W|átáàxÜ exÄ|xy XyyÉÜà axãá - Disaster Relief Effort, Inc


W|átáàxÜ exÄ|xy XyyÉÜà axãá - Disaster Relief Effort, Inc
W|átáàxÜ exÄ|xy XyyÉÜà axãá
“For I was hungry and you gave me food.” Matthew 25: 35
January 2013
Vol. 2 Issue 25
Quarterly Newsletter of the Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort, Inc., Established 1991
There was once an old comedian
who used the slogan, “Everybody
wants to get into the act.”
So it was with grateful hearts
that volunteers at the Long Island
Church of Christ in Bay Shore, New
York welcomed volunteers from the
New York police department.
With the cooperation of 4
churches on Long Island New York,
CCDRE was able to deliver food,
baby supplies, cleaning products, new
furniture, beds and other essentials,
and we stay in contact in case of
additional need in that area. 
$ 373,869.56
$ 1,055,194.93
North Dakota
$ 110,095.00
$ 184,335.10
$ 115,567.40
$ 213,007.77
Connecticut $
$ 477,102.73
$ 197,919.90
New Jersey
$ 444,236.71
$ 197,474.35
New Mexico
West Virginia
$ 98,337.73
$ 144,271.92
New York
$ 1,044,570.10
$ 36,065.70
$ 333,734.55
North Carolina $
TOTAL FOR 2012: $6,535,899.61
92 Shipments, 44 Townships/Cities, 22 States
* Assorted dented cans not suitable for our specialized food boxes were donated to Nashville Rescue Mission and
Old Hickory Church of Christ.
Joe L. Dudney
Vice President/Executive Director
As we begin 2013, I look back
at CCDRE’s accomplishments,
losses, and the different types of
disasters that took place in 2012
where we assisted victims.
2012, we were able to begin using
our additional 38,000 square foot
warehouse. This facility has been a
great asset for our work. Included
in this space is a 5,000 sq. ft. freezer
divided into 2 separate sections to
allow us to only freeze the sections
we need at the time.
LOSSES: During the 1st quarter of
2012 we said ‘Goodbye’ to 2 of our
employees: Dewey Hawkins who
worked with CCDRE for 8 years,
and Lynn Cook who worked with
us for 16 years.
RETIREMENT: Cal Hubbard, an
18 year employee. All of these
gentlemen are greatly missed.
FIRE victims in CO, NM, and OK.
We assisted victims with Flooding→
due to excessive snow melt in ND,
and from heavy storms in FL, MN
and West VA. We helped many
KY, MO, NE, TN and TX. We
assisted victims in OH with food
after a severe storm caused an
extended POWER
We are still providing supplies to
those in the Northeast, and we
helped victims of HURRICANES
last year in NC, LA, CT, NJ, NY.
We are always thankful to be
blessed by our Lord, along with the
hard work of our many volunteers
including our truck drivers. We do
not receive funding from state or
federal government.
Over the
years, congregations, individuals,
and companies from all 50 states
have supported us financially. We
cannot thank you enough! In 2012
alone, congregations, individuals,
and companies from 49 of 50 states
and Guam sent donations to us! We
also received support from New
South Wales, Australia, and
Kharkov, Ukraine! •
Ralph Coles
The last 3 months of 2012 have
been full of extreme weather events.
Across the U.S. severe winter weather
conditions for many of us. CCDRE
has responded to several disasters this
year, and our goal is to help relieve
some of the human suffering that
comes with violent weather.
Super storm Sandy left a path of
destruction and waste that many
residents had never experienced.
Electrical power was out for days or
weeks in some areas.
damage reached in the billions of
dollars, and the death toll for the U.S.
alone was over 80 persons. →
Ralph Coles
CCDRE has delivered 26 trailer
loads of supplies, food, baby products,
personal care boxes, water, cleaning
supplies, bleach, linens, diapers,
blankets, pillows, rakes, shovels,
masks, gloves, clothing, shoes, 4drawer chests and dinette sets, bed
frames and mattresses, new furniture,
new stoves, refrigerators, washers,
dryers. Additional orders have been
made for more beds, furniture and
appliances to be delivered this year.
We expect requests for help to continue
for many more months.
In November I attended the EzellHarding Christian School In-Service
meeting and set up our display and
gave out literature. I also spoke at the
Eagle Way Church of Christ Mission
Weekend in Hopkinsville, KY. I spoke
at the Oakland Church of Christ and
told the morning class about our
current activities then delivered a
lesson at the worship service on
Christ’s love.
We at Churches of Christ Disaster
Relief wish each and everyone a
to our volunteers and faithful donors. I
can be contacted at 615-833-0888 or
615-476-1682. •
“Let us consider one another in
order to stir up love and good
-Writer of Hebrews
Dwane Casteel
I look back over the year of 2012
and discover that I drove almost
30,000 miles visiting churches,
attending fellowships, retreats,
meetings. I visited and told the
story of CCDRE to 66 churches in
17 states. It has been a privilege to
inform churches of how we assist
churches with disaster relief
supplies following major disasters
in their communities, and of the
good that comes from these efforts.
I have set up displays at retreats,
fellowships, and lectureships to
inform brethren of this work. I
have attended preachers’ meetings
where I have given brief updates of
our work and given literature to the
attendees. I look forward to being
on the road again informing
churches and individuals of our
One of the great features of this
work is that we can respond quickly
to assist victims of disasters.
Hurricane Sandy hit CT, NJ and NY
on Monday, October 29th. Our first
contact with Walter Maxwell of
the Roosevelt Freeport Church of
Christ on Long Island was late
Tuesday, October 30th. After a 
phone call on Wednesday morning,
October 31, our first semi-truck
load of relief supplies left
Nashville. This truck arrived and
afternoon, November 1, just 3 days
after the storm. This was the first of
many semi-truck loads of relief
supplies delivered to CT, NJ and
May I suggest a way in which
you can give honor to someone, or
you can give a memorial in memory
of a loved one simply by making
a donation in their name to CCDRE.
You not only honor or remember
someone, you also bless many
people who have suffered from
disasters. These gifts are also tax
I would like to come and tell
your congregation about this good
ministry. I may be reached at 1615-476-1777 or at our toll free
number 1-888-541-1848.
May God bless you richly in this
New Year of 2013. 
Storm Sandy destruction in Union
Beach, NJ
** * * * * * *
Authorities identified Sandy as the
worst storm to hit New Jersey in a
century. Nearly 350,000 homes were
destroyed, 116,000 people evacuated or
displaced and nearly 7 million people
lost power.
Some were reminded of the worst
recorded East Coast storm in 1938,
known as the Long Island Express,
which killed nearly 800 people. 
Dennis McClintock
Greetings from Missouri! I have
been visiting churches in Nebraska the
last month. I have met many fine
people and was able to introduce
CCDRE to them. Until now, I haven’t
spent much time in Nebraska, and was
surprised it takes such a long time to
drive across the state from east to west.
I visited with my friend, George
Robison, in Ogallala then went to
North Platte, Hastings, Grand Island,
York, Broken Bow, and Scottsbluff. I
was able to take a short break and
spend time with family in December. I
will be traveling to Illinois and
Arkansas in January and February.
I would like to come to your
congregation and tell you about the
work CCDRE is doing to help victims
of disasters. I am sure you will read
about the work being done in the NY
and NJ areas. Please keep all of these
in your prayers. I hope we can assist
you and your congregation. You may
contact us at 615-833-0888 or toll free
1-888-541-2848. 
Destruction in Union Beach, NJ
getting into boilers, many were without
heat for weeks. Motels were filled with
people displaced from their homes. Due to
the power outage, a third of the gas stations
were open, so gasoline was rationed to
even number license plates on even days.
Many were waiting in line for hours,
sometimes all night to fill up or get a few
gallons in a container.
A total of 26
truckloads of
supplies have thus
far been delivered
to Hurricane Sandy
Mike Lewis
As we began the 4th quarter of this
year, it appeared that 2012 might end early,
as far as disasters taking place, but things
always seem to happen that let us know
we’re not in charge! We are all still
thinking about Hurricane Sandy, but here is
a brief summary of others that needed help
in the last 12 months.
Disasters began early with the tornado
season first striking AL in January, so we
assisted victims in the Birmingham area.
Then in March and April, tornadoes caused
more devastation, and we helped other
victims in AL, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MO,
and TN. Next, the wildfires started in CO
and NM just several weeks before tropical
storm Debbie hit northern FL, so we
assisted the Live Oak, FL area. Wildfire
victims received assistance in Bellvue, CO
and between Ruidoso and Capitan, NM. A
month later, fires were still burning, only
then we were helping victims near
Colorado Springs, CO. In September,
Hurricane Isaac again pounded the New
Orleans area, with many still trying to
recover from Hurricane Katrina seven
years earlier! We helped the communities
near Slidell, New Orleans, and La Place,
LA. Things seemed to be slowing down
for us, then we got news of a super tropical
storm building in the Atlantic, heading
towards the Northeast. When things began
to slow down for our Operations Center,
here came Hurricane Sandy the end of
I made 2 trips to the northeast to
follow-up with what was needed and how
distributions were going. I drove through
the communities in NJ, NY, and CT.
Many were without power for 3-4 weeks,
and because of the saltwater and sand →
By December 13, 2012, over a quarter
million people had applied for FEMA
The low percentage of
qualified builders and workers in the area
compared to the number of homes that
need repair will stretch the re-building
timeframe to more than a year for many!
Please continue to pray for the
disaster victims all over this country. Lives
are being changed as hundreds of Bible
studies are taking place in the disaster
One New York
congregation has
requests for over
100 Bible Studies!
The Lord’s servants are showing their
neighbors that the love we have for others
should reach out far beyond what happens
in a building, should last much longer than
a few hours on Sunday and mid-week, and
that yes, we care about their physical
needs, but we are very concerned about
their spiritual well-being.
Many thanks to everyone who
continues to support this effort. •
“He who believes in the
Son has everlasting life,
and he who does not
believe the Son shall not
see life, but the wrath of
God abides on him.”
- John, son of Elizabeth and Zacharias,
testifies about Jesus
Pictured above L to R: Zelma Parrish,
Louise Burney, Anita Lunn, Phil Lunn
helpful, hard working volunteers
from Ashland City, TN and invite
them back any time. •
Tom Rutledge, Treasurer for
the Fairfield Church of Christ in
Bell Buckle, TN, sends the
following message explaining why
the Fairfield Church is increasing
their annual contribution by
approximately 333%.
“We believe your work is one where
every dollar received is put to work in the
mission field where it is most needed. We
commend your organization for your hard
work and tremendous effort on behalf of
those who have been devastated by
unanticipated occurrences beyond their
control. We pray that your work will
continue to bring comfort to those who are
hurting and are in need of immediate
assistance. It is both encouraging and
amazing to see and hear of the wonderful
way in which your organization is able to
provide almost instantaneous assistance to
those whose lives have been so adversely
impacted. May God bless your continued
efforts to bring comfort to those in need.”
CCDRE expresses sincere appreciation for the faith and generosity of
the Fairfield Church. Someone has
said, “The more I shovel out, the
more the Lord shovels in, and His
shovel is bigger than mine.” •
Ken Leonard
In Disaster Relief work it is often
easy to focus on the most recent
situation and forget disasters that have
happened in the past. With that in
mind I recently did some follow-up
visits to churches in and around
Bastrop, TX, a city that was inundated
by fires in September and October of
2011. Originally there were almost
1700 homes that were destroyed and
$325 million in damage. CCDRE sent
several truck loads of assistance.
When I walked into the church
building in Bastrop I saw signs of
ongoing assistance still taking place. I
was surprised when I learned that there
were still several hundred families who
would be considered homeless over a
year after the fire. People are living in
makeshift shacks, tents, busses, even
sleeping in their cars!
A member of the church, with
great emotion, talked to me and
expressed his appreciation for the help
that came from Nashville. He said it
was over- whelming to see the love that
was passed along to the people of
Bastrop in the form of food, cleanup
supplies, furniture, appliances, etc.
Several families that have been helped
are now members of the congregation.
