a downloadable PDF - Oklahoma Christian University


a downloadable PDF - Oklahoma Christian University
Name: Mrs.
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President’s letter
Dear Alumni and Friends:
Oklahoma Christian continues to make considerable progress toward our goal of becoming a premier Christian university. Spiritually, academically and financially, your university
has never been stronger. We hope you take pride in being an important part of the progress
of this great university.
We hope you were able to take part in our Associates Dinner on March 24. After welcoming Gene Stallings and Michael Medved to our previous Associates Dinners, our special
guest speaker this year was Ambassador L. Paul Bremer, III, the former Presidential Envoy
to Iraq. Another exciting event you’ll want to attend is an April 26 luncheon honoring the
Honorable Paul Kagame, president of the Republic of Rwanda. You will receive more details
about this event in your mailbox and inbox.
We truly want to develop a closer relationship with all our alumni. On page 8 of this
issue, you’ll find an article featuring the new “Eagle Connection” program on our website.
Designed to better serve and unite alumni and friends, Eagle Connection will help you locate
and communicate with former classmates.
If you haven’t had the opportunity to tour the campus in awhile, I think you’ll be
pleased by the improvements. Our $34 million student housing project is nearing completion.
OC can now compete with any university in the country in terms of quality student housing.
Construction will begin soon on Lawson Commons (see page 12), which will dramatically
improve the beauty and functionality of the west campus student residential area.
Another important recognition and academic advance was the recent establishment of the Joe McCormack Endowment for International Studies. You can read more about this tribute to Joe’s outstanding service to OC on page 10.
I am also happy to report that we had an excellent year in fundraising. We added approximately 150 new donors and are on a recordsetting pace for this year as well. Our Honor Roll of Donors begins on page 22. Your generosity is a source of encouragement to our
faculty and staff.
While 2005 was a wonderful year in many ways for OC, we were all saddened by the loss of one of our dear professors, Dr. Kim
Gaither. Kim fought a long and courageous battle with cancer and was an inspiration to everyone who knew her. She was greatly loved,
admired and respected by her students and colleagues at OC, and we will miss her dearly. A well-deserved tribute to Kim begins on
page 14. We hope you’ll continue to pray for Kim’s family, and for alumni Damon and Jeanetta Sims, who lost their son Anthony to
malignant brain tumors last month. Jeanetta teaches in our communication department. It made me proud to see how our students,
faculty and staff rallied around Kim, Jeanetta and their families in these difficult times. What a blessing to be part of a Christian community that values others so highly and reaches out to those in need.
With God’s continued blessings and your ongoing support and prayers, there is no limit to what we can achieve together in His name.
The accomplishments and success of the past year have been exhilarating for those of us who love Oklahoma Christian, but I believe
it is only the foretaste of a brighter and brighter future.
In His service,
Mike E. O’Neal, President
vision contributors
Page 10
Dr. Mike E. O’Neal
The Joe McCormack Endowment for International Studies
allows students to see the world.
Not Your Average Joe
Page 2
Wes McKinzie (98) email: [email protected]
Abby Copeland (04), Allison Day (92), Stephen Eck
(92), Risa Forrester (96), Tyler Hancock (07), Dawn R.
Shelton (90), Allison Shumate (05), Emoly West (07)
Manager of Creative Services:
Judson Copeland (02)
Stephen Bell (03), Jonathan Curtis (03), Rachel
O’Donnell (02), Kim Walden (98)
Amy Barker (05), Judson Copeland (02)
Page 12
Lawson Commons
New additions to bring new light to OC’s campus.
Page 16
Faith Connection
Page 4
Page 22
Honor Roll of Donors
Men with a Mission
VISION Alumni Magazine of Oklahoma Christian
University (USPS 405-420)
Volume 8, No. 1, Spring 2006
POSTMASTER send address changes to:
VISION, Box 11000, OKC, OK 73136-1100
© Oklahoma Christian University 2006
Oklahoma Christian University admits students of any race,
national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs
and activities generally accorded or made available to students
at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, handicap, national and ethnic origin in administration
of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarships
and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered
Page 30
3 Ways to Save or Pre-Pay for College
Advice on how to finance your child’s OC education.
Page 14
Page 32
Memories of Dr. Kim Gaither
It’s an uncommon
connection, for sure. Rolling
plains vs. snow-capped
mountains. America’s Heartland
vs. the West Coast.
Aside from starting with the
same letter of the alphabet,
Oklahoma and Oregon seemingly have little in common.
Perhaps that’s what makes
the story worth telling. It’s
the story of an uncommon
connection sprung from a
common commitment and the
power of persistence fueled by
Established in Portland, Oregon, in 1956, Columbia Christian College closed in 1993
due to financial strains and an
eventual loss of accreditation.
Faced with the prospect of a
once-vibrant campus going
permanently dark, the late Dr.
Don Gardner, the last president
of Columbia Christian, traveled
to various Church of Christ-affiliated institutions to ask for
Former OC president Dr. J.
Terry Johnson led a group to
Portland to visit the campus.
As legend has it, they were
captivated by the passion of the
students they met – students
who didn’t want Columbia
Christian to die.
In 1993, Oklahoma Christian
officially agreed to step into the
gap. With capital invested, both
human and financial, Christian
higher education experienced a
rebirth in the Pacific Northwest
– Cascade College was born.
When the doors opened in the
fall of 1994, 119 students filled
the classrooms.
“We accepted anyone with a
pulse!” laughed Dr. Brian Simmons, a 1987 OC graduate and
professor of communication at
Cascade. “The biggest challenge, I think, was in creating
something from the ground up.
There was a sense in which we
were doing that, and there was
a sense in which we were
not doing that because,
as the branch
campus of OC,
we had their wisdom and their
Simmons will proudly tell
anyone: He was the very first
full-time faculty member to join
Cascade College.
“I will be here until the day
I die,” he often says. And he’s
Other OC alumni, as well as
faculty and staff, also made the
move to Portland. People like
Cascade’s first vice president,
Dr. Kevin Jacobs, Dr. Arlis and
Suzanne Wood, Dr. Mickey and
Jane Banister, and Dr. John and
Cynthia Fletcher – just to name
a few.
Dr. Gary Tandy (74), professor of English, signed on for
that first year as well. For him,
Cascade was an opportunity to
leave “Corporate America” and
return to teaching.
“For several years, I had this
dissatisfaction with what I was
doing. I think it mostly had to
do with the fact that I wasn’t
teaching,” he said. “When I really kind of examined myself, I
thought that in a way, I’d really
gotten away from my dream.”
Anyone on campus those
first few years will agree: it
wasn’t easy. Both Simmons and
Tandy laugh when recalling the
multiple hats they’ve worn to
help keep programs running.
“Having been here 11 years, I
have to stop and remind myself
that we had just five faculty
members that first year. That’s
it,” he said. “We’re not a huge
faculty now, but we continue to
grow. We have at least two fulltime faculty members in most
of our areas now.”
Dr. Bill Goad (79), a oncecommon face on the OC
campus, moved his family to
Portland in the fall of 2002
to assume the role of provost
and chief operating officer. He
says what sets Cascade apart
from many other schools is its
“servant spirit,” as well as the
unique closeness of the campus
“Everywhere that you find a
Christian college, you find that
the church is stronger,” Goad
said. “You definitely find that
It’s a good thing, too. Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Cool View of OC’S Success
The faculty feature at left comes from the new
edition of View, a magazine-style viewbook
geared toward prospective students.
Published in September, the 128-page magazine features OC alumni, faculty, staff and
students and touts OC’s quality education and
The two previous editions of the magazine
won five awards in national and statewide
competitions, including a national “Best of
Show” award in a contest conducted by Admissions Marketing Report.
Oregon and Washington have the highest proportion of religiously-unaffiliated
and self-identified “nonreligious” residents
in the nation. It’s a place rich with opportunities to positively influence lives for the
“Somebody has to be in the Pacific
Northwest for the kids that are here,” Simmons said. “People need us in this area of
the country, and a lot of us here believe
this is what we’ve been called to do.”
To step onto Cascade’s small campus
would be a very strange experience for
many current OC students and recent
alums. But the campus reminds Tandy of
what Oklahoma Christian was like when he
was a student.
Simmons says he often wonders if OC’s
pioneers – alumni from Central Christian
in Bartlesville – might feel right at home at
“There’s a great sense of community
at OC, but at Cascade, you literally know
everybody on campus,” Goad said. “Therefore, we build a lot of close, personal relationships. The sense of unity is enhanced
because of our smaller size.”
With a current enrollment of around 300
students, one of Cascade’s greatest assets is
its ability to offer more hands-on attention
to students.
“Even though many students may have
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
come here initially for the Christian fellowship and small community, I think we’ve
done a good job of keeping quality education as our priority,” Tandy said.
Optimism is rising at both OC and
Cascade that the relationship between the
two campuses will continue to grow. The
strategic advantages of a branch campus
setup are many, even when distance – and
differences – pose occasional challenges.
OC’s uncommon connection to a small
campus in Portland, Oregon, shows the
university’s commitment to advancing
Christian higher education.
“For me, the great fit between Oklahoma Christian and Cascade College is that
Cascade is OC’s most recent and, I think,
largest gift to the Kingdom,” Simmons
said. “OC had the faith, and they had the
courage, to take on this enterprise when
others did not.”
Cascade is at a crucial point in its
brief history and, according to OC
president Mike O’Neal, “is poised for
significant progress and long-range
Cascade College is celebrating its
50th year in Portland and will mark this
success with an alumni summit and reunion weekend June 22-25. The theme:
“We Are One: Celebrate. Connect.
View’s latest honor, a first-place award from
the Oklahoma Collegiate Public Relations
Association, was one of nine awards won by
OC’s University Marketing Office at the annual statewide competition.
“If the Lord has blessed you with the
I can
of noonly
OC’s nine
the University
for the long-term
of the won
13. Oklahoma
to give
to Cascade
awards in
of the
nine categories
it enO’Neal
tered, with projects produced for Admissions,
While Oklahoma
and Oregon
much Housing
in common,
and the
Life, as well as
by marketing
OC and Cascade
a testament
behalf of the
the unity found in Christ: love that transcends 2,000 miles.
felt like we,materials
as Christians
of always
OC’s marketing
are produced
– and
“in-house.” The university’s marketing
– need to
have a vision
that isCopeland,
Bell, Judson
Jonathan Curtis, Risa Forrester, Dan Lovejoy,
is an important
of that
vi- ShuWes McKinzie,
Dawn part
mate and Kim Walden) are all OC alumni.
by Abby Copeland (04)
“It speaks volumes about the high-quality
academic environment at Oklahoma
that we can tap
our own
alumni to
produce work
that’s praised and
honored by fellow professionals in higher education
and in the industry,” said Forrester,
OC’s Director of Admissions and Marketing. “It’s gratifying to see our staff ’s daily
work, research and strategic planning have a
positive impact on the university’s success and
Three generations of
Filipino men carry on
OC tradition
Peter Cariaga,
OC Freshman
Peter Henry Cariaga is a freshman at
Oklahoma Christian University, but his
family tradition at OC has been history in
the making.
“I am the third-generation oldest son
from my family to come to Oklahoma
Christian,” Cariaga said.
This family tradition started with
Peter’s grandfather, Roman Cariaga, who
graduated from Oklahoma Christian in
1964 with a degree in Bible. Roman’s
son and Peter’s father, Salvador Cariaga,
attended Oklahoma Christian from 1979
to 1983 and double majored in Bible and
Roman first attended a Bible school
in Zaboanga City, Philippines, and did
so well that the teachers, especially
Charlie Garner, arranged to send him to
Michigan Christian College (now known
as Rochester College).
The Cariaga Family
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Roman went through Michigan
Christian’s two-year program before
coming to Oklahoma Christian to
finish up his degree. At both MCC and
Oklahoma Christian, “Lolo” (as Peter
calls his grandfather) was blessed with a
roommate by the name of Jerry Rushford.
While at Oklahoma Christian from
1962 to 1964, Roman also met Vernon
and Rowena Newell, who became two
very important people in his life.
“They became his adopted parents
while he was here,” Peter said. “Lolo was
a serious student and Vernon liked his
sincerity and dedication. Rowena took on
a motherly role. They were very good to
him, and also to my father when he came
After graduating from Oklahoma
Christian, Peter’s grandfather taught at a
Bible school in Zamboanga, Philippines,
and eventually became the school director
from 1965 to 1970.
After the school closed, Roman moved
to Butuan City and bought a lot to build
a school. He began what is now Sunrise
Christian College in a little church in the
city. Sunrise Christian College has since
become the largest collectively churchowned facility in the Philippines.
Salvador met and married his
sweetheart, Jennie Henry, at Oklahoma
Christian, then moved back to the
Philippines with a vocation in local church
planting. He has personally helped plant
eight churches thus far, and heads up
both a national church newspaper and its
corresponding website.
Peter is a Bible and communications
double major, just like his father, and
wants to further that scholastic ambition.
He hopes to teach or be an administrator
at Sunrise some day.
“I want to take my education to
graduate school, because I know I can
do a lot with a Ph.D, especially in the
Philippines,” he said. “Through OC,
I’d like to carry on a tradition of
Christian education. And I don’t just
mean Bible training, preaching, stuff
like that. I mean an environment in
which you’re different, and people
can see that you are Christ-like. I
really think that OC can help me do
that and help nurture that.”
Even though he was born and raised
in the Philippines, Peter always had a
desire to continue his family tradition
of coming to Oklahoma Christian.
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
“I planned on coming to OC for a long
time. When I was in sixth grade, I came
to Cornerstone (an on-campus summer
camp) and loved it,” he said. “This is a
safe and good place to come and be held
Peter was instrumental in starting a
dynamic on-campus student group called
Platoon. The group adopted Proverbs
27:17 as a theme verse. Their motto is
“Winning the battles one prayer at a
“We get together, talk about guy stuff,
how each other’s week has gone, and
try to help each other out. We pray for
each other and people around
campus,” Peter said. “It’s like
an accountability group with a
fellowship and devotionals. It’s
pretty cool.”
Peter also jumped at the
opportunity to be a part of
OC’s fall break mission trip to
Port Arthur, Texas, to help with
hurricane relief efforts.
“We mainly worked with dry
materials, brush, wood, cleaning up
damage,” he said. “We cleaned up
the Thomas Boulevard Church of
Christ member’s yards, as well as the
neighbors’ yards and anyone else who
needed help.”
Although Peter received service hours
for his classes from this mission trip, he
knew and continued to discover that it
was about much more.
“It ended up being about a lot of
things. For me, it was a humbling
experience. You get to go out and help
people that cannot possibly help you
back,” he said. “It was a time when we
could just serve others, focus on others
and do what Jesus would have done,
caring for people.”
Peter feels it was the Thomas Boulevard
Church of Christ’s initiative that made the
“The church deep down really cares
about their people, their community.
They showed through their actions that
they genuinely cared about their people,
including us,” Cariaga said. “That’s my
philosophy: life is all about relationships.”
While at OC, one of the main things
Peter wants to accomplish is to invest in
people: “I want to get to know people at a
real close level and build relationships,” he
He feels mission opportunities like the
Roman Cariaga
visiting OCCariaga (83)
in 1989
relief trip, or the sixweek Let’s Start Talking campaign to the
Philippines he’ll do this summer, are some
of the best ways to accomplish this.
“I would encourage even more students
to go on mission trips,” Peter said. “I
think that the student population as a
whole needs to experience something like
that, in that you are going out and doing
things for other people, not just to benefit
from feeling humble or spiritual. You are
doing that to show other people that you
by Emoly West (07)
Love thy
OC students spend break
assisting storm victims
To many students, Fall Break is a time to
relax or make their first trip home since the
beginning of the school year to visit family
and friends.
But for 120 OC students, faculty and
staff members, the
break gave them the
opportunity to serve
It also gave Houston-area OC alumni
Donna Sue Arnold
(77) and Joyce Swanson (73), a member
of OC’s National
Alumni Council, the
chance to serve their
alma mater.
“It was talked about for weeks afterward
that these college kids had come down
on a bus to help clean up,” Swanson said.
“The community was surprised to see an
orderly group of kids that came down just
to help.”
OC students started looking for ways
to help those affected by Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita after seeing and hearing
of the devastation left by the disasters. In
response to these inquiries, OC dean of
students Neil Arter began making contact
with alumni in the area.
Arter contacted Arnold and began
working out details for a trip to help with
the relief effort. Arnold, along with other
OC alumni, works closely with the Impact
Houston Church of Christ.
“The Impact Church is set up and recognized in Houston as a place that helps
people,” Arnold said. “They’re recognized
by the Red Cross. A lot of churches all
over the country were sending supplies
there to aid in the relief effort.”
Arnold helped put Arter in touch with
Impact minister Wes Fikes, who organized
the details of what the group would do and
where it would work.
She aided in the relief effort by working
at Impact to hand out supplies and help
displaced families.
The group slept and ate lunch and dinner at Impact, but did most of its work
through the Thomas Boulevard Church
of Christ in Port
Arthur, Texas,
located about an
hour outside of
Elders of the
church sent
groups out to
different members who needed
help. The groups
cleaned up trees
and debris and
moved them out to the road for city trucks
to remove.
Arnold contacted Swanson about helping provide meals for
the large group. Local
restaurants and other area
chains donated food to
help feed the group.
Swanson also joined
the group, which included
her son Stephen, in assisting the cleanup effort on
the final day of the trip.
Stephen is a sophomore
engineering major at
Oklahoma Christian.
“That day was a lot of
fun,” Swanson said. “It
was neat to see how hard
the kids were working.
The only frustration they had was that they
got through early, so they just started to go
to the neighbors’ yards.”
The students also spent that Sunday
in worship with the Thomas Boulevard
congregation, something Swanson believed
to be just as uplifting as the physical work
done by the group
“I think they understood that it was just
as important that we spent that time with
them in worship, and that time encouraging
them, as it was going and cleaning up the
debris,” Swanson said.
While at Oklahoma Christian, Swanson
helped Dr. Stafford North and also did
service projects and participated in the
Outreach program. She now attends the
First Colony Church of Christ in Sugar
Land, Texas.
Arnold is thankful that she has the opportunity to work with a church that puts
its focus on service, something instilled in
her while at OC. Her daughter, Amanda,
also attended Oklahoma Christian this year.
“I appreciate Impact Church and their
work with the inner city and the less
fortunate of the world, and the opportunities their structure gives people to serve,”
Arnold said. “I believe my life was impacted by being able to go to Oklahoma
Christian as opposed to a
state school somewhere.
I learned to be a servant,
wherever I was and whatever I was doing.”
Arnold also wants students to remember service
is something they should
strive to do their entire
“I believe it’s important
that, as students, kids start
taking advantage of the
opportunity to serve,”
Arnold said. “And that
they follow that through
for the rest of their lives
and remember that Jesus called us to serve
others. It was good to see these students
already doing that.”
by Tyler Hancock (07)
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Oklahoma Christian held its fourth-annual OC Associates
Celebration on March 24 at the National Cowboy and Western
Heritage Museum.
The event’s featured speaker was Ambassador L. Paul
Bremer, III, one of the world’s leading experts on crisis
management, terrorism and homeland security.
Bremer served as the Presidential Envoy to Iraq and was the
recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United
States’ highest civilian award.
Oklahoma Christian University Associates are financial
supporters of the university who give a minimum of $1,000 to
fund student scholarships each year.
For more information on how to become an OC Associate,
contact Vice President for Advancement John deSteiguer at
(405) 425-5094 or at [email protected].
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
OC launches Eagle
Connection, a website
helping alumni reunite
When Michael and Christi Clark recently
unpacked and settled into their new home
in Battle Creek, Michigan, it wasn’t long
before they let OC know of their new
move, their new baby (Carson Ryan), and
Michael’s new marketing job with Kellogg’s
When the alumni office receives the
information, it’s updated in OC’s alumni
database so the Clarks will continue to
receive mailings from their alma mater. The
info also is posted on the online version
of Milestones on the OC website (www.
oc.edu/alumni) and is printed in VISION.
