return of the tall ships the tall ships races 2013 final
return of the tall ships the tall ships races 2013 final
Szczecin 4–7.08.2007 THE TALL SHIPS RACES 2013 FINAL Szczecin 3–6.08.2013 RETURN OF THE TALL SHIPS Szczecin 3–6.06.2015 The Final Regattas In Baltic Region The first Szczecin Tall Ships Races Finals took place in our city in 2007. Nearly 100 units shipped to Szczecin with more than 3,500 crew members on board from 35 countries. During the six days of rallies The Chrobry Embankments were visited by about two million people – locals and tourists. Final race was broadcasted on television and on the Internet, where as many as 15 million people watched us through the webcams! Szczecin was noticed all around the world. Sailing ships returned to us in 2013. Szczecin port was visited by 2.5 million people who could admire the most beautiful sailing ships in the world, enjoyed listening to the stars of Polish and international music scene, spent great time together. We hosted 91 units from 16 countries (about 3,000 sailors representing 36 nations). On the 12th-15th of June 2015 Szczecin will be the host of the Baltic Regatta Finals. Around 50 sailing ships will berth here. The third Tall Ships Races Finals in Szczecin will be held on the 5th-8th of August 2017. Discover _ Szczecin for good SZCZECIN | Sail Szczecin Szczecin is one of the greenest cities in Poland. It resembles a huge floating garden full of plants, water pools and hospitable spacer when seen from above. Szczecin is situated by the Odra River, divided by it to right and left side, in very close proximity to The Szczecin Bay and The Pomeranian Gulf. The Baltic Sea is just 65 km away from the city. Because of its location Szczecin belongs to the network of The South Coast Baltic port, The West SE Pomeranian Sailing Route, the Berlin-Szczecin-Baltic Sea waterway and maMalmö rinas network. Karlskron 53º26,03 N 14º34,45 E Klaipeda Rønne DK Gdynia Stralsund Koszalin Greifs wal POMORSKIE adRU KALININGRAD REGION Gdańsk d VORPOMMERN • THE WESTERN ROUTE: sailing north through the Western Odra towards the centre of Szczecin you pass PTTK campsite, Dziewoklicz, Academic Island (Pomorzany), Central Railway Station Szczecin. ATTENTION: On this route there are a few bridges, two of those - THE RAILWAY STATION BRIDGE (MOST KOLEJOWY) at 35.59 km and THE LONG BREIGDE (MOST DŁUGI) at 35.95 km, could be constraining for sailing as they both have low and Barrow spans. * limitations of water routes of Szczecin and surrounding areas are shown in the overview map on pages 16-17. Sailing to Szczecin from the North we have two options as well: the Western Odra will take us to central Szczecin, and through a channel on Lake Dąbie Lake we reach the large yachting marinas of Small Dąbie Lake passing The Ińskie and Chaplina waters. Babina Canal is clogged due to spaced nets and its depth. SAIL SZCZECIN LT KLAIPEDA REGION Kaliningr HOW TO GET THERE? You can sail to Szczecin from the south through the Eastern Or Western part of the Odra River. Sailing the Eastern part leads you Widuchowa, Gryfino and Podjuchy, the Western one through Niederfinow, Oderberg, Schwedt, Gartz and Mescherin. From Klucz-Ustowo crosscut you can choose: • THE EASTERN ROUTE: heading towards Regalica (extension of the East Oder River) you sail near Podjuchy and Zdroje and reach the Dąbie Lake (Small and Large). Here are marinas, located mostly in the southern part of the lake, waiting for tourists. ATTENTION: On this route on 733,7 km of Regalica there is THE RAILWAY DRAWBRIDGE IN PODJUCHY – with a Barrow bridge leaf limiting the width and a fixe span limiting the high of vessels. * 2 a ZACHODNIOPOMORSKIE DE Szczecin PL Berlin Szczecin as a River and Sea port is well connected with the Eastern and Western Europe, Scandinavia and Rother parts of the world. From Szczecin to the Baltic Sea there are three passages: Swina and Dziwna to the Pomeranian Gulf, and Piana to the Westfald Gulf. It is close from here to the n islands: Rugia, Uznam and Wolin with their picturesque little ports. From Szczecin to other parts of Poland we can sail south the Odra River, then the Warta and Noteć Rivers and the Bydgoszcz Cana leads us to the Wisła River, but also to Gryfino, Frankfurt by the Oder, Nowa Sól, Głogów, Brzeg Dolny, Wrocław, Opole, Kędzierzyna-Koźle and Racibórz. From Szczecin to Berlin, main south directed waterway leads through Western Odra by Mescherin, Gartz, Schwedt, Oderberg to Hohensaaten-Friedrichsthaler-Wasserstraße Canal and then to Oder-Havel Canal. The 100 km long canal takes us then to the water gate Spandau in Berlin. The main attraction on the way is the Niderfinow Boat Lift – a huge lift for boats and barges that overcomes a difference in elevation of 36 meters. Inland waterwas will take us as far as... The Mediterranean Sea. Szczecin has good road, railway and air connections. More information: – The Water Route Berlin-Szczecin-The Baltic Sea – Guide for sailors and tourists – Zdzisław Kilarski – Sailing in the West Pomerania – Piotr Owczarski SAIL SZCZECIN Distances: 15 km to the German Border 65 km to the Baltic Sea (by water) 145 km to Berlin 281 km to Copenhagen 505 km to Prague 450 km to Warsaw Baltic Sea LV Baltic Sea Ys tad The geographical coordinates of Szczecin: Liepāja Baltic Sea 3 PERFECT PLACE TO START AN ADVENTURE