ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST 1201 ALMA DR., PLANO, TX 75075 (PARISH) 1105 WEST 15TH ST., PLANO TX 75075 (OFFICE) CHURCH:972-423-5600 FAX: 972-423-5024 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 9AM - 4PM; Friday 9AM-12PM CLERGY Fr. Clifford G. Smith, Pastor • Fr. Marco Rangel, Parochial Vicar • Fr. Jack Hopka, Parochial Vicar Deacon Sid Little • Deacon Arnold Picón • Deacon Ed Putonti • Deacon Juan Jorge Hernandez ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: 972-423-5600 PARISH / FACILITIES MANAGER: Deacon Gregg Kahrs PASTOR’S ASSISTANT / OFFICE MANAGER: Cathie Seibold SAFE ENVIRONMENT: Connie Istas ASSISTANT TO PAROCHIAL VICAR : Veronica Fonseca CONTRIBUTIONS, MEMBERSHIP, REGISTRAR: Nadya Collard WEBSITE, BULLETIN: Jenny Avila [email protected] FACILITIES: Will Alt FACILITIES: Joe Walter CHOIRS & MUSIC: 972-423-6041 Coordinator: Kenton Kravig ADMIN. ASSIST: Christine Carrington ST. MARK CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER: 972-578-7970 DIRECTOR: Barbara Ryan ST. MARK CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 972-578-0610 PRINCIPAL: Suzanne Bacot PRESCHOOL COORDINATOR: Toni Jobes 972-423-7926 FAMILY & ADULT MINISTRY - COUNSELING SERVICES: 972-424-5794 CO-DIRECTORS: George & Judy Clark ASSOC. DIRECTOR: Debbie Gonzales ASSOC. DIRECTOR: Stefanie Vickers ADMIN. ASSIST: Delma Brennan FAITH FORMATION: 972-423-4715 DIRECTOR RCIA, ADULT & ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION: Debbie Betz RICA & AFF (Spanish) Coordinator: Sr. Esther M. Guerrero, mcdp FF COORDINATOR: Ruth Sanchez (Bilingual) FF COORDINATOR: Peggy Theis YOUTH MINISTRY: 972-578-9583 CO-DIRECTORS: John & Tina O’Neill FF COORDINATOR: Linda Watts ADMIN. ASSIST: Cristina Ochoa ST. MARK DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT: PARISH & SCHOOL: Jenee Richey 972-423-5600 SACRAMENT INFORMATION CELEBRACIÓN DE LOS SACRAMENTOS BAPTISM: English classes are held the 1st Saturday of each month from 9:30 to 12:30 PM. Call the Family & Adult Ministry Office for registration form. CLASSES MAY BE TAKEN BEFORE THE BABY IS BORN. Baptisms are held the 2nd and 4th Saturday at 3:30 in English. RECONCILATION: Wednesdays: 6:30-8:00 PM; & Fridays: 4:30-5:15 PM Saturdays: 3:30-5:00 PM, also by appointment. MARRIAGE: Contact the Family & Adult Ministry Office at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 8:30 AM Mass or call the parish office and request a priest. VOCATIONS & CONSECRATED LIFE: Call Fr. Rodolfo Garcia (214-379-2860) BAUTISMO: De Niños menores de 7 años: Pláticas pre-bautismales son el 3er Sábado de cada mes. Es requisito inscribirse en la oficina del Ministerio de Familias y Adultos. Bautizos son el 2º y 4º Sábado del mes. Para niños de 7 años o mayores llame a la oficina de Formación de la Fe. CONFESIONES: Viernes:4:30-5:15 PM y Sábados: 3:30-5:00 PM. MATRIMONIO: Tenga la bondad de llamar a la oficina del Ministerio de Familias y Adultos para concertar una cita. Se requieren 6 meses de anticipación. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: 1° y 3er Sábado del mes en la Misa de 8:30 AM de Ingles o llame a la oficina. ORDENES SAGRADAS y LA VIDA CONSAGRADA: Llame al P. Rodolfo Garcia (214-379-2860) SAFE ENVIRONMENT SESSIONS / AMBIENTE SEGURO PLEASE DO NOT BRING CHILDREN / FAVOR DE NO TRAER NIÑOS March 1 6PM St. Mark Parish Center McGivney Hall 1105 W. 15 St. March 3 10AM John Paul II High School 900 Coit Rd. Plano, TX 75057 BULLETIN DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM (11 DAYS BEFORE PUBLICATION) PLEASE SUBMIT ALL ENTRIES IN A TIMELY MANNER TO [email protected] 1 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS GRUPOS PARROQUIALES Adult Community: Candy Butcher 972-578-9293 Catholic Daughters: Mary Cieslewicz 817-995-2928 Communion to Home Bound: Parish Office 972-423-5600 Cub Scouts: Sylvia Garcia-Meier 214-235-6547 Cursillos: Consuelo Sagrero 469-732-0930 Eucharistic Adoration: Kathy Keenan 972-596-8550 Families of Nazareth Movement: Miles & Claudine Humphries 972-423-8834 Liturgical Ministries Communion Ministers: Mary Jane Heiting 972-664-0188 Lectors: Jack Carlisle 972-549-0740 Ushers: Sandy Ptacek 972-424-6507 Altar Servers: Matt & Janet Loriot 972-632-7120 Marian Movement & Mother Thrice Admirable Schoenstatt: Josephine 972-867-2192 Marguerite 972-424-9779 Marriage Encounter: Ed & Ann Cabrera 972-424-3885 Military Support Group: Andy & Ellen Ray 972-334-0255 Movimiento de la Renovación Carismático Católico: Daniel Soto 214-497-1107 Mujer a Mujer: Viviana Olmos 214-809-4538 Nursery Coordinator: Judy Lyons 972-423-5600 Pastoral Council: Tom O’Connor 972-423-3145 Prison Ministry: (Vacant) Pro-Life Ministry: JoAnn Murray 972-442-1127 Rosary Group: Lore Profaizer 972-424-7326 Rosary Makers: Margaret Woollett 214-808-8277 Rosario Biblico: Olivia Rojas 972-985-0051 Rosario Tradicional: Pilar de la Torre 214-745-9831 Single Friends of St. Mark: Aggie Hoselhorst 214-495-0118 