Directory - BCFPA - BC Food Processors Association
Directory - BCFPA - BC Food Processors Association
WESTERN CANADIAN FUNCTIONAL FOOD & N AT U R A L H E A LT H P R O D U C T N E T W O R K WCFN Natural Sources Directory 2009/10 The Industry Directory and Resource Guide for Herbs, Nutraceuticals, Functional Foods, and Natural Health Products Labs-Mart Laboratories Health Canada GMP Licenced Full Contract Testing Services Vitamins Herbals Enzymes Pharmaceuticals Pesticides Heavy Metals Microbes Mycotoxins We are service-oriented scientists. Your testing needs are our only business. We employ the state of the art equipment and the best-available ofÄcial methods to comply with Health Canada and FDA regulations. We focus on cost-effective and timely delivery of analytical services to meet your budget and timeline. Labs-Mart Inc. 9411-20th Avenue Edmonton Research Park Edmonton, AB, T6N 1E5 T 780-469-9009 F 780-469-9080 [email protected] FrntCvr2 Table of Contents WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Table of Contents Suppliers & Service Providers 5 Category Index 29 Western Canadian Functional Food & Natural Health Product Network 31 WCFN Quick Facts 33 WCFN Membership & Benefits 34 WCFN Board of Directors 35 WCFN Corporate Members 38 Health Canada & Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 42 Canadian Federal and Provincial Ministries Contacts 43 Industry Web Sites 49 Associations/Councils/Networks Web Sites Agriculture And Agri-Food Career Websites Canadian Agriculture & Agri-Food Post-Secondary Education Web Sites Industry Events Web Sites Research-Related And Food Development Web Sites Government Web Sites 49 51 52 52 53 53 BCHGA & ANHAN Members 55 Educational Institutions 56 2009 WCFN Sustaining Partners 57 Glossary of Commonly Used Industry Terms 61 Alphabetical Index 66 2009/2010 Calendars 71 Published and distributed by Western Canadian Functional Food & Natural Health Product Network Room 218, FNH Building, 2205 East Mall, UBC Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Tel: 604-822-6920 · Fax: 604-822-5143 Email: [email protected] Website: The WCFN would like to thank the following individuals for the production of this directory: Joanna Christy, Greg Edgelow, Andrew Peacock and Jesse Veenstra PLEASE NOTE: The information published herein is provided solely for the convenience of the user. The Western Canadian Functional Food & Natural Health Product Network makes no claims, express or implied, and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein. Advertisers assume all liability for all contents in their respective advertisement(s) printed, and assume full responsibility for claims therefrom made against the publisher. Layout and design: ArcheType Enterprises (Smithers, BC) © 2009, 2010 Western Canadian Functional Food & Natural Health Product Network PRINTED IN CANADA 1 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Message from Dr. Jerzy Zawistowski Chair, WCFN Board of Directors On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Western Canadian Functional Food and Natural Health Product Network (WCFN), I am pleased to introduce the new expanded version of our 2009/10 Natural Sources Directory and industry resource guide. WCFN has become known as a trusted source of reliable information on functional foods and natural health products (FFNHP) which is reflected in this directory and resource guide. In 2008, the WCFN took on an increased role across Western Canada (and Canada as a whole) which reflects the true geography of our membership. The information that you will find in the Natural Sources Directory reflects this expansion. The Board of Directors is proud of the impact that the WCFN is having in assisting its membership in many areas to facilitate growth and development. We are steadily attracting new membership and are increasingly being recognized as a leading organization in the sector, and now globally with our first International Corporate member from India as of January 2009. In the last few years, our Board of Directors worked towards developing new services for an increasing membership base across Canada. The Board will continue to monitor our progress and develop new opportunities for our growing and diverse membership. The continued success of the WCFN as a not-for-profit organization stems from the strong support of a number of key sustaining partnerships, corporate & individual membership and activity sponsors—without this support, the WCFN would not be able to deliver our wide range of services. The wealth of skills and experience that our Executive Director, Mr. Greg Edgelow has brought to this position and that of our volunteers has made it possible for the WCFN to reach its objectives. We trust that you will find this directory to be a valuable resource for information on a multitude of stakeholders across the FFNHP sector. The directory will assist you in building linkages to relevant regional, national and international bodies involved in our industry and particularly with our partners across Canada. The WCFN board is proud to play an active role in the continuing development of this exciting industry. We look forward to what we expect will be prosperous times for all of us ahead. All the best, Dr. Jerzy Zawistowski Chair, WCFN Board of Directors 2 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board Ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Agroalimentaire et minstre de la Commission canadienne du blé Ottawa, Canada K1A 0C5 MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTER Canada is an emerging world leader in the functional foods and nutraceuticals industry, thanks in large part to the hard work of organizations like the Western Canadian Functional Food and Natural Health Product Network (WCFN) and its members. Canadians and consumers world-wide are increasingly interested in food products containing health-enhancing ingredients. This growing demand provides farmers with new market opportunities for their flax, blueberry, pulse, soy and other crops. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting this innovative, forward-looking and responsive agri-food industry. We are demonstrating our commitment through key investments in projects like NutriNet Canada and other initiatives designed to promote Canadian functional foods and nutraceuticals around the world. Scientists at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada are focusing research efforts on functional foods, successfully demonstrating the health benefits of many ingredients in various food products. This Government's overall goal is to ensure a market-oriented and competitive sector that benefits farmers, industry and rural communities, today and in the future. Thank you to the WCFN for your dedication to this exciting new industry. I wish you and your members continued success in the years to come. Gerry Ritz, P.C., M.P. 3 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY As Canada’s Minister of Health, I would like to congratulate the Western Canadian Functional Food and Natural Health Product Network on the publication of its Natural Sources Directory, a useful resource that greatly benefits the natural health products and food industries. À titre de ministre de la Santé du Canada, je tiens à féliciter le réseau des aliments fonctionnels et des produits de santé naturels de l’Ouest canadien qui vient de publier son répertoire de sources naturelles, un outil essentiel à l’industrie des produits de santé naturels et de l’alimentation. The market for natural health products and functional foods in Canada has grown at an extraordinary rate over the past 15 years. The volume of natural health products available on the Canadian market is significant and increasing. As more and more Canadians use these products, it is essential that they be regulated effectively to protect the health and safety of Canadians. Le marché des produits de santé naturels et des aliments fonctionnels connaît une forte croissance depuis 15 ans. Le volume de produits de santé naturels offerts sur le marché canadien est considérable et ne cesse d’augmenter. Étant donné que de plus en plus de Canadiens utilisent ces produits, il est essentiel de bien les réglementer afin de protéger la santé et la sécurité des Canadiens. The Government of Canada is serious about ensuring that Canadians have access to health products and foods that are safe, effective and of high quality. In 2007, we announced the Food and Consumer Safety Action Plan, a comprehensive set of new measures aimed at improving federal regulation of food, health and consumer products through active prevention, targeted oversight and rapid response. Le gouvernement du Canada entend faire en sorte que les Canadiens aient accès à des aliments et à des produits de santé naturels sûrs, efficaces et de qualité. En 2007, nous avons annoncé le Plan d’action pour assurer la sécurité des produits alimentaires et de consommation, un vaste éventail de nouvelles mesures visant à améliorer la réglementation fédérale des produits d’alimentation, de santé et de consommation grâce à une prévention active, une surveillance ciblée et une intervention rapide. With advances in natural health products and food, Health Canada is committed to working with industry to ensure that there is a strong, innovative market where Canadians can be confident in the health products and food they buy. In fact in Budget 2008, the Government committed $33 million over two years to ensuring greater safety of natural health products. Stakeholder engagement enables Health Canada to develop guidelines, policy and new legislation that can have a positive effect for industry and consumers alike. This type of proactive engagement between Health Canada experts and sector professionals continues to build confidence among consumers and industry stakeholders for a safe, sustainable and diverse natural health product marketplace. Progressive work being undertaken by groups such as your own is helping to strengthen Canada’s stellar reputation at home and abroad for safe quality foods and natural health products. Avec les percées enregistrées dans le domaine des produits de santé naturels et de l’alimentation, Santé Canada entend travailler avec l’industrie afin que le marché offre aux Canadiens des aliments et des produits naturels de qualité irréprochable. Dans le Budget 2008, le gouvernement s’est engagé à verser 33 millions de dollars sur deux ans pour améliorer l’innocuité des produits de santé naturels. L’engagement des intervenants permet à Santé Canada d’élaborer des lignes directrices, des politiques et de nouvelles lois qui peuvent avoir un effet positif sur l’industrie et le consommateur. Cet engagement proactif des experts de Santé Canada et des professionnels du domaine rassure consommateurs et intervenants de l’industrie quant à la sûreté, à la viabilité et à la diversité du marché des produits de santé naturels. Le travail soutenu de groupes comme le vôtre aide à renforcer l’excellente réputation du Canada, ici et à l’étranger, en matière d’aliments et de produits de santé naturels sûrs et de grande qualité. Leona Aglukkaq Minister of Health / Ministre de la Santé Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada 4 2009/10 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Suppliers & Service Providers and technologies to process the natural seaweed resources into value-added finished products for sale in exacting global markets. ASL is a full-integrated company and manages every stage of its operation from harvesting and cultivation of marine plants, sustainable resource management, technology development, engineering, manufacturing, quality control to market development and sales. 4EVER FIT 107 - 750 McCurdy Road Kelowna BC V1X 2P7 Contact: Kevin McIsaac, President Trevor Thorburn, Marketing Tel: : 250-765-8105 Toll Free: 1-888-379-3135 Toll-Free Fax: 250-765-8106 Business Email: [email protected] Web: Business description 4EVER®FIT is a leader within the distribution and production of nutritional supplements in the health and fitness industry. We offer a wide-range of products for hard-core bodybuilders, work out enthusiasts, athletes, elite athletes, and health conscious individuals. Having such a large selection of products allows us to assist you in reaching your life long goal of being 4EVER®FIT. That’s our motto “FITNESS 4EVER.” ACTIVE PHARMA INC. 151-10090 152 Street Surrey, BC V3R 8X8 Contact: Nick Khehra, President Year est.: 1998 Tel: 604-951-7572 Business Tel: 604-306-8757 Head Office Fax: 604-951-7578 Business Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Active Pharma is a supplier of herbal and nutraceutical raw materials. Our direct contacts/partnerships with overseas manufacturers allow us to monitor the quality of the ingredients from growing in fields to processing in GMP certified manufacturing facilities. Our direct sourcing, bulk purchasing and high stocking allow us to sell high quality raw materials at very competitive prices. Our stronger raw materials are—Echinacea, Glucosamine Sulfate, Chitosan, Chondroitin Sulfate, Serratiopeptidase, Bromelain, Boswellia, Garcinia, Tribulus, Cranberry PE, L-Arginine AKG, Ace-Sulfame K, Ginkgo Biloba, Greentea, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Psyllium, Royal Jelly, Maca, Wolfberry etc. ACADIAN SEAPLANTS LTD. 30 Brown Ave Dartmouth, NS B3B 1X8 Contact: John Sewuster, VP, Sales & Marketing Year est.: 1981 Tel: 902-468-2840 Head Office Fax: 902-468-3474 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Acadian Seaplants Ltd is a recognized industry leader in the manufacturing of seaweed-based products for botanicals and agricultural markets worldwide and in the cultivation and processing of unique seaweeds for a global food market. It is an innovative and technology-based company with exporting products to over 70 countries. It uses advanced methods to harvest seaweeds as a sustainable, renewable resource 5 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY natural health product growers and producers with opportunities in the natural health product industry. ANHAN is building business networks and partnerships within the health and wellness industry, and sharing knowledge and opportunities with growers and producers of complimentary and alternative agricultural crops. As the natural health industry evolves, ANHAN supplies vital access to quality services, products, and information. ADVANCED FOODS AND MATERIALS NETWORK (AFMNET) Suite 215 – 150 Research Lane Guelph, ON N1G 4T2 Contact: Ron Woznow, Executive Director Rickey Yada, Scientific Director Louise Jessup, Communications Manager Year est.: 2003 Tel: 519-822-6253 Fax: 519-824-8453 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description From new products, to food safety to public perception, cutting-edge research is making headway with the Advanced Foods & Materials Network (AFMNet), one of Canada's Networks of Centres of Excellence. This nationwide initiative brings together researchers in biochemistry, engineering, health, law and society focused on innovative aspects of food & materials including developing new functional foods and evaluating the perceptions and impact of Natural Health Product Regulations. Collaboration and networking are key for AFMNet: Over 100 researchers at 22 universities help identify gaps in existing research capacity and support the training of highly qualified personnel destined to become leaders in industry, academia and government. Together, AFMNet is increasing innovation and enhancing competitiveness for Canada. ALBERTA RHODIOLA ROSEA GROWERS ORGANIZATION NGC INC. (ARRGO) #204, 5904B - 50 St. Leduc, AB T9E 6J4 Contact: Judy Zastre, Project Coordinator Peter Haberli, Chair, Sales Year est.: 2007 Tel: 780-986-0262 Tel: 888-986-0262 Fax: 780-986-0862 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Web: Business description Alberta Rhodiola Rosea Growers Organization NGC Inc. (ARRGO) was incorporated as a cooperative in 2007. ARRGO is a group of Alberta farmers, who provide a one-stop organization to sell high quality, certified, western Canadian grown, Rhodiola rosea products. From seed and seedlings through to processed roots and tops, ARRGO has it all. BRITISH COLUMBIA FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION Contact: Peter Taylor, Chair Margaret Daskis, Past Chair Year est.: 1948 Tel: 604-506-0686 Email: [email protected] Web: ALBERTA NATURAL HEALTH AGRICULTURAL NETWORK BCFT is a professional association of technologists and scientists from industry, government and academia committed to advancing food science and technology. Our mission is to advocate and promote quality, safety and wholesomeness of the North American food supply through the application of science and technology. The BCFT is a section of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST) #204, 5904B 50 Street Leduc, AB. T9E 6J4 Contact: Judy Zastre, Executive Director Monica Blaeser, Chair Year est.: 2004 Business Tel: 780-986-0262 Toll-Free: 888-986-0262 Fax: 780-986-0862 Business Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Web: Business description The Alberta Natural Health Agricultural Network (ANHAN) links 6 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY TECHNOLOGY CHANGES EVERYTHING BRITISH COLUMBIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-INTEGRATIVE BIOSCIENCES RESEARCH CLUSTER 3700 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2 Contact: Paula Brown, Research Program Head Year est.: 2002 Tel: 604-412-7484 Fax: 604-433-5893 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description BCIT conducts applied R & D activities for the creation of commercially relevant products and services. The Integrative Biosciences Research Cluster is comprised of researchers with the combined capabilities to develop novel, value-added products and potential therapeutics from concept to commercialization. Our focus is to help you solve processing and analytical challenges and realize your R & D goals. Investigations to assess Natural Health Product quality using our state-of-the-art processing and analytical equipment include the establishment of product consistency and stability, determination of toxic components, adulterants & contaminants and the identification of key constituents and metabolites in biological fluids to assist in pre-clinical and clinical studies. BC HERB GROWERS ASSOCIATION 998 Skeena Drive, Kelowna, BC V1V 2K7 Contact: Herbert Strobl, President Tel: 604-824-2833 Contact: Marlys Wolfe, Vice-president Tel: 250-861-5441 Year est.: 1997 Tel: 250-763-0153 Fax: 250-861-5441 Email: [email protected] Website: Business description BC Herb Growers Association promotes, facilitates and enhances quality herb growing in British Columbia. With approximately 50 members representing the full range of industry professionals, from growers and wild crafters, to manufacturers and distributors, the BCHGA focuses include medicinal, culinary and essential oils. Members benefit through networking opportunities with fellow herb growers as well as access to current market information, workshops and conferences. 