May - Temple Aero Modelers


May - Temple Aero Modelers
The Temple Aero Modeler
The Official Newsletter of the Temple Aero Modelers Radio Controlled Aircraft Club
May 2008
>>> Meeting Change Notice <<<
This month's meeting will be
held Monday, June 2nd at 7:30pm
at the Temple Airport Terminal
Conference Room
R/C in Temple Since 1973
Combat st–
June 1
Club Meeting
June 2nd
Fun Flyth–
June 8
Runway reseal
June 14
Combat nd–
June 22
Scout Fly-in
June 28th
2008 Officers
Vice Pres/Sec.
Safety Officer:
Field Marshal:
Mark Cullison
Lance Starzyk
Buster Hinkle
Don Mondrik
Randy Mennen
Frank Sodek, Jr.
Mark Cullison
Paul Horan
B.W. Ponder
Doug Staines
Lance Starzyk
Fred Huber
Temple Event Schedule
Jun 1
Jun 2
Jun 8
Jun 14
Jun 22
Jun 28
Jun 30
Jul 13
Jul 27
Jul 28
Aug 10
Aug 24
Aug 25
Sep 7
Sep 28
Sep 29
Oct 5
Oct 19
Oct 27
Oct 29
Nov 24
On The Cover
Dec 7
And the proud winner is …. Brad Wyper
Dec 9
Brad is an Active Duty Apache helicopter
Crew Chief who’s assigned to the 1st Cavalry
Infantry Division at Ft.Hood. Brad lives in
Killeen; his home town is Boynton Beach, FL.
Combat 2pm
Club Meeting 7:30pm
(delayed a week due to holiday)
Temple Airport Conference Room
Sanctioned Fun Fly 10am
Runway resealing party 8am
Combat 2pm
Scout Troop 117 Fly-in
Club Meeting 7:30pm
Combat 2pm
Combat 2pm
Club Meeting 7:30pm
Combat 2pm
Combat 2pm
Club Meeting 7:30pm
Combat 2pm
Fall Picnic/Last Combat 1pm
Club Meeting 7:30pm
Fall Fun Fly 1pm
Poker Fly 10am
Club Meeting 7:30pm
Last Beginners’ Night 5:30pm
Club Meeting 7:30pm
Temple Airport Conference Room
Don Cullison Memorial
Christmas Toy Drive/Fly-In 1pm
Christmas Banquet/Officer Elections
Photo by Doug Staines
Frank Sodek, Jr.- Editor
Mark Cullison - Editor’s Assistant 773-9686
On the web at:
Web Master: Paul Ramsay
[email protected]
Issue No. 156
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Temple Aero Modeler
President’s Report
Whew! This has been our busiest
time of year with events scheduled
several weekends in a row, two that I
would consider major events. April
19th and 20th was the Pattern Contest.
The Spring Picnic and Combat was
scheduled for April 27th, then the Central Texas Air
Show on May 2nd - 4th. Two weekends after that, we fly
combat against the Bryan Club at our field.
The Pattern contest was a success with 29 pilots flying 5
rounds. Thanks to B.W. Ponder and Bobby Zikes for
heading up this event. Five of our own club members
flew in this year’s contest. In the Sportsman class, Randy
Mennen finished 1st, John Hagel got 2nd, and John Cobb
ended up in 3rd. Paul Horan and I competed in the
Intermediate class (we won’t mention any placements
here!) Thanks goes out to Randy Mennen, our Field
Marshal, for making sure the field was in tip top shape
for the contest. It looked like a golf course! Randy also
headed up the cooking and selling of sausage wraps for
lunch each day of the contest. Thank you Randy and your
team of helpers.
The Spring Picnic and first Combat match was a
complete washout. The weather forecast looked horrible,
so I cancelled the event the day before. Mother Nature
didn’t disappoint either, with a cold wind and rain on
Sunday. It was decided not to reschedule the picnic, and
our Combat CD, Larry Macie, will decide if we
reschedule the missed combat match.
The Central Texas Air Show was a great event as always.
Lance Starzyk stepped up and volunteered to take the
project lead on this major event. Thank you Lance!
Friday evening’s weather was perfect. Aron Tippen put
on a very good concert. Saturday was sunny but cold with
a brisk wind. We had great weather Sunday. We flew
both days, sold lots of raffle tickets, made numerous
contacts, and had a great time watching airplanes and jets
There were a couple concerns on Saturday. First was the
wind. It was very strong in the morning (40 mph gusts!).
