Josef Schachter - Oil and Gas, Service Sector
Josef Schachter - Oil and Gas, Service Sector
Maison Energy Monthly December 12, 2012 U.S. “Fiscal Cliff “ Bickering Should Weaken Stock Markets Into Year End – Tax Loss Selling Season Is Also Over Shortly What’s Inside: Happy Holidays from Maison Placements and Schachter Asset Management. We wish you and yours a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year 1. BUY During Upcoming Shakeout Before Christmas 2. Maison Universe High Impact Drilling Watch List 3. Terminating Coverage: Vero Energy Inc. – Vero Was Taken Over In A Friendly Deal By TORC Oil & Gas Ltd. In November 2012. 4. Top Picks: Domestic: Long Run Exploration (LRE) International : Petromanas Energy (PMI) 5. Recommended Buy List Buy Favourite Stocks During End Of Tax Loss Selling Season Over The Next Few Weeks. 6. Coverage List Josef I. Schachter, CFA 403.264.4413 [email protected] Source: The Economist, December 1, 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 2 U.S. “Fiscal Cliff “ Bickering Weakens Stock Markets – Tax Loss Selling Season Over Shortly The ongoing bickering between the Democrats and the Republicans has not made any realistic headway in avoiding the upcoming fiscal cliff. The President wants a tax hike on the rich – to fulfill his election promise and to raise $1.6T over the next 10 years in more tax revenue and has offered limited budget cuts. The Republicans have offered $800B of revenue adjustments (closing of tax loop-holes and reducing or capping deductions) and a similar amount from budget cuts including from entitlements. What galls us, is that neither of these solutions materially cuts the ongoing $1T of annual deficits. None of the politicians want to tell the public that the Government they want, they can’t afford and what they can afford from current revenues, is a much smaller Government and a reduced level of services. None of the politicians are showing a reality based solution. The fiscal cliff which would cut $100B immediately from each of Defense and Medicare and raise $500B in additional taxes for a total of $700B and is forecast to drag the U.S. economy back into recession. These cuts of over 4% in GDP would hit an economy barely growing at 2%. What is needed is meaningful cuts in the over $1T budget deficit for the current year – be they $400B or $600B. But the deficit cuts must be rational based solutions. If this occurs, the U.S. dollar would rally. A move over 81.47 in the Index (now 80.06) would highlight fiscal prudence and/or a flight to safety if the fiscal cliff occurs. Offsetting this, watch for a breach in the Euro. A decline < 1.266 (now 1.297) would highlight Europe's problems are much worse than the U.S.’s. U.S. Dollar Index $81.47 $USD Source:, December 7, 2012 Euro Dollar Index TARGET Source:, December 7, 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 3 The U.S. needs a crash fiscal diet if it is to solve its profligate spending. Growth in the U.S. is being held back by the uncertainty of the fiscal picture. The citizens of the U.S. know that the Government has out of control spending, but those benefitting from the largesse don’t want the punch bowl withdrawn. Let someone else face the cutbacks and of course - go after the wealthy. It is a captivating lullaby that the President has been singing. Our view is that the grown-ups have to take over. Simpson-Bowles was a good start for the conversation, but more needs to be done and the pain must be shared. For the U.S. fiscal house to return to a balanced budget may take into the end of the decade – but it can be done. When the entitlement programs were introduced by President Johnson in the 1960’s the life span of beneficiaries was only a few years. Today life spans are much longer and 20+ years of benefits is not unheard of. The first move must be to raise the age of entitlement as is being done across Europe and to freeze entitlements with no further cost of living allowance increases. Other recommendations would include: 1. Cap deductions by taxpayers to some number that allows middle class and lower incomes the most benefit – maybe a total cap of $25,000. Let the taxpayer choose which deductions they want: mortgage interest deductibility, charitable donations etc. This could raise >$300B annually. 2. Put in some form of consumption tax. We in Canada have a 5% GST and our economy is handling this tax. When implemented, personal and corporate rates were lowered. In the U.S. they could implement a 5% VAT (much below the confiscatory rates in Europe of >20%) and once a federal budget surplus arises, lower personal and corporate tax rates. This could raise >$400B annually. 