Intune Magazine, Volume 19, Issue 2, 2004 Edition
Intune Magazine, Volume 19, Issue 2, 2004 Edition
VOLUME 19 • ISSUE 2 • 2004 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN AND AROUND ACDelco Be Aware! ACDelco embraces awareness campaign for National Car Care Month V O L U M E 8 PHOTOGRAPHY BY MARILU LOPEZ-FRETTS / DIGITAL IMAGING BY FLYING FISH STUDIOS 16 20 22 MANAGER TESTIMONIAL dustry in recent years. As we head into April — the Dennis Kurc scans the globe in search of quality thermal and fuel pump suppliers newly designated National Car Care Month PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT COVER STORY tance of proper car care has become one of the top initiatives in the automotive in- (NCCM) — ACDelco plans to demonstrate that we not only support this initiative, we’re encouraging our entire distribution family to support it as well. ACDelco embraces the Car Care building relationships with consumers. Council — a nonprofit organization that While there’s no guarantee consumers educates motorists about the benefits of will make a return visit, free inspections REGIONAL ROUNDUP proper vehicle maintenance — and its give independent shops a chance to gen- ACDelco accounts in upstate New York host a Car Care Fair “Be Car Care Aware”™ campaign as it erate a feeling of trust among consumers strives to bring about a change in atti- in a no-pressure situation, possibly gain- FEATURE tude toward vehicle maintenance. In its ing a new account in the process. ACDelco hosts a “Let’s Talk” Car Care Clinic at Mott Community College (MCC) in Flint, Mich. inaugural year, this consumer education As you read about what some of your campaign achieved unprecedented collab- peers have done to support the “Be Car Care oration and support, not only from ACDelco Aware” campaign, consider scheduling a but from the aftermarket as a whole. clinic yourself. Even if you can’t sponsor an TSS UPDATE ALL MAKES/ALL MODELS TSS UPDATE The ACDelco Direct Mail Program 28 2 0 0 4 ACDelco celebrates April’s National Car Care Month by getting “Car Care Aware” ACDelco batteries power more than just vehicles 26 • ducating consumers about the impor- E With an enhanced agreement with Enterprise Rent-A-Car, ACDelco offers TSS members more savings 24 2 ACDelco introduces new Race For Performance promotion; California hosts Spanish OBD II seminar IN THE NEWS A close look at ACDelco’s clutch and air conditioning product lines 10 I S S U E JANINE MENLOVE 6 • Commentary contents 3 1 9 IHRA ACDelco’s IHRA involvement heads north As you’ll read in this issue, the possibili- event in April, consider hosting one another ties for ACDelco Warehouse Distributors month. Together we can prove to consum- (WDs), Independent Service Centers (ISCs) ers that no one knows better than ACDelco and Total Service Support (TSS) accounts to that car care is important year-round. tie in to the Council’s consumer marketing, public relations and advertising efforts are limitless. NCCM-related events, such as vehicle inspection lanes or car care clinics, Sally Thelen are excellent ways to reinforce the impor- ACDelco Representative on the Car Care tance of regular maintenance and repair while Council’s Women’s Board PUBLISHING STAFF MANAGING DIRECTOR Rick LaFave • ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Angelo Acord • ACCOUNT MANAGER Emily Whitall SENIOR EDITOR Angela Sienko • ART DIRECTOR Aaran Charles • STAFF WRITER Lori Noll COPY EDITOR CeAnne Leonard • PRODUCTION/CIRCULATION Carolyn Brooks • PROJECT COORDINATOR Matt Wehrman Visit our Web site at INTUNE is published for ACDelco, General Motors Corp., by Campbell-Ewald Publishing, 30400 Van Dyke, Warren, INTUNE ADVISORY BOARD MI 48093, e-mail: [email protected]. General Motors is an equal-opportunity employer. Manuscripts DIRECTOR, ACDelco MARKETING Nancy McLean and photographs are submitted at the sender’s risk. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return ADVERTISING MANAGER John Zamzow of material. Submission of letters implies the right to edit and publish. Copyright © 2004 CAMPBELL-EWALD ADVERTISING SPECIALIST Amy Bertsch PUBLISHING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. intune 3 in the news A Winning Promotion here’s no mistaking ACDelco’s com- Team Competition is a sales and training with prizes revised on a regular basis. petitive streak, both on the racetrack incentive that rewards teams of Ware- There are also year- end prizes for teams and in the aftermarket arena — or its team house Distributor (WD) and Alliance Job- that achieve the $ 500 - per- bay purchase spirit, for that matter. And a brand-new ber Program (AJP) salespeople and their level for the year. The promotion runs sales incentive program reflects a little counterpeople for increasing their monthly through Dec. 31, 2004. bit of both. sales. What’s more, participants can earn WD team members can earn additional additional prizes for completing specified opportunities to spin for prizes by complet- ACDelco training courses. ing ACDelco training during the 2004 cal- T ACDelco’s 2004 Race For Performance Don’t Forget! endar year. Eligible classes include a va- are important to us,” says Bill Fitzgerald, riety of ACDelco correspondence courses ACDelco sales promotion manager. “This is as well as ACDelco Parts Professional and If you are an ACDelco Total Service an opportunity to recognize them — and to Selling Skills seminars. Support (TSS) account, you can earn give every single member of their team an ® Double Exclusively YOURS Points opportunity to win.” Prizes are awarded to team members that complete five courses, with additional based on incremental purchases of Prizes will be awarded to enrolled teams prizes for completing 10 courses and the ACDelco parts over the same period that increase their monthly ACDelco sales National Institute for Automotive Excel- last year. by an incremental 20% over 2003 and whose lence (ASE) Automotive Parts Specialist Exclusively YOURS Points will be Total Service Support (TSS) accounts meet P2 Certification. awarded on a quarterly basis. They can the $500-per-bay/per month required pur- be redeemed for goods and services chase level. from participating retailers such as ® ® Bass Pro Shops , Eddie Bauer , Pottery ® 4 “The sales teams that represent ACDelco Each month, teams that qualify earn “spins” on an online wheel to determine “By taking full advantage of the training ACDelco provides,” says Fitzgerald, “the sales teams can increase their product knowledge and further boost their performance.” Barn, The Sharper Image and Wil- their prizes — valued at between $ 50 For additional information about the Race liams-Sonoma. and $150 per team member. Every team For Performance Team Competition, log on For more information, contact your member wins the same prize, such as to the consumer Web site and local ACDelco