However, it slowly tapered off and by 1pm it was at a
more manageable level, allowing us to fly the demo. The
second concern for Saturday was the number of members
(or lack thereof) that showed up to work! If not for the
help of a couple of members’ spouses, it would have
been a stretch to fly all the demos that were planned and
keep the booth operating at the same time. A big “Thank
You” goes out to Tamara Starzyk and Glenda Hagel for
their assistance.
By the time you read this the Bryan Combat will be
history. I figure with our first combat canceled, and
having to “hold back” during the air show demos, our
combat pilots will be chomping at the bit to kick some
butt. Should be a great spectator event!
Just an FYI – due to a venue change at the Railroad
Museum, I opted to cancel our participation at the June
21st Family Day event. A future date is in the works.
Most recently, I have been contacted by Scout Troop 117
asking if we would put on a demo/intro flight for them,
as we have in the past. I have queried the membership
and the response was a resounding “YES”. So, we will
be hosting the Scouts at our field on Saturday, June 28th
at noon. We will fly some demonstration flights, fly them
on buddy boxes, and cook hotdogs. More details will
follow. Thanks guys, this is always an enjoyable and
rewarding event!
Mark Cullison
Meeting Minutes (April 28th meeting)
The meeting was called to order at
7:30 pm by President Mark Cullison.
Minutes from the last meeting were
read by VP/Sec Lance Starzyk. Fred
Huber motioned to accept the minutes
as read and was 2nd by Randy Mennen.
The Treasurer’s Report was read by Buster Hinkle. Dave
Henry motioned to accept and was seconded by Larry
Safety Officer Don Mondrik read the AMA Safety Code
as required to meet the AMA guidelines for a Gold
Leader Club.
Mark noted that he delivered flowers donated by the club
to Kathy Ponder.
Issue No. 156
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Temple Aero Modeler
Thanks to Fred Huber, Paul Horan and John Hagel, 2
more 12 volt plugs have been installed at the field.
Mark had Killeen Big Bird Event flyers for anyone
wanting to participate.
would wait for warmer and dryer weather. Larry Macie
suggested tentative date of June 14th to reseal the runway.
The cost will be approximately $1,200.
Old Business:
Combat: Combat with the Bryan Club will be May 18th
at 1pm. Lunch will be provided by the club. Dave and
Randy volunteered to cook hamburgers.
Storage Container: Larry Macie gave a report on the
status of the storage container. The cost was $2,995 for
the 40’ unit from Lone Star Storage, $1,500 for a 40’
container from Steve Meyer. Larry motioned that the
club purchase Steve’s container and was seconded by
Fred. Mark motioned to authorize Larry $200 for
moving expenses and $300 for site prep and was
seconded by Fred. All actions were passed. Doug will
coordinate with Larry and the Corps of Engineers on the
placement of the container.
Air Show: Lance would pick up all the equipment for
the Air Show on the Wednesday night before the air
show at the field. Mark was donating t-posts, Doug the
generator and canopy, Bobby a canopy and the club’s
table, chairs and banner from the field. No announcer
was designated, Lance will write a club bio and briefing
for the show announcer. Larry announced the combat
flyers as Mark, Don, Randy and himself. John Hagel and
Charles Harris will perform with their Giant Scale planes
and Charles will also perform with his helicopter.
Volunteers were requested and wrist bands were
disseminated for access to the event.
Beginners’ Night: No beginners’ night report.
Pattern Contest: Bobby reported on the pattern contest
held April 19 and 20. There were 29 contestants, of
which 5 were club members. The club swept the
Sportsman Class: Randy Mennen taking1st place, John
Hagel placing 2nd and John Cobb showing 3rd. Paul and
Mark flew in the intermediate class with no luck. The
weather was good for the event and the club made $850
on fees and $107.60 on food. Thanks went to Bobby and
BW for hosting, Randy for cooking and Jason and Fred
for assisting him and all other participants.
Spring Picnic: The April 27th event was cancelled due to
inclement weather.
Temple Railroad Museum Family: Mark reminded the
volunteers about the event on June 21st from 10am to
Runway Seal: It was discussed and agreed that we
New Business:
Fun Fly: June 8th will be the club’s Fun Fly. Events will
be timed loops and rolls and balloon bust. This is for
glow and gas models only. Randy will bring sausages to
Dues: Mark proposed a dues increase for next year
(2009) from $40 to $60 annually. There has not been a
dues increase in several years. TAM club has the lowest
dues of any club in Central Texas, but maintains higher
overhead and sponsors more events than most. Although
the increase amounts to 38 cents a week, it will help
provide some security needed to maintain the club at the
current level of the economy. There will be additional
notices in the June and July newsletters announcing the
upcoming vote at the July 28th meeting.
