Heróis da ficção e da vida real: uma leitura crítica
Heróis da ficção e da vida real: uma leitura crítica
ISBN 978-85-8015-079-7 Cadernos PDE II Versão Online OS DESAFIOS DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE NA PERSPECTIVA DO PROFESSOR PDE Produções Didático-Pedagógicas Ficha para identificação da Produção Didático-pedagógica – Turma 2014 Título: Heróis da ficção e da vida real: uma leitura crítica Autor: José Fernandes Cordeiro Nunes Disciplina/Área: Língua Estrangeira Moderna –Inglês Escola de Implementação do Colégio Estadual Santo Inácio de Loyola Projeto e sua localização: Município da escola: Terra Rica Núcleo Regional de Educação: Paranavaí Professor Orientador: Dra. Luciana Cabrini Simões Calvo Instituição de Ensino Superior: UEM Relação Interdisciplinar: Não Resumo: É possível constatar um interesse histórico por heróis nas mais diferentes culturas. Partindo dos heróis da mitologia grega, passando pelos superheróis, que tanto fazem sucesso entre os jovens na atualidade e chegando aos heróis da vida real, que podem ser diferentes profissionais ou mesmo as pessoas mais próximas de cada um de nós, serão apresentadas informações sobre essa temática e como ela se apresenta em diferentes textos e mídias. Como principais objetivos desse material estão o aprofundamento da prática de leitura através de diferentes gêneros discursivos em que a temática de heróis e super-heróis estejam presentes, a apropriação de estratégias de leitura em língua estrangeira e a prática de estruturas linguísticas, semânticas e lexicais presentes no contexto dos textos selecionados. Serão trabalhadas estratégias de leitura para compreensão de textos e a análise crítica de diferentes gêneros discursivos, assim como questionamentos embasados no letramento crítico. Educação; língua inglesa; letramento crítico; heróis;, super-heróis Palavras-chave: Formato do Material Didático: Unidade didática Público: Alunos do 8º ano do Ensino Fundamental APRESENTAÇÃO Este material didático foi produzido para ser aplicado a alunos do 8º ano do Ensino Fundamental nas aulas de língua inglesa. Ele está dividido em três unidades e, no final do material, são apresentadas orientações para o professor. Como orientam as DCEs, o ensino de Língua Estrangeira deve envolver o aluno de modo que compreenda a diversidade linguística e cultural que vai além do aspecto comunicativo, e permite perceber a possibilidade de construção de significados em relação ao mundo em que vive (PARANÁ, 2008, p. 53). A expectativa é esta produção didático-pedagógica seja um material auxiliar no ensino e aprendizagem da língua inglesa, para que esta aconteça de forma significativa, a partir de uma temática de interesse de alunos dessa faixa etária. O estudo de uma língua estrangeira amplia as possibilidades de informação e de compreensão do mundo ao redor. O estudo da língua numa perspectiva de reflexão das práticas discursivas demonstra respeito à abordagem do ensino de língua com sua função social, que leva à produção de sentido e efetiva a comunicação em todas as áreas da vida humana. Nesse contexto, o desenvolvimento da capacidade leitora, conduz o aluno a aprimorar seus conhecimentos e assumir novas posturas. A partir da temática “heróis da ficção e da vida real”, serão trabalhadas estratégias de leitura para compreensão de textos e a análise critica de diferentes gêneros discursivos, levando-se em consideração conceitos fundamentados em Bakhtin e seus estudiosos, assim como questionamentos embasados no letramento crítico, que possibilitem a reflexão sobre conceitos ideológicos, relações de poder e um pensar sobre o lugar que o aluno/leitor ocupa na sociedade e que tipos de atitudes dele e daqueles com quem convive se parecem ou se distinguem daquelas pessoas e das situações apresentadas nos textos em análise. UNIT 1 GREEK HEROES Activity 1: What is a hero? Let’s talk about it: What is a hero? Can you exemplify? In what kind of actions heroes are involved? Activity 2: Watching a trailer: “God of War” Imagem: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQYCypFNCnuEjWaUeFNKh9oyOhz3cLSNtCYczQOcM8sjrR-VTz Vídeo: http://youtu.be/MsWzfwIbIZ8 Let’s talk about the trailer! • • • • What kind of video is it? Can you name any characters of the trailer? What can you say about the setting? Point some qualities about the characters. Activity 3: Getting to know some Greek heroes Match the pictures to the Greek heroes´ descriptions: (A) Theseus: killed the Minotaur and escaped from the labyrinth. (B) Achilles: best warrior in Trojan War; he was vulnerable only in his heel. (C) Hercules: son of Zeus, the strongest man in the world. (D) Perseus: cut Medusa’s head and killed a sea monster. (E) Orpheus: great musician, rescued Eurydice from the Underworld. (F) Odysseus: have the idea of the Trojan horse, survived after 10 years of troubles at sea. ( ) http://pt.depositphotos.com/6576156/stock-illustration-theseus-and-the-minotaurillustration.html?sst=0&sqc=47&sqm=352&sq=36whl9 ( ) https://encryptedtbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpUAhMwgobX8uyeQ1Xvky t-55fqOaxb5G2o9TBagoYgRLTJVzUlg ( ) http://www.williamberger.