3. Major corporations negotiate with their vendors for lower costs and higher quality of products. Why doesn’t the U.S. Government do like Apple, Amazon and Target? The U.S. does not negotiate with its vendors including pharmaceuticals companies used for Medicare and Medicaid programs. This could save >$100B annually. Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index The U.S. must face its fiscal crisis now, as to delay further jeopardizes its credit rating and could cause another political battle when the debt ceiling is hit again. With China having significant economic problems and a new untried leadership trying to get growth rising sufficiently to help rural China, they cannot be expected to save the world’s economy in 2013. The Shanghai stock market is at new lows for the year and with the demand weak from Europe and the U.S. and the ongoing islands dispute with Japan, the Index could breach the 2008 lows. Q1/13 TARGET Source:, December 5, 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 4 Economic Releases Warn of More Trouble Ahead We continue to watch for “at the margin problems” in the world economy that would highlight an upcoming synchronized slowdown and problematic period. These are some of the recent events that are weakening the underpinnings of the current positive consensus view and may indicate that many parts of the world will face a pronounced slowdown and possible recession in 2013. Europe Greece is undertaking another round of debt restructuring – their third in recent times. With 26% unemployment in the most recent release, up from 25.3% in the prior month, to gain funding from the EU, Greece is moving to borrow $10B Euros. They’re offering private debt holders 30-40% of face value in exchange so that they can lower their overall debt owed. The bonds are trading at much lower levels recently so for speculators who bought at the lows (in the teens) a big windfall, but for those who purchased at parity many years ago – a very painful hit. As long as Greece can borrow money, the Government will do whatever is needed to keep getting the loans, and this Ponzi scheme will continue. At some point this game of ‘push the can down the road’ with goal posts of performance moved as Greece regularly fails to meet deal requirements – will end. Maybe after the German elections in September 2013, Merkel will take a stand and force Greece to meet its agreed obligations or leave the union. Spain is nearing requirement of a bailout as unemployment reaches 25% and youth unemployment exceeds 50%. Large bailouts of the banks are now occurring, and Catalonia’s independence pressure and a weak federal government are pushing the country to need the bulk of Europe’s bailout funds. What is most disconcerting, is that other countries may also need access to these funds which will be soon depleted. Portugal, Italy and France all need help and may soon request it. What is shocking in this situation, is that the weak countries must fund their shares of the bailout funds, which they don’t have. If they don’t fund the EU bailout funds then they may not be able to receive support from the funds when they need them – quite the dilemma. U.S. While the headline jobs report last Friday showed an increase of 146K jobs, and a decline in the unemployment rate by 0.2% to 7.7%; the bulk of the job growth was in retail and service jobs for the holiday season. Manufacturing jobs fell 7K during the month. Additional negatives were, the number of discouraged workers rose by 20% in November to 979K, and the household survey which counts the number of people with jobs – as opposed to the payroll survey which counts the number of jobs (including multiple job holders more than once) showed a painful decline of 122K. Consumer sentiment fell sharply in November to 74.5 from 82.7 as fear of the fiscal cliff impacted confidence. Historically a decline <70 has predicted imminent recession. This is not far away, and a failure to agree on meaningful fiscal austerity could push the U.S. into recession. Maison Placements Canada Inc. 5 Source: The Economist, October 13 ,2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 6 OIL: Oil inventories remain at very high levels as peak winter demand is now here. U.S. inventories are at 97.5 days of current high demand and are much above historical levels. U.S. Crude Oil Stocks Million barrels If crude and product levels are not reduced by strong demand this winter, then once