coverage is secure All teachers have good subject knowledge and reflect regularly on the impact of their teaching. Coverage of curriculum is complete. Teaching of a consistently high quality stems from the teachers‟ expert knowledge of their subjects and how to teach them. They reflect regularly and rigorously on the impact of their teaching 26 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 2.2 Teaching methods Key features: Quality and effectiveness of lesson planning Management of time Effective use of resources – textbooks, audio and visual materials, resource persons and ICT Quality of teacher and student interactions including questions and dialogue Teaching strategies which challenge and cater to the needs of all students Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high The teaching methods in many lessons are poorly matched to the needs of the students. Activities are often only loosely related to the achievement of learning objectives. Lessons are frequently dull and unchallenging for the students Although their planning may be detailed, the methods the teachers use often take little account of what the students already know. The work they set frequently lacks challenge and lesson objectives are often unclear Teachers plan their lessons well and teaching methods are effective. They manage time well and make the work interesting, with realistic levels of challenge. They make sure the students have the resources they need to complete tasks successfully Lessons are well planned with teaching methods that are effective in securing intended outcomes. The needs of individual students are well catered for. Teachers challenge and extend the students‟ thinking, which helps them to make good progress and achieve high standards The teaching methods are effective. Lessons are often imaginative and consistently stimulate and challenge the students to achieve as well as they can. Activities are chosen to match the needs of the students, to secure intended outcomes and to achieve excellent standards 27 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 2.3 Assessment Key features: Assessment as part of teaching and learning Assessment practices including policies, implementation and record keeping Student self-assessment Use of assessment information by teachers and students to inform teaching and learning Quality of feedback by teachers, in lessons and in written work, to help students identify and make improvements Teachers‟ knowledge of students‟ strengths and weaknesses Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high There is little, if any, systematic internal assessment of students‟ work. Teachers have very little detailed knowledge of students´ progress and achievements Assessment is not well developed. Teachers do not have sufficient detailed knowledge of students‟ progress and achievements Assessment is used to track the achievements of students, to indicate what they have learned and to help them understand what they need to do next. Consistent and effective assessment practices are in place for monitoring students‟ progress. Most staff use them to focus sharply on what students need to do to improve. Students are sometimes involved in evaluating their own work A thorough programme of assessment and review, including students‟ evaluation of their work, is used consistently throughout the school. Teachers are highly effective in helping students to identify and make improvements in their work 28 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 2.4 Student learning Key features: Attitudes and motivation to learn Interactions and collaboration between students Application of learning to new situations and real life Inquiry and research skills Problem-solving skills Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Most students show little motivation to learn. They require constant supervision to stay on task Many students find it difficult to work without supervision and too much of the teachers’ time is spent managing students’ behaviour Most students use their time well in lessons. They can explain clearly what they have learned. They can work constructively with others when required Most students are keen to learn. Many can apply what they have learned to new situations and show initiative in solving problems. They are able to work well, both independently and as part of a team Almost all students are highly motivated to learn. Almost all students understand how current learning relates to previous work. They can apply what they have learned to new situations. They frame their own questions and solve problems independently of the teachers, working well together in teams 3. How well do students perform in national and/or regional tests and assessments? (For infants: in relation to age-related expectations) Key features: Performance in national and/or regional assessments Performance in comparison to similar schools Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high The performance of most students is very low in comparison with those in similar schools The performance of many students is low in comparison with those in similar schools The students‟ performance is generally in line with those in similar schools The performance of many students is good in relation to those in similar schools The performance of most students is very high in relation to those in similar schools 29 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 4. How much progress do students make in relation to their starting points? Key features: Progress against starting points Progress over time Progress during lessons Appropriateness of levels achieved Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Most students are underachieving and make almost no progress Many students are underachieving and progress is unsatisfactory The achievement of most students is adequate and they make satisfactory progress The progress of most students is good. Most students achieve well compared with their earlier attainment Almost all students make excellent progress and achieve very well in relation to their earlier attainment 5. How good is the students´ personal and social development? 