Sometimes closure after a disaster
comes soon, but often takes time to see
the end. This is especially true after
fires. More than just losing homes,
sometimes people lose the forest where
their house was located, and find 
that a bare piece of hilltop is far less
valuable than one surrounded by trees.
If they decide to sell and build
elsewhere the loss in property value
can be compounded by other factors.
This is not only true in Bastrop
but in other areas that have experienced
fires in the recent past like CO and
NM. I don’t intend to take focus away
from the disaster in the Northeast
because I think that will be a long and
drawn out recovery as well. I only ask
that we continue to remember the
victims of disasters who are still
struggling with loss as well as our
members who are helping them.
If you would like for me to come
and speak to your congregation in the
southwest and western U.S. about what
CCDRE is doing across the country,
contact our Nashville Operation Center
at toll free 1-888-541-2848. 
“Yes, Sir.”
That was the answer that Ralph
Coles, CCDRE Associate Director
of Outreach & Follow-up, gave to
Jesse Pettengill, Minister of the
West Islip Church of Christ in West
Islip, NY, when Minister Pettengill,
with an incredulous tone in his
voice asked, “You are going to send
a 48 foot semi-truck full of disaster
relief supplies for the church in
West Islip to distribute to our
neighbors in need in the name of
Christ, and all I have to do is sign
an invoice?”
It all seemed too easy to
Minister Pettengill, but that’s the
way CCDRE operates! 
Texas wildfire damage
Wildfire damage in New Mexico
Hurricanes have an impact on
health long after they are gone.
Because storm related flooding can
take weeks to subside, watch for
mosquito-borne viruses, allergies and
asthma, mental illness and stomach
problems. 
CCDRE appreciated the detailed
description furnished by Minister
Pettengill of the activities surrounding
the receiving and distribution of the
supplies delivered by CCDRE. It was
a challenge to find an area large
enough to store such a voluminous
amount of supplies, but thanks to Eric
from Bruce Electric in Lindenhurst
they were able to work it out. Minister
Pettengill wrote, “God has a way of
arranging these things.”
The Pettengill home barely
escaped damage as the waters reached
within a couple hundred feet of their
home. He was writing by candlelight
and the illumination of his LCD laptop
screen, and they had been 9 days
without power. Two million people
were without power.
He wrote, “Thanks to countless
volunteers and millions in donations,
Church of Christ Disaster Relief is able
to respond quickly to domestic needs
caused by natural disasters. Their
trucks of blessing came full of non
perishable food, water, clothing,
blankets, sheets, pillows, cleaning
supplies, mops, brooms, rakes, shovels,
It was just the things our
community needed.” 
Ken Lowry
I would like to extend a
heartfelt thank you to the
congregations and individuals that
have supported CCDRE over the
past year. As we continue to work
in 2013, we do not know what
challenges and disasters lay ahead.
We are confident that wherever and
whenever those occur, your support
of this organization will allow local
congregations of the Church of
Christ to respond to those
opportunities. As a direct result of
individuals have been assisted by
fellow Christians. Many have had
an opportunity to hear about Jesus
Christ and have seen Christianity in
action through our fellow brethren.
It is such an honor and
privilege to work with CCDRE and
to have the opportunity to visit
congregations and meet brethren
across the country. During the past
quarter, we set up our display at
Harding University during their
annual lectureship and met many
supporters, while having an
opportunity to introduce others to
CCDRE. In Louisiana, we visited
Alexandria, Morgan City and the
Goodwood Blvd. congregation in
Baton Rouge. In early November,
we set up our display at the 17th
Annual South Lectureship hosted
by the Palm Beach Lakes
congregation. Our special thanks to
the brethren there for their kindness
and hospitality. Many brethren that
we met spoke of the various
hurricanes, tornadoes and events
that have occurred in past years and
the support that CCDRE was able to
provide. While in south Florida, we
also visited the Sunset congregation
in Miami and Suncoast in Lake
Worth. We appreciate your support!
In December, we had a
wonderful visit with the Raleigh
Church of Christ in Raleigh, NC.
The congregation was very
hospitable and appreciated seeing
the various boxes of supplies that
are provided by CCDRE to local
congregations to assist those
impacted by disasters.
commented that they have been
aware of CCDRE but had a better
understanding of the work after
seeing the materials first hand. It
was also a pleasure to visit with the
East Wood Church of Christ in
Paris, TN and brethren from the
Glendale Church of Christ in
Murray, KY. Both of these congregations have been supporters of
CCDRE, and we are grateful for
their open hearts and desire to reach
out and help others.
We would like to come to your
congregation and share information
about CCDRE. If you are in the
southeastern U.S. and would like to
hear more about this work, please
contact me at 1-919-270-8770 or at
[email protected].
We would be honored to visit
with you at anytime. 
Dawn Adcock sends the
following thanks for the work done
by CCDRE in New Jersey:
“It is with my utmost thanks
that I write this letter. I have been
absolutely amazed at your response
to help with the Gateway Church of
Christ in New Jersey. What you did
has been such help not only to
them, but also to everyone in their
community. The relief trucks were
unloaded and supplies were given to
so many who were in desperate
need, and for that I thank you.
Thank you that the truck was on its
way so quickly with everything you
knew that was needed. The Church
of Christ disaster team was just the
beginning. Once the Church of
Christ disaster truck arrived, it
brought immediate attention from
the media, etc. that then triggered
more help and more volunteers.
Thank you for making a difference
in Union Beach, NJ. Through your
efforts a huge impact has been
made on all those who were
affected by Hurricane Sandy. There
is no telling how many hearts have
been touched as a result of your
efforts. Thanks from the bottom of
my heart.” Dawn Adcock
“Come to me, all you
who labor and are
heavy laden, and I will
give you rest.”
More Hurricane Sandy destruction in Union
Beach, New Jersey
CCDRE appreciated the cooperation of 4 churches in New Jersey
that served as Receiving and
Distribution Centers. 
CCDRE welcomed the following fine group of workers from Mississippi:
Fred Wesson, Bill Phillips, Albert Hayes, Jane Winstead, Jerry Winstead, Jamie Hayes,
Betty Shackelford, Jim Craddock, Ann Walker, Drew Saradpon, Delmas Brooks, Jane Stewart,
Jane Brooks, Tom Stewart, Beth Ramsey, Bob Douglas, Reta Douglas, Dorothy Jones,
Marcia Fraley, Helen Stewart, Richard Fraley, Jeanine Walker (not pictured)
The Goodman Oaks workers in the
Nashville Operations Center
CCDRE appreciates the good
work of these volunteers and
invites them back at any time.
This organization could not
volunteers, many who come from
far and wide, the volunteer truck
drivers, and the individual and
church contributions. 
It has been reported that Mitch
Landrieu, Mayor of New Orleans,
has “helped raise millions from
national philanthropies and worked
to secure a $1.8 billion lump sum
from FEMA to rebuild schools
destroyed by storm Katrina in
2005.” Some would probably say,
“It’s about time.”
Churches of Christ Disaster
Relief delivered supplies with a
value exceeding $16.3 million to
the gulf states of Florida, Louisiana,
Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas in
2005 as result of storms Katrina,
Rita, and Wilma. 
Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918), was an American poet and journalist who was best known for
his poem “Trees.” He was killed in World War I
while attacking a German machine-gun nest
along the Oureq River in France.
Can’t you imagine his sadness if he could
see this beautiful tree which God fashioned for
so many years, and is now struck down by a
savage storm such as Sandy.
Sandy left this house bottom up
CCDRE delivered food, baby products,
personal care items, water, cleaning supplies,
linens, and other essential items to the Freeehold
Church of Christ for distribution to the disaster
survivors in that area.
More Sandy destruction
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Joyce Kilmer
CCDRE tractor trailer trucks eager to be on the
road to help disaster survivors
The Disaster Relief News is printed through the
courtesy of Pollock Printing Co., Nashville, TN
With disasters come the eager
repairmen who will create a disaster
of their own unless the victims are
vigilant and on their toes.
promise anything, take your money,
do nothing, or do sloppy work, and
you never see them again!
Unfortunately, senior citizens are
easy prey.
Be careful and take your time
before hiring a post-disaster
contractor. You are nervous, upset,
suffering through a new traumatic
experience, and vulnerable, so try to
be patient and think before you act.
Never hire a contractor on the
spot. Check with Better Business
Bureau or with someone whom you
know has used this contractor.
There is no use in checking his/her
references which he has given you
because he has only given you
names of people who will say good
things about him.
Do not hire someone who
comes to your door. Good contractors don’t have to solicit work
Their work speaks for itself.
Avoid those who only give you
a P.O. box number where they may
be reached (and it may be
fictitious.) The same applies to a
bogus phone number.
Get everything in writing on
the company’s letterhead paper. Get
the estimates, prices, materials,
completion dates, and his driver’s
license number. Share this information with your insurer before you
sign anything.
Pay them only after the work
has been performed satisfactorily.
Be cautious! People are being
ripped off everyday. Be sure you
are not the next one. 
That was the admonition that Paul
gave to the Thessalonians.
The late Alan Bryan (19252006), a highly respected and popular
Church of Christ Preacher and author
back in the last century, had a sermon
on “The Meaning of Prayer” which he
delivered more than 3,000 times.
There were 50,000 responses, and
everywhere he went he was requested
to deliver this sermon. He put it into
pamphlet form and following are some
“The only way we can learn to
pray is by praying.
“Through the ages men have read
the accounts of the Son of God and
with open astonishment have expressed
their bewilderment at the wisdom and
power of Jesus. Until He came to
earth, no one like Him had been among
men. Never again on this earth will
mankind behold one possessing such
demonstrated by Christ. When all
creatures gather around the great white
throne to sing praises to Jehovah,
we, then, will behold at God’s right
hand the Elder Brother, the One who
died that we might live, the One who
lived here on earth that we might go
home to God in heaven and then
worship our God through eternity.
Only then will we behold One
possessing such wisdom and power.
“In studying Christ’s life one
cannot escape the place that prayer had
in His life. However, we can never
understand Him and that which He
was able to do unless we begin to
understand the true meaning of the
simple words He uttered, ‘I can of
myself do nothing.’ If the Son of God
in all of His wisdom and power had to
depend upon God, how much more
should we, weak mortals that we are,
depend upon God. We must learn how
to pray and then learn to pray.
“If there were but one sermon for
me to preach, one lesson for me to
present, one article for me to write, or
one paragraph left for me to compose, I
would use that precious opportunity to
try to help people to learn to pray.
With my parting breath I would want to
convey, to the lowly creatures that we
are, the lofty peaks we can reach when
we truly learn to pray. We must use
the great opportunities of prayer to
possess much of the power God means
for us to have. Yet such power remains
neglected and unused because of our
failure to depend upon our Maker. By
turning to Him in the outpouring of our
soul we pray and pray and pray.
“Of all of the subjects that I
believe individuals must be taught and actually want to be taught – none
are more important than the subject of
“You must learn as an individual
that prayer, when properly learned, is
one of the most natural things a person
can do.
“When we have no other place to
go, the only place we can go is to God.
It is absolutely essential that we learn
to depend upon God. It is only when
we learn to bow down before the only
God, and not before others, that God
can truly lift our souls to Him.”