sales representative. • ACDelco Exclusively YOURS ® Points, select the TechConnect button. • intune Spanish Seminar Draws Technicians I n conjunction with Warehouse Distributor (WD) Cal-State Auto Parts, ACDelco recently hosted a highly successful OBD II seminar taught entirely in Spanish. The seminar, which was the first of its kind in Southern California for the organization, was aimed at growing awareness for the ACDelco brand within the Spanishspeaking community. More than 35 attendees were on hand as ACDelco instructor Carlos Leon discussed the importance of OBD II, emphasizing current vehicle emissions rules and regulations mandated by the U.S. government. “About two out of every three of our More than 35 people attended the Spanish ACDelco OBD II seminar conducted by Cal-State Auto Parts in San Diego. San Diego-area customers are bilingual, Escalante says he expected about 20 first language for most of them,” Escalante with one in four speaking no English at participants, but was pleasantly surprised adds. “The impressive turnout demonstrates all,” says Saul Escalante, ACDelco district by the turnout. that Spanish-speaking technicians are eager sales manger, Western Region. “The class “Many of our bilingual technicians told us to learn about what ACDelco has to offer.” helped us to better reach our Spanish- that, while they speak English, they weren’t Additional Spanish-only technical semi- speaking customers, letting them know comfortable attending the seminar until we nars are being planned throughout Southern we value their business.” introduced the Spanish version, which is the California for the remainder of the year. • For more information about ACDelco products or programs, call your ACDelco Regional Office listed below: United States: Western Region (Los Angeles): 805-373-9600 South Central Region (Dallas): 972-541-5471 North Central Region (Chicago): 630-961-6750 Northeast Region (New York): 914-251-5160 Southeast Region (Atlanta): 404-257-3777 Canada: In Canada, call: 1-800-461-8606 intune 5 manager testimonial B Y A M Y LY N N S M I T H The World’s Best Product manager uses global resources to enrich ACDelco’s thermal and fuel pump portfolios F inding the best aftermarket automotive parts for “All Makes/All Models” means searching the globe for suppliers that live up to your high standards for quality at a reasonable price. But Independent Service Centers (ISCs) and Warehouse Distributors (WDs) don’t have to rack up frequent flier miles in pursuit of their ideal inventory. Dennis Kurc and ACDelco are already hard at work, tracking down the right parts for every job. Kurc, who was named ACDelco product manager for thermal and fuel pumps in According to Kurc, it isn’t always easy August 2003, has a background in inter- finding suppliers that live up to ACDelco’s national marketing. With recent exacting requirements. But, unlike some experience developing product of its competitors, ACDelco won’t com- lines for ACDelco in the Asian Pacific Region, he brings an international knowledge base to the North American marketplace. ACDelco Compressors (top of page) incorporate the latest designs in manufacturing. ACDelco Accumulators/Driers (above) are leak- and pressure-tested under the most stringent controls. 6 intune It takes all kinds promise on quality. “It’s not just about procuring a part at the lowest price,” explains Kurc. “We look “I have a pretty good global view of at the cost as well as the quality and the certain product lines — including air con- fit and the applications — all those things ditioning, water pumps and fuel pumps that go beyond just buying a part.” — because I know who the global suppli- Consider water pumps, which Kurc says ers are,” explains Kurc. “Even more impor- are only as good as their bearings and seals. tant, I know which ones are good, reliable ACDelco insists that all of its water pumps suppliers and which ones aren’t.” use coated seals and long-life bearings. “If you sacrifice for price, you’re buying tain the high level of quality required to lower quality seals and bearings,” says make a vehicle run properly,” he says. Kurc. “They might look the same as ours “There are a few players in the world but they won’t last as long, which is what that can match our high standards for makes ACDelco water pumps better.” fuel pumps.” This same commitment to excel- Designed with the latest technologi- lence extends to the rest of ACDelco’s cal advancements, ACDelco fuel pumps comprehensive heating and cooling are engineered to current manufacturer lineup, which features “All Makes/All specifications and produce minimal noise Models” coverage for more than 30 do- and vibration. mestic and foreign vehicle manufactur- With 85% “All Makes/All Models” cov- ers from Acura to Volvo. In addition to erage, ACDelco’s fuel pump product line a full line of air conditioning parts (see offers applications for GM, Ford, Chrysler related story on page 9), ACDelco offers and many Asian import vehicles. Consid- radiators and other components such ered an industry leader, the ACDelco fuel as radiator caps, thermostats and belts pump product line continues expanding, and hoses. with more coverage for European models Across ACDelco’s spectrum of heat- in the works. ing and cooling products, Kurc and his “We’re always looking to improve our product teams are dedicated to continu- portfolio — our coverage, our quality, ally expanding coverage, while maintain- our fit and performance, and our pric- ing the quality ISCs know they can de- ing — in both thermal and pend on to keep things running smoothly fuel pumps,” Kurc says. “By under the hood. forming and developing part- Before a part is added to any ACDelco nerships with key suppliers product line, it is stringently tested for fit worldwide, we’re uniquely and performance. Although Kurc and his positioned to continually team remain vigilant about pricing, only improve our product of- parts that meet rigorous engineering and ferings. And that’s where I performance specifications can bear the think the big advantage is ACDelco name. with ACDelco.” • A higher standard Kurc and the product teams he works with are equally passionate about fit and performance when it comes to fuel pumps. “Our number-one goal is to main- ACDelco evaporator cores, which are a part of ACDelco’s air conditioning product portfolio, are treated and tested to ensure leakfree operation. intune 7 p r o d uct spotlight BY LORI M. N O L L Comprehensive and Convenient ACDelco’s clutch offering helps accounts shift sales into high gear With the ACDelco Clutch Kit, ACDelco customers can stock one box rather than several loose parts for clutch repairs. and every time,” Johnson says. What’s more, they come with a 12month, unlimited-mile warranty for parts, C onvenience, coverage and quality are just a few of the rea- excluding