ThIs Is my porTfolIo - Daniel Erik Eriksson
ThIs Is my porTfolIo - Daniel Erik Eriksson
DANIEL ERIK ERIKSSON Hi, I’m Daniel I am a graphic designer & This is my portfolio DANIEL ERIK ERIKSSON Typography Branding Print Sustainable Graphic Form Ljungdahl Logistik AB Sustainable Graphic Form Arvikafestivalen 2011 Fredrik Danielsson Arvikafestivalen 2011 Bunkerfesten 2011 TEDxSödravägen Bunkerfesten 2011 TEDxSödravägen TEDxSödravägen Teaser Teaser Avis Logos Final Art Web Fredrik Danielsson Svenska Mäklarhuset Ljungdahl Logistik AB 4 United Humans Avis Viamap AB Ann of Bo Qi Amo the cases Project Product design 2013 Product design and production, photography and sales. I made the entire process from idea to product in store. iPad case made out of high quality felt and skin from Mallorca. Stitching, cutting and finishing is all handmade. Cases for iPad mini, iPad and Macbook pro. Display material for the store. Client Commercial product The personal need and desire is often a great start for good design. I needed a cover for my iPad an so did a few other people, so I started making these to sell. Sold to clients in Spain and Sweden. Various product photos for promotional use. Project Positiva gäng 2013 Project manager, art director, graphic designer. Classic boardgame aimed to help and educate youth in the benefits of doing good deeds in society. Me and illustrator Silvana Pacheco developed the visual concept and produced all graphics. We also developed a useful digital extention with QR codes. Client Drömstort “It looks brilliant!” - Kassim Nagwere, Head of Drömstort Is a swedish association working as a support and role model for and with the youth in the suburbs. The organize sports and music events. They share their knowledge my visitng schools and youth houses around Sweden. giovanna de Avila Project Teaser 2012 Package graphic design, package construcion, package concept and copywriting. I worked closely with Giovanna to find the feeling and concept for her tea infuser, Teaser. Client Giovanna De Avila Giovanna is a conscious industrial designer with a focus on hand craft and emotianally inspired products. She only uses natural materal like glas, porcelain, wood. Powerpoint presentations Project TEDxSödravägen 2012 Branding, graphic design and final art MÄNSKLIGA RÄTTIGHETER & IDENTITET 12:E NOVEMBER I VÄRLDSKULTURMUSÉET mänskliga rättighet er 12:e november i världs Från 10.00 till 19.00 me d FRÅN 10.00 TILL 19.00 MED INSPIRERANDE FÖRELÄSARE JAN AXEL NORDLANDER Ambassadör OLA NILSSON Social innovatör, facilitator and organisatör LENA HEJLL BJÖRN SÖDERBERG Social entreprenör LEO RAZZAK Social entreprenör CHRISTER MATTSSON Kurator och projektledare vid Nationalmuseet. Projektledare Pedagog och historiker Ordförande i Svenska FN-förbundet ALEXANDER CAVALIERATOS JOHNNY LEE CLARY ESMERALDA MOBERG Radiopratare & co-producer SAADIA HUSSAIN Konstnär e g Björn Söderber Petter Hellström Ann Lagerström Saadia Hussain Leila Swartling Marco Helles Jana Fralova Oscar Hedin Leo Razzak Tina wik t Michael wernsted Christer Mattssonn sso der Ulf Alexan ry Johnny Lee Cla Fredrik Svanberg att bana väg för Vi strävar efter , själ och sinne. ntitet - och vill pirera ditt hjärta nskliga rättigheterna och ide ins vi att r me gor – det lämnar gan om mä forum som kom nas med nya frå n avgörande, frå läm är att skapa ett r me n att “gå i elle ion xa, bit cka ple am jlgh r ssty Vå ge dig mö ete insikt, mi t på den kom e ny sät rar ta syn sna hit vill as, och Vi vån nya perspektiv mer du att för xSODRAvAGEN ka samma saker. ne. Kanske kom överens och tyc | TwiTTER @TED utmana ditt sin vi måste komma DRAvAGEN.SE www.TEDxSO var inte efter att kan vara. det hur till dig. Vi strä ka täc skor” och upp någon annans TINA WIK JANA FRALOVA GRAHAM TAINTON Koreograf och dansare CHRISTINA JOHNSSON MICHAEL WERNSTEDT Advokat och social entreprenör JAN-OLOV MADELEINE ÅGREN MAZEN GABRO MOURAD Frilansdansare, pedagog och instruktör Konsult inom mångfald och mänskliga rättigheter Grundare och VD MARCO HELLES NOOMI LAPPALAINEN