7 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY distributors, and importers involved in a variety of industry sub-sectors such as vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal products, homeopathics, sports nutrition products, natural and organic foods, fibres and health and beauty aids. CHFA member products support Canadians seeking optimal health and wellbeing. BURCON NUTRASCIENCE 1946 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Z2 Contact: Johann Tergesen, President & COO Jade Cheng, CFO Year est.: 1998 Tel: 604-733-0896 Head Office Fax: 604-733-8821 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Burcon is a research and development company developing a patent portfolio around its novel protein extraction technology for the production of purified plant proteins that exhibit valuable nutritional, functional or nutraceutical profiles. Burcon, in conjunction with Archer Daniels Midland, is currently focused on developing the world's first commerical canola proteins, Puratein® and Supertain®. Canola, recognized for its nutritional qualities, is the second largest oilseed crop in the world after soybean. Puratein® and Supertain® are expected to participate with soy, dairy and egg protein in the expanding multi-billion dollar protein ingredient market, with potential uses in prepared foods, nutritional supplements and personal care products. CANADIAN HERB, SPICE AND NATURAL HEALTH PRODUCTS COALITION/ SASKATCHEWAN HERB AND SPICE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7568, Station Main SASKATOON, SASK. S7K 4L4 Contact: Connie Kehler, Executive Director Helga Halfinger, President Year est.: 1990 Tel: 306- 694-4622 Fax: 306-694-2182 Business Email: [email protected] Web: Business description The Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition (CHSNC) is a coalition that represents the herb, spice, botanical, non timber and natural health product industry from production and wild collection to finished product. The coalition has representatives across this sector and the country who are respected leaders in their fields. The overall mandate of the coalition is to address overarching issues, provide a one stop entry point for industry inquiries and link the industry together to support regional, provincial and associated national initiatives. SHSA is the legal entity managing the coalition and has been a strong industry association for the last 18 plus years. CHSNC has worked extensively on the NHP regulations being in the past and present on Health Canada's advisory committees. The CHSNC and its partners have developed national Good Agriculture and Collections Practices and international Good Plant Identification Practices. SHSA/CHSNC has had a strong mandate from its inception to connect agriculture to health and does this for both culinary and medicinal production and collection. CANADIAN HEALTH FOOD ASSOCIATION 235 Yorkland Blvd, Suite 302 Toronto, ONT. M2J 4Y8 Contact: Penelope Marrett, President & CEO Anne Wilkie Vice President & Head of Regulatory Affairs Year est.: 1964 Tel: 416-497-6939 Toll-Free: 1-800-661-4510 Fax: 1-888-292-2947 Business Email: [email protected] Web: Business description The Canadian Health Food Association is Canada's largest national trade association dedicated to the natural and organic products industry. Our members represent the entire supply chain including growers, manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, 8 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY expertise in the areas of chemistry, residue analysis, microbiology, nutraceutical testing and contract method development. CANTEST is a contract laboratory for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and is capable of providing expertise in identifying and quantifying an unparalled scope of active ingredients, pesticides, veterinary drugs, microbiology and trace heavy metals. The group is a division of CANTEST Ltd., a full service analytical laboratory offering biotechnology and pharmaceutical as well environmental, industrial hygiene and food safety testing services. The company is 100% Canadian, employee owned and privately held. CANADIAN PHYTOPHARMACEUTICALS CORP. 12233 Riverside Way Richmond, BC V6W 1K8 Contact: Dr. Yuan-Chun Ma, President & CEO Size: 50,000 Sq Ft Year est.: 1996 Tel: 604-303-7782 Fax: 604-303-7726 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corp. is a sciencebased custom manufacturer of top quality botanical extracts, dietary supplements, and health food products, specialized in the research, development and innovation of product formulation and processing techniques on various dosage forms, including capsules, tablets, soft gels, tinctures or powder & liquid extracts. With the large capacity Vacuum Extractor, Rotary Evaporator, Spray Dryer and Buchi Rotavapors, plus the cutting-edge high-speed, fully automatic encapsulation machine, the fully automatic liquid filling system and the NJM fully integrated and fully automatic packaging line, Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corp. is able to custom design specific processing techniques for individual formula following strict cGMP manufacturing practices. CANTEST LTD. 4606 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5G 1K5 Contact: Peter Taylor, Director of Business Development - Food Safety Division Nilmini Wijewickreme, Ph.D, Director, Food Safety Division Year est.: 1969 Tel: 604-734-7276 Head Office Tel: 604-506-0686 Business Fax: 604-731-2386 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description CANTEST offers analytical and support services for the natural health product industry. Scientists have extensive 1-888-379-3131 or 011-250-765-8105 w w w .4 e v e r f i t . c o m 9 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY CANTOX HEALTH SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL CAPSCANADA 2233 Argentia Road, Suite 308 Mississauga ONT. L5N 2X7 Contact: Melody Harwood, Associate Director, Food & Nutrition Tel: 905-542-2900 Fax: 905-542-1011 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Cantox has been helping clients resolve complex scientific and toxicology issues, develop scientific and strategic regulatory and compliance plans, and facilitate timely regulatory global approvals. We provide the most expedient and cost-effective route to satisfy worldwide scientific and regulatory approval requirements: • Providing global regulatory strategic planning and assessments, • Preparing technical submissions that ensure successful review, • Guiding products through pre-market approval and commercialization processes, • Conducting product safety evaluations, • Compiling nutritional and dietary intake assessments of food components, • Substantiating health-related claims for foods/food components and supplements, • Designing, placing, and monitoring safety, nutritional, and efficacy studies. 456 Silver Creek Ind. Drive Tecumseh ONT. N8N 4Y3 Contact: Alexis Filip Sales Manager Year est.: 1984 Tel: 519-727-4618 Toll-free: 1-866-788-2888 Fax: 519-727-4619 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description CapsCanada® provides pharmaceutical grade gelatin and vegetable capsules (along with first-class technical support). Gelatin capsules are made with BSE Free, bovine-hide gelatin. Vegetable derived K-CAPS® have become one of the world's leading "non-animal" capsules for their exceptional filling performance, outstanding appearance and a dissolution profile that conforms to the USP, JP and EP. Clients include the largest and most prestigious pharmaceutical and dietary supplement companies around the world. CARMI FLAVOR AND FRAGRANCE CO. INC. #212-1515 Broadway St Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6M2 Contact: Lucie Nicholls, General Manager Year est.: 1979 Tel: 604-468-9800 Toll-Free: 1-866-468-9800 Business Fax: 604-468-9801 Business Email: [email protected] Web: Business description We carry a wide variety of Natural and Organic flavours in liquid, powder and encapsulated form. Our samples are readily available from our 3 Canadian warehouses. We have no minimum requirements for orders and stock flavours are shipped within 1 week. For your complimentary samples, please call us at (604) 468-9800 or toll-free at 1-866-468-9800. You can e-mail us at: [email protected] or visit our website at: 10 ✦ Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Raw Material Provider ✦ High Quality Material at Competitive Prices ✦ Local Warehouse to accommodate a wide range of inventory ✦ Direct contracts/partnerships with overseas manufacturers ✦ Same Day Local Delivery on stocked items! ✦ Site license holder Quality Assurance Guaranteed 11 5-HTP Aca i Ber r y Alp h a Lip oic Ac id Amin o a cid s Bee P rod u cts Boswellia S er ra ta Bromela in C h itosa n C h lorella C olla gen E ch in a cea Gin sen g Glu cosa min e Gra p e S eed E xtra ct Green Tea EExtra xtra ct Gy mn ema E xtra ct Horsetail H or seta il H ya lu ron ic Acid Hya Ma n gosteen Milk Th istle Resveratrol Resvera trol S er ra tiop ep tid a se S h a r k C a r tila ge S u cra lose Trib u lu s Ter restr is Tur mer ic Vita min s Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY importation support (Canada), clinical trial design and maintenance, and training and education. We have been involved in the development of hundreds of leading products throughout the world. Our professionals include naturopathic and medical doctors, quality control experts and former government officials. dicentra Inc. B002 – 21 Phoebe Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada Contact: Alicja Wojewnik, President Year est.: 2002 Tel: 416.361.3400 Fax: 416.361.3304 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web: Business description dicentra is a leading international scientific and regulatory consulting firm with specialized expertise in the areas of Natural Health Products, Foods, and Cosmetics. For years we have been helping clients resolve complex scientific issues, develop safe and effective market-leading products, and facilitate timely regulatory global approvals. Our services include scientific support, international regulatory compliance (NPNs, DINs. GRAS, NDI, etc.), ENWAVE CORPORATION Suite 2000 – 1066 West Hastings Vancouver, BC V6E 3X2 Contact: Jennifer Thompson, Vice President of Corporate Development and Investor Relations Year est.: 1999 Tel: 604-603-6549 Fax: 604-806-6112 Email: [email protected] Web: Want access to novel bioactives? Institute for Nutrisciences and Health Need to understand how your bioactive compounds work? Interested in strengthening your intellectual property? Shorten your time to market. Increase your potential for success. Build and protect market share. Together, we can save precious time in commercializing new health and wellness discoveries. Trusted experts at the National Research Council Institute for Nutrisciences and Health can help in many ways: • Pre-clinical proof of concept studies • 100s of assays and models (efficacy and mechanism of action) • Libraries of natural extracts • • • • Fee for service testing Collaborations with top-notch researchers Licensing opportunities Laboratory incubator facilities For more information, contact Paul Neima, Senior Business Development Officer 1-902-566-7444 • [email protected] • 12 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Business description EnWave Corporation uses Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Ferlow Botanicals supplies pro- state-of-the-art proprietary Vacuum Microwave (VM) technology to dehydrate food or pharmaceutical products, and/or develop porous structures in biological materials; to improve bio-activity and extraction of active components, to adjust texture and appearance, or to increase surface area. EnWave develops and markets specific processes and products, as well as fabricating and selling VM equipment. Contact us to inquire about applications of our technology to your products. Pilot trials can be made available. fessionals and select retailers with the highest quality medicinal herbal & personal care products. Manufacturing and distributing cream, lotion, tincture, plant oil, essential oil, extract, shampoo, soap, toothpaste and lipbalm. Incorporating certified organic, organic, or wild-crafted herbal extracts and oils. Our products are free of chemicals that are known or suspected to be harmful. At Ferlow Botanicals we believe in converging science and nature for our collective well-being. Contract manufacturing and private label inquiries welcome. FERLOW BOTANICALS PO Box 30099 – 8602 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6P 6S3 Contact: Harald Ferlow, Sales Manager Year est.: 1993 Tel: 604-322-4080 Head Office Fax: 604-322-4081 Head Office Institut des sciences nutritionnelles et de la santé Voulez-vous avoir accès à des composés bioactifs? Besoin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de vos produits bioactifs? Voulez-vous renforcer votre propriété intellectuelle? Réduisez votre temps de mise sur le marché. Augmentez votre potentiel de succès. Bâtissez et protégez vos parts de marché. Ensemble, nous pouvons gagner du temps dans la commercialisation des nouvelles découvertes en santé et en bien-être. Des experts de confiance de l’Institut des sciences nutritionnelles et de la santé du Conseil national de recherches Canada peuvent vous aider de plusieurs façons : • Des centaines d’analyses et de modèles (efficacité et mécanisme d’action) • Des banques d’extraits naturels • Des tests rémunérés à l’acte • • • • Collaborations avec des experts de premier plan Possibilités d’octroi de licence Preuve préclinique d’études de concept Incubateurs de laboratoire Pour plus de renseignements, communiquez avec Paul Neima, agent principal de développement commercial : 1-902-566-7444 • [email protected] • 13 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY ceutical and botanical ingredients from around the world at unbeatable prices. With sales offices in Canada and USA, GCI has developed a newtork of companies within the major botanical supply nations of hte world South America, China, India. GCI offers a cutting-edge product line coupled with exceptional customer service and informational support. Standardized herbal extracts, Ayurvedic Indian herbs, South American herbs, Chinese herbals, sea nutrients, mushroom products, green foods, softgels, vegetable and fish oils and much more! FLAX CANADA 2015 465 - 167 Lombard Avenue Winnipeg, MB. R3B 0T6 Contact: Kelley Fitzpatrick, Director of Health and Nutrition Year est.: 2005 Tel: 204-982-2115 Tel: 204-487-2318 Fax: 204-982-2128 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description The Flax Canada 2015 (FC2015) Initiative is a unique undertaking established to identify and exploit new opportunities for flax. It will increase the value of flax by making it an important component of the preventative approach to human and animal health. We support the sector by developing strategies for total utilization of flax for food, feed, fiber, health and industrial uses. FC2015 will fund matching projects with its industry partners in the areas indicated. Flax Canada 2015 is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Flax Council of Canada ( and is funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the flax industry. GFR PHARMA LTD. 11450 – 201 A St. Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0Y4 Contact: Richard Pierce, CEO Mark Likness, General Manager Size: 51,000 Sq Ft Year est.: 1995 Tel: 604-460-8440 Head Office Toll-Free: (877) 560-8440 Fax: 604-648-8221 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description GFR Pharma is a full service cGMP manufacturing facility specializing in the production of vitamins, minerals, herbals and nutritional supplements. We take quality assurance seriously. Every step of our manufacturing process is rigorously controlled by stringent qualitative and quantitative criteria and manufacturing protocols. We use independent laboratories to screen all raw materials and finished products for identity, potency and purity. We guarantee the highest quality products at the best possible price. GFR Pharma has expertise in: sourcing, formulating, blending, packaging, technical support, quality assurance, market research and graphics. From concept to reality…we can help you every step of the way. GCI NUTRIENTS (CANADA) INC. 101-431 Mountain Highway North Vancouver, BC V7J 2L1 Contact: Yda Brink, President Year est.: 1996 Tel: 604-903-7333 Head Office Fax: 604-903-7332 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description "Searching the continents to bring you a world of opportunities" is more than just our company slogan. Our unique network of major international manufacturers and suppliers positions GCI as a leading raw material supplier to the nutraceutical industry, offering carefully selected, high-quality nutra14 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY · NutraFlora® short-chain fructooligosaccharides (scFOS®) prebiotic fiber provides unique benefits in support of bone, immune and digestive health · Aquamin® natural calcified mineral source supports bone health · BioAgave™ agave active fiber offers benefits for digestive health · OatVantage™ oat bran concentrate supports heart and glycemic health GTC NUTRITION 523 Park Point Drive, Suite 300 Golden, CO 80401 Contact: Rob LeGuillou Business Development Mgr Year est.: 1988 Tel: 303-216-2489 Tel: 416-620-2366 Fax: 303-216-2477 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description GTC Nutrition is a recognized leader in providing customized nutrition solutions to the food, beverage and supplement industries. Our ingredients portfolio and inhouse scientific, technical and marketing expertise bring healthy ideas and products to life. GTC Nutrition’s ingredients support top consumer concerns in the areas of bone, digestive, glycemic, heart and immune health: Good fortune from mushrooms Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake and Cordyceps available overnight in bulk from the North American leader in premium medicinal mushroom products. Growing since 1973 Contact Jeff Chilton, President Tel: 604.886.7799 • Fax: 604.886.9626 Formerly North American Reishi 15 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY I.G. MICROMED ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 190 - 12860 Clarke Place Richmond, BC V6V 2H1 Contact: Gillian Geere, Lab Manager Richard Geere, Office Manager Year est.: 1991 Tel: 604-279-0666 Head Office Tel: 604-943-3636 Accounting Office Fax: 604-279-0663 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description IG MicroMed offers full microbiology testing for consumer and commercial products. Testing services include isolation and identification of pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria, yeast & mold. Additional services include sterility and bioburden testing, endotoxin (LAL), preservative challenge tests, clean room evaluations and plant inspections. Health Canada Therapeutic Products licensed Standards Council of Canada ISO/IEC 17025 accredited for 21 tests Province of B.C. approved laboratory for microbiological testing of drinking water GUELPH FOOD TECHNOLOGY CENTRE 88 McGilvray Street Guelph ON. N1G 2W1 Contact: Barbara Dillingham, Senior Project Manager, Functional Foods and Natural Health Products sector specialist Year est.: 1995 Tel: 519-836-1246 Head Office Fax: 519-836-1281 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description GFTC is Canadas only independent food technology centre. It provides creative, confidential technical solutions, training, consulting and auditing to the Canadian food value chain. Each year, GFTC assists over 500 companies and organizations and trains more than 3,600 people. At GFTC, we exist to help our clients compete globally. We do this by strengthening the very foundations of their business—their products, processes and people. We offer a comprehensive range of services, from product development, technical packaging services and process development, to food safety and quality systems and technical training programs. HODGINS & COMPANY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INC. 211 – 220 Newport Drive Port Moody, BC V3H 5B8 Contact: Mary Ellen Hodgins, President Year est.: 1998 Tel: 604-461-5697 Fax: 604-319-6814 Email: [email protected] Business description Hodgins & Company serves the wellness industry throughout Canada and abroad through its capabilities and vast experience in competitive intelligence; market assessments; development of marketing and business plans; and facilitation. The company utilizes its strong network of global experts who together deliver the information and analysis you need to make your business decisions. 