labor. About 70% of ACDelco’s clutch sales sons why stocking ACDelco clutches is a profitable move for are for non-GM applications. Overall, the Warehouse Distributors (WDs), Independent Service Centers line covers models from 1955 to 2002 with (ISCs) and Total Service Support (TSS) accounts alike. On the mar- plans in place to introduce more applications for 2003 models later this year. ket for just more than a year, the product line’s impressive benefits already speak for themselves. Johnson says a stand-alone sell sheet, which can be used in conjunction with sales promotion, offers counter persons Its main offering is a comprehensive rate parts,” says Joe Johnson, product ACDelco Clutch Kit facts at a glance six-piece kit that comes packaged in analyst, ACDelco Clutch Kits. “Plus, and can serve as a mailer targeted at ISC one box. Unlike many competitors, ACDelco WDs can stock one box rather customers. WDs can order free sell sheets whose clutch offerings may only con- than several loose parts, which means via the Electronic Parts Information Cen- tain some of the necessary replacement ISCs and TSS accounts can turn to one ter (EPIC). They can be found under the parts, ACDelco offers a kit that includes vendor for all their clutch needs.” Point-of-Sale Materials portion of the Marketing Tools feature. a cover, disc, clutch release bearing, pi- He adds that ACDelco Clutch Kits lot bushing/bearing (where applicable), contain new — not rebuilt — compo- “Quality is definitely our biggest com- alignment tool and a grease packet. nents that meet the latest manufacturer petitive differentiation with this line, and “Technicians have everything they specifications. “The kits always include the sell sheet sends a clear brand mes- need to replace a clutch in one kit, elimi- the same dependable parts, manufac- sage that there is no substitute for what nating time wasted tracking down sepa- tured with the same high quality each we have to offer,” Johnson says. • 8 intune No Sweat One Cool Lineup ACDelco makes bringing in air conditioning business a breeze O ffering more than 90% coverage — and more than 9,000 “All Makes/All Models” part numbers — ACDelco’s comprehensive air conditioning product line includes: • New and remanufactured compressors ACDelco product manager, thermal and • Condensers fuel pumps. “And we not only have qual- • Blower motors ity products at a competitive price, but • Hose assemblies of air-conditioning season they’re also fully catalogued and backed • Fan clutches without breaking a sweat — pro- by all the support ACDelco provides its • Water outlets customers, such as product training and • New and remanufactured heater and air I ndependent Service Centers (ISCs) can meet the demands vided they stock up early on the right parts to take care of all their marketing materials.” Every part in ACDelco’s air conditioning conditioning controls • Vehicle care R134a refrigerant line adheres to ACDelco’s stringent engi- • R134a retrofit components neering standards, which mirror the original • Evaporators If they want to bring in their share of manufacturer’s specifications. Dependable • Accumulators/driers the rapidly approaching air condition- and durable, ACDelco’s air conditioning • Compressor clutches ing season’s maintenance and repair components maintain a comfortable tem- • Fittings business, ISCs have to be prepared to perature inside the vehicle — and keep • Valves service any vehicle a consumer might things running smoothly under the hood. • Switches customers’ needs. • Relays drive. Fortunately, there’s only one name With summer approaching, Kurc urges ISCs need to know when it comes to air ISCs and Warehouse Distributors (WDs) • Refrigerant oils conditioning parts: ACDelco. to place their orders early, especially for • Seals and gaskets The ACDelco air conditioning product parts in high demand such as compres- • Orifice tubes line offers applications for nearly every ve- sors. “You don’t want to be caught short hicle on the road today. With the addition if availability is limited later in the sea- of 1,000 part numbers in the first quarter of son,” Kurc says. “Customers are going to 2004, the product line features more than need air conditioning service, and you 9,000 “All Makes/All Models” part numbers want to be ready to han- and exceeds 90% coverage. This coverage dle their business.” • includes applications for GM, Ford, Chrysler and most European models — from Audi to Volvo — with a significantly expanded selection of applications for Japanese models among the new part numbers. “We feel we have a portfolio of air The ACDelco air conditioning line, part of ACDelco’s overall heating and cooling product system, features more than 9,000 ”All Makes/All Models” part numbers. conditioning products that’s next to none in terms of coverage,” says Dennis Kurc, intune 9 c ov er s t ory BY LORI M . NOLL • PH OTO IM AG IN G BY F LY I N G F ISH STU D IO S ACDelco rallies around National Car Care Month Comprehensive Car Care N ever before has car care played such a substantial role in the automotive aftermarket. Today, the Car Care Council’s “Be Car Care Aware”™ campaign is an industry- wide initiative that’s receiving national media attention and widespread endorsement from almost every automotive organization in the aftermarket — ACDelco included. continued on page 12 intune 11 National Car Care events, such as vehicle check lane promotions (pictured here) are excellent ways for ACDelco customers to reinforce the importance of regular vehicle maintenance to consumers. continued from page 11 through their NCCM participation,” says Sally Thelen, ACDelco sales admin- Thelen, who also serves on the Car Care istrator and ACDelco’s representative Council’s Executive Board and chairs its on the Car Care Council’s Women’s subcommittee on consumer education. Board, says National Car Care Month (NCCM) events, such as vehicle check Education lanes, provide excellent opportunities The Car Care Council’s consumer edu- for the organization and its customers cation campaign has played a large to reinforce the importance of regular part in reaching hundreds of millions maintenance and repair while building of motorists with messages about the relationships with consumers. benefits of regular vehicle care, mainte- “We’re continuing to educate our 12 intune nance and repair. Warehouse Distributors (WDs), Inde- The campaign, created to capture pendent Service Centers (ISCs) and part of the estimated $62 billion in annual Total Service Support (TSS) accounts unperformed maintenance, has achieved about how to best plan events of their unprecedented collaboration and support own, stressing the relationship-build- from aftermarket industry companies and ing opportunities that can be leveraged organizations, such as ACDelco. Awareness brings with it tremendous opportuni- strated