Adell Adams
Jane Hughes
Bill Allen, Madison, TN
Kenneth & Edna Netherton
Hobart & Eula B. Allen,
Old Hickory, TN
Rick, Barbara & Richard Arnold
Larry E. Allen, Alliance, NE
Alice L. Allen
Herb Alsup
Betty J. Reed
Earl Ray Anderson, Hext, TX
J. J. Divito
Harriet Anderson, Hohenwald, TN
Yogie & Betty Spears
Edward Andrews
Aletha Joyce Dailey
Vernon Andrews, Lebanon, TN
`Patricia Andrews
Annie Angel, Salisbury, NC
Raymond & Patricia Murray
Harold V. & Nell R. Apple,
Tulsa, OK
Don & Linda Young
Pam Arnold, Houston, TX
Wes & Christy Smith
Larry Atchley
A. J. & Wanda Purswell
Claudia H. Autry, Gallatin, TN
Jane Hughes
Harold T. Autry
Ruby Baker
Ken & Mary Culp
Mary Barch, Bozeman, MT
Lois Schlegel
James Dotson Barfield,
White Bluff, TN
Judith Barfield
Fred Barnes
Keith Barnes
Joyce Barnet
John &Joy Hooper
Coleman Barnett
James B. & Mary S. Simpson
Nancy Barrett, Old Hickory, TN
Raymond & Pauline Vinson
Barry Glenn Basford,
Nashville, TN
M/M Bobby G. Basford
Bobby Basford, Jr., Nashville, TN
M/M Bobby G. Basford
Olan Bassham, Columbia, TN
Lindsey & Penny Judd
Josephine Bates, Nashville, TN
Joe & Jewel Cottrell
Everett Bean, Dayton, OH
Dawson & Helen Kinnard
Lester & Peggy Sparks
Margaret Chaffin
Barbara Bowman
Charles Kinnard
Ralph, Carlon & David Kinnard
Bob Bearden, Columbia, TN
Janice & William Osborne
Bobby (Bob) J. Bearden, Spring Hill, TN
Nancy M. Langhans
Roberta McPeak
Peggy Patterson Beaty, Hermitage, TN
Donald & Frances McDonald
Foy Dell Harding
Jean Jackson
Peggy Patterson Beaty,
Hermitage, TN
Frances McDonald
Barbara Debout, Nashville, TN
Terry & Peggy Bebout
Barry Becker, Hanover, PA
Hugh & Juanita Friedline
Jeff Belew, Leoma, TN
Charlie & Linda Markus
Michael Terry Bennett,
McMinnville, TN
Wilma & Don Crawford
W. C. Bennett, Nashville, TN
Rowena Bennett
Kim Bowling, Sacramento, KY
Sandra Bowling
William Bowling
Rhonda Lyles-Ferrebee
Don Bracey
Jane Hughes
Mary Bradley
Evelyn & Ed Wright
Thelbert Bradley,
Centerville, TN
Oma, George & Cindy
Hova Brady, Celina, TN
Jane Hughes
UxçÉÇw à{x fâÇáxà
Anita Berlin
Ladies’ Bible Class, Charlotte
Heights Church of Christ
George Biggs, Franklin,TX
M/M Pete Brien
Hugh Billingsley, Knoxville, TN
Billy & Nell Johnson
Joe Dan Bills,
Murfreesboro, TN
Aaron & Mary Jones
Carolyn & Roger Lawrence
Earl & June Escue
James & Dean Tidwell
Jim & Helen Jones Costello
Lisa Wallace
Robert & Peggy Watkins
Ron & Barbara Kleine
Nancy W. Doss
The Edwin Bills Family
Michael Birmingham,
Inwood, West VA
Dwane & Betty Casteel
Dale Bishop, Nashville, TN
Billy & Nell Johnson
Bill Blake, Manhattan, KS
Allene S. Forsyth
Lisa Boone
Liberty Church of Christ
Steve & Gladys Bottom,
Nashville, TN
M/M Bobby G. Basford
M/M Charles Bouldin
Larry Bouldin
Roy Brantley, Nashville, TN
John & Joy Hooper
John Breeden
Ms. Michele Breeden
Steve Brewer
Clois Snyder
James Bridgeman
John & Joy Hooper
Melvin Briley, Portland, TN
M/M Charles McCrory
Charles & Mary Ragsdale
Don & Patsy Turner
Dr. Burns Broadhead,
Orwysburg, PA
Lois Reichwein
D. C. Brock
Glynn & Mary Ellen Ingram
Linda St. John Brockington
N. L. & Nakita S. Brooks
Charles Wayne Brogon
Jane Hughes
Jean Brooks, Phoenix, AZ
Janice (Cheek) &
William Osborne
Mrs. Duene Broome,
Summerville, GA
Pete &Jean Ferguson
Albert Brown, West Virginia
Jackie Binderim
Claudine Brown
Edsel Brown
John A. Brown, Knoxville, TN
Addelee Brown
Mrs. Jimmie Brown, Linden, TN
Ken & Mary Culp
Mr. Brownback, Ft. Cobb, OK
Michael & Judith Krieger
Phillip Browning, Greenbrier, TN
Billy & Nell Johnson
Evelyn Bruketta, Oxnard, CA
Jim & Marge Gregory
Bill J. Brumlow, Huntsville, AL
Phyllis Rommens
E. J. Buck, Birmingham, AL
Bruce & Mary Sue Simpson
Emma Burchett
John & Joy Hooper
Hugh Burchett
John & Joy Hooper
Kent Burgess, Antioch, TN
Katharine G. Wood
Evelyn Burkett, Oxnard, CA
Virginia Mitchem
Roger & Joyce Hunley
Herman & Palestine Ramey
Wayne & Betty Williamson
Earl Burrow, Bethpage, TN
Willene Williams
Emmogene Butler
Bill & Jane Ann Sprague
Bruce Butterfield, Derby, KS
Willard & Yvonne Cox
Melvin Byrd, Florence, MS
David & Opal Seals
Christine Cain
McCoinsville Church of Christ
Charles Cantrell
John &Joy Hooper
Ruby Caplenor, Lebanon, TN
Bill & Frankie Hall
Ruby Ray Caplenor,
Lebanon, TN
Dan &Judy Kimbell
Ann B. Ferrell
Joan Carlon, Morrilton, AR
Lou Ann Carter
David Lee “DJ” Carlson
Church of Christ, Bigfoot, TX
Dora Carman, Lebanon, TN
Ruth Burris & Family
Dr. Michael E. Carroll, Chicago, IL
Janice Connally
Jack Carroll
Danny & Susan Carroll
Jane Carroll
John & Joy Hooper
Fannie Carswell
Betty Booher
Lewis Carter
Donald E. Obeholzer
Gene Casey
John & Edith Blount
Bruce H. Castleman,
Nashville, TN
Bruce W. & Mary J. Castleman
Jay Howard Catron,
Gallatin, TN
John & Frances Catron
Mack & Vida Catron, Gallatin, TN
John & Frances Catron
Edna Lou Chaffin
Nancy M. Langhans
Sara Virginia Chaney,
Nashville, TN
Wilma Butner & Claudia Sharafi
Jerry & Margie Shouse
John & Joy Hooper
Jane W. Christian, Portland, TN
Mr. C. E. Christian
Gregory (Greg) Keith Christy,
Henrietta, TN
Ken & Mary Culp
Hubert & Valetta Raines
Cathey Claiborne
Jane Hughes
Neil Clark
Jan & Jim Wood
Wayne & Verna Mae Clark
John H. Clark
Dan Clegg, Smyrna, TN
Vaughn (Ted) Abercrombie
Rebecca Click, Vernon, AL
M/M Glenn Chism
Nathan & Michelle Click
Eva Love Boshears Clifton
Dr. Emily C. Davis
Larry Clinton, Ormond Beach, FL
Van & Terri McMinn
Wilma Clinton
Jane Hughes
Elizabeth Coble
John & Kaye Johnson
Larimore Echols Cole
Bob Cole
Shirley Cole
Neil & Glenda Anderson
Grady & Frances Coleman
Celeste Green
James Coleman
Donna Fluty
Ron Coles
Trinity Lane Church of Christ
Lori Adell Reasonover Collins,
Clarksville, TN
Philip & Delores Coleman
Linda & Ernie Kelsey
JoAnn Reasonover
Willard & Ruth Collins,
Nashville, TN
Carole Demonbreun
Eugene Collingsworth,
Memphis, TN
Jerry &Janet Tarrant
Kevin Conder
Glenn & Doris Conder
Helen Cook
Nola Smith
Jack Cook, San Antonio, TX
Anson & Malvinee Jett
Fletcher & Mary Cooper,
Litchfield, CT
Vaughn ( Ted) Abercrombie
James Paul Cooper, Antioch, TN
Patricia C. Cooper
Dallas Corbin, Hobart, OK
Michael &Judith Krieger
Tom Cowart, Brentwood, TN
Darry & Juanita Ferguson
Doris Craighead,
Gainesboro, TN
Jim & Brenda Hawkins
Tim & Judy Chambers
Josh & Cyndi Blackburn
Arthur Cunningham, Florence, AL
Patricia Putnam
Katy Currey, Nashville, TN
Mrs. Reese Sims & Family
Margaret Curtis
John & Patti Miller
Joe N. Daggett
Mr. Jay Liles
Kenneth Dallas, Nashville, TN
Bill & Marie Garland
Teresa Clark
Rachel Dalton Davis,
Hartsville, TN
Steve &Julia Burrow
Louise Irene Deats
Donna Prince
Van Delk, Mt. View, OK
Michael & Judith Krieger
Homer & Annabel Delong,
Parkersburg, West VA
David & Crystal DeLong
Florence Demonia, Hartselle, AL
Phyllis Rommens
Dot Dewitt
Edith Cantrell
Emma Jane Pitt
Lela Mae Driver
Brad & Carol Cochran
Sarah C. Harrod
Harlen Dudley
Vonita M. Gray
Beulah Mae Lawson Dudney,
Madison, TN
Frankie Lyons
Joe L. Dudney
John Cason &Anthony &
Cherry Ramsey
Bob & Mary Jo Williams
Dr. & Mrs. E. M. Dudney
Larry & Kathy Dudney
Louise Dudney
Marion Dudney & George,
Susan Dudney & Family
Rita L. Jenkins
Robert & Carolyn Dudney
Doris Dudney,
Brentwood, TN
Mike & Betty Wiley
Margaret Dugger, Lithonia, GA
Marilyn Malphurs McKinney
Sara Duke
Melissa Duke Halliburton
God saw them getting tired, a
cure not meant to be, so He
put His arms around them,
and whispered “Come with
Nancy Dickerson,
Nashville, TN
Jacque Parkinson
Stanley C. Dickinson, Vermont
Thelma & Patricia A. Dickinson
Donna Dillard, Nashville, TN
Gregory & Judi Asadourian
Nola Smith
Alan & Brenda Owen
James Edward “Ed” Dillingham,
Shelbyville, TN
Kathryn K. Tolle
Thomas & Margaret Speelman
Tom & Phyllis Dillingham
Joe, Erin & Elena Park
Mike & Joyce Phillips
Steve Speelman
Robert & Mona Turgeon
Ruth Ann Kiger
Erma (Ta Ta) Doom,
North Carolina
Martha Sue McCain
Louise Dormer
C. E. & Veleta Pringle
Alma Downs, Tullahoma, TN
Elvie W. Coffman
Hal Doyle
Robert & Nancy Webb
Ron Drake, Escondido, CA
Ann Drake
Tyler Duke, Knoxville, TN
Justine Duke
Betty Duncan
Ken & Linda Dunham
Earl &June Escue
Frankie Lyons
P. Duncan, Nashville, TN
Charles & Sue Russell
Steve W. Dunn,
Nolensville, TN
Margurite Dunn
Dr. Paul R. Durham, Jasper, TX
Billy Don & Paula Curbo
Norma H. Dykes, Albany, GA
Joyce A. Jarrett
Mosaic Singles Bible Class @
Saturn Rd Church of Christ
Pamela K. Clements
Marily Malphurs McKinney
Milton & Elaine Earheart,
Nashville, TN
Johnnie M. Hedge
Dorothy Eaves, Franklin, TN
Nettie & David Langhans
M/M Ronald R. Mullens
Nancy M. Langhans
H. J. & Beatrice Eaves
Jasper & Gladys Rogers
Opal Ebest, Mt. Juliet, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
John Eckhardt, Brentwood, TN
E. L. & Tommy Sue Garrett
Harry & Alicia Nickens
Julia & Johnny Robinson
Stephen & June Centimole
Daniel Esslinger
Jesse Edwards
Robert & Nancy Webb
Sara Webb Elliott
Velma E. Cunningham
Richard W. Ellis
Dot E. Whitehead
Mark Alfred Ellmore, Jr.,
Smyrna, TN
Nancy M. Spivey
Ellmore-Brenton Family
Linda & Richard Troxel
Lisa Wallace
M/M Jonathan Taylor
Dorothy Brenton
Keith Brenton
Christy Machala & Linda Troxel
Michael & Carol Yinger
Dan, Elaine & Stephen Moss
Doris Hardaway
Tom Moss Family
Kirby & Judy Tedder
Billy Elrod
Verbon Ray Hill &
Mina Delbridge
Loe & Shirley Ely, Pigeon Forge, TN
Elaine Ely
Jack Emerson
Jackie Reed
Gloria English, N. Richland Hills, TX
Carolyn M. Martin
Delores P. Felts, Hermitage, TN
Edward Felts & Family
Jake Fickiesen, Newport, OH
Jim & Donna Boyce
Ruth Emmons Flippo
Darrell & Deena Trimble
Charley Flowers
Jackie G. Carter
Lee A. Forster, McEwen, TN
Mike & Kathy Higginbotham
Robert L. Forster
Beverly Quickell & other
work associates
Evelyn & Janice Brazzle
M/M J. M. Suddeath
Pat Averitt Family
Elders & Deacons of McEwen
Church of Christ
McEwen Church of Christ
Steven N. & Carol W. Moore
DuPont I & E, C/O Beverly Sterling
Bob & Betty Fought,
Parkersburg, West VA
Mike & Sandy Bungard
Lavern & H. B. Frank
Paul, Lisa, Jonathan &
Mark Ashurst
Lois Cochran Frawley, Nashville, TN
Martha & Paul Pfeil
Axel & Anna Frisk, Greeley, CO
Janice &Lyle Hastings
Buster Frisk, Greeley, CO
Janice & Lyle Hastings
Doris Frisk, Greeley, Co
Janice & Lyle Hastings
Herold Frisk, Greeley, Co
Janice & Lyle Hastings
Marian Frisk, Greeley, CO
Janice & Lyle Hastings
Mrs. Sam ”Susie” Fuller,
Columbia, TN
Delphia Orton
Margaret Gaddes, Nashville, TN
Barbara Burns
Ricky Gaither
M/M Charlie Hamlett
Dot Gammons, LaVergne, TN
Barbara & David Gambill
Delorese Gardner, Henderson, TN
Claudia Goodson
T. R. Garner, Searcy, AR
Christine Oswald
Connie Gately, Old Hickory, TN
James & Mert Ray
Roger & Joyce Hunley
Dickie & Carolyn Burris
Ken & Lori Mattox
James Gentry, Norman, OK
Michael & Judith Krieger
Polly George
Robert & Nancy Webb
Zelma George, Georgetown, TX
Max & Charlotte Hughes
Buddy Gill
Helen Smiley
Grady B. Givens, Fairview, TN
Margaret Givens
Billy Godwin, Iuka, TN
M/M Kenneth Davis
Albert Goins, Jr., Ashland City, TN
JoAnn Goins
Demps & Verlie Goodman
Dempsy & Glenda Goodman
James H. Goodwin, Springfield, TN
Bertie H. Worley
Mary Alice Gowan
William C. Hendrix, III
Jean Agee Graham
Shirley A. Hurst & Family
Nancy Grant, Oak Ridge, TN
Glenn Grant
Mildred Gray, Nova Scotia, Canada
Jesse & Freeda Knight
Patty Gray, Lori City, OH
Roger & Nancy Love
Beverly Grayson, Goodlettsville, TN
Janel Williams
Barbara Greehill
Neil & Glenda Anderson
Becky Raines Green
Parents, Hubert & Valetta Raines
Millie Green, Lawrenceburg, TN
Margurite Dunn
Virginia Gregory
John & Joy Hooper
Harold Grisham, Old Hickory, TN
Old Hickory Bunch
Raymond & Pauline Vinson
Donald L. Ground
Leonard & Patsy Ground Lee
Rosalyn A. Morris Gupton
Larry Mellinger, Harlan Electric Co.
