texas ranger indian war pensions - Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and


texas ranger indian war pensions - Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and
Abstracted By
Robert W. Stephens
Copyright c, 1975 by Robert W. Stephens
Published In the United States of America
By Nortex Press, P.O. Box 120, Quanah, Texas 79252
All Rights Reserved
ISBN 0-89015-087-7
Buck Barry
An Immortal Ranger
Of The Texas Frontier
Who Knew No Fear
This study of the Texas Ranger Indian War pension
files in the National Archives was made possible through
a grant from the Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund, whose
generosity is acknowledged and appreciated. Without
the financial assistance received the project could not
have been undertaken.
Others whose efforts and cooperation contributed to
the successful completion of the task are John M. Kinney, Director of the Archives Division in the Texas State
Library, George Younkin, of the Federal Records Center
in Fort Worth, and Bill R. Linder, of the Central Reference Division of the National Archives in Washington,
To each, my appreciation and gratitude.
Robert W. Stephens
2709 Amherst Street
Dallas, Texas 75225
Also By This Author
Through the years the United States government has
granted pensions to its military veterans who served in
defense of their country. It was not until the twentieth
century, however, that-a pension Act was extended to
include Texas Rangers who had honorably served
against Indians on the frontier of Texas.
Traditionally, the protection of the frontier was an
acknowledged responsibility of the Federal government
but it often was left to Texas to provide the necessary
protection after her entry into the Union in 1845, just as
had been done during the days of the Republic of Texas.
In 1902 the provisions of an 1892 pension Act were extended to include Texas veterans of the Indian War of
1849-56 and their widows and, thereafter, in 1908 and
1917 the provisions subsequently were extended also to
include the veterans who served "in defense of the frontier" against Mexican and Indian depredators from 1855
to 1860, inclusive. The latter Act also specifically included those Rangers who saw service against the
Kiowas, Comanches and Cheyennes in 1874 and 1875.
Qualification was based on active service of at least
thirty days or for the entire period of the campaign if its
duration was less than thirty days. Widows of the
veterans also were included, but the 1917 Act stipulated
that the marriage to the veteran must have occurred
prior to March 4, 1917.
Belatedly, the generous Act of March 3, 1927, granted
pensions to those survivors who had served at least
thirty days in any Indian War or campaign from January 1, 1817, to December 31, 1898, inclusive, and who
suffered "from any mental or physical disability of a permanent character not the result of his own vicious habits
which so incapacitate him for the performance of manual
labor as to render him unable to earn a support." Some
claims also were covered by the Act of March 20, 1933.
For all intents and purposes, the Federal government
classed the Rangers as military veterans in acknowledging their rights to pensions. After the necessary legisla-
tion was enacted, the State of Texas was reimbursed by
the Federal government for its expense in maintaining
the Rangers on the frontier.
The pension papers abstracted herein are on file in the
National Archives in Washington, D.C., and represent
the applications of the surviving Rangers or their widows only. Since many of the old veterans had died prior
to the enactment of the legislation, this is by no means a
complete listing of all Rangers who served during the
periods specified in the Acts. Also, the dates given do
not necessarily represent their entire periods of service,
but are the dates on which they based their pension
claims. In some instances, the files are incomplete and
do not always contain verification of the alleged service.
Often the task of verification was made especially difficult by the absence of Texas records, some of which were
lost in two early day fires. Some variance is found in the
dates, although the Adjutant General of Texas furnished, when possible, information to assist officials in
the Bureau of Pensions in making decisions to accept or
reject the claims. It was a time-consuming process made
difficult by the fact that record keeping by the company
commanders at best left much to be desired and the preparation of the applications, which often were not fully
completed, was not always in accordance with instructions. On occasion, a delay of several years was experienced in processing an application, during which
time many applicants died. Conflict and overlaps in
dates of service are noted, doubtless a result of faulty
memories caused by the passing of time since, almost
without exception, the veterans were extremely advanced in age when they submitted their initial claims.
Reasons for rejection of applications are seldom shown
in the files, but the interpretation of the pension laws
was strict. In typical bureaucratic disdain, the applications of the old Rangers were rejected in Washington
with pathetic regularity. Plagued by the infirmities of
old age, some blind and others disabled, many of the
aged veterans were left with only the satisfaction that
they had responded to the call of duty with a zeal not
then displayed by their government. In order for an application to be approved, it was essential that the rolls of
the company in which the applicant served contain written evidence of service against Indians; a commonplace
cause for rejection was the failure of the official record to
show the "character of service rendered."
The files also contain information not included in this
work, such as physical description, occupation and
various places of residence.
In the strict interpretation, the term "Ranger" was
loosely used in reference to many of the Texas units of
the Indian Wars since not all of them were members of
that force as created by law. It was applied to all
mounted men, but the Texas Ranger force was disbanded by the Carpetbag government in 1865 and was
not reorganized until 1874. Accordingly, members of the
Minute Men companies, often called the Home Guard,
during that period were not actually Texas Rangers in
the legal sense, even though the units in which they
served were raised under laws passed by the Texas
Legislature. An exception is the Act of June 13, 1870,
which specifically called for "twenty companies of Texas
Rangers" to be raised in the frontier counties, which
made them, in effect, Minute Men corhpanies.
With the formation of the famous Frontier Battalion
by an Act of the Legislature on April 10, 1874, State
Rangers, as they came to be called, assumed the responsibility of fighting Indians. Although the same Act also
provided for Minute Men companies, most were dissolved by 1879. It is significant that no application
based on service in a Minute Men company later than
1874 was submitted.
For uniformity in terms of reference, the name Special
Force is used herein to identify that company commanded successively by Captains L.H. McNelly, J.L. Hall
and T.L. Oglesby even though it was known by various
official and unofficial names following its creation early
in 1874. This unique unit first operated as Company A of
the Washington County Volunteer Militia, but in 1876 it
was reorganized as Special State Troops. It was again re°..
organized in 1879 and was made a company of the Frontier Battalion in 1881 but throughout its service it was
generally called the Special Force.
In the period immediately preceding the formation
of the Frontier Battalion, the Minute Men companies
were a part of a loosely organized and sometimes
ineffective organization known as the Frontier Forces
of Texas. The companies raised in specific counties on
the frontier were organized under the Minute Men Acts
and their service was limited by law to the area in
which they were raised while Texas Rangers of the
traditional concept were recruited from across the
sta~e for protection of any part of the frontier. In time
these Rangers were called State Rangers so as to
distinguish them from the members of the various
Minute Men companies.
Some interesting observations concerning the old Indian fighters resulted from a review of their applications and gives an insight into early Texas. Most were
young, between eighteen and twenty-five, and the
great majority of those who were not natives of Texas
were from tVhe Southern states. Among them, however,
were men from Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, Canada and Mexico.
A few of singular distinction were born in the Republic
of Texas.
Apparently the demands made of those who lived on
the frontier were great since one, Solomon Hodges, assumed the manly responsibilities of an Indian fighter at
the age of fourteen. They appear to have been a hardy
lot, as evidenced by the fact that Noah Armstrong lived
to the patriarchial age of 104.
Many were ex-Confederate soldiers but there were few
Union veterans among them, reflecting the immigration
pattern from the Southern states into Texas. Although
most listed their occupation at the time of enlistment as
either "cowboy" or "working on a farm," one ex-mariner
was among them and one submitted an application from
the penitentiary at Huntsville, Texas.
The high percentage of Germans who served resulted
from the colony established in the so-called "German
belt" in the hill country north of San Antonio by Prince
Solms-Braunfels in 1844. The majority of these men
served in the Minute Men companies of their counties
and few rendered service in the Frontier Battalion. From
this it can be observed that they were not instrumental
in securing the Western frontier of Texas but were primarily concerned with conditions in their specific area
and the development of their farming interests. Of those
who served, none ever gained prominence outside the
area inhabited by the Germans.
Probably as a result of the unsettled conditions of the
era, formal schooling was little in evidence and a large
number of "X’" marks are found in place of Signatures on
the applications of both native born and foreign born
alike. Of these men it can be said that they left their
mark on Texas.
ADAMS, John Wesley (Ind. Sur. No. 11073)
Born November 14, 1849, in Tishomingo County, Mississippi, died October 27, 1919, in Chickasha, Oklahoma.
Married Dora Rankin March 26, 1881, in Gainesville,
Texas; she was born January 25, 1862, died in 1947. Application based on service in Captain G.W. Stevens’
Company B of the Frontier Battalion from May 16, 1874,
to February 28, 1875. Application approved.
AHR, Louis M. (Ind. Sur. No. 13543)
Born January 7, 1856, in Castroville, Texas, died June
18, 1924, in San Antonio, Texas. Married Mary A. Haas
July 11, 1881, in Castroville; she was born April 9, 1861,
died June 14, 1930. Application based on service in Company F of the Frontier Battalion from September 10,
1876, to May 31, 1877. Application approved.
AIRHEART, Henry R. (Ind. Sur. No. 15454)
Born August 12, 1849, in Cleveland, Tennessee.
Married first Lenorah A. Kelley November 23, 1872, in
Greenville, Texas. She died December 1, 1873. Married
second Sarah Mullins October 8, 1875, in Grayson
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
G.W. Palmer’s Cooke County Company from December,
1867, to May, 1872. Application rejected.
ALEXANDER, Franklin ~Ind. Sur. No. 9000)
Born April 17, 1834, in FayetteviUe, Arkansas, died
October 26, 1917, in Burner, Texas. Married Mary
Elizabeth Harris July 18, 1867, in Georgetown, Texas;
she was born July 18, 1848, died in 1941. Application
based on service in Captain W.C. Dalrymple’s company
from January 14, 1860, to October 13, 1860. Application
abandoned because of Alexander’s death; his widow later
received a pension based on his service.
ALEXANDER, James Matthew ~Ind. Sur. No. 14286~
Born February 17, 1848, in Macon County, Tennessee,
died October 14, 1925, in Vinson, Oklahoma. Married
Frances E. Thompson December 24, 1874, in Decatur,
Texas; she was born February 26, 1856, died October 7,
1846. Application based on service in Captain G.W.
Stevens’ Wise County company from November 26,
1873, to March 28, 1874. Application approved.
ALEXANDER, Joseph (Ind. Sur. No 9073}
Born January 29, 1839, in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Married Margaret A. Blair January 16, 1866, in Bastrop, Texas. Application based on service in Captain W.C. Dalrymple’s company from January 14, 1860,
to October 13, 1860. Application abandoned because of
death of claimant.
ALEXANDER, Reney Cimiamon (Ind. Sur. No. 11276)
Born May 26, 1847, in Claiborne Parish, Louisiana,
died March 25, 1926, at Morris Ranch, Texas. Married
first Sarah M. Chesser; she died June 18, 1892. Married
second Mrs. Mary C, Taylor Davis October 28, 1898, in
Hunt, Texas; she died March 5, 1927. Application based
on service in Captain James M. Hunter’s Company I
from September 12, 1870, to January 24, 1871, and in
Captain Callaway’s company in 1873. Application approved.
ALLEN, Charles T. (Ind. Sur. No. 11278}
Born July 17, 1848, in Macon, Mississippi. Married
Victoria E. Pool August 7, 1877, in Falls County, Texas;
she died February 28, 1912. Application based on service
in Captain L.H. McNelly’s Special Force from June 1,
1876, to June 1, 1877. Application rejected.
ALLEN, John Oliver (In~. Sur. No. 14288}
Born June 22, 1850, in Kaufman County, Texas, died
June 7, 1928, in Edinburg, Texas. Married first Virginia
Ann Stanford November 25, 1874; she died December
25, 1877. Married second Zadie Alice Loving August 26,
1880, in Payne Springs, Texas; she was born May 16,
1861, in Arkansas, died April 17, 1936, in Omaha,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain C.R.
Perry’s Company D of the Frontier Battalion from May
25, 1874, to September 15, 1874, Application approved.
ALLEN, Pleasant T. (Ind. Sur. No. 13105}
Born June 9, 1854, in Springtown, Texas, died February 20, 1933, in Henderson, Texas. Married Martha C.
CaldweU April 18, 1875, in Parker County, Texas; she
was born March 23, 1855, in Fayetteville, Arkansas,
died November 13, 1948. Application based on service in
Captain A.C. Tackitt’s company from January 6, 1874,
to March 2, 1874. Application approved.
ARMSTRONG, Noah (Ind. Sur. No. 14290)
Born February 8, 1852, in Lincoln County, Missouri,
died July 25, 1956, in Coleman, Texas. Married Bettie
Alice Fullerton November 30, 1879, in Corsicana, Texas.
Application based on service in Company C of the Frontier Battalion from May 24, 1877, to February 28, 1878.
Application approved.
The venerable Noah Armstrong died at the advanced
age of 104 years. He was one of the last surviving Rangers of the Indian Wars.
ARNETT, Albert Henry (Ind. Sur. No. 14564}
Born August 5, 1856, in Burnet County, Texas, died
August 4, 1943, in San Leandro, California. Married
Caroline Louise Dobson February 17, 1887, in Dickinson, Dakota Territory. Application based on service in
Company E of the Frontier Battalion from May 30, 1874,
to December 12, 1874. Application approved.
ARNETT, Alonzo (Ind. Sur. No. 11078}
Born December 9, 1837, in Tyler County (then Liberty
County, Republic of Texas, died January 5, 1920, in San
Angelo, Texas. Married Ella Adline Murphy April 11,
1866. in South Gabriel, Texas; she was born May 9,
1842, died May 8, 1924. Application based on service in
Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company E of the Frontier Battalion from May 30, 1874, to December 12, 1874. Application approved.
ARRINGTON, George Washington
{Ind. Sur. No. 13761}
Born December 23, 1844, in Greensboro, Alabama,
died March 31, 1923, in Canadian, Texas. Married Sarah
Caroline Burnett October 18, 1883, in Westboro,
Missouri; she was born May 2, 1862, died in 1945.
Application based on service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June 1, 1875, to August 31, 1876.
Application approved.
Arrington, who became one of the famous Captains of
the Frontier Battalion during his later service, stated
that he had received a bullet wound in his left leg. Following his Ranger service he became Sheriff of Wheeler
County, Texas.
AVERY, Sarah M. {Ind. Wid. No. 12434}
Born July 12, 1846, in Selma, Iowa, died January 29,
1910, in Coleman, Texas. Married Sarah M. Cooksey
September 3, 1882, in Colorado City, Texas; she was
born October 10, 1858, died June 15, 1922. Application
based on service in Company F of the Frontier Battalion
from September 1, 1875, to November 30, 1875. Application approved.
AYCOCK, Kossuth
AYCOCK, Georgia Greer (Ind. Wid. No. 13546)
Born Spetember 11, 1849, in Fayette County,
Georgia, died January 25, 1917, in San Angelo, Texas.
Married Georgia Greet McLemore March 23, 1881, at
Buffalo Gap, Texas; she was born August 1, 1859, in
Gainesville, Alabama. Application based on service in
Company A of the Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874
to April 30, 1875, and from September 1, 1875, to
February 2, 1876. Disposition of application not shown.
BAKER, Henry H. (Ind. Sur. No. 12190)
Born October 5, 1851, in Livingston, Texas, died June
22, 1934, in Menard, Texas. Married Sarah Lucinda
Coker May 16, 1878, in Kerrville, Texas. Application
based on service in Captain J.W. Sansom’s Company C
from August 25, 1870, to May 30, 1871, and in Captain
Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion
from June 4, 1874, to December 1, 1874. Application approved.
BALL, George Washington
(Ind. Sur. No. 13781)
Born 1852 in Hopkins County, Texas, died December
15, 1918, in Bowie, Texas. Married Mary Elizabeth
Alexander September 23, 1876, in Decatur, Texas; she
died December 15, 1926. Application based on service in
Captain G.W. Stevens’ Wise County Company from
November 26, 1873, to March 28, 1874. Application approved.
BALL, Moses L.
BALL, George Ann (Ind. Wid. No. 12927}
Died December 15, 1910, in Carter, Oklahoma.
Married George Ann Perring June 11, 1874, near Decatur, Texas; she was born September 10, 1857, died 1945.
Application based on service in Captain G.W. Stevens’
Company B of the Frontier Battalion from May 16, 1874,
to December 10, 1874. Application approved.
BANISTER, John R. (Ind. Sur. No. 13549)
Born May 24, 1854, in Camden County, Missouri, died
August 2, 1918, in Coleman, Texas. Married first Mary
Ellen Walker in November, 1882, in San Saba, Texas;
she died in 1892 in Coleman. Married second Susan
Emma Daugherty September 25, 1894, in Goldthwaite,
Texas; she was born October 20, 1871, died in June,
1956. Application based on service in Company E of the
Frontier Battalion from October 9, 1877, to February 29,
1880. Application approved.
When he made application for a pension in 1917,
Banister was serving as Sheriff of Coleman County,
BANISTER, William Lawrence
(Ind. Sur. No. 13550}
Born September 12, 1856, in Camden County,
Missouri, died January 4, 1921, in Temple, Texas.
Married Virginia Rebecca Daniel February 24, 1881, in
San Saba, Texas; she died February 9, 1913. Application
based on service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion
from November 20, 1877, to February 29, 1880. Application approved.
BEACH, Ben F. (Ind. Sur. No. 15131}
Born in Pikeville, Tennessee. Married first "M.J."
Gillentine February 3, 1858, in PikeviUe; she died January 16, 1872. Married second Ella Wood. Application
based on service in Captain M.B. Loyd’s company from
May I, 1862, to July 1, 1863. Application rejected.
The company in which Beach served was a part of McCord’s Texas Frontier Regiment. Although the unit saw
service against Indians on the frontier of West Texas
during the War Between the States, its members did not
qualify for a United States pension.
BEAVERS, Washington L.
BEAVERS, Mary A. (Ind. Wid. No. 12930}
Died May 8, 1890, near Decatur, Texas. Married Mary
A. Watson January 10, 1867, near Cuba, Alabama; she
was born May 16, 1848, died April 12, 1926. Application
based on service in Wise County Company B from March
2, 1872, to October 31, 1873. Application approved.
BECK, Joseph
BECK, Lina (Ind. Wid. No. 13208}
Died April 27, 1890, near Castroville, Texas. Married
Lina Stein October 21, 1872, in Castroville; she was born
September 26, 1848, died May 6, 1921. Application
based on service in Captain George Haby’s Company V
from September 6, 1872, to August 15, 1873. Application approved.
BELL, Farley Storrow
(Ind. Sur. No. 13768}
Born January 10, 1854, in Culpeper, Virginia. Married
Eugenia Bowyer November 8 or 9, 1882, in Abilene,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain G.W.
Arrington’s Company C of the Frontier Battalion from
September 1, 1879, to August 31, 1880. Application rejected.
BELL, Joseph William
(Ind. Sur. No. 13556)
Born May 17, 1849, in Xenia, Ohio, died July 13,
1919. Marital status not shown in file. Application based
on service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion from
April 4, 1875, to May 31, 1876. Application approved.
BIERSCHWALE, Conrad (Ind. Sur. No. 13439}
Born August 24, 1851, in Hanover, Germany, died
December 10, 1928, in Harper, Texas. Married Izora
Necie Sageser November 7, 1871; she was born in 1852 in
Missouri, died March 3, 1931. Application based on service in Captain John Sansom’s Company C from August
25, 1870, to May 30, 1871. Application approved.
In his pension application Bierschwale indicated that
he was brought to Texas in 1853.
BILLO, John (Ind. Sur No. 14057}
Born May 8, 1848, aboard a ship in the Atlantic
Ocean, died in June, 1926. Married Minerva Jane Allison
April 8, 1882, in Willow City, Texas; she died 1905.
Application based on service in Captain H.R. Von Biberstein’s Company L from October 10, 1870, to May 31,
1871. Application approved.
BIPPERT, John (Ind. Sur, No. 13783}
Born July 17, 1836, in Reichenweiher, Alsace, Germany, died in 1920. Married Catherina Elizabeth Loessberg December 20, 1865, in Castroville, Texas. Application based on service in Lieutenant James H. Brown’s
Company from April 5, 1860, to June 6, 1860. Application approved.
According to his statement in his file, Bippert also
served in Captain S.G. Newton’s Company H, Third
Texas Infantry in the Confederate Army from September 22, 1862, to April 1865.
BIRD, Julius Cancelor
BIRD, America
(Ind. Wid. No.-not stated in file}
Born April 6, 1893, at Round Mountain, Texas, died
March 8, 1925, in Alpine, Texas. Married America
Walker January 15, 1885, in Murphyville (later known
as Alpine), Texas; she was born March 11, 1868, in Live
Oak County, Texas, died 1956. Application based on
service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion from
August 31, 1881, to May 15, 1882. Application approved.
{Ind. Sur. No. 13116)
Born December 16, 1844, in Tennessee, died June 16,
1936, in Hope, New Mexico. Married Leuiza Bingham in
1874 in Uvalde, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain H.J. Richarz’s Company E from September 9,
1870, to June 15, 1871. Application appears to have been
BLEDSOE, Flem G. (Ind. Sur. No. 9007)
Born February 17, 1836, near Fulton, Missouri, died
July 25, 1925, in Hutchins, Texas. Married first Juliet
C. Samuel (or Samuels) December 20, 1866. in Mullican,
Texas; she died in 1901 in Hutchins. Married second
Mrs. Mary E. Todd Woods July 18, 1912, in Dallas,
Texas; she was born July 29, 1847. Application based on
service in Captain Nicholas H. DarneU’s company from
April 14, 1860, to August 13, 1860. Application approved.
BLY, George W. (Ind. Sur. No. 13685}
Born March 31, 1848, in Edgerton, Ohio, died September 19, 1926, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Married
Dicia Butcher February 21, 1877, in Wise County,
Texas; she died February 17, 1926. Application based on
unspecified service in 1873 and from 1875 to 1876.
Although the record is not clear, it appears that Bly’s
application was rejected and that his pension was
awarded for service in the United States Army.
Bly served in Company K, Sixty-first Pennasylvania
Volunteers from March 8, 1865, to June 28, 1865, and in
Company D, Ninth Infantry Regiment from May 11,
1867, to May 11, 1870.
BODWELL, Celcius Putnam
(Ind. Sur. No. 14297}
Born August 31, 1854, in Paris Landing~ Tennessee.
Married first Cassie Strain May 2, 1880, near DeKalb,
Texas; she died April 26, 1904, near DeKalb. Married
second Mrs. Zella Nelson Thweatt in July, 1910, in Van
Zandt County, Texas; divorced in 1920 in Linden,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain J.G.
Connell’s Company C from January 6, 1874, to March 6,
1874, and in Captain.June Peak’s Company B of the
Frontier Battalion from March, 1878, to April, 1878.
Disposition of th~ application is not shown.
BOEHME, Lidvina (Ind. Wid. No. 13077)
Died January 27, 1914, in Lacoste, Texas. Married
Lidvina Kempf November 19, 1879, in Castroville,
Texas; she was born November 9, 1857, died 1949. Application based on service in Lieutenant George Haby’s
Company V, Medina County Minute Men, from September 1, 1872, to August 15, 1873. Application approved.
BOHL, Frank J. (Ind. Sur. No. 11862)
Born September 29, 1834, .in Bourback, Alsace, died
October 23. 1918, in Castroville, Texas. Married Philamena Iltis {or Eltis} April 28, 1884, in Castroville; she
was born July 5, 1842. Application based on service in
Captain H.J. Richarz’s Company E from September 9,
1870, to June 15, 1871. Bohl died shortly after making
application and his widow subsequently fried a claim for
a pension but the disposition of her application is not
BOMAR, James Lee (Ind. Sur. No. 13558}
Born January 22, 1852, in Smith County, Tennessee,
died February 3, 1933, in Talpa, Texas. Married Norris
Elizabeth Rainey December 17, 1876, in San Saba County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain C.R.
Perry’s Company D of the Frontier Battalion from May
25, 1874, to December 9, 1874. Application approved.
BOWLES, Daivd C. (Ind. Sur. No. 7663}
Born March 10, 1839, in Itawamba County, Mississippi, died December 9, 1918, in Belton, Texas. Married
first Polly Ann Elkins December 31, 1857, in Uvalde
County, Texas, divorced in 1860. Married second
Martha Ann Jordan October 15, 1867, in Belton; she was
born December 3, 1848, in Independence, Texas, died
October 23, 1933. Application based on service in Captain John Davenport’s Uvalde County Company in 1856
and in Lieutenant Robert M. White’s Company from
February 18, 1860, to June 29, 1860. Bowles died while
his applicatign was still pending but his widow later received a pension based on his service.
BRADEN, J.M. {Ind. Sur. No. 13122}
Born March 8, 1851, in Giles County, Tennessee.
Marital status not shown. Application based on service
in Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company E of the Frontier
Battalion from December 1, 1876, to 1878. Application
BRANDT, Christian H.