that, through strategic marketing Although 2003 was a transitional year ties for ACDelco WDs, ISCs and TSS and public relations consumer outreach, for the Car Care Council, with NCCM accounts to tie into the Car Care g and moving from both April and October to Council’s consumer marketing, public an be a single event during April, the “Be Car relations and advertising initiatives. s and Care Aware” campaign has helped garner care,” increased attention for the initiative. “’Be Car Care Aware’ has demon- “During April, consumers will be hearing and seeing a barrage of industry rmar- “Moving NCCM only to April made messages reminding them about the pres- more sense,” White says. “With warm benefits of taking better care of their ations weather and vacations on the hori- vehicles,” White says. “Vehicle care ctor. zon, motorists are more eager to have will be on their minds, more than at any erfect their vehicles inspected and repairs or other time of the year.” olve- services performed as they prepare for aches Automotive repair shops can even include the “Be Car Care Aware” logo spring or summer road trips.” cited Though April is the official rallying on collateral material, documentation g and point, every month is car care month, and advertising, including Web ads. The cam- as far as the Council — and ACDelco — logo, its usage guidelines, and other g the are concerned. information and materials are available at The drive toward better car care continued on page 14 “We’re continuing to edu- cate our WDs, ISCs and TSS accounts about how to best plan events of their own, stressing the relationship-building opportunities that can be leveraged The “Be Car Care Aware”campaign was created to capture the estimated $62 billion in annual unperformed vehicle maintenance. through their NCCM PHOTOGRAPHY MARILU LOPEZ-FRETTS participation.” Sally Thelen ACDelco sales administrator intune 13 “It’s reassuring for the public to see so many TSS shops — they know wherever they go, they can rely on ACDelco and us to take care of them.” continued from page 13 educational and non-sales oriented. ACDelco will have national radio “The most successful and memorable presence throughout April, including events are those that involve the com- Hispanic-focused spots, to help promote munity,” Thelen says. “An ISC or TSS awareness for NCCM and its surrounding account and an ACDelco WD working events. Co-op versions will be available with a local radio station, classic car club, as well. local MADD chapter, or other groups and “Our WDs and TSS accounts are agencies can draw motorists to a loca- sure to see increased sales and service tion for vehicle care and safety education through their involvement in the celebra- and fun.” Jeff Phillips tions, including hosting or joining in a She adds that women should be a key J & J Automotive vehicle inspection event, sending out target audience, as they influence about service reminders or putting up signage,” 70% to 80% of the decisions about when ACDelco’s Thelen says. and where vehicle maintenance and Car Care Council data shows that businesses that participate in NCCM repair is performed. (See related cover story in Intune, Vol. 18, Issue 6, 2003.) activities, especially free vehicle inspec- “Entry-level drivers are another great tion events, see an immediate increase target for NCCM efforts,” Thelen says. in business, even though the events are “Oftentimes they are the demographic Typical maintenance performed at vehicle inspection lanes includes checking fluid levels, tire pressure, belts and hoses, lights and other system components. 14 intune PHOTOGRAPHY MARILU LOPEZ-FRETTS The car care event in upstate New York stressed the importance of proper automobile care. that has vehicles in the most need of chance to know us on a personal level reinforces that wherever they go, they can maintenance and repair. Targeting NCCM and see us working together to take care rely on ACDelco to take care of them.” messages to youth at the local level gen- of them,” says Jeff Phillips, owner of J & J Like the SSRSOUNY initiative, A-Line erally is most effective.” Automotive, a TSS account in Syracuse, Auto Parts, an Austin, Texas-based N.Y., and a member of the SSRSOUNY ACDelco Jobber with 14 locations across board of directors. the state, hosted a car care event they Proof positive hope will become a yearly affair. One such example of a real community Phillips estimates the fair attracted effort came last October when the Ser- close to 2,000 consumers, who enjoyed The event, held in conjunction with vice Station and Repair Shop Operators quality car shows, exhibit booths and ACDelco, the Car Care Council and the of Upstate New York (SSRSOUNY), a non- other displays in addition to vehicle Texas Independent Automotive Associa- profit trade association, hosted its first inspections. Given the success of the tion (TIAA), stressed the importance of annual Car Care Fair. inaugural event, everyone involved proper automotive care. The effort, which emphasized consumer relations and information agrees they plan to be part of the 2004 Car Care Fair. As part of the initiative, vehicle check lanes were set up to perform inspections sharing, included involvement from “We’re in competition with other ISCs, and to teach motorists how to avoid vehi- ACDelco; United Auto Supply, an area but we also have the same goal in mind: cle problems by maintaining fluid levels, ACDelco WD, and nine TSS ISCs. (See taking care of the consumer,” Phillips says. tire pressure, belts and hoses, lights, and complete story on page 16.) “I think it’s reassuring for the public to see other system components. “With this event, consumers got the so many TSS shops working together. It continued on back page intune 15 r e g io n a l roundup P H OTO G R A P H Y BY BY AM Y M A R I L U LY N N 1 S M ITH LO P E Z - F R E T T S A Fair to Remember Car care event leaves a lasting impression on consumers Last October, the Service Station says. “By meeting us outside our shops and Repair Shop Operators of Upstate — where they didn’t feel like we were New York (SSRSOUNY) hosted its fi rst trying to sell them something — consum- merry-go-rounds, but this annual Car Care Fair, where consumers ers got a chance to know us as human fair was all about giving custom- could learn about vehicle maintenance beings and to see us working together to and care. A team effort that included take care of them.” T here may not have been any Ferris wheels or ers a great ride. 16 intune the involvement of ACDelco, an area Warehouse Distributor (WD) and nine In the public eye Total Service Support (TSS) accounts, Held in October at the Central New York the event emphasized consumer rela- Regional Market in Syracuse — which tions and information sharing. draws crowds of shoppers every week- “Our goal as an organization is to end — the Car Care Fair attracted as educate our local industry and the pub- many as 2,000 consumers, Phillips esti- lic,” says Jeff Phillips, owner of J & J mates. The event featured nearly 200 Automotive, a TSS account in Syracuse quality show cars, plus exhibit booths and a member of the Board of Directors and other displays. of SSRSOUNY. “So we got out there and Early on in the event-planning stages, showed them what we’re all about,” he SSRSOUNY called upon United Auto Supply, an ACDelco WD headquartered in Syracuse, for assistance. 