The job gets done, eventually, and the
Clarks stay connected and their friends get
to see their news. But now, all that is going
to change for the better with the introduction of Eagle Connection.
It’s a new web-based data management
system that will transform the way alumni
connect in faster and more accurate ways.
Alumni Relations Director Stephen Eck
(92) can’t help but smile when he talks
about it.
“Eagle Connection is a very good thing,”
he said. “We will be able to connect alumni
in more ways than ever before – by major,
graduation year, clubs, activities … even
geographic region.”
“We, as alumni, have longed for this
service for a long time,” Eck said. Now
technology is making it happen.
Eagle Connection is scheduled to go
online later this spring. Alumni can log in
and have the ability to choose to share their
information with other alumni.
“It’s similar to popular online reunion
services like classmates.com,” Eck said.
“But ours is free and secure.”
“My wife and I move often, and it would
be nice to know alumni in our new area,”
Michael Clark (98) said.
Clark started his career with Kellogg’s as
a sophomore at OC, and has been moving
up the ranks over the last 12 years.
“Ever since graduation, we’ve been moving from position to position within the
organization. I’ve had the opportunity to
do operations, retail sales and headquarter sales. Now I’m in marketing with
Kellogg’s. It’s a two-year stint,” Clark
these categories would be a huge benefit to
helping my business grow.”
Bottoms expects he’ll be logging on to
Eagle Connection often and hopes to be
able to get information about OC events
James Bottoms
With Eagle Connection, Clark
will have a better opportunity
to swap tips and struggles about
annual plans, marketing strategies and branding issues with
fellow alumni who are in similar
And next time they move, a
simple logon to Eagle Connection will make it easier for the
Clarks to tell OC about their
new location.
B. James (Bobby) Bottoms
(93), operations director for
Mountain Hardwear in Richmond, California, says having
easier access to fellow alumni
could help his business.
“As a business executive, I regularly strive to build a network
of potential vendors, customers
and employees that have a similar value system,” Bottoms said.
“Being able to easily locate other
OC graduates who might fit into
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
coming to his area, whether it be
music groups, athletic events or
admissions activities.
“OC was an excellent experience for me and provided me
not only with an outstanding
education, but with a set of skills
that have enabled me to succeed.
Connecting back to that source is
a key to helping me continue to
grow,” he said.
Eck said the desire to reconnect runs deep among alumni, as
evidenced by the recent directory
that was published by an outside
contractor. More than 7,000
alumni verified their information
with the publisher, and 1,100
alumni bought the directory.
“We were blown away by the
response,” Eck said. “Our alumni
are longing for this connection.”
Eck said other interesting Eagle
Connection features include
alumni video and text profiles,
and a career mentoring service
that will include posts of jobs and
internships, enabling alumni to
become mentors to new graduates and current students.
Also, alumni can use the service
to purchase tickets to campus
events such as Homecoming,
athletic events and Spring Sing.
And they can plan alumni chapter
events in their own communities
or participate in online discussions.
The possibilities are exciting.
However, what about the future
of the Milestones section in VISION? Most alumni say it’s the
first section they read when the
magazine arrives in their mailbox
(keeping the designers and editors
In all likelihood, Eagle Connection will provide even more
opportunities for OC alumni to
share in the milestones of their
lives. So keep the news coming!
Activate Your Eagle
Eagle Connection is a new, exciting
resource for alumni, but its success
depends on you. The more alumni
that register, the more useful Eagle
Connection will be.
To ensure that your personal
information remains secure, we
must make sure that only alumni
can view Eagle Connection.
To verify that you’re an alumnus,
you’ll create an Eagle Connection
account at www.oc.edu/alumni. After
you provide some basic contact
information, we’ll ask for your social
security number and birth date.
With this information, we will
match your Eagle Connection
account to our records at OC. All
of the information you provide us is
subject to OC’s strict privacy policy,
available at www.oc.edu/privacy.
For detailed instructions, go to www.
oc.edu/activate and follow the steps.
Once we have verified you as
an alumnus, you’ll be able to
update your information, view
the directory, participate in online
forums, send online OC greeting
cards, and use all of the tools Eagle
Connection has to offer.
by Dawn Shelton (90)
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
New endowment created to fund international programs
Joe and Lottie
Imagine learning about the Wall of
China in the morning and standing on top
of it that afternoon.
Or learning about the Great Barrier
Reef and then having the chance to go
snorkeling there.
These are just two of the life-changing
moments that students can experience
when they travel on OC’s study abroad
programs. Until now, this opportunity has
not been reachable for all students. But a
new endowment may offer students the
chance to see the world in a whole new
The Joe McCormack Endowment
for International Studies was a
surprise announcement during last
fall’s homecoming celebration. The
endowment has two important features:
the McCormack Scholars Program and
the McCormack Lectures.
The McCormack Lectures will bring
guest lecturers to campus to address
international issues.
First, the scholarship program will
award monies annually to international
students at OC. Second, it will provide
scholarships to students participating
in the university’s official international
study programs, with preference given to
minority students. Third, it may provide
a McCormack Student Award for one or
more students each year who demonstrate
exemplary leadership, learning and service.
McCormack first attended Oklahoma
Christian’s predecessor, Central Christian
College in Bartlesville, in 1957. Ten years
later, he returned to OC to teach in the
Department of Language and Literature.
McCormack established the university’s
international program, advancing the
school’s reputation and its ability to
provide students with a high-quality
education. In 1980, he became the
Director of International Studies and
served in that capacity for 20 years.
McCormack’s relationship with Ibaraki
Christian College has been an enduring
one. As the driving force through 25
years of OC’s exchange program with
Ibaraki Christian, he has served as both
the sponsor for the American students
and host for the Japanese. He has
implemented several changes designed to
give both American and Japanese students
a richer experience.
McCormack also developed the
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
program, making Oklahoma Christian
one of only a handful of colleges or
university in the United States offering
this undergraduate degree.
His skill as a teacher earned him the
Merrick Teaching Award in 1987 and the
Gaylord Chair of Distinguished Teaching
in 1993.
Now, this endowment will be a
permanent legacy to the life and impact
of Joe McCormack.
by Allison Shumate (05)
Read about our International
Studies trips as they happen at
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Mike & Nancy O’Neal and John & Connie
Maple will host an Alaskan adventure for
alumni and friends of Oklahoma Christian University from May 27 to June 8,
2006. This trip will include a breathtaking cruise of the Inside Passage and an
exciting tour by rail and motor coach
through the heart of Alaska. For more
information and/or to download a reservation form, check our web page at
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
www.oc.edu/alaska. Special OC group
rates begin at $2,084 per person. To
request a brochure, please call the OC
President’s Office at (405) 425-5100 or
email [email protected] with the
subject heading: Please Send Alaska Brochure. Your name and mailing address
should appear in the text of the email.
One of the initiatives of OC’s Higher
Learning~Higher Calling fundraising campaign
will soon become reality with the construction
of the Lawson Commons.
Named for alumni Richard (66) and Pat
Lawson (67), the commons will encompass the
entire student residential area in the western part
of the OC campus, along with the three-tiered
mall area stretching from
the new University House
on the west to the Mabee
Learning Center on the
In addition to the existing student housing that is
being substantially upgraded and increased, two new
structures will be added
to Lawson Commons: an
80’ x 100’ covered pavilion
for university events and
student activities, and an
85-foot clock tower.
The pavilion and clock
tower will be connected
with a grove of trees, and
the entire mall area will be
improved with new hardscape, additional trees
and other landscaping. Construction will begin
this spring and is expected to take 18 to 24
months to complete.
The Lawsons have donated stock valued at
almost $30 million to OC over the last several
years. Richard Lawson is co-founder of St. Paul,
Minn.-based Lawson Software and has served
on the OC board of trustees since 1994. He was
honored as an Outstanding Alumnus from OC’s
College of Science and Engineering in 1998.
“The recent transformation of the student
residential areas and the strengthening of the
university’s financial structure are largely due to
the generosity of Richard and Pat Lawson,” OC
president Mike O’Neal said. “OC will be ever
indebted to them for this transformative gift.”
The Lawsons also established chairs to support academic areas that are
special to them: the Richard
Lawson Endowed Chair in
Professional Studies and
the Pat Lawson Endowed
Chair in Arts and Sciences.
O’Neal described Pat
Lawson as one of OC’s
most effective volunteers
and encouragers. She is a
central figure in the success
of the North Texas Alumni
“Her love for OC and its
students is demonstrated
regularly by her personal
involvement in connecting North Texas alumni,
students and prospective
students with Oklahoma Christian,” O’Neal
The comprehensive student housing initiative
that is nearing completion is another piece of
the Higher Learning~Higher Calling campaign. For more information on this and other
planned projects, contact Vice President for
Advancement John deSteiguer at (405) 425-5094
or at [email protected], or go to
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
For more information about this special alumni event, contact
Director of Alumni Relations Stephen Eck at (405) 425-5118
or at [email protected].
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
show me who I can
bless today.”
Those words were written last July by
Dr. Kim Gaither in a prayer journal that
was given to her by her daughter, Brianna,
last Mother’s Day. Brianna read those
words at her mother’s funeral on Nov. 23,
To have raised a daughter who could
stand and speak at such an occasion
is a testament to the kind of life Kim
Gaither lived. Her daughter carried on the
example of her mother, blessing others by
sharing her mother’s words of faith.
Kimberley Kay (Herron) Gaither
graduated from Oklahoma Christian in
1981, returned there to teach in 1988 and
was serving as Professor of Biology at the
time of her death on Nov. 19, 2005.
Kim was diagnosed with a rare and
violently aggressive breast cancer in 2001.
She fought it hard and was in remission
for 18 months before tumors reappeared
last year.
Kim, who received OC’s Gaylord Chair
for Distinguished Teaching in 2004, held
a B.S. degree in biology/chemistry from
Oklahoma Christian and M.S. and Ph.D.
degrees in microbiology and immunology
from the University of Oklahoma Health
Sciences Center.
May 19, 2005 ST
Father. I feel so inward focused these days. Life
is so much more enjoyable when others – family
and friends – are my focus. Help me be content in
every and any circumstance. - Kim’s Journal
For anyone who knew Kim – whether
as a fellow student more than 25 years
ago, or as someone who was blessed to
hear her sing, or as her friend, or as a
student who sat in her classroom the day
before she died – she exemplified courage,
determination and an abiding trust in
Joseph Thurman was one of the
students who was in Dr. Gaither’s last
microbiology class.
“Last semester was a defining time
in my life. We were wrapped up in Dr.
Gaither’s journey through her treatments,
going from fear at the announcement
of the brain tumor, to great hope at the
treatment in Pittsburgh, to confusion
and despair as her condition suddenly
worsened, to sudden shock and grief at
her death,” he said.
“That emotional rollercoaster actually
taught us all a lot about life, faith, and the
impact we are each capable of making
on those around us,” said Thurman, who
plans to attend medical school.
Kim made an impact on everyone
– immediate and long-lasting impressions
that remain clear in the hearts and minds
of many who shared their memories
about her on the OC website.
Judith (Bennyhoff) White (79) wrote,
“I met Kim during Neat Week before our
freshman year in college. We instantly
became friends and I watched David
spot Kim on a hill singing during a
devotional one night, during our first
week of freshman year. He scooted over
by her and from that moment on they
were together. Kim was always there to
listen, trim your hair, laugh – she was just
a great presence to be around. I especially
remember our Chorale trips freshman and
sophomore years. Yes, our loss is heaven’s
And for Kim (Smith) Hart (82), “I
remember so many things about Kim! She
had such a giving and caring personality.
You could see that she always walked the
walk of Jesus. My fondest memory of
Kim was when she directed Spring Sing
for Gamma Rho in 1980. She was so
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
patient with all of us, but especially me.
You see, I can’t sing or ‘choreograph’ and
she was always there to encourage me no
matter how bad I was doing! She truly did
use her gifts to glorify God.”
“My brother, David Smith, who had
Kim as a biology teacher 10 years later,
said that she was one of the best teachers
because of her ability to communicate
hard material in a way that others could
not. He said that her patience and
encouragement were evidence of her
always glorifying our Lord with her Godgiven talents.”
And Valerie (Wright) Sisk wrote this
to Dr. Gaither’s children: “Your mother
believed in me when others did not. I was
her student in 1994. She didn’t give me
any breaks and I didn’t pass her class. I
thought she was being mean at the time!
I am now a mother of two and it is only
because I care about them that I insist they
do their very best. Your mother is still a
woman I think about when I don’t believe
in my abilities as a mother or teacher. She
is truly an inspiration to me.”
Oct. 31 S
Lord, your perfect peace is beyond my
understanding. You have given me all I need. I feel
rested, calm, strong and ready to face anything by
the grace of your strong hand. Cover my family.
Give them assurance that you are in control. The
evil one has no control over me. None.
Thurman says his most vivid memory
of Kim was from right before she left for
Pittsburgh on Halloween. She came to
class in full costume, not as Dr. Gaither,
but as a microorganism named “Kim
Gaitheriacea,” a corruption of Kim
“The entire class had bought her 75
pink roses as a show of our love and
support as she went to Pittsburgh (for
treatment). Dr. Gaither, however, was not
Dr. Gaither and would not leave character,
creating a very awkward, funny and
touching scene all at once as 25 students
tried to show their love to someone who
was there in body (under the frizzy hair,
black clothes and dark makeup), but was
not going to break her act to be there in
person,” Thurman said.
November 14 S
Please help me accept with grace and patience
the test results today. Thank you for increased
strength. And for the support you surround me
with all the time. Prayer warriors, card senders
and food preparers you are moving right now for
our benefit.
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
As her family, students and friends
continue on without Kim, there is another
special group of friends who are grieving
– Kim’s colleagues at OC.
The day before she died – weak, in a
wheelchair and in pain – Kim insisted
on giving a lecture to her microbiology
students. They had a test scheduled the
following Monday and she told her family
and others who were concerned about her
that her students would not be prepared
without that lecture.
She gave the lecture that Friday … but
the students did not take the test that
“Instead, Dr. (Molly) Hill came in and
we spent the entire hour talking about
Dr. Gaither’s life and impact on all of us.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. That
day was one of the most memorable in
my college career thus far, and was good
for all of us in the sense that it gave us
a sense of peace and closure,” Thurman
said. “Not enough can be said about Dr.
Hill and the guiding light she was for all of
us during that time and for the rest of the
The class eventually took that test.
Thurman made an A.
Hill also spoke on behalf of the faculty
at the funeral. She shared sweet stories
about Kim’s reputation among students as
the “velvet knife,” and how even though
her fellow professors might sometimes be
called cantankerous, no one could ever say
“no” to Kim.
“For a woman as intelligent, personable,
talented, beautiful and self-confident
as you could ever know … she was
nonetheless as unpretentious and truly
humble as you could ever know,” Dr. Hill
said. “Kim taught many lessons. This
may be the most important. She always
told you, ‘I have learned that you are not
defined by what you do; rather, you are
defined by whom you love.’”
July 10 S
Praise you God. For you are the Creator of all
good things. Your beautiful world is glorious this
morning. I love you Lord, and look forward to
praising you more with our church today. Show me
who I can bless today. Teach me from your word
this morning. Help me to be more like you to look
at the heart and not outward appearances. Give
me a song Father that brings glory to you and
calms and soothes my troubled spirit.
by Dawn Shelton (90)
Read the tribute to Kim Gaither
on the OC alumni website.
Kimberley Kay Gaither, 46, of
Edmond, Oklahoma, died November
19, 2005, in Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma. Kim was born September
16, 1959, in Wayne, Michigan, to
Norman Lee and Merilyn Kikhoefel
Herron. Kim obtained her Ph.D.
from the University of Oklahoma
and applied her knowledge and
tremendous faith in God to a career
in Christian education. She was a
Professor of Biology at Oklahoma
Christian University. She was admired
and respected in both the academic
and medical communities. She showed
kindness, wisdom, encouragement
and patience to everyone. Kim bravely
fought breast cancer with grace
and dignity during her final years.
Her constant example of faith and
fortitude blessed innumerable lives.
She brought out the best in all of us.
Kim accomplished many great things
in her life, but she would tell you her
greatest legacy is her children, Luke
and Brianna. She was so very proud
of them. We will always miss her
encouraging smile and her beautiful
voice. At the end – “She couldn’t
walk, but she won the race.” “Because
He lives, we can face tomorrow.”
Survivors include her husband, David;
son, Luke; daughter, Brianna; parents,
Norman and Merilyn Herron of Tulsa,
Oklahoma; brothers and sisters, Jeff
Herron of Livonia, Michigan, Steve
Herron of Edmond, Oklahoma,
Melissa Smith of Niles, Michigan,
Heidi Dickens of Tulsa, Oklahoma,
and their families. Memorial donations
should be made to the scholarship
fund established in her name with the
Office of Advancement at Oklahoma
Christian University, P.O. Box 11000,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73136.
Keep up with milestones online at www.oc.edu/alumni
Molly (Rogers) Lemmons is pursuing full-time writing and storytelling after retiring from Mustang
schools. She is a member of the
National Storytelling Network, secretary for the Oklahoma Territory
Tellers and membership co-chair
of the Oklahoma City Writers
Club. She has published two books:
“Kind of Heart” and “The Passing
of Paradise.” Visit her website at
www.mollyloubelle.com. Addresses: 548
S. Pleasantview Dr., Mustang, OK
73064 and [email protected].
leadership. He is the chair of the
Training Division of the National
Communication Association and
serves as newsletter editor for the
Religious Communication Association. Addresses: 1750 Morrow Ln.,
Abilene, TX 79601 and lakeyp@
Melanie (McDaniel) Bailey
returned to the classroom full-time
as a second-grade teacher. Addresses: 2121 NE 78th Ave., Vancouver,
WA 98664 and mbailey1950@
Steveanna (Murphy) and Jack
Giesecke announce the birth of
their granddaughter, Haley Lynn
Giesecke. Addresses: 1819 Broadway, Port Lavaca, TX 77979 and
[email protected].
molly lemmons
LaDanta Fullington and Howard
Kowis were married in May 2003.
Addresses: PO Box 1822, Hilltop
Lakes, TX 77871 and ljkowis@
Mike Crossland retired from the
Spring Hill Independent School
District after serving for 43 years
as superintendent.
LD Byrd received special recognition from the Gunter Independent
School District for 20 years of service on the Board of Trustees. He
also serves on the Grayson Central
Appraisal District, is president of
the Gunter Economic Development Corporation and began his
22nd year as a minister for Preston
North Church of Christ in Celina,
TX. Addresses: 301 College, Box
414, Gunter, TX 75058 and [email protected].
Dr. Paul Lakey, professor
of communication at Abilene
Christian University, completed
a sabbatical examining Chinese
ing Oak, Edmond, OK 73003 and
[email protected].
Gil (Randy) Teague is a Colonel
in the U.S. Army and received
the Bronze Star following his
recent one-year tour in Iraq. He
served as Staff Surgeon for XVIII
Airborne Corps and as Command
Surgeon for Multi National Corps,
overseeing healthcare for all coalition warfighters. His next duty
assignment is Medical Liaison to
the United Kingdom at the Royal
Military Academy, Sandhurst. Addresses: #11 The Terrace, RMAS,
Camberley UK GU15 4NS and
[email protected].
Bill and Saphronia (Thomas 74)
Whaley announce the birth of
their granddaughter, Laurel Riannan Whaley. Proud parents are Jonathan and Alice Whaley. Addresses:
2408 Post Oak Rd., Rockdale, TX
76567 and [email protected].
Audrey (VanWinkle) Gramling
achieved National Board Certification for Library Media Teachers in November 2005 and is a
library media specialist at Monroe
Elementary School in Norman.
Addresses: 3933 SW 8th, Newcastle, OK 73065 and audreylms@
Larry Judd was listed in Who’s
Who Among America’s Teachers for two years and coaches
football for Catoosa County. His
wife, Cheryl (Buchanan 76), is a
medical transcriptionist and signs
for the deaf. Addresses: 435 Pine
Ridge Ext., Ringgold, GA 30736
and [email protected].