5.1 Students‟ behaviour and attitudes Key features: Observed behaviour and attitudes in lessons and around the school compound Students‟ relationships with students and all school staff Social graces Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Most students show little selfdiscipline. They disobey school rules and disrupt many lessons. Many students display poor mannerism especially to adults and their peers. The poor behaviour of some students disrupts some lessons and causes difficulties. Students often do not obey rules and regulations. Many students display poor mannerism especially to their peers. Behaviour and relationships are generally good. Rules are respected. The school is orderly and safe. Many students are well mannered and display this to their peers and adults. Good behaviour and relationships prevail throughout the school. Most students exercise selfcontrol. Most students display mastery of the social graces all around. Almost all students are self-disciplined, respond very well to adults and resolve difficulties in mature ways. Almost all students display excellent mastery of the social graces all around. 30 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 5.2 Punctuality and Attendance Key features: Punctuality to school lessons Attendance to school Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Most students attend school and classes poorly and are unpunctual as well. Attendance overall is 69% and less. Many students attend school and classes irregularly and are unpunctual as well. Attendance overall is 70 79%. Many students attend school and classes regularly and are punctual as well. Attendance overall is 80 89%. Most students attend school and classes regularly and are punctual as well. Attendance overall is 90 – 95 %. Almost all students attend school and classes regularly and are punctual as well. Attendance overall is 96% and higher. 5.3 Students‟ civic understanding and spiritual awareness Key features: Understanding of national identity and civic responsibility Spiritual understanding and awareness Appreciation of local and regional traditions and culture Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Most students have little or no understanding of national identity and/or spiritual awareness and little appreciation of local traditions and culture Many students lack understanding of national identity and/or spiritual awareness. Many students lack appreciation of local traditions and culture. Many students are developing an understanding of national identity, and an appreciation of local traditions and culture together with spiritual understanding Most students understand the concept of national identity. They understand and appreciate local traditions and culture. They have a good spiritual understanding Almost all students understand and appreciate the defining characteristics of Jamaican society, and the region‟s traditions and culture. They have a high level of spiritual understanding 31 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 5.4 Students‟ economic awareness and understanding Key features: Awareness and understanding of Jamaica‟s economic progress and importance both regionally and globally Awareness of their potential contribution to Jamaica Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Most students are unaware of the importance of Jamaica‟s continued economic progress and of their potential to contribute to it. Most students have little or no understanding and awareness of economic issues. Many students are unaware of the importance of Jamaica‟s continued economic progress and of their potential to contribute to it. Many students understand the importance of Jamaica’s continued economic progress and that they will have a role in contributing to it. Most students understand the importance of Jamaica‟s continued economic progress and know that they can contribute to it. Almost all students understand the importance of securing Jamaica‟s economic progress and are well equipped and willing to contribute to it. 5.5. Environmental awareness and understanding Key features: Knowledge and understanding of national and global environmental issues Concern and care for the environment Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Most students have little or no awareness of national or global environmental issues and they show little concern for their immediate environment Many students have little awareness of national or global environmental issues and make little effort to take care of their immediate environment Many students are aware of national and global environmental issues and they take care of their immediate environment Most students know that national and world resources need to be protected and used responsibly and they take care of their immediate environment Almost all students understand the importance of securing a sustainable environment. They take care of their immediate environment and some are involved in related cocurricular activities 32 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 6. How effectively does the school use the human and material resources at its disposal to help the students achieve as well as they can? 6.1. Human resources Key features: Sufficiency of suitably qualified and knowledgeable teaching and support staff Effective deployment of staff Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high The school is inadequately staffed to deliver its curriculum effectively. The quality of the education the students receive is seriously reduced in consequence The school lacks, or fails to deploy, teaching and support staff with the knowledge and expertise required to deliver the curriculum in full The school retains and deploys sufficient qualified staff to deliver the curriculum and achieve satisfactory standards The school has the well qualified teaching and support staff it needs to deliver the curriculum and enable the students to achieve good standards The school has a full complement of well qualified staff and deploys them to achieve the best standards possible for students 33 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 6.2 Use of human resources Key features Effective deployment