2 “We’re very involved with the association, which does a great job for all the independent service centers in this market,” says Chip Raven, United Auto Supply general manager. “We’re always more than happy to help them help our customers.” ACDelco was equally pleased to oblige when asked to support the event. ACDelco and another aftermarket supplier each sponsored a vehicle inspection lane manned by trained technicians — which, in ACDelco’s case, came from the nine participating TSS accounts. “We knew a competitive supplier was involved and we welcome the competi- 3 tion,” says Kelly Grinnell, who was market area manager for upstate New York at the time of the event and is now ACDelco portfolio team product development manager, electrical systems. “The TSS technicians who worked our lane looked like an extremely professional team in their ACDelco uniforms.” “To be honest with you, I think we clobbered the competition,” says Lou Cannata Sr., owner of Lou’s Car Care Center in Baldwinsville, N.Y., one of the participating TSS facilities. “With the uniforms and the ACDelco name displayed everywhere, I 4 5 think people were very impressed.” Strength in numbers What’s more, putting on a united front demonstrated to the public that ACDelco and its TSS Independent Service Centers (ISCs) are a team, working together toward a shared objective. “As independent service centers, continued on page 18 1. Jake McKeen, age five, and his grandfather Herb, walked through the classic car show at the fair. 2. Megan Gregory of Baldwinsville receives a prize from Castle Packs Power’s Doug Babcock after she spun the roulette wheel. 3. The signage announcing the CNY Car Care event. 4. Todd Goldsmith from Big 4 Tire Sales & Service checks the tire’s pressure and air while a “crash test dummy” (5) entertains the crowd. intune 17 continued from page 17 Participating TSS Shops Big 4 Tire Sales & Service East Syracuse, N.Y. “Our focus was to direct the public we’re in competition but we also have back to those TSS businesses,” says the same goal in mind: taking care of the Raven. “We had good response with the consumer,” says Phillips. “And I think it’s coupon returns after the event, so we reassuring for the public to see so many accomplished what we set out to do.” TSS shops — so they know wherever Cantech Automotive North Syracuse, N.Y. Daniels Car Care Center Nedrow, N.Y. Ford & Bryant Car Care Specialists Liverpool, N.Y. J & J Automotive Syracuse, N.Y. John Fehlman & Son Auto Syracuse, N.Y. Lou’s Car Care Center Baldwinsville, N.Y. Marks Service Center Central Square, N.Y. Perry’s Automotive Sales & Service, Solvay, N.Y. they go, they can rely on ACDelco and us A really good show to take care of them.” TSS ISCs that were part of the Car Care When consumers drove through the Fair had the option of setting up a booth, lanes, technicians inspected their vehi- and many took advantage of the chance cles including headlights, belts and brake to promote themselves to the public. lights, checking for basic maintenance “I think our customers felt a sense of items. No major diagnostic or repair unity because the TSS Program brought work was performed, but every car that them together for the Car Care Fair,” went through received a coupon for 25% says Jim Ranalli, president of United off ACDelco belts and hoses. Each coupon Auto Supply. “Only TSS accounts were featured the names of all the TSS accounts invited to participate, which made that participated in the Car Care Fair. them feel special.” There was also an ACDelco booth Plus, says Raven, their customers rec- where visitors could try their luck at a ognized the opportunity as a value-added football toss to win a free oil change at benefit of the TSS Program. “Some of them one of the participating TSS locations, said to me, ‘You can read in the brochure a program that was put together by what TSS does for you, but this is one of ACDelco and United Auto Supply. the extras you don’t read about,’” he New York State Trooper Jim Simpson talks about air bag safety using United Auto Supply’s Larry Stirpe as an example. 18 intune 1 2 3 4 5 explains. “They don’t know exactly how event, everyone involved agrees they much is available through the TSS Pro- plan to be part of the 2004 Car Care Fair. gram until they experience it.” “It’s good customer service,” says Can- Heavily publicized through every nata. “It gives us a chance to meet new medium in the local market, including customers and help them out with their local radio stations WSEN and WFBL, questions — and, hopefully, get some the Car Care Fair also featured a safety new business.” 1. Fair attendee Dan Sapochetti got the chance to check out a 1928 Ford “A”Classic car named “Pumpkin”on display at the CNY Car Care event. 2. Frank Coville from Big 4 Tire completes a 27-point vehicle inspection sheet. 3. Mike Stone, of J & J Automotive, goes over a vehicle checklist with consumer Sylvia Martinez. 4. An overview of the maintenance area. 5. Technicians inspect a Jeep Cherokee in the service area. exhibit sponsored by the State Police, Most important, says Grinnell, plus a car wash and raffle to raise money it’s an opportunity to build trusting interests of the consumer in mind for a children’s charity. relationships with consumers. “When — which we did — that’s when an you’re sincere and you put the best event like this is a true success.” • Given the success of the inaugural intune 19 fe at u r e BY AMY LY N N S M I T H •P H O T O G R A P H Y BY CAROL GOULD Women’s Studies Car care clinic gives women an education in vehicle maintenance I t’s been said that it’s a man’s world. But during a recent ACDelco car care clinic, it was the women who ruled. ACDelco’s “Let’s Talk”Car Care Clinic targeted female motorists. Inset: ACDelco’s Susan Christophersen (right) talks shop with a class participant. Last December, ACDelco designed and hosted a “Let’s Talk” Car Care Clinic The two-hour clinic was supported by at Mott Community College (MCC) in five area ACDelco Total Service Support Flint, Mich. The objective was to educate (TSS) accounts, which volunteered to female students about the maintenance participate. Following Christophersen’s required to keep their vehicles running presentation on car maintenance basics smoothly and safely. Perhaps even more from a woman’s perspective, representa- important, the clinic set out to make tives from the five accounts walked women feel more comfortable about the attendees through an on-car checklist of vehicle service experience as a whole. routine maintenance tasks. “Maybe they’ve been talked down to “My wife encouraged me to participate in the past, or they’ve been talked over because there are a lot of simple things with too much high-tech language, but women could do for themselves if someone many women have had unpleasant expe- just took the time to explain it to them,” riences,” explains Susan Christophersen, says Billy Hagon, manager and owner of ACDelco manager of product service and Chet’s Auto Service in Flint. “This knowl- training development. “So we decided a edge can be empowering when women better approach to educating women bring their car to a service center.” about vehicle maintenance might be to just talk to them woman-to-woman.” 