April/May/June 2011 The Link - Ohio
April/May/June 2011 The Link - Ohio
LINK T H E April - June 2 0 11 The Great Ohio Experience Angie: As we continued our Great Ohio Experience, our next stop was in Canton. Brook and I had to go the night before to be able to make it to the Crime Prevention Breakfast. We had to travel once again through a snowstorm and made it to our hotel at 9:30 p.m. I did a lot of white-knuckled driving on that one! Anyways I’ve been wanting to get to Canton’s Crime Prevention Breakfast, as I’ve been hearing about it for years. It was wonderful! Not only do they have a breakfast, but they also have many events the week prior to the breakfast. This club honors several law enforcement officials, not only in Canton but also in neighboring communities. There were hundreds of people at this breakfast, and all law enforcement officials ate free. I was also happy to see containers for “Quarters for Kids” on all the tables, along with information about how to join the Canton Exchange Club. Great event! Brook: Our fabulous journey around Ohio continued with a trip to Greater Maumee Bay. President Angie and I were up early (really early, we left Lima at 5:30 a.m.) to make it to their morning meeting at a local restaurant. The room was full to recognize one of their students of the month. Her family was present, along with a representative from her school. A very nice essay was written about her and why she should receive this award. The recipient was deserving of the award. The meeting also detailed some of the upcoming projects, as well as informed members of the financial status of the club. We enjoyed meeting with this club and the warm welcome we received. It was also nice to meet Don Price, who is now a district director. Angie: Our trip to Dayton was on a sunny day. The Dayton Exchange Club happened to be meeting at the Masonic Hall, which I’ve seen on my travels up and down I-75 for many years. It is a beautiful, huge old building that was quite interesting. This club is very welcoming and encouraging and we had a great time. We spoke about Exchange’s 100th anniversary and I shared my riddle with them. Nobody got the answer! Nobody’s ever answered correctly, so maybe my riddle is not so good. I’d share it with you, but there are visuals involved. So, if '95-'96, we come to your club, make sure we tell you the Exchange Club Riddle. '98-'99, '01-'02, ‘06-’07 ‘10-’11 JUDGE'S AWARD & SUPERIOR RATING '94-'95, '97-'98, '04-'05 ‘05-’06, ‘08-’09, ‘09-’10 THE OFFICIAL QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE OHIO-WEST VIRGINIA DISTRICT EXCHANGE CLUBS Continued on next page... The Great Ohio Experience (Cont.) Brook: Now that the weather is nice, Angie and I haven’t had nearly the trouble we previously had making our way to clubs…but for our travel to Western Hills Cincinnati, we also had to leave Lima WAY early to make it to their breakfast meeting. Western Hills meets in a wonderfully beautiful site, the Nathaniel Green Lodge. The wall behind the podium was all windows and it was a gorgeous spring morning view that we beheld. Angie and I were received with a very warm welcome and had lovely discussion with President Cindy Smith. The speaker was a state senator. He was very entertaining and had the room laughing most of his presentation. The club spoke about donations being given to local charities and also their upcoming fundraiser, roadblock. Angie: Brook and I went to Perrysburg on a sunny afternoon for a dinner meeting and I enjoyed a nice glass of wine before our meal. This was a very welcoming group as well. We heard a speaker who talked about the Boy Scout Camp in the Toledo area. It was quite interesting, and I’m looking forward to going there for a hike someday. Perrysburg seems very active in community activities, and I really enjoyed getting to know some of the members! Brook: I’m sure you are all proud that Angie and I have navigated our way successfully this round of club visits without getting lost once! It seems we are getting smarter. Our next club visit was to Sandusky. Here we listened to the Erie County Dog Warden. She explained laws that effect dogs that could be changing such as the pit bull law among other things. We were able to show the pictorial book, “100 years of Exchange with one of the only Ohio Exchange Club members pictured in the book, Dick Burris (Floyd Culver is also pictured in the book). Our travel to Sandusky came right after days of rain and we saw flooding and were concerned that we may have problems…luckily we didn’t. The club also discussed some of their upcoming projects, “giveakidaflagtowave” along with Kid Fest. Traveling to these clubs is so much fun and everyone we have met has been so nice. Thank you so much for welcoming us into your clubs! And so The Great Ohio experience continues…stay tuned as we will be coming to see you soon! Is there a special event you’re having in the evening or on the weekend? Perhaps we can come for that—just give one of us a call. Angie Herzog District President 2 Brook Elrod District President-Elect From Your Regional Vice President It’s hard to believe a year has passed since I took office as Region 8 Vice-President. One of the benefits of that job is that I get to meet many incredible Exchangites. Thank you to everyone that served in leadership positions at the Club and District level in the Ohio West-Virginia District over the last year. Thanks also to all Exchangites in our District for your dedicated service. Exchange is a better organization for your efforts. Welcome to everyone that will be stepping up to new leadership roles in their Club and at the District. You have been entrusted to inspire your fellow Exchangites and to develop their full potential to make our communities better places to live. That responsibility should not be taken lightly. Good luck in this coming year. Speaking of being inspired, I attended the District Convention in Columbus a few weeks ago. The theme of the Convention was, “Be Inspired”. I, for one, was inspired. It was a time to see old friends and make new ones. I heard about some great projects that clubs are doing. Many outstanding Exchangites were recognized for their dedicated work. The Clippers game was a great event on Friday night. Thanks to all the Exchangites that helped make the weekend memorable. As I begin my second year I challenge each of you to accept personal responsibility to make your club the best Exchange Club possible. It’s only through individual effort that clubs truly evolve into model Exchange Clubs. Become involved in a new project, recruit a new member, or just devote a little more time to helping your club where they need you the most. Keep “Shining the Light of Exchange”. Your efforts will have a significant impact on your club and community. Russ Finney Region 8 Vice President Exchange Club ‘CLICKS’ By: [email protected] E l e v a t o r S p ee c h National Exchange Club www.NationalExchangeClub.org Ohio/West Virginia District Exchange Club National Exchange Club Foundation www.ExchangeClubFoundation.org Voices of Freedom www.VoicesOfFreedom.us We are a National Community Service Organization making communities better places to live through projects focusing on Americanism, Youth, Community Service and our National project of Child Abuse Prevention. Our membership is open to all those who share the same passion. Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome www.CryingCode.org Which area most interests you? www.ohio-wvirginiadistrictexchange.org Exchange Club’s National Project www.PreventChildAbuse.com Believe in the Blue www.believeintheblue.org National Exchange Club On-Line Store www.BuyExchange.org Ohio – West Virginia District Exchange Clubs http://www.Ohio-WVirginiaDistrictExchange.org Other Exchange Club ‘CLICKS’ Future of “The Link” Communications This newsletter is the first to be received entirely electronically! The district board has worked hard to Facebook www.Facebook.com/NationalExchangeClub make this transition as smooth as possible. Thank you Twitter.com @ExchangeClub www.Twitter.com/ExchangeClub on this transition? Please respond to the District Wikipedia.