Business Friendly Slovakia Get to Know Slovakia as Your Investment Destination Finish Business Mission Juraj Mihal, SARIO 28th April 2015 A Country in the Heart of Europe Fully Integrated in the EU I I I I I I I I I Establishment: Official name: Area (km2): Population: Capital: Official currency: Official Language: Government: Time zone: 1st January 1993 Slovak Republic 49,035 5,400,000 Bratislava EURO Slovak Parliamentary democracy GMT + 1hour Independent Slovakia 1993 1918 Czechoslovakia Schengen area 2007 2004 EU Accession 2009 Euro Adoption 2016 EU presidency Most Politically Stable CEE Country According to the World Bank Group project: The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) This aggregate indicator reflects perceptions of the likelihood that the government will be destabilized by unlawful or violent means. Source: WB Group 2013, WGI, Political Stability(FI 97th percentile, SK 87th, CZ 84th, PL 83rd, HU 69th, BG 58th, RO 49th) 6 RO 5 BG 4 HU 3 2 PL CZ No 1 SK Slovakia: 8 Self-governing Regions, a.k.a. Higher Territorial Units Slovakia is divided into • 8 Self-governing Regions regrouped into • 4 regions corresponding to the NUTS 2 level used by the Eurostat for statistical purposes • Bratislava SK 01 = Bratislava Region • Western Slovakia SK 02 = Trnava + Trenčín + Nitra Region • Central Slovakia SK 03 = Žilina + Banská Bystrica Region • Eastern Slovakia SK 04 = Prešov + Košice Region TOP Reasons Why to Invest in Slovakia I Safe investment environment: political and economic stability I Central European hub & favourable geographic location: great export potential I Official currency EURO as one of a few countries in CEE I Fastest growing Eurozone member within the last 10 years (CAGR) I 10 Year CEE Leader DB 2004 – 2013 /World Bank/ I 6 Year CEE Leader in Physical Property Rights Security 2008 – 2013 /PRA/ I CEE leader in labour productivity and in TOP hard working countries /OECD/ I High adaptability of labor force to different culture management styles I Large selection of industrial land & offices I Attractive investment incentives Business Environment Strategic Position with Great Export Potential 300 million clients in a radius of 1,000 km 600 million clients in a radius of 2,000 km Gdansk, POLAND Hamburg, GERMANY Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS Bratislava Road Railway Waterway Koper, SI Constanta, RO Izmail, RO Road & Aerospace Network Krakow (PL) 180 km Prague Brno (CZ) 120 km Prague Vienna-AT London-UK Prague-CZ Bratislava-SK All major European cities airport WORLD Vienna-AT WORLD Budapest-HU Source: National Motorway Company, Slovak Airports, 2015 Most Open Economy in Europe Slovakia takes the 1st place in Europe with the highest export of Goods to GDP index, 2013 100 88 % 50 0 2002 SK 2004 HU CZ 2006 DE 2008 PL 2010 2012 Developed European Economies Slovakia takes - 3rd place in Europe after Luxemburg and Ireland with the export of Goods & Services to GDP index: 97.6%, 2013 - 25th place in the world after f.ex HongKong, Singapore, and Belgium with the export per capita, 2013 Source: UNCTAD STAT, Eurostat, 2014 FR UK EURO Zone Member - One of a Few in CEE Euro € since 1 January 2009 EURO IMPLEMENTATION IMPACT Limitation of Foreign Exchange Risk Lowering Transaction Costs Growth in Foreign Trade Increased Economic & Financial Stability Favorable conditions for long-term business decisions GDP Prediction Macroeconomic Overview by European Commission/OECD 2015f 2016f Germany 1.5% 2.0% GDP Growth in Slovakia Slovakia 2.5% 3.2% GDP Growth in EU 28 Poland 3.2% 3.4% Czech Rep. 2.5% 2.6% Hungary 2.4% 1.9% Romania 2.7% 2.9% Bulgaria 0.8% 1.0% Finland 0.8% 1.4% 12,0% 10,0% Real GDP growth 8,0% 6,0% 4,0% 2,0% 0,0%Source: European Commission, Spring 2014 forecast 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015f 2016f -2,0% Source: European Commission, Winter 2015 forecast, 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Real GDP Growth 5.8% -4.9% 4.4% 3% 1.8% 0.9% 2.4% HICP Inflation 3.9% 0.9% 0.7% 4.1% 3.7% 1.5% Unemployment 9.6% 12.1% 14.4% 13.5% 14% 14.2% Source: f-forecast, Eurostat, OECD 2015 -0.1% 13.2% Slovakia: Fastest Growth in Eurozone, 2004-2014 Average Annual Growth Rate 3,97 Slovakia Latvia Estonia Lithuania Luxembourg* Malta Ireland Slovenia Austria Belgium Germany Netherlands France Finland Cyprus Spain EURO area (19) Portugal Italy Greece 3,33 3,05 2,67 2,51 2,3 1,72 1,57 1,45 1,35 