16 Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corp. Botanical Extracts • Contract Manufacturing • Scientific Support Over 30,000 sq ft cGMP Certified Manufacturing Facility Leading Expert in Botanical Extracts Full Capacity Contract Manufacturing (Liquid Extracts, Powder Extracts, Granules, Capsules,Tablets, Film or Enteric Coating) Team of Scientists and Experienced Experts In-House Laboratory Testing (Chemical Analysis, HPLC, Accelerated Stability Testing, Microbiology etc.) • Halal • Kosher • USDA Organic • FDA Registration • Health Canada Site Licence • [email protected] 12233 Riverside Way, Richmond, B.C. Canada V6W 1K8 Tel: (604) 303-7782, Fax: (604) 303-7726 17 17 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY softgels, capsules or tablets. We also offer proprietary nutritionals such as PGX® and Echinilin®, as well as 100% natural materials, from blueberry and cranberry extracts to wild salmon oil. Contact us at: [email protected] or at 1-800-916-1650. INNOVATIVE CONSULTING SOLUTIONS INC. #22 – 2917 Georama Rd. Nelson, BC V1L 6Y7 Contact: Dale Enright, President Year est.: 1999 Toll Free: (866) 352-2740 Fax: 250-352-2743 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description QA and Regulatory Affairs specialists to the Natural Health Product, Pharmaceutical, Food, Cosmetic and Medical Device industries. Our services span "from cradle to grave" in the life of a product. Examples include: ensuring all ingredients, their sources and dosages, labels and marketing information are compliant; technical writing, including compliant promotional information. Six full-time staff have helped over 200 organizations with: Site & Drug Establishment Licencing; Quality Assurance: GMP, GLP, GCP, HACCP & ISO 17025; Implementation, training & audits, NHP (NPN), DIN & Cosmetic applications; Scientific literature research to support those applications. INTELLITEXT WRITING AGENCY 105 – 2025 W Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 1Z6 Contact: Lena Normén-Younger President & Founder Aimee Taylor Editor in Chief Tel: 604-765-2495 Fax: 604-730-2838 Email: [email protected] Year est.: 2009 Tel: 604-838-5362 Fax: 604-730-2838 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description The Intellitext Writing Agency is an independent consultancy firm. We are committed to providing the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and natural health product sectors with high quality documents based on the principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP). The agency is based in Vancouver BC. Our services include: the development of protocols for clinical trials (phase 1-IV), informed consents, case report forms and investigator brochures. We can also facilitate applications to Health Canada for clinical trials involving natural health products on human subjects. Please contact us for appointments and rates. INOVOBIOLOGIC INC. 104-1240 Kensington Road NW, Suite 409 Calgary, AB T2N 4X7 Contact: Christopher Moreira, Director of Sales & Marketing Year est.: 2005 Tel: 604-307-4482 Tel: 1-800-916-1650 Fax: 604-444-1099 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Consumer needs are changing. We can help. Our vision is to develop innovative and effective products, using the best raw materials available. InovoBiologic provides manufacturing services as well as top quality ingredients for the natural health, nutraceutical and functional food industries. We can custom manufacture your products in INSTITUT DES SCIENCES NUTRITIONNELLES ET DE LA SANTÉ DU CNRC 550 avenue Université Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Contact: Paul Neima Year est.: 2003 Tel: 902-566-7444 Fax: 902-569-4289 Email: [email protected] Web: http: // 18 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Business description Les scientifiques de l'ISNS- CNRC identifient de bioactifs naturels pour améliorer la santé humaine et animale grâce aux aliments fonctionnels, nutraceutiques et pharmaceutiques. Ils s’engagent dans la découverte, caractérisation et identification de composés, et la recherche d’efficacité et de mécanisme d'action. Les organismes nous consultent pour des études de validation d'essais précliniques, d'analyses et de modèles, des banques de composés, des tests rémunérés à l'acte, d'octroi de licence, des recherches à contrat et des laboratoires d'incubation. Les entreprises peuvent collaborer avec nos experts en chimie des produits naturels, neuropharmacologie, découverte de drogues et nutraceutiques, immunologie, allergies, électrophysiologie, biomatériaux, neuroinflammation et immunomodulation. LABS-MART INC. 9411 - 20th Avenue Edmonton, AB T6N 1E5 Contact: Dr. Changdong Jin, President Tel: 780-469-9009 Fax: 780-469-9080 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Labs-Mart is an analytical service laboratory specializing in natural health product and food analyses. Our testing services include vitamins, herbal actives, enzymes, pesticides, solvent residues, mycotoxins, heavy metals, and microbes. We focus on cost-effective and timely delivery of quality services to meet your budget and timeline. INVESTMENT AGRICULTURE FOUNDATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LV LOMAS LIMITED PO Box 8248 Victoria, BC V8W 3R9 Contact: Emily MacNair, Program Manager Coreen Moroziuk, Program Manager Peter Donkers, Executive Director Year est.: 1996 Tel: 250-356-1662 Fax: 250-953-5162 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description The Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia is a non-profit organization that invests federal and provincial funds to help the agri-food industry adapt to change. The Foundation is industry-led; comprised of member organizations from across the agri-food industry. We work with industry organizations or other groups and firms to help get innovative ideas off the ground. We encourage proposals from industry groups and partners who share responsibility for their projects and whose ideas will lead to sector-wide growth. 1587 Derwent Way Delta, BC V3M 6K8 Contact: Michele Gurney, Technical Sales Rep. (Health & Personal Care - BC/AB/SK) Charmaine Fernandes, Technical Sales Rep. (Food - BC) Nicholas Ngovandan, SBU Sales Manager Year est.: 1960 Tel: 604-521-7779 Tel: 1-800-668-1221 Fax: 304-521-2323 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description L.V. Lomas Limited is a family owned business and has been operating since 1960. We offer a variety of raw materials for the Food Industry and are sourcing new products on a regular basis. We supply many of Canada's leading food processors with ingredients and logistic solutions and are looking forward to helping you source ingredients for your unique products. Please visit our website at 19 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY functional food and dietary supplement industries. Natraceutical’s patented process produces a unique combination of high concentration, high viscosity and natural form of beta-glucan from oats. Viscofiber® is the highest quality grain beta-glucan product available to the nutraceutical and functional food markets. Viscofiber® delivers multiple health benefits: improved cholesterol; improved glycemic response; and increased satiety for weight loss formulations. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL - INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Contact: BC Contact: Maureen Hatanaka, ITA Alberta Contact: Terry Rachuk, ITA Sask./Man. Contact: Janet Panford, ITA Tel: 1-877-994-4727 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Web: http: // Business description The National Research Council Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) provides a range of both technical and business oriented advisory services along with potential financial support to growth-oriented Canadian small and mediumsized enterprises. The program is delivered by an extensive integrated network of 260 professionals in 100 communities across the country. Working directly with these clients, NRC-IRA supports innovative research and development and commercialization of new products and services. Recognized globally for research and innovation, NRC is a leader in the development of an innovative, knowledgebased economy for Canada through science and technology. NATURAL FACTORS NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS LTD. 1550 United Boulevard Coquitlam, BC V3K 6Y3 Contact: Trish Duncan, Marketing Dept. John Stephen, Director of Sales Shelagh Jamieson, Director of Marketing Year est.: 1958 Tel: 604-777-1757 Head Office Toll-Free Tel: 1-800-663-8900 Head Office Fax: 1-800-663-2115 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description From clinically-proven PGX® and Echinamide® to revolutionary Healing Foods®, Natural Factors has been manufacturing superior vitamins, herbs, supplements, and other natural health products for more than 50 years. Natural Factors has established stringent criteria for the quality, purity and efficacy of its extensive product offering. The Canadian operations include state of the art manufacturing facilities, including softgel encapsulation; a research and development lab; and over 2000 acres of farmland where medicinal plants are grown for research and production purposes. Natural Factors is an integral part of North America's natural health industry, working through natural health retailers to meet consumer needs. NATRACEUTICAL CANADA INC. Enterprise Sq. 4th Floor 10230 Jasper Ave. Edmonton, AB T5J 4P6 Contact: Kristina Williams, VP Marketing and Sales Carolina Rahikka, Customer Service Manager Year est.: 2007 Tel: 780-736-6169 Head Office Tel: 780-436-6444 Head Office Fax: 780-436-6522 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Natraceutical Canada Inc. is a science-based manufacturer of technically advanced grain-based ingredients for the 20 I.G. MicroMed Environmental Inc. Specializing in Microbiological Analysis 18 Years of Providing Quality, Cost Effective Microbiological Testing for Nutraceutical, Pharmaceutical, Food, Soil, Air Quality, Potable, Marine and Processed Water Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are committed to providing you with outstanding customer service We offer a full range of microbiology testing for consumer and commercial products: • Isolation and identification of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria, yeast and mold in raw and processed products • Plant inspections to ensure plant and product cleanliness • Full microbial testing as well as preservative challenges, LAL (endotoxin), sterility and bioburden evaluations. We can customize testing packages to suit our client needs Accreditations & Licences: 1. Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by the Standards Council of Canada, Lab No. 476. 2. Health Canada Therapeutic Products Licensed Establishment. 3. Approved by the Province of B.C. for microbiology testing of drinking water and participates in the provincially sponsored Clinical Microbiology Proficiency Testing. 4. Participates in Government of Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Dept. of Laboratory Services accreditation programs on a monthly basis for pathogen testing. 190 – 12860 Clarke Place, Richmond, BC V6V 2H1 Tel: (604) 279-0666 · Fax: (604) 279-0663 Web: · E-mail: [email protected] 21 21 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY industry trends and regulatory requirements. Patents are easier to obtain with our innovative and creative approach to product development. NATURAL HEALTH PRODUCT RESEARCH SOCIETY OF CANADA 3700 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby BC V5G 3H2 Contact: Ann Eastman, President Year est.: 2003 Fax: 604-433-5893 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description NHPRS is a federally incorporated non-profit organization established by researchers from across Canada. NHPRS' goals are to foster natural health product (NHP) research, education and communication to enable informed and appropriate use of high quality NHPs that are safe and efficacious. NHPRS: · Provides networking and communication opportunities; · Fosters interdisciplinary research collaborations; · Promotes use of well-characterized NHPs in research; and · Supports evidence-based policy development. NHPRS hosts an annual research conference & tradeshow. Our sixth conference Gateway to Wellness will be in Vancouver, BC February 18 – 21, 2009. Please go to [email protected] for more information on the 2009 or 2010 annual research conferences. NORTH AMERICAN REISHI LTD. 926 Joe Road Roberts Creek BC V0N 2W0 Mailing address: PO Box 1780 Gibsons BC V0N 1V0 Contact: Jeff Chilton, President Patricia Wolfe, Office Manager Year est.: 1989 Tel: 604-886-7799 Fax: 604-886-9626 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description North American Reishi/ NAMMEX is an applied mycology company that specializes in the research, development and production of medicinal mushroom products for the health food, nutraceutical and nutritional supplement industry. Along with our standardized mushroom extracts, we also manufacture whole mushrooms and mycelia. Within these three product groups, our key species are reishi, maitake, shiitake, and cordyceps. NEXGEN COSMETICS 123-2880 Panorama Dr. Coquitlam BC V3E2W4 Contact: Emma Rozenberg, President Year est.: 2002 Tel: 604-970-8580 Email: [email protected] Business description NexGen Cosmetics offers scientific and technical consulting services to the cosmetic, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries. Company specializes in research and new personal care products development, including product concept, design, formulations, manufacturing procedures, regulatory aspects of product development, Good Manufacturing Practice, Quality Assurance, Quality Control and sanitation programs. NexGen Cosmetics works with clients as part of their team assisting in development of their business according to NPI CENTER 2000 Argentia Rd., Plaza 4, Suite 270 Mississauga, ON L5N 1W1 Contact: Len Monheit, President Liz Smith, Sales Manager Year est.: 1999 Tel: 905-363-0437 Toll-Free: 1-877-463-0110 Fax: 905-363-0439 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description NPIcenter is a leading global on-line business resource for the natural and nutritional products industries. The site (www. contains news, announcements, events, discussions, a Career Center, business information exchange and other business tools, including a database of over 13,500 companies organized into over 3700 22 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY categories, with listings of products, services and articles. News and announcements on the site allow viewers to track developments, as they occur, in research, business, regulatory, product news and more. NPIcenter publishes daily and weekly e-newsletters to keep industry leaders well-informed, and the NPIcenter site receives approximately 400,000 viewers a month from around the world, making it an excellent way to promote your company, products and services. NUTRI-LOC DRIED FOODS INC. 658 Derwent Way Delta, BC V3M 5P8 Contact: Andrew Small, President Tom Gordon, CEO Year est.: 2002 Tel: 604-759-1234 Head Office Fax: 604 759 1235 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Nutri-Loc Dried Foods Inc. is a food manufacturing company that focuses on services such as Toll Dehydration, Milling, Dry Blending and Small Packaging jobs. We are Organic and Kosher certified. Nutri-Loc Dried Foods works on an individual basis to cater to specific processing needs. Please contact us for further information or to discuss your unique service requirements. NRC INSTITUTE FOR NUTRISCIENCES AND HEALTH 550 University Ave Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Contact: Paul Neima, Senior Business Development Officer Year est.: 2003 Tel: 902-566-7444 Fax: 902-569-4289 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description NRC-INH researchers identify natural bioactives for improving human and animal health through development of functional foods, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. NRC engages in discovery, lead identification, characterization of compounds with health benefits, and pre-clinical research (efficacy, mechanism of action). Organizations come to NRC-INH for: pre-clinical proof of concept studies; a range of assays and models; libraries of compounds; fee-forservice testing; licensing opportunities; contract research; and laboratory incubator facilities. Companies collaborate with NRCINH's researchers who have expertise in natural products chemistry, virology, neuropharmacology, electrophysiology, drug & nutraceutical discovery, immunology & allergies, cellular pharmacology, biomaterials & surface chemistry, and neuroinflammation & immune modulation. NUTRI-NATION FUNCTIONAL FOODS 2820 Huntington Place Port Coquitlam BC V3C 4T3 Contact: Allison Schroeder, Marketing Richard Schroeder, President Year est.: 1998 Tel: 604-464-4511 Fax: 604-464-4513 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Contract manufacturers of Functional Food Bars and Drink Mixes for sports nutrition, diet support and meal replacement. We can deliver solid nutritional science plus great taste. We invite small or large runs using your formulation, our formulation or any new development proposals. Bar Production: ...most formulations from soft high protein bars to coarse fruit, grain and nut bars. Enrobing in real chocolate or other coatings is available. Drink Mix Production: … thick, creamy shakes and crystal clear functionally focused formulations packaged in bulk, tubs, jar or flexible pouches. "Manufactured in Canada" can mean more profit for your company. 23 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY cancer spectrum of activity. Pegasus’ established technologies have been filed for patent applications, some of which are granted in US, China, Japan and Singapore. Pegasus has received site license from Natural Health Product Directorate (NHPD). PATHFINDERS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT LTD. 1124 Colony St Saskatoon, SK S7N 0S5 Contact: Carol Ann Patterson Year est.: 2000 Tel: 306-242-1306 Tel: 306-242-1307 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description The Pathfinders Research And Management Ltd. provides competitive technical intelligence to food, natural health product, biotechnology and bioproduct industries and assists companies in finding innovative solutions to technological challenges. Services include research project management; scientific reviews on safety, health and technical attributes of ingredients, products and technologies; technology analysis and due diligence activities to support business decisions; preparation of scientific dossiers to support regulatory submissions; and technical writing. PHARMANUTRIENTS BOTANICAL CORPORATION #107 – 2433 Dollarton Hwy North Vancouver, BC V7H 0A1 Contact: Wayne M. Hachie, President & CEO Melinda Pisica, Executive Assistant Year est.: 1979 Tel: 604-990-1499 Fax: 604-990-1377 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Pharmanutrients Botanical Corporation (PBC) is a leading premier supplier of Triple Quality Assured (TQAtm) raw materials under the PharmaPuretm brand. We are an industry leader as one of the first raw material suppliers to obtain a Site & Establishment license. Sourcing the world to offer a wide range of scientifically researched, cutting edge technologies and targeting the fields of performance, longevity, immunity, oral chelation and therapeutic applications that maintain stringent quality protocols that meet and exceed Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) regulations of Canada. PBC also provides value-added services including customized formulas, R&D, manufacturing and packaging of capsules, tables, powders and liquids to deliver tailored to our customers. PEGASUS PHARMACEUTICALS GROUP INC. Unit 110 – 116, 11800 River Road Richmond, BC V6X 1Z7 Contact: Jean Huang, Sales Manager James Cao, General Manager Size: 10,000 Sq Ft Year est.: 1997 Tel: 604-303-9952 Head Office Tel: 604-303-9926 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. (Pegasus) is a group of Canadianheadquartered biotech and healthcare companies that specialize in research & development, manufacturing and commercialization of health products. Pegasus has developed CARESENG® series, a line of natural ginseng products, including BFG, SG, SG2, SG-40, AllerQ, BIOSENG™ #1, RH, etc. CARESENG® has advantages over current standard therapies and other development compounds in terms of lower toxicity, higher efficacy, anti- PLATINUM NATURALS 11 Sims Crescent, Unit#2-5 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C9 Mailing address 2663 West 22nd Ave Vancouver BC V6L 1M3 Contact: Dorota Zawistowska, Business Development Manager David Khang, General Manager Year est.: 1996 Tel: 905-731-8097 ext.301 24 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Tel: 1-800-668-5028 Fax: 905-731-8116 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description We are a manufacturer and RENÉ RIVET INC. distributor of a premium line of multivitamins and supplements into the Canadian, US and international markets. Platinum Naturals is known as the innovators of OST® —Omega Suspension Technology—a proprietary process that fully suspends the nutrients in omega oils to improve ingredient delivery and absorption. We are the proud winner of the 2005 Leonardo da Vinci Award for Creativity in Business, as well as the 2007 Silver Medalist for Alive Magazine's Award of Best Multivitamins & Supplements. Call us or visit our website at for more information. 