Women of Grace Family & Adult Ministry 972-424-5794 Women of St. Mark Annette Mica 972-612-5657 Women’s Spiritual Growth: Margie Plunkett 972-423-2652 CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS ORGANIZACIONES CATOLICAS Boy Scouts: Ron Imel 972-423-3500 Knights of Columbus #6065: 972-498-8885 Ladies Auxiliary: Cindy Cosgrove 972-423-9084 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Arturo & Isabel Carrasco 214-907-7043 St. Mark Home & School Assn: Jane Jonte 469-675-8800 St. Mark School Advisory Council: Ray Reed 972-442-2044 St. Vincent De Paul: 972-423-1877 19 DE FEBRERO DEL 2012 FEBRUARY 19, 2012 CALENDARIO CUARESMAL PLEASE POST THIS CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR REFERENCE DURING LENT FIJE ESTE CALENDARIO DE EVENTOS DE REFERENCIA DURANTE LA CUARESMA Penitencia Parroquial – 6:30PM – 8PM Lunes, 5 de Marzo Martes, 6 de Marzo Miércoles, 7 de Marzo Lunes, 12 de Marzo Martes, 13 de Marzo Miércoles, 14 de Marzo Jueves, 15 de Marzo Miércoles, 21 de Marzo Parish Penance Evenings – 6:30 PM – 8 PM Monday, March 5 Tuesday, March 6 Wednesday, March 7 Monday, March 12 Tuesday, March 13 Wednesday, March 14 Thursday, March 15 Wednesday, March 21 PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO Confessions Holy Week FISH FRY – 4:45 PM – 7 PM Cafetorium Dine in or take out available Friday, February 24 Friday, March 9 Friday, March 23 FAVOR NOTE: No Habrá Confesiones la Semana Santa El 22 de Febrero Horario de Misa de Miércoles de Ceniza Todas las Misas de realizaran en la Iglesia 6:30AM (Inglés) 8:30AM (Inglés) 12:15PM (Inglés) 4:30PM (Inglés) 6:00PM (Inglés) 7:30PM (Español) 9:00PM (Español) FAVOR NOTE: NO HABRÁN CONFESIONES EL MIÉRCOLES DE CENIZA, 22 de Febrero PESCADO FRITO – 4:45PM – 7PM Cafetorium Comer aquí o para llevar Viernes, 24 de Febrero Viernes, 9 de Marzo Viernes, 23 de Marzo STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Each Friday during Lent at 4:30 PM Stations especially for families with children, 6:30 PM in English and at 7:30 PM in Spanish. VIA CRUCIS: Cada Viernes durante la Cuaresma a las 4:30PM habrán estaciones para familias con niños, 6:30PM en Inglés y a las 7:30PM en Español. February 22 Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule All Masses will be held in the Church 6:30 AM (English) 8:30 AM (English) 12:15 PM (English) 4:30 PM (English) 6:00 PM (English) 7:30 PM (Spanish) 9:00 PM (Spanish) PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO CONFESSIONS ON ASH WEDNESDAY, February 22 LEYES DE AYUNO Y ABSTINENCIA: El Ayuno debe ser ob‐ LAWS OF FASTING AND ABSTINENCE: Fasting is to be servado sobre el Miércoles de Ceniza y Viernes Santo por observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all who todos que han celebrado su 18vo cumpleaños y todavía no th have celebrated their 18 birthday and have not yet han celebrado su 60mo cumpleaños, a menos que no diri‐ celebrated their 60th birthday, unless directed differently gido diferentemente por un médico. La abstinencia de la by a physician. Abstinence from meat is to be observed on carne debe ser observada sobre el Miércoles de Cenizas y Ash Wednesday and ALL Fridays of Lent by all having TODOS los Viernes de la Cuaresma por todos habiendo que celebrated their 14th birthday. celebran su 14to cumpleaños. 2 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY STEWARDSHIP MASS INTENTIONS & DAILY BIBLE READINGS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA Y LECTURAS BÍBLICAS Saturday – Sábado (2/18) 8:30 AM 5:30 PM Members K.C. Ladies Auxiliary Agnes Briggs Sunday - Domingo (2/19) 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 3:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM Frank Van Horn Nhi Phan People of St. Mark Hilda Barron Castillo Napoleon Tejada Erlinda & J. Merced Ramirez Marivel Cervantes Elizabeth Yervasi Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 43:18-19, 21-22, 24b-25 Ps 41 2 Cor 1:18-22 Mk 2:1-12 Monday - Lunes (2/20) Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday - Martes (2/21) St Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55; Mk 9:30-37 6:30 AM 8:30 AM 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Thursday - Jueves (2/23) 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Richard Schlueter Benjamin Thorseth Friday – Viernes (2/24) 6:30 AM 8:30 AM 5:30 PM Doris Balvin Steve Willis Jose Julian Martinez Saturday – Sábado (2/25) 8:30 AM 5:30 PM Zenaida Perez Wayne Clark St Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1; Lk 9:22-25 Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51; Mt 9:14-15 Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86; Lk 5:27-32 Séptimo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario El perdón, también es un don de Dios. Liberado de la parálisis del pecado, el hombre en el Evangelio de hoy fue capaz de pararse y dar testimonio del poder de Dios. Como dejo yo que el pecado me inutilice? Soy yo un buen