(Ind. Sur. No. 13559}
Born October 24, 1848, in Germany, died March 3,
1937, in Leon Springs, Texas. Married Emma Blieder
July 26, 1875, in New Braunfels, Texas; she was born
August 29, 1858, in New Braunfels, died February 26,
1942. Application based on service in Captain H.R. Von
Biberstein’s company from October 5, 1870, to June 1,
1871. Application approved.
BRANNAN, Vince I. (Ind. Sur. No. 13769}
Born November 26, 1852, in Marshall County, Alabama, died February 8, 1923, in Brownwood, Texas.
Married Alice K. Houston January 26, 1876, in Bell
County, Texas; she was born November 7, 1858, died
January 30, 1953. Application based on service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion from May 31, 1874, to
May 31, 1875. Application approved.
(Ind. Wid. No. 13470)
Born in Alabama, died August 8, 1912, near Weatherford, Texas. Married Lucinda J. Wilmuth March 15,
1868, in Springtown, Texas; she was born November 12,
1846. Application based on service in Captain W.L.
Hunter’s Parker County Company from December 24,
1873, to March 29, 1874. Application abandoned.
BREHMER, Fritz (Ind. Sur. No.12211)
Born May 22, 1847, in New Braunfels, Texas. Married
Mary Beck September 15, 1874, in Fredicksburg, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain Franklin Jones’
Company A from August 21, 1870, to November 12,
1870. Although information in Brehmer’s file indicates
that he qualified for a pension, there is no indication that
he received it.
BRISCO, Thomas Marion
(Ind. Sur. No. 13560)
Born March 6, 1848, In Washington County,
Arkansas, died March 2, 1926, in Graham, Texas.
Married first Jane Tackitt. Married second Sarah D.
Whetstone July 12, 1874, in Emory, Texas; she died
August 26, 1939, in Graham. Application based on service in Captain L.L. Tackitt’s Parker County Company
from October 20, 1865, to June 22, 1866. Application approved.
BROOKSHIRE, Samuel (Ind. Sur. No. 12214)
Born April 5, 1849, in Knoxville, Missouri, died February 19, 1918, in Benoit, Texas. Married Loveday
Rebecca Clayton January 3, 1878, in Coleman, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain John Elkins’
Coleman County Company from December 25, 1872, to
1874. Application rejected.
Although Brookshire’s name may have appeared on
the rolls of Captain Elkins’ company for the time specified, he rendered less than thirty days actual service and,
as a result, was not elgible for a pension. In relating his
service, Brookshire said he "can vouch for the death of
one Indian."
BROWN, Harry lind. Sur. No. 13561}
Born March 4, 1848, in Quihi, Texas, died January 6,
1941, in D’Hanis, Texas. Never married. Application
based on service in Captain H.J. Richarz’s Company E
from September 9, 1870, to June 15, 1871. Application
Although he rendered his service as Henry Brown, he
was pensioned under the name Harry Brown.
BROWN, John G.
BROWN, Edith E. (Ind. Wid. No. 123641
Died April 28, 1917, in Gibtown, Texas. Married
Edith E. Smith April 21, 1887, in Gibtown; she was born
January 5, 1869. Application based on service in Company B of the Frontier Battalion from 1874 to August
31,1877. Application approved. Brown’s widow received
a pension until her remarriage in 1927.
Although his widow stated in her application that
Brown’s service in Company B of the Frontier Battalion
began in 1873, this is in error; the Frontier Battalion was
not formed until April 10, 1874. His service in Company
B, however, could date from 1873, when that unit was
commanded by Captain G.W. Stevens of Wise County.
BRYANT, George W. {Ind. Sur. No. 13130)
I~orn November 30, 1848, in Ashley County, Arkansas, died January 8, 1922, in San Augustine County,
Texas. Married first CaUie (maiden name not shown).
Married second Elizabeth Crocker March 14, 1904, in
\ San Augustine, Texas. Application based on service in
. Captain C.R. Perry’s Company D of the Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to December 9, 1874. Application
BUNCH, David F. (Ind, Sur. No. 14122)
Born December 4, 1850, in Montgomery County, Alabama, died January 28, 1933, in Hereford, Texas.
Married Luvicy Elizabeth Phillips November 18, 1854,
in Duffau, Texas. Application based on service in Company A of the Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to
April 30, 1875. Application approved.
BUNDY, John C. (Ind. Sur. No. 13771)
Born December 31, 1846, in Concord, North Carolina,
died May 27, 1919. Married Rachael Isabell Henderlider
about June, 1872, in Osage Mission, Kansas; she died
1873. Application based on service in Company A of the
Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to December 9,
1874, and in Company E of the Frontier Battalion from
December 9, 1874, to 1875. Application approved.
BURNETT, William Jasper
(Ind. Sur. No. 13772)
Born August 11, 1850, in Marion County, Mississippi,
died December 5, 1920, in Fort Davis, Texas. Married
Emily Amelia Cravens December 26, 1877, in Whitesboro, Texas; she was born February 9, 1861, in Atlanta,
Georgia, died September 1, 1922, in Fort Davis. Application based on service in Company B of the Frontier
Battalion from May 1, 1874, to 1875. Application approved.
BURRIS, Benjamin F. (Ind. Sur. No. 9059)
Born August 24, 1849, i~ Galveston, Republic of
Texas, died May 16, 1914, in Cotulla, Texas. Married
Jane E. Johnson July 26, 1866, in Helena, Texas; she
was born April 17, 1846, in Scott County, Mississippi.
Application based on service in Captain William G.
Tobin’s company in 1859 and in Captain Peter Tumlinson’s company in 1860 during the CortinaWar. Application rejected.
BUSTER, William A. (Ind. Sur. No. 13790)
Born March I0, 1854, in Collin County, Texas, died
June 15, 1938, in Llano, Texas. Married first Mary Jane
Westerman February 10, 1878; she died May 10, 1890, in
Pontotoc, Texas. Married second Mrs. Margaret Ann
Props Westerman December 31, 1891, in Mason, Texas;
she was born November 24, 1861. Application based on
service in Captain Andrew C. Tackitt’s Young County
Company from January 6, 1874, to February 14, 1874.
Application approved.
BYARS, Daniel W. {Ind. Sur. No 10435)
Born December 3, 1835, in Oakville, Alabama.
Married Amanda M. Stewart May 1, 1865, in Whitesboro, Texas; she died March 15, 1908. Application based
on service in Captain William M. Wood’s company from
April 15, 1860, to August 1, 1860. Application abandoned because of death of claimant.
BYRD, James Albert (Ind. Sur. No. 13773)
Born March 25, 1859, in Stone County, Missouri, died
June 16, 1931, in Rochester, Texas. Married Nancy Jane
Stansberry August 29, 1880, in Brown County, Texas;
she was born August 1, 1860, in Stone County, died July
15, 1935. Application based on service in Company E of
the Frontier Battalion from June 1, 1876, to August 31,
1876. Application approved.
BYROM, Jasper A. find. Sur. No. 14274)
Born May 29, 1849, in Franklin County, Tennessee,
died May 6, 1927. Married Mary Elizabeth Hill November 8, 1877, in Blanco County, Texas; she died August
22, 1910. Application based on service in Captain C.R.
Perry’s Company D of the Frontier Battalion from May
2, 1874, to August 31, 1874. Application approved.
Byrom stated that he also served in the Confederate
Army "about one year."
CALLOWAY, Walter P. (Ind. Sur. No 13443)
Born November 14, 1854, in LaGrange, Georgia, died
July 14, 1932, in Houston, Texas. Married Mattie Gilder
Wright March 18, 1879, in Austin, Texas; she was born
June 17, 1865, in Brenham, Texas Application based on
service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company of the
Frontier Battalion from May, 1876, to April, 1877, and
in Captain Lee Hall’s Special Force from July 1877, to
August, 1878. Application approved.
CAMPBELL, Alexander (Ind. Sur. No. 14303)
Born February 11, 1842, in Madison County, Alabama, died March 3, 1920, in Elgin, Texas. Never
married. Application based on service in Captain J,M.
Harrell’s Company K from September 16, 1870, to February 20, 1871. Application approved.
Campbell stated that he served in Captain Hiram
Morgan’s Company B of an unspecified Texas unit in the
Confederate Army.
CAMPBELL, Edward (Ind. Sur. No. 8924}
Born 1839 in County Donegal, Ireland, died November
23, 1914, in Austin, Texas. Married Mary Jane Tom
August 24, 1865, in Atascosa County, Texas; she was
born April 25, 1841. Application based on service in
Captain Peter Tumlinson’s company from November,
1859, to January or February, 1860, during the Cortina
War. Application rejected.
CAMPBELL, James T. lind. Sur. No. 11298}
Born January 23, 1850, in Quincy, Illinois, died
December 2, 1935, in Los Angeles, California. Married
Mattie Barrett July 6, 1903, in Richville, Arizona. Application based on service in Company B of the Frontier
Battalion from June 1, 1874, to August 31, 1877. Application approved.
CAMPBELL, W.R. (Ind. Sur. No. 11299}
Born Septgtnber 30, 1830, near Quincy, Illinois.
Marital status not shown. Application based on service
in Captain Allen Brunson’s Company B in 1860 and in
Captain John Roland’s company afterward for unspecified period. Application rejected.
CARNAL, Edward B. (Ind. Sur. No. 11121)
Born September 26, 1848, in Rapides Parish, Louisiana, died February 20, 1921, in Papalote, Texas.
Married Maud Ratcliff October 22, 1912, in Rockport,
Texas; she was born July 4, 1867. Application based on
service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion from
May 25, 1874, to May 25, 1875. Application approved.
CARNES, Kate (Ind. Wid. No. 11390)
Born 1833 in Atlanta, Georgia, died July 14, 1907, in
Brownwood, Texas. Married Kate Reese in November,
1869, in Kosse, Texas; she died January 20, 1933, in
Brownwood. Application based on service in Captain
Lon Price’s company from 1859 to 1860. Application approved.
Information in this file indicates that Carnes also
served as a Confederate soldier.
CARTER, Benjamin Franklin
(Ind. Sur. No. 14124D
Born May 11, 1848, near Salina, Tennessee, died May
6, 1918, in Lone Grove, Texas. Married Louise Parilee
Perry December 17, 1884, in Baby Head, Texas; she was
born August 5, 1857. Application based on service in
Company C of the Frontier Battalion from January 18,
1877, to September 1, 1877, and in Company E of the
Frontier Battalion from 1877 to 1879. Carter died soon
after making application but his widow later applied for
and received a pension.
CARTER, Joseph Henry
(Ind. Sur. No. 17982)Born February 18, 1853, in Smith County, Tennessee.
Married Jeannette Elizabeth Williams April 17, 1878, in
Wheatley, Arkansas; she was born in 1860 in Mississippi. Application based on service in Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company E of the Frontier Battalion from May 30,
1874, to August 31, 1875. Application approved.
Carter received a wound in his right hip from an arrow
while "engaged in a running fight with the Kiowa Indians in the Western part of Texas" and also bore a
bullet scar in his left shoulder.
CARTWRIGHT, Charles Asbery
(Ind. Sur. No. 12777)
Born October 27, 1850, in Rusk County, Texas, died
September 15, 1930. Married Susan Bethany in 1877;
she died in 1903. Application based on service in Corn-
pany A of the Frontier Battalion from September 8,
1875, to August 15, 1876. Application approved.
CARTWRIGHT, Mollie (Ind. Wid. No. 13042 )
Died May 20, 1897, in Chico, Texas. Married first
Belle McDonald about 1870. Married second Mrs. Mollie
Pitney August 20, I878; she was born September 22,
1858. Application based on service in Company A of the
Frontier Battalion in 1874 and in Company B of the
Frontier Battalion from September 8, 1875, to August,
1876. Application abandoned.
CARUTHERS, Lavoizare Blair
(Ind. Sur. No. 12467)
Born December 23, 1851, in Orange County, Virginia,
died October 9, 1933, in San Antonio, Texas. Married
Lena Leota Van Horn in September, 1883, in Carrisa,
Texas; she died July 9, 1910, in Alpine, Texas. Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company A of the Frontier Battalion from September 26,
1877, to February 28, 1878, and in Company E of the
Frontier Battalion from 1879 to 1881. Application approved.
CATHEY, William Jackson
CATHEY, Nancy Caroline
(Ind. Wid. No. 10672}
Born in Washington County, Arkansas, died August
10, 1893, in Haskell, Texas. Married first Martha Clary;
she died in 1865 in Arkansas. Married second Annie
Luther; she died in 1879 in Bosque County, Texas.
Married third Nancy Caroline Spears in June, 1879, in
Meridian, Texas. Application based on service in Captain John Williams’ company from 1858 to 1859. Application rejected.
CAVANESS, Matthew {Ind. Sur. No. 15938)
Born April 27, 1843, in Bentonville, Arkansas, died
January 12, 1929, in Los Angeles, California. Married
first Alice Row October 8, 1871, divorced in 1880 in Florence, Arizona. Married second Laura Emma Jackson
October 8, 1888, in Silver City, New Mexico; she was
born January 13, 1869, died January 1, 1964. Application based on service in Lieutenant W. Charles Lewis’
Mason County Company from April 4, 1860, to June 15,
1860. Application approved.
CHAPMAN, Gilford Ratlif
(Ind. Sur. No. 15344)
Born February 14, 1841, in Crawford County, Arkansas. Married Mrs. Nancy Jane Jackson Kemp July 16,
1866, in Menard, Texas. Application based on service in
Lieutenant John M. Smith’s Llano County Company in
1874. Application rejected.
Chapman stated that he moved to Texas in 1844.
CHEATHAM, James Albert
lind. Sur. No. 12469)
Born August 18, 1842, in Adair County, Kentucky,
died November 3, 1926, near Brownwood, Texas.
Married Nancy Josephine Short November 16, 1879, in
Brownwood; she was born May 31, 1864. Application
based on service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion
from June 1, 1874, to May 31, 1875, and from August
31, 1875, to September 1, 1876. Application approved.
CHEATHAM, Manoh Richard
{Ind. Sur. No. 145671
Born December 17, 1850, in Adair County, Kentucky,
died January 31, 1940. Married first Alta Mira Batton
July 11, 1878; she died July 3, 1884, in Trickham, Texas.
Married second Mary Elizabeth Swift February 25,
1886, in Brownwood, Texas. Application based on service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June
6, 1874, to August 31, 1876. Application approved.
CHENOWETH, Joseph lind. Sur. No. 9011}
Born January 21, 1837, near Danville, Illinois.
Married Rebecca Ann {maiden name not stated in the
application} in January, 1866, in Denton County, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain G.S. Fitzhugh’s
company from March 13, 1860, to October 25, 1860.
Application rejected.
CHESSER, William Seth
{Ind. Sur. No. 14658}
Born July 3, 1853, in Burnet County, Texas, died
December 9, 1932, in Beaumont, Texas. Married Martha
Jane Reed December 24, 1872, in Burnet County; she
died in April, 1907, in Roganville, Texas. Application
based on serivce in Captain James M. Hunter’s Company I from September 12, 1870, to January 24, 1871,
and unspecified service in Company A from Burnet
County. Application approved.
Chesser bore a scar from an arrow wound in his lower
left leg.
CLARK, Francis Marion
{Ind. Sur. No. 14306}
Born July 17, 1852, in Polk County, Arkansas, died
April 1, 1932, in Vernon, Texas. Married Armilda Jane
Stapp June 1, 1874, in Williamson County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B from September 7, 1860, to June, 1869. Application approved.
CLARK, Thomas W. (Ind. Sur. No. 14568}
Born September 3, 1855, in Harrison County, Texas,
died September 7, 1936, in Abilene, Texas. Married
Sarah A. Charane July 28, 1875, in Brown County,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain W.H.
Maltby’s Company E of the Frontier Battalion from
June 6, 1874, to December 12, 1874. Application approved.
CLIFTON, William Thomas
(Ind. Sur. No. 12470}
Born September 14, 1855, in Madison County, Arkansas, died May 4, 1933, in Mitchell County, Texas.
Married Mary Virginia Cochran April 10, 1878, in Fayetteville, Arkansas; she was born in September, 1858, in
Polk County, Arkansas, died March 12, 1943, in Mitchell County. Application based on service in Captain Neal
Coldwell’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from
September 1, 1875, to AUgust 31, 1876. Application approved.
COLBATH, Ambrose H. (Ind. Sur. No. 14659)
Born March 17, 1853, in Gonzales County, Texas, died
March 21, 1930. Married Dorsa Bundick in Blanco
County, Texas. Application based on service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion from May 10, 1874, to
June 1, 1875. Application approved.
COLDWELL, Neal (Ind. Sur. No. 11883)
Born May 2, 1844, in Dade County, Missouri, died
November 7, 1925, in Center Point, Texas. Married
Emily Caroline Martin November 27, 1872, or 1873, in
San Marcos, Texas; she was borrL February 5, 1850, died
August 25, 1936. Application based on service in Company F of the Frontier Battalion from June 4, 1874, to
August 31, 1876, and in Company A of the Frontier
Battalion from December, 1876, to September, 1880.
Application approved.
Coldwefl commanded both Companies A and F during
his service in the Frontier Battalion.
CONAWAY, Alexander Newton
(Ind. Sur. No. 10994~
Born March 10, 1851, in Arkansas, died February 14,
1940, in San Antonio, Texas. Married Emily Roseann
Matsler December 15, 1872; she was born June 20, 1855,
died October 28, 1941, in San Antonio. Application
based on service in Captain Jacob M. Harrell’s Company
K from September, 1870, to February, 1871. Application
CONN, Hugh E. (Ind. Sur. No. 14309}
Born January 9, 1854, in Gonzales, Texas, died
August 1, 1933, in Poth, Texas. Married Alice Emorilice
Stroman July 26, 1877, in Gonzales, Texas; she was born
November 5, 1858, in Orangeburg, South Carolina, died
in 1943. Application based on service in Captain C.R.
Perry’s Company D of the Frontier Battalion from May
25, 1874, to May 25, 1875. Application approved.
(~DNRAD, Samuel L. {Ind. Sur. No. 10811}
Born in Sedalia, Missouri, died August 3, 1919, in
Howe, Oklahoma. Married Mary Eliza Walker September 29, 1875, in Wise County, Texas; she was born
December 17, 1856, died December 10, 1933, in Howe.
Application based on service in Captain G.W. Stevens’
Wise County Company and in Company B of the Frontier Battalion continously from November 26, 1873, to
August 31, 1875. Application approved.
COOK, Lewis Homer
(Ind. Sur. No. 12794}
Born November 25, 1853, near New Market, Virginia,
died June 24, 1928, in Wichita Falls, Texas. Married
first Emily Cornelia Crownover January 1, 1881; she
died April 1, 1895, in Fairland, Texas. Married second
Elizabeth Ann Shepherd February 23, 1898, in Burnet
County, Texas; she was born January 19, 1856, near
KerrviUe, Texas, died August 9, 1933. Application based
on service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion from
September 2, 1877, to November 30, 1880. Application
COOPER, Charles H. (Ind. Sur. No. 13997)
Born February 28, 1851, in Coxsackie, New York, died
September 4, 1941, in Amarillo, Texas. Married first
Martha Elizabeth Kennedy October 27, 1881; she died in
Tucumcari, New Mexico, in 1905. Married second
Minnie Brown October 30, 1907, in Tucumcari; at the
time of his death they were divorced. Application based
on service in Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company E of the
Frontier Battalion from June 12, 1874, to December 12,
1874. Application approved.
COTTEN, Thomas M. {Ind. Sur. No. 14661~
Born August 3, 1851, in Gasconade County, Missouri.
Married Loucinda Nicholson August 9, 1874, in Blanco
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
James Ingram’s Blanco County Company from November, 1872, to 1873. Application rejected.
Cotten stated that he enlisted under his father’s name,
J.M. Cotten. A notation is his file reads "Alias James M
COX, Ben G. (Ind. Sur. No. 11312)
Born February 4, 1853, in Washington County,
Arkansas, died October 26, 1941, in Purcell, Oklahoma.
Married first Maggie Buford in July, 1873, in Fannin
County, Texas; she died March 14, 1881, in Fannin
County. Married second Lizzie Skipworth July 12, 1881,
in Fannin County; she died in 1918. Married third Mrs.
Emily Burchfield Regan March 14, 1924, in Grayson
County, Texas; she was born July 8, 1876. Application
based on service in Captain G.H. Richarz’s Company E
from September 9, 1870, to June 15, 1871. Application
CRASS, Mart L. (Ind. Sur. No. 8935~
Born in Paris, Tennessee. Married First Emma R.
Perkins in 1867 in Belton, Texas; she died in 1883 in Belton. Married second Sarah Maxwell July 13, 1893, in Levita, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
Green Davidson’s Company in 1860 or 1861. Application
During the War Between the States Crass served in
Company K, First Texas Cavalry.
CROSS, George David {Ind. Sur. No. 14208)
Born May 24, 1855, in Calhoun County, Arkansas,
died January 3, 1941, in Archer City, Texas. Married
Mary Amanda (maiden name illegible) in 1881 in Parker
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
Willis L. Hunter’s company from December 24, 1873, to
March 29, 1874. Application approved.
EANES, William H.
EANES, Sarah C. {Ind. Wid. No. 13046)
Born in Monroe County, Mississippi, died June 27,
1914, in Georgetown, Texas. Married Sarah Carslile
January 7, 1877, in Aberdeen, Mississippi; she was born
September 12, 1848, died September 4, 1937. Application based on service in Company A of the Frontier Battalion from September 1, 1875, to November 30, 1876.
Application approved.
ELKINS, John M. {Ind. Sur. No. 11909}
Born December 5, 1840, at White Hall, Illinois.
Married Emma Johnson February 13, 1870, in Coleman
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
H.A. Hamner’s Company from March 3, 1861, to June,
1861, and in Company L from Coleman County from
1872 to 1874. Although the disposition of his application
is not shown, there is reason to believe it was approved.
Elkins, who served as Captain of the Coleman County
Company, stated that prior to serving in Captain
Hamner’s company he "was in volunteer service fighting
Comanche and Kiowa Indians on Texas frontier from
1859 to March 3, 1861."
ELLINGTON, George Washington
(Ind. Sur. No. 14715)
Born September 12, 1849, in Bath County, Kentucky,
died February 5, 1945. Married Mary Amanda Clark
December 10, 1879, in Callahan County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company E of the Frontier Battalion from May 30, 1874, to
May 31, 1875. Application approved.
ELLIOTT, Memphis W.
{Ind. Wid. No. - not stated in lode)
Born November 15, 1852, in Texas, died January 2,
1906, in Globe, Arizona. Married Lydia Milligan November 30, 1877, in Mason, Texas; she died December
20, 1938. Application based on service in Captain W.J.
Maltby’s Company E of the Frontier Battalion from
May 30, 1874, to December 12, 1874. Application approved.
EPPES, Calvin L. {Ind. Sur. No. 13812)
Born June 15, 1854, in Bell County, Texas, died June
29, 1929, in Lea County, New Mexico. Married Sarah E.
Porter July 13, 1887, near Marble Falls, Texas; she was
born September 5, 1862, near Austin, Texas, died January 18, 1932. Application based on service in Company
E of the Frontier Battalion from June 1, 1875, to
November 30, 1875. Application approved.
ETTER, Gottlieb (Ind. Sur. No. 140661
Born April 6, 1847, in Canton Fribourg, Switzerland.
Marital status not shown. Application based on service
in Captain H.J. Richarz’s Company E from September
9, 1870, to June 15, 1871. Application rejected.
ETTER, Jacob (Ind. Sur. No. 12265)
Born January 28, 1842, in Ulmitz, Canton Fribourg,
Switzerland, died November 25, 1929. Married
Katherina Keller August 16, 1866, in Medina County,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain James
H. Brown’s company from April 5, 1860, to June 6,
1860. Application approved.
Etter stated that he served in Captain William
Adams’ Company C, Second Texas Mounted Rifles during the War Between the States.
FANNING, Joseph T. (Ind. Sur. No. 13169)
Born November 11, 1850, in Franklin, Illinois, died
May 9, 1929, in Hope, New Mexico. Married Mary A.
Beckett January 31, i888, in Seven Rivers, New Mexico;
she was born January 31, 1872, near Fort Clark, Texas,
died in 1957. Application based on service in Captain
John W. Sansom’s Company C from July, 1870, to May,
1871, and in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company of the
Frontier Battalion from June 25, 1875, to November 30,
1875. Application approved.
FANNING, Martin W.
FANNING, Sarah E. (Ind. Wid. No. 134711
Died November 26, 1913, in Lakewood, New Mexico.
Married Sarah Elizabeth Corn July 4, 1878, in Kerrville,
Texas; she was born October 10, 1862, in Kerrville.
Application based on service in Company D of the Fron-
tier Battalion from September 1, 1876, to November 30,
1877. Application approved.
Fanning’s widow drew a pension until 1922, when she
FARQUHAR, Francis Marion
{Ind. Sur. No. 13585}
Born October, 2, 1849, in Fayette County, Alabama,
died June 4, 1937, in Lake Victor, Texas. Married Martha Samiria Lastly December 31, 1873, in Burnet
County, Texas. Application based on service in Company O of Burnet County from September 11, 1872, to
August 13, 1873. Application approved.