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Exchange_Club YouTube.com/ExchangeClub www.YouTube.com/ExchangeClub Virtual Freedom Shrine – Exchange Club of Salem, NH www.FreedomShrine.com for your input in this process. What are your thoughts Leadership and let your position be heard. If you are against, uninterested or unable to get e-mail please contact your District Board member or a District Club Officer so that you can receive a paper copy. As always ‘The Link’ is available online at www.ohio-wvirginiadistrictexchange.org and thanks for your support of Exchange. 3 Info Exchange Division 1 Wauseon President Eddie Partin The new slate of officers is ready and getting prepared for a new, exciting year of exchanging talents with the community. The fund raising committee has us lined up for a chicken BBQ drive thru in June. The club is sponsoring a girl for the Girls State program. Club president, Eddie Partin, was the emcee for the high school Freedom Speech contest. All speeches were excellent. It is inspiring to see our local youth interested in doing the preliminary work to prepare and then putting 100% effort into their presentations. Our club meets weekly and felt the need to change our meeting place in hopes of attracting new members at a more assessable restaurant. We are now going to a local Chinese buffet and we all leave with big smiles and full stomachs! Our representatives are lined up for Convention and we will look forward to their report. Submitted by Chris Gearig Division 2 Greater Maumee Bay President Steve Bartha Our club enjoyed a visit from DP Angie Herzog and DPE Brook Elrod. They gave very informative report on District year, new digital Link issue and presented a unique XC riddle. Our club gave donations to: East Toledo Family Center annual gala silver sponsor $125.00, Family and Child Abuse Prevention Center luncheon $100.00, Starr Elementary Honor Flight fund raiser $50.00, Honor Flight Hollywood Canteen fund raiser $200.00 and NEC Foundation Campaign for Kids $100.00 We accepted the invitation from West Toledo XC to join them for Memorial Day Parade “giveakidaflagtowave” and purchase flags to help distribute. Our club purchased items to present to Mansfield CAP center at our District Convention. Our club set a date for annual awards banquet June 4; induct 2011-12 officers, recognize Youth of Year, Golden Deeds and Exchangite of the Year. Our Club’s 21st annual golf scramble fund raiser will be August 6th. Submitted by Jim Addis West Toledo President Debbie Robinson No information submitted. 4 Division 3 Toledo Secretary Peverley Hormann Our club joined with the Exchange Club of West Toledo and the Exchange Club of Greater Maumee Bay for “GIVEAKIDAFLAGTOWAVE” at President-Elect Ted Lindsley Toledo’s Memorial and his daughter Bella are Day Parade on all set to give out flags on the Saturday, May parade route. 28th. Submitted by Peverly Hormann Fremont President Ken DeChant Our club sponsored the Melt the Ice 3 K run here in Fremont. The sponsorship included a $500 donation to the Fremont Recreation Dept as part of the sponsorship. As a result of the sponsorship the club registered over 300 runners from all over NW Ohio. In the packets provided to the runners were literature regarding the local club. In Bottle of Heinz Ketsup provided addition, there was literature by Heinz USA on Child here in Fremont. A b u s e Prevention. For the first 200 runners a special Tee Shirt was provided with the club logo included. Heinz USA, Tee Shirt shown with the ketchup one of the runners… guys, provided Exchange Logo special bottles of Heinz Ketchup with a special label for the event. The event President Ken raised over $3,200 dollars. The run Dechant in included the Sandusky County the run….. Bike Trail. The proceeds of the race went to the Women of Grace Ministries, and Heartbeat Intervention. Both organizations assist in Teen Pregnancies. One offers counseling for the teen mothers. The other assists in the Top Winners with members physical needs of the of the Fremont Exchange teen mothers. Checks Club…. were presented to the groups at a recent meeting of our Club. Submitted by Ken Dumminger Division 4 Bellefontaine President Vince Ciola No information submitted. Findlay President John S. Fetters The club held its 17th annual Awards Luncheon on May 17, 2011 and rewarded many deserving people in our community. The following winners were presented awards: Bob Hill, Fireman of the Year; Shawn Nungester, Findlay Police, Law Enforcement Officer of the Year; Panera Bread, Proudly We Hail; Joseph Nowatke, Findlay High School, ACE Award; Tina Brunswick, Arlington High School, Youth of the Year. The youth awards included $500 scholarships. Our club also handed out flags in the Memorial Day Parade, and is busy planning a Healing Field for the weekend of September 11th in recognition of the 10th anniversary of the attacks. Submitted by John Fetters Lima President Jacob Elrod Our club’s annual Youth of the Year banquet was held in March. Students from all twelve Allen County high schools were in attendance. This project was co-chaired by Missy Young and Heather O’Connor. The annual A.C.E. award banquet was held in April and chaired by Angie Herzog. The event was nicely attended and featured speaker was Heidi Garcia, a member. The Child Abuse Prevention committee has been very active during the past several months. In March, the CAP committee organized Child Safety Awareness Day’s at Liberty Elementary School. Students in preschool-1st grade heard a presentation regarding safety and received coloring books, “My Body is Mine”, purchased by the committee. Students in 2nd-4th grade watched a video, “A Time to Tell”, that addressed the differences between tattling and telling. The video emphasized the fact that children have the right to be safe and to tell an adult in their support system if someone hurts them. The students had the opportunity to sign a pledge stating, “I am Somebody. I have the right to be Safe from Harm.” During April, five billboards were on display around Lima, with the saying “NEVER NEVER NEVER Shake a Baby”. The CAP Committee participated in Believe in the Blue at the Lima Mall. About 100 balloons and parenting tip cards were handed out to families. Multiple members participated in the Memorial Day parade, handing out flags for “GIVEAKIDAFLAGTOWAVE”. About 5,000 flags were handed out to children along the parade route. Submitted by Brook E. Elrod Division 5 Bowling Green President Sandy Rowland The annual Bird Seed sale wrapped up at the end of March chaired by Michael Penrod. It helps to support club projects and also secures multiple donations of seed for BG Parks & Recreation’s Nature Center. February’s Winterfest Chili Cook-off saw our BG club tie with Kiwanis for the first place chili recipe. Dave Nershi and Clif “007” Boutelle once again came up with costumes and a theme-based booth as well as prize-winner, Red Carpet Chili. Chet “Indiana Jones” Marcin and Vern “Nicholson” Hansen assisted along with stagehands, Luci Gernot, Sandy Rowland and Paul Nusser. Sandy Rowland, President, delivered another 500 bibs this spring to Wood County Hospital’s maternity staff for distribution to new mothers. The Exchange Bib Project for Babies is part of our club’s Sandy Rowland, Club effort to prevent President (left) and member, Shaken Baby Michael Penrod, (right) Syndrome. Bibs present Penny Evans-Meyer and accompanying (center) with the first BG Exchange Club’s Child Abuse literature promote Prevention Recognition Exchange Club and Award. have a message to “Shake a Rattle, Not a Baby.” Luci Gernot chaired the Pancake Breakfast fundraiser for the second year. Held at the high school cafeteria and featuring Chris Cakes, the event was a success. Positive Start was held in April at Stone Ridge Golf Club. Teachers in public and private schools are asked to nominate youth in grades 7 & 8 for the good things they’ve accomplished this past year. Organized by Eric Myers and assisted by future teachers from his current BGSU class, 99 students were honored at a Board member, Luci Gernot, is assisted by member, Dave Nershi pizza luncheon. and by her mom during the 2011 Our club BG Exchange Club Pancake