July 2014 - United States Bocce Federation
July 2014 - United States Bocce Federation
July 2014 This month features a photo essay of a big group of serious bocce players who spent the entire day at a tournament without a single one of them doing so much as throwing a pallino. We speak, of course, of the people who volunteered their time to referee the games and help support the Madden-Mariucci Battle of the Bay Charity Bocce Tournament All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 2 Editor’s note to our readers. As Editor of this newsletter, I owe our readers an apology. As most of you know, the National Championships were held in St. Louis Mo. from June 21 to 28. I did not attend, and therefore was not able to take photos or get results to report in this months edition. I asked several sources to send me what they had, but my inquires have not been addressed by those I attempted to contact. I also sent an email to the Italia-America Bocce Club, host of the event, asking their permission to reprint their photos of the event. I have not heard back from them. As is the policy of this newsletter, we will not repost photos or articles from other sources without their written permission of the owners, so, unfortunately, this newsletter will be unable to make any reports or post any photos about one of the premier bocce events of the year in this months issue. We have every intention of continuing our attempts to gather as much information about the event as we can so that we may present an article in next months issue of this newsletter. Again, my apologies, Frank Rivera, Editor All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 3 Francesca Giamona 1937 - 2014 The Monterey bocce community lost a good friend in Francesca Giamona, who passed away on July 3rd. She was a very good friend to many. Always ready to play bocce, she often showed those she played against that they were matched against a superior opponent. Cesca didn’t travel as much in recent years as she had in past years. She preferred playing in Monterey at the various courts there, although in recent years, she did compete in a few tournaments in Antioch and Pittsburg. She was highly involved in the Italian Catholic Federation #36 in Monterey and was also on the Board of Directors of the Monterey Bocce Federation. Cesca was a dear friend who will be greatly missed. USBF Western Sector Newsletter June 2014 The United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Newsletter is published by the Western Sector, a division of the United States Bocce Federation. Our mission is to promote the sport of bocce throughout the Western United States. Through our clubs and members, weekly tournaments, participation in national championships and publication of this newsletter, we accomplish this goal. Western Sector President Vern Cooper Email: [email protected] Western Sector Vice President Jerry South Email: [email protected] Western Sector Representative Larry Cereghino Email: [email protected] If you would like to receive a PDF copy of this newsletter by email, please submit your request to be added to our mailing list to our newsletter editor at: [email protected] DISCLAIMER We welcome contributions of your articles, stories and photos about the sport of bocce. However, we reserve the right to refuse publication of any submission that does not meet our publication standards. Please submit your contributions to: Western Sector Newsletter Editor Frank Rivera Email: [email protected] To go directly to a specific article, click on the article page number Articles Obituary…………………………….…….….....…….……….…... 3 Page Four By Vern Cooper…….…………………………….…...… 4 Pensieri E Riflessoni by Frank Rivera……………….……….……. 5 From the Archives…………………………………………..…...... 6 One on the Northwest’s Youngest by Larry Cereghino…...………… 7 Portland Bocce Leagues First Family By Brad Cotton……………... 8 Tournament Photo Pages Italian Benevolent Societies 17th Annual Bocce Tournament.. 9 Madden Marriucci Battle of the Bay…..……….…………….…. 12 4 Person Open - IAC Stockton….……….……………...…....... 16 Laguna Niguel Annual Bocce Tournament……………...…..... 19 PRV Western Sector Championship - Los Gatos…….…...…. 20 Sam Buccellato Memorial Tournament - Pittsburg……..…….. 23 Donna Gielich Memorial Tournament - Scappoose, Ore…….. 24 Tournament Schedules and Applications 2014 So Cal Tournament Schedule…………………...……..... Upcoming Tournaments……………………………..……….…. Tournament Applications…………………...……....…. 28 thru 2014 USBF Western Sector Tournament Schedule……...….. A light year (the distance light travels in a year) is about 6 trillion miles All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 26 27 33 34 4 Page Four A Great Time in St. Louis BY VERN COOPER PRESIDENT, USBF WESTERN SECTOR Well here it is the month of June and the 2014 Nationals were this month. They were played in St Louis, my favorite place to play. I heard they had the courts redone so I was anxious to play on them. On June 12th my wife and I headed for the airport and took off for Kansas City. We were picked up there by our good friends Armand and Dorothy Cevasco in their luxurious motor home. They were headed for St Louis also. My brother has a house on Lake of The Ozarks so away we went. He has a great guest house with a motor home hook-up, so it was a great place to stay. After being there a few days, Armand and Dorothy went off to visit some friends and we stayed at the lake for a while. We met up in Branson, took in a show and then we started to think bocce. We arrived in St Louis on Sunday the 22nd and went to the club. When we walked in I noticed the large number of under 21 people playing. Whatever they have going