1986 - Golf Manitoba
1986 - Golf Manitoba
I HOW TO ADEWXE RUM AIL. '1-, Don't add the mix 2 , Immediately First. savour t he anoma. Then Make it with Captain Morgan Deluxe. a truly premium rum with a richer. fuller flavour. It Is not a stronger taste. It's best described as rounder .. . smoot her. Meticulous blending with choice imported rums Is the use less mix than usual. This lets t he deluxe rum taste come thnough. The taste will actually Improve as it mellowsout Into the mix. So. sip slowl,\( secret. Captain Morgan iFJeS/wre IN WHITE,GOLD&DARK Contents AUTO GLASS Features Messages , ....... , ... , ......... , , , .... , , " 2 MGA Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 In Memoriam .. , .. , .. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tournam en t Calendars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 32 -33 Directory 01 Golf Courses ... . .....' .••....... 60-63 Advertisers ' Indox .. , , , . , ... , . , . , •• , , , ..... , , 64 Articles M .G .A . programs outlinod . . . . . . . . . • • • . . ... . 8 Fanning Athlete. Goller of Year . ...... . ......... 10 '86 Manitoba Open pot $50,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1985 Manitoba Open cut short ................. 14 Dan Halldorson tells his story .,., .... , ....... ,. 18 Manitobans sweep Canadian Junior ...... , , .. , . .. 22 Fanning rep eal S ,,, Manitoba Junior , , ... , , , ..... , 26 Somo unusual rwlo docisions , . . .. . ..••• , ..... , 30 Hashimoto wins Manitoba Amateur ... .. ••. , , .... 34 Doyles laad in Family golf ovont .. . ..... . ... ... 38 Hall prevails In Rural championship .... , . ......... ~ O Pros provid e variety of services ... , , ..... , , ..... 44 Superintendents go ba ck to 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Steel wins U.S. award .. .. ............. .. .... 47 Sanders claims SOI'tior cl1ampionship .. . ... . .... .. 48 Froo Press Inter·Club champion ship ., ..... , , ... , , 50 Elmhurst lOpS Crown Lifo ovont ..... , , . , , , ...... 52 Hashimoto claims Jack Blair honors ... , . , . , , .... . 54 Bayeo IntrOduces golf accessories ..... , , .. , , .... 56 Anderson dominates women's golf .,." ... " ... , 58 Walker heads C.L.G.A . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 58 Big year for senior even ts ..... . . , , . .. •••... , . , 59 FASTEST IN TOWN SPECIAUSTS IN: • WINDSHIELDS REPLACED • GLASS lor VENTS. DOORS, ond BACK WINOOWS .VINYL TOPS • BODY SIDE MOULDINGS .VAN WINDOWS .SUN ROOFS • PINSTRIPING • OUR SERVICE FEATURES: • • • • • • WHILE -U-WAIT SERVtCE CARS PICKED UP & DELIVERED GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP WAITING LOUNGES COMPLETE STOCK ON HAND MOBILE SERVICE • OPEN ON SATURDAYS V/S1 The Cover AplJtOllchlnn tt1u ninth nroon over tho woto r ot Plnu Foils (top loftl. Crowd rings f,fst grAcn 10 fOOl) flnnl ro und of 1985 M (l nll ol)o Opon lit Ehnhuqu Hop rioh t) [lmhurlll ond Pino Rldgo lo otlol vlow , contre leltl Will be hOI ' fOI Canadian SenlO! Men 'a c hampionship in September A view (If 1)I" Ih hOld IrOIll thu c lulJho~I!)O 11\ Maroun 's pic IUIBaquB M lnnewssto course (centle l ight I. Juniors pull 011 14th grllen 81 Glen(J(lIO /lowor Itlftl , whoro Monltobo AmaUlur Will be playod thl. yeaf Ducks Ble on th e ponel between 111h and 18th fairWAy!! 61 Southwood (lower rlghtl . lito 01 Manitoba Opon l or nut three year., Photogra phs on the cover were provided by free lanco photographor Hugh Allan, as were most o f the other pictures in this magazino, Special thal"lks also go to the Win· nipeg Free Pres s and other sources , NOW 8 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 7 WINNIPEG LOCATIONS 950 St. James St. .... ....... 354 Sherbrook .. . .. .. . ..... 948 St. Mary's Rd . . .. .. ... . . 25 Derby at Jarvis ........ .. 250 York at Garry ....... ... . 704 Scotland .. ............. 2140 McPhillips .... .. . .... . 786-5551 775-8131 257-3447 586-9727 943-4451 452-4745 694-2370 SELKIRK MANITOBA LOCATION 620 Sophia ........... . ... . . 785-8244 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 1986 Is publishod by the MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION 1 700 Ellice A venuo, Winnipeg, Man . R3H OB1 ThI S magazine was produced by WALLINGFORD PRESS LIMITED 358 Ross Avenue, Winnipeg, Man . DON'T JUST GET IT FIXED . .. GET IT " KILLEEN ED" MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B6 ........ ' Message from the M.G.A. President Whil e the 1985 golf season Saw the introduction of several changes in the ac tivit ies of the Association, 1986 will an be m arked by con tinued chango expansion of th e services available to m ember clubs and a concerted effort to promoto the gamo at tho grass roots lovel throughout M anitoba. Tho th roe ~yea r agreement w ith Pacific Wes tern Airlinos, Budget Rent A Car and ICG liquid Ga. Co, Ltd. as spon sors and Southw ood Golf and Country Club has insured a firm fin ancial base for Tho M anitoba Open. 81 ackwood s Bevoragos will continue thoir support of the tournam ent and we wo lco me Lab alt's and Hudson Bay Win e and Spirit as new associates. The partici pation of 20 additional Corporate Patrons w ill ensure the tournament's financial viabitity. The pri ze purse In 1986 will be $50.000. a" increase of more than 250 per cent from the 1984 level, with com mitments from sponsors to furth er increases over the term of the agreem ent. Th e consistent invo lvement of the Southw ood Golf and Country Club w ill enable the part ies to the agreelTlent to assess th e probl ems related to th o in creased magnitud e of th e event . The changes intro duced in 198 5 ex panding the Championship flight s to the low 60 and tias In both th e M anitoba Amatour and M anitoba Junior will be con tinuod. The successful golf cemp for rural Juniors at Carm en w ill also be repea ted as well as the camp for elite play ers in Winnipeg for bo th city and rural juniors. Manitoba's M ale Athl ete of the Year • in 1985, Todd Fanning, will ca p an illustrious junior ca reer by attempting to becom e th e second player to w in three consecutive M anitoba Junior Cham- Jim Sristow Broez y Bend plon ships. Todd will olso defend his Can adian Junior Championship in Edmonton In hopes of becoming Manitoba's only two-t ime winner of th e national event. The m aj or area of new direc ti on and service comes with th e addition to our full -time staff of a Technical Dire ctor. Todd Teplltski. In addition )0 being a former Junior Champion and Willingdon Cup tea m member, has an acad emic background closely related to tho work he is undertaking. The role of th e Tech· nical Director will evolve ove r th e year as neo ds are identified. Th e initial aroas of concentration will be at the elite junior GREETINGS FROM THE PROV INCE OF MANITOBA Lsrry Desjlfrdins May I take th is opportunity on behelf of th e Province of Manitoba to ex tend w arm wi shes to the members or tho Manitoba Golf A ssociation. Congratulations to th o oxecutive, w orking committees in all clubs and the army of volun teers invol ved for their efforts in providing more opportunities for M anitobans to play thi s wonderful game. Bes t w ishes for cOI1tinued succ ess in the development of the sport of golf, especially with the junior age pi eyers. Sincerely, L.L. Desjardins Minister Responsiblo for Sport 2 level and the grass roo ts level. Our ultimate goal is to expand interest in the game by developing programs for use in high schools and by other groups and to make expertise availabl e to all rural areas of M anitob a. The establi shment of the Technical Di rec tor's position is not in conflict with the efforts and activities of the M a nito ~ ba Professional Golfers Association. Our programs contemplate th eir continued InvolvemelH at tho lovel of previous years and hopefully our cfforts will be of diroc t benefit in expanding their ac tivity in all areas of the Provin ce. The establi shment of th is position has been made possible by a grant from the Man· Itoba Sports Federation. The Associ ation has assembled a collection of video instructi onal and informational tapes for ell levels which aro available to m ember clubs through the golf offi ce on a reservation basis. In 1986. the M.G.A . will continuo its pro· gram of Irelrating and (relmeasuring member courses and w ill provide distance plaqu es upon completion and reques t. This seventh successful edition of tho Golf Annual Is our only opportunity for direc t contac t with th o m ore than 10.000 members of the M.G.A . I trust you will enjoy the contents of your annual. We would al so welcome enquiries from members and clubs concern ing our existing services and the requirements of member clubs. Thi s parti cipation by the membership w ill enabl e us to botter serve your needs. Best wi shes for an enjoyabl e golf season. Jim Bristow President, Manitoba Golf Association BEST WI SHES FROM RCGA PRESIDENT On behalf of the Royal Can. dien Golf Associotion, it is my ploa sure to convey our very bes t wi shes to the Manitoba Golf Association and all Man ~ itoba golfers for a success ful and enjoyabl a 1986 season. Manitob a ha s pr odu ce d some of Canado's fines t golf· ers and its junior golfers proved e credit to th province las t yoar producing the Pepsi Canadian Junior Championship and Junior Intorprovincial Team Championships. Douglas Srewer The hospitality and courtesy extended to our off icials and the co mpetitOrS during 111eso eventS w as grea tl y appreciated and we look forward to return ing to Manitoba thi s yea r for th e 25th Senior Championship of Canad a, and to our continued associa tion w ith " friondly M anitoba". Douglas G. Brower, Presi dent Royal Canadian Golf Association MANITOBA GOLF A NNUAL '86 You and Eaton's Sporting Goods - a winning combination any time of year Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall - Eaton's is on hand with the sporting gear you need. Quality equipment from proven winners and all backed by Eaton's tlmehonoured guarantee: "Goods satlstatory or money refunded." Whatever your game, you'll come out ahead with Eaton's. Remember, you can charg it on your Eaton's Account. EATON'S WI ILRE YOUR VALUE IS CoUARANTlLf) MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 3 1986 MGA COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President - J im Bristow, Breezy Bend Presiden t-Elect AI Gray, Charleswood Past President AI M aca tavish, Elmhurst Vice-President Rud y Boivin, Southwood Vice -President Ba rrie Sanders, Carm an Treasurer Execut ive Director Ken Hanford , Niakwa Bob Forca nd, Breezy Tournament Secretary - Gavin McFad zea n COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Manitoba Open Tournamants Junior Development Rural Events Special Events - ASSISTANTS Keith Arm strong, Niakw a Rud y Boivin, Southwood AI Gray, Charles w ood Barri e Sanders, Carm an Rud y Boivin, Southwood Bob Forcand, Breezy Bend Lorne Kingyens, Bel Acres Moe Solomon, Elmhurst Ted Chop, Nothern aire OTHER MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Steve Bannatyne, St. Charles Jim Berry, Reston Ron Casse ls, Assiniboinc Geoff Chand ler, Kill arn ey George Delorme, Transcona Bob Genoway, Mord en LlOyd Goodman, Pine Rid ge Peter Guenther, Steinbac h Ken Kovacs, Ro ssmere J ack Kullberg, Brandon Gord Lenton, Se lkirk Don MacDonald, Pine f3idge Al an Maxwell, St . Charles Brian MacPherson, Southwood Mel Montgomery, Carman Dave Morri son, Breezy Bend Mike Mykyt yn, Six-Thirt y Club Larr y Nahac hew sky, Shllo Ed Revel, Teulon Jim Scollan, Elmhurst Warren Sco tt, St. Boniface Ron Solomon, Glendale J im Sorenson, Glodstone Dick Spraque, Charleswood Ken Stadnek, Arborg Bob Staffo rd, Niakwa Clarence Sveinson, Canoe Clu b M ark Tessier, Thompson Rick Thain, MuniCipal courses Dr. Gene Theodore, Swa n Ri ver Weiland Will iam s, Bel Acres Wayne Worobey, Wildewood MGA YEARBOOK COMMITTEE General Chairman - Rudy Boivin Editorial Director - Ralph Bagley Adverti sing - Ken Hanford, Gord Pattison , Gav in McFadzean, Keith Arm strong, Bob Stafford, Rick Thain, Gord Lenton, Barb Palleva . Swing into Summer! SWIM - GOLF - TENNIS ~ THE WILDEWOOD CLUB 761 North Drive PH , 474-1389 for Information We also offer - • Badmin ton, Curling Cross Country Skiing Year round Dining & Banquet facilities. 4 BALAN ELECTRIC 24 '·IOUR SER VICt: I()<) III GG INS AV ~NIJ J1 W I NN JPI:.{i, MA N ITO H" lO B OUS PII O N F; 94 2 6606 PII ON t:. : 94 3· 3070 MAN ITOBA GOL F ANN UAL ' 8 6 "·I." ~ ~·" " \.:.' .. MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 ~ "{...:.,,- ..".,:. l~: i '~l'l" 5 lIn lItmnriam JOSEPH WATSON KACHOR A hardworking membor of the Carman Golf Club w ho also served nearly 10 yea rs on the M anitoba Golf A sso ~ da tion Council. Joe Kechar died Septem ber 15, 1985, at his Carman residence. He was 62. Joe Kachor was an er'l thu siasti c booster of rural golf activities and played an ac ti ve rolo in th o staging of tho M GA's rural ama tour an d sonior champi onship tourn ament at Hecla Island in recent yea rs. He was B mombor of the Ca rm on Golf Club since 1957 and on the MGA Council since 1977, enjoying the fellowship an d always a w illing wo rker. He is survivod by his w ife M ari o, daughtors D ebb io Crease and Cindy Takva m of Winn lpog, four grandchildren, his fath or Hnet Kec hor of Va ncouver, broth ers Bill of Hllbre, Man .. end Pete of Kenore, ant .. and sis ters Mary CrombIe and Ruth Bittn er of Vancouver, Jean For· dyee of Kenlon, Man.. and Emily Kamp of Melville, Sask. Joe wi ll be missed eround the Carman Golf Club and a t th o Rural tourn aments. 6 M ICHAEL PIDLASKI On e of M anitoba's bos t known golf ers and a former provincial Amateur champion, Mike Pidlaski died Apri l 30 at the age of 69. He was ac ti ve for many yea rs at 51. Boniface Golf Club, before moving to Elmhurst Golf and Country Club, w here in recent years he spent many hours on the prac tice fai rwa y. Mike Pidlaski won th o M anitoba Amatour cham pion· ship in 1949 and 1960, defeating St. Boni face clubmatc Bill Budd Ihe first yea r, thon topping brOlher an d cl ub mate BUI Pidlaski in 1950. Both later won the Am ateur crown , Budd In 1951 and Bill Pidlaski in 1960 and 1963. M ike was also runner·up to Southwood's Allan Boes in the 194 8 Amateur 'final and he wa s twice runner-lIp in the M anitoba Open, behind Bob Reith in 1950 and behind Hal Eldsvig in 19 52. He was al so a great compotitor in tho MGA Inlor Club events, playing on the wi nning team 11 times seven for St . Bonifece in 194 7-49 -50-51-52 -54 -57 and four for Elmhurst in 195B -6 1-65 -68, He was predeceased by his wi fe Elsi e and is survived by two broth ers, Bill and John, bo th in Wi nnipeg, and a sister, Ann e Pylatuk, in British Columbia. MA NI TOBA GOLF AN NUAL '86 CONSOLIDATED TURF EQUIPMENT (1965) LTD . Jill. DISTRIBUTOR S 171 ~OW[LL AVENUE OF I POW E RED WINNI P EG, AND RECREATIONAL EQUIPM MANITOB A FUH OHI I ~HONE NT (20 " ) &)3. 1%7' COLUMBIA~ NP,W 19K6 (:OI .mml A C;OI. F ('A ilS: 1 Ok 4 Wl l fl:P.l./ CAS OR ~: LECTR I C H(lI)~I.~ REC:UNllll' I (INr.n OAVtmlON C:OU' :) OR {, Wttt:f. L CAS II hltLt: V- (!AIIS i ~'(1Ut; l< ti Cushman Turf Truckslar new 22-hp gas engine ..JACOBSEN" TURFCATll MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 7 Manitoba Golf Association's programs, objectives outlined By Ken Hanford Executive Direct or. M anit oba Golf Association The M anitoba Golf A ssociation is an Inco rporated spon s ass ociati on w hose purposes are, genorall y speakin g, the encouragement and developm ent of golf in Manitoba. It Is recogni zed as th e gov erning body of golf in thi s Province by th e Royel Canadian Golf A ssociati on, Eligibility for mombership in th e A ssociation is ex tended to all privata golf clubs and municipally owned or individ ually-owned courses in Manitoba. The A ssociation fun cti ons under the direc tion of an elect eq Coun ci l w hose method of elect ion and rospo" sibllities are outlined in the bylaws. T he more detail ed work is under th o supervision of the President' and Exocu live Committee. whil e day-l a-day IYIan agement is under the Executive Diroctor. T he objec ts of the A ss ociatIon are: 0) to develop, encourage and control tho game of golf in the Province of M a ni ~ toba and Broa of jurisdicti on. b) to arrango, schedule and supervise such tourn aments in th e Provin ce as may be con sidered desirable in rolation to object (a). To receive entries and so t entry fees. c ) to protect the interest s of the game of golf and to uphold tha Rulas of Golf as approved for use in Canad a by the Royal Canadian Golf Ass ocia ti on, GEN ERAL 1. All m ember clubs of th e M anitoba Golf A ssociation are al so members: o f THANKS The Manitoba Golf A ssociation expresses th ank s to the following org ani zatio ns and busin oss firms who have made grants and dona· tions to the associa tion: Provin ce o f M anitob a Sport Direc torate Manitoba Sport s Federation Gaming Fun ds Winn ipeg Free Pross Crown Llfa Paci fic Wes torn A irlines Bud get Rent A Car Carling O'Kee fe Brew eries Ford Motor Company M eaghers D istill ery The Winn ipeg FOLlndetion Blackwood Beverages M olson's Brew ery 8 th e Royal Can adian Golf A ssociati on. Eacl1 club m ambor (adult m ale 19 yea rs of age and over ) is issued a Manitoba Golf A ssociation Royal Canadian Golf A ssociation membership card w ith a space for the club name, the reverSe side of w hich ha s space for the individual'S name and updating space for hiS o fficial handica p. This card Is invaluable w hon Visiting oth er c lub s, and al so mu st be presented to th e st arter at each official M anitob a Golf A ssociatio,' tournament with updated handicap. 2. Only holders of off icial ca rd s are enti tled to ont or a Manit oba Golf A sso ~ ciati o n s an c t io n ed and o p erat ed tournament. 3. The M anitoba Golf A ssociati on condu cts Provincial Championships, the Crown Life, North Am erican Life Famll y ovont and the M ani toba Open. 4. Inte r~Provin c i a l Team events in Jun lor M en's, M en's Am oteur and Senior· M en's. The co mposition of tho va rious Provincia l Teams are determin ed end qualified by the Assoc iati on. 5. The Manitoba Gol f Association pro vides all tOUrt1Olmen t prizes and troph ies w here required. A U pormanen t trophies are ins w ed by tho Mani toba Golf A sso· ciation and retained for safe keeping and engraving w hen required. 6. For rural mam bers onl y, the M anitoba Golf Associa tion conduc ts the Rural A mateur, Ru ra l Senior an d the M eagher Beefea ter lone team ovon t. Tho Higher Handicap was tried in 19B4 w ith a small entry and was abandoned in 1985 be ~ cause of lack of en tries. Full Information regarding each evon t is forwarded to each club at the stan of tho golf season. 