1,29 1,12 1,05 1,02 0,99 0,9 0,87 0,02 -0,28 -1,24 -2 *Data for 2014 missing Source: European Commission, Eurostat 2014 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Slovakia: Best Country Credit Ratings in CEE COUNTRY RATINGS (Sovereign foreign currency ratings) OECD Country risk SLOVAKIA CZECH REPUBLIC HUNGARY POLAND BULGARIA ROMANIA A positive AAstable BB+ stable Apositive BB+ stable BBBstable A1 stable A1 stable Ba1 stable A2 stable Baa2 stable Baa3 stable A+ stable A+ positive BB+ stable Apositive BBBstable BBBstable A+ stable A stable BBB negative A stable BBB stable BBBstable A stable A+/AAstable BBBstable A-/A stable 0 0 4 0 4 3 Source: ,,,,, Simple & Fair Tax System Slovakia: 3rd Most Promising Pre-Emerging Market Bloomberg - ranked pre-emerging markets based on their overall investment potential through 2016 - awarded points based on the following indicators: Economic indicators • Average projected GDP growth • Projected inflation rate • Government debt • Total investments • • • • Current labor participation Current account balance Foreign reserves Infrastructure Financial indicators • Price-to-book ratio of the • Two-year sovereign debt primary equity • Credit-default-swap • Exchange rate volatility spread • Liquidity of the primary equity Political and social measurements • Corruption Perceptions Index • Political risk score • Ease-of-doing-business score • Adult literacy rate Saudi Arabia 78,8 Estonia 71,4 Slovakia 67,1 Lithuania 65,8 Bahrain 65,7 Slovenia 65 Bulgaria 63,8 Vietnam 62,4 Kazachstan 61,5 Romania 60,3 Source: Bloomberg, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Economist Intellligence Unit, Transparency International, World Economic Forum, CIA , MSCI, FTSE, S&P, JP Morgan as of 2015 10 Year CEE Leadership in DB 2004 - 2013 Starting & Closing Business Construction permits Registering property Paying taxes Electricity acquirement DOING BUSINESS The World Bank Project •Analyzes the business regulations in 185 countries •Clasifies economies in 10 areas of business regulations Enforcing contracts Protecting investors Insolvency resolution CEE countries RO 6 Trading across borders Getting credit Slovakia increased in Doing Business ranking in 2015 Slovakia: 37. place Finland: 9. place Source: WORLD BANK GROUP Doing Business Report 2014 1 No SK 7 Year CEE Leadership in Physical Property Rights Security 2008 - 2014 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY RIGHTS INDEX (IPRI) – Physical Property Rights 1st international comparative study analysis of • 130 countries • 97% of world GDP Physical Property Rights • Protection of Rights • Registering Property • Access to Loans 6 HU 5 PL 4 BG 3 2 RO CZ Source: PROPERTY RIGHTS ALLIANCE (FI 8.2, SK 6.4, CZ 6.3, RO 5.9, HU 5.8, BG 6.1, PL 6.0 out of 10 points) No 1 SK Best Investment Climate in CEE, 2014 JP USA CEE secure Slovakia DE CZ PL BG PHYSICAL PROPERTY RIGHTS INDEX RO HU RU risky complex Source: World Bank, Property Rights Alliance, 2014 DOING BUSINESS easy Slovak Labour Force Our People - Our Treasure Highest Labor Productivity in CEE Gross monthly salary 2014 Slovakia reaches the highest labour productivity 951 € 3 980 PLN Poland 90,0 933 € 80,0 25 686 CZK Czech Republic 858 € Slovakia 770 € 237 736 HUF Hungary 542 € 2 412 RON Romania 429 € 70,0 60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 10,0 0,0 2005 Slovakia 840 BGN Bulgaria 2006 2007 Hungary 2008 2009 Czech Republic 2010 Poland 2011 Romania GDP (in PPS) per hour worked as compared to EU 27 (100) Source: Eurostat 2014 Source: National Statistical Offices of Slovakia, Czech republic, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria, National Bank of Slovakia, 2015 2012 2013 Bulgaria 3rd Lowest Total Labour Cost in EURO Zone 2x Lithuania Latvia Slovakia Estonia Greece Slovenia Spain United Kingdom* Italy Ireland Germany Austria Finland Netherlands France Sweden* Belgium Denmark* 6,5 6,6 9,7 9,8 14,6 15,6 21,3 22,3 28,3 29,8 31,4 31,5 32,3 34 34,6 37,4 39 €/hour 40,3 0 Source: Eurostat, 2015 3x 5 10 15 20 Note: Countries with * are non-Eurozone countries and are used just for reference in the grafics 25 30 35 40 45 Multilingual Competencies & Education I 80% of Slovak people speak foreign language I Legal obligation for elementary and high school students to study at least one foreign language Most studied languages 6% 13% 92% 50% English Source: Special Eurobarometer 386: Europeans and their