agenda hyndburn local children`s trust partnership meeting
agenda hyndburn local children`s trust partnership meeting
HYNDBURN LOCAL CHILDREN'S TRUST PARTNERSHIP MEETING Tuesday 22 November 2011 (9.15am to 11.30am) at Queen Elizabeth Room, Scaitcliffe House, Accrington. AGENDA Agenda Item 1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies 2. Minutes of the last partnership meeting: accuracy and matters arising 3. Child Sexual Exploitation Update 4. Family Intervention Project Update 5. Studio Schools 6. Lancashire Youth Strategy 7. Lead Time Papers Cllr Ciaran Wells 9.30am Hyndburn LCTP agrees the minutes of the last meeting and agrees any further action. Cllr Ciaran Wells 9.30 – 9.35am Action Information Consultation Hyndburn LCTP notes the report and agrees any further action. Mark Whelan Action Information Hyndburn LCTP notes the report and agrees any further action. Andrea Collinge Action Information Consultation Decision Hyndburn LCTP notes the reports and agrees any further action. Joanne Crowther 10.15 – 10.25am Action Information Hyndburn LCTP notes the reports and agrees any further action. Carmel Fenning 10.25 – 10.45am Action Information Decision Hyndburn LCTP notes the report and agrees any further action. Item for Information Intended Outcome Document attached 9.35 – 9.55am 9.55 – 10.15am Document attached Document attached Trust Finances • Extended services grant (Recommendation to Trust Board Members) 8. Delivering our key priorities • Child Sexual Exploitation • Alcohol and Drugs • Domestic Violence 10.45 – 10.55am Talha Wadee Document attached Carmel Fenning Action Information Decision Hyndburn LCTP notes the reports and agrees any further action. Cllr Wells / Lancs Constabulary / Trading Standards 10.55 – 11.05am Agenda Item Item for Intended Outcome Lead Time Papers Debbie Fawcett 9. Feedback from the Sub Groups • • • 10. • • • Funding Advisory Sub Group o LDAAT funding 2011/12 VCFS Prevention and Early Intervention Any Other Business Road Safety Safer Lancashire Anti-Social Behaviour Viral Campaign Partnership Updates 11. Future Meetings 11.05 – 11.20am Action Information Hyndburn LCTP notes the reports and agrees any further action. Barbara Sharples Documents attached Moya McKinney / Sophie Valinakis Cllr Ciaran Wells Action Information 31st January 2012 Board Meeting 22nd May 2012 Partnership Meeting Vickie Barritt All 9.15 – 11.30am 9.15 – 11.30am Rooms 1&2, Scaitcliffe House QER, Scaitcliffe House 11.20 – 11.30am Close Document attached HYNDBURN LOCAL CHILDREN'S TRUST PARTNERSHIP MEETING ACTION NOTES DATE: Tuesday 24th May 2011 TIME: 2.00 – 4.30 pm VENUE: Scaitcliffe House, Accrington PRESENT Cllr. Lynn Wilson, HBC (Chair) Sharon Burch, LYOT Andrea Collinge, Hyndburn FIP Joanne Crowther, ACCROSS René Guenther, HBC Phil Maltby, LCC Clair Robinson, NHS EL Barbara Sharples, HBC Sophie Valinakis, LCC Cllr. Mohammed Younis, LCC 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Nick Broome, LCC Sarah Clough, HBC (Minutes) Phillipa Conti, White Ash School Ann Marie Foster, Sure Start Hyndburn Michael Hunt, Hyndburn Leisure Lynn Mappin, LCC Mohammed Sarfraz, LCC Karen Thompson, NHS East Lancs Valerie Watson, LCC, LYOT 9 DISCUSSION ITEM 1. WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES BY ACTION NOTES Welcome and introductions were given around the table. Apologies were received from: Harry Ballantyne, Carmel Fenning, Rob Flanagan, Stephen Kennedy and Moya McKinney. 2. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true and accurate record. No matters arising. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING Page 1 of 6 3. HYNDBURN DISTRICT CHILDREN’S TRUST: The New Arrangements René Guenther updated the Trust Partnership on the new arrangements for Hyndburn. A streamlined Trust structure had now been put in place as part of an agreement between Lancashire County Council and district Children’s Trusts. A smaller Trust Board was now meeting four times a year alongside six-monthly wider partnership meetings The Board had held a facilitated workshop in February, where Members had agreed to focus their joint efforts on the following issues: Key priorities for the Board: • Sexual Exploitation • Drugs & alcohol • Domestic violence Areas to “keep an eye on”: • NEETs • Attainment gap • Teenage Pregnancy René updated the group on progress that had already been made and the planned next steps: • Priorities agreed, leads nominated and reporting back • Trust sub-group structure being reviewed • Forward plan of agendas for the Trust in place • Effective communications (workshop today) • “Business plan” for the