appreciates the Breakfast fundraiser. coverage by the Sentinel-Tribune highlighting each student’s accomplishments. Bowling Green’s club decided last fall to find a way to recognize people in the community who work to prevent child abuse. Michael Penrod volunteered for the task of establishing a quarterly “Child Abuse Prevention Recognition Award.” The first recipient is Penny Evans-Meyer who has been working the past six years as the director of the Children’s Resource Center’s Preschool Sexual Abuse Prevention Program (SAPP). Club President Sandy Rowland presented Issac Smith with BG Exchange’s 2011 scholarship during BG High School’s awards ceremony. Exchange volunteers put together a basket of baby items for the first silent auction associated with Wood County Department of Job and Family Services Children’s Services Unit’s Pinwheels for Prevention Program. The event was held in the Wood County Courthouse Atrium. Our club’s basket included children’s books, stuffed animals, toys, and more, garnered the highest bid that day. 719 pinwheels were later planted in the ground at United Methodist Church. Each pinwheel represents one report of child abuse or neglect that was investigated in Wood County in 2010. Despite delays from ice and snow, National Exchange’s Mark Izzi finally made it to our club to discuss membership recruitment and retention strategies. To date, four new members have been added to the roster. A “Toot Our Own Horn” meeting is planned for June where our club will invite prospective members. Submitted by Sue Clanton Clyde President Kenneth Dick No information submitted. Maumee No information submitted. Perrysburg President David Stuckey We were pleased to award a donation to the Wood County Children Services in Bowling Green, Ohio. The support would help fund their child abuse awareness program in Wood Sandi Carsey, Wood County. We appreciate commitment County Services & Dave their S t u c k e y - P e r r y s b u r g to provide help for Exchange Club those families who are Foundation President. victims of child abuse and for the eradication of child abuse in our area. We also gave a donation to the St. Rose School in Perrysburg to help fund their annual Teens High on Life week. The Dave Stuckey, Perrysburg Exdonation will help change Club President & Barb offset costs for Jenks-Principal of St. Rose speakers coming School. in to speak to the youth on staying away from drugs and alcohol. We gave a donation to the Cocoon Shelter in Bowling Green, Ohio. The Cocoon Shelter provides a safe haven for battered women and their children. We appreciate their commitment to provide help for those families who are victims of child Dave Stuckey, Perrysburg abuse and for the Exchange Club President & eradication of child Hallie Nagel-Board President abuse in our area. of the Cocoon Shelter. We were pleased to partner with the Town Center at Levis Commons this Easter Season. We conducted a toy and candy drive to help the kids at the Cocoon Shelter, as well as kids supported by the Perrysburg Christian United Food Bank. We were honored to have one of our members participate as a guardian on the April 13, 2011 Honor Flight from Toledo OH. This is the second member of the club Perrysburg Exchangite Bob to be so honored. Club Bidwell & World War II Vet Former Paul Ellerbrock. President Loren Odegaard participated in 2009. The Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio organizes 4-5 flights a year from Northwest Ohio to Washington DC, to provide a chance for World War II vets to see their memorial. There is no cost to the vet. We have helped send their members as a guardian on these flights. The guardians’ responsibility is to care for the vet and ensure the vet is safe at all times. The day starts with a catered breakfast and then it is time to board the plane. The flights normally land at Dulles Airport where they are met with members of the active military. Paul Ellerbrock from Toledo served in the US Navy in the Pacific Theater. He was very excited to be able to go to Washington. On the flight home, dinner was served and the plane was met at the Toledo Airport by many volunteers and supporters. The day ended with a final “mail call”. We encourage other clubs to find out more about Honor Flights in your areas. The World War II vet is a thinning group. We need to honor the greatest generation before they are all gone. Submitted by Robert Bidwell Sandusky President John E. Van Meter No information submitted. Division 6 Eastern Hills-Cincinnati President Ron Cooke The rain keeps coming down. Hopefully we will see some nice weather soon. Luckily the 5 rain held off for the Adopt-a-H ighway crew. Chuck Zech, Dallas Jackson, Ed Nemann, Gary Lent, Dennis Fehlinger, Chi Bulger, and Tom Simons spent the morning of Saturday April 23rd cleaning up Beechmont between Five Mile and Eight Mile. Thanks guys! Members of our club participated in the Forest Hills 5K, May 21, 2011. We had a booth and passed out coloring books for kids and other information on the prevention of child abuse. Our annual golf outing date has changed. It looks like we will have the event Friday, October 7, 2011. Some recent and planned speakers: Mark Josaitis on Identity Protection, Steve Reis from the Milford Miami Ministries, Randy Overbeck presented an excellent program on Teachers – The Real heroes, Mike Davis – Speaking CPR How to capture your audience, Steve Reis – Free Store, Dr. Bill Landon spoke about his visits to Florence, Italy. Get Well wishes go out to Dave Downs. As always our club stays busy in the community, some of our recent and planned activities include; 5K Forest Hills Walk, Walk for Clermont County Kids, Playground refurbishing, Adapt a Highway, Nagel School 5K Walk, and Quarters for Kids Program. We meet on Fridays at the Anderson Twp. Senior Center. Recently USA Flags were given out at a Pumpkin Fest for Kids at Berger Farm and our Adopt-a-Highway project keeps us busy on Saturdays. We are planning our annual Fall Golf Outing for October. Our club is in the midst of a recruiting blitz. We have a strong base to work from, great speakers and wonderful camaraderie. We just need to add some new blood to help with our projects and to help raise awareness of our club and our good deeds. Submitted by Bob Garfield Fairfield President Russ Finney Our club continues it’s support of organizations such as One Way Farm, a home for abused, abandoned and neglected children. The group also supports the Butler County Parent Aide programs and about 100 Exchange Club abuse prevention centers in the United States. Club members Russ Finney and Bob Garfield attended the 2011 District Convention held in Columbus, Ohio in May and are planning to attend the National Convention in July, being held in Detroit, MI to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Exchange. At a recent meeting the club presented 6 its “Proudly We Hail” plaques to individuals and companies who proudly and correctly fly the American flag. The club helped maintain the “Freedom Shrine” in the Fairfield High School and the Butler County Government Services Center. We distributed flags and information on flag etiquette at recent parades in the area. We continue our support for the “Ohio Reads Program”. Submitted by Bob Garfield NW Cincinnati President Mike Gardiner At a recent meeting Tim Nared from the local YMCA spoke. He talked about their Mentoring Program for local youth. Other activities include: Our Police and Fireman Awards Meeting, and the continuation of our Student of the Month and ACE Award winners from local schools in our area. As Exchangites in Northwest Cincinnati, we believe that everyone has gifts, talents, time and resources to make a difference in our community and make it a better place to live, work and raise our families. We believe that Americanism and those who serve to protect our rights as Americans are something to be celebrated and cherished. We believe in recognizing those who regularly and without notice give of themselves so that others can have opportunities for a better and more fruitful life. We believe that outstanding youth should be recognized for their community service and religious ideals