960 Industriel Blvd. Terrebonne, QC J6Y 1X1 Contact: Marie-Claude Langlois, V.P. Sales & Market Development Tel: 1-800-465-9241 #223 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description For 35 years, we have been commercializing Food & Feed ingredients produced in Canada or imported from Europe and the USA. Today, we use this experience to work with Biotech companies to sell their functional ingredients in the Trade. We are partners with our customers: food manufacturers, feed producers, personal health care; cosmetics and supplement companies. We help them to target market segments, we assist them with their choice of standard ingredients and functional ingredients. Most of our suppliers are leaders in their own field, all our ingredients have successfully pass the POS PILOT PLANT 118 Veterinary Rd. Saskatoon, SK S7N 2R4 Contact: Robert E. Morgan, President & CEO Dr. Rick Green, Director of Technology Size: 54,000 Sq Ft Year est.: 1977 Tel: 306-978-2800 Tel: 306-975-3766 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description POS Pilot Plant is a contract R&D facility providing pilot plant and laboratory scale applied research services to the bioprocessing industries. Main services: process development, toll processing, and analytical services. We specialize in solvent and aqueous extraction processes, fractionation and purification of biological components from natural sources. Services include many integrated bio-processing options in a cGMP-compliant environment. ISO 9001: 2000 compliant, Health Canada NHP Site License, Health Canada CFIA Site License, cGMP, HACCP, Traceability & food Safety Systems, Kosher status on selected extraction systems. New! Microalgae and yeast biomass extraction system increases yields of valuable components. The Art of Ingredient Selection The finest ingredients from world class partners. A seasoned support team. Uncompromising service. LIMITED / LIMITÉE 800 575 3382 Toronto 25 s Montreal s Vancouver s Shanghai s Portland s Seattle Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY (ITCs) by means of cash refunds and/or tax credits to be applied against taxes payable for their expenditures on SR&ED done in Canada. SR&ED done in certain provinces, including BC, may also earn provincial ITCs. test of quality, and at René Rivet Inc we make sure that our customer service is at the level required by our customers. SASKATCHEWAN HERB AND SPICE ASSOCIATION Box 18 Phippen, SK S0K 3E0 Contact: Connie Kehler, Executive Director Tel: 306-694-4622 Tel: 306-694-2182 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association is an industry driven association directed by a board of volunteer directors that are themselves in the industry. SHSA is also the secretariat for the Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Product Coalition. They support building a viable herb, spice, natural health and non timber products industry that includes value added production and processing. They do this by linking and connecting the industry through communication , networking and education throughout the value chain. They represent industry from production to processing to manufacturing to research to regulations to practitioners to final product to consumer. Members welcome from around the world. SISU INC. 104 A – 3430 Brighton Ave Burnaby BC V5A 3H4 Contact: Jaime Williams, Director of Marketing Darrin Bartels, Director of Sales Mike Marochhi, Director, Operations & Product Development Year est.: 1980 Tel: 604-420-6610 Tel: 1-800-663-4163 Fax: 604-420-4892 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description SISU is synonymous with highquality supplements and innovative new products. Over the past 26 years, SISU has provided superior supplements to discerning consumers across Canada. We pride ourselves on being innovators within the health supplement industry, continually providing new, premium products to consumers who demand the very best in health supplements. Today, we manufacture more than 160 products. At SISU, we believe quality of life is directly related to the quality of what we put into our bodies. Make SISU a part of your daily routine and reap the health benefits today. Visit our website at SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT (SR&ED) PROGRAM SR&ED DIVISION VANCOUVER TAX SERVICES OFFICE CANADA REVENUE AGENCY 1166 West Pender Street Vancouver BC V6E 3H8 Contact: Angelito Vizcarra, Research & Technology Manager Tel: 604-666-0198 Toll-Free: 1-866-317-0473 Fax: 604-666-0222 Email: [email protected] Web: http: // Business description The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a Government of Canada program administered by the Canada Revenue Agency to encourage Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors (including the functional food, nutraceutical and natural health products industry) to do scientific research and experimental development that will lead to new or improved technologically-advanced materials, devices, products or processes. The program gives claimants investment tax credits SLC LABORATORIES 204 – 4475 Wayburne Drive Burnaby BC V5G 4X4 Contact: Dr. Arthur Yee, Project Manager Year est.: 2001 Tel: 604-454-0107 Tel: 604-454-0266 Email: [email protected] Web: 26 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Business description SLC Laboratories provides analytical services to the pharmaceutical, natural health product and functional food industries. We specialize in: 1. Method development/validation, and quantitative analysis of drugs and active components in complex matrices such as biological fluids, plant extracts, and GMP finished products. 2. High-throughput analysis using integrated systems of 96-well plates, robotics, and ultra performance LC and LC/MS/MS. We also offer natural health product and site licensing consulting services. SLC's mission is to provide customized analytical services that fit the requirements of clients ranging from start-up firms to medium-sized pharmaceuticals and NHP manufacturers. TEMPO CANADA INC. 1175 North Service Rd. West, Suite 200 Oakville, ON L6M 2W1 Contact: Glen Hildebrand, VP Michael Collette, Product Manager Functional Food & Beverage Gary Layton, Western Canadian Technical Representative Year est.: 1985 Tel: 905-339-3309 Head Office Tel: 800-622-5009 Head Office Fax: 905-339-3385 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Leading distributor of bulk ingredients to nutraceutical, food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic industries in Canada. Specialty branded/patented ingredients from suppliers (manufacturers) worldwide. Our suppliers offer quality ingredients backed by research and/or proprietary processes that deliver what we promise, promoted and/or advertised. New product concepts, technical & promotional assistance & superior customer service are Tempo’s forte. Please visit our website at www. SOURCE NUTRACEUTICAL, INC. 2 – 1249 Clarence Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3T 1T4 Contact: Bernie Desgagnés, President Julie McNabb, Director of Sales & Marketing Year est.: 2004 Tel: 204-254-2234 Head Office Tel: 604-636-1234 Fax: 204-254-7817 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Source Nutraceutical, Inc. serves the natural health product, food, drug and cosmetic industries as an integrated source for regulatory, packaging compliance, graphical, marketing support, importation, warehousing and order fulfullment solutions. Products/Services: Natural health product & DIN applications, food regulatory affairs, compliant product packaging services, marketing and promotional material development. Our GMP, Health Canada licensed warehouses offer importation, exportation and sales order fulfillment services. 27 Suppliers & Service Providers WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY WELL NOW INC. WESTERN CANADIAN FUNCTIONAL FOOD AND NATURAL HEALTH PRODUCT NETWORK PO Box 38151 – 550 Eglinton Ave. West Toronto, ON M5N 3A8 Contact: Sue Millingen, President Year est.: 2003 Tel: 1-866-WELL-NOW Head Office Tel: 1-866-WELL-625 All Offices Across Canada Fax: 416-651-3049 Head Office Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Well Now Inc. is a free, high profile online resource for the Canadian public, interested in a healthy lifestyle. As well as providing up-to-date holistic health and lifestyle information, a targeted newsletter and a forum to have questions answered, is a web-based directory of healthy lifestyle providers. Well Now Inc. is also an integrated membership program encompassing advertising and business development support as well as a range of invaluable discounts and benefits for the Canadian small business. Please visit us for more information at 218 – 2205 East Mall, FNH Building, UBC Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Contact: Greg Edgelow, Executive Director Year est.: 1998 Tel: 604-822-6920 Fax: 604-822-5143 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description Created in 1998, The WCFN is a non-profit, member driven organization that works collaboratively with our members and strategic partners in sharing information, providing resources and creating educational and business opportunities in the functional food, nutraceutical and natural health product sector. Through effective leadership, and a cohesive support network, the WCFN's distinct value proposition for its members and partners is to foster the growth of an innovative functional food, nutraceutical and natural health product (FFNHP) industry in Canada that encompasses the agricultural value chain, from growers to manufacturers/distributors, including academia/researchers as well other key stakeholders and support organizations. Join our Network today! WELLGENEX SCIENCES INC. 150 – 10451 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8 Contact: Michael ZC Li Yili Bai Year est.: 2006 Tel: 604-249-2896 Tel: 604-720-2006 Fax: 604-278-5760 Email: [email protected] Web: Business description A professional scientific and service company specialized in providing market development, product development and commercialization, regulatory affairs to clients in the life sciences, health and nutrition industry. "Helping you create product excellence and connect to market success" is Wellgenex's slogan. 28 2009/10 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Category Index Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program 26 ASSOCIATIONS / NETWORKS Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet) 6, 11 Alberta Natural Health Agricultural Network 6 Alberta Rhodiola Rosea Growers Organization 6 BC Herb Growers Association 7 BCIT - Integrative Biosciences Research Cluster 7, 37 British Columbia Food Technologists Association 6 Canadian Health Food Association 8, 60 Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition/Sask. Herb and Spice Association 8 Flax Canada 2015 Inc. 14 Natural Health Product Research Society of Canada 22 NPI Centre 22,59 Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association 8 Well Now Inc. 28 Western Canadian Functional Food and Natural Health Product Network 28, 31-35 GROWERS Alberta 3D Farms 55 Bow Point Nursery 55 Victor Daigle 55 DnA Odds and Ends 55 Earth Medicine Consulting 55 Eastern Slopes Rangeland Seeds Ltd. 55 El Hawk Ltd. 55 Herbs North 55 Debra and Emma Jackson 55 Panacea Plants 55 Pogany Acres 55 Pope Family Organic Farm and Supplies 55 Prairie Plant Lady Herbs and Products 55 Rhodiola Rosea Growers 55 Richard & Anita Roy 55 Sage Valley Marketing Ltd. 55 Schoff Farm 55 Tom & Nancy Schuurman 55 Valhalla Organics 55 Larry and Anna Wanchuk 55 DISTRIBUTORS BC Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition/Sask. Herb and Spice Association 8 Platinum Naturals 24, 25 René Rivet Inc. 25 Botanical Specialties Ltd. 55 Cincott Farms 55 Falcon Ridge Farms 55 Four Winds Farm 55 Okanagan Ginseng Laboratories 55 Okanagan Lavender Farms 55 Okanagan University College 55 Ursus Log Works 55 West Kootenay Herb Grower’s Co-op 55 White’s Ginseng & Medicinal Herbs 55 EXPORTERS/IMPORTERS 4Ever Fit 5, 9 Acadian Seaplants Ltd. 5 Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition/Sask. Herb and Spice Association 8 GCI Nutrients (Canada) Inc. 14 InovoBiologic Inc. 18 Natural Factors Nutritional Products Inc. 20 Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. 24 Platinum Naturals 24, 25 Source Nutraceutical, Inc. 27 Saskatchewan Lonewolf Native Plant & Herb Farm 55 HEALTH SCIENCES Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition/Sask. Herb and Spice Association 8 Cantox Health Sciences International 10 Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. 24 Wellgenex Services Inc. 30 GOVERNMENT Institut des sciences nutritionnelles et de la santé du CNRC 13, 18 Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia 19 National Research Council – Industrial Research Assistance Program 20, 53 NRC Institute for Nutrisciences and Health 12, 23 PROCESSORS AND PACKAGERS Functional Foods Burcon NutraScience 8 29 Index WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition/Sask. Herb and Spice Association 8 Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corp. 9 Ferlow Botanicals 13 Natural Factors Nutritional Products Inc. 20 Nutri-Loc Dried Foods Inc. 23 Nutri-Nation Functional Foods 23 Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. 24 POS Pilot Plant 25 Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition/Sask. Herb and Spice Association 8 CANTEST Ltd. 9 Enwave Corporation 12 Ferlow Botanicals 13 GFR Pharma Ltd. 14 Guelph Food Technology Centre 15, 16 Innovative Consulting Solutions Inc. 18 InovoBiologic Inc. 18 Institut des sciences nutritionnelles et de la santé du CNRC 13, 18 Labs-Mart Inc. 19 NPI Center 22, 59 NRC Institute for Nutrisciences and Health 12, 23 Pathfinders Research & Management Ltd. 24 Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. 24 POS Pilot Plant 25 SLC Laboratories 26, 27, 36 Wellgenex Services Inc. 29 NHP/Nutraceutical British Columbia Institute of Technology 7, 37 Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corp. 9, 17 Ferlow Botanicals 13 GFR Pharma Ltd. 14 Natural Factors Nutritional Products Inc. 20 Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. 24 Pharmanutrients Botanical Corporation 24 Platinum Naturals 24, 25 POS Pilot Plant 25 SISU Inc. 26 SUPPLIERS Ingredients and Raw Materials SERVICES Analytical Laboratory/Analysis Acadian Seaplants Ltd. 5 Active Pharma Inc. 5, 9 Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition/Sask. Herb and Spice Association 8 CapsCanada 10 Carmi Flavor and Fragrance Co. Inc. 10 GCI Nutrients (Canada) Inc. 14 GTC Nutrition 15 InovoBiologic Inc. 18 L.V. Lomas Limited 19, 25 Natraceutical Canada Inc. 20 Natural Factors Nutritional Products Inc. 20 North American Reishi Ltd 15, 22 Nutri-Loc Dried Foods Inc. 23 Nutri-Nation Functional Foods 23 Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. 24 Pharmanutrients Botanical Corporation 24 René Rivet Inc. 25 Tempo Canada Inc. 27 British Columbia Institute of Technology 7, 37 Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition/Sask. Herb and Spice Association 8 CANTEST Ltd. 9 I.G. MicroMed Environmental Inc. 16, 21 Institut des sciences nutritionnelles et de la santé du CNRC 13, 18 Labs-Mart Inc. 19 NRC Institute for Nutrisciences and Health 12, 23 POS Pilot Plant 25 SLC Laboratories 26, 36 Consulting Cantox Health Sciences International 10 dicentra Inc. 12, 72 Enwave Corporation 12 Guelph Food Technology Centre 15, 16 Hodgins & Company Management Consultants Inc. 16 Innovative Consulting Solutions Inc. 7, 18 Labs-Mart Inc. 19 NexGen Cosmetics 22 NPI Center 22, 59 Nutri-Nation Functional Foods 23 Pathfinders Research & Management Ltd. 24 Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. 24 SLC Laboratories 26, 27, 36 Source Nutraceutical, Inc. 27 Wellgenex Services Inc. 29 Packaging Equipment Enwave Corporation 12 Processing Equipment Enwave Corporation 12 WHOLESALERS/DISTRIBUTORS 4Ever Fit 5, 9 Ferlow Botanicals 13 L.V. Lomas Limited 19 Natural Factors Nutritional Products Inc. 20 Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. 24 Pharmanutrients Botanical Corporation 24 Tempo Canada Inc. 27 Research & Development Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet) 6, 30 British Columbia Institute of Technology 7 30 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Western Canadian Functional Food & Natural Health Product Network About the WCFN · Foster increased industry growth through targeted networking opportunities, in addition to key programs and services that showcase member research & development capabilities and Canadian products to domestic and international markets; Who we are: WCFN is a non-profit, member driven organization that works collaboratively with our members and strategic partners. What do we do: Share information, provide resources and help create educational and business opportunities. · Represent the Canadian FFNHP industry to relevant agencies regarding evolving governmental regulatory frameworks; For who: The functional food, nutraceutical and natural health product sector. · Showcase Canadian industry innovation and expertise through our Excellence Awards, annual conference and bi-weekly newsletter. Mission To engage industry leaders, members and key stakeholders to help foster the growth and development of an innovative functional food, nutraceutical and natural health product (FFNHP) industry in Canada. Initiatives Business Development · Promotional opportunities of member products, services and capabilities; Vision · Facilitate networking and partnering functions; Identify key trade missions, & tradeshows; Ensure a sustainable agricultural value chain, from growers to manufacturers/distributors, including academia/researchers as well other key stakeholders and support organizations. · Produce industry directory & resource guide; · Share business referrals. Goals Education & Transfer of Knowledge · Act as a forum and unified voice for the Canadian FFNHP industry by facilitating innovative opportunities for continued industry expansion; · Leverage critical mass of expertise in scientific, regulatory and marketing topics; · Create a competitive business advantage by providing opportunity and access to informative resources, renowned expertise and strategic partners; · Annual themed conference; · Continuing education opportunities; · Targeted seminars & interactive workshops. 31 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY OUR STORY – THE CREATION OF THE WCFN On March 11, 1998, Biotech Canada held a workshop on Functional Foods and Nutraceutical Technologies in Vancouver, BC. Following this meeting Dr. David Kitts, Professor, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, University of British Columbia, was asked to invite industry stakeholders, and other interested parties in the FFNHP sector to a round table discussion on the formation of a national functional food and nutraceutical initiative as part of the Biotech Canada group. After having shown great promise in its first year, at the BCFN’s annual meeting in September 1999, there was discussion of making the BCFN a more formal organization with membership. As a result, the British Columbia Functional Food and Nutraceutical Network Society became formally incorporated on August 29, 2000. Furthermore, over the previous few years, there had been discussion on broadening the scope of the BCFN to extend beyond the province of BC to develop a more panwestern network and increase the benefits of Western Canadian interests on a whole. As a result of these discussions, it was decided that the BCFN would change its geographical scope to cover the four western provinces, from British Columbia to Manitoba, and subsequently its name was revised to the Western Canadian Functional Food & Natural Health Product Network (WCFN). The official name change from the BCFN to the WCFN occurred on May 31, 2006. Biotech Canada received feedback from FFNHP industry professionals that the industry was in a strong enough position to form and sustain its own association. Other provincial initiatives of this nature were being organized across Canada, and nothing yet existed in British Columbia. Consequently, a decision was made to explore the possibility of creating an organization in BC. In July of 1998, several industry professionals were invited to attend a meeting at the National Research Council's Innovation Centre to discuss their interest in the development a British Columbia Functional Food and Nutraceutical Network (BCFN). In September 1998, there was a call to a greater number of industry specialists to attend a meeting at BCIT, with the intent of obtaining consensus on the formation of the BC Nutraceutical Network. Other objectives of this meeting included development of a mission statement and goals for the organization, and determination of topics of interest for a one day seminar to be held within the first quarter of 1999. On January 27, 1999, this seminar, undertaken solely by volunteers, was successfully held with an attendance of 150 people in Vancouver. To date, the WCFN has hosted over 100 seminars and workshops and has further evolved by establishing the WCFN Excellence Awards, Canada’s only FFNHP industry recognition awards program. In November 2008, ten years after its conception, the WCFN successfully completed its10th annual conference in Winnipeg, the first city to host Canada’s foremost FFNHP conference outside of Vancouver. Now, with membership that spans across Canada, a diverse Board of Directors from six provinces, the WCFN has grown to over 100 corporate and 400 individual members and a database of over 1500 industry contacts. January 2009 marks another milestone for the WCFN with its first International Corporate member from India. 