languages, June 2012, Institute of Information and Prognoses of Education, 2015 German Russian French Other OECD: Slovakia in TOP 10 Hard Working Countries 2013 MEXICO USA JAPAN SLOVAK REPUBLIC 96% of Slovak employees work more than 40 hours a week. Part-time work is practically non-existent in Slovakia. Source: OECD, July 2013. Data reflect wage and salary workers, not the self-employed. Employment Contract Flexibility Scale from 0 = least restrictions to 6 = most restrictions Strictness of protection against individual dismissals in Slovakia in 2013 was below the OECD average 3,5 3 2,5 the OECD average: 2.04 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 Source: OECD, 2014, data displayed for European OECD members Dual Education Initiatives 40 high schools cooperating with over 90 companies 2015 New Framework For Dual Education: Shared theoretical education in schools & practical training in company Defined contractual obligation of the student to work for the company after completing his/her training Tax benefits for involved companies Source: State Vocational Training Institute Key Sectors Innovation & Information Technologies In-Line with Traditional Industries LEADING SECTORS OF THE SLOVAK ECONOMY Automotive ICT/SSC Electronics R&D Key Sector No 1: Automotive Car Production in Slovakia 2016f 2015f 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 1 090 616 1 040 664 993 000 980 000 926 938 630 000 557 000 463 140 +4,8 % growth/annum forecast 575 776 571 071 295 390 215 349 0 200 000 400 000 600 000 800 000 SLOVAKIA, 2014 Leader in World Car Production per 1000 inhabitants 183 vehicles /1000 inhabitants World Average 10 vehicles / 1000 inhabitants Source: Slovak Automotive Industry Association ZAP, VW, KIA, PSA-Peugeot, International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers 2015 1 000 000 1 200 000 Key Sector No 2: ICT/SSC I 35 established SSCs I Personnel over 24 800 Slovak Success Stories Significant global leaders in IT, automotive and machinery sectors with unique innovation potential Source: SARIO, 2015 Solar Team Slovakia ▌ Joint cooperation of 2 teams from Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava and technical University of Žilina ▌Unique solar vehicle build for 3 000 km race across the Australia Success Stories from around the World CANADA MAGNA SLOVTECA, KraussMaffei Technologies, Martinrea Slovakia Fluid Systems, Slomatec OMV, MercedesBenz, Schenker, Erste Group AUSTRIA USA PSA Peugeot Citroen, Dalkia, Orange, Bourbon, CCN, Alcatel R&D GERMANY BRAZIL Embraco SPAIN Aluminiuim Cortizo, Jobelsa, Cikautxo, OHL, O2 KOREA JAPAN Panasonic, Sanyo SIIX, SEWS, Misuzu, Minebea, Trim Leader, Brother Industries, Yazaki, U-Shin, Makino, Takenaka, Tamura, Yamagata, Taisei FRANCE US Steel, Emerson, DELL EMEA Centre of Excellence, Whirlpool, IBM, HP European IT Operation Centre, Johnson Controls AT&T, Accenture, Amazon Source: SARIO, 2015 Siemens, Volkswagen, T-Systems, Continental KIA Motors, Samsung, Hyundai Mobis TAIWAN UK SPC International, KMF, BOXPERFECT, Amylum, Hi-Tech Mouldings FINLAND Rukki, Itella, YIT, KONE, Ojala, Peikko, AU Optronics, ESON, Foxconn, Delta Electronics CHINA Lenovo Finland Friendly Slovakia 33 success stories from Finland employing almost 2 000 people Foreign Trade: Slovakia and Finland 200 180,9 173,9 180 163,3 161,6 160 134,2 140 120 100 130,5 113,4 125,1 118 115,4 111,6 100,2 80 60 40 20 mil. EUR 0 2009 2010 2011 Export Slovak Export to Finland ▌Vehicles ▌Electrical Equipment ▌Iron and Steel ▌Industrial Machinery ▌Rubber Source: Statistic Office SR; Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of SR, Ministry of Economy of the SR, 2014 2012 Import 2013 Balance Slovak Import from Finland ▌Non-ferrous Metals ▌Paper ▌Machines ▌Electric Machines ▌Iron and Steel ▌Plastics 2014 Foreign Direct Investment: Slovakia and Finland 160 000 Status of FDI from Finland to Slovakia (ths. EUR) 140 000 120 000 100 000 80 000 60 000 40 000 20 000 0 2007 2008 Foreign Direct Investment 2009 2010 2011 2012 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 FDI status from Finland to Slovakia (ths. EUR) 44 166 65 214 126 884 138 984 120 205 - FDI flow from Finland to Slovakia (ths. EUR) 22 858 22 835 - 15 419 - 18 330 2 440 Source: National Bank of Slovakia, 2015 Investment Incentives Unemployment & Registered Job Seekers Average level of unemployment in Slovakia reached 12.29 % as of Dec 2014. ŽILINA