administrador del don del perdón de Dios? Collection February 12 Chedeng Mesina Susan Inamac Zenaida Perez Doris Balvin Beatrice Essenburg Alfredo Reyes Ash Wednesday Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Forgiveness, too, is a gift from God. Freed from the paralysis of sin, the man in today’s Gospel was able to stand and give witness to the power of God. How do I let sin cripple me? Am I a good steward of the gift of God’s forgiveness? Bill Keenan Doris Balvin 6:30 AM 8:30 AM 12:00PM 7:00 PM Wednesday - Miércoles (2/22) Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 28,910 Weekly Mailed in Donations $ 4,256 Bank Drafts & Credit Cards $ 11,935 Total Collection $ 45,101 Capital Campaign $ 1,695 Campaign to Date $ 2,521,559 Budget $ 45,000 YTD $ 15,216 Attendance 6,555 $ 3,248,032 Alex Mendoza is the winner of the children’s stewardship envelopes. We will celebrate the Rite of Sending for the Rite of Election, on Sun. Feb. 26, and the Rite of Call to Continuing Conversion, on Sun. Mar. 4, at the 9am and 3pm Masses. After participation in the Rite of Election, the catechumens (unbaptized) are called the elect. Coinciding with Lent, this will mark the beginning of the Period of Purification and Enlightenment, a time of prayerful recollection, “consisting more in interior reflection than on instruction”, for those in the RCIA process. We ask that you keep our catechumens and candidates in your prayers as they continue in their journey to receiving the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. If you would like additional information about the RCIA process, please call Debbie Betz (English) or Sr. Esther Guerrero (Spanish). Sunday, February 19 ‐ Domingo, 19 de Febrero 7:00PM Great American Bible Study (Upper Room) 7:30PM LENTEN MISSION (Church) Monday, February 20 ‐ Lunes, 20 de Febrero 10:00AM Grupo de Rosario (Library) 7:00PM LENTEN MISSION (Church) 7:00PM Cursillistas (Main Conference Room) 7:00PM Charismatic Group (Cafetorium) Tuesday, February 21 ‐ Martes, 21 de Febrero 7:00PM LENTEN MISSION (Church) Wednesday, February 22 ‐ Miércoles, 22 de Febrero ASH WEDNESDAY 7:00PM Bible Study Sunday Readings (Library) Thursday, February 23 ‐ Jueves, 23 de Febrero 7:00PM CSS (Library) Friday, February 24 ‐Viernes, 24de Febrero 9:30AM Catholic Scripture Study (Library) 4:45‐7PM Fish Fry (Cafetorium) Saturday, February 25 ‐ Sábado, 25 de Febrero OF $ Total Amount Pledged WEEKLY CALENDAR / CALENDARIO SEMANAL PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Weekend Collection NEW ADORATION SCHEDULE A new schedule for adoration was adopted by the adoration committee. The new schedule began on Feb. 10. See the sign and the notebook outside the chapel for the new schedule including which hours are silent and vocal. Everyone is encouraged to participate in 24 hour adoration each Friday and Saturday. Questions? Call Kathy Keenan 972‐596‐8550 or [email protected] Defend Religious Liberty Today! The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently announced that religious employers will be required to provide health care plans that include coverage of sterilization, contraceptives, and abortifacients. Catholic schools, hospitals, and charities are not exempt from this mandate. This violation of religious liberty is unconscionable and unnecessary. OUR PARISH Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list. Names will be listed for four weeks. Please pray for our troops! Payton & Judy Ahr; Jose Oscar Alcantar; Robert Ahr; Alice Alt; Baula Fam.; Manuela Bezada; Jerry Bonniol; Kim Brown; Joseph Celso; Roy Chaney; Leo E. Conway; Xavier Delgadillo; Roseann Fahrenbruch; Paul Garner; Deacon Roger Gette; Socorro Gonzales; Karen Harrington; Amy Hilliard; Anthony Johnson; Kathy Kelly; Dwayne Mackey; Sydney Marquis; Paul McManus; Tom Moore; Adele Monsalve; Toni Morath; Eristeo Perez; Bernard Pysz; Tom Rawe; Myrthle Reed; Ellen F. Rossini; Anna Marie Russell; Barbara Ryan; Bernadine Smith; Stephen Souders; Martha VanHorn; Mazie Villalobos; William Weyrens; Lilyana Widjaja Urge your U.S. Representative to protect religious liberty by co‐sponsoring the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act. To contact your representative, and sign a petition to the White House opposing this mandate, visit the Texas Catholic Conference web site at or call the Texas Catholic Conference at 512‐339‐9882. The Texas Catholic Conference is the public policy voice of the Bishops of Texas 3 19 DE FEBRERO DEL 2012 FEBRUARY 19, 2012 FAMILY & ADULT MINISTRY - COUNSELING SERVICES MINISTERIOS DE FAMILIA - SERVICIOS DE CONSEJERIA 972-424-5794 Youth & Young Adult Ministries News! ¡Noticias del Ministerio de los Jóvenes & Jóvenes Adultos! 