Trust by July 4. DELIVERING OUR NEW PRIORITIES (ACTIONS AND SUCCESS MEASURES) Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) René informed the group that there was concern amongst professionals that this was a hidden problem within Hyndburn. Page 2 of 6 • • • Child Sexual Exploitation Alcohol and Drugs Domestic Violence There were many agencies involved and the Trust was working to strengthen leadership, ownership and joint working to tackle CSE more effectively. The Trust wanted to make an impact by increasing children’s understanding of the issues and where they could get support, more reporting, more prosecutions and less repeat victimisation. A multi-agency group had been brought together to address this. Significant progress had been made. A single point of contact had been established, referral pathways were being strengthened and Comic Relief funding for a dedicated CSE worker for Hyndburn had been secured (by sexual health charity Brook). Training and awareness-raising was also being looked at. Hyndburn was modelling its approach on the successful “Operation Engage” in Blackburn. Alcohol and Drugs Ann Marie Foster updated that a first task and finish group had been held on 20th May, which Sue Harvey had attended and this link had proved excellent. Opportunities included £30,000 funding available from LDAAT, which the Trust would be able bid for, and multiagency training, led by Ian McGoay from the NHS. Next steps would involve mapping available services and gaps. Mohammed Sarfraz would be leading on policies and procedures. The next working group was scheduled for 20th July. Domestic Violence Ann Marie reported that a first task and finish group had met on 6th April and revised and updated an existing action plan. The group also looked at data sharing, with Debbie Fawcett from HARV and Claire Cooper from Lancashire Constabulary agreeing to look at this and indicators of achievement. Sarah Clough agreed to circulate a blank document on available services and gaps. Page 3 of 6 Sarah The next working group would be held on 20th June. Ann Marie added that, in terms of the 0-11 Sub Group, Clair Robinson was leading on Special Educational Needs and disability and Lynda Gallagher was leading on road safety. Ann Further updates on progress against the Trust’s priorities would be reported back at Marie, the next meeting. René 5. ADDITIONAL OUTCOMES (BRIEFING AND WAY FORWARD) • • • NEETS Attainment Gap Teenage Pregnancy Ann Marie provided the following reports on behalf of Carmel Fenning: NEETs (not in employment, education or training) • The NEET working group continued to meet monthly, driving multi-agency activity to improve opportunities for young people. It consisted of work-based training providers, the college, Hyndburn Borough Council and the Young People’s Service. Representatives from secondary schools and Job Centre Plus were currently being sought. • Numbers of ‘NEETs’ continued to hover around the 300 mark, although we had seen a marked improvement in April 2011 – 323, compared to last year at the same time – 394. • Approximately 94 NEET young people (a third) were not available for work, education or training due to illness, parenthood or other factors preventing them from engaging. • There would be a change in counting the number of NEETs. This would be based on residency of young people and no longer educational establishment attended. • North Lancs Training Group had now opened its new premises in Accrington – members of the Trust would be welcome to visit. For more information contact Rachael Hampson on 01254 395355 Teenage Pregnancy • Lisa Hartley from Accrington and Rossendale College had agreed to lead on this issue on behalf of the Trust's 11-19 sub-group. Page 4 of 6 • Lisa would be using her knowledge and networks to bring together appropriate local providers for a task and finish group to assess existing provision and identify need. Further updates on progress would be reported back at the next meeting. Carmel 6. FAMILY INTERVENTION PROJECT UPDATE Andrea Collinge provided an update on the work of the Hyndburn Family Intervention Project, which had been funded by the Trust, and the positive outcomes for families that had been achieved. Andrea also informed the group of the new set-up and new contract for 2011/12, which Action for Children had won in a competitive tender process. (Presentation attached as appendix 1) 7. WORKSHOP: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS A workshop was held focussing on effective communications; what partners wanted to know from the Trust Board and how the board could communicate this effectively. (Notes attached as Appendix 2). Sarah would be collating the findings and pull together practical proposals for Sarah strengthening communications across the Trust for the next meeting. 