Kim Rice owns Got Noni Enterprises and Signs2u. His wife,
Martha (Allen 79), is a legal
assistant for the Teague Law Firm.
Their daughter, Kristin, received a
scholarship to Rochester College
and their daughter Jenna is in high
school. Addresses: 3421 Baird Dr.,
Edmond, OK 73013 and krice8@
Jim and Mardie (Canham) Bryant announce the adoption of Jacob Cecil, 5, Adam Douglas, 4, and
Elisabeth May, 3, on June 9, 2004.
They join brothers Nathan, Daniel
and Jesse. Addresses: 9801 Smok-
president and chief operating
Jackson previously served
as senior vice president and
chief operating officer for
Noble Corporation. The
company boasts a premium
fleet of 62 mobile offshore
drilling units located in Brazil,
India, Mexico, West Africa,
the Middle East, the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea, and
other key markets worldwide.
Jackson graduated from
Oklahoma Christian in 1978
with a bachelor of science
degree in accounting. He is a
certified public accountant. He
and his wife Susie (Patterson
79), a member of OC’s Board
of Trustees, live in Fort Worth,
Larry and Rhea (Holmgren 77)
Buckingham’s daughter, Melanie,
was married to Ryan Shandruk in
June 2005. Rhea is a relocation specialist at TransCanada PipeLines.
Addresses: 143 Silvercreek Close
N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
T3B4G2 and [email protected].
Carla (Simmons) Calhoun works
with Rapha International as its Disaster Resource Network coordinator. Her son, John, performs with
the singing group Won By One at
Pepperdine University. Addresses:
509 SW 2nd Lindsay, OK 73052
and [email protected].
Larry and rhea buckingham family
Julie (Preece 78) Baird was
named executive director of
Leonardo’s Discovery Warehouse
& Adventure Quest in Enid. Addresses: 902 Bryan Dr., Enid, OK
73701 and [email protected].
Noble Corporation, one of the
leading oil and gas companies in the world, has named
OC alumnus Mark Jackson
Jim and Marion (Mclain)
Greene celebrated their 25th anniversary in November 2005. Addresses: 425 Magnolia St., Marion,
AR 72364 and greene9479@
Jeannie (Slater) Martin is a
residential real estate agent with
RE/MAX, and her production
reached the top 5% of agents in
the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in 2005.
Addresses: 3101 Mustang Dr.
#208, Grapevine, TX 76051 and
[email protected].
Continued on next column
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
(Gordon) Bartel. Julie is an account
manager at Maritz in Fenton,
Mo., and teaches business finance
at Central Methodist University
satellite campus in Union, Mo.
Addresses: 1707 Lamplite Estates,
St. Clair, MO 63077 and Julie.
[email protected].
Joyce Vandiver (86), to morbid
obesity, in a poignant and moving
narrative. Find out more and order
the book at www.sunspotpress.com.
Aaron Thomas teaches English
as a second language at Southwest
City Elementary School. Addresses: 2317 Hurley Lane, Joplin,
MO 64804 and aaronthomas@
Terri (Howe) Hull completed
her upgrade to captain for Mesaba
Airlines-Northwest Airlink. Addresses: 1547 Union City Rd., Ft.
Recovery, OH 45846 and bthhull@
martin family
Lenora (Dodds) Davis is a
contract administrator with DRD
Technology in Tulsa. She also is a
local artist and instructor of One
Stroke Decorative Painting. Addresses: 2501 W. Hartford, Broken
Arrow, OK 74012 and ldavis@drd.
Vicki Street and James Shepherd
were married on May 31, 2002.
Vicki is the Triage Coordinator at
Carl Albert Mental Health. She has
her master’s degree in counseling,
and is certified as a licensed professional counselor and licensed alcohol and drug counselor. Addresses:
3320 N. 379 Rd., Holdenville, OK
74848 and [email protected].
Dale Garland is the assistant store
manager at Joseph A. Bank Men’s
Clothiers. Addresses: 2812 NW
59th, #217, Oklahoma City, OK
73112 and dale833g1@netzero.
Joe and Laneigha (White) Shuman moved to Temple, Texas,
where Joe is a computer programmer for NewTec and Laneigha is
a piano instructor and the theory
lab supervisor for the University
of Mary Hardin Baylor. Addresses:
3807 Chisholm Trail, Temple, TX
76504 and laneigha@shumanstudios.
com and [email protected].
Timothy and Julie (Pierce) Gordon announce the birth of their
grandson, Connor Matthew Bartel.
Proud parents are Matt and Amber
Cecilia (Leite) Stoll spoke at
Arbonne International’s National
Training Conference in Las Vegas.
She also received the “Spirit of
Arbonne” award last year. Marvin
has joined Cecilia in the business.
Addresses: 2700 Amesbury Lake
Dr., Edmond, OK 73013 and
[email protected].
Eric Tooley is a speaker with Aim
for Success, a sexual abstinence
program. He has conducted more
than 2,500 programs across the
country over the last 10 years.
Addresses: 1523 Vista Bend Dr.,
Allen, TX 75002 and etooley@
Heidi (Garred) Foshee and her
children live and work at the New
Mexico Christian Children’s Home,
where she is an adoption caseworker and mother/child program
coordinator. Addresses: 1356 NW
Hwy 236, Portales, NM 88130 and
heidif@[email protected].
Leiani (Martin) Sherwin began a
second career as a reading specialist at Sidney Glen Elementary
School in Port Orchard, Wash.
She earned her master’s degree in
teaching from City University in
Tacoma. Addresses: 3512 59th St.
Ct. NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335
and [email protected].
Todd and Jana (Rogers 87)
Walker moved to 6809 East
109th Pl, Tulsa, OK 73137.
Ann (Vandiver) Pai has published
a memoir, My Other Body, a memoir
of love, fat, life and death. Pai describes the loss of her older sister,
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
sparkspace at www.sparkspace.com.
Addresses: 2730 Brandon Rd.,
Columbus, OH 43215 and mark@
Ann (Vandiver) Pai
Sheila (Fagan) Conway owns
two UPS Stores in Oklahoma City.
Addresses: 4213 NW 148th St.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73134 and
[email protected].
Steven Dye began a new ministry
with Journey Fellowship, a mission
community of Oak Hills Church.
Oak Hills has grown from 60 to almost 400 since Easter 2005. Email:
[email protected].
Rebecca Kletchka and Perry
Hilt were married on July 15, 2005.
Addresses: 1239 S. Ridgehurst Cir.,
Wichita, KS 67230 and bkletchka@
John and Midori (Kabeya) Flood
announce the birth of their son,
Benjamin Kabeya, on November
20, 2005. John practices labor and
employment law with Ogletree,
Deakins, Nash, Smoak and Stewart, in the firm’s Washington, D.C.,
office. Addresses: 305 Redland
Blvd #101, Rockville, MD 20850
and [email protected].
Kristen Street and Curtis Bates
were married on December 26,
2004. Kristen teaches at Weleetka
Public Schools and has two master’s degrees: one in reading and
the other in counseling. Addresses:
7913 Hwy. 270 Bldg. A, Holdenville, OK 74848 and kstreet@
Dr. Bill Arbuckle successfully defended his dissertation in
December 2005. He thanks his
family for their support during his
six years of study. Addresses: 2413
Appleway, Edmond, OK 73013
and [email protected].
Kevin and Alisa (Gay 86)
Bentley moved to Overland Park,
Kansas, where Kevin is director
of operations for North America
for AMC Theatres. Addresses:
15644 S. Widmer, Overland Park,
KS 66062, boomerschooner@
Samantha Newsom and Kenneth
Rector were married on December
31, 2005. Addresses: 2115 S. Roosevelt Rd., Portales, NM 88130 and
[email protected].
Mark Henson just signed his first
licensed location for his meeting
space business, sparkspace. The
original location is in Columbus,
Ohio, and the new location will
be in Denver, Colo. Check out
Arbuckle family
Jay and Stephanie (Utter) Mast
have found a unique way to be on
the mission field together at home
by hosting exchange students. Contact them if you know of churchsponsored exchange programs or
have interest in starting a program.
Addresses: 25731 120th St. NE,
Monroe, WA 98272 and teaison@
Dr. Wyatt Fenno received his
Doctor of Ministry degree from
Abilene Christian University in
May 2005 and was honored for
outstanding work on his project
thesis and for exceptional personal
and professional growth in the
doctor of ministry program. He is
the spiritual formation minister at
Quail Springs Church of Christ.
Addresses: 16208 Clear Creek Dr.,
Edmond, OK 73013 and w4t1@
Staci (Baxter) and Steven Woodruff moved to Mount Pleasant,
Iowa, to become co-founders of
“Opie’s House,” a developmental
preschool for special needs children. Addresses: 1994 Logan Ave,
Mount Pleasant, IA 52641 and
[email protected].
Avi and Jeaneen (James) Arthur
announce the birth of their son,
Austin Gabriel, on May 23, 2005.
He joins sisters Ashley and Ana.
Addresses: 5643 Annenberg Ct,
Haymarket, VA 20169 and [email protected].
James and Kela (Friesen 93)
Baird announce the birth of their
son, Jack Henry, on Aug. 12, 2005.
Addresses: 14400 Oxford Dr.,
Edmond, OK 73013 and [email protected] and kelabaird@
Dr. Heidi (Herron) Dickens expresses her thanks to all the faculty,
staff, students and alumni for their
prayers and support through the
loss of her sister, Dr. Kim Gaither.
Addresses: 2218 E. 48th St., Tulsa,
OK 74105 and heididickens@
Jill (Crowder) Prestridge was
named the 2005 Secondary Teacher
of the Year for Grand Prairie ISD
Ninth Grade Center. Addresses:
1602 Fern Dr., Mansfield, TX
76063 and jill.prestridge@gpisd.
Peter and Michelle (Brooks)
Sheldon announce the adoption
of their daughter, Kimberly Nicole.
She joins sister Kayla. Addresses:
2409 Red Elm Ct, Edmond, OK
73013 and [email protected]
and [email protected].
Ron and Heather (Wolken 91)
Blankinship announce the birth
of their daughter, Ciana Valee, on
July 26, 2005. She joins big sister
Kiera. Ron is the pulpit minister
at the Huber Heights Church of
Christ and Heather is a freelance
graphic artist. Addresses: 4701
Passaic Court, Huber Heights, OH
45424 and [email protected] and
[email protected]
Bryan Jarvis received a master’s
degree in Bible and ministry from
Lubbock Christian University in
May 2005. Addresses: 42 Parkway
Dr., Chickasha, OK 73018 and
[email protected].
human development and family studies at the University of
Missouri. Addresses: 1326 Godas
Drive, Columbia, MO 65202 and
[email protected].
David and Michelle (Burdan)
Brown announce the birth of
their daughter, Sophie Marlana, on
August 18, 2005. Addresses: 14104
Benson Rd., Edmond, OK 73013
and [email protected] and
[email protected].
Stephen and Amy (Brown 95)
Romberg announce the birth of
their son, Grant Coleton, on June
9, 2005. He joins brother Jack.
Gerald and Kendra (Berry)
Barton announce the birth of
their son, Austin, on April 1, 2005.
He joins brothers Tyler and Cole.
Addresses: 12817 S. Silver Plume
St., Parker, CO 80134 and [email protected].
David and michelle brown family
Grant Davis completed his fellowship in surgical pathology at
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in
Houston and is a pathologist for
Physicians Laboratory Overland
Park. Addresses: 8302 W. 145th
St., Overland Park, KS 66223 and
[email protected].
Tara (Wolfenbarger) and Randy
Smith announce the birth of their
son, Cooper Dean, on Oct. 10,
The Bartons
Nathan King started a new real
estate brokerage firm in Columbia, Mo. Addresses: 4504 Timber
Ln., Columbia, MO 65202 and
[email protected].
Bruce and Kathy (Kemp 95)
McIntyre announce the birth of
their son, Seth Alan, on July 5,
2004. Bruce is pursuing a Ph.D. in
Mike and Jeanise (Wynn) Morton announce the birth of their
daughter, Lindsay Jeanel, on November 15, 2005. She joins brother,
Joel, 2. Proud grandparents are
David and Linda Morton (71), and
Steve (75) and Lisa Wynn.
Rob and Amy (Anderson)
Schlup announce the birth of
their daughter, Kyndal Elizabeth,
on December 7, 2004. She joins
brother Rylan. Email: raschlup@
Lori (Dennis) Ready is currently
working at a Dallas OB/GYN office doing ultrasounds. Addresses:
1504 Stoneham Pl., Richardson,
TX 75081 and lready@hotmail.
Steve and Janda (Anderson)
McDaniel celebrated their 10-year
wedding anniversary this past
July. Addresses: 2001 Shamrock
Dr., Brentwood, TN 37027 and
[email protected] and
[email protected].
Allison (Ogle) Gifford was selected as postmaster for Louisville,
Neb. Allison is a third generation
postmaster. Addresses:
P.O. Box 482, Gretna, NE 68028
and [email protected].
James Manry graduated from
the University of Kansas Medical
School residency program in June
2005 and is an anesthesiologist
with Mid Continent Anesthesia
Chartered. Addresses: 838 N.
Broadview, Wichita, KS 67208 and
[email protected].
Corey Whaley was named vicepresident of the Board of Directors for Carpenter Square Theatre
in Oklahoma City. He also is a
programmer for Matrix Telecom,
Inc. Addresses: 3101 NW 150th
St Apt 25-D, Oklahoma City, OK
73134 and [email protected].
Amy Avant and Jason Ragsdale
were married on August 27, 2005.
Addresses: 46726 Huling, Shelby
Township, MI 48317 and [email protected].
Daniel and Jennifer (Liddell)
Apel announce the birth of their
son, Wesley Eric, on July 29, 2005.
He joins brother Jack. Addresses:
127 Box S. Dr, Kerrviille, TX
78028 and [email protected].
Paul and Elizabeth Barr announce the birth of their son, Lukas Grant, on June 15, 2004. Paul is
senior product engineer at Benteler
Automotive. Addresses: 4885 Mary
Sue Ave., Clarkston, MI 48346 and
[email protected].
Melissa Farris and David Vitale
are engaged. The wedding will
take place in Charleston, S.C., on
January 27, 2007. Addresses: 1710
Oak Gate Dr., Apt. 208, Charlotte,
NC 28210 and mfarris@carolina.
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Shawn and Denise (Miller)
Fowler joined alums Taylor and
Connie (Hanks) Cave (90) and
John (00) and Angie (Klameth
99, 01) Ricketts on the ministry
team at Del City Church of Christ.
Shawn is the pulpit minister, Taylor
is the outreach minister and John is
the youth and family minister.
Jimmy and Jennifer (Rath)
Hyde announce the birth of
their daughter, Larissa Marie, on
April 20, 2005. She joins big sister
Makenzie. Jimmy is the youth
minister at the Dewey Church of
Christ. Addresses: 5215 Lynn Rd,
Bartlesville, OK 74006 and [email protected].
Jeffrey and Becky (Ross 92)
Ralls moved to Arizona. Addresses: 45094 W. Miramar Rd,
Maricopa, AZ 85239 and jbjralls@
Michael and Christi (Bourque)
Clark announce the birth of their
son, Carson Ryan, on October
10, 2005. He joins sister Micah.
Michael works in marketing with
Kellogg’s. Addresses: 185 Shadow
Bend Lane, Battle Creek, MI 49014
and [email protected].
Matt Goodman graduated in
fall 2005 with his master of arts
degree in organizational dynamics
from the University of Oklahoma.
Addresses: 12999 E 114th Ct. N,
Owasso, OK 74055 and matt@
Matt Mazza is the new family
minister at the Prestoncrest Church
of Christ in Dallas. Addresses:
2007 Fox Glen Dr, Allen, TX
75013 and [email protected].
Matthew and Mindi (Hayter)
Miller moved to Topeka, where
Matt is the chief meteorologist
for KTKA. Addresses: 2539 SW
Wexford, Topeka, KS 66614 and
[email protected].
Steve Scott was named to Who’s
Who of America’s Teachers. He
coaches high school soccer and is a
PE teacher in Oklahoma City.
Karen Davis and Jason Schwarz
were marred on the beach in
Waimanalo Bay, Hawaii, on August
13, 2005.
Ronnie and Amanda (Talley 98)
Petersen started a roofing business
in Tulsa. Addresses: 1708 W Austin
St., Broken Arrow, OK 74011 and
[email protected] and [email protected].
Matt and Amanda (Goshorn)
Reynolds announce the birth of
their daughter, Lucy Jo-Anne, on
Aug. 16, 2005. She joins brother
Korbyn Matthew. Addresses: PO
Box 235, Garfield, AR 72732 and
[email protected].
Ben and Jaime (Elam 00) Bailey
announce the birth of their son,
Beck Jackson, born November 17,
2004. Addresses: 3922 Wisteria
Way, San Antonio, TX 78259 and
[email protected] and [email protected].
Bekka Brown and Johnathan
Gresham were married on August
21, 2005.
Troy and Katie (Eroh) Baker announce the birth of their daughter,
Delaney Anne, on July 13, 2005.
Addresses: 5541 S. 32nd Circle,
Lincoln, NE 68516 and katie_
[email protected] and [email protected].
Michael, Christi, Micah and Carson Clark
amanda, korbyn, lucy and matt reynolds
Rebecca (King) Weber is a
fourth-grade teacher with Mid-Del
Public Schools.
troy, delaney and katie baker
Mark and Melissa (Whittington)
Coate announce the birth of their
daughter, Mollie, on August 16,
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Springfield, MA 01104 and gibj@
Brandon and Veronica (Barbash
01) Hombs announce the birth of
their daughter, Natalia Cadence, on
July 3, 2005. Brandon finished his
Ph.D. in electrical engineering at
Purdue University in August 2005
and works for BAE Systems. Addresses: 15 Whitewood Lane, Merrimack, NH 03054 and bhombs@
Jeremy Kenney is youth minister at Memorial Road Church of
Christ. His wife Amanda (Sheets)
began a new career as an obstetrical RN for OU Medical Center
in Oklahoma City. Addresses:
1321 Cedar View, Edmond, OK
73013 and [email protected] and
[email protected].
Frank Jimenez graduated from
chiropractic school in January 2004
and owns Integrity Chiropractic
and Wellness in Kansas City. Email:
[email protected].
Joy Rainey successfully completed
national teacher board certification
in November 2005 and is in graduate school. She teaches and coaches
at Western Village Academy in
Oklahoma City. Addresses: 3200
W. Britton Rd, Oklahoma City, OK
73120 and [email protected].
Stephen and Farrah (Suvanto
99) Sargent announce the birth of
their son, Jeremy Thomas, on September 19, 2005. He joins sisters
Haley and Rebekah.
Michael Clark and Katie Allen
(03) were married October 29,
2005. Addresses: 3112 Crown
Feathers Dr, Edmond, OK 73013
and [email protected] and [email protected].
Edward and Linda (Thomson)
Fry announce the birth of their
son, Anthony Edison, on March
31, 2005. He joins sister Elizabeth.
Addresses: 1306 West Aries, Edmond, OK 73003 and bellalera@
Jason and Amber (Nelson 96)
Davis announce the birth of
their daughter, Claire Lisette, on
March 13, 2005. She joins big
sister Grace. Addresses: 2109 Erin
Place, Oklahoma City, OK 73120
and [email protected] and
[email protected].
Scott DeBoard and Teresa Judd
(00) were married on September
17, 2005.
2005. She joins sister Macie. Addresses: 1015 Queens Circle, Edmond, OK 73034 and mcoate2@
Jennifer (Dunnell) and Matthew
Gibbons announce the birth of
their son, Riley David, on Aug,
31, 2005. He joins sister Alexis.
Addresses: 79 Santa Barbara St
Jeremy thomas sargent
Ray Bailey had the lead role in
the independent film, “11:59.” The
film won critical acclaim at the
Montreal Film Festival.
Robert and Amber (Stadler)
Benton relocated to the Kansas
City area. Addresses: 13100 W.
137th Pl., Overland Park, KS
66221 and [email protected].
June 18, 2005. Billy is a mechanical engineer for the U.S. Bureau
of Reclamation. Addresses: 1919
S. Washington, Casper, Wyoming
82601 and [email protected].
Katie Harder completed her
master’s degree in education and
teaches seventh grade science for
the Independence School District,
in Kansas City, MO. Addresses:
701 NE Ash St., Lee’s Summit,
MO 64063 and ktharder@hotmail.
Greg Bukovatz is the youth
minister at the East Grand Church
of Christ in Springfield, MO. Addresses: 4466 West Westwood Dr,
Battlefield, MO 65619 and [email protected].
Bryan and Candice (Herndon)
Herken announce the birth
of their son, Ethan Monroe
Allen, on Oct. 13, 2005. Emails:
[email protected] and
[email protected].
Jeff and Sendy (Simmons)
Green announce the birth of their
daughter, Adelaide, on September
9, 2004. She joins brother Jonathan. Jeff works for an Army contractor, nFocus. Addresses: 2411
Caprice Dr., Killeen, TX 76543 and
[email protected] and jeff.
[email protected].
Matt and Jessica (Jackson)
Olson worked for a year at Manuelito Navajo Children’s Home in
Gallup, N.M., before returning to
Montana, where Matt is a student
at Montana State University and
Jessica owns a private piano studio.
Addresses: 108 McIntosh Ct. Apt.
B, Bozeman, MT 59715 and [email protected].
John Wood and Emily Yeats (04)
announce their marriage on June
25, 2005. Addresses: 2140 Carlisle
Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73120 and
[email protected] and
[email protected].
Crystalyn (Starks) Fillmore is
a captain in the U.S. Army and
trains Reserve and National Guard
soldiers in MOUT (urban operations training). She also serves as
the personnel officer/intelligence
advisor to her commander. Her
son, DJ, was born on January 1,
2005. Addresses: 2555 John Gray
Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45231 and
[email protected].
Nikole Herron (04) and Scott
Erwin (02) were married on
November 5, 2005. Nikole is a
medical tech for the Oklahoma
Blood Institute, and Scott works
in sales for Hilti Corp. Addresses:
4419 E 14th Pl, Tulsa, OK 74112
and [email protected].
Adam Hoffhines and Heather
Duncan (03) were married in
May 2005. Heather is working in a
dietetics internship at Oklahoma
University Health Sciences Center,
and Adam is working on his dissertation at the Oklahoma Medical
Research Foundation. Addresses:
2936 Colonial Lane, Edmond, OK
73013 and adam-hoffhines@ouhsc.
Billy Bright and Heather Decker announce their marriage on
Charles Perez is a pharmacy
coordinator for Community Care
Managed Health Care Plans. Email:
[email protected].
Austin Taylor was accepted to the
University of Oklahoma Medical
Ben and Kelly (Eroh) Tyson live
in Moore. Ben is a civilian electronics engineer for the Air Force.
Kelly will graduate in May 2006
with her master’s degree in speechlanguage pathology. Addresses:
2120 N.E. 13th, Moore, OK 73160
and [email protected].
Joey and Suzanne (Gregg 98)
Winn announce the birth of their
son, Jaxon Josiah, on April 11,
2005. Addresses: 1108 Northgate
Terr., Edmond, OK 73013 and
[email protected].
Adam and heather hoffhines
Angela Guinn teaches English,
newspaper, and yearbook and
coaches soccer for Coweta Public
Schools. Addresses: 323 E. 3rd Pl.,
Brandon and Mindy (Mumaw)
Kennedy announce the birth of
their twin daughters, Madison and
Mackenzie, on Aug. 17, 2005. They
join big brother Dylan. Brandon
will graduate from the University
of Oklahoma School of Law this
year and has accepted a job at a
law firm in Austin, TX. Addresses:
300 36th Ave. S.W., Norman, OK
73072 and mnkennedy18@gmail.
Michael and Christa (Wright)
Keltner announce the birth of
their son, Mason James, on Aug.
27, 2005. Addresses: 6912 Bear
Hollow Ct., Forth Worth, TX
76137 and [email protected].
Glen and Melissa (Thyne 02)
Lind are expecting their first
child in April 2006. Glen is a
manager at BD’s Mongolian BBQ
in Naperville, Ill. Addresses: 699
Serendipity Dr., Aurora, IL 60504
and [email protected] and
[email protected].
Jenny Wittkop and Jared Mears
(04) were married on July 16, 2005.
Addresses: 271 S.W. Namitz Ct.,
Dundee, OR 97115 and jenny@
Kinder (Vanderburg) Shamhart
attends law school at the University
of Tulsa. Addresses: 4707 Sunview
Pl., Bartlesville, OK 74006 and
[email protected].
joey, Suzanne and jaxon winn
Andrea Aubuchont is the weekend news producer at Fox23 News
in Tulsa. Addresses: 9323 East 3rd
Pl, Tulsa, OK 74112 and [email protected].
Lori Ford (03) and Matthew
Bell (05) were married on June
18, 2005. Matt is in law school at
Faulkner University. Lori works in
the business office at Faulkner.
Amanda Bell and Joshua Crisp
were married on June 25, 2005, in
Montego Bay, Jamaica. Josh works
for Countrywide Full Spectrum
Lending as an account executive
and Amanda works for the Tulsa
World as an advertising account
executive. Addresses: 5210 E.
81st, #135, Tulsa, OK 74137 and
[email protected].
Tulsa, OK 74112 and aguinn@
Kelli (Hodges) and John Plumb
announce the birth of their son,
Carson Phillip, on Sept. 7, 2005.
Kelli teaches fifth grade. Addresses: 11 Apache, Shawnee, OK
74801 and [email protected].
Capt. Tiffany M. Comiskey
received the Air Force Commendation Medal. Tiffany is a flight commander with six years of military
service and is assigned to the 436th
Airlift Wing, Dover Air Force Base,
in Delaware.
Tony Weedn graduated pilot training and is training to become an
instructor pilot in the T-1 Jayhawk.
Hylee (Sheehan) is a realtor for
Nicholas Real Estate. Addresses:
2009 Appomattox, Enid, OK
73703 and [email protected] and
[email protected]
Tres Lowrance was accepted into
the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. Addresses: 1931
S. Jackson Ave Apt U, Tulsa, OK
74107 and tres.lowrance@alumni.
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Troy Carter is a software engineer
at Mosley Holdings. Addresses:
1112 S.E. 8th, Moore, OK 73160
and [email protected].
Elizabeth Archer and Chris Barthel are engaged to be married on
April 22, 2006. Addresses: 12831
N. Stratford Apt. 116, Oklahoma
City, OK 73120 and Elizabeth.
[email protected].
Anthony Sims
Anthony Sims, the 5-year-old son of OC alumni Damon
(96) and Jeanetta (Davis 93) Sims, passed away February 15
after a six-month battle with brain tumors.
Anthony is survived by his parents, his sister Maicel, and
other family and friends. Jeanetta, a former student senate
president at Oklahoma Christian, is now an assistant professor
of communication for the university.
To our OC Family:
We really do not know what to say. “Thank you” is the appropriate
thing; however, it just does not seem to be enough. The past few months
and especially the last few weeks have been overwhelming, and yet, you all
have given us love, support, hope and encouragement through your prayers,
benefit concert, cards, emails, gifts, basketball benefit, flowers, and food for
our family and guests. We truly thank you, appreciate you, and are very
grateful to God for all you have done.
In Him,
Damon, Jeanetta, and Maicel (MeMe) Sims
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
The Honor Roll of Donors identifies gifts made by alumni, friends and parents during calendar year 2005. Donors are listed in the annual Gift Clubs
according to giving level. The number following a donor’s name shows the number of consecutive years that the donor has contributed. Oklahoma
Christian University is grateful for the generosity and support displayed by these donors.
2005 Patrons ($25,000 and more)
Anonymous Donor
Myrtle Bailey Trust (2)
Bank of America
Charles and Lesa Branch (6)
Mark and Beth Brewer (4)
Clarence Burr
Chapman Foundation
Charles Leroy Buie Family Trust
Glendon and Juanita Combs
Todd and Dee Dobson (11)
Edward L. Gaylord Charitable Lead Trust (5)
Gerd and Lucky Fecht (6)
Jose Freede (8)
Hatton W. Sumners Foundation, Inc. (3)
Norma Henry
Hodges Trust (2)
Mark and Susie Jackson (6)
Kerr McGee Corporation (7)
Kirkpatrick Foundation, Inc.
Dewey and Gina Leggett (7)
Aubrey McClendon
Edna McNally (8)
Meinders Foundation (5)
Dan and Ellie Miller (7)
Don and Donna Millican (9)
Royce and Mary Mires Family
Noble Foundation
O G & E (22)
Oklahoma City Community
Foundation (14)
Harry and Brenda Patterson (10)
Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation
Phil and Melissa Roe (2)
Leo and Mable Scott Estate (2)
Gladys Seal
David and Mary Seat (15)
Allen and Stephanie Shepherd (7)
Roy Shumate
Roy Tanaka
Ed and Patsy Tippens (3)
Lon and Jane Winton (3)
2005 SPONSORS ($5,000-24,999)
Anonymous Donor
Mark and Lagaylia Alfonso (5)
Arvest Bank (3)
Austin Homes, LLC (2)
BancFirst (11)
Carlton Bass (4)
Walter and Margeretta Beam (13)
Bill Beeman (21)
Richard and Ada Blankenship (17)
Boeing Company
Jeff and Natalie Bonney (12)
Brad and Johanna Britton
Cary and Jill Brown (3)
S.R. and Maxine Bryant (20)
Century Advisors, LLC (2)
Dwain and Loretta Chaffin (6)
Ralph and Darla Chain (14)
Chesapeake Energy (2)
Conoco, Inc. (30)
Coppermark Bank (6)
Roy and Debra Cowan (5)
Robert and Kathleen Denyer
Jeff Dimick (14)
Basil and Aline Drymon
E. Paul & Helen Buck Waggoner Foundation (3)
Ray and Marcheta Felts (2)
Marilyn Fisher (7)
David and Kim Gaither (15)
Chip and Allison Garrett (3)
Robert and Sue Gibson (3)
Jeffrey Gimble (2)
Bill and Gale Goodwin
Steven and Betty Gregg (6)
Bob and Karen Harmon (7)
Larry and Paula Harms (9)
Marshall and Dorothy Hartman (3)
Emma Hodges Trust
J. Kelly Hudelson Insurance Agency, Inc. (2)
Kenny and Kathy Kaaiohelo (5)
Jeff and Karla L’Hommedieu (4)
Rick and Gaylene Lawson (9)
Lucille & Harrold Peterson
Foundation (2)
Midfirst Bank (3)
Mayola Tippens Kerr Morgan
North Texas Alumni Association
Stafford and Jo Anne North (51)
David and Beverly North
Mike and Nancy O’Neal (6)
OC Eagle Club
OCWA Oklahoma City
Chapter (14)
OCWA Tulsa Chapter (8)
Natural Gas (5)
Quail Springs Church of Christ
Jack and Barbara Rowe (7)
Smith & Pickel Construction
Inc. (2)
Stillwater National Bank (3)
Chatlos Foundation, Inc.
Melvin and Barbara Thompson (6)
Trammell Crow Company
United Way
Lionel and Tommie Walker (2)
Sylvia Ward (5)
Tom and Sch’ree Ward
Paul and Mary Winkler (5)
Pen and Robin Woods (7)
Don and Patrice Ziegler (3)
2005 COLLEAGUES ($1,000-4,999)
Anonymous Donor
16th and Pile Street Church of Christ (7)
John and Susan Admire
Gloria Alesso
Kent and Phyllis Allen (3)
Bill and Sue Antwine
Mike and Donna Sue Arnold (8)
Neil and Joni Arter (7)
Dale and Carlotta Baird (3)
James and Kela Baird (2)
Mickey and Jane Banister (16)
Bank of Oklahoma (2)
David Barclay (4)
Otis and Maryann Baskin (2)
Gary and Vickie Baumwart (8)
Keith and Darlene Beachler
Chester and Debbie Beam (5)
Andy and Debby Benton
Jeff and Dawn Bigelow (7)
Jeff and Sherry Bingham (11)
Howard and Mary Blauvelt (5)
Tom and Judy Boker (2)
Virgil and Jo Bond (8)
Cliff and Connell Branan
Alfred and Judy Branch (6)
Charles and Sylvia Branch (3)
Dan and Stacey Branch
Warren Branch (6)
John and Betty Bridwell
William Brink (3)
Broadhurst Foundation (29)
Jack and Peggy Browder (2)
Joe and Teresa Bryan (2)
Buck Buchanan (4)
Tip and Robin Burch (3)
CGI Group, Inc.
Norma Cable (21)
Gary and Linda Call
J.B. and Helen Chase (7)
Cisco Systems Foundation (2)
Clements Foods Company
Geneva Cobb (5)
Marc and Jody Compton (18)
Rick and Carol Copeland (7)
Copy Stop of Oklahoma City (2)
Bill and Pat Cox (4)
Doug and Cheryl Cox (7)
Ryan and Kelly Crabtree
Ashley Cunningham
Jim and Denise Cutbirth (22)
Dalmac Companies
Dusty Davis (5)
John and Darla deSteiguer (3)
John and Mary Jo deSteiguer (2)
Roy and Mary Dockum (3)
Joe and Charlotte Dodson (15)
Dave and Shirlie Ellis (3)
Clyde and Carolyn Estes (2)
Evans, Gaither & Associates
Gary and Dea Fields (6)
Dean and Stephanie Findley (11)
Tim and Risa Forrester (10)
Jaunita Foshee (4)
Hulin and Ann Fowler
William Frankfurt
Freedoms Foundation at
Valley Forge
Jim and Norma Freeman (5)
Ron and Stephanie Frost
Loren and Iola Gieger (22)
Darrell and Robin Gingerich (6)
David and Sandy Goin (7)
Brent and Valerie Gooden (2)
Wes and Carrie Gotcher (5)
Kelly and Roberta Graham (2)
David and Cathy Gramling (3)
Sam and Marlene Granberg (2)
Grant Thornton LLP
Greg and Pennie Green
Keith and Susan Hall (7)
Ray Hardin (3)
Kevin and Julie Hargrove
Joel Harmon (3)
Lyle and Mary Harms (2)
Harold and Louise Harris (29)
Mark and Diane Harvey (2)
Steve and Susan Hassmann
Denise Hawkins
Dan and Jo Ann Hays (22)
Brent and Andrea Heath (7)
Heritage Trust Co. (2)
Bill and Judi Herndon (6)
Reece and Elizabeth Hogan (2)
Hope Christian Community
Doug and Linda Hudkins
Jack and Hallie Hudkins (9)
Forrest and Dena Hunter (3)
John and Shirley Huser
Macie Jackson
John Mitchell & Associates (2)
Larry and Ann Johnson (18)
Tim and Michelle Johnson (7)
Jay and Montine Jones (8)
Jerry and Lynn Jones
Howard and Suzanne
Kauffmann (7)
Hester Kelcy (3)
Jim and Norene Ketcherside (2)
Kimray, Inc.
Eric and Linda King (2)
Joan Kirkpatrick (7)
Cliff and Sybil Knight
Ken and Mary Knowles (6)
Scott and Alice LaMascus (8)
Robert and Donna Lamb (7)
Lane and Sarah Landes (3)
Mary Larson (6)
Laurence S. Youngblood
Foundation Inc.
John and Sue Lawson
Howard and Marilyn Leftwich (4)
Linda Lewis (4)
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Danney and Janice Lidia (2)
Larry and Jane Luethke (4)
Myra Lugar (3)
Maguire Foundation
David Marlatt
Louise McCluggage (3)
Bud and Sarah McFarland
Charles and Ji McFarland (4)
Fred and Barbara McGinn (8)
Wanda McGraw (3)
Bill and Bonnie McIntosh (3)
Mary McLaury (4)
Leon and Harriett McQueen (5)
Herman and Ladonna Meinders
Jessie Mengel (4)
Midcon Data Services, LLC
Military Order of the
World Wars (2)
Jim and Connie Miller (11)
Dennis and Phyllis Mitchell (2)
Barry and Lynn Mitchell (4)
Charles Morris (17)
David and Linda Morton (4)
John and Evelyn Mosley
Bobby and Kay Murcer
LaMoine and Mary Neal
Jay and Clari Norman
Lawrence and Carol Norris (22)
Foy and Lois Ann O’Neal
OCWA Seminole Chapter (14)
Oklahoma Independent Colleges & Universities (14)
Mark Olmstead (3)
Sandie Olson (3)
Jerald and Verna Lee Parker (2)
Ken and Carole Parker (3)
Peter and Naomi Patton
Barry Perkins
Alan and Donna Phillips (10)
Kent and Kimberly Pope (4)
Max and Kerry Pope (21)
Tom and Robin Poteet
Jimmy and Karen Pyron (3)
Louise Quine (2)
Gene and Jeanine Rainbolt (2)
Lana Reynolds (21)
Richard R. Brown Associates
Phil and Patricia Richards
Allen and Carolyn Richmond (11)
Bob and Millie Roberson (3)
Robert S. & Eloise C. Bowers Foundation
Rolling RRR Ranch
J.W. and Laura Rosson (3)
Bob and Lynne Rowley (22)
Annette Rusher
Tom and Lisa Russell
Kevin and Henri Sabin
Darrin and Suzie Saffell (8)
Mike and Susan Scales
Mike and Sheryl Scherf (22)
Russell and Jeannette Schoof (18)
Jamie and Sheila Scott (6)
Richard Sewell
Aileen Sheets (14)
Larry and Joan Shelton
Wade and Nakita Sheppard
Truman and Karen Shope (4)
Dick and Jeannette Sias
Bill and Marilyn Simpson (18)
J.C. Smith (2)
Gary and Linda Snow (3)
Southwestern Roofing & Metal Inc. (7)
Greg and Debora Springer (4)
Joe and Ruth Stafford (12)
Mark and Nancy Stansberry (3)
Brian and Michelle Stephens (9)
Paul and Jo Ann Stumpff (2)
John and Jean Sudbury (9)
Leonard and Marilyn Sullivan (4)
Texas Military Order of the World Wars Patriotic Ed. Fdn. (2)
The Wedel Group, Inc. (2)
The Williams Companies, Inc. (2)
Gregory and Kathleen Thomas (3)
Janice Toldan (2)
Trane Company
Lonie and Mary Tresnak (13)
Russ and Lynn Trigg (3)
Mark Trimble (4)
Lynn and Janet Tyler (14)
Union Bank and Trust Co.
Universal Insurance Agency, Inc.
Paul and Jeanine Varner (19)
Ray and Suzanne Vaughn (3)
Visual Image Media Consultants, Inc.