972-578-9583 E-mail: [email protected] PARISH MISSION Feb. 19‐21 With Father Clifford Smith YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: know we are all members of the Catholic Church, the Body of Christ and to acknowledge that we come from diverse cultural, ethnic, educational and spiritual places for an opportunity to serve and lead within the church community. Fragile! Handle with Care! “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like earthen vessels containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” ANNOUNCEMENT: Azteca Dance Group If you would like to be part of this exciting group. For more information contact, Maria Ramirez at the following e‐mail [email protected] 2011‐2012 Faith Formation Volunteers Sunday Night: February 19, 7:30PM If you are interested in helping give us a call. A Radical Exercise of Free Will – Si esta interesado en ayudar denos una llamada. A Radical Exercise of God’s Love: YOUTH GRADES 7-12 / FAITH FORMATION: The nature of Sin & Grace in Sacred Scripture Sunday, February 19 – Domingo 19 de Febrero and Catholic Teaching •MS grades ‐12pm ‐2pm ‐4pm •HS grades ‐7pm • Will meet in the Youth Center Monday Night: February 20, 7:00PM Tuesday, February 21 – Martes 21 de Febrero Acknowledging our Failings and Faults before a Loving •MS grades ‐ 7pm • Will meet in the Youth Center God: Preparing Honestly & Reflectively for the Wednesday, February 22 – Miércoles 21 de Febrero •HS grades‐ 7pm • Will meet in the Youth Center Sacrament Tuesday Night: February 21, 7:00PM EVENTS: Where Sinner Meets Salvation: Absolution and Service Opportunities: Lenten Fish Fry with the Knights of Columbus Penance Friday, March 9 & 23 / Viernes 9 y 23 de Marzo 5:30pm‐8:30pm • St. Mark Cafetorium Contact John Vasquez 214.394.7106 Each Evening will end with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament DCYC ADVICE/GUIDANCE ON YOUR FINISHED RESUME: Meets on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7:30 PM‐Parish Library, Room #105. For more information contact Frank McElligott at 972‐867‐8516 or [email protected] Attention High School Teens‐Got Questions? We Have Some Answers! “Set the World on Fire” Mark your calendars Now August 3‐4‐5, 2012. What is DCYC (Dallas Catholic Youth Conference)? It is an annual diocesan gathering of high school age youth who will be provided Join us for the Lenten book sales in the Narthex beginning Feb. 19, after with a dynamic weekend to gather in a multicultural environment to explore, all Sunday masses and will continue every evening of the Lenten experience, and express their relationship with God, church, and community Mission. through a spirit filled celebration. What will a gathering like this provide? On Going Retreats A gathering of this nature will create an environment for “awakenings” which can lead to conversion to Jesus, it will invite young people into a life of discipleship CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH which can build towards Christ-centered leadership, and it will offer an Men April 14-15 Women Jun 30-31 experience of the broader Church one of Catholic identity of young people Weekend retreat provides an atmosphere for individual across the diocese. growth through prayer, inspiring presentations, and Who is the MC? personal reflection. It is also an opportunity to share with others in the parish Jesse Manibusan “I invite, and challenge folks to pray, proclaim, and celebrate!” about the joys and challenges of living a Christian lifestyle in our family life, at He is inspirational and engaging! work, with friends, and in society. Note: Follow-up sessions are encouraged to Who will attend? continue both personal spiritual growth and faith community growth. Youth entering 9th - 12th grade and their adult / young adult youth ministers. CRISTO RENUEVA SU PARROQUIA Where will we be staying? Hombres Abril 28-29 Mujeres Jul 14-15 Frisco Conference Center. El retiro provee un ambiente para crecimiento individual How many days is it? por medio de la oración, presentaciones conmovedoras, It is a two and a half day conference; Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday. y reflexión personal. También es una oportunidad para compartir con otros en la parroquia sus alegrías y desafíos de vivir una vida Cristiana en su vida familiar, en el trabajo, con amigos, y en la sociedad. Note: Se promueve seguimiento Listen to Catholic Radio KATH 910 AM para la continuación de crecimiento espiritual personal y crecimiento de la comunidad de fe. LENTEN BOOK SALE 4 Escucha Radio Catolica KJON 850 AM ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST SCHOOL: 972-578-0610 ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION: 972-423-4715 St. Mark School Advisory Council: Ray Reed 972-442-2044 St. Mark Home & School Assn: Jane Jonte 469-675-8800 Sacrament Preparation Students: If you missed the FIRST COMMUNION PARENT/STUDENT MEETING offered on Feb. 6th and 9th, you will need to pick up an information packet. Two options for getting the packet: 1) pick up during the week at the Parish Center; or 2) the packets will be available at the Information Tables in the school during class times! These packets