Leisure Workshop Minutes February-2013
Leisure Workshop Minutes February-2013
Staffordshire Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB) Leisure Workshop Wednesday 20th February 2013 At Rising Brook Baptist Church, Burton Square, Stafford, ST17 9DH MENCAP Self Advocacy Group Members E-mail: Liz Watling [email protected] 1. Welcome and Introductions Paul Carter welcomed everybody to the Workshop and went through the house keeping rules. 2. Why we are here The workshop was to talk about leisure. What it means to you and if you have the right amount of leisure activities in your life. 1 At the Mencap self advocacy meetings around the County a subject that often comes up is, “What people are doing in their leisure time?” It became very clear that people didn’t go out much in the evenings or at weekends. They said that in the day time they were very busy with lots of different activities. They went to college, gym, art and craft, volunteering, drama, cooking classes and work. But in the evenings and at weekends they didn’t go out much and they didn’t spend time with friends. Many people said they wished they had a choice of what to do and a chance to try different things 2 Some people said they often felt bored and lonely staying at home all the time. They said they would like to go out with friends more often as it made them happy and they had fun. We thought it would be a good idea to get the leisure experiences of people with learning disabilities from around the County. A questionnaire was made and then filled in by members of the eight Mencap Self Advocacy Groups and the Reach Parliament. The form asked lots of questions such as: What do you do in the evenings and at weekends? What leisure activities would you like to do? What stopped you from going out? 3 We heard different leisure experiences of people and organisations from around the County. 3. Beth’s leisure experience introduced by Clare Bateman. Beth and Clare both attend the Burton Self Advocacy Group. Beth lives in Burton on her own with her cat Minnie. Beth likes her independence, she is supported a few days a week to gain independent skills. Beth goes to Burton Day Service three days a week. She does activities like going to the gym or working at the Brewhouse Café. On Saturday afternoons Beth visits her mum. They go to the local garden centre for a coffee, she then goes to her mums for tea. Apart from going to the Day Service, visiting her mum or going for a walk on her own, Beth hardly ever goes out. 4 One of the reasons Beth doesn’t go out in the evenings or at weekends is because she is too scared people might bully her, as she has been bullied before. Beth used to go to the Crest Club in Burton but was hit by another girl and so doesn’t go anymore. Beth said she really enjoyed the activities at the Crest Club and meeting up with people, but as she doesn’t go now, she never gets to see her friends. We asked Beth, “If we had a magic wand and she could choose to do anything at all in the evening or at weekends what would it be?”. She said “I would like to go to the pub with friends, that would really make me happy, that is what I most want to do” We thanked Clare for presenting that information that was very interesting. We also thanked Beth for giving us her views on leisure. 5 4. Leisure experience from the Community Connect Team. Paul introduced to us the team members from Community Connect. They told us about some of their success stories from around the County. We thanked the Community Connect Team for presenting that information and peoples experiences. For more information please contact List of Community Connect Workers and e-mail addresses. 5. Antony’s leisure experience introduced by Andy Smith. Anthony is a member of the Newcastle Self Advocacy Group. Anthony likes to help his dad around the house, bird watching and astronomy. At the weekend Anthony helps his dad around the house. He also watches TV and surfs the Internet. Anthony feels that he cannot go out in the evening because he is worried about going on buses on his own at night. If he could practice going out with someone, he might be able to travel in the evenings. 6 Anthony also said that he doesn’t go out because he is not sure what is available in his area to go to. Anthony said he would like to go out in the evenings and at weekends because he would like to meet new friends and try new activities. We thanked Andy for that presentation that was very interesting. 