32 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY WCFN QUICK FACTS CORPORATE Year Established 1998 Incorporated 2000 Formerly Known as BCFN Changed to WCFN 2006 Board of Directors 12 Office Location UBC City Location Vancouver Corporate Contact Executive Director Phone 604-822-6920 Fax 604-822-5143 General Email [email protected] Website MEMBERSHIP Corporate Members 105 Overall Members 450 Breakdown of Members Analytical Labs 8% Association/Network 14% Business Services 3% Consultation Services 10% Consumer Products 20% Government 11% Processing/Packaging 8% Research & Development 9% Suppliers 17% Members’ Provinces BC, AB, MB, ON, QC, NB, NS, PEI International Members USA, India Corporate Membership Rates $325 – $750/year COMMUNICATIONS Newsletter Distribution 25 issues/year Industry Events Promoted 150/year Website Hits 4,200/year Outgoing Email Viewings 30,000/year 33 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY WCFN Membership & Benefits Membership is open to all individuals and companies with both direct and indirect involvement in the functional food, nutraceutical and natural health product industry. Membership is not restricted by location. Individual Membership Corporate Membership Individual membership is reserved for individuals, students and independent contractors. The privileges associated with an individual membership are not transferable, nor are they to be shared with a company, sole proprietorship or university. Corporate membership is available to sole proprietorships, corporations, associations, and government and academic institutions. Additional Corporate Membership Benefits: · All Individual Membership Benefits Mentioned; Individual Membership Benefits: · Multiple individual members per company; · Invitation to, and special member rates for all general WCFN hosted or co-hosted events; · On-line company profile (WCFN website); · Business referrals to local, regional, national and international companies and agencies; · Networking and education opportunities through attendance and participation at AGM, seminars, workshops, conferences and volunteer activities; · WCFN Industry E-Mail update on New Corporate members; · Frequent e-newsletter featuring: weekly research updates, industry market & business news, education and employment opportunities, and event announcements; · Opportunities to participate in funded missions with visiting foreign companies; · Discounted sponsorship and advertising opportunities; · Profile in the WCFN Newsletter and E-Blast; · Attend discussion sessions on issues affecting the FFNHP industry, including regulatory issues; · Product or literature placement at tradeshows/conferences; · Registration discounts for WCFN supported events; · WebEx Online presentation services usage; · Notifications of, and alerts to industry funding opportunities; For more information go to or email [email protected] · Discounted listing cost in WCFN Membership Directory (print & electronic version); · Attend WCFN-Health Canada Annual Bilateral meetings 34 2009/10 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY WCFN Board of Directors 2008 – 2009 WCFN BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair, Dr. Jerzy Zawistowski, PhD Adjunct Professor, UBC [email protected] Vancouver, BC Vice-Chair, Ms. Alicja Wojewnik MSc [email protected] President, dicentra Inc. Toronto, ON Treasurer, Mr. Fenton Fong MSc [email protected] Senior Consultant, PharmEng Technology Inc. Richmond, BC Secretary, Ms. Rebecca Robertson B.Sc [email protected] Technical Mgr., Food Information Services, UBC Vancouver, BC Past Chair, Ms. Kelley Fitzpatrick President, NutriTech Consulting MSc [email protected] Winnipeg, MB Dr. Rick Green PhD [email protected] Director of Technology, POS Pilot Plant Corporation Saskatoon, SK Dr. Paul Kolodziejczyk PhD [email protected] University of Alberta, Edmonton Olds, AB Ms. Mira Laza MSc [email protected] Chief, Omnia Foods Ltd. Vancouver, BC Mr. Robert Rogers BSc [email protected] Owner, Earth Medicine Consulting Edmonton, AB Mr. Ryan Smith [email protected] President, Chatham Biotec Ltd. Riverview, NB Mr. Craig Urton MBA [email protected] Investment Manager, AVAC Ltd. Leduc, AB Dr. Rickey Yada PhD [email protected] Scientific Director, AFMNet. Guelph, ON GOVERNMENT ADVISORY LIAISONS Dr. Branka Barl Msc. PhD [email protected] National Research Council, Industrial Research Assistant Program - AB Edmonton, AB Dr. Ann Eastman PhD [email protected] Mgr. of Emerging Sectors, BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Victoria, BC Ms. Sharan Evani BBA [email protected] Senior Trade Officer, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Burnaby, BC Ms. Myrna Grahn PHEc [email protected] Diversification Specialist - Functional Foods Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Portage la Prairie, MB Ms. Maureen Hatanaka BSc National Research Council, Industrial Research [email protected] Assistant Program - BC Kelowna, BC Mr. Lance Hill BSc [email protected] Burnaby, BC Liaison Officer, Health Products & Food Branch, Health Canada 35 36 NEED A RESEARCH PROBLEM SOLVED? Find out how BCIT’s Natural Health Products expertise and facilities can help you solve analytical challenges and realize your R&D goals. BCIT promotes health and wellness by conducting research to determine the quality of natural health products. We support Canadians in making informed choices about their health care. Our services include: > Clinical Trial Design and Support > Product Development and Commercialization > Product Quality and Stability Assessments > Safety and Efficacy Studies For more information: T 604.412.7484 E [email protected] W, search ‘IBRC’ Innovating health and wellness products through the integration of tradition and technology. TECHNOLOGY CHANGES EVERYTHING 37 2009/10 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY WCFN Corporate Members As of January 2009 COMPANY PHONE WEBSITE 4Ever Fit 250-862-4767 Acadian Seaplants Ltd. 902-468-2840 Advanced Foods and Materials Network 519-822-6253 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 519-829-2400 Ag-West Bio Inc. 306-668-2692 Alberta Agriculture, Food & Rural Development 780-422-2550 Alberta Barley Commission 403-291-911 Alberta Economic Development 780-644-4628 Alberta Food Processors Association 403-201-3657 Alberta Natural Health Agricultural Network 780-986-0262 Alberta Research Council 780-450-5319 Alberta Research Services - NuRx & Tox Test 780-450-5200 ALS Laboratory Group 780-413-5282 American Herbal Products Association 301-588-1171 Authenta Skin Care 250-765-0666 AVAC Ltd. 403-274-2774 BC Food Processors Association 604-871-0190 BC Herb Growers Association 604-824-2833 BC Innovation Council 604-438-2752 BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands 250-387-7179 BCIT - Integrative Biosciences Research Cluster 604-456-1169 BioAccess Commercialization Centre 306-975-4917 Biomedica Laboratories Inc. 250-746-9397 BioNeutra Inc. 780-466-1481 Born 3 Marketing Corp. 604-856-1243 BRI Biopharmaceutical Research Inc. 604-432-9237 Burcon NutraScience Corporation 604-684-6222 Canada RNA Biochemical Inc. 604-273-2233 38 WCFN Menbership WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY COMPANY Canadian Centre for Agri-Food Research in Health and Medicine PHONE 204-237-2570 WEBSITE Canadian Dairy Commission 613-792-2072 Canadian Food Inspection Agency 604-666-9823 Canadian Health Food Association 1-800-661-4510 Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corp. 604-303-7782 CanCap Pharmaceutical Ltd. 604-278-2188 CANTEST Ltd. 604-734-7276 Capscanada Corporation 519-727-4618 Capsol Inc. 780-448-2220 Carmi Flavors 604-468-9800 Catalyst Development Inc. 604-931-4800 Chatham Biotec Ltd. 506-854-7253 CV Technologies Inc. 780-431-0431 Derma Wise Skin Care Ltd. 604-879-2623 Dicentra Inc. 416-361-3400 EcoTrend Ecologics Ltd. 604-876-9876 EnWave 604-822-4425 Everland Natural Foods Inc. 604-638-9255 Ferlow Botanicals 604-322-4080 Flax Canada 2015 Inc. 204-487-2318 Flora Manufacturing & Distributing Ltd. 604-436-6000 Food Development Centre 204-239-3162 Fresh Ideas & Solutions Inc. 604-460-0811 Great Pacific Bioproducts Ltd. 604-952-4333 Hair Grow Technology Inc. 403-363-0003 Health Canada 613-957-0200 Hemp Oil Canada Inc. 204-882-2480 Innovative Consulting Solutions Inc. 250-352-2740 InovoBiologic Inc. 604-307-4482 Intellitext Writing Agency 604-730-2838 IRI Separation Technologies 778-240-3047 Jamieson Laboratories Ltd. 519-974-8482 L.V. Lomas Limited 604-521-7779 Labs-Mart Inc. 780-469-9009 LifeSciences British Columbia 604-602-5228 39 WCFN Menbership COMPANY Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY PHONE 204-232-0923 WEBSITE Manitoba Agri-Health Research Network 204-228-3971 Manitoba Food Processors Association 204-982-6371 National Research Council - IRAP 250-753-8737 National Research Council Canada 613-993-6339 Natraceutical Canada Inc. 780-436-6169 Natural Factors Nutritional Products Ltd. 604-777-4984 Natural Health Products Directorate 613-952-4572 New Era Nutrition Inc. 780-423-4551 NHP Consulting Inc. 403-478-9979 Nippi Canada Limited 604-205-5955 North American Reishi / Nammex 604-886-7799 NPI Center 406-726-3236 NRC - Plant Biotech Institute 306-975-6935 Nutravite Pharmaceuticals Inc. 250-765-0666 pbi_e.html Nutri-Nation Functional Foods 604-464-4511 Nutritech Consulting 204-487-2318 n/a Olympic Dairy Products Ltd. 604-952-7078 PBR Laboratories Inc. 780-450-3957 Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. 604-303-9952 PharmEng Technology Inc. 604-303-0445 Pizzey’s Nutritionals 204-773-2575- Platinum Naturals 604-732-4338 POS Pilot Plant Corporation 306-978-2800 Prime Health Ltd. 604-945-6744 PVL Fit Foods Ltd. 604-464-3524 René Rivet Inc. 450-621-3362 Rhema Health Products Limited 604-516-0199 Richardson Centre for FF and Nutraceuticals 204-474-8883 Saskatchewan Herb & Spice Association 306-694-4622 Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership 306-787-9210 Seabuckthorn International 250-767-6100 Sierra Mountain Minerals Inc. 604-676-4450 Silliker JR Laboratories Inc. 604-432-9311 Sinoveda Canada Ltd. 780-988-6202 40 WCFN Menbership WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY COMPANY PHONE WEBSITE SISU Inc. 604-415-8862 SLC Laboratories 604-454-0107 Small Business BC 604-775-5525 Small Scale Food Processor Association 1-866-547-7372 Solo GI Nutrition 780-426-4551 Source Nutraceutical Inc. 204-254-2234 Strauss Herb Co. 250-376-5216 Sun-Rype Products Ltd. 604-534-7759 Superior Freeze Dry Corporation 604-858-4818 Synthite Industrial Chemicals Ltd. 91-484-3051210 Tempo Canada Inc. 905-339-3309 Terra Botanica Products Ltd. 250-265-3648 UBC - Faculty of Land and Food Systems 604-822-2620 Unique Sea Farms Ltd. 250-722-2922 n/a Well Now 416-651-5700 Wellgenex Sciences Inc. 604-249-2896 Yves Veggie Cuisine 604-515-4487 WCFN Excellence Awards The WCFN Excellence Awards recognize achievement, excellence, leadership and significant contributions by individual, corporate or associate WCFN members within the Functional Food & Natural Health Product Sector (FFNHP). WCFN Industry Builder Award 2007 2008 Maureen Hatanaka Kelley Fitzpatrick Visit WCFN Innovation Award 2007 2008 for nominations Dr. Jerzy Zawistowski Solo GI Nutrition for the 2009 and 2010 Excellence Awards WCFN Chair’s Award 2007 AVAC Ltd. BC Ministry of Agriculture & Lands Kimmo (Kim) Lucas 2008 Manitoba Food Processors Association Advanced Foods & Materials Network 41 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Health Canada & Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Importance in the FFNHP Industry Health Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Health Canada is responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health. To carry out this responsibility, Health Canada supports activities that: The agriculture and agri-food system encompasses the farm input market, primary agriculture, food, beverage and tobacco processing and wholesale and retail sectors. · Preserve and modernize Canada’s health care system; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) provides information, research and technology, and policies and programs to achieve security of the food system, health of the environment and innovation for growth. To this effect, Growing Forward is a recent Federal-Provincial/Territorial AAFC initiative committed to supporting the agriculture sector through: · Enhance and protect the health of Canadians; · Work in partnership with others; · Communicate health promotion and disease prevention Health Canada encourages Canadians to enhance their health through active living. It provides surveillance, prevention, control and research of disease outbreaks across Canada and around the world. The Department also monitors health and safety risks related to the sale and use of drugs, food, chemicals, pesticides, medical devices and certain consumer products across Canada and around the world · More investment in innovation; · Action on key regulatory priorities; · Environment and food safety programs; · Programs that better meet local needs; · Measures that enable farmers to be proactive in managing risk when faced with disasters. Health Canada is divided into several branches and agencies. Most often, matters relating to the FFNHP industry are dealt with under the Health Products and Food Branch. Within this branch are several regulating authorities, including, but not limited to: Furthermore, with respect to the FFNHP sector, AAFC “continuously searches for innovative products such as bioproducts and functional foods and nutraceutical products that may provide an excellent market opportunity to diversify and meet challenges in a competitive global market.” · Food Directorate · Therapeutic Products Directorate This, and other information about the role of AAFC in the FFNHP sector, can be found at: · Natural Health Product Directorate This, and other information about the role of Health Canada in the FFNHP sector, can be found on Health Canada’s website at: 42 2009/10 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Canadian Federal and Provincial Ministries Contacts Agriculture and Health Ministries GOVERNMENT / POSITION PHONE FAX AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CANADA Minister of AAFC (613) 759-1059 (613) 759-1081 Scheduling Assistant (613) 759-1059 (613) 759-1081 A/ Deputy Director (613) 759-7744 (613) 759-1667 Senior Policy Advisor (613) 759-1059 (613) 759-1081 WCFN-AAFC Liaison (Sharan Evani) (604) 666-2861 (604) 666-7235 930 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0C5 [email protected] General Email HEALTH CANADA Minister of Health Canada (613) 947-7166 (613) 990-4056 Personal & Scheduling Assistant (613) 957-0200 (613) 952-1154 Senior Policy Advisor (613) 957-0200 (613) 952-1154 WCFN-Health Canada Liaison (Lance Hill) (604) 666-7534 (604) 666-3149 70 Colombine Driveway, Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K9 [email protected] General Email BC MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND LANDS Minister of BCMAL (250) 387-1023 (604) 387-1522 Ministerial Assistant (250) 387-1023 (604) 387-1522 Senior Executive Assistant (250) 356-1800 (250) 356-8392 Senior Manager (250) 953-3545 (250) 356-8392 WCFN BCMAL Liason (Dr. Ann Eastman) (250) 387-7179 (250) 367-0357 PO BOX 9120 STN PROV GOVT, Victoria, BC, V8W 9E2 [email protected] General Email BC MINISTRY OF HEALTH Minister of BC Ministry of Health (250) 953-3547 (250) 356-9587 Ministerial Assistant (250) 953-3547 (250) 356-9587 Executive Assistant (250) 953-3547 (250) 356-9587 Correspondence & Info Coordinator (250) 953-3547 (250) 356-9587 1515 Blanshard St, Victoria, BC, V8W 3C8 43 WCFN Menbership WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY GOVERNMENT / POSITION PHONE FAX [email protected] General Email ALBERTA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Minister of AB Agriculture & Rural Development (780) 427-2137 (780) 422-6035 Minister’s Secretary (780) 415-9468 (780) 422-6035 Administrative Assistant (780) 427-2137 (780) 422-6035 Ex. Assistant to the Minister (780) 422-0153 (780) 422-6035 424 Legislature Building, 10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5K 2B6 [email protected] General Email ALBERTA MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS Minister of AB Health & Wellness (780) 427-3665 (780) 415-0961 Executive Assistant (780) 427-3665 (780) 415-0961 Special Assitant (780) 427-3665 (780) 415-0961 Policy Coordinator (780) 427-3665 (780) 415-0961 P.O. Box 1360, Station Main, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2N3 [email protected]. General Email SASKATCHEWAN MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Minister of SK Agriculture (306) 787-0338 (306) 787-0630 Chief of Staff (306) 787-0625 (306) 787-0630 Senior Administrative Assistant (306) 787-0338 (306) 787-0630 Ministerial Assistant (306) 787-0892 (306) 787-0630 Room 334, Legislative Building, 2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK S4S 0B3 [email protected] General Email SASKATCHEWAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH Minister of SK Health (306) 787-7345 (306) 787-0237 Chief of Staff (306) 787-0621 (306) 787-0237 Ministerial Assistant (306) 787-0624 (306) 787-0237 Administrative Assistant (306) 787-7345 (306) 787-0237 Room 302, Legislative Building, 2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK S4S 0B3 [email protected] General Email MANITOBA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL INITIATIVES Minister of MAFRI (204) 945-3722 (204) 945-3470 Administrative Assistant (204) 945-3722 (204) 945-3470 Secretary to the Minister (204) 945-4217 (204) 945-3470 Special Assistant to Minister (204) 945-1041 (204) 945-3470 165 Legislative Building, 450 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8 44 WCFN Menbership WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY GOVERNMENT / POSITION PHONE FAX [email protected] General Email MANITOBA MINISTRY OF HEALTH Minister of Manitoba Health (204) 945-3731 (204) 945-0441 Administrative Assistant (204) 788-6409 (204) 948-2024 Administrator (204) 788-6705 (204) 948-2024 Administrative Assistant (204) 788-6708 (204) 948-2024 302 Legislative Building, 450 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8 [email protected] General Email MANITOBA MINISTRY OF HEALTHY LIVING Minister of MB Healthy Living (204) 945-1373 (204) 948-2703 Deputy Minister’s Office (204) 945-3771 (204) 945-4564 310 Legislative Building, 450 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8 [email protected] General Email ONTARIO MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS Minister of Ontario MAFRA (416) 326-3074 (416) 326-3083 Chief of Staff (416) 326-3073 (416) 326-3083 Scheduler (416) 326-3066 (416) 326-3083 1 Stone Road West, Guelph, ON N1G 4Y2 [email protected] General Email ONTARIO MINISTRY OF HEALTH Minister of Ontario Health (416) 327-4300 (416) 326-1571 Chief of Staff (416) 326-3985 (416) 326-1571 Director of Communication (416) 327-4320 (416) 326-1571 M-1B114, Macdonald Block, 900 Bay Street, Toronto ON M7A 1N3 [email protected] General Email QUEBEC MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD Minister of Quebec MAFF (418) 380-2525 (418) 380-2185 200-A, chemin Sainte-Foy, 12e étage, Québec, QC, G1R 4X6 [email protected] General Email QUEBEC MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Minister of Quebec MHSS (418) 266-7171 (418) 266-7197 1075, chemin Sainte-Foy, 15e étage, Édifice Catherine-de-Longpré, Québec, QC, G1S 2M1 45 WCFN Menbership WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY GOVERNMENT / POSITION PHONE FAX [email protected] General Email NEW BRUNSWICK MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND AQUACULTURE Minister of NB Ministry of Ag. And Aquaculture (506) 453-2662 (506) 453-3402 Executive Assistant (506) 457-7505 (506) 453-3402 Special Assistant to Minister (506) 453-3876 (506) 475-4385 P. O. Box 6000, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5H1 [email protected] General Email NEW BRUNSWICK MINISTRY OF HEALTH Minister of NB Ministry of Health (506) 457-4800 (506) 453-5442 Executive Assistant (506) 869-6115 (506) 869-6118 Special Assistant to Minister (506) 453-5334 (506) 453-5442 HSBC Place, P.O. Box 5100, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5G8 [email protected] General Email PEI MINISTRY OF HEALTH Minister of PEI Ministry of Health (902) 368-6130 (902) 368-6136 Administrative Assistant (902) 368-4930 (902) 368-4974 Deputy Minister’s Office (902) 368-4935 (902) 368-4974 PO Box 2000 or 16 Garfield Street, 1st Floor, Charlottetown, PE, C1A 7N8 [email protected] General Email PEI MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE Minister of PEI Ministry of Agriculture (902) 368-4880 (902) 368-4850 Administrative Assistant (902) 368-4820 (902) 368-4846 Deputy