as well as their scholastic and /or athletic abilities. As Exchangites, we have common social, business, political and religious ideals to maintain and improve Northwest Cincinnati. We consider it a privilege as well as a responsibility to take an active part in our community. We had a busy year with special club events, such as, Exchange Club Golf Outing, Wedding Expo, Veterans Day Special. Recent and scheduled speakers and programs included: Student of the Month from many local schools, Former NFL Superbowl player; Aaron Wilson, Annual Predictions Meeting, just to name a few. The National Exchange Club Headquarters is in Toledo, Ohio. Our club was chartered in 1968 and has been a continual positive influence in the northwest area of Hamilton County for over 40 years. Submitted by Bob Garfield Western Hills-Cincinnati President Cindy Smith We honored our 2011 Personal Achievement Award winner for Oak Hills High School at a recent meeting. We also inducted two new member, as we see our club grow. Our club was honored at the District Convention in Columbus, Ohio in May as our club received the GOLD CLUB AWARD in the 20102011 District President Club Awards. (Over 30 Member) Also we were awarded the Club Membership Award for our +5 in membership. Way to Go!! The Western Hills Exchange Club began in 1977. Supporting children programs including student of the month scholarships and local charities. Our club continues to benefit from our corporate sponsors and fundraisers. We continue to meet at The Nathanel Greene Lodge, the Home of the Western Hills. Some of our other current activities include Road Block, Party in the Park, Fall Golf Outing, and our Cruise with Exchange “Fund Raiser”, Road Rally in May, Area Student Awards. We’re a civic organization which offers student of the month awards, donations to local charities and a supporter of national programs for the prevention of child abuse. Submitted by Bob Garfield Division 7 Dayton President Joe Wade On March 26, 2011 our Club celebrated our National Exchange Club’s Centennial by having a combined birthday party with old-time pictures and presentation of a Book-of-Golden Deeds Award. This is an excerpt of the speech that I made: Right after I was hired for my full-time job in Public Accounting, my new boss said: “We have a rule for all professionals in that they must be in a service club. You have no excuse because we’ll give you the time off and pay your dues. To start with, it must be the Jaycees because that’s the best place for young people.” Bob Whited came along and asked me to become a member of the Exchange Club. That was in 1965 – 7 years out of college. I’m still here after 45 years. And last, but not least, the time that I have spent in developing my “New Babylon Education Plan” to teach adults financial wisdom, which I hope to be a wide community service program led by our Exchange Clubs. I took over the Treasurer’s job for our Foundation and accumulated 47 years of financial statements on one computer spreadsheet. We have given out over $330,000. Twenty-five years ago, when I was Club President, Ginny and I went to the National Convention in Philadelphia. This was the first time that women were admitted to Exchange. Now our national and district Presidents are both women. We are here tonight for two major reasons: Tomorrow is the Centennial Celebration of the National Exchange Club. Our club has been around almost 92 of those years and we are the third oldest Exchange Club. Even though we are one club, we have enjoyed working with and knowing members from throughout our district and nation. We are here to honor Dr. Bill Spencer who is the “Ultimate Volunteer.” Even though Doc has not been a member of our club, we are very proud of him because he follows the same goals as we do. We give our “Book of Golden Deeds Award” to very special people who are not looking out for themselves. Submitted by William Wild Springfield President Beverly A. Sewell Next Tuesday, along with our speaker Karen Benkert of Special Wish, we will have Mr. Ralph Anderson from the Rotary. He is coming to meet with one of us to explain what will be expected for us to do for the Armed Forces Day Luncheon. We joined the Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club and the Miami Valley Military Affairs Association for the 30th annual Armed Forces Day Luncheon at Casey’s on May 3rd. This program is to recognize and honor area military units, installations and assigned personnel who serve the SpringfieldClark County Community, the State of Ohio and the United States of America in the preservation of our freedom and the pursuit of world peace through strength. Until yesterday, our little club had dropped down to 15 members - which is the minimum for a club. But Captain Carroll brought us a new member who we signed up yesterday Emmanuel Nkounkou. He is willing to help our program in any way he can. Please welcome Emmanuel! Just a note for the future - we have been Here is some pictures that were taken last week at Warder Wayne School. We had the wonderful experience to see how it worked and how the children interacted with it. I think, I speak for those of us who attended, that it is a great success. The children really liked it and are very interested - the possibilities are endless as to how they can learn from this important tool. Those who attended were Fred Fox, Jim Hutchins, Pam Meerman, Steve Klipfel, Chuck Beard, Don Lynam and Beverly Sewell. Also in the pictures is Principal, Roy Swanson and our Teacher, Jennifer Ulery-Smith. We received thank you letters from each of the students, which I will bring to the meeting next week, and cookies. asked to help with parking at the Art Festival, they will pay us $50.00 per evening. We are cleaning up trash on Tuttle Road May 14th. We did the Memorial Day Parade May 20th. We will have our usual booth at the Cancer Relay June 3-4. National Convention is in Detroit July 5-9th! This is the only time it will be the 100th anniversary and this close to us to make it easy to attend. Please try to come - it will be a great week. I’m really proud of our Club for doing this - it was very rewarding for all of us to see how we could help the education system. Thank you all for all of your help!!!!! Submitted by Bev Sewell Division 8 Canton President James N. Knight The Canton Exchange Club presented the Golden Deeds Award for outstanding community volunteer service to Mr. Robert Sanderson, of Massillon, Ohio. The luncheon honoring Robert Sanderson was held at the Canton Women’s Club on Friday, May 13th, at 12 p.m. The Golden Deeds Award is presented to worthy recipients who have given of themselves to the community. Mr. Sanderson is the 41st person to be honored with the Canton Exchange CLub Golden Deeds Award. The First Awards Ceremony was held in 1957. Mr. Sanderson’s name was submitted by Captain Tawny Cowen-Zanders, with the Massillon Chapter of the Salvation Army. Mr. Sanderson could not be present to receive the award, but Ms. Cowen-Zanders, accepted on Mr. Sanderson’s behalf and read a statement Mr. Sanderson had prepared. Robert Sanderson is the President of the Massillon Area Chamber of Commerce and the Executive Director of the Massillon Development Foundation. However, he volunteers and contributes to the community through various non-profits. According to Captain Zanders, Mr. Sanderson serves on the Board of Directors for the Massillon Rotary Foundation, AHEAD Foundation, and the Western Stark Free Clinic. He also serves on the Ohio High School Athletic Association Football Championship Weekend Committee. He currently serves as the chair of the Massillon Salvation Army. Mr. Sanderson is always the first to volunteer at community events and the last to request recognition. However, the direction he provides, according to Captain Zanders, is essential. Robert Sanderson says he simply tries to be of service to others in the community, especially those most vulnerable. These qualities are worth recognizing and therefore, the Exchange Club of Canton is pleased to announce Mr. Robert Sanderson’s name to the Book of Golden Deeds. Submitted by Jim Knight Painesville President Bryan Wolowiecki No