are in English and in Spanish. You must have this packet! “Laissez les bons temps rouler!” Let the good times roll! Indeed, a good time was had by all at the St. Mark Parish Center on Sat., Feb. 11. FIRST COMMUNION activity sheets will be sent home with your child. These are to be completed and returned to your child’s catechist the Our St. Mark Catholic School’s 25th annual Mardi Gras themed following class. CHECK your child’s folder each week! Dinner & Auction was a huge success! The next BIG item scheduled is "The Walk Thru Mass" ‐ Thursday, Thank you to everyone at our parish and school for their March 1, 6:30 in the church (English) and Thursday, March 8, 6:30 in support. the church (Spanish). PLEASE PUT THESE DATES ON YOUR CALEN‐ From cash donations to donated items to sponsoring teacher DAR NOW! tables, the response from our St. Mark Catholic Parish Community was overwhelming. Estudiantes Preparándose para Sacramentos: Si usted no asistió a la PRIMERA REUNIÓN DE PADRE/ESTUDIANTE DE COMUNIÓN ofrecida el 6 y 9 de Febrero, usted tendrá que reco‐ ger un paquete de información. Hay dos opciones para conseguir el paquete: 1) recoja durante la semana en el Parish Center; o 2) los pa‐ quetes estarán disponibles a las Mesas de Información en la escuela durante tiempos de clase! Estos paquetes están en inglés y en espa‐ ñol. ¡Usted debe tener este paquete! We are grateful for your support! For our kids, LeAnn Wray – Jenee Richey – Tori Robin RCIA Are you interested in finding out more about the Catholic faith? Have you considered becoming Catholic and would like to find out more about the RCIA process? New inquiry sessions for adults began on Wed. Feb. 1, in Ste. #205 at 7:00pm. The meeting dates for February are Wed. Feb. 1, 15, & 29. Beginning in March we will meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Please join us; it’s a wonderful opportunity to ask questions and to find out more about the RCIA process. For additional information, please call Kathy Keenan at 972-596-8550 or Debbie Betz at the Parish Office. Our parish also needs sponsor/companions for men and women that are interested in becoming Catholic. To find out more out more about this valuable ministry, please call John Lemburg at 214-475-5416. PRIMERA COMUNION las hojas de tarea deben ser completadas en casa y devueltas al catequista de su niño la clase siguiente. ¡REVISE la carpeta de su niño cada semana! El siguiente artículo GRANDE programado es 'El Paseo a Través de Misa' ‐ el Jueves, 1 de Marzo, a las 6:30 en la Iglesia (Inglés) y el Jue‐ ves, 8 de Marzo, a las 6:30 en la Iglesia (Español). ¡POR FAVOR PON‐ GA ESTAS FECHAS EN SU CALENDARIO! *Here is something to have on the Refrigerator during Lent or bathroom mirror. A Lenten Prayer Fast from judging others; feast on Christ in them. Fast from wanting more; feast on being thankful. Fast from anger; feast on patience. Fast from worry; feast on trust. Fast from complaining; feast on enjoyment. Fast from negatives; feast on positives. Fast from stress; feast on prayer. Fast from anger; feast on forgiveness. Fast from selfconcern; feast on compassion for others. Fast from fear; feast on truth. Fast from discouragement; feast on hope. Fast from gossip; feast on silence. Fast from fighting; feast on peace. Amen. RICA Si Ud. O alguien en su familia le faltan los sacramentos de Bautismo, Confirmación o Eucaristía y actualmente NO ESTAN en el proceso de RICA, se iniciaron clases el Jueves, 12 de Enero, 2012 en el cuarto #208 de 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Por favor de llamar a la Hermana Esther M. Guerrero, mcdp para registrarse o para más información al 972-423-4715 ext. 225. ADULT FAITH FORMATION What Protestants Believe- beginning Sun. Feb. 5 (10 wks), at 8:45am, in the Cafetorium. Same class will also be offered at 7pm, in the Upper Room #208. Biblical Walk thru the Mass- begins Feb. 5, at 10:15am, in the Parish Library #105, Smyth Pastoral Center (5 wks). Biblical Walk thru the Mass- (evenings) begins Sun. Feb. 26, at 7:00pm, in the Main Conference Room #202 and on Tues. Feb. 28, in Suite #205 (5 wks) Study the New Encyclical Spring 2012 – exact beginning date will be determined when the new Encyclical by Pope Benedict XVI is released. For information, contact Elizabeth Muzyka at 972-424-8785 or [email protected]. Registration for classes began January 21-22. Scripture Study of Sunday Readings- Wed. evenings, at 7pm, in the Parish Library #105. adapted from a Lenten prayer by William Arthur Ward “Partners in Faith”, monthly publication, are available in the Narthex along with Family Lent Calendars. “Compañeros en la fe”, una publicación mensual esta disponible en el Nártex igual como Calendarios Familiares de Cuaresma. Family Stations of the Cross, every Friday in Lent, starting February 24th, in the church at 4:30 pm. Come, take up your cross and follow Jesus. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – make plans to attend July 9 – 13, 2012, details to follow. 