20 intune Ladies’ night Gary Drago, owner of Drago’s Automotive Center in Flint, adds that the women at the clinic were very inquisi- mary reason for participating in the clinic tive. “Just because some women don’t — an event that was originally conceived understand cars doesn’t mean they can’t by committee members of the Mott Com- learn,” he says. “They just need an oppor- munity College Women in Education. tunity to be educated on the subject.” This foundation, which provides nonaca- Approximately 20 attendees gained hands-on experience with simple tasks demic support to female students, asked ACDelco to put on the clinic. (such as checking fluid levels and replac- “I volunteered because I want to help the ing headlight bulbs) by going over a community,” says Drago. “A lot of these stu- vehicle with a TSS technician. For example, dents don’t have much money, so they can’t the women learned to use the tire pres- afford to have a major vehicle failure — es- sure gauge they received in their packet of pecially if it could have been prevented handouts from ACDelco and MCC. through regular maintenance.” “Once the students got familiar with the Although ACDelco sponsors car care cars, they didn’t want to stop learning about clinics periodically (see related stories them,” says Christophersen. “They really ran on pages 10 and 16) this was especially the technicians through their paces.” effective because it was held in conjunc- At the end of the clinic, attendees tion with a college. Among the lessons taught at the “Let’s Talk” Car Care Clinic: how to properly use a tire gauge to measure tire pressure. received a coupon for a free car inspection, “There’s a tremendous amount of courtesy of an ACDelco TSS Independent underperformed maintenance out there, tophersen. “And it’s another opportunity Service Center (ISC), with a list of the partici- and car care clinics can educate consum- for promoting the business and helping pating service center locations on the back. ers on avoiding potentially costly repairs customers be more satisfied with their “This was not only a clinic — it was or dangerous breakdowns,” says Chris- parts and service experience.” • also a referral program,” says Christophersen. “We didn’t want this to be just a one-time event. We wanted to refer the students to reliable, honest service cen- According to ACDelco’s Susan Christophersen, once the women at the “Let’s Talk”Car Care Clinic got familiar with the cars, they didn’t want to stop learning about them. ters where they’ll feel comfortable taking their vehicles in the future.” Good word of mouth According to Christophersen, research indicates that women prioritize honesty and trust over location or price when it comes to selecting a vehicle service center. So by simply living up to the TSS commitment to excellence, ISCs can attract more business from women — which represent roughly 60% of the average ISC’s customers. But everyone involved agrees that bringing in more business wasn’t their pri- intune 21 t s s u p d a te BY KEVIN KNAPP The Price Is Right Uniform low rate for rental cars offered to TSS account customers member is recognized and that each customer of the TSS location is offered the preferred rate. A s the result of an enhanced agreement with Enterprise Rent- “We’ve developed a more robust way to identify the consumer as an ACDelco A-Car, ACDelco can now offer its Total Service Support (TSS) customer,” says Robert R. Pagliaro, accounts a nationwide common pricing structure. With the national marketing manager for Enter- new agreement, TSS accounts can pass along additional cost savings prise Rent-A-Car. “For the TSS participant, the uniform national rate structure to their customers should they need to rent a car while waiting for is hassle-free and will provide better theirs to be repaired. value to the end user.” When a customer needs to rent a car, ACDelco has leveraged the purchas- Koganov says Enterprise Rent-A-Car TSS participants simply call the Enter- ing power of the TSS network to deliver makes a good partner for the TSS Pro- prise Rent-A-Car Reservation Center at a price advantage to the group. The gram, with 4,800 branches across the 1-800-363-0923. An operator will assist move is aimed squarely at helping to country, representing a fleet of over a them in locating the closest Enterprise strengthen consumer loyalty which will half-million vehicles. Rent-A-Car branch. In order to receive enhance the shop’s bottom line. “A key benefit that members get with the discounts, callers must provide a “This represents one more way we’re Enterprise Rent-A-Car is delivery of the TSS national discount number, which working to attract business to the TSS car right to the shop, which is a real is ADX5921. locations and to help create satisfied time- and effort-saver,” Koganov says. consumers who not only Pagliaro says he considers the Enterprise Rent-A-Car enhanced plan a “win-win” situation for has also bolstered everyone involved, and that his company shop, but also rec- its confirmation is aggressively promoting awareness of ommend it to their process to make the plan throughout Enterprise Rent-A- come back to the sure friends,” says Leo every TSS “We’ve been in the automobile Koganov, ACDelco TSS replacement industry for over 40 years, Program coordinator. When TSS members call Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s dedicated 800 number and reference the ACDelco identification number, they can reserve a vehicle for a customer at the preferred rate. The upgraded rate structure took effect on Dec. 1, 2003. 