information submitted. Division 9 Orrville President Jamie Pittman No information submitted. Wooster President Gil Ning The Youth of the Month from the Village Network was presented on 3/1. Identical awards were given on 3/8 to a deserving youth from the Christian Children’s Home. On 3/14 the Annual Chili-Cook off was held at Bob’s BBQ for fellowship and a good meal. Winner was Andy Kobilarcik. Dan Adams and Dan Yarnell have joined the Club. Young Citizenship awards were presented to Jonathan B. Yoder, Alexander Thompson, Jessica Lyons/Tanner Hadorn, and Sean Deeter. The Youth of the Month from the Village Network was presented on 4/5. Identical awards were given on 4/12 to a deserving youth from the Christian Childrens Home. On 4/19 an evening meeting took place at the Martin Cabin. It was enjoyed by many Exchangites who cannot make the noon meetings. The Exchange Club members including Youth of the Months from both the Village Network and Christian Childrens Home attended the Children’s Breakfast held on 4/28 at the Shisler Center. Young Citizenship awards were presented to Jenna Thorn/ Brynn Whyel and Jacob Cutter/ Makayla Morgan. They are awarded a dictionary and certificate. The Youth of the Month from the Village Network was presented on 5/3. Identical awards were given on 5/10 to a deserving youth from the Christian Childrens Home. On 5/17 an evening meeting took place at the Martin Cabin. On 5/6 the successful Reverse Raffle was held @ the American Legion and 4 cash prizes of $2500 were given away. This is the Exchange Club’s primary fundraiser from which $10000 is given to the Wooster Fourth of July fireworks and other monies support projects for the Wooster Community. On 5/24 the Club honored the Officers of the Year at the noon lunch. Winners were Sheriff Paul Brumme from the Wayne County Sheriff Dept. and Lt. Joe Linz from the Wooster Fire Department. On 5/31 the Club toured the Child Advocacy Center at the Wooster Hospital. Young Citizenship awards were presented to Cory Locke/Sierra Green, Rachel Wood, Zachary Ring/Olivia Stokes, Katie Kelly/Alana Koller and John Nebesky/ Patience Bell. Students were awarded a framed certificate and dictionary. Submitted by Gil Ning 7 Division 10 Dover President Shane Gunnoe In March our club made a donation of a Smartboard to Dover South Elementary School. The school invited members to meet at the school on May 17 to see a demonstration of the Smartboard and Legos in Education that the club sponsored. Members were impressed on how the students were able to use these tools in learning. Plans for this year’s festival were made and the club decided to dedicate the festival and plate design to honor veterans. The plate contained the logos of the five divisions of the Armed Forces and the 8 Veteran organizations around the perimeter of the plate with the logo of the 1485th Transportation Unit stationed in Dover in the center. All veteran groups were invited to serve as special Honor Guards and Parade Marshall for the festival Parade. The election of 2011-12 offices was conducted with the following results, Shane Gunnoe was re-elected as President, Terry Auman was elected as President Elect and will also serve as Treasure, Larry Lindberg was re-elected as Secretary, George Polce was reelected to a two year term on the Board of Trustees while Jim Ford and Phil Quicksall were both elected to a new two year term on the board. Continuing on the board for their second year will be Eric Hay, Tom Johnson and Nick Alleshouse. Roy Crawford will continue to serve as the Immediate Past President. Annual Dover Exchange Club Picture The club learned that the Tuscarawas Central Catholic Elementary School would like to have language headsets to aid in language instructions in lieu of a Smartboard. We decided to purchase 40 headphones. On April 26, Steve Haney from the Tuscarawas County Soap Box Derby made a presentation of the Soap Box Derby and how the local organization utilizes our sponsorship. The club presented their sponsorship check in the amount of $1,000 to the local organizers. In addition, Pat Walker from the county Veteran Services spoke and did a power point 8 presentation on Honor Flights. He talked about the efforts to send as many WWII veterans as possible to Washington DC to see the WWII Memorial as well as other memorials. It cost about $50,000 per flight. In keeping with this year’s festival theme, the club voted to purchase red, white and blue wrist bracelets imprinted with “Honoring Our Veterans” and sell them throughout the festival and other possible events in a effort to raise $2000 to go towards the “Honor Flights.” The club learned that over $1,200 had been raised during the festival from wrist band sales. Wrist band will continue to be sold but the club decided to donate an additional $800 from the treasurer and sent a $2000 check to Honor Flights. Upcoming in June, members will be working the soap box derby and plans are being made for an installation of officers’ picnic dinner. Submitted by Rockne Clarke brought smiles to many children’s faces as they received their very own flag. Wonderful job to our members and volunteers for another well done project. Our club would like to say “THANK YOU” to Dodie Melvin for serving as our President for the past two years. It has been an honor working under your leadership. We would also like to welcome Ginny Williams as our new President and look forward to the up and coming year and wish you the very best! Submitted by Bobby Folden Mt. Vernon/Knox County President Mark M. Frantisak President Dolores M. Melvin Our club would like to say congratulation to all the 2011 Graduates. You are the foundation of our community and the light of our future. We are proud of each and every one of you! Chair Donna Hedges chaired the Fireman of the Year program this year. Honored were all the firefighters from the Knox County area. Each fire district received a certificate and a check to their charity of choice. Chair Ginny Williams put together a wonderful program for our ACE awards this year. Ginny and committee picked Nikki Sherbahn as their winner. Every entry is a winner in our eyes. Our club held its first “Child Safety Day” on April 30th, 2011. Chair Bobby Folden invited over 35 vendors to join in the event. The event was free of charge to anyone in the community to come have fun and get information and education on what’s available to them within Knox County. The first 200 people also received a free lunch. On hand was everything from fire trucks, SWAT team, I.D. badges, and the animal shelter to Ronald McDonald. “Child Safety Day” brought over 400 people. Chair Karen Conard chaired the Officer of the year program this year. Honored were officers from the Mount Vernon Police, Knox County Sheriff and Ohio State Highway Patrol. Each officer received a “Time Out Teddy” for their patrol car and a donation in their name to a charity of their choice. Chair Kathy Tharp entered in the Mount Vernon Memorial Day Parade on Monday May 30th. We had many members and volunteers give out flags in honor of the “GIVEAKIDAFLAGTO WAVE” program. Members and volunteers Division 11 Brooklyn-Cleveland No information submitted. Oberlin President Marilyn Jalowiec On Saturday, April 2nd our club held a wine tasting fund raiser at the Oberlin Inn. This was our 5th annual wine tasting event and has become one of our most popular events. Solicited donations helped offset the costs of appetizers, jazz musicians and the wine. Generous donations from the Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Cavaliers, Herrick Jewelers in Oberlin, Levitt Jewelers in Lorain and others made for a successful silent auction adding funds needed to our scholarship funds. Other donations from our club include support to the Local Police Department for Safety Town and a donation to the City of Oberlin to help offset firework costs for the upcoming holidays. We are now shifting gears for our annual Golf Outing, which includes door prizes, raffles, great food, and the opportunity to win a new car, scheduled for July 9th. We are always looking for more golfers . Please contact Marilyn Jalowiec (440-365-8397) if you would be interested in