7. A Junior Development Prog ram by the Manhoba Golf Associa tion has proved to be a ve ry ac tive and rewardi ng ex ~ porionce for any Junior golfer w ho has attended a golf camp, participa ted in Sunday Junior Inter·Clubs or the Jllnior Cham pionship. Three gol f cam ps wo re held in 1985, the Carma" Rural Golf Camp, the Elite Camp and the Urban Golf Cam p, and provod to be beneficial to all Juniors rural and urban. (Continuod on page 30) • Todd Teplitski named MGA Technical Director Todd Tepli tski, a 25 yo ar·old graduBte of Iho recrea tional stud ies; assumed du ti es in February as th e first Technical Direc t or for the M anitoba Golf A ssoci ation. Whi le th e job is new, Teplit sky is no stra nger to tho M anitoba golf scene. He w as provincia l jllnior champion In 19 79 and a member o f th e provin Cial team th ill year and al so was a mernber o f M anitoba's W illingd on ClIP te,HH in 198 4 , Last yea r, he fini shed fourth in the M anitoba Amateur cham pIonship at Pine Ridgo, hi s homo club, but didn't take part in tho Will ing don Tonm trials because he left on a honeymoon, havIng been marri ed ju st t wo day s ',ofore th e Am ateur startod. He gra duated from the Uni ve rsi ty of W innipog w ith a Bachelor of Recreational Stud ies degree and las t year worked on golf course mainten ance at John Blumberg muniCipal COurse for the summar, then became program direc tor at M apl es Cornrn l Hlit y e illb until hi s MGA appoinlment in February. In Ihis now nasl ti on, To plit ski w ill be involved irl all OSPOC IS o f th o develop Todd Tep//l sk/ lI~en t of golf programs for the M anltoba Golf A ssociation. Ho oxpec ts much o f his earl y work wi ll be involved With junior golf developm ent, par ticularly in Iho ru ra l area s of the prOVi nce, MANI rOBA GOLI ANNUAL ' 86 ...... -..., . ~ . ... Q Golfer of Year, Athlete of Year honors won by Southwood youth Todd FannIng of Southwood poses with frophy and large photo of himself aftor being named Manitoba M alo Athleto of Ihe Yeer for 1985 by Monilobo Sporlswrit.rs' and Sportscasters' Associa tion 81 the annual BWBrds dinnor in January. Todd Fanning dominates Manitoba golf scene again. For th e second straigh t year, a you ng golfer frorn Sou thwood Gol f and Coun· tr y Club dom ina ted tho M anitoba golf scene in 1985. For 17 yeor old Todd Fanning, Ihe accoledes just kopt pouring in long oHer the gol f sea son had ended and into the current year 85 he surpassed his incred· iblo foa ts o f the previous year. Fanning 's 1985 gol f acco rnpli shfnents Incl uded: his second straigh t M anitoba Junior championship, 8 good showing in the Canadian Amateur c hampionship at Saskatoon, tho Conadian Junior cham plonsl1ip and mambar o f the winning Intorprovlnclal team, member of th e winning lOam in the M anitoba Junior inter club competition, member o f the w inning toarn il1 the Manitoba /M inneso ta m atches. In the previous yoar, Fanning had won both th e Manitoba Junior and Amatour titles and played on both provincial teams, for which he was namcel Manito10 be Golfer o f tl1e Yea r for 1984. Fanning was again chosen 8S Golfor o f th e Year for 1985, but the honors didn' t Sl OP there. He was also elected I)y the Manitoba Sportswriters Dnd Sportsca sters A sso cia tion as Manitoba's male Athl ete o f the Year for 1985, the first golfer to win that honor since pro Dan Holldorson in 1980 and the first amateur gol f w inner since 1968 whon Jimmy Doyle won the Canadian Amateur title. Othor golfers to win tho honor wero Ted Homonulk in 1961 and George Knudson In 19 59 and 1960. Halldorson was also a double winner, first beil''1g honored in 1978. Fanning was also named Manitoba Junior Athlete of the Year. In both season s, Fanning was the Manitoba winne r of the Royal Canadi an Golf Associa tion's Junior Achievem ent Award , for which he earned a return trip to the Canadian Open cham - pionshlp to obsorve the top tour play OrS in ac tion and havo a chance to mingle with them. Fanning won the 1985 Manitoba Golf er of the Year honors over two other players who played B very dominant role in the past season - Terry Hashimoto and Gail And orson, both o f 51. Charles Country Club and both to be m issing from the loca l co mpetitive scene th is year, Hashimoto, a former two time w inner 'of the Golfer of Vear honors lin 1976 and 1980), was a runaw ay winne r of the Manitoba Amoteur and anchor man on the Willingdon Cup toam. Ho turned pro fessional last fall, made ono attempt for his playod card on the U,S, tour and plans to try again lator th is yea r, He's opora tlng the pro shop at Bol Acres Golf Club this summer, as well as his Caddy Shed stores. Anderson , also a form er Golfer of the Year winner (1983). was also a runaway MANITOBA GO L ~ ANNUAL ' 86 winner in the women's amateur championship and anchored the M an itoba women's leam in th e national play. She has been att9r'lding univorsity in th e south for tI'I e past three years and her family has now moved to Kelowna, B,C., so sho wan' , bo living In M anitoba tl'lis summer, but can be expected to be hoard from out of Briti sh Columbia , It marked the 11th yoar the Mani toba Golfer of the Year has been selected and honored w ith tho Laba tt trophy and largo pic ture, which we re presented by Labatt goneral Manager Vern Penner. In TOdd 's absence. the presentation was made to his mother. Fanning w as on hand to receive his M anitoba Ath lete of the Year aw ard at the annual presentatior'l dinnor hold by the sportswriters association at the Hollow Mug at the International Inn in January. Matt Poleschuk, then of Pin. Ridge, was the fi rst winn er of tho M anItoba Golfer of the Year award for the 1975 season, Hashimoto won in 1976 and 1980 and another double winner was Bill Parker, who won in 1979 out of Elm· hurst and 1962 out of Breezy Bend , The other form or winners were Jimmy King of Elmhurst in 1977, Torry More of Elmhurst in 1978 and Shauna Gechel of Breozy Bend, who becam e the first fomale winner in 1981. Todd 's mo ther. Mrs. L.O. Fanning was on hand to accep t tilt! 1985 Golfer o{ th e Year award {rom Labatt 's Manitoba gener81 nwnoger Vern Pennaf, prosof) tud IJt the annual meeting of the Manitoba Golf Association in Febluory. X EROX CANADA CUSTOM ER SER VI CE AN OUTSTANDIN G TEAM OF PROFESS IONALS XEROX CANADA INC. XEROX IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF XEROX CORP, MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 801 -310 BROADWAY AVENUE WINNIP EG, MANITOBA R3e OS6 THREE NEW MAJOR SPONSORS Manitoba Open pot grows to $50,000 Three new major corporate sponsors will provide the backing as th a Manitoba Open Golf Championship movos into an era of bigger and better this year. Pacific Western A irlines, Budget Rent A Car and ICG Liquid Gas are the new major sponsors. Their contributions will go toward a record $ 50,000 in prize money offered for the 1986 Manitoba Open, which will be pleyed Aug. 22-24 at the Southwood Golf and Country Club. The Manitoba Golf Association, along with the sponsors and Southwood hava also announced this Is the start of a three-yeer program which will sae th e Open played at the Southwood course with the purse to be increased oach year. Southwood was also the host club for the $34,000 Manitoba Open in 1985, but the weather disrupted what was shaping up as a mos t successful event. MGA officials felt the Southwood voluntoer workers deserved another opportunity to stage th e competi tion. Tho sponsors sought 8 three-year pro- Southwood Golf and Country Club wi1l be the host fur the 1986 Manitoba 01)80 championship and also for 1987 and 1988 following agreement with new sponsors end M enitobe Golf Associ8tion. gram to provid e continuity over a time when It is hoped the M anitoba Open will grow. The accessibilit y of the Southwood course to th e public, with ample park ~ Ing spa ce provided through an agreoment with the neighboring University of Manitoba, was 8 (actor In the decision . If th e tournament is to be 8 success and draw large crowd s, the feeling was that Southwood was equipped to handla the traffic. A steering committee has been established to handle all financia l aspec ts of tha Open, with the Manitobe Golf As sociation to continue to be in charg e of the actual tournament pl ay. The steering committee includes past president Keith Armstrong and troasure r Bob Forca nd from the MGA Council, Southwood open commi ttee chairman Brien MecPherson and director of golf Barrie McWha from the golf club. and sponsor representatives Walt McA.loney for PWA , Don Mitchell for Budget and Carl Best for ICG. A major announcement wa s made in February to introduce PWA and Budget as major sponsors, with ICG Liquid Gas Joining as 8 th ird corporato sponsor in April. 12 In addition to tho major sponsors, the 1986 M anitoba Open will also have consessions support from Blackwood Beverages, Labates (Manitoba) Brewory, Hudson's Bay Win e and Spirits and possibly others as well as a group of Open patrons involved with the promotion of th e event. One of the major changes in th e for mat fortho 1986 Manitoba Open will be the oliminatlon of the Kins man Pro ~Am tournamen t on tl1e day before the 54 -hole open start s. It will be replaced by an invitational event involving a top group Of proS, with a bonus event for tho others. Dan Halldorson, a four-tim e winner of tho Manitoba Opon titl e and a regular on the U.S. pro tour, has made a firm com· mitment to return thi s year and has also convi nced Dave Barr, hi s partn er on tho Canadian team which won th e World Cup championship last year, to come along. Halldorson also hopes to convince somo oth er tour players to pay a visit. " I may bo ablo to convince somo of my friends that owe me something to take break from th e tou r, too," ho said, adding: " I don' t know about Lon Hinkel. though. He would probably drive Over some of the greens at Sou thWOOd ." Bob Beauchemin of Sydney, B.C.. president of the Tournamen t Players Division of the Canadian Professional Golf· ers Association, also assured Manitoba Open officials the tournamen t would get full support from tho Canadian pros. "The support from your corpora to sponsors will havo a dramatic effec t On th ~ calibre of players appearing," he told a February press con ference called to announce the Open plans. "The TPO 's goals are to promote a Canadian tour and elevate the image of the division pl ayors." . He also said tho M anitoba Open dates wou ld fil with B.C. Open tho following week and there was an offort being made for another major tourn amen t in the procodlng week to tie In with the Manitoba even t. He was also sure most of the top Canadian professionals would taka part since the Manitoba Opon is included in 1he Labau Order of Merit, which off ers a $25,000 bonus for the top five players in the tour of events, MAN ITOBA GO LF ANNUAL ' B6 We Spread Our Wm~ Across The West HUOSON~Y fN: IFlC OCEIIN UII\. Lcrc'sa ' piril in the West. A spiril in the IlIajesty of the land anellhc hospitality of the pc: oplc. And no airline knows this spirit Iikc Pad lk WL'~IL'I' n . From Inll vik in I he Norlll Lo Se'llIlt: o n I he Pacific c,,:uasl, And frum Victoria a<.:ross I'he mountains and pnliril's :l lIlh . way 10 Turnnto, \'Ve ny 10 mort' p1:I CCS in th e west th an the other twu airlilll's c:u mbinc(i . And when you uo fl y wilh us you 'll qualify for valuahk credils nn Acroplan, Canada's No, I Frcqul'nI 1:lycr Program . 'l'he spirit of the West. You 'll find iI whl'fever P;u..' ifk \X'l'slcrn sprc::tds it s wil1gs. MANtTOBA GOLF A NNUAL 'S8 13 FIRST MAJOR TOURNAMENT VICTORY Robbie Phillips wins abbreviated Manitoba Open '85 Robbie Phillips 1985 M aniroba Open champion 14 The story of the 198 5 Manitoba Open golf championship should be wrincn on B roller coast er or an eleva tor - there wore so many ups-and-downs associa t ed w ith it. First thoro w as the " up" feeling of the fact it was to be the big gest M anit oba Open in terms of money, offering $34,000 in pri ze money and $6,000 to th e w inner. There was also an optimi stic feeling about the enthusiasm showod by tt,e VO lunteers from Southwood Golf and Country Club. a de terminat io n to make It tho bo st Mani toba Open ever held. With a good fi eld assured, th e event got off to a grea t start when no less th an 17 professionals broke par at Southwood during the Kinsman Pro-Am event, stirring up plenty of Interes t among golf fans. Th ere w ere 13 par-bu sters as the 143 players completed their first round on the Friday, with 8 surprisingly large number of spec tators on hand. This gave promi se of record crowds for th e w eekend. Then the torrential rain s came and the down part of the coas ter ride began. By Saturday morning it w as app arent th o second round w ould have to be call ed off, Th ere wa s so much water on O, e Southwood fai rw ays, the ducks whi ch uSl lall y dwell on the man-made pond bet w oon the 11th and 18th holos w orD sottling in on th e first fairway instead. A s the day w ore on and th e rain continued, there was a feoling of despair among MGA offi cials and the South w ood oang wh ich had been so enthusias tic just two days earlier. During the aftern oon, B big decision was made by tournament chairm an Keith Armstrong, along w ith the South wood committoe and player representatives. Sinco Southwood w as unplayable (as w ere most other COur es in the city), the field w ould move out to Elmhurst, wh ere 8 sandy base prevents heavy ra infall from si tting on the fairways. Th ey would play th ere Sunday and tho tournament wou ld bo reduced to 36 holes, Agoln , the tournament outlook w as on the upward swing. SOllthwood Open chairman Brian M acPh erson and his exce llent group of volunteers agreed to c arry on their dutios at Elmhurst and Elmhurst offi ci al s also pit ched in to m ake it a successful day. Despite cool, w indy w oa th er, m ixed with a little more moisture. the second round was pl ayod at Elmhurst and again a surprisingly largo number of spec t at ors bravod tho clem ents to see it all happen. M any had to w alk a fair distance to get to th e co urso after parking along Garvcn Ro ad, too. The golfers had nothing but praise for all con co rnod, the Manitoba Golf Associati on, the SOllthwQod gang w ho carMANITOBA GOLF A NNUAL '86 dad on despite tho disappointment of not comp leting the job that was s tart ~ cd, the Elmhurst officials for their co -operation, and the fans who braved the cool weather to follow the players, The 198 5 M ani loba Open finished on a high nato and when it was all over, 27 -year-old Robbie Phillips of Jackson's Point, 0'''It.. emerg pd 8S the champion. He carded a one-LInder-par 70 at Elm hurst, a cou rse he had nevor seen before, to go with a throe-undor par 67 In the opening round at Sou thwood for a 36 -hold score of 137 and a one -stroke vic tory - good for the $6,000 first pri]o. It was tho first major tournament vic tory for Phillips, who was in his fifth year as a golf professional. Only one behind was Bill Isra elson of Bemidji, Minn., who also was playing for the first time at Elmhurst, whore he shot 70 to go with his 68 in the first round at Sou thwood. Two more strokes back there a fourway tic for third pla ce with four-tim e champ and tournament favori te Dan HaUdorson of Brandon and Winnipeg joined by Norm Jarvis of Richmond, B.C" Kelly Murray of Vancouver and Howard Alkinson of Lond on, ant .. all al 140, Michael Hutcheon, a young player from Thunder Bay, won th e Hal Eidsvig trophy as low ama teur in U18 fie ld with a 36 hold scora of 146, one beltor than M anitoba Amateur champ Terry Hashi mota of 51. Charles and J immy Doyle and Chuck Arnason, bOlh of Sandy Hook, who all used 147 strokos for I'ho two rounds , The bost local pros in the tournament were Jim Stoep of Glendale and Sandy Patorson of Breezy Bend, who both fin ~ ishod at 147, Mlchs(J1 Hutch60n Low amateur in the Open MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B6 • And the rains came Soggy first fairway a( Southwood. looklil9 (oward clubhouse from sand (rep be side first green. (ells (he story of the wlJshou( (ha( forced 8 rnove to Elmhurst for the 1985 Opon windup, In all, 40 pros got into the prize money with scores of 150 or better and there were 12 ama teur prize winners at 153 or better, A tkinson, a Ichhander, had taken the lead in the first round at Sou thwood wi th a five under-par 65, but he need ed 75 stroke s at Elmhurst, Jarvis, Murray and Brian Vance of Ot· towa sharod runner-up honors in the first round with 66s, with Phillips grouped at 67 with Falcon Lake's Bud Edwards and Frank Edmonds of Thund er Bay, Israelson was at 68. along wi th Daniel Talbot. Jean-Loui s LaMarre and Dan Mi jovic, whi le Halldorson and Paterson completed the par·breaking brigade wIth 69s, The case for the top prize was an interesting one at Elmhurst on the Sun day, A fter 27 holos, there were only four strokes soparating the top sevon players, Atkinson was still clinging to a narrow lead with 101, Phillips was at 102, Israelson, Murray and Vance all had 103, Jarvis was at 104 and HiJlldorson at 105 with nIne holes to play, In the Pro Am even t which kicked off the festivities at Southwood, Jim Rut ledge of Victoria led the assault on Southwood's par with a nines of 32-33 for a five under 65. Grouped at 67 were Israelson, Talbot and two more U.S. players - Mike Bonder of Iowa and Keith Parker of Florida. Shooting 68 were Manitobans Ben Smirnov of John BIlll1"lborg and Stan Homenuik, of Dauphin, along with 8rl· 91"1 Shaw and Terry Miskolczi of Toron to, Greg 015011 of Ottowa and Dan Koes l ers of New Moxico. The group at 69 included Pat O'Don nell of Pine Ridge along with Murray, Vance, Ray Stewart of Vancouver, Lal"l ny Sawchuk of Victoria and Kevin Dickey of Klngslon , Halldorsol"l matched par with 70, along with Ion Doig of Seaforth, Onl. , and B.C. swingors Terry H rper and Steven Anderson -Chapman. Doig led hIs amateur motes Dave El lis of Breery Bond, Alf Sobkowlch of Rossmere and Ray Brunei of Southwood to the pro -am leam honours, The 1985 Manitoba Open champion ship was certain ly a tournament to remember ol"ld MGA and Southwood officials are hoping for a repoat on the enthusiasm of tho workers and the fans, but not of the weather for this year's compo tltlon again scheduled at Southwood In August. 15 1985 Manitoba Open Prize List 19 8 5 MA NI TOBA OPE N CHAM PIO NSHIPS PR IZE LIST PROFES SIONA LS PRI ZES 131 Robbie Phillips , Jac kson ' s Pt. . Ont. .. . , $6 ,000 .00 138 Bitl Isra elson, BemidJI, Minn . . , " , . . . . . . 4. 200.00 140 Don Halldofson, Brandon , Man ., .... , " , .. 2,062 .50 140 Kolly Murray, Vanc ouver, B.C ....... . .. . ," 2.062 .50 140 Howard Atkinson , London , Ont. .... , . . ,., 2 ,062 .50 140 Norm Jell/is , Voncouvor . B.C. . . . .. 2,062 . 50 142 Jean·Louls Lamarre, LaPralrlo . P,O. " .. 1,300 .00 143 Ward Stouffor , Burnaby , B.C . ....... 14 3 143 144 145 145 Dan Talbot , 51. Basile La Granda . P,O . . . , . Brian Vance , Ottawa , Ont . .•. , , , • , . . . . . Skip Holton , Titusville . ~18 . .. ," , ..... . Sandy Harper. Nanaimo. B.C . ... ,......... Doug Lecuyer, dmon ton , A h a. . .. . ... ,.. 145 Keith Parker . Now Smyrna Booch. Ha. .. 145 Frank Edmonds , Thundor Bay, Onl. " .... , 146 Steve Anderson Chapmon . Vlc to rlo . B.C. 14 6 M ike Bender. Ceda r Foil s, lowo " .. ... 146 L(lnny Sawchuk , Vic toria. B.C .. , .. , , . . . . 146 Bornla Starchuk . Toronto . Ont. . .. , • . " . 146 Don MIJovlc. Willowdale . Ont. ." ..• " ' , . , 147 Jim Steep , Glendale .• . , ...• , . . .• " " . , 147 Ray Stewa rt , Voncouver. B.C. . ..•• • •... . . ' 47 Sandy Paterson . Breo2y Bond . . . . • . • . . . . 148 Kevin Dickey. Kingston . Ont. .. . . . .. . . . 148 Rick Gibson, Vancouver. B.C , . ,. 14 8 Ken Tarllng , Grimsby, Ont. " . ... , . • . , . 148 Jim Ru tledge, Victoria, B,C . .. , , , , ... , , . 148 Jim Lazarko , St. Charles " , , . . , , .. , . 1, 100 ,00 1. 100.00 1.100 ,00 900 .00 . 775 .00 . . . 775 .00 775.00 775 .00 550 ,00 550 .00 550.00 550 ,00 550,00 400 ,00 400.00 400.00 300 ,00 300.00 300 ,00 300 ,00 300 ,00 14 9 Bob Baauchemin , Sydnoy, B.C . ... , . , . , " " 149 Stan Homeniuk , Daupllin , Man .. ... , , . , • . 149 Sandy Ku reeba , Nelson Bay , Ausl. 149 Torry Mlskolezi , Richmond Hill, Ollt. . 149 A I Scott, Elmhurst ... , , , . 149 Sco tt Kallgos , Sc arhorouoh , Ont. 149 Doug Warno,', MlsSlssHugl;l , Ont. '4 9 Gerry Morrissey, Rossmere . . . .. . 150 L.a rs M elandor, Oakville . Ont. , , , . , , . , , ... 150 Greg Pid laski, Loduc , Alta . . , , , , , , , •. , .• 1 50 Pa l Kembal! , Pino Ridge . .,,,,,,,•,. 150 Tom Jackson , Toronto, Ont. 150 Ian Dolg, Sea forth , Ont. . .. . .. .. . 150 Se rgo Thlvorgo, 51. Eustacho , P.O. 1 60 M ichel Pilon , Harbour View 160 Malcolm Trickey , Perth . Ont. 146.81 146.87 14687 146 .87 146.87 146 .87 146 .8 7 146.67 41 . 25 41 .25 41 .25 41.25 41. 25 41 . 25 41.25 41 . 25 AMATEU RS MERCHANDISE OROERS 14 6 Michae l Hutcheson , Thunder atty , Ont. . " . $350.00 147 Jim Doy le, Sandy Hook, Ma n . , , , , , , , , , , . 215 ,00 14 7 Chuck Arnason, Sandy Hook , Mar' .. , . , 215 .00 14 7 Terry Hashimoto , St. Charlos . 215.00 14 8 Glen Hnll tJuk, Selki rk, Man. 140.00 148 Kevin Nic holson , 801 Actos 140.00 149 Govln Speirs , ST . Charles ., 100.00 162 Dave Komora, Rossmere . . . ,., .. ,., 80 ,00 , 52 David K, uclk , Elmhurst , .....• , .. " . 80.00 1 63 Carl Lechm an , ~o85mere , , .. , . , , , , , , , . , , , 15 ,00 1 53 Chris Nelson, Sou thwood .. " . " . , ' , " , . 15 .00 153 Ron W ilson, Sr at-y Bond ... , .. , , . , • , . . 15 .00 163 David Wo lch , Glendale . . . .... , , , , , .. , 15.00 .We put the cap on good tastes. blackwoodl bcucfa9C1 limited 1850 Ellie. Avonu e, Winnipeg, Manll oba R3H OB8 16 MAN ITOBA GOLr ANNUAL ' 86 !Jdgpt truck rental SPONSORS OF MANITOBA OPEN The economy ofluxurJt $ 39.!5 plus Km charge Participating Locations The luxury of economJt !~!~ r::!r:.~tl.g$ 24t.tSday on weekends. 100 free Km - Participating Locations Budget proves that you <;an ~till Lynx, (or similar economy car) for as enjoy luxury at an eco nomi cal price. little as $29.95 a day. l~se rve a roomy, top-of-the-line You'll like our low wee ke nd rates, too! At \3udget , we a lways live Lincoln Thwn Car [or on ly $39 .95 a day. up to our nam e. Or en,joy a com[ortable f)-door For information a nd rese rvati ons: f) Winnipeg Locations - Call 947-1551 Hefucling services, tllXC8 .md optional c(JvIJ raA' e~ arc additional. Normal rt!ntai tlHl flt he "('Il urnmito renlinj{ location . 