5 19 DE FEBRERO DEL 2012 FEBRUARY 19, 2012 Misión Cuaresmal de la Parroquia St Mark El Misterio Pascual en Nuestras Vidas Martes: “María, Madre de Dios y esposa de San José” Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo En este tema veremos como la Pascua puede afectar nuestra vida domestica través de meditando la vida de María y José. Miércoles: “San Juan Evangelista, el discípulo amado” Misa a las 7:00pm antes del Tema En este tema veremos como la Pascua puede afectar nuestras amistades y relaciones interpersonales que más apreciamos. Martes a Viernes Marzo 13‐16, 2012 7:00‐8:30pm Iglesia St Mark 1201 Alma Dr Plano, TX 75075 972‐424‐5794 Jueves: “San Juan el Bautista, voz que clama en el Desierto” Toda la familia es cordialmente Confesiones después del tema invitada a participar en la misión. En este tema veremos como Juan el Bautista nos prepara Los temas serán presentados por cotidianamente a madurar nuestro amor cristiano a través de la Padre Mark Salas. renovación del corazón, en un mundo que cambia, se desarrolla y sigue igual. Del Predicador: El Padre Mark Salas es Viernes: “María Magdalena, Apóstol del pregón pascual” sacerdote Diocesano de El Paso, TX y Viacrucis y Convivio está asignado a la parroquia de St. Mark María, Juan y la Magdalena son los únicos discípulos que acompañaron a Jesús en su calvario. Viviremos el Vía Crucis a través de sus puntos de en El Paso. Es instructor en Instituto vista, en preparación de la resurrección de Jesús. Para terminar la Tepeyac, un programa de formación para misión tendremos un convivio de comida cuaresmal, porque el ministerio laico. Dirige varios retiros, cristianismo es vivir en comunidad y banquete. Traiga su platillo temas y misiones en varias parroquias. cuaresmal favorito para compartir. LENTEN JOURNEY: Plan to attend this medita‐ PEREGRINAJE DE C U A R E S M A : Una oportunidad para oración y reflexión individual en las palabras de Cristo de la cruz. Martes, 6 de Marzo de 9:30AM ‐ 9:00PM en la iglesia. Esta actividad es solo para adultos y los participantes pueden ir y venir a cualquier hora durante estas horas, tomando cuanto tiempo sea necesario para visitar centros de meditación. Cada centro de meditación tendrá Escrituras en que reflexionar y meditar. Guardería disponible por donación. Se requiere reservación para la guardería. Llame al 972‐424‐5794 para más información o para reservación para la guardería. tion and prayer experience based on the words of Christ from the cross on Tues., Mar. 6 between 9:30AM ‐ 9:00PM in the sanctuary. This self‐ directed prayer experience is for adults and teens and is set up for you to come and go when and as you wish. Lenten Journey includes small medita‐ tion centers which participants visit at their own pace. Each has scripture, an experiential element, and something to reflect on, pray or journal about. Come and spend some time walking with Jesus in the valley of Lent. Childcare available ‐ Donation requested. For information or to make childcare reservations, call 972‐424‐5794. 6 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: 972-423-1877 Fish Fry: The Knights of Columbus will TODAY is the St. Vincent de Paul Black Bag distribute $1 off coupons for the Fish Collection. The Black Bags will be passed immediately Fries after all Masses on February 18 & following the regular collection during the offertory 19. The first fish fry of 2012 is Friday, portion of the Mass. The St. Mark Conference February 24 from 4:45 PM to 7 PM. Subsequent fish fries provides direct financial assistance for basic services to the most are March 9 & March 23. “All You Can Eat”, continues needy within our parish community. this year. Take‐out meals will also be available. Prices at HOY es la colecta de Bolsa Negra de San Vicente de Paul. Las the door are $8 for adults and $5 for children 12 and bolsas negras se pasaran inmediatamente después de las under. The menu includes Catfish Fillets (Fried and ofrendas. La Conferencia de St. Mark proporciona asistencia Baked), Corn, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Hush Puppies, financiera para servicios básicos a los más necesitados de nuestra comunidad parroquial. Desserts, Coffee, Tea, Punch, Milk and Cheese Pizza. Profits help support the charities we sponsor. SINGLES RETREAT 2012 SUSTAINING YOUR SPIRITUALITY IN A MODERN WORLD St. Mark Adult Community, all parishioners 50 and over, will have our Potluck Dinner on Saturday, February 25 at 6:30PM in the COMMUNITY CENTER #101, following the 5:30PM Mass. Please RSVP to 972‐578‐9293 or [email protected] or if you have any questions. Drop your potluck dish off at the Community Room before Mass if you wish. All 50 and over are welcome. Presented By Father Ronald J. Boudreaux, S.J. Director of the Montserrat Retreat House Come enjoy a day of Reflection, Spiritual Enrichment and Fellowship Father Boudreaux will be presenting a one‐day