participating in this fun event or want more information. Submitted by Tom Miller 2010-2011 DISTRICT AWARD WINNERS LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Carl Cooley, Exchange Club of Fremont When Carl finds a good thing, he sticks with it! A member of the Fremont Exchange Club since 1953, he has served on the Board of Directors and is currently on the club’s concession, fair peanut sales, house and properties committees. Carl had only one employer his whole life. He started working for Spieldenner’s Floor Covering at age 15 and retired from there 50 years later. He earned a Purple Heart while serving in the Army in World War II. Perhaps his greatest achievement, Carl has been married to his wife Marian for 63 years. The Cooley’s have four children, ten grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. ALL AMERICAN VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Lou Markewitz, Exchange Club of Lima A member since 2005, Lou currently serves on the club’s Board of Directors. He attends meetings regularly and has participated in 90% of the club fundraisers and community projects. Lou can often be found spending time with school children when the club presents their “Tattling is not Telling” video and education program. In February 2011 He postponed his trip to Arizona to not only attend the club’s 17th Annual Gala Art Auction, but sent six of his company’s maintenance workers on Friday afternoon to help set up for the event that evening by unloading art, chairs, tables and cleaning the room. Lou is the epitome of an Exchangite, volunteering his time for the betterment of others. A retired engineer, Lou now spends time on his rental properties. He and wife Barb have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. ROOKIE OF THE YEAR AWARD Heidi Garcia, Exchange Club of Lima Joining the club in 2010 as a representative of Lima/Allen County Partnership for Violence Free Families, Heidi has quickly become a valuable asset of the club. She is a regular attendee at club meetings and has volunteered for many club projects. When a position on the Board of Directors recently opened up, Heidi enthusiastically answered the call. A graduate of Bluffton University, she is currently working towards her Masters in Social Work from OSU. Heidi is the parent of three children and one grandchild. 2010-2011 ACE AWARD Joshua Arter, Fremont Ross High School; Sponsor: Exchange Club of Fremont Soon to be attending Ball State University to study Criminal Justice and Criminology, Josh hopes to later go to law school and become a criminal prosecution attorney. He is a member of National Honor Society, Excellence Rewarded and a 4 time Academic Olympics Gold Medal recipient, as well as being named a National Mathematics Award winner and an All-American Scholar by the United States Achievement Academy. Josh has received varsity letters for the school bowling team and has volunteered for Judge Kolesar’s re-election campaign, YMCA Storer Camp counselor and been a member of Sandusky County LINK a group of teens living and promoting abstinence and a drug, alcohol and tobacco free lifestyle. Josh has persevered despite dealing with Marfan’s Syndrome, a rare inherited connective tissue disorder that can effect many different parts of the body. His heart is effected and the lenses in both eyes are dislocated which causes near legal blindness. Joshua’s mother and brother also suffer from the disease. He is the son of Doug and Beckie Arter of Fremont. 2010-2011 YOUTH OF THE YEAR AWARD Rita Shumaker, Springfield High School; Sponsor: Exchange Club of Springfield The daughter of Ronny and Lori Shumaker, Rita is the middle of four children and will soon graduate from Springfield High School. She has been very active in school, serving as editor of the school newspaper, keeping stats for the baseball team and chairing committees on S.A.D.D (Students Against Destructive Decisions). Very active in her church youth group, Rita has gone on several mission trips, including Wisconsin, Missouri, West Virginia and is going on another trip this summer to South Dakota. She has become a dedicated blood donor, having donated 10 times in school. In her spare time, Rita babysits and works part time at JC Penney. 9 Clockwise from above: ~Exchangites at the Columbus Clippers game ~Bellefontaine’s Barb South speaks on “Safety Town” ~James Knight, Canton, on “Crime Prevention Breakfast” ~Youth of the Year Rita Shumaker, Springfield ~ACE Award winner Joshua Arter, Fremont ~2000-2001 ACE winner Jackie Wax ~Bruce Joseph explains “Fremont’s Got Talent” ~Greater Maumee Bay wins a Bronze Club Award ~Silver Club Award presented to Dayton members ~Prez Angie presents Rookie award to Heidi Garcia, Lima ~Bruce Joseph and Dick Knepper accept Best Community Service Award for Fremont ~Lifetime Achievement Award to Carl Cooley, Fremont ~RVP Logue swears in Angie Herzog as Dist. President ~Dodie Melvin and Bobby Folden accept CAP award ~Lisa and Lorie update on the Mansfield CAP Center ~Larry Sewell reluctantly gives up district bowling award to RVP Anne Marie Logue ~Don Price honors Jim Kovacs at Memorial Service 10 2010-2011 OH/WV District Convention, May 20-22, Columbus, OH The district convention got off to a great start with a group outing to the Columbus Clippers game on Friday evening. After the game, folks gathered in the hospitality room to meet new friends, create new friendships and to begin the District Bowling Tournament. There were also great snacks thanks to host Bob Garfield. After breakfast on Saturday morning, Session I began with a business session. First Time attendees were recognized, as were past district presidents, National Rep Anne Marie Logue, Region 11 Vice President, made some opening remarks and President Angie Herzog presented her State of the District update. Ann Culver, District Treasurer, and District Secretary John Fetters made their annual reports. The following clubs were recognized for having attained the National Service Award: Mt. Vernon/Knox County, Greater Maumee Bay, Bellefontaine, West Toledo, Springfield, Wauseon, Lima, Findlay, Eastern Hills, Fremont and Dayton. Regional Vice President Russ Finney gave an update on the new online training available for club presidents. More training will soon be added. There were four Educational Sessions in the morning: Barb South, Bellefontaine, spoke on the club’s many years of “Safety Town” and training local kids; Canton Club President James Knight reported on their “Crime Prevention Breakfast” which draws several hundred attendees; VFR Sue Jaros made a presentation on “Growth-It Can Be Inspiring!” and told the top ten reasons Not to grow your club; Mark Izzi, Club and District Services Director, talked on “Fun and Inspiration” and showing your passion for Exchange. One of the highlights of the convention every year is the Youth Luncheon. This year’s $1,000 scholarship winners once again did not disappoint. Sponsored by the Springfield Exchange Club, Rita Shumaker was presented the Youth of the Year Award. The ACE Award went to Joshua Arter who was sponsored by the Exchange Club of Fremont. Another high point of the luncheon was welcoming back 2000-2001 ACE winner Jackie Wax, who shared what has happened in her life since winning our district award 10 years ago, as well as the national award and the $10,000 scholarship. A special thank you goes to Carol Suddath for keeping in touch with Jackie and bringing her to see us. Election of Officers was conducted by Past President Mary Shaffer. Four more Educational Sessions were presented. Bruce Joseph, Fremont, made a presentation on “Fremont’s Got Talent.” John Fetters shared Findlay’s “Flags 4 Soldiers” program, Tom Wild, Dayton, shared his vision of the “Million T-Shirt March,” a movement to bring awareness of bullying. Their goal is to have a day where 1,000,000 kids and adults wear matching t-shirts to promote the cause. Bob Garfield then updated the group on “Exchange Club CLICKS,” and advised of the many features of the district website and the many resources available on www.nationalexchangeclub.org. Throughout the day, Exchangites won prizes for participating in “Minute To Win It” contests. After