'TWo dllY minimum rental applies to weekend rule s. requirement" Ilpply. Ca r tJsp 'yu ur SI'ltl"S c redit card at. authodzcd di~trihlltinn ('l'nlns I( )('u t( 'd III mos t Gudge l offi ces. Call : 947· 1GG I MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B6 SEARS Car &Truck Rental 17 Dan Halldorson tells his story Dan Halldorson, Manitoba's gift to tho U.S. pro golf ci rcuit, return ed to Winnipeg in the cold 01 FobrLlary to make an ap pcaranee 01 n pross co nference ca lled by th o Manitoba Golf AssoCiation and Soutllwood Golf and Country Club to announce plans for tho onla rged M anitoba Open champion ship. Th e fac t he wa s in Winnipeg ot thaI tim e of the year and the fac l that he had co nvi nced 1,ls golfing pa l OI;tVO Barr to also make a commitment to como horo for the 1986 Open WOS onough to convince eve ryone in attondance that Halldorson still hod docp feelings for M anitoba and will con ti nue to do what he call to help oolf In thi s provinco. Halldolson, WllO teamed wi th Barr to glvo Ca nada th e World Cup tltlo last season, will return in August for the Open, an event he has won four times, and he will also continue to work to hring top ca libre golfers to this event. Ba ck in February, Halldorson's golf game wasn't at it s best. In fac t, in his own words, he said hi s game had been " pretty lousy" at Ih o tim o, but he hoped to have hi s "A game" going long bofore ho roturn s here in All(lllSt. Tho 34 year old M anItoban also took e'Httle timo lor Interviews with press, radIO and television report ers and provided th e following int orvi ew exclusively for the Manitoba Golf Annual : Q : Give u s 0 couple of thought s about your season right now, the way time s hove start ed? Halldorson: Wall , I'm working rea l hard , trying to fil1d something, to ge l somo thing going, and I' m hitting 0 lot of balls but I'm not pro ~ gresslng, All parts of my game 910 real bad right now, It's pretty hard to hit on one thing , My gomo mainly revolves around ball strikIng nnd I'm nOt hitting the ball very well and I don't know w here it 's going, I can't hit the shot s I want to hit so that put s th e pressuro on the putting game and chipping garne. Th at isn' t ve ry good because I know I'm not going to be making many blrdlos, 'cause I'm not hitting tho ba ll rlOh t. It goes ba ck Clnd forth wi th oach part o f th e game, It'S D mat tor of getting back to hitting tho ba ll better and then evory thIn g w ill fall Into pla ce, I think . Q : Vou had 0 good first round in HawaII ? Halldorson : Yeah , but I did not hit tho ball very well. I wasn' t happy w ith it. I got away WIth murrtor sor t o f thing. Tha t cou rse isn' t that hard, you know there we re 87 guys under par so you can't say I played great or anything , It's Just not ve ry consist ent. 0110 day I'll Come out hooking Ihe ball and the nex t day I'll be (101110 something olso. 18 Dan Hsl/dorson Q : Do you think having thl. week off and getting away from it all will help? Haldorson : Well I played so much in the fall, which I wasn't going to do, I played until th e 15th of December, th en we startod play in the SpHlding tournament at the first of January, so I on ly had virtuall y I;Ibout nine days off. I was ju st about golfed ou t by now. You know, we won the world title and we JUSt kept on playing, which maybe I shouldn't have done. Q : Can w e go back to how everything started for Dan Halldorson here in Manitoba? Halidorson: I was born in Winnip eg and raised il) Sandy Hook. I ju st played across the street at J im Doy le's c lub and I Ju st hung around thore and played and played in a lot of junior touma ments and stuff and graduall y Ju st got ploying and playing . I even tu all y m oved to Brandon ond worked for Richard Bull In the golf shop fOI a co uple of months ond he said: 'Why clon't you try to play on tho Canadian t our: At that time there was the Peter Jackson tour and I though t well , I'll give it a S110t. I got a little bit of money together and played. I didn't play very we ll , bl.t I knew I wasn' t going to play th at wol l. But you kn ow I had to go ou t and give it a try. I just kop t on playing. I wintered in San Diego, hit balls all win ter, came back and wound up pl aying on the Canadian tOlIr and gradually got be tt er, It's a long process you know. It took 8 coupl e of years t o ge t any ll, ing going. Q : Vou won the M anitoba Junior in 1970, did you ever compete In any of the Manitoba Amateurs? Halidolson: One. I was in ju st one Manitoba AmatoUf and I loS t to Ted Homenuik in tho quarter·finals Or something, I think. That was when it was match play and that wDS the only one I pl ayed in. (Continued on page 201 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 • In At Inter-City Gas, not on ly involved in the ~A'''1oI1o' for new energy and its distri tion; we're commited to findi new and more efficie nt ways of putting it to work . Ou r energy is felt by Ca nadians from the Gaspe Peninsula to Vancouve r Isla and into the United States of Am erica. And it all started onl 32 yea rs ago here in Winn i Manitoba, the home of Head Office . Today, our Utilities Division serves close to half a million residential, commercial and industrial customers with clean, efficient natural gas nearly 16 ,000 miles of pi peline. City, Tennessee and Thompson Pipe & Our Liquid Gas Division markets propane, auto-propane Steel Compa ny of ' :=::'_;';~~,~fu:~~ l orado, is a leadi ng and gas burning appliances rn rc)uClIIt~ a network of more than 1,000 L of state-of-the-art residential branches and dealer service and and li ght commercial air conditioning, fuelling ce ntres from Quebec to heating and commercial refrigeration units British COlumbia . We're Ca nada's and large diameter steel and corrugated pi pe. lead ing distri butor of propane to residential, ICG will continue to be at the commerc ial and industrial customers. forefront of energy technology, supplying ICG 's Resources Division is a both energy and th e tools to utilize it best. significant force in oi l and gas expl oration Inter-City Gas. There's energy in and development. Our land, petroleum everything we dol and human resources place us in North Am erica's top echelon. Our Resources Di vision is cu rre ntly active in Alberta, Saska tchewan, Manitoba, offshore in Atlantic Canada as we ll as in Wyoming , New Mexico and Texas. Our Manufactured Products INTER-CITY GAS CORPORATION Division , comprised of KeepRite Inc. with plants in Brantford, Winn ipeg , Montreal, IIIICG MA NITOBA GOLF AN NUA L ' B6 19 HALLDORSON (Continued 'rom page 18 ) Q; The n you started co m ing back to th o Manitobll Opens after you w ere on the tour? Halidorson: Yes. I played in a few opens and finall y wo n in M anitoba In 1977 . Th at wa s tho first to urnament I WO Il , I was on the tour in 19 75 and played in 1976. th en Iios l I"ny playing privileges and came back and pl ayed in Canada. I w on M anitoba. then won Saska tchew an th o next wock , $ 0 thol got m e go ing 8S far as the profession of golf is conce rned. Q : You lost yo ur play ing card th at one tim e, w ere you aver In trouble again ? Halldorson : Tho only tim o I w as In troublO w as t wo yoars ago w hen I w as injurod mos t o f th o yea r so I had to make sorn e r"!"loney at the end of the year. That was tho onl y timo I wa s in troublo. Q: When w as your f irst w in on the t our? Halldorson: At Pensacola, it was th e last tournament of 198 0 . Q: And , th at .st abllshad you on the tour? Halldorson : Yes, I played w ell In 1980 . I finished second at Tu scon at th e beginning of tho year. Then thore was th e w in at Per'l sa cola and Jim Nolford and I w on the World Cup In th e fall o f 1980. Then the first tournam ent o f tl10 nex t yea r was Tu scan again and I finished third. I w as loa ding going in to th o final round . So I pl ayod roa ll y w oll for thoso three wee ks and I just kapt on playing. I played very we ll in ' SO, 'S1 and 'S2, but '83 and ' 84 w eren't very good, I had a lot o f injuries and so I lost a couple o f yea rs there to injurie s. 0 : Wa s last y eer your best year on th e t our m oney-wise ? Halldorson : Yes, by a coupl e o f th ousand dollars In offi cial money, but I didn' t pl ay th at we ll. I played we ll In spurts. I went through a littlo bit o f problem s, a stretch w here I started mi ssing cu ts in th e summer. I m issed about four cutS in a row. But, I end ed up playing a lot. I like to play and I don't like to miss m any weeks, but I ga tt a reali ze th at I can't play every w eek. You have to be able to take sarn o time off, tl,on go back. I've been quite stubborn th e last few yoars, trying to play too m uch. I'm playin g like 4 2 w eeks o f tho year, w hen I count in the Manitoba Open and oth er tournaments in Canada. It doesn' t give me much tim e o ff. What tournaments will you come to Canada for th is year? Halldorson : I'll be playing in Quebec, the La be ll Lite tournament, the Ontario and Ou ebec Opens, the Canadian Open, M anitoba an d S.C. Opens and tho CPGA . Th at will give me about six w eeks in Canada. Q: Can you describ e a typ ical day on th e tour? Halldorson : Usuall y, if th e previous tournament end s Sund ay, yo u fl y ou t Sunday night and go to the nex t SitB, get in th ere Sund ay night. Or, you go 10 a pro-am and play the pro·am event Man day somewhere elso. Thon you go to the tournament. pra c ti ce on Tu esday and if you ' re in a pro-am on Wednesday, you play th e pro -am and practice again. Then you start the tournament Thursday. You play Thursday and Frid ay and if you make tha cut, you pl ay Saturday and Sunday. Then, you 're back in the airpl ane again Sunday night or olse you go to another tow n for another pro-am Monday and it's Ju st a never· ending thing . Q : 00 you do m ost of your travellin g by pl ane? Halldorson: Yes, but we did a little bit of driving lost summer wh en w e had the family out and drove to tho U.S. Open and around Toron to. We just had the Car for a whilo. But , it's not possible to travel by cor on the tour any more. If you've got a car, your caddy may drive so YOll c an have the car there for conve nienco of some thin g. a: III I I~I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111 manitoba's renewable energy source 20 A\ MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' B6 0 : You and Dave Barr won th e World Cup last year and you 're th e best known , o f course, but how about the oth er Canadian s on the tour? Halldorson : Dick Sokol pl ayed very well last yea r. At tho ond of tho yoar he played w ell. Jim Nelford had hi s unfortunate accidcnt and is lost for at Icast a year or so. But, he's co m ing along. M en· tally, he's not vory w ell. He w as fooling around hitting some golf balls recontly, but there's not a golf sw ing there. He's busy with his therapy and if he ca n get mentally a little batter ha m ight come Bround a little quicker. He's w orking hard on hi s therepy and hopefully he'll come back. But, he's mentally very depressed and I quess that's underst'andabl e. But hOPOfull y he can get that turn ed around and start to Pllt on somo weight. He los t a lot of weight. 0 : 00 you h ave some f avorit e people you like to play with on the t our? Halldorson : I like Hubie Groon, I pl ay with him quite a bit and he's Ilin to play with . Ho's a very tough competitor and he works very hard at hi s game. Craig Stadler's ful''! to play w ith . He's very comi cal, loses his temper there once In a w hilo. But, wc'ro so busy w ith our own games that it's hard to pick favorites. You're out there just to play, you're not out thoro t o wa tch the other guys. There are some good pairings and some good friend s. 0 : There must be some people you don' t like to play with as well ? Halldorson: Well, yes I.hero are. Right now the tOllr's gett ing so bad wi th slow play that they're startin g to crack down w ith slow play. It's the young guys corning up w ho al e slowing th o gam o down. They haven't had any real discipline in coll ege w hen they played. Th at's the only thing that bo thors you really, the slow play w hen you' ro waiting ond waiting. You're supposed to play in four hours and 13 minutes and barring any bad wea th er condi ti ons you should be able to do th at easily. 0 : Wh at would be your main advice you would gi ve t o a young Manitoba golfer who has aspirations of being tour pro? Halldorson : Well, you have to find a teacher you can trust, someone to wo rk wi th, develop your game. You have to work real hard , obvio usly. It's a gam e th at you ca nnot mas ter. You have too m any moving parts to con trol and your mind ca n' t cOI' trol all th at. It's 8 slow game. YOll've go t too mllch ti mo b t weo n shots, a lot o f nega tive th inking can b co mo involved. You've got so much ti mo to was te be foro you hit yo ur nex t shot. It's not like tennis or ico hockoy w here It 's an Instinc t and and th ore is no real a reac tion - an immodiato reac tion thinking involvod . It's done by oxperionce a m~ quick roaction, just Instinc t s. Th at 's w hat makes golf so hard. You have to wo rk very hard at your gol f swing all the tim e because it changes co nst ant Iy. From day to day we don' t know If we' ve got the same swing. We've go t to work at it all the time. Right now, for the you ng guys, I'd say loarn how to putt because that 's w hat they all do, Plitt vary wall. The older guys ca n co n ce ntr a t e~ n hitting th e ba ll, not evorybody putts so well. They YOlJl'lg guyS put 1. so woll thoy don't core where they hit tho boll bocause thoy k now they ca n ge t it in th e hole. RODll y, tho short 90 mo and putting , that 's w hore the young guy s m ake such bi g ground . THE CITY OF WINNIPEG PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MUIIICIPAL GOLF C URSES Klldonan Park Golf Course 334 - 0452 Crescent Drive Golf Course 453 - 4875 Windsor Park Golf Course 253 -1354 John Blumberg Golf Course 888 - 8860 Harbour View Golf Course 1867 Springfield Road 222-2751 VI." ou, fully .tocked rJOIf ahop. Fo, ell you, golfing need. ENJOY A GAME WITH US THIS WEEK MANITOBA GOLF AN NUAL ' 86 21 Ths 'S8m honors went to the M anitoba squad, w hich included, left to right: Glenn Collins of St. Charles, Todd Fanning of Sou th wood, non playing captain Jim BriftOW, Dove M cMillan of Rossm ere Bnd Ken Trosoor of Rossmere. Tiley C8me from be hind to top the field, Fanning paces Manitoba sweep in Canadian Junior Championship Never before has 8 province domino! ed the Canadian junior golf champion· ship like M anitoba's representati ves did in the 1985 cham pionship event plaved las t Augus t at the Rossmere Golf and Country Club in W innipeg, Not onl y did the off icial M anitoba toam win the interprovincia l team com · potitlon , but t wo members of th at t eam and t wo oth ers from th e host province also claimed t l10 top four places in th e Individ ual comp etition , Tod d Fanning of Sou thwood was th e poce -so ttor for this unprecedented M an itoba sweep, leading th o w ay 10 th 9 22 COme·from-behind team championship, then capping his performance by w in ning the Canadian junior championship, Glenn Collins of St. Charl es and Ke n Trosoor and D ave M cMillan, both of Rossmere, were Fanning's m ates on the winning team ovor th e 36-1101e route, Southwood clubmate David Whito fin· ished in th e runner up spot behind Fanning In th e 7 2 ~ h o ld individual championship event, follow ed by Tresoor in rhird spot and Kevin Bake r of St. Charl es in fourth . Royal Canadian Golf A ssociati on officia ls wo re unablo to recall arw provir1ce in the pas t dominating the national jun ior compe tition in such 8 m anner. . Fanning, t wo -time provincia l junior champion, opened his successfu l bid for the Canadian title w ith a tjrs t ~ ro u n d 69, ono under par and deadlocked w ith White, t wo strokes ahead of tho nearos t competitor. A double-bogay on tha 18th hole cost Fanning th e outright lea d, But, whil e Fannino and White we re loa ding tho individual battle, the other members of the Manitoba team all ca rdod nine ovor par 79s and f i r s t~ay team totals (best three scores used each day) had Manitoba 01 22 7, ti od in second MAN ITOBA GO L ~ AN NUAL 'ae placo with British ColumbiCl but a full seven shots behind a surprising New Brun swick team, w hich was led by James English with 71 for a 220 total. On th e second day, Fanning ond White again had matching scores, both shoo ting one -aver-par 71s for t wo-day totals of 140, four ahead of Michael Carr of Ontario, who had th o day's best effort , a 69, Tresoor also chipped in wi th a 71, while Collins shot another 79 and M e Millan carded B1. The three man team ' score for tho day was 221, making the 36-hole total 448 and moving Manitoba four shots ahead o f Now Brunswick, which sUpped from its firsl day 220 to a total of 232 in the socond round to fin ish with 452. tied with Ontario and only one shot ahead of Alberta . Round three saw Fanning take avor sale posseSSion of the lead as t..,e matched par with a 70 for a three -round tota l of 210, throe ahead o f Whito, who slip ped to 73, and eight ahoad of Carr, who had a 74, Baker also start ed to make hi s movo as he cardod 70 to go with oDrlior rounds of 75 and 76 10 move into a three-way tio in fourth place, Garney Ve zina o f Quebe c had the day's best round, a 69, and Brad Goor, the M in (Contlfllled on page 24J THE TOP FOUR - MANITOBANS ALL Four M ani tobans were al tho top of the list ill the individual scormg. Left to right are: Kevin Baker of St. Charles, who finished fourth; Ken Tro.cwor of Rossmere, (h iI'd; David White of Southwood, the runner-up; nnd Todd Fonn/n{J of Southwood, tho 1985 Ctmoclion Junior Men 's ChampiOn. Business Meetings Too Costly? WHEN YOU WANT TO TALK TO SEVERAL PEOPLE IN DIFFERENT PLACES- AT THE SAME TIME- TRYA CONFERENCE CALL! TILE For Details Dial uo" Ask for the Conference Operator. MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 NFER.ENCIN TOJ)t\y~ Wt\Y TO OPERA I " ,: eg MIS MAN ITOBA TELEP H ONE SYSTEM 23 Canadian Junior (Conrinued from pege 23) nosete Sta te junior champio n, shot 73 to join Baker at 221. It w as Tr0800r'8 turn to tu rn in the day's bes t score in the final round, turning in a tidy 69 to fi nish wi th a 72 -hole to tal of 293. good for thi rd pl ace. only one shot behind Wh it • • w ho slipped to a fi nal-round 79 but held on to second pl ace w ith a 292 to tal. Fa nning shot 75 in the final rou nd to coast to t he title. his total of 265 seven ahead of Wh ite. Baker closed wi th a 74 for . 29 5 total to complete the Manitoba sweep of th e top four places. Geer shot 75 for 196 In a fi fth -place tie w ith Steph en Wetson of ·B.C.• who had a closing 71. The juvenile championship was won by 16-year-old Christopher Barbour of Los A ngeles witl1 a 301 total. throe ahoad of Brennan Li ttl e of Ontario. w ith Joff Helper of Glendale giving Manitoba a third-pl ace fi nish at 307. For 17-year-old Todd Fanning. winning the Canadian junior men's championsip was the fulfilment of his season's goals. A t the start of the season. he had listed throo mai n goals: To w in th e M anitoba juni or again, to play we ll in the Canadian amateur (which he did) and to w in th e Canadia n junior. It was a perfect season for the South wood swinger. who then went south to ottend university in Ohio. But, he will be bock on the M anitoba scene this s um ~ mor and It will be his final yea r as a junior. He full y expects to be on hand to defend his Canad ian Junior titl e w hen th e national event is played Aug . 26-29 at' Edmonto n. A lt a, A to tal of 19 Manitoba golfers parti ci pated in the 1986 Canadian Junior championship and 13 of them survived th e 36 -hole cu t at 158. including fou r of the nin e juvenile players, many of w hom w ill likely be back in th e chase thi s year. The Scoreboard Leading scores Todd Fanning . Southwood ...................•.•.... 69-71 70-75-2B5 David Wh ite. Southwood .................... ••.... . 69-71 -73 -79 -292 Ken Tresoor. Rossmere ......••............... _ .... 79-7 1-74-69 -293 Kavl n Baker. St . Charl es .....••............... _ .... 75-76-70-74295 Brad Geer. Minneso ta .....•••••..............•.... 73 -75 -73-75 -296 Stephen Watson. B.C ......••• •. ......... . ....•.... 60-75 -70-7 1-296 Michael Carr . Ontario . . ......•• .. ........•........ 7569-74-79 -297 Greg W allace. Ontario . .. ... ...•..............•.... 7475-73-75 -297 Doug M organ. B.C . .........••• _ •................. 72 -77 77-72 -298 Don Risabrou gh. Ont . .......... __ . . . . . . . . . . . . 74-72 -76-76 -298 Steve J ohnston. B.C ...........•••................ 72 -79-74 -74299 Garn ey Vezi na. Quebec .... .. ..•••................. 78 74-69 -76 -299 J immy V andett e. Qu ebec ......••••.... . ...••...... 73-60-75-72 -300 Kelly Gaede. Ontari o .. . ..... . ..•••... ... .. . .•..... 75 -77 -73-76 -301 Drew Hartt. Albert a ............. •••. ............. 76 -72 72 -79 -301 Rob And erson. SI. Charles ..... . .. ___ .............. 75 -75 -81 -71 -302 J eff Bales. Ontario ............... _ •........... . .. 80-74 -75 73-302 CANADIAN JUVENILE leading scores Chris Barbour, Calif .... .. .......... . .............. 76 -76 -72 -77 -30 1 Brennan Littl e. Ontari o ......................••.... 76 -73 -61 -72 -304 Jeff Helper. Glendale .. . ...••• . •..•....• .••...•. ... 77 -76 73-Bl -307 J eff Kraemer. B.C . ...........•........ . ... . ...... 77 -8 1-76-74 30B Davi d M orl and. Ontario ........ _ ............ . . _ .... 75 -74 -8 1-78 -308 Tim Campbell. Saska tchew an ...•.......... . . . ...... 77 -80-73-76 -30B Danny Garagan, Ontario .......••............ . ..... 