Projektledare PETTER HELLSTRÖM Client TEDxSödravägen focus on the important subject of human rights and identity. This TEDx event have 28 speakers - ambassadors, lawyers, social entrepreneurs, artists, CEOs among others. Forskningschef på Historiska museet Föreläsare och rådgivare I worked with the project manager, the administrator and the technichan. TEDxSödravägen Journalist and communication strategist LEILA SWARTLING FREDRIK SVANBERG Forskningschef vid Raoul Wallenbergs institutet inspirerande Föreläsar ALEKSANDER GABELIC ANN LAGERSTRÖM ANNA ROGALSKA HEDLUND Jurist Postal and invitation cards & identitet kulturmuséet eine Ågren Jan-Olov Madel dlund He Anna Rogalska atos ier Alexander Caval urad Mo Mazen Gabro er and rdl No l Axe Jan ic Aleksander Gabelen ain pal Lap i Noom I was the graphic desiger for this TEDx event. I made the poster, postcard, invitation card and the programme. I also did the final art on the fingerprint logo. ULF ALEXANDERSSON OSCAR HEDIN Producent PH, doktorand i idéhistoria Anmäl dig på | twittra med oss @TEDxSodravagen TEDx is a subevent to TED talks which main focus is to spread knowledge “Ideas worth spreading”. Poster Graphical elements on “R-E-S-P-E-C-T. I love the poster” - Victora Lindén, Head of festival “Exactly what I wanted!” - Therese Skoog, Head of marketing Project “Just wanted to tell you: Insaaaaanely beautiful poster. You are awsome!” Arvikafestivalen 2011 2010 Poster, graphic research. I made the official poster for 2010 years edition of the festival. The characteristic black, yellow and tringles are natural elements in the design. - Emelie Envall, Head coordinator “get going and print it so I can steal one and bring it home :)” “Soooo fucking awsome!” “you now have the second best poster in Sweden!” “fucking nice”, “awsome!” “Soo nice!” I also did the inital research to look over the visual concept. Client Galaxen The assiciation have been running the respected and praised electro/ pop festival for over two decades. The festival was the one thing Galaxen focus and was run by volonteer. - Comments from the fans of the festival The poster with the yellow and black color and the triangles of Arvikafestivalen. 2009 the festival had 22 500 visitors and headlined Depache Mode. The organizer together with Papa Bear Project Bunkerfesten 2011 2011 Graphic identity, poster, t-shirt, badges. I worked very close to the head organizer to get the feeling of swedish subculture mixed with folkfest. I was in charged of producing all graphics, from badges to clothings. One of the volonteers with the t-shirt. Really good people! Client Bunkerns musikförening Badges and t-shirt This association is put together by a few truly dedicated music fans. They organize music events in small towns of Sweden. They are devoted to bring culture to places in need of culture. Voloteer with t-shirt and t-shirt production The poster with the famous wunderbaum as role model Project Branding and website 2012 Website, logo, identity, graphics, project coordination. I did the identity for the client and collaborated copywriter Sofia Zetterqvist and photographer Nixon Johansen. Client Ljungdahl Logistik AB Landing page of website with photos of the co-workers. Ljungdahl logistik AB is a small and personal business. Their main business is staffing in logistics, machine and warehouse personnel. They have over 20 years of experience. 2012 they changed their business model and choose to rebrand themself. T-shirt and jacket with printed logo for the workers. Project Identity 2012 Identity, website and marketing material. I was contacted in the startup of the company to create an identity - the logo, website and business cards as a first assignment. I was then entrusted to continued with marketing material such as writing press releases and newsletters. Client Viamap AB IA KARTAN V T U L S E B E R T T BÄ Website layout, structure, graphics and text Sven-Ola Svenssone nde | viamap.s Verksamhetsdriva [email protected] ss n ve .s la -o n e sv | 070-856 88 56 Business card Viamap AB is a