Valley Oak Quilt Guild


Valley Oak Quilt Guild
Valley Oak Quilt Guild
March 2011
President’s Message
Great program, Dyanne. Who would guess there were so many innovative
ideas for a Cathedral Window. Hats off to Shelley Swanland for making a
very productive career for herself out of something she obviously loves. I
am looking forward to seeing the results of the workshop at the next meeting. The World Ag Expo is behind us for another year. We have about
99% of the opportunity quilt done and
Leslie is finishing it at home. We also
did well on ticket sales and am told that
Komforters for Kids was productive as
well. A great big THANK YOU to all
of you who helped on all of the projects. Couldn’t get along without each
and every one of you.
Vol XXV, No 03
February 13, 1986
Inside this Issue
President’s Letter.......................... 1
Reminders..................................... 1
Minutes......................................... 2
Treasurer’s Report......................... 3
March Birthdays............................ 3
2012 Opportunity Quilt................. 3
Fat Quarter Drawing..................... 3
Coil Basket Supply List................ 4
Celebration 25 Years..................... 4
Theme Quilt.................................. 5
Year–End Treasurer’s Report........ 5
Recipe........................................... 5
February Program Speaker........... 5
Show and Tell................................ 6
Help a Member............................. 6
Advertisements......................... 3, 7
2011 Calendar of Events............... 7
The next event is the Best of the Valley Quilt Show. I still need quilts for
the Little Quilt Sale. Please bring them
to the March meeting. Melinda Jungwirth still needs items for the baskets
to be raffled. She also needs Baskets
or medium to large containers. Cash
donations are gratefully accepted and
llDirectories — Pick up your
appreciated also. Please give her a call if you have any questions. I will be
2011 Directory at the Membership
asking for volunteers to sign up to work at BOTV selling tickets and manTable in March.
ning the Little Quilt sale booth. Check your calendar and be prepared.
llName Tag—Wear your name
Deborah Hutchinson is trying to get the Fabric Club going again. She needs
tag to each meeting.
to know who wants fat quarters next month or for the whole year. Call her
llBest of the Valley—Sign
If you need any more info.
up to work, you are needed.
Randi and Stacy tell me that they have 52 participants in the Mystery Quilt.
That must be some kind of record! I have my fabric cut and cannot wait for llBasket Donations—Have
you contributed yet? Donate a
the next installment.
See you next month.
Keep on Stitchin,
quilt–related item for $10 or so and
put in the basket provided
Valley Oak Quilt Guild
Minutes, February 3, 2011
Mystery Quilt: Randi Speckman Membership Cards: Membership
and Stacy Yates have handouts for cards were distributed today. The
this year’s mystery quilt.
directory and opportunity quilt tickCharter Members: This month ets will be available at the March
marks the 25th anniversary of our meeting. Jenny Glass stated that
guild. There were six charter mem- members must pay their dues today
bers recognized at the meeting – Al- in order to be included in the direcProgram: Dyanne Cox introduced berta Fletcher, Virginia Gunning, tory.
Shelley Swanland. Her program Anne Haas, Lois Hummell, Lois Orange Blossom Quilt Guild: Elaine
consisted of a comprehensive dis- Light, and Virginia McGaha. Lavina Berry announced that the guest
play of the beautiful Cathedral Win- Johnson, Sylvia Keller, and Shirley speaker at the Orange Blossom
dow quilts which she has made. She Windh were unable to be present. A Guild on February 24 will be Leora
described her very interesting meth- beautiful cake commemorating this Raikin, who will make a presentaod of creating these quilts. A work- event was served during the break. tion on African Folklore Embroishop will be held on February 4.
Theme Quilt: Members displayed dery and will also be conducting a
Minutes: A motion to accept the their completed February quilts, and workshop.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Valley Oak Quilt Guild was called
to order by President Ann Hinman
on February 3, 2011, at 10:00 a.m.
at the Tulare Community Church.
There were 86 members, 4 new
members, and 3 guests present.
minutes from the January meeting
was made by Sharon Chase, and
seconded by Judy McDaniel. Motion carried.
Judi Fleming previewed the March Sunshine and Shadows: It was anquilt.
nounced that Karen Ervin’s mother
Fat Quarter Drawing: Fat quar- passed away recently.