{Ind.Sur. No. 12490}
Born June 22,185"6, in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, died
December 4, 1934. Married Charlotte M. Rogers November 20, 1881, in Decatur, Texas; she died September 26.
1913. Application based on service in Captain G .W. Stevens’ Company B of the Frontier Battalion from May 16,
1874, to December 10, 1874. Application approved.
FAULKNER, Edward Wadsworth
(Ind. Sur. No. 13692}
Born April 10, 1849, in LaGrange, Alabama, died
February 25, 1927, in Deming, New Mexico. Married
Louisa Jane Eller November 9, 1876, in Kerrville, Texas;
she was born January 6, 1859, in Burnet County, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s
Company F of the Frontier Battalion from June 25,
1875, to August 31, 1876. Application approved.
FINLEY, Francis Marion
(Ind. Sur. No. 13960}
Born January 5, 1835, in Green County, Illinois. Married Melinda Martin in Wise County, Texas. Application
based on service in Captain George W. Stevens’ Wise
County Company from October 2, 1872, to January 2,
1873. Application rejected.
FISHER, Napoleon B.
(Ind. Sur. No. 8987}
Born March 17, 1840, in Pettis County, Missouri, died
November 13, 1925. Married first Nancy Reagan; she
died September 11, 1868, in Collin County, Texas.
Married second Willie M. Barker September 1, 1972, in
CoUin County. Application based on service in Captain
G.S. Fitzhugh’s company from May 20, 1860, to October
25, 1860. Application approved.
(Ind. Wid. No. 13414}
Born in Liberty County, Texas, died July 8, 1917,
near Gonzales, Texas. Married Virginia Haddon December 9, 1851. Application based on service in Captain
D.P. Baker’s Company F from November 5, 1870, to
June 15, 1871. Disposition of the application is not
FITZHUGH, John Thomas
(Ind. Sur. No. 11158}
Born March 15, 1855, in McKinney, Texas, died
March 14, 1935, in Denison, Texas. Married Kathrine
Thompson September 3, 1876, in McKinney; she was
born July 3, 1861, in Mineola, Texas, died June 9, 1953.
Application based on service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June 1, 1875, to November 30, 1875.
Application approved.
FLEMING, Sallie (Ind. Wid. No. 10856}
Died February 1, 1879, in Carbon, Texas. Married
Mrs. SaUie Bishop in 1866 in Bell County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain R.M. White’s company from January 1, 1857, to 1859 or 1860. Application
On different occasions Fleming’s widow listed his
birthplace as both Atlanta, Georgia, and Arkansas.
FORBES, George William
(Ind. Sur. No. 14005}
Born May 4, 1854, in Dresden, Tennessee, died Feb,
ruary 24, 1923, in Porterville, California. Married first:
Ella Parker September 9, 1884, in Bandera County,
Texas; she died November 3, 1901, in Tall House, California. Married second Mrs. Elizabeth Finley Lewis
February 3, 1907, in Madera, California; she was born
June 15, 1861. Application based on service in Captain
Pat Dolan’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from
September 1, 1876, to August 31, 1877, and in Captain
L.P. Sieker’s Company D of the Frontier Battalion from
April 26, 1883, to August 31, 1883. Application approved.
FOUSHEE, William T. lind. Sur. No. 14576)
Born January 6, 1842, in Polk County, Missouri, died
February 10, 1920. Married Bettie Culp January 26,
1879, in Cooke County, Texas. Application based on service in Company C of the Frontier Battalion from May
20, 1874, to December 9, 1874. Application approved.
Foushee stated that he served four years in Company
B, Eleventh Texas Cavalry in the Confederate Army,
FRAYNE, Thomas J. (Ind. Sur. No. 11532}
Born February 4, 1845, in Maynooth, County Kildare,
Ireland, died November 21, 1929. Marital status not
shown. Application based on service in Captain John W.
Sansom’s Company C from August 25, 1870, to May 31,
1871, in Captain Neal ColdweU’s Company F of the
Frontier Battalion from 1875 to August 31, 1876, and
again in Coldwell’s company for an unspecified period.
Application approved.
GARNER, John Daniel
(Ind. Sur. No. 16214}
Born March 13, 1844, in Gainesville, Georgia, died
June 4, 1934, in Electra, Texas. The name of Garner’s
first wife, whom he married in May, 1872, is not shown;
she died in December, 1872. Married second Elizabeth
Ann Schoonover May 10, 1874, in Mason, Texas; she
was born January 21, 1858, in Robertson County, Texas,
died February 11, 1949. Application based on service in
Captain J.M. Hunter’s Company I from September,
1870, to May, 1871, and in Company R from Mason
County from August 25, 1872, to February 24, 1874.
Application approved.
GARNER, Thomas Jackson
(Ind. Sur. No. 12502}
Born October 4, 1853, in Franklin County, Tennessee,
died May 7, 1934, in Loveland, Colorado. Married Sarah
Jennette Plantz May 14, 1891, in Gillette, Wyoming; she
was born November 22, 1873, in North Bend, Nebraska,
died September 25, 1951. Application based on service in
Captain David P. Baker’s Company F from November 5,
1870, to June 15, 1871. Application approved.
GARVEY, Leroy Clayton
{Ind. Sur. No. 13183}
Born January 6, 1852, in Springfield, Kentucky, died
January 18, 1924, in Archer City, Texas. Married Mary
Ann Waters June 9, 1875 or 1876, in Denton County,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain George
W. Stevens’ Company B of the Frontier Battalion from
1874 to 1875. Application approved.
GATES, Joseph D. (Ind. Sur. No. 9020)
Born August 9, 1839, in Washington County, Republic of Texas. Married Eliza Adeline Duren July 31, 1865,
in Gonzales County, Texas; she died July 7, 1906. Application based on service in Captain Andrew Herron’s
company in the Cortina War from November 18, 1859, to
January 1, 1860. Application rejected.
GENTRY, Leroy (Ind. Sur. No. 15062)
Born August, 1851, in Kaufman County, Texas, died
June 13, 1927, in Menard, Texas. Married Fannie Ann
Caveness October 10, 1871, in Llano, Texas; she was
born March 1, 1855, in Austin,Texas, died September 1,
1936, in Menard. Application based on service in Caprain Franklin Jones’ Company A from October 3, 1870,
to November 12, 1870. Application approved.
In his application Gentry noted that his leg bore
"scar caused from a gun shot."
GEORGE, William Alexander
(Ind. Sur. No, 9104)
GEORGE, Laura C.
Born May 9, 1839, in Missouri, died August 31, 1911,
in Ysleta, Texas. Married Laura C. Bondies November
21, 1871, in Galveston, Texas; she was born August 10,
1850, died December 22, 1925. Neither the dates of his
service nor the disposition of the application are shown,
but it apparently was abandoned as a result of his death.
Widow’s application based on his service in Captain
John S. Ford’s company from January 10, 1858, to
August 10, 1858, from November 10, 1858 to May 10,
1859, and from January, 1860, to May 1860, and in Captain Ed Burleson’s company from January 30, 1860, to
September 7, 1860, although the dates of service in
Burleson’s company conflict with service in Ford’s company. Her application was approved.
GERRISH, David A. (Ind. Sur. No. 13822)
Born September 7, 1856, in Montreal, Canada, died
September 13, 1936, in Legion, Texas. Married Hattie
Lou Jordan April 27, 1890, in Allen, Texas; she was born
October 30, 1869, in Monroe City, Missouri, died February 28, 1944, in San Antonio, Texas. Application based
on service in Lieutenant B.S. Foster’s Company E of the
Frontier Battalion from June 1, 1875, to November 30,
1875. Application approved.
GERRISH, George Henry
(Ind. Sur. No. 13592~
Born June 24, 1847, in Lebanon, Maine, died November 8, 1933, in McKinney, Texas. Married Mary Ellen
Fisher in 1877 or 1879 in McKinney; she was born July 2,
1862, in Edina, Missouri. Application based on service
in Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company of the Frontier Battalion from May 30, 1874, to August 31, 1875. Disposition of the application is not shown.
To Gerrish belongs the singular distinction of being
probably the only Texas Ranger of the Indian War
period to have served in the United States Navy. At the
time of his application he was receiving a pension for
that service during the War Between the States.
GHOLSON, Benjamin F. (Ind. Sur. No. 6179}
Born November 17, 1842, in Robertson’s Colony,
Republic of Texas, died April 3, 1932, in Lampasas
County, Texas. Married Jane A. Langford July 18,
1862, in Coryell County, Texas; she was born October
27, 1847, in Sabine Parish, Louisiana, died June 15,
1940. Application based on service in Captain John Williams’ company from October 17, 1858, to March 4,
1859, in Captain Smith’s company from March 1, 1860,
May 20, 1860, in Captain L.S. Ross’ company from
May, 1860, to August 11, 1860, and from September 20,
1860, to March, 1861. Application approved.
Apparently no muster roll for Ross’ company for
September 20, 1860, to March, 1861, was on file with
the Adjutant General of Texas since he reported that
Gholson’s name did not appear on the roll dated October
3, 1860, to February 5, 1861.
GHOLSON, Samuel S. (Ind. Sur. No. 8870}
Born November 13, 1840, in Robertson’s Colony,
Republic of Texas, died February 19, 1926, in Tucumcari, New Mexico. Married first Mary Elizabeth Lungford February 16, 1861, in Coleman County, Texas; she
died January 4, 1876. Married second Maggie E. Magness August 31, 1876, in Coleman County; she was born
June 9, 1859, died February 19, 1926. Application based
on service in Captain John Williams’ company from
October 17, 1858, to March 2, 1859. Application approved.
GIBBENS, James W. (Ind. Sur. No. 11924}
Born September 14, 1857, died May 4, 1954, in San
Antonio, Texas. Married Lou J. Witt August 10, 1883 in
Center Point, Texas. Application based on service in
Company F of the Frontier Battalion from September 1,
1875, to August 31, 1876, and in Company D of the
Frontier Battalion from September 1, 1876, to November
30, 1876, and from March 1, 1877, to February 28, 1878.
Application approved.
GIBSON, Daniel Marcelous
(Ind. Sur. No. 14217)
Born May 3, 1853, in Claiborne County, Tennessee,
died June 23, 1922, in Vernon, Missouri. Married Margaret E. White in Caliborne county; she died October 19,
1939. Application based on service in Company B of the
Frontier Battalion from May 16, 1874, to August 31,
1875. Application approved.
GILLETT, James B. (Ind. Sur. No. 12849~
Born November 4, 1856, in Austin, Texas, died June
11, 1937, in Temple, Texas. Married first Helen Baylor
in 1881, divorced March 2, 1889; she died in Mexico.
Married second Mary Lou Chastain May 1, 1889, in San
Marcos, Texas; she died May 3, 1948, in E1 Paso, Texas.
Application based on service in Companies A, D and E of
the Frontier Battalion from September 1, 1875, to August 31, 1879. Application approved.
GLASCOCK, Thomas Anderson
(Ind. Sur. No. 7858}
Born August 29, 1839, in Travis County, Republic of
Texas. Married Harriet Bratton December 23, 1868, in
Travis County; she died September 12, 1888, in
Stephens County, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain John H. Conner’s company from December 20,
1858, to June 10, 1859, and from January 20, 1860, to
May 5, 1860. Application abandoned.
GLASS, John Wates {Ind. Sur. No. 13185}
Born July 11, 1851, in McDowell County, North Carolina, died August 11, 1927, at Alvord, Texas. Married
first Lizzie Dulseney April 29, 1874, near Alvord; she
died February 14, 1887, near Alvord. Married second
Maggie Hunter, from whom he divorced at Chickasha,
Oklahoma, in 1906. Application based on service in
Captain G.W. Stevens’ Wise County Company from
November 26, 1873, to May, 1874, and in Captain G.W.
Stevens’ Company B of the Frontier Battalion fromMay
17, 1874, to December, 1874. Application approved.
GLENN, Samuel Donley {Ind. Sur. No. 14899}
Born December 13, 1854, in Llano, Texas. Married
Mattie J. Crawford July 1, 1875, in Kerrville, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain Charles
Schreiner’s Kerr County Company from 1875 to 1878.
Application rejected.
GRADY, Caleb M. (Ind. Sur. No. 13190)
Born May 8, 1854, in Gradyville, Kentucky, died June
29, 1949, in Brownwood, Texas. Married Elizabeth
Hughes October 18, 18"/6, in Brown County, Texas.
Application based on service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June 1, 1875, to November 30, 1875.
Application approved.
GRANT, William G. (Ind. Sur. No. 131911
Born April 7, 1852, in Franklin County, Tennessee,
died September 14, 1926. Married Cary Lee Justice February 9, 1894, in Fort Worth, Texas. Application based
on service in Company B of the Frontier Battalion from
May 16, 1874, to November 30, 1875. Application approved.
GRAY, Henry C. (Ind. Sur. No. 12857}
Born May 18, 1849, in Lockhart, Texas, died Febmary 10, 1921. Married Lucy Elizabeth Smith April 2,
1890, in Lockhart; she was born July 10, 1861, died
October 13, 1932. Application based on service in
Captain John W. Sansom’s Company C from August 25,
1870, to May 30, 1871, in Company F of the Frontier
Battalion from September 4, 1874, to June 4, 1875, and
from September, 1876, to August 20, 1877. Application
GREEN, Quinna A. (Ind. Wid. No. 13743)
Born July 14, 1842, in Sabine County, Texas, died
January 25, 1912, in Johnson City, Texas. Married
Quinna A. Harrington November 14, 1849, died March
1, 1934. Application based on service in Captain Alexan-
der "Buck" Rooberts’ company from February 1, 1870,
to April 2, 1872. Application approved.
During the War Between the States Green served in
Debray’s Texas Cavalry.
GREENWOOD, Bird Calhoun (Ind. Sur. No. 12286}
Born January 31, 1849, in Lockhart, Texas, died
March 16, 1923, in Lampasas, Texas. Married first
Bathsheba Allender Espy December 27, 1871; she died
September 10, 1903, in Lampasas. Married second Sarah
Marguerite HudnaU March 4, 1908, in Galveston, Texas;
she was born October 9, 1871, in Mississippi, died March
3, 1963, in Austin, Texas. Application based on service
in Company M from Lampasas County from 1872 to
1875. Application approved.
GREGG, John George (Ind. Sur. No. 12283}
Born November 11, 1853, in Travis County, Texas.
Married Georgia Ann Simpkins August 12, 1874, in Travis County. Application based on service in Captain
A.H. Cox’s Company B from September 8, 1870, to May
31, 1871. Application approved.
GRIFFIN, William H. (Ind. Sur. No. 13464}
Born December 26, 1854, in Holmes County, Mississippi, died October 24, 1921, in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Married Jessie P. Bryden December 20, 1881, in Corpus
Christi; she was born September 1, 1861, died January
20, 1928. Application based on service in Captain D.W.
Roberts’ Company D of the Frontier Battalion from June
1, 1875, to December 1, 1875, and in the Special Force
under Captains L.H. McNelly and J. L Hall for an unspecified period. Application approved.
GRIFFITH, Ellis R. (Ind. Sur. No. 13465}
Born May 11, 1846, in Marion Mississippi, died July
30, 1820, in Moro, Texas. Married Priscilla Broughton
January 2, 1878, in Comanche, Texas; she was born
December 18, 1856, died December 28, 1933. Application
based on service in Company A of the Frontier Battalion
from May 25, 1874, to December 23, 1874, and in
Company E of the frontier Battalion from September 1,
1876, to August 31, 1877. Application approved.
According to Griffith’s statement, he had received "a
bullet wound in my left thigh."
GUAJARDO, Santiago J. {Ind. Sur. No. 13467)
Born September 30, 1848, in Condela, Mexico, died
May 17, 1919, in Bandera County, Texas. Married Mrs.
Maria Calloway November 16, 1876, in Boerne, Texas;
she was born July 25, 1853, died December 5, 1927.
Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s
Company F of the Frontier Battalion from June 7, 1874,
to August 31, 1876. Application approved.
GUERRO, Aleyo {Ind. Sur. No. 14718}
Born January 18, 1845, in San Antonio, Texas, died
August 19, 1923, in San Antonio. Married Josefa Perez;
she died in 1897. Application based on service in Company H from August 29, 1870, to May 31, 1871. Application approved.
GUPTON, Griffin D.
(Ind. Wid. No. - not stated in file)
Died April 15, 1917, in Randolph County, Arkansas.
Married Mary E. Cross August 21, 1873, in Tarrant
County, Texas; she was born November 6, 1856. Application based on service in Captain W.L. Hunter’s
Parker County company from December 24, 1873, to
March 29, 1874. Application approved.
HALE, William Jennings (Ind. Sur. No. 12509)
Born March 8, 1850, in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee,
died October 18, 1942, in Abilene, Texas. Married Elizabeth Chick August 1, 1873, in Palo Pinto, Texas. Application based on service in Captain W,C. McAdams’
company from Palo Pinto County from April, 1873, to
October, 1874. Application approved.
HALL, Frank S. (Ind. Sur. No. 14010)
Born September 11, 1854, in Trenton, Kentucky, died
October 16, 1931, near Arabella, New Mexico. Married
Sue Blackburn June 9, 1878, in Menard (then known as
Menardville), Texas. Application based on service in
Company D of the Frontier Battalion from October 18,
1875, to August 31, 1876. Application approved.
HALL, Jesse Lee
HALL, Bessie W. (Ind. Sur. No. 13433}
Died March 17, 1911, in San Antonio, Texas. Married
Bessie Cook Weidman November 25, 1880, in Lebanon,
Pennsylvania; she was born October 4, 1857, died October 11, 1926. Application based on service in the Special
Force from August 10, 1876, to February 29, 1880.
Although Hall’s widow drew a pension, the record is not
clear as to whether it was based on his Texas Ranger service or for service during the Spanish-American War.
Following McNelly as Captain of the Special Force,
Hall became one of the famous Rangers of his era. He
later served in the Spanish-American War, was commander of the Macabee Scouts in the Philippine Islands
and was Indian Agent in ’Anadarko, Indian Territory.
HANNA, Joseph M. (Ind. Sur. No. 8876)
Born June 26, 1841, in Washington County,
Arkansas. Married Mary Elizabeth Woodward June 16,
1869, in Cherokee, Texas. Application based on service
in Captain John Williams’ company from October 30,
1858, to August 22, 1859. Application rejected.
HANS, Gabe
HANS, Theresa
(Ind. Wid. No. - not stated in file)
Died June 18. 1895, in Pearsall, Texas. Married
Theresa Haby August 1, 1877, in Castroville, Texas; she
was born September 6, 1859, died 1946. Application
based on service in Captain H. J. Richarz’s Company E
from June 9, 1870, to July, 1870. Application approved.
HANS, Justine
HANS, Barbra lind. Wid. No. - not stated in rde)
Died October 22. 1888, in Castroville, Texas. Married
Barbra Haby June 16, 1868, in CastroviIIe; she was born
May 28, 1847, died June 3, 1930. Application based on
service in Captain H.J. Richarz’s Company E from
September 12, 1870, to 1871. Application approved.
HARDING, Martha A. (Ind. Wid. No. 13055)
Died March 23, 1898, in Decatur, Texas. Married
Martha A. Gose July 24, 1867, in Decatur; she was born
May 4, 1852. Application based on service in Company B
from Wise County from April 1, 1872, to August 2, 1872.
Application rejected.
HARDING, Joseph Radford
HARDING, Elizabeth A. (Ind. Wid. No. 10857)
Died May 22, 1908, in Maud, Oklahoma. Married
Elizabeth Ann Shannon July 11, 1861, in Dallas County,
Texas; she was born November 28, 1844, in Missouri,
died March 8, 1938, in Maud. Application based on service in Captain Nicholas Darnell’s company from March,
1860, to August, 1860. Application approved.
HARDY, Sterling N. lind. Sur. No. 121511
Born December 17, 1846. Married Octavia Virginia
Fowlkes August 28, 1888, in Christiansburg, Virginia,
divorced November 1, 1897. Application based on service in the Special Force from November 1, 1876, to Febmary 28, 1878. Application rejected.
At the time Hardy submitted his application he was a
resident of the Confederate Home in Austin, Texas. He
listed both Victoria, Texas, and Lunenburg County, Virginia, as his birthplace.
HARGUS, Peter Burrow (Ind. Sur. No. 14629)
Born June 15, 1854, in Huntsville, Arkansas. Married
Sarah Evaline Blanton January 13, 1876, in Springtown,
Texas. Application based on service in Company B of the
Frontier Battalion from July 1, 1874, to May 15, 1875.
Application approved.
HARRIS, James Neal
(Ind. Sur. No. - not stated in file)
Born November 29, 1839, at White Plains, Alabama,
died November 18, 1914, in Waco, Texas. Married Sarah
Olevia Kennedy October 11, 1866, in Waco; she was born
October 28, 1845, in Giles County, Tennessee, died
October 2, 1930, in Waco. Application based on service
in Captain L.S. Ross’ company from September, 1860,
to January, 1861. Although the outcome of this claim is
not shown, it appears to have been rejected even though
Harris’ widow later applied for and received a pension for
his service.
As a member of Captain Ross’ company Harris participated in the battle with the Comanche Indians in which
Cynthia Ann Parker was recaptured. He later served as a
Confederate soldier.
HARTMAN, Joseph S.
HARTMAN, Dora R. (Ind. Wid. No. 12250)
Died December 15, 1915, in Aztec, New Mexico. Married Dora B. Riley September 24, 1882, in Urbana, Missouri; she was born January 10, 1861, died in 1943.
Application based on service in Company B of the Frontier Battalion from May 16, 1874, to August 31, 1875.
Application approved.
HARTMANN, Henry (Ind. Sur. No. 11948)
Born December 7, 1846, in Achum, Germany, died
October 15, 1921. Married Sophia Ernistina Senne May
30, 1874, in New Fountain, Texas. Application based on
service in Captain H. J. Richarz’s Company E from
September 9, 1870, to June 15, 1871. Application approved.
HATLER, Sebron D.
HATLER, Segeous P. {Ind. Wid. No. 11932}
Born in Scottsville, Kentucky, died February 19,
1913, in Melissa, Texas. Married Segeous Polk Lewis
December 18, 1862, in Melissa; she died in 1944. Application based on service in Captain G.S. Fitzhugh’s
company from April 1, 1860, to October 25, 1860. Application approved.
HAYWOOD, Mary Ann tInd. Wid. No. 12572}
Born September 22, 1853, in Chickasaw County, Mis~
sissippi, died November 28, 1911, in Driftwood, Texas.
Married first "S.C." Cracks about 1876 in Hays County,
Texas, divorced about 1889 in Hays County. Married
second Mary Ann Dick April 27, 1890, in Hays County;
she was born November 16, 1868, died in 1947. Application based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B
from September 8, 1870, to June 1, 1871. Application
HAYWOOD, William Jefferson
(Ind. Sur. No. I1951}
Born March 19, 1852, in Chickasaw, County, Mississippi, died December 22, 1931, in Fairland, Texas. Married Rowena V. Brown in 1871 or 1872 in Gonzales
County, Texas; she was born March 10, 1855, in Lauderdale, Mississippi, died in 1938. Application based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B from September
8, 1870, to June 1, 1871. Application approved.
HEARD, Thomas D. (Ind. Sur. No. 14012}
Born December 24, 1854, in Chambersville, Arkansas,
died May 28, 1934, in Sabinal, Texas. Married Mary
Anna Alexander October 27, 1881, in Uvalde County,
Texas. Application based on service in Lieutenant Pat
Dolan’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from
August 19, 1877, to August 31, 1878. Application approved.
HEATH, Joseph J. (Ind. Sur. No. 210431
Born February 10, 1852, in Anderson, Texas, died
November 15, 1929, at Lake Victor, Texas. Married
Mary Elizabeth Staples March 10, 1870, in Bandera,
Texas; she was born September 5, 1852, in San Antonio,
Texas, died January 18, 1931. Application based on service in Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June 6, 1874, to December 12, 1874.
Application approved.
HEMPHILL, Benjamin F. (Ind. Sur. No. 13860)
Born May 15, 1846, in Calhoun, Georgia, died November 18, 1917, in Graford, Texas. Married Rachell Jane
Mitchell October 12, 1871, in Parker County, Texas; she
was born January 29, 1852, died May 26, 1936, in Graford. Application based on service in Captain L.L.
Tackitt’s Parker County Company from October 20,
1865, to February 20, 1866. Application approved.
HENRY, Samuel A.
HENRY, Mary E. (Ind. Wid. No. 13473)
Died February 28, 1917, in Rocksprings, Texas. Married Mary E. Draper October 6, 1880, in Burnet County,
Texas; she was born November 29, 1852, died April 13,
1927. Application based on service in Company E of the
Frontier Battalion from May 30, 1874, to May 31, 1875,
and in Company D of the Frontier Battalion in 1878.
Application approved.
Indications are that Henry also served in Company A
of the Frontier Battalion from September 1, 1875, to
November 30, 1876, and in Company D of the Frontier
Battalion from December 1, 1876, to February 28, 1877.