there it is a great program because there were at least 12-15 four person teams. I should know how many there were but I don't. All these kids were playing at a pretty high level and having a lot of fun doing it. After the finals there were awards being presented to 1st through 4th. It was very inspirational to see all the youth playing there and being good sports all through the tournament. After the awards there was a special proclamation read by a representative from the Mayor of St Louis. The proclamation made the day Danny Passaglia Day and thanked him for all he does for bocce in St Louis and with the USBF. On Sunday evening we got to practice. I was a little disappointed in the courts. they were true and flat but you really had to push the ball. They were very slow. We practiced for a few hours, then went back to the hotel. On Monday the open tournaments started. There were 9 teams for the Medals and 11 for the Money Tournament. Our team consisted of myself, my wife, and Armand and Dorothy Cevasco. In the medal tournament each team played 8 games. We ended up 5 wins and 3 losses which put us in 4th place. With the top 4 teams going to the playoffs we had to play the 1st place team. The 1st place team had beat us in the round robin so we knew they were tough. They were 8 wins and 0 losses. They consisted of a gentleman and his 3 sons from Kansas City. I just loved the way they played because they were really aggressive. They could all shoot and point very well. We knew we were in for a tough game. We pulled it out and won and then had to play the local team for 1st and 2nd. We gave it a gallant try but they beat us. We were thrilled to come in 2nd and get a Silver Medal. I guess there is something to home court advantage. In the Money Tournament the home team also won. Both home teams played very well and deserved to win. On Wednesday the women 2 Person Raffa and the Club Raffa started. Sharon and Dorothy played in the 2 women and Armand, Jerry South and I played in the Club Raffa. There were 11 teams in the Club Raffa Tournament with us in the bracket of 5. We won a game in each of the matches except our last against the "home team". Seems like a pattern developing. We didn't make the playoffs but had a real good time playing. Jerry South had a great Singles game against Sal Lini. If anyone knows Sal he is one of the top players in the country. I'm not saying Jerry made him sweat, but Sal had to play at his best. As was expected Jose, Jason, Natali, and Lio took 1st and will go on to represent the USA in the World Championships. They were well deserved and very gracious winners. I would like to thank Jerry South and Armand Cevasco for putting up with me for all those games. I had a great time playing. Wish we could have done better but it wasn't for lack of trying as we all played as best we could against the cream of the crop. It was a great trip coming home with a Silver Medal for our team, Sharon and Dorothy got a 4th place Medal in the 2 women Raffa and Sharon got a Bronze Medal in the Raffa Shooting contest. (which she shows me EVERY night) I'm looking forward to next year with the Nationals being in Boston. I also hope to see more players from California and the East. The Nationals are a great place to see friends you have made over the years and new friends you will see for years to come. ROSS ON RULES John Ross is on vacation. Look for another Ross on Rules article in the August edition Of the USBF Western Sector Newsletter. You can read previous articles by John Ross by going to the Ross on Rules website: http://rossonrules.com/ The biggest pumpkin ever recorded weighed 884 pounds. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 5 Pensieri e Riflessioni Thoughts and Reflections by Frank Rivera CUSTOM HOUSE PLAZA BOCCE COURTS IN MONTEREY Numerous people have been interested in the efforts by the Monterey Bocce Federation to replace the decomposed granite surfaces at the Custom House Plaza Bocce Courts in Monterey and replace them with artificial surfaces These would have been the same surfaces currently being installed at both Campo di Bocce locations in Los Gatos and Livermore, Stockton IAC, the Marin Bocce Federation in San Rafael and several other locations in Northern California. After nine months of effort, I regret to report that our efforts have failed. We received a favorable response at our initial meeting nine months ago, but for some reason, things went downhill as we attended several more meetings over the ensuing months. Our plan was simple. One we thought would be readily accepted by State Parks, owners of the courts. Our plan was to take out the rotting sidewalls, shorten courts 1 & 2 to match the 86 foot length of court 3, have the Colleoni Sports Facility Company of Gorgonzola, Italy install state-of-the-art artificial court surfaces, then put in new redwood side walls and the same type of rubber, hanging back walls used in the bocce facilities mentioned above. All at our expense. local bocce players, State Parks has apparently reversed it’s plan to remove the courts, and even stated to California State Assemblymember Mark Stone that after the new fiscal year, State Parks itself will refurbish the courts. This is good news indeed! Another possible silver lining. At our final meeting on May 8th, State Parks Superintendent Mat Fuzie seemed somewhat surprised when told of the exorbitant fees currently being charged to rent the courts. Perhaps a new fee schedule, with substantially lower fees, will be created to encourage more court rental. Although our plan is no longer being considered by State Parks, you can, if interested, read my commentary to the Monterey Herald and our Memorandum of Understanding request that we presented on May 8th. It’s posted on our website:.www.montereyboccefederation.com. What could have been. These courts, installed by the Colleoni Sports Facility Company, are similar in design to what the Monterey Bocce Federation planned for the Custom House Plaza bocce courts. We can only hope State Parks plans to refurbish the courts will include state-of-the-art surfaces such as these, but we aren’t holding our collective breaths. 