be a rebel. read a book.
be a rebel. read a book.
BE A REBEL. READ A BOOK. DROIDS™ 1. W hich droid greeted ambassadors for the Republic and Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi aboard the Trade Federation’s Droid Control Ship? A. C-3P0 B. TC-14 C. R2-D2 D. R4-P17 8. What did R2-D2 do that helped the Millennium Falcon escape Darth Vader’s clutches at Cloud City? A. He repaired the shields. B. He fixed the hyperdrive. C. H e manned one of the turbolasers. D. H e calculated their trip through hyperspace. 2. What did Owen Lars tell C-3P0 he was looking for in a droid? One that: A. Understood how to serve drinks. B. Could repair landspeeders. C. Understood the binary language of moisture vaporators. D. Knew how to ride banthas. 9. Who did Princess Leia tell R2-D2 to deliver a message to on Tatooine? A. Luke Skywalker B. Anakin Skywalker C. Obi-Wan Kenobi D. Jabba the Hutt 3. Which type of Separatist droids could generate their own shields? A. Battle droids B. Super battle droids C. Crab droids D. Droidekas 10. What was R2-D2 doing on Jabba’s sail barge when C-3P0 bumped into him? A. Serving sandwiches. B. Vacuuming up the mess. C. Serving drinks. D. Repairing a light fixture. 4. What was wrong with R5-D4? A. It had a bad motivator. B. Its photoreceptor was cracked. C. Its third tread couldn’t retract. D. It had bad ventilators. 5. Which droid repaired the shields on Queen Amidala’s Royal Starship as she fled Naboo? A. R2-D2 B. R2-B1 C. R2-R9 D. G8-R3 6. On which planet do Anakin and Senator Amidala discover the Separatists’ droid factory? A. Tatooine B. Bespin C. Geonosis D. Dantooine 7. What part of the pit droid did Jar Jar have to hit to get it to stop acting up? A. The nose B. The belly C. The head D. The back 11. Which was Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi’s astromech droid in the Battle of Coruscant? A. R4-P17 B. R5-D4 C. R2-D2 D. R2-KT 15. Which bounty hunter was a droid? A. IG-88 B. Bossk C. Zuckuss D. Boba Fett 16. What droids landed on Obi-Wan’s ship and attacked it during the Battle of Coruscant? A. Droidekas B. Tri-fighters C. Buzz droids D. Battle droids 17. How did the Ewoks react when they met C-3P0 on Endor? They: A. Bowed and chant. B. Tried to take him prisoner. C. P lanned to cook him in a celebration feast. D. Tried to sell him. 18. Which droid did Obi-Wan have with him in his Jedi Starfighter when he landed on Utapau? A. R4-P17 B. R2-D2 C. R5-D4 D. R4-G9 12. What droids protected General Grievous? A. Droidekas B. Battle droids C. MagnaGuards D. Octuparra droids 19. Which droid did Chewbacca howl at on the Death Star, scaring it and making it run away? A. Mouse droid B. Interrogator droid C. Protocol droid D. Astromech droid 13. What did Han Solo and Chewbacca find on the ice planet Hoth? A. An Imperial astromech droid B. An Imperial protocol droid C. An Imperial mouse droid D. An Imperial probe droid 20. What did C-3P0 say when he met another protocol droid on Cloud City? A. “Which way to maintenance?” B. “Oh, nice to see a familiar face!” C. “Have you seen R2-D2?” D. “Where is the east platform?” 14. Who built C-3P0? A. Luke Skywalker B. Anakin Skywalker C. Owen Lars D. Shmi Skywalker © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. A WORLD OF IDEAS: SEE ALL THERE IS TO KNOW BE A REBEL. READ A BOOK. DROIDS™ ANSWER KEY 1. B. TC-14 2. C. Understood the binary language of moisture vaporators. 3. D. Droidekas 4. A. It had a bad motivator. 5. A. R2-D2 6. C. Geonosis 7. A. The nose 8. B. He fixed the hyperdrive. 9. C. Obi-Wan Kenobi 10. C. Serving drinks. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. A. R4-P17 C. MagnaGuards D. An Imperial probe droid B. Anakin Skywalker A. IG-88 C. Buzz droids A. Bowed and chant D. R4-G9 A. Mouse droid B. “Oh, nice to see a familiar face!” BECOME AN EXPERT ON THE STAR WARS GALAXY! Star Wars®: The Complete Visual Dictionary LEGO® Star Wars® Visual Dictionary © & TM 2015 LUCASFILM LTD. A WORLD OF IDEAS: SEE ALL THERE IS TO KNOW
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had pale green skin and bright blue eyes.
6) He was a slave on the planet Tatooine
before Qui-Gon Jinn freed him and
took him to Coruscant. He became one
of the greatest Jedi Knights of all time