HEROLD, George (Ind. Sur. No. 12880)
Born May 9, 1840, near Richmond, Virginia, died December 12, 1917, in El Paso, Texas. Married first Virginia Garcia about 1867 in San Antonio, Texas; she died in
1869 in San Antonio. Married second Ojinia Garza April
21, 1873, in San Antonio; she was born May 20, 1849, in
Laredo, Texas, died September 24, 1939, in Elmendorf,
Texas. Married third Jesus Saiz about 1884; she died in
1910 in El Paso. They were divorced about 1894 in E1
Paso. Married fourth Mrs. Manuela Larroque Gallardo
August 8, 1899, in El Paso. Application based on service
in Company L in 1870, in Captain Dan W. Roberts’
Company D of the Frontier Battalion from 1877 to 1878
and in Lieutenant George W. Baylor’s Detachment C of
the Frontier Battalion in 1879. Herold’s death soon after
his application was submitted caused it to be abandoned
but his widow later received a pension based on his service.
Apparently because it did not relate to the Indian
Wars, Herold made no mention of his service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion in 1878, when he participated in the gunfight with the Sam Bass gang at
Round Rock, Texas. His early life was eventful; he had
served in a Texas artillery unit in the Confederate Army,
was later City Marshal in Laredo and participated in the
campaign against Victorio as a government scout. He
had retired as an E1 Paso police officer shortly prior to
making application for a pension, in which he stated that
he had the scars of "three bullet holes."
HERRING, Samuel (Ind. Sur. No. 12298}
Born March 14, 1849, in San Augustine, Texas, died
December 7, 1934. Married first America L. Legrand
July 2, 1868, in San Augustine; she was born in 1849 in
Texas, died December 10, 1922, in Austin, Texas.
Married second Mrs. Lula B. Sharen July 12, 1928, in
Austin; she was born December 1, 1869, in Waco, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s
Company B from September 8, 1870, to May 15, 1871.
Application approved.
HERRON, Benjamin Franklin
(Ind. Sur. No. 144891
Born February 29, 1848, at West Point, Tennessee,
died May 31, 1922. Married first Francis McLean in 1867
or 1868 in Luling, Texas; she died in 1874 or 1875.
Married second Mary L. Dalton March 8, 1877, at Palo
Pinto, Texas; she was born October 20, 1856, in Palo
Pinto, died December 29, 1924. Application based on
service in Company B of the Frontier Battalion from
June 1, 1876, to August 31, 1876. Application approved.
During the War Between the States Herron served in
Company K, Third Tennessee Infantry and stated that
"I was very young when I enlisted in the Confederate
Army, being only fourteen years old."
HIGGINS, Elijah P. (Ind. Sur. No. 12883}
Born February 28, 1854, in Washington County, Arkansas, died June 5, 1922, near Devol, Oklahoma. Married Cynthia Canfield March 26, 1881, in the Indian
Territory. Application based on service in Captain G .W.
Stevens’ Wise County Company from November 1, 1873,
to March 26, 1874. Application approved.
HILL, Andrew J.
HILL, Delia A. (Ind. Wid. No. 13760)
Born in Camden, Arkansas, died April 7, 1915, in
Merkel, Texas. Married first Mary Sowell; she died in
1862. Married second Delia Ann Oxford April 12, 1864,
in Stephenville, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain Whiteside’s company of the Texas Frontier
Regiment. Application rejected.
Hill’s widow, who stated that he served from 1859 to
1865, was obviously confused about the dates of his
alleged service in the Texas Frontier Regiment, which
existed from 1862 to 1865. If he previously served in a
Ranger company commanded by Whiteside, it apparently did not qualify his widow for a pension.
HODGES, Solomon George (Ind. Sur. No. 10487)
Born January 10, 1850, in McNairy County, Tennessee. Married Mary Elizabeth Farmer November 11,
1876, in Denton County, Texas. Application based on
service in Captain Jack Davis’ Denton County Company
from November, 1864, to July, 1865. Application rejected.
Hodges, who stated that he was brought to Texas at
the age of two, "served on the frontier from the time of
the end of the Civil War to the year 1868 fighting
Comanche Indians in a volunteer company." According
to his date of birth, he was only fourteen years of age
when he became a member of Davis’ Home Guard company.
HODGES, William Henry (Ind. Sur. No. 12887)
Born August 10, 1837, in Demopolis, Alabama. Married Sarah Jane Watson in 1868 in Alabama. Application
based on service in Company B from Wise County from
March 2, 1872, to January 3, 1873. Application rejected.
HOHENBERGER, William (Ind. Sur. No. 12300)
Born November 1, 1848, in Burg, Prussia, Germany,
died September 9, 1933, in Fredericksburg, Texas. Married Elise Auschoutz August 4, 1872, in Fredericksburg;
she was born August 8, 1852, in Fredericksburg, died
November 19, 1939. Application based on service in
Captain Franklin Jones’ Company A from August 25,
1870, to November 11, 1870. Application approved.
Hohenberger’s death is recorded under the original
German name Wilhelm rather than William.
HOLDAWAY, John Dodson (Ind. Sur. No. 9344)
Born January 12, 1834, in Independence, Virginia.
Married Elvira A. Perkins April 20, 1866, in Grant,
Virginia. Application based on service in Captain L.S.
Ross’ company from June, 1859, to 1860. and in Captain
T.J. Johnson’s company from May 12, 1860, to November 10, 1860. Application approved.
Holdaway stated that he was a veteran of the War
Between the States, but did not designate the unit in
which he served. In 1927, when he was ninety-three
years of age, Holdaway indicated that he was disabled as
a result of being wounded but did not specify whether
the wound was received during his Ranger service or
military service.
HOLMES, Bettie lind. Wid. No. 12590)
Died October 4, 1895, in Austin, Texas. Married Bettie Robertson May 8, 1878, in Austin; she was born January 3, 1858, died December 13, 1918, in Dallas, Texas.
Application based on service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to November 20, 1874.
Application approved.
HOOTEN, John B. (Ind. Sur. No. 12891)
¯ Born April 17, 1837, in Marshall County, Tennessee.
Married Eliza Miller Loflin March 20, 1858, in Hopkins
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
Gillentine’s company (probably N.M. Gillentine} from
1858 to 1859 or from 1859 to 1860. Applications submitted in 1917 were rejected but the disposition of his 1927
application based on disability is not shown.
Hooten stated that he served in the Confederate Army
as a member of Company G, Twenty-third Texas
HOPKINS, William W. (Ind. Sur. No. 15290)
Born November 11, 1838, in Orange County, North
Carolina. Marital status not shown. Application based
on service in Captain L.L. Tackitt’s company from October 20, 1865, to February 20, 1866. Application rejected.
Hopkins stated that he served three years in the Confederate Army.
HORNE, James Evans (Ind. Sur. No. 11359)
Born August 29, 1853, in Waco, Texas, died May 18,
1918, in Waco. Married Lula C. Baker November 20,
1879, in Waco; she was born January 21, 1859, died in
1929. Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company A of the Frontier Battalion from September 1, 1877, to August 31, 1878. Application approved.
HOUY, William (Ind. Sur. No. 13696)
Born January 22, 1850, in Fredericksburg, Texas,
died February 16, 1920, in Castell, Texas. Married
Johanna Buchholz February 22, 1875, in Fredericksburg; she was born January 10, 1853, died November 2,
1927. Application based on service in Captain H.R. Von
Biberstein’s Company L from October 30, 1870, to May
31, 1871. Application approved.
HUDSON, Wade Hampton (Ind. Sur. No. 12525}
Born August 17, 1847, in Randolph County, Arkansas, died December 11, 1923, in Austin, Texas. Married
Ann E, Jolly May 1, 1873, in Hudson’s Bend, Texas; she
was born April 5, 1856, died May 13, 1936, in Hays
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
A.H. Cox’s Company B from September 8, 1870, to May
30, 1871. Application approved.
HUEHNER, Albert Herman
HUEHNER, Francis Ella (Ind. Wid. No. 12859}
Born in San Antonio, Texas, died December 29, 1892,
near San Antonio. Married Francis Ella Hynes in 1881 in
San Antonio; she died June 24, 1961. Application based
on service in Captain H.J. Richarz’s Company E from
September 9, 1870, to November 8, 1870. Application
HUFF, Richard J. tInd. Sur. No. 9178}
Born November 25, 1840, in Cartersville, Georgia.
Married Mary J. Maxwell August 23, 1866, in Paris,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain George
W. Baylor’s company from March 2, 1859, to August 20,
1860. Application rejected.
In 1917 Huff was living in the Confederate Home in
Ardmore, Oklahoma. He stated that he had served under
the Indian General Stand Watie while in the Confederate
HUFFMEYER, Emil (Ind. Sur. No. 12894)
Born October 28, 1847, in San Antonio, Texas, died
April 14, 1919. Married Mrs. Drusilla Whitfield Clark
March 23, 1878, in Bandera, Texas; she was born May
19, 1844, died April 9, 1924. Application based on service in Captain H.R. Von Biberstein’s Company L from
October 10, 1870, to May 31, 1871. Application approved.
HULIN, William Hilon (Ind. Sur. No. 14720}
Born July 9, 1852, in Windham, Ohio, died May 10,
1919, in Deadwood, South Dakota. Married Mrs. Sarah
Jane Hicklin Mundy November 17, 1883, in Deadwood,
Dakota Territory; she died October 19, 1907. Application based on service in Captain E.F. Ikard’s
Company C of the Frontier Battalion from May 20, 1874,
to December 10, 1874. Application approved.
HUNTER, John (Ind. Sur. No. 9202}
Born November 24, 1824, in Baltimore, Maryland.
Never married. Application based on service in Captain
L.S. Ross’ company from October, 1860, to February 1,
1861. Application rejected.
HURT, Alexander H.D. (Ind. Sur. No. 11365}
Born May 27, 1850, in Columbus, Mississippi, died
May 9, 1930. Married first Sarah E.B. Zumwalt December 23, 1870; she died February 16, 1872, in Kerrville,
Texas. Married second Mary Susan Redus December 13,
-1877, in Medina County, Texas. Application based on
service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the
Frontier Battalion from July, 1875, to November 20,
1875. Application approved.
INGRAM, William E. (Ind. Sur. No. 14939}
Born December 12, 1847, in Fayette County, Texas,
died March 6, 1928, in Del Rio, Texas. Married Margaret
B. Ferguson July 4, 1877, in Blanco County, Texas; she
was born January 1, 1860, in Madison County, :Illinois,
died August 11, 1929. Application based on service in
Captain James Ingram’s Company A from January 4,
1872, to November 17, 1872. Application approved.
INSALL, Cade (Ind. Sur. No. 13868)
Born November 15, 1845, in Lavaca County, Texas,
died April 9, 1939, in Mercury, Texas. Married Dora
Collins March 7, 1883, in Kendall County. Texas. Application based on service in Captain Pat Dolan’s company
in 1866 or 1867 and in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company
F of the Frontier Battalion from June 4, 1874, to June 4,
1875. Application approved.
Following Insall’s death, Carry M. Insall received a
pension based on his service but her relationship to him
is not stated.
JACKSON, Zebulon R. (Ind. Sur. No. 12534)
Born March 10, 1850, in Bastrop County, Texas, died
March 25, 1927, in Burnet, Texas. Married Sarah
Elizabeth Evans October 1, 1874, in Smithwick, Texas;
she was born September 16, 1856, in Burnet County,
Texas, died in 1938. Application based on service in
Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B from September 8,
1870, to May 31, 1871. Application approved.
JAMES, Phillip {Ind. Sur. No. 13697}
Born November 22, 1840, in Mobile, Alabama, died
February 18, 1937, in Rush Springs, Oklahoma. Married
Ida Moss December 24, 1887, in the Indian Territory.
Application based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s
Company B from September 8, 1870, to May 15, 1871.
Application approved.
James related that he had been shot in the head and
that he had served in the Confederate Army from 1861 to
1865, but did not state when he received the wound.
JEFFERSON, William Dunklin
(Ind. Sur. No. 15240}
Born September 21, 1855, in Clarksville, Texas, died
March 16, 1927, near Florence, Arizona. Married Maggie
E. Newcomer June 26, 1882, at Pipe Creek, Texas; she
was born April 22, 1862, in Goliad, Texas, died in 1935.
Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwelrs
Company F of the Frontier Battalion from June 24,
1874, to June 24, 1875, and later in that company for unspecified periods. Application approved.
JOLINE, Charles O.
JOLINE, Carrie M. (Ind. Wid. No. 13092}
Died January 17, 1904, at Mineral Wells, Texas. Married Carrie M. Eichelberger December 6, 1882, in Graham, Texas; she was born March 10, 1864, in Pana, Illinois, died January 9, 1940, in Wichita Falls, Texas. Application based on service in Captain Andrew C. Tackitt’s Young County Company from January 6, 1874, to
March 4, 1874. Application approved.
JOLLY, James P. (Ind. Sur. No. 15194}
Application based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s
Company B from September 8, 1870, to May 15, 1871.
Although the disposition of his application is not a matter of record, it is noted that other applicants received
pensions for service in Captain Cox’s company in 1870
and 1871.
The absence of additional information is a result of the
loss of Jolly’s pension file in the National Archives.
JONES, Gerry (Ind. Sur. No. 14136}
Born May 24, 1852, at Curry’s Creek, Texas, died
November 5, 1937, in Legion, Texas. Married Elizabeth
Rebecca Putnam October 2, 1888, in Kendalia, Texas,
she died June 26, 1914, in San Antonio, Texas. Application based on service in Company F of the Frontier
Battalion from September 1, 1875, to November 30,
1875, and again from 1876 to 1877. Application approved.
From 1886 to 1888, he served in Company D of the
Frontier Battalion commanded by his brother, Captain
Frank Jones.
JONES, John I.
JONESI Henrietta {Ind. Wid. No. 12614}
Died August 13, 1905, in McCulloch County, Texas.
Married Henrietta Epsy August 20, 1873, in Lampasas,
Texas; she was born November 27, 1856, died February
7, 1930. Application based on service in Captain George
Haynie’s Lampasas County Company from 1872 to 1874.
Application approved.
JONES, John W. {Ind. Sur. No. 14492}
Born November 6, 1840, in Columbus, Mississippi.
Marital status not shown in file. Application based on
service in the Callahan County Company from October 6,
1873, to March 6, 1874. Application rejected.
When Jones submitted his application in 1917, he
stated that he had served as Sheriff of CaUahan County,
Texas, for twenty years. He also related that he had
received a "gun shot wound in left elbow" which left a
scar that was "very marked."
JONES, William B. {Ind. Sur. No. 13479}
Born February 12, 1837, in Person County, North
Carolina, died July 26, 1926, in Baird, Texas. Married
Margaret Evelyn Hanna September 18, 1879, in Brownwood, Texas; she was born July 15, 1857, died in 1945.
Application based on service in Captain W.J, Maltby’s
Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June 6, 1874,
to December 13, 1874. Application approved.
Indications are that Jones was wounded during the
War Between the States.
JONES, William Bell (Ind. Sur. No. 15352}
Born October 2, 1846, in Mississippi. Married first
Mary Esther Lee. Married second Katherine {maiden
name not stated} in 1881 in Bosque County, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain I.C. Mullen’s
Coleman County Company from June, 1863, to January
1, 1867. Application rejected.
JONES, William Kenner {Ind. Sur. No. 12539}
Born April 4, 1849, near Seguin, Texas, died
December 9, 1925. Married Rosilla P. Saner December 6,
1877, in Boerne, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from June 4, 1874, to June 4, 1875. Application
JUNGMANN, Peter (Ind. Sur. No. 11187)
Born February 2, 1854, in Bexar County, Texas, died
March 14, 1924, in Lacoste, Texas. Married Minnie Reicherzer October 30, 1877, in Castroville, Texas; she was
born November 12, 1858, died January 7, 1936, in
Medina County, Texas. Application based on service in~
Captain H.J. Richarz’s Company E from September 9,
1870, to June 15, 1871. Application approved.
KAISER, Frank C. (Ind. Sur. No. 11188)
Born December 15, 1849, in Bexar County, Texas,
died February 14, 1930. Married Mary J. Putnam January 21, 1875, in Boerne, Texas. Application based on
service in Captain J.W. Sansom’s Company C from August 25, 1870, to May 30, 1871. Application approved.
KEITH, Marjorie C. (Ind. Wid. No. 13146)
Died August 17, 1893, in Dublin, Texas. Married
Margaret Catherine Arthur March 23, 1871; she was
born July 25, 1855, in Shreveport, Louisiana, died February 14, 1952, in Abilene, Texas. Application based on
service in Lieutenant C.M. O’Neal’s Company Z of Erath
County from December 18, 1872, to April, 1874. Application approved.
KEITH, George M. (Ind. Sur. No. 14337}
Born September 5, 1850, near Greenville, Texas, died
April 16, 1932, in Abilene, Texas. Married Sarah P.
Emerson in July, 1871, Stephenville, Texas; she was
born November 2, 1854, died in 1943. Application based
on service in Lieutenant C.M. O~Neal’s Company Z of
Erath County from December, 1872, to April, 1874.
Application approved.
KEITH, Stephen Perry
KEITH, Mary E. {Ind. Wid. No. 13147)
Born March I0, 1852, in Texas, died January 10, 1916,
in Los Angeles, California. Married Mary E. Kirk February 2, 1871, in Weatherford, Texas; she was born February 13, 1856, died November 29, 1933. Application
based on service in Lieutenant C.M. O’Neal’s Company
Z of Erath County from December 18, 1872, to April 10,
1874, Application approved.
KELLY, Joseph (Ind. Sur. No. 8929)
Born October 18, 1834, in Tishimingo County, Mississippi. Married first Nancy Jane Wright January 27,
1859; she died January 27, 1895, in Utopia, Texas. Married second Mary Reed in 1895 or 1896 in Hondo, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain W.R. Henry’s
Uvalde County Company from June 19, 1859, to September 19, 1859. Application rejected.
Kelley stated that he served in Company B, Thirtythird Texas Cavalry while in the Confederate Army.
KELLY, William T. (Ind. Sur. No. 12316)
Born March 6, 1850, in Austin. Texas. Marital status
not shown in file. Application based on service in Caprain James M. Swisher’s company from September 6,
1870, to February 6, 1871. Application rejected.
KENNEY, John J. (Ind. Sur. No. 14634)
Born April 10, 1857, in San Antonio, Texas, died February 2, 1935, in San Antonio. Married first Kate Malone
November 5, 1877, in Bexar County, Texas; she died
April 8, 1905, in San Antonio. Married second Mrs.
Margaret McCloskey Banks May 1, 1918, in San Antonio. Application based on service in Captain Neal
Coldwell’s Company of the Frontier Battalion from June
4, 1874, to June 4, 1875. Application approved.
KENNY, Martin M
KENNEY, Annie M. (Ind. Wid. No. 13303}
Died February 8, 1907, in Austin, Texas. Married
Annie Matthews February 7, 1877, in Washington
County, Texas; she was born January 9, 1845, died
March 15, I928. Application based on service as Quartermaster Captain in the Frontier Battalion from May
16, 1874, to March 16, 1875. Application approved.
In her application Kenney’s widow stated that he had
served as Captain of Company K, Twenty-first Texas
Cavalry in the Confederate Army.
KIMBRES, Charles {Ind. Sur. No. 156541
Born June 4, 1852, in Macon, Georgia, died December
31, 1929, at Myrtle Springs, Texas. Married Carrie E.
Atwood October 2, 1880, in Linden, Texas; she was born
May 6, 1866, in Illinois, died March 24, 1937, in Wills
Point, Texas. Application based on service in Company
B of the Frontier Battalion from November 1, 1876, to
August, 1877, and in Captain June Peak’s Company B
from October 15, 1878, to August 1, 1879. Application
appears to have been approved.
The adjutant General of Texas notified the Commis-
sioner of Pensions that Kimbrew’s name does not appear
on th0 rolls of Company B from November 1, 1876, to
August, 1877.
KINCAID, Louraney M. {Ind. Wid. No. 13399)
Died April 26, 1901, in Weatherford, Texas. Married
Louraney Matilda Deaver February 4, 1875, in
Stephenville, Texas; she was born December 19, 1852.
Application based on service in Captain John R. Waller’s
Company A of the Frontier Battalion from May 25,
1874, to December 23, 1874. Disposition of application
not shown.
KING, John Willis {Ind. Sur. No. 13616}
Born December 9, 1846, in Polk County, Texas, died
June 25, I928, in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Married Martha
Emma Jane Gore July 30, 1876, in Parker County, Texas; she died August 25, 1901, in Rogers, Oklahoma. Application based on service in Captain Willis Hunter’s
Company P from August 19, 1872, to August 18, 1873.
Application approved.
KIRKPATRICK, John A. (Ind. Sur. No. 14171}
Born October 25, 1853, in Green County, Indiana,
died December 17, 1917, in Canyon, Texas. Married
Cora Avis Miller June 24, 1886, in Doans, Texas; she
was born March 9, 1871. Application based on service in
Lieutenant George Campbell’s Company B of the Frontier Battalion from June 16, 1877, to December 1, 1877.
Application approved.
Although Kirkpatrick died before his application was
approved, his widow received a pension for his service.
KISINGER, George (Ind. Sur. No. 12545)
Born August 28, 1842, in Van Buren County, Iowa,
died October 27, 1922. Marital status not stated. Appli57
cation based on service in Company B of the Frontier
Battalion from June 1, 1875, to August 31, 1875. Application approved.
KNIGHT, Kate (Ind. Wid. No. 12863)
Died February 15, 1876, in Lampasas County, Texas.
Married Katherine L. Espy June 9, 1864, in Burner
County, Texas; she was born November 23, 1846. Application based on service in Lieutenant A.P. Lee’s Company M from February 22, 1873, to April 30, 1873. Disposition of application not shown.
According to a statement in this file, Knight was murdered.
KNIGHT, Lewis Walton
KNIGHT, Annie (Ind. Wid. No. 13223)
Died in 1902 in Lampasas County, Texas. Married
Mrs. Annie Kemper Espy February 27, 1871, in Lampasas, Texas; she was born December 29, 1848, died
July 9, 1930. Application based on service in Captain
George Haynie’s company from 1872 to March 24, 1874.
Application approved.
KNOWLES, Jefferson Troupe
KNOWLES, Mary S. (Ind. Wid. No. 13094)
Born in Troup County, Georgia, died September 23,
1911, in Waco, Texas. Married Mrs. Mary S. Park
August 10, 1863, in Hamilton County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain T.C. Frost’s company
from January 1, 1859, to January 1, 1861. Although the
application was rejected, it appears that Knowles’ widow
died prior to the rejection.
LA FORGE, Alexander (Ind. Sur. No. 9378)
Born August 21, 1831, in Brookville, Indiana. Married
Emily Jennings December 27, 1855, in Burnet County,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain W.J.
Maltby’s company for an unspecified period ending in
1859 or 1860. Application rejected.
LAMBERT, Madison C. {Ind. Sur. No. 14191}
Born August 17, 1848, near Lebanon, Missouri. Married Louzetta A. Russell August 31, 1880, at Buffalo
Gap, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
W.C. McAdams’ Palo Pinto County Company from
December 13, 1873, to April 13, 1874. Disposition of application not shown.
LAREMORE, Rachel A. lind. Wid. No. 12864}
Born in Washington County, Arkansas, died June 13,
1909, in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Married Rachel A. Fanning July 4, 1866, in Fredericksburg, Texas; she was
born Aug~ist 9, 1849, died April 8, 1948. Application
based on service in Captain John W. Sansom’s Company
C from August 25, 1870, to May 30, 1871. Application
LAWHON, John W. {Ind. Sur. No. 14342}
Born September 25, 1852, Kendall County, Texas,
died June 4, 1944, in San Antonio, Texas. Married Sarah
Ann Gourley June 1, 1875, at Curry’s Creek, Texas. Application based on service in Company C from February
4, 1872, to March 1, 1874. Application approved.
LEAF, Hiram
LEAF, Noma lind. Wid. No. 13651}
Died March 10, 1906, in Marietta, Oklahoma. Married
Noma Stroud May 8, 1870, in Montague, Texas; she was
born May 27, 1854. Application based on service in
Lieutenant Overton’s company from Montague County
from May or June, 1871, to October, 1872. Application
LEASMAN, Frederick William
{Ind. Sur. No. 13494)
Born February 4, 1845, or 1846 in Hanover, Germany,
died July 13, 1939, in Wilson County, Texas. Married
Sarah G. Wilkinson June 4, 1874, in Atascosa County,
Texas; she was born January 23, 1856, in Gonzales
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
John W. Sansom’s Company C from August 25, 1870, to
May 30, 1871. Application approved.
Leasman’s name also appears as Fraedrech and was on
occasion signed as "Frad."
LEDBETTER, William Henry (Ind. Sur. No. 13944}
Born December 5, 1843, in Pulaski, Tennessee, died
June 29, 1918, in Locker, Texas. Married Jeannettie F.