Team Electric Supply, LLC
Russell C. Clemmer
Frances Gwinn, Nashville, TN
Charlie Dorris & Rose Mary &
Jim Reed
John & Donna Baldwin
Charles Edward Hackney
Lisa Wallace
Louise Hale, Antioch, TN
Ray & Oneda Edmundson
Jackie Haley, Rachel & Robin,
Woodbury, TN
Toopa & Family
Kerry Hall, White Bluff, TN
Larry & Vivian Witherow
Omer Hall
Patricia W. Hall
Nita Hammontree, Nashville, TN
Alan & Beverly Cullum
Carroll & Lucille Hanor
Douglas & Sandra McKinley
Morgan McKinley &
Hunter Wilcox
Dozier Haynie
Hubert & Valetta Raines
Norma M. Hays,
Goodlettsville, TN
Bob Murray & Carolyn Mitchell
Nancy Hebert, Goodlettsville, TN
Bob Murray & Carolyn Mitchell
Ron Hemingway
Betty M. Hemingway
W. T. Henderson
Elbert &Jean Hutchison
Betty R. Hendricks, Nashville, TN
Leasa J. Hendricks
Judy McKinney Hensley,
Marion, NC
Danny R. Masser
Janie M. Burns
Willie Herndon
Marie Herndon
Young Herndon
Marie Herndon
“For as in Adam all die, so in
Christ all will be made alive. But
each in his own time: Christ, the
firstfruits; then, when He comes,
those who belong to Him.”
- Paul writes to the Corinthians
James Hardin
Joyce Jones
Christine Burrow Harper,
Franklin, TN
Hyde Harper
Mary Susan Harper Jones &
David L. Poole
M/M Jimmy Aston
M/M Joseph R. Staler & Family
M/M Lynch Corley
Walter & Patricia Person
Danny & Pam Martin
M/M Robert Edwards
Mary Lou Harris
Jim & Marilyn Smith
Mildred Harris
Jim & Marilyn Smith
Estelle Harrison
Mrs. Jackie Reed
William M. Harrison, Smyrna, TN
Sondra Wilcox
Dan & Judy Kimbell
Herbert Hartman, Sayre, OK
Jan & Jim Wood
Mercer Harvey, Jacksonville, FL
Jesse & Freeda Knight
Betty Hassell
Mrs. Gray Kittrell
Hubert & Valetta Raines
Dewey Hawkins, Columbia, TN
William & Sharon Alsup
Bob Hayes, Cabot, AR
Jackie Binderim
Marie Hester, Adairville, KY
Ken & Mary Clulp
Harry Hicks, Hoxie, AR
Jackie Binderim
Marybeth Hicks
Jan & Jim Wood
Charles (Chuck) Hill, Nashville, TN
Kathleen Tice
Joshua Hardin Hill
Timothy M. Graves
Sara P. Hood
Freida Eades
Ruby Jean Hix, Westmoreland, TN
Dot Hix, Kevin & Dana
Katie Hixon, Willow Springs, MO
Gordon & Pat Warren
Miriam Holden
Agnes C. Haynes
Jane D. Harrison
Larry Holland, Goodlettsville, TN
Billy & Nell Johnson
Warner Holloway, Dalton, GA
Porter & Lavelle Marcus
Simon Honor, Lake City, FL
Jesse & Freeda Knight
Jessie Lou Vantrease-Gunter
Hooper, Nashville, TN
Dell & Gene Lewis
Donelson Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Sam Langford
SS Class, C/O Joyce Wise
Charles & Sue Russell
Vivian Stargel
Jessie Lou Vantrease-Gunter
Hooper, Nashville, TN
Curt & Gaye Hickey
Gregory & Karen Smith
Bill Houser, Parkersburg, West VA
Betty L. Houser
Neil Howard, Nashville, TN
Anne & Phil Smith
Willie Utoka Howard
Randall L. Howard
James Howell, Dalton, GA
Wilma N. Gibson
Ralph Hudson
Jim & Marge Gregory
Glenn Huff
Patricia W. Hall
Earl Huffine, Nashville, TN
Ray & Nancy Stribling
Venetta Humphrey,
Mammoth Springs, AR
Lorene Armstrong
Edward Hunnicutt
Juanita Burks
Barbara Hunter
Lucy Hunter
Tennie Hunter
Dale Smith Family
Jimmy & Linda Anderson
Jimmy & Brenda Hawkins
Kent Hutson
John & Joy Hooper
Annie Lou Jackson
Linda Wright
Jewell Jackson, Nashville, TN
Janel Williams
O. D. & Jessie B. Jackson
Bruce & Catherine Tanner
Neva James, Ravenden, AR
Lorene Armstrong
Clifton Janes, Franklin, KY
Evelyn Janes
Grace McClure
Keith Wilson
Phyllis W. Clark
Dorothy Jenkins
Dorothea J. Lafever
Elaine Jenkins, Clarksville, TN
David & Barbara McLaughlin
Jonathan Jenkins, Hurricane, West VA
Lewy & Judy Moore
Charles Jett
John & Joy Hooper
Charlie Jett, Tullahoma, TN
Walt & Melisha Berridge
Virginia Dale Jetton, Bigfoot, TX
Lester Jetton
Mr. Jetton
Darryl Jinkerson, Abilene, TX
Royce & Rudine Vickery
Archie & Mary A. Johnson
Marilyn J. Revell
Bob Johnson, Gainsboro, TN
Jo Helen Keith
Bob Johnson, Hernando, MS
M/M Nolen Kelly
Gene Johnson, Florida
Emily Young Hartman
Iva Nell Johnson
Lone Oak Church of Christ
Jack Johnson
Wanda N. Johnson
Robert Lee Johnson,
Gainesboro, TN
Corrine Carver &
Joann Williamson
Steve & Jane “Wooten” Murphy
John Cason & Anthony &
Cherry Ramsey
Johnnie Pruett
Jan Joines, Southaven, MS
Nancy M. Langhans
Fannie & Ocle Jones
Peggy J. Chatfield
Louise Jones, Nashville, TN
Jean S. Arnold
Shirley Jones
John & Joy Hooper
Viola Jones, Clayton, NC
Linda V. Brown
William S. “Casey” Jones,
Mount Juliet, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Ellen M. Powers
Ann Louise Joyce, Winchester, TN
Mildred & John Joyce
Sara Watkins Joyce,
Bell Buckle, TN
Juanita Anderson
Tom & Katherine McGill
Pat Thomas
M/M Marvin Vannatta, Jr.
Vaughn B. Whitman
Ella Katz
Betty Booher
Joseph Kays
Lisa Wallace
Louise Keen, Portland, TN
Buddy & Mary Ragsdale
Ida Marie Kelley
Steve & Bev Kelley
Shirley Putt Kelly, Tupelo, MS
M/M Steve A. Kelly
James P. Key, Ponca City, OK
Angie Austin
Mrs. Chelsea (Mary) Khone
Glynn & Mary Ingram
John & Patti Miller
Nancy Kidwell, W. Springfield, MA
Kidwell Electric
Shirley Carrier Kilburn
Bob & Margaret Saul
Gary Kincannon, Warren, MI
Phillip & Nancy Eichman
Bill Kirby, Gainesboro, TN
Paul Reed
Phyllis Anderson
Frances Anderson
Don Kirksey
Anne L. Wright
Fred J. Kittrell
Anne B. Kittrell
Eula (Babe) Knight, Jasper, TX
David & Opal Seals
Mary Elizabeth Knowles
Dr. & Mrs. Carroll Smith
Jake Kuntz, Hobart, OK
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Krieger
Homer Hayes Kuykendall
Neil & Glenda Anderson
Don & Connid Craig
Kenneth Lahti, Dunnellon, FL
Teresa Lahti
Trudi Lamond, Charlotte, NC
Willard & Yvonne Cox
Danny Lamp, Bentonville, AR
Dwane & Betty Casteel
Aldameda Landiss
Shipley & Leslie R. Landiss
John M. Lane, Wartrace, TN
Joy Troxler & Family
John Meakin Lane, Wartrace, TN
Jeral & Martha Mangrum
Anne L. Wright
Ruth & Charles Clark
Hazel & Herman Langhans
Nancy M. Langhans
Bobbie M. Langley, Brentwood, TN
Shirley & Larry Schmittou
Myrtis Iva Lankford, Fairview, TN
Ewin & Ruth Sullivan
Glenn Larsen, Lincoln, NE
Kathy Read
Lt. John Lawrence, Earth, TX
Ray & Brenda Helton
Doug Mader, Nashville, TN
Steve, Denise, Matthew &
Kayce Gill
Hannah Adkins Maness,
Perryville, AR
Susan Edens
Ephraim S. Mangrum,
Fairview, TN
Dorothy A. Mangrum
William Carlton Mangrum,
Fairview, TN
Jason & Christy Caudilll
Bill Mantlo, Greenbrier, TN
Jim & Shirley Orand
Mrs. Tommie Marlin
Richard & Mary Joyce Nicks
M/M Lee Marsh, Sr.