a break and a reception in the hospitality room, the Awards and Installation Banquet was held. Dinner music was provided by Mary Nossaman and her cello. Lima’s Lou Markewitz was presented the All American Volunteer of the Year Award for his many attributes to his club. The District Bulletin Award went to Findlay (The Millstream Bugle) and Editor Mary Borer. Dayton (Exchangite) was the runnerup for Editor Bill Wild. The Exchange Club of Dayton won the overall District Membership Growth Award with a net gain of 16.67% YTD (+3). Western Hills won the “over 30 member” division with growth of 11.36% (+5). The Top Recruiter Awards went to Jim Addis, Greater Maumee Bay (4), Joe Wade, Dayton (3) and Beverly Sewell, Springfield (2). Each received a check for $100 towards their convention expenses. District President Club Awards were handed out: Gold Club-Western Hills, Silver-Dayton, Bronze-Greater Maumee Bay, Fremont, Perrysburg and Painesville. Heidi Garcia, Lima, was honored as the district “Rookie of the Year.” Heidi has jumped in with both feet to help with her Lima club. The “Best Community Service Project Award” was presented to Fremont for their “Fremont’s Got Talent.” The “Lifetime Achievement Award” was given to Carl Cooley, who has been active in the Fremont club since 1953. Carl has been married to his bride, Marian, for sixty three years. Resolutions were passed and presented to the Springfield club for their help with the convention, and to our national rep, Anne Marie Logue, RVP Region 11. (Anne Marie later won the district bowling title in the hospitality room) RVP Logue then conducted installations of the 2011-2012 Officers and Directors, followed by an acceptance speech by President Angie Herzog. A Child Abuse Prevention Breakfast was held on Sunday morning, followed by an update from Lisa Burgel and Lorie Daugherty from the Exchange Club Parent Aid Program in Mansfield. Attendees were invited to bring supplies to be presented to the center, and our members responded well as Lorie’s car was jammed full when she left. Mt. Vernon/ Knox County was presented the award for the “Best CAP Project” and their “Child Safety Day.” Floyd Culver, Past National President from Wauseon, led the Devotional and Memorial Service. We honored members that we have lost since last year’s convention: Lillian Hobbs, Oberlin; Lisa Michael, Springfield; Vernon Curie, Orrville; Judge James Stacey, Sandusky; Jim Kovacs, Greater Maumee Bay; Ashel Bryan, Bowling Green; Olga Ferrie, Mt. Vernon; Dr. Stan Norman, Fairfield; Vicki Gray, Eastern Hills. Another convention in the books, we are already anxiously awaiting next years! 11 EXCHANGITES EXCHANGITESKNOW KNOWHOW HOWTO TOHAVE HAVEFUN! FUN! “Minute To Win It” winners at the convention “Minute To Win It” winners at the convention Thank You YouMark! Mark! Thank The Ohio/West Virginia District would like to pass on a big The Ohio/West Virginia District would like to pass on a big thank Mark Izzi, Izzi, former former Club Club and andDistrict DistrictServices Services thank you you to to Mark Director at The National Exchange Club. Mark has preDirector at The National Exchange Club. Mark has presented at many district conferences and conventions in our sented at many district conferences and conventions in our district, as well as across the country. In over ten years district, as well as across the country. In over ten years atat NEC, also involved involved in in many manynew newclub clubbuilding buildingproproNEC, he he was was also jects. His passion and love for Exchange will be missed. Bejects. His passion and love for Exchange will be missed. Below, Mark makes a presentation to President Angie Herzog. low, Mark makes a presentation to President Angie Herzog. “Chocolate “ChocolateUnicorn” Unicorn” DPE Brook Elrod DPE Brook Elrodsuccessfully successfullystacks stacks33chocolate chocolatesnack snack rolls onon her forehead rolls her foreheadwhile whiletipping tippingher herhead headback. back. AWARD WINNERS AT 2010-2011 DISTRICT CONVENTION “JunkInInthe theTrunk” Trunk” “Junk Division Director Mary Nossaman triestotoshake shakepingpong pingpong Division Director Mary Nossaman tries balls out of a tissue box tied behind her back within minute.. balls out of a tissue box tied behind her back within aaminute “Elephant March” “Elephant March” Mark Izzi successfully knocks over 6 empty pop cans Mark with Izzi successfully knocks over 6 empty cans a baseball in pantyhose worn on hispop head. with a baseball in pantyhose worn on his head. “Tea Party” Lima’s Heidi Garcia has one minute to swing “Tea Party” two tea bags onto of hertocap. Lima’s Heidi Garcia hasthe onebill minute swing two tea bags onto the bill of her cap. 12 Youth of the Year: Rita Shumaker, Springfield North H.S. sponsored by Exchange Club of Springfield ACE Award: Joshua Arter, Fremont Ross H/S. sponsored by Exchange Club of Fremont All American Volunteer of the Year: Lou Markewitz, Exchange Club of Lima Rookie of the Year: Heidi Garcia, Exchange Club of Lima Lifetime Achievement Award: Carl Cooley, Exchange Club of Fremont Best Club Bulletin: “The Millstream Bugle”, Findlay, Mary Borer, Editor Runnerup: “Exchangite”, Dayton, Bill Wild, Editor Best Community Service Project: “Fremont’s Got Talent”, Fremont Best Child Abuse Prevention Project: “Child Safety Day”, Mt. Vernon/Knox County Club Membership Award: Over 30 members: Western Hills +5 (11.36%) Under 30 members: Dayton +3 (16.67%) Overall: Dayton (16.67%) District President Award: Gold Club: Western Hills Silver Club: Dayton Bronze Club: Greater Maumee Bay, Fremont, Perrysburg and Painesville. Top Recruiters: Jim Addis, Greater Maumee Bay Joe Wade, Dayton Beverly Sewell, Springfield (Each received $100 towards their convention expenses) National Service Award: Bellefontaine, Dayton, Eastern Hills, Findlay, Fremont, Greater Maumee Bay, Lima, Mt. Vernon/Knox County, Springfield, Wauseon, West Toledo Dear Exchange Club Friends, Thank you all so much for inviting Lisa and me to present at the District Convention! I have grown to know, respect, and love you all! It is my favorite group to present to because I have always felt how deeply you care about Exchange, your communities, child abuse prevention, and doing all you can as individuals to make a difference in this world! I can not thank you enough for all the ways you continue to give to our Parent Aide Program! Thank you so much for keeping us in paper products…and all the items that will allow us to provide parenting classes and continue to keep the office running smoothly! You know, we budget just $400 a year for office supplies, and that is usually all spent on copier toner!! So as tight as our budget has been, the financial gifts, and office products are appreciated far beyond what I could express here!!! We simply CAN’T thank you all enough!!! We left convention feeling the glow of your love for others, and we felt honored to return and be able to gift several of our clients with the news that they had received an extra blessing and could move forward to achieve their goals and dreams!! Thank you so very much for personally connecting to our families in such a way. Bob helped us load some items into my PT and I noticed he had placed the name of one of our clients on the name tag hanging from his neck. My mind thought of the young mom the name represented and how never in a million years would she think someone she didn’t know would ever care about her or her situation. And so if you are so inclined, please remember our program parents! Say a prayer for them, for all our CAP centers parents, and for all the children that our Parent Aide Programs touch!! Thank you again!! I look forward to having more time to network, learn, and visit with you at our National Convention in July!! Lorie Daughtery Parent Aid Director Lorie Daugherty, Director 87 Park Avenue West • Mansfield, Ohio 44902 Phone: 419-524-9333 e-mail: [email protected] 13 New Members TOP OHIO/WEST VIRGINIA RECRUITERS (As of 4/30/11) (as of 4/30/11) Club Dayton Lima NW Cininnati Brooklyn Cleveland Dayton Dayton Dover Lima Sandusky Sandusky Toledo West Toledo Western Hills Western Hills Western Hills Fremont Orrville Sandusky