of staff Attendance and punctuality to class and school Professional development Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Members of the academic staff are inefficiently deployed to enable the school to achieve satisfactory standards for students. Most teachers attend classes and school irregularly and are regularly late. Most teachers seldom engage in professional development opportunities Many members of the academic staff are inefficiently deployed to enable the school to achieve satisfactory standards for students. Some teachers attend classes and school irregularly and are regularly late. Many teachers seldom engage in professional development opportunities. Many members of the academic staff are efficiently deployed to enable the school to achieve satisfactory standards for students. Staff attendance to classes and school is regular and punctuality rate is fair. Teachers are adequately engaged in professional development opportunities. Most members of the academic staff are efficiently deployed to enable the school to achieve good possible standards for students. Staff attendance and punctuality to school and classes are good. Teachers regularly engage in professional development opportunities. Members of the academic staff are efficiently deployed to enable the school to achieve the best standards possible for students. Staff attendance and punctuality to school and classes are good. Teachers often engage in professional development opportunities. 6.3 Material resources – Quality and Quantity Key features: Appropriateness and quality of the school premises Appropriateness, quality and sufficiency of resources for teaching and learning Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Premises and resources are significantly below expected quality and quantity There are significant deficiencies in premises and/or resources Premises and resources are sufficient in quality and quantity Premises and resources are of good quality and sufficiency Premises and resources are plentiful and of high quality 34 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 6.4 Use of material resources Key features: Effective use of school premises Effective organisation and use of available resources for teaching and learning Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high The staff make poor use of the available premises and/or resources Deficiencies in premises and/or resources restrict some aspects of the students‟ academic achievement and personal development Premises and resources are maintained and organised to satisfactorily support teaching and learning Premises and resources are well maintained, and well organised. Staff and students have easy access to resources and make good use of them The school is creative in its use of premises and resources and makes exceptionally good use of the available resources to achieve high standards 35 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 7. How well do the curriculum and any enhancement programmes meet the needs of the students? 7.1 Relevance Key features: Adaptation and modification of curriculum Review and planning Continuity progression and coverage Relevance to all students Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high There is almost no adaptation or modification of the curriculum or curriculum guides. Most teachers do not adapt or enrich the curriculum to meet the students´ needs There is discontinuity in the modified or adapted curriculum in some subjects from year to year. There are significant gaps in content. Additional support for students is minimal The curriculum is modified or adapted and regularly reviewed to make learning worthwhile. There are few significant gaps in content. Some additional support is provided for students who need it The curriculum is well balanced, and reviewed and updated regularly to maintain its relevance to all students. There are no significant gaps in content. Additional support is provided for most students who need it There is imaginative modification and/or adaptation of curriculum. The curriculum is broad, balanced and regularly evaluated to ensure that it meets changing needs and maintains the students‟ interest. There is extensive additional support for all students who need it 36 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 7.2 Enhancement Programmes Key features: Cross-curricular links and extra-curricular activities Links with the local environment and community Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Links between subject areas is basically lacking and do not allow students to make connections. Opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities are limited and little effort made to integrate the community in the development of the curriculum. Attempts to create links between the subject areas are inadequate to make meaningful connections. Some opportunities exist for extracurricular activities and there is some community impact on the curriculum. Links between the many subject areas are adequate and many students are able to make connection between subjects. Many Students have opportunities to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities and the community is used to enhance the curriculum. Links between the most subject areas are adequate and most students are able to make connection between subjects. Most students have opportunities to participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities and the community is used to enhance the delivery of the curriculum. Links between the subject areas are adequate and students are able to make connection between subjects. Students have opportunities to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities and the community is well used to enhance the delivery of the curriculum. 37 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 8. How well does the school ensure everyone’s safety, security, health and wellbeing? 