REGION 10.91 % 36 516 job seekers PREŠOV REGION 17.45 % 69 330 job seekers TRENČÍN REGION 9.56 % 28 482 job seekers TRNAVA REGION 8.03 % 23 435 job seekers BRATISLAVA REGION 6.13 % 20 601 job seekers NITRA REGION 11.21 % 39 309 job seekers BANSKÁ BYSTRICA REGION 17.22 % 55 682 job seekers KOŠICE REGION 15.92 % 58 378 job seekers Jobseekers in December 2014: 331 733 *Represents only the number of seekers registered at the unemployment office. Please note, that many job seekers are not registered. Source:, Dec 2014, updated Feb 2015 Basic Features I I I I I Targeted at regions with high unemployment rate Final decision: Slovak government Administrative body: Ministry of Economy of SR Investment intensity up to 35% from eligible costs ELIGIBLE COSTS : LAND BUILDINGS NEW MACHINERY & TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT LICENSES & PATENT RIGHTS OR WAGE COSTS OF NEW EMPLOYEES DURING 2 YEARS I FORMS: INCOME TAX RELIEF up to 10 tax periods CASH GRANT (paid ex-post, based on annual costs report) CONTRIBUTIONS ON NEW JOBS (paid ex-post, based on annual costs report) Source: Legal framework: Act no. 561/2007 Coll. on Investment Aid Eligible Investments & Requirements INDUSTRY TECHNOLOGY CENTER SHARED SERVICES CENTER TOURISM ELIGIBLE INVESTMENTS NEW FACILITY or EXPANSION MIN. AMOUNT MIN. NEW JOBS 3M€ 0.5 M € 0.4 M € 3M€ 40 30 (70% university education) 40 (60% university education) 40 R&D Tax Deduction Framework I New Tax Deduction scheme for companies performing R&D. I Deductions of costs: New scheme since 2015 1st time in accounting as standard operational cost 2nd time in tax declaration as deductable cost from income tax Eligible Costs I Costs of employees I Tax depreciation of tangible and intangible assets I Other operational costs I Costs of ordered services provided by selected R&D institutions I Incremental form of support – annual growth of relief N Numerous similar schemes implemented in other countries (CZ, PL, HU, NL, UK, etc.) N No limitations on maximum amount of deduction/region of activity O Option to claim for tax deduction in 4 following periods V A Valid for all companies on equal basis T Tax saver for innovative companies E Easy way to apply through a particular column in tax declaration Automatically claimable when all conditions fulfilled Source: Legal framework: Act no. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax SARIO Services Foreign Trade Department Investment Projects Department I Supporting Slovak manufacturers in export I Package of services for investors: and investments abroad Potential Support and establishment of Joint Ventures In-depth information about Slovakia Identification of potential suppliers and Tailor-made solutions (HR, real estate, legal) Established subcontractors Expansion, local suppliers, relocation, work permits Support for SMEs and their promotion abroad Subcontracting activities I Investment incentives consultancy Industry Portal of export and cooperation Shared services centers opportunities Pro-export training center International tenders Organization of business missions and B2Bs Technology centers Tourism I M&A I Investment Promotion Events In Slovakia Abroad ALL SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE SARIO BUSINESS LINK 2015 International Engineering Cooperation Day – May 19, 2015, Nitra International Business Networking: I Engineering I Automotive Industry Program: I Partners presentations I B2B negotiations I Panel discussions Elosys Fair – October 13–16, 2015, Trenčín International Business Networking: I Electrotechnics I Automatization I Lighting I Electronics I Telecomunication Slovak Matchmaking Fair – November 10, 2015, Bratislava International Business Networking: I Engineering I I I I I Automotive Industry Electrotechnics Power Industry and Renewable Energy Chemistry IT Technologies Program: I I I I Partners presentations B2B negotiations Accompanying events Special conference The biggest B2B event in Slovakia SLOVAKIA Country where history meets future 5th TOP best travel destination by Lonely Planet We Are Looking for the Same Goal World Championships Balance 3 3 Thank you for your attention For more information, please contact us at: SARIO Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency Address Trnavska cesta 100 821 01 Bratislava Slovakia Web Email [email protected] [email protected]
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