Ruth & William Patton
Stephen Lee Marsh
Ruth & William Patton
Donald Martin, Martinsville, VA
Bobby M. Saul
Donna Nell Martin, LaVergne, TN
Ewell Neal Martin
“If we live, we live to the Lord; and
if we die, we die to the Lord, So,
whether we live or die, we belong to
the Lord.”
- Paul writes to the Romans
John Lawson, Nashville, TN
Edna Walling
Jack, JoAnn & Chris Jones
Lorene Leebrick
Tom & Katherine McGill
Evelyn Leighton
Darrell & Deena Trimble
Philip Lewis
J. R., Jean & Karen Bailey
Robert E. Liggett
Dot E. Whitehead
Betty Ligon, KY
Doris F. Latta
Louise Little,
Brentwood, TN
Tana Little
Dr. James Loden
Mary Jo & John Tuley
Sondra Loftis,
Cookeville, TN
Marie Clark
Charles Buddy Logsdon,
Cave City, KY
Mrs. Jerry A. Logsdon
Nell Loiseau, Antioch, TN
Alice Tate
Jean P. Fordham
Johnny Lovell
Charles & Nancy Drake
Annie Ruth Luna
Tom & Katherine McGill
Richard G. Lynch, Waverly, West VA
Oma Jean Lynch
Jean Martin
Wayne & Judy Toombs & Grafton
& Mary Jean Baxter
Sue Ann Martin
Evelyn & Ed Wright
Thomas A. & Hilda A. Martin,
Old Hickory, TN
Rick, Barbara & Richard Arnold
Gerhard Marzahl, Clarkston, MI
Betty Marzahl
Evelyn Mason, Pulaski, TN
Jim & Linda Pantall
Mildred Mason
Era & Al Jaynes
Shelton Mason
Noah Church of Christ,
Manchester, TN
Juanita May
Lisa Wallace
Vernon F. May
Estelle May
Idell Mayberry, Centerville, TN
James & Lauraette Morrow
Gary Allan Mayhew
Adairville Church of Christ
Barbara J. McAdams,
Brentwood, TN
William W. McAdams
Michael McCarthy, Holiday, FL
Linda &Jim McCarthy
Cindy G. McClain,
Indianapolis, IN
Joseph B. McClain
Leon & Molly McClaran
Lisa Wallace
L. E. McClintock,
Cornersville, TN
Sherry McClintock
Benny McCormack
Jane & Tim McCormack
Lenny McCormack,
Hendersonville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Helen McCracken
Doris H. Murray
Jean McCulloch, Lebanon, TN
Eddie L. Beard
Jim & Marge Gregory
Sarah Matthews
Bob & Ann Jones
Bessie McDaniel, Mt. Juliet, TN
Faye Elam
Fred A. McDonald, Gallatin, TN
Josh & Amy Young
Lillian McGee, Portland, TN
Buddy & Mary Ragsdale
Mary Inez Smith McKelvey
Joyce Jones
Jeffrey D. McKinley, Dixon, KY
D. H. & S. K. McKinley,
Morgan McKinley &
Hunter Wilcox
Jim McKinley, Weirton, West VA
Darlene A. McKinley
Aubrey McNally, McPherson, KS
Pete &Jean Ferguson
J. Adam McSween,
Oak Harbor, WA
Angela Steed
Lamar Meeks, Burlington, NC
Ewin & Ruth Sullivan
Jewell Tant Mercer, Nashville, TN
Peggy & Bob McGowan & Family
Nancy Leathers
Mary Jewel Tant Mercer
Ladies’ Bible Class, Charlotte
Heights Church of Christ
Mary Ellen Merritt, Nashville, TN
M/M Nolen Kelly
Robert Merritt, Northfolk, VA
Mrs. John R. Garton
Louis J. Metzger,
Dowingtown, PA
Mary L. Metzger
Harlan & Edna Meyer
John H. Meyer
Carthel Miller, Choctaw, OK
Ron & Norma Hanks
Doug Miller, North Olmsted, OH
Martha & Keith Loeffler
Mrs. Miller
Michael &Judith Krieger
Brett Minchey, Lafayette, TN
Mark & Joan Grace
Bonnie Mitchell
Betty L. McCommons
Frances Marie Mitchell
Deborah G. Quigley
Connor Mobley, Southaven, MS
William & Margaret Ferguson
Austin Moody, Madison, TN
Dale & Donna Fluty
Austin Peay Moody, Goodlettsville, TN
Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Office
Of Regional Counsel
Elaine Moon, Nashville, TN
John & Joy Hooper
Nola Smith
Joe & Jewel Cottrell
M/M Nolen Kelly
James W. Moore, Brentwood, CA
June Johnston
June Moore
Alinda Moorer, Mt. Juliet, TN
Joe L. Dudney
John Cason
Jeffrey Paul Morgan
Emery & Geneva Morgan
Rebecca Morgan,
Nashville, TN
Frankie Lyons
Ann Hackett
Susan Morton, Waynesboro, TN
Donald & Linda Nutt
Ralph Murphy, Imboden, AR
Wayne & Carolyn Herring
Mary S. Myers, Montgomery, AL
Martha Grubb
Mary Nance, Beaumont, TX
James & Medley Coatney
Ramon A. Nelms, Nashville, TN
Bob & Ann Jones &
Marie Killion
Employees of Carquest
auto parts
Charles Nelson, Jr.
Gary & Cathy Jody
Jennifer Nelson
Nell Nelson
Daniel H. Newbrough,
Winchester, VA
Louise E. Newbrough
Louise Newton, Sikeston, MO
Dickie & Carolyn Burris
Pauline Nicks, Nashville, TN
Ladies Bible Class, Charlotte
Heights Church of Christ
Betty A. Norris, Nutter Fort, West VA
Kenneth H. Norris
Louis Nunnley
Doris H. Murray
Kathy Nutt, Goodlettsville, TN
Janel Williams
Ida Mae Oldaker
Wilma N. Gibson
Dorothy (Dot) Throneberry O’Neal
Albert & Pam Knox
Loy & Ellen Fulford
Donna Beard & Claudine Caldwell
Britney Orndorf-Waycaster,
Murfreesboro, TN
Nancy S. McAdon
Marjorie Overby
Brad & Carol Cochran
Ella Moore Owen, Portland, TN
Charles & Mary Ragsdale
Roy K. Pace, Greenbrier, TN
Mrs. Roy K. Pace
Wayne & Mary Packard
Mark N. Novak
Willie B. Palmer,
Bowling Green, KY
Sue Evans
Rodrick Alexander Pantin, NY
Jesse & Freeda Knight
Joe Parham
Virginia & Porter McKay
Phyllis Paris, Rocky Mountain, NC
Willard & Yvonne Cox
Dorothy Parker
Jane Hughes
Ronald Parkinson,
Goodlettsville, TN
Jacque Parkinson
Leon Parks
Nancy M. Langhans
Clara, Perry & Clyde Parnell
Carolyn J. Jennings
Foster Parsley, Columbus, OH
Jesse & Freeda Knight
John Russell Pearl, Nashville, TN
Charlotte, Mullins, Bob &
Martha Delozier
Jean & Perry Burch
Kenneth Peck, Oakdale, CA
Marlene Peck
Jeannette Penuel,
Waverly, TN
Tina Penuel
Charley & June Perciual,
Lathrop, CA
Irvine B. Willson
Ronnie Perdue,
Portland, TN
Buddy & Mary Ragsdale
Leora Pettit
M/M Bill Pettit
“If you love me, you will obey
what I command. And I will ask
the Father and He will give you
another Counselor to be with you
- Jesus comforts His disciples with the promise to
send the Holy Spirit Who will be with them forever
Floyd Parsley, Madison, TN
Janel Williams
Doug Pate, Ringold, LA
M/M Bobby G. Basford
Dovie Anne Pate
Ladies’ Bible Class, Charlotte
Heights Church of Christ
Herman Pate
Dorothy Baskin
Martha Patterson, Lester, AL
Phyllis Rommens
Burley Paul, Chattanooga, TN
Edna Walling
John Russell Pearl, Nashville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Bill & Jane McMurray
Charles & Betty Tucker
Dairy King Restaurant,
The Jones Family
Dell & Gene Lewis
Friends at Vultee:
Helen Johnson
Reba McMahon
Elsie Mason
Mary Davis
Roberta Irwin
Debby Gill
Darrel Hason
Kathy Shacklett
Nancy Jackson
Norma & Raymond Hunter
Betty Melton
Phyllis & Michele Haley
Kent Hunter
Harry & Joann Hix
Anne Smith
Gary & Shirley Tucker
Floyd E. Petty, Hermitage, TN
Michael & Shannon Morrison
Rachel A. Petty
Ben & Ila Phillips, Nashville, TN
Terry & Peggy Bebout
Melvin Piercey, Lebanon, TN
William E. & Frankie C. Hall
Jeff & Tammy Haskins
Aaron & Jewell Pippin,
Bloomington Springs, TN
Jan J. Pippin
Phyllis Pirtle,
Chattanooga, TN
Raymond H. Pirtle
Terry L. Pitts, Cordova, TN
Dot Whitehead
Katie Polk, Franklin, TN
Betsy & Thomas Fiveash
Jeanette Potts, Nashville, TN
The Bender Family
Tim, Susan, Joshua, Caleb,
Rebekah & Benjamin Lloyd
James Presley, Cookeville, TN
Walter & Peggy Fitzpatrick
Jimmy Preston
Freida Eades
June Proctor
John & Joy Hooper
Roger Proffit, Cave City, KY
Jim & Marge Gregory
Fred Pruett
McCoinsville Church of Christ
Elizabeth Ann Pruitt,
Goodlettsville, TN
Buford & Peggy Putman
Mable Mea Pryor
Jim & Helen Jones Costello
Odell & Geneva Pryor
Gara A. Pryor
Rose Pryor
Gara A. Pryor
Inis Puckett
Jim & Marilyn Smith
Ada Pugh
Harry & Sue Summers
Joe Pugh
M/M David Moss
David & Ginny (Moss) Green
May Pugh, Goodlettsville, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Ada Pugh
Frankie Lyons
Willie Lane
Andrew G. Putman, Joelton, TN
Dudley & Sue Fortner
Buford & Peggy Putman
Jack Douglas Rainey, Sr.,
Brentwood, TN
Jason Tidwell
O’Fallon Rains, Nashville, TN
Pauline Lawing
E. T. Rawls
John & Joy Hooper
Charles Redfield, Smyrna, TN
Glenn & Lois Foutch
Thelma Redmon, Smithville, TN
Dorothy & Clayton Adcock
Patty Reed, Antioch, TN
Dan, Elaine & Stephen Moss
Morton Renegar, Shelbyville, TN
Tom & Katherine McGill
Vaughn B. Whitman
Mary Rhodes, Little Hocking, OH
David & Crystal DeLong
V. H. Rice, Hermitage, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
June Steffey
Dorothy Rich, Boise, ID
Valley County Church of Christ
Nelda Richards, Millport, AL
Foy & Peggy Curry
Leon Richardson
Barbara R. Weatherspoon
Floyd Ricketts
Harold & Lynn Edwards
Miriam & Chris Edwards
Linda Gail Ridge
Ladies’ Bible Class, Charlotte
Heights Church of Christ
Kelvin Ridley, Nashville, TN
Linda M. Ogg
Rufus Riggan, Lebanon, TN
Janel Williams
Maude Rippy
Buford & Peggy Putman
Cleveland Rix, Jr.,
Sugarland, TX
David & Cheri Rix
Mabel Robarts, Murfreesboro, TN
Regenia Grissom
Gladys Roberson
Ladies’ Bible Class, Charlotte
Heights Church of Christ
Mattie L. Hartman
Brenda Robinson, Mt. Juliet, TN
Bill & Sandra McBroom
Lindsey Robinson, Lynnville, TN
Joe & Jewel Cottrell
Warren Rose, Olympia, WA
Rick, Lynnette & Courtney
Herz & Doris Cook
Sessions Family
Mary Loofburrow
Mary Eileen Rotenberry, Nashville, TN
Janice Carruth
Howard & Heelan Barlow
Ken & Lori Mattox
Lucille Gresham
Buford & Peggy Putman
Betty Halcomb Rouse, Adairville, KY
Dr. Heather N. Willis
Earl, Avis, Earl, Jr., &
Heather Willis
Adairville Church of Christ
Bud Riggins & Family
Joel & Tracey Armistead
John Lee & Shirley Barnes
Julia D. Starks
Martha Starks
Mildred Moseley
M/M Joe Chapman
M/M Louis Stuart
Ann Levinson
Larry Levinson Family & the
Griffins Roger & Mary Ross,
Dusty & Monica Ross,
Brandon & Kiloloh Ross
Mary Mabry
Tommy & Shelia Price
W. L. Moore, Mark & Janie
Wilkinson Family
Will & Irma Flowers
Ray & Sug Childers
Pete & Sarah Flowers
Curtis Rowe
Jan &Jim Wood
Jack Rubly, McMinnville, TN
Joyce Hudson
John W. & Norma Russell
Mr. Kim Russell
Gertrude Ryan, Nashville, TN
Wayne & Shirley Lovell
Jean Stewart Rye, McEwen, TN
Caleb Winstead
James Sanders
M/M John Eckhardt
Viola Sanders
Peytonsville Church of Christ
Sandy Casualties
J. R., Jean & Karen Bailey
Lacona Dickey
Helen M. Sargent
M/M Carl W. Cheatham
Bea Sarver, Morton, IL
Frank Sarver
Gail Schenk, Scotland, TX
Donna Catteau
Shirley Schillinger, Slidell, LA
Mildred A. Tymkiw
Sandra Williams Schou,
Nashville, TN
Alice Marr Williams Temple
Mrs. Addie W. Glenn
Berniece Seay
William E. Gordon
Mary Lou Selbo
Janice Carruth
Gerald “Jerry” Sessions,
Yakima, WA
Mary Loofburrow
Verna Mae Sessions
John (Johnny) Shelton, Charlotte, TN
Jean Smith
M/M Axel Swang
Gerald E. Shockley
Judith E. Shockley
Mack Short, Ringold, LA
M/M Bobby G. Basford
Julie Shumard
Alan & Patricia Shumard
Blake Sickles
Maxie Sickles
David Simpson,
Nolensville, TN
Terry & Peggy Bebout
Margaret Simpson, Hernando, MS
M/M Nolen Kelly
Sterling & Kathleen Simpson
Terry & Peggy Bebout
Dana Raines Hill Spann,
Nashville, TN
Parents, Hubert & Valetta Raines
Betty R. Coltharp
Dixie Spaulding, Romance, AR
Romance Church of Christ
Wennice Spencer, Starkville, MS
M/M Royce L. Frederick
Buddy Spiva, Madison, TN
Kenneth & Edna Netherton
Chris Springer, Memphis, TN
Darlene & Marion Phy
David Hugh Stacey, Jr.,
McMinnville, TN
Peggy L. McClendon
Johnny Stamper, Burns, TN
Emma Hall & Carol &
Brian Ragan
Edna Stanley
Wilma N. Gibson
Mary Frances Stanley, Nashville,TN
Robert & Brenda Rowlett
“For the Lord Himself will come down from
heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of
the archangel and with the trumpet call of God,
and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that,
we who are still alive and are left will be caught
up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord
forever. Therefore encourage each other with
these words.”