Block of the Month: Linda Matthews and Leslie Cunningham were
unable to attend the meeting this
month so the drawing was poston announced that those working on poned until next month.
the quilts at the farm show can meet Show and Tell: Several members
on Monday at the Tulare Commu- presented their show and tell projnity Church to gather supplies and ects.
help set up their space at the farm Thought for the Day: “Of all the
show. They will be working on the things I wear, my expression is the
quilts from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at most important.”
the farm show.
Diane Ruby, Secretary
Opportunity Quilt 2012: Judy McDaniel showed the completed center
block for the quilt, “The Queen and
Her Court” and displayed a picture
of the full quilt.
ters were won by Gloria Montalvo,
Treasurer’s Report: No correc- Mildred Mabry, Claudia Semple
tions or additions were made to the and Irene Phipps.
published treasurer’s report.
Komforter for Kids: Norma DeLeBest of the Valley Quilt Show: Ann
Hinman is in charge of this year’s
Big Little Quilt Sale this year. To
date she has received very few quilts
and asked members to contribute to
this event. Melinda Jungwirth is in
charge of the basket sale. If there
are members who are not part of a
small group assembling a basket,
Melinda will take donations of quilt
items and/or cash to put together
baskets. Betty Gomes is asking for
volunteers to sell opportunity quilt
tickets at the show.
Library: Hallie Bosetti stated that
World Ag Expo: Leslie Sobieralski they have received a novel by Jenis taking sign ups for hand quilters nifer Chiaverini for the library.
at the farm show, and Betty Gomes
Orphan Blocks: Judy Rhoades is
is organizing the ticket sellers.
accepting orphan blocks.
Valley Oak Quilt Guild Newsletter, March 2011
Page 2
Valley Oak Quilt Guild
Treasurer’s Report / January 31, 2011
Beginning Balance
$ 19,954.57
Dues / Guests....................................... $ 1,140.00
Opportunity Tickets............................... 1,200.00
Opportunity Quilt 2009 Fabric............... 299.72
Workshops............................................ 310.00
Total Income.............................................$ 2,949.72
Best of the Valley......................... $
Scholarship Mailers..................... 19.31
VOQG Social Account Bus Trip... 500.00
Donation, Tulare Community Church... 100.00
Hospitality............................................. 25.59
Newsletter............................................. 83.89
SubTotal....................................... $
Kom for Kids, Donation Tulare
Gloria Montalvo............................ $
Gloria Montalvo............................ 67.05
Community Church...................... 25.00
Total Expenditures...................................$
Balance Checking Account.................................................... 21,938.44
Term Savings.........................................................................
Total Overall Balance............................................................$ 24,932.33
Komforters for Kids
Beginning Balance................................................................$
Opportunity Ticket Sales Share for 2010........................................ Total................................................................ $
Expenditures (Listed above)........................................................... $
March Birthdays
7......................... Carolyn Cardoza
11.............................. Elaine Short
16............................. Gerry O’Day
20................................Stacy Yates
24........................ Karen Bockman
28..........................Georgia Goode
This is a very short list of birthday
women—please help out with the
Opportunity Quilt 2012
Judy McDaniel holds the center
block for the 2012 Opportunity
Quilt, The Queen and Her Court.
Looks like the Guild is in for another beautiful quilt year!
Checking Account Balance........................ $ 21,938.44
Less Kom for Kids................................ 1,494.16
Actual Balance........................................$ 20,569.28
Social Account (for Retreat and Bus Trips)
Beginning Balance................................................................$
VOQG ......................................... $
Retreat......................................... 400.00
Bus............................................... 1,225.00
Total Deposits..........................................$
Orange Belt.................................. $ 1,410.00
Road to California tickets............. 300.00
Driver Tip..................................... 50.00
Total Expenses.........................................$
Valley Oak Quilt Guild Newsletter, March 2011
Fat Quarter Drawing
The Pin Ups (Pam Ervin, Iva Gibbens,
Claudia Semple, and Laquita Stinnett)
are chairing this year’s fat quarter committee. Join their fun! Remember, a fat
quarter is 18 x 22-24 inches and must
be a good quality cotton. The maximum number to bring is 5
March................Spring Greens
Page 3
Coil Basket Class
Sandy Coelho will present the March workshop the afternoon of the guild meeting. The
supply list for the class is listed below.