6. Friends 2 Friends Paul introduced members of the Friends 2 Friends Group and Alison Wellon who supports them. They told us about what they do and what they are about. Friends 2 Friends opened in May 2012, at Cruck House in Lichfield. It is a user led service, supported by a leader and volunteers. There was a need for a service that opens at weekends as well as in the week, with more people living independently 7 The aim of Friends 2 Friends is to give adults with a learning disability confidence and control of their own lives Although Friends 2 Friends has not been open long, the members are growing with confidence. They have organised events and days out. Attended courses and improved on life skills. They have their own meetings, and are now putting a committee together. Opening at the weekends has been one of the main reasons Friends 2 Friends has worked so well. Members enjoy the fact that they can come and socialise, relax and have fun independently with people they regard as good friends. Kylie goes to Friends 2 Friends and she has learnt to be more independent and confident. It has given her new experiences. Kylie has learnt sugar craft where she made a teddy, penguin and a snowman. 8 Friends 2 Friends gave Kylie the ability to organise a project called Graffiti Art. Kylie has learnt how much she can do by herself and this makes her feel very proud. Kylie has enjoyed meeting new people who I class as good friends. It is wonderful that it is open at weekends where more people can come and share in the great activities. It is wonderful that it is open at weekends where more people can come and share in the great activities. Before Kevin came to Friends 2 Friends, he was part of the Say Group in Stafford and the Mencap Self Advocacy Group. Kevin enjoys going to these groups, and he is able to interview people sometimes which he has always wanted to do. Kevin goes to Friends 2 Friends everyday. Kevin has done different things such as drama, cooking and art. He had designed and made the official Friends 2 Friends calendar and Christmas cards. They have been bowling, going for pub lunches and have been to the Garrick Theatre. 9 At the moment Kevin is learning to swim and to use a computer. Kevin thinks life is better for him since he joined Friends 2 Friends, Instead of being bored, he get involved more. Kevin mix with other people doing different activities and he had made more friends. Before Antony came to Friends 2 Friends he didn’t have many friends. He went to the youth club in Tamworth. Now that Friends 2 Friends is open he has made lots of friends who he sees every day. Antony now spends his weekends with his friends instead of being all the time with his family. Antony helps out as a kitchen manager at Friends 2 Friends on a Saturday and is learning to horse ride at the moment. Antony enjoys helping the group organise fundraising events likes the sponsored walk and they held a Halloween party for Children in Need. Friends 2 Friends are looking into opening more in the evenings, so activities can be arranged for night’s out. 10 We at Friends 2 Friends believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live life to the full by having the choice of how to spend their time. 7. Break. We had a break for tea and coffee. 8. Easy Read Purple Pages. Sarah Taylor told us about the Easy Read Purple Pages. We thanked Sarah to keep us updated about the Staffordshire Ceres Website. For more information, use the leaflet. 9. Feedback from the Leisure Questionnaires. These are the results of the questionnaire about peoples’ evening and weekends leisure experiences in Staffordshire. 83 77 members of the Mencap Self Advocacy group and 8 members of the REACH Parliament completed the questionnaire. A total of 83 people. Some of the questions we asked were… “What do you do in the evenings and at weekends?” 11 Many people said they didn’t go out in the evenings or at the weekend. Most of the people who didn’t go out, mainly watched the television or listened to music. Only a few people said they were happy staying in and did not want to go out in the evenings or at weekends. That is a lot of unhappy people! Few people regularly went out in the evening and at weekends. Of these most of them went out with their carer or family. Only very few people went out on their own. 12 We asked: “Why don’t you go out in the evening and at weekends?” Many people said, they were too scared to go out at night. They said they were afraid of being bullied or attacked. Many people said they did not go out as there was no support or help if something went wrong, this worried them. Many people said they did not go out as there was no transport and they were scared of travelling on their own. 10. Comments and Questions. What can we do about these problems? How can we enable people to get out more and have a good and happy life? 13 We had some time to think of how we can improve the social lives of people with a learning disability. We worked together as a group, to answer Some questions in our tables. The questions were: Question 1: People said they did not go out in the evening and at weekends because they didn’t have transport. They did not have the confidence to travel by bus or train alone. What ideas can you come up with to help solve this problem? Question 2: People said they didn’t go out in the evening and at weekends because there was not enough to do. What ideas can you come up with to help solve this problem? Question 3: People said they didn’t go out in the evening and at weekends because they were scared of being bullied or attacked. What ideas can you come up with to help solve this problem? 