- Paul comforts the Thessalonians
Cecila Sinclair, Brandon, FL
Don Fraas
Jim Sisk
Leonard & Sheila Morris
Phillip A. Skinner, Texas City, TX
Nellie Skinner
Bill Smith, Fountain Inn, SC
Mauldin Church of Christ
Bobby Smith, Shelbyville, TN
Charles & Rita Armstrong
Tom & Katherine McGill
Dr. Jay J. Smith, Nashville, TN
Henry & Dorothy Smith
Neil & Glenda Anderson
Anne Pierce
Hugh Smith
John & Lora Leigh Heath
Julie Smith, Hendersonville, TN
Kirby & Judy Tedder
June Smith, Hobart, OK
Michael & Judith Krieger
Ken Smith, Shelbyville, TN
Doris A. Smith
Melvin & Virgie Smith, Gallatin, TN
John & Frances Catron
Steve Smithson
Nancy M. Langhans
Terry Michael Smithson
Jean Henderson
Charlotte Snyder, Fremont, CA
Patricia & Don Lancaster
James Stann
Janice Carruth
Glenda Steed
Clyde & Nancy Barber
Jeff Stephens, Nashville, TN
Nelson & Janis Eddy
Leslie W. Steward, Greeley, CO
Janice & Lyle Hastings
Robert R. Steward, Greeley, CO
Janice & Lyle Hastings
Martha Stewart
M/M Bill Pettit
Evangeline Stinnett,
Nashville, TN
Mary L. Linn
Loretta Ellison
Leonard Stinson
Mrs. David P. deRoode
Theo Stone, Buna, TX
Avis L. Perello
Peggy Stone
Frank Stover, Wauseon, OH
Northwest Church of Christ
Elizabeth Street, Decatur, AL
Phyllis Rommens
Jo Stricker
Rita A. Gotcher
Dalton Stroop
Robert & Nancy Webb
Leroy Stroup, Hutchinson, KS
Herbert & Betty Franklin
Katie Strunk, Alabama
Dirk & Kathy Strunk
Johnny & Darlene Henderson,
“Nana & Papa”
Viola & Wallace Sullivan
John & Ann Sullivan
Alberta Sumney, Mulberry, TN
Debra Shepeard
Dan Sutherland, Camp, AR
Lorene Armstrong
Buddy Suttle
John & Joy Hooper
Ruby Sutton
John & Joy Hooper
Delores Swanson, Roosevelt, OK
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Krieger
Bedford Stanley Tallant
Lisa Wallace
Joe & Jewel Cottrell
Howard & Heelan Barlow
Macie Tate, McMinnville, TN
Ladies Bible Class, Charlotte
Heights Church of Christ
Patsy Phy
Marie Lyell Taylor
Debbie M. Housel
Catherine A. Thweatt
Larry Tebo, Milwaukie, OR
Carol Tebo
Betty Teel
John & Joy Hooper
Reba Temple
Bob & Nancy Medaugh
Carol Harris Thomas,
Mount Juliet, TN
Jim & Marge Gregory
Virginia Michem
Barbara Burns
Evelyn Force
Evelyn Truex Thomas
Helen Truex Doyle
Edward Thornton, Decatur, AL
Phyllis Rommens
Jeanette Tidwell
Dudley & Joan Jones
Rollo Tinkler
Louise S. Tinkler
To Loved Ones
Helen Bailey
Jerry Townsend
Elbert & Ardell Robinson
Jim Towry
Margurite Dunn
Harold Trent
Cora G. Johnson
Betty Tucker
Susan Beasley
Milan Tucker
Robert & Nancy Webb
Barbara Taylor Tuley
Mary Jo & John Tuley
Grady & Birdie Turnbow
Theresa Lynch
Minnie Bea Ursery
Dottie Smith
Christine Shelby Vaden,
Nashville & Union City, TN
Newburgh Church of Christ
Tommy & Elizabeth Wicker
Christine Shelby Vaden,
Nashville & Union City, TN
James Barry Faden
Michael, Jill & Sarah Shelby
Mrs. Marion M. Jones
Ronald & Alice Huffman
John & Anna Laura King
Exchange St. Church of Christ
Clyde Donald Van Pietersom,
Lebanon, TN
Raymond & Pauline Baldwin Vinson
Barbara Vance
John & Joy Hooper
Floyd Ray Vandiver, Columbia,TN
H. Duane & Kay Allen
Timothy Gordon, MD
Lynwood & Betty Burkhalter
Billy & Mary Martin
David L. Bell
Jule & Pat Wenk
Hope & Maggie Vann
Ruth & William Patton
Della Vanscoy
Howard & Heelan Barlow
Lisa Wallace
Windell Vickery, Savannah, TN
Robert & Alison Shackelford
Robert & Harriet Clements Villines
Jerry, Loretta & Tim Winters
Frank Waggoner
Ernest & Pamela Bond
Ann Walker, Rockvale, TN
Jim Walker
Helen Walker
Connell & Rachel Frizzell
Sara Walker, Nashville, TN
M/M Lynch Corley
Sue Waller
John & Joy Hooper
Blythe Walton
Spring Hill Church of Christ,
Spring Hill, TN
Howard L. Ward
Sylvia R. & Douglas
Craig Ward
Owen Warren,
Nolensville, TN
Lloyd & Frances Linton
M/M Don E. Loftis &
Catherine R. Loftis
Robert Washington
George & Polly Jones
Berkley G. Watson, Jr.,
Lewisburg, TN
Janice & William Osborne
William Watson, Gallatin, TN
Charles & Kay McCrory
Buddy & Mary Ragsdale
Ralph & Patricia Webb,
Stanley, NC
M/M Michael Keever
J. T. West, Westmoreland, TN
Red Boiling Springs Church
of Christ
Bill White, St. Marys, VA
Dixie Harper
Bob White,
Memphis, TN
Tommy Roberson
Elva A. White
Glenna Cain
Howard White
Ayleen Boyett &
Judith B. Champagne
Emma Jean Robinson Whitson,
Madison/Nashville, TN
Bob Murray & Carolyn Mitchell
Alice & Jean Van Hook
Helen Van Hook
Neil & Glenda Anderson
Pinnacle Financial Partners,
Nashville, TN
Cynthia A. Dahlgren
Jim & Barbara Hopper
Emma Jean Robinson Whitson
Music City Chapter of the
TN National Guard Assoc.
Aliene Fann
Trinity Lane Church of Christ
John & Donna Baldwin
Dot Whorley
T.P.S. Church of Christ,
Sunday School Teachers
Estill Williams, Athens, AL
Phyllis Rommens
Roszelle Williams, Murray, KY
Jennifer Clemens
Ruth Williams,
Shelbyville, TN
Joy Troxler
Wallace E. Williams,
Nashville, TN
Mary Williams
Bruce W. & Mary J. Castleman
James Willoughby,
Lapeer, MI
Michael &Jill Daiuto
Don Bruce Winters
Jerry, Loretta & Tim Winters
Francis Witt,
Franklin, TN
M/M Ronald R. Mullens
Thomas (Tom) E. Womack,
Mount Juliet, TN
Tru Color Litho, Inc &
The Daws Family
Wilma B. Moore & Family
Dot Womack
Bill & Clara Pharris
Charles & Sue Russell
DeWayne & Sue Griffin
Evelyn Force
Gail & Clayton Reeve
Hardison, Englert, Rader &
Co., P.C.
Thomas (Tom) E. Womack,
Mount Juliet TN
Janice Carruth
Jim & Marge Gregory
Paula Gower
Rachel Petty
William & Judy McDaniel
Tom Womack
Cindy Wood
Tommy & Michelle Bolden
Johnny Woodard,
Knoxville, TN
Elvie Coffman
Lawrence Wooden,
Murfreesboro, TN
Helen Alsup
Buford &Juanita Gregory
Charles Woods, Franklin, TN
Darden & Ann Davis
Scottie & Ruth Ann Williams
Leota & Dawn Woods
Rondall Woods
Margaret Woods
Brad & Carol Cochran
James Wright
James & Mert Ray
Melinda Wright,
St. Marys, West VA
MaryJoyce Banhart
William Wright, Yakima, WA
Mary Lou, Dick, Jim, David
Loofburrow & Kay Windor
Rollie Wrightsman, Lima, OH
Mert Campbell
Jean York,
Nashville, TN
John York & Family
Young Nephew of Steve &
Tami McCall in Ohio
Art & Laquita Searles
Cyndy Zimmerle
Jane Hughes
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Gale & Joan Adams, Troy, MO
Rod & Susan Dollins
All First Responders
Jean Watts
All those who started Disaster
Relief & Volunteers
Carmie W. Green
All Veterans
Bill & Carolyn Terry
All Volunteers helping in
Disasters (in appreciation)
Thomas B. & Katherine T. McGill
All who work in God’s name
Ira & Barbara Weatherspoon
Mary Andrews, Lawrenceburg, TN
Happy 87 Birthday!
Charlie & Linda Markus
Ray Ashby, Decatur, AL
Ray Ashby Sunday School
Melissa & Robert Atkinson,
Abilene, TX
The Donleys
Viola Augustin, Loretto, TN
Happy 93 Birthday!
Charlie & Linda Markus
Jackie Baldwin, Adairville, KY
Adairville Church of Christ
Auditorium Bible Class
Mark & Cindy Barker,
Readyville, TN
Wedding Anniversary!
Juanita Burks
Max &Janet Barlett,
Vinemont, AL
Merry Christmas!
John & Sharon Symonds
Arthur Bartlett, Nashville, TN
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Cathy Bartlett
Kenneth & Vickie Bates &
Family, Hohenwald, TN
Merry Christmas!
Grace Pace & Family
M/M Tom Batey, Maryville, TN
Gini & Scott Batey
M/M John E. Baylor
Jerry & Elaine Good
Karen & Rodney Benson
Merry Christmas!
Cecila Bow
Berry’s Chapel Church of Christ
Elders, Franklin, TN
Henrietta Vaughn
Kevin & Chaney Billips, Hiram, GA
Jack & Beth Vanderpool
Steve Bills, Normandy, TN
In honor of serving as an
Elder for 12 years!
Walt & Melisha Berridge
Karl Binderim, Cabot, AR
Merry Christmas!
Jackie Binderim
Wilford & Margaret Bonnell,
Nixa, MO
50 Anniversary!
Gordon & Pat Warren
Milton & Eileen Brack,
Jasper, TX
Merry Christmas!
Sandy & Bill Snelson
Ezell Harding Christian School
Terry & Peggy Bebout
The Gooch Family, Troy, TN
Merry Christmas!
Melissa & Allen Stewart
Kenneth & Wanda Farris, Winchester,TN
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Farris
M/M William Ferrell, Louisville, KY
66 Wedding Anniversary!
Laquita Searles
Ed & Lynn Few, Jasper, TX
Merry Christmas!
Sandy & Bill Snelson
M/M Virgil Fiske, Windsor, CO
In appreciation!
M/M A. Spensieri
Ray Doug Flatt, Mount Juliet, TN
Aaron & Mary Jones
Cindy Wright Freeman,
Anne L. Wright
Friends & Neighbors
Helen Williams
Lawrence & Joy Fugett,
Oklahoma City, OK
Wedding Anniversary!
Michael & Judith Krieger
M/M Butch Fussell, Troy, TN
Merry Christmas!
Cynthia & Allen Gooch
Ben & Ayden Gambill, Nashville, TN
- Paul confirms to the Philippians the
Love you! Poppa!
ability of the Holy Spirit
Arthur C. Bartlett
J. B. & Eva Gammon, Old Hickory,TN
70 Wedding Anniversary!
Rachel A. Petty
James & Mert Ray
Craig & Susan D’Apolito
Donald & Nancy Burke,
Dickie & Carolyn Burris
Franklin, TN
Merry Christmas!
Roger & Joyce Hunley
Cecila Bow
My wonderful parents!
Lee & Carla Davis, Johnson City, TN Wheeler & Harrison Geddie,
Tracy Burke Young
Northport, AL
Jeff, Gretchen, Coleman &
Raymond Burleson, Cullmon, AL
Caleb Davis
John & Sharon Symonds
Merry Christmas!
Vince, Dana, Craig &
Josh & Becky Dennis,
Kathy Butler, Portland, TN
Connor Newbill
Leavenworth, KS
Charles & Kay McCrory
Rosemarie George, Gastonia, NC
M/M Fred Carnes,
Merry Christmas!
Jackie Binderim
Columbus, GA
In appreciation!
Patricia Small
Wayne Dowdy, Mountain View, AR
Merry Christmas!
Dannie Gingerich
Alan & Carol Fonville
In appreciation!
The Flanigan Brothers
Bobby & Sara Carroll,
In appreciation!
Scott & Martha Blomeley
Joe L. Dudney, Brentwood, TN
Waynesboro, TN
Gladeville Church of Christ,
Jesse & Linda Gough
Merry Christmas!
Mt. Juliet, TN
Jim & Helen Jones Costello
Grace Pace & Family
Charles & Myra Nickolaus
Cliff Chandler, Kingston, TN
Seasonal Gift!
Bill W. Speight
Gene & Hilda Durham,Hohenwald,TN
Happy 90 birthday!
Larry Bouldin
Joann Goins, Ashland City, TN
Merry Christmas!
Grace Pace & Family
Chris Christie
Merry Christmas!
Janice Durham, Jasper, TX
Macey C. Holcomb
Bill &Jane McMurray
Billy Don & Paula Curbo
Helen Church, Nashville, TN
Allen C. & Cynthia Gooch, Troy, TN
Clay & Lisa Dye, Tullahoma, TN
Rand & Sandy Gooch
Merry Christmas!
Walt & Melisha Berridge
James Calloway
Daniel Gooch, Troy, TN
M/M Dennis Dye, Fortson, GA
M. J. & Shirley Clark, Jasper, TX
Rand & Sandy Gooch
Gladys Gooch, Smyrna, TN
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
Sandy & Bill Snelson
James E. Harris
Missy, Kathy & Margaret Eakin,
Joanne & Gerald Coggin,
Katie Gooch, Troy, TN
Shelbyville, TN
Murfreesboro, TN
Rand & Sandy Gooch
Charles & Rita Armstrong
Rand & Sandy Gooch,
40 Wedding Anniversary!
Robert & Nancy Webb
Olga H. Eckman, Colonial Heights,VA
Denver, CO
Anna Eisner
Columbus Ave. Church of Christ
Merry Christmas!
Nell Ellis, Pearland, TX
Family, Newton, KS
Melissa & Allen Stewart
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Greetings!
Sandy & Bill Snelson
Margaret Lambert
Velma & Al Bradshaw, Nashville,TN
Merry Christmas!
Agnes Wells
Karn Brandon, Port Orchard, WA
Eugene & Laura Gerard
Ken & Lois Brown, Redwood City, CA
Ed & Melba Fitton
Kathryn Brown, Nashville, TN
Maydene H. Asbury
Jonah B. Brusel, Nashville, TN
Katharine Wood
Ms. Vallie Buden, Troy, TN
Merry Christmas!
Cynthia & Allen Gooch
Carolyn Bullock, Okeechobee,FL
In Appreciation, Jenny Johnson
Perry & Jean Burch, Nashville, TN
Merry Christmas!
Bill & Jane McMurray
Lisa Burgess & Family, Cookeville, TN
In appreciation!
William & Inez Dunn
Kerry Couch, Columbia, TN
Charlene Holloway
David & Amalia Cox,
Alexander, AR
Merry Christmas!
Jackie Binderim
M/M Curtis W. Cox, Lebanon, VA
Keith & Cheryl Schramm
Dianne Cozart, Lebanon, TN
In Appreciation!
Mildred Bilbrey
M/M Jerry Craft, Columbus, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
Connie C. Craig,
Murfreesboro, TN
Paul & Elizabeth Kellett
M/M John Crump, Columbus, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
Cullman Ch of Christ, Cullman, AL
Frank & Jeanenne Skinner
“Now to him who is able to do
immeasurably more than all we ask or
imagine, according to his power that
is at work within us.”
DECEMBER 2012 (continued)
Rebecca Gooch, Troy, TN
Rand & Sandy Gooch
Dempsey & Glenda Goodman,
Hohenwald, TN
Merry Christmas!
Grace Pace & Family
JoAnn Goodman,
Nolensville, TN
Friendship Canasta Club
Libby Woods
Ramona Gossett, Nashville, TN
Friendship Canasta Club
Libby Woods
Shirley Granstaff,
Hendersonville, TN
Happy Birthday!
Mary Ann McClarin
Bo & Linda Gray, Marietta, GA
Jack & Beth Vanderpool
Libby & Gary Gray, Villa Rica, GA
Jack & Beth Vanderpool
Pat Gray, Rochester, NY
In appreciation for a
Donna M. Prince
Ricky & Stacy Gray,
Powder Springs, GA
Jack & Beth Vanderpool
Myrna Green,
Mountain View, AR
In appreciation!
Mary Anne Hayes
James Greer, Port Orchard, WA
Eugene & Laura Gerard
Marie Grimes, Nashville, TN
Happy Birthday &
Merry Christmas!
Grace Pace & Family
Bonnie Gross, Gallion, AL
Get Well Wishes!
Helen & Don Launderdale
M/M Charlie Guy, Troy, TN
Merry Christmas!
Cynthia & Allen Gooch
Thomas Hale, Ashland City, TN
Merry Christmas!
Douglas Wyatt & Family
Bill & Frankie Hall, Watertown, TN
Seasons Greetings!
Doris H. Murray
Jeremy & Rachel Hall, Woodbury,TN
Helen Davenport
Pam Hardison
Merry Christmas!
Cecila Bow
M/M Chad Hargett, Columbus, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
Woody Harris,
Hendersonville, TN
Norman Slate
Jerry Head, Mena, AR
M/M A. J. Purswell
Jean Henderson, Franklin, TN
Paul &Jody Krech
Leasa Hendricks, Nashville, TN
Betty Crowell
Lillian Henson, Nashville, TN
Merry Christmas!
Bill &Jane McMurray
Joann Goins
M/M Tommie Herring,
Baytown, TX
Retirement from serving
as Elder for 30 years!
Kathy Read
Jan & John Hester,
Murfreesboro, TN
Danny & Michelle Alexander
Sylvia Q. Hickey, Nashville, TN
An Anonymous Donor
James & Von Hill, Carlisle, AR
Merry Christmas!
Jackie Binderim
Ruby Holley, Wilson, NC
Cynthia Fredette
M/M Rick Holmes, Cataula, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
Teresa Wright Horne,
Charleston, TN
Anne L. Wright
M/M Tony Keith, Columbus, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
MSgt. Stephen M. Kelly, USAF
Mulvane, KS
Linda V. Kelly
Robert & Mary Ann King,
Nashville, TN
Merry Christmas!
Gary & Robin Brunette
Wally Lancaster,
Goodlettsville, TN
Edith Smith
“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet
life, to mind your own business and to
work with your hands, just as we told
you, so that your daily life may win the
respect of outsiders and so that you will
not be dependent on anybody.”
- Paul advises the Thessalonians
Cal Hubbard, Murfreesboro, TN
Best wishes on retirement!
Dwane & Betty Casteel
M/M Jerry Dallas
Jim & Marge Gregory
Fred Hudgins, Fairview, TN
Happy Birthday!
Tracy & Terri Lampley
Fred & Nora Hudgins, Fairview, TN
Merry Christmas!
Tracy & Terri Lampley
Fred & Nora Hudgins, Fairview, TN
Merry Christmas, Papa & Mother!
Chris, Tara, Nathan, Grace,
Hannah, & Noah King
James Fred Hudgins, Fairview, TN
Happy New Year!
Nora Marie Hudgins
Lucy Hunter, Hughson, CA
O. D. & Louise House
Ernest & Mary Jameson,Houston,TX
Pauline D. Bankston
Al & Kaye Jensen, Jacksonville, AR
Merry Christmas!
Jackie Binderim
Carl Johnson, Happy Birthday!
Ruth T. Hill
Irvin & Susan Jones, Rockmart, GA
Jack & Beth Vanderpool
Mary Judkins, Peoria, IL
In appreciation!
Don & Shelly Essig
Brandon Karn, Port Orchard, WA
Eugene & Laura Gerard
Neil & Annabelle Lawrence,
Nashville, TN
Merry Christmas!
Bill &Jane McMurray
M/M Ed Leibner, St. Charles, MO
Rod & Susan Dollins
M/M William J. Leslie,
Kerrville, TX
In Appreciation!
Comfort Church of Christ
M/M Al Leverett, Cataula, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
David Levy, W. Windsor, NJ
Judy Levy
Judy Levy, W. Windsor, NJ
Adam Levy
Nancy Lewis, Palm Springs, CA
Happy Birthday!