Bomar October 31, 1866, in San Saba County, Texas;
she was born May 25, 1850, in Lebanon, Tennessee, died
August 17, 1935, at Richland Springs, Texas. Application based on service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion from May 24, 1874, to December 9, 1874. Application approved.
Ledbetter also served in the San Saba County Company from 1872 to 1874.
LEE, George Washington (Ind. Sur. No. 13901}
Born in 1847 near Jonesboro, Georgia, died January
27, 1928, in Leander, Texas. Married Sarah Catherine
West August 14, 1873, in Austin, Texas; she was born
April 29, 1856, in Pulaski, Tennessee, died June 29,
1938. Application based on service in Captain J.M.
Swisher’s Company P from September 15, 1870, to February 5, 1871. Application approved.
According to Lee, his exact birth date was not known.
LEE, Haratio Grooms {Ind. Sur. No. 12552}
Born January 29, 1848, in Austin, Texas, died November 28, 1923. Marital status not shown. Application
based on service in Captain C.R. Perry’s Company D of
the Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to December
9, 1874. Application approved.
LETCH, Christian (Ind. Sur. No. 14582)
Born April 20, 1851, in Germany, died April 13, 1928,
in Waco, Texas. Married first Lou Chapman in Austin,
Texas; she died in Austin. Married second Mrs. Bettie
Foster Davins November 15, 1880, in Waco. Application
based on service in Captain John R. Kelso’s Company D
from September 10, 1870, to January 20, 1871. Application approved.
The records are not clear as to whether Letch’s name
was Christian George or George Christian, Although his
second wife had been twice widowed, her name appears
on their marriage license as "Miss Bettie Foster."
LEWIS, Asa Lee (Ind. Sur. No. 13484)
Born July 19, 1849, near Anahuac, Texas. Married
Mary Matilda Sorrells July 27, 1871, in Gonzales
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
D.P. Baker’s Company F from November 5, 1870, to
June 15, 1871. Application approved.
LEWIS, Harrison
LEWIS, Martha Ann (Ind. Wid. No. 13422)
Born November 18, 1829, in Illinois, died January 11,
1913, in Blanco County, Texas. Married Martha Ann
Pearson August 1, 1861, in Travis County, Texas, she
was born April 8, 1842, died July 9, 1924. Application
based on service in Lieutenant James Ingram’s Company A of Blanco County from July 15, 1872, to November 17, 1872. Application approved.
Lewis’ widow stated that he served as a Confederate
soldier from 1862 to 1865.
LEWIS, John H. (Ind. Sur. No. 14581)
Born October 1, 1852, in Petersburg, Texas, died in
1926. Married Eliza Zilphy Morris March 18, 1873, in
Gonzales County, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain D.P. Baker’s Company F from November 5,
1870, to June 15, 1871. Application approved.
LEWIS, James P. (Ind. Sur. No. 120081
Born July 2, 1853, in Louisiana, died September 29,
1933, in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Married Thyrza Ann
Tanner December 27, 1877, in Bandera County, Texas;
she died in 1941. Application based on service in Captain
Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion
from June 4, 1874, to December 1, 1874. Application ap°
Lewis stated that he was six months old when his
family moved from Louisiana.
LEWIS, William Winslow (Ind. Sur. No. 13702)
Born September 7, 1855, in Carrollton, Kentucky,
died October 20, 1934, in Menard, Texas. Married Nina
B. Splittgerber April 3, 1879, in Menard. Application
based on service in Captain C.R. Perry’s Company D of
the Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to May 25,
1875, and from April 1, 1876, to August 31, 1877. Application approved.
According to Lewis’ application, he left Kentucky
when he was sixteen years of age.
LICHLYTER, Frederick Anderson
(Ind. Sur: No. 13262)
Born March 15, 1831, in Jefferson County. Tennessee.
died September 18, 1922, in Decatur, Texas. Married
Martha Isabel Foster February 3, 1875, in Decatur; she
was born July 4, 1851, died August 2, 1924. Application
based on service in Captain G.W. Stevens’ Company B
of the Frontier Battalion from May 16, 1874, to December 10, 1874. Application approved.
LITTLETON, James Alexander
(Ind. Sur. No. - not stated in file)
Born August 13, 1840, in Grenada, Mississippi, died
November 18, 1913, in Austin, Texas. Married Anna S.
Phillips June 21, 1868; she was born in 1850 in Gonzales,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain John
Littleton’s company from 1859 to 1860 in the Cortina
War. Although it appears that Littleton’s application
was approved, his widow’s application was rejected
because of her inability to furnish sufficient information
relating to his service.
Information in the file shows that Littleton died in the
"old soldiers home" in Austin, which no doubt is a reference to the Confederate Home. His pension may have
been based on service in the Confederate Army rather
than as a Ranger.
LITTON, William M. (Ind. Sur. No. 13621)
Born July 24, 1851, at Old Hog Eye, Texas, died
September 5, 1936, in Ranger, Texas. Married first Sallie Potts October 22, 1874; she died February 15, 1889, in
WiUiamson County, Texas. Married second Mrs. Nancy
Ann Williams Redus August 12, 1891, in Elgin, Texas.
Application based on service in Company K from
September 16, 1870, to December 31, 1870. Application
LOCKETT, Samuel C. (Ind. Sur. No. 13703)
Born April 4, 1853, in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, died
June 8, 1922, in Temple, Texas. Married Elizabeth Ruth
Kincheloe December 30, 1873, in Burnet County, Texas;
she was born August 7, 1854. Application based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B from September
8, 1870, to May 15, 1871. Application approved.
LONG, Commodore P. (Ind. Sur. No. 14399)
Born January 26, 1846, in Robertson County, Tennessee, died July 2, 1920, at Veal Station, Texas. Married
Sarah Ann Johnson March 4, 1870, in Tarrant County,
Texas; she was born in 1852. Application based on service in Captain Willis L. Hunter’s Parker County Company from December 24, 1873, to March 29, 1874. Application approved.
LONG, Martha Ann (Ind. Wid. No. 12640}
Died March 8, 1913, in Decatur, Texas. Married first
Julia Adams about 1865 in Wise County, Texas; she died
September 5, 1873, in Wise County. Married second
Martha Ann Jarman September 5, 1878, in Decatur; she
was born May 11, 1852. Application based on service in
Captain G.W. Stevens’ Company B of the Frontier Battalion from May 16, 1874, to 1876. Disposition of application not shown.
Following his service in Company B, Long served as
commanding officer of Company A of the Frontier Battalion. He was a participant in the battle of Lost Valley,
Texas, in 1874.
LONG, William M. (Ind. Sur. No. 13268)
Born February 10, 1849, in Robertson County, Tennessee, died in 1923. Married first Tilly Florence about
1891; divorced about 1891 in Weatherford, Texas. Married second Mary Elizabeth Haizlip about 1895 in Parker
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
Willis L. Hunter’s Parker County Company from
December 24, 1873, to March 29, 1874. Application approved.
LOWRANCE, William J. (Ind. Sur. No. 12558)
Born May 26, 1853, in Mason County, Illinois, died in
February, 1928. Never married. Application based on
service in Captain J.M. Ellis’ Coleman County Company
in 1873, in Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company E of the
Frontier Battalion from June 6, 1874, to December 12,
1874, and in Captain John E. Sparks’ Company C of the
Frontier Battalion from 1876 to 1877. Application approved.
LOWREY, Andrew Stephens (Ind. Sur. No. 13489)
Born March 23, 1849, in Webster County, Georgia,
died October 1, 1930, in Columbus, Texas. Married first
Ora Walker December 31, 1879; she died May 14, 1892.
Married second Virginia Little; she died in February,
1898. Married third Lulu Strahan February 5, 1900, in
Columbus; she was born August 23, 1869, in Colorado
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
L.H. McNelly’s Special Force from June 23, 1875, to
December 24, 1875. Application rejected.
LUCY, James E. (Ind. Sur. No. 12560}
Born May 1, 1854, in Saint Clair, Missouri. Married
Jennie Platt in 1882 in Austin, Texas; she died in 1885.
Application based on service in Captain J.L. Hall’s
Special Force from July 15, 1877, to August 31, 1877,
and in Captain Dan Roberts’ Company D of the Frontier
Battalion from 1877 to about 1880. Application rejected.
At the time of his application, Lucy stated that he had
served as Chief of Police in Austin since his discharge.
LYNCH, Henry D.
LYNCH, Mary J. lind. Wid. No. 12645)
Died September 15, 1902, in Springtown, Texas. Married Mary J. Allen October 17, 1878; she was born January 23, 1860, died in 1943. Application based on service
in Captain G.W. Stevens’ Company B of the Frontier
Battalion from September 1, 1875, to March 31, 1878.
Application approved.
McCRACKEN, Ewing Nathaniel (Ind. Sur. No. 13491}
Born December 19, 1853, in Madison County, Arkansas, died May 18, 1930, in Crosby County, Texas.
Married Martha F. Welch April 28, 1878, in Springtown,
Texas; she was born January 28, 1863, in Buchanan
County, Missouri, died May 3, 1938, in Childress,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain W.L.
Hunter’s Parker County Company from December 24,
1873, to March 29, 1874, and in Lieutenant Ira Long’s
Company A of the Frontier Battalion from September 8,
1875, to August 15, 1876. Disposition of application not
Following his death, McCracken’s widow applied for
and received a pension based on his service.
McCRACKEN, John W. (Ind. Sur. No. 14141}
Born March 19, 1856, in Madison County, Arkansas,
died April 3, 1919, at Mineral Wells, Texas. Married
first Bettie Taylor in 1878, divorced September 9, 1912.
Married second Amie Davison May 31, 1915, in San
Antonio, Texas; she died June 28, 1965. Application
based on service in Captain W.L. Hunter’s Parker
County Company from December 24, 1873, to March 29,
1874. Application approved.
McDONALD, Cash (Ind. Sur. No. 12938}
Born September 16, 1849, in Lawrence County,
Missouri, died January 13, 1923, in Bowie, Texas.
Married Mahala M. Jackson September 29, 1870, in
Montague County, Texas; she was born March 30, 1852,
died June 2, 1925. Application based on service in Lieutenant J.J. Willingham’s Company U of Montague
County from April 20, 1872, to October, 1872. Application approved.
McDOWELL, "F.A." (Ind. Wid. No. 13012}
Died September 20, 1893, in Deming, New Mexico.
Married "F.A." Logan April 22, 1875, in Comanche,
Texas; she was born January 28, 1857. Application
based on service in Company A of the Frontier Battalion
from 1874 to April, 1875. Application rejected.
McDoweU’s widow stated that he served as "physician
and surgeon" of Company A.
McELROY, S.G. {Ind. Sur. No. 12022)
Born July 11, 1846, in McKenzie, Tennessee, died
August 10, 1938, at Center Point, Texas. Married Parthena Jane Forbes October 27, 1875, in Kerr County,
Texas; she died February 10, 1911. Application based on
service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the
Frontier Battalion from June 4, 1874, to June 4, 1875.
Application approved.
McKENZIE, George W. (Ind. Sur. No. 12939}
Born July 10, 1849, in Murray County, Georgia, died
January 17, 1925. Married Malinda C. Ratliff October
21, 1869, in Texas. Application based on service in
Company E of the Frontier Battalion from September 1,
1874, to August 31, 1875. Application approved.
Following his initial service in Company E, McKenzie
re-enlisted the day he was discharged, served for an undetermined period and was discharged for illness.
McROREY, W.E. (Ind. Sur. No. 15046}
Born March 11, 1852, in Haywood County, Tennessee.
Married Louisa Margaret Tomlinson November 5, 1873
or 1874, in Bell County, Texas. Application based on
service under the name of T.B. Forehand, apparently as
a substitute.
McWHORTER, John Sutton (Ind. Sur. No. 13495)
Born April 22, 1846, in Carlinville, Illinois, died
August 13, 1923, in Orting, Washington. Married first
Nancy Catherine Price March 1, 1876, in Brown County,
Texas; she died February 2, 1900, in Spokane, Washington. Married second Mrs. Rosanna Miller September 30,
1902; she was born July 7, 1861, died November 3, 1941.
Application based on service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June 6, 1874, to May 31, 1875. Application approved.
MAJORS, Thomas Jefferson
(Ind. Sur. No. 13907)
Born August 4, 1851, in Tippah County, Mississippi,
died June 21, 1930, in Brownwood, Texas. Married
Emeline F. Majors May 28, 1876, in Anderson County,
Texas; she was born November 22, 1858, in Parker
County, Texas, died January 25, 1932. Application
based on service in Captain J.G. Connell’s company
from January 6, 1874, to March 6, 1874. Application approved.
According to Majors, he also belonged to Captain
W.J. Maltby’s company at one time "but was not called
out." He refers to Captain Maltby’s Minute Man
company, whose members served only when faced with
threat of Indian attack.
MANN, Mary M. (Ind. Wid. No. 12659)
Died July 21, 1889, in Denver, Colorado. Married
Mary (maiden name not stated) December 20, 1871, at
Camp Colorado, Texas; she was born July 1, 1854.
Application based on service in Captain J.M. Elkins’
Company L of Coleman County from September 13,
1873, to February 1, 1874. Application rejected.
MANNING, William E. (Ind. Sur. No. 13634)
Born May 3, 1855, in De Soto County, Mississippi,
died September 12, 1926, in Maysville, Oklahoma.
Married Eugenia I. Ray January 2, 1878, or January 3,
1877, in Wise County, Texas; she was born November
25, 1857, died March 7, 1932, in Duncan, Oklahoma.
Application based on service in Company B of the Frontier Battalion from May 16, 1874, to August 31, 1875.
Application approved.
MARCRUM, S.W. (Ind. Sur. No. 15940)
Born November 24, 1834, in Franklin County, Alabama. Married first Lisa Strickland January 31, 1858;
she died in Erath County, Texas. Married second Lisa
Bennett May 2, 1869, in Conway, Arkansas. Application
based on service in Captain Tatton’s company, probably
from Erath County, from May 1, 1865, to July 20, 1866.
Application rejected.
MARLETT, William (Ind. Sur. No. 13497}
Born June 1, 1848, in Paoli, Indiana, died July 16,
1924. Married Parolee Alabama Reeves November 16,
1873, in Decatur, Texas; she was born October 22, 1857,
died April 15, 1897. Application based on service in Captain D.P. Baker’s Company F December 27, 1870, to
June 15, 1871. Application approved.
MARSHALL, Benjamin Franklin {Ind. Sur. No. 12340}
Born June 23, 1852, in Austin, Texas, died December
12, 1938, in Austin. Married Ida Todd December 3,
1890, in Montgomery, Alabama. Application based on
service in Captain James M. Swisher’s company P from
September 6, 1870, to November 28, 1870. Application
MARSHALL, Thomas Eiwood (Ind. Sur. No. 14671)
Born November 24, 1853, in Grant CoUnty, Indiana,
died July 4, 1926, in Spring City, Missouri. Married first
Isabelle Martin February 13, 1879, in Wise County,
Texas; she died May 10, 1888, in Wise County. Married
second Mrs. Drucilla Catherine Cummins Giles October
20, 1894, in Newton County, died in 1944. Application
based on service in Captain G.W. Stevens’ Company B
of the Frontier Battalion from May 16, 1874, to December 10, 1874. Application approved.
MASSEGEE, J.R. (Ind. Sur. No. 14495)
Born June 3, 1850, near Nashville, Tennessee. Married Nettie S. Buckner October 2, 1876, in Wise County,
Texas. Application based on service in Company C of the
Frontier Battalion from May 24, 1874, to December 29,
1874. Disposition of the application not shown.
MATHER, Andrew (Ind. Sur. No. 12572)
Born June 11, 1851, at Gabriel Mills, Texas, died July
23, 1929. Married Mary Ellender Carrell November 19,
1878, at Gabriel Mills. Application based on service in
Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company of the Frontier Battalion from May 30, 1874, to December 12, 1874. Application approved.
MAUPIN, Columbus H. (Ind. Sur. No. 14237)
Born January 15, 1855, in Ray County, Missouri, died
May 3, 1933, in Weatherford, Texas. Married Lucinda
A. Long June 6. 1894, in Parker County, Texas; she was
born February 8, 1865, died in 1951. application based
on service in Captain W.L. Hunter’s Parker County
Company from December 24, 1873, to March 29, 1874.
Application approved.
His name appears on the company rolls as "Dock"
Maupin, the name by which he was known in Parker
MAXWELL, Enoch A. (Ind. Sur. No. 14586)
Born January 16, 1853, in Lawrence County, Missouri, died June 17, 1921, in Berryville, Arkansas.
Married first Virginia Lamar August 10, 1875; she died
November 8, 1878, in Johnson County, Texas. Married
second Nancy Isabell Simpson December 24, 1884, in
Cottonwood, Arkansas. Application based on service in
Captain W.L. Hunter’s Parker County Company from
December 24, 1873, to March 29, 1874. Application approved.
MAXWELL, "R.J." (Ind. Wid. No. 13376)
Died May 18, 1906, in Lampasas, Texas. Married first
Missouri (maiden name not stated); she died about
March 17, 1884. Married second Mrs. R.J. Townsley
March 27, 1887, in Lampasas; she was born March 30,
1851. Application abandoned.
MAXWELL, Thomas Benton (Ind Sur. No. 14351)
Born December 11, 1850, in Lawrence County, Missouri, died March 2, 1937. Married Theodotia Orlena
Scoggin February 18, 1877, in Parker County, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain W.L. Hunter’s
Parker County Company from December 24, 1873, to
March 12, 1874. Application approved.
MILLER, Thomas W.
MILLER, Mary A. (Ind. Wid. No. 13779)
Born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, died April 19, 1904,
in Acme, Texas. Married Mary A. McGee October 18,
1855, in Gatesville, Texas. Application based on service
in Captain Sassnam’s company from November 1, 1861,
to 1862. Application rejected.
This file is marked "No record of the man or organization has been found from the data furnished." Miller’s
widow stated that the company in which he served was a
part of the Texas Frontier Regiment, a Confederate unit
not formed until 1862, but such service would not qualify
him for a pension from the United States government.
MILLICAN, Mary {Ind. Wid. No. 12676}
Born in Jackson County, Republic of Texas, died July
3, 1909, in Comanche, Texas. Married Mary L. Ellis
December 22, 1855, in Brazos County, Texas. Application based on service in Company A of the Frontier
Battalion in 1874. Application abandoned.
MILUM, Bartley B. (Ind. Sur. No. 12579}
Born February 13, 1852, in Arkansas, died September
28, 1937. Married first Nancy Thurmon in 1872; she died
in 1873, near Austin, Texas. Married second Eliza Jane
Johnson June 14, 1874, near Austin; she ~vas born in
1855, died October 13, 1939. Application based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B from September
22, 1870, to May 31, 1871. Application approved.
MILUM, John B. (Ind. Sur. No. 15936)
Born August 16, 1851, in Hickman County, Tennessee, died December 18, 1934, in Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Married Mary E. Black in Marion County, Arkansas;
she died March 13, 1920. Application based on service in
Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B from September 8,
1870, to May 30, 1871. Application approved.
MINEAR, Joseph William (Ind. Sur. No. 11213)
Born March 28, 1850, in Lampasas County, Texas,
died October 6, 1923, in San Antnoio, Texas. Married
Harriet E. Wright September 20, 1888, in Bandera
County, Texas; she was born December 11, 1859, died
December 30, 1940. Application based on service in
Captain John W. Sansom’s Company C from August 25,
1870, to May 31, I871. Application approved.
MONIER, Frank (Ind. Sur. No. 12049}
Born March 28, 1848, in Castroville, Texas, died February 15, 1933, in Natalia, Texas. Married first Maria
Rombold in 1893; she died in 1912 in Castroville.
Married second Mrs. Antonia Salinas Conroe June 17,
1914, in Medina County, Texas; she was born in Piedras
Negras, Mexico. Application based on service in Captain
H.J. Richarz’ Company F from September 9, 1870, to
June 15, 1871. Application approved.
MONTGOMERY, James M. (Ind. Sur. No. 13329)
Born January 26, 1837, in Amite County, Mississippi,
died May 16, 1914, in Calirette, Texas. Married F.
Howkins March 11, 1865, in East Pascagoula, Mississippi; she was born Spetember 5, 1836. Application
based on service in Captain Travis Ashby’s Company I
from April 5, 1861, to April 10, 1862. Application
Captain Ashby’s company was a part of General
Henry McCulloch’s regiment, which was raised to occupy the forts on the West Texas frontier abandoned by
United States troops at the outbreak of the War Between
the States. Montgomery stated that he served in the
Confederate Army four years, but the war lasted only
three years following his service in Ashby’s company.
MOORE, Hughes C.
MOORE, Alice (Ind. Wid. No. 12679}
Died January 16, 1915, at Center Point, Texas.
Married Alice Connor January 11, 1871, at Center Point;
she was born April 15, 1852, died December 24, 1938.
Application based on service in Captain Neal ColdweU’s
Company of the Frontier Battalion from June 29, 1875,
to August 31, 1875. Application approved.
MOORE, Richard Bluford (Ind. Sur. No. 13297)
Born March 30, 1851, in Henderson County, Texas,
died June 9, 1929, in Mineral Wells, Texas. Married
Mrs. Gillie McMillan Armitage November 10, 1878, in
Bristol, Texas; she was born August 1, 1852, in Scott
County, Mississippi, died May 20, 1950, in Abilene,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain Neal
Coldwell’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from
September 1, 1875, to November 30, 1875, and from
April 1, 1876, to August 31, 1876. Application approved.
MOORE, William A. (Ind. Sur. No. 14588)
Born January 2, 1848, in Warren County, Missouri,
died January 24, 1931, in Palo Pinto County, Texas.
Married first Bettie Hittson March 4, 1880; she died
April 26, 1892, in Mineral Wells, Texas. Married second
Margaret Harris May 7, 1893, in Mineral Wells; she was
born May 13, 1865, in Nashville, Tennessee, died January 5, 1937, in Mineral Wells. Application based on service in Captain W.C. McAdams’ Palo Pinto County
Company from December 13, 1873, to April 13, 1874.
Application approved.
MORELAND, Elizabeth (Ind. Wid. No. 13452)
Born September 30, 1848, in Tennessee, died February
9, 1914, in Burnet, Texas. Married Elizabeth Smith January 8, 1880; she was born July 20, 1851, died July 18,
1930. Application based on service in Captain W.J.
Maltby’s Company E of the Frontier Battalion from
May 30, 1874, to December 12, 1874. Application approved.
MORGAN, Franklin James (Ind. Sur. No. 12053)
Born April 17, 1849, in Pennsylvania, died September
17, 1935, in San Antonio, Texas. Married Mrs. Elise H.
Wahrmund January 4, 1891, in Fredericksburg, Texas;
she was born January 1, 1856, in Fredericksburg, died
May 29, 1940, in San Antonio. Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from September 1, 1875, to August 31,
1876. Disposition of application not shown.
Morgan served under the name of Joseph White in a
Pennsylvania militia unit and in Company H, 213th
Regiment of Pennsylvania Infantry during the War
Between the’States.
MOSEL, John P. (Ind. Sur. No. 9410)
Born December 16, 1831, in Germany. Married
Christiene Cramm July 2, 1858, in Gillespie County,
Texas; she died March 16, 1908, in Gillespie County.
Application based on service in Captain Phillip
Braubach’s company from March, 1860, to October,
1860, and in Captain Hunter’s and Captain Davis’ Company A of the Texas Frontier Regiment from March 4,
1861, to April 9, 1865. He also alleged service in Captain
William Wahmund’s Gillespie County Company for an
unspecified period subsequent to the close of the War
Between the States. Application rejected.
Mosel stated that he immigrated to the United States
in 1846 and had resided continuously in Gillespie
County, Texas, since that time. His service in the Texas
Frontier Regiment from 1864 to 1865 was as a Confederate soldier; prior to the formation of that regiment
in 1862 he may have served in the First Texas Mounted
Riflemen, from which it was formed.
MOSELY, Louis (Ind. Sur. No. 15951)
Born April 3, 1837, in Bedford County, Tennessee.
Married first Bettie Coff in Grayson County, Texas.
Married second Annie Scott in Grayson County. Married
third Jane Stewart in Grayson County. Application
based on service in the Wise County Company from 1863
to 1865. Application rejected.
Mosely stated that his third wife was a widow at the
time of their marriage but did not indicate her former
married surname. Although this application was rejected
because Mosely did not render service to the United
States, he apparently did see action as evidenced by his
statement that "I was knocked in the head by the Indians and they went off and left me for dead." It is interesting to note that he further related that "I was the
only colored man in Wise County. John Burgle was my
MOURSUND, Albert Waddell (Ind. Sur. No. 12038}
Born May 13, 1845, near Tromsoe, Norway, died
December 29, 1927, in Fredericksburg, Texas. Married
Henrikke M: Mowinckel June 4, 1874, in Austin, Texas;
she was born March 26, 1854, in Travis County, Texas,
died May 18, 1942. Application based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B from September 8, 1870, to
May 31, 1871. Application approved.