THE CHROBRY EMBANKMENTS IS THE BEST PLACE TO BEGIN EXPLORING THE WATER ATTRACTIONS IN SZCZECIN It is one of the most beautiful scenic terraces in Europe. Stretching out over 500 meters former Haken’s Terraces allow quite a spectacular view over the River, the Castle Route and the harbour with the impressive Grain Silo EWA. The Terraces are 19 meters high and, when the weather permits, you can see the Dąbie Lake and a slender gothic church tower in Dąbie from here. In the southern part of the Embankment a complex of the Maritime University of Szczecin buildings is located as well as The Contemporary Theatre, the Maritime Museum and the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Office. You can also admire the sculpture of Hercules fighting with Centaur by Ludwig Manzel here. At the bottom of the terraces there is a huge fountain and two towers resembling lighthouses. On the Grodzka Island, opposite the hill, a new Yacht Marina is being built. SAIL SZCZECIN Yacht Marina Szczecin The Grodzka Island, located opposite one of the city symbols, the Chrobry Embankments, wil trans form completely the moment the Yacht Marina begins to operate there. Creating the marina, mainly for sailors, will significantly improve the tourism on the Odra River, mainly due to the creation of road-pedestrian drawbridge connecting Łasztownia with the Grodzka Island. Dimensions of the bridge: length 110 m, width 4.5 m. One of its components will be a bascule bridge span of the length of 15 m, which will be risen when yacht sailing through Duńczyca is higher than 3.7 m. So far, you cannot get to the Grodzka Island „with a dry feet”. After the bridge is built, you will be able to take a unique walk, starting from the refurbished boulevards and Łasztownia reaching the marina through a new bridge. On both sides of the bridge, on the island and along the Old Town waterfront, platforms for yachts will be built. There will be nearly 80 floating bridges built. On Grodzka Island the technical infrastructure such as water supply system, sewerage system, electricity network, etc. will be built. The area of the Island will also be landscaped with new roads and sidewalks. 4 SZCZECIN | At the Yacht Marina Szczecin there will be space for approx. 125 units to dock. TREASURES AND TOURIST ATTRACTION OF SZCZECIN CONNECTED TO ITS EXCEPTIONAL LOCATION ARE UNIQUE IN EUROPE. The area from Szczecin to Cedynia, together with the Bay of Szczecin were incorporated into the Nature 2000 project, which promotes conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats. Exceptional areas of pools – inland waters, peat bogs, wetlands, meadows and shrubbery – all create a unique environment for variety of species, some endangered on European scale. Natural areas and reservoirs, sometimes only 15 minute-journey away from the centre of the city, are rare birds reserves and areas particularly important for wading birds which abound there. The are also various representatives of vertebrate including elks and beavers. Aquatic nooks Especially for canoeing amateurs and sailors the city is building aquatic corners. Such nooks are small and very practical harbours for small vessels. All will be located in the Dąbie Lake. There will be four aquatic nooks: Głębia, Orły, Wydrnik and Kwadrat. Głębia, Orły and Wydrnik will have the pier for mooring small boats and kayaks with the possibility of going the crews out on land, where recreational platform with an area of 42 m2 embedded along the coast will be created, with balustrade, benches, seats, toilets and garbage containers. Nautical nook Kwadrat will be different from the others with the staging point for mooring up to 5 small boats and 10 kayaks. The platform will also include a canoe shelf. On land, there will be a recreation platform with the area up to 50 m2 with all the elements of small infrastructure and sanitary modules like at Głębia, Orły and Wydrnik. You can start a canoeing trip in Szczecin from the centre of the city and soon find yourself in a place that can be seen only „from water”. Aquatic nooks will make your expeditions even more attractive. SAIL SZCZECIN 5 Ła rp ia SZCZECIN | MAP OF WATER ATTRACTIONS IN SZCZECIN MAP OF WATER ATTRACTIONS IN SZCZECIN KIE SKI YC ŁT CIŃ BA Z E ZE SZC OR M LEW Święta ZA POLICE OD RA Ina Iński I Skolwin ul. Ja na z Wyspa Kępa Jeżyka Duńcz Wyspa Mienia ński yca Miele 18 Łasztownia Ja Wys sk pa ółc za pa Pa rn ick a Parn ica Dąbsk (Kan i Nurt ał Ja 17 21 Czapli Ostrów Dąbsk a Stru ga A B C DE F MAR T WA Che Zdroje G Dąbie Szczecin Dąbie PKP Płonia 20 ia Płon Sied WODA li K ńska Wyspa Pucka 20 ząca łszc cka) Jezioro Dąbie Małe Płonia REGALICA 17 Sadlińskie Łąki 19 22 kominy elektrociepłowni 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Concrete Shipwreck „Ulrich Finsterwalde” Birds Paradise ( Cormorant Forest) SNOP and HUK Embankments Swieta River Wydrnik Canal Dock no 5 Szczecin Shipyard Grain Silo Ewa White Fleet Harbour – Jana z Kolna Street Odra Boulevards (Piastowski Boulevard, Gdynski Boulevard, Wieleckie Embankment) Lasztownia Long Bridge Historic Slipway Szczecin Venice Oder Plains Railway Drawbridge Harbour The Oldest Dock in the world Robien Island, Paul Robien Memorial Plaque Plonia River Wagons’ tippler at the port of coal Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority Customs