75 BUCKS WON’T BREAK THE BANK The current courts, with rotting sidewalls and unstable decomposed granite surfaces. State Parks would have been given quite a gift. Not only would they have received new courts at no cost to them, but they would have undoubtedly seen a dramatic increase in court use, including an increase in revenue through more court rental. We even offered to put a page on our web site showing a rental fee schedule that would automatically forward the inquiries we frequently get about court rental to the State Parks Plaza office. We didn’t receive approval for our plans from State Parks, but there is a silver lining to this cloud. In a commentary that I wrote in the Monterey Herald newspaper, I included a statement State Parks Superintendent Eric Abma made to Monterey Mayor Chuck Della Sala that the courts will be torn out and the land put to other use within ten years. After a grassroots effort by a number of We still get occasional inquiries from various bocce clubs asking why their tournament notices can’t appear in this newsletter. We remind them that they certainly can be in our Upcoming Tournaments pages. All they have to do is join their club in the USBF. They say it isn’t worth it to join just to get their notices in the newsletter even after admitting they’d get a larger response to their tournaments if they did appear in our newsletter. The cost to join your club in the USBF is $75. Sometimes I’m a little taken aback by anyone who thinks $75 is too much to pay to join. I would ask those who think it’s too much to pay to look at it in this perspective: For $75, your club will be a member of the USBF for an entire year. Any and all tournaments you wish to have will be on our annual schedule and your notices will appear in the newsletter as soon as you get them to us. On the other hand, you can go to a restaurant and get a nice dinner for that same $75. I hate to be crude here, but what happens to that dinner after paying $75 for it? Usually, you flush it down the toilet within a few hours after paying for it. Not much of an investment, I’d say. American traveler’s favorite foreign cities? 1) London 2) Paris 3) Vancouver All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 6 From the Archives July 4th, 2011. Rose Ventimiglia lags at the Martinez Bocce Federations Fourth of July Tournament. March 31, 2012. Carol Del Prete and Nancy Martignago smile for the camera at the Italian Athletic Club Ladies Auxiliary 3rd Annual Women’s Open Tournament in Stockton, California. July 14, 2012. Paolo Pro shoots at the 10th Annual Frank Guidace Memorial Bocce Tournament at Saint Frances Cabrini Church in San Jose California. Photo by Rosemarie Jarvis August 11, 2012. Clem Zipp relaxes in the shade at the Woodland Park Classic in Seattle Washington. Clem’s team, Posse of Four, which included Paul Gessner, Brad Cotton and Greg Singleton went on to win 1st Place. If you have any old photos of bocce players or tournaments you would like to share, send them to: [email protected] In 1997 only about one-third of American homes had computers. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 7 Watch out World One of the Northwest’s Youngest Is Preparing to Take You On By Larry Cereghino Six year old Massimo Cereghino does a little practice on his lagging at his great uncle Larry's court. Dollar bills are placed at various spots on the court. Every time he stops on a dollar he win its. This is not that easy to do but does manage to win a few dollars every time he plays. This is his second year of bocce and tries to play at least once a week. He is currently learning how to play Raffa one rule at a time. His bocce day usually starts by watching the Italians play Raffa on YouTube. He then will head to the court for some lagging practice of about 64 to 100 lags. After the lagging he'll do a little shooting and when we finish with that he'll usually play a game or two. Massimo is also very active in golf. He is very fortunate to have a putting green and a chipping area in his back yard. His other interests include chess and football. We hope to have him playing a couple of fun tournaments next year.… In the 1600s in Europe, “fashion” wigs were often made of plaster of Paris. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 8 The Portland Bocce League's "First Family" By Brad Cotton The Portland Bocce League, founded in 2003, has grown to 40 teams with 8 teams competing on their respective league night Monday thru Friday on two courts located in the North Park Blocks in downtown Portland. And while champions have been crowned in each of those years, the 2013 PBL season experienced a first in their eleventh year of existence: the league champion was a team whose four regular players consist of one family. The team members are Capitano Bill Mallon, wife Michele Potestio and their sons Luca (age 16) and Santo (age 13). Bocce Dios have played in the league for ten years, and both Luca and Santo began competitive play at age six. The team was founded by Michele's father, Joe Potestio, over 20 years ago with the original members consisting of Joe, Bill, Michele; and any of her 3 brothers to fill out the team. They