Minister’s Office (902) 368-4830 (902) 368-4846 Fifth Floor, Jones Building, 11 Kent Street, P.O. Box 2000, A152Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 7N8 [email protected] General Email NORTHWEST TERRITORIES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Minister of NT Dept. of Health and Social Services (867) 669-2344 (867) 873-0481 Executive Assistant (867) 669-2309 (867) 873-0481 A/ Deputy Minister (867) 920-6173 P.O. Box 1320, A158, Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9, Canada [email protected] General Email NORTHWEST TERRITORIES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Minister of NT Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources (867) 669-2355 (867) 873-0596 Executive Assistant (867) 669-2310 (867) 873-0596 Deputy Minister (867) 873-7401 (867) 873-0596 PO Box 1320, Yellowknife, NT, Canada, X1A 2L9 46 WCFN Menbership WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY GOVERNMENT / POSITION PHONE FAX [email protected] General Email YUKON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Minister of Yukon Department of Health and Social Services (867) 667-8629 (867) 393-6252 Executive Assistant (867) 667-8629 (867) 393-6252 Deputy Minister’s Office (867) 667-5770 (867) 667-3096 Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 2C6 [email protected] General Email YUKON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT Minister of Yukon Department of Environment (867) 667-5652 (867) 393-6213 Executive Assistant (867) 667-8641 (867) 393-6252 Deputy Minister’s Office (867) 667-5460 (867) 393-6213 Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 2C6, Canada [email protected] General Email NUNUVUT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Executive Services Coordinator (867) 975-5702 (867) 975-5705 Deputy Minister’s Office (867) 975-5702 (867) 975-5705 Stn 1000, Sivummut Bldg 1107, Iqaluit [email protected] General Email NUNUVUT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT General Contact (867) 975-7700 (867) 975-7740 Communications Manager (867) 975-7721 (867) 975-7740 P.O. Box 1000 Station 1300 Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0 [email protected] General Email NOVA SCOTIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH General Contact (902) 424-5818 (902) 424-0730 Minister’s Office (902) 424-3377 (902) 424-0559 PO Box 488, Halifax, NS B3J 2R8, Canada [email protected] General Email NOVA SCOTIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE General Contact (902) 424-4560 (902) 424-4671 Minister of NS Department of Agriculture (902) 424-4388 (902) 424-0699 Executive Assistant (902) 424-8854 (902) 424-0699 PO Box 2223, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 3C4, Canada 47 WCFN Menbership WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY GOVERNMENT / POSITION PHONE FAX [email protected] General Email NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Minister of NL Dept. of Health and Community Services (709) 729-3124 n/a Executive Assistant (709) 729-2074 n/a Confederation Building, 1st Floor West Block, PO Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 [email protected] General Email NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE General Contact (709) 292-4100 (709) 292-4113 Petten Building, 30 Strawberry Marsh Road, P.0. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 [email protected] General Email HEALTH CANADA - NATURAL HEALTH PRODUCTS DIRECTORATE Director General [email protected] (613) 952-2558 (613) 952-1615 WCFN-NHPD Liaison (613) 948-3520 (613) 948-6810 WCFN-Health Canada Liaison [email protected] (604) 666-7534 (604) 666-3149 2936 Baseline Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0K9 [email protected] General Email HEALTH CANADA - FOOD DIRECTORATE Director General [email protected] (613) 957-1821 (613) 957-1784 Executive Assistant [email protected] (613) 954-2401 n/a 251 Sir Frederick Banting Driveway, Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0K9 General Email [email protected] 48 2009/10 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Industry Web Sites ASSOCIATIONS/COUNCILS/NETWORKS WEB SITES Advanced Foods & Materials Network Ag-West Bio Inc. Alberta Barley Commission Alberta Food Processors Association Alberta Natural Health Agriculture Network Alberta Research Council NuRx & ToxTest American Herbal Products Association American Nutraceutical Association AOAC Pacific Northwest Section Aquaculture Association of Canada BC Herb Growers Association BC Food Processors Association BioAccess Commercialization Centre BIOCAP Biodiesel Association of Canada BIOTECanada Canada Council of Grocery Distributors Canada Foundation for Innovation Canada Grains Council Canadian Botanical Conservation Network Canadian Canola Growers Association Canadian Consulting Agrologists Association Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors Canadian Federation of Agriculture Canadian Food Exporters Association Canadian Grain Commission Canadian Health Food Association Canadian Honey Council Canadian Horticultural Council Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology 49 Industry Web Links WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY ASSOCIATIONS/COUNCILS/NETWORKS WEB SITES Canadian International Grains Institute Canadian Life Science Inc. Canadian Organic Growers Inc. Canadian Produce Marketing Association Canadian Seed Growers’ Association Canadian Society for Clinical Nutrition Canadian Soybean Exporters Association Canadian Special Crops Association Canadian Vintners Association Canadian Wheat Board Canola Council of Canada Dietitians of Canada Flax Council of Canada Flowers Canada Food & Consumer Products of Canada Food Processing Suppliers Association Food Processors of Canada Frasers Canadian Trade Directory Genome Canada George Morris Centre Institute of Food Technologists International Bee Research Association LifeSciences British Columbia Manitoba Agri-Health Research Network Manitoba Food Processors Association National Nutritional Foods Association Northwest Region National Sunflower Association of Canada Natural and Nutritional Products Industry Center New Hope Natural Media New Nutrition Business NHP Research Society of Canada North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association Northern Canola Growers Association NPI Center Nutrition Business Journal Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada Packaging Association of Canada 50 Industry Web Links WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY ASSOCIATIONS/COUNCILS/NETWORKS WEB SITES Pulse Canada Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association Small Business BC Small Scale Food Processor Association United Flower Growers’ Co-op Association WCFN Well Now Inc. AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CAREER WEBSITES INDUSTRY SITES - Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources & Biotech Careers BC Innovation Council - Biotech & Pharmaceutical Jobs emplo/index-eng.php Health Canada Government of British Columbia Government of Alberta index.cfm Saskatchewan Research Council Health Careers in Manitoba Life Sciences & Healthcare Careers Nutra Jobs - Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical Employment CANADIAN UNIVERSITY SITES University of British Columbia - Vancouver, BC Careeropportunities2009.htm BC Institute of Technology - Burnaby, BC University of Alberta - Edmonton, AB University of Lethbridge - Lethbridge, AB University of Calgary - Calgary, AB University of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon, SK index.htm University of Regina - Regina, SK University of Victoria - Victoria, BC Olds College - Olds, AB University of Brandon - Brandon, MB Assiniboine Community College - Brandon, MB University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB University of Winnipeg - Winnipeg, MB other_jobsites.cfm University of Guelph - Guelph, ON University of Toronto - Toronto, ON 51 Industry Web Links WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY CANADIAN AGRICULTURE & AGRI-FOOD POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION WEB SITES Assiniboine Community College - Brandon, MB BC Institute of Technology - Burnaby, BC Olds College - Olds, AB University of Alberta - Edmonton, AB University of Brandon - Brandon, MB University of British Columbia - Vancouver and Okanagan, BC University of Calgary - Calgary, AB University of Guelph - Guelph, ON University of Lethbridge - Lethbridge, AB University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB University of Regina - Regina, SK University of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon, SK University of Toronto - Toronto, ON University of Victoria - Victoria, BC University of Winnipeg - Winnipeg, MB INDUSTRY EVENTS WEB SITES AFMNet Annual Conference CHFA Expo East, CHFA Expo West and CHFA Expo Quebec Food Safety Forum FoodEx Japan Grocery Showcase West Healthy Food Conference Healthy Foods European Summit Healthy Foods International Expo and Conference Healthy Ingredients Japan IFT Annual Meeting & EXPO Natural Market Place Annual Trade Show and Conference Natural Products Expo East Natural Products Expo West NHP Research Society Conference Nutracon Conference Nutracon Europe Nutrition Business Journal Summit Supply Expo Supply Side East Conference Supply Side West Conference WCFN Annual Conference 52 Industry Web Links WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY RESEARCH-RELATED AND FOOD DEVELOPMENT WEB SITES BIOTECanada British Columbia Institute of Technology Canadian Centre for Agri-food Research in Health and Medicine Canadian Federation of Biological Societies Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences Dietary Supplement Quality Food Development Center Guelph Food Technology Centre Healthy Heart Program, Vancouver Nutrient Laboratory - USDA Richardson Centre for Foods and Nutraceuticals University of Guelph GOVERNMENT WEB SITES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Canadian Food Inspection Agency Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Health Canada Health Canada - Natural Health Products Directorate Health Canada - Food Directorate National Research Council of Canada National Research Council-IRAP PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development Alberta Health and Wellness BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands BC Ministry of Health Services BC Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport BC Ministry of Small Business and Revenue Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Manitoba Health New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Aquaculture New Brunswick Department of Health Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture 53 Industry Web Links WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY GOVERNMENT WEB SITES Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health and Community Services Northwest Territories Land & Environment html Northwest Territories Health & Social Programs Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture Nova Scotia Department of Health Nunavut Department of Health and Social Services Nunavut Department of Environment Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Prince Edward Island Department of Health Quebec Agriculture, Pêcheries et Alimentation Quebec Santé et Services sociaux Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food Saskatchewan Health Yukon Environment Yukon Health and Social Services OTHER 2010 Commerce Centre Act Now BC Canadian Business Service Centres Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre Canadian Institutes for Health Research Canadian Technology Network Export Source 54 BC HERB GROWERS ASSOCIATION COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL BC Herb Growers Association PHONE 250-763-0153 EMAIL [email protected] BCIT-Integrative Biosciences Research Cluster 604-432-8949 [email protected] BCMAL 604-556-3020 [email protected] Botanical Specialties Ltd. 604-824-2833 [email protected] Cincott Farms 250-423-9233 [email protected] Falcon Ridge Farms 250-861-5441 [email protected] Four Winds Farm 250-499-2952 [email protected] Lonewolf Native Plant & Herb Farm 306-937-2192 [email protected] Okanagan Ginseng Laboratories 250-491-9576 [email protected] Okanagan Lavender Farms 250-764-7795 [email protected] Okanagan University College 250-762-5445 [email protected] Al Oliver 250-679-8321 [email protected] Gail Thomas 250-763-0153 [email protected] Ursus Log Works 250-566-8466 [email protected] West Kootenay Herb Grower’s Co-op 250-269-0038 [email protected] White’s Ginseng & Medicinal Herbs 250-542-1984 [email protected] ALBERTA NATURAL HEALTH AGRICULTURAL NETWORK 3D Farms 780-352-6035 [email protected] ARRGO 780-963-8755 [email protected] Bow Point Nursery [email protected] Victor Daigle 780-497-2136 DnA Odds and Ends 780-826-5119 [email protected] Earth Medicine Consulting 1-800-593-5956 Eastern Slopes Rangeland Seeds Ltd. 403-637-2473 El Hawk Ltd. 403-843-4008 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Herbs North 780-709-0559 [email protected] Debra and Emma Jackson 780-645-1199 Panacea Plants [email protected] Pogany Acres 780-984-2452 [email protected] Pope Family Organic Farm and Supplies 780-663-3693 [email protected] Prairie Plant Lady Herbs and Products 780-444-0355 [email protected] Rhodiola Rosea Growers 780-338-2205 [email protected] Richard & Anita Roy 780-858-2284 [email protected] Sage Valley Marketing Ltd. 1-877-445-0292 Schoff Farm 780-372-4138 [email protected] Tom & Nancy Schuurman 780-674-4769 [email protected] Valhalla Organics 780-356-2352 [email protected] Larry and Anna Wanchuk 780-986-9319 55 2009/10 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Educational Institutions Agriculture and Agri-Foods UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA FACULTY OF LAND AND FOOD SYSTEMS UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL, FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES Undergraduate Student Services MCML 270 – 2357 Main Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Tel: 604.822.2620 Fax: 604.822.4400 410 Agriculture – Forestry Centre Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5 Tel: 780-492-3239 Fax: 780-492-4265 Email: [email protected] Web: Graduate Programs Coordination Office MCML 270 – 2357 Main Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Tel: 604-822-4593 Fax: 604-822-4400 Email: [email protected] Web: UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND BIORESOURCES 51 Campus Drive Saskatoon SK S7N 5A8 UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE FACULTY OF ARTS & SCIENCES – AGRICULTURAL STUDIES Dean's Office Room 2D30, Agriculture Building Tel: (306) 966-4050 Fax: (306) 966-8894 Web: C580, University Hall 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4 Tel: 403-329-2539 Web: UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA FACULTY OF AGRICULTURAL & FOOD SCIENCES ASSINIBOINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE AGRIBUSINESS Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Tel: 204-474-6026 Fax: 204-474-7525 Email: [email protected] Web: 1430 Victoria Avenue East Brandon, Manitoba R7A 2A9 Tel: 204-725-8700 Ext: 6617 Toll Free 800-862-6307 Fax: 204-725-8740 Email: ag&[email protected] UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH ONTARIO AGRICULTURE COLLEGE OAC Dean’s Office 50 Stone Road East Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 Tel: 519-824-4120, ext 56211 Email: [email protected] Web: UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, LIFE & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 2 – 14 Agriculture – Forestry Centre Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5 Tel: 780 492-4931 Fax: 780 492-0097 Web: Undergraduate Program Inquiries [email protected] 56 2009/10 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY 2009 WCFN Sustaining Partners PLATINUM MANITOBA FOOD PROCESSORS ASSOCIATION Unit 12 - 59 Scurfield Blvd. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 1V2 Tel: (204)982-MFPA (6372) Fax: (204) 632-5143 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm (closed between 12-1pm) Web: Marketing Programs or Membership Dave Shambrock, Executive Director Tel: (204) 982-6370 E-mail: [email protected] Business Description The Manitoba Food Processors Association (MFPA) is a non-profit, industryrun organization that promotes Manitoba Made food products to local and international markets. The Association serves more than 260 member companies; ranging from small, start-up operations to large multi-national companies. Manitoba growers, processors, marketing boards, government agencies, retailers, and industry suppliers of goods and services all enjoy the benefits of an MFPA membership. BC MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE & LANDS (BCMAL) PO Box 9120 Stn Prov Gov Victoria, BC V8W 9B4 Tel: (250) 387-5121 Fax: (250) 387-9105 Abbotsford 1767 Angus Campbell Rd. Abbotsford Agriculture Ctr. Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3 Tel: 604-556-3057 Kamloops 162 Oriole Road Kamloops, BC V2C 4N7 Tel: 250-371-6059 Contact: Dr. Ann Eastman Tel: 250-387-7179 Fax 250-387-0357 Email: [email protected] Web: Business Description The Ministry’s mission is to promote sustainable land use and the production of agriculture and aquaculture products in an environmentally sound manner for the benefit of all British Columbians. Its focus will ensure that we set the climate for innovation and change and our efforts will be guided by a collaborative approach in building the Agriculture Plan and the Aquaculture Plan. 57 Industry Web Links WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY GOLD able basis and expects successful proponents to reinvest in AVAC in order to support additional pre-commercial innovations in other enterprises. AVAC's reputation as a knowledgeable investor leverages additional resources including financial capital, managerial talent, and intellectual property for the value-added sector. UBC—FACULTY OF LAND AND FOOD SYSTEMS 230 - 2205 East Mall, FNH Bldg, UBC Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Canada Contact: Dr. David Kitts Tel: 604-822-2794 Fax: 604-822-5143 Email: [email protected] Dr. Timothy Durance Tel: 604-822-4425 Fax: 604-822-5143 Email: [email protected] Dr. Jerzy Zawistowski Tel: 604-822-9449 Fax: 604-822-5143 Email: [email protected] Business Description We are educating students to be global citizens, capable of creating change and critically considering issues vital to the sustainability and advancement of local and global communities. Using an integrated approach that unites scientific knowledge and interdisciplinary studies, our graduates use an international perspective to address pressing societal issues. SILVER MANITOBA AGRI-HEALTH RESEARCH NETWORK #13-59 Scurfield Blvd Winnipeg MB R3Y 1V2 Canada Tel: 204-228-3971 Fax: 204-632-5143 Web: Contact: Dr. Lee Ann Murphy, MAHRN Coordinator Email: [email protected] Business Description Manitoba Agri-Health Research Network is a global centre for research, production, marketing, development and commercialization of agricultural products for health. In partnership with world-class facilities that anchor Manitoba’s fast-growing functional foods and nutraceuticals sector, it is focused on promoting and building on this singular bioactives cluster. MAHRN Partners html · Manitoba Science Technology Energy and Mines (MSTEM) mrd/index.html · Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) agriculture/ · Food Development Centre (FDC) http://www. · Canadian Centre for Agri-Food Research in Health and Medicine (CCARM) http://www. · Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals (RCFFN) AVAC LTD. Suite 220, 6815 - 8th Street N.E. Calgary , AB T2E 7H7 Tel: 403-274-2744 Fax: 403-274-0101 (Calgary) Tel: 780-980-2411 (Leduc) Web: Contact: Ross Bricker, President & CEO (Calgary) Email: [email protected] Craig Urton, Investment Manager (Leduc) Email: [email protected] Wendy Lam, Senior Investment Manager Email: [email protected] Business Description AVAC stimulates value-added research, development and the commercialization of new products and services in Alberta, through knowledge brokering, alliances, skilled investment and the use of financial resources. It utilizes and renews sources of funds to carry out its mandate on a sustain58 59 What Is The Canadian Health Food Association? pathics, sports nutrition products, natural and organic foods & fibres and health and beauty aids. CHFA member products support Canadians seeking optimal health and well-being. The Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) is Canada’s largest national trade association dedicated to the natural and organic products industry. Our members represent the entire supply chain including growers, manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, distributors, and importers involved in a variety of industry sub-sectors such as vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal products, homeo- For 45 years, the CHFA has remained Canada’s “Voice of the Natural Products Industry” by continuing to grow and adapt to the challenges of change. What does the CHFA do … how can my company benefit? Government Relations Trade Shows & Conferences The CHFA lobbies for fair and appropriate regulatory oversight so Canadians have continued access and choice to the natural and organic products they demand. It also works to increase awareness of the benefits of natural and organic products. The CHFA produces three conferences and trade shows – the largest events for natural and organic products sector in Canada. Expo Québec Regulatory Affairs The CHFA lobbies on members’ behalf to ensure appropriate regulation; fair and uniform implementation of the law and provides guidance to members on current regulatory issues. January 2009, Montreal Expo West April 2009, Vancouver Expo East Give your business a natural advantage. For more information about the CHFA, contact: Join the CHFA and stay in the forefront of the natural and organic products industry. You’ll be in good company. 