14 Question 4: People said they didn’t go out in the evening and at weekends because there was no support or help if something went wrong or was worrying them. What ideas can you come up with to help solve this problem? Question 5: Many people said they did not go out as there wasn’t much to do where they lived. Others said it was because they did not have enough money to go out. We asked… “If you could do anything in the evenings and weekends, what would you like to do?” Most of the people said they would like to go to the pub, the cinema or theatre. People also said they would like to do activities such as: bowling, karaoke, drama, cycling, singing, swimming, go out for a show, boxing, a meal out, car racing, horse riding. They want to be able to do what most people do. They said their lives would be so much happier if they could go out more, meet friends and have fun. 15 The Learning Disability Partnership Board will collect all the papers and look at your ideas. We will take them back to the self advocacy groups and discuss your ideas. People with learning disabilities want to lead ordinary lives and do the things that most people take for granted. They want to work, learn, get about, enjoy leisure activities, meet people and be part of the community. We will ask the commissioners, managers of services for people with a learning disability and the Learning Disability Partnership Board to look at these ideas and work together with members of the self advocacy groups to solve these problems. 16 11. Lunch and Finish. We thanked everyone who attended the Leisure Workshop and the ideas you gave us to work on. Thank You! We thanked Shelly Gould for graphic facilitating the workshop and everyone who took part in the presentations. The group had lunch and the workshop ended. For a copy of the minutes contact Rosie Batho on: Email: [email protected] Phone no: 01785 854016 17 People who attended the Leisure Workshop Wednesday 20th February 2013 David Ward Rosie Batho Joan McKinlay Bob McKinlay Jo Quick Jane Bailey Anoopa Gupta Lee Kelly Robin Taylor Alison Wellon Antony Bryan Kylie Clewer Kevin Pudney Gina Parker Patty Smith Michael Gregory Andy Smith Charles Scrivener Mike Booth Lisa Ronson-Cox Alison Biddulph Sarah Ball Paul Carter Irfan Hussain Claire Bateman Paul Hincks Sue Trevatt Shelly Gould David Kingsley Alan Lake David Gill Ben Farnell Kieron Jones Susan Lintern Kevin Lacey Mencap Learning Disabilities Commissioning Team Carer, Stafford Carer, Stafford Carer, Stafford Mencap Member Mencap Member Mencap Member Friends 2 Friends Friends 2 Friends Friends 2 Friends Friends 2 Friends Friends 2 Friends Mencap Member Mencap Member Mencap Member Self Advocacy Group Self Advocacy Group Mencap Mencap Leek Day Centre Leek Day Centre Mencap Mencap Mencap Mencap Mencap Mencap Mencap Reach MP Codsall Day Service Cannock Mencap Chase Day Service Mencap 18 People who attended the Leisure Workshop Wednesday 20th February 2013 Mandy Morris Antony Trexon Helen Griffiths Julia Bain Tina Westwood Toni Lines Anita Bostock Sarah Taylor Marie Coley David Horton Sarah Holland Edward Franick Colin Percival Richard Meakin Heather Townsend Karen Webb Wayne Combe Glyn Nixon Graham Tarry Nigel Roberts K Antoniv-Thompson Warren Smith Joanne Heath Oliver Wood Lizzie Morerton Rose Hamilton Lee Turner Alex Thirtle David Raby Jane Baggley Gary Mevelle Mark Evans Liz Woolly Margaret Clough Julie Clough Mencap Mencap Community Connect Worker Community Connect Worker Community Connect Worker Leek Area Office Leek Area Office Learning Disabilities Commissioning Team Tamworth Day Service Tamworth Day Service Tamworth Day Service Tamworth T.U.F. Moorlands Day Service Moorlands Day Service Moorlands Day Service Staffs County Council Staffs County Council Kidsgrove Day Service Kidsgrove Day Service Kidsgrove Day Service Kidsgrove Day Service Stone Day Service Stone Day Service Stone Day Service Stone Day Service Stone Day Service Lichfield Advocacy Group Reach MP Reach MP Reach Project Co-ordinator Reach MP Reach Worker Reach MP Volunteers for Changing Places Volunteers for Changing Places 19 People who attended the Leisure Workshop Wednesday 20th February 2013 Tony Clough Simon Meyrick Matthew Thacher Ray Dingle Robert Jones Volunteers for Changing Places Rockspur Rockspur Rockspur Rockspur 20