winter is over, there may be a glut of inventory in the U.S. which would lower demand during the spring period when restocking should occur. Overall U.S. product demand is now 18.3Mb/d, down from the winter peak of 21.8Mb/d seen before the financial boom period of 2006-2008 when oil prices spiked higher due to strong emerging market demand particularly from China. High oil prices did negatively impact overall demand. Source: Short-Term Energy Outlook, November 2012 OECD Commercial Oil Stocks Days of Supply OECD inventories are also at the high end of normal demand and with weakening economies in Europe and Japan as well as the U.S., the price of oil could have material downside once winter peak demand is over. To forestall a large price decline, US$70 for WTI or $90 for Brent, OPEC will have to cut back materially in production effective March/13. OPEC meets this week and if no official cut is announced, then the next down leg in the price of oil should occur. Source: Short-Term Energy Outlook, November 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 7 OPEC is now producing over 31Mb/d, which is adequate to meet high winter demand. The problem occurs in March 2013 when demand falls historically by 1-1.4Mb/d once winter is over. With high stocks worldwide currently, a cutback of 1.5Mb/d is needed if prices are not to plunge. OPEC Surplus Crude Oil Production Capacity Million barrels per day The only hope for oil price bulls is that the risk premium remains high due to concern about middle east producers. While there is justified concern about the situation in Syria and Egypt, these are not material energy producers and are definitely not energy exporters. If there is a lowering of the tensions in the area or Assad is deposed, then $10-15 of risk premium in the price of oil could erode. In 2013, there will probably be demand growth of nearly 1.0Mb/d worldwide. However, in excess of this amount will be added via new production by nonOPEC members; so OPEC must keep this in mind in their production quotas and actual production, if they don’t want to see prices erode even more than we are forecasting. Source: Short-Term Energy Outlook, November 2012 Balance of Supply + Demand OPEC Source: OPEC Monthly Report, November 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 8 1. Buy during Upcoming Shakeout Before Christmas S+P Energy Sector bullish Percent SELL OVERVALUED BUY UNDERVALUED Source:, December 5, 2012 We had a correction in energy stocks in October and November and an oversold condition occurred which is now being offset by a rally phase. Bottoms in energy markets usually occur when the bullish percent index reached a low <15%. From the high of 98% in September 2012 , the index has declined to 55% and the next down leg during the tax loss pressure to come should set up a meaningful bottom and a great buying opportunity. The chart below tells the story. In April/May 2012, the first phase of the decline took the 50 day NYSE moving average down to 25% (1) and then a rebound lifted it to 59% (2) before reaching a meaningful bottom at 12% (3). The recent decline (4) took the level to 19% and the rebound to 60% (5). We now expect the next leg down to commence shortly (6) and for a bottom to be reached at a level below 12%. Stock market internals are weakening and a breach of 12,900 for the Dow Jones Industrial Index (now 13,248) would indicate the start of a significant decline. NYSE % of Stocks Above 50 Day Moving Average 5 2 1 3 4 6? Source:, December 7, 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 9 WTI Oil Price TARGET Source:, December 7, 2012 Watch for a breach of US$84.05/b (now $85.84) to signal that OPEC has not made the appropriate cut in production and that weaker economic conditions worldwide are depressing oil prices. For the S&P/TSX Energy Index, our forecast remains that we should hit another new low. Our target remains in the 200 area. S+P/TSX Capped Energy Index TARGET Source:, December 7, 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 10 With many energy stocks trading down materially in 2011 and 2012, there are wonderful bargains out there for investors. With one more decline expected shortly, investors should do their homework on which names they want in their portfolios. We expect a good recovery in the sector into Q1/13 and believe a decent upside move warrants stock purchases. Of the names we cover for Maison, the following are our recommendations: Table Pounding Buy Levels During Upcoming Tax loss Capitulation Dec 11/12 Level December Potential Downside Level