company in the sector of geographical and spatial information. They uses the map as primary tool to visualize business information. The company started in 2012 by Sven-Ola Svensson who has over 25 years of experience in the area. tnerföretag Vi är ett stolt par Vi är ett stolt partnerföretag 9 av 10 säljare rekommenderar oss till vänner och bekanta. Välkommen att kontakta din lokala fastighetsmäklaren i Bromma. enderar m m o k e r e r a lj 9 av 10 sä kanta. e b h c o r e n n ä oss till v lokala tt kontakta din Välkommen a a. laren i Bromm fastighetsmäk ma@ -26 05 60, brom Bromma, 08 rketing a m e s n o p s e r Direct- Project bekanta. derar oss till vänner och en m m ko re re lja sä 10 9 av a. tighetsmäklaren i Bromm din lokala Välkommen att kontakta Advertisment fas 2012 Final art. er Print banner for newspap I en undersökning av 1 674 säljare har 91 % svarat att man rekommenderar oss till sina vänner och bekanta. Vi vill gärna träffa dig för att berätta varför samt hur du lyckas med just din bostadsaffär – vi passar självklart på att värdera din bostad under tiden. For Svenska Mäklarhuset I did the final art in advertisment for print and web. The ads needed to be identifyed in all medias as one unit. I had guidlines to follow and some creative freedom. Förmarknad s föring BROMMA Gustavslundsvägen 167 08-26 05 60 | [email protected] Till s alu i din fören i ng! Full page ad for newspaper Kungsholmen: VÄLKOMMEN ATT KONTAKTA Tel: 08 - 652 62 00 Fax: 08 - 652 62 01 My Karlsson Kungs holm Kontoret: 08-652 62 00 Mobil: 070-971 11 08 E-post: [email protected] Kungsholmstorg 4 112 21 Stockholm en Kungs holm s Kyrko plan 4, 5 tr 3 rum oc 108 kv h kök m Vi är ett stolt partnerföretag e Värd:490 3:a Nedre Kungsholmen Kungsholms Kyrkoplan 4, 5 tr Välkommen till denna härliga våning m generösa sällskapsytor och efterfrågade attribut såsom två balkonger (väst + öst), öppen spis och insynsskyddat läge näst högst upp! Utsikt över Kungsholms Kyrka och vackra takåsar. Genomgående våning i mkt fint skick som flödar av ljus. Kan disponeras om till liten 4:a eller pampig 2:a! Behåll formen när du flyttar. 1 månads träningskort rde Vä 90:4 1m are så har 91% svarat att man I en undersökning av 1 674 sälj träffa ner och bekanta. Vi vill gärna rekommenderar oss till sina vän tadsaffär. hur du lyckas med just din bos dig för att berätta varför samt skort i Värmdö bjuder vi på ett träning I samarbete med World Class 490:-*. av de ing av din bostad till ett vär en månad när du bokar värder adress: n betalt Helt såld ar. u flytt ort näårnadds träningsk Namn: I samarbete med Till sa Wor ldTilluCl ass l sa Värmdö bjuder vi på ett träluning skort i en månad när du boka av din bostad tilRepRreepsrentratvärdering blaett väesee v49 ntiv lk ånin av ativ ngerd *. baolk vå0:porto ng o ro inme 9 av 10 säljare rekommenderar oss till vänner och bekanta en ll form Behå 9 av 10 säljare rekommenderar oss till vänner och bekanta 112 21 Stock holm Kung sholm storg 4 Fax 08-6 Tel 08-6 52 62 01 52 62 00 Kungs holme n: www .sven skam E-post: aklarhuse my.karlss Mobil: on@smh. 0709 se Kontoret: -71 11 08 08-652 62 00 My Karls son VÄLKOM MEN ATT KON TAKTA lmen Svenska Mäklarhuset Svarspost 121543700 169 20 Solna Til fören ing! i din .. pss. g bosadsfinansierin ... läs mer om vår se på www.plusbolan. Client Svenska Mäklarhuset Svenska mäklarhuset is a swedish real estate agency with 17 offices. The focus of the agency is concentrated to the area around Stockholm. ss finns 4, 11 2 24 St 5 tr, 108 m 112 24 ockhol ² (F8ör 10 Stocm mva ltarv kholm ² (Fö realt 3 rum ns ar inen fosrmat 3+ ru kömk infoio n)at + kök rm 5 007 ion) kr 5 00 , in7klkr ka , inbe kll-t 5 375 kav,be vä 00 5 37 l-t rm 0 kr v, eväoc 5 000 rm heva kr octte Söndag h va n tte Sö29 nd/5 n agkl2915 /5.0kl0-15 MåndaM 16.00 .00-16.0 gån 30da /5gkl3018 0 /5.0kl0-18 18.00 .30-18.3 0 Skall Sk även alldu även sälja dudi Välkom sänlja di Vä mlkom lägennh läg om duom en atmten eten koat ? het? nttak ko hardu tantan akta nåha eller om eller omgrra nå frågra frågo svaran igsvfa arig fa