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/orpheus-and-eurydice.jpg ( ) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B48c22lilnKeTGN4aFBRbXhvY0U/view?usp=sharing ( ) https://encryptedtbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRX0Qk2otC9ZaxvGPfQWDwEZGnYpyI3AppZxB oCNqVZwpNPGZWF ( ) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B48c22lilnKeOEw1NkJoQzZTTGM/view?usp=sharing “Mythology is everywhere! Daily you run across instances of words, city names, companies, literary allusions - and the Zodiac, planets and constellations - that take their name or borrow their theme from Greek myths. “(from: http://greekmythologytoday.com/ Access on Oct, 03, 2014) The Greek Mythology is full of gods, monsters, creatures and heroes. In the past, myths were used to explain the unknown or to teach a lesson. Greek myths are inspiration for arts, literature and modern means of entertainment nowadays. Let’s read about two famous Greek heroes Activity 4: Famous Greek Heroes Pre-reading Questions 1- What do the images show us? 2- What kind of texts are they? 3- What are the texts about? TEXT I Perseus is a major hero from Greek mythology best known for his clever decapitation of Medusa, whose head turned people to stone. He also rescued Andromeda from the sea monster. Like most of the mythological heroes, the genealogy of Perseus makes him the son of a god and a mortal. Perseus is the legendary founder of Peloponnesian city of Mycenae, home of Agamemnon, the leader of the Greek forces in the Trojan War, and the father of the legendary ancestor of the Persians. From: <http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/heroes/tp/TopHeroes.htm> Accessed on November, 27, 2014. TEXT II Hercules was the Roman name for the greatest hero of Greek mythology - Heracles. Like most authentic heroes, Heracles had a god as one of his parents, being the son of the supreme deity Zeus and a mortal woman. Zeus's queen Hera was jealous of Heracles, and when he was still an infant she sent two snakes to kill him in his crib. Heracles was found prattling delighted baby talk, a strangled serpent in each hand. From: <http://www.mythweb.com/heroes/heroes.html>. November, 27, 2014. Accessed on Questions Answer in Portuguese: 1- What extraordinary event is presented in Hercules´ description? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2- And about Perseus? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3- In which momment of History have these characters appeared? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4- What do these two characters have in common? How is the concept of hero used in Greek mythology? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5- What concept of hero do we have nowadays? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6- In which ways are Greek heroes present in media nowadays? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ UNIT 2 SUPER HEROES Activity 1: The origin of super heroes According to the Merrian-Webster dictionary a Superhero is “ a fictional character who has amazing powers (such as the ability to fly) ”. Usually superheroes have special powers because they are aliens, or received them from mistic beings, or they come from a scientific experience or accident, or even they have a mutation on their DNA. A superhero has a high sense of justice and honesty and his mission is to save lives or the entire world. Observe the Image that follows and answer the questions 1-What kind of text is it? ____________________________________________________________________________ 2- Do you think it was published a long time ago or very recently? How do you know that? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3- Who is the target reader? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4- Where can we find this kind of publication? ____________________________________________________________________________ 5- Do you know the main character of the scene? What kind of power is exalted? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 6- Look at the other people in the scene. How are they reacting? Why are they reacting that way? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 7- What kind of content can you expect to find in it? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Action Comics nº 1 – Link da imagem: https://agrandeilusaocaminha.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/supermanaction-comics-1.jpeg?w=640&h=901 Expansion Questions 1- What colors were used on Superman’s costume? How do you think those colors were chosen? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2- How much was the comic book when it was published? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3- How much do you think that same comic book could cost nowadays? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4- Some comic books and action figures are very expensive. What kind of people buy these kinds of products? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5- Why do you think some people pay a high price for old comic books or superheroes` action figures? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6- Why do you think people collect things? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Curiosity: A rare exemplar of Action Comics #1 was sold for U $ 3,207,852.00 on August, 25, 2014 on e-bay. Part of the money was donated to Christopher and Danna Reever Fundation for helping people who live with paralysis. The magazine is famous for presenting Superman, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster for the first time. For more details access: http://cc.ebay.com/action-comics/ Activity 2: Some Superheroes´s characteristics The words in the box bring actions, characteristics and accessories related to Superheroes. Try to classify them, completing the different columns. costume - strong - - run very fast- technological devices - good - cape - speedy special means of transportation - control minds - project energy bolts - gloves - smart boot - magic weapons - mask - dominate martial arts - headgear - guns - use magic powers reliable - shield - fly - honest - belt A Super hero can be... Strong Some super heroes They may wear… can … run very fast costume They may use… technological devices Activity 3: Superheroes´ powers Think about the superheroes that you know. What kind of powers do they have ? Now try to match each superhero to the corresponding power: SUPER HERO POWERS ) Professor Xavier (1) Healing Factor ( (2) Telepathy ( ) Superman (3) Memory Manipulation ( ) Mr. Fantastic (4) SeaAnimal