SPTEN (S&P TSX Index) 247.86 <$220 $300 WTI ($U.S.) $85.84 <$80 $105 Delphi Energy (DEE) $1.12 <$1.10 $2.25 Long Run Explorations (LRE) $4.90 <$4.25 $6.00 Questerre Energy (QEC) $0.69 <$0.65 $1.20 DualEx Energy (DXE) $0.21 <$0.18 $0.55 Niko Resources (NKO) $9.23 <$8.50 $20.00 Petromanas Energy (PMI) $0.19 <$0.17 $0.60 Sea Dragon Energy (SDX) $0.045 <$0.05 $0.24 Sterling Resources (SCG) $0.76 <$0.70 $2.00 Index 2013 Upside Target Domestic Producer Buys International E+P Buys We do not see a multi-year bull market for energy stocks after the upcoming shakeout. We may need to go through another year of two of wild gyrations as the world wide fiscal austerity process gets governments’ fiscal houses back in order. Once material fiscal progress is made, which may require another recession, a multi-year bull market may occur. But for now we advise taking a trading approach and recommend investors take advantage of the next good up leg. BUY in the next few weeks as tax loss selling pressure subsides. Maison Placements Canada Inc. 11 2. Maison Universe High Impact Drilling Watch List Canada: Location Ownership Working Interest Leverage Potential to Upside Success Est. Chance of Success Timing Liquids-rich Montney formation Bigstone, AB ~92% >$1/share 50% Ongoing Montney Liquids Peace River Arch, AB 80% $2/share 50% Ongoing Play Area SAMI Covered Companies Target Montney MultiFrac, Extendedreach Horizontal Program Delphi Energy (DEE) Normandville/ Girouxville Long Run Exploration (LRE) Maison Placements Canada Inc. 12 South America & Caribbean: Location Ownership Working Interest Leverage Potential to Upside Success Est. Chance of Success Timing Exploration >30Mb Peru, Maranon Basin 60% $2 33% News Feb/13 Niko Resources Ltd. (NKO) Deep Oil Prospect Tigre on shore 100Mb Trinidad Central Range Block 32.5%/40% $5+ 20% 2013 NCMA-2 Niko Resources Ltd. (NKO) Exploration - Gas Target 5 Tcf + Liquids Offshore Trinidad 70% $40+ 30% 2013 Block 4(b) Niko Resources Ltd. (NKO) Exploration – Mainly gas Offshore Trinidad 100% $30+ 20% 2013 Guayaguayare Niko Resources Ltd. (NKO) Oil Target 250Mb Offshore Trinidad 65/80% $25+ 20% 2013 Play Area SAMI Covered Companies Target Block 95 Bretana-1 Gran Tierra Energy (GTE) Central Range Trinidad Maison Placements Canada Inc. 13 Europe, India, Indonesia, and the Middle East: Location Ownership Working Interest Leverage Potential to Upside Success Est. Chance of Success Timing 30 Mb Tunisia 52.5% $0.40+ 30% Spud Q1/13 Niko Resources Ltd. (NKO) >2.BB on block Offshore Indonesia 57.5% Partner - Hess $20+/prospect total >$200 10% Spud Ajek #1 Dec/12 >200Mb OOIP West Papua Niko Resources Ltd. (NKO) >1 Tcf + liquids Offshore Indonesia 40% Partner - Stat Oil $10+ 10% Cikal #1 Q1/13 North Makassar Niko Resources Ltd.(NKO) >400 Mb Offshore Indonesia 30% $10+ 10% Pananda 2013 SE Ganal Niko Resources Ltd.(NKO) >500 Mb Offshore Indonesia 100% $50+ 10% Rajageri 2013 Block 2-3 Petromanas Energy Inc. (PMI) >200Mb Albania 50% $1+ 25% Shirpag -2 Drilling News Jan/13 Block A Petromanas Energy Inc. (PMI) >50 Mb Albania 100% $0.75+ 25% Juban-1 Drilling News Jan/13 Ioana, Eugenia, Pelican Blk Sterling Resources (SLG) Oil and Gas Offshore Romania 65% $2+ 20% News Eugenia Well Dec/12 Upper Bakhtiari 3 wells WesternZagros Resources (WZR) 20Mb+ Iraq/Kurdistan 40% in “Contractor Group” of PSC. ~6% Net $0.20 33% Q1/13 Hasira-1 WesternZagros Resources (WZR) 50 Mb+ Jeribe, Oligocene Iraq/Kurdistan 40% in “Contractor Group” of PSC. ~6% Net $0.50+ 33% Spud Q2/13 Kurdamir-2 WesternZagros Resources (WZR) >500 Mb Gross Iraq/Kurdistan 40% in “Contractor Group” of PSC. ~6% Net $1+ 50% Oligocene Test results Dec/Jan Kurdamir-3 WesternZagros Resources (WZR) >500 Mb Gross Iraq/Kurdistan 40% in “Contractor Group” of PSC. ~6% Net $1+ 50% Spud late 2012/early 2013 Baran WesternZagros Resources (WZR) >100 Mb Iraq/Kurdistan 40% in “Contractor Group” of PSC. ~6% Net $0.50+ 33% Spud Q3/13 Play Area SAMI Covered Companies Target Bouhajla North DualEx Energy (DXE) Kofiau Maison Placements Canada Inc. 14 4. Top Picks This Month : Domestic »» Long Run Exploration: (LRE) Present Price: $ 4.90 12-month Target Price: $6.00 Upside: 22% Key Purchase Reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. Long Run is the result of a merger of Guide Exploration and Westfire Energy. LRE is led by Bill Andrew and Dale Miller (formerly of Penn West - during its winning years). They plan on growing the company into a significant medium sized company over the remainder of the decade. Growth this year (via acquisitions and drilling) is to exit 