22 intune Car and ACDelco. uniform national rate structure is hasslefree and will provide better value to the end user.” “... the Robert Pagliaro and we have an infrastructure built to serve the same clients as those of TSS locations,” says Pagliaro. “With an Enterprise location within 15 miles of 90% of the U.S. population, we’re uniquely positioned to provide a high level of service to TSS members.” • Enterprise Rent-A-Car makes a good partner for the ACDelco TSS Program because it has 4,800 branches across the country, representing a fleet of over a half-million vehicles. intune 23 a ll makes/ all mod el s BY LO R I M . N O L L 1 The Epitome of All Makes/All Models A.R.C. Manufacturing takes the ‘All Makes’ term to heart with its innovative use of ACDelco batteries W hile batteries aren’t the only “All Makes/All Models” product line ACDelco offers, they do go one step further than the rest in that they can be used for more than just auto- motive applications. And A.R.C. Manufacturing, a leading maker and distributor of battery-powered dent removal equipment, can attest to that. Similar to how ACDelco systems and parts come standard on various vehicle makes and models, all A.R.C. product lines come equipped with ACDelco 31-901CT batteries. The company, headquartered in Airway Heights, Wa., primarily sells its industrial portable welders and dent-pulling machines to automotive aftermarket technicians who rely on the equipment to repair vehicle dents and dings. General Motors and Honda have placed A.R.C.’s industrial dent pullers and resistance spot welding machines on or near their assembly lines. Ford is in the process of testing the equipment. 24 intune more than 2,000 batteries in the last three wall outlet,” he adds. What’s more, the battery-powered machines are completely portable. years from his ACDelco representative, “Two technicians could lift an A.R.C. Denny Thompson, the battery truck sales unit onto the back of a truck, weld on a manager at Direct Automotive Distribut- tractor for four to six hours in the middle of ing in Spokane, Wa. a field and not worry about power,” Fuchs “I conducted extensive testing before says. “It’s not practical to have an electri- deciding to equip my entire product cian install outlets every four feet in the lineup with ACDelco batteries,” Fuchs shop so you can plug in your welder, which says. “ACDelco batteries had all the is why we made ours totally portable.” qualities I was looking for — brand-name He adds that technicians can use recognition, durability and dependabil- any 110-volt wall outlet to recharge the ity.” And since ACDelco’s 31-901CT is a battery as an automatic charger brings calcium battery, it has a larger reservoir them back to full power. So whether in and doesn’t gas as much or sulfate out the shop or in the field, A.R.C. customers like a lead acid battery. can count on ACDelco batteries to deliver Fuchs says the industrial batterypowered welders and dent pullers, used 3 all the performance needed for as long as it’s needed. by his more than 7,000 customers world- “Equipping our units with ACDelco wide, offer a more constant energy source batteries enables us to offer our customers than the average 220–240-volt wall outlet, powerful, mobile and affordable products producing a more consistent weld. where space and cost constraints are criti- “ACDelco batteries have helped make cal in the purchase decision,” Fuchs says. A.R.C.’s resistance spot welder the only “When I tell my customers they’re buying one of its kind on the market that can put equipment powered by ACDelco batteries, out 9,000 amps plugged into a 110-volt they know they’re getting the best.” • 2 GETTY IMAGES / DEAN DAVIS 3 Mike Fuchs, owner of A.R.C. Manufacturing, estimates that he has purchased Photos 1 and 2: Mike Fuchs, owner of A.R.C. Manufacturing, uses a 1050 U.S. Ultra Spot spot welder, which is powered by four ACDelco 31-901CT batteries. 3. ACDelco batteries (31901CT) help make A.R.C.’s resistance spot welder the only one of its kind on the market that can put out 9,000 amps plugged into a 110-volt wall outlet. intune 25 t s s up d a te BY M ARI E M . ALLE N It’s in the Mail ACDelco Direct Mail Program is right on target W hether the goal is to generate new customers, retain existing customers or reward existing customers through referrals, ACDelco and Michigan-based marketing commu- nications firm RJ Conlin, have developed a direct way for Total Service Support (TSS) Program participants to reach the customers they want. The ACDelco TSS Direct Mail Pro- the shops bottom line,” Koganov says. gram offers flexible options that can be The ACDelco Direct Mail Program com- customized to fit the TSS shops’ overall prises four specific features giving TSS marketing strategy and budget. accounts the flexibility to customize the According to Leo Koganov, TSS Coor- program according to their needs. dinator for ACDelco, the best thing about 26 intune the program is that it offers flexibility. Custom Postcards Program “Like any business, TSS shops have a TSS accounts can target a particular seg- limited pool of promotional or advertising ment of consumers — and they can do it funds and the decision on how to allocate with a personal touch. The high-quality those funds has a tremendous impact on postcards are oversized (5.5" x 8.5") and feature a picture of the TSS shop on the are no minimum quantities, contracts or front with two coupons on the back. TSS set-up fees. accounts designate the coupons they sible 11 options. A mailing list can be ACDelco Valued Customer Referral Program developed based on TSS-selected criteria, The ACDelco Valued Customer such as distance from the service center Referral Program, which is the or the age of the vehicle. newest element of the Direct want to use, selecting two from a pos- The coupons include such items as Mail Program, reaches a very free service offers, discounts for general specific customer group as service work or promotions for seasonal it is based on customer rec- services. Once TSS accounts choose the ommendations. Using the coupons they want to feature, RJ Conlin ACDelco Valued Customer follows through with the mailing. There is Referral Program allows TSS a minimum order of 500 pieces, but spe- shops to reward loyal cus- cial TSS group rates are available. tomers for referring their friends and family to their Shopwise Coupon Insert Program service center. What’s This is a more economical solution for implement. service centers that want to reach a continued on page 28 more, it’s very simple to broader group of consumers. Shopwise is a shared mail insert and is administered by ADVO, the nation’s largest mailer. TSS accounts who choose this feature can reach a large base of potential customers with saturation mailings in an economical fashion. ACDelco Moving Targets Program Newly relocated residents represent an outstanding source of new business. TSS accounts can deliver to these potential customers a personalized letter and gift certificate for a free oil change or other service. The Moving Targets Program is completely flexible. There intune 27 continued from page 27 Targets. For his investment, he reaches two ZIP codes in his