Office A – THE SEJK POGOŃ YACHT CLUB (SEJK POGOŃ) B – MARINA HOTELS - MARINA YACHTING C – THE AZS YACHT CLUB D – THE LOK MOTORWATER/ YACHT CLUB E – THE SAILING CENTRE F – THE CAMPING MARINA G – THE SEA-SCOUT CENTRE (HOM) H – YACHT MARINA SZCZECIN I – MARINA SKOLWIN J – THE SKOLWIN MARINA K – THE GOCLAW MARINA – WATER SPOTS Wielka Kępa HG 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PRZYSTANIE ŻEGLARSKIE Ostrów Mieleński Kę Wyspa Mały Róg Ostrów Grabowski a ln spa Ko Wy rodzka 13 Wy (Akaspa Kra dem inka icka ) 5 Wyspa Radolin kop Prze THE PLONIA RIVER KAYAKING TRIP icz Kanał Leśn y (Odyń ca) Railway Drawbridge 16 Podjuchy 6 WS IA DN HO CH NIA OD ODRA OD R AZ AC RE GA LIC A 15 SAIL SZCZECIN rows ki (K Orli Przesmyk 8 9 Czarna Łąka ) ęża Wyspa ik go W Czarnołęka drn ęte Wynał Kr (Dębinka) a Mieleński 7 Wyspa Okrętowa (Brodowski Ostrów) Wyspa Gryfia Przekop 6 Wyspa Zielona ał Ku 4 ta ię Św Ustowo Kan Jezioro Dąbie Duże J Zaleskie Łęgi SAIL SZCZECIN K 2 Golęcino Jezioro Portowe iew ok l Lubczyna The Goclaw Tower ( Bismarck Tower) Szczecin PKP Główny Dz THE WHITE FLEET TOUR Kanał Leś niczó wk a Gocław 3 10 11 23 12 14 1 Wyspa Mewia Wyspa Dębina 7 komin wieża węglowa Wyspa Żurawia Stołczyn EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS GENERAL EMERGENCY 112 POLICE 997 AMBULANCE 999 FIRE BRIGADE 998 WOPR (WATER EMERGENCY SERVICE) 984 + 48 91 462 48 77 + 48 601 100 100 Szczecin Traffic – VHF kanał 69 SZCZECIN Nurt Wyspa Kacza CEG ępa IELIN KA 1 TOURIST INFORMATION KAYAK AND WATER EQUIPMENT RENTAL MARINA BATHING BEACH TOURIST ATTRACTION DISABLED FRIENDLY FACILITIES WINDSURFING/ KITESURFING/ WATER MOTORSPORTS WATER GATE/ PUMPING STATION LANDMARKY THE PROPOSED ROUTE OF THE WATER TOURS INTERESTING PLACES Klucz 7 SZCZECIN | SAIL SZCZECIN 8 WATER TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN SZCZECIN ❶ Betonowiec „Ulrich Finsterwalde” Built in 1941 and partially flooded concrete tanker is located in the northern part of The Dąbie Lake and is quite unusual attraction frequently visited by sailors. The German engineers built it almost entirely of concrete, only quarter-deck was made of steel (as steel was in short supply at tiat times). Nowadays the concrete hull is used as an inspiration for all kind of artists as well as a perfect concert venue in summer time. The vessel was bombed by the Allied Air Force at the end of WWII and became embedded at the bottom even before its first journey. It was later transported to The Dąbie Lake sandbanks. There is a pleasant beach nearby, a perfect spot for a little break while kayaking or sailing. ❷ The Birds Paradise (Cormorant Forest) Incredible forest on The Dębina Island in the western part of The Dąbie Lake. Part of the woods has been significantly changed by the settlements of cormorants and looks like a horror movie scene. The birds living on the island have distinctive, almost black feathering and display amazing diving skills. ❸ The SNOP i HUK Embankments The Historic harbour embankments are perfectly visible Turing The White Fleet cruises. The first shipment of 330 tones of coal in Polish Szczecin in 1947 took place here. Interestingly, the loading was done manually with the use of baskets and simple lift. ❹ The Święta River The River links The Odra River with The Dąbie Lake in the northern part of Szczecin. Its western end is known as Kwadrat – a favourite informal resting spot for sailors. It’s an amazing land of a predatory White-tailed Eagle, undisputed king of the area, which can be easily seen during The White Fleet cruises and kayaking trips. ❺ The Wydrnik Canal – Winding Snake Canal The picturesque canal is called The Winding Snake Canal because of its meandering shape. It is linked to The Święta River. Best suited for sailing in spring but navigable also in summer (if a little overgrown). Passing through this fascinating channel we can feel like in the Amazon, its peaceful end enchanting atmosphere is truly captivating. ❻ Dock no. 5 The biggest dock of The Gryfia Shipyard, with the carrying capacity 17 000 tones. It presents itself the most impressively from the kayak’s view, altho- ugh we can admire it Turing The White Fleet cruises as well. Huge vessels lifted by the massive construction look like... toy ships. ❼ The Shipyard – currently Szczecin Industrial Park Ltd. The Szczecin Shipyard was build in the place of the Stettiner Oderwerke AG and AG Vulcan Stettin, two shipyards destroyed during the WWII. It has been an industrial witness of historical and political changes. In the 1970s dramatic workers strikes against the authorities of that time initiated democratic changes in Poland and abroad. When we see the shipyard panorama – motion guides and tips of cranes – it means we are in Szczecin. It is perfectly visible from The Dąbie Lake and the main sailing routes. Some of the world famous transatlantic liners winning the Blue Riband Trophy were build here (the Blue Riband is the prize awarded to the ship which makes the fastest crossing of the North Atlantic). ❽ Elewator Ewa The biggest grain silo in Poland with a storage capacity of 50 000 tones. In its highest point it is 64 meters high (which is approximately like an eighteen-storey building). It is located in the Port of Szczecin at The Odra River. ❾ The White Fleet Harbour – Jana z Kolna Street Passenger Embankment