1-800-661-4510 [email protected] October 2009, Toronto 60 2009/10 WESTERN CANADIAN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Glossary of Commonly Used Industry Terms NOTE: Terms that appear highlighted within the text of this document can be found as separate, fully defined entries elsewhere in the glossary. ANTIOXIDANT Chemically, an antioxidant is “a molecule that slows a free radical chain reaction propagating the oxidation of lipids.”1 Biologically, oxidation is a natural process which contributes to aging, plays a role in the pathogenesis of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants act to mitigate negative effects resulting from the oxidation process in the body. Many phytochemicals (chemicals found in plants) are potent antioxidants (mostly fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts). BIOACTIVE A substance that produces a biological effect in living organisms. With respect to humans and the FFNHP industry, these effects are generally health promoting/sustaining, and are the result of bioactive compounds found in healthy foods. These compounds can render a food to be a Functional Food, or may be extracted and used in the formulation of nutraceuticals/NHPs. For a detailed list of common bioactives in Canada’s FFNHP industry visit: CFIA (CANADIAN FOOD INSPECTION AGENCY) An agency that is “mandated to safeguard Canada's food supply and the plants and animals upon which safe and high-quality food depends” The agency is responsible for the administration and enforcement of many Acts related to food production. For more information visit: COSMECEUTICAL A combination of the terms “pharmaceutical” and “cosmetic,” Health Canada does not formally recognize the term “cosmeceutical,” however it is becoming an increasingly popular industry term. In general, these products are similar to, or may be natural health products, and are intended for improvement of the health of the skin or hair, commonly through prevention of the negative effects of aging. In Canada, a cosmetic can be marketed as an NHP only if it is able to meet specific NHP structure and function specifications. For more information on cosmetics as NHPs visit: COSMETIC2 According to Health Canada “the law defines a cosmetic as a product which cleanses, improves or alters the complexion, skin, hair or teeth. A beauty product or grooming aid is usually categorized as a cosmetic, but will be legally classified as a drug if it makes any claims to modify body functions, to prevent or treat disease.” DIETARY FIBRE “The endogenous components of plant material in the diet which are resistant to digestion by enzymes produced by humans. They are predominantly non-starch polysaccharides and lignin and may include, in addition, associated substances.”3 Dietary fibres may be partially or completely broken down through fermentation by bacteria in the large intestine. Dietary fibre is necessary to gastrointestinal health for its ability to promote regularity. Some dietary fibres offer functional benefits, for example through reduction of LDL cholesterol, and/or regulation of blood glucose levels. DIETARY SUPPLEMENT In the United States, a dietary supplement is defined under DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, 1994) as a product taken by mouth that contains a "dietary ingredient" intended to supplement the diet. In Canada many of these dietary supplements would be considered as NHPs. For more information visit the US-FDA Centre for Food Safety and Drug Administration at: www.cfsan. Glossary of Terms WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY DIN (DRUG IDENTIFICATION NUMBER)2 FOSHU (FOODS FOR SPECIFIED HEALTH USES) A DIN, or a Drug Identification Number, is an eight (8) digit numerical code preceded by the prefix DIN which is assigned to each drug product marketed under or in accordance with the Food and Drugs Act and Food and Drug Regulations. All substances classified as drugs, either for human or animal use, must carry a DIN in order to be sold in Canada. For more information, refer to Health Canada’s DIN Enforcement Policy (POL-0040). Implemented in Japan, FOSHU was the first government act to recognize the physiological benefits that could be offered by some foods. The Japanese Government defined these as “foods which are expected to have certain health benefits, and have been licensed to bear a label claiming that a person using them for a specified health use may expect to obtain the health use through the consumption thereof.”4 These are now most commonly known as functional foods. DRUG2 FUNCTIONAL FOOD2 Under the Food and Drugs Act, a drug includes any substance or mixture of substances manufactured, sold or represented for use in: · the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of a disease, disorder or abnormal physical state, or its symptoms, in human beings or animals; · restoring, correcting or modifying organic functions in human beings or animals; · disinfection in premises in which food is manufactured, prepared or kept. There is currently no universally agreed upon definition, however, Health Canada’s Food Directorate states that a functional food “is similar in appearance to, or may be, a conventional food, is consumed as part of a usual diet, and is demonstrated to have physiological benefits and/or reduce the risk of chronic disease beyond basic nutritional functions.” Beyond basic nutrition meaning that if the functional components of such foods were removed from the diet, there would be no symptoms of deficiency, as would appear with the removal of essential macro and micronutrients. Examples include: · Oats, a conventional food, naturally contain beta-glucan, a dietary fibre shown to reduce LDL cholesterol, and therefore offer a cardiovascular health benefit; · Orange juice enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, a non-conventional food, contains microencapsulated DHA and EPA, marinederived poly-unsaturated fats believed to aid in cognitive development and the reduction of cardiovascular disease risk. FFNHP (FUNCTIONAL FOOD & NATURAL HEALTH PRODUCT) An acronym commonly used to refer to the functional food and natural health product industry. FOOD2 The Canadian Food and Drugs Act defines food as “any article manufactured, sold or represented for use as a food or drink for human beings, including chewing gum, and any ingredients that may be mixed with food for any purpose whatsoever.” GI (GLYCEMIC INDEX; GASTROINTESTINAL) FOOD ADDITIVE2 A commonly used abbreviation in the FFNHP industry which can relate to: · Glycemic Index: a numerical value between 0 and 1, that relates to a specific food’s ability to cause an increase in blood sugar upon ingestion. Foods with low glycemic indices tend to be favoured over those with higher ones, especially among diabetics (due to their ability to regulate blood sugar); · Gastrointestinal: Referring to the stomach and intestines. Gastrointestinal health is of great focus within the FFNHP industry, especially in the areas of dietary fibre, prebiotics and probiotics. According to Health Canada, “a food additive is any chemical substance that is added to food during preparation or storage and either becomes a part of the food or affects its characteristics for the purpose of achieving a particular technical effect”. Learn more about food additives and how they differ from food processing aids at: FOOD DIRECTORATE2 Within Health Canada, the Food Directorate is the “federal health authority responsible for establishing policies, setting standards and providing advice and information on the safety and nutritional value of food." Refer to page 42 of the Directory 62 Glossary of Terms WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY how HACCP works in Canada, visit Canada’s Food Safety Network at: GM FOOD (GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD) Classified by Health Canada as a type of Novel Food, GM foods are those derived from a plant, animal or microorganism that has been genetically modified such that: · the plant, animal or microorganism exhibits characteristics that were not previously observed in that plant, animal or microorganism; · the plant, animal or microorganism no longer exhibits characteristics that were previously observed in that plant, animal or microorganism; · one or more characteristics of the plant, animal or microorganism no longer fall within the anticipated range for that plant, animal or microorganism. (aliment nouveau) HEALTH CANADA2 The "federal department responsible for helping the people of Canada maintain and improve their health". Health Canada administers many pieces of legislation, and develops and enforces regulations under this legislation that have a direct impact on the health and safety of Canadians. The ministry has legislative responsibility for the Food and Drug Act. HEALTH CLAIM2 According to Health Canada, a health claim on a food or food product “is any representation in labeling or advertising that states, suggests, or implies that a relationship exists between consumption of a food or an ingredient in the food and health. Health claims may be stated explicitly with words, or implied through symbols, graphics, logos or other means such as a name, trademark or seal of approval.” FFNHPs often carry at least one, sometimes multiple health claims. There are numerous classes and subclasses of health claims, both under the Food Directorate and Natural Health Product Directorate. Detailed information on these claims and requirements to hold them can be found on Health Canada’s website at: GMO (GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM) GM stands for genetically modified. According to the CFIA, “an organism, such as a plant, animal or bacterium, is considered genetically modified if its genetic material has been altered through any method, including conventional breeding.” For more information visit: GMP (GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES)2 According to Health Canada Good Manufacturing Practices are “a quality assurance standard, also know as GMPs, that ensures foods, drugs and NHP are consistently produced and controlled in such a way to meet the quality standards appropriate to their intended use, as required by the marketing authorization”. For more information visit: LOCOVORE A newly coined term to reflect a food and lifestyle philosophy which emphasizes choosing locally produced items whenever possible. With respect to food choices, this includes consuming a “seasonal” diet, rather than relying largely on imported foods. Locovores may hope to decrease their impact on the environment, improve their health and wellbeing, and/or support local, sustainable agriculture and economy. GRAS (GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS SAFE) An acronym standing for “Generally Recognized as Safe” pertaining to food additives. This terminology is used primarily in the US, and is recognized under their Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act. For a list of FAQs surrounding this term refer to the US FDA at: MONOGRAPH2 An NHPD written and approved document that speaks to the safety and efficacy of ingredients or ingredient combinations commonly used in natural health products. These documents exist in The Compendium of Monographs, a tool designed to speed the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of medicinal ingredients. The NHPD's product licensing system allows applicants to reference monographs in support of the safety and efficacy of their product, when used under HACCP (HAZARD ANALYSIS CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS) An internationally recognized food safety program, “HACCP, pronounced “has-sep”, stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, which focuses on the identification, evaluation, control and prevention of hazards at all stages of the food production process.” For more information on HACCP regulations and 63 Glossary of Terms WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY NUTRACEUTICAL2 the conditions specified in the monographs, rather than providing evidence for ingredients that are already known to be safe and efficacious. For more information visit: www.hc-sc. There is currently no universally agreed upon definition, however, Health Canada’s Food Directorate originally proposed a nutraceutical to be “a product isolated or purified from foods that is generally sold in medicinal forms not usually associated with food. A nutraceutical is demonstrated to have a physiological benefit or provide protection against chronic disease”. In general, nutraceuticals are classified as NHPs, and are intended to deliver the benefits of “functional” components found in food, but in a purified, concentrated form. Examples of nutraceuticals include: · Omega-3 supplements either plant (i.e. flax) or marine (fish) derived; · Numerous antioxidant supplements, such as green tea catechins. NHP (NATURAL HEALTH PRODUCT)2 Under Health Canada's NHP Regulations, NHPs are over the counter substances intended for: · the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of a disease, disorder or abnormal physical state or its symptoms in humans; · restoring or correcting organic functions in humans; · modifying organic functions in humans, such as modifying those functions in a manner that maintains or promotes health. This includes: · Vitamins and minerals; · Herbal remedies; · Homeopathic medicines; · Traditional medicines such as traditional Chinese medicine; · Probiotics; · Other products like amino acids and essential fatty acids. NB: Nutraceuticals are generally considered to be NHPs NUTRI-NET Nutri-Net Canada is a collaborative initiative among regional and national industry, trade and research organizations and government bodies dedicated to advancing the development of the FFNHP sector in Canada. This emerging sector uses agricultural, forestry and fishery products to develop value-added, knowledge-based products and ingredients, providing consumers with foods and natural health products with health and wellness benefits. For more information visit Nutra-Net’s website at: NHPD (NATURAL HEALTH PRODUCT DIRECTORATE)2 Within Health Canada, the NHPD is Canada’s regulating authority for NHPs for sale in Canada. Refer to page 42 of this directory. NUTRIENT A substance found in food that is essential to growth and health maintenance. Nutrients can be subdivided into macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate and fat) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). 2 NOVEL FOODS · Foods resulting from a process not previously used for food; · Products that do not have a history of safe use as a food; · Foods that have been modified by genetic manipulation. For more information, visit: OMEGA-3 Long-chain, poly-unsaturated fatty essential fatty acids. There are three main types of omega-3s: DHA, EPA and ALA. Depending on the type, these fats have a variety of biological roles, including maintenance of cardiovascular health and development of the brain and other nervous tissues. For details on the various types of omega-3s and their roles in the body, visit the DHA/EPA Omega-3 Institute at: NPN (NATURAL PRODUCT NUMBER)2 An NPN, or Natural Product Number, is an “eight (8) digit numerical code assigned to each natural health product approved to be marketed under the Natural Health Products Regulations.” This number is assigned once a natural health product’s produce license and site license applications have been approved by the NHPD. A Homeopathic Medicine Number (DIN-HM) is an eight (8) digit numerical code assigned to each homeopathic medicine approved to be marketed under the Natural Health Products Regulations. ORGANIC The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) defines organic agriculture as “a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems 64 Glossary of Terms WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY PLA (PRODUCT LICENSE APPLICATION)2 and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved.” For more information on organic standards in Canada, visit: · Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada: · Canadian Organic Growers: · CFIA: PLA, a commonly used abbreviation for a Product License Application, is a document which must be submitted to, and approved by, the NHPD in order to obtain a produce license for the sale of an NHP within Canada. This document must include sufficient data to allow the NHPD to assess the safety, quality and efficacy of the natural health product when used under its recommended conditions of use. For information on how to obtain a produce license, visit: SITE LICENSE2 A site license is “required by all businesses in Canada that wish to manufacture, package, label and/or import a NHP for sale. It is issued by the NHPD and gives the licensee authorization to manufacture, package, label and/or import NHPs”. For more information visit: PHARMACEUTICAL2 Health Canada defines pharmaceuticals as “drugs that are mostly synthetic products that are made from chemicals. Pharmaceuticals include prescription and non-prescription drugs such as antibiotics, disinfectants, as well as low risk products such as sunscreens, antiperspirants and toothpaste.” SUPPLEMENT For the purposes of this glossary, this is a commonly used abbreviation of the US term, Dietary Supplement. PREBIOTICS Prebiotics are NOT bacteria. Rather, they are a type of dietary fibre. These non-digestible carbohydrates provide energy to the “good” or probiotic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. They are formally defined as “selectively fermented ingredients that allow specific changes, both in the composition and/or activity in the gastrointestinal microbiota that confer benefits upon host well-being and health.”5 THERAPEUTIC PRODUCTS DIRECTORATE (TPP)2 Within Health Canada, the TPP is the Canadian federal authority that regulates pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices for human use. Refer to page 42 of the Directory. WCFN Western Canadian Functional Food & Natural Health Product Network PROBIOTICS “Live microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.”6 Note that there have been multiple beneficial applications identified for probiotics. That is, beyond ingestion with the intent of improving gastrointestinal function, they have also shown promise as effective topically applied agents, such as for the use in treating skin infections. WELLNESS WEST Wellness West is a collaborative partnership amongst Western Canadian federal and western provincial government departments and agencies dedicated to assisting the development of an economically viable functional foods, nutraceuticals and NHP sector in Western Canada. For more information visit their website at: LITERATURE CITED 1. Frankel, E.N., and German, J.B. 2006. Antioxidants in food and health: problems and fallacies in the field. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture; 86(13): 1999-2001. 2. Health Canada. Multiple pages. Version current 20 January 2009. Internet: (accessed 20 January 2009). 3. Health and Welfare Canada, 1985 Report of the Expert Advisory Committee on Dietary Fibre. Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada. 4. Sanders, ME. 1998. Overview of Functional Foods: Emphasis on Probiotic Bacteria. International Dairy Journal; 8(5-6): 341-347. 5. Macfarlane, G.T., Steed, H., and Macfarlane, S. 2008. Bacterial metabolism and health-related effects of galactooligosaccharides and other prebiotics. Journal of Applied Microbiology; 104(2): 305-344. 