WFF Facility Services (3)
Joe and Shirley Waldrop (5)
Steve and Beth Walker (3)
Dwight Walker
Eva Wann, Rev Trust
Wayne and Sue Warren (11)
Washington Foundation (5)
Joe and Nancy Watson (14)
Kevin White (2)
Jim and Anna Wilson (2)
Tom and Sharon Winkler (4)
Jim and Nelda Witt
Mike and Kathy Wright (8)
Ron Wright
Dennis and Bonnie Young
2005 SUPPORTERS ($250-999)
Anonymous Donor
Ron and Sharon Ackerman (2)
Don and Cynthia Adams
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Cami Agan (7)
William and Joyce Allen (3)
Tony and Priscilla Alley (11)
Ralph and Pauline Anderson
Dana Baker (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Barkei
Willie and Thelma Barkus (2)
David and Laura Beal
Edwin and Joan Biggers
Bob Howard Honda-Acura
Bob Howard Nissan
Bob Moore Infiniti-Porsche-Audi
Paul and Joyce Boettcher
Robert Borup
Steve and Charlotte Bounds
Terry Bradshaw (2)
Joseph and Wathena Branham (2)
David and Stephanie Brewer
Matt and Holly Brock (4)
Bill Brooks (3)
Greg and Rebecca Bryan (5)
Kinney and Joan Bryant (12)
Thomas Burkhard (8)
Michael and Kim Cady (4)
Clearence and Charolette
Kevin and Brenda Chilcoat (2)
Carl and Linda Claxton (4)
Randy and Stacy Cochran (2)
Kenneth and Thelma Coker (2)
Cory and Cristi Cole (7)
Mickey and Vauda Cowan (6)
Judy Davis (11)
Ted Davis
Michael and Heidrun Deweese (2)
Max and Marilyn Dobson (22)
Kenneth and Kathleen Doyel
Durham Church of Christ
Eateries’ Employees Community Chest
Georgie Eberhardt
Stephen and Megan Eck (3)
Scot and Dawn Eckhart (2)
Mark and Melinda Eitzen (6)
Jay and Olivia Evans
Cary and Laura Falling (7)
Mike and Beverly Farris (3)
Donald and Pam Ferguson (10)
Len and Caren Feuerhelm (22)
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
John and Nancy Flack (8)
W.L. and Marilyn Fletcher (2)
Kim and Pamela Ford (2)
Larry and Judy Forrester
Bill and Mary Free (9)
Gamma Rho (2)
Betty Gainer
Galbreaith-Pickard Funeral
Chapel (3)
Jason and Heidi Garner
Kent and Merle Gatewood (22)
Robert Gentry
Lori Gillin (12)
Mike and Peggy Gipson (7)
Bill and Rita Goad (22)
Samuel Graham
Richard and Judy Gray (2)
Darci Grisso (6)
Galen and Donna Groves
Zachary and Kellee Hager
Bill Hamrick
Richard and Marilyn Hankins (2)
Roy and Cassaundra Harper (2)
Cliff and Sandy Harris (2)
Kent and Nancy Hartman
Frank and Margaret Hastings (13)
Jim and Shirley Hataway
Randy and Barbara Heath (22)
John and Mindy Hermes (6)
Mike and Jolynn Herndon (8)
Hetronic USA, Inc.
Don and Wynn Heyen (3)
Dean and Jacquelyn Hildebrand (5)
Christopher and Joanna Hill (3)
His Healing Helping Hands Int’l Ministry, Inc.
Tim and Debbie Howard
Jim and Paula Hutton (13)
Integris Health Systems
J & S Enterprises
Andy Jackson
Curtis and Kathryn Janz (7)
Ken and Myrna Johnson (4)
Roy and Addie Johnston (6)
Heath and Elizabeth Jones (6)
James and Marita Jordan (9)
Larry and Nancy Jurney (7)
Terry and Kathy Kerr
Carol King
Carolyn King (3)
Maurice and Jeanne Knight
Bill and Anita Kritz
Clint and Marilyn LaRue
Jerry and Patti Lanier (2)
Bob and Judi Lashley (22)
Andy and Summer Lashley (4)
James and Sue Lauderdale (7)
Richard and Pat Lawson (5)
Don and Janie Leftwich (7)
Phil and Marilyn Lewis (7)
Charlie and Polly Lockhart (18)
Dan and Angi Lovejoy (6)
David and Mary Ann Lowry (6)
Bill and Sarah Luttrell
Anna Lynn
Richard Lynn
MOWW Lawton Chapter
Michael and Beth Mansfield
John and Connie Maple (16)
Leslie and Linda Mayberry (3)
Bailey and Joyce McBride (22)
Bill and Jennee McHenry (2)
Wes and Delisa McKinzie (10)
Kaye McMillan (2)
Lynn and Joy McMillon (22)
Bobby and Christine Merideth (6)
John and Jayne Michener
Robert and Polly Michener
Ken Miller (7)
Malcolm and Kathy Milligan
Rudy and Keri Mills (7)
Karel Mitchell (2)
Larry and Tara Morris (6)
Michael Mosley (14)
Charles Munday
Ken and Pat Myers (2)
Art and Jane Neece (16)
David and Ariadna Neel
Ryan and Tammy Newell (7)
Hardeman and Virginia Nichols
Michael and Becky O’Neal (2)
OCWA Wilshire Zone
Kevin and Linda Orr
Michael and Brenda Partain (5)
Philip and Linda Patterson (22)
Phil and Terri Pendergraft (5)
John and Dena Perkins (2)
Jayna Perry (4)
Phillip and Nancy Prosser (2)
Luke and Rachel Pyron (2)
Rex and Kathryn Reynolds
Carol Rice
Beth Rigsby (3)
Keith Rinearson
Phil and Sondra Roberts (2)
Brad Robison (2)
Charles and Becky Ross
Jim and Rexanne Sachs (5)
Donald and Patricia Sanders (2)
Michael Sanders
SBC Foundation (5)
Steve and Violet Schad (5)
Tyson and Kenna
Schwerdtfeger (2)
Kevin and Lori Shaffer
Paul and Cecilia Shampay
Yick Shum
Kurt and Marilyn Siebold (5)
Silver Maple Camp, Inc.
Pamela Smith (5)
James and Alisha Spencer
Tom Stafford (18)
Ron and Lindi Stangeland
Robert and Karen Stevens (7)
Gary and Peggy Stork
Robert Strohman
Swanson Family Trust (9)
Timothy and Peggy Taber (3)
Terrel and Charlotte Taylor
Bill and Kathy Thompson (12)
John and Murrell Thompson (20)
Tinker National Sojourners (2)
Bill and Linda Trout (12)
Deloris VanCleave
Carol Wacker (3)
Brady Walcott (5)
Glenn and Janice Wall
Julian Wallace (2)
Jon and Vicki Wallace (22)
Wendell and Rochelle Wardell (8)
Tina Ware (7)
Dan and Mary Waters (4)
Katy Watson
Greg and Valari Wedel (3)
Dean and Marjean Werries
Ann White
Chuck and Martha White
Dick and Dorothy Whitley (7)
Kurt Whittington
Charles and Joyce Williams (4)
Sidney and Elizabeth Williams
Kirk and Tamie Willis (8)
Tom and Ula Windle (11)
Ruth Winters (5)
Todd and Kathy Wright
Scott and Wendy Wrigley (4)
Stephen and Lisa Wynn (3)
Gene and Althea Yeats (5)
Donald and Linda Young (4)
2005 FRIENDS ($1-249)
Anonymous Donor
Cara Abshire (2)
Aaron and Carrie Ackerman (3)
Ken and Lindy Adams (22)
John and Susan Admire (2)
Aegon USA Charitable
Foundation , Inc. (5)
Nancy Aguirre
Daniel Alcorn
Lisa Aldridge
Robert and Jeannie Aldridge (5)
Charles and Jan Alexander (2)
David and Teresa Alexander
Kay Alexander (2)
Oren and Denise Allbritton (6)
Buddy and Margaret Allen
Ronald and Phyllis Allen
Lynn Allison (2)
Terry Alston
Ron Altman
Terry and Jeanne Alviola (4)
American English Institute
American Fidelity Corporation (7)
American Public Human
Services Assn.
Dan and Jill Amundson
John and Debbie Anders (3)
H.G. Anderson (3)
Merrill and Arnetha Anderson
Pauline Anderson (2)
Steve and Julie Anderson (18)
Ernest and Joyce Andreas (2)
Clyde and Gwen Antwine (2)
David and Barbara Arbaugh (3)
Bill and Amy Arbuckle
Bud and Jan Argo
Marc and Kathleen Arledge (2)
Andrew and Kristie Armstrong
Rosalee Armstrong (2)
Gregory and Christina Arnold
Wesley and Janet Arter
Lyle and Carrie Asbill (3)
Dan and Donna Ashpole
Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals
Nancy Atkins
Kristopher and Nicki Austin (3)
Larry and Lorine Autrey
Janie Avery
Sylvia Avery
Charles and Teresa Babb (2)
Ron and Judy Babbit
Ed and Viola Bacani-So
Roberta Bachmann (4)
Larry and Connie Bailey
Robert and Joetta Bailey (2)
Stephen and Keitha Bailey
Ted and Teloris Baily (3)
Jim and Yodi Baird (14)
Ken and Betty Baird
Kevin and Julie Baird
Robert Baird
John and Naomi Baker
Jay and Julia Baker (3)
Buddy and Leah Baker (7)
Greg and Susan Ball
Jonathan Ball
Brent and Kayla Banister (2)
Bank of the West
Lester and Juanita Banning
Daryl and Cindy Barker
Flossie Barker (2)
Terry and Gina Bartlow
Lowell and Marilyn Barto (4)
Adam and Amy Basic (7)
Curtis and Kristen Bates
Lane and Teresa Bates
Kathleen and John Batjes
Jim and Zoe Baxter (8)
D.J. Bayles (3)
Laura Beall
David and Robin Beam (6)
Ruth Beard
Amy Beauchamp
Marian Beavers (3)
Michael and Amy Becker
Dottie Beckloff (4)
George and Lahoma Beckloff (6)
Ken and Pat Beckloff (6)
Ron and Becky Beckloff
Everett and Sheila Bedford
Eric and Meagan Begin
Ruth Bell (2)
Ron Benedick
Best of Books, Inc.
Ron and Doris Bever (3)
Stan and Susan Bever
Doyle and Geralyn Beverly (2)
Timothy Bevins (2)
Kevin and Lisa Bielby
Bill and Flavia Bigham
Eric and Amy Billingsley
Walter and Faye Billingsley
Dean and Linda Bingham (8)
Ken and Wanda Bishop (7)
Charles and Lisa Bishop
Steve Bivins
Bruce and Dorean Blackketter (7)
Richard and Cartha Blagden (4)
Lana Blanchard
Charles and Peggy Blank
G.T. and Libby Blankenship
Mark and Debbie Blankenship
Ron and Heather Blankinship
Larry and Nanette Bledsoe (2)
Neal and Lita Blevins (2)
Julie Blunk (2)
Lois Boardman (2)
Francis and Elaine Boda (4)
Gary and Brenda Bodine
Dean and Fabienne Bogle
Michael and Ruth Bohlen (2)
Debbie Bohn (2)
Chris and Brenda Bolen
Mike and Phyllis Bolin (6)
Jim and Susan Bond (2)
John and Alta Bond (5)
Ed and Barbara Bonneau
Greg Booker
Teddy Booker
Hillard and Berma Borchert (4)
Mike and Dana Bosley
Don and Wanda Bottoms (5)
Don and Grace Boulton (2)
Lani Bower
Jim and Devota Bowers
Linda Boyd
Roy and Mary Boydstun
David and Anne Boyett
Bruce and Patricia Boys
Alfred and Velma Bradshaw
Durward and Alice Bradshaw (6)
David and Carol Brassfield
Lonnie and June Breninger
Don and Jean Brewer
Mandy Brewer
Richard Brewer
Eugene Briney
Michael and Sharon Britt
Samuel and Victoria Britten (7)
Don and Sue Britton
Theda Brock
Steve and Gail Brookman
Bob and Mary Broom
Loretta Brower
Cris and Heather Brown
Darrin Brown
Laura Brown
Sid and Mary Ann Brown (22)
Pat and Lynette Brown
Glen and Carolyn Browning
Joyce Brownlie
Lance and Julie Bruton
Bill and Amy Bryan
Cora Bryan (5)
Philip and Jareesa Bryan
Steve and Judy Bryan
Jeff and Sherry Bryant (3)
Doug and Missi Bryant (8)
Dean and Jeanine Bryce (7)
Jack and Laura Buben (5)
Ed and Kathy Buchanan
John Bumpus
Ralph and Gladys Burcham (2)
Doy and Patricia Burchel (2)
Bobby and Angela Burgess (4)
Gary and Patricia Burke
Nichole Burland
John and Ethel Burleigh
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Elmer Burns (2)
Herman and Charlotte
Burrough (5)
Bill and Jody Burton (5)
Ruth Burton (5)
James and Sheri Butler
David and Sue Butler
David and Shanna Byrnes (5)
Ray Byrum (2)
Robert and Angela Cabe (2)
Bo and Marla Cail
John and Linda Caldwell (4)
Edward and Carolyn Cale
Lyle and Carol Campbell (7)
Travis Campbell
David and Patricia Canan (5)
Capital Equipment Company
H.H. Caraway
Kerry and Sherry Carlson (2)
Bob and Donna Carpenter (11)
James and Sue Carpenter (3)
Maxine Carrell (5)
Samuel and Tina Carrera (3)
Mike and Lisa Carroll (3)
Hal and Martha Carruth
Jerry and Devonne Carter
Kenneth and Rose Carter (2)
Lela Cash (2)
Misty Cash
Grady and Juanita Caton (3)
Gary and Sherry Cavender
Ted and Anna Chainey
David Chambers
Arline Champagne
Win and Cynthia Chaney (2)
Scott and Carolyn Chaplin (4)
Kenton and Edna Charmasson
Sidney Chartney
Chevron Corporation (2)
Chickering & Son Concrete, Inc.
David and Denise Childress (7)
Randy and Molly Chitwood (3)
Bobby and Jayne Christensen
Al and Sherrie Christian (3)
Mark and Teresa Christison
Steven and Ginefer Christy (3)
Church of Christ at Little
Kee and Karen Claar
Christopher and Jeana Clark (2)
Jeff and Elaine Clark (5)
Lee and Peggy Clark (2)
Steve and Rebecca Clark (2)
Charlie and Joy Cleek (5)
Clements Foundation (2)
Mark Clift
Doris Cline
Kent and Judith Clinger (7)
Clara Coale (2)
Bonnie Cobb (2)
Elmer and Wanda Cochran (2)
James and Deborah Cochran (2)
Thomas and Martha Cochran
Margaret Cogswell (7)
Delbert Coil
Ted and Betty Colby
Edgar and Gayle Coleman (4)
Ronald and Ann Coleman
John Coletti
Colgate Palmolive (2)
Sara Collier (3)
William Collier (5)
Chris Collins
Jay and Karen Collins (2)
William and Tommie Collins
Dave and Jennifer Compton (4)
Ron and Tanya Content (12)
Crystal Cook (5)
Hascal and Dorothy Coop
Eric and Geri Cope
Glen and Barbara Cope (2)
Judson and Amanda Copeland
Carnell Coppedge
David and Sharon Cotham (2)
Steve and Kay Cotter (2)
Randy and Nikki Cottingham (3)
Steve and Heather Cottom
David and Angela Couch (2)
Steve and Tina Countryman
Steven and Janis Counts (2)
Delbert and Norma Craddock
Clifford and Judith Craig
Bill and Claudia Crain
Deborah Crawford
Eric and Christina Crawford (4)
Steven Crawford
Travis and Linda Crawford (2)
Philip and Shelley Crews
Dennis Crider
Sandra Crim (3)
Betty Crittenden (2)
John and Bridgette Crocker
Gina Crosley
Chuck and Bethany Crow (4)
Russell Cullum
Randy and Brenda Curry
Sonya Curtis
John and Melanie D’Silva (15)
Richard and Deidra Dacus (2)
Robert and Nancy Daily (2)
DaimlerChrysler Corporation (2)
Lyndal and Loretta Dale (3)
Ed and Betty Daniel (5)
Mary Daniel (2)
Franklin and Loretta Daniels (4)
Mike and Lavern Daniluk
Terry and Alethea Danley
Ralph and Doris Daugherity (3)
Bob Davis (2)
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Charles and Kathleen Davis
Clint and Lela Davis (2)
James and Karen Davis
Jamie Davis (2)
Kay Davis
Jacob and Penny Davis
Phillis Davis (2)
William and Sheri Davis (5)
Dearl and Dorothy Dawson
Richard and Sheila Day (2)
Ryan and Allison Day (4)
Ralph and Brenda DeBoard (21)
Scott and Teresa DeBoard
Lloyd and Barbara Deal (2)
Mervin and Sue Deason (2)
David and Tanya Deffenbaugh
Lester and Melanie Delashmutt (4)
Ralph Deming
Nancy Demuth
Tom and Kellie Demuth
Gene and Pamela Denney (7)
Michael and Karen Denson
Devon Energy Corporation (2)
Chris Dial
Larry and Julie Diepenbrock (7)
Ray and Jean Diller (6)
David and Shari Dittmeyer (5)
Mark and Marlena Dixon (6)
Dodson’s Gallery, Inc.