7878-76-77 -3 11 Sco tt Park er. Rossmere . .......•. ......... . . . ...... 77 -67 -75-B6-3 15 Mike Derkse n. South wood .... .•. . ... .. ..••.••.•.... 75-78 BO-B3-3 16 J amie Bristow . Breezy Bend ...••..•.....•.•• _ . _ .... 77 -6 1 85 8B-33 1 Other Manitoba Scores Tim Stone. Southwood ............................ 77 -73 -75 B2 307 Tom Relf, Brandon ... .. ........ .. ................ 79-75 -79 -77 -3 10 Glenn Collins. St . Charles .....••. . .............. .. . 79 79 -74 -60-3 12 M ark Solomon . Elmhurst ........•••................ 77 76 78 -80 -313 Missed the cut Dave McMillan. Rossmere ......... •• ............... •.... 79-61 160 Rob Guthrie. Glendale .. . ..... .. .•••.•...... ..• ......... 84 80 164 Gerald M orri ssey. Rossmere ....... . •••..... . ..•• ...•.... 83-61 164 Richard Sobkow ich. Rossmere .... . ..•••................. . 82-B3- 165 Colin Drew e. South wood ....... . ... _ •••................ 89-8 1- 171 Brad Collett. Portage ................ _ ••.. . .. ...... _ .... 87 -B6- 173 Congratulations to the MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION · from Site of the Crown-Life Pro-Am , August 6. 24 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' B6 Electric Heating Products :;:::: == == == == - I • "'--1111] I= -== ~ _ Ask your electrical or heating contractors for this product. If you are thinking of converting to electric heating make sure you insulate to energy efficient standards as set out by Manitoba Hydro FOR FURTH ER INFORMATION CONTACT erergy efficient MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL -S6 ~~~~~(1972} LTD_ 1294 Border Street Winnipeg , Manitoba R3H OM7 Phone 633·8014 25 Back-to-back Junior titles for Southwood's Todd Fanning Todd Fonnlng, Southwood 1985 M BnitobB Junlor champion Like mos t of th e 1985 golf scone in M anitoba, the junior story is m ainly a story of one individual. 158, ah ead of SCO tt Roland of Florid a, who had 80-8616 6. The 12-and under honors went to James Sichew ski of As· siniboino, who shot 91 -86 for 177 \0 edgo Elmhurst's Jeff Lailoy, who had 178 on round s of 88 -90. Todd Fann ing of SOLlth wood contin- ued to dominate th e local junior golf sce ne 85 he cap turod hi s seco nd straig ht provi ncia l titl 0 and, as de tailed elsewhe re In th is issue, w ent on to th e Ca nad ian title and leading the M anitoba team to th e national team honors. Fa nning hod on eig ht-stroke edge as he captured the 1985 provincia l junior title ove r 8 72 halo route a t G lend ale Country Club, shooting rounds of 71-7274 69 for a 286 total. His one -und or-par 69 on the final day was the only sub par s ore record ed in the four day tost at the G lendale courso. Runner-up hono rs went to Rossmore' Ken Tresoor, w ho had rou nds of 76 70 74 74 for 294, t wo ahoad of Glenn Collins of St. Charl as, w ho Sl1 01 75 -72 -73 76 for 296. SOuthwood's David Wh ite, th e 1983 M anitoba junior champ, was fourth al 298 after rounds of 72 79-74 73: D ave M cMillan of Rossmore fin isl10d With 299 on rou nds of 73-73 -76 -77; and Kevin Bakor of St. C harles was sixt h wi th 75-74-7378 for an even 30 0 . Fanning's 2 8 6 total was l OPS In the 17 18 age group, w ith Tr0800r agai n the runn er up and M cMill an topped the 16-and -und or Juvel1ile division wi th t1i s 299, ahead of fellow Ross more golfer Sco tt Parkor, 'vho had 306. Parker also won th e 1314 8g0 division Over a 36 11010 rmlte w ith 80 and 78 for 26 .. Junior team trials Th e scone switched to Rossmere as the low 16 from the junior championship played t w o more round s in provincia l junior tea m tr ials. Fanning add od sco res of 76 7 1 to m ake his six-round tot al 4 33 to lead the team tos t. Tresoor shot 77 -75 for a 44 6 total in second spot 8nd M cMittan found his home course to hi s liking as he shot 73-79 to grab third pla ce with 4 51. The big battl o shaped up for the fourth spo t on th e final day w ith Co llin s m aking a comeback on the back nine to to edge White for the team borth. COllins had 81 76 for a six- round total of 453 and White shol 79-77 for 4 54. Tho four teams members were joined by White, Rob A nderson and Kevin 8aker, bOlh of St. Charl os, and Mark Solo man of Elmhurst to make up the M anitoba's eight-man team for the annu al M an· a 10· stroke victory over Rossm ero in tho competition hold at Bel Acres Golf and Country Club, Aug . 2. Dave White pacod the wi nners with a one-und er-par 7 1, w hil o Todd Fanning contributed a 7 2, Tim Stano shot 7 5 and Todd 8 run el had 81 for a loam total of 29 9. Ross m ere w as led by Ke n Tresoo r's 74, w hila Scott Parker had 76, 8ruco M cGa rry 77 and Dave McMillan 8 2 l or a total 01 309. Elm hurst finished th ird a t 3 15, led by M ark Solomon'S par- 7 2 round in which he was li ve under par throll oh 12 ho108, th en slippod on th o fin al six , J im W os t had 79, Dorrick Smythe 81 and Jeff Lail oy 83 to round out t he Elmhurst team, Next in line among the city clubs wore St. Cherlos with 3 17, Glondale wi th 330 and Breezy Bond wi th 331. Am ong th e rura1 team s, Se lki rk ca ptured th e t~o n o r s wi th 328, four ahoad of Dauphin. The Selkirk toam was led by M yles Zyblock 's 80, w ith Da rin Dunl op Shooting 81, Mark Szewczyk 83 and Tor i y Homenulk 84 . D auphin was paced by G reg M civer arti cle. w ith 78, whil o Bruce Lockhart had 8 1, Rob Damsgaard 86 and Scott Snitka 87. Third pl ace w ent to Thompson wi th 337, followed by Portage I. Prairia With 34 9, Wh aa t City (Brand onl w ith 350 ond Oakview (Gretn a) with 3 57, Junior tnter· Club The provi,'Cial junior i nt o r ~c lub cham· pionship w as tho nex t event on th e jlln lor ca lendar and Southwood coaS ted to We stern Canada Junior The Windemere Gol f and Country Club a t Edmonton was the scene for the 1985 W es tern Ca nada Junior M en's 1toba/ M inn eso ta tea m m a tches . Th e story of M anitoba's success a t the naliOnal junior championships a t Rossmore are document od in a separate MA NITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 Dave McMillan Scott Park6f J8m8S Sichewski Juvem'le winner 15 -16 BgB group winner 13-14 Bge group winner tea m m atches, won by Alberta with a three-round total (best three scores each Todd Fanning and M ark So lomon scored a 4 -and · 3 victory over Minnesota's Brad Geer and Mike O'Toole for two points and Ken Tresoor and Rob Anderson teamed up to tie Minnesota's Joff Stadheim and Curt Sa ndn ess for a single point in th e team ovent. David White and Glen Collin s w ere de- roundl of 686, with British Columbia socond with 692, Manitoba third with 695 and Saskatchewan last with 703. Tom Aelf of Brandon lod the Manito· bans with rounds of 79-75-74 for a total of 228. Glendale's Jeff Helper shot 76· 75·82 for 233, Colin Drewe of South· wood had 81· 83· 76 for 240 and Scott Parker of Aossm ere had 77·84·80 for 241. Relf fini shed in a tie for second pl ace in the Individu al competition , one shot out of the lead . Helper, who wa s also in contention through the first two round s, fad od to eighth placo. tho soma forma t for 1986. and -3 to Minnesota's John Young and Rick Pa ssolts. gont, ahoad of Dauphin and Steinbach. fea tod 4 ·and·2 by Chris Daniels and John Greneagle of Minnesota, while Dave McMillan and Kevin Baker fell 5· In the sing les matche s. Collins de- feated Passolts 1 up, White topped Young 5·and·4, Baker downed Gren· oagle 3·and· 2, Solomon edged Sand· ness 1 up, Anderson got by O'Tool e 1 up and Fanning defeated Stadheim 2and -1 for M anitoba victories, while Geer, the Minn esota state champ, defea ted held Aug . 8·9 at the Moorhoad Country wins. Tre soor 2·and·1 and Daniol s got by McMill an, also 2 ·and -l , for the Minnes ota Club in Minneso ta . The Manitobans had fallen behind 5·3 to Rossmere emerged as th o top team for the se rie s, winning twice and finishing second once and. tying Elmhurst for top spot on the final outing . Glendale and Elmhurst ti ed for second over th e four weeks. Selkirk led the rural co ntin- M an itoba/ Minnesota M atches A great comeback in the individual matches on the second day led Manitoba to its third victory against on ly one loss as the fifth annual Manitoba/ Minne sota international junior matches were In the first-day tea m matches but they struggled through a steady rain to win six of the eight individual matcho s for an overa ll 9 -7 victory. on the first threo woeks and th o top team s invi ted to take part in the final week . A tot al of 31 toa rn s took part in th e event and it has been dec id ed to follow Sunday Inter-Clubs A new format was deve loped for the Sunday junior inter-club competition s held during tho month of Jun e for the 198 5 seaso n, with two co urses in use Mundie Putter The MGA junior team finished a creditabl e fifth pla ce In the A divi sio n of th e Mundie Putter League in the 1985 sea· son . The team was edged by Pine Ridge, 6 1/2 • 5 1/ 2, in the quarterfinal round . Whil e participation in th e A division had provided important ex perie nce for tho leading junior golfors las t soaso n, it has been decid ed th e younger pl aye rs available thi s season wi ll likely benefit mOre from playing In the B division, aiming to try to qualify for A division in 1987. Junior Camps Three separate junior golf cam ps w~rD (Continued on page 281 GLENDALE COUNTRY CLUB MEMBERSHIP ENQUIRIES WELCOME For information call Charles Shaye - 832-1306 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' B6 27 TNT Golf Equipment Made In Ca nada By: Torkos Bros Inc. 14 Curlty Ave. Toronto, Ont o M4B 1X7 (416) 752-8166 Canadian Daslgners & Manufacturers of Highest Quality Golf Clubs NEW FOR 1986 Congratulations to our P:G,A. Tour Staff Professional, .. Aqua Salt Golf Gloves Dave Barr, Canada's Ie ding money winner on the P.G.A. Tour 1984 & 1965. Winner of the World Cup Team Event 19a5. * Golden Touch Golf Cl ubs .. Ladles Honee Bee ClubS, Bag s, Gloves U.S.A. - Dave plays our TNT Tour Model Clubs & recommends you seo our exciting lineup of 1986 golf equipment avai lable In al l leadi ng Canadian P.G .A. Area Repreeentat lve: Robert Masterton Agencies 1,0, . 1150 Munroe Ave. Wpg., Man. A2K 3S4 (204) 666·4647 gall shops . • TNT Gall Begs ·See Dave Barr at t he Manitoba Open Aug . 22, 23, . nd 24th . • TNT Motal Woods JUNIORS (Contin(led from psg. 271 provided by the Manitoba Golf Ass ocia' ti on in the 1985 soa son . Sixtoen wore s elected to attend the advanced camp, receiving special in ~ struction from Manitoba Professional Golfers Association members to refin e th eir playing skills over a four·day program , Ton of the 15 players from this camp who playod in the Manitoba junior championship ftnished in th e top 16 and 11 of the 13 who participated in the Canadian junior championships qualifieej for all four round s. Taking port in the ad van ced camp PRIN TE RS were Mike Derk sen, Colin Drewe, Tim Stone and David White of Southwood; Kevin Baker and Glenn Collins of 51. Charl es; Jonathon Buchwald and Jeff Helper 01 Glendale; Glen Bayne and Jamie Bristow of Breezy Bend; Dave Mc ~ Millan and Ken Tresoor of Rossmere; Ian Lorimer and Tom Relf of Brandon; Kelly Boes of St. Boniface and Mark Solomon of Elmhurst. The 14th annual Junior gol f ca mp for rura l golfers wa s hold at the Carman July 2 ~ 4, with instru ction provided by MPGA members Jim Lazarko, Tom Ki ns· man and John Isaac. The golfers were bill eted in private homes w ith all meals at the Carman Golf Club, Tho 20 golfers involved in the 1985 LI THOGRAPH ERS BUSIN ESS FORMS rural camp woro: Ken Harvey and Dallas Fergusen of Russell, Derek McMillan and Craig Sheldon of Roblin, Jim Rose and Billy North of Carm an, Brad Collett and Peter Low of Portage la Prairie, Jason Yates and Micl1ael Mciver of Dauphin, Terry Letkeman and Curwin Friesen of Altona, Tim Ram sey and Stan Jakubek of Steinbach, Mark Flynn of Selki rk, Derick Ingram of Sand y Hook, Todd Gray of The Pa s, Geoff Trowell of Vi rd en, Harley Cowan of M ord en and Rob Mur· ray of Thomp son. Th e third junior camp, established for city golfers was not w ell atten ded with only eight in attondan co, but it is hoped in teres t ca n be perked up for a similar ven ture th iS yea r. RU LER S BOOKBIND ERS ON E-WRI TE SYSTE MS PROMOTIONA L MATE RIA L WALLINGFORD PRESS LIMITED 358 Ross Avenue WINNIPEG , MANITOBA R3A OL4 Phone 943·0601 28 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' B6 29 Rules officials may face unusual circumstances M anitoba Golf A ssociation rules officials are often seen rid ing around in golf ca rt s during officia l tourn aments, but not too m any golfers actu ally seB tho ruling s tl,at have to be m ode. Whil e most rul e decisions arc fairl y routine and requ lro no more th an a good underStanding of the o ffi cial rul es of tho gam e. thoro oro sometimes some unusual circumstances to con sider and a co nference is som etim es roq uired before 8 decision is handed dow n, To Illustrate this point, MGA Rul es Chairman E.K . IBud) Fost er has selec ted fi ve out o f tho-ordin ary rules decisions w hich have been give n at golf tournaments in M anitoba in recent yea rs: By E.K . IBUD) FOSTER MGA Rule s Chairman 1. At a jun io r tournament at Rossmere, a bu sh had grown up besido th e tree 111 th e eighth fairway and th e pl ayer's ball ca me to rest in th o bush, about one foo t off the ground. A brisk w ind w as bl ow ing and swaying tho bu sh and the pl ayer requested a ruling from Dr. Dwight Parkin son becau se he didn' t wan t to hit a m oving ball IRuio 14 5, t wo -stroke pen alty ). Dr. Parkinson got on tho t wo-w ay radio to discuss the ques tion and it was decided it w as covered by a decision by the Royal and Ancient and th e Unit od States Golf A ssocia tion w hich doomed th at the ball w as not moving in relation to the bush and no penalt y Is Incurred if tt"lO ball is played, 2. Pl ayers A and B were engaged in a match play taurna m enlo On the fifth holo at Elmhurst, player A hit a nine-iron short to the fring e o f tho green. Pl ayer B hit hi s shOt and it wa s se en to land dlroc tly In front of A's ball. Wh en they arrived at tho green, it w as discovered B's ball had created a big divot on the fringe of the groe n in A's line of putt. Th ey called for a ruling and, whil e Rulo 13-2 states that A is not allowed to i mprov~ hi s 110 by pressing down divots, two rules superccdo it Rul e (1 ·4) Equity and Rul e 120 3b), which state that a pl ayer is entitled to the lie tho stroke gavo him. He is allow ed to pla ce hi s b all in a similar lie to that he had before pl ayer B's ball arrived, not ncoror the hole, without penalty. There are two things to flote: (a) this hold s true In match and stroke pl ay, and IbJ if B's di vot had been thero before A's ball arri ved, A could not. get relief. 3. In the J ack Blair match play event et Elmhurst, a 12-inch fir tree was planted behind the 13th green and It wa s assumed by the greens superintendent that ball s would bo moved away. However, player A's ball ca me up ogainst It and pl ayer B didn't agree that A had a lift. Pl ayer A nudged the ball with a putter and then (in error) declared his intention of pl aying a second ball . Whon th e ref eree arrived and the situation was explained, he had to aw ord the holo to pl ayer 8 becau se as soon as A hit a second boll in match play he lost the hole IAuie 3-31. MGA programs, objectives outlined (Continued from page 81 8. The Manitoba Golf A ssocia tion provides and does all of the arranging for our Provin cial Team s participating. We determine t ho mothod of selec tion for all Provinclol Toam s in Jllnior M en, M en's Amateur and Senior M en's. We dress them, we help food them, the Aoyal Canadian Golf A ssocia tion provides transportation and holps to feed th em and they got oxcellent accommodations. No m ember of a M anitoba Golf Team needs to put hi s hand in hi s pocket ex cept for alcoholic beverages and long distan ce telephone ca ll s. INFORMATION Through the office o f the Exec uti ve Oirector, the M anitoba Golf A ssociation c on provid e inform ation on mo st qu es ~ dons to ari se concern ing golf In Manitoba and Canada, or has access to the information. , Inquiries com e from tho publiC a well as the M anitoba Golf A ssocia ti on members. Examples 01 question s asked incillde: Rul es o f Golf and Rule Books, Organization of Tournaments, Clinics and Instruc ti on, TOLlrnamont Scheduling. Golf 30 • Ros orts - Provincia l and International, Golf Consultant Enquiries. Green Chair· m an Inform ati on. Course Rating and the li st goes on and on . TI, . Manitoba Golf A ssociation Is th e source in Manitoba for all Membership Cerds, Official Handic ap System Card s and Posters, Rule Book s and Decision s Book on the Rul es of Golf. The Manitoba Golf Annual , publi shed by the A ssociation, is sent to all mem ber clubs for distribution to th eir m em bership. This publi cation has become very highlY reg,ard od throughout the whol e of Canada . We ask m ember clubs o f the M anitoba Golf A ssociation to support the Annual by placing ads t elling others what your courso ha s to offor th e people of Manitoba. HOW ARE W E FU NDED? 1. A nnual m embership fees 2. Provin cial Governm ont Grants 3. M anitoba Sports Federation as sistance 4. Grants from private industry 6. Pro fit s, if any, from tourn am ents Bear in mind that 50 porce nt o f our yearly m embership dues go to support th e Royal Can adian Golf A ssociation program s and 50 per ce nt is retained by th e Manitoba GOlf A ssociation. You aro a member of both A ssociations and helping to promote and develop golf in M anitoba. Annual dues are $6 per adult m ale over 18 years, Instru cti on ca mp fees are kept to 0 m inimum to cover food costs, usually around $25. Instruc tion Clinics done ot the c lub or area are conducted by the A ssociation staff at no charge. Members may sometimes ask "What do I get out of my Manitoba Golf A sso ciati on membership", The an sw er is, of 'course, th at you may ge t nothing out o f it if you don't parti cipate with body or mind . By paying your m embership fee you and your club are supporting the organiza tion of golf in tho Province and In C anado, and helping along the Junior Program s and the Adult Program s. It is only by maintaining 8 strong 51ru ctUre at these levol s, as well 8S at the club lovel. that th e sport you love will continu e to grow from th e grass roots up. MANITOBA GOLF A NNUAL '86 NEW FROM TAURUS GOLF THE LEVEL SYSTEM Official distance marksrs to show pOint of measurement on the tees are to be given to each member club of the Manito* ba Golf Association aftsr it hos been officitl/ly rated. The se ts of nine or 18 are to be presented at no Cosl (0 the clubs. made avaHable because the MGA made a profit on bingo operations in 1985 and fell this money should be shared with the mem· ber clubs. Wh at playor A should t1Dve done was take his free lift and play out the hole, appoal to tho roforoo and, in this c as e, he wOuld havo boon givon 0 favorabl e answer. 4 . At the Manitoba Open at NiDkwa, one professional tried to con Dr. Parkin son (such stupidity) on the 18th 1101e. The player hit hi s ball up against a large tree slurnp. Abolll 4 1/2 feet away was a path (obstruction). He stretched to th e full limit of his stanco and clnimod roliof. Dr. Parkin son pointed out the "exception" in Rule 24-2 which indicates no relief wil l be given if interference by an immovable obstruction would only occur through the use of an un · necessa rily abnormal stance, swing Or direction of play. Tough luck. 5. AI Rossmere, in the Canadian Jllf1ior Championship, I was ca lled to tho 16th holo, w hi ch bordors on th o prnctico fairway. I noticod the ball recovo ry machine at th e end of th e practi ce f ai rway, so he was asked to return. A group of people started the task of checking the hun dreds of balls. The player had marked his ba ll with a squaro on the numbers and it was found after seve ral minutes. The nOXI quostion was, whero wa s the player to drop th e ball. I asked the other players the line of flight. which was over o bunker, ar1d it mu st have reached the prac tIce area to have boon picked up by th e mo chine. With lhese facts known, a placo wos determ ined where the player was instructed to drop the ball. Under rul e 18·1. a ba ll at rest moved by an outside agency shall be repla ced be fore playing another stroke. These uniquo SOlS of golf clubs aro cuslom mado and dosignod with golfer's different levels of ability in mind . We. painstakIngly make aach sat 81 a time, using only high quality components, the woods are persimmon, the metal woods 17·4 stai nl ess steel. the irons 4-31 stainless steel and the shafts true temper. Our high level of craftsmanship assures you of Iruo anglos and exact weights. As Iheso sets are assemblod individually by hand we require from two to three weeks for delivery. At Tauru s we are so proud of our Level System that we guarantee that they will Improve your game. If within a month of your purchase you are not totally satisfied we will give you your money back . HOURS, In the Mon,*fri . Redwood Plaz.a 9 a.m.