MURPHY, William H. (Ind. Sur. No. 13509}
Born November 17, 1849, in La Grange, Texas, died
April 23, 1923, at Prairie Lea, Texas. Married first Caroline Bailey December 10, 1874; she died February 22,
1876, in Gonzales County, Texas. Married second
Louesia Ellis July 30, 1878, in Gonzales County; she was
born January 20, 1860, died December ll, 1846. Application based on service in Captain D.P. Baker’s Company F from November 5, 1870, to June 15, 1871. Application approved.
MURRAY, Newton Harris
MURRAY, Virginia F. lind. Wid. No. 13478}
Born in Liberty, Missouri, died February 6, 1890, in
Liberty. Married Virginia F. Odiorne September 12,
1876, in Blanco County, Texas; she was born April 15,
1851. Application based on service in Company D of the
Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to March 1, 1875.
Application abandoned.
MURRAY, Thomas (Ind. Sur. No. 14640)
Born September 13, 1846, in Woodford, Ireland, died
November 26, 1922, in Mason, Texas. Married Belle
Milligan October 25, 1875, in Mason; she was born June
27, 1857, died April 13, 1928. Application based on service in Captain Franklin Jones’ Company A from
August 25, 1870, to November 11, 1870. Application approved.
MURRILL, James H. {Ind. Sur. No. 14086)
Born May 17, 1844, in Reynolds County, Missouri,
died March 30, 1924, in Novice, Texas. Married Polly
Williams Slate October 20 or 21, 1880, in Atoka, Texas;
she was born November 15, 1861, died May 30, 1924.
Application based on service in Captain John R. Waller’s
Company A of the Frontier Battalion from May 25,
1874, to April 30, 1875. Application approved.
MUSSETT, John Sinnett (Ind. Sur. No. 12351)
Born October 3, 1848, in New Braunfels, Texas, died
December 29, 1933, in Austin, Texas. Married Mary
Elizabeth Davis July 10, 1881, in Round Rock, Texas;
she was born October 19, 1861, in Nashville, Tennessee.
Application based on service in Captain Jacob M. Harrell’s Company K from September 12, 1870, to February
20, 1871. Application approved.
NAEGELIN, Joseph {Ind. Sur. No. 9066)
Born January 1, 1842, in Hirtfelt, Alsace, died April
4, 1926, in Castroville, Texas. Married Theresia Meckler
July 8, 1872, in Castroville; she was born January 20,
1854. Application based on service in Captain H.J.
Richarz’s Company E from September 9, 1870, to June
15, 1871. Application approved.
According to his widow’s statement, Naegelin served
in the Confederate Army from 1862 to 1865.
NAH-AS-TOE (Ind. Sur. no. 15543}
Born in 1834 at Medicine Bluff {location not further
identified.} Married first Gee-so-ne-do near Guthrie,
Indian Territory. Married second How-wa near Anadarko, Indian Territory. Application based on service as
an Indian Scout in 1855. Application rejected.
In traditional Indian fashion, the applicant signed his
pension papers with his thumb print. He served under
the name Naistor but was unable to furnish details concerning the name of the Captain in whose company he
served or otherwise identify the unit. According to his
application, he also served as a scout in 1874.
NEILSON, George Gilaspie {Ind. Sur. No. 12971}
Born April 2, 1853, in Greene County, Tennessee, died
November 27, 1931, in Decatur, Texas. Married Florence
Idora Gibbs January 29, 1885, in Wise County, Texas,
died in 1945. Application based on service in Captain Ira
Long’s Company of the Frontier Battalion from September 8, 1875, to August 15, 1876. Application approved.
NELSON, Hiram Lewis (Ind. Sur. No. 12590}
Born November 9, 1835, in Washington County, Illinois, died in 1922. Married Olive McDonald August 9,
1855, in Fredericksburg, Texas. Application based on
service in Captain John W. Sansom’s Company C from
August 25, 1870, to May 30, 1871. Application approved.
Nelson stated that he also served in Captain Banta’s
Company from 1860 to 1861.
NELSON, William T. (Ind. Sur. No. 14361)
Born February 20, 1848, in Johnson County, Illinois,
died September 25, 1917, in Lakewood, New Mexico.
Married Mary E. Fanning September 1, 1869; she was
born February 14, 1854, died in 1944. Application based
on service in Captain John W. Sansom’s Company C
from August 25, 1870, to May 30, 1871. Application approved.
NESTER, Valentine (Ind. Sur. No. 11598)
Born February 15, 1849, in D’Hanis, Texas. Married
Regina Batot October 24, 1873, in D’Hanis. Application
based on service in Captain H.J. Richarz’s Company E
from September 9, 1870, to June 15, 1871. Although the
disposition of the application is not shown, it apparently
was approved.
NICHOLS, George Washington (Ind. Sur. No. 15883)
Born June 12, 1851, in Selma, Texas, died December
9, 1922, in Tempe, Arizona. Married Mary Catherine
Corbell March 7, 1872, in Center Point, Texas; she was
born July 12, 1854, died August 16, 1940, in Tempe. Apt}lication based on service in Captain John W. Sansom’s
Company C from August 25, 1870, to May 31, 1871.
Application approved.
NICHOLS, Henry Alonzo (Ind. Sur. No. 11218)
Born January 3, 1848, in Marion County, Illinois, died
October 24, 1923, in Brownwood, Texas. Married first
Mary Ellen Bird in March, 1871; she died in June, 1873,
in Byrds, Texas. Married second Harriet Elizabeth
McDaniel October 3, 1875, in Brown County, Texas; she
was born March 18, 1860, died February 18, 1946.
Application based on service in Lieutenant B.S. Foster’s
Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June 1, 1875,
to August 31, 1875. Application approved.
NICHOLS, Anna {Ind. Wid. No. 12903~
Born August 24, 1844, in Williamson County, Tennes.
see, died January’ 28, 1917, in Harper, Texas. Married
Anna Bierschwale December 24, 1867, in Kendall
County, Texas; she was born November 1, 1846, died in
1921. Application based on service in Captain John W.
Sansom’s Company C from August 25, 1870, to May 30,
1871. Application approved.
"According to his widow, Nichols also served as a Confederate soldier.
NIEMANN, Henry {Ind. Sur. No. 12977}
Born June 29, 1848, in Hanover, Prussia, Germany,
died May 3, 1927, in New Braunfels, Texas. Married
Minna Boenig December 8, 1872, in Geronomo, Texas;
she was born August 22, 1852, in New Braunfels, died
July 27, 1940, in Refugio County, Texas. Application
based on service in Captain H.R. Von Biberstein’s
Company G from October 10, 1870, to May 30, 1871.
Application approved.
NORFLEET, Jasper H.B. (Ind. Sur. No. 9159)
Born March 8, 1842, in De Soto County, Mississippi.
Married Mary A. Shaw December 5, 1861, in San Saba,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain Kirk
Mays’ Company from 1860 to 1861. Application
Norfleet also served in the Confederate army.
NORRIS, Robert (Ind. Sur. No. 11220}
Born January 13, 1851, in Nashville, Tennessee, died
January 31, 1934, in Denton County, Texas. Married
first Mary J. Mills; she died in Denton County. Married
second Mrs. Lillie (Neither maiden name nor surname
stated} about 1900; they were divorced about 1901 in
Denton County. Married third Mrs. Georgia Matilda
Russell June 29, 1904, in Rector, Texas; she was born
June 8, 1857, in Montgomery County, Alabama. Application approved.
NORTH, John H. (Ind. Sur. No. 14642)
Born July 12, 1853, in Scott County, Mississippi, died
August 20, 1923, in Globe, Arizona. Married Mattie
Blanche Ridley March 30, 1880, in Frio County, Texas;
she was born February 3, 1860. Application based on
service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the
Frontier Battalion from June 4, 1874, to June 4, 1875,
and from June 25, 1875, to August 31, 1875. Application
NOWOTNY, Frantz (Ind. Sur. No. 13640)
Born Octoberr 28, 1837, in Bechim, Austria, died
March 12, 1918, in New Braunfels, Texas. Married Mary
Daum in 1859, in Austin, Texas; she died October 17,
1899. Application based on service in Captain H.R. Von
Biberstein’s Company L from October 10, 1870, to April
30, 1871. Application approved.
In an apparent attempt to Americanize his name,
Nowotny served under the name of Francis Nootug, but
was pensioned under his true name.
NOWOTNY, John {Ind. Sur. No. 13641)
Born January 25, 1852, in Bechim, Austria, died April
21, 1937, in New Braunfels, Texas. Married Wilhelmina
Taush in February, 1875, in Comal County, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain H.R. Von Biberstein’s Company L from October 10, 1870, to April 30,
1871. Application approved.
As in the case of Frantz Now tny, he also served
under the name of Nootug. In an unexplained statement,
John Nowotny related that he had lived in Comal
County, Texas, since his service "except from 1889 to
1892 when I lived in exile" in Edwards County, Texas.
ODEN, Margaret (Ind. Wid. No. 10807}
Born in Saint Louis County, Missouri, died January
24 or 25, 1884, in Carrizo Springs, Texas. Married Margaret Smith in 1861 in Pleasanton, Texas. Application
based on service in Captain John Williams’ company and
in Captain Peter Tumlinson’s company for unspecified
periods in 1858 and 1859. Application rejected.
The details of Oden’s service were very confused in his
widow’s memory. She first stated that they were married
April 20, 1861, but later said the date was May 20, 1861.
ODIORNE, James G. (Ind. Sur. No. 135141
Born April 10, 1853, in Kentucky, died October 12,
1932, in Blanco County, Texas. Married Lee Trammel
Maddox January 9, 1872, in San Marcos, Texas; she was
born August 13, 1853, in Marion County, Alabama, died
June 5, 1934. Application based on service in Captain
A.H. Cox’s Company B from September 8, 1870, to May
15, 1871. Application approved.
O’NEILL, William (Ind. Sur. No. 12604}
Born June 20, 1851, in San Patricio County,Texas,
died February 8, 1932, in Beeville, Texas. Married Kate
Haley about 1910, later divorced. Application based on
service in Captain Bland Chamberlain’s Company H
from November, 1870, to March, 1871. Application
OWENS, Edward
OWENS, Mary E. (Ind. Wid. No. 13735)
Died November 11, 1877, in Henderson, Texas. Married Mary E. (maiden name not stated) July 13, 1851.
Application based on service in Captain D.B. Canada’s
company from April, 1870, to November 11, 1877.
Application rejected.
It is alleged in the application that Owens died in the
service as a member of Captain Canada’s company. A
notation in this file reads "The official records of the
United States afford no evidence of soldier’s service or
payment for service in above named company from 1870
to 1877, nor do the records on file in the archives of
Texas furnish any evidence of such service."
OWENS, William P. (Ind. Sur. No. 9128}
Born June 24, 1841, in Escambia County, Florida.
Married Martha Jane Driskill January 31, 1867, in Hays
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
William R. Henry’s company from June 19, 1859, to
September 20, 1859, and in Captain Hale’s company
from October 20, 1859, to January 20, 1860. Application
Owens indicated that he also served in Captain Montell’s company of Colonel Norris’ regiment against the
Comanches from 1862 to 1863. Colonel Norris commanded the Texas Frontier Regiment, a Confederate
PARKER, John Henry (Ind. Sur. No. 12607}
Born March 9, 1851, in Graves County, Kentucky,
died May 26, 1943, in San Antonio, Texas. Married
Calista Garcia March 7, 1884, in San Antonio; she died
June 22, 1911. Application based on service in Captain
W.C. McAdams’ Palo Pinto County Company from
December 13, 1873, to April 13, 1874. Application approved.
PARKER, Riley V. (Ind. Sur. No. 12608}
Born September 18, 1849, in Limestone County, Alabama, died April 20, 1920, in Pflugerville, Texas.
Married Mrs. Mary Black French January 21, 1874, in
Smithwick, Texas; she was born May 16, 1843, died
November 22, 1938. Application based on service in
Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B from September 8,
1870, to May 31, 1871. Application approved.
PARKS, Beverly Elred (Ind. Sur. No. 14674}
Born in 1854 in Missouri. Marital status not shown.
Application based on service in Captain W.C.
McAdams’ Palo Pinto County Company from December
13, 1873, to April 13, 1874. Application rejected.
In regard to his physical description, Parks stated
that his left shoulder was "stiff from a gun shot wound."
PATTERSON, Andy Gibson
PATTERSON, Malissa A. (Ind. Wid. No. 13818}
Died May 13, 1885, in Brown County, Texas. Married
first Sarah Jane Harrison; she died July 22, 1882, in
Brown County. Married second Malissa A. Hill December 6, 1883, in Brown County; she was born December
25, 1850 died February 5, 1939. Application based on
service in Captain G.S. Gitzhugh’s company from April
14, 1860, to October 25, 1860. Application approved.
Although no details are given, Patterson’s widow
stated that he was a veteran of the War Between the
PATTON, Samuel B. (Ind. Sur. No. 11783}
Born April 5, 1846, in Bastrop, Texas, died February
23, 1923, in Boerne, Texas. Married Mary E. Gravey
January 4, 1872, at Curry’s Creek, Texas; she was born
October 5, 1852, died January 18, 1929. Application
based on service in Captain J.W. Sansom’s Company C
from August 25, 1870, to May 31, 1871. Application
PATTON, Thomas F.
PATTON, Katie B.
(Ind. Wid. No. - not stated in file)
Died October 7, 1910, in Kendall County, Texas. Married Katie B. Gates June 8, 1882, in Kendall County; she
was born February 26, 1862, in Blanco, Texas, died January 1, 1957, in Cain City, Texas. Application based on
service in Company F of the Frontier Battalion from
1874 to August 20, 1877. Application approved.
PAULK, James K. (Ind. Sur. No. 11226)
Born March 11, 1850, in Ozark, Alabama. Married
America Grieves October 18, 1877, at Camp Colorado,
Texas; she was born October 31, 1859, at Camp Colorado, died in January, 1943. Application based on service
in Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June 6,
1874, to May 31, 1875. Application approved.
Paulk also served in Captain John M. Elkins’ Coleman
County Company from April 12, 1872, to June 1, 1874.
PEARCE, William Huston (Ind. Sur. No. 13517)
Born February 16, 1844, in Bradley County, Tennessee, died September 21, 1926, in Abernathy, Texas.
Married Louise H. Selvidge August 5, 1880, in Springtown, Texas; she was born in Polk County, Tennessee,
died March 2, 1950. Application based on service in
Company B of the Frontier Battalion from September 1,
1875, to November 30, 1875. Application approved.
In his application Pearce stated that he served "four
years in Confederate Army."
PEARSON, John Wilson (Ind. Sur. No. 14675)
Born May 19, 1850, in Arkansas. Married Martha
Caroline Kent May 28, 1874, in Blanco County, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain James Ingram’s
Company A of Blanco County. Application rejected.
Pearson indicated that he enlisted under the name of
A.L. Lackey. Although the reason is not stated, he may
have been serving as a substitute for Lackey.
PELHAM, Isaac T.
PELHAM, Nancy (Ind. Wid. No. 12015}
Died May 28, 1913, in Boswell, Oklahoma. Married
first Rachel Glass. Married second Nancy Brogdon
October 20, 1871, in Young County, Texas; she was born
January 6, 1855, in Alabama. Application based on unspecified service. Application rejected.
An effort was made to establish Pelham’s service as
having been in Company G, Eighteenth Texas Infantry,
a Confederate unit, but it did not prove to be successful.
Judging from the sketchy information furnished by Pelham’s widow, she knew little of his service other than it
occurred during the War Between the States.
PERIL, Rufus D. {Ind. Sur. No. 13974}
Born December 20, 1849, in Buffalo, Missouri, died
May 16, 1919, in Jewett, Texas. Married first Susan A.
Eller in December, 1873; she died November 21, 1879, in
Gillespie County, Texas. Married second Mrs. Emma J.
Taylor Peril January 1, 1902, in GiUespie County; she
was born August 31, 1863. Application based on service
in Captain H.R. Von Biberstein’s Company L from
October 10, 1870, to May 31, 1871. Application approved.
Peril’s second wife was the widow of his brother,
Robert O. Peril.
PERRIN, William F. {Ind. Sur. No. 13518}
Born November 24, 1850, in Collin County, Texas,
died February 23, 1928, in Sayre, Oklahoma. Married
first Nancy Ann Gose November 15, 1875; she died
December 24, 1885. Married second Mrs. Margaret Jane
Tinker Blevins November 12, 1899, in Montague
County, Texas; she was born November 19, 1841, in
Franklin County, Alabama, died April 17, 1936, in
Granite, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
G.W. Stevens’ Company B of the Frontier Battalion
from May 16, 1874, to December 10, 1874. Application
PERRY, Henry G. {Ind. Sur. No. 9130)
Born August 14, 1838, 1839 or 1840, in Wake County,
North Carolina. Married Alzada James September 10,
1865, in Florence, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain John H. Conner’s company from January 17,
1860, to May 8, 1860. Application approved.
From the information in this file, it appears that
Perry’s correct birth date is 1839. He also served in
Captain William O’Hair’s company in 1860.
PETERS, Nicholas (Ind. Sur. No. 11785)
Born May 6, 1847, in Hanover, Germany, died Febroary 21, 1923. Married Albertine Huese April 12, 1875,
in San Antonio, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain Peter Kleid’s Company H from August 29,
1870, to May 31, 1871. Application approved.
Peters stated that he enlisted in Company D, Thirtyfifty United States Infantry in New York City on
December 20, 1865, and was discharged in San Antonio
on December 20, 1868.
PICKENS, Bowen D. {Ind. Sur. No. 14369)
Born February 1, 1848, in Saltillo, Tennessee, died
May 13, 1942, in Corsicana, Texas. Married Caroline
Partain June 19, 1887, in Waxahachie, Texas; she was
born September 24, 1863, in Waxahachie. Application
based on service in Company A of the Frontier Battalion
from September 27, 1874, to December 22, 1874. Application approved.
PILAND, James Washington
(Ind. Sur. No. 14402)
Born September 15, 1849, in Gonzales, Texas, died
October 24, 1918, in Ennis, Texas. Married Nancy Elizabeth Curtis December 5, 1878, in Milford, Texas; she
was born November 16, 1855, died in 1944. Application
based on service in Company C of Kendall County from
February 4, 1872, to September 1, 1873. Application approved.
In regard to his description, Piland stated that he had
a "scar on my left thigh size of bullet hole,"
PINGENOT, Celestin
PINGENOT, Mina (Ind. Wid. No. - not stated in file)
Died November 18, 1918, in Cline, Texas. Married
Mina Korn January 1, 1881, in San Antonio, Texas; she
was born January 1, 1854, in New Braunfels, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain H.J. Richarz’s
Company E from September 9, 1870, to June 15, 1871.
Disposition of application not shown.
Pingenot also served in the Confederate Army.
POPE, John T. (Ind. Sur. No. 12615)
Born December 12, 1855, in Charleston, South Carolina, died January 8, 1935, in Anson, Texas. Married
Mary Alice Snider February 15, 1880, in Bosque County,
Texas; she was born October 17, 1859, in Newton
County, Missouri, died January 30, 1937, in Anson.
Application based on service in Company A of the Frontier Battalion from September 4, 1875, to November 30,
1875. Application approved.
PORTER, William P. (Ind. Sur. no. 9205)
Born in Carroll County, Arkansas. Married Margaret
Hightower January 15, 1866, in Green, Tille, Texas; she
died January 12, 1903. Application based on service in
Captain John Scanlan’s company from May, 1856, to
May, 1859. Application rejected.
Since Porter listed his birth date variously as May 16,
1844, July 16, 1844, and July 16, 1846, there may be
reason to question the accuracy of his recollections.
In addition to the service shown above, he also served
in a detachment under a Lieutenant John "Scanland"
from April 7, 1860, to June 6, 1860. He later had many
engagements with the Indians from 1862 to 1863 under
Captain "Schanlin" and Captain Bob Wallace although
this service did not qualify him for a pension; regarding
that service, he related that they had "many engagements with the Indians, being in one big battle with
Comanche Indians during the fall of 1863 in Cook
County, Texas, when many families were killed and his
own father, mother and sisters were killed and burned in
their own home. A few days later during the same raid he
received many wounds from the Indians."
POTTER, Cincinatus
POTTER, Mary E. (Ind. Sur. No. 138461
Born in Georgia, died October 17, 1891, or 1899, in
Cooke County, Texas. Married first Igiven name not
stated} Castile. Married second Mrs. Mary Ellen Savage
November 24, 1884, in Marysville, Texas; she was born
in 1844 in Allen County, Kentucky. Application based
on service as Captain of an unspecified company between
1861 and 1865. Application rejected.
Potter’s widow was not clear as to the dates of his service and listed both 1861, 1862, and 1863 as the date of
enlistment and both 1863 and 1865 as the date of discharge. Although it is possible that this was Confederate
service, it likely was in a state unit on the frontier.
POTTER, Drewey D. (Ind. Sur. No. 15277}
Born March 19, 1836, in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
Married first Minerva Catherine Jeffers or Jefferies September 22, 1868; she died December 20, 1869. Married
second Martha Lucinda Love. Application based on
service in Captain S. Green Davidson’s company from
May, 1861, to September, 1861. Application rejected.
This service was rendered in a unit of the First Texas
Mounted Riflemen during the War Between the States.
There is evidence that Potter may also have served from
March 20, 1860, to April 14, 1860, in a Ranger company
commanded by Davidson, but the record is not clear. On
one occasion Potter stated that his first service was in
PULTS, Napoleon Bonaparte (Ind. Sur. No. 145321
Born February 6, 1840, in Fentress County, Tennessee. Marital status not shown in the file. Application
based on service in Captain George W. Stevens’ Company B of the Frontier Battalion from June, 1874, to December 10, 1874. Disposition of application not shown.
RANDOLPH, Cary {Ind. Sur. No. 12620)
Born July 21, 1853, in Bellaire, Florida. Married Perry
Lee Clements May 1, 1889, in Lakewood, Texas. Application based on service in Company A of the Frontier
Battalion from September 23, 1876, to September 17,
1877. Application rejected.
RASCOE, William P.
RASCOE, Cornelia E. tInd. Wid. No. 13309)
Died August 3, 1902, in Coleman, Texas. Married
Cornelia E. Price September 24, 1879, in Coleman; she
was born December 8, 1859, died in 1920. Application
based on service in Company C of the Frontier Battalion
from 1876 to October 31, 1878. Application approved.
RAY, Joseph Warren (Ind. Sur. No. 13976)
Born January 2, 1851, in Warren County, Kentucky,
died July 13, 1920, in Plainview, Texas. Married Allie
May McQuigg September 6, 1882, in Montague, Texas;
she was born September 10, 1865, Application based on
service in Company B of the Frontier Battalion from
May 16, 1874, to May 31, 1875. Application approved.
REEVES, John Lawson (Ind. Sur. No. 13325}
Born January 21, 1852, in Rusk County, Texas, died
November 13, 1933, in Pecos, Texas. Married Nancy
Caroline (maiden name not stated) April 9, 1874, in Wise
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
G.W. Stevens’ Wise County Company from November
26, 1873, to March 26, 1874. Application approved.
Reeves stated that he also served in Lieutenant Rieger’s Wise County Company for an unspecified period
beginning March 2, 1872.
REEVES, William Thomas (Ind. Sur. No. 7100)
Born March 20, 1841, in Troup County, Georgia, died
September 1, 1910, in Austin, Texas. Married Cynthia
Talk December 2, 1860, in Oakville, Texas; she was born
August 16, 1844. Application based on service in Captain John Littleton’s company from 1858 to 1859 and
from October, 1860, to December, 1860, in the Cortina
War. Application rejected.
Reeves also served in Captain Duncan’s company in
an unspecified Confederate unit.
RICE, Pleasant Henderson (Ind. Sur. No. 15154)
Born August 19, 1850, in Rowan County, North
Carolina, died March 21, 1927, in Coalgate, Oklahoma.
Married Sarah Jane Watson January 14, 1872, in Travis
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
A.H. Cox’s Company B from September 8, 1870, to May
31, 1871. Application approved.
RICKETSON, Sarah A. (Ind. Wid. No. 13534)
Died November 20, 1916, in Burnet County, Texas.
Married Sarah Ann Harwell March 23, 1873, in Burnet
County; she was born December 29, 1850, died April 24,
1928. Application based on service in Captain James M.
Hunter’s Company I from September 12, I870, to January 24, 1871. Application approved.
RIEGER, James H. (Ind. Sur. No. 14142)
Born December 26, 1854, in Johnson County, Illinois,
died December 30, 1937, in Menard, Texas. Married
Catherine Akens Perrin November 17, 1875, in Decatur,
Texas; she was born April 23, 1855, died March 21, 1938.
Application based on service in Company B of the Frontier Battalion from May 16, 1874, to November 30, 1875.
Application approved.
RINGER, Hulda (Ind. Wid. No. 12743)
Died June 28, 1903, in San Angelo, Texas. Married
Hulda Dawson December 23, 1858, in Lampasas, Texas;
she was born February 23, 1843. Application based on
service in Captain John Williamson’s company from
November 2, 1858, to June 16, 1859. Application approved.