8. STATEMENT OF INTENT René drew attention to the group’s Statement of Intent, which had been previously shared as part of the Lancashire County Council guidance for district Children’s Trust. The group agreed to endorse this document as its terms of reference. 9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Cllr Lynn Wilson informed the group that she would regretfully no longer be the elected member on the Children’s Trust due to the outcome of the recent local elections. Lynn offered her thanks to the Trust and wished everyone the best for the future. County Cllr Mohammed Younis expressed his thanks for the wonderful work that Cllr Wilson had done in a short time. Barbara Sharples also spoke of her thanks and wished Page 5 of 6 10. FUTURE MEETINGS Lynn well for the future. Board: 5th July 9.15 – 11.30am Queen Elizabeth Room, Scaitcliffe House Partnership: 22nd November 9.15 – 11.30am Queen Elizabeth Room, Scaitcliffe House Page 6 of 6 Hyndburn Family Intervention Project. Case Study Female aged 13yrs. Referred by CAF from CAMHS and attending Rhyddings Business Enterprise College. Referral received on 9/6/11 – case still open. Family circumstances and background The young person lives with her father who is also a single parent. She was previously on a CP plan with CSC in Leeds due to neglect issues and on being taken off the plan it was ordered by court that she resided with dad, and had contact only at weekends with mother in Leeds. Issues presenting on referral Father expressed a need for support as he felt he wasn’t coping very well with young persons challenging behaviours. She was diagnosed with ADHD and working with CAMHS around her medication. Young person was also engaging in fire setting behaviour and low level anti social behaviour. Young person had no access to a dentist, was overweight, unkempt and presented with some significant learning needs that make her function at a much younger age than she is. She is restless and unable to concentrate for long periods. Professionals expressed concerns over her presentation on attending school as she wasn’t able to wash her own hair and would refuse to bathe. Whilst she has a good attendance level she habitually was late for lessons due to her need to access members of the teaching and pastoral team in school. She inappropriately hugged everyone, including strangers she had only just met. She also had few aspirations, compounded by her lack of attainment due to her learning needs. Dad could not control her reckless and impulsive behaviour and worried for her safety whilst outside of the home. Assessment of needs During assessment the Project worker identified that dad his own learning disability and that both dad and young person communicate on a child to child basis, possibly something that he learned in his own upbringing. At home the young person verbally abuses her dad and he has in the past been attacked because someone heard her call him a paedophile. She had no understanding of what the word meant at the time, she just knew it is abusive. This attack isolated dad who began only socialise with his own peers whilst young person is away from home through fears of reprisals because of her behaviour. Fire service expressed concerns about the home living conditions due to piles of clothing around the home, causing a fire hazard. As well as this the home cleaning wasn’t being done and the house was dirty. This was also compounding the issue of the young person smelling in school and contributing to bullying issues. Work undertaken to date • Relationship building and appropriate communication with both dad and young person. • Healthy eating sessions with both dad and young person. • Young person attending swimming club weekly supported by dad. • Project worker assisted with referral to speech and language specialist following on from community paediatrician assessing her. Young person being tested for Prada Willis Syndrome as symptoms are presenting. • Young person assessed for CSE although scored low. • Sessions on personal hygiene with young person and dad, separately and together. • Improving home conditions through worker showing how to clean. • Work around boundaries and consistency. • Young person put on Acceptable Behaviour Contract with police. • Fire Service undertaken all safety precautions. • Work around relationships and appropriate level of affection. Outcomes