2012 with 23,000 boe/d of production. A key focus has been on improving operational efficiencies and they have made significant progress i.e. cutting Montney oil well drill time (to 8 from 11 days) and changed completion techniques that have boosted well productivity and lowered costs materially (to $2M/well). In 2013, the company will spend the majority of its budget of $260M on growing its oil volumes in the Montney and the Alberta Viking-Redwater plays and will spend 10% of the budget on exploration plays for the Duvernay, Charlie Lake and Doig. LRE expects to average 25,000 boe/d in 2013. The stock is very cheap trading at a discount to book value ($6.71/share) and net asset value ($6.09/share). With the sale of the Saskatchewan Viking light oil assets for $180M, the balance sheet is in excellent shape. Bank debt at year-end 2012 is estimated at $240M versus a bank line of $500M. Cash flow in 2013 should be $1.70/share. LRE is one of the cheapest ways we know to get into the exciting Montney fairway and get access to the Duvernay for free (300K net acres). Our 12-month target is $6.00/share and we see the stock as a table pounding buy at <$4.25/share. $6.00 12-Month Target BUY <4.20 Table Pounding Buy Source:, December 6, 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 15 International »» Petromanas Energy Inc.: (PMI-V) Present Price: $ 0.19 12-month Target Price: $0.60 Upside: 216% Key Purchase Reasons: Petromanas is focused on exploration in Europe with operations now in Albania and France. The Albanian business is focused on light oil targets and the French operations (320K acres) are focused on conventional natural gas targets (which do not need fracking). PMI is led by an experienced exploration focused management team headed up by Glenn McNamara (formerly President of BG Canada). 1. 2. 3. Current drilling activity is focused in Albania (6 blocks onshore with 1.4M gross acres). Two wells are currently drilling – one Shirpag -2 (with partner Shell 50% interest) and one a 100% well, Juban -1. On the Shirpag -2 well the depth is >6,000 metres and should reach target by the end of December, with testing in January if successful. The prize could be in excess of 200Mb. The Juban-1 well is a 2,000 metre test. Cost of the Shirpag well is estimated at $39M of which PMI will cover 50% of the cost in excess of the first $25M (paid by Shell as part of their farm-in agreement). The cost of the Juban well is estimated at $9M. PMI is well financed with $55M of cash on the balance sheet (no debt) at the end of Q3/12 and has an attractive cost sharing arrangement with Shell. Our risk adjusted 12-month return for this exploration focused company with news to come on 2 highimpact wells in the next 2 months is $0.60. $0.60 12-Month Target BUY Source:, December 6, 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 16 5. Recommended Buy List: Source: Schachter Asset Management Inc., December 7, 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 17 6. Research Coverage List Source: Schachter Asset Management Inc., December 7, 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 18 Source: Schachter Asset Management Inc., December 7, 2012 Maison Placements Canada Inc. 19 Analyst Disclosure Rating: 5 – Buy 4 – Accumulate 3 – Hold 2 – Avoid 1 – Sell-Short sell Argosy Energy Trading Symbol GSY T Disclosure Code 5 Bankers Petroleum Delphi Energy BNK DEE T T 1 DualEx Energy Intl. LongERun Exploration DXE LRE V T GTE NKO T T Petromanas Energy PMI V Questerre Energy QEC T Sea Dragon Energy Sonde Resources Sterling Resources SDX SOQ SLG V T V WesternZagros WZR V Company Name Gran Tierra Energy Niko Resources *Listing Rating 3 1 5 4 5 4 3 5 5 5 1 4 3 4 3 Analyst Disclosure Disclosure Key: 1=The Analyst, Associate or member of their household owns the securities of the subject issuer. 2=Maison Placements Canada Inc. and/or affiliated companies beneficially own more than 1% of any class of common equity of the issuers. 3=<Employee name> who is an officer or director of Maison Placements Canada Inc. or it's affiliated companies serves as a director or advisory Board Member of the issuer. 4=Maison Placements Canada Inc. has managed co-managed or participated in an offering of securities by the issuer in the past 12 months. 5=Maison Placements Canada Inc. has received compensation for investment banking and related services from the issuer in the past 12 months. 6=The analyst has paid a visit to review the material operations of the issuer within the past 12 months. 