Donna M. Prince
Chester & Debbie Little,
Clarksville, TN
Tana Little
Aaron Neil Lowe,
Murfreesboro, TN
Happy Birthday!
Patricia Anne Lowe
Ashley Lowe, Christiana, TN
Patricia Anne Lowe
Chris Marcus, Beavercreek, OH
Charlene Holloway
Lee & Ann Marsh,
Nashville, TN
Burns & Alice Cooper
M/M Alex Martinez, Spring Hill, TN
Mom & Dandy
Sarah Matthews, Mount Juliet, TN
Happy Birthday!
Mildred Bilbrey
M/M Mike McCage, Troy, TN
Merry Christmas!
Cynthia & Allen Gooch
Mary Ann McClarin, Nashville, TN
John M. & Shirley V. Granstaff
M/M Frank McCreary, Brentwood, TN
Lucille Stellingwerf
Fred & Carolyn McDuffie, Jasper, TX
Merry Christmas!
Sandy & Bill Snelson
Mark McInteer, Nashville, TN
Lynn & Tommy Burnett
Dr. & Mrs. McKinney, Tyler, TX
Merry Christmas!
Sandy & Bill Snelson
M/M Booth McKinney, Fortson, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
M/M Bill McMurray, Greenbrier, TN
Holiday Wishes!
Joann Goins
Kay Miller, Brentwood, TN
Lucille Stellingwerf
Nancy Mitten, Modesto, CA
Get Well Wishes!
Wyba C. Nienstadt
Cam & Kim Monroe, Jasper, TX
Merry Christmas!
Sandy & Bill Snelson
Linda Morgan, Jasper, TX
Merry Christmas!
Sandy & Bill Snelson
Doris Murray
Bill & Frankie Hall
Betty Nance, Nashville, TN
Sylvia Hickey
Bill Naylor, Henderson, TN
Joan Crawford
Larry Nicks, New Castle, ME
Merry Christmas!
Agnes Wells
Oak Grove Church of Christ,
Livingston, TX
Etta Smith
Damaris Oakes, Whittier, CA
Elias Oakes, Whittier, CA
Stella Oakes, Whittier, CA
Yuni Oakes, Whittier, CA
Mary Oakley, Nashville, TN
Friendship Canasta Club!
Libby Woods
Evelyn Odum, Hermitage, T N
Friendship Canasta Club!
Libby Woods
Leo Parker, Woodbury, TN
Happy Birthday!
Juanita O. Burks
Wayne & Betty Parker ,Belmont, OH
Merry Christmas!
Raymond & Sharon LaMarca
DECEMBER 2012 (continued)
Kathy Pipkins,
Hohenwald, TN
Merry Christmas!
Grace Pace & Family
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Porter,
Searcy, AR
Maxine Morton
Drubby Potts
The Bender Family
W. C. Potts, Merry Christmas!
Ryan & Emily Moss, Tim, Susan,
Joshua, Caleb, Rebekah &
Benjamin Lloyd
Ron Pratt,
Lafayette, LA
Merry Christmas!
Sandy & Bill Snelson
Glen Pulliam,
Lodi, CA
Wyba Nienstadt
Hubert & Valetta Raines,
Nashville, TN
60 Wedding Anniversary!
Jeral & Martha Mangrum
Ruth Redmon,
Smithville, TN
In appreciation for many
years of teaching Bible
classes for young people!
Dorothy & Clayton Adcock
M/M Doug Reiser,
O’Fallon, MO
Rod & Susan Dollins
Carlene Richardson,
Nashville, TN
Leasa J. Hendricks
Mike Richotta,
Buffalo, NY
Happy Birthday!
An anonymous donor
R. D. Rickard, Rumsey, KY
Sandra Bowling
Keela & Tyler Rickett
Mr. Kim Russell
M/M Stan Riggs,
Columbus, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
Phil & Peggy Robertson,
Asworth, GA
Jack & Beth Vanderpool
Roy & Nina Robinson,
Augusta, GA
Shipley & Leslie R. Landiss
M/M Guy Rochelle,
Nashville, TN
Lucille Stellingwerf
M/M Ralph Rogers,
Columbus, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
Charles & Pat Roney,
Russellville, KY
David Atkins
Dr. & Mrs. Joe C. Ross,
Brentwood, TN
Lucille Stellingwerf
M/M Jerry Ross, Troy, TN
Merry Christmas!
Cynthia & Allen Gooch
M/M Jack Rowe, Brentwood, TN
Lucille Stellingwerf
Joe & Gay Rushing,
Springfield, TN
In appreciation!
M/M Bill Graham
Henry Russell,
Antioch, TN
Paul & Emma Brown
Michael & Rae Santos,
Reno, NV
Celebration of their
marriage 11-24-12!
M/M Ronald Owen
Debbie Sawyers,
Goodlettsville, TN
Friendship Canasta Club!
Libby Woods
Nancy G. Stewart, Nashville, TN
Happy Birthday!
Rand & Sandy Gooch
Gladys Gooch (sister)
Wavell & Julia Stewart,Nashville,TN
Willie D. Harris
Jason & Andrea Stracner,
Mayflower, AR
Merry Christmas!
Jackie Binderim
M/M Fred Strasser, Wynne, AR
M/M Jerry Dallas
Martha Sudberry, Antioch, TN
Grady & Paula Goodroe
M/M Michael Summers,
Columbus, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
“I consider that the sufferings of
this present time are not to be
compared with the glory which
shall be revealed in us.”
- Paul encourages the Roman believers
Larry A. Scarth, & Elders &
Deacons at Derby
Church of Christ,
Derby, KS
Skip & Diane Hahn
Larry & Kathy Seureau,
Chelan, WA
Merry Christmas!
Lennie & Lenida Bond
Myrtle Sewell,
Hamilton IL
Judi Davis
Harry Shelly,
Middleton, TN
Joan Crawford
Jerry & Nila Sherrils,
Madison, TN
50 Wedding Anniversary!
Frankie Lyons
M/M Bill Smith, Eads, TN
Merry Christmas!
Cynthia & Allen Gooch
M/M Jimmy Smith,
Troy, TN
Merry Christmas!
Cynthia & Allen Gooch
Scott Smith, Searcy, AR
Charles Pittman
John H. Smith,
Steele, MO
Sam & Jo Frame
Edward & Joy Snyder,
St. Petersburg, FL
Edward L. Snyder
Bobby South & Family,
Jasper, TX
Merry Christmas!
Sandy & Bill Snelson
Allen & Melissa Stewart,
Columbus, MS
Rand & Sandy Gooch
Dr. Axel Swang,
Antioch, TN
M/M L. D. Davenport
The Earl Willis Family
In honor of all your years
in the service of the Lord
. We love you!
Dr. & Mrs. Ron Swang,
Elynor Williamson
Debbie Sweeney, Hermitage, TN
Friendship Canasta Club
Libby Woods
Dave & Katherine Symonds,
Leesburg, FL
Happy anniversary!
John & Sharon Symonds
The “Sandy” Survivors
J. R., Jean & Karen Bailey
The many workers at
Disaster Relief
Barbara Carden
Jack & Martha Thibodaux,
Lafayette, LA
Michael & Brooke Williams
Wilma Tice, Nashville, TN
Larry & Sandy Young
Tracy Tidwell,
Conway, GA
Vernon & Betty Midgett
Norma Tillman,
Hermitage, TN
Friendship Canasta Club
Libby Woods
Paul & MadgeTramel,
Nashville, TN
Dana & Nancy J. White
Darrell & Deena Trimble,
Columbia, TN
In appreciation!
Berea Church of Christ
Kathy Valdez, Ripon, CA
Christian sister & cancer
Wyba Nienstadt
Emma & Mason Vaughn,
Jackson, TN
Brian & Stacy Vaughn
M/M Bob Venable,
Columbus, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
M/ M John Venable,
Columbus, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
Don Vickers,
Mount Juliet, TN
Happy 75 Birthday!
Jim & Marge Gregory
Don & Ann Walden,
Goodlettsville, TN
Mrs. Willie Lance
Christine Warren,
Fayetteville, TN
Happy 92 birthday!
Willa Dean Barnes
Marian Watson,
Parkin, AR
Merry Christmas!
Sheryl McClintock
Mrs. Will Neil Watts,
Murfreesboro, TN
The Mary & Martha Class
Wallace & Marian Watts,
Gallatin, TN
60 Wedding anniversary!
Wallace B. & Maria Watts
Richard & Lyndell Weeks,
Nashville, TN
Fran Weeks
Penny Wright West,
Cleveland, TN
Anne L. Wright
Marty & Zoe Wharton,
Martinez, CA
Merry Christmas!
Dan, Tracie &Jim Blackman
Dr. Tom Whitfield,
Nashville, TN
Dr. John Bright Cage
Jim & Ruth Willhite,
Springfield, TN
In appreciation!
Martha Sue McCain
Jean Williams,
Nashville, TN
Friendship Canasta Club
Libby Woods
M/M Bob Williams,
Columbus, GA
Merry Christmas!
Alan & Carol Fonville
Evelyn Winters,
Cedar Hill, TN
Demetra G. Boyd
Robert & Barbara Wright,
Cleveland, TN
Anne L. Wright
Stephen Wright,
Cleveland, TN
Anne L. Wright
Churches of Christ
410 Allied Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37211
Nashville, TN
Trucks rolling across the nation aiding disaster survivors
W|átáàxÜ exÄ|xy XyyÉÜà axãá
Churches of Christ
Disaster Relief Effort, Inc.
410 Allied Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37211-3304
John Miller – President
Joe L. Dudney – Vice Pres/Exec.Director
Jim Willhite – Secretary
Al Daugherty – Treasurer
Edsel Brown – Hillsboro
Ralph Coles – Hillcrest - Springfield
Dennis M. Crowder – Jackson St.
Al Daugherty – Granny White
Joe L. Dudney – Brentwood Hills
John Miller – Arrington
Jim Oliver – Old Hickory
Ronnie Pollock – Radnor
Jim Willhite, Main St. – Springfield
Lester (Buddy) Williams, Jr. Concord Road
Junior Grimes – Chairman
Richard (Dick) Nicks – Secretary
Fay Cornwell – Woodson Chapel
James W. Costello – Vultee
Buford Gregory – Concord Road
Junior Grimes – Antioch
Mike Lewis – Rural Hill
Richard (Dick) Nicks – Bellevue
Glen Rodgers – Hendersonville
Bruce Zupa - Bellevue
Newsletter Editor
Edna M. Walling
(615)833-0888 – (888)541-2848
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: disasterreliefeffort.org
See how you have recently helped disaster survivors!
Editoral -
Most of us prefer to live in peace. There are
those who seem to thrive on turmoil, disagreement, strife, discord, and conflict, but by examining the scriptures, we have to conclude that
type of conduct isn’t pleasing to the Lord.
When the Apostle Paul was outlining to
Titus the principles by which the Cretan
Christians should live, he reminded the people
“to be peaceable.” He wrote to the Romans,
“Live in harmony with one another,” and he
went on to say, “If it is possible, as far as it
depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”
He referred to God as “the God of peace.”
Edna M. Walling
When he was relating to the Corinthians some
Newsletter Editor
of the principles surrounding marriage, he
included, “God has called us to live in peace.” His final greetings to them included
“live in peace.”
It was probably Solomon who wrote, “Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a
house full of feasting with strife.” With as many wives as Solomon had, he could
probably speak authoritatively on living “with strife.” Solomon tells us among the
things which God hates is discord. He stated further, “God is not a God of disorder but
of peace.”
It was the wisest and greatest man of all time who included in the Beatitudes,
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God,” and when He was
describing the influence which Christians have on others, He said “and be at peace with
each other.”
To the Colossians Paul wrote, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts;…you
were called to peace.” To the Thessalonians he wrote, “Live in peace with each other.”
The writer of Hebrews tells us, “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to
be holy…”
James, probably Jesus’ half brother, describes the “wisdom that comes from
heaven” as “peace-loving.” Then he says, “Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a
harvest of righteousness.”
“Peace” is mentioned in 52 books of the Bible. May each of us do our part in
promoting peace among men – and women. 