to date • Young person has stopped hugging people now and subsequently is on time for lessons. • Home conditions have improved massively. • Young person presenting at school clean, tidy, fed and more ‘school ready’ emotionally and physically. • Accessed dentist, received treatment and brushing teeth on her own now. • Less attention seeking behaviour within school. • Attending swimming regularly. • Dad cooking more healthily. • Communication beginning to improve although still work needed around this. • Dad has bought new bedroom furniture and clothes. • Less ASB. • No fire setting. • Dad’s emotional needs improving and understanding of how to keep young person safe improving. • Educational psychology assessment pending through FIP project worker advocating and liaising with Parent Partnership. • Young person attending stables as a volunteer with her dad. • It is envisaged that the family will need support still on leaving our service and we will therefore be preparing them for the exit and put strategies in place for this. It is not envisaged that the CAF will close for this young person as the issues are long standing and will take longer to change than the timeframe that FIP has. Extended Services Funding Background £10K was made available from the Area Based Grant (Extended Services) for all Lancashire Children’s Trust Partnerships to develop consultation with Children and Young People. Hyndburn Children’s Trust originally allocated the funding to Spring Hill School but the money was not spent. The money is currently within Lancashire County Council and needs to be re‐allocated and spent by 31st March 2012. Funding Criteria The main aims of grant are to: • Increase engagement of Children and Young People (CYP) across the district but particularly vulnerable and marginalised groups of CYP • Increase the participation of CYP within the work of the Hyndburn’s Children’s Trust and its agencies Proposal The Funding Sub Group has met and based on the criteria has come forward with the following proposal. A specification is currently being drawn up for potential providers who would carry out the consultation. The consultation itself is in two parts and would involve: 1. The provider working with agencies of the Children’s Trust to establish what services / messages they deliver to young people. 2. The consultation with young people would ask if the agencies of the Children Trust deliver effectively. The provider will try to engage with as many young people as they can in the consultation itself and then this is to be represented in a creative way. Timescales The aim is to have the work commissioned by the end of December 2011 and the ‘creative’ end product of the consultation will be delivered by the end of March 2012. Recommendation It is recommended the Children’s Trust Board approve this proposal and agree for the funding to be spent accordingly. LDAAT Funding Report • £20,000 made available this year only by LDAAT to tackle the harm caused by alcohol and drugs • Addressing joint Community Safety Partnership / Children’s Trust priorities Project name Organisation Value (£) Domestic Abuse Prevention HARV £8,791 In summary this project will: • Deliver the expect respect education tool kit in secondary schools within Hyndburn • Provide 1‐1 support (6 weeks of intervention) where young people are identified as living in families where domestic violence is or may become prevalent. • Raise awareness within primary and secondary schools • Use the who family approach and strengthening family model in supporting families into universal services. • Provide weekly positive activities for young people aged between 12 and 18 • Provide young people with the opportunity to develop their own personalised outcomes using the teenage outcomes star. • Provide young people with the opportunity to be involved in a peer education programme within HARV to work closely with other young people experiencing similar. • Enable risk assessment of vulnerable children and ensure that they are assessed using the common assessment framework. • Ensure that young people are empowered within the process and have an advocate where necessary. • As part of our project we would like to ensure that young people between the ages of 12 and 18 have regular positive activities where they can engage with our team of youth workers to understand and reduce their drug and alcohol use. Project name Organisation Value (£) Know Fear YNOT £999 The Know Fear project involves a number of workshops delivered by a range of partners to Year 10 pupils as part of their PSHE programme. Workshops are