played in local tournaments around the region with the young boys tagging along and taking opportunities to roll balls between games. Once the boys could roll the ball comfortably past half court, they were given opportunities to play in matches. Luca showed promise from the outset with a steady eye and hand and a keen understanding for the strategy of the game. In these matches the opposition had a real motivation to not lose to a team with a little kid, but the Bocce Dios held their own and when Santo began playing at age 6, Luca already had 3 seasons of competitive experience under his belt. The team consists of Santo and Dad Bill at one end and Luca getting the honor to play with Mom Michele at other end. Bocce has truly been a great family bonding event with three generations being involved. On Sunday nights Bocce Dios. From left: Alternate Brian Ferguson, Luca Mallon, Santo Mallon, Michele Postestio, and Bill Mallon during the summer, the family would visit Joe's Condo located near the courts and have family bocce games. They had a local pizza joint deliver pizza right to the court to keep the bocce games going. Luca and Santo besides playing bocce all these years, have also played youth sports along the way. They both were competitive cyclists with Luca doing road racing and Santo racing at a local velodrome. Currently, Luca fits his bocce matches in the spring and summer around club soccer and high school summer baseball while Santo also competes in soccer and track and field. Wondering where the athletic genes come from? Bill currently plays competitive soccer and has played over thirty years. But the mom, Michele, is the decorated one; she is a two-time All-American soccer player for the University of Oregon and was inducted into the UO Sports Hall of Fame in 2011. The 2013 season proved to be a special one for the Bocce Dios; the competitive spirit had taken hold of the boys and they were motivated to be the team that didn’t lose. They qualified to the 11 team playoffs needing four victories to secure the league title. The championship match to 21 was played on a beautiful September evening with the court being illuminated by lights erected for the occasion. Bocce Dios was facing one of their Monday Night rivals, La Famiglia, who had defeated the defending champions earlier in the playoffs in reaching the final. However, Bocce Dios were clearly the fans' favorite. The match was a back and forth affair with Bocce Dios pulling away late to become the 2013 Champions and Portland Bocce League’s "FIRST FAMILY" . Bocce Dios, Portland Bocce League’s 2013 Champions. From left: Luca Mallon, Santo Mallon, Michele Postestio, and Bill Mallon Poll results: Baby Boomers now say that old age begins at 79. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 9 Italian Benevolent Society 17th Annual Italian Picnic Bocce Tournament Sunday, June 1st, 2014 Kathleen Freschet Teresa Wagstaff Rolls the first ball to officially open the 2014 Edition of the Annual Italian Benevolent Society Open Bocce Tournament Jan Frankenburger rolls, with, on the left, Dennis Marciasini and Roy Ramassciotti. Tournament Director Rick Wagstaff Manny Romo shoots under the watchful eyes of, from left, Carol Del Prete, Lena Vasconcellos and Ledia Romo. In June 1989, two original carbon scripts of Citizen Kane sold for $231,000. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 10 Giovanni Napoli Ron Jacobs Emi Fujii Deanna Contreras Greg Singleton Norma De Pauli Chuck Just Stefano Landini Paolo Pallino Brad Cotton The fingerprints of humans and koalas are virtually identical. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Mark Baeta Paul Barasch John Contreras Lena Vasconcellos 11 Dennis Maciasini, Roy Ramascciotti, Jan Frankenberger and Penn Martin 1st Place - Wrecking Crew l to r: Albert Leonardi, Laura de la Rosa, JoAnn Jacobs and Ron Jacobs. Ginny Nelson Diane Miller Ron Marengo Kelly Moriarty Deanna Ribeiro Judy Johnson 2nd Place - Sopranos l to r: Bob Kennedy, Tony Randazzo, Vern Cooper and David Canclini 3rd Place - Andiamo l to r: Carol Del Prete, Pat Ross, Lena Vasconcellos and Nancy Martignago 4th Place - Bocce Friends with Norm Freschet, Mary Freschet, Manny Romo, Lydia Romo and Jim Fellos. 5th Place - Italian Benevolent Society with Rick Wagstaff, Teresa Wagstaff, John Contreras and Deanna Contreras. In her films, Shirley Temple always had 56 curls in her hair. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 12 Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 Campo di Bocce in Livermore An Observation by Frank Rivera I covered this charity tournament for the first time last year. I had a great time and took a ton of photos. Along the way I snacked on antipasto until I was blue in the gills. The Olive Garden Never-Ending Pasta Bowls have nothing on the spread I grazed through all day at this event last year. But when I put everything together for the newsletter, I realized I had taken a bunch of photos of bocce players I didn’t know other than Steve Mariucci and John Madden. This year I decided I would do it a little different. I would take more photos of the people we do know; the bocce players who were the referees. I showed up at the appointed time, ready to shoot. But this year, as last year, media wise, I was a little fish in a big pond. My Nikon D5200 looked like a toy compared to some of the behemoths the other pro media types were hauling around. So I was grateful when tournament director Ben Musolf offered me a referee’s shirt to wear. “You’ll get around a lot easier,” he said. Boy, was he right. By noon, Campo di Bocce Livermore was crawling with a lot of sports personalities, team