[email protected] TOSHIBA
[email protected] TOSHIBA
CT-Volumenrekonstruktion mit dem MUSCOT-Algorithmus und TCOT-Algorithmus (MUltiSlice COnebeam Tomographie) (True COnebeam Tomographie) [email protected] TOSHIBA Einzelschicht- Helical CT r Focus β Axial y x Saggital [email protected] Coronal TOSHIBA Conebeam- Geometrie Kegelwinkel Fächerwinkel Röntgenstrahler Kegelwinkel Z- Richtung [email protected] TOSHIBA Outline Step-and-shoot (non-helical) scan fan-beam reconstruction Cone-beam reconstruction (Feldkamp) Helical scan Review of single-slice and 4-slice CT HFK (TCOT): Cone-beam ASSR (AMPR & SMPR): Quasi cone-beam HFI+ (MUSCOT): Fan-beam [email protected] TOSHIBA Cone-beam geometry Quasi cone-beam geometry Fan-beam geometry HFK ASSR HFI+ w w w z [email protected] TOSHIBA MUSCOT- Rekonstruktion Rotationsachse (z- Achse) Primärprojektionen mit verschiedenen Kegelwinkel Rekonstruktionsebenen Schichtdicke Filterprozess für z- Richtung mit variabler Filterweite (FW) Sekundärprojektionsdaten ohne Kegelwinkeleffekt 1. 2. 3. 4. Schicht [email protected] TOSHIBA MUSCOT- Rekonstruktion 1. 0 2. 3. Rot. Pitch 4.5:1 (1.125:1) 1 2 3 4 Schicht 180 360 Zusätzliche Projektionen für die gewichtete Interpolation Rekonstruktionsebene [email protected] TOSHIBA MUSCOT- Rekonstruktion [email protected] TOSHIBA MUSCOT- Rekonstruktion HP=2.5 Ergebnis: Dosiseinsparung ≈ 30- 40% [email protected] TOSHIBA [email protected] TOSHIBA Problem für Cone-beam Helical Problem in cone-beam helical scan Scan -Verstärkter Kegelwinkel -Kleine Messintervalle in z-Richtung -Tischgeschwindigkeiten (Bewegung) Problem wird stärker Z 8 x 1 mm Z 16 x 1 mm Z 8 x 2 mm [email protected] TOSHIBA HFK (TCOT) Datenbeitrag zur Bildebene Bildebene HFI >> w HFK (TCOT) z w Gut im Zentrum hp = 7 [email protected] Gut im Zentrum und am Bildrand TOSHIBA Feldkamp Algorithmus für Conebeam Geometry Schichtprofil [email protected] TOSHIBA Feldkamp Algorithmus für Conebeam Geometry Schichtprofil [email protected] TOSHIBA Relative evaluation [A > B > C] Algorithm HFK ASSR Cone-angle problem accurate partial 1. Artifact A B 2. Z resolution (SSP) @ center B C @ off-center A B 3. Practical maximum helical pitch A A 4. Required computation power C B 5. Easy to implement C B HFK ASSR HFI+ neglect C A C C A A HFI+ Amount of error or z resolution z [email protected] TOSHIBA HFK (TCOT) Accurate 3-D backprojection along x-ray path Weighting data considering cone-angle and view angle [email protected] TOSHIBA Kopf- Scans Scanschichtdicke [mm] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 4-Schicht- CT (hp = 6) 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 8 x 4 mm 4 x 5 mm 8-Schicht- CT (hp = 10) 8 x 3 mm 4 x 4 mm 16 x 2 mm 16-Schicht- CT (hp = 20) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Tischgeschw. [mm/Rot.] [email protected] TOSHIBA Abdomen-Scans Scanschichtdicke [mm] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4-Schicht- CT 4 (hp = 6) 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 8- Schicht- CT (hp = 10) 4 x 5 mm 8 x 4 mm 4 x 4 mm 8 x 3 mm 16 x 2 mm 16- Schicht- CT (hp = 20) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Tischgeschw. [mm/Rot.] [email protected] TOSHIBA Reference of algorithms HFK: Helical Feldkamp w/ weighting function = TCOT (True cone-beam tomography) Aradate H and