Hubert and Velva Doke (6)
James and Delores Dotson
John Doughty
Veotta Dowler
Bill and Pat Downs (2)
Lloyd and Ramona Draper (7)
Don and Marcia Drew (6)
Tim and Karen Driskill (7)
James and Leslie Drumhiller (3)
Carl and Carol Duncan (2)
Michael and Kathleen Duncan
Richard Duncan
Aaron and Sylvia Duncan (3)
Max and Mildred Dunn
Vearl Durrington (3)
Victor and Colleen Durrington
Jeff and Amy Dvorak (2)
Jim and Celeste Dvorak (5)
Bruce and Arlene Dye
Hershel Dyer (2)
Angela Earnhart (4)
Donna Earnheart
Tommy and Pamela Eaton
Ronald and Donna Eberhardt
Jim and Linda Ecker (5)
Frank and Donna Eckhart (4)
Fred Edens (5)
Kay Edmondson (2)
Aaron and Dena Edwards (2)
J.B. and Melanie Edwards (2)
Mikki Edwards
Thurman Edwards
Eli Lilly And Company (3)
Jim and Lynn Elkins (19)
Edward and Betty Elko (2)
Robert and Nova Elliott (4)
Max and Bonnie Ellis (2)
Sidney and Maxine Ellis
Vernon Ellis
Bonnie Ellison
Engineering Club of Oklahoma City (2)
Allen England (2)
Jack and Patricia English (2)
Ernst & Young Foundation (2)
Ivonna Ervin (5)
Walter and Kathy Erwin
Mark and Pam Estep
Charles and Kathy Estes (5)
Morgan and Jessica Estes (2)
David and Jill Evans (2)
Murray and Grace Evans
Randy Everett (2)
Nancy Ewald (2)
Exxon Education Foundation (16)
Lucian and Luellen Farrar
Monte and Toni Farrar
Barbara Fedorsak
Bob and Coryne Feese
Michael Finley (7)
Sam and Cynthia Firman
First Christian Church
Jason and Traci Fish
Jim Fite
Craig and Rhonda Fitzgerald (3)
Charlotte Fitzpatrick
Robert and Pamala Fitzsimmons
Cathy Flaming
Debbie Flaming
Michael and Mandy Flaming (4)
Tod and Connie Flathmann (12)
Harold Fletcher
John and Cynthia Fletcher (7)
Kenneth and Brenda Floding
Pamela Folmar (5)
Richard and April Ford (2)
Rita Ford
Bron and Donna Fore (2)
Bill Forrester
Robert Forrester (5)
Heidi Foshee
Stanley Foshee
John Foster
Leon and Cindy Foster (4)
Michael and Adriane Fox
Don and Nancy Friesen (2)
Albert and Evelyn Fuchs (3)
Corrine Gage
Dale and Carol Gaither
John Gambill
Roger and Darla Gambill (2)
Royce and Holly Gambill (3)
Timothy and Ronda Gameros (4)
Lou and Jill Garcia
Michael and Ann Garrett
Larry and Barbara Gausman (2)
John and Elsa Gay (7)
Douglas Gengler
Dane and Triva Gentzler (2)
Paul and Paula Giboney (2)
Susan Giboney
Andy and Lisa Gibson
Gerald and Michelle Giese
Zack and Susan Giles
Jerold and Sherri Givens
Daryl and Rhonda Glassey (4)
Nathan and Christina Glavan
Mary Glick (2)
Billy and Joan Glover
David and Krista Glover (3)
Vivian Goeppinger
Tommene Gohl
Shirley Goin
Tommy and Catherine Gooch (2)
Wayne and Juanita Goodvin
Timothy and Julie Gordon
Paxson and Opal Gordon
Sylvan and Brenda Gordon
Eldon Goss (2)
Dee Gower (4)
Verna Graf
Ron and Beth Graham
William and Gail Graham (5)
Karen Graham
Kerry and Linda Graham (2)
Jack and Rita Graham (2)
Stuart and Darsi Graham
Frances Gravley (5)
James and Joyce Green (8)
Jamye Green
Johnny and Sandra Green
Stan and Betty Green
John and Becky Gregg
Fred and Kathy Gregory
Don Griffith
John Griffith (3)
Steve Griffith
Donna Grimm (2)
Wilma Grimstad
Fred Grosz
James and Beverly Grove
Nancy Grundy (21)
Joyce Gully (2)
Helen Gumina
John Gunn
Mark and Mary Gunn
Terry Gutshall (2)
Gil and Barbara Guymer
Milo and Karen Hadwin
Rob and Karen Hale (7 )
Elmo and Anita Hall
Lois Hall
Maurice and Marie Hall (2)
Martin and Susan Halstead
Sandy Hames
Doug and Janet Hamilton
Nelda Hamilton (5)
Wes and Carrie Hamilton (3)
Troy and Melba Hamlett
Doug and Rebecca Hamm
John Hamm
Andrew Hammontree
Joyce Hamrick
Russ and Jan Hanan
Randy and Kim Hancock
Jim and Manon Hankins (3)
Scott and Melanie Hankins
Charles and Nancy Hanson (2)
Andy and Lorie Harbert
Mark and Jennifer Hardesty (2)
Amy Hardiman
Kathy Harmon
Lloyd and Chanqueitta Harmon
Kevin and Suzanne Harrington (8)
Charles and Mary Harris (8)
Bobby Harrison (2)
John and Sharon Harrison (6)
Reggie and Kimberly Hart
Luke and Kate Hartman (3)
Ralph and Maxine Harvey (3)
Matt and Vickie Harvill
Neil and Jamie Harwell (2)
Jeffrey and Marvina Haseltine
Jacob and Amanda Haskew (2)
Mary Haslam
M.G. Hastings (3)
Tyrel and Lisa Hatfield
Chris and Jamie Haworth
Marcus Hayes
Don and Sherry Hayes
Terence and Darlene Haynes (2)
Jeffrey Hays
Lucille Hays
Tony and Sheila Hebert (4)
Ronald Heck
Lee Heffington (2)
Peter and Joan Heffner (6)
Charles and April Hejl (4)
Richard and Diane Heltzel (4)
Danny and Julie Henderson (5)
Darlene Henderson (7)
Jerry and Lois Henderson
Mark and Sharon Henderson
Raymond and Kay Henderson
Guy and Dorothy Hendricks (5)
Patrick and Janice Hendricks
Keel and Nancy Hendricks (2)
Richard and Sharon Henegar (2)
Jayson and Joy Henry
Michael and Linda Hensal
Amy Herbel (7)
Mike and Darlene Herridge (4)
Norm and Merilyn Herron
Hershey Foods (2)
Huey and Marilyn Hervey
Jeremy and Angela Heusel
John and Debby Hewitt
Tom and Glenda Hibbitts (8)
Timothy and Sherry Hickerson (2)
Tom and Jerri Higdon (2)
Kenneth and Sadie Hild (3)
Susan Hiler
Charles Hill (5)
Gary and Marsha Hill
Gilbert and Jeannean Hill
Tim and Molly Hill (7)
Danny and Elaine Hillenburg
John and Megan Hinds
Colleen Hines (9)
Rosie Hinkle
Randall and Cherlynne Hinton (6)
Norma Hinton
Thomas Hird
Bryan and Holly Hixson (2)
Kevin and Mary Hixson (2)
Alan and Kathy Hoffhines (2)
Jim and Hannah Hoffmeister
Dean and Thelma Hoggatt
John and Donnetta Hoggatt (6)
Tom and Orina Hoke (8)
Dana Holley (8)
Teddy Hollis (3)
Jeffrey and Kimberly Holloway (6)
Stefanie Holmes
Roe Honaker (2)
Robert and Joy Honea
Ruth Honeycutt
Geneva Hoover
Phil and Karen Hoover
Marsha Horn
Mark and Teresa Hornbaker
Jeremy and Jana Hornbuckle
Blair and Andrea Horst
Fleta Horton
Shannon and Susan Houtrouw (8)
Michael and Ladonna Houts (4)
Ricky and Jan Howard (3)
Timothy and Kimberly Howard
Mike and Denise Howard (4)
Herb Howie
Shannon Howland
Rose Howlett (6)
Warren and Misty Hsieh (3)
Heather Hubbard
Edward and Ellen Hubbell (2)
Shorty Huber (2)
Mary Huffman
Raymond and Paradee Hui (3)
Kim Humphreys
Jason and Toi Hunt
Mark and Pamela Hunt
Robert and Lisa Hunter (3)
William and Jo Ann Hurst (6)
Rory and Mendy Huser-Dunham
Melbern and Wilma Hutchison
Lonnie and Bonne Hutton (4)
IBM (5)
Imation Enterprises Corp.
David Inglee
Sam Ingram (4)
Margaret Inman
Reginald and Debra Irons
Dan and Lora Isenberg (2)
Ryan and Katie Isenberg
Jerame and Anisa Jackson (2)
Ricky and Ronna Jackson (3)
Thomas and Marylen Jackson
Heidi Jaeger
Chester and Sharon James (7)
Stephen and Amy Janzen (8)
Les and Gay Jaynes
Manford and Margaret Jenkinson
John Jennings (2)
David Johns (4)
Ancil Johnson
Annette Johnson
Brian and Lisa Johnson (2)
Charles and Glenda Johnson
Craig and Kara Johnson
Bruce and Jeanie Johnson
Phil and Cindy Johnson
Robert Johnson
Samuel Johnson
Terry and Marty Johnson (4)
Donald and Wanda Johnson (2)
Charles and Kelly Johnston
Dale and Mary Johnston
Bruce and Dawn Jones
Gary and Carol Jones
Casey and Dorothy Jones
Chris and Linda Jones
Craig and Lisa Jones
David Jones (6)
Gary and Donna Jones (2)
Hugh and Louise Jones
Stan Jones
Danny and Pamela Joslen
Ann Judd
Rick and Sara Judd
Mike and Anh Karch (2)
Brian and Dawn Karguth (2)
Bill Kasbaum (2)
Yvonne Kauger
Jimmie and Janet Keas (2)
Robert and Barbara Kee
Tony and Betty Keesee (7)
Janet Keheley
Keith Keirn (3)
Craig and Michelle Keiser
Jo Keith
Clinton Kelley (2)
Minnie Kelley
Amy Kelly
Dennis and Elaine Kelly (7)
Gary and Mindy Kelly
Michael and Julie Kelly (3)
Steve and Mary Kelly
Marilee Kelso
Nancy Kenley
Joseph and Ashli Kennedy (2)
Jeremy and Amanda Kenney
Don and Suzanne Kenney (5)
Chris Kerby
Kerr 3 Design Group, Inc.
John and Janell Kidd (2)
Juanita Kidd (6)
Peter Kierl (2)
Sandra Kilgore
Garrett and Elizabeth Kimball
James and Lea Kimbrell (5)
Elaine Kincaid
Deborah King (3)
Grady and Karen King
Kent and Abby King
Geoffrey and Rhonda Kingsley (5)
Marilyn Kirby
Kirkpatrick Bank (2)
Doug and Beverly Kirkpatrick
Mark and Jennifer Kissinger
Jared and Rebekah Kite
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Tracy Klaassen
David and Jessica Knapp (3)
Richard Knapp
Ronald and Deborah Knapp
June Kneser
Drake and Sally Kniffin
Brian and Tonya Knipmeyer
James and Kim Koenig
Charles and Kerri Kohler
Chip and Melinda Kooi
Tim and Noelle Kornegay (3)
Howard and LaDanta Kowis
Robert and Norma Kramer
Patsy Kraus
Werner Krutzler (4)
Olene Kurtz
Willard Kyrk
Paul and Raye Lakey
Allyn and Naomi Lamb (6)
Jimmy and Melissa Lambert
Alene Lamkin
Nathan and Jamie Langston
Leon and Lois Lanier
David and Pamela Lankford
James and Vera Lankford
James and Marjorie Laucks (2)
Terry and Janet Laudett (3)
Jeralyn Law
Gary and Kathy Lawrence (4)
Paul Lawrence
Ryan Lawrence
Wade and Landa Lawrence
Daniel and Tammy Lee (2)
Geitzy and Melanie Lee
Michael and Cheryl Lee (2)
Michael Lee
Steve and Emily Lemley
William and Marilyn Lemme (2)
Audron and Olivia Lemmons
Ken and LaVera Leopard (22)
Carl Lester
Mark Lester
Lovena Lewter
Ron Liles
Lori Linderman
James and Melinda Lippe (2)
Eleanor Liu
Sam Lobaugh
Lockheed Martin Corporation (2)
Louis and Dorris Loeffler
Tiffany Logan
David Loken (2)
Craig and Debra Loney (2)
Gary and Donna Lovell
Brent and Diana Lowe (4)
Hobert and Joan Lowe (2)
Joy Lugar (6)
Wally Lumpkin
Dale and Betty Luton
Cliff and Amelia Lyle (3)
David and Michelle Lynn (7)
Richardson and Betty Lynn
MCI Worldcom
Charles and Marilyn MacKey
Rick and Marla Mahar
Meredith Malcom
Jevon and Michelle Mallett (3)
Mel and Barbara Malpert
Mark and Ann Mamula
Cary and Tina Manek (3)
James and Martha Manry (2)
Robert and Linda Mansur (5)
Mike and Dot Maple (14)
Lesly Marlatt (2)
Bobby and Jean Marquis
Maple Marshall-Hurd
Bruce and Imogene Marston
Darin and Jill Martin
Gae Martin (4)
James and Judith Martin
Kyle and Maggie Martin
Madison and Mary Martin
John and Marcia Martin (2)
Mike and Jane Martin
Quintin and Helen Martin
Tim and Pamela Martin
William Martin
Randol and Jocelyn Marzuola
Jerry and Julie Mason (2)
Danny and Nancy Mason
Bruce and Raye Mathews
David and Karen Matlock
Michael and Mary Matlock
Bernard and Rosemary
Matthews (4)
Thurman and Sheryl Matthews (4)
Kirk and Patty Maupin
Brian Mauck
Rob and Lori Mayberry
Kevin and Kathy Mayhew (3)
David and Elaine Maynard (3)
Brad and Sarah McBride (7)
E.L. and Glenda McBroom (2)
Ray and Wilma McChristian (6)
Neysa McClellan (2)
Matt and Alyssa McCook
Jesse and Amy McCracken
Thad McCracken (2)
James McDonald (3)
Alex and Jami McDonald (4)
Brian and Rebecca McDonnell
Greg and Kerry McElfresh
Trenda McFarland
Mike and Gina McGarry (2)
Lois McGill (3)
Patrick and Rita McGinnis (6)
Terry and Betty McGrath
Loyd and Janet McGraw
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
David and Lela McGuire (2)
Delton and Valerie McGuire
Charles and Frances McHenry
Donald McHone
David and Kara McInnis
Jim and Betty McInteer (3)
Mike and Jenna McIntosh
John and Peggy McKee (5)
Paul McKenzie
Marvin McKissick
Brett and Jennifer McKnight
Thelma McLoughlin
Randy and Diana McMaster
Deanna McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. McMillan
Ronald McMillan
Jeff and Sydney McMillon (2)
A.W. and Sue McMurray
Stanley and Glenda McNally (2)
Harold and Evelyn McRay
Mike and Margy McReynolds (3)
Jimie-Wray and Karla Mead (2)
Keenan and Sherry Meadors
Archie and Gearldene Meadows (4)
Johnny Means
Keith and Carole Medley (3)
Jalene Melton
Wesley and Janice Merritt (9)
Robert and Libby Meyers
Midwest Trophy (3)
Eric and Jill Milesi (3)
Ella Mae Millar
Bobby and Sondra Miller
Brian Miller
Dave and Lily Miller
George and Mary Miller
Greg Miller
Kenneth and Robin Miller (3)
Kris and Robyn Miller (7)
Allen and Linda Miller (3)
Minnie Miller
Lloyd and Veryl Mills
William Mills
Danny and Leslie Minor
Herb Minor (2)
Shawn and Summer Minor
Scott and Sherri Minter
Michael and Annaleise Mitchell
Chrystal Mitchell
Darvin Mitchell
Debra Mitchell
Henry and Lorena Mitchell
Scott and Mary Mitchell
Bill and Jane Mobley (2)
Christine Mogel
Ruby Molloy
Bebe Montgomery
Travis and Janna Montgomery
Virginia Moore
June Morey (6)
Cristopher Morris (2)
Benjamin and Krystal Morris (2)
Lavina Morris
Ron and Lori Morris (4)
Walter and Valerie Morris
John and Shellee Morrison
Curt and Ruth Morrow (3)
Andrew and Angela Morton
Gwen Moss
Lynn Motsenbocker
Melissa Mowder
Keith and Kelly Murphy-Briley (5)
Charles and Sharon Myers (2)
Charles and Donna Myers
Garry and Doreen Myers (3)
Dawn Namminga
Frederick and Meredith Napier (3)
Daryl and Gail Nash (8)
Lynn and Della Nash (3)
Scott and Ara Naylor (2)
Jack and Becky Neal
Victor and Marlene Neal
Wanda Neel (20)
Barbara Neely
Linda Nelson
New York Life Foundation (9)
Marvin and Deborah Newberry (2)
John and Jana Newsom (5)
Tony and Linda Nichols (3)
Jon and Myra Nickerson
Sean and Rebecca Niestrath (3)
Gerald and Janet Nixon
Thomas and Helen Norris
Randy and Kim Northcott (2)
Mary Nowlin (4)
Carolyn Nuckolls
Paul and Dwan Nusbaum
Nancy O’Donnell
Michael and Kathleen O’Keefe
OCWA Tahlequah Chapter
Oklahoma Health Care Authority
Keith and Judy Ogans
Jack and Marilyn Ogletree
Lewis and Lisa Oglevie
OKC Shutter Co.
Carl and Paula Oler
Gale Ooley (2)
John and Kelly Osborne (6)
Daniel and Sally Osner
Marvin and Susan Overstreet
Jerry and Patricia Owen (5)
Jonathan Owens (4)
Larry and Kay Owsley
Candiss Pack
Teddy and Sandra Paddack (4)
John and Jennifer Painter (5)
Darrel Palmer
Marilyn Pape
Tobin and Lee Paris
Burton and Annette Parker (4)
Steve Parker (2)
Brent Parr
Jim and Virginia Patton
Dennis and Doris Payne (4)
Gordon Payne (4)
Lola Payne
Wayne and Susan Payne (2)
Clarence Pelton
Glenn and Glenda Pennington
James and Raymona
Pennington (2)
Pepsico, Inc.
Eric and Julie Percival
Kermit and Linda Peters (2)
Jeffrey and Brenda Petersen
Lindsey Petersen
David and Nikko Peterson
Erin Peterson
Don and Melanie Petty
Jerry and Sunny Peyton (2)
Pfizer, Inc. (12)
Lou Phillips (2)
Adam and Heidi Picker (2)
James Pierson
Kelly Pindel (2)
J.V. Plowman (3)
Brian and Karen Plumlee (22)
Hubert and Mary Plumlee
Jerry Plumlee
John and Carolyn Poindexter (2)
Kirk and Cindy Pope (2)
Nathan Pope (2)
Robert and Earlene Posselt (2)
Jerry and LeAnne Potter (2)
Charlie and Debbie Powell (6)
Fern Powell (4)
Mark and Laura Powell
Jeffrey and Deborah Powers
Kael and Tonna Powers
Mark and Stacey Pratorius
Melody Pratt
Curtis and Stefanie Price
Larry and Brenda Price
Melissa Price
Van and Jeanne Priest
William Priest
Curtis and Shelley Pritchard (3)
Procter and Gamble Company
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Timothy and Ivy Pruitt (2)
Linda Pryor (8)
Kathleen Pye (7)
Robert and Juanita Quillin
Joshua and Melissa Quinlan
Lillie Quinn (6)
Randall and Margaret Raburn
Mark and Kimberly Race (4)
Jack and Dorothy Rains (21)
I.V.S. and Anna Raju
Robert and Karen Ramey
Darren and Trevy Rauch (2)
Galen and Lorale Rawlins
Geneva Ray
Cheryl Raymond
Steve and Karen Reddish (2)
Douglas and Jody Reed (2)
Jack and Patti Reese (2)
Ron Reese
Tandy and Lori Reeves
Robert and Amy Reid
David and Kimberly Reiter
Robert and Paula Renteria (2)
Janet Reynolds
Jo Ann Reynolds (2)
Fred and Pamela Rhodes
Jeffery Rhodes
Michael Rhodes
Sharon Rhodes (6)
Harold and Alice Rice (2)
Randy and Kathy Rice
Raymond and Samalee Rice (2)
Larry and Cindy Richmond (3)
Jerry and Nancy Riley
Stephen and Clarice Rink
Kent and Brenda Risley (5)
David and Jennifer Roberts
Richard and Leta Roberts
Jonathan Robertson (2)
Don and Nancy Robinson
George and Brenda Robison
David and Courtney Robison (2)
Donald and Marlo Roddy
Kelsey Rogstad
Kent and Norma Rollmann (7)
Phillip and Marsha Root (4)
Danny Roper (3)
Randy and Kerianne Roper (2)
Bill and Karla Rose
Maudie Rose
Charles and Rhonda Rosenbaum
Vernon and Becky Ross (2)
James and Glenda Ross
Lucas Ross
Melinda Ross (4)
Scott and Angela Ross
Mike and Tammy Ross (3)
Rick and Debra Rossing (5)
Terry and Harriet Routon (7)
Lynette Rowland (2)
Robert and Joye Rowland
Bart and Erin Rowlett
Mike and Beverly Rowlett
Mike and Cathy Rowten
Donald and Rebecca Russell
Reginald and Karen Rutherford
Bill and Wilma Ryan (5)
Sharon Ryan (2)
Lacey Saak
Brent and Barbara Saffell (2)
Leonard and Mary Saffell (2)
Robert and Sheri Salley
Harrison Sampson
Janet Sanders
Gene and Linda Sanders (2)
Michael Sanders (2)
Benjamin and Heather Sanderson
Lynn and Norma Sanderson (6)
Karen Sandy
Dennis Sangster
Stephen and Farrah Sargent (3)
Tara Satterfield
Emil Savaiano (3)
Dwain and Frances Sawyer (8)
Stanley and Billye Sayers (3)
Terry and Stella Schadegg
Norma Schinnerer
Michael and Linda Schlachter
Brandon and Tara Schneider (5)
Chad and Renee Schoonover (2)
Patrick and Gail Schoonover
Abigail Scott
Carson Scott
Charles and Margaret Scott
Cheril Scott
Wendell Scott (2)
Scripps Howard Foundation (7)
John and Sharon Scroggins (3)
Ray and Mary Sears
Vicki Sears
Bob and Colleen Seat
Robert Sechler
Lisa Selby
Sentry Foundation, Inc.
Milton and Laurel Sewell
Robert and Joyce Shackelford (5)
Randel Shadid
Chris and Sheri Shanks
Darrell and Marilynn Sharber
Shawnee Milling Company
Jordan and Erica Sheer (2)
Jim and Nona Sheerer (2)
Tony and Phyllis Shelby
Peter and Michelle Sheldon (5)
Stan and Dawn Shelton
Jon and Melinda Sherrell (4)
Richard and Ellen Shields
Todd and Lisa Shilts (4)
Glover and Margie Shipp
Paul Shirley (3)
Paul and Susanna Shiroma (8)
Suzanne Shoemaker
Brett and Keli Shreck
Gary and Paulette Shreck (18)
Bradley Shropshire
Kevin and Jana Shumate
James Sibley
Ronald and Jody Siegel
Daniel and Jeannie Sikes
John and Joan Sikes
Gary and Carol Simmons
Bryan and Melinda Sims (15)
Tommy and Linda Sims
Darrin and Terri Sinclair
Marvin and Sandra Sisk (5)
Cevene Slater (2)
Shawn Slaton (3)
Juanita Smart
Todd and Cynthia Smethers
Bill and Joanne Smith (2)
Bill Smith
Brett and Mallory Smith (9)
Burton Smith
Calvin and Linda Smith
James and Donna Smith (2)
Le Etta Smith (3)
Calvin and Linda Smith (5)
Lloyd Smith
Loy and Elaine Smith
Mark Smith
Ray and Norma Smith
Paul and Betty Smith
Phil and Donna Smith (2)
Stephen and Melody Smith
Steven and Karolyn Smith
Sue Smith
William and Isa Smith (3)
Lynn and Jan Smoot (2)
Mark and Cathy Snider
Mike and Linda Snodgrass
Gerald Snyder (3)
Thomas and Dianna Snyder (9)
Southlake PSE, Inc.