Communication ( ) Wolverine (5) Web-Spinning & Wall-crawling ( ) Jean Gray (6) Ice Manipulation ( (7) Flying ( ) Green Lantern (8) Teleportation ( ) Aquaman (9) Animal Morphing ( ) The Flash (10) Elasticity ( ) Spiderman (11) Super Strength ( ) Nightcrawler (12) Invisibility ( ) Beast Boy (13) Super Speed ( (14) Materialization ( ) Iceman (15) Super ability to build and use High Technology Suit ( ) Invisible Woman ) Incredible Hulk ) Iron Man Activity 4: Testing your knowledge about Superheroes Write (T) for true or (F) for false about Superheroes in the sentences below: a) Superheroes first appeared in comic books. ( ) b) Many superheroes have a secret identity. ( ) c) Every superhero comes from another planet. ( ) d) Every superhero can fly. ( ) e) A superhero has very special powers or abilities when compared to another person. ( ) f) A high sense of justice is a characteristic of a superhero. ( ) g) Superman is a very recent superhero. ( ) h) The Incredible Hulk is considered the first superhero. ( ) i) We can find superheroes present in different medias and trade products nowadays. ( ) Activity 5: Word Hunt SUPERHEROES’ POWERS AND QUALITIES Find out five actions and five qualities of superheroes C S C O H D N K Y T F R R U N 0 R J L P R MY C I O P N L S D S A S MA G O O D Y A O H U P A R O S L A L P N R R E O T P R O J E C T E N E R G 0 G N O R T S L H D N A K Y T N O D T A G Y G D R T E E L L I E A T B R L A E N E S N P MO Y R F C B F L Y N O L T Activity 6 (Time for speaking): Guess the Superhero Are you smart? In small groups, use your superpowers of guessing and discover which superhero your colleagues are describing. After that your group will describe a superhero too. Activity 7: "The Man" Biography You are going to read a short biographical text about the creator of The Marvel Universe, where most of the famous superheroes “live”. But, at first, think about these questions: A- Where was it published? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ B- Who is the target reader? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ C- What’s the aim of this kind of text? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Stan Lee (born Stanley Martin Lieber, December 28, 1922) is an American comic book writer, editor, publisher, media producer, television host, actor, voice actor and former president and chairman of Marvel Comics. In collaboration with several artists, most notably Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, he cocreated Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Thor, the X-Men, and many other fictional characters, introducing complex, naturalistic characters and a thoroughly shared universe into superhero comic books. In addition, he headed the first major successful challenge to the industry's censorship organization, the Comics Code Authority, and forced it to reform its policies. Lee subsequently led the expansion of Marvel Comics from a small division of a publishing house to a large multimedia corporation. He was inducted into the comic book industry's Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame in 1994 and the Jack Kirby Hall of Fame in 1995. From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Lee. Accessed on 09/17/2014. Now do the following activities: 1- COMPLETE STAN LEE PROFILE: FULL NAME:______________________________________ OCCUPATION:_____________________________________ _________________________________________________ BIRTH: ____________________________________________ COUNTRY:__________________________________________ 2- Do you know any Stan Lee´s character (s)? Which one (s)? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3- Why do you think Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko are mentioned as co-creators of some characters? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4- Stan Lee is known for modernizing superheroes´stories. What idea in the text present this point of view? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5- Why do you think Stan Lee needed to head a movement for challenging the Comics Code Authority? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6- In the 1960´s Marvel Comics was a small publishing house. Nowadays in which different medias and products can we find Marvel trademark? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Now read another text about Stan Lee and answer the questions below in Portuguese. STAN LEE Mini Bio Stan Lee was born on December 28, 1922 in New York City, New York, USA as Stanley Martin Lieber. He is a producer and writer, known for Spiderman (2002), Iron man (2008), Iron Man 3 (2013) . He has been married to Joan Lee since December 5, 1947. They have two children. Trade Mark Often narrated animated series featuring his Marvel Comics characters Often named his characters in alliterate patterns like Peter Parker and Sue Storm to help remember their names Wears signature dark sunglasses Often has cameos in the films based on his comics Often refers to faithful fans as "true believers." Closed most fan letters or personal contributions by using his trademark catchphrase "'Nuff said" Stories are frequently set in New York City Characters are often ordinary individuals caught up in extraordinary circumstances Characters are often highly intelligent and work as scientists Distinctive upbeat manner and style of speaking Often uses superhero stories as metaphors for social issues, e.g., the X-Men were representative of discrimination Unusually for comic book heroes, his characters almost never wear capes Catchphrase: Excelsior! Grey moustache From: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0498278/bio . Accessed on 09/17/2014 A- What do the two texts have in common? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ B- In text 1, a lot of Stan Lee´s occupations are presented, whereas in text 2 we can just have this information “He is a producer and writer (…)”. Why do you think the other occupations are not presented in the second text? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ C-What modern characteristics can we find in Stan Lee’s characters? What do you think about these characters? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ D- According to the text, Stan Lee’s characters are “often ordinary individuals caught up in extraordinary circumstances”. Is it possible in real life? Why? Why not? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ E- Do you remember some facts when ordinary people have lived extraordinary circumstances? Comment. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ F- Why do you think many Satan Lee’s characters are scientists? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ G- In real life, is it possible that someone acquires extraordinary abilities? Explain your answer. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ H- According to the text 2, what´s the author´s point of view about X-men´s adventures? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Curiosity: Do you know Martin Luther King? He was a pacifist that headed movements for the equality for black people’s rights in the 1960´s in the USA. His actions against racial discrimination inspired Stan Lee to create Professor Xavier. The character trains teenagers with special powers, victims of prejudice in an educational institute and teaches them how to face the discrimination. In Xmen stories, Professor X is always trying to harmonize the interaction between common human and mutants as Luther King tried to bring respect between people from different racial origins. Activity 8: Create your own superhero LET´S HAVE FUN Access: http://marvel.com/games/play/31/create_your_own_superhero, and create your own superhero. Then write a description about your creation. Think about: his/her superpowers, physical characteristics, appearance, uniform, accessories, weapons… Be Supercreative! UNIT 3 HEROES OF REAL LIFE Think about it: 1- Can you give examples of heroic people? What makes you think someone is a hero? 2- What kind of people put their life in risk for another person? 3- Can you give examples of situations when people need for someone’s help to live ? ACTIVITY 1: A Real Hero Now, read the text in groups, following your teacher’s instructions. Then, do the activities that follow it. Interview With Volunteer Fireman Dave imagem: http://www.publicsafetydegrees.com/blog/wpcontent/uploads/2010/06/fireman21.jpg Submitted on June 11, 2010 – 6:23 pm By Jamey Perkins This interview is done with Dave M. He is a volunteer fireman in the state of Illinois for a rural fire department. In this interview, he explains that his father was a fireman and the influence his dad had on him is what drove him to follow his footsteps. We would like to extend our appreciation to Dave for not only doing this interview, but for the work he does and the morals he stands by. Jamey Perkins: Dave, tell us a little about growing up as the child of a firefighter. Dave: My childhood was full of memories of watching my dad hurry out the door to respond to a call, the feeling of pride I had for what he was doing. I can remember at grade school age, I was excited to go to school the next day and brag about how my dad had gone to put out a fire or help someone in a car wreck. (…) Jamey Perkins: When were you finally able to start being a fireman? Dave: Well, officially I could not respond on calls and things until I was 18. But, as a young teenager, I started to actively participate in things around the department (…). As soon as I turned 18, I was ready to go though. I wanted to be able to hop on one of those trucks so bad, I couldn’t wait. Plus, I already knew how to operate almost everything. Jamey Perkins: Dave, what would you have to say that you are most proud of in your career? Dave: I am proud of how I grew up, and the man I have become. Even more so, I have 2 young boys, and knowing that they will get to experience the same things I did, makes me so very proud. (…) I am proud that by being a volunteer firefighter, I have the chance to do good things in life, and carry on the same moral and traditional values that my father and grandfather did. (…) Jamey Perkins: What is one of the fondest memories you have of either growing up at the department or being a firefighter? Dave: My fondest memory would have to be when I was about 20 years old. My dad and I were both working a very large fire at an apartment building. When we got there, the fire had pretty much taken over half of the building. There were still a couple of residents inside. They were elderly and could not get out on their own. We managed to get everyone out, get the fire put out, and not a single person was hurt. (…) We saved lives that day and we knew that we had made a difference. (Adapted from http://www.publicsafetydegrees.com/blog/index.php/firestories/interview-with-volunteer-fireman-dave/. Accessed on October, 28, 2014) Activities 1.1- Mark the right alternative: a) This text is: ( ) a diary page ( ) an interview ( ) a personal letter ( ) a film synopsis b) How do you justify your answer for the question a? ( ) It has date and greetings, it is written in the first person, and it describes a day in the life of someone. ( ) It is organized through objective questions and answers about a specific topic. ( ) It is handwritten, it has date, sender and receiver, greetings and farewell. ( ) It presents a film title, cast, director, and a summary of a fictional story. c) Where does this text come from? ( ( ( ( ) From a personal diary ) From a newspaper. ) From the Internet ) From a magazine d) Mark true (T) or False (F), according to the text: ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Dave got in contact with firefighters just when he became an adult. ) Dave’s father was a firefighter. ) At school, Dave used to tell his friends things about his father’s heroic actions. ) Dave receives a good payment for being a fireman. ) It was very difficult for Dave to operate things at the fire department. ) Dave and his father saved a couple of elderly people on a building fire. 1.2- Discuss the following questions with your group; then, answer them in Portuguese: a) What has motivated Dave to be a firefighter? What do you think motivates people in general to be a firefighter? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Why do you think Dave felt excited to go to school on the day after his father attended a fire department’s call? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ c) Dave is a voluntary firefighter. What does it mean? What kind of compensation does he receive? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ d) Do you consider Dave a hero? Why? Why not? And firefighters in general? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 1.3- Match the columns, according to the content of the sentences. (A) What kind of text is it? ( ) On June, 11, 2010. (B) Who are the people involved? ( ) On a website. (C) Where was it published? ( ) It’s an interview. (D) When was it published? ( ) The value of firefighters. (E) What is the content of the text? ( ) James Perkins and Dave M. 1.4- What personal information about Dave can you find in the interview? date of birth - place of work - family - phone number - feelings about his work - graduation level - preferences - childhood important event in his work - address - Activity 2- Let´s listen Listen to the comments about some professionals and number the pictures ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Now, match the pictures with the names of the professions: ( ) Paramedics ( ) Security Guard ( ) Lifeguards ( ) Doctors and nurses ( ) Firefighters ( ) Police officer ACTIVITY 3: Heroism in swim trunks Observe the title below: The Most Amazing Act Of Heroism Ever Committed In Swim Trunks That’s the title of a video from the website Upworthy. According to that website “Upworthy helps meaningful stories win”. Think and answer: - What kind of situation do you expect to find in the video? - Where does it take place? - When does it take place? - What kind of people are involved? Watch the video and check your predictions <http://www.upworthy.com/the-most-amazing-act-of-heroismever-committed-in-swim-trunks >. Accessed on November, 11, 2014. Answer the questions below in Portuguese according to the video you watched: A) What kind of people do you see in the video? Were your predictions right? Comment about it. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ B) Do you think it was an act of heroism? Why/Why not? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ C) If you were in that situation presented in the video, what would be your reaction? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ D) Have you or another person you know ever made something similar to that? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ACTIVITY 4: A HEROIC FATHER Read the Title in bold. What kind of situation do you think will be presented in a text with this title? Florida Father Fights Alligator to Free 6-Year-Old Son - Who are the people involved? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ - Where does it take place? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ - When did it happen? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ - Where could it be published? What could motivate that publication? - Now, read the text and check if your predictions were correct Florida Father Fights Alligator to Free 6-Year-Old Son By ABC News Apr 23, 2013 9:35am ABC News’ John Schirffen reports A Florida father who fought to free his young son from the jaws of an 8foot alligator in the Everglades said he hit the alligator as hard as he could until the creature let go of the boy. The boy, Joey Welch, 6, escaped with just scrapes and bruises after his encounter with the animal Friday at Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge in Boynton Beach. Joey and his father, Joe Welch of Pompano Beach, were out on a canoe trip when Joey fell into shallow water and the alligator pounced, grabbing the boy’s right arm in its jaws. That’s when Joe Welch said he started hitting the alligator.[...] Hitting the alligator “felt like I was hitting cinder block,” Joe Welch told ABC News. Joey said he thought it was the end of him. [...] Another man who was nearby heard Joe Welch’s screams and came to his aid. “This good Samaritan had kicked the gator underneath the belly about three or four times, and then I guess the gator decided that after getting kicked and punched, he just finally released,” Welch said. “I was able to get my son and walk to shore.” Joey was taken to the hospital but had no serious injuries.[...] Adapted From: <http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/04/florida-father-fights-alligator-to-free6-year-old-son/>. Accessed on November, 7, 2014. Now remember to check if your predictions were right. EXPANSION: Let’s watch a video presenting the news you read: http://youtu.be/PumUe3pGAAo Now answer in Portuguese. • What information presented in the text could you identify in the video? _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ • What extra information could you identify in the video? _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ • Joe Welsh fought against an alligator. Do you think Joe Welsh have a special ability? Why/ why not? _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ACTIVITY 5: My Real Hero Let’s Write On unit 2 you created and described your own superhero. Now it’s time to describe a hero of real life. Who is your real hero? Think of someone that you consider special … His/her skills…. Qualities…appearance … behavior… Why is he/ she your hero? Make a first draft, and after your teacher’s correction, you can use photos, pictures, collages and other resources to improve the presentation of your production. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ENCAMINHAMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS Este material didático está organizado em três unidades com atividades previstas para 30 horas/aulas, reservando-se outras 2 horas/aulas para a apresentação do projeto e avaliação dos alunos. UNIDADE 1: Greek Heroes Objetivos: Socializar com os alunos informações sobre a presença de heróis na mitologia grega; auxiliar os alunos a usarem estratégias de leitura para entender o assunto do texto e construir opinião. Duração: 6 aulas. Material: material impresso, TV pendrive ou outra midia que reproduza video. Nesta primeira unidade, os alunos socializarão conhecimentos sobre mitologia grega e sobre o conceito de heróis neste contexto. A aplicação do trabalho terá início com um “brainstorming” a respeito do termo “heróis”, e a partir daí será feito o levantamento de conhecimentos prévios dos alunos sobre a presença dos heróis na mitologia grega e em clássicos da literatura. Após a familiarização da classe com o assunto será iniciada a atividade 2. Após assistirem ao vídeo os alunos emitem comentários sobre o mesmo, dizendo se reconhecem os heróis apresentados e o que sabem sobre o contexto em que aparecem. Também é importante que percebam que se trata de um trailer de um jogo de vídeo game. Na sequência, os alunos deverão associar pequenos textos descritivos com imagens dos principais heróis da mitologia grega. Nesse momento o professor deve fazer considerações a respeito de estratégias de leituras, como o reconhecimento de palavras cognatas que facilitam o entendimento dos textos. Na atividade 4 os alunos farão a leitura de textos informativos da internet sobre os dois heróis mais populares da mitologia grega: Hércules e Perseu. O professor deve ajudar os alunos a entenderem as questões de “Pre-reading” e pedir que respondam as questões individualmente através de uma leitura rápida. Em seguida a leitura pode ser feita de forma dialogada com os alunos, sempre os orientando a fazer uso de estratégias de leitura. As questões que darão sequência serão respondidas em português, no entanto os alunos precisarão usar das estratégias de leitura para compreenderem os enunciados. Atenção à questão 4: para respondê-la adequadamente os alunos deverão perceber que os dois heróis apresentados nos textos são filhos de deuses e humanos, para inferir o conceito de herói para os gregos, ou seja, o mesmo que semideus. Nota: God of War é um jogo da Sony que tem como personagem principal o semideus Kratos, criado especialmente para o jogo, baseado na divindade Cratos, da mitologia grega. Kratos é um grande militar espartano que pede o auxilio de Ares, o deus da guerra, para vencer seus inimigos. No decorrer da série, Kratos enfrenta outros semideuses como Hérculos, Perseu e Teseu. Apesar de tornar-se mais poderoso após associar-se a Ares, Kratos é enganado por ele e acaba por matar acidentalmente sua esposa e filha, assim ele volta-se contra o deus da guerra e passa a servir os outros deuses do Olimpo. Os deuses lhe dão a incumbência de matar Ares para que ele se torne o novo deus da guerra. UNIDADE 2: Super heroes Objetivos: Apresentar informações sobre os aspectos que permitiram o desenvolvimento de uma cultura em torno de super-heróis; vivenciar uma interação com os alunos a respeito de como essa temática lhes causa identificação; sistematizar conhecimentos sobre a organização textual e os aspectos linguísticos dos gêneros biografia e capa de revista em quadrinhos; ajudar os alunos a fazerem uso de estratégias de leitura em língua estrangeira, fazendo inferências e posicionando-se criticamente em relação ao que lêem; ajudá-los a conhecer estruturas linguísticas e lexicais e utilizá-las em produções escritas. Duração: 12 aulas Material: material impresso, figuras e objetos que contenham imagens de super-heróis; fichas com características de super-heróis; computadores na sala de informática. Inicialmente o professor fará um levantamento sobre os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos sobre super-heróis. Podem ser apresentadas figuras, pôsteres de filmes, revistas ou objetos que tragam figuras de super-heróis, e ainda pedir para que aqueles que tenham algum material escolar com motivos desses personagens apresentem para a sala. Em seguida deve ser lido o box que traz a definição de “super-heróis” e um pequeno comentário sobre o termo. Sugerimos que nesse momento sejam apresentadas informações sobre a origem dos super-heróis, conforme consta no Projeto de Intervenção Pedagógica. Para a realização dessa atividade, o professor deverá acessar o link para obter a imagem da capa da revista Action Comics nº 1. O professor pode iniciar uma análise em língua materna sobre a imagem, dando sequência ao assunto (origem dos super-heróis), logo em seguida solicitará que os alunos respondam às questões, que ajudarâo ao reconhecimento do contexto de produção do gênero textual. As questões que seguem (Expansion Questions) têm por objetivo um aprofundamento do tema, possibilitando que o aluno faça inferências e assuma uma postura crítica e pessoal em relação à imagem analisada e o contexto em estudo. É importante que haja uma socialização das respostas. Ainda seria pertinente que o professor comentasse a respeito das cores azul e vermelho no uniforme do Superman, alusivas à bandeira americana, mesmo que nenhum aluno chegue à essa conclusão. Outro fato interessante a ressaltar é o alto preço pago por antiguidades, como a revista apresentada, o que se confirma com a leitura da “curiosity”, logo após a atividade. Partindo da explicação da atividade 2, o