Springfield Eastern Hills Dayton Dover Mt Vernon/Knox Cty Perrysburg Brooklyn Cleveland Fremont Fremont Perrysburg Fremont Fremont Perrysburg Fremont Greater Maumee Bay Western Hills Western Hills Western Hills Lima Mt. Vernon/Knox Cty. Orrville Painesville Painesville Painesville Toledo Greater Maumee Bay Greater Maumee Bay Greater Maumee Bay Bowling Green Bowling Green Bowling Green Springfield Toledo 14 New Member Donald Neff Merle Miller John Torbeck Fredric Frazier David White Eric Price James Ford Heidi Garcia Viki Kaszonyi Dennis Moratori Sarah Hartley Amanda Albers William Hummel Mary Sullivan Larry Kiefer LuAnn Berry Robert Snyder Dean Stanfield Betty Jo Clagg Dr Dallas Jackson Jeffrey Ashcomb Carl Schriever Kathleen Swanger Douglas Davis Kathleen Sutula Melissa Holland JoDean Gutschalk Darlene Peterman Andrew Smith Phil Blasko Beth Christoff Dianne Staib Kimberly Partin Eric Baker John Torbeck Matthew Edmiston Brian Roller Jody Pritchard Brenda Ferroni Joseph Crusse Dawn Huber Cheryl Stewart Mary Chris Skeldon Barbara Lavender Mary Wiezbenski Carolyn Urbanowicz Ann McVey Maggie Decker Derik Utz Emmanuel Nkounkou Thomas Lindsley Sponsor Member Joseph Wade Jack Somerville Robert Findley Terry Klein Joseph Wade William Wild Eric Hay Brook Elrod John Kaszonyi John Van Meter Rolf Tandberg Shari Stowell James Miceli Stephen Brinker Melissa Morgan Ellen Ickes Herman Panyard Stephin Finn Beverly Sewell Ronald Cooke Joseph Wade Bobby Folden Kenneth Searfoss Mark Frantisak Bruce Joseph Cheryl Wendt Brent Swartzmiller John Gonya Ken Dumminger Brent Swartzmiller Mary Shaffer Jim Addis Thomas Prince Thomas Prince Thomas Prince Norene Parish Virginia Williams Buddy Vaughan Michael Hurley David Fryauff Michael Hurley Sarah Hartley Jim Addis Jim Addis Jim Addis Pam Fahle Kristin Otley Paul Nusser Beverly Sewell Sarah Hartley Jim Addis Joe Wade Thomas Prince Brent Swartzmiller Michael Hurley Beverly Sewell Sarah Hartley Stephen Brinker Norene Parish Ronald Cooke Ken Dumminger Brook Elrod Robert Findley Bobby Folden Mark Frantisak John Gonya Eric Hay Ellen Ickes Bruce Joseph John Kaszonyi Terry Klein James Micelli Melissa Morgan Herm Panyard Kenneth Searfoss Pam Fahle Jack Somerville Shari Stowell John Van Meter Cheryl Wendt William Wild Virginia Williams Buddy Vaughan David Fryauff Kristin Otley Paul Nusser Club Greater Maumee Bay Dayton Western Hills Perrysburg Painesville Springfield Toledo Western Hills Lima Eastern Hills Fremont Lima NW Cincinnati Mt. Vernon/Knox County Brooklyn Cleveland Fremont Dover Fremont Fremont Sandusky Brooklyn Cleveland Western Hills Western Hills Orrville Perrysburg Bowling Green Lima West Toledo Sandusky Fremont Dayton Mt. Vernon/Knox Cty Orrville Painesville Bowling Green Bowling Green # 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REMEMBER… THE TOP THREE RECRUITERS WIN $100 EACH TOWARDS DISTRICT CONVENTION EXPENSES! WAY TO GROW The following clubs showed membership growth as of 4/30/11 Western Hills Dayton Greater Maumee Bay Perrysburg Fremont Painesville +5 +3 +2 +2 +1 +1 DistrictOhioInformation West Virginia District Mission Statement The Ohio/West Virginia District exists to help build new clubs and to help grow and strengthen existing Exchange clubs through training, education, and inter-club fellowship. Past National President Claude Carmack 1330 Pinehurst Drive, Ste H, Richmond, VA 23233 http://www.ohio-wvirginiadistrictexchange.org s n o i t a l u Congratulations Congrat These clubs are celebrating anniversaries April - September, 2011. Western Hills, Cinci 4/16/77 Maumee 4/23/02 Findlay 4/29/30 Fremont 5/31/39 Dover 5/15/59 Lima 5/23/59 Easatern Hills Cincinnati 5/31//74 Bowling Green 7/13/46 Northwest Cincinnati 7/13/68 Bellefontaine 7/17/46 Perrysburg 7/26/26 Painesville 8/2/38 Wooster 8/18/73 Greater Maumee Bay 8/20/87 Wauseon 8/27/91 Canton 9/6/22 Orrville 9/9/24 Mt Vernon/Knox County 9/19/46 Dayton 9/22/19 I will do my best, with your help, to let people know about the great things Exchange members are doing for their communities and the wonderful projects we are involved with. I want “only” one (1) article + 2 photos sent for each club! National President & Past President National President Margie Miller 1692 Tower Battery Road, Charleston, SC 29412 From the Editor, 35 9 81 72 52 52 37 65 43 65 85 73 38 24 20 89 87 65 92 Thank you for your continued service in your communities! The deadline for future issues are: August 16, 2011; November 16, 2011; February 16, 2012; and May 16, 2012. Thanks to all who are making our newsletter, The Link, an award winning publication. I look forward to working with you. Marcia C. Rojas, editor NEXT ISSUE COMING IN SEPTEMBER Information deadline 08/16/11 The LINK News Bulletin Editor Send your club information and photos to . . . [email protected] Bulletin Editor, Marcia Rojas Page One Group 19270 Scott Road Mount Vernon, OH 43050 Phone: 740-397-0262 Fax: 740-397-2760 We can accept Articles/Information Adobe® InDesign, Pagemaker, Acrobat - .pdf Microsoft® Word, Excel, Publisher (photos/artwork must be sent as separate attachments) Photos/Artwork .jpg, .tif, .pdf (.pdf Hi-resolution – 300 & up) Should you mail hard copy and want photos/artwork returned, please enclose a S.A.S.E. 15 National Exchange PH: 1-800-XCHANGE (924-2643) Fax: 419-535-1989 [email protected] www. nationalexchangeclub.org 3050 Central Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43606-1989 National President: Margie Miller Ohio-West Virginia District Exchange THE Bulletin Editor Marcia Rojas Page One Group (W) 740-397-0262 19270 Scott Rd. Mount Vernon, OH 43050 [email protected] LINK PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Mount Liberty, OH Permit No. 1 19270 Scott Rd. Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050 For change of address, or error on mailing label CONTACT NATIONAL EXCHANGE 2010 - 2011 District Officers District President Angie Herzog 212 Seriff Drive Lima, OH 45807 (H) 419-999-5750 (W) 419-221-1226 e-mail:[email protected] District Secretary John Fetters 5945 Twp. Rd. 246 Findlay, OH 45840 (W) 419-425-3743 (H) 419-423-3224 e-mail: [email protected] Immediate Past President Mary Shaffer 113 Woodside Lane Fremont, OH 43420 (H) 419-332-7276 e-mail: [email protected] District Treasurer Ann Culver 1330 Pinehurst Drive Defiance, OH 43512 (H) 419-782-9052 (C) 419-439-2355 e-mail: [email protected] Region 8 Vice President Russ Finney 5668 Glen Brook Court Mason, OH 45040 (W) 513-942-7000 (H) 513-398-3747 e-mail: [email protected] District President Elect Brook Elrod 2222 W. Spring St. Lima, OH 45805 (H) 419-230-7043 (W) 419-226-3197 x2008 e-mail:[email protected] 2010 - 2011 District Directors Division 1 Vacant Wauseon Could we add your name here Division 2 Don Price Greater Maumee Bay 4261 Pickle Road West Toledo Oregon, OH 43616 (H) 419-693-1778 (C) 419-350-1596 [email protected] Division 3 Marie Perkins Toledo 2559 Cherry Ridge Dr. Fremont Fremont, OH 43420 [email protected] (H) 419-334-4771 (W) 419-334-4816 Division 4 Mary Borer Bellefontaine PO Box 609 Findlay Findlay, OH 45839 Lima [email protected] (D) 419-427-8425 (C) 419-722-7967 Division 5 Mary Nossaman Bowling Green 42 Linda Dr. Clyde Fremont, OH 43420 Maumee [email protected] Perrysburg (H) 419-332-4595 Sandusky (C) 419-680-0688 Division 6 Bob Garfield Eastern Hills-Cincinnati 13038 Coopermeadow Lane Fairfield NW Cincinnati Western-Hills Cincinnati Division 7 Dayton Springfield Division 8 Canton Painesville Division 9 Orrville Wooster Division 10 Dover Mt. Vernon/Knox County Division 11 Brooklyn - Cleveland Oberlin This Publication is printed on recycled paper. Please Recycle! Cincinnati, OH 45242 [email protected] (H) 513-791-6300 (C) 513-652-6300 Larry Sewell 1535 Briarwood Terrace Springfield, OH 45504 (H) 937-390-1467 (W) [email protected] (H) [email protected] Keith Thimons 5201 Queen Ann Way Painsville, OH 44077 [email protected] (H) 440-392-6141 (C) 440-479-2857 Lisa McGill-Ruesser 1213 Dogwood Dr. Orrville, OH 44667 [email protected] (H) 330-683-2888 Marcia Rojas 19270 Scott Rd, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 [email protected] (C) 740-398-9784 (W) 740-397-0262 Vacant Could we add your name here?