cheerleaders and a bunch high rollers from the bay area Fortune 500 crowd along with big media who came to record the event; the TV sportscasters and professional sports photographers. But I had something none of the rest of them had. I had the one thing that made this crowd make way for me like Moses parting the Red Sea; my referee shirt. As I walked through the crowd, most of the people thought I was important. They’d step back to make way for me to pass by, some of them even apologizing for being in my way. I loved my moment in the sun. Many of the bocce players who didn’t really know Ben Musolf, Steve Mariucci and Tom Albanese. the game asked me a bunch of simple bocce questions. I answered like the authority I was; at least the authority they thought I was. But then again, it didn’t matter that they weren’t experts in the game. They were here for a higher calling; to network with all the other Fortune 500 types, but more importantly, to give big bucks to charity. For the most part, me, my camera and my referee shirt got around pretty unfettered. That is until the games were over and the trophies were awarded. By then, most of the bocce players had gone home. I’m not sure, but I think the media types may have outnumbered the players. My referee shirt no longer mattered all that much, but it sure came through for me earlier in the day when the place looked more like a corral full of cattle waiting to be led to their last roundup. So I spent the day taking photos of the people we know; the people in our bocce community who volunteered to referee the games. I had another great time, taking another ton of photos, answered bocce questions, and grazed on the never-ending antipasto all day. When I got home, I carefully hung up my referee shirt. I figure I’ll wear it again next year; just in case there might be someone there who will have a bocce question I can answer. A big thank you to Ben Musolf and Tom Albanese for putting on this shindig. And, of course, to Steve Mariucci and John Madden. And a big thank you to all the Campo di Bocce employees who had to put up with one hell of a big crowd. They did it with grace and aplomb. And a very big and special shout out to the real bocce experts; the referees who spent all day on the courts without throwing a single pallino. Mooch and Madden; talkin’ a little smack before the games begin. The average meteor is no larger than a grain of sand. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector John Madden, signing footballs for Special Olympics Athletes. 13 The average American buys 17 yards of dental floss each year. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 14 The most costumes ever used for one film was 32,000 - for Quo Vadis in 1951. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 15 The Madden-Mariucci Charity Bocce Tournament is the only Bay Area Charity Event that includes all local professional sports teams, including the Giants, Warriors, 49ers, Raiders, Sharks and A’s. In recent years, the “Battle of the Bay” tournament has supported: Special Olympics of Northern California and their yearly programs which offer free services for athletes that participate in a plethora of sports. In addition, they pave the way for the diabetic community, by assisting the mission of the Diabetic Youth Founda- tion and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Youth football has a very special place in these legendary Coaches hearts. Madden and Mariucci support the Tri-Valley High School football programs by providing resources for updated equipment and money towards football helmets that help fight concussions. Also, the Mariucci Family Foundation does a phenomenal job with their annual Down Syndrome football camp, it is a one of a kind event that allows special kids & adults the platform to play football. Winners of the Madden-Mariucci Battle of the Bay Charity Bocce Tournament for an unprecedented fifth time: Dogs of War Joe Morelli Javier Rauno Filemon Calderon Dave Aliamo Keeling, from left; Kevin Albanese and Dave Alaimo. Standing, from left: Filemon Calderon, Dave Fiori (in white ball cap), Tom Albanese, Joe Morelli, Steve Mariucci and Javier Rauno. Dogs of War with some of the Special Olympics Athletes Shirley Temple won an honorary Oscar in 1934, when she was only 5 years old. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Kevin Albanese Dave Fiori 16 Italian Athletic Club of Stockton, California 4 PLAYER OPEN BOCCE TOURNAMENT Saturday, June 7, 2014 Diane Miller lags, with teammate Mike Croce and Ron Marengo and Sharon Page Judy Canclini Chris Hansen Sharon Cooper lags, with, left, teammate Judy Canclini and Velma Ubaldi and Joe Ashcroft Pat Ross lags, with Ben Campbell, Barbara Heisler and Pat’s teammate Dean Meyer Richard Heisler Judy Newfield It’s estimated you will eat 35,000 cookies in your lifetime. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Shirley Croce Dean Meyers 17 Barbara Heisler Rosalie Aragon Pat Ross Mike Croce Ursula Hansen Pauline Meyers Bill Carey, Lisa Dobeck and Shirley Croce Alice Winter Diane Miller, Mike Croce, Ron Marengo and Sharon Page. Velma Ubaldi Ben Campbell Diane Miller Waiting for the measurement. The first cereal to come in boxes? Shredded Wheat. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 18 Judy Canclini, left, Velma Ubaldi and Joe Ashcroft watch Sharon Cooper lag. l to r: Ron Fideldy, Mike Croce, Ursula Hansen and Emi Fujii. Italian Athletic Club 4 PLAYER OPEN BOCCE TOURNAMENT Winning Teams 1st Place - Sopranos l to r: David Canclini, Bob Kennedy, Vern Cooper and Kurtis Jahn 2nd Place l to r: Lena Vasconcellos, Bill Carey, Chris Hansen and Lisa Dobeck 3rd Place l to r: Phil Roble, Emi Fujii, Ursula Hansen and Ron Fideldy 4th Place l to r: Barbara Heisler, Sharon Cooper, Ben Campbell and Judy Canclini Wampum was once legally used as money in the United States. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 19 The Annual Laguna Niguel Bocce Club Bocce Tournament Sunday, June 8, 2014 Marina Hills Park 1st Place - Downey 1 l - r: Miguel Tamagno, Amadio Egizii, Pat Limatola and John Fiorenza of the Downey Bocce Club. 2nd Place - 4S Best l - r: Peter Hafer, Luigi Farace, Frank De Santis and Nino Giannone of the 4S Ranch Bocce Club. 3rd Place - Quattro Amici l - r: Bill Cairo, Pietro Cirincione, Domenico Masdea and Vince Zoida of the Laguna Niguel Bocce Club. 4th Place - SNAFU l - r: Ricky Dine, Derek Atwood, George Castagna and Joe Dine of the Downey Bocce Club. 5th Place - La Cresta l - r: Biagio Lombardo, John Lascari, Vito Bucaro and Domenico Lombardo of the 4S Ranch Bocce. The only rock that floats in water? Pumice. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 20 3 Player Punto, Raffa, Volo Western Sector Championship Saturday, June 14, 2014 Mike Rosselli Joey Bernardi Diane Kelley Bob Kennedy Ben Musolf Rolando Negrini Lisa Daidone Brian Peterson Gerald Gilligan Margaret Shindelus and Laura de la Rosa Who’s won the most Oscars? Walt Disney: 20 statuettes, 12 plaques and certificates. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 21 Mario Veltri Dario Bernardi, Joey Bernardi, Gerald Gilligan and Kurtis Jahn John Contreras Paolo Pro Bert Millen Manny Romo Colleen Randazzo Tony Randazzo in far court, and Brian Peterson Margaret Shindelus Tony Randazzo Robert Lowe Ben Musolf The most widely used surname in the world is Li. About 87 million people have it. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector Dave Imwalle Ken Gorny 22 Diane Kelley, Lisa Daidone And Colleen Randazzo Matt Randazzo Robert Lowe and Joe Morelli Marino Cosentino Joey Bernardi and Bob Kennedy 1st Place - Young Guns 2nd Place - Shooters l to r: Gerald Gilligan, Dario Bernardi and Joey Bernardi l to r: Manny Romo, Bob Kennedy and Kurtis Jahn 3rd Place - Fratelli di Bocce 4th Place - KRB l to r: Dave Imwalle, Mario Veltri and John Contreras l to r: Robert Lowe, Brian Peterson and Ken Gorny Most-performed rock song in history: “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling.” All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 23 PITTSBURG BOCCE FEDERATION SAM BUCCELLATO MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT Saturday, June 21, 2014 L to r: Tournament Director Ginny Nelson, Paula Buccellato and Bill Buccellato 1st Place - Sam’s Gang l - r: Ernie Cecaci, Pete Cardinale, Dick Gomez (Capo), Sesto Paccetti 3rd Place - Party of Four l - r: Al Ribeiro, Deanna Ribeiro (Capo), Tia Gregoire, Roger Gregoire 2nd Place - Squandered Talent l - r: Don Garafolo, Mike Davi, Will Kesler (Capo), Jonathon Simmons 4th Place - Eufemia l - r: Sal Coniglio (Capo), Sal Tedesco, Marcello Rovai, Bill Plummer As a boy, young Ian Fleming also gave his mother the nickname “M.“ All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 24 The Inaugural Donna Gielich Memorial Bocce Tournament Scappoose, Oregon Saturday, June 28, 2014 Scappoose, Oregon, 30 minutes Northwest of Portland was the site of the inaugural Donna Gielich Memorial Bocce Tournament held June 28th.……………………………………..……………………………………………………….. Donna was a city council member who was the driving force in getting the two new syn-lawn courts built along with Bill Marinelli also of Scappoose and former Paesano Club member. The tournament was held during "SummerFest" celebration and several people came by to inquire about the sport and learn the rules. Don't be surprised to see a new league pop up in Oregon.………..…………………………… 1st Place - Chik e Chiak l to r: Don Filippi, Vince Cacuccialo, Antonio Mititiero and Chris Siri 2nd Place - Favale l to r: Mike Rossi, Nick Rossi, Chance Rossi and Larry Cereghino 3rd Place - Famiglia l to r: Mark Holman, Mike Walsh, Vincenzo Marcellino and Bill Marinelli Buyer’s tip: The slowest time for car dealers is just before Christmas. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 25 The average lightning bolt is only an inch in diameter. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 26 POLICY FOR INCLUSION OF NON-USBF MEMBER TOURNAMENT APPLICATIONS The policy of the Western Sector Newsletter is that we will gladly list non-USBF sanctioned tournaments on our Upcoming Tournaments section and display applications for those tournaments hosted by non-USBF member clubs as long as the date of those non-member tournaments do not conflict with a date on which a USBF sanctioned tournament will be held. Even if a non-USBF member club tournament is not promoted in our Upcoming Tournaments section due to this conflict, we will gladly post photos of those tournaments in the next issue of this newsletter immediately following the month in which the tournament took place. If you wish to have your tournament represented in this newsletter, please make every effort to provide us with the winners photos with the names of the winners from left to right as they appear in the photo. Please feel free to provide as many photos as you wish of your tournament during play. The newsletter editor will determine how many photos to use based on available space in the newsletter. If you wish to provide written commentary, please make that commentary no longer than 300 words, or approximately 1/2 page, using the Arial font at size 10. Frank Rivera USBF Western Sector Newsletter Editor [email protected] The firefly is the official insect of the state of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 