D.A. Spaeth
Jon Spencer
Ken and Robin Spencer
Lola Spriggs (2)
Daniel and Dalana Squires
Bill and Gaye Stafford (3)
Jim and Paula Stafford (6)
Barry and Tonda Stafford (3)
Ray and Tracy Stagner (3)
Greg and Terri Stamps (2)
Deena Standfast
Keith and Susan Stanford (4)
Carol Stangeland
Kenneth and Thearl Stanley (2)
State Farm Insurance (8)
Wolfgang and Valerie Stauber (5)
David Steele
Charles and Barbara Stelding
Bob and Ridglae Stephens (2)
Charles and Alyssa Stephens (2)
Jim and Sue Stephens (20)
Lloyd and Betty Stephens
Lynn and Lou Stephens (2)
Stuart and Vonda Stephens (2)
Mel Stewart III (2)
Marvin and Loreta Stewart (2)
Lee and Diana Stilwell (2)
Glenn Stinchcomb
Elsie Stjernholm
Joe Stockton (6)
Duane and Laura Stofan (3)
Gary and Rhonda Stokes (2)
Terry and Joni Stokes
Jerry Stone (3)
Wilford Stone
Tom and Rebecca Story
Larry Stumpff
Robert and Enid Sudbury
Mary Sudbury
James Suiter
Grant Sullivan
Darrel and Madonna Sullivan (2)
Michael and Sheila Sullivan (2)
Kurt and Joyce Swanson
Anna Swayze
Arthur and Jereta Sykes (5)
Gary and Donna Tabor
Paul and Lucindia Taliaferro
Charles and Frankie Tallon (2)
Gary and Janet Tandy
Louis Tandy
April Tate (3)
Amy Taylor
Bob and Peggy Tefertiller (3)
Joseph and Carol Temple
Nancy Tero
Dessain and Stephanie Terry
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
Franklin and Marilynn Terry
Bernard and Helen Tewalt
Texas Instruments (15)
Steve Thatcher
The Boeing Company (27)
The Gooden Group, Inc.
Cullen and Mary Thomas (2)
Eugene and Norma Thomas (2)
Mark and Debbie Thomas
Matt and Deborah Thomas
Bob and Maxine Thompson (3)
Brad and Catherine Thompson
Darlet Thompson (2)
Steve and Connie Thompson
Marion Thurman
Randy Thurman
Thomas and Darlene Tibbles
William and Ann Tidwell
Kyle and Shannon Tippens (2)
Joe and Ruby Tobey (5)
Charles and Phyllis Todd (5)
Joe and Dottie Togami (6)
Lois Toldan
Ed and Earline Treadway
Allan and Courtney Trimble
Joe Trumbly (2)
Boyd and Gay Tudor (2)
Rusty and Mitzi Tugman
Steve and Linda Turkish (2)
Patricia Turnbull
Ken and Eileen Umholtz (2)
Union Pacific Corporation (8)
United Daughters of the
Rex Urice
James and Julie Utley
Jerry and Julie Utley
John and Becky Valentine
Timothy and Aimee Van Wagoner
Joseph and Jennifer VanHooser
Carl Vanbuskirk
Randal Vanderveer
Marydel Vanderwork (2)
Jess and Harriett Vanhooser (2)
Mark and Paula Vann
Sue Vasicek (2)
Roscoe and Elizabeth Vaughan
M.H. Vaughn (6)
Mark Vaughn
Kyle Victry
Mark Victry
Douglas Vile
Charles and Kay Villines
John and Marcia Vincent
Don and Carol Vinzant
Rodney and Margaret Wald
David and Danielle Waldo (6)
Harold Waldrop
Betty Walker
Jean Walker (2)
Jeff and Bobbie Walker (8)
Jerry and Vicki Walker
Christopher and Kathryn Walker
Riley and Dorothy Walker (9)
Beulah Wall
David and Vernata Wallace
Richard and Mary Wallace (2)
Michael and Lori Walle
John and Betty Walley
Larry and Bonnie Walter (4)
James and Claire Walton (2)
David and Carla Walulik (5)
William and Marietta Wandel (4)
Patrick and Heather Ward
Betty Ware (4)
Joe and Tammy Ware
Betty Warren (2)
David and Lee Washburn
Aubrey and Dawn Watkins
Donnie and Leann Watkins
Kathleen Watkins
Paul and Niloufer Watkins (2)
Preston and Sara Watterson
Jim and Ashley Weaver
Robert and Sonya Weaver (6)
Ross Weaver (3)
Kermit Webb
Sarah Webb (2)
Terrell and Bonnie Webster (3)
Woodrow Webster
Charles Weeks
Greg and Melanie Welch
Louie and Helen Welch
Tim and Krista Welch (2)
Tim and Laura Welch (2)
Jack and Stephanie West (2)
Larry West
Shaun Westaway
Benny and Margaret Whaley (9)
Jason and Nicole Whaley
Max and Jerita Whaley (2)
David and Kathryn Wheat (4)
Eddie and Lucille Wheeler (6)
Gerald and Joyce Wheeler (2)
Jack Wheeler
Joe and Julie Wheeler (3)
Gladys Whitacare (4)
Stephen and Kathleen White (2)
Paul White (3)
Robert White
Steven and Nycke White (5)
Stephen and Donna Whiteman
V.M. and Lois Whitesell (2)
Brad Whitley
Barry and Felicia Whitworth (3)
Heath and Tiffany Wiederstein
Scott and Conchita Wilkerson (7)
Gavin Wilkie
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
David Wilkinson
Bryan and Delise Williams (7)
Claude Williams (2)
Julia Williams
Kent and Melissa Williams (3)
Kerri Williams (3)
Terry Williams
Chad and Gaymarie Williamson
William Willingham (5)
Billy and Kamilla Willis (2)
Wilson Energy, LLC
Amy Wilson
Annette Wilson (6)
Don and Nell Wilson
Donna Wilson
Ernie and Sharon Wilson
Gary and Donnita Wilson
Ron and Terri Wilson (4)
Ronnie and Ann Wilson (2)
Steve Wilson (2)
Terry and Shari Wilson
Pauline Winkelman
Terry and Tina Winn (7)
Erin Winter (2)
Gary and Tandy Witherspoon
Don and Sheryl Witten (3)
Craig and Debbie Wolf
Wade and Stacey Wolfe
Robert and Sue Wolfert
H. Wood (2)
Jamey and Sabrina Wood
Glen and Judith Wood
Philip and Diana Wood (6)
Rick and Shirley Wood (4)
Brent and Teresa Woodard
Pamela Woodfin
Linda Woodrow (3)
Robert and Sandra Woodrow
Brent and Laura Worcester
Brent Worden (6)
Jesse and Dorothy Wrather
William and Linda Wright (4)
Luann Wright (4)
Steve and Gwen Wright
Jennifer Xiao
James and Darlene Yarian
Jeffrey and Amy Yates
Wayne and Cynthia Yeats
Jim York
Kevin and Cindy Young
Robert and Anita Young (2)
Gene Zachary (3)
Edward Zack
Joe Zuerker (3)
Conoco, Inc.
DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Devon Energy Corporation
Eateries’ Employees Community Chest
Eli Lilly and Company
El Paso Corporate Foundation
Ernst & Young Foundation
Exxon Education Foundation
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
FleetBoston Financial Foundation
Halliburton Foundation
Hershey Foods
Ingersoll Rand
Kerr McGee Corporation
Kirkpatrick Bank
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Minerals Technologies
New York Life Foundation
Newfield Exploration
Pepsico, Inc.
Pfizer, Inc.
Procter and Gamble Company
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Raytheon Matching Gifts for
Education Program
SBC Foundation
Scripps Howard Foundation
Sentry Foundation, Inc.
State Farm Insurance Co.
Texas Instruments
The Arthur J. Gallagher
The Boeing Company
The Williams Companies Inc.
The Arthur J. Gallagher
Union Pacific Resources
Valeo Sylvania
Western-Southern Foundation
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Aegon USA Charitable Fdn., Inc.
Agilent Technologies
American Electric Power
American Fidelity Assurance Company
American Fidelity Corporation
Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals
Chevron Corporation
Cingular Wireless
Citgo Petroleum Corporation
Colgate Palmolive
to save or pre-pay for college
Pennies saved now make
future OC education more
Thanks (or no thanks) to inflation, the
cost of going to college goes up every year.
Since 1958, national averages have
shown tuition rate increases of 8 percent
per year, which is about twice the general
rate of inflation. In recent years, some state
universities have raised tuition by 10 to 20
percent from one year to the next.
While OC’s recent tuition increases have
been minimal by comparison, it’s safe to
assume tuition will cost more in two to
three years than it does now.
But that doesn’t have to be the case for
Beat inflation by pre-paying tuition at
today’s prices through the Independent
529 Plan or invest in a Coverdell and/or
529 Savings plan and let the magic of
compounding interest work for you! Read
on for more information. If you still have
questions, feel free to call us at (405) 4255190.
State-Sponsored 529 Plans
Named after a section of the Internal
Revenue Code, the Qualified State Tuition
Program (or 529 Plan) formally recognizes
the need for families to set aside money for
Due to federal and state tax advantages,
Section 529 plans quickly have become the
college savings plan of choice for many
American families. 529 plans allow your
money to be set aside and grow federally
(tax free) as long as it’s used for future
post-secondary education, tuition, fees,
supplies, books and certain room and
board costs. Assets can be used at any accredited post-secondary institution in the
United States.
Programs are administered by a state
agency and differ from state to state.
Because students are not required to attend
college in the state where their 529 plan
money is invested, you have the freedom
to invest in whichever 529 plan you believe
is best. However, most financial advisors
agree it’s usually wise to check your home
state’s plan first. Many plans offer a
deduction on your state income tax.
To get started, simply visit www.
savingforcollege.com for an informative
overview of all the various state-sponsored
Enrollment in a 529 savings plan is easy,
and everyone is eligible!
Independent 529 Plan
The Independent 529 Plan is the first
529 plan to be sponsored by colleges rather
than by the states. Administered by TIAACREF Tuition Financing, Inc., this plan is
different from any other 529 plan because
it guarantees the purchaser at the outset
that when the beneficiary enrolls at a member college, the certificate may be redeemed
for a specific percentage of tuition.
This is how the plan works: Obtain
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
an enrollment kit by calling (888)
718-7878 or visiting the website
at www.independent529plan.org. Then
purchase a certificate that guarantees
a certain percentage of tuition, which
varies depending on each of the 250
participating institutions’ current tuition
and certificate discount rate set by that
college for the year the certificate was
purchased. (A certificate purchased for
$10,000 might guarantee a year’s worth
of tuition at College A or one-half year’s
tuition at College B.)
The website provides a tool to
calculate the tuition benefit at different
member colleges. Students choose their
college after they have applied and
been accepted through the standard
admission process. (Oklahoma Christian
is an Independent 529 Plan participating
Certificates are held for three years
minimum before redemption and are
transferable to other family members,
including first cousins and in-laws.
After one year, they may be refunded
or rolled over into another 529 plan;
withdrawals used for enrollment at nonmember colleges, including publics, are
not subject to federal income tax.
The Independent 529 plan offers
several unique advantages. First, the
Independent 529 plan charges no fees
of any kind to the consumer. Second,
colleges must offer a minimum of 0.5
percent per year off current tuition
rates. Third, because it is a prepaid
tuition plan instead of a savings plan,
your investment is protected against any
market risks. Assuming tuition increases
continue at their historical rate, the
Independent 529 plan may provide the
best financial return possible.
Coverdell Education Savings Account
Created in 1997 as Education IRAs,
and improved dramatically in 2001,
Coverdell ESAs are a compelling savings
vehicle for parents who meet the contribution limits. Parents filing jointly with
adjusted gross income below $190,000
may contribute up to $2,000 per child,
per year, to a Coverdell ESA.
The contribution is not deductible,
but all earnings grow tax-deferred, to be
distributed tax-free if used to pay the
beneficiary’s college expenses. $2,000
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
College Funding
Options for
per year
may not seem like much, but it adds up
if you start early. Contributing $2,000 per
year for 18 years with an earnings rate
of 10 percent would accumulate around
While both Coverdell ESAs and
Section 529 plans offer the prospect of
potentially tax-free earnings, Coverdells
offer the flexibility to choose the specific
investments you desire, unlike Section
529s. This is a big advantage for those
who want to direct their own investment
program. (Most fund companies or
brokerages can set up a Coverdell ESA
for you, allowing you access to their full
range of investment products).
In addition, the favored tax treatment
of Coverdell earnings extends to cover
elementary and secondary school
expenses. The list of qualified expenses
is lengthy and includes obvious items like
tuition and books, as well as non-obvious
items like uniforms, transportation,
computers and Internet access for the
family during the years the beneficiary is
in school.
Contributors now are allowed to
contribute to both a Coverdell ESA
and Section 529 plan in the same year
(although contributions to both types
of plans are combined for gift tax
purposes). This is great for parents
who want to save more than the $2,000
per year allowed in a Coverdell, or for
parents who want to save for college
in a 529 plan while also saving for
elementary and secondary school costs in
a Coverdell ESA.
Grandparents paying college
expenses for grandchildren have
an additional option by funding
an Oklahoma Christian University
Deferred Charitable Gift Annuity.
Oklahoma Christian can restructure a standard gift annuity agreement so that instead of paying
income to the donor over one or
two lifespans, the gift annuity payout
occurs over a set number of years,
and is payable to the grandchild to
pay for educational expenses.
Here’s how it works. A grandparent makes a tax-deductible gift to
Oklahoma Christian. OC then issues
a deferred gift annuity agreement
that will pay income to the grandchild during his or her college years.
This arrangement is especially
attractive when funded with gifts of
highly-appreciated property such as
stocks or land. These gifts escape
much of the capital gains tax that
would normally be paid if the asset
were sold outright and the money
was given directly to the grandchild.
In addition to the friendly capital
gains tax treatment, an Oklahoma
Christian University Deferred Charitable Gift Annuity also will provide
an excellent income tax deduction
– even moreso than a standard gift
annuity agreement since the annuity
payout is compressed into a shorter
For more information, or to
receive a personalized OC College
Gift Annuity illustration, contact
Stephen Eck at (405) 425-5118 or
by email at [email protected].
For more on these and other stories, go to news.
oc.edu. To receive regular news updates by email,
call the Office of Alumni Relations at (405) 4255120 or email [email protected] to be added
to the AlumNews email list.
During a December ceremony, Oklahoma Christian officially dedicated the
University Houses, two state-of-the-art new
residence halls on the west side of campus.
“We’re extremely proud of our new
student housing,” OC President Mike E.
O’Neal said. “Oklahoma Christian has
always provided its students a rich learning environment, but these new facilities
incorporate state-of-the-art features and
compete with the very best student housing
The University Houses, part of the
school’s $34 million housing construction
and remodeling project, provide 98 new
beds for sophomore women and 108 new
beds for sophomore men in separate facilities. Students have been living in the halls
since the beginning of fall classes.
The residence halls are three stories and
have both single and double suite-style
rooms, private bathrooms in each suite and
a common living area. The first floor of
each residence hall has a fitness center. The
second and third floors of each residence
hall have a private TV lounge. There are
laundry facilities on all three floors of each
residence hall. A new central mechanical
plant enables heating and cooling control
in individual rooms.
Each room in these “smart residences”
has wired and wireless access to the university network, email and the Internet.
Even the new laundry facilities are “smart
systems,” with a new feature called LaundryView. This feature enables the washers and dryers to email students over the
campus WiFi Network when their cycle is
finished or when a machine is available.
The new halls are further enhanced by
the three-story University Commons. This
facility provides a grand lobby area to host
school functions, a student activity area, a
food service area, private and group study
rooms, meditation/prayer rooms, and a
guest room.
The commons facility also includes a
40-seat seminar room with state-of-the-art
audio, video, Internet and presentation capabilities. Faculty members can host classes
and study sessions, and the university plans
to host conferences in the new facility
beginning this summer.
Another new student apartment complex
under construction across campus will be
available to students next fall. Ultimately,
the combined housing projects will increase
OC’s on-campus capacity by 593 beds.
In January, Oklahoma Christian successfully completed the sale of a $14.1 million
tax-exempt bond issue.
Funds from the sale were used to finance
construction of the university’s new University Houses and to remodel two other
residence halls.
“The successful issuance of these bonds
is a very significant event in the future of
Oklahoma Christian University,” OC president Dr. Mike O’Neal said. “We are now
providing our students with quality housing
that is competitive with any other university. This will help accommodate our exciting
growth of the past two years and make us
even more attractive to future students.”
Jeff Bingham, OC’s chief financial officer, said the ability to issue tax-exempt
debt for this type of project saved significant money and enabled the university to
complete the housing project much more
High school juniors and seniors, youth
groups, and parents were treated to a “Red
Carpet” weekend earlier this month for the
annual Spring Visit and Spring Sing events.
Spring Visit shows all Oklahoma Christian has to offer. Prospective students have
the chance to meet current students and
professors, test or audition for scholarships, and see the sights in the Oklahoma
City metro area.
Oklahoma Christian University will
sponsor a two-week overseas study program for current high school juniors this
The “Junior Scholars Experience,”
scheduled for June 17 through July 2, will
provide students unique learning opportunities in Athens, Greece, and Rome.
The readings, discussions, devotionals and
tours link course content with international
experience to create a dynamic learning
The program is led by OC professors
and features the course, “Western Thought
and Expression Through the Renaissance.”
Participating students have the chance to
form lasting friendships with other junior
scholars while earning four hours of credit
that may be transferable to the college or
university of their choice.
Enrollment is limited to 15 students who
have a score of 28+ on the ACT and who
have completed applications for admission
to Oklahoma Christian and to OC’s Honors Program.
The cost of $2,950 per person includes
four hours of tuition, airfare, room and
board (two meals per day), entrance fees
and tours. For an application or for more
information, call (800) 877-5010 or (405)
Oklahoma Christian hosted its 56th annual Bible Lectureship in January.
With the theme “Progress and Joy in
Christ – God’s Power for Living in Philippians,” the event attracted more than 1,000
preachers, elders and other church leaders
from the region.
Noted speakers included Dr. Harold
Hazelip, chancellor of Lipscomb University, Dr. Harold Redd, minister at Midtown
Church of Christ in Memphis, and Dr.
Jerry Jones, leader of the popular Marriage
Matters seminars.
A special feature of this year’s lectureship was the presentation of the 2006
Christian Servant Awards, presented to
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
those who have contributed in special ways
to the cause of Christ in their professions,
congregations and areas of service.
This year’s honorees included Hershel
Dyer, Lewis and Ruth Hale, Harold Hazelip, Dr. Evertt Huffard, Bill and Bonnie
Jones, Clyde and Lillian Muse, and Hope
Harbor Children’s Home.
The Chatlos Foundation of Longwood,
Fla., recently renewed a $10,000 scholarship grant for OC graduate students pursuing degrees in ministry.
“This provides an excellent morale boost
for our hard-working students and is a
testament to the type of individuals whose
ministries are being enhanced with the help
of our expert faculty,” said Matt Brock,
OC’s director of foundation relations.
Graduate Bible director Bob Young said
the gift provided assistance to more than
40 percent of graduate Bible students last
“The renewal of this generous gift will
enable students who would not otherwise
be able to follow their hearts into ministry and service to enroll in graduate Bible
classes,” Young said.
The Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation
recently pledged $50,000 to Oklahoma
Christian to endow a named scholarship
fund for music and music education students. The gift will be paid over a two-year
“Oklahoma Christian appreciates the
commitment by the Robert Rapp Foundation,” said Matt Brock, OC’s director of
foundation relations. “We have an excellent
music program at OC and this investment
by the Rapp Foundation will ensure these
programs continue at a high level.”
Oklahoma Christian boasts one of the
best fine arts complexes in the state and
is one of only a handful of “Steinway
Schools.” All of the institution’s acoustic
pianos are manufactured by internationallyknown Steinway and Sons.
OC professor Dr. Tony Alley, considered
a premier expert in Computer Modeling
and Animation, has authored a new textbook, Exploring 3D Animation with Cinema
4D R9.
In the book, Alley introduces the key
concepts of building 3D models using a
popular, but complex, software program.
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
He has another
book in the works
as he tries to introduce students
to the technology
that energizes
movies like The
Incredibles, Monsters, Inc., and
Toy Story.
Alley teaches
computer graphics, interactive multimedia and 2D and 3D
animation at Oklahoma Christian. His start
in the field grew out of his experience as
an Air Force tactical reconnaissance pilot.
He went on to help develop curriculum
and simulations for the Air Force, creating
interactive multimedia environments for
pilot training.
“It’s easy to believe new media is just
entertainment. But it’s a growing part of
industry – medical and scientific visualization, animations for the space shuttle and
satellites, visual communications,” Alley
said. “We’re a visual culture. Students with
these skills can go out and find a job in a
lot of different places.”
OC’s University Marketing Office won
three ADDYs at the 2006 Oklahoma City
Advertising Club Awards. VIEW, OC’s
magazine-style viewbook, and Eagle Edge,
produced for the annual “Earn Your
Wings” new student orientation, both won
gold awards for first place in their categories. OC’s t-shirt advertising campaign
received a bronze medal.
OC also won Admissions Marketing
Report awards for the third straight year,
competing against schools of 2,000-4,999
students from across the nation. The university won gold for the t-shirt campaign
and bronze for VIEW and for the new
athletic logo.
“I am thrilled that our hardworking and
talented designers, writers, and entire staff
are receiving the honor of these awards,”
Director of Admissions and Marketing
Risa Forrester said. “The marketing team
plays such an important role at Oklahoma
Christian University. Staff members are
very passionate about OC and consider it a
privilege to use their vocations and talents
to advance the institution.”
OC’s marketing office produces all of its
materials in-house. All fulltime members of
the marketing team – Stephen Bell, Judson
Copeland, Jonathan Curtis, Risa Forrester,
Dan Lovejoy, Wes McKinzie, Rachel
O’Donnell, Kim Walden and Micah Wooten – are OC alumni. Student Josh Hatfield
and recent graduate Allison Shumate, now
the school’s communications coordinator,
also worked on the projects as marketing
In addition to OC’s marketing office,
other OC alumni winning ADDY awards
included Aaron Cahill, Jarrod Drysdale,
Jesse Owen, Lucas Ross and Tim Watson.
OC’s national award-winning art and
design program hosted acclaimed designer
Jeff Barfoot for a presentation to students
in January.
Barfoot reviewed student portfolios and
gave a talk on creativity during his visit.
The event also kicked off a month-long
exhibit of his work in OC’s University Gallery.
Barfoot is the co-founder of the
National Student Show and Conference,
the nation’s largest creative competition
and conference for communication arts
students. He also is a founding partner of
Goldhouse Animation Studios, helping to
produce award-winning short animation
out of Los Angeles.
Early in his career, Barfoot was the
creator of a nationally-syndicated cartoon
strip, one of the youngest persons to
achieve this goal. His design work has been
recognized by Communication Arts, The
Art Directors Club of New York, Graphis,
Print magazine, the AR100 (for Annual
Report design), The American Institute of
Graphic Arts (AIGA), The Dallas Society
of Visual Communications (DSVC) and
The American Advertising Federation.
Oklahoma Christian is preparing to renovate Enterprise Square USA and is in talks
with the Edmond
continued on next page
Economic Development Authority about
partnering in the project.
The EEDA has explored starting a citysponsored “incubator” to assist fledgling
businesses. A business incubator already
was in OC’s renovation plans, along with
a small conference center designed for
student and community programs.
In the Enterprise Square tradition,
civics education and training for teachers
will remain an emphasis of the renovated
facility. Oklahoma Christian already has an
unofficial partnership with the Freedoms
Foundation of Valley Forge to help begin
its civics education work for teachers.
The university also hopes to launch
continuing education seminars and summer
academies that raise the profile of civics education. The interior renovation of
Enterprise Square will begin once funding
is in place.
OC art and design adjunct faculty
member Kathleen Blake was honored by
Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry during the
30th-Annual Governor’s Arts Awards in
Blake was presented the Arts and Education Award, which recognizes professional
educators who go above and beyond the
call of academia to promote arts education
for Oklahoma students.
oc Alum sings with acappella
Allen Brantley, who sang with OC’s
student a cappella group New Reign for two
years, has joined the Christian group Acappella as its new bass singer.
Brantley is the eighth OC alumnus to
serve under the Acappella Ministries umbrella. The others are Zac George, Michael
Forehand, Robert Orr, Max Plaster, Chet
Sweet, Denise Sweet and Bret Testerman.
Steve Maxwell, a Cascade College alumnus
whose late mother Wendolyn taught at OC,
also sang with Acappella.
The OC-Acappella connection runs both
ways. OC alumni Rodney Britt and Wes
McKinzie sang with Acappella and AVB,
respectively, before attending Oklahoma
Christian. Will Coleson served as a sound
engineer with Acappella Ministries and
is now an electrical engineering major at
Oklahoma Christian.
sports news
The OC basketball teams were preparing
for postseason play as Vision went to
For results from OC’s conference and
national tournament competition, as well as
other updated sports news and features, go
to www.oceagles.com.
The Lady Eagle basketball team extended its own school record by qualifying for
its seventh consecutive national tournament this season.
The OC men’s team qualified for the
NAIA tournament for the third time in
four years - the best national run in Eagle
basketball history. The Eagles were ranked
in the NAIA top 10 from December 2004
to January 2006, a run of 16 straight polls.
Eagle Brady Page and Lady Eagles
Lauren Decker and Rachel Martin earned
all-conference first-team honors this year.
On the men’s side, Keith Harris earned
second-team honors while Charles Baldwin
earned honorable mention. Lady Eagles
Carlissa Plowden and Tasha Turney were
named to the third team while Katie Fariss
earned honorable mention.
Turney and Eagle Dillon Ripley both
earned the SAC Sportsmanship Award.
Oklahoma Christian also boasted the
most academic all-conference selections.
Baldwin, Page, Ripley, Decker, Fariss,
Martin, Turney, Carrie Mills, Abbie Tiffany,
Chelsee Truesdell and Mackenzie Walker all
garnered the academic honor.
Oklahoma Christian has formed a 20person committee to study the university’s
intercollegiate athletic affiliation options.
The committee will analyze the impact
of remaining with the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) or
changing affiliations, then produce a report
and make a recommendation if possible.
Oklahoma Christian has been affiliated
with the NAIA for almost 40 years.
Curtis Janz, assistant men’s basketball
coach and the chair of OC’s Department of Physical Education, will chair
the committee. OC’s coaching staff also
voted women’s basketball coach Stephanie
Findley and golf coach David Lynn onto
the committee.
Other committee members are Jeff
Bingham, Alfred Branch, Stephen Eck,
Risa Forrester, Ron Frost, DeWayne Hall,
Wes McKinzie and Chuck White (staff and
administration); Don Leftwich, Lawrence
Murray and Ryan Newell (faculty); Murray Evans, April Kaaiohelo, Daryl Lidia,
Lynn Mitchell, David North and Katy Seat
(alumni and Eagle Club representatives).
Others who may consult with the
committee include experts in the field of
athletic affiliation and representatives from
various institutions and athletic organizations such as the NCAA and the NAIA.
Scott and Sean
O’Connor have
been named head
coaches of the OC
men’s and women’s
soccer teams,
Scott, a native
of Yukon, Okla.,
joins Oklahoma
Christian from
Saint Leo University (Fla.).
O’Connor served
as an assistant
coach for the
OC men’s and
women’s teams last
Scott is a 2001
graduate of the
University of
Central Arkansas,
where he was an
all-conference and all-region goalkeeper
and set numerous school records. As an
assistant coach, he helped lead UCA to the
2002 NCAA Division II Final Four and
Saint Leo to the 2005 NCAA Division II
region finals.
O’Connor earned NAIA All-America
honorable mention at Lindenwood University (Mo.). From 1992 to 1995, he played
professionally as a member of the Tyreso
FF and Hanriken SK teams in Stockholm,
A native of Altus, Okla., O’Connor
has served as director of operations for
Advanced Laser Center in Oklahoma City
since 1997. He is married to the former
Sylvia Jansson. They have three sons: Robbie, Christian and Matthew.
“We are fortunate to have such talented
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
coaches join our program,” Athletic Director DeWayne Hall said. “We believe they
have the leadership capabilities to take our
programs to the next level.”
Oklahoma Christian is ranked second in
the NAIA men’s golf preseason poll.
Coach David Lynn’s squad, which has
placed in the national top four for six
straight years, was the 2005 national runnerup.
Freshman Tara Collins earned her first
All-America recognition and recorded the
best finish in OC women’s history by placing 19th in the 5,000 meters at the NAIA
National Championships in November.
The men’s team finished 12th and the
women’s team placed 14th, the best overall
finish in Lady Eagle history. Oklahoma
Christian was one of just seven schools
to place both teams in their respective top
The NAIA honored the OC men as
an NAIA Scholar Team – the Eagles’
3.63 cumulative grade point average was
the second highest in the nation. Five
team members were recognized as NAIA
Scholar Athletes: Kenneth Bowling, Kevin
Brown, Wade Miller, Kevin Poole and Austin Powell.
For the Lady Eagles, Heather Ray was
named an NAIA Scholar Athlete.
The OC tennis program and
head coach Lisa
Johnson, a 1983
OC graduate,
have been named
sectional winners
of the United
States Tennis Association/Intercollegiate Tennis Association Campus
Recreation Award.
The award recognizes ITA coaches who
have done an outstanding job implementing recreational tennis programs on campus in an effort to encourage and expand
tennis participation.
Johnson’s initiatives included a pro-am
tournament for the community, alumni,
current students and faculty; assistance
in the reinstatement of intramural tennis
on the OC campus; and organization of a
spring tennis carnival that featured court
instruction by collegiate players.
Lady Eagle basketball coach Stephanie
Findley is serving an unprecedented third
term as president of the NAIA Women’s
Basketball Coaches Association for the
2005-06 school year. She previously served
as chief executive in the 2000-01 and 200203 terms.
Findley also serves as the NAIA representative of the USA Basketball Collegiate Committee and selects players who
represent the United States in international
competition. She also is a member of the
Board of Directors of the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame.
The “Eagle Club,” the athletic support
organization formerly known as the OC
Booster Club, kicked off 2005-06 with a
special “Eagle Bash” event in October.
The event included a catered dinner and
a tour of the new Eagle Room, the new
training room and the remodeled locker
rooms. The 140 people in attendance saw
the debut of the new MidFirst EagleVision
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
big screens in the Eagles’ Nest and heard
about the plans for future improvements
as the university seeks to build a premier
athletic program.
The Eagle Club is vital to the growth and
support of OC’s athletic programs. The
club offers various membership levels and
plans that will fit almost anyone’s budget.
For more information, contact Eagle Club
president Pat Hanna at (405) 341-3754 or
at [email protected].
The Oklahoma Christian Women’s
Association unites women to serve
and support Oklahoma Christian
University in its mission to educate
students for Christian service and
leadership throughout the world.
It encourages friendships among
women who believe in Oklahoma
Christian and give of their time and
efforts to help others have the OC
Each year, OCWA plans fundraising events on and off campus. Some
of these events include golf tournaments, bake sales, luncheons, the
new tour of homes, fashion shows,
auctions, cookbooks and our famous
OC student gift packages.
OCWA needs you! By becoming a
member of OCWA, you can partner
with OC in helping our future leaders develop spiritually, academically,
physically and socially.
Membership levels:
Annual Member:
$24 / year
Professional Member: $48 / year
Second Mile Member : $200
(Supports OCWA Endowment Fund)
If you are interested in starting
an OCWA chapter in your area or
becoming a member, please get in
touch with OCWA Coordinator
Christine Merideth at (405) 425-5122
or at [email protected].
Since 1950
Mito (Japan)
Oklahoma Christian’s alumni chapters
have gone global with the inclusion of the
Mito (Japan) Alumni Chapter. Alumni in
Japan launched the chapter with an event
last October.
Amy Thrailkill, an assistant English
teacher at an elementary school in Mito,
said the chapter exists for both alumni and
future OC students.
“The Mito OC Alumni Chapter would
like to strive to strengthen the awareness
of Oklahoma Christian in the hearts and
minds of those here in Japan, both alumni
and possible future students.”
Thrailkill, who graduated from
Oklahoma Christian in 2000 and then
earned an MBA from OC in 2002, said
the chapter wants to build a strong, lasting
relationship between the university and
those in Japan.
“So many people who live and work here
in Japan have benefited from the education
that we received at OC and want to make
that available to anyone else who might be
Oklahoma Christian has a long-standing
connection with Japan. The university has
maintained an association with Ibaraki
Christian University for more than 30
years. This association has benefited both
universities with student exchanges and
also proved to be a connection for alumni
wanting to teach English in Japan.
Joe McCormack, retired associate
professor of English, worked diligently
to create and maintain a bond between
the university and the Mito, Ibaraki,
public schools that has lasted more than
a decade. The Mito group, along with
others, contributed $100,000 toward
the Joe McCormack scholarship for
international studies that was announced at
Tulsa-area alumni gathered at Park Plaza
Church of Christ on February 25 to launch
OC’s newest regional alumni chapter: the
Oklahoma Green Country Alumni Chapter.
“This chapter has been a dream for
several years. Our purpose is to assist
Oklahoma Christian in living out her
mission in the greater Tulsa area,” chapter
president Bob Petre said.
Petre, along with his wife DeWayna, are
also members of OC’s National Alumni
Council. Green Country vice president,
and president elect, Eric Begin, said that
the chapter’s next event will be a golf
tournament on June 3.
The chapter will host the tournament in
conjunction with the Tulsa chapter of the
Oklahoma Christian Women’s Association,
a women’s auxiliary group focused on
fellowship and raising funds for Oklahoma
For more information on the Green
Country Chapter, contact Michael Mitchell
at (405) 425-5120 or via email at michael.
[email protected]. You also can check out
the chapter’s webpage at www.oc.edu/
by Allison Day (’92)
Alumni Gather Deep In The Heart of
The stars at night were indeed big
and bright as OC’s South Texas alumni
gathered at the sky-high Petroleum Club in
downtown Houston on Jan. 28.
Almost 70 OC alumni and friends
enjoyed dinner and fellowship; alumni
spanning 36 years – from the class of 1967
to the class of 2003 – participated in the
The event was hosted by alumni Mike
(78) and Donna Sue (McBroom 77) Arnold
and Mark (78) and Susie (Patterson 79)
Jackson, the newest member of OC’s
Board of Trustees.
Several members of OC’s administration
also attended, including President Mike
O’Neal, Vice President for Advancement
John deSteiguer and Director of Alumni
Relations Stephen Eck. National Alumni
Council member Joyce (Smith 73) Swanson
was also present at the event, which was
completely funded by local alumni.
An address by Texas state representative
Dan Branch (80) highlighted the evening.
A longtime civic and community leader,
Branch represents
District 108 in the
Dallas area. He serves
on the Appropriations
and Public Education
Dan Branch, Susie Jackson
Mark Jackson
and MarkandJackson
Committees and is a
dynamic House leader.
stories and hear information about the
Issues Branch has tackled in his twogreat things happening at my alma mater.”
term service to the state of Texas include
Alumni in Houston, including many who
school finance reform. In 2003, Branch
attended the Petroleum Club event, have
sponsored Senate Bill 83 that ultimately
met to discuss the foundation of a Housdirected school districts to have students
ton-area alumni chapter.
recite pledges of allegiance to the United
“Houston alumni are an example of treStates and Texas flags and observe one
mendous support for Oklahoma Christian
minute of silence each day in Texas
University,” Eck said. “As the new Houston
schools. He announced in December that
Chapter continues in its formation, I know
he will seek reelection for a third term.
this heritage of sending quality students to
Branch fondly remembered his own days
OC, supporting them through the scholarat Oklahoma Christian and urged alumni to
ship fund, and encouraging fellow alumni
support the institution.
to strengthen their connection with each
Alan Wright (96), a financial planner with
other and their alma mater will continue.
the Sellers Group, said, “It’s always nice to
Our Houston alumni energize Oklahoma
renew college friendships and meet new
people at events like this one. It provides a
by Risa Forrester (96)
great opportunity to network, share college
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
April 7th - OC First Friday (Downtown Petroleum
Club). Speaker: Don Hamilton. [email protected].
April 13th - High School Junior Day.
April 22nd - Mike McDonald Fun Run. alumni@
April 26th - Luncheon with the Honorable Paul
Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda.
April 28th - Spring Commencement.
May 5th- OC First Friday (Downtown Petroleum
Club). Speaker: Terry Neese. [email protected].
New Student Orientation.
May 19th-21st - Central Christian College
Reunion. [email protected].
June 3rd - Swing for Scholarship Golf Tournament
(Tulsa, OK). Hosted by the Tulsa Chapter of the
OCWA and the Oklahoma Green Country Alumni
Chapter. [email protected].
June 16th - MBA Homecoming/Alumni Banquet.
June 23rd - Family Fun Night - 7 p.m. alumni@
June 24th - New Student Orientation.
August 19th - Fall Commencement.
August 21th - New Student Orientation.
August 22th - 26th - Earn Your Wings.
August 25th - Family Fun Night - 7 p.m. alumni@
Transforming lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service.
All events at Oklahoma Christian University unless otherwise indicated.
Now that
you’ve reached
this last page of
Vision, if you
haven’t already
logged in and
authenticated your
account on Eagle
Connection, I
hope you will do
so immediately! This fantastic
relationship-building tool will allow us all
to reconnect with each other in new ways,
regardless of geography or time of day.
As mentioned in the articles, as an
authenticated alumnus or alumna, you
can access the online alumni directories
and contact fellow classmates around the
globe. Eagle Connection is different from
other for-profit generic services in that it is
secure and is a closed system available only
to authenticated OC alumni. Further, Eagle
Connection allows ample opportunity for
alumni to connect and mentor students in
specific professions or areas of interest on
the alumnus’ own terms. This aspect of
the system will be a wonderful benefit to
alumni and students alike.
This level of connection is unique and
another testament to OC’s core value
of being a technological leader in higher
education. From our earliest days, OC
has been known for its technological
Here’s a three-point plan for the next time you
take that vacation or mission trip to some
famous or exotic location:
1) Take some OC gear.
2) Take your picture with you wearing it.
3) Tell us where you are and what you’re doing.
Oklahoma Christian University
Alumni Relations – Where in the World is OC?
P.O. Box 11000
Oklahoma City, OK 73136
If you email or mail the photo to us, we’ll post
it on our alumni website … and it might even
appear in the next Vision. We look forward to
seeing those pictures!
leadership. Cutting-edge online community
features are only an extension of the great
leadership our alma mater has shown in
the area of high-tech innovation in higher
OC is advancing on all fronts. It is a
great time to be a part of the OC family.
Check out the new Eagle Connection
online community at www.oc.edu/alumni to
login and authenticate your account today.
If you have trouble in any way, please don’t
hesitate to call the alumni office at (405)
425-5110. Let us know how we can serve
by Stephen Eck (92)
Email: [email protected]
*Digital images preferred, hard copies will not be returned.
Ryan Smith
Omika Elementary School, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
You can update your alumni information on Oklahoma Christian’s website. Visit www.oc.edu/alumni to update your name, address, email and other information.
BOX 11000