r du sk du sk go stighet gälland stigh et a säljaa sä gällarnd sm e e denn smäk äklare lare dinlja n egendenn a fö a egdi en lägenh ljnrsä lägen rsäfö ingljning et. het. l salu Mounting of information m aterial Fredrik Ljungqvist was the only graphic designer and art director at that time and I was a stand in for him while he was on parental leave. en värdering innan den 30/9 2012. *Erbjudandet gäller om du har bokat Full page ad for newspaper d tal ru Anmta: l rum: Månad saån M 108 kvm vgad iftsa : vgift 3 rum Utgå och kök : Kyr ng kop Ut spgå lan ri5ng 4, s: Kun Visas: gsholms tr spris: KungVisas: sho Värmdö 08-570 19 570 | Tornhuse t, Odelbergs väg 11 | www.svenskam *Erbjudandet gäller om du har bokat en värdering innan den 30/9 2012. tornhuset, odelbergs väg 11 armdo c Fastighetsmäklare: My Karlsson Tfn: 08-652 62 00, mob: 0709-71 11 08 E-post: [email protected] Bobutik: Kungsholmen Adress: Kungsholmstorg 4 Hemsida: ger h Gener ocöhpö ppen s g metdvtåvå ösa sä penpsis! llskap attribGenerö sa u sy r sä pis! t så a och ef spis o ttribuso psyto m tvllåskato t så ch som tv balko r ochteef rfråg synss n ade å Utsikspis oin terfrå g ch insyk (v yssddatbalkoer ga ä n Uttsöik st n g v er er (vä+stöst), de takåsa t öK ungsh kyddläag ver + östö),ppen K olm t elän takr.åsa gäest Ka nähstögst u nKdis ung shoslm K r. y högstpp! öppen Adress anpdois s rk ark np K o er y ch :Ad a vackraupp! onseroam ti a och Våning ress: s om v ll ti Kung lill spni teli Vå lang n: sh nte4:a ackra olng ms Ky Ku splan: Boarea . :a sholm n4 rkopla 5, hiss Boarea s Kyrkn 4, . fin 5 op 5, lantr, An hins telefon: I en undersökning av 1 674 säljare så har 91% svarat att man rekommenderar oss till sina vänn postnr: er och bekanta. Vi vill gärna träffa dig för att berätta varför samt hur du lyckas med just din bostadsa ffär. Värmdö 08-570 19 570 Typ: Lägenhet Yta: 108 kvm (Förvaltarens information) Månadsavgift: 5 007 kr Pris: 5 375 000 kr Direct-response marketing Project Sustainable Graphic Form 2010 Book cover design. As the book title “Sustainable Graphic Form” says, this book deals with how graphic design can be used to support sustainable living. The design is made to emphasize simplicity and importance in the subject of sustainability. Client Personal project This assigment was made as part of an application to Beckman, an renowned art and design school in Sweden. Book cover This book cover is mounted in Photoshop. ERN Project Identity 2013 Identity, logo, pattern The logo extended as a pattern The identity is based on the septagons connecting abilities and the overlapping colors to represent additive stage light and the connecting cabels (and his professional network). TEJP The patterns is gonna be printed on rolls of tape for Fredrik to brand his own equipment easily. Client Fredrik Danielsson Tape: The logo printed on a roll of tape Fredrik is a sound and light tecnichan who is looking for to make a brand out of himself and his professionality. I helped him with a dynamic, expandable and easyto-use elemnt for him to create his own branding style. Sit MTK Fightgym IF Sit MTK Fightgym IF Project Sit MTK Fightgym IF Various logotypes Qi Amo Alternative massage and health company. The five elements made out of hearts and the negative space brings ut a blooming flower Sit MTK Fightgym IF Logotyp Sit MTK Fightinggym IF A thai boxing gym in Sweden. The logo emphesize respect and care with their praying and saluting hands. Håll Käften och Dansa (Shut Up and Dance) is a swedish DJ duo run by two explicit(!) and energetic girls who dare to fuck up! Client Project Various logotypes Ann of Bo A logo made as part of a personal branding to a woman who works with coaching and spiritual mindset. 