Trips: Doug Staines recently placed 11th at the Pylon
Races in Austin. John Hagel will be travelling to South
Carolina on May 13, 14 and 15th to attend the Joe Nall
Memorial Fly-in at the Triple Tree Aerodrome in
Woodruff, South Carolina. This event is hosted by the
Confederate Air Farce.
Maintenance: Randy Mennen reported that we are down
to one mower, pending some new blades. He requested
that he be contacted as soon as possible if equipment
goes down so he can remedy it. Randy also asked the
club what to do with the old broken down weed eater.
Present members agreed to discard it, since it would cost
more to repair than replace.
Blunder Award: The following entries were discussed:
Carl Ervin and his helicopter crash due to an unsecured
battery; Randy Mennen with his Avenger and using the
wrong model on his computer radio; John Cobb with his
Perfection and flipped on spoilers, thinking it was high
rates and crashed; Mark Cullison for his verbal faux pas
while calling for Randy at the pattern contest; Team
Andy and his Avenger for trying to charge the plane with
a servo lead; Cliff crashed his Calypso, the plane was
given to him by Mark and engine loaned by Randy.
Issue No. 156
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Temple Aero Modeler
This month’s Blunder Award Winner was Randy
Central Texas Air Show
Motion to Adjourn meeting at 9:08pm by Dave Henry
and 2nd by Fred Huber.
The 2008 Central Texas Air Show was another
success for the Temple Aero Modelers. Friday began
early with Mark Cullison, John Hagel and I setting up the
booth’s canopies and tables in gale force winds.
Despite a low event turn out on Friday night and cold
temperatures with higher winds Saturday morning, the
club flew both Saturday and Sunday to cheering crowds.
As usual, the club opened the flying portion of the air
show both days.
This year, Charles Harris did double duty by flying his
Giant Scale Extra 300 and his Raptor Helicopter with
John Hagel flying his Extra 260 in between. I want to
personally thank both pilots, not only for stepping up to
the plate but for their exceptional solo performances in
the face of high winds.
The succeeding combat event went off well on both
days. With only one cut on Saturday by Mark Cullison,
the crowd was enthralled by the buzz of the planes and
fast-paced flying by the pilots on both days. I want to
thank pilots Larry Macie, Mark Cullison, Don Mondrik
and Randy Mennen for flying, as well as their spotters
Nick Mondrik, Buster Hinkle, Andy Sonnier, Bobby
Zikes and Steve Sanders. Steve also helped out by using
his Gator and trailer to shuttle people and equipment to
the flight line.
Additionally, I want to thank Tamara Starzyk, Fred
Huber, Dave Henry, Derek Hinkle and Doug Staines for
manning the club’s booth during the demonstration, as
well as Glenda Hagel and Carl Ervin for assisting John
and Charles respectively during their routines. Finally,
thanks to Frank Sodek for showing up Sunday just to
help tear down after the event and everyone who
displayed aircraft, took money and sold tickets and talked
to the people during the event.
Both Air Boss Beth Jenkins and Airport Manager
Sharon Rostovich gave our club kudos for a job well
done and extended their appreciation to us for attending
the event. My apologies and thanks to anyone I may
have missed. Everyone who participated was much
appreciated and necessary to the success and safety of
this event.
Minutes recorded by Lance Starzyk
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Balance: $5,423.79
Raffle Tickets (Mallshow) …………. $181.00
Dues …...…......…………...….…...... $140.00
Return of unused funds (Blose party)... $68.00
Total Credits: $389.00
Grassbur chemicals ….…………...…. $84.37
Mower fuel ……………………….…. $26.21
Starter stand wheels …………….....… $24.82
Max Blose plaque ……………....…… $65.00
Max Blose gift flag ……………......… $20.48
Raffle plane ………………...……… $235.00
Mallshow insurance ……………....…. $20.00
Club info sheets ………………….…. $21.65
Newsletter postage .….…………...…. $37.72
Ronald McDonald House .…........…. $20.00
Club field signs . ……………….…. $200.00
Airshow insurance ..…..………....…. $20.00
Total Debits: ($775.25)
Ending Balance April 2008: $5,037.54
Submitted by Buster Hinkle
Club Treasurer
>>> Dues Increase Voting Notice <<<
At the July 28th meeting, there will be a
vote on the proposal to raise club dues
from $40 to $60 per year, please attend!
By Lance Starzyk
Thanks Again!
Issue No. 156
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Temple Aero Modeler
Safety Officer’s Report
The days are getting longer and the
nights are getting shorter, which means
summer is down hill from now. Some
key points to keep in mind as our days
get hotter: stay hydrated, take frequent
breaks, and keep some shade handy.
