impressions - Polychromal
impressions - Polychromal
I SSUE N O . 5 , J U N E 2 0 1 5 IMPRESSIONS WWW.P OLY CH ROMAL.NL FULL STEAM AHEAD This year is a special year for Polychromal. Not only on account of the festivities in connection with our 50 years’ existence, but also because it is a year full of new developments and possibilities which we are very excited about. Thus, we launched the new DSE-Aluprinter at FESPA and we are going to develop it still further. We are looking into the possibilities of a smaller aluminium printer and we are researching new surface structures, as a supplement to the aluminium sheets. Also, we are going to complete the ISO 9001 and 14001 certification, while we are once more studying a new increase in capacity. In short, we are going full steam ahead. With kind regards, Eric and Stephan Hensen. FESPA 2015 WAS GREAT ‘Discover your universe of print’ was the FESPA theme in Cologne, and it was tackled on the grand scale. And with the new DSE-Aluprinter, we made an excellent contribution to that. It was busier than ever, and the reactions of print professionals – as regards our print materials too – were very positive. For many, printing in anodised aluminium turned out to be a delightful innovation. And so the demonstrations yielded many leads and contacts. After all the hustle and bustle, our team, consisting of Eric, Ron, Martijn and Nadine, were more than ready for the informal FESPA drink, and together they raised a toast to a successful trade fair. IT’S READY! THE NEW DSE-ALUPRINTER 100/200 After an extensive development pathway, we were finally able to unveil our new top model during FESPA. Many improvements have been incorporated in this new DSE-Aluprinter in order to specifically meet the requirements of the high-end production market. The most important improvements are: • an increased printing speed of only 15 minutes per m2 with complete printing; • at high speed, a print tolerance of only 0.1 mm per linear metre; • higher UV light resistance; • increased print width, from 1000 to 1300 mm. The anodised layer of the aluminium sheets can be printed with DuraColour inks and, by using a sealing process, can be formed into a scratch- and solvent-proof ceramic layer. The DSE-Aluprinter makes it possible to produce images of a consistently high quality in a productive and operator-friendly way. For more information about the DSE-Aluprinter and about subsurface printing in aluminium, see NEW FACE AT POLYCHROMAL The growth of our activities in digital printing has led to further expansion. For the last half year, technician and fitter Joost Lemmens has been assisting our DSE manager Ron Eegerdingk. “I am collaborating on the development of the DSE-Aluprinters, attending to installations on client’s premises, and I give graphic and technical support. With my graphical and technical background, I’m exactly in the right place at Polychromal!” P O LY C HR O M A L | I MP R E S S I O N S | WWW.PO LYCH R O MA L.NL | IS S UE NO . 5, J UNE 2015 UNVEILING OF POLYCHROMAL WORK OF ART Last May, there occurred the festive unveiling of the splendid work of art which graces our reception area. Using various techniques, the initial period, with Herman Hensen as founder, and the current era with Eric and Stephan, have been recorded, with a look into the future, too. Naturally, this striking panorama was printed, crystal clear, on anodised aluminium sheets. And to crown Polychromal’s 50 years of existence, elegant pins were designed by a goldsmith, in combination with aluminium. You are most welcome to come and admire it from close up sometime. CULTURAL PROJECT INFORMATION PANELS On behalf of sign specialists Fa. Vangenhassend we have produced 92 weatherand scratch-resistant information panels for an extensive signage project in the Rhineland area in Germany. In a cultural-historical route involving 10 cities, the panels, using photos, text and diagrams, offer archaeological information about monuments dating from the Roman period and attractions in the vicinity. The aluminium panels were printed in full-colour with the DSE-Aluprinter, emplaced and provided with UV-protective foil. A beautiful reference project, thanks to Fa. Vangenhassend, amongst others. IMPROVEMENT IN STOCK DURABILITY OF DURAPOR After extensive testing among customers, we engaged ourselves fully in adjustments, in order to improve the stock durability of DuraPor. The results are looking very good and we expect, after the summer, to be able to make a definitive statement concerning a much longer guarantee period. We are currently fully engaged in testing. Working with gloves will shortly be superfluous. The material is thus becoming more durable and more user-friendly. We will keep you up to date! GHS ADJUSTMENT IN OUR LABELS From July onwards, our labels for printing inks and supplementary products have been adjusted in connection with the Globally Harmonised System (GHS). GHS is replacing the Environmentally-Hazardous Materials Act in the Netherlands, and was developed by the UN. The new labelling is an obligatory component of this. From now on, you will see different icons on our labels, and all ‘R’ and ‘S’ (Risk & Safety) phrases have been replaced with ‘H’ and ‘P’ (Hazard & Precaution) information. Interested in any of the topics included in this newsletter? Call us! +31 (0)72 5670799, or mail to [email protected]
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