retreat on Spirituality for single adults of all ages including those separated, divorced, widowed and never married. Women of St. Mark Tea will be served, Tues., Feb. 28 at 7:00 P.M. in McGivney Hall. A magical, traditional or whimsical table awaits you to enjoy your cup of tea and treats. Each table is being specially decorated by our “Tea‐rrific Table Mums” to welcome all the women of St. Mark. Come join us for an exciting time of fellowship and invite your mom, daughters, sisters and friends, etc. All are welcome. Come share stories of influential women in your life and possibly win one of three give away gifts. Spots fill up quickly for this wonderful event so reserve your spot now by calling Lois 972‐333‐1800 or Marianne 972‐985‐6420. A $3 charge per person will be collected at the door. Admission is FREE. Lunch will be provided. Pre‐Registration is required. Date Saturday March 31, 2012 Time 8:30am‐3:00pm Location The Great Room Saint Mark Pastoral Center 1105 W. 15th Street Plano, TX 75075 PARISH LIBRARY Monday ‐ Thursday: 9:00 ‐ 12 Noon Wednesday: 3‐4:30 PM DVDs: “Saint John Bosco‐ Apostle of Youth” Books: "Day of Discover‐ Stories of Salvation: Easter and Purim” For more Information and Registration Contact Stefanie Vickers 972.423.5600 ext. 230 or [email protected] “Worldview and the Three Faiths of Jerusalem” "The Life of C.S. Lewis” Patrons Welcome! Lenten Retreat, March 7 ‐ Hosted by Families of Nazareth, Communion of Life with Christ through Mary All are invited to join us for a Lenten Retreat “Bridge to love with the Sacred Heart of Jesus” presented by Fr. Piotr Zugaj and Fr. Jarek Zaniewski from 8:00am – 1:30pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton of Plano. Retreat includes Conference, Eucharistic Adoration, Holy Mass, Confession, and Faith Sharing. Please see registration forms in the narthex. Early registration is $10 and includes morning snacks. For information, contact Claudine Humphries at [email protected] or 972‐423‐8834. You can also check website at Nursery available with reservation. 7 19 DE FEBRERO DEL 2012 FEBRUARY 19, 2012 FROM THE BISHOP KNIGHTS’ CORNER Council 6065 Time is running out to respond to Bishop Farrell’s all‐parishioner survey on Catholic education. The survey will help the Bishop and his Strategic Planning Committee chart the future course for our schools and our church. Bishop Farrell wants to hear from ALL Catholics, whether or not you’re a parent of school‐aged children. Please take a few minutes to go to, click on the link on the home page and take this short, anonymous survey. If an online survey isn’t possible for you, call 214‐379‐3159 to arrange to take the survey by phone. The survey will be open until February 20. Assembly 2266 Welcome to Council 6065 We welcome Michael Zeleski to our Council. He is a 4th degree Knight and transferred from Council 13044 in Allen. We look forward to seeing Michael and his wife Linda at many of our future events. Prodigal Son Dinner FEB 20 We are hosting our annual Prodigal Son Dinner on Mon., Feb. 20. If you are a member of the Knights of Columbus but haven’t been to meetings recently, please join us for this “welcome back to the Knights” dinner. Contact Grand Knight, Ron Schoof at 972-985-8707, Deputy Grand Knight, Bill Butcher at 469-450-6651 or Event Chairman, Mark Hromalik at 972-489-4435 for more information. Greet the Troops at DFW MAR 10 Members of the Christopher Columbus Assembly and Santa Maris Council will be going to DFW on March 10 to greet the troops as they return to their areas of deployment after a short but well deserved visit at home. If anyone would like to join us, and would like to carpool, please meet at All Saints Catholic Church at the Arapaho side parking lot at 9 a.m. Those who would prefer to drive directly, meet at 10 a.m. at gate B15. Do not use your toll tag as the USO will provide free passes. Student groups, boy/girl scout troops, etc. are always welcome. Please feel free to bring bottled water, soft drinks or packaged snacks, but no home-made items (the USO does not have a food license). If possible, please wear Knights of Columbus and/or military identification caps or shirts. For additional information, please contact Chuck Neubecker at 972-403-0608. Computer Recycling Used CPUs, monitors, printers, scanners, fax machines, pointing devices (mice) as well as CDs and DVDs are being accepted for donation to the Texas Center for the Physically Impaired. Please call Chuck Fiedler at 972-690-6329 for information or to request a charitable receipt. Please do NOT leave any used computer equipment in the ushers’ room or in the church Narthex. PLEASE NOTE: LaserJet Cartridges are not to be placed with Ink Jet Cartridges in the Ushers Room. If you have LaserJet cartridges to recycle, please contact any member of the Knights of Columbus who can deliver them to the appropriate people at one of our meetings. Information for Joining K of C For information on joining the Knights, please see our Council website,, or call our Grand Knight, Ron Schoof at 972-9858707. Informational brochures are available in the Narthex of the Church. Or you can call us at 972-498-8885 anytime. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is a recording and we monitor it regularly. If you leave a message, someone from the Knights will return your call. AROUND THE DIOCESE What are our Catholic Goals for Political Life? How do I help? Join Catholic Charities of Dallas, the Catholic Pro‐Life Committee and the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Justice Ministry on Mon., Feb. 20 at 7pm at St. Mark’s Upper Room for the final session of our Faithful Citizenship series! We are honored to have Jennifer Carr Allmon, Associate Director of the Texas Catholic Conference, to talk about goals and challenges of political life and how we can get involved on a local level. The Texas Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Bishops of Texas. We hope to see you there. Together, informed and active Catholics can made a difference! Making the Most of Lent The Women of St. Francis are hosting a half‐day retreat for men and women on Fri., Mar. 9 in the Sanctuary. Our speaker is Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Ph.D, a New York Times bestseller with his Guide to the Passion and a frequent guest on EWTN and Catholic Answers Live! Making the Most of Lent is a mission that provides a deeper and richer understanding of Lent, with practical tips for a whole new way to experience the season, featuring a renewed appreciation for the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist. The retreat will begin at 9:15 and end at Noon. We would love for you to join us for Mass at 8:30am prior to the retreat. Early Registration (by Feb 29) is $20. After Feb 29, registration is $25 and $30 at the door. Free childcare at the Church. Deadline to register for childcare is Feb 29. Please make check to: WOSF and mail to Connie Moffett, 1247 San Andres Dr., Frisco, TX 75033. Please indicate if you need childcare and the age(s) of your children. Location of Retreat: St. Francis of Assisi, 8000 Eldorado Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75034. Questions contact, [email protected]. Forgiveness Workshop The Dallas Chapter of Contemplative Outreach announces a One‐Day Forgiveness Workshop, Sat., Mar. 31, from 9:30AM ‐ 2:30PM at St Joseph, Richardson, TX. Details at or 972‐722‐6029 or E‐Mail [email protected]. Early registration $35, after Mar. 26, $45. The workshop presenter, Fr Bill Sheehan, OMI, is a nationally known speaker and retreat leader. He will describe the process of forgiveness, why we find it difficult to forgive, and how we can choose the conscious loving choice. The 1st Annual North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference will bring together over 1,000 Catholic men on Sat., April 28 at Prince of Peace for some Spiritual Spring Training! We are blessed to have Danny Abramowicz and his EWTN Crossing the Goal team as speakers at the event. Come join us and start training to become the Catholic husband, father, and leader that God made you to be! Please go to to register today! THANK YOU BULLETIN SPONSORS! Please patronize our Bulletin Sponsors. It is through their support that this bulletin is made possible. At NO cost to our Parish, Bring the bulletin with you or mention their ad when you visit or call their business. Let them know “YOU SAW IT HERE”. Thank you. 8 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SPRING PARISH CLEAN - UP SIGN UP TODAY to volunteer for the Spring Parish Clean‐up Friday, March 9th (Prep work and Garage Sale) Saturday, March 10th (Painting & Cleaning) from 8 am‐5 pm. This is a great opportunity for all parish organizations, fellowship groups, and families to come out and help make a difference in our parish! Can’t volunteer? DONATE! We are in need of CLEANING ITEMS, PAINTING SUPPLIES, GIFT CARDS (Home Depot or Lowes), AND FOOD FOR VOLUNTEERS. For more information Please contact: Tonia Velasquez at 214.478.6997 or [email protected], or Will Alt at 972.423.5600 X 229 LIMPIEZA PARROQUIAL DE PRIMAVERA INSCRIBASE HOY para ser voluntario para la Limpieza Parroquial de Primavera El Viernes, 9 de Marzo (trabajo de preparación y venta de garaje) Sábado, 10 de Marzo (pintura & limpieza) de 8 am a 5 pm. ¡Esta es una gran oportunidad para todas las organizaciones de la parroquia, grupos , y familias para salir y ayudar a hacer una diferencia en nuestra parroquia! ¿No puede ser voluntario? DONE! Estamos necesitados de ARTÍCULOS DE LIMPIEZA, ARTÍCULOS PARA PINTAR (pintura, brochas, etc.), TARJETAS DE REGALO (Home Depot o Lowes), Y COMIDA PARA VOLUNTARIOS. Llame a Tonia Velasquez para más detalles al 214.478.6997, o mande un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame a Will Alt al 972.423.5600 X 229 9
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