delivered by Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, Lancashire Constabulary, Young People’s Service, Lancashire Youth Offending Team, Her Majesty’s Prison Service, Lancashire Care Foundation Trust and volunteers who are ex‐offenders and recovering addicts. The sessions provide awareness on crime and consequences, alcohol harm, drug misuse, prison life, sexual exploitation, peer pressure and road safety. Each agency and the school are aware of the referral pathways into Young People’s treatment services in the area should any of the young people disclose problems or seek further help and advice following the workshops. Project name Organisation Value (£) CLEAR Women's Centre £2,210 CLEAR (Children Learn by Example and Adult Responsibility) Parent Alcohol Harm Reduction Workshops will be delivered by Hyndburn's Family Intervention Project, with coordination and administrative support provided by Accrington Women's Centre, supported by Hyndburn Police and Lancashire County Council's Trading Standards Service. The referral pathway to the project will be from all agencies and organisations working with families within Hyndburn. Project name Organisation Value (£) Holding Families Early Break £8,000 Early Break has 17 years of experience of working with young people and their families who are experiencing problems related to their substance use. Early Break delivers a specialist substance misuse service to young people under the age of 21, outreach work and Family Centred time for individual clients and their families. LDAAT funding – Community Safety Partnership • • £20,000 made available this year only by LDAAT to tackle the harm caused by alcohol and drugs Addressing joint Community Safety Partnership / Children’s Trust priorities Inside Out ‐ YNOT £3460 Inside Out will take young people at risk of committing crime and anti‐social behaviour in their community due to their alcohol and/or drug consumption into Preston Prison. The prison staff will show them around the prison and they will also speak to some of the inmates whose life choices have resulted in prison sentences. Referrals will come from schools and the Youth Offending Team. There will be one preparatory session with the young people before their visit and a follow up session done afterwards. Alcohol harm ‐ NHS £2500 This delivery project intends to contribute to halting or reducing drinking cultures and patterns amongst young people in Hyndburn. An interactive learning resource aimed at educating young people in respect of alcohol related harms, signposting into appropriate services and supporting young people to develop mechanisms for avoiding alcohol consumption and alcohol related harms. Community Alcohol Network £9000 The Hyndburn Community Alcohol Network will: • Deploy 'Community Alcohol Network Area' signs at significant locations within the district • Work with retailers of alcohol to improve their due diligence systems to reduce the risk of selling alcohol to under 18s and to adults who supply alcohol to under 18s • Promote participation in the Lancashire Trading Standards annual alcohol and tobacco survey • Provide basic substance misuse training around effective communication with young people to practitioners from agencies and the voluntary sector • Deliver targeted interventions to young people and provide support to their parents/carers • Deploy responsive and intelligence led dedicated Community Alcohol Network ASB patrols each Friday and Saturday evening using officers from the Special Constabulary YES – Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service £1250 The key aims of the course are: developing an understanding and appreciation for the communities they live in, reducing anti‐social behavior; improving school attendance levels; and improving self‐esteem and confidence. This course will involve young people wearing full fire fighting protection and the use of firefighting equipment and completion of a vocational short course award. The young people will attend sessions on: Road Safety, Water Safety, Sexual Health, Fire Safety, First Aid, Drugs and other substances and general antisocial behaviour. Wise Up (child sexual exploitation and abusive relationships project) £3790 The key aims of this project are: • To raise awareness of child sexual exploitation and other forms of abuse • To prevent CSE and violence in relationships across Hyndburn • To promote healthy, positive relationships and to empower young people to access this group and other services Hyndburn Prevention and Early Intervention Summary Children and Young Peoples Trust 22nd November 2011 Hyndburn PEI Resource panel: • PEI Resource Panel meets on a monthly basis and has met 7 times since April 2011. • PEI Resource Panel has dealt with 10 'Gap In Service' forms since April 2011 (please see below) Gap In Service 1 A service to support victims of domestic violence within own home identified by Children's Social Care (CSC). 