Heat can create extra stress on your
body, so it is important to pay attention to that inner
voice. Don’t y’all hear that voice sometimes? Seriously
though, know your limits, some of us can’t plow through
the days like we used to. We might remember having
done strenuous work during the summer months, but do
you remember how old you were then? Sad but true, age
can make a difference on how well your body can tolerate
the hot days ahead.
The summer months will afford more flying days, but
they’ll also be hot. Sunscreen is another prophylactic to
protect your skin from the damaging effects of long
exposure to Sol, our sun. I’m sure that at some point
during our lives we have all experienced a sunburn or
two which probably led to “I ain’t gonna do that again.”
You have better protection from the sun’s effects
available these days than you did in the past, so take
advantage of sunscreens, and wear a hat to protect your
head. A wide brim hat will offer more protection than a
plain old gimme ball cap most of us wear. The straw hats
like you see on the golf course are a good choice, they
allow air to circulate to keep your head cool, similar to a
cowl on an airplane. The sun can cause skin cancer
which is a topic I would just as soon avoid.
In addition to protecting yourself from the ravages of
the sun, add insect repellant to your list of stuff you’ll
wish you had in your flight box. Mosquitoes are a real
nuisance, but they can also carry some nasty parasites in
addition to disease. The mosquito problem is really
noticeable at the end of a day of flying. As the sun starts
to get low on the horizon the little blood suckers seem to
come alive. The ingredient I have heard the most about
in insect repellants is DEET. I know that like everything
else people tend to get the products with the highest
DEET content. While the stuff works fairly well, keep in
mind that you are spraying a chemical on your body on
purpose. If you’re serious about not donating blood to
perpetuate the mosquito population, you’ll be spraying it
on your hands and rubbing it on your face, neck, hair,
shirt, shorts, legs and just about anything else you can
reach. Go easy on the DEET - I don’t know what it is or
how it works, but I would be willing to bet that it doesn’t
taste good and it really could cause red, bloodshot eyes.
Take some time, read the label and buy small quantities
just in case you don’t like it or it has some other
undesirable effects.
How about wasps? It’s wasp season too, you know.
People usually get into a wasp nest because they were
unseen, hidden under something and so on. Wasp spray
would be a good idea for the club to keep in the storage
shed just in case.
Is any one in our club allergic to bees and/or wasps?
Perhaps we should keep a bee sting kit handy, again, just
in case.
Remember, Don’t Get Hurt Having Fun,
Don Mondrik
Safety Guy
Central Texas Airshow Photos by Larry Macie
Temple Aero Modelers Club is now a Gold Level Leader Club!
(254) 662-5587
District VIII Events
May 30-31 NE Texas Jet Rally – Mt. Pleasant
May 31-1 Propnuts TruTurn IMAC Challenge – Crosby
May 31-1 TX Scale Championship/Scale Masters Qualifier –
Ft. Worth
June 6-8
Space City Heli Fun Fly– Katy
June 7
CenTex Big Bird - Killeen
June 7-8
Bomber Field Warbird Fly-in – Monaville
June 7-8
Jetero Pattern Classic – Huffman
June 13-15 NDRCC DFW Jet Rodeo - Aubrey
June 13-15 Heli Blaze – Grand Prairie
June 15
Thunderbirds Old Farts Fly-in – Ft. Worth
June 20
HOTMACS IMAA Mini Fest – Waco
June 21-22 Ray Rhodes Memorial Pattern Contest - Nederland
>>> Meeting Change Notice <<<
This month's meeting will be held Monday, June 2nd at the Temple Airport Terminal
Conference Room
Frank Sodek - Editor
510 West Shell
Temple, TX 76501
Club Meeting – June 2nd (at the
Temple Airport Conf Rm)
Combat – June 1 st & June 22nd
Fun Fly – June 8th
Runway Resealing – June 14th
Scout Troop Fly-in – June 28th
"The Temple Aero Modeler Newsletter"
Is published monthly by the Temple Aero Modelers, Inc., a nonprofit organization. We reserve the
right to edit all copy forwarded to us. Permission is hereby given to reprint any article in its entirety, as
long as proper credit is given. Please submit all material to:
Frank Sodek
510 West Shell
Temple, TX 76501
(254) 773-8081
E-Mail: [email protected]
All material submitted for publication will become the property of the Temple Aero Modelers, Inc.,
and will not be returned unless directed to do so at the time of submission. The Editors of the
newsletter and the Temple Aero Modelers, Inc. will not be held liable and/or responsible for any
columns written in this publication.