professor deverá fazer explicações e anotações sobre os verbos modais “can” e “may”, diferenciar o uso dos verbos “wear” e “use” e sobre o uso dos adjetivos, para que a atividade seja desenvolvida de maneira satisfatória e para que possam estruturar frases descritivas a serem usadas em atividades posteriores. Na atividade 3, os alunos poderão conhecer ítens lexicais relacionados a super-heróis bem populares. A ordem correta para a segunda coluna é a seguinte: (3), (7), (10), (1), (2), (11), (14), (4), (13), (5), (8), (9), (15), (6) e (12). Algumas versões de nomes de super-heróis que podem causar dúvida: Nightcrawler: Noturno ; Beast Boy: Mutano; Mr. Fantastic: o Sr. Fantástico também é conhecido como Homem Elástico no Brasil. As atividade 5 e 6 tem por objetivo revisar e fixar algumas informações e vocabulários. A atividade 7 deverá ser apresentada de forma lúdica. Sugerimos que sejam apresentadas figuras de super-heróis populares e que os alunos possam comentar em português sobre aqueles que mais gostam e sobre seus poderes, assim como em que mídias eles estão presentes. Em seguida o professor deverá dividir a sala em grupos de 4 ou 5 integrantes e motivá-los a praticarem a fala em língua inglesa, descrevendo superheróis para os outros grupos. Para realização dessa atividade, o professor deverá sortear fichas contendo qualidades, poderes e algumas características de alguns super-heróis bem populares. É importante dizer aos alunos que eles deverão dizer frases curtas utilizando estruturas verbais e adjetivos estudados nessa unidade. Também será sorteado para qual grupo será direcionada a descrição, sendo que tanto o grupo que descreve quanto o grupo que responde marcam pontos se acertarem qual personagem foi descrito. - Sugestões de Super-heróis : Spiderman: Teenager, sense of danger, shoot spider-webs, super agility, wall-crawling, blue and red costume, masked. Secret identity: photographer, student at high school. Hulk: super strength, monster transformation, super jump, green skin, angry. Secret identity: scientist. Superman: super strength, flying, x-ray vision, super speed, came from another planet, red and blue costume, cape. Secret identity: reporter Batman: scientific knowledge, detective skills, athletic abilities, able to escape and hide, use of machines and devices, utility belt, cape, mask. Secret identity: billionaire man. Iron Man: super ability to fly, to make and use technological suit, technological devices. Secret identity: very rich businessman. Green Lantern: materialization, construction of objects with the energy of his ring, flying, traveling for the space, energy shield. Green costume, mask. Secret identity: airplane pilot. The Flash: super speed, run incredible distances, can vibrate his body, travel through time. Red and yellow costume, masked. Secret identity: scientist. Wonder Woman: super strength, fly, jump very high, athletic abilities, telepathy, scientific knowledge, can speak every language known. Weapons: bracelets, lasso of truth, invisible airplane. Costume: red, blue, yellow, stars. Captain America: super soldier, super strength, athletic abilities, use a shield made of adamantium. Costume: red, blue, white, stars, like the American flag Wolverine: healing factor, adamantium skeleton, retractable bone claws, mutant, martial arts, strong, spy, senses of sight, smell, and hearing are all superhumanly acute. Bat Girl: dominate martial arts, athletic abilities, photographic memory, very intelligent, abilities of spy and hacker. Good humor, costume similar to Batman´s. Secret identity: daughter of police inspector. Na atividade 7 os alunos farão uso de estratégias de leitura para reconhecer as características do gênero biografia e para compreender o contexto de produção, bem como para buscar informações específicas de duas biografias da mesma personalidade. Ao responder as questões o aluno deverá perceber que embora os dois textos biografem a mesma pessoa, o texto 1 traz informações mais abrangentes, enquanto o texto 2 está focado na personalidade enquanto escritor e produtor de filmes, já que o mesmo foi publicado em um site sobre cinema. Algumas informações não estão explícitas no texto, para isso é importante que o professor conduza os alunos a deduzirem que: a) Jack Kirby e Steve Ditko são co-criadores de personagens Marvel porque desenhavam os superheróis criados por Stan Lee, além de darem ideias sobre os mesmos; b) O Comic Code Authority foi uma espécie de censura recomendada pelo congresso americano, que regulamentava temas, palavras e até cores a serem usadas nas revistas em quadrinhos. As revistas que obedeciam a esse código tinham um selo estampado em suas capas. Maiores informações no link http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comics_Code_Authority; c) Muitos personagens de Stan Lee são cientistas porque surgiram numa época em que a tecnologia e a ciência estavam em alta e eram expressão de modernidade. A atividade 8 deverá ser realizada na sala de informática, pois os alunos deverão acessar o site da Marvel para criar seus próprios super-heróis. A atividade será muito envolvente, pois é possível escolher o gênero, o porte físico, o formato de cada parte do corpo, o estilo do uniforme, acessórios, cores, enfim, personalizar seu super-herói ou super-heroína no estilo Marvel. Nessa atividade o aluno irá articular o conhecimento de itens lexicais apresentados no material e revisar outros que já devem conhecer dos anos anteriores de estudo. Ao final produzirá um pequeno texto descritivo, fazendo uso de estruturas linguísticas estudadas nessa unidade. UNIDADE 3: Heroes of real life Objetivos: Trocar ideias sobre o conceito atual de heróis e como devemos valorizar os atos de heroísmo do nosso cotidiano, estendendo conceito de “herói” para as pessoas de nossa convivência ; auxiliar os alunos a usarem estratégias de leitura para