4 United Humans An organization working for the mental health of the individual person and lobbying for a reform in the swedish health care system. Concussion Writing Logo design for a copywriter. Client concussion writing Hi, I’m Daniel I am a graphic designer and this is my CV What Why Studied I’m a graphic designer and I communicate visually through branding, package design and userinterface with the end-user in focus. I do this through my swedish company. I wanna make a difference in the world. I believe in a more holistic living where we are more conscious towards our fellow people and the environment. I use my personality, my hands, my mind, my experience, my imagination and my limbic system to get stuff done. I wanna learn and experience new things. Every new trail is a possibility for a bigger piece of knowledge that is important for the personal and professional developement in the long run. I use some of the tools of the trade to achieve goals. I use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Evernote on a daily basis. I do both web design and print design. I wanna inspire people. For their personal, professional and my altrusitic reasons. Everyone want to move on, but not everyone is able to move in a prospering way. WHO An interesting 29 year old swedish guy (of viking descendent) who grew up in between the city and the county side of Stockholm. I’m brought up with scandinavian, minimalistic design and I practice pixelperfection. Relaxed and reflective person, interesed in life, culture, human psychology, influence. I climb - rock climbing! One of the greater things in life! I wanna help people who help people. One can not do everything, but together we can make do something. People who help and care for people, these are the ones I wanna collaborate with. I wanna do what I love and what I believe in and share it with good people. Clients Worked •Svenska Mäklarhuset (Real estate) 2011– •TEDxSödravägen (focusing on Human rights and Identity) Freelancing graphic designer in my own company 2012 Digital Art Director internship @ Webbstory •Veritas PR & Communcations (PR) •Webbstory (Interactive Web Agency) •Freddan mfl (Art Director) •Hälsans Förskola (Swedish preschool company) •Common Language Project (web news magazine based in Canada) •Ajåli Cafe & Salladsbar •Muna Kids Clothing (Barcelona) DANIEL ERIK ERIKSSON 2009–10 Printing company, CNC-operator and package developever @ Brand Factory 2008–11 Climbing Instructor 2008 Graphic Studio Assistant @ Stockholm International Fair 2007 Photo Studio Assistant @ Citat 2010–11 Creative project managment @ Galaxen Creatives in Arvika, Sweden. 2009–10 Oldschool Graphic Print Art @ Grafikskolan i Stockholm, Sweden. 2000-03 Computer and technical Science in college @ Fredrika Bremerskolan & more I’m fluent in swedish, english and speak some spanish. I’m naturally handy with techical stuff. I am an advanced Apple user and I love to cook and eat with a lot of friends. I also rock climb as a passion. contact As of now I’m residenting in Barcelona with a NIE. I’m available for work online. (Click the links below). Web: Mail: [email protected] Phone: +34 711 792 639 Skype: danielerikeriksson Twitter: @danxerik Pinterest: danxerik Nixon Johansen Art Director, mentor Fredrik Ljungberg Web and Social Media guru, mentor Ola Hedin Copywriter Sofia Zetterqvist Industrial Designer Giovanna De Ávila Illustrator, Graphic Designer Silvana Pacheco Photographer Christina Sundien Photografer Freddan mfl • Arvikafestivalen • Viamap AB • Hälsans Förskola • Svenska Mäklarhuset • TEDxSödravägen • Longboard Sweden • Veritas PR & Communication • Drömstort • SMASK • Muna Kids Clothing (Barcelona) • CLP Magazine (Can) • Håll Käften och Dansa • Ljungdahl Logistik AB • Jösse Klätterklubb • Bunkerfesten • Musikteaterföreningen • DANIEL ERIK ERIKSSON Credits Wonderful people One person can not make everything on his own. I needs good people areound me. Collaborators, supporter and inspiring people. I carry this people around with me to remind me of the goodness in these people. Clients These are some of the wonderful clients I have had troughout the years. Some of them became my friends. Some of them inspired me and some of them tought me important lessons. Some of them made me laugh and some made me frustrated. I appreciate everyone of the people I have worked with, in their own way.