Ringer’s widow stated that he served in the Confederate Army.
ROBERSON, James A. (Ind. Sur. No. 12369)
Born November 28, 1849, in Fayette County, Alabama. Married Viola A. McLane May 7, 1874, in
Comanche, Texas. Application based on service in Lieutenant J.A. Wright,s Comanche County Company from
May 25, 1872, to October 1, 1872, and in Lieutenant
W.C. Watkins’ Comanche County Company from
September 19, 1873, to April 30, 1874. Application
Indications are that Roberson alleged that he rendered
some service as Alex Roberson. A notation in the file indicates the application was rejected because "the above
name does not appear on the rolls."
ROBERTS, Daniel Webster (Ind. Sur. No. 11233}
Born October 10, 1841, in Winston County, Mississippi, died February 6, 1935, in Austin, Texas. Married
Luvenia Conway September 13, 1875, in Columbus,
Texas; she was born September 14, 1849, died July 14,
1940. Application based on service in Company D of the
Frontier Battalion from May 28, 1874, to August 31,
1876, and from September 29, 1877, to February 28,
1878. Application approved.
One of the outstanding Captains in the Frontier Battalion, Roberts saw extended service against Indians
and in his application stated that he had "scars from
bullet wound through left thigh." He was the son of
another famous Indian fighter, Captain Alexander
"Buck" Roberts.
ROBERTS, Evan (Ind. Sur. No. 13333)
Born May 29, 1848, in Humphreys County, Tennessee, died March 9, 1922. Married Mrs. Mary Vance Reed
in October, 1874, in Decatur, Texas. Application based
on service in Captain G.W. Stevens’ Wise County Company from November 26, 1873, to March 28, 1874. Application approved.
ROBERTS, Moses Brown (Ind. Sur. No. 13716}
Born April 7, 1855, in McKinney, Texas. Married
Mrs. Chattie Elizabeth Duke Lewis in October, 1889, in
Decatur, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
G.W. Stevens’ Wise County Company from November
26, 1873, to March 28, 1874, and in Captain G.W. Stevens’ Company B of the Frontier Battalion from May 16,
1874, to December, 1874. Application approved.
ROBERTS, William H.
(Ind. Sur. No. - not stated in f’de)
Born October 6, 1861, in Travis County, Texas, died
February 14, 1958, in Big Spring, Texas. Marital status
not shown. Application based on service in Company E
of the Frontier Battalion from November 16, 1880, to
May 31, 1881, and in Company D of the Frontier Battalion from December 1, 1881, to August 31, 1882. Application approved.
Although Roberts was listed as a widower at the time
of his death, his file contains no information on his
marriage. It was his distinction to be the last survivor of
the Frontier Battalion.
ROBERTSON, Walter M. (Ind. Sur. No. 12372)
Born July 26, 1853, in Austin, Texas, died January
28, 1930, at Hornsby’s Bend, Texas. Married Margaret
Adelia Hornsby May 15, 1878, at Hornsby’s Bend; she
was born July 20, 1862, at Hornsby’s Bend, died July
15, 1938. Application based on service in Company D of
the Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to December
9, 1874. Application approved.
Robertson, who served as a Deputy Sheriff and Constable in Travis County, Texas, related that he had a
"slight bullet wound between elbow and wrist on left
ROBINSON, William H. (Ind. Sur. No. 13337)
Born January 11, 1855, in Uvalde, Texas, died
September 7, 1939, in Sabinal, Texas. Married Alice E.
Smith in 1882 in Uvalde. Application based on service in
Company F of the Frontier Battalion from May 6, 1877,
to August 18, 1878. Application approved.
RODGERS, Norman N. (Ind. Sur. No. 13027}
Born October 14, 1854 or 1855, in New Orleans,
Louisiana, died September 24, 1928, in Post, Texas.
Married Frances Marian Williams December 26, 1876, in
Weatherford, Texas; she was born June 5, 1854, died
April 6, 1930. Application based on service in Company
D of the Frontier Battalion from September 1, 1875, to
May 13, 1876. Application approved.
ROE, Francis Marion (Ind. Sur. No. 9307}
Born January 11, 1835, in Early County, Georgia.
Married first Martha E. Griffin or Griffith in April,
1865, in Caldwell, Texas; she died in August, 1885, in
Paige, Texas. Married second Mary Louise Pammor or
Pammer October 21, 1891, in Caldwell. Application
based on service in Captain Joe Rubarth’s company from
1855 to 1856. Application rejected.
Roe also served in the Confederate Army from 1861 to
ROSS, David Francis (Ind. Sur. No. 14802}
Born January 24, 1850, in Putnam County, Georgia,
died July 1, 1921, in Llano County, Texas. Married
Temperance Carrilla Stevenson January 9, 1890, in
Llano County; she was born August 25, 1866, died
December 29, 1959. Application based on service in Captain John Smith’s Company Q of Llano County from
September, 1873, to 1874. Application approved.
RYAN, George W. (Ind. Sur. No. 13978}
Born October 19, 1851, in Caldwell, Texas. Married
Mattie Stolt in 1887 in Weatherford, Texas. Application
based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company F
of the Frontier Battalion from March, 1874, to
November 30, 1875. Application approved.
Although Ryan’s service in Company F was verified,
he was in error in stating that he enlisted in March, 1874,
since the company was not organized until June 4, 1874.
SANSOM, George L. (Ind. Sur. No. 13344)
Born October 15, 1854, at Curry’s Creek, Texas, died
May 7, 1948, in Bergheim, Texas. Never married. Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from June 4, 1874, to
December 1, 1874. Application approved.
SAVAGE, Robert (Ind. Sur. No. 13345)
Born June 11, 1849, in Robertson County, Tennessee,
died November 13, 1933. Married Annie Weinfelt
August 12, 1873. Application based on service in Lieutenant John J. Willingham’s company from April 20,
1872, to August 14, 1873. Application approved.
SCARBOROUGH, Silas (Ind. Sur. No. 15412)
Born November 10, 1829, in Union County, Arkansas.
Married first "F.A." Blackshire August 7, 1850; she
died February 7, 1860. Married second Mrs. Mary
Douglass Hart November 6, 1860, in Hood County,
Texas; she died March 7, 1905. Application based on
service in captain Valentine’s company from Janu"
20, 1859, to November 15, 1863. Application rejectoa.
When Scarborough submitted his application in 1917,
he stated that he received pension from the State of
Texas for service in Captain Valentine’s company, which
indicates that it possibly was a Confederate unit at one
SCHOOLCRAFT, Joe (Ind. Sur. No. 15888)
Born October 15, 1852, in Stoddard County, Missouri.
Married first Martha Ann Thunderburgh in Palo Pinto
County, Texas; she died in 1887. Married second in 1890
but wife’s name is not show in the file. Application based
on service in Captain W.C. M cAdams’ Palo Pinto County Company from 1873 to 1874. Disposition of application not shown.
Schoolcraft stated that he was brought to Texas by his
parents in 1858. His statements concerning his marriages do not clearly identify his wives and the possibility exists that Martha Ann Thunderburgh was his second
SCHOTT, Dominic (Ind. Sur. No. 11239}
Born September 29, 1835, in Alsace, France, died
December 17, 1932, in D’Hanis, Texas. Married Mary
Soltner May 1, 1861, in Alsace. Application based on
service in Captain H.J. Richarz’s Company E from
September 9, 1870, to June 15, 1871. Application
It is possible that this application was rejected
because of the variance in Schott’s given name as it
appeared in his pension papers. The claim was filed
under the name Dominic Schott but is signed as Dominigue Schott, while his name appeared on the rolls of
Richarz’s company as D. Schott.
Schott immigrated to New York City on November 15,
1869, and apparently went immediately to Medina
County, Texas.
SCHROCK, John W. (Ind. Sur. No. 13053)
Born April 10, 1850, in Scottsville, Missouri, died
April 1, 1923, at Spanish Fort, Texas. Married Elizabeth
Burford December 18, 1884, in Montague, Texas; she
was born January 22, 1866, died September 19, 1924.
Application based on service in Captain E.F. Ikard’s
Company C of the Frontier Battalion from May 20, 1874,
to December 10, 1874. Application approved.
SCOTT, Elihu W. (Ind. Sur. No. 14403}
Born October 26, 1847, in Bedford County, Tennessee,
died February 29, 1928. Marital status not shown in file.
Application based on service in Captain J.R. Waller’s
Company A of the Frontier Battalion from May, 1874, to
March, 1875. Application approved.
Although he did not specify a company, Scott stated
that he also served on the frontier briefly in 1873.
SEATON, Robert V. (Ind. Sur. No. 112401
Born December 26, 1837, in Franklin County, Tennessee. Marital status not shown in file. Application based
on service in Captain J.W. Throckmorton’s company
from February 15, 1861, to September 28, 1861. Application rejected.
It is noted in this file that "no record of the man or organization has been found from the data furnished." Apparently this was an unofficial unit raised locally for
home guard purposes in Collin County.
SEAY, Edward Sanders (Ind. Sur. No. 12642)
Born August 23, 1849, near Talladega, Alabama, died
May 17, 1922, in Roswell, New Mexico. Married Husie
Merchant December 30, 1880, in Belle Plains, Texas; she
was born February 1, 1860, died March 19, 1936. Application based on service in Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June 6, 1874, to
December 12, 1874. Application approved.
According to Seay, he reenlisted September 1, 1875,
"and served two years thereafter." Although a report by
the Bureau of Pensions verifies service in Captain Maltby’s company other than that outlined above, it does not
include details.
SELLERS, James (Ind. Sur. No. 12117)
Born July 10, 1848, in Garrard County, Kentucky,
died February 22, 1920, in Center Point, Texas. Married
Fannie Augusta Moore December 8, 1880, in Center
Point; she was born January 1, 1856, died November 17,
1944. Application based on service in Captain Neal Cold-
well’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from June 4,
1874, to September 15, 1874, and from June 25, 1875, to
August 31, 1875. Application approved.
SEWARD, William R. (Ind. Sur. No. 13523}
Born May 24, 1837, in Lawrence County, Alabama.
Married Mary Jane Cramer September 9, 1863, in Lampasas County, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain J.M. Brown’s Lampasas County Company for"
three years and in Captain McMillan’s company of the:
Texas Frontier Regiment from March 1, 1861, to March,
1, 1862. Application rejected.
Although Seward’s application contains no information to indicate that he served in the Texas Frontier
Regiment in 1863, a notation made at the Bureau of Pensions in Washington, D.C., indicates this. Since the
Frontier Regiment was not organized until February,
1862, when Texas was a Confederate state, indications
are that Seward may have confused the dates of his service.
SHANNON, John Alonzo {Ind. Sur. No. 146461
Born October 17, 1849, in Yalobusha County, Mississippi, died December 30, 1941, in Pittsboro, Mississippi.
Married Corrilla A. Lovejoy October 1, 1876, in Calhoun
County, Mississippi; she was born September 22, 1858,
in Yalobusha County. Application based on service in
Captain W.J. Maltby’s Company E of the Frontier Battalion from May 30, 1874, to December 12, 1874. Application approved.
It appears that Shannon returned to his native Mississippi soon after his Ranger service.
SHREVE, Benjamin Franklin
SHREVE, Mary H. {Ind. Wid. No. 12911}
Died February 1, 1902, in Newport, Texas. Married
Mary H. Manning in 1869 or 1871 in Wise County,
Texas; she was born March 22, 1850, died March 2,
1926. Application based on service in Captain G.W. Stevens’ Company B of the Frontier Battalion from July 16,
1874, to December 12, 1874. Application approved.
SHULER, Ellis M. (Ind. Sur. No. 9139)
Born August 17, 1837, in Orangeburg, South Carolina, died November 11, 1920, in Leesville, Texas. Married Mary Emma Heaner January 9, 1868, in Gonzales
County, Texas; she was born November 8, 1851, died
January 27, 1929. Application based on service in Captain Ed Burleson’s company in 1860. Application approved.
SHULER, James C. (Ind. Sur. No. 13535)
Born March 27, 1849, in Tennessee, died July 31,
1930, in Gonzales, Texas. Married Mary J. Norman
December 25, 1872, in Gonzales County, Texas; she was
born April 17, 1855, in Gonzales County, died in 1932.
Application based on service in Captain D.P. Baker’s
Company F from November 5, 1870, to June 15, 1871.
Application approved.
SIEKER, Edward A.
SIEKER, Sarah J. (Ind. Wid. No. 12912)
Died April 17, 1901, in Menard, Texas. MarriedSarah
J. Gay February 14, 1883, in Menard; she was born July
1, 1860, died April 28, 1940. Application based on service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion from May
25, 1874, to August 31, 1881. Application approved.
SIEKER, Lamartine P.
SIEKER, Nannie L. (Ind. Wid. No. 12759)
Born April 8, 1848, in Baltimore, Maryland, died
November 13, 1914, in Houston, Texas. Married Nannie
Lea Dill September 12, 1887, in Austin, Texas; she was
born July 10, 1863, died July 20, 1928. Application
based on service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion
from May 25, 1874, to May 28, 1875. Application approved.
Sieker became Captain of Company D and continued
his service until 1885, when he was made Quartermaster
of the Frontier Battalion.
SIEKER, Thomas (Ind. Sur. No. 14251)
Born September 28, 1852, died January 19, 1935, in
Dallas, Texas. Never married. Application based on service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion from
November 13, 1876, to November 30, 1876, and from
March 1, 1877 to November 30, 1877. Application approved.
SISTRUNK, Robert W. (Ind. Sur. No. 15002)
Born February 18, 1852, in Dale County, Alabama,
died September 11, 1930, in Seadrift, Texas. Married
first Melinda Jane Tabor about 1874 in Parker County,
Texas; she died in 1926 in Brownsville, Texas. Married
second Mrs. Belle Smith July 6, 1927, in Port Lavaca,
Texas, divorced at time of Sistrunk’s death; she was
born April 16, 1877, in Hope, Texas. Application based
on service in Lieutenant Newt Atkinson’s Jack County
Company from 1872 to 1873 and Captain S.W. Eastin’s
Jack County Company from December 3, 1873, to April
3, 1874. Application approved based on service in Captain Eastin’s company.
Sistrunk was carried on the rolls of Eastin’s company
as "Cestrunk."
SLOAN, Joseph Caldwell (Ind. Sur. No. 8989)
Born October 13, 1836, in Tishomingo County, Mississippi, died June 28, 1925. Never married. Application
based on service in Captain W.R. Woods’ company from
May 10, 1860, to August, 1860. Application approved.
SMITH, James H.
SMITH, Jennie F. (Ind. Wid. No. 13625~
Died November 4, 1891, in Azel, Texas. Married Jennie F. Hester September 5, 1869, in Wise County, Texas;
she was born December 27, 1853, died November 16,
1920. Application based on service in Captain T.J. Johnson’s company from April 21, 1860, to November, 1860.
Application approved.
SORRELLS, William R.
SORRELLS, Henrietta I. (Ind. Wid. No. 133561
Born March 29, 1856, in Georgia, died February 15,
1915, in Gonzales, Texas. Married first Tennie Mire or
Meyer; she died in Gonzales about 1889. Married second
Mrs. Henrietta Bunton Watts May 5, 1897, in Gonzales;
she was born January 12, 1853, in Indiana, died November 19, 1935, in E1 Dorado, Arkansas. Application based
on service in Captain D.P. Baker’s Company F from
November 15, 1870, to June 15, 1871. Application approved
SPARKS, Thomas McQuirter (Ind. Sur. No. 11646}
Born December 24, 1854, in Lawrence County, Alabama, died January 9, 1930. Married Mattie Helen
Langford in September, 1881; she died October 18, 1909.
Application based on service in Company A of the Frontier Battalion from September 1, 1875, to 1879 or 1880,
and in Captain Dan Roberts’ Company D of the Frontier
Battalion for an unspecified period. Application approved.
SPENRATH, Martin (Ind. Sur. No. 13728)
Born April 9, 1839, in Germany, died July 5, 1922, in
Comfort, Texas. Married Mary Lichtenfeld February 18,
1872, in Comfort; she was born December 5, 1853, died
August 31, 1937. Application based on service in Cap102
tain H.R. Von Biberstein’s Company L from October 10,
1870, to May 31, 1871. Application approved.
STAHL, Moses S.
STAHL, Mary A. (Ind. Wid. No. 11948)
Born near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, died December
5, 1902, in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Married Mary Agnes
Ransom March 20, 1866, in Hartford City, Indiana; she
died August 2, 1927. Application based on service in
Captain James M. Swisher’s Company P from September 6, 1870, to February 6, 1871. Application approved.
ST. CLAIR, John (Ind. Sur. No. 11621}
Born September 15, 1842, in Arkansas, died in
December, 1920. Married Mrs. Matilda Rhodes about
1877 in Camp Colorado, Texas; she died in 1884. Application based on service in Company E of the Frontier
Battalion from June 6, 1874, to May 31, 1875. Application approved.
STELFOX, John Henry lind. Sur. No. 13068)
Born September 22, 1859, in Austin, Texas. Married
Sarah Evelyn Deison December 17, 1881, in Travis
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
J.L. Hall’s Special Force from June 18, 1877, to October
25, 1877. Application rejected.
STERLING, Charles M. (Ind. Sur. No. 11434)
Born January 28, 1845, in Pennsylvania, died October
22, 1924, in Montague County, Texas. Married Mary
Louisa Haney September 9, 1881, in Montague, Texas;
she was born August 25, 1865, died April 11, 1954.
Application based on service in Company B of the Frontier Battalion from November 21, 1876, to August 31,
1878. Application approved.
Although Sterling’s wife was named Mary Louisa
Haney, she was married to him as Ida Haney.
STEVENS, George Washington (Ind. Sur. No. 12391}
Born November 15, 1856, in Atascosa County, Texas,
died May 26, 1924, in Benson, Arizona. Married Melissa
Agnes Jackson July 13, 1879, in Bandera County,
Texas; she was born March 20, 1860, died in 1949.
Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s
Company F of the Frontier Battalion from June 4, 1874,
to June 4, 1875. Application approved.
According to Stevens’ statement, he had scars from
three gun shot wounds, "two in right thigh, one in
breast." Although their names are identical, this is not
the George W. Stevens who commanded the Wise
County Company and Company B of the Frontier Battalion.
STEVENS, John Galley (Ins. Sur. No. 14951}
Born March 7, 1832, in Gwinnett County, Georgia.
Married Francis Elizabeth Stevens August 15, 1863, in
Wise County, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain B.F. Earp’s company from 1860 to 1861 and in
Captain John Teague’s Wise County Company from
October 13, 1865, to December, 1866. Although Stevens
died before a decision was reached as to the validity of
his 1917 claim, the application was rejected in 1923.
Stevens and his wife were distantly related according
to his statement but the exact relationship is not shown.
STILES, Samuel T. (Ind. Sur. No. 14110)
Born March 29, 1850, in Springfield, Missouri.
Married Frances Howard December 18, 1872, in Burnet
County, Texas; she died July 8, 1917. Application based
on service in Captain J.M. Harrell’s Company K from
September 16, 1870, to February 16, 1871. Disposition of
application not shown.
STINNETT, Thomas Nathaniel (Ind. Sur. No. 14969~
Born December 22, 1850, in Texas. Married first Mary
A. Youngblood February 16, 1872; she died March 11,
1879, in Parker County, Texas. Married second Mary
Francis Choat December 5, 1880, in Parker County. Application based on service in Captain L.L. Tackitt’s company from October 20, 1865, to February 20, 1866. Application rejected.
STINSON, John Eugene (Ind. Sur. No. 13070)
Born September 1, 1848, near Union Springs, Alabama, died February 17, 1933, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Married Emma S. Grigsby January 29, 1878, in
Montague, Texas; she was born November 24, 1861, in
Dover, Missouri, died January 6, 1951. Application
based on service in Captain E.F. Ikard’s Company C of
the Frontier Battalion from August 20, 1874, to December 10, 1874. Application approved.
STRATTON, John M. (Ind. Sur. No. 150751
Born November 25, 1852, in Columbia County,
Arkansas, died March 20, 1926. Married Martha M.
Kellums November 27, 1876, in Parker County, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain E.F. Ikard’s
Company C of the Frontier Battalion from September
26, 1874, to December 10, 1874. Application approved.
In his application Stratton related that he also served
in the Parker County Company in 1873.
STRIEGLER, Frederick Christian
(Ind. Sur. No. 12662)
Born October 5, 1848, in Denmark, died January 25,
1935, in Fredericksburg, Texas. Married Mary L. Mogford November 26, 1873, in Fredericksburg; she was
born January 31, 1853, in Fredericksburg. Application
based on service in Captain H.R. Von Biberstein’s Company L from October 10, 1870, to May 31, 1871. Application approved.
TACKETT, Andrew C. (Ind. Sur. No. 12151)
Born November 15, 1845, in Pope County, Arkansas,
died January 8, 1930, in Girard, Texas. Married first
"L.E." Miller July 17, 1864; she died September 3, 1909,
in Grace, Texas. Married second Etta E. Swan December 16, 1909, in Dickens, Texas. Application based on
service apparently in the Young County Company from
October 20, 1865, to December 17, 1865, and as Captain
of the Young County Company from December 20, 1873,
to February 14, 1874. Application approved.
TACKITT, Robert E. (Ind. Sur. No. 13377)
Born April 10, 1849, in Pope County, Arkansas, died
October 22, 1923, in Estelline, Texas. Married first Eliza
C. Props November 1, 1868; she died June 5, 1895, in
Weatherford, Texas. Married second Nancie E. Green
November 4, 1900, in Milsap, Texas; she was born August 25, 1869, died March 2, 1928. Application based on
service in Captain L.L. Tackitt’s Parker County Company from October 20, 1865, t~ April 21, 1866. Application approved.
Tackitt, who stated that he served as a deputy sheriff
following his service in the Parker County Company,
also served in the Young County Company in 1874.
TALIAFERRO, Mark L. (Ind. Sur. No. 14699)
Born June 20, 1847, in Hickman County, Kentucky,
died October 15, 1924. Married Virginia C. Dykes in
Kimble County, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain G.W. Stevens’ Wise County Company from
November 26, 1873, to March 28, 1874. Application approved.
TALLEY, George W. (Ind. Sur. No. 14770)
Born October 19, 1849, in Jackson County, Missouri.
Marital status not shown in file. Application based on
service in the Special Force from August 25, 1876, to
December 31, 1878. Application rejected.
TAYLOR, Andrew
TAYLOR, Mary E. (Ind. Wid. No. 11091}
Born in Green County, Illinois, died March 3, 1898, in
Seymour, Texas. Married Mary Eliza Swindells October
29, 1868, in Lancaster, Texas; she died January 14,
1933. Application based on service in Captain Nicholas
H. Darnell’s company from April 14, 1860, toAugust 18,
1860. Application approved.
TAYLOR, Lewis H. (Ind. Sur. No. - not stated in file}
TAYLOR, Kate (Ind. Wid. No. 13558}
Born January 28, 1835, in White Hall, Illinois, died
December 30, 1912, in Fannin County, Texas. Married
first Annie E. Brundage December 12, 1860; she died
January 27, 1881, in Lancaster, Texas. Married second
Margaret Ann Conner in June, 1881; she died in May,
1884. Married third Mrs. Kate Horner Broyles May 26,
1885, in Hutchins, Texas; she was born August 3, 1853,
died July 13, 1927. Application based on service in Captain Nicholas H. Darnell’s company from April 14, 1860,
to August 13, 1860. Although the disposition of Taylor’s
application is not shown, his widow’s application was
TEDFORD, Robert Oscar (Ind. Sur. No. 11441}
Born February 20, 1849, in Purdy, Tennessee, died
June 4, 1932, in San Antonio, Texas. Married Mildred
S.J. Farr May 1, 1873, in Kerrville, Texas; she was born
March 6, 1858, in Burnet, Texas, died June 11, 1942.
Application based on service in Captain John W. Sansom’s Company C from August 25, 1870, to May 30,
1871. Application approved.
THOMAS, Elisha F. (Ind. Sur. No. - not stated in file}
THOMAS, Elvira R. (Ind. Wid. No. 13542)
Born September 5, 1841, in Wayne County, Kentucky, died April 17, 1917, in Burnet, Texas. Married
Elvira Rowntree December 12, 1866, in Burnet County,
Texas; she was born March 10, 1845, in Milam County,
Texas, died February 20, 1936, in Burnet. Application
based on service in W.C. Dalrymple’s company from
,January 14, 1860, to October 13, 1860. Although the disposition of Thomas’ application is not shown, his widow
later received a pension.
THOMAS, Sidney (Ind. Sur. No. 14744)
Born March 6, 1841, in Boone County, Missouri, died
December 3, 1924. Married Mary Ann Pepper August
13, 1865, in Bellevue, Nebraska Territory. Application
based on service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion
from April 1, 1877, to November, 1877. Application approved.
THOMASON, Thomas W. (Ind. Sur. No. 9179)
Born September 18, 1840, in Grainger County, Tennessee. Married Malissa Caroline Hodges in December,
1866, in Mount Vernon, Texas. Application based on
service in Captain W.C. Dalrymple’s company from January 14, 1860, to October 13, 1860. Disposition of application not shown.