at Jana z Kolna Street is the perfect place for starting our water sight-seeing. Jan z Kolna was a legendary sailor who allegedly reached America before Christopher Columbus. We can admire his statue at the fountain at Chrobry Embankments. SAIL SZCZECIN WATER TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN SZCZECIN SZCZECIN WATER HIGHLIGHTS 9 SAIL SZCZECIN 10 WATER TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN SZCZECIN One of Szczecin Tourist Information Centres is conveniently located here, where you can also purchase tickets for harbour and The Dąbie Lake cruises. Another attraction Worth mentioning is a hydrofil to Świnoujście and Trzebież, which also runs from the embankment. ❿ The Odra Boulevard A friendly promenade at the heart of the city – the best new place for walks, meetings and leisure by the River. Revitalised Piastowski, Gdyński and Elbląski Boulevards attract both sailors and the city inhabitants Alice. The Tall Ship Races, The Se Days, The Odra Picnic and Rother events Take place here. The embankments are equipped to the European standards and are bound to invigorate the Odra tourist route. ⓫ Łasztownia An Island opposite the Chrobry Embankments with incredibly inspiring atmosphere, loved by artists and sailors. At the Starówka Embankment a Yacht Marina is being built with the mooring space for many yachts. Soon, on the 12-15 of June 2015 the Island will be hosting the most beautiful tall ships again and the most impressive view over Chrobry Embankments can be admired from here. On Łasztownia, there is „The Old Slaughter House” - generally accessible the Social, Cultural and Business Centre: ⓬ The Long Bridge Beautifully floodlit at Wight is the pride of the Odra Boulevards and a hub of Szczecin transport. It was built where the very first 13th Century bridge In Szczecin existed, replaced later by the Hanza Bridge, which was destroyed at the end of the WWII by the retreating German army. The Long Bridge was designed by Henryk Żółtawski and built in 1950s and renovated in 2000. Its middle span was originally movable but due to high volume of traffic is not in everyday use. The bascule mechanism is clearly visible while kayaking underneath. ⓭ The Old Slipway Over 100 years old Massie slipway in Kępa Parnicka Island that was used for launching River barges. Intended for preservation, it is the last remnant of an old River shipyard and can be seen only from water. You can admire it Turing the City Kayaking Tour „Szczecin Venice” (Szczecińska Wenecja) ⓮ The Szczecin Venice Impressive red brick buildings Just by the Odra River in Kolumba Street. Built in 1900-1910 complex of industrial buildings is quite impressive even today, SZCZECIN | especially while kayaking. The entrepreneurs F. Crepin, F. Buckhort and C. Lefevre run there a yeast factory and spirit manufacture, which provided goods for 20% of the German market at that time. ⓯ Middle Oder – The Oder Plains It is an amazing area of wetlands and flood waters spreading south of Szczecin in between The Eastern and Western Odra River. As a conservation area it belongs to the Lower Odra River Landscape Park. It is an enchanting place for leisure, with its picturesque canals, clear waters and wild nature – water birds, beavers, otters and rare plant species (nearly 300 different species of birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals can be found there). The best way to explore the area is by kayak, as it allows you to discover the most wild and unspoilt corners and observe its inhabitants unnoticed. No wonder the region is often called the Szczecin Amazon. In total it is 30 km long, 3-5 km wide, and contains over 200 km of canals and 50 little islands. It is really fascinating and relaxing, perfect for a short day trip as well as for the whole weekend. It is located only 15 minutes from central Szczecin, which makes it even more appealing. ⓰ The Railway Drawbridge – riveted In Podjuchy we can find the only railway drawbridge in Europe in working order. It is an impressive construction with a 17 m long bridge leaf. The mechanism, although 70 years old, Works perfectly – the original engine from 1936 lifts the span (163 tonnes) in 8 seconds. In case of failure it is possible to operate the bridge manually. What’s interesting – on the mobile span there is no overhead line, the train accelerates from a draw-span and passes it „in neutral”. After passing it, the train again turns to the traction network. ⓱ The Harbour An inseparable part of the city scenery. It is 65 km away from the sea. It is suitable for vessels up to 215 long, of immersion up to 9,15 m and maximum width 31 m. There are in total 103 individually named embankments. There are no tides within the port and in minus temperatures icebreakers are used so the water is not frozen. ⓲ The Oldest Dock in The World Built in 1880 and still in working order today the oldest dock of the world. Although it was flooded during the war still is used today for icebreakers overhauls. Riveted 58 m long construction is located in Basen Cichy near Basen Górniczy. SAIL SZCZECIN WATER TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN SZCZECIN 11 SZCZECIN | MAP OF WATER ATTRACTIONS IN SZCZECIN MAP OF WATER ATTRACTIONS IN SZCZECIN Je Ma rtwa Woda eg ielinka ec s z-U uc . Ka n ał Kuro wski Bryn a Płoni Regali