deduzirem assuntos previamente, inferir informações, entenderem os contextos de produção, os assuntos dos textos e emitirem opiniões críticas. Duração: 12 aulas. Material: material impresso, TV pendrive ou outra midia que reproduza video. Esta terceira e última unidade deverá começar com uma sensibilização do tema “Heróis da vida real”, através das questões norteadoras; podem ser feitas anotações no quadro a partir da socialização das respostas. Na sequência será feita a leitura de uma entrevista com um bombeiro voluntário americano. Num primeiro momento, peça que os alunos realizem uma leitura rápida individualmente. Em seguida os alunos serão divididos em grupos de 4 membros para ser desenvolvida a técnica de leitura jigsaw. Cada grupo ficará responsável pela leitura mais detalhada de uma questão e resposta da entrevista. Depois de um prazo adequado, os alunos devem trocar de grupo, de maneira que em cada grupo haja uma pessoa que tenha lido uma parte diferente da entrevista. Assim, cada membro irá expor sua parte para o grupo, ao final todos terão conhecimento dos detalhes da entrevista como um todo. As atividades 1.1 e 1.2 podem ser respondidas no novo grupo formado ou eles podem retornar ao grupo inicial, tais atividades tratam das características do gênero discursivo em foco, trazem informações específicas do texto e ainda apresentam questões de cunho crítico para que os alunos demonstrem sua posição em relação ao tema, opinem sobre ideologias, valores éticos, relações de poder e engajamento social ao serem questionados sobre valores tradicionais e atos considerados heróicos e sobre o valor do trabalho voluntário. Vale lembrar que as respostas serão em português para que eles possam aprofundar seus argumentos, mas como as questões estão em inglês, os alunos deverão fazer uso de estratégias de leitura para entendê-las. Antes da realização das atividades 1.3 e 1.4, o professor pode sistematizar conceitos sobre estruturas de Information Questions, atentando para o uso de palavras interrogativas e do verbo to be no presente e no passado. Essas atividades devem ser feitas individualmente. Na atividade de Listening, os alunos deverão ouvir as descrições do professor e numerar as figuras. Nessas descrições, no entanto, não são nomeadas as profissões, somente na realização da segunda parte da atividade é que os alunos conhecerão como são denominados esses profissionais em inglês. Apresentamos essas sugestões para descrição das profissões das figuras, para realização da atividade de Listening: (1) They are at the beach attentive to the people, when it´s necessary they swim towardsl the people in risk to save them. (lifeguard) (2) This professional is in charge of keeping an individual, a group of people or a place in safe. (security guard) (3) They are able to attend people in emergency medical situations, like car accidents, before taking them to the hospital. (paramedics) (4) This professional is responsible for maintaining law and order and protecting population. (police officer) (5) They rescue people from dangerous situations, like buildings on fire. (firefighter) (6) These professionals work in hospitals taking care of sick or injured people. (doctors and nurses) Ao término da atividade, é importante que se comente a respeito do heroísmo desses profissionais. Para a realização da atividade 3, é necessário baixar o video no site linkado. A atividade tem por objetivo a previsão de um assunto a partir de um título. Depois da visualização do video é possível fazer reflexões sobre como gestos aparentemente simples podem tornar-se um ato de heroísmo. A primeira parte da atividade 4 também trata de antecipação de leitura. Será interessante confrontar suas predições com o conteúdo do texto e com o vídeo. Para exibi-lo ele deve ser baixado no site linkado e apresentado na TV pendrive ou outro recurso tecnológico. Como o texto é um tanto longo, é importante que o professor encoraje os alunos a fazerem uso de estratégias de leitura para que o compreendam . Nas últimas questões a criticidade é levada em conta, fazendo pensar sobre como pessoas da vida real, muito próximas de nós são capazes de atos de heroísmo e podem superar até os limites físicos, como verdadeiros super-heróis. Para encerrar essa unidade, os alunos deverão pensar em alguém em especial, preferencialmente de sua convivência, que possa assumir o papel de um herói. Usando os conhecimentos adquiridos no decorrer de todas as atividades do projeto, o aluno produzirá um pequeno texto descritivo. Os alunos deverão fazer um primeiro rascunho, que após corrigido será devolvido para as adequações necessárias. O professor pode pedir para que façam ilustrações e/ ou colagens, usem de criatividade e personalizem essa produção, que pode ser colocada em exposição na sala de aula. Esperamos que esse material contribua para o aprimoramento de suas aulas, em especial no que se refere à habilidade de leitura que sem dúvida leva a um conhecimento melhor da língua e ao desenvolvimento das demais habilidades. REFERÊNCIAS PARANÁ, Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica. Língua Estangeira Moderna. Curitiba: SEED, 2008. Sites: <http://cc.ebay.com/action-comics/>. Acesso em 10 dez. 2014. <http://marvel.com/games/play/31/create_your_own_superhero >. Acesso em 10 dez. 2014. <http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comics_Code_Authority>. Acesso em 05 dez 2014. Textos: GILL, N. S. Perseus. Disponível <http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/heroes/tp/TopHeroes.htm> Accesso em: 2014. em: 27 nov. Hercules. Disponível em : <http://www.mythweb.com/heroes/heroes.html>. Accesso em 27 nov. 2014. Mith man´s greek mithology today. Disponível em <http://greekmythologytoday.com/ >. Accesso em 03 out. 2014. PERKINS, Jamey. Interview With Volunteer Fireman Dave. 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