Throughout the War Between the States Thomason
served in the Seventh Texas Cavalry.
THORN, Theophilus W.
THORN, Missouri (Ind. Wid. No. 13606)
Born in Nash County, North Carolina, died March 29,
1916, in Blair, Oklahoma. Married Missouri Trammell
January 16, 1879, in Gonzales, Texas; she was born
March 6, 1859, died April 13, 1938. Application based on
service in Captain D.P. Baker’s Company F from
December 1, 1870, to June 15, 1871. Application approved.
THURMAN, Andrew J. {Ind. Sur. No. 14561)
Born May 16, 1847, at Little Rock, Arkansas, died
October 23, 1928, in Harper, Texas. Married Mary Ann
Lackey in September, 1873, in Austin, Texas; she was
born January 29, 1861, in Blanco, Texas, died in 1945.
Application based o’n service in Captain A.H. Cox’s
Company B from September 8, 1870, to May 30, 1871.
Application approved.
THURMAN, Henry G. (Ind. Sur. No. 13081)
Born July 15, 1854, in Travis County, Texas, died
March 2, 1928, in Austin, Texas. Married first Margaret
Maxey in July, 1871, in Travis County. Married second
Mrs. Alvarena North July 29, 1923, in Austin; she was
born in 1851, in Fayette County, Texas. Application
based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B from
September 8, 1870, to May 15, 1871. Application approved.
THURMAN, Thomas Edward (Ind. Sur. No. 13736)
Born July 20, 1853, in Travis County, Texas, died
January 4, 1918, in Bomarton, Texas. Married Malissa
H. Pearson September 12, 1872, in Travis County; she
was born May 26, 1857, died May 1, 1922. Thurman died
when his application was still pending but his widow
later drew a pension.
TOLER, William I. (Ind. Sur. No. 14448}
Born March 7, 1857, in San Marcos, Texas, died September 3, 1933, in Compton, California. Married Olive
W. Short November 19, 1878, in Kendall County, Texas;
she was born November 5, 1857, in Fairview, Alabama,
died September 3, 1933, in Compton. Application based
on service in Company F of the Frontier Battalion from
June 25, 1875, to November 30, 1875, and from September 1, 1876, to August 20, 1877. Application approved.
TRAWEEK, William Burreil (Ind. Sur. No. 13737}
Born August 30, 1853, at Round Rock, Texas, died
July 27, 1942, in Slaton, Texas. Married Isabell V.
Weaks November 7, 1881, in Somervell County, Texas.
Application based on service in Company D of the Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to December 9, 1874.
Application approved.
TUGGLE, James Clark (Ind. Sur. No. 112571
Born June 12, 1847, in Scott County, Illinois, died
February 8, 1929. Although Tuggle married, the name of
his wife is not shown in the file. Application based on
service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion from
June 6, 1874, to November 13, 1874. Application approved.
UPTON, William Thomas ~Ind. Sur. No. 149541
Born September 21, 1851, in Greencastle, Kentucky,
died April 3, 1927, in Taft, California. Married Josie Ann
Crabtree February 15, 1885, in Palo Pinto, Texas; she
was born in 1870 in Jackson County, Alabama, died in
1940. Application based on service in Captain W.C.
McAdams’ Palo Pinto County Company. Application
UTLEY, David Joshua (Ind. Sur. No. 13086)
Born August 22, 1846, in Concord, North Carolina,
died April 28, 1921, in Henrietta, Texas. Married Sarah
Emily Howard September 26, 1875, in Montague
County, Texas; she was born December 10, 1857, died
February 17, 1939. Application based on service in Captain E.F. Ikard’s Company C of the Frontier Battalion
from June 1, 1874, to May 1, 1875. Application approved.
VANTINE, Thomas J. (Ind. Sur. No. 9199)
Born November 20, 1837, in Huntington, Indiana,
died August 9, 1926. Married Nancy Adkins in August,
1866, in Warrensburg, Missouri. Application based on
service in Captain G.S. Fitzhugh’s company from May
20, 1860, to October 25, 1860. Application approved.
From 1863 to 1865 Vantine served in the Confederate
VAUGHAN, John H. (Ind. Sur. No. 13394)
Born February 23, 1849, in Osage County, Missouri,
died February 15, 1922, at Liberty Hill, Texas. Married
Joanna Vaught February 3, 1875, at Liberty Hill; she
was born August 2, 1857, died March 12, 1947. Application based on service in Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B
from September 8, 1870, to May 30, 1871. Application
According to Vaughan’s application, he had received a
"gun shot wound in head."
VON HAGEN, Louis (Ind. Sur. No. 12409)
Born July 27, 1838, in Cologne, Germany. Married
Clara Miller in January, 1871, in Fredericksburg, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain H.R. Von Biberstein’s Company L from October 10, 1870, to 1871. It
appears that Von Hagen died while his pension application was still pending, which resulted in it being classed
as abandoned.
VOSBURGH, William Andrew (Ind. Sur. No. 13738)
Born December 15, 1849, in Chenango County, New
York. Married Laura Alice Shere April 16, 1898, in
Durango, Colorado. Application based on service in
Captain S.W. Eastin’s Jack County Company from
October 1, 1873, to February 1, 1875. Application rejected.
WADE, Thomas Allen (Ind. Sur. No. 13985}
Born January 27, 1850, in Wright County, Missouri,
died August 5, 1920, in Roscoe, Texas. Married Mary
Ann Williams October 11, 1871, in Williamson County,
Texas; she was born November 11, 1865, died in 1941.
Application based on service in Captain J.M. Harrell’s
Company K from September 16, 1870, to February 16,
1871. Application approved.
WAGNER, Charles (Ind. Sur. No. 13739)
Born March 5, 1846, in Prussia, Germany, died March
19, 1921, at Rush Springs, Oklahoma. Married Eliza
James May 8, 1874, in Blanco County, Texas; she was
born December 18, 1858, died October 6, 1936. Application based on service in Captain John W. Sansom’s
Company C from August 25, 1870, to May 30, 1871. Application approved.
WAINSCOTT, Nancy I. (Ind. Wid. No. 12806)
Died July 23, 1909, in Montague County, Texas. Married Nancy I. (maiden name not shown} December 22,
1870, in Montague County; she was born March 3, 1854.
Application based on service in Lieutenant John J.
Willingham’s Montague County Company from April
20, 1872, to October, 1872. Application approved.
After this pension was granted, it was discovered that~
Wainscott "did not have thirty days actual service in defense of Texas frontier against Indian depredations" and
the pension to his widow was terminated. Willingham’s
company was a Minute Man unit and served only when
needed. It is noted in the application that Wainscott also
served "in several campaigns" from 1869 to 1875.
WAITS, William (Ind. Sur. No. 14115)
Born April 6, 1848, in Frankfort, Kentucky. Married
Mollie Cordelia Townsend February 24, 1876, in Eastland County, Texas; divorced in 1894. Application based
on service in Captain E.F. Ikard’s Company C of the
Frontier Battalion from May 20, 1874, to December 29,
1874. Application approved.
Indications are that Waits died in 1922. He stated that
he also served in 1873 but did not identify the company.
WALDEMORE, Alford William (Ind. Sur. No. 9476)
Born August 22, 1840, near San Antonio, Texas, died
June 17, 1922, in Tarrant County, Texas. Married first
Emily Jordan in 1868 in Travis County, Texas; she died
in 1885. Married second Mattie Roberts in Georgetown,
Texas; she died in February, 1905, in Brownwood,
Texas. Married third Mrs. Julia Zarski Schuett May 14,
1907, in Belton, Texas; she was born in Germany. Application based on service in Captain John W. Sansom’s
company from August, 1859, to November, 1859, and in
Captain Wallace’s Uvalde County Company in 1859.
Waldemore died when his application was pending but
his widow later received a pension for his service.
In regard to his birthplace, Waldemore stated that he
was born at Coy’s Creek near San Antonio but was
unsure of the county in which it was located; he indicated
it was in Bexar, Hays or Blanco County, Texas. For an
unexplained reason he served in Sansom’s company under the names of Fritz Slidell and William Slidier. His
widow indicated that he served under the name Fritz
Schlidear, but this appears to be a variation of Slidell.
Waldemore was a member of Lieutenant Dick Dowling’s company of the First Texas Heavy Artillery Regiment during the War Between the States.
WALDROPE, Mary J. (Ind. Wid. No. 13427}
Died August 13, 1912, at Marble Falls, Texas. Married first Penelope Duncan Haynes October 31, 1877, in
Llano County, Texas; she died October 31, 1881. Married second Mary Jane Bridges August 2, 1883, at Wimberly Hill, Texas; she was born September 14, 1863, died
March 7, 1953. Application based on service in Company
A of Blanco County from June 18, 1872, to September
19, 1872. Application approved.
WALLACE, George Washington (Ind. Sur. No. 15389}
Born August 14, 1846, in Lewisvi~le, Arkansas. Married first Susan E. Jones December 23, 1873, in Rusk,
Texas; she died December 20, 1897. Married second
Altha Cowan March 13, 1916, in Cherokee County,
Texas. Application based on service in Captain Dave
Cunningham’s company from March 1, 1868, to
November, 1869. Application rejected.
Wallace related that he served in the Confederate
Army from 1863 to 1865, apparently in the Fourteenth
Texas Infantry Regiment.
WALLACE, John Henderson {Ind. Sur. No. 13094}
Born August 12, 1854, in Benton County, Arkansas,
died July 17, 1922, in Decatur, Texas. Married first
Hopie Calvert September 6, 1877; she died November 27,
1893, in Wise County, Texas. Married second Mattie E.
Killough December 30, 1896, in Wise County; she was
born November 3, 1866, died April 23, 1947. Application
based on service in Captain G.W. Stevens’ Company B
of the Frontier Battalion from August 15, 1874, to
December 10, 1874. Application approved.
WALSH, Charles Dennis {Ind. Sur. No. 12411}
Born October 13, 1855, in Austin, Texas, died March
28, 1923, in Austin. Married Eva Golf November 3,
1885, in Austin; she was born October 15, 1857, died in
1938. Application based on service in Lieutenant Ira
Long’s Company A of the Frontier Battalion from
September 1, 1875, to November 30, 1875, in Captain
Neal Coldwell’s Company A of the Frontier Battalion
from March 1, 1878, to May 31, 1878, in Captain June
Peak’s Company B of the Frontier Battalion from September 1, 1879, to November 30, 1879, and from December 31, 1879, to February 20, 1880. Application approved.
WARD, Henry Laurense {Ind. Sur. No. 13096}
Born November 9, 1854, near Gilmer, Texas, died
November 28, 1934, in Decatur, Texas. Married May
Trewhitt March 8, 1885, in Aurora, Texas; she was born
May 1, 1865, in Covington, Kentucky. Application
based on service in Captain G.W. Stevens’ Company B
of the Frontier Battalion from September 1, 1875, to
November 30, 1875. Disposition of application not
WARREN, Henry Clay {Ind. Sur. No. 9181}
Born February 1, 1839, in Haywood County, Tennessee. Married first Sarah Ann Nunn in November, 1857,
in Lampasas, Texas; she died February 22, 1864, in San
Saba, Texas. Married second Mary L. Keith July 13,
1864, in San Saba; she died January 21, 1909, at Fort
McKavett, Texas. Application based on service in Caprain John Williams’ company from April 10, 1859, to
June 16, 1859, and in Captain N.D. McMuUin’s corn115
pany from January, 1860, to September 7, 1861. Disposition of application not shown.
Warren indicated that he served in the Confederate
Army from September, 1861, to 1865.
WATKINS, William W. (Ind. Sur. No. 9521)
Born January 6, 1843, in Jackson County, Iowa, died
April 13, 1924, in Texas. Married first Gercindy Fowler
in 1863; she died in 1870. Married second Sarah Jane
Taylor February 28, 1873, in Madison County, Texas;
she died November 15, 1937. Application based on service in Captain G.S. Fitzhugh’s company from April 14,
1860, to October 25, 1860. Application approved.
Although the record furnished by the Veterans Administration lists Watkins’ place of death as "Baron
County, Texas," this is an obvious error since there is no
county of that name in Texas.
WATSON, Alexander (Ind. Sur. No. 14548)
Born March 12, 1847, in Ontario, Canada. Married
Rebecca A. Locke January 1, 1875, in Palo Pinto, Texas.
Application based on service in Captain W.C.
McAdams’ Palo Pinto County Company from December
13, 1873, to April 13, 1874. Application approved.
Watson stated that he also served in the Frontier Battalion late in 1874 but did not specify in which company.
WATSON, Jacob Benjamin lind. Sur. No. 11448)
Born March 22, 1855, in Blanco County, Texas, died
July 3, 1935, in Bandera County, Texas. Married Sarah
E. Walker in December, 1879. Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from June 4, 1874, to December 1, 1874.
Application approved.
WEAVER, F.A. (Ind. Sur. No. 13987}
Born March 12, 1846, in Rockford, Alabama, died
January 20, 1921, in London, Texas. Married Cassie A.
Gaffie December 23, 1869, in Bandera, Texas; she was
born May 28, 1856, in Castroville, Texas. Application
based on service in Captain J.M. Phillips’ Bandera
County Company from September, 1872, to September,
1873, and in Captain F.L. Hicks’ Bandera County Company in 1877. Disposition of application not shown.
Indications are that Weaver served in the Bandera
County Company at various times under several Captains following the close of the War Between the States
and ending in 1877.
WEAVER, Matthew Z. (Ind. Sur. No. 14702}
Born August 16, 1854, in Louisiana, died June 11,
1921, in Edwards County, Texas. Married Emma S.
Click December 20, 1876, in Bandera County, Texas; she
was born August 22, 18611 died in 1941. Application
based on service in Captain Neal ColdweU’s Company F
of the Frontier Battalion from June 4, 1874, to August
31, 1874, in Captain J.M. Phillips’ Bandera County
Company from 1875 to December, 1876, and in Captain
F.L. Hicks’ Bandera County Company from December,
1876, to about 1878. Application approved.
Weaver’s service in the Bandera County Company was
continuous from 1875 to about 1878; the command of the
unit was assumed by F.L. Hicks after Captain Phillips
was killed by Indians in December, 1876.
WHEELER, John V. (Ind, Sur. No. 12676}
Born December 3, 1852, in Claysville, Alabama, died
November 23, 1940. Married Nancy Ann Roden October
7, 1875, in Marshall County, Alabama; she died May 15,
1913. Application based on service in Company D of the
Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to December 9,
1874. Application approved.
WHELAN, Thomas (Ind. Sur. No. 14166)
Born April 14, 1847, in Wexford County, Ireland, died
January 9, 1925, in Nueces County, Texas. Married
Maggie McBride April 5, 1880, in Corpus Christi, Texas;
she was born in May, 1855, died March 13, 1929. Application based on service in Captain Bland Chamberlain’s
Company H from November 15, 1870, to June 15, 1871.
Application approved.
WHITACRE, John Sylvester (Ind. Sur. No. 11826}
Born April 2, 1856, in Navarro County, Texas, died
July 12, 1928, in Newlin, Texas. Married Cora Ann
Wade April 13, 1876, in Hill County, Texas; she was
born September 25, 1860, in Benton, Kentucky, died
January 9, 1931. Application based on service in Lieutenant B°S. Foster’s Company E of the Frontier Battalion from June 1, 1875, to August 21, 1875. Application
WHITE, James L. (Ind. Sur. No. 14600)
Born November 11, 1854, in Hunt County, Texas,
died January 3, 1929. Married first Susan A. McKelvy in
1879; she died in 1882 in Callahan County, Texas. Married second Georgia H. Braden September 16, 1888, in
Callahan County; she was born August 31, 1873, in
Gonzales County, Texas, died in 1949. Application
based on service in Lieutenant J.W. Millican’s Company
A of the Frontier Battalion from May 25, 1874, to
November 1 or December 1, 1874. Application approved.
WHITE, Pleasant L. (Ind. Sur. No. 13744}
Born September 24, 1848, in Buckingham County,
Virginia, died September 29, 1917. Married Effie Jane
Sowell October 10, 1883, at Buffalo Gap, Texas; she was
born May 22, 1865, died November 24, 1928. Application based on service in Captain John C. Sparks’ Corn118
pany C of the Frontier Battalion from October 1,1876, to
August 30, 1877, and in Captain G.W. Arrington’s
Company of the Frontier Battalion from August 30,
1877, to July 31, 1879. Application abandoned.
White’s death while his claim was pending caused it to
be classed as abandoned although his widow drew a pension. The records are strangely conflicting in regard to
the place of his death; his widow stated that he died in
Hope, Arkansas, while there on a temporary basis but
his death certificate, which was filed after his burial in
Abilene, Texas indicates that he died there. Likely his
death occurred in Hope, Arkansas, and the death certificate is in error. Support in this opinion is in the fact that
his burial was four days following his death.
WILLIAMSON, Laura A. (Ind. Wid. No. 13773)
Born near Charlotte, North Carolina, died October 17,
1913, in Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Married first Martha Dunham; she died in February, 1906. Married
second Mrs. Laura Bawcom Morrow February 19, 1907,
~t Marble Falls, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain McGill’s {or MaGill’s) company from 1863 to
1865. Application rejected.
A notation in this file indicates that "no record of the
man or organization has been found from the data
furnished." The possibility exists that this was confederate service.
WILLIAMSON, Lueinda H. (Ind. Wid. No. 11951)
Born March 22, 1822, in Georgia, died March 24,
1899, or 1900, in Francis, Indian Territory. Married Lucinda Miller in Alabama; she was born February 15,
1826. Application based on service in Captain Graham’s
company from 1849 to 1860. Application rejected.
WILSON, Annie (Ind. Wid. No. 14034}
Died in 1906 near Arlington, Texas. Married Annie
(maiden name not shown) December 23, 1868. Application ba~ed on service in Captain Milton M. Boggess’
company of the First Texas Mounted Riflemen. Application rejected.
This regiment, commanded by Colonel Henry E. Mc-.
Culloch, was organized for service on the West Texas
frontier. Wilson’s widow related that he later served in
the confederate Army.
WINDHAM, Page S. (Ind. Sur. No. 14263)
Born December 25, 1852, in Scott County, Mississippi, died February 6, 1933, in Duncan, Arizona. Married
Lizzie Jarvis September 10, 1879, in Callahan County,
Texas; she was born in Homer, Louisiana. Application
based on service in Company E of the Frontier Battalion
from April 1, 1876. to May 17, 1877. Application approved.
WITT, John C. (Ind. Sur. No. 11454)
Born February 8, 1854, in Henry County, Tennessee,
died June 22, 1924, in San Antonio, Texas. Married
Henrietta Elizabeth Lange September 12, 1882, in Kerr
County, Texas; she was born August 19, 1866, died in
July, 1943. Application based on service in Company D
of the Frontier Battalion from December 18, 1875, to
May, 1879. Application approved.
WITT, William Henry (Ind. Sur. No. 12179)
Born November 30, 1853, in Weakley County, Tennessee, died June 26, 1925, in Center Point; she was born
January 18, 1861, in Weakley County, died October 2,
1949. Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from June 4,
1874, to June 4, 1875, and in Lieutenant F.M. Moore’s
Company D of the Frontier Battalion from September 1,
1876, to August 31, 1877. Application approved.
There is an indication that Witt also served in Company F for an unspecified period from 1875 to 1876.
WOOD, Joseph (Ind. Sur. No. 13746)
Born January 15, 1848, in Robeson County, North
Carolina, died October 17, 1917, in Dallas, Texas.
Married Olive O. Sloan February 12, 1880, in Coleman,
Texas; she was born November 22, 1863, died March 5,
1933. Application based on service in Captain John Waller’s Company A from 1874 to 1875, and subsequently in
Captain R.S. Foster’s Company E, Captain John
Sparks’ Company C and in Captain June Peak’s Company B. Apiilication approved.
Wood died while his application was pending, but his
widow drew a pension for his service.
WOOD, George W. (Ind. Sur. No. 9032)
Born January 26, 1847, in De Witt County, Texas,
died September 11, 1923, in Irion County, Texas.
Married first Mary E. Hamrick December 29, 1864, in
San Saba, Texas; she died August 1, 1867, in San Saba.
Married second Alsay Lindley October 5, 1870, in San
Saba; she was born April 20, 1855. Application based on
service in Captain W. Riley Wood’s company from
March 5, 1860, to June 4, 1860. Application approved.
WONSLEY, David W. lind. Sur. No. 13422)
Born May 10, 1849, in Palestine, Texas, died January
16, 1929. Married Amanda Kent September 2, 1877, in
Blanco County, Texas. Application based on service in
Captain A.H. Cox’s Company B from September 8,
1870, to May 15, 1871. Application approved.
WOFFORD, Belle B. (Ind. Wid. No. 13237~
Died March 20, I912, in San Antonio, Texas. Married
Belle P. Bennet December 23, 1880, in De Witt County,
Texas; she was born in 1854 in De Witt County. Application based on service in Captain L.H. McNelly’s
Special Force from April 6, 1875, to August 31, 1875.
Application rejected.
WOODY, Brice (Ind. Sur. No. 9033}
Born February 11, 1832, in Roane County, Tennessee.
Married Missouri Miller in October, 1855, in Parker
County, Texas; she died May 4, 1907. Application based
on service in Captain Thompson’s company from October, 1859, to May, 1860. Application rejected.
WOOLDRIDGE, "J.R." (Ind. Wid. No. 107181
Born in Clinton, Mississippi, died March 24, 1906, at
Buffalo Gap, Texas. File does not reveal name of first
wife, who died in Austin, Texas. Married second "J,R."
Gray January 9, 1870, in Lampasas, Texas. Application
based on service in Captain W.C. Dalrymple’s company
from February 1, 1860, to October I, 1860. Disposition
of application not shown.
Hiw widow stated that Wooldridge served in the Confederate Army.
WORCESTER, Warren Wesley lind. Sur. No. 13431)
Born January 25, 1849, in Mobile, Alabama, died
June 4, 1925. Married Matilda E. Short in 1881 in San
Antonio, Texas; she died in 1910. Application based on
service in Captain John W. Sansom’s Company C from
August 25, 1870, to October 30, 1871. Application approved.
WRIGHT, David (Ind. Sur. No. 9526)
Born September 6, 1834, in Cleveland County, North
Carolina. Married Arritta A. Wright in 1866 in Grayson
County, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
G.S. Fitzhugh’s company from May 20, 1860, to October
20, 1860. Application approved.
According to Wright’s application, he served in Company G, Second Texas Infantry in the Confederate
WRIGHT, Mary H. (Ind. Wid. No. 13407)
Born March 5, 1852, in Americus, Georgia, died Febmary 28, 1892, in San Diego, Texas. Married Mary
Hichey October 13, 1880, in Corpus Christi, Texas. Application based on service in the Special Force from July
25, 1874, to February 28, 1877, and from 1877 to 1878.
Application rejected.
WRIGHT, William J. {Ind.Sur. No. 9151)
Born October 11, 1838, 1839 or 1840, in Kentucky or
Illinois, died September 15, 1930. Married Martha Jane
Short in 1860 in Lampasas County, Texas. Application
based on service in Captain W.C. Dalrymple’s company
from January 14, 1860, to October 13, 1860. Application
The year stated by Wright as being the year he was
born varies in this file, as does the place of his birth. It
appears that he was born in Illinois and moved to Kentucky as a child.
ZANDER, August (Ind. Sur. No. 12687)
Born October 30, 1843, in Schwerin, Mecklenburg,
Germany, died October 12, 1923, in Austin, Texas.
Married Mary Behnke July 1, 1884, in Austin; she was
born September 3, 1859, died in 1944. Application based
on service in Captain H.R. Von Biberstein’s Company G
from October 10, 1870, to May 30, 1871. Application
ZUERCHER, Leopold lind. Sur. No. 14051)
Born November 14, 1854, in D’Hanis, Texas, died
April 29, 1920. Married Carolina Wipff May 29, 1879, in
D’Hanis; she was born December 19, 1859, in D,Hanis,
died April 8, 1929. Application based on service in Captain Pat Dolan’s company F of the Frontier Battalion
from September 10, 1876, to December 15, 1876. Application approved.
ZUM BERGE, Herman F. (Ind. Sur. No. 12458}
Born July 24, 1849, in New Braunfels, Texas, died in
1934. Married Isabella Lenzen in December, 1872, in
Houston, Texas. Application based on service in Captain
H.R. Von Biberstein’s Company G from October 10,
1870, to May 30, 1871. Application approved.
ZUMWALT, Thomas B. {Ind. Sur. No. 15157)
Born January 25, 1853, in Gonzales County, Texas,
died July 1, 1929, in Nogal, New Mexico. Married Polina
Elizabeth Paul April 5, 1877, in Kerrville, Texas; she
was born June 30, 1860, in Kerrville, died October 8,
1949. Application based on service in Captain Neal Coldwell’s Company F of the Frontier Battalion from July 1,
1875, to August 31, 1875. Application approved.