service area, which High hopes for Valued Customer and Moving Targets equals approximately 100 homes. For as Three times a year, John Krieger, Presi- specific audience. “And,” Weyer says, “I dent of Star Sales and Service, a Ware- basically do nothing. RJ Conlin does all house Distributor (WD) in Bay City, the work and I get all the benefits.” little as $1.28 per piece, he’s reaching a The ACDelco Direct Mail Program comprises four specific features, giving TSS accounts the flexibility to customize the program according to their needs. Mich., brings his TSS customers to- Although Weyer freely admits some gether to review ACDelco’s advertising customers only come in for the free oil and marketing programs. He’s optimis- change coupon they received in the really helps to give new residents in the tic that the ACDelco Valued Customer mailing, he’s gained approximately 10 area the incentive to come in and see Referral Program will be benefi cial to to 12 new customers since he began the shop,” Rudolph says. “We get a very his TSS accounts. using the program. “It brings custom- good return on our investment. In fact, in “Getting the consumer in the door ers in and spreads the word about my just one week, I got three new customers is the hardest part of the battle,” Krieger shop to the new residents in the area,” thanks to the program. And they are the says, “If I can help my customers do that, Weyer says. “What’s more, it’s inex- type of customer we want to service.” then we all benefit from the increased pensive and really works.” He offers this advice to other TSS That’s what Jeff Rudolph, owner of shop owners interested in participating That’s what Skip Weyer, Owner of H&D Anacortes Automotive in Anacortes, in the ACDelco TSS Direct Mail Program: Automotive in Danbury, Conn., is hoping Wash., is hoping for as well. Like Weyer, “No matter what feature you choose, it’s for, too. He was introduced to the Moving he spends approximately $120 per month an inexpensive way to target a specific Targets Program by his supplying Job- on the Moving Targets Program and has group of consumers and the benefits ber, Danbury-based Levine Automotive. seen nearly an 8% to 10% increase in his really do beat the cost.” After six months of using Moving Targets, business since he started using the fea- Weyer is pleased with the results. ture four months ago. sales and customer loyalty.” For more information about the ACDelco TSS Direct Mail Program, “The return of the program far out- “The most beneficial thing about the contact RJ Conlin directly at 1-800- weighs the cost,” says Weyer, who spends Moving Targets Program is the letter. It’s 246-9177 or visit them online at approximately $128 a month for Moving written specifically to suit your shop and • 28 intune m o to r s p orts BY M ARI E M . ALL EN Onward and Upward ACDelco expands its IHRA involvement in Canada D rag racing fans are not unique to the United States: ACDelco learned that quickly as it forged into Canadian territory two years ago by sponsoring the first annual IHRA ACDelco Cana- dian Nationals at Toronto Motorsports Park in Cayuga, Ontario. In 2002, ACDelco hosted some 700 Warehouse Distributors (WDs) and Independent Service Center (ISC) Total Service Support (TSS) customers at the ACDelco Canadian Nationals. In 2003, that number nearly doubled to 1,300. This year, continued on page 30 intune 29 continued from page 29 sponsor is,” says Corey ACDelco looks forward to even more Graham, national sales customer participation as it plans to and marketing manager, sponsor the 3rd annual ACDelco Cana- ACDelco Canada. “We plan dian Nationals July 27–Aug. 1, 2004. on displaying ample signage fea- “Enthusiasm for the International Hot Rod Association continues to grow and turing the ACDelco logo throughout the venue.” attract a lot of sportsmen racers in Can- ACDelco Canada has made it simple ada,” says Tom Paci, ACDelco assistant for its WDs to get to this year’s race. motorsports manager. “Sponsoring the With a qualifying order, WDs can earn ACDelco Canadian Nationals garners a race packages that include one Saturday good deal of attention for ACDelco — the reserved grandstand seat, one ACDelco IHRA and ACDelco have a lot of the same hospitality pass with meals and snacks, demographics, meaning the people who one ACDelco event hat and seat cushion, attend IHRA races are likely to be famil- a credential holder and one set of ear iar with the ACDelco brand.” plugs. WDs can use the kits for themselves, or as a sales incentive for their Building on past experience TSS customers. Familiar or not, all who attend the 2004 ACDelco Canadian Nationals will leave Universal appeal with the ACDelco logo burned in their ACDelco’s involvement in the IHRA has memory. “When our customers show up been a positive one — both in Canada at the Toronto Motorsports Park in July, and the United States. This will be there will be no mistaking who the title ACDelco’s eighth season sponsoring “Fuel Injection Wizard” Harold Martin and his Pro Mod Pontiac Grand Am in the IHRA. And last year, ACDelco served as the title “Enthusiasm for the International Hot Rod Association continues to grow and attract a lot of sportsmen racers in Canada.” Tom Paci ACDelco assistant motorsports manager sponsor for three of the 12 IHRA scheduled events. In addition to the ACDelco Canadian Nationals, ACDelco hosted the ACDelco U.S. Open of Drag Racing in Cordova, Ill., and the Third Annual ACDelco Nationals in Richmond, Va. The Fourth Annual ACDelco Nationals is set to take place May 21-23, 2004, at the Virginia Motorsports Park. For more information about ACDelco’s IHRA involvement, log on to the consumer Web site at • 30 intune cover story continued from page 15 After each inspection was complete, “In some cases, new cars and trucks another month that’s more convenient,” participating Automotive Service Excel- are about one-third the value of a house, Thelen says. “Vehicle maintenance is lence (ASE) volunteers reviewed any dis- so the question shouldn’t be ‘why should important year-round.” • crepancies with the motorist and offered motorists maintain their vehicles,’ it’s information about proper vehicle mainte- ‘why wouldn’t they’,” Filbert says. nance and repair. Thelen adds that taking an active Kurt Filbert, A-Line Auto Parts mar- role in helping consumers maintain their keting manager, says these types of vehicle is the best way for them to avoid events are great prospecting tools for costly repairs later. ACDelco’s WDs, Jobbers, ISCs and TSS accounts alike. Intune Magazine P.O. Box 3730 Highland Park, MI 48203 Change Service Requested ADV-PU-0002-04 “If you can’t host a clinic or event in April, consider scheduling one for PRSRTD STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID DETROIT, MI PERMIT NO. 2621
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