27 The tournaments listed below in red font are United States Bocce Federation Member Club tournaments. USBF membership is required to play in these tournaments The tournaments listed below in green font are not USBF member tournaments. USBF membership is not required to play in these tournaments. JUL 12 - EAST PORTAL SACRAMENTO - 4 PLAYER OPEN FUNDRAISER TOURNAMENT JUL 13 - CLUB PAESANO - GRESHAM ORE. - 10TH ANNUAL ALDO ROSSI TOURNAMENT JUL 19 - MARIN BOCCE FEDERATION - MEN’S DOUBLES OPEN TOURNAMENT JUL 26 - EAST PORTAL - SACRAMENTO, CA. - 3 PERSON RAFFA TOURNAMENT AUG 2 - LOS GATOS BOCCE CLUB - 18TH ANNUAL OPEN TOURNAMENT AUG 9 - MARIN BOCCE FEDERATION - WOMEN’S DOUBLES OPEN TOURNAMENT AUG 16 - PIASC SAN MATEO - ANNUAL OPEN BOCCE TOURNAMENT . THE FOLLOWING PAGES CONTAIN THE APPLICATION FORMS FOR THE ABOVE LISTED TOURNAMENTS. IF YOU WISH TO PRINT AN APPLICATION, CLICK THE “PRINT FILE” BUTTON ON THE MENU BAR. WHEN THE “PRINT” TEXT WINDOW APPEARS, REMEMBER TO CLICK THE “CURRENT PAGE” BUTTON OR YOU WILL PRINT THIS ENTIRE NEWSLETTER More than half of Americans ays they regularly watch TV while eating dinner. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 28 East Portal Park 1120 Rodeo Way Sacramento, CA 95819 4 Person Open Tournament Lag and Shoot Competition 50/50 Raffle Saturday, July 12, 2014 Entry Fee is $25.00 per person and must accompany entry form Proceeds from this tournament will help support Bella Bocce to play in the World Bocce Championships in China! Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams in the Open Tournament Continental Breakfast & Lunch Provided Round Robin Format / Western Sector Open Rules (live backboard) Registration at 8:00am / Play begins at 8:30am Entry fee must be received by July 05, 2014 If you have questions call Laura de la Rosa @ (916) 613-6120 or email at [email protected] Make your check payable to: Laura de la Rosa Mail entry and check to 9455 Denholm Ct. Elk Grove, Ca 95758 Team Name Captain Player 2 ___________________________________ __________________________ Captains Phone #_________________ _______________________Player 3 _____________________________ Player 4 ___________________________Alternate_____________________________ Bella Bocce Thanks You for Your Support!! All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 29 10th Annual Aldo Rossi Bocce Tournament When: Sunday July 13th Where: Paesano’s Cedarville Park 3800 West Powell Loop Gresham, Oregon 97030 Check In: 8:30 Am Start Time: 9:00 Am 4 Person Teams, 5 Max Cost: $25.00 per person USBF Open Rules Format: Pool Play Top Teams From Each Pool Advance To Single Elimination Bracket Coffee and Donuts (Am), Assortment Of Salads And Sandwiches (Pm) Tournament Prizes 1st Place - $400.00 2nd Place - $200.00 3rd Place - $120.00 4th Place $80.00 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Places $40.00 to Each Team Winners Names Goes On Cup Displayed In Club Paesano Please Detach Form Below and Send With Payment Payable: Paesano Bocce Club To Arrive No Later Than July 1st 2014 Larry Cereghino 10006 Se 40th Ave. Milwaukie, Or. 97222 503-201-4585 [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________ Team Name_____________________________ E-mail________________________________________ Team Captain____________________________ Phone____________ Address_______________ Players: ______________________ Player Name_____________________________ ______________________ Player Name_____________________________ Player Name_____________________________ Player Name_____________________________ Sub____________________________________ *Note: The Max. Number of Teams for This Tournament is 20. All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 30 All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 31 East Portal Bocce Club 1120 Rodeo Way Sacramento, CA 95819 3 Person Raffa Tournament Saturday, July 26, 2014 $ 400.00 First Place** $ 300.00 Second Place** $ 200.00 Third Place** $ 140.00 Fourth Place** Prize money based on 16 team minimum** Entry Fee is $35.00 per person and must accompany entry form Continental Breakfast & Lunch Provided Round Robin Format Registration at 8:00am / Play begins at 8:30am USBF Cards required Western Sector Open Rules (live backboard) In order to insure your team registration the entry fee must be received by July 18, 2014 If you have questions call Laura de la Rosa @ (916) 613-6120 or E-mail [email protected] Entry Forms can also be downloaded from our website at: www.eastportalbocceclub.com Make your check payable to: East Portal Bocce Club Mail entry and check to 9455 Denholm Ct. Elk Grove, Ca 95758 c/o Laura de la Rosa Team Name ______________________________________________ Captain _____________________________ USBF#___________________ Captains Phone #__________________________ Player 2 _____________________________ USBF#___________________ Player 3 _____________________________ USBF#___________________ Player 4 _____________________________ USBF#___________________ Alternate _____________________________ USBF#___________________ All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 32 LOS GATOS BOCCE CLUB 18th ANNUAL OPEN TOURNAMENT Saturday, August 2, 2014 - Campo di Bocce – 565 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 - 8:30 AM Sign-up…. 