A NEWS LETTER FROM / EEN NIEUWSBRIEF VAN POTTENBAKKERIJ HOOGLAND PIM VAN HUISSELING & NIEK HOOGLAND Hello, we wish everyone a wonderful 2016. For us, 2016 is a very special year. This year it is 25 years ago we started Pottenbakkerij Hoogland. 2016 Promises to be a great year with beautiful exhibitions, ceramics-fairs and workshops. This newsletter is largely meant to inform you about workshops and masterclasses that Niek will be giving this year. WORKSHOPS: “MASTERCLASS DECORATION TECHNIQUES” 20 FEBRUARI 2015 SYNTRA TONGEREN, BELGIUM. Since 2002, almost every year I give, with great pleasure, a masterclass for the students of the Pottery school at Syntra in Tongeren. …............................................................ “WORKSHOP SLIPWARE DECORATING TECHNIQUES” 1 & 2 APRIL 2016 POTTENBAKKERIJ BAAMBRUGGE, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Margreet Bijpost runs a pottery in Baambrugge, a small town untouched by the 21st century under the smoke of Amsterdam. Margreet has invited me to come and give a workshop slipware decorating techniques in her studio. During this two day course, we will explore a variety of slipware decorating techniques. Students mainly work on tiles that serve as a base for the various decoration techniques. If you want you can bring your own (leatherhard) work to slip decorate. info & booking : [email protected] [email protected] ….................................................................................. “WORKSHOP WOODFIRED SLIPWARE” 6 Till 17 JUNE 2016 POTTENBAKKERIJ DE WALSBERG, SWALMEN, NETHERLANDS This year, the third time in a row, after its great success the last two years, Niek will give a workshop “Woodfired Slipware” together with friend and colleague Joop Crompvoets from “Pottenbakkerij de Walsberg” . Techniques like slip painting and trailing, sgraffito and painting with coloured glazes, paper-stencil resist, combing and marbling will be explored. The work made by the students will be raw-glazed and fired in a wood-kiln. We will also deal with the more theoretical as well as with the historical side of slipware making. The course is aimed at mastering the whole cycle of making, decorating, glazing and firing. This course is for the more experienced. Date: June 6 till 17 – 2016. Place: Pottenbakkerij de Walsberg Swalmen. Info & booking : www.dewalsberg.nl …..................................................... “SLIPWARE MAKING AND DECORATING” 26 Till 28 AUGUST 2016 KIGBEARE STUDIO, OAKEHAMPTON, DEVON, UK Kigbeare Studios in Devon have invited Niek to give a three day workshop of slipware making and decorating. During every stage of the making Niek will give short demonstrations of various decorating possibilities. Date: 26 till 28 August 2016. Time: 9.30 - 17.00 all three days Info and booking : [email protected] …...................................................... WORKSHOP SLIPWARE DECORATING 22 & 23 OCTOBER 2016 HOEBOER KERAMIEK , THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS Like October last year, this year again Niek will give a workshop slipware decorating at Hoeboer Keramiek in The Hague. Info en boekingen: www.phoeboer.nl “WORKSHOP SLIBVERSIERD AARDEWERK” 10 & 11 DECEMBER 2016 KERAMIEKCENTRUM DE TIENDSCHUUR, TEGELEN, NETHERLANDS At the end of 2016 Niek will give a two day Slipware Decorating course at the Keramiek Centrum and Pottenbakkers Museum De Tiendschuur in Tegelen. De Tiendschuur with it's rich collection is a great place to view slipware from an historic angle. During the course we will have access to the museum. Date: 10 & 11 December Time: Sa 10 am – 4.30 pm Su 10 am – 3.30 pm Info and booking: www.tiendschuur.net/nl/activiteiten/workshops-2016 …............................................... EXHIBITIONS “TEA IS HOT” 15 January till 22 May KERAMIEKCENTRUM DE TIENDSCHUUR, TEGELEN Pim and Niek both have work in this exhibition, set up in cooperation with the Keramikmuseum Westerwald in HóhrGrenzhausen www.tiendschuur.net ….............................................. KERAMIEK KRING LIMBURG 28 February till 8 May 2016 MUSEUM LAND VAN VALKENBURG, NETHERLANDS The annual retrospective exhibition of the Belgian/German/Dutch potters association KKL will this year be at “Museum Land van Valkenburg” in Valkenburg aan de Geul. Info: www.museumlandvanvalkenburg.nl 25 YEARS POTTENBAKKERIJ HOOGLAND OPEN DAGEN / OPEN STUDIO 16 & 17 APRIL 2016 POTTENBAKKERIJ HOOGLAND, STEYL. 16 and 17th of April we have our annual Open Studio Weekend Like in previous years we like to show our visitors a full working pottery. Our former apprentice Dion Kieft who set up a pottery in Friesland, will demonstrate his skills on the potters-wheel. Friend and colleague potter Imants Ancans will give raku-firing demonstrations in the garden of the pottery. Pim will take care of our pottery shop where we will show our latest work. Niek will show how we decorate our work here at Pottenbakkerij Hoogland. Datum: 16 & 17 April Tijd: zaterdag en zondag van 10.00 tot 17.00 POTTENBAKKERIJ HOOGLAND PIM VAN HUISSELING & NIEK HOOGLAND Parkstraat 11 B, NL 5935 BM Steyl-Venlo 0(0 31) 77 3736775 [email protected] www.niekhoogland.nl www.facebook.com/pottenbakkerijhoogland www.facebook.com/niekhoogland If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please send us an email: [email protected]