*6 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 728-6967 Bel Acres Goif and Country ClUb COME AND JOIN US Maniloba Junior (;011' C hampionships Jul y 14-17, 19M Mat/ager Professionul Wray Taylor Terry Hashimoto WINNIPEG MANITOBA CANA !)A Pholle 632·8337 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B6 'uupusGallf 223 EIGHTEENTH ST. NORTH BRANDON , MANITOBA 31 MANITOBA TOURNAMENMANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIATION MAY 31- Jack Blair Memorial Qualifying Round, St. Charles JUN E l - Jack Blair Memorial Qualifying Round, Wlldewood B- Sunday, Junior Inter·Clu b A ssiniboine and Charleswood 10 - Jack Blair Memori al Match Pl ay, Pine Ridge 12 - J ack Blair Memorial Match Play, Pine Ridge 15 - Sunday Junior Inter·Club, Canoe Club and Tre nscona 17 - Jack Blair Memorial Match Play, Pine RidQe 19 - Jack Blair Memorial Match Play, Pine Ridge 22 - Sunday J unior Inter-Club, TBA 27 - Frea Press Manitoba Intar·Club championship, St. Boniface 29 - Sunday Junior Inter·Club, Shilo JULY 7 to 10 - Manitoba Am ateur Championship, Glendala and John Blumberg 14 ·17 - M anitoba Junior Championship, Bel Acres 19-20 - W lllingdon Cup Team Trials, Niekwa 26· 27 - Junior Team Tria ls, Elmhurst 29 to 31 - M anitoba Senior Championship, Breezy Bend AUGUST , - M anitoba Junior Inter-Club Championship, Selkirk 5 to 7 - Manitoba-Minnesota J unior Team M atches, Elmhurst .. 5 to 7 - Western Canada Junior Inter-Provincial Matc hes. Saskatoon 6 - Crown Li fe Club Team Pro-Am Champi· ons hlp, Rossmere 17·1B- Manitoba Rural Amateur and Senior Championships, Hacla Island 22 to 24 - Manitoba Open Championship, Southwood 26 - North Am arican Life Famil y Tourn ament, Steinbach SEPTEMBER 7 - Meagher Bee fea ter Rural Inter-Zone Championship, Shilo ll - Menitoba Senior Inter-Club Champion ship, Carman ROYAL CANADIAN GOLF ASSOCIATION June 26 to 29 - Canadian Open Championship, Glen Ab bey Golf Club, Oakville, Ont. Aug. 20 to 23 - Canadlan Am ateur Championship and W illingdon Cup Team Matches, Frederic ton, N.B. Au g. 26 to 29 - Canadian Junior Championship and Interprovincial Team Matches, Edmon ton. Au g, 2B-29 - Canadian Crown Li fe Pro-Am Team Championship, St . John's, Nfld. Sept. 2 to 6 - Cana di an Senior Championship and Interprovincia l Team M atches, Elmhurst and Pine Ridge, Winnipeg 32 OTHER MEN 'S TOURNAMENTS (A s reported up to deadline of this yearbook I ,7-8 7·8 813-15 14 14-15 14· 15 14· 15 14-15 2 1-22 2 1·22 2 1-22 22 22 28·29 - 4 -6 711 12 13 13 1 9-20 19-20 20 202 1-22 25 25-27 27 2-3 2·3 a99· 10 1Ol 315 16-17 17 17 17 24 24 -25 24-25 25 30·31 30·3 130-3 130·Sept. l 3 1·Sept. 1 - JUN E Amateur tournament , Charlo9wood Men' s Opan , Minnowasta (Mord en I Men' s Spring Open, Roblin Men's Open, Portage la Prairie Grey Ow l tournament. Wasagaming Men's Open, Pinawa Banner Country Open , Russe ll Ye llowhead Open , Neapawe Men's Open, Carman Spring Men' s Open, Delorain e Golden Falcon tournament , Falcon Beach Mon's Open, Rolend Mlxed tournament, Shilo Men' s Open, MacG regor Amateur tourn ament. Wi ldewood North ern Classic , Swan River JULY Men' s Open 136 hoi as I. Thompson Senior M en 's tournament, Roland Open Texas Scramble, Bel Acres Junior mixed tournament. Thompson Mixed tou rn ament, Souris & Glenwood Men' s Open, Delahunt (Trehernel Moonshine Days , Roblin Shilo Stag tournam ent. Shllo Meaghers Northern Zone, Thompson Mixed tournament. Carm an Men's Open, Souris & Glenwood Junlor Open , Charleswood In te rn ati onal Tournament , M orden , W inkler, Walhalla, Cavalier Men' s Open, Steinbach Fly-In AUGU ST Ro b Roy W estern Open, Wheat Ci ty IBrandonl Men's Open 136 holesl, Teulon Junior Men's, M innewes ta (Morden ) Junior Open, Carm an Sharpt ail Men 's Open, A shern Le ftha nders Open , Portage la Prairie Senior Open , MacGregor Turf Grass Texas Scramble, Bel Acres Men' s Open, Souris & Glenwood Men's Open, Tr anscona Senior Open , Thompson Bost Ball , Breezy Bend Mon' s Amateur, Bel Acres Labatt Shilo Pro-A m, Shilo Men' s Open, Swan River 50 nior tournamen t, Carman Alt ornate Shot Classic , St. Boniface Labour Day Classic , Carman Autu mn King Classic, W heat City (Brandonl Match Pl ay Classic, V irden -We llview 25th annual Rose Bowl, Neepawa SEPTEMBER 6 - Nell Sposi to M emorial tournam ent, Klldonan MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 SCHEDULES FOR 1986 CPGA OF MANITOBA TOURNAMENTS AUGUST 5 - Colleen H\Jtchison Memorial Qualifying , St. Boniface 6 - Colleen Hutchison Memorial Match Play. Bel Acres MAY 22 - Pro-President Day, Wildewood 26 - Frist' TNT Package tournament. Rossmore 7 - Colleen Hutchison Memorial M atch Play, 26·30 - TPD Qualifying Schoo!, Ashburn, Ont. Tuxedo 8 - Colleen Hutchison Memorial Match Play, Wildewood JUNE 12 - Rural Open Tournament, Brandon 27 - National Handicap Champion ship, Neepawa 5 - Pro·Member, Assiniboine 10 ' 3'8 20 - Fle tcher-Hobday Pro·Assistant, Glendale Pro·Am, Dryden , Ont. CPGA of Man . Pro·Lady, Niakwa Pro -Am , Steinbach 3·4 ,0· " '6 '8 2, -24 25 30·Aug . , - JULY CKND Golf Challenge, Southwood 8 ill Thomson Pro·Am, Southwood Hadassah-Wizo Pro-Am , Glendale CPGA of Man . Pro·Junior, Charl e.wood Menulife CPGA Soniors Championship, Southwood Alec Ross Pro -Member, Breezy Bend CPGA of Man . Championship, TBA CANADIAN LADIES' GOLF ASSOCIATION July 29· 3 1- Canadian provincial Winnipeg Aug . 13 to 16 - Canadian provincial Aug. 19 to 22 Senior Championship and Inter· Team M atches, Niakwa, Junior Championship and Inter· Team Matches, North Batt· leford, Sask. C&nadian Amateur Championship and In· terprovincla l Team Matches, Saskatoon, Sask. AUGUST 6 - Crown LI fe Pro-Am Team Finals. Rossmere a - Second TNT Package tournament, Breezy Bend " · 15 - CPGA Club Pro Championship, Prince George, B.C . 21 · 24 - Mani\oba Open Championship, Southwood 25 - Shilo Pro-Am , Shilo 26 -27 - Club 34 tournament, Wascana, Regina 30 - Lake of the Woods Pro·Am, Kenora, Ont. 3 l - Falcon Lake Open, Falcon Beach SEPTEMBER 10· ,4 - Timex·CPGA Championship, Brant ford , Onto '8· '9 - Molson Fall Classic, TBA 22· 25 - CPGA Assistants Championship , Vancouver MANITOBA LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION JUNE 3 - Two -ball Tournament, Rossme re 24 - City & District Championship, Glendale 25 - City & District Championship, Bel Acres 26 - City & District Championship, Elmhurst JULY a - Amateu r, Senior and Junior Championship and Team Trials, Pine Rid ge 9 - Amateur Senior and Junior Championship s and Team Trials, John Blumberg lO - Amateur Senior and Junior Championships and Team Trials, St. Charles 12 - Provincial Team Tri als, Pine Ridg e 13 - Provincial Team Tria ls, Elmhurst 15 - Higher Handicap Tournament, Transcona 16 - Higher Handicap Tournamen t, Southwood 22 - Manitoba Inter·Club Championship, Breezy Bend and Rossme re MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 OTHER WOMEN'S TOURNAMENTS (As raported at the MLGA semi -annual meeting) JUNE l - M orden Business Girls 6 - Grandmothers , at Rossmere 7 - Bol Acre. 8 - Selkirk, Gilbert Plain. 15 - MacG regor 16 - Thompson 18 - Mlnnados8 2l - Shilo 22 - Dauphin, Neepawa JULY 13 - Breezy Bend Best Ball l6 - Dryden 23 - Portage, Steinbach 27 - Charleswood AUGUST 3 - Kenora 410II 14 - Falcon Beach Asslnlbolne Brandon (Western Open) Portage Lefthanders 17 - Pinawa '8 - Morden SEPTEMBER 3 - Mlnnedosa 7 - Neepawa 10 - John Blumberg Best Ball 33 M anl tobs 's WiIIlngdon Cup Tesm for 1985 consisted ot; left to tight: Amateur champion Terry Hashimoto of St. Char/os, Glen HnOlluk of Selkirk. non-playing captain AI Maca tavish, Jim Doyle of Satldy Hook and Darcy Furber of Pine Ridge. Terry Hashimoto runs away with Manitoba Amateur title Terry HashImo to, St. Charles 1985 Manitoba Amateur Champion. 34 Firing four Co nsecuti ve sub-par round s, Terry Hashimoto of St. Charlos completely dominated tho Manitoba Amateur golf cham pionship for 1985. His 72-holo SCOre of 281 (one round at Elmhurst, threo at Pine Ridge) was six under par and he finished a full 14 strokes ahead of his nearest compo tit or, Michaol Hutcheon of Thund er Bay. Hashimoto also coas ted through tho Willing don Cup team triol s and wound up the leader on the Manitoba team, which Included Glen Hnatiuk of Selkirk, Jim Doyle of Sandy Hook and Darcy Furbor of Pin e Ridge. A hole-in-one on tho 217-yard fourth hole at Elmhurst got 27 your-old Hashimoto off to a fino Starl and he completed that opening round with a two -under-par 69. Moving across the road to Pi no Ridge for the remaining games, Hashimoto toured the par-72 layou t in 70-7 1 71 to complete his sonsa tion al four-day as sault on two of the bettor Manitoba golf courSes. His 271 total was the lowost SCOre for the Manitoba Amateur since the conversion to stroke play. It was also Hashimoto's first Manitoba title, after being in the . runner up pOsition In 1980 and 198" His 14 stroke margin OVOr second place Hutcheon was also a record mar gin of victory. Hutcheon, just graduate d from junior ranks, was able to show his hools to the rest of the Manitoba gol fers, but was no match for Hashimoto in thiS event. Tho Thund er Bay golfor sho t 73 74 7 1-77 for a 295 total. SenIor golfer Gord Lenton of Pine Ridg e and Winnip eg Jots hockey Ron Wilson of Breo1Y Bend wero next in line MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 Jim Scol/an Gone Hodgson First Flight Second Flight with 297, followed by Furber at 298, Hnatiuk, Carl Lechman and Dave Komara of Rossmere and Ken Warwick of Windsor Park, all ot 299, Doyle and Duko Asmundsen of Pine Ridge at 301, Junior champ (and defending Amateur champ) Todd Fanning and Chris Nelson, both of Southwood, Todd Teplitski of Pine Ridge and former champ Gary Kullman of Rossmoro, all at 302, and junior Ken Tresoor of Rossmere and Dave Lavallee of Falcon Beach at 303, The 198 5 Amateur championship had another claim to fame as two halos in one were registered . On tho heo ls of Hashimoto's ace on the Elmhurst 4th hol e in the opening round, Kon Tresoor sank his tee shot on the 180 -yard 14th halo at Pine Ridge on the second day, It took 8 score of 156 or botter to qualify for the final two rounds of me dol play in the championship flight un ~ dor a new format w hi ch allowed for the low 60 and ties to qualify, with four , other flights of match play, It took 36 -holo scoros bot ween 157 and 163 to romain In the match-play portion. In the matches, Jim Scollan of E l rn ~ hurst won th e first flight with a 5 ·and 4 vic tory ovor clubmole Barry Chipka in Kerry Trotman Fourth Flight the final; tho second flight was won by Gene Hodgson of Brandon, who edged Pine Ridge's Bill Baluk on the 20th hole; Bill Zoweniuk of SI. Boniface defeated Glondole's Michael Avorbach of Glendale 3-and -2 to win the th ird flight; and Kerry Trotman of Tuxedo won the fourth fli ght with a 4 ~ and ~ 3 victory over Larry Johnston of Dauphin. Twenty-five players scored 306 or lowor 10 Qualify for two addit ional rounds in th o Willingdon Cup team tri ~ als, but two of thorn wi thdrew, leaving 23 to play at St. Cherios. IContinuod on page 36) En route vers funivers des sports. 'Thkea seat with the pros. G e ttlll g athl e tes and l an s to wh e re th e y're g oin g I S a lob fo r pro l asslo n al s. At Air Canada , w Bill Ze w enluk Third Fligllt hav e sp oclali sts to take car e 01 all YOlll sp o rt s trav o l n o d s. F o r d e tatls and mformatl oll on g roup ra tes, cont act YOLir trav e l ag e nt or Air C anada . We've got it all going for you. I\ss lll e r Ie tran sport d os ath le t es e t d os c hauds parhsans est un travail d profosslOnn e l. L'eqUipo d'Air Cdlli.1da oxco llo a Ce sJ,Jo rt bl o n partl c LilIe r: re p o nrlr o a to us les bosoill s dLi sporllf v oyag ~ur . Domandcz tOll S los d etail s e t ren sOign e m ~ nt s sur los lards d e groupo a votr e ag e n t de v o yag ou 1\" Canada . C'est de premiere c1asse. AIRCANADA~ MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B6 35 Amateur (Continued from p8ge 351 Though he was in 8 favorable position to try for 8 team spot, G ord Lenton opt - ed to drop out because the Canadi an Am ateur championship was to bo played at Saskatoon at the samo tim e 8$ the M anitoba Se nior championship, Lenton opted to go the senior route. (A s it turned out, he fail ed to make the M anitoba so ni or tea m). Todd Teplitskl also dropped out Of th e Wlilingd on trials to leave on his honoy moon, whi ch had been delayod to pl ay In th e amatour. Ho su bsequently has becom e the M anitoba Golf A ssoc iation's now technica l director, taking over those dutios in Febru ary, as detail ed elsewhere in th is issue. Hnatiuk and Doyle made the big moves and Furber pl ayed steady golf to join Hashimoto on the Manitoba Willing· don Cup leam. Hnat!llk toured St. C harl es in ro unds of 72 and 70 for t wo-under-par 142 in th e teom tri al s to grab the second be rth on th o toa m w ith 441. Has him oto shot 75 and 77 and cruised to a 4 33 to tal for th e top SpOI. Doyl e shot 71 and 73 for 144 at Sl. Charles to earn tho th ird berth w ith 445 and Furbor had a pair of 75s for 150 and 326 total gave M an itoba a 10 1al of 44 2, back in eig hth pl ace and 17 strokes behind the w inning toam from A lberta. Hashimoto gavo a fino performance in the individual Am atour chase, shooting rounds of 71 72 71· 73 for a one-under par 287 total, onl y four behind th e winning Brent Fa nklin of Calgary, w ho wo n after a pl ayo ff ovor Stu H amilton of Brampton aftor thoy tied for th e honors et 283. Hashimoto was ti ed in eighth place. Six other M anitoba golfers compe ted in th e Ca nad ian Amateur in addition to th e four tea m m embers. Five of the 10 M anitoba ns survived th e 36 ·hole cut and pl ayed the final two round • . Fanning and Lavall ee finished in 8 tie for 39th pl ace wi th 297 totals. Fanning shot 77· 71· 75·74 w hile Lavallee had 73·7 7·72·75. Tresoor was tied for 62nd place wi th rounds of 73·77·81· 75 for 3 0 6 and Fu rbe r was 7 1st wi th 73 76 81 82 for 312. 1985 MANITOBA AMATEUR RESULTS Terry Hashimoto, St . Cherles . .............. .... . ... 69·70· 7 1· 7 1 Miko Hutcheon, Thundery Bay ................... . .. 73·74-7 1· 77 Gord Lenton , Pine Ridge ... . . ... ... ....... , . ...... 79·7 1·72· 75 Ron Wil son. Breezy Bend ...... .... . .... 75· 74·73·75 Darcy Furber, Pine Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . 70 81 74· 73 Carl Lechman, Rossmere .............. , ... , , • . .... 73·80· 74·72 Dave Komora, Rossmore ...... . . ....••••...• .. .... 73· 76· 77· 73 Ken W arw ick , Windsor Park .................. , .... 75·75-76· 73 Glon Hnatiuk . Selkirk . ............................ 78·74·72· 75 Duke A smundsen, Pine Ridg e ...................... 76· 7578·72 Jim Doyle. Sandy Hook ..... . . . ............. " .... 74· 76·7 576 Chris Nelson, South wood . ..... . •.•..••••••....... 77· 72· 78·75 Tod d Teplitskl , Pine Ridge ... • • .. ........ .• , ....... 73· 76·7 8·75 Todd Fanning , Southwood ...••.................... 74· 74· 76·7 8 Gary Kull man , Rossmoro . . . . ....... ......... 75· 7 1·8D· 76 Ken Tresoor, Rossmoro . . ............... 74· 77· 76· 76 Dave Lavallee, Falcon Beach ... . ........... ........ 73· 78· 77· 75 - 28 1 296 297 297 298 299 299 299 299 30 1 30 1 302 302 302 302 303 303 Nolson of Southwood were ne)( t in lin o, MATCH PLAY RESULTS First Flight - Jim Scollan , Elmhurst defea ted Barry Chipka , Elmhurst 5 and 4 . Second Flight - Geno Hodgson, Brandon defea ted 8111 Balu k, Pine Ridge on th o 20th hole. Third Flight - Bill Zeweniuk, St . Boni face defea tod Michael Averbac h of Glendale 3 and 2. both fini shing with 449, followod by a Fourth Flight - trio of Rossm ore pl ayers, Gary Kullm an, Dave Komara and Carl Lechm an, all w ith and 3. a si)(-round total of 4 4 6 for the final toa m spot. Ron Wil son of Breezy Bend and Chris 4 50. Duke A smundsen of Pine Ridg e w as ne)(t with 4 51. junior Kevin Baker ' of 51. Charlos had 4 53 and junior champ Todd Fanning of Southwood and Wind· sor Park's Ke n Warwick had 4 54. At the Ca nadian Amateur and Will ingdon C up tea m rna tches at Saska too n, the M anitoba ns had a one-ave r-par total of 2 17 (bes t th ree sco res ) on opening day, but it was on ly good for fourth pl ace, flve behind the leaders. Problems on th e bac k nino In the second round proved to be tho toam's un doing and the Ke rry T rotm an of Tu )(odo de feated Larry John ston of Da uphin 4 WllLlNGDDN CUP TEAM TRIALS Terry Hashimoto, SI. Charl es ....... ........... 69· 70· 7 1· 7 1· 75· 77 Glen Hnatiuk , Selkirk ........................ 78· 74· 72· 75· 72· 70 Jim Doylo, Sandy Hook ........ . .... . ... . .... 74· 76· 75· 76· 71 · 73 Darcy Furbar, Pine Ridg e .... , ................ 70·8 1· 74 73·7 5·75 Ron Wilson , Breez y Bend .... . ... . ..• ••. . • . . .. 757 4· 73· 75·80·72 Chris Nelson, SouthWOOd ............. . ...... 77 72· 78 75 72 75 Gary Kullm an, Rossmere ....•................ 757 1· 80· 76· 72·76 Dave Komora, Rossmero .......•......... . ... 73· 76· 77· 73· 75·7 6 Carl Lechman, Rossmoro .......•............. 73·80· 74· 72· 73·78 Duko Asmundson . Pine Ridge ................ . 76· 75· 78· 72· 74· 76 Kevin Bake r, St . Charles ................. . ... 80 -73· 77· 74 7 1· 78 Todd Fanning, Southwood . .....• • •........... 74· 74 · 76· 78-76-76 Kon W arw ick, Wind sor Park .................. 7 5· 7 5· 76· 7377 ·78 433 441 44 5 44 6 449 449 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 51 453 454 454 Congratulations to the Manitoba Golf Association Pine Ridge Golf Course Winnipeg's Most Scenic Golf Course Co-Host Canadian Seniors Championship Sept. 1st to 5th 36 MAN tTOBA GOLF AN NUAL '86 SomeCanadians don't have the mach for highrisk investments. , , High-lisk investing demands nerves of steel. One moment you're inching towards the summit of great riches. The next moment yoW' eyes are closed and yoW' heart is in yoW' mouth. We prefer the middle road. The Investors approach may lack the thrills and chills, but the results are just as exciting. First we start with a complete analysis of your present needs and resoW'ces. Then together we establish specific financial goals. Finally, we customtailor an investment strategy that strikes a balance between guaranteed earnings and capital growth. This is not to say that the road you take will A MEMI}[R MANITO BA GOLF ANNUAL '86 be flat, monotonous and unrewarding. Over forty-five years of experience gives us an edge in spotting financial opportunities for our clients. Which is why for several years running, Investors has managed funds that have climbed to the top ranks of investment funds in Canada. Even on the middle road to financial peace of mind, we occasionally fly. Investors Group PROFIT fROM OUR EXPERIENCE or THE PO Wt:K ~ I NAN C IA L GROU P OF COMPANII: S. 3,? Jim, Pat Doyle under par to lead Family golf event In the mothar-daughter ca tegory. Polly Weday and daughter Marjorie Jord an of Wet, rainy wea ther forced a resc hed - uling. bu t a good en try of 97 teams Portage Is Prairie led th e oig ht entries w ith 94. one bett er th an M arlone and Valerie Netterfield of Pin e Rid go. In not scoring , th e Li zo ttes took th o honors ['1 fath er-son A di vision w ith net were on hand on another ovarcast day as the sixth annual North A merican life Family Golf Classic was fin all y held in August at Nlakwa Country Club. It was th e first tim e 8 shotgun start w as used for this avent and. though 6B, with tl1e McLeo ds second w ith 70. In B, it w as Ron and Lyle Jackman of Bel th ings w ere hec tic at the start, m os t agreo d the wind up w ith all teams on Acres first wi th not 6 9. followed by Paul and D arren Jea nson of S t. Boniface w ith 72. Olive and D avid Prince of S t. Ba ni- hand was an Improvement. Jim and Pat Doylo Of Sandy Hook. faca topped the parent-child ca togory with net 69, ahead of Tom and Donna Kenny of Niakwa, who had 71. The mother-daughter net honors we nt to Irene and Laura D uncan of Niak w a with 76, with Ca mill e and Ze ni a Gross brink of Transcon a as runnors·up. T he various w Inners were aw arded troph ies, gift ce rtifica tes and prizes to • va lue of $1 ,155. The 19B6 North A merican Life event Is sc heduled for August 26 at Stoinbach Golf Club. both form er M anitoba Am ateur cham pions, tcamed up to load th e w ay Ove r 3 4 teams enterod in the father-so n A ca tegory (han dicaps 11 21, as thoy pos ted B nift y one under-par 7 1. It was good for 8 six stroko victory Ovar Ned and Doug Rainbo th of Pino Ridge, w ho shot 77. It was the second Nort h A merica n U fo w in for the D oyles, w ho also clai m - ed the honors in 1983, Th ey we re tiod for top spot in 19B4, but had left the course and missed out in a play orr. Th ere was a three -way ti e in thi rd pl ace 8S Fleurion and D oug las Lil:otle of Rossmere. Pe ter and D avid M cLeod of S1. Boniface and Gordon and Bob Dunbar of Niakwa and SI. Charles all sho t BO. In th e father-son B ca tegory (handicaps 13-251. Larry and Tim Nah.chow sky of Shllo led th e entry of 2 9 teams. w ith B2, fi vo ahead of A lan and Deniel Greenwood of Breezy Bend. Bob Gill of Elmhurst and daughter Brend a Robi nson of Ni akwa team ed up to lead the paron t-child division's 26 entries w ith an 84 , ono bett or than threetime defending cham ps Art Sm ith of S t. Boniface of daughter Lynda Palahniuk of Elmhurst and Bill and Gail Anderson of SI. Charl eS, both teems w ith 85. Th o And ersons took so cond pril9 on a countb ack . • niB CO UNTRY 38 Manitoba Golf Foundation awards first bursaries T he first rocipi ents of bursa des Irom the M an it oba Golf Foun da l.lon we re an nounced in February at the annu al mee t ing of the M anitoba Golf Associati on. M ichael Ave rbach. a pas t presiden t of the M GA . announ ced the first awards went to Barb M aslenko of Pine Ridge, the 1985 prov incial women's junior golf champion; and David W hite of SouthWOOd . former M anitoba junior champion and runner-lIp to clllbm ate Todd Fanning in the Ca nadian junIor men's cllom plon· ship las t year at Ross mere. Tho M anitobo Golf FOlJllda tion wa s originated through donations in memory of th e late Earl S torey of Assiniboine. w ith further m emori al donations also add ed to make sc holarships avail able to M anItoba stu dents attending lmi ve rsiti es . ltl:' • Donations can be made to th e M anitoba Golf Fo und ation through the M anito ba Golf A ssociotio n office in the Sports Adm inistrative Centro. 