9:00 AM Start - 16 Team Limit - Four Person Teams…. Round Robin Format….USBF Open Rules - $40 per player including alternates - Continental Breakfast & Lunch Included - Cash Prizes To Be Awarded - Deadline to Apply: July 28, 2014 - Tournament Contact: John Ross (408) 354-0625 ________________________________________________________________ Make Checks Payable to: “Los Gatos Bocce Club” Send Application and Check to: John Ross 16090 Mays Avenue Monte Sereno, CA 95030 ________________________________________________________________ Team Name__________________________________________________ Captain’s Phone Number_______________________________________ Captain________________________ USBF Card #_________________ Player_________________________ USBF Card #_________________ Player_________________________ USBF Card #_________________ Player_________________________ USBF Card #_________________ Alternate_______________________ USBF Card #_________________ All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 33 The Peninsula Italian American Social Club of San Mateo Presents its’ Annual Open Bocce Tournament Saturday, August 16, 2014 Check-in starts at 8:00am Play begins promptly at 8:30am to be held at Beresford Park Bocce Courts 2720 Alameda de las Pulgas San Mateo, CA 94403 ROUND ROBIN TOURNAMENT – 16 Teams USBF RULES-DEAD BACKBOARD-USBF CARD REQUIRED 4 PLAYERS PER TEAM (at least 1 woman per team) $35.00 PER PERSON INCLUDES CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST AND LUNCH CASH PRIZES FOR 1ST, 2ND, 3RD AND 4TH PLACES Applications must be received by Monday, August 11, 2014 ******************** FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT Mario Conti (650) 589-7179 or (650) 455-1527 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to PIASC and mail to: Mario Conti, 732 Haven Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080 TEAM NAME: _________________________________CAPTAIN PHONE NO:__________________ CAPTAIN: ___________________________________________USBF CARD NO_________________ PLAYER: ____________________________________________USBF CARD NO_________________ PLAYER: ____________________________________________USBF CARD NO_________________ PLAYER: ____________________________________________USBF CARD NO_________________ All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector 34 2014 WESTERN SECTOR BOCCE SCHEDULE United States Bocce Federation membership required at these tournaments Day Sun. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Fri. Sat. Sun. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat/Sun Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Date Jan 5th Jan 11th Jan 18th Jan 25th Feb 1st Feb 8th Feb 15th Feb 22nd March 1st March 8th March 15th March 22nd March 29th April 5th April 12th April 19th April 26th May 3rd May 10th May 17 May 24th May 30 May 31st June 1st June 7th June 14th June 21-28th July 5th July 12th July 19th July 26th August 2nd August 9th August 16th August 23rd August 30th Sept 6th Sept 12th/13th Sept 20th Sept. 27th Oct 4th Oct 11th Oct 18th Oct 25th Nov 1st Nov 6, 7, 8th Nov 16th Nov 22nd Nov 29th Dec 6th Dec 13th Dec 20th Dec 27th Revised Jan 13th Location Campo Livermore Waterloo Stockton IAC Stockton IAC Stockton Waterloo Stockton Campo Los Gatos IAC Stockton Tournament Western Sector Meeting OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS Fundraiser for Women RAFFA 3 PLAYERS at least 1 woman OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 2 MEN 2 WOMEN RAFFA 3 Players Contact Vern Cooper Albert Leonardi Vern Cooper Bob Kennedy David Canclini Ben Musolf Vern Cooper Phone No. 916-416-0678 209-951-6787 916-416-0678 209-570-7500 209-957-3314 408-395-7650 906-416-0678 IAC Stockton PIASC San Mateo IAC Stockton OPEN 2 MEN AND 2 WOMEN OPEN 4 WOMEN RAFFA 3 PLAYERS Vern Cooper Mario Conte Vern Cooper 906-416-0678 650-589-7179 916-416-0678 Campo Los Gatos IACC South City IAC Stockton PIASC San Mateo East Portal Sacramento RAFFA 3 Players Los Gatos Bocce Club OPEN 3 PLAYERS OPEN 4 WOMEN PLAYERS Women’s Aux. RAFFA 3 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS John Ross Bill Green Shirley Croce Mario Conte Laura de la Rosa 408-354-0625 650-871-5309 209-466-0541 650-589-7179 916-613-6120 IAC Stockton IAC Stockton IAC Stockton IBS Sutter Creek IAC Stockton Campo Los Gatos RAFFA 3 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYER IL SACCO NORTHWEST CHALLENGE OPEN 4 PLAYERS at least 1 woman OPEN 4 PLAYERS RAFFA 3 PLAYERS Western Sector Champ. NATIONALS St. Louis Bob Kennedy Vern Cooper Vern Cooper Rick Wagstaff David Canclini Ben Musolf 209-570-7500 916-416-0678 916-416-0678 209-296-6151 209-957-3314 408-395-7650 East Portal Sacramento Marin San Rafael East Portal Sacramento Campo Las Gatos Marin San Rafael PIASC San Mateo East Portal Sacramento IAC Stockton OPEN 4 Player Fundraiser OPEN 2 MEN RAFFA 3 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS Las Gatos Bocce Club OPEN 2 WOMEN OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS Western Sector Champ. Laura de la Rosa Diane Pelligrini Laura de la Rosa John Ross Diane Pelligrini Mario Conti Laura de la Rosa David Canclini 916-6120 415-485-5583 916-613-6120 408-354-0625 415-485-5583 650-589-7179 916-613-6120 209-957-3314 Penn Valley IACC South City IAC Stockton IBS Sutter Creek Marin San Rafael IAC Stockton OPEN 4 PLAYERS Italian Festa RAFFA 3 PLAYERS Italian American Games RAFFA 1 MAN 1 WOMAN 3 Balls Each OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 4 PLAYERS OPEN 3 PLAYERS Stefano Landini Mario Conti Bob Kennedy Rick Wagstaff Diane Pelligrini Vern Cooper 530-264-7030 650-589-7179 209-570-7500 209-296-6151 415-485-5583 916-416-0678 Waterloo Stockton OPEN 4 PLAYERS David Canclini 209-957-3314 Campo Livermore WESTERN SECTOR MEETING & ELECTIONS Vern Cooper 916-416-0678 IAC Stockton OPEN 4 PLAYERS Vern Cooper 916-416-0678 Board Approved Jan 5th All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2014 - United States Bocce Federation Western Sector
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