Book 5-2
Book 5-2
caillou Book 5-2 Girl: Grandma, come read us a story, A story about Caillou. Storyteller: I wonder what Caillou did today. This story is called "Caillou and Gilbert". 1 Caillou: Look, Gilbert, this is a picture of a cat. I'm tired of coloring. I want to play with someone. 2 Caillou:Rosie Storyteller: Caillou wanted to play with someone, but he knew he wasn't supposed to wake up Rosie when she was taking her nap. 3 Daddy: Caillou. Shh... You know better than that, Caillou. Caillou: But I need someone to play with, Daddy. Daddy: Sorry, Caillou, we can't play with you now. You can play with Rosie later. 4 Storyteller: Caillou didn't want to play with someone later. He wanted to play with someone right now. 5 Caillou: Do you want to play with me, Gilbert? 6 Storyteller: Caillou suddenly thought of another game they could play. Caillou: I'll be right back. 7 Storyteller: Caillou knew that Gilbert would not like a story about a dog, but he thought Gilbert would love a mouse story, and a story with birds. 8 Caillou: Look, Gilbert. It's story time, Gilbert. This is a story about a mouse named... Mousie. One day Mousie... Mousie had a friend named... Meesie..., and one day Meesie and Mousie... Gilbert, look at the cute mouse. Gilbert, look here. 9 Caillou: I know what we can play. 10 Caillou: Hold still, Daddy will take you for a nice ride. 11 Daddy: Here, take that corner. Caillou: Gilbert. Gilbert and I are playing dress-up. I'm the Daddy. 12 Mommy: Caillou, dress-up is a people game. Caillou: A people game? Mommy: You know how you don't like to play baby games? That's because you're not a baby. Right? Caillou: Yes. 13 Mommy: Well, Gilbert's a kitty cat, not a person. So he likes playing kitty cat games. Do you know what games he likes best? Caillou: Yes. You like cat games, don't you, Gilbert? Meow. Get it, Gilbert. Meow. We're kitty cats, playing a game together. Meow. Daddy: What nice kitty cats we have! 14 感谢为孩子付出时间和精力,参与制作的父母们。 如果在阅读中发现文字错误,请回复到 爸妈网 我们会及时更正更新,谢谢。