7=The analyst has received payment or reimbursement from the issuer regarding a visit made within the past 12 months. T-Toronto; V-TSX Venture; NQ-NASDAQ; NY-New York Stock Exchange Disclosures Rating Structure Analysts at Maison Placements Canada Inc. use two main rating structures: a performance rating and a number rating system. Number Rating: Our number rating system is a range from 1 to 5. (1=Strong Sell; 2=Sell; 3=Hold; 4=Buy; 5=Strong Buy) With 5 considered among the best performers among its peers and 1 is the worst performing stock lagging its peer group. A 3 would be market perform in line with the TSX market. NR is no rating given that the company is either in registration or we do not have an opinion. Analyst’s Certification: As to each company covered in this report, each analyst certifies that the views expressed accurately reflect the analyst’s personal views about the subject securities or issuers. Each analyst has not, and will not receive, directly or indirectly compensation in exchange for expressing specific recommendations in this report. Analyst/Consultant Compensation: The compensation of the analyst/consultant who prepared this research report is based upon in part; the overall revenues and profitability of Maison Placements Canada Inc. Analysts/consultants are compensated on a salary and bonus system. Some factors effecting compensation including the productivity and quality of research, support to institutional, investment bankers, net revenues to the equity and investment banking revenue as well as compensation levels for analysts at competing brokerage dealers. Analyst Stock Holdings: Equity research analysts and members of their households are permitted to invest in securities covered by them. No Maison Placements Canada Inc. analyst, or employee is permitted to effect a trade in the security of an issuer whereby there is an outstanding recommendation for a period of thirty calendar days before and five calendar days after the issuance of the research report. Dissemination of Research: Maison Placements Canada Inc. disseminates its hard copy research material to their clients using the postage service and couriers. Samples of our research material are available on our web site. Electronic formats are available upon request. General Disclosures: This report is approved by Maison Placements Canada Inc. (“Maison”) which is a Canadian investment- dealer and a member of the Toronto Stock Exchange and regulated by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC). The information contained in this report has been compiled by Maison from sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by Maison, its affiliates or any other person as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. All estimates, opinions and other information contained in this report constitute Maison’s judgment as of the date of this report, are subject not change without notice and are provided in good faith but without legal responsibility or liability. Maison and its affiliates may have an investment banking or other relationship with the company that is the subject of this report and may trade in any of the securities mentioned herein either for their own account or the accounts of their customers. Accordingly, Maison or their affiliates may at any time have a long or short position in any such securities, related securities or in options, futures, or other derivative instruments based thereon. This report is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities discussed herein in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation would be prohibited. As a result, the securities discussed in this report may not be eligible for sale in some jurisdictions. This report is not, and under no circumstances should be construed as, a solicitation to act as a securities broker or dealer in any jurisdiction by any person or company that is not legally permitted to carry on the business of a securities broker or dealer in that jurisdiction. This material is prepared for general circulation to clients and does not have regard to the investment objective, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. Investors should obtain advice on their own individual circumstances before making an investment decision. To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither Maison Placements Canada Inc., its affiliates nor any other person accept any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of the information contained in this report. For more information, please visit our website:
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