1700 Ellice Ave nu e, W innipeg. << Maslanko White Cong ratulations l wa to the M anitoba Golf Association C L U B M AN ITOBA GOLF AN NUA L ' 86 fMlILY GOLf ... on Tuesday, August 26th at the Stei nbach Golf Cl ub. Since we started sponsoring family go lf here six years ago, your enthusiastic support has made the Manitoba segment of the Family Golf Classic the larges t of our parent and child championships in Western Canada. It's also one of the most popu lar events on your provincial golfing ca lendar. We and our colleagues at the Manitoba Golf Association, who conduct the tournament, look forward to having you join us at the Family Golf Classic. TOGETHER WEARE STRONGER NORTH AMERICAN LIFE Group Div ision: 333 Broadway, Winnipeg MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' B6 39 Phil Hall prevails in Rural Amateur test If It proved nothing else, the 1985 edItion of the M anitoba rural am ateur and senior golf championShip provad the province's rural golfers were either very hardy, or very foolish, or both. High w inds and pl enty of rain marred the second day of the 36-hole competition held Aug. 11 -12 at t he Hecla Island , making the course almost unpl ayable by the end of the day. But, only 25 of the 160 golfers failed to complete their second round, despite the sogg y conditions, and it even took an extra five holes before a champion could be determin ed . Phil Hall of Brandon prevailed with a bird ie on th e fifth hole to cleim the titl e over Bob Genoway of Morden after both had pos ted 151 totals over the two rounds. Hall kidded as he teed off in the rain for his second round that he enjoyed playing in adverse weath er. but even he admitted he got more th an he bargained for this ti me. The 44-year-old Brandon golfer, who won the C leor Lake Tamarack t o urn a ~ ment In 1984, shot a res pec table three- over-par 75 in the wind and rai n to go w ith an opening 76 for his 151. Genowey, who shared the halfway leed wit h a 73 in th e good weather of opening day, Slipped to 78 in th e bad weather for his 151. Paul Murray of Brandon, who sharad the lead at 73, skied to 90 In the second round to fini sh well back at 163. Four-time champion Bruce North of Carm an finished in thi rd pl ace with 75-78 - 153, followed by Gary Poole of Bra ndon, 77 -79 - 156; Darren Hargreaves of Neepawa, 74 -8 2 - 156; and Bill North of Carm an, 77 -82 - 169. Th ere wa s also a playoff needed to settle the rural senior title, but it w ent only one hole and was completed before the really bad weather settl ed in. Carm an's Barrie Sanders claimed his fourth straight rural senior crown as he won the playoff over John Martens, also of Carman, w ith 8 par on the first extra hole. Sanders had th e first-round lead with an 80, three ahead of Martens, but the champ needed 81 for hi s second round whil e Martens caught up with a 78. Wally Goshalak of Dauphin was third w ith 8 5-83 - 168. Th e Championship flight and seven other flights were de termined after the fIrst round , rather than by handicap s, which provided close competition In most of the flights. The Championship flight had 16 players with SCOres of 73 to 77, thero wore 23 In the first fl ight with scores of 78-81, 20 in the second flight, wi th scores of 82-83, 15 in the third, all w ith 84; 17 In the fourth w ith 85-8 6, 19 In the fifth w ith 87-89, 20 in the sixth w ith 90-93 and 15 In the final flight w ith 94-100. The senior division had 15 pl oyerS with scores ranging from 80 to 99. Brian Clark of Brandon won tho first flight wi th 78 -81- 159, followed by Brian Johnston, Dauphin, 80-80 - 160; and Grant Miller, Brandon, 79-81- 160. The second fligh t had Earl Timmons of Thompson, Keith Fawcett of Naepawa and Herb Dick of Winkler all wi th 8 2-8 3 - 165. In th e th ird fl ight, Sheldon Boucha rd o f M orden led th e wa y w i th 84-8 2 - 166, followed by Bill Boivin, Pinawa, 84-85 - 169; and Bru ce Nerba s, Pinawa, 84 -8 7 - 171. The fourth flight was wo n by Greg Mcivor of Dauphin wi th B5-82 - 167, followed by Eldon Patzer of Swan River and Jim Renwick of Brandon, both with 8 5-8 3 - 168. (Continued on page 421 OVER LOOKING NIAKAWA GOLF CLUB The 160 NIAKWA ROAD LUXURY CONDOMINIUM S Enjoy gracious tranquil living in one of Winnipeg's most prestigious build ings. Standing at the marbled entrance, it is easy to imagine that you have been transported back in time. TH E CASTLE is truly an address of distinction , why not make it yoursl For appOi ntment Monday to Friday Call 338-0371 After 5 and weekendS cali 668-5518 Display suite open Sundays 2-5 P.M . Tu es., Wed. & Thurs. 2-8 P.M . 40 EDISON RENTAL AGENCY 1110 HENDERSON HWY. 338-0371 MANIT08A GOLF ANNUAL '86 Improve Your Game GOLF HECLA Golfing at Hecla Provincial Park may not lower your score, but being along the scenic shoreline of Lake Winnipeg is certain to make you enjoy your game more .' For even greater enjoyment, you can book the course for your club or office tournament. Of course, if you 're really determined to get your score down you can stay in the Gull Harbour Resort or the park's campground for a few days and take some lessons with golf pro Jim Mayer. For the BEST DEAL in Manitoba Drive 'a little to Selkirk! CHEVROLET·OLDSMOBILE LTD. Pro Shop Hecla #72 Manitoba Natural Resources Parks ~ " ~ J 230 MAIN STREET SEl!KIRK, MANITOBA Business Ph . 462-3140 Winnipeg Ph . 475-9679 8ELK [QK Coif and CounLry ~ lub The Selkirk Golf Club, looking toward tlle r8th groan and clubhouse. In The Heart of Downtown Selkirk WELCOMES ALL VI SITOR S EIGHTEEN HOLES. 57 16 METERS. GRASS GREENS Rural Manitoba's Very Popular Golf Course PH. 1·482·5911 BETWEEN 7A.M. & 12 NOON FOR TEE TIME · 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 41 RURAL (Continued (,am page 40) In the fifth flight it w as John Cartm an, Portage, 87 -84 - 151; David Goerz, M ordan, 88 -83 - 151; and Harold Hoffm an, Northernalre, 88-8 5 - 173. The Sixth fligh t won. to Pe te LePage of Brandon wi th 9 1-8 1- 17 2 , ahea d o f Brad Si gb aldso n, North ern al re, 93-81 - 174; and M ichael Omnlchinski, Portag e, 90-86 - 176. Bren. Bed ford of Gilbert Pl ains lad th e finoI fligh. wi.h 95 -8 1- 176, foll owe d by Cliff Svei nson, Sandy Hook, 94-83 - 177; and Dennis Herring, Northorn airo, 96-88 - 18 4. ~ Place Louis Riel All Suite Hotel T ho 1986 Rural Am ateu r and Sen ior Cham pio nsh ips will be played Aug . 17-18 et Hecla Island, a waok later than in the as t few yeers. MEAGHER BEEFEATE R Much better w ea ther prevailed as the rural golfers closed out their com petitive season Sep t. B at Shilo in the M eagher Beefeat er inter-zo ne c hampio nship event. W ith 10 of t ho 14 zones represen ted by four-man teams, the Is Pl eased to Offer Specia l Go lf To urn ame nt Rates Durin g the 1986 Sea so n. honors went to the Steinbach toam of James Ko pp, Bob Harrison, H arvey Janzen and Poter Guen th er. The wi nners had an aggrega te score of 33 8, I9S5 75 percon. of th eir handicaps for a net total of 297.5. Ru nner-up honors went to the host tea m from Shilo, as John Murphy, Bud Ke lley, Art M cDoneld and Charlie Gero pos ted a gross total of 357. less net han dicap of 54 for a net score of 303. Thompson was ne)( t il"l lino with a net score of 304.75, followed by Carmon, 305.5; North ern aire and Pinawa, tied at 3 16.5; Wasagaming, 325.5; Gladstona, 330.25; Swan Ri ve r, 33 1. 25; and Wink ler, 332. Zone play wi ll be held during the season again thIs year, with the zo ne wi nners again to travel to ShilO for the M eag her Beofea ter finale Sept. 7. Bachelo r & O ne Bedroo m Su ites wi th Co mplete Kitchens. Ca ll Reyne r Sm ith (204) 947-6961 190 Smith Street . Winni peg . Manito ba Welcome to Carman (THE FRIENDLY CLUB) • • We now have a beautiful 18 hole course, wh ere you can re lax and enjoy the unhurried pace, with no crowd s or line ups. • Just one hour from Winnipeg . • Golf for the day, th e weekend or a week. Bring th e family along and enjoy serviced campgrounds, supervised swimming pool, tennis courts and child's playground all within walking distance of the golf course. • Clubhouse offers licensed facilities, excellent food , pro shop, club rentals, cart rentals, pull or drive. • We book company or group tournaments with rese rved tee times. rO WN 0' _ ~ CAR . . . ft AI L WAY . >- SI Cil lo,.."", ' ocr t f. CLUB ~ I- I?I VI ' . .. ", T t L For booking s, call us at 1-745-2366 ~ • > 7TH _N" f'~ ' .t 42 ~ C_,C_~:. K __ L u ~ *. . ~ ! -jr- · . PO _ CARM AN Lr .LUB MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B6 Beefeater Dry Gin retains its fin e ta ste even in mixes. Distilled and bottled in London, England. COTTONWOOD GOLF COURSE "A NEW CHALLENGE JUST OUTSIDE OF WINNIPEG" Dial 1-422-5540 18 HOLES (CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITIONAL 9 HOLES IN THE PROCESS) PRO SHOP - BAR & LOUNGE - SNACK BAR - CLUB RENTALS 25 minutes east of Winnipeg on the Trans-Canada Hwy. MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' B6 43 . Professionals provide variety of services By HARRY BROTC HIE President, C PGA of M anitoba Th e golf professional is 8 key figure at mos t golf c lub s, ye t many members Bre unaware of th e variet y o f servicos th o professional provides. The pro fessional works close ly w ith th e club m anager and golf course superintondent to enSure the entire club operation Is running smoothly. Along with many other dutios, tho pro fes ~ slo'101is direc tly responsible for proparing a budg et, hiring and scheduling staff, golf course starting time s. merchandi sing, inve ntory control, accounting, conducting junior programs and club events, teaching, club re pairs, pow er ca rts, c lub storage and the dri vi ng range operati on. A ques tion frequently asked is " How do you become a golf pro fession al?" Tho an swers t o th at Qu es tion are vari ed but pre-requisi tes for tho job incl ude an abilit y to play th e game pro ficientl y, a love for the sport , end a strange desire to work long hours in the summer. Ac tu all y, tho club profession al Is ve ry well quali fi ed to provide the sorvices th e members are entitl ed to expec t. To be com e a Class A Hea d Professional member o f th o Canadian Profossional Golfers' Assoc iation a pro fes sional has to I,avo co mpl et ed an ex ten sive training program and upon achieving thi s st atu s mu st continue to recertify to m aintain hi s st atu s. A ll new applicants must attend an interview before they are eligible to appl y for membership. After the interview, they must successfull y complete a 36 -hole pl ayin g ebility tes t before they are accepted. Unplayab~e lie. Tile It up Vou oo! I'I llmll! t:1 hI! 16 !Imel In OVtlry ,oul luyelil . a!mOSI unplnylluh!l 10 1 many nl) l10 l l TOllY . ... ull !ne !:HIli Ttllt y lIky II Tlle V wn l!! II ~ I)mhiH f " ~iI Ing lin" 11 1 nOl mu(;ll ll.In lI on., 0 1 lOW 1.11I11(\1""~ h.H1n9 hl~ pfoUlcrnt 0 1 thp leI' Ill!.ll~l'~1 hll SMl hl~ 9nll l.llo l t'~IoIO!l\t1 I O""~~O"1I And COOll"'" a 1I''1"1on your ,tlU r~"!l b<>I1'" gOlll'f~ run Ut' h~ILI .. r1 ~ANAOIAN 44 PRO FESSIONAL GOlFEn S' ASSOCIATION Harry Brolchls Harbour Vie w Municipal Course A successful applican t then must enroll in the CPGA Pro fes sional Development Program, complete yearl y education al m aterial and reports, comploto home study and on -tho job train ing program s and attend zone or nationa l educa tional semin ars. Th ese seminars aro held on a va rie ty of topics and incl ude; golf shop operat ions, club design and rep air, leaching, the org aniza tion and conduct o f a compl eto golf program , basic course maintenance. basic club m anagem en t and Organization, employee and contract negotiations and small bus iness management. Before compl eting thi s five-year apprenti ce program , th e applicant mu st also pass a final pl aying ability tes t and a six hour written Class A Exa m inat ion. The Canadian Professional Golfers' A ssocia tion is co mmit ted to maintaining the high st andards of th e profession and to the co ntinued developm ent o f educational programs for its members. The increasing number o f qualified profossionals com pleting tho program each year w ill benefit th e clu b mem ber In the future through th e many services w hich the profession al s will be able to provi de. In Manitoba alone thero arc at least a dozen qualified Class A As sociate Pro fessional s c urrently w orkir'g as assistants at clubs. Clubs without profossionals or those in rural area s who have never had a golf professional on staff should seriously consider the t alents th ese young profeSSionals have to offer. CANADIAN PR OFESSIONAL GOLFERS' ASSOCIATIO N MANITO BA ZONE BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Harry Bro tchio (Harbour View Golf Course) Vico -Presldent - John Isaac (Tu xedo Gol f Course) Direct ors Ct, ick Dunca n (Niakwa Coun try Club) Tom Kin sman (Southwood Golf (I,' cl Coun tr y Club) Gerry M orri ssoy (Rossmore Golf and Coun try Club) Laurie Pierc e (Elmhurst Golf and Country Club) J im Steep (Glendale Country Clubl Pas t Preside nt Sand y Paterson (BreelY Bend Go tf and Country Clu b) Exocut ive Director - J im Mayer (Hecla Golf Courses) MANITOBA GOLF ANN UAL ' 86 Phone (204) 786-2435 Compliments of , , , ROY KEPRON & COMPANY me Caine... E.leetric... (1979) Ltd. Representat ive ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 630 Erin Street, Winnipeg , Manitoba R2G 2V9 WiI6on., SPORTS EQUIPM ENT CANADA LTD , In 1985 we CORRECTLY predicted Ihat Wilson's new DYNA· POWER system 45 would be a winner! A system thaI reduces slices! A system that reduces hooks! A system that adds more distance and accu racy to your wood shots, That's what you 'll gal with Wilson System 45° woods. A patented system that puiS the bulge and roll on th e wood face al a totally different angle; tiltod 45 11, A system so revolutionary you ca n see th e unique face c urvature. A system S Silverwood so superior. it beats every competitive wood avai lable In accuracy tostlng . Every sing le onel Now available In Wilson DYNA·POWER golf club sels. See your professional for a trial set of th ese uniq uely designed clubs, the forerunn er 01what all gall clubs will be like in th e future., Win With 1986 Manitoba Open Patron WiI6on., -- ~ - ~al ~ COUNTRY CLUB TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA This magni fico nt resort, owned and operated by the Ca nadian P,G.A " 1$ a Golfer's W inter Paradise, The championship golf course ca n play from 6500 yards to 7000 yards. After golf re lax In the lounge to live entortalnmen t and enjoy dining in the beautiful Cedar Room . Th ere is a w el l stocked Pro Shop and full practise facil ities. Enjoy the option of playi ng with a golf ca r or walking , - Titu sville is 30 minutes east of Orlando 45 minu tos from Disnoy W orld/Sea World 15 minutes from Kennedy Space Centre For more Information Cali 305-269-4500 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 45 History of Superintendents' organization dates back to 1950 By RAYMOND SAVARD, Ch arl eswood Go lf C lu b, Presiden t , G.C.S.A .M . 1955, 1.0 better refl ec t the duties of th e nlembers. A fter a mooting w ith Dean Weir of the Univorsi t y of M anitoba, turf plots we re es t ablis llod at th e Ur1ivo rsl ty for research on Apri l 21, 1958. w ith the G.C.S.A .M . providing support, s tarting w ith $750 in 1958 to tho $1,500 w hich was turn ed over in 1985. A t the association's 25th anni vo rsary rece ption held Oc tobor 23, 1975, a bur sary fund was es tabl ished to ol d stu dents il' obtaining th eir diplomas in turfgrass m anagement. The fu nd was se t t $250 per stud en t. Since then, th e association h Cls aicled at loas t one Stl ldent each year and some yea rs as m any as three. Two new events were started in 1984: 1. The Turt Research Golf Tournament, held Aug ust 9 at Bel Acres, w ith the proceeds shared by the University of M allil oba tLr rf pl ot and th e Canadian Turf ResearCh Foundation . Las t yea r, th is ev rH wa s a huge Suc cess, raising mOre Ulon $4 ,000. This The M anito ba Greenskeepe rs A ssoci 8tlon, the forerunner of our prosident organization, was formed on Oc tober 25, 1950, at Glendale Gol f and Country Club w hon the following o fficers wo re e lec ted: Presidont - A,C. ICYI Crood Vice Presi dent - John B. St eel Sr. Treas urer - Frank M acDonald Socretary - Stan Wa lker Five months later, on M arch 14, 1961, w ith 11 members In att endance, a con stilution was approved and Sam Hl ltchings, A rthur Baker and George Boa ttio wore eloc ted as directors. Thoso s ven gen tl emen tormed th e first execu ti vo com mi ttee of tho small organization, Today, the organi zation has a membership of more th an 130 . Tho nam e o f tho group was changed to the Golf Course Superintendents' A ssociation of M ani toba on M arch 28, GOLF COURSE SUPERINT ENDENTS A SSOCIAT ION OF MANITO BA 19 8 6 Board Of Dlractor. Presidon t . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , " Ray Savard , Charleswood Pa st President ....... . ... . .... Jack Lubinski, Elmhurst First Vice President ........... , . Wray Taylor, 8 el Acres Second Vice -President ,., .. . Secretary , , .......... , .. . Treasurer ... , , . , , .. . Direc torS ........ , • , , .... ,. , . . .. .... . .. , John Evans, Conoe Club Doug M cE w en, Even Spray Syd Parsons, Par Equipment Bri an Wenham, City of Winn ipeg Rollie Rich ard , Wes twa rd Pow er Helmut Kopp, St. Charlos COlin Inglis, Wildewood Ron D lck in, W ind sor Park year's Turf Research Tournament w ill again be held at 8el Acres on August 15. 2. The Superintendent of the Year Awa rd was initiated, not necessarily dependent on tl10 superintendent's per form anco that "one" particular year, but rather 8 combination o f tho follow ing; a) recipient mu st be a Class A m ember In good standing wi th the G.c.s.A.M. b) contribu to to the associa tion c ) contribute to committees and/or programs for tho ben er education o f our turf indu stry. d) overall abilit y as a superintendent in t erm S o f care and grooming of turf. e) awordod by standard vote of oxecuti ve at the last meeting held before th e annual general meeting. Th e first recipient o f th e aw ard w as Jack Davies o f Southwood in 1984 and th e 19B5 awa rd went to Helmut Kopp of St. Charl es. At one lime, it was thought that a Greenskeeper (we oro now classified as Superintendents) h ad the art for grow ing goocl turf, but it is not only an art, it is cllso a science. M em bors of this association attond turf semin ars and conferences throughout the off-season, keeping abreas t of new ideas in turf man agom ent. We meet monthly throughout the golf season at various golf courses, to con verse and view other course mainten ance practices and to provide assistance if members are experienci ng a problem . We ca ll them fI1or1thl y management mee ting s. Thoso oro some of the ways we learn about im proving the turf on w hich you play golf. Havo a good golfing seasonl GOLF COURS E SUPERINTENDENTS' ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA sponsors of the ' Annual Manitoba Turf Grass Research Tournament President - Secretary - MR. RAY SAVARD MR. DOUG McEWEN For membership conlact secretary , cia Even-Spray & Chemicals Lid. Bay 11'2 - 85 t Lagimodlere Blvd., Wpg., Manitoba R2J 3K4. To encoursfJe and promote research and the interchange of scientific and practic al knowledge relatmg to the maintenance of golf courses in order to assist interested members. 