ca ieleński zio r M o Dą ał e bie op M Przek Duńcz ⓳ The Robien Island yca SZCZECIN The Sadlińskie Łąki Island is called The Robien Island to commemorate Dą the outstanding nature explorer, precursor of ecology and pacifist from b Parn (Ka ski Nur t ica „SZCZECIŃSKA WENECJA” nał Ja ząca cka) CITY KAYAKING TRIP Szczecin. He passionately promoted unique Szczecin nature reserve all łszc WIKING Che Kayak Rental around Europe. It is a perfect spot for watching fauna and flora of the Oder Plains in near vicinity of the Dąbie Lake. Dąbie ⓴ The Płonia River Płonia Kayak Rental in The Sailing Centre Beautiful and less known but equally beautiful as the famous Drawa urt Kayak Rental N ki Stanica PTTK River. Surrounded by amazing woods and deep gorges, its winding waC Zdroje Ustowo Kayak Rental D ters are a very attractive place for a family trip. Cleared of difficult zie wo klic MARINA SQUASH z barriers from Jezierzyce till its estuary in Dąbie, it looks really picKanał Leśn Kayak Rental y (Od Pr yńc ze a ko ) turesque and friendy. Perfect for a day trip. Amazing world of Podjuchy pK A l LICRailway n GA nica P flora and fauna flowing through the city of nearly 400 000 RE Drawbridge Kurów Ob Przecznica o inhabitants. ODER PLAINS J. Krótki Kurowskie KAYAKING TRIP Rów Muds Wagons’ tippler at the port of coal Z. Ch. WISKORD a Reserve glic chimneys Siadło Dolne Load device for unloading of bulk materials from rail waSC W A R gons at the Port of Szczecin Basen Górniczy. „Rotary OD Klucz J. Samotne SCENIC POINT railway bridge” - (closed) in front of the railway station SAIL THE MOTORBOAT Scenic hill J. Żeglica on the Międzyodrze Flower Canal Reserve Reserve in Szczecin. Radziszewo Szczecin and Swinoujscie Seaports Authority The ideal way to get to know the natural beauCustoms Office ty of Szczecin is seeing it from the water side. If Moczyły ł na Ka you want to get in a lot of charming places and have a good time but do not feel strong enough to make it by kayak, you can use a motor boat ... and you do not need any special permissions. It is enough that you rent a motorboat from Żegluga Szczecińska and choose a fun-filled Ż cruise through the Middle Oder Szczecin. It is you who deciy Żabnica Kanał Mo des on the route using the maps of the Middle Oder available on the boat. Sailing through a network of picturesque, winding canals you will pass fields of forget-me-nots, marsh marigolds, irises, ferns, and hundreds of other beautiful flowering plants, and among the thickets of bulrushes you might be able to spot the herons, cormorants, or even a white-tailed eagle. HO D Kana ł Klu NIA ck i Że AZ OD R rzew ny ze wn y Ka na ł Dr Żeglica tny Kan ał B ło Ka n ał M o czydłows k i W Ka n ał D tór ny lica Żeg –M IĘD ZY OD RZ E Ob ni ca Pd . AC HO DN IA w to ekop ki Prz Żeglic ał (Kan wy) to Kwia Kanał Gry fińsk i ł Szeroki RA na Ka i g Kanał Dłu eg ica ra R al Marwice oln Cie łD aO dra na ł na Ka Ka pły Sta AJ Krzywa R KR rtz Ga RK PA niwe Kanał rwice- Kanał Marwicki ł Len iw y Kana Kanał K rzyżo wy SAIL SZCZECIN ro Le Jezio Węzłow y 12 egali ca Ma Kanał The EDEN is a title awarded by the European Commission to a little-known European tourist destinations. Miedzyodrze (Middle Oder area) Gartz – the mazes of The Lower Oder have been included in the EDEN network. OB European Tourist Destination Dolna Odra Power station chimneys GRYFINO Motorboats are a new water attraction of Szczecin. Anyone can rent them because their parameters (engine power 9.8 kW) enable persons without motorboat patent to sail them. Every person takes a short, simple and practical training in handling and safety on the spot. Up to 5 people may get on board during one trip. Boats dock at Gdynia Boulevard in Szczecin, next to harbour master’s office. The price for renting a motorboat is 50 zł per hour – fuel is already included in the price. You should also make a return a deposit of 100 zł. For details please call harbour master’s office: phone number – 539 924 222 . You can also find information on renting motorboats on the official website of Żegluga Szczecińska SAIL SZCZECIN ZO WY czydłowski Kanał C zar n lica eg Mescherin 13 EVENTS JOIN THE COMPANY OF SAILING FANS! THE ODRA PICNINC (May) The Sea Days – SAIL SZCZECIN (June) Opera Concert „FOR THOSE WHO STAYED AT SEA” (June) SZCZECIN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA CONCERT „MUSIC ON WATER” (June) DĄBIE FILM NIGHT (July) THE ODRA RIVER DAYS AND FLIS ODRZAŃSKI (July) PYROMAGIC THE INTERNATIONAL FIREWORSK FESTIVAL (August) SHANTY CONCERT AT THE MARINA „SINGING SAILS” (September) REGATTAS SAIL SZCZECIN POLISH GRAND PRIX SZCZECIN World Cup – Polish Match Tour (June) MAGNOLIA CUP Regattas (June) The Dąbie Lake Bouquet Ladies Regatta (June) Youth Tourist Regatta (June) The Sea Days Cup (June) YKP Szczecin CUP Regatta (July) Tourist Stage Regatta (July) WIATRAK Regatta 2013 (August) Baltic Single Handed POLONEZ CUP RACE (August) Sea Sailing Polish Championship (August) OMEGA FLOATING GARDEN Regatta (August) Loners Regatta (August) MARINA CUP Regatta (September) Autumn Regatta (September) Friendship Regatta (August/September) International Oldtimers Regatta EPIFANES TROPHY (September) SZCZECINA CUP – End of Season Regatta (October) The Dąbie Lake Blue Riband Regatta The eldest sailing regattas (65 years) (October) Szczecin Sailing League (Spring-Autumn) 14 SEGELN SZCZECIN | The Szczecin sailing boasts a rich tradition and is one of the fastest developing sports in the region. Yacht clubs, schools and courses, regattas, rallies, meetings and concerts – they all contribute to the growing popularity of sailing in the West Pomerania. Many organized trips started from here and many outstanding sailors were associated with the city, for example Konstanty Maciejewicz, Ludomir Mączka, Jerzy Madeja and Ruda Krautschneider. Our contemporary sailors have many achievements at The Poland, Europe and World Championship. Yachting is a way of life! The Baltic Regatta 2015 Appetite for sails, sea shanties and truly maritime atmosphere in Szczecin is huge. Every year in summer there are a number of smaller or larger events of this nature. The Chrobry Embankments become even more magical and the walk along the Odra River among dozens of beautiful ships makes you feel like in a different world. In June 2015 the Baltic Regatta, also called “The Small Tall Ships Races”, will take place here. We will host about 50 tall ships which visit us after competing in the Baltic Sea. The organizer of the Regatta is The English Association of Sail Training International, their largest project are, of course, The Tall Ships Races. STI cooperated with the city many times, and the choice of Szczecin as a host of the finals for the third time proves that the Association appreciates the organization and the climate that prevails during the finals TSR Szczecin. Maritime Education program, which operates in Szczecin for nearly 20 years is very much appreciated by the English. By this time the program was attended by approx. 30,000 young people. The Baltic Regatta is a kind of „foretaste” for the next grand finale of The Tall Ships Races, which will be held in Szczecin, on the 5th-8th of August 2017. Then at the Chrobry Embankments and Łasztownia about a hundred sailing ships and yachts will moor again. Do not miss the next meeting in Szczecin! SAIL SZCZECIN SEGELN 15 SZCZECIN | Ła rp ia M ZA ORZ LE E B W A SZ ŁTY CZ C EC KIE IŃ SK I limited depth RA boundary of internal sea waters 10 OD SAILING CONSTRAINTS MAP FOR SZCZECIN AND THE SURROUNDING AREA WATERWAYS OF SZCZECIN Ina limited clearance at high water level limited width 12.7 of passage waterways guaranteed fairway-depth: 2.5 Przekop Klucz – Ustowo Dabie Lake 3.5 East Oder 4 West Oder, Regalica River Parnica River, Przekop Parnicki 3.7 10 SAILING CONSTRAINTS MAP FOR SZCZECIN AND THE SURROUNDING AREA 10 5.4 Iński Nurt Wyspa Mewia Wyspa Żurawia 2.7 3 Wyspa Kacza Szczecin – Swinoujscie Stołczyn 3.5 The map is not suitable for navigation purposes Wyspa Dębina Lubczyna 2 Jezioro Dąbie Duże 2 Kanał Leś niczó wk a Gocław 2 10 Golęcino SZCZECIN ta ński Przekop Miele Wyspa Gryfia K az Jan ul. 3 Wielka Kępa 3.5 Parn ica (Kan REGALIC 3i Nurt ał Ja Czapli Ostrów Jezioro Dąbie Małe ząca łszc cka) 3 10 icz Zdroje THE GRYFITOW BRIDGE THE RAILWAY DRAWBRIDGE EAST SPANS 2.9 WS IA DN HO CH Podjuchy NIA OD SAIL SZCZECIN ODRA SAIL SZCZECIN OD R AZ AC RE GA LIC 12.7 KA WA WO DA Sied lińsk Kęp a a MART 5.9 A ca) Płonia ia Płon 10 LEAF RAISED Che 2 4 5.4 THE DUTY BRIDGE Dąbie THE PIONEERS BRIDGE Wyspa Pucka Kanał Leśn y (Odyń Dąbsk 10 A THE RAILWAY BRIDGE OVER PARNICA CEG IELIN Pa Kęp rn a ick a Sadlińskie Łąki Płonia Wy (Akaspa Kra dem inka icka ) Wyspa Mienia ński Wyspa Zielona rowsk i 3.5 Ostrów Mieleński 1.7 THE POMORZAN BRIDGE ał Ku 3 Miele Duńczy ca Zaleskie Łęgi Kan 3 1.5 10 Jezioro Portowe iew ok l Wyspa Kępa Jeżyka Wyspa Mały Róg 1.5 Orli Przesmyk Ostrów Grabowski Łasztownia THE RAILWAY BRIDGE 3.7 (Dębinka) kop Prze THE CASTLE ROUTEA 11 na ol pa a ys zk W rod G THE LONG BRIDGE 3.1 Dz d ęt Wynał Kr (Ka Wyspa Radolin 1.6 10 Ustowo ) ża Wę Wyspa rnik ego Czarnołęka ię Św Wyspa Okrętowa (Brodowski Ostrów) Ja Wys sk pa ółc za 3.5 3 Klucz Radziszewo 16 17 SZCZECIN | Go for a kayaking trip! Customize the route to your own requirements! Check varied offer prepared for tourists and Szczecin residents. You can see the most beautiful and interesting water attractions from a kayak. SUNDAY KAYAK SAIL SZCZECIN TRIPS AROUND THE LOWER ODRA RIVER LANDSCAPE PARK Stanica Wodna PTTK Międzyodrze, tel. +48 501 761 410 The route depends on the group fitness level and experience. Cost:25 zł for two people sharing plus entry fee to the Dziewoklicz Bathing Beach. The most beautiful canals and lakes of the Oder Plains – unique wild nature for beginners and advanced. 18 KAYAKING KAYAK HIRE, ORGANIZING KAYAKING TRIPS FOR GROUPS AND INDIVIDUALS: Kayak Rental in The Sailing Centre ul. Przestrzenna 21, tel. +48 91 460 08 44 The PTTK MIĘDZYODRZE Polish Tourist Association ul. Autostrada Poznańska (Bathing Beach DZIEWOKLICZ) tel. +48 501 761 410 Szczecin Toys Garden DZIEWOKLICZ ul. Autostrada Poznańska, tel. +48 534 745 484 The WIKING Kayak Rental (in Scout Marine Centre HOM) ul. Żaglowa 2,, tel. +48 501 036 860 The MARINA SQUASH & FITNESS CLUB Kayak and Water Equipment Rental ul. Karpia 15 Podjuchy, tel. +48 604 274 444 The ZEW NATURY Canoeing and Kayaking Trips, tel. +48 509 254 737 The Wodnik Kayak Rental, SIADŁO DOLNE, tel. +48 505 726 444 Kayak Rental, ŻABNICA tel. +48 600 441 995, +48 600 274 995 Kayak Rental, KURÓW, tel. +48 503 610 510 The Ad-Group Kayaking School and Rental, tel. +48 692 322 674 THE