Nambu K, Japanese Patent No. 2,825,352 (filed in 1990) Taguchi K, U.S. Patent No. 5,825,842 (Filed in 1995) ASSR (Advanced single-slice rebinning) Machida Y, Japanese patent disclosure (KOKAI) H8-187240 (Filed in 1995) Kachelriess M, Schaller S, Kalender WA, “Advanced single-slice rebinning in cone-beam spiral CT,” Med Phys 2000; 27: 754-772 à AMPR (Adaptive multiple-plane reconstruction) Schaller S, et al, “Novel approximate approach for high-quality image reconstruction in helical cone beam CT at arbitrary pitch,” SPIE 2001; 4322: 113-127. à SMPR (Segmented multiple-plane reconstruction) Stierstorfer K, et al, “Segmented multiple plane reconstruction – A novel approximate reconstruction scheme for multislice spiral CT,” The 6th international meeting of fully 3D image reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 2001: 95-97. Flohr TG, et al, “A new cone-beam spiral CT reconstruction approach for a 16-slice scanner with full dose utilization at arbitrary pitch,” Radiology 2001; 221(P): 543. HFI+ (Helical filter interpolation with “cross-over correction”) Taguchi K and Aradate H, “Algorithm for image reconstruction in multi-slice helical CT”, Med Phys 1998; 25: 550-561. Zmora I, Taguchi K, Silver MD, and Han KS, “Correction of a new type of artifact in helical multi-slice CT,” Radiology, 1998, 209(P): 434 Hsieh, et al, “A generalized helical reconstruction algorithm for multi-slice CT,” Radiology 2001; 221(P): 217. [email protected] TOSHIBA Literatur 1. Fallbeispiele von P. Rogalla, R. Klingebiel Charitè Berlin Campus Mitte 2. K. Taniguchi et al Algorithm for image reconstruction in multi-slice spiral CT Med. Phys. 25 (1998) 550-561 2. Y. Saito Multislice X-Ray CT Scanner Medical Review 66 (1999) 1-8 3. M.D. Silver et al Field-of-view dependent helical pitch in multislice CT Spie Medical Imaging 2001, paper 4320-103, 2001 4. Dosiskalkulationsprogramm „CT-Expo“ [email protected] TOSHIBA Vergleich der 16 Schicht- Detektoren 32 mm 24 mm 1mm x 12 20 mm 1mm x 6 1.25mm * 16 0.5mm x 16 0.75mm x 16 1mm x 12 1mm x 6 GE Siemens/Marconi [email protected] Toshiba TOSHIBA 32 mm 40 Elemente Advanced V-Detektor 1mm x 12 Elemente 0.5mm x 16 Elemente ? Septendicke in µm- Technologie ? StreustrahlenenergieUnterdrückung 1mm x 12 Elemente 35,840 Element [email protected] TOSHIBA Combination of proven 0.5 mm technology and detector system for 32-mm/16-row acquisition channel direction 32 mm slice direction 1 mm x 12 rows 0.5 mm x 16 rows 1 mm x 12 rows 4-row multislice CT 16-row advanced multislice CT [email protected] TOSHIBA 1mm x 12 row 0.5mm x 16 row 1.25mm x 16 Detector Comparison 1mm x 12 row 4 slice x 0.5/1/2/3/4/5/8mm 8 slice x 0.5/1/2/3/4mm 16 slice x 0.5/1/2mm Competitor 4 slice x 1.25/2.5/3.75/5mm 8 slice x 1.25/2.5mm [email protected] TOSHIBA Adaptive Filterung in z- Richtung MUSCOT kann die die Schichtbreite und das Rauschen rekursiv verändern und optimieren. Parameter : Filter Weite (FW) und Filter Form (FF). Wt Wt z Wt z FW ? z FW [email protected] TOSHIBA Weighting function in TCOT (a) OS w 1.0 hp ≤ 8 (b) NHS w hp ≥ 9 (c) HS hp ≈ max Time reso. = T 0.5 0 π 2π projection angle: β 1.0 Time reso. = T/2 0.5 w 0 π 2π projection angle: β 1.0 Time reso. = T/2 0.5 0 π 2π [email protected] projection angle: β TOSHIBA
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