2 A Service to support a young person at risk due to sexualised behaviours identified by CSC. 3 A need for a service to address childhood obesity identified by Lancashire Care Foundation Trust. 4 Young person at risk and concerns escalating. Family support requested. 5 School requested a link service to continue the lead professional role with vulnerable young people over the school holidays. 6, FIP would like to work with family 7, (3 siblings) for an extra month due and to mothers diagnosis of mental 8 health issues at the end of 6 month intervention. 9 Request for information sharing events/guest speakers at parent carer forums regarding changes to: 10 • Benefits Entitlements • Blue Badges entitlement • Statutory SEN assessments • Positive Activities Request for Early Bird and Early Bird Plus (Autism awareness course). Would like access to similar course if available? Action Outcome Resolved at PEI Resource Panel. Family Intervention Project (FIP) to receive referrals from CSC regarding domestic violence. FIP able to undertake work within the family home regarding DV. Resolved at PEI Resource Panel. Youth Offending Team in Hyndburn offered a trained AIM2 staff member to work with this young person. Unresolved at PEI Resource panel and escalated to PEI Subgroup due to specialised health related needs being unmet. Resolved at PEI Resource Panel. Young person referred to FIP, YPS and Engage team. Also liaised with CSC regarding safeguarding concerns. Resolved at PEI Resource Panel. Lead professional role to be agreed at TAC meeting prior to school holidays. CSC to refer young person to the FIP for Total Family assessment. PEI Resource panel to monitor progress and impact at next meeting. CSC to referred young person to YOT to carry out prevention work. PEI Resource panel to monitor progress next meeting. Gap escalated to PEI Subgroup on 6th October 2011. LCFT accepted gap and working on outcomes to report back. Young person deescalated to level 2 on the continuum of need and being supported by multiagency through TAC. HARV had regular contact with young person over summer holiday period in this instance. Resolved at PEI Resource Panel. Agreed for FIP to support family for a further month and to start to create an appropriate exit strategy. FIP to review work and report back next meeting. Resolved at PEI Resource Panel. Agencies around the table such as Hyndburn and Ribble Valley CVS and The Park Children's Centre offered to attend the Parent Carers Forum in Hyndburn and partners also offered contact details for agencies not present that may be useful. FIP to continue intervention for a further month. Hyn and Ribble Valley CVS identified a charitable organisation called OJ's for children with autism and their families. Training available at a cost. Hyn and Ribble Valley CVS to share information at Parent Carers Forum. Lead Professional to co‐ ordinate offers and agencies to attend Parent Carers Forum. 1 [email protected] Early Support/Intervention Officer ‐ Hyndburn Breakdown of Resolved Gaps In Service: Breakdown of Gaps In Service escalated through Children and Young Peoples Trust Structure: Agencies Identifying Gaps Hyndburn Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Subgroup • PEI Subgroup a bi‐monthly meeting and has met 4 times since April • New Children and Young Peoples Trust Structures embedded and finalised • Membership and terms of reference agreed • Structures and supporting documents finalised and disseminated • Received first escalated Gap In Service regarding overweight young people • Foundational stages of working on Hyndburns Education Performance Data (May 2011) report from LCC 2 [email protected] Early Support/Intervention Officer ‐ Hyndburn Children and Young Person’s Trust Meeting Schedule 2012 MEETING DATE TIME ROOM Board 31 January 2012 9.15 – 11.30am Rooms 1 and 2, Scaitcliffe House Board 27 March 9.15 – 11.30am Rooms 1 and 2, Scaitcliffe House Partnership 22 May 9.15 – 11.30am Queen Elizabeth Room, Scaitcliffe House Board 17 July 9.15 – 11.30am Rooms 1 and 2, Scaitcliffe House Board 11 September 9.15 – 11.30am Rooms 1 and 2, Scaitcliffe House Partnership 6 November 9.15 – 11.30am Queen Elizabeth Room, Scaitcliffe House
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