WILD PŁONIA ROUTE, tel. + 48 509 254 737 One Day trip, starts in Jezierzyce. Costs 40 zł/person* (*Kayak rental, lifeguard jacket, air-tight containers, transport, lift to a parking place if needed). THE SZCZECIN VENICE CITY KAYAKING TRIP,, +48 501 036 860 The route is nearly 2 km long and the trip lass 2-2,5 hrs depending on Feather and the group fitness level and experience. It starts in the Jaskółcza Island towards the Grodzka Island and allows you to admire familiar landmarks from and unusual side: The Central Railway Station, St. John Church, The Long Bridge, The Oder Boulevard, the Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle, The Maiden’s Gate (Baszta Siedmiu Płaszczy), The Castle Route and an impressive view over the Chrobry Embankments, the Shipyard, harbour quays, the antique slipway and mysterious remnants of a coke and gas plant. For more detailed information please check THE CITY KAYAKING GUIDE. „Szczecin-the Middle Oder-the Dąbie Lake” shows many attractive routes around Szczecin and the surrounding area, trips of various levels of difficulty and accurate maps, SAIL SZCZECIN KAYAKING KAYAKING 19 SZCZECIN | BATHING BEACHES BATHING BEACHES WATER MOTORSPORTS, WATER PARKS, SWIMMING POOLS Let you imagination fly – feel the space and freedom! Why not try your hand at something new and visit The Floating Park Głębokie? For those seeking breathtaking adventures wakeboarding offers unparalleled fun. In the beautiful surroundings of the Głębokie Lake you can hire an instructor and water equipment. Boasting highly qualified staff and famous for its achievements Szczecin Water Motorsports offer professional courses and sports attractions at the highest level. WATER MOTORSPORTS BATHING BEACHES SAIL SZCZECIN » Swimming pool and recreation complex Arkonka, Spacerowa Alley. Arkonka complex includes four pools of depths from 40 cm to 180 cm. The pools have foot massage points, geysers, toys for children. There is also a giant fountain with a height of ejection of water up to 15 meters. Very popular slides: family slide, wavy one and for the bravest - „kamikaze”. On the Arkonka there are also courts and places to play tennis, badminton, volleyball as well as artificial beach and skate park, which in winter turns into a skating rink. » Bathing beach „Głębokie”, ul. Zegadłowicza 1, tel. 91 452 63 29 At the bathing site There is also a restaurant and a rope park. The safety of bathers is supervised by qualified lifeguards. In the summer time, as soon as the weather is good, the bathing beach is visited by tens of thousands of sunbathers. » Bathing beach „Dąbie”, ul. Żaglowa 1, tel. 91 460 06 56 It is situated on the Dąbie Lake. This delta-postglacial lake with the area of 56 square kilometres (the fourth largest in Poland). It consists of two parts, i.e. Big Dąbie Lake and so called bay. It lies entirely within the administrative boundaries of Szczecin. You can get there through Żaglowa street. Due to its distance from the town centre is mainly visited by locals of the right bank of Szczecin. A wide strip of sandy beach with a length of 130 meters encourages sunbathing. 20 » Bathing beach „Dziewoklicz”, ul. Autostrada Poznańska, tel. 91 461 20 83 Located near the Odra River, a bit remote from the centre, but easily accessible from Poznańska Highway and a bus line 61. The path to the beach leads through a picturesque bridge. Part of the waterfront is concreted and primarily intended for fishing. On the bathing beach there are sanitary, showers, toilets and changing rooms. Bathers can take advantage of a large volleyball court and space for campfire and barbecue there. SWIMMING POOLS In Szczecin there is a modern Olympic Swimming Pool Floating Arena, which has 8 swimming tracks. It is equipped for recreational activities, water polo trainings and training classes. The pool has a length of 50 m, depth of 2.24 m, the water temperature is 27 ° C. In the same complex there is also a swimming pool with a length of 25 m available, a small children’s pool and a rowing pool. In addition, the complex includes sports hall, boxing hall, gym and sauna. Szczecin House of Sports /Olympic Swimming Pool Floating Arena ul. Wąska 16, tel. 91 31 23 245 Moreover, swimming enthusiasts can take advantage of other facilities in the city: Maritime Academy in Szczecin Swimming Pool ul. Starzyńskiego 9a, Szczecin, tel. 91 44 80 355 Sports Training Centre in Szczecin ul. Rydla 49, Szczecin, tel. 91 46 28 400 Blue Swimming Pool, Secondary School Complex No. 3 ul. Orawska 1, Szczecin, tel. 91 48 26 479 Primary School No. 51 ul. Jodłowa 21, Szczecin, tel. 91 45 23 324 Sports Training Centre in Szczecin Swimming Pool ul. Rydla 49, Szczecin, tel. 91 46 29 290 SAIL SZCZECIN The Szczecin L.O.K. Motorwater Club, Przestrzenna 9, +48 91 469 33 09, +48 503 071 114 The Szczecin SKI-LINE Water Skiing Club, Przestrzenna 9a, +48 91 439 17 67, +48 601 66 42 42 The WOPR Water Motorsport, ul. Heyki (by Zielony Canal),, +48 91 4624877, +48 601 762 848 BEARLINER Charters, +48 501 563 939 The Szczecin ŚLIZG of Motorway and Water Skiing Club, +48 91 462 48 47, +48 604 080 774 WATER PARK FLOATING PARK GŁĘBOKIE Water skiing, wakeboarding, wakeskating, wakeskiing, kneeboarding, tel. +48 609 481 279, tel. +48 512 079 300 21 SAIL SZCZECIN 22 THE WHITE FLEET THE WHITE FLEET MARINAS, CLUBS, TRAINING, CHARTERS, CRUISES: » CHROBRY EMBANKMENTS, ul. Jana z Kolna 7, tel. 91 43 45 561 » Euro Yacht Club POGOŃ Association ul. Przestrzenna 3, tel. +48 91 462 46 57, 602 808 280 » MARINA HOTELE – Marina Yachting ul. Przestrzenna 7-11, tel. 91 461 43 51 tel. 601 98 48 97 » Yacht Club AZS, ul. Przestrzenna 9 tel. +48 91 461 27 34, 600 233 221 » Yacht Club LOK, ul. Przestrzenna 9 tel. +48 91 461 28 48 » Euroregional Centre for Water and Sailing Education ul. Przestrzenna 21, tel. +48 91 460 08 44 » CAMPING MARINA PTTK, ul. Przestrzenna 23, tel. +48 91 460 11 65 » SCOUT MARINE CENTRE (HOM) ul. Żaglowa 2, tel. +48 91 460 08 52, 605 400 189 » MARINA-GOCŁAW, ul. Lipowa 5/6, tel. +48 91 423 06 56 » Marina Lubczyna, ul. Żeglarska 2, tel. 534 250 305 » TKKF „OLIMPIA” POLICE,, tel. 502 060 534 » The KLIPER Sailing School,, tel. 793 016012 The MILA Sailing House, tel. +48 48 91 30 70 500 » Polish Yacht Club, » The MASZOPERIA Sailing Club, » The DOBRA MARINA Sailing Club, tel. 730 058 108 » PERFECT CHARTER, ul. Przestrzenna 3, tel. 601 216 321 » Cruises, Sailing, Training NASZ REJS, » The SKAUT Sailing Agency,, tel. 609 525 023 » Cruises, Regatta, Consulting BLUEFIN, tel. 601 233 434 » POLISH MATCH TOUR – ISAF World Cup regattas, training, organization of the regatta,, tel. 783 008 383 » PMT EVENTS – event organization, corporate sailing, sailing league, sailing school,, tel. 783 008 383 » Cross-border Cluster s.w. BSzB – organization of workshops, training, events, advice on water-land tourism, tel. +48 601 585 851 SZCZECIN | Remember that the White Fleet is not only family entertainment! You can organize a business meeting, conference or a workshop on one of the ships. Are you looking for an original venue for a hen party? Look no further.. Please check our offer: • the White Fleet Ships can be chartered for a route of your choice • they are All equipped with multimedia devices. • a mini-bar is available on board and entertainment is provided • cruises are run to the highest safety standards, with highly qualified crew and catering services available. • some Ships can be chartered All year round, not only in summer season • details can be provided by ship owners. Scheduled cruises run from spring till autumn. THE WHITE FLEET CRUISES, TOURS, SHIP OWNERS The Passengers Embankment – ul. Jana z Kolna 7 ODRA QUEEN, PEENE QUEEN, +48 91 434 57 00 DZIEWANNA, +48 601 787 649 JOANNA, +48 506 022 230 TELIMENA, +48 91 434 55 61 HYDROFOIL VOLGA, RIVER TAXI, +48 500 833 831 Sail to Szczecin! Here our marinas are waiting for you and there: convenient parking spaces, sanitary facilities, access to electricity and water on the quay, the year-round staging units in the hangar and on the marina, slipway, mooring, cleaning and servicing yachts, petrol station, sailmaking points and boatbuilding workshops and many other interesting offers. And of course ... the taverns where you will feel the atmosphere of sailing, taste local delicacies and drinks to the accompaniment of marine songs. SAIL SZCZECIN THE WHITE FLEET 23 You need to know USEFUL INFORMATION » THE SZCZECIN NATIONAL MUSEUM ul. Staromłyńska 27, tel. +48 91 431 52 05 » THE MARITIME MUSEUM (branch of The National Museum) ul. Waty Chrobrego 3, tel. +48 91 431 5261 » THE SZCZECIN HISTORY MUSEUM (branch of The National Museum) ul. Ks. Mściwoja II 8, tel. +48 91 431 52 55 » THE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART (branch of The National Museum) ul. Staromłyńska 1, tel. +48 91 431 5236 » THE CASTLE MUSEUM The Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle ul. Korsarzy 34, tel. +48 91 434 73 91, » THE MUSEUM OF TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION – THE ART DEPOT ul. Niemierzyńska 18a, tel. +48 91 42401 14 » THE GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM Marine Science Institute at Szczecin University – Uniwersytet Szczeciński, al. Papieża Jana Pawła II 22 a tel. +48 91 444 15 83 TOURIST GUIDES Authorized Szczecin tourist guides are available to hire and will be happy to help you explore the city. Their services are provided in many languages. For details please see the website: szczecin/ przewodnicy turystyczni.html SZCZECIN TOURIST CARD Why not use The Szczecin Tourist Card? It allows you to use the public transport for free and five you many attractive discounts: 1-day (24h) – 15 zł, 3-day – 25 złńskaKartaTurystyczna The card can be purchased in the Tourist Information Centres. TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRES » Tourist Information Centre, ul. Jana z Kolna 7 tel. +48 91 434 04 40, Mon.-Fri. 9.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m. Saturdays 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. (June – August 9.00 a.m.–4.00p.m.) » CIKiT – Tourist and Culture Information Centre, The Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle, ul. Korsarzy 34, +48 91 489 16 30, Mon.-Sun 10.00 a.m.-6.00 p.m., SAIL SZCZECIN VISIT SZCZECIN » „Visit Szczecin” - a city guide for mobile devices. Information, Places, Routes, Maps, Events - categories that bear the description and multimedia materials, using an intuitive navigation system. We recommend a unique feature to generate your own walking tour. The application can be downloaded for free from the App Store and Google Play. 24
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