46 MAN tTOBA GOLF ANNUA L 'B6 Steel gets Distinguished Service Award • FOunding member of the Canadian Turfgrass Resoarch Foundation John Burns Steel, former Golf cou rse superintendent at St. Charles Country Club, now retlrod, was honored with the • Founding committee to es tablish Distinguished Service Award (DSA) test plots for re searc h in M anItoba • Citizen member of tho 51. James A ssi niboin e Parks Board from from the Golf Course Suporintondent'li Association of Americe at tho 57th An· nual Conference In San Francisco Jan. 1970-1974. 31 to Feb. 4. At the present timo, Steolls on Hon· orary Life Member of the Canadian Golf Steel Is only the second Canadian to win the OSA and the only recipient (rom Course Superintendents Association; Western Canada. The DSA Is the high- Honorary Life Member of the Golf est and mo st distinguished award bestowed for outstanding achievement by Course Superintendents A ssociation of Manitoba; Quarter Century Member the GCSAA. Steel started employment at St. Charles Country Club in 1932 and be- (has been a member for 41 yaars and the fi rst member from Manitoba) of the ca me superintendent in 1945, retiring tion of America: AA Life Member of the G.c.S.A.A .: Certified Golf Course Super- Golf Course Superintendent's Associa- from that position In 1977. He was literally overwhelmed when the conference to receive the Award on intendent; Honorary Life Member of St . notified ho would receive the award last his behalf. Steel was nominated for the DSA by Charles Country Club. Steel ls a past president of the Assini bolna Memorial Curling Club. He has attended 20 Turfgrass Confer- October, and looked forward to attendIng the conference. Unfortunatoly, he suffered a stroke on Dec. 29 which effected his communica tion skill s, but after considerable concern , is regaining his former skills - thanks to the qualifi ed th erapists at Deer Lodge Centre, where he now resides . Hi s son , John Donald Steel, attended his peers for these contributions: • founding m em ber and past - president Ithree times) of the Golf Course Superintendent'S A ssocia tion of Manitoba • Founding member and first presi dent of the Canadian Golf Course Superintendents A ssociation • ences and shows in Canada and 27 G.C.S.A .A . con forences. He has been a speaker on the program of numerous conferences and seminars. On Feb. 5, Steel was presented with the DSA at the Deer Lodge Centre. ... TM Reo BAyeo ' Bayco Introduces a New Line of Golf Course Accessories Sand Trap Rakes - Aluminum & Urethan e Greens C ups Alum inum & Polymer C up Pullers - Cadmium Pia led Stee l Flagpoles - Fiberglass (Red/ Whil e, Yellow, etc.) • Flags - Nylon & Cott on (Pia in / Colo ured / Logo/ Numbered) • Tee Markers Alum lnum (Red / Whlle/ Blue/ Yellow) • Tee Distance Markers Bronze • (Yd's & Metres) Ground Installation • • • • • (150 YDS/ 137 M .) Markers Aluminum Ground Installation • Official Distance l ee Markers - Bronze wllh Provincial Golf A sso . Logo • Spike Brushes - Ho lders & Stands • BAYCO Golf Ball Wa sher Mo unting Stand & Base • Plaques & Signs. Ie. Carts, Nex t l ee etc. (Cast Aluminum Painted) Red / Black • Other Special Signs Made to Ord er. Manufactured by Bay Bronze Industries Lid . AN AU . CANADIAN COMPANY - INCORPORATED 1941. Bay Bronze Industries Ltd. Phone (204) 633-5650 l e lex 1J7 - ~87811 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 2200 Logan Avenll e Winnip eg, Man . R2R OJ2 Canada 47 Mllnltobll 's Sen/or Men 's golf te8m for 1985 cons;stod of. left to right: Senior chnmp;on of St. Char/es, 81'l1 MacCallum of Elmhurst and M ox Desauln;ers, 8/S0 of Elmhurst. Barrie Sanders first rural golfer to win Senior championship Barrio Sanders of Carman became the first golfer from rural Manitoba 10 win the Manitoba senior men's champion ship as he came from beh ind to capluro the 1985 honors at 5t. Boniface Golf Club in August. As form er champions fell by the way- side, Sanders was joinod on the M anitoba sonior team by Jim Isaac of St. Charles and Max Desaulniers and Bill M acCallum of Elmhur.t. D efond ing champion Smiley Meronek of St. C harles and Form er winners N ick Mickoskl of Elmhurst, Gord Lenton of Selkirk and Pine Rid ge and Bill Pidla skl of Elmhurst all fad ad out of the picture along the route, though M eronek eme rg ed as the winner In the 65-69 age group. Isaac was the ea rly leade r in the 54 -hOle tournament, carding a two-overpar 72 in the opening round fOr a twostroke lead over Sanders and Ken M ac Charles of 5t. Bonlfa co, both w ith 74s. Mlckos ki had 75 and Dosaulniors and , Pidl aski card od 77s. The lead remained wit h Isaac through the second round as he sho t 78 for a 150 total. only one better than Sanders, who had 77 for 151. M acCharl •• sho t 79 to stay In con ten tion with 153, whllo Desa ulniers had hi s seco nd straight 77 to si t at 154 and Mickoskl had 80 for 155. M eronek came through with a 76 after his opening BO for , 56. Pidlaski shot 81 and M acCa llum had hi s second Barrie Sanders, Carman 1985 Man;toba Senior M en's Chtunp;on. 48 straight 79 to si t at 158. Sandors posted the be st sco re of the MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 final round , a 74 , to overtake Isaac for the title with a 54 holo tot al of 225. The St. Charles swinger had to settle for runnor·up honors, slipping to 80 for a 230 total. D esa ulniers was consistent, shooting a third straight 77 for 231, good for third place, and MacCallum charged in wi th a 75 for 233 to grab tha final team berth. MacC harles slip pod to 63 in his fin al round to finish at 236, Murray Brown of St , Boni face moved up w ith a 77 for 237, M ickoski closod with an 83 for 236 and Meronek also had 63 to finish at 239. M acCallum's 233 was bes t in the 55· 59 aga division, ahead of M ac· Charles, Brown and Mickoski. Jerry Jor· reU of Bol Acros took not honors with 215. Sanders led tho 60 64 division, ahead of Isaac, Dosaulniors and Bal Browne of Asslniboine, who hod 1I 243 total. Go· org o Bum s of Cha rl eswood took tho not honorS with 2 11. Maronek's 239 led the 65·69 group, with runner up honors shared by Pidlaski and W.E. Miller of Carman, both with 241. Bart Campbell of Harbour View was fourth with 242. The not honors 81· so went to Camp boll with 200. In th e 70·a nd·over ca tegory, Cass To bin of Elmhurst was a runaway winner with 83 and 84 for 167, seven better th an M . Barnesky of Florida, who had 66 and 66 for 174. D. Cloland of Wheal Ci t y was third with 178 and Clyde AI· Ion of Southwood was fourth with 179. Not honors went to Dooley Freeman with 149. When the provincial sonior toam went to the nation al ovon l al Victoria in Sep· tember, the Manitoban s fO~Jnd th o cou rses a little too tough. Thoy fini shed in eighth place as their best three scores on the first day totalled 252 end they knockad 12 strokes off for 240 the so cond day for a 49 2 total, far behind On· tario's winning lotal of 454 . All four members of the team quali· fied for the final two round s with scores under 170. Desaulnier finished with a 76 Sen/or Inter· C/ub ch8mpionshlp for 1985 went to this teom from S t. Boniface Golf Club.' Russ Jones, M ike Linton Rnd MfJrfRY Brown, who finiS/lod fwO strokes ahead of SI. Charles. for 244 , MacCallum closed with on 83 for 247, Sanders had a fino l 79 for 248 and Isaac finished witt, 251. M eronek was the only Manitoba golf· er from a large contingent to make it into th e top 40 in th e nati onsl competition as he posted rounds of 79, 76 and 80 for 235, finishing in 22nd place, The 1986 provincial sonior mon's champio nship wi ll bo playod July 29 31 a t Breezy Bend. The national senior championship will como to M an itoba this year, to be played Sep t. 2·6 at the Elmhurst and Pine Ridge Clubs. with Bud Foster of Elmhurst , a Manit oba representative to the Royal Canadian Golf Associa ti on, serving as lournament chairrnan , Closing ou t tho 1985 so ni or cornpe ti · tion WIlS th o annual sonior inler·club competition, held at Falcon Beach golf cou rse Sept. 5. The evont is scheduled for Sept. 11 at Carman this season. S!. Boniface topped a field of 30 teams to captu re the 1985 senior inter· club honors with a 229 total, two bet· ter th an 51. Charlos. Murray Brown SO l Iho poco for 51. Boniface with a one ·ovor par 73. with Rllss Jones contributing withe 76 and Mike Linton providing an 80. St. Charles also had a 73 loading th o way, tlIrned in by Ken MacCherles, with Jim Isaac shooting 77 and G. Kristjans son turning in an 81. Low n t honors went to Transcona's loam of J , Everton , J , McDonald and T, KnoJY wi th 212, followod by Winnipeg Canoe Club's toam of R. Hotol, B. Navon and C. Cairns with 214 , ALL GOLFERS WELCOME AT CHARLESWOOD Best Wishes to MGA in '86 from CHARLESWOOD GOLF CLUB (1976) INC. Manitoba's Oldest Golf Course 310 Haney Street President - THOMAS LESSARD Golf Professional : BOB McVICAR MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B6 49 · St. ChBries team of, left to right, Steve Bannat yne, Terr y Hashimoto and Bob Dunbar, makes it three in a row in cit y inter·c/ub competition. Brandon leam of. lefl 10 righi, Tom Relf. M ike Jones end Gary Poole c8ptured rural inter·club honors in close bottle with Por tage and Steinbach. St. Charles, Brandon rule roost • In Free Press Inter-Club event Whil e St. Charl es Cou ntry Clu b was claiming its th ird straight city ti t.l e, the th ree -year rural region Of Selkirk Golf Club w as being snap ped 85 the 1985 Free Press M anitoba Inter-Club golf championships we re played J une 21 at Glen dale Country Club. Bob Dunb ar led th e th ree-man St. Charles team to a fi ve stro ke vic tory over the home Gl endale tea m wi th a par-70 eHort . He was backed by Terr y Hashimoto and Steve Banna tyne, both w ith 76, It was th e thi rd straight year Dunbar and Has himoto were on the w inning St. Charles toa m, w hil3 it was th e sec ond straight for Bannatyne. Gavin Spiers was w ith Dunbar and Has himoto for th e 1983 win. Bannatyne was also on a wi nning St. Charl es team in 198 1 and Dunbar had two prevIous inter-club w ins In 1969 and 1970 playing out of Niak wa_ The St. Cherles team total of 222 was five better than Glen dale's 227, who finished one ahead of Breezy Bend's 228. Elmhurst end Southwood we re nex t at 235, followed by Breez y Ben d's No. 2 tea m at 237. Michael Avo rb ach pacod Glendalo w ith a two-over-par 72 and he was backed by Neil Stedman wi th 77 ancl Dave Wolcl, with 78. Garth Collings also ca rd ed 72 to lead BreelY Bend's th irdpl ace team, aide d by Bill Parker wi th 75 and M ark Ol son w ith 81 . Oth er good Individu al SCOres ca me from Garth Reim er of Transcona, Norm Gessell of Breezy Bond and Jim Doyle of Sandy Hook, all w ith 73s, The Whea t Ci ty tea m from Brandon cap tur ed the rural int er club honors wi th a 232 total, onl y one bo tter than Portage I. Prairie and Steinbach, deadlocked at 233. Portage won the co untback for second placo. Nex t in line wore Was agaming et 238, Sandy Hook at 239 and Morden's Minnewas ta club at 241. Tom Relf and Mike Jones led the Wh eat City t88 m with 775, whil e Gary Poole co ntributed a 78 to round out the 232 total. Portage was led by Don Johnson's 75, supported by Don Blight w ith 79 and Colin Scarrett with 80, whil e Steinbacl, had e 75 from James Koop, 78 from Wllf Peters and 80 from Danny LI pinski. There we re 29 city teams and 16 ruml points in th e 1985 competition. The 1986 Free Press Manitoba Inter Club cham pl onship will be pl ayed June 27 at SI. Boniface Golf Club. Congratulations To The Manitoba Golf Association "27 Years of Golf and Friendship" 50 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 " BEST WISHES FOR A GREA T GOLF ·SEASON" ST. CHARLES COUNTRY CLUB Morri's Tailoring MADE TO MEASUR E ALTERATIONS Specializing in MADE TO MEASURE CLOTHES FOR MEN AND WOMEN By Samuelsohn, Ritchie Rublnoff, Mickey Allen Alterations on Men's and Women 's Clothes 515-265 Portage Avenue WINNIPEG, MAN. R3B 2B2 1986 Manitoba Open Patron "Golf Course Living" The "NEW" 18 Hole SANDY HOOK GOLF DEVELOPMENT Offers an Excellent Selection of Homesltes with Golf Course Frontage # /SANDY HOOK GOLF CLUB For Information Visit or Call • 0,03 ,p • <l PH. 942-6839 SANDY HOOK. MAN . 389-5466 389-3n1 Let Royal Trust's services keep you out of the rough. • ROYAL TRUST MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 Royal "li"ust Building 330 St. Mary Ave nue 943·0431 Grant Park Plaza 11 20 Grant Aven ue 475·2090 Tuxedo Junction 2090 Corydon Avenue 889·1421 51 . Elmhurst captures Crown Life pro-am team championship For the second timo in three years, pro Laurie Pi erce lod a tea m (rom Elmhurst Golf and Country Club to th e M anitoba C row n Ufe prO-8m team golf champion- ship wh en the 198 5 was pl aye d under cool and blu stery co ndit ions Aug . 9 at Niak w a Country Club. Pierce and his amateur partn ers Dave Dubnlcoff, Vic Schul z and red Paterson topped a field of 38 team s w itl, a S tabl oford points total of 153, sove n ahea d of th o runn er-up t8a rn from Pin owa, w hich had Pierce's assistant A I Scott as its professional. Ian Kirk, Dennis Sm ith and Terry W ar drop were the Pin awa 8matours, w ho helped to pos t a 146 total. St . Charl es pro J im Collins had th e low individ ual honors among the profes sionals. shoo ting one-under-par 71, w hich was two bett or th an Ben Smirnov of John Blum berg, Pat O'Donnell of Pine Ridge and Gerry Morrissey of Ross mere, all with 735. T hompson's tea m of pro Rand y Brekko and am ateurS Bob Th omp son, D ave Turpie and Kevi n Ford fini shed in th ird place with 145 points. Next in line was the Rossm ore tea m with M orrissey backed by am ateurs Bob Hilderm an, Don M askiw and Al mer Kullm an for 14 4 point s. A D elorain e tea m, w ith pro G artt1' Goo dbr and so n o f Tuxedo jo in in g am ateurS Ziggy Klim czak, D errln Oli scheski 81''Id Gordon Neilson, finished fifth wi th 14 0 pOints. Sixth pl ace w ent to th e S t. C harlos tea m as Collins was joined by amateurs Ray Cadieux, Don Dever and AI Coldicon for 138 poi nts. T he M an itoba champions finished fOllrth in the national C rown Lifo pro am championship played Sept. 12 13 in A lberta. Elmhurst Foursome of Ted Paterson, DBve Dubnico ff, pro Laurie PiorcfJ Bnd \fie Schulz led the way in Crown Ufe pro-om le8rn final. The 36 ·hole co mpotition was sched uled at Calgary's W illow Park Golf and Country C lub but heavy rainfall fo rced RCGA off icials to move to th e Kana nas kis Country course, 55 miles west of the cit y, for the first day, w ith onl y nin e holes played . In the bad wea th er, Sask- had 141 for a lotal of 203. D efendi ng champ ion N ewf ound - land/Labrador had the best second -day total of 149 to climb Into third plnce w ith 196. while M anitoba could gain only 128 points and had to se ttl e fo r fourt h atchewa n toOk th e ea rl y lead wit h 69 pO ints, seven ahead of M anitoba and Prin ce Edwa rd Island and nin e be tt er th an Ontari o. pl ace wi lh 190. Saska tchewan dropped to l iflh, pi ck ing up only 11 9 poin ts for a total of 188. T he 1986 M anitoba C rown Li fe pro- Fine wea th er gree ted the gol fers for am tea m com potit ion will be held Aug. 6 at the Rossmere, with tho national th e seco nd day at Will ow Park, w here On tari o amassed 14 4 points to cap tur o the title wi th 8 to tal of 204 . only one Til e Wll rlllth ali(I We/COIlIC of HOlllc IIrc 1OIIilill8 for .'1011 ill Wi/lI1ipe:;:. The Marlborough Inn 33 1 SMlTIl STI{EFT WINN IPEG, MANIT UA RJB 2,,9 204 - 942-6411 TE LI!X 07-578« 1 Inqulr. about our Sp.cl.1 Golf Tournament Rat • • 52 better than Prince Edward Island. which championship to bo pl ayed Aug . 28-29 at th e Ball y Haly Golf snd Counl ry Club at S1. John's, New foundland . nell ~. 1986 Manitoba Open Patron MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 TRANSCONA GOLF CLUO (1982) INC. TIMEX invites you to play TRANSCONA OPEN Cn ll1l11illed I(J thl:! rutureo r pro ressional golf in Cill1ilU::l. 1986 Manitoba Open Patron August 17 for details PHONE PRO SHOP at 222-6171 ST. BONIFACE GOLF CLUB 100 Youville St. , Wpg . Shilo Golf & Country Club Bldg . A -2 Cove Road CFB Shllo, Man it oba P.O. Box 10 CFB Shllo, Manitoba ROK 2AO Featuring Summer & Winter Recrea tion Home of the Original LABOUR DAY ALTERNATE SHOT CLASSIC August 30 & 31st, 1986 For information teleph one: 233-4276 233-2497 • 18 Hole Gotf Course • 6 Sheet Curling Rink • Dining Room • Bar & Lobl1ge • 18 Hole Mini Gotf Course • Banquet Facilities Available For Information & Bookings Please Call : General Office J . E. McCabe, Manager 7654988 765-2128 THE HOM E OF CHAM PIONS W E WI SH TO EXTE ND OUR CO NGRATULATIONS TO THE MANITOBA GOLF ASSOCIA TlON FOR ITS PRODUCTION OF THE " GOLF ANNUAL" ALL GOLF ENTHUSIASTS WILL FIND THIS A MOST INTERESTING PUBUCATION . ELMHURST OFFERS • A well groomed 18 hole championship golf course • Facilities to fit the needs of all membership requirements • Excellent instruction available from club professionals • Located within easy driving distance from all points in Winnipeg Elmhurst GOLF & CO UNTRY CLUB R.R. 5, Winn ipeg, Canada R2C 2Z2 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 Office: 224-2244 53 Hashimoto tops Blair matches for second time For the second tim o in three years, Terry Hashimoto of S t. Charl es Country Club claimed the honors in the 198 5 Jack Bl air Memori al M atch Pl ay champion ship, the leadoff event each seeson on the Manitoba Golf Association's compeli tic" calendar. Hashimoto had the third-bes t score in th e 36-holo qualify- Ing tes t, then won four straight matches to reclaim the honors he had also w on in 1983. Carl Lec hman of Ross m ore paced the qualifying round s, matChing par with a 72 at Breez y Bend, then shootin g two - over' par 74 at Wild owood for " 36·hole scoro of 146. That was four strokes better than Bob Dunbar of SI. Charles. w ho shot 76· 74 for 150 . Hashimo to w as next with 75· 76 for 151. Chris Holson of Sou thwood w as fourth w ith 75·77 for 15 2. De fending champion Ron Wil son of Breozy 8 end made the greates t second-round comeback, carding a one-ur"Ider-par 71 Terry Hsshimoto Jack Blair match pl ay champ at Wlid ew ood aftor sk ying to 8 2 on hi s home course. Junior David White of Southwood also roa red back from an open- but had 8 tournamen t dale in Rhode Island. Dunbar also wi ll' · drew before the ma tches bogan. allowing 8 fourth 161-6hoolor to pl ay. ing 81 wi th 72 at Wildewood. Both had 153 totals to sharo fifth placo. It took a score of 161 or better to qualify to the 16·man Rounding out th ose w ho shot un der 16 1 we re: Dave ma tch pl ay portion of the compe tition at 5t. C harl es Co un- - juni or champion Todd Fa nning shot 158. but had to go to Komora. Rossmore. 82 ·74 - 156; Don McNolli. Niakwa. 78·78 - 156; Glon Hantiuk. Salkirk. 80· 77 157; junior Dave McMillan. Rossmere. 76·81- 157; Garry Dubanski. South· w ood. 84·76 - 159; Bill Parkar. Breazy Bend. 81· 78 - 159; and Ed Larn er. Windsor Park. 79·80 - 159. Mark Allen and Mike Gottfred of Southwood and Glenn Col· a tournament in Texas, while Selkirk's Craig Ki ndra t shot 156, lins of try Clu b and thera were eight golfors tied at 161 w ho had to go Into a pl ayoff for the final three berths. There were actuall y 15 golfers with SCOreS better th an 16 1, but two qualifiers had to withdraw duo to other commitments •• St. C harles clairned the firs t Ihroo spots in the elgh t- • -th~ e ======~ VELVE T GLOVE The art of fi ne dining. T hat '. the Velvet Glove experience. A refined trad ition of first class excellence and renowned reputa tion for exceptional taste. A Remarkable $25 Dinner Spedal. Savour the very best w.ith your choice of six courses from the award winning Velvet Glove dinner menu . Limited time $25 offering. Free parking available in our lombard Garage. For reservations call 957·1350. qt?'ELVET~ ~ GWVE C" Till WI S fiN HOTFL 54 MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 man playoff, with Darcy Furber of Pine Ridge ge lling the fourth place and moving Into match play. Losing out in the playoff w ere Torry More of Elmhurst, Rob Loowon and Rob Oliphant of Rossmoro and Doug Arm strong of Niak wa . Results of first-round ma tches we re: Lechman defea ted Furber 3·and·2, Wh ite defeated Lam er 2·and·l , Nelson defea t· ad Collins 1 up, Komara defea ted Parker 3-and 2, Hashimoto defea ted Gattfred 3·and·1. McNeill defea ted Dubanski on the 20th hole, Wilson defea ted Allen 2 up and Hnatiuk defea ted McMillan 4·and· 3. In the second round, Le chman lopped W hi t e 4 -and-3. Nelson defea ted Komara 3·and· 2, Hashimo to edged McNeill 2·and 1 and Wilson go t by Hnatiuk i ·and ·1. Hashimoto knocked Qut dofond lng cham pion Wil son 6·and· 5 whil e Nelson sidelined medallist Lechman 3·and· 2 in the semifin al matc l1es. In the final, Hashimoto claimed a 3-and -2 victory over Nelson in a we ll pl ayod m atch, wi nning the second and fourth holes on th e St. Charl es wes t nine to get th e earl y lea d. Nolson won the fifth wit h a birdie to cut the led to one ~m d th ey halved the next sovon holes, Hashimot o go t back to two -up by wi nning the 13th (fourth on the south nine), bo th birdied the 14th, then Hashimoto moved three up w ith a 10 fOO l birdie Plitt on the 15th , A half on th e 16th hole was all he neoded to claim his second Jack Bl air cham piol1ship, The Jack Bl air competit ion, w hich honors a torm er presi ~ dent of both the M GA and the RCG A , w ill again be the first event on the 1986 MGA calendar, wi th the quelifying rounds M ay 31 at 5 1. Charl es and J uno 1 at Wildew oed and the matches to be played on Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 10, 12, 17 and 19 at Pin. Ridge. This will be the 13th yea r. Hashimoto is th o th ird player to wi n U1e event t wice. Gory Kullman won back·to· bock titl es In 197 8 and 19 79, playin g out Rossmore the first yom, then Elmhurs t in '79, Bill Parke r at Breezy Bend also won two in a row in 1981 and 1982. STEWART Trophies & Eng raving Ltd. 1843 PORTA GE AVE. W INNIPEG , MAN . R3J OG7 Telephone 837·9066 GEORGE STEWART Now "quaU:ro-drive" petfonnance in a luxury sedan. The new Audi5000CD liIrbo quattro. "quanro·drive" provido s constant distri bution of pow r to all four wheels, Hence, each wheel actllJoly • _ co ntributes to Increased perform ance, control and safety. Simply call us, or sond us a bu siness card We'll be happy to arra nge for your personal "Quo«ro -drive" demonstration al your convenience. .. • T H E AUDI CARD The un ique standard In standard feaHJros It IIaYs Inr ,irtually c,crytlllllg bill your luel, :3 years/unlimited mlloage thet;ay LEASE OR BUY St. James 1986 Manitoba Open Patron MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 YOLXSWAGEN AUDI COD 305 M adison at Nesl Winnipeg, Man. 888·0260 " WfJCare " 55 Bayco introduces course • accessories Sayeo 's New Line of golf course accossories includes ball washer, flagsticks and fl8gs, cups. rakes and signs, displayod here by Shirley Anderson, in charge o f marke ting of the products, and Buy Bronze president A lex Colonel/a. -- -- o'brien travel service d b\e De?en a " . nced £,,?e ne " £\\\c\ent " " " rr\end\)' er,,\Ce Th e only way to go .. . For all your travel needs. 56 TO: hK. 1'0 1.0 PARK WIN N IPEG. MA:-I I rollA 7!!6·7641 )04 · ""1 5 (;ROS\ 'ENOH A\ ' ".,. WINN IPEG, MANITOIlA 4 5 3·6703 P.O. BOX II SH, KILLAR N F.Y, MANITOBA 5234404 A fu ll line of golf course accesso ri os Is now being manufac tured in Winnipeg and will be appearing on loca l courses under the name of Bayeo Golf Course Accessories. It is a trade namo of Bay Bronze Industries Ltd " 2200 Logan Avenue, a company which has long had more than a passing interes t in golf. The interest is unders tandable sinco company presi dent Alex Colonolio Is a long-time act ive member of Elmhurst Golf end Country Club end his w ife, Peg· gy, is a pas t presi dent of th e Canadian Ladi es' Golf Associa ti on. Bay Bronze has sponsored the trophy whiCh Is presented each yoar to the w inning professional golfor at th e M anitoba Open championship. The line of golf course accessories was developed because COlonello and hIs fellow workers felt such equipment should be availabl e loc ally. Tho Bayco line includes a w ido va rie ty of ite ms, such as rakes for sand traps, cups for th e holes, flag pol es and fl ags, too markers, distance marke rs, golf ball wa shers. spike cleaners, pl aques and signs for courses. Ono of the special items available thi S year Is the official distance markers to be pl aced at each tee on courses which have boen ral ed by th e M anitoba Golf A ssociation, Complete se tS of tho mar kers have been made up and w ill be dis tributed by the MGA . Sand rakos are available in aluminum or urethan o m aterialS, bOlh light in w eight and built to las t. Th e ureth ane model will return to its original shape if it is bent through use, Flag poles offered by aayco are of fibreglas co nstruc tion and are availabl e in yellow, white or rod /white. Alum inum 100 m arkers are also availabl e in va ri ous co lors - red. w hite. blue or yellow. Bayeo is also m arke ting in ground merkers for 150 yard s lor 137 m elresl from the green which w ill be appearing at several local clubs, Colonello and Bayco's m ac hining di vision manager Mel Belske are proud of the fac t th e Bayco golf accessories are all made in Manitoba, with any part not manufactured at the logan Avenue plant supplied by other Manitoba firms, Shirley And erson is in charge of the marketing of golf course accessories for Bayco, M A NITOBA GOLF AN NUAL ' BB 1 r HI! Great:-West: Life 1986 Manitoba Open Patron Official Pizza &Pasta Makers to Congratulations To The Manitoba Golf Association EXPO 3253 Portage Ave. 888 -7526 1570 Main St. 339 -2082 1901 Portage Ave. 885 -5543 as FO R A PARTY O F SIX O R MO RE A 10% DISCOUNT ON FOO D ONLY, DRG T.V. VCR GLOBE ENVELOPES , 1 22 1 Inkster Bl vd .. W inn lpog, M an . R 2 X 1P4 ALEC'S TV & AUDIO LTD. SALES AND SERVICE ph. (204) 633 - 2580 M an u facture r s a nd Printe rs of Fin e Qu a lity Enve lo p es DI{G "The good idea company" 197 Leila Ave. at Main St. Phon e: 339-9241 G ORD LENTON D iv isi on M a n age r PIN E RI DGE/SE LKIRK M EMB ER MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 57 Gail Anderson dominates women's golf scene in '85 Just as Todd Fanning and Te rry Hashimoto dominated M anitoba's male golf scene In 198 6, 21-year-old Gail A nderson of S t. Charles w as th e prominent flgura for the femele golfers of th e prov- ince. An derson , wh o ea rn ed No. 6 ra nking among from th e C anadian Ladies' Golf Associa tion, wo n th e M anitoba wo men's am ateur championship and also the ci ty and district champion ship. She had a , 5 ~ s troke lead over runn erup Tf cy Klbsoy of Harbour Vi ew in the provincia l championship, shoo ting a course -reco rd thres -under-par 7 0 8 t Rossmore on the first day en route to 8 54 -halo score 225. She followed up w ith 8 four-ave r-par 77 at Breezy Bond and 8 four-over 7 8 at Elmhurs t. Kibsey also set 8 course record by matching per with 74 at Breezy Bond in tho socond round , Defending champion Ca thy Burto n of Selkirk fin ished th ird with a totel of 246, followad by Lynda Palahnuk of Elmhurst w ith 251 and Bronde Smail of SI. Charles with 259. And erson went on to lead th e tri als for th e prov incial amateur team, shoot· ing a slx ~ ro und total of 377 , Klbsey was nex t w ith 400, Burt on had 408 and Smail ea rned the (Inal team berth w ith 41 9. Nancy Bagley of Southwood and Ali son M cKinne o( S1. Ch arl es we re chosen as altern ates, fini shing fifth and sixth In th e toam trials with 4 2 9 and 438 res pec ti vely. In the city and di strict championship, Anderson had a 54 -hole total of 23 7 over the Southwood, Glendale and SI. Charles for a two-stroke edge over 1983 champion Jo·Ann Lind say of Falco n Beach. Defending champion Cathy Burton of Selkirk finished th ird with 248 and Lynda Pal ahniuk of Elmhurst w as fourth 2 50, Tracy Klbsey of Harbour Vi ew was fifth w ith 2 51 and Nancy Bagley of Southw ood sixth with 2 53 . Aihlin Walker heads national association For the second time in four yoa rs, th e Canadi an Ladles' Golf Associa tion has a M anitoban serving as its national president. A lhlin Walker of St. Charl es Coun try Club moved In to the president's chai r las t fall to begin a two·yea r torm as tho national presi den t. Jeanne Murphy o( Ontario has been president the past two yea rs, Alhlln Wslks , S t. Cherles 68 W alke r has an impressive reco rd of golf admini strative service at th e cl ub, provincial and national level behind her. As a member of the Breezy Bend Country Club for 19 years, she served as junior chairr"l1an, sports ca ptain and vice -president before being elected prosl dont of th e wom en's sec tion in 1970. Sho joined St. Ch arles Country Club in 197 9 ad has been ac tive In ac tivities slnco that tim o. At the provincial level. Walker served as teams chai rm an in 197 1· 72, tOurnament chairman in 19 7 3-74 , course ra l Ing chairman in 19 7 5-76, vice-president In 1977-78 and president of the Manitoba Ladies' Golf A ssociation in 19 79 80 . Sho was also on tho women's pro·am inter·club compe tition committee in 1978-79-80 . At the national level. she was on the CLG A ru les committee for th e Canadi· 8n women's amateur championship in 197 2 and was tournament chairm an for the 197 7 Canadi an senior wo men's championship. She was elec ted vlce president of th e CLGA for th e 1984-85 term and moved up to pres id ent for th e 1986-B7 term . In senior women's competition, M ar lene Netterfield of Pine Ridge won her second provin cial title with a 54 ·hole sc ore of 261 , fi ve bOllor th an runner·up Juna Bagley of Southwood and Ann Ta cl1an of Elmhurst. Notlorfiold wont on to load tho team tria ls with B six-round total of 4 2 7, fol· low ed by Bagley at 436, Tachan at 438 and Isny Gallimore at 44 3 t o form the Manitoba team, Barb Maslanko won the provincial jun ior championship wi th a 54-hole score of 252, one be tter th an defending champion J enet Coc hrane of SI. Charles, w ith third place taken by A ileen Robertson of 5 1. Charles w ith 2 55. M aslanko also fin ished in th e lead in the junior toa m trials w ith a six-round total of 41 2, with Cochran e second w ith 4 21 and Robertson th ird with 4 26. On the nati onal scene, And erson fin Ished in a four-way ti e for fifth place In the Canadian women's amateur chempi onship with B 7 2·hole SCore of 3 10 at the New Ashburn course at Halifax , Kib· sey shot 3 15, Burton 32 5 and Robert son 337, the onl y other Manitobans to play all four rounds. The Manitoba team placed fifth In the inter-provincia l competition, shooting 483, 15 shots bohind the winning Brit· ish Columbia tea m's 468 , In ne t SCCr· ing, M anitoba was fourth, Robertson led the M anitobans at th e national junior championship U1e Ken Wo Countr y Club at Now M inas, N.S.. shoo ting a 54 -hole scoro of 24 3, good for 13 th pl ace. M as lanko was two back of thet at 24 5, w hile Cochrane had 248. The M anitoba tea m pl aced third in both gross and net scoring in the inter provincia l competition, shooting a twoday score of 320 , 22 behind the wi nning Ontario team's 2 98, but onl y one behind second-place Ouebec. Bagley was bes t of the M anitoban s at tho national senior women's champion· ships at lie Blzard , Que.. w ith a 54-hole score of 259, tied In 27th place, w ell behind the w inning Marl ene Streit of On tario, w ho had 22 7. Tec han fini shed with 262, Netterf ield had 270 and Gallim ore 274 , In the inlor provincial tea m co mpe tl· tion, M anitoba was six th in gross sc ore wi th 529, far behind w inning Saska tchew an's 486, but tho M anitoba tea m won the net honors w ith a two day to tal of 4 5 8, w hich was three behind Saskatchewan (I neligibl e for th e net pr lzo ) Dnd o n O ahead o f Brit is h Columbia. MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 MANITOBA LADIES' GOLF ASSOCIATION 1986 Executive G8/1 Anderson 1985 MLGA champion Senior golfers to display talents The year 1986 is a big yoar for senior sporting activity in M ani toba. Earl ier this year, both tho mon's and women's senior curling championships we re held ot Portage la Prairie, During this summer, both the men's and women's senior golf champio nships wil l be played In Winnipeg and, to cap it off, the senior professional golfers' championships w ill 01 a be decidod hore this year. The Canadian Professional Golfers Association will kick off this season of sonior activity with the M anulife Cana dian Senior pros even t at Sou thwood Gol f and Country Club, July 21· 24 . The Canadian Ladies' Golf Associ ation will follow up with the Canadian women's senior championship and interprovincial team matches at Nlakwa Country Club July 29 31. The Royal Canadian Golf Association will wind things up with tho Canadia r'l senior mon's championship and interprovincial toam matchos at the Elmhurst and Pine Ridge layouts Septomber 2-6 , MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL 'B6 President . ... . .... . ~ ... Ethel Calnek, Rossmere Past President .... . , .. , , Phylies Wotton, Niakwa Vlce·President • . , , . lorraine Macleod, Canoo Club Secretary , . , , , , , , , .. Shirley W olochuk, Kildonan Treasurer , , , , ... •• , .. Isny Gallimoro , Pine Ridge COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Tournament .. .. ..... , . .... . Eila Gill, Elmhurst Rula • . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. Anne Leibl , Wilde wood Handicap . . . . . . . . . . . . Va l Spencer , BreelY Bend Course Rating , .. . , . ... Jean Farwoll , St. Charles Te8m s .. • . .. . , .. Bonnie M cFeetors , Sou thw ood Prizes . , , ... . ..... . . Peggy Andorson , Elmhurst Junior Development . ... Karen Bingham , St einbach ASSISTANTS Tournament s , . . . , .. .. . Jean Schultz, Pine Ridge .... ... . .. . Phyllis Bell , St. Charl os Course Rating . .. , , , .. Chris Heywood , Noopawa Junior Development . ... Isabel Caron, Breezy Bend Rule s .... ... , , .... , , . Miriam Cook, Pine Ridg e Prize s , .. , ........ , ... Ollio Konluck , Elmhurst Elmhurst (above) and Pins Ridgs (below) clubhousos will be busy with senior men's chDmpionships in Septomber. NiskwB clubhouse will be hos t for senior women 's championship 8 ( end of July. 59 DIRECTORY OF GOLF COURSES This Direc tory of Manit oba golf c ourses, listed on pages 60 , 61 , 62 and 63, has been compiled from a va riet y of sOLJrCes, Inc ludir"lg record s from the M anit oba Golf Associat ion Bnd Manitoba Ladi es' Golf Associati on, scorecards from some of th e clubs, an earli er direc tory in the fi rs t odit ion of th e M anitoba Golf A nnual and th e Vaca tion Guido '86 publi shed by Travel M anitoba, Care w as taken to be as accurate as possibl e, but th ere was some confl ic ting information from the va rious sources and there may be some discrepancies. If thero Brs changes in yardage figures or other inform ation, clubs are asked to submit infor mation to the M anitoba Golf Association office, 1700 ElIlce Ave nue, Wi nnipeg. ., Grall TownlClty ARNES ASHEAN 8EAU SEJOUR BELMONT BINSCARTH BIRTLE BO iSSeVAIN BRA NDON Club/LoCrlilOfl NOIIMmal,e Gol f Club. 1/4 ml. S of A rno s Ashern Golf & Count ry Club Beausejour Golf & Country Club 1 1/2 ml. E of lawn, N side Hw y 44 PleaS8nt Valley Golf COllrso 9 n)1. S 01 Hwy 23 on PR340 Blnscarth Golf Coursa, 2 blk. W of Hwy 16 81rtle Rlverslda Golf Club 1/2 Illi. W 01 town of! Hwy 83 BoissevAin Golf Club 1 ml. S of town on Hwy 10 Community Recreation & Sports Cuntru 34th St . 80 McDonllld Ave. Nor th Hlt1 lnn Golf Course, 10th & Braecrest Orive Sunnyside Golf & Country Club I mi. W of city. Richmond Ave. OIM Lea Gall Club ApIJIQIC . ml. E 01 Brandon on Brascrest Dr. E. Stlfldhllls Goll & Country Club C{lIrrll (tn GO lf Club, West side of town Cartwlight Town &. Country Golf Club , 1/2 ml. W on Hwy 3 e CARB ERRY CAR MAN CARTWA IGHT No. of Halo. Gr.,,,ns 9 9 G G Vard , (M ell', 1 3100 3161 9 G 9 6 9 9 18 PAR W M RATIN G W M 37 36 68 ~8 36 2100 37 35 G S 2820 - 36 S 2120 2100 6018 - 31 33 71 Srln d G G G M l G A A M 1381 37 74 " 66 10 64 .0 69 11.b 9 G lOIS 32 30 18 G 6380 74 n 18 9 10 G G G G04!) 9 G 2295 36 69 3281 6632 35 ·· ·· ·· 10 86 665 71.5 66 · · · 35 · ,J!('2t.; (6~'~\J 7) ~!~- .,.... 0 ~ ~@»' Leasing of All Makes Cars & Light Trucks. Call Jim Isaac for all Leasing Needs. ,M cNaught. Pontiac. Buick. Cadillac. 634 Portage A venue 7 86-3811 {jor; PORTAGE AT l.ANGSID8 60 MAN ITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 M Gr811 0' Town /Cit y DAUPHIN Club/Locat lOIl Dauphin Golf & Count ry CI~l b, 10 mi. E on Hwy 20 S,.nc! No. of Hole. Gro. n. 9 G 9 9 9 G 9 5 Yard. IMen'. ) 3252 M G G L W M RATING W M A A 37 36 73 70 0 0 2575 1670 34 66 64 0 0 1345 30 36 37 33 30 29 33 36 37 39 39 36 36 36 36 36 33 33 36 34 33 31 72 72 36 35 36 PAR Deloraine Golf &0 Coun try Chlb 1 ml. S, 2 mi, E, thon 2 ml, S, DElORAINE ~~:~eH~~8~~;o;:ur&u, (It leko Mll l lgoshe ~ Elgin Communl tv PrHk 8. Golf Cow se /;.Ikhorr1 Gol f & Country Club. Soutl1 sldo 01 town Phltn i om Ltlkt' Golf Course, 1 ml. S of town ELKHORN FUN FlON GILBERT PLAINS GUhflll Plains Country Club 1 hlk. N o f Hwy 6, 2 blk. IN Glmll Golf & Country Club, 2 fil l. W 011 H w y 23 1 Ol/Hlstone Gall & Country Clu t), :z ml. S off Hwy 34 Glenboro Golf & Country Cluh. 1 1/ 2 ml. N on Hwy 2 GRETNA Beaches Golf C ourso 1 1/ 2m l. N of Grand Boach cornor on H wy 59 Oak view Goll Club, 1 Illi. Non Hwy 30 and 1/2 m l W HAMIOTA Hamlott! Gall Clull, Sou lileas t of town HARTNEY H artney Gol f Courso, 1 rnl. N on H w~ 21 Hoela Illo nd Gall Courso, N, and o f Hecla Island GIMLI GLADSTONe GL(N BOn O GRAND BlACH HECLA PROVoPARK 1 Klllarnoy L.6ko8lde Gall Club, 2 ml. W of l awn lundar Golf & COun lr v Club, Jet. Hwy 6 &: PR41 9 M acGrtluor Town 8. Country Gall Club North .Ide ot l own M.,nIIOU Town &: Countr y Gall Club. South o ft Hwy:3 LUNDAR MANITOU MELITA MINI OTA Townsend Valley Golf CourlO, Hwy 83 ti t $ wnmil SI . MINN EOOSA M ORO[N Mlnlol a Golf Course, 1/2 ml, 5 on H w ~ 83, 1f2 m l. E MinnecJ08a Goll COUfIlO. 1st Avonuo SW MlnnewellB Goll &: Country Club. 1 ml. SW of lown M ORRIS Riverview Golf &: Country Club NE of town, 1/4 mi. o ff H~ 76 NEEPAWA OAK L. AKE PilOT MOUNO Neellawa Golf & Country Club, 1/ 2 ml. E of l own Oak Loke Golf Club, 1/4 111 1. 01 Hwy 1 Pilot Mound TOwll & Coun tr y Golf Club 2 ml. E of town S S 2530 G 2994 9 G 9 9 G S 3120 3136 2666 9 G 2954 9 G G 3000 9 9 9 9 16 9 9 G S G G G 3070 2 404 230 1 6565 28/0 3053 9 G 290 7 3B 9 G 2750 " G 2976 35 37 S G 3077 G 3od'J 9 G 9 26 19 3242 9 G S 9 G 9 9 9 71 0 72 69 0 - 67 0 71 67 .5 0 0 65 69 0 0 71 66 0 0 0 0 0 -~ - 69,6 60 0 70 66 67 36 36 35 34 35 31 36 36 B9 69 66 1960 35 36 31 GB 37 31 2920 36 3G 70 1769 -- 67 .6 0 0 ~ ~ 74 71 70,7 • 0 0 0 1- : ~ 0 One of Winnipeg's Fine Private Clubs COUNT", g£.~~ ~OUTtlWOOD ESTABLISHED IN 1923 Enjoy a superbly conditioned 18 hole golf course. A variety of social activities and a convenient suburban location, Host Club for the $50,000 Manitoba Open For Membership Information please contact BARRIE McWHA Dlractor of Golf 269-7867 MAN1TOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' 86 18 Hole, Grass Green, Par 71, Public Golf Course Golf Shop - Power Cart Rentals for information, rates and reservations - phone 728 -9054 For yo ur after game enj oy ment vi sit RO B Ra YS Lo un ge & Dinin g Roo m open 7 days per week e THE CITY OF BRANDON RECREATION ANO SPORTS CENTRE GOLF COURSE 34th Street and McDonald Ave. 61 ., Grsn No. o f Town /Clty PINAWA , PINE fAl l S PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE Sa nd Ymtl l Willis OliVO I I POlltlUU 18 PrAh le Golf COU l liU I nAPID CITY D Club. Ednu 01 town IslAnd PSfk III W M 7\ 69 35 3007 M l G G A A 3265 Golf at C F B POrUlge , 1 hlk o ff Hwy 24 RESTO N ~ RATING M PAR Gall Course, WUtH 01 l own RIDING M OU NTAIN NATIONAL PARK D 5 S 9 2 I RIVERS 3 1/2 ml ROBLIN ROLAND , 11111. 112 ml E 6' RQSSBURN RUSSELL SANDY HOOK 62 69 69 18 SANOY LAKE SELKIRK $ HILO 70 69 SuthOr land Aile G G SHOAL LAKE SOUR IS 705 36 ST. PIERRE STE . ANNE 64 71 '" STE INBACH SWAN RIVER Swan Ailll:!l Goll COUl fH!, 3 mI . W u ll Hw y 10A D G 3053 73 n 71 70 36 30 695 69 Enjoy Your Game More INLAND TRUST ond SAVINGS Our Friendly Personal Services Include PA SSBOOK SAVIN GS and CHEOUING ACCOU NTS REGISTERED RETIREM ENTS SAVIN GS PLANS GUARANTEED INVESTM ENT CERTIFICATES GOLF FALCON BEACH Set in the natural beauty of Whiteshell Provincial Park, the relaxed atmosphere of Falcon B eac h m akes golf here an even t to remember. Bring along your office staff or club members for a tournament - or your family and stay in the campground for a few days wh ile you take lessons from Golf Pro Bud Edward. Pro Shop 1-349-2554 RESIDE NTIAL FIRST MORTG A GES Bookings 1-349-2201 INLAND TRUST & SAVINGS 1054 PORTAGE AVENUE, WINNIPEG FREE PARKING R3G 3M2 PHONE 786-7801 Mem be r Canada Depos it Insurance Corporation 62 ManUoba Natural Rosources Parks ~ " ~ J MANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '86 Or ... 0' No. 01 H olu S tunl Yardl IM.n', 1 PAR W RATING M W Town /Chy Club/ LoclUOIl TeULON Toulon Golf THE PAS The Pi'll Goll COlIrliD, 1 mi. W off Carrot Riv er Rd . THOMPSON Thompeon Gol l C lqb, TREHERN E Dolahunt Golf 81 Counll~ C lub, 21111, [ on Hwy 2 9 VICTORIA BEACH Victoria Beach Goll Club 9 G G G G G V IRDEN Vlrdon Golf Club, 1' 2 ml. W at Jet . Hwy. 1 8< 83 WASKADA WEtskeda Golf Club. In Waskade Pa, k WHITESHELL PROVINCIAL PARK rulcon Bouch Golf Courae raleon lake 9 8 18 G S G WINKLER Wlnklur Centonnital Golf Courle, Weat sid e 0 1 town 3017 Wlnnlpog Beach Golf Courlle 9 9 G WINNIPEG BEACH G 2740 36 34 W INNIPEGOSIS WinnlpO(loaia Golf Club Sou lh udgo along railroad Haek 9 G 1743 30 9 18 G 3083 38 G 6315 73 36 72 D,ooty Bund Country Club Lot 7. Roblin 81'11d. (Headlngleyl 18 G 73 72 73 72 76 75 ChfirlOllwood Golf Club, 310 Haney 51. (Chl'lrleswoodl 9 G 