big data in the internet of things


big data in the internet of things
Insights to Impacts
March 3, 2015
Insights to Impacts
How Intel sees IoT
Insights to Impacts
How many things?
Insights to Impacts
How many bytes?
•  SNUPI alone
–  840 bytes per event
–  122 events per home per day
–  100 KBytes (105 bytes) per home per day •  Home sensing at scale
–  100 M (108) homes each with 10 sensors
–  1 B (109) sensors à 10 TB (1013) per day
•  SNUPI is relatively lightweight
–  Low sensing rate
–  Small data packets
•  50 B IoT devices is looking low
Insights to Impacts
SWAG: 1 million (106) factories 10% high tech by 2020 10,000 (105) per high tech factory 10 billion (1010) sensors Insights to Impacts
How much data does IoT produce?
50 B (5 x 109) devices
1 K (103) bytes per device per sample
Sample rate: once per minute
3600 (3 x 103) samples per day
3 x 103 samples x 103 bytes = 3 M bytes per
device per day
•  3 M x 50 B = 150 x 1015 = 150 petabytes per day
Insights to Impacts
How big is a petabyte?
Insights to Impacts
Fresh data
kept for display and alerting
. Older data
What do we
do with it?
pushed to warehouse
Machine learning
algorithms process warehoused data
from normal patterns are recognized and reported
Insights to Impacts
Why is SNUPI
in Seattle?
University of
Underlying IP developed at Georgia
Tech by Shwetak and Matt
Shwetak and Gabe extended at UW
Undocumented knowledge critical to
making SNUPI work
Other talents available in Seattle
needed to commercialize
Funders familiar with team and
Insights to Impacts
Seattle Big Data
Insights to Impacts
Computer Science &
Machine learning +
Data management
eScience Institute
Insights to Impacts
Seattle Software Talent
15-­‐1132 SoKware Developers, ApplicaEons BLS OccupaEonal Employment and Wages, May 2013 Insights to Impacts
Seattle Software Talent
BLS OccupaEonal Employment and Wages, May 2013 hOp:// THANK YOU