6. Reid, G. 2006. Safe and efficacious probiotics: what are they? Trends in Microbiology; 14(18): 348-352. 65 2009/10 WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Alphabetical Index A BC Herb Growers Association 7, 29, 38, 49, 55 BC Innovation Council 38, 51 BC Institute of Technology. See British Columbia Institute of Technology BCIT. See British Columbia Institute of Technology BCIT - Integrative Biosciences Research Cluster 29 BCMAL. See BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands 35, 38, 43, 53, 55, 57 BC Ministry of Health 43 BC Ministry of Health Services 53 BC Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport 53 BC Ministry of Small Business and Revenue 53 BioAccess Commercialization Centre 38, 49 BIOCAP 49 Biodiesel Association of Canada 49 Biomedica Laboratories Inc. 38 BioNeutra Inc. 38 51 BIOTECanada 49, 53 Born 3 Marketing Corp. 38 Botanical Specialties Ltd. 29, 55 Bow Point Nursery 29, 55 BRI Biopharmaceutical Research Inc. 38 Bricker, Ross 58 British Columbia Food Technologists Association 6, 29 British Columbia Institute of Technology 7, 30, 38, 51, 52, 53, 55 Brown, Paula 7 Burcon NutraScience Corporation 8, 29, 38 Acadian Seaplants Ltd. 5, 29, 30, 38 Active Pharma Inc. 5, 30 Act Now BC 54 Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet) 6, 29, 30, 35, 38, 49, 52 AFMNet. See Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet) 51 Aglukkaq, Leona P.C., M.P 4 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 35, 38, 42, 43, 53 Ag-West Bio Inc. 38, 49 Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development 38, 53 Alberta Barley Commission 38, 49 Alberta Economic Development 38 Alberta Food Processors Association 38, 49 Alberta Health and Wellness 53 Alberta Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 44 Alberta Ministry of Health and Wellness 44. See also Government of Alberta Alberta Natural Health Agricultural Network 6, 29, 38, 49, 55 Alberta Research Council 38, 49 Alberta Research Services - NuRx & Tox Test 38 Alberta Rhodiola Rosea Growers Organization NGC Inc. (ARRGO) 6, 29, 55 ALS Laboratory Group 38 American Herbal Products Association 38, 49 American Nutraceutical Association 49 ANHAN. See Alberta Natural Health Agricultural Network AOAC Pacific Northwest Section 49 Aquaculture Association of Canada 49 ARRGO. See Alberta Rhodiola Rosea Growers Organization NGC Inc. (ARRGO) Assiniboine Community College 51, 52, 56 Authenta Skin Care 38 AVAC Ltd. 35, 38, 58 C Canada Council of Grocery Distributors 49 Canada Foundation for Innovation 49 Canada Grains Council 49 Canada RNA Biochemical Inc. 38 Canadian Botanical Conservation Network 49 Canadian Business Service Centres 54 Canadian Canola Growers Association 49 Canadian Centre for Agri-Food Research in Health and Medicine 39, 53 Canadian Consulting Agrologists Association 49 Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors 49 B Barl, Dr. Branka 35 BC Food Processors Association 38, 49 BC Food Technologists Association. See British Columbia Food Technologists Association 66 Alphabetical Index WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY E Canadian Dairy Commission 39 Canadian Federation of Agriculture 49 Canadian Federation of Biological Societies 53 Canadian Food Exporters Association 49 Canadian Food Inspection Agency 39, 53 Canadian Grain Commission 49 Canadian Health Food Association 8, 29, 39, 49 Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition 8, 29, 30 Canadian Honey Council 49 Canadian Horticultural Council 49 Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology 49 Canadian Institutes for Health Research 54 Canadian International Grains Institute 50 Canadian Life Science Inc. 50 Canadian Organic Growers Inc. 50 Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corp. 9, 30, 39 Canadian Produce Marketing Association 50 Canadian Seed Growers’ Association 50 Canadian Society for Clinical Nutrition 50 Canadian Soybean Exporters Association 50 Canadian Special Crops Association 50 Canadian Technology Network 54 Canadian Vintners Association 50 Canadian Wheat Board 50 CanCap Pharmaceutical Ltd. 39 Canola Council of Canada 50 CANTEST Ltd. 9, 30, 39 Cantox Health Sciences International 10, 29, 30 Capscanada Corporation 10, 30, 39 Capsol Inc. 39 Carmi Flavor and Fragrance Co. Inc. 10, 30, 39 Catalyst Development Inc. 39 Chatham Biotec Ltd. 35, 39 CHFA. See Canadian Health Food Association CHFA Expo East 52 CHFA Expo Quebec 52 CHFA Expo West 52 Chilton, Jeff 22 Cincott Farms 29, 55 CV Technologies Inc. 39 Earth Medicine Consulting 29, 35, 55 Eastern Slopes Rangeland Seeds Ltd. 29, 55 Eastman, Dr. Ann 22, 35, 43 EcoTrend Ecologics Ltd. 39 Edgelow, Greg 2, 28 El Hawk Ltd. 29, 55 Enright, Dale 18 Enwave Corporation 12, 30, 39 Evani, Sharan 35, 43 Everland Natural Foods Inc. 39 Export Source 54 F Falcon Ridge Farms 29, 55 Ferlow Botanicals 13, 30, 39 Fitzpatrick, Kelley 14, 35 Flax Canada 2015 Inc. 14, 29, 39 Flax Council of Canada 50 Flora Manufacturing & Distributing Ltd. 39 Flowers Canada 50 Fong, Fenton 35 Food and Rural Initiatives 40, 53 Food & Consumer Products of Canada 50 Food Development Centre 39, 53 FoodEx Japan 52 Food Information Services 35 Food Processing Suppliers Association 50 Food Processors of Canada 50 Food Safety Forum 52 Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada 53 Four Winds Farm 29, 55 Frasers Canadian Trade Directory 50 Fresh Ideas & Solutions Inc. 39 G GCI Nutrients (Canada) Inc. 14, 29, 30 Geere, Gillian 16 Genome Canada 50 George Morris Centre 50 GFR Pharma Ltd. 14, 30 Government of Alberta 51. See also Alberta Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; See also Alberta Ministry of Health and Wellness Government of British Columbia 51 Grahn, Myrna 35 Great Pacific Bioproducts Ltd. 39 Green, Dr. Rick 25, 35 Grocery Showcase West 52 GTC Nutrition 15, 30 Guelph Food Technology Centre 16, 30, 53 Gurney, Michele 19 D Daigle, Victor 29, 55 Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences 53 Derma Wise Skin Care Ltd. 39 dicentra Inc. 12, 30, 35, 39 Dietary Supplement Quality 53 Dietitians of Canada 50 Dillingham, Barbara 16 DnA Odds and Ends 29, 55 Durance, Dr. Timothy 58 H Hachie, Wayne M. 24 Hair Grow Technology Inc. 39 Hatanaka, Maureen 35 Health Canada 35, 39, 42, 43, 51, 53 67 Alphabetical Index WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Manitoba Ministry of Healthy Living 45 Marrett, Penelope 8 McNabb, Julie 27 Monheit, Len 22 Morgan, Robert E. 25 Murphy, Dr. Lee Ann 58 Health Canada - Food Directorate 48 Health Canada - Natural Health Products Directorate 48 Health Careers in Manitoba 51 Healthy Food Conference 52 Healthy Foods European Summit 52 Healthy Foods International Expo and Conference 52 Healthy Heart Program 53 Healthy Ingredients Japan 52 Hemp Oil Canada Inc. 39 Herbs North 29, 55 Hill, Lance 35, 43 Hodgins & Company Management Consultants Inc. 16, 30 N NAMMEX. See North American Reishi Ltd. National Nutritional Foods Association Northwest Region 50 National Research Council 29 National Research Council - Industrial Research Assistance Program 20, 40, 53. See also Institut des sciences nutritionnelles et de la santé du CNRC; See also National Research Council of Canada National Research Council of Canada 35, 40, 53 National Sunflower Association of Canada 50 Natraceutical Canada Inc. 20, 30, 40 Natural and Nutritional Products Industry Center 50 Natural Factors Nutritional Products Inc. 20, 29, 30, 40 Natural Health Product Research Society of Canada 22, 29 Natural Health Products Directorate 40 Natural Market Place Annual Trade Show and Conference 52 Natural Products Expo East 52 Natural Products Expo West 52 Neima, Paul 23 New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Aquaculture 53 New Brunswick Department of Health 53 New Brunswick Ministry of Agriculture and Aquaculture 46 New Brunswick Ministry of Health 46 New Era Nutrition Inc. 40 Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture 48, 53 Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health and Community Services 48, 54 New Hope Natural Media 50 New Nutrition Business 50 NexGen Cosmetics 22, 30 NHP Consulting Inc. 40 NHP Research Society Conference 52 NHP Research Society of Canada 50 Nippi Canada Limited 40 North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association 50 North American Reishi Ltd. 22, 30, 40 Northern Canola Growers Association 50 Northwest Territories Department of Environment and Natural Resources 46 Northwest Territories Department of Health and Social Services 46 I IFT Annual Meeting & EXPO 52 I.G. MicroMed Environmental Inc. 16, 30 Innovative Consulting Solutions Inc. 18, 30, 39 InovoBiologic Inc. 18, 29, 30, 39 Institut des sciences nutritionnelles et de la santé du CNRC 18, 29, 30. See also National Research Council - Industrial Research Assistance Program; See also National Research Council of Canada Institute of Food Technologists 50 Intellitext Writing Agency 18, 39 International Bee Research Association 50 Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia 19, 29 IRI Separation Technologies 39 J Jackson, Debra and Emma 29, 55 Jamieson Laboratories Ltd. 39 Jin, Changdong 19 K Khehra, Nick 5 Kitts, Dr. David 32, 58 Kolodziejczyk, Dr. Paul 35 L Labs-Mart Inc. 19, 30, 39 Laza, Mira 35 LifeSciences British Columbia 39, 50 Life Sciences & Healthcare Careers 51 Lonewolf Native Plant & Herb Farm 29, 55 L.V. Lomas Limited 19, 30, 39 M Ma, Dr. Yuan-Chun 9 Manitoba Agriculture 35, 40, 53 Manitoba Agri-Health Research Network 40, 50, 58 Manitoba Food Processors Association 40, 50, 57 Manitoba Health 53 Manitoba Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives 44 Manitoba Ministry of Health 45 68 Alphabetical Index WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY Prairie Plant Lady Herbs and Products 29, 55 Prime Health Ltd. 40 Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Aquaculture 54 Prince Edward Island Department of Health 46, 54 Pulse Canada 51 PVL Fit Foods Ltd. 40 Northwest Territories Health & Social Programs 54 Northwest Territories Land & Environment 54 Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture 47, 54 Nova Scotia Department of Health 47, 54 Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture 54 NPI Center 22, 30, 40, 50 NRC Institute for Nutrisciences and Health 23, 29, 30 NRC - Plant Biotech Institute 40 Nunavut Department of Environment 54 Nunavut Department of Health and Social Services 54 Nunuvut Department of Environment 47 Nunuvut Department of Health and Social Services 47 Nutracon Conference 52 Nutracon Europe 52 Nutra Jobs 51 Nutravite Pharmaceuticals Inc. 40 Nutrient Laboratory - USDA 53 Nutri-Loc Dried Foods Inc. 23, 30 Nutri-Nation Functional Foods 23, 30, 40 NutriTech Consulting 40 Nutrition Business Journal 50 Nutrition Business Journal Summit 52 Q Quebec Quebec Quebec 45 Quebec Agriculture 54 Ministry of Agriculture 45 Ministry of Health and Social Services Santé et Services sociaux 54 R René Rivet Inc. 29, 30, 40 Rhema Health Products Limited 40 Rhodiola Rosea Growers 29, 55 Richardson Centre for Foods and Nutraceuticals 40, 53 Ritz, Gerry P.C., M.P. 3 Robertson, Rebecca 35 Rogers, Robert 35 Roy, Richard & Anita 29, 55 S Sage Valley Marketing Ltd. 29, 55 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food 54 Saskatchewan Health 54 Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association 8, 26, 29, 40, 51 Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 44 Saskatchewan Ministry of Health 44 Saskatchewan Research Council 51 Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership 40 Schoff Farm 29, 55 Schuurman, Tom & Nancy 29, 55 Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program 26 Seabuckthorn International 40 Shambrock, Dave 57 Sierra Mountain Minerals Inc. 40 Silliker JR Laboratories Inc. 40 Sinoveda Canada Ltd. 40 SISU Inc. 26, 30, 41 SLC Laboratories 26, 30, 41 Small Business BC 41, 51 Small Scale Food Processor Association 41, 51 Smith, Ryan 35 Solo GI Nutrition 41 Source Nutraceutical 27, 29, 30, 41 Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition 8 Sun-Rype Products Ltd. 41 Superior Freeze Dry Corporation 41 Supply Expo 52 Supply Side East Conference 52 Supply Side West Conference 52 O Okanagan Ginseng Laboratories 29, 55 Okanagan Lavender Farms 29, 55 Okanagan University College 29, 55 Olds College 51, 52 Oliver, Al 55 Olympic Dairy Products Ltd. 40 Omnia Foods Ltd. 35 Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 45, 54 Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care 54 Ontario Ministry of Health, Food and Rural Affairs 45 Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada 50 P Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre 54 Packaging Association of Canada 50 Panacea Plants 29, 55 Pathfinders Research & Management Ltd. 24, 30 PBR Laboratories Inc. 40 Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group Inc. 24, 29, 30, 40 Pharmanutrients Botanical Corporation 24, 30 PharmEng Technology Inc. 35, 40 Pizzey’s Nutritionals 40 Platinum Naturals 24, 25, 29, 30, 40 Pogany Acres 29, 55 Pope Family Organic Farm and Supplies 29, 55 POS Pilot Plant Corporation 25, 30, 35, 40 69 Alphabetical Index WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY WCFN Excellence Awards 41 Wellgenex Sciences Inc. 28, 41 Wellgenex Services Inc. 29, 30 Well Now Inc. 28, 29, 41, 51 Western Canadian Functional Food and Natural Health Product Network 2, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 51, 57, 65 West Kootenay Herb Grower’s Co-op 29, 55 White’s Ginseng & Medicinal Herbs 29, 55 Wojewnik, Alicja 12, 35 Woznow, Ron 6 Synthite Industrial Chemicals Ltd. 41 T Tempo Canada Inc. 27, 30, 41 Terra Botanica Products Ltd. 41 Thomas, Gail 55 U UBC. See University of British Columbia Unique Sea Farms Ltd. 41 United Flower Growers’ Co-op Association 51 University of Alberta 35, 51, 52, 56 University of Brandon 51, 52 University of British Columbia 35, 41, 51, 52, 56, 58 University of Calgary 51, 52 University of Guelph 51, 52, 53, 56 University of Lethbridge 51, 52, 56 University of Manitoba 51, 52, 56 University of Regina 51, 52 University of Saskatchewan 51, 52, 56 University of Toronto 51, 52 University of Victoria 51, 52 University of Winnipeg 51, 52 Ursus Log Works 29, 55 Urton, Craig 35, 58 Y Yada, Dr. Rickey 6, 35 Yee, Dr. Arthur 26 Yukon Department of Environment 47 Yukon Department of Health and Social Services 47 Yukon Environment 54 Yukon Health and Social Services 54 Yves Veggie Cuisine 41 Z Zawistowski, Dr. Jerzy 2, 35, 58 Numbers 3D Farms 29, 55 4Ever Fit 5, 29, 30, 38 2010 Commerce Centre 54 V Valhalla Organics 29, 55 W Wanchuk, Larry and Anna 29, 55 WCFN. See Western Canadian Functional Food and Natural Health Product Network WCFN Annual Conference 52 Advertisers' Index 4Ever Fit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 9 Active Pharma Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,11 Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 11 BCIT - Integrative Biosciences Research Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 37 Canadian Health Food Association, The (CHFA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 60 Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 17 dicentra Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 72 Guelph Food Technology Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 16 I.G. MicroMed Environmental Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 21 Innovative Consulting Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 18 Institut des sciences nutritionnelles et de la santé du CNRC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 18 Labs-Mart Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19, Front inside cover L.V. Lomas Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 25 National Research Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 23 North American Reishi / NAMMEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 22 NPI Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 59 Pharmanutrients Botanical Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, Back outside cover SLC Laboratories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 36 Source Nutraceutical, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, Back inside cover 70 Calendars WCFN NATURAL SOURCES DIRECTORY 2009 2010 January 09 S M T 6 13 20 27 July 09 W TH F S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 5 12 19 26 S 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 S M T W TH F S 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S M T W TH F S 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S M T W TH F S 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 TH F 7 14 21 28 S M W TH F S 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 M T F 7 14 21 28 February 09 7 14 21 28 S M T 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 W 5 12 19 26 TH 6 13 20 27 T W TH 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 S M TH F S 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 S M S M T W TH F S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 F S S M 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 September 2010 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 T S M TH F S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 F S 7 14 21 28 W 5 12 19 26 TH 6 13 20 27 TH F S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 W 6 13 20 27 TH F S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 4 11 18 25 S M T W TH F S 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 S M November 2010 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 S M T W TH F S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 June 2010 71 W 3 10 17 24 31 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 T October 2010 W May 2010 December 09 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 T 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 S 2 9 16 23 30 M 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 TH 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 W 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 T 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 S August 2010 3 10 17 24 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 3 10 17 24 31 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 31 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 M 2 9 16 23 30 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 S 1 8 15 22 29 S F 1 8 15 22 29 S April 2010 F TH F S TH 6 13 20 27 W TH F W F T W TH T TH M T W November 09 W S March 2010 M June 09 5 12 19 26 M W S T 4 11 18 25 S T S M 2 9 16 23 30 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 5 12 19 26 S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 1 8 15 22 29 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 S February 2010 October 09 4 11 18 25 F M September 09 3 10 17 24 31 6 13 20 27 July 2010 TH S M 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26 W S S T T 4 11 18 25 3 10 17 24 31 May 09 W M 3 10 17 24 31 2 9 16 23 30 April 09 6 13 20 27 S August 09 March 09 5 12 19 26 January 2010 T December 2010 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 T W TH F S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 Scientific or international regulatory issues have you in the dark? Let light your way… World Leader dicentra is world-leading scientific and regulatory consultant, offering professional support in new product development, protection of intellectual property assets, scientific evaluation, international regulatory compliance, exportation issues, and related scientific, regulatory and educational needs. World-Class Team Our on-staff professionals include Naturopathic Doctors, Medical Doctors, Chinese herbal medicine specialists, quality control experts and management consultants to handle all of your scientific and regulatory needs. World-Class Results dicentra has advised hundreds of major, medium and small-sized companies, financial institutions, governments, associations, law firms and individual investors on the regulatory and scientific aspects of product creation and maintenance. Over the last five years, we have been involved in the successful development of thousands of leading products in North America and throughout the world. We are the experts... Let Scientific & Regulatory light your way 21 Phoebe Street, Suite B002, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1A8 Phone: +1 (416) 361 3400 Fax: +1 (416) 361 3304 Web: Email: [email protected] 72 Make Canada YOUR Marketplace The integrated source for all of your Canadian product registration, packaging, market support and order fulfillment needs. 1DWXUDO+HDOWK3URGXFWV)RRGV&RVPHWLFV'UXJV0HGLFDO'HYLFHV Being responsive to our customer’s needs, we not only meet their expectations, we exceed them -every time! contact us: TEL: 204.254.2234 visit us online: