Chancery Bulletin - Diocese of Madison
Chancery Bulletin - Diocese of Madison
Chancery Bulletin June 2015 Diocese of Madison Important Dates Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ [Corpus Christi] June 7, 2015 Transitional Diaconate Ordinations June 5, 2015 at 7:30 pm Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Monona Flag Day June 14, 2015 Father’s Day June 21, 2015 Presbyteral Ordinations June 26, 2015 at 7:30 pm St. Maria Goretti Church Madison Presbyteral Assembly XXXV September 20-23, 2015 Chula Vista Resort Wisconsin Dells 1. Stewardship & Development: June Offertory Report 2. Worship: Choral Reading Flyer 3. Schools: The Development Workshop Series 4. Evangelization & Catechesis: LTMTP Flyer Marriage & Family - Summary File World Meeting of the Family [WMOF] WMOF June Homily Ideas WMOF June Sample Bulletin Article God’s Plan Facilitator Training Marriage Preparation Recruitment NFP Classes 5. Vicar General: Pastoral Handbook Changes Intercessions for Life 6. Priests for Life 2014/2015 Monthly Report of Offertory Income Parish Name: ___________________________City: ______________________________ Prepared By: ______________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone: _____________________ Email Address: _________________________ Diocesan Sponsored Program: Offertory only Time, Talent, and Treasure Not currently participating in a program Month of June, 2015 Weekends Included Offertory Income This month in 2015: four weekends May 30-31, Jun 6-7, 13-14, 20-21, 27-28 $ This month in 2014: four weekends May 31–June 1, 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, 28-29 $ Offertory Total Increase \ Decrease: $ Percentage Increase Decrease % Please email, fax, or mail this report to Office of Stewardship & Development. If you would like to receive this form in an electronic version by e-mail, or have any other questions please contact: Office of Stewardship & Development Diocese of Madison Office of Stewardship and Development Phone - 608-821-3039 Fax - 608-821-3139 E-mail – [email protected] CHORAL MUSIC READING SESSION Music for the Liturgical Year for Unison Choirs, Two-part Choirs, SAB, and SATB. Please register by July 27 so that we have music for all participants. Each participant will receive a free packet of music (limit of 4 per parish). TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2015 Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center 702 South High Point Road in Madison The O’Connor Center is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible. 7-9 p.m. | No registration fee Call (608) 821-3080 or complete this form and email, fax or mail to the Office of Worship. Please register by July 27, 2015. Name Parish Name and City/Town Choir Director’s Name Your Email or Phone Number Do you have any special needs? o Large-Print Material o Assistive-Listening Receiver o Other (please specify on back) SAVE THE DATES Diocese of Madison THE DIOCESE OF MADISON – OFFICE OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Presents… The Development Playbook Workshop Series “Essential Strategies to Sustain Operational Vitality and Engage More People” Workshop Overview As Operational Vitality is essential for every Catholic school, this dynamic workshop entitled, “The Development Playbook Workshop Series – Essential Strategies to Sustain Operational Vitality and Engage More People,” addresses key Development issues and provides innovative, workable solutions. Presented over five sessions by Bernard Dumond, President and CEO of Development Innovations 360, each school is encouraged to bring a group of leaders ready to experience Development success. Workshop Dates and Topics are as follows. Each session is organized around key strategies (plays) and there are important assignments to be completed by each school team. The location/s of the workshops to be announced. Note: there is no cost to register for or attend these workshops. Session #1: September 23, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Development Operational Vitality Session #2: November 11, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Fundraising Annual Fund Drive Session #3: February 17, 2016 – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Marketing and Communication Enrollment Session #4: March 9, 2016 – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Strategic Enrollment Management Session #5: May 4, 2016 – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Engaging More People Development To register your team to attend this dynamic series, please RSVP as soon as possible with the number of participants from your parish/school. Contact The Office of Catholic Schools. [email protected] 608-821-3163 or 608-821-3180 LORD, TEACH ME TO PRAY A Three-Part Spiritual Journey with St. Ignatius of Loyola Day and evening sessions offered in several locations. See reverse side of flyer for registration information! Part 1: Praying Christian Virtues Part 2: My 19th Annotation Part 3: Discernment &Gifts of the Spirit Praying Christian Virtues will introduce you to the meditative and contemplative way of prayer devised by St. Ignatius of Loyola, enabling you to further develop your prayer life. This 12 week program is facilitated in a group setting, meets for 2 hours once a week, and requires fifteen minutes of daily prayer on assigned scriptures. (No prerequisites) This communal approach allows you to do the full Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. You will pray for all the graces that are offered while experiencing the direction of the Holy Spirit through weekly Faith Sharing on your daily prayer. This 30 week program is facilitated in a group setting, meets for 2 hours once a week, and requires thirty to forty-five minutes of daily prayer on assigned scriptures. (Part 1 is a prerequisite.) Through catechesis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, praying St. Ignatius’ Rules of Discernment, and weekly Faith Sharing on your daily prayer, you will experience the grace of growing in sensitivity to God’s presence, enabling you to become more responsive to His daily call. This 14 week program is facilitated in a group setting, meets for 2 hours once a week, and requires fortyfive to sixty minutes of daily prayer on assigned scriptures. (Parts 1 and 2 are prerequisites.) CALL FOR INFORMATION Menomonee Falls/Milwaukee area Deanna Scholz, 414-353-7154 [email protected] Generally Wisconsin Judy Clark, 262-251-2967 [email protected] Madison area Cathy Lins, 608-643-3563 (cell 608-469-3980) [email protected] Marie Lins, 608-821-3160 (cell 608-469-3982) [email protected] For more information visit: NAME: _________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP: _________________________________________________ PHONE: _________________________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________ I AM INTERESTED IN PART: 1 2 3 I PREFER Day/Time/Place _________________________________________________ MY HOME IS AVAILABLE FOR MEETINGS: YES NO A $20 Donation at first session is appreciated! Were not our hearts burning within us? Luke 24:32 Lord, Teach Me To Pray is a three‐part Ignatian Prayer series developed to meet the desire for ongoing spiritual growth; for an appropriate response to the call to holiness; and for a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord. In facilitated faith‐sharing communities, the Lord, himself, teaches us to pray. Each part must be taken in succession. Day and evening groups are available in several locations in various areas. Groups are organized for men only or women only. LORD, TEACH ME TO PRAY A Three-Part Prayer Series with St. Ignatius of Loyola “…to know more clearly God’s Incarnate Word in order to adhere to Him more willingly because of His incredible goodness toward me.” (St. Ignatius of Loyola) ~ June 2015 ~ Marriage & Family Programs (Marriage Prep, Marriage Enrichment, Natural Family Planning and Theology of the Body) World Meeting of Families The 8th World Meeting of Families will take place in Philadelphia this September. To prepare for this momentous event, we continue to promote some excellent materials that can help parishes bring awareness to the event and especially to the beauty of Christian Marriage. See enclosed flyers for more details. In particular, the following two resources are provided for parish use in June 2015: • WMOF Homily Ideas for June 2015 - #1 Created for Joy • WMOF Bulletin Reflections for June 2015 - #1 Created for Joy Facilitator Training - God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage The next Facilitator training for married couples to lead the God’s Plan program will be held: • Friday-Saturday Training – July 24-25, 2015 Please help recruit a couple or two from your parish to present the Church’s beautiful teaching on authentic marital love and sexuality to the engaged. The session will be held at the Bishop O’Connor Center. For more information, see enclosed flyer or go to, and click on “Join the MP Team.” Marriage Prep Recruitment Recruitment is a top priority this year. It is our facilitators who make this program the success it has been and we are always striving to bring in new couples who are eager to serve the engaged couples of the Diocese of Madison. If you know of anyone with the potential to facilitate MP days please contact Beth Ulaszek. Spanish Marriage Preparation The Marriage Prep program has scheduled Spanish classes for Real Life, Real Love and God’s Plan programs. The 2015 dates are: • • Real Life, Real Love: January 31; October 24 God’s Plan: Feb. 28; September 26 More information, dates and registration can be found at If you know of Spanish-speaking couples interesting in getting involved in volunteering for marriage ministry, please contact Andy Galvin. Upcoming NFP Classes NFP classes for spring 2015 are now available. For the schedule, or for information about NFP, the methods offered and the cost of classes, go to If you have any questions, contact Morgan Smith at (608) 821-3141 or [email protected] . Marriage Preparation & Natural Family Planning Contact Information Andy Galvin Marriage & Family Coordinator 608-821-4517 / [email protected] Morgan Smith Natural Family Planning Coordinator 608-821-3134 / [email protected] Beth Ulaszek Marriage & Family Associate Coordinator 608-821-3026 Parish Resources for the Diocese of Madison Starting in June, the Marriage & Family Program will be sharing a number of resources to parishes to promote this important event and bring ever greater awareness to the beauty and importance of Christian Marriage and Family. Check out the resources below and incorporate them into your upcoming year! All of the resources listed below can be found at 1. Preparatory Catechesis – Love is our Mission: the Family Fully Alive The catechesis plays a central role for the World Meeting event. It is an easy to read booklet highlighting 10 themes of the Church’s teaching on sexuality, marriage and family. Available online for free or for purchase at Our Sunday Visitor. Available online for free are study guides are for small groups and lesson plans for middle school and high school students. It is a great way to engage parishioners in the content of the WMOF event. 2. Catholic Herald Reflections: Starting in June, we will provide a monthly article highlighted one of the 10 themes of the Preparatory Catechesis of the World Meeting of Families. A new theme will be introduced each month, ending in March 2016. We hope that parishes will highlight the same themes each month through homilies, bulletins and on their webpages. June 2015 Created for Joy November 2015 All Love Bears Fruit July 2015 The Mission of Love December 2015 Light in a Dark World August 2015 The Meaning of Human Sexuality January 2016 September 2015 Two Become One February 2016 October 2015 Creating the Future March 2016 A Home for the Wounded Heart Mother, Teacher, Family: Nature & Role of Church Choosing Life 3. Monthly Homily Ideas: We highly encourage clergy to consider dedicating one Sunday homily a month to the monthly theme of the WMOF Catechesis. Sample homilies have been developed by Dr. Peter Colosi, Associate Professor at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, PA. 4. Bulletin Reflections by theme: Short reflections have been written for bulletins for each of the 10 themes. Meant to fit in one column of a typical parish bulletin 5. Bulletin Announcements: Sample bulletin announcements about the event are available. Meant to bring awareness to the event and particular elements, they are limited to a paragraph. 6. Mass Intentions: Consider monthly Mass intentions for Sunday Masses. Samples are provided. 7. Prayer Cards: Prayer cards containing the official prayer and Icon for the World Meeting of Families are available from Our Sunday Visitor. Parishes are asking parishioners to pray the prayer immediately following Mass as a way of preparing for the September event. 8. Customized Materials from Our Sunday Visitor: Brochures, banners and other products customized for parishes are also available. All of the above resources can be found at, listed under the “For Parishes” heading at the bottom of the page. The site is also excellent and includes lots of other materials of interest. If you have any questions about the materials or are in need of additional ideas, please contact Andy Galvin at [email protected] or (608) 821-4517. Homily Ideas 10 Monthly Themes of World Meeting of Families Preparatory Catechesis The following reflections were developed by the Archdiocee of Philadelphia’s Office for the New Evangelization. More information can be found at‐ content/uploads/2014/07/November2014‐Bulletin.pdf To help prepare for the momentous occasion of the World Meeting of Families, a Preparatory Catechesis entitled Love is Our Mission, The Family Fully Alive was prepared. To help parishioners reflect upon the content of this catechesis, we invite all parishes to reflect on one chapter a month from June 2014 until March 2016. Here are the 10 Monthly Themes: June 2015: July 2015: August 2015: September 2015: October 2015: November 2015: December 2015: January 2016: February 2016: March 2016: Homily Ideas_DOM Created for joy The mission of love The meaning of human sexuality Two become one Creating the future All love bears fruit Light in a dark world A home for the wounded heart Mother, teacher, family: the nature and role of the Church Choosing life 1 Last Updated: 5/28/2015 To assist clergy in highlighting these monthly themes in their parish, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office for the New Evangelization published a set of suggestions for homilies, which clergy might consider weaving into their Sunday homily, tying it into the Gospel message. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has also developed half-page bulletin reflections for each month. These can be found in a separate document located at Author: Peter J. Colosi, PhD, Associate Professor of Moral Theology, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Wynnewood PA Homily Ideas_DOM 2 Last Updated: 5/28/2015 June 2015 - Chapter 1: Created for Joy Jesus Jesus is the source of everything. We have to know him personally. He wants to be in a personal relationship with you. Pope Francis has emphasized the joy of the Gospel, and has reminded us that this joy is rooted in each person’s personal relationship with Jesus. In the first section of his Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel, he writes: I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day. No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord…Here we find the source and inspiration of all our efforts at evangelization. For if we have received the love which restores meaning to our lives, how can we fail to share that love with others? Let us each ask ourselves about our relationship with Jesus. Do we ask him to be part of our lives, do we spend deliberate time in prayer, do we share with him openly our worries and concerns, do we thank him for creating us, for dying on the cross for us? Do we feel we know him personally? Do we believe we can know him personally? Do we experience personally how much he loves us? Community God is a Trinity of three Persons. We are made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore all of us are meant to live in communion with others and to be a gift to others in whatever state of life we find ourselves. As Pope Benedict XVI said, “It is love that makes the human person the authentic image of the Blessed Trinity, [the] image of God.” Morality The first line of the first paragraph of the World Meeting of Families Preparatory Catechesis reads: “Catholic teaching about marriage and family flows from the heart of our faith.” The Catholic Church has many moral teachings, and many of these relate to marriage and family life. Over the next months we will also discuss these. Various scripture verses refer to Jesus’ teachings on marriage and sexual morality (Mt 19:3-12; Mk 10:2-12; 1 Cor 6:16; Eph 5:32). In these passages, Jesus leads our minds back “to the beginning”, that is, to the Book of Genesis. In Genesis, we find that at the heart of God’s creation is the creation of human beings as male and female, who are meant to become one flesh as husband and wife, and to raise up a family. Sexual Homily Ideas_DOM 3 Last Updated: 5/28/2015 activity outside of this context is not part of God’s plan, but within this context, spousal love, human sexuality, and family life become a source of happiness – even in the midst of the sufferings and trials of life – and a great and indispensable contribution to the goodness and health of society. Behind every “no” in the difficult task of discerning between good and evil, there shines a great “yes” to the recognition of the dignity and inalienable value of every single and unique human being called into existence. (Dignitas Personae, 36; CDF) The moral teachings of the Church, especially the Church’s teachings on marriage and family, are rooted in God’s loving plan for us, and they are a source of deep happiness and human flourishing. In order to live these teachings in a way that we experience these beautiful fruits, it is helpful to understand the “why” behind them. The Preparatory Catechism helps us understand the “why.” I encourage you to discuss the catechism in your families or in reading groups. It is not possible to live the moral teachings of the Church without the grace of God and the warmth and practical support of Christian community. During this year as we prepare for the World Meeting of Families and to welcome the Pope to Philadelphia, let us “meet the Pope half way” by putting in this small effort to read one of these short chapters per month and grow in the knowledge of our faith by discussing the readings with family and friends. I will do my part by discussing each chapter during one homily per month, and I welcome your thoughts and reflections as we proceed together towards this wonderful and hopeful event. [include here information about your parish’s plans to study the catechism] Homily Ideas_DOM 4 Last Updated: 5/28/2015 Bulletin Reflections 10 Monthly Themes of World Meeting of Families Preparatory Catechesis The following reflections were developed by the Archdiocee of Philadelphia’s Office for the New Evangelization. More information can be found at‐ content/uploads/2014/07/November2014‐Bulletin.pdf Each bulletin reflection is sized to fit in one column of a parish bulletin. Parishes also have the option of using this text to design their own bulletin inserts. Introduction for each month: In order to help us prepare for the World Meeting of Families and the anticipated visit from Pope Francis, a catechism on family life entitled, Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive, has been prepared. Each month for the next ten months, our parish will reflect on one chapter from this catechism. You can order a copy of this beautifully illustrated catechism and learn about the World Meeting of Families at Bulletin Reflections_DOM 1 Last Updated: 5/25/2015 June 2015: Chapter 1: Created For Joy “Love is Our Mission” because love is our origin and destiny. Created in the image of God, a human being is created for communion, which means that loving God and neighbor is the reason for our existence. Catholics believe these things because of Jesus, our bedrock and cornerstone. Jesus suffered and yet persevered in love; he was crucified and yet rose again. In Jesus, we believe that the Creator of the universe became one of us, revealing not only who God is, but also who we are created to be and become. In a world of anxiety and doubt, Jesus is trustworthy. When we follow Jesus, body and soul, even when it hurts and requires sacrifice, we are living lives of integrity, for only in living this way will our lives coincide with the reason for our existence. This brings us great joy. We sin and stumble, but the God we meet in Christ is faithful even when we are not. God’s forgiveness is a gift that gives us back to ourselves, enabling us to embrace our mission and destiny anew. Catholic sacraments and moral teachings serve this destiny. The sacraments are a genuine encounter with Christ, while the moral teachings show what Christ-like love looks like in particular situations. Catholic life summons us to heroism and adventure even in ordinary daily life. The world is charged with the beauty and grace of God, and neighbors who need our love and kindness are all around us. Please keep reading the Love Is Our Mission catechism for more! ~ Dr. Christopher C. Roberts, editor, Love is Our Mission Preparatory Catechism Did you know? The World Meeting of Families event was established by Pope St. John Paul II in 1994. It is held every three years in cities across the world. 2015 is the first time it will be in the United States. Its goals are (1) to strengthen family bonds and (2) to give witness to the fundamental role of the family in society. Learn more at Bulletin Reflections_DOM 2 Last Updated: 5/25/2015 God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage Facilitator Training - 2015 It is diocesan policy that engaged couples take either the MP Weekend Retreat or the two seminars listed below (God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage and Real Life, Real Love). NFP Classes are also highly recommended – Class schedule is listed on reverse side. ur all yo e t e l p C o m minar s in d i n g ten se b y a t t! d n e ea ek 1 w e MP Retr a MP Weekend Retreats Jan. 2-4, 2015 Apr. 24-26, 2015 MP Weekend Retreat, Camp Gray, Baraboo MP Weekend Retreat, Durward’s Glen, Baraboo Weekends start at 6:00 pm on Friday and end at 2pm on Sunday. Cost: $245/couple (incl. lodging, meals & materials) MP Seminars Sun. Sept. 21 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Nov. 8 Nov. 11 & 12 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 27 & 29 Sun. Feb. 1 Feb. 7 Feb. 21 Mar. 7 Mar. 21 Sun. Mar. 29 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Apr. 25 Sun. May 3 May 5 & 7 May 16 June 6 St. Ann, Stoughton Holy Mother of Consolation, Oregon St. Joseph, Baraboo St. Francis Xavier, Cross Plains St. Mary, Platteville St. John Vianney, Janesville St. Dennis, Madison St. Peter, Madison St. Joseph, Ft. Atkinson Diocesan Center, West Madison* St. Mary, Pardeeville St. Mary, Platteville St. Francis Xavier, Cross Plains St. Olaf, DeForest St. Bernard, Middleton Immaculate Conception, Kieler St. Mary, Portage St. Bernard, Madison St. John Vianney, Janesville St. Clare of Assisi, Monroe Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monona St. Thomas Aquinas, Madison St. Christopher, Verona Spring 2015 Sun. Sept. 7 Sept. 20 Real Life, Real Love Seminars Fall 2014 God’s Plan for a Joy Filled Marriage Seminars Sun. Sept. 7 Sept. 27 Oct. 11 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Dec. 6 Jan. 17 Feb. 7 Sun. Feb. 15 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Mar. 14 Sun. Mar. 15 Mar. 28 Apr. 18 Sun. Apr. 19 Apr. 22 & 23 May 2 Sun. May 17 May 23 June 13 June 16 & 18 St. Clement, Lancaster Queen of Peace, Madison Sacred Hearts, Sun Prairie St. Cecilia, Wisconsin Dells Our Lady of Assumption, Beloit St. Thomas Aquinas, Madison St. Bernard, Watertown St. Maria Goretti, Madison Queen of Peace, Madison St. Joseph, Baraboo St. Charles Borromeo, Cassville St. Albert the Great, Sun Prairie St. Mary, Milton Good Shepherd (St. Joseph site), Madison St. Ann, Stoughton St. Cecilia, Wisconsin Dells St. Clement, Lancaster St. Dennis, Madison St. John the Baptist, Waunakee St. Patrick, Cottage Grove Our Lady of Assumption, Beloit St. Peter, Ashton Immaculate Heart of Mary, * Classes at the Diocesan Center will be held on the West side of Madison - exact address will be announced in July. Saturdays: 8:30am - 4:30pm / Sundays: 12:00pm - 6:30pm Weeknights: 5:45pm to 9:30pm (Unless otherwise noted) Cost: All classes are $60 per couple (incl. lunch/dinner & materials) Saturdays: 8:30am - 3:30pm / Sundays: 12:30pm - 5:00pm Weeknights: 6:00pm to 9:30pm Cost: $40 per couple (incl. lunch/dinner & materials) $25/couple on Sundays (lunch not included) Register Online for MP Classes at Or by calling (608) 821-3175 Advance registration is required and session size is limited. Register early! V. 2 Natural Family Planning Classes Couples of child-bearing age are highly encouraged to take a Natural Family Planning class at least three months before their wedding. Select one of the following methods (“Creighton Model FertilityCare System” or “Couple to Couple League”). More information about the method options is available on our website. Creighton Model FertilityCare System Couple to Couple League (CCL) Attend one of the following 90 min. Introductory Sessions: Aug. 5, 6pm Aug. 21, 6pm University Ave., Madison* BOC, Madison Attend all three 120 min. sessions in one of the following series: Sept. 15, 6pm Sept. 2, 6pm Sept. 25, 6pm Sept. 19, 7pm BOC, Madison University Ave., Madison* BOC, Madison St. Patrick, Cottage Grove Jan. 15, Feb. 19, AND March 12: 7:30pm or March 19, April 16, AND May 14: 7:30 pm St. John Vianney, Janesville Oct. 13, 7pm Oct. 17, 7pm Oct. 23, 7pm BOC, Madison St. Patrick, Cottage Grove BOC, Madison Nov. 3, 7pm Nov. 10, 7pm Nov. 14, 7pm Nov. 20, 7pm Eastside, Madison* BOC, Madison Cottage Grove BOC, Madison Dec. 1, 7pm Dec. 1, 7pm Dec. 12, 7pm BOC, Madison Eastside, Madison* St. Patrick, Cottage Grove Jan. 5, 6pm Jan. 5, 7pm Jan. 16, 7pm BOC, Madison Eastside, Madison* St. Patrick, Cottage Grove Feb. 2, 7pm Feb. 20, 7pm Eastside, Madison St. Patrick, Cottage Grove March 2, 7pm March 13, 7pm March 16, 6pm March 27, 7pm Eastside, Madison* BOC, Madison near UW Hospital, Madison* St. Patrick, Cottage Grove April 6, 7pm April 10, 7pm April 17, 7pm April 20, 6pm Eastside, Madison* BOC, Madison St. Patrick, Cottage Grove near UW Hospital, Madison* May 4, 7pm May 8, 7pm May 17, 7pm May 18, 6pm May 21, 6pm Eastside, Madison* BOC, Madison St. Patrick, Cottage Grove near UW Hospital, Madison* BOC, Madison June 1, 7pm Eastside, Madison* July 6, 7pm Eastside Madison* *classes marked with an * take place at the instructor’s home BOC = Bishop O’Connor Center, Madison (702 S. High Point Rd) Cost: $60 per couple, includes 90 minute Introductory Class and materials. Individual follow-up sessions will be scheduled with the instructor at $35 per follow-up. March 7, 10am (Classes #2 & 3 TBD at Class 1) Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monona March 14, April 11, AND May 9: 9am St. Mary, Bloomington March 28, April 25, AND May 30: 10am Bishop O'Connor Center, Madison April 11, 2pm (Classes #2 & 3 TBD at Class 1) St. Andrew, Verona Contact the NFP Office if you’d like to join a class that has already started. Winter/Spring 2015 CCL class dates to be announced at Cost: $140 per couple for the full 3-class series, materials, and a year membership which includes a bi-monthly magazine and consultations as needed. the end of 2014. Check the NFP website for updated schedule. NFP 101: The Basics Consider starting your NFP journey by taking an NFP 101 Class together to learn the basics of NFP, its effectiveness, the science & theology behind it, and an overview of the different methods. Saturday 10-11:30 am June 21 July 19 Aug. 16 Oct. 25 Nov. 15 Dec. 13 Jan. 17 Feb. 21 Mar. 21 Apr. 25 May 23 June 20 BOC, Madison BOC, Madison BOC, Madison St. Dennis, Madison BOC, Madison St. Dennis, Madison BOC, Madison St. Dennis, Madison BOC, Madison St. Dennis, Madison BOC, Madison St. Dennis, Madison Friday 5-6:30 pm July 25 Nov. 7 Dec. 5 Jan. 9 Feb. 13 Mar. 6 Apr. 10 May 8 June 5 BOC, Madison BOC, Madison BOC, Madison BOC, Madison BOC, Madison BOC, Madison BOC, Madison BOC, Madison BOC, Madison Cost: $10/couple Register Online for NFP Classes at Or by calling (608) 821-3134 Advance registration is required, class size is limited. Register early! For those unable to attend the above classes due to location or scheduling conflicts, please see our website, for information on how to learn NFP from home. Upcoming NFP Classes Ovulation Methods Creighton Model Fertility Care Select only one of the following 90 min. Introductory Sessions*: DANE COUNTY Monona (At Instructor,s Home) Instructor: Meredith Meinholz June 20, August 21, September 18 July by appointment only Madison - East Side (instructor's home, near St. Dennis Parish) Instructor: Alison Hetue June 1, July 6, August 3, September 14 Want to learn Creighton but the classes above don't work for you? Instructors in Madison, Cottage Grove, and Mount Horeb also available by appointment and some instructors are willing to teach longdistance via webcam. If none of the dates/locations above work for you, please contact the NFP Office to schedule something that does. *After the Intro Session, a series of approx. eight individual follow-up sessions will be scheduled between you and the instructor over the course of about a year. For more information on the Creighton Model teaching schedule, click here. Sympto-Thermal Methods Couple to Couple League (CCL) The Couple to Couple League classes are a series of three classes. Some of the dates listed are for the first class only, and the second and third dates will be determined with you and the instructors. Questions about CCL schedule? Please contact Mary Mead, the CCL Coordinator at: [email protected] DANE COUNTY Madison - Bishop O'Connor Center Instructors: Jeff & Erin Heller Saturday, May 30th @ 10am (Bishop O'Connor Center) Saturday, December 12th @ 10am (Bishop O'Connor Center) Monona - Immaculate Heart of Mary Instructors: Jesse & Molly Czech Saturday, October 10th @ 10am (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Monona) JEFFERSON COUNTY * En Español * Waterloo - Holy Family School (387 S. Monroe St. Waterloo, WI 53594) Instructores: Dr. Andy y Blossom Wright Una serie de 3 clases: Clase 1: domingo 25 de enero, Clase 2: domingo 1 de marzo, y Clase 3: domingo 22 de marzo De las 3:00 a las 6:00 de la tarde * Registrarse con: Fr. Jorge Miramontes al 920-478-2032, deje mensaje si no lo encuentra GRANT COUNTY Bloomington - St. Mary Parish Instructors: Doug & Rita White RICHLAND COUNTY Richland Center - Richland Hospital Instructors: Dr. Andy & Blossom Wright Date TBD ROCK COUNTY Janesville - Near St. John Vianney Parish Instructors: Tom & Elaine McDonald Classes available by appointment. Please contact Elaine McDonald: [email protected] Want to learn CCL but the classes above don't work for you? Instructors in Madison and Janesville are available by appointment. CCL Virtual and Home Study courses are also available. Virtual Classes are taken in real time online; Home Study courses allow you to learn from a book at your own pace and schedule. Contact the NFP Office for more information or visit Click here to see the upcoming Virtual Class schedule. CCL Postpartum Class Pregnant or postpartum couples that have already completed at least two of the three CCL Main Class sessions (via face-to-face class, Virtual class, or Home Study) can join this three hour class to learn more about NFP in the Postpartum phase and how breastfeeding impacts fertility. If none of the options below work for you, please contact the NFP Office to set up a private Postpartum consultation. Select only one of the following dates: Madison - Bishop O'Connor Center Instructors: Jeff and Erin Heller Janesville - Near St. John Vianney Parish Instructors: Tom and Elaine McDonald Northwest Family Services You can learn this Sympto-Thermal method through a comprehensive Online course at your own pace and schedule. Those taking the Online course are connected with a Northwest Family Services instructor via email to guide them, answer questions, and do chart reviews. Visit the website for the Diocese of La Crosse for more information and to register. Not sure which method to choose? NFP 101: The Basics Questioning if NFP will work for you? Partner not convinced? Come to an NFP 101 Class for a 75 min. general introduction to NFP, the science behind it, and how to choose a method. Cost: $10/couple, to be paid at the time of the class. Choose one date: DANE COUNTY Madison - Bishop O'Connor Center Instructor: Morgan Smith March 21, May 23: 10am or Feb. 13, March 6, April 10, May 8, or June 5: 5pm Madison - St. Dennis Parish Instructor: Morgan Smith Feb. 21, April 25, or June 20: 10am Wisconsin Pastoral Handbook Changes JUNE PAGE CHANGE E‐47 Remove: Senior Living/Hospitals/health Care Facilitities CATHOLIC HOSPITALS AND HEALTH CARE FACILITIES Saint Jude Hospice entry 914&1(.+(' June 2015 Intercessions for Life June 7th The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) For those at the end of their lives: May the most precious Body and Blood of Christ comfort them as they prepare to enter into eternal life; We pray to the Lord: June 14th Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time For those who doubt the value of their lives: May they rest in the awareness that they are infinitely loved and that God has a plan for their lives; We pray to the Lord: June 21st Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time For fathers who struggle: May the love of Jesus inspire them to love their children unconditionally; We pray to the Lord: June 28th Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time For all those who are sick and for people with disabilities: May they be loved and supported in word and action by their friends, family, and parish community; We pray to the Lord: 914&1(.+(',70'2015 Bulletin Briefs “The fundamental human right, the presupposition of every other right, is the right to life itself. This is true of life from the moment of conception until its natural end. Abortion, consequently, cannot be a human right – it is the very opposite. It is ‘a deep wound in society.’” — Pope Benedict XVI, September 7, 2007 Meeting with the Authorities and the Diplomatic Corps, © 2007 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. “[S]ome behaviors are always wrong, always incompatible with our love of God and the dignity of the human person. …Assisted suicide and euthanasia are not acts of mercy but acts that are never morally acceptable.” — Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities “There is nothing more powerful than prayer and fasting in the battle for true justice in our country. It is the hope of the bishops that these efforts will encourage real solidarity among all people who are standing for the precious gifts of life, marriage and religious liberty.” — Most Reverend Michael J. Sheridan, Bishop of Colorado Springs, “The Bishop’s Voice: A Battle for True Justice,” The Colorado Catholic Herald, January 18, 2013 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” — Matthew 25:35-36 (NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.) “Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” — Matthew 19:14 (NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.) “Are not five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the notice of God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.” — Luke 12:6-7 (NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.) Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty. Visit Join the Movement! Copyright © 2015, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Palabra de Vida Junio de 2015 Intercesiones por la Vida 7 de junio Solemnidad de El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo (Corpus Christi) Por quienes están al final de la vida: para que el preciosísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo los consuele mientras se preparan para entrar a la vida eterna; roguemos al Señor: 14 de junio 11º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Por quienes dudan del valor de su vida: que descansen en conocimiento de que son infinitamente amados y de que Dios tiene un plan para su vida; roguemos al Señor: 21 de junio 12º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Por los padres que luchan: que el amor de Jesús los inspire a amar a sus hijos de manera incondicional; roguemos al Señor: 28 de junio 13º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Por las personas enfermas y las afectadas por discapacidades: para que sean amados y apoyados con palabras y acciones por parte de sus amigos, familiares y comunidad parroquial; roguemos al Señor: Palabra de Vida Junio de 2015 Citas para el boletín “El derecho humano fundamental, el presupuesto de todos los demás derechos, es el derecho a la vida misma. Esto vale para la vida desde el momento de la concepción hasta la muerte natural. En consecuencia, el aborto no puede ser un derecho humano; es exactamente lo opuesto. Es una ‘profunda herida social’”. — Papa Benedicto XVI, 7 de septiembre de 2007 Encuentro con las autoridades y el cuerpo diplomático, © 2007 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Se utiliza con permiso. “Algunas conductas son siempre moralmente malas, siempre incompatibles con nuestro amor a Dios y a la dignidad de la persona. …El suicidio asistido y la eutanasia no son actos de piedad, sino acciones siempre inaceptables moralmente. — Plan Pastoral para Actividades Provida Comité para las Actividades Pro Vida de la USCCB “No hay nada más poderoso que la oración y el ayuno en la batalla por la verdadera justicia en nuestro país. Los obispos tienen la esperanza de que estos esfuerzos fomenten solidaridad verdadera entre todas las personas que defienden los preciados dones de la vida, del matrimonio y de la libertad religiosa”. — Reverendísimo Michael J. Sheridan, obispo de Colorado Springs, “The Bishop’s Voice: A Battle for True Justice”, The Colorado Catholic Herald, 18 de enero de 2013 “Porque estuve hambriento y me dieron de comer, sediento y me dieron de beber, era forastero y me hospedaron, estuve desnudo y me vistieron, enfermo y me visitaron, encarcelado y fueron a verme.” — Mateo 25,35-36 Leccionario I © 1976 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Se usa con permiso. Jesús les dijo: “Dejen a los niños y no les impidan que se acerquen a mí, porque de los que son como ellos es el Reino de los cielos”. — Mateo 19,14 Leccionario I © 1976 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Se usa con permiso. “¿No se venden cinco pajarillos por dos monedas? Sin embargo, ni de uno solo de ellos se olvida Dios; y por lo que a ustedes toca, todos los cabellos de su cabeza están contados. No teman, pues, porque ustedes valen mucho más que todos los pajarillos’’. — Lucas 12,6-7 Leccionario I © 1976 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Se usa con permiso. Vida, matrimonio y libertad religiosa. Visite ¡Únase al Movimiento! Copyright © 2015, Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos, Washington, DC. Todos los derechos reservados. PRIESTS FOR LIFE an outreach of Gospel of Life Ministries Assisting God’s people to respond to the evils of abortion and euthanasia May - June 2015 Vol.25 Long-time Priests for Life Legislative Strategy Enacted! On Tuesday, April 7, Governor Sam Brownback, a long time friend of Priests for Life, signed into law in Kansas the “Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act.” This is the first of what we hope will be many similar laws across the country, protecting children from the most common form of second trimester abortion, called “D and E” (“Dilation and Evacuation”). A similar law is also in effect in Oklahoma, and other states have begun the process. Since Congress passed the ban on partial-birth abortions in 2003,... (Continued on page 3) Number 3 focus on the fact that nothing destroys the family more than abortion, and that family strength requires, first of all, that we protect the family’s youngest members, and that we heal the wounds of abortion. Groups will be able to exhibit at the evening event and meet pro-life activists and leaders from around the country and around the world. Please mark your calendars, and find out more at Not just a book -- A Pro-life Manifesto! “In Abolishing Abortion, Father Frank Pavone has written a compelling and eloquent book about the importance of protecting human life. It raises provocative questions not only about abortion’s influence on this nation but also about the church’s role in defeating the culture of death.” -- Gary Bauer, President, American Values Brothers and Sisters, I have been looking forward for a long time to tell you about my new book, Abolishing Abortion, which is coming out this August, published by Thomas Nelson/HarperCollins publishers. In April 2015 Fr. Frank spoke at the Divine Mercy Conference in the Archdiocese of New York, and here concelebrated the Mass with Archbishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit. Priests for Life To Hold Major Pro-life Event at World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia Last summer, Priests for Life rallied national pro-life leaders, and 70 of them signed a letter to the Holy Father, to the Pontifical Council for the Family, and to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia expressing excitement and support for the upcoming Eighth World Meeting of Families, scheduled for September 22-27, and culminating in a visit of Pope Francis to Philadelphia. In response to the interest of the pro-life leaders, the World Meeting of Families granted to Priests for Life a slot on Wednesday evening, Sept. 23, to have a pro-life event from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Philadelphia Convention Center, where the other sessions of the World Meeting of Families will occur. This event, involving a public presentation from 6 to 8 p.m. and then a private reception of pro-life leaders from 8 to 9, will Abolishing Abortion is a rallying cry to both Church and State, and the individuals who belong to each, to end the ongoing violence of abortion. It is a manifesto for the pro-life movement, asserting that no task is more urgent than restoring protection to the most basic right we have -- life. While invoking the most fundamental principles of this movement -- principles that shaped America at its founding and that are also at the heart of the Gospel -- this book at the same time invokes well-developed practical strategies that recognize the value of incremental steps and psychologically compelling messaging. This book points out that both Church and State have duties toward human rights, and both have failed in the duty to protect the children in the womb. This manifesto calls for the Church to face its own self-censorship when it comes to politics and elections. A sober assessment of the shaky basis of the Johnson Amendment is combined with a direct and honest critique of the way that the institutional Church exaggerates the dangers of “losing its tax-exempt status.” This book is a clear call for increased vigor, passion, and ... (Continued on page 2) This newsletter is available by email, along with a bi-weekly column written by Fr. Frank. Subscribe free of charge at [email protected] 1 Our Board of Directors Priests for Life is governed by a self-perpetuating Board of Directors, elected by the current members of the Board. We are proud of our Board members, who bring significant financial, legal, political, ecclesiastical and pro-life experience to their service of this apostolate. Fr. Denis Wilde and Fr. Frank Pavone joined Archbishop Charles Chaput in Philadelphia for Mass on March 31, the 10th anniversary of the death of Terri Schiavo. /PUKVTUBCPPL"1SPMJGF.BOJGFTUP (Continued from Page 1) ... priority in the task of ending abortion. It identifies specific dynamics that account for the continuation of legal abortion, as well as specific motives for confidence that we will eliminate this evil. It calls us to look at abortion in terms of victims rather than just viewpoints, and bloodshed rather than just beliefs; moreover, it shows how the increasing testimonies of those who have had abortions helps to break the perceived conflict between the interests of the mother and those of the child. Both Amazon at "CPMJTIJOH"CPSUJPODPN and Barnes & Noble at "CPMJTIJOH"CPSUJPOPSH are already taking preorders for this book. Please go there now and order some copies for yourself and for others, and throw in a copy for your pastor as well. Incidentally, the more preorders these companies get, the more they will buy, and the more momentum the publisher will have to make them available on a wider basis. Let’s make this effort a big success, like the children deserve! -- Fr. Frank Pavone Pray with us for Life is our prayer website. Visit there often for prayer campaigns, intentions, and resources May 2-10: Mother’s Day Novena t'S'SBOL1BWPOFNational Director and Chairman of the Board, Priests for Life t'S8BMUFS2VJOO04"Priest Associate of Priests for Life t'S%FOJT(8JMEF04" Associate Director, Priests for Life t'S%FOOJT$PPOFZPastor, St. Raphael Parish, Lehigh Acres, FL t.JDIBFM/JFSWB Managing Director, JP Morgan Chase Prime Brokerage Division t1BVM+PTFQI".BHBIJTSenior Vice President, Lazard Capital Markets t+BOFU.PSBOBExecutive Director, Priests for Life t"OUIPOZ%F4UFGBOP Catholic author t.BSL$SVUDIFSPresident and Founder, Life Dynamics, Inc. t%S"MWFEB,JOHDirector, African-American Outreach, Priests for Life t%BWJE3PTBInsurance Agent and past candidate for Congress in the 20th Congressional District of Texas t"OESFX4NJUI State Director of the Texas Pro-Life Action Team; former Communications Director for Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas On March 24, the eve of the 20th Anniversary of the encyclical “The Gospel of Life,” Fr. Frank Pavone helped lead a major prayer service in Rome sponsored by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Family. Jubilee Year of Divine Mercy: It’s all about Life Priests for Life welcomes with joy the news of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, to begin on December 8, 2015 and continue until November, 2016. Shortly after the announcement, Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, spoke at a major Divine Mercy Conference in the Archdiocese of New York and also interviewed, for our EWTN program Defending Life, some of the Church’s top experts on Divine Mercy who were present there: Father Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, Fr. Kazimierez Chwalek, MIC, and Dr. Robert Stackpole. May 14 - May 24: Pentecost Novena for Life 2 June 13-21: Father’s Day Novena June 26-July 4: Prayer of Thanks for our Nation’s Independence May intention: That the unborn be remembered at graduation ceremonies nationwide. June intention: That post-abortion ministries may be successful in their efforts to reach more and more people with compassion and healing. Fr. Frank also traveled to Rome and spoke with officials who are assisting the implementation of the Jubilee Year of mercy. In these various presentations and discussions, three key themes emerged and will be the focus of Priests for Life: Jesus Himself is Divine Mercy. His first act of mercy is to create us. Mercy brings life, and mercy impels us to defend the most defenseless to save their lives. In the revelations of Divine Mercy to St Faustina, abortion was the primary sin for which God asked us to cry out for his mercy, and today, the devotion to Divine Mercy deserves particular emphasis for those who have had abortions and for abortionists and clinic workers who have repented. The Jubilee Year of Mercy is a perfect time to recommit ourselves to deeds of mercy in rescuing the unborn, and works of mercy in healing the wounded, especially Rachel’s Vineyard, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, and the Society of Centurions (healing for ex-abortionists). -FBSONPSFBU+VCJMFF0G.FSDZOFU Healing for Former Abortionists From August 7-15, 2015, a special gathering for the rehabilitation of former abortionists and abortion clinic workers will take place in Victoria, BC (Canada) with pioneer researcher Dr. Philip Ney, family and child psychiatrist, who developed in the early 1990’s the medical model of healing called “Centurions” for those who have performed abortions and have now repented. Fr. Frank Pavone, Fr. Terry Gensemer, and Janet Morana will assist in this process. Please spread the word about this important opportunity, and see for more details Priests for Life announces protocol to save babies from RU-486 Taking the chemical abortion regimen RU-486, or mifespristone, used to be a death sentence for an unborn child. But in 2007, Priests for Life medical advisor Dr. Matt Harrison performed the first-ever reversal of RU-486. The little girl he saved is now eight years old, and in his words, “an enthusiastic cheerleader for her local football team.” Since then, a reversal protocol has been developed and 161 children are alive today because of it. On Feb. 23, Priests for Life and the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists sponsored a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to unveil a new reversal kit and to introduce Gabriel David Caicedo, a little boy who was almost the New Year’s baby in his New Jersey hometown. Gabriel’s mother, Andrea Minichini, 22, described in heartfelt testimony about not wanting to take the drug a Planned Parenthood doctor placed in her hand, but swallowing it anyway. When she ran out of the building, carrying a brown lunch bag with the misoprostol that would expel the baby after the mifepristone killed him, she tried to throw up the poison. The Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion initiative continues, whereby we focus each month on a different group of people wounded by each abortion that occurs. May is for the Moms, and June for the Dads. See for more detailed info. -POHUJNF1SJFTUT'PS-JGF-FHJTMBUJWF4USBUFHZ&OBDUFE Twenty-four hours later, with the clock ticking, Andrea found her way to a 24-hour hotline (877-558-0333) established by Dr. George Delgado in San Diego. A nurse who answered the phone on the West Coast connected Andrea with a doctor in New Jersey willing to help. Progesterone injections and pills, followed by a few weeks of bed rest for Andrea, reversed the mifepristone. Gabriel was born Dec. 31, 2014, two days before his due date, healthy and strong. (Continued from Page 1) ...Priests for Life has been conducting an education campaign (see on dilation and evacuation abortions. Why? Because like partial-birth procedures, they so clearly demonstrate the brutality of abortion. 3 “It’s very special to have Gabriel in our lives,” said Chris Caicedo, 23, the baby’s father and Andrea’s boyfriend. “He’s become the light of our life,” Andrea said. Seven years ago, we posted a YouTube video (see YouTube. com/frfrankpavone) using instruments and models to show what D&E abortions entail. That video has since had almost 450,000 viewings. Now, with the Kansas and Oklahoma laws, the gruesome truth about dismemberment abortion is being revealed to even more Americans. The law defines the prohibited activity as follows: “Dismemberment abortion” means, with the purpose of causing the death of an unborn child, knowingly dismembering a living unborn child and extracting such unborn child one piece at a time from the uterus through the use of clamps, grasping forceps, tongs, scissors or similar instruments that, through the convergence of two rigid levers, slice, crush or grasp a portion of the unborn child’s body in order to cut or rip it off. Let us continue to work to end D and E abortion, and all abortion! “The pro-life movement is about saving lives,” said Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “We save lives by taking despair and replacing it with hope. The goal of the pro-life movement is to end all abortion, and for babies like Gabriel, who are here today because of this technique, abortion did end. It was conquered. It was overcome.” ǰF3PTBSZGPS-JGF With this 2-CD set, you can pray the Rosary along with Fr. Frank Pavone, who offers his pro-life meditations on each mystery. Priest’s path to ordination and to Priests for Life Father David Begany’s ordination was the culmination of a journey that began at baptism, when his great-uncle, Father Michael Begany of the Philadelphia Archdiocese, placed him on the altar of the Blessed Mother. “My Mom always thought I would be a priest,” he recalled. His pro-life activism began at the Jesuit-run University of Scranton. He knew the church needed more leaders willing to become active in pro-life, and “I tossed around the idea of seminary.” Eighteen years later, after working as a chemist, he spent a semester at Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut. But diocesan life wasn’t for him. After his father’s death in 2004, he fulfilled a dream of seeing Pope John Paul, twice, and the idea of a vocation “was rekindled.” In June 2005, Father Begany went on a retreat to Amarillo, Texas, to learn about the community Father Frank Pavone was building. “It was not contemplative,” he said with a laugh. “It was very active.” Eventually, the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life discerned it was not called to be a community but would take the approach of its parent association, Priests for Life, which trains seminarians and priests who already belong to their own community or diocese. Father Begany returned to Holy Apostles and was invited to apply to the Society of Joseph of the Sacred Heart, a community dedicated to outreach to the African-American community. He was ordained as a Josephite on May 31, 2014, at St. Luke’s Catholic Church in D.C. and is now parochial vicar at Corpus Christi-Epiphany Parish in New Orleans. “I like preaching, hearing confessions, celebrating Mass,” he said. “In the sacraments there is an aspect of fulfillment, a priestly satisfaction. I have an attachment to Priests for Life. I always will.” Featured Products 4 1SP-JGF54IJSUTGSPN1SJFTUTGPS-JGFT:PVUI0VUSFBDI Go to to order your Pro-Life T-Shirt. ǰF7JSHJO.BSZBOE"CPSUJPO In this brochure you will learn how Catholic teaching about the Virgin Mary shows us why we are pro-life. ǰF)PMZ4QJSJUBOE"CPSUJPO In this brochure you will learn how Christian teaching about the Holy Spirit shows us why we are pro-life. Get the Rosary for Life CD set and one packet of 100 of each brochure, a $57 value for only $40.00 plus shipping. Find more great Pro Life products at! Order at or use this order form and mail in the enclosed envelope to 1SJFTUTGPS-JGF10#PY4UBUFO*TMBOE/: Name: ______________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City: ________________________ State: ____ Zip: ___________ Phone: ______________ Email: ___________________________ Send___The Rosary for Life (#3466) at $16.99 each for a total of $ _______ Send___The Virgin Mary and Abortion (#949) for $.20 each or _____ packets of 100 at $20.00 each for a total of $ ________ Send ______ The Holy Spirit and Abortion Brochure (#948) for $.20 each or _____packets of 100 at $20.00 each for a total of ________ Send ____ bundle(s) of the Rosary for Life CD set and one packet of 100 of each brochure, a $57 value for only $40.00 plus shipping for a total of _______ Additional Donation $_________ 5PUBM%POBUJPO $_________ I made my check payable to: Priests for Life. Please charge my contribution to my credit card: VISA MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS DISCOVER Card #:___________________________________Exp:____/____ Sign_________________________________________________ Please add an additional donation to cover shipping and handling. Shipping and Handling: $0.00 to $25 ... $7.95 $25.01 to $50 ... $12.95 $50.01 to $100 ... $16.95 $100.01 to $200 ... $24.95 $200.01 or more... $34.95