8.1 Safety and security Key features: Policies and procedures to ensure the safety and security of all members of the school community Quality of monitoring and maintenance Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Policies for safety and security are non-existent or ignored. There are almost no safety and security checks. Many parts of the buildings and equipment are unsafe and poorly maintained Policies for safety and security are poorly implemented. Safety and security checks are irregular and not rigorous. Some parts of the buildings or equipment are unsafe. Policies and procedures are implemented and accidents are rare. Requirements for maintaining the safety and security of students are met. Buildings and equipment are safe and securely maintained in sound repair Regular and thorough checks are made and acted upon to ensure that a safe and secure environment is maintained. Buildings and equipment are kept in a good state of repair The school provides an exceptionally safe and secure environment for students and staff. Buildings and equipment are regularly maintained in excellent condition 38 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 8.2 Health and wellbeing Key features: Policies governing health Staff relationship with students Staff management of behavioural issues Staff support of , and advice to students Guidance and counselling arrangements Tracking of students‟ wellbeing Management of student attendance and punctuality Arrangements for suspension and exclusion of students – number of students out of school due to suspension and exclusion Number of school drop-outs Short descriptions to illustrate the five-point scale: Level 1 Needs Immediate Support Level 2 Unsatisfactory Level 3 Satisfactory Level 4 Good Level 5 Exceptionally high Most members of staff have poor relationships with most students. Guidance and Counselling arrangements are poor and the school is ineffective in responding to students´ needs. Arrangements for the suspension and exclusion of students are poorly handled Many parts of the buildings are unhygienic and students‟ nutritional needs are not addressed. Most members of staff are slow to diagnose and respond to students‟ needs. Guidance and Counselling arrangements are weak or are not applied consistently. Arrangements for the suspension and exclusion of students are unsatisfactory Some parts of the buildings are unhygienic and provisions for students‟ nutritional needs are inadequate. Most members of staff know students well. They show them respect and respond promptly to their personal needs. Students know they can trust and confide in staff. Arrangements for the suspension and exclusion of students are satisfactory. Most buildings are hygienic and provisions in place to satisfy nutritional needs. Students’ personal wellbeing is a high priority for staff. There are systems for tracking students’ personal welfare and for supporting individuals and groups. Arrangements for the suspension and exclusion of students are well-handled. Buildings are hygienic and good provisions in place to satisfy students’ nutritional needs and other health concerns Staff has very good relationships with all students. There are well developed systems for tracking students´ personal welfare and for supporting individuals or groups. Staff consistently provides welljudged advice and guidance. Arrangements for the suspension and exclusion of students are exceptionally well-handled. Buildings are hygienic and a health policy provision in place to satisfy nutritional needs and other health needs 39 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Appendix 3 - National Test Data Starting Point Graph 1: Student Performance in Grade One Readiness Inventory for 2005 - 2006 Table 1: Student Performance in Grade One Readiness Inventory for 2005 – 2006 Port Antonio Primary 2006 Assessment Grade One Readiness Assessment Grade One Readiness Candidates Enrolled 185 Registered N/A 2005 (Cohort data) Candidates Enrolled Registered 161 N/A 2006 Averages Sitting 178 National 69 School 79 Sitting 143 2005 Averages National School 66 70 The overall average for Port Antonio Primary in 2005 (Cohort 1) was 70 per cent, which was slightly above the national average (66 per cent). The participation rate for this exam was 89 per cent. The student‟s averages were below the national averages in all subject areas except Number Letter Knowledge (64 per cent) which was seven percentage points above the national average. For 2006, the school‟s average (79 per cent) increased by nine percentage points and was above the national average (69 per cent). The participation rate (96 per cent) was slightly higher than the previous year. The student‟s averages were above the national averages in all subject areas. 40 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report ATTAINMENT Graph 2: Student Attainment in Grade Four Literacy 2008-2010 Table 2: Student Attainment in Grade Four Literacy 2008-2010 Assessment Grade Four Literacy Enrolled 168 Assessment Grade Four Literacy Enrolled 159 Assessment Grade Four Literacy Enrolled 185 Port Antonio Primary 2010 Candidates Registered Sitting N/A 161 2009 (Cohort data) Candidates Registered Sitting N/A 160 2008 Candidates Registered Sitting N/A 171 2010 Averages National Regional School 65 70 75 National 67 2009 Averages Regional School 68 68 2008 Averages National Regional School 69 68 71 Grade Four Literacy results indicated that Port Antonio Primary averages fluctuated over the period (2008 to 2010. For 2008, the school‟s average (71 per cent) was slightly above both national (69 per cent) and regional (68 per cent) averages. In 2009, the school‟s average slightly declined by three percentage points and was slightly above the national (67 per cent) and was on par with the regional average (68 per cent). The participation rate for this exam was 99 per cent. For 2010, the school‟s (75 per cent) average improved when compared to 2009 and was above the national (65 per cent) and regional (70 per cent) averages. The Grade Four Literacy target set for each primary level school by the Ministry of Education is 100 per cent mastery, which is to be achieved by 2015. Therefore, Port Antonio Primary will need to increase their average by six per cent each year to meet the target. 