Supply List
• Sewing machine with a buttonhole foot. If
you don’t have one, just bring all the feet
that you have.
• Large mat, long ruler, and large or medium
• **Fat quarters (or larger) fabric
• $5 skein of cording from Sandy. You will
pay her directly
• Neutral thread, (or thread to match if you
are bringing your own fabric) please no
clear nylon.
• Denim needles.
• Basic sewing tools.
• A seam jumper if you have one.
Sandy will show us her tricks for cutting, so
please do not pre-cut any fabric
25 Yea
**Since Sandy will be selling fabric for $5 per
yard, she would like those taking the class to
purchase the fabric from her. This is not a requirement, just a suggestion.
The class will be after lunch on March 10th.
Bring your own lunch, or make a quick trip
to one of the fast food places in the area. We
need to be out of the church by 4 pm.
25 Years —Still Strong
In February the Guild celebrated their 25th year by honoring the charter members. According to current records,
there were 14 charter members and five were present.
Front Row: Ann Haas, Alberta Fletcher
Back Row: Virginia McGaha, Lois Hummel, Lois Light,
Virginia Gunning
Valley Oak Quilt Guild Newsletter, March 2011
Page 4
Preview for March
Be My Valentine
February’s Theme Quilt—A Valentine—was a real hit! Keep up the good
work so we can admire your personal calendar!
2 cups grated Mexican blend
2010 Year–End Treasurer’s Report
$ 19,877.86
Balance.................................................................................$ 19,954.57
2 cups diced red pepper
1 cup diced celery
3/4cup diced red onion
1 cup (about) Ranch Dressing
Chill, then just before serving add
1 13–oz.
Nacho Cheese Chips, coarsely
Shelley Swanland
Dues / Guests....................................... $ 4,036.00
Block of the Month................................ 35.00
Donations............................................. 554.50
Fabric Club........................................... 1,515.00
Little Quilt and Basket Sale.................. 2,278.00
Newsletter Advertising.......................... 425.00
Opportunity Tickets............................... 5,238.00
Workshops............................................ 1,690.00
Misc...................................................... 413.20
Total 2010 Income....................................$ 16,184.70
Administration....................................... $ 2,789.36
Donation (Rent).................................... 1,325.00
Fabric Club........................................... 1,423.52
Hospitality............................................. 154.01
Library................................................... 160.95
Misc...................................................... 203.24
Newsletter............................................. 1,168.33
Opportunity Quilt................................... 370.12
Programs.............................................. 4,032.36
Scholarship........................................... 500.00
Workshop.............................................. 2,032.50
Komforters 4 Kids................................. 1,948.60
Total 2010 Expenses................................$ 16,107.99
Valley Oak Quilt Guild Newsletter, March 2011
by Jan Kerr
2 #1 bags of frozen petite sweet
corn (Such as C & W)
Valley Oak Quilt Guild
Beginning Balance
Nacho Corn Salad
The Cathedral Window workshop
by Shelley Swanland was well attended and the participants were
pleased with their project.
Page 5
Show and Tell
Help Needed by Member
Norma DeLeon owns a Pfaff Grand
Quilter sewing machine which is on
a frame. She is looking for someone
else who owns this machine so she
can chat, compare notes, get help.
If you or someone you know is able
to assist, please give her a call.
Dresdan Plate
by Ann Hinman
Teapots, Lois Light
“I Spy” Quilts, Priscilla Girard
Valley Oak Quilt Guild Newsletter, March 2011
For a Friend, Diane Ruby
Table Runner and Purple Pinwheels,
Laquita Stinnett
Page 6
Which Workshop for You?
2011—Calendar of Events
March 10
10 a.m.— VOQG Meeting
March Birthdays bring treats
Sandy Coelho, Workshop Only, Basket Coil Class after lunch
April 14
May 12
June 9
Valley Oak Quilt Guild Newsletter, March 2011
10 a.m.— VOQG Meeting
April Birthdays bring treats
10 a.m.— VOQG Meeting
May Birthdays bring treats
10 a.m.— VOQG Meeting
June Birthdays bring treats
To Be Determined
Cindy Needham, Lecture, “For the
Love of Linens” Workshop—Linen
Phyllis Binkley, Lecture
Workshop—Landscape 101 (techniques)
Page 7