41 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report ATTAINMENT Graph 3: Student Attainment in Grade Four Numeracy 2009-2010 Table 3: Student Attainment in Grade Four Numeracy 2009-2010 Assessment Grade Four Numeracy Enrolled 168 Assessment Grade Four Numeracy Enrolled 159 Port Antonio Primary 2010 Candidates Registered Sitting N/A 160 2009 (Cohort data) Candidates Registered Sitting N/A 160 National 38 2010 Averages Regional School 37 35 2009 Averages National Regional School 42 41 41 The Grade Four Numeracy results indicated that the school‟s averages declined over the period (2009 to 2010). In 2009 (cohort 1), the school‟s average attainment (41 per cent) was slightly below the national (42 per cent) and was on par with the regional (41 per cent) average. The participation rate was 99 per cent. In 2010, the school‟s average (35 per cent) declined by six percentage points. It was three and two percentage points below both national (38 per cent) and regional averages (38 per cent). The Grade Four Numeracy target set for each primary level school by the Ministry of Education is 85% mastery, which is to be achieved by 2015. Therefore, Port Antonio Primary will need to increase their average by 19.4 per cent each year to meet the target. 42 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report ATTAINMENT Graph 4a: Grade Six Achievement Test 2008 - 2011 Mathematics remained below the national averages for the period 2008 to 2011. For 2008, the school‟s (51 per cent) average was slightly below the national average (55 per cent). In 2009, the school‟s average declined by three percentage points. For the remaining years improvements were made but remained below the national averages. Language arts also remained below the national averages for the period 2008 to 2011. In 2008, the school‟s average (51 per cent) was below the national average (57 per cent). For 2009, the school‟s (55 per cent) performance slightly improved by four percentage points and remained below the national average (57 per cent). In 2010, the school‟s average was similar to 2009 and was also below the national average (58 per cent). In 2011, the school‟s average declined by one percentage point and was once again below the national average. Communication tasks scores remained constant over the periods (2008 to 2011) and was below the national averages. 43 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Graph 4b: Grade Six Achievement Test by Gender 2008 – 2011 By Gender: The gender gap looks at the percentage point difference between male and female students over the entire period (2008-2011). For mathematics the gender achievement gap was relatively wide and significantly narrowed towards the end of the period. The Language arts the gender gap was also wide and narrowed towards the end of the period. The communication tasks gender achievement gap was wide and slightly narrowed towards the end of the period. (See table in appendix). 44 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report PROGRESS Graph 6a: Tracking Cohort 1(2005 and 2011) Progress in Literacy and Numeracy In literacy 1Cohort One (1) gradually increased in their performance from Grade One 2005 (entry level) to Grade Four (2009) and moderately declined from 2009 to 2011. Numeracy steadily declined from 2005 to 2009 and gradually improved from 2009 to 2011. This can be seen in the performance gap. Graph 6b: Tracking School’s Progress from 2008 – 2011 The school’s performance declined for Grade Four Literacy between 2008 and 2009 and gradually improved from 2009 to 2011. Numeracy declined from 2009 to 2010. GSAT gradually improved from 2008 to 2011. 2 Overall, the school barely progressed over the period. 1 Progress tracking is a proxy measure and is combined with cohort output and school output to reflect progress. 2 Please collect 2011 data from School in order to measure overall progress. 45 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Grade Six Achievement Test 2008-2011 Assessment GSAT Mathematics Female Male GSAT Language Arts Female Male GSAT Communication Task Female Male Port Antonio Primary 2011 Candidates Enrolled Registered Sitting N/A 151 141 N/A 75 72 N/A 76 69 N/A N/A N/A 151 75 76 141 72 69 58 61 54 54 57 51 N/A 151 141 67 58 N/A N/A 72 69 75 67 67 58 Enrolled N/A N/A N/A 75 76 2010 Candidates Registered 191 102 89 Sitting 181 96 85 N/A N/A N/A 191 102 89 182 96 86 58 63 53 55 58 51 N/A 191 182 67 58 N/A N/A 102 89 2009 Candidates 96 86 75 58 67 50 212 N/A N/A 180 98 82 172 95 77 53 57 49 48 52 42 212 N/A N/A 180 98 82 172 95 77 57 62 51 55 61 47 212 180 171 58 58 N/A N/A 98 82 95 76 67 58 67 50 Assessment GSAT Mathematics Female Male GSAT Language Arts Female Male GSAT Communication Task Female Male Assessment GSAT Mathematics Female Male GSAT Language Arts Female Male GSAT Communication Task Female Male 2011 Averages National School 62 57 64 58 59 57 2010 Averages National School 57 50 61 53 53 47 2009 Averages 46 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report 2008 Candidates Assessment GSAT Mathematics Female Male GSAT Language Arts Female Male GSAT Communication Task Female Male 2008 Averages N/A N/A N/A 167 79 88 161 76 85 55 59 50 51 57 45 N/A N/A N/A 167 79 88 161 76 85 53 58 48 51 57 45 N/A 167 161 58 58 N/A N/A 79 88 76 85 67 50 67 50 47 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report Sources 1. Grade One Learning Profile (2004-2005). Student Assessment Unit, Ministry of Education 2. Grade Four Literacy Test (2006-2008). Student Assessment Unit, Ministry of Education 3. Grade Six Achievement Test (2008-2010). Student Assessment Unit, Ministry of Education 4. Jamaica Directory of Public Educational Institutions 2009-2010. Planning and Development Division, Statistics Section, Ministry of Education 5. Jamaica School Profiles 2009-2010. Planning and Development Division, Statistics Section, Ministry of Education 6. Enrollment Data 2001-2010. Planning and Development Division, Statistics Section, Ministry of Education 7. Educational Reform Performance Targets (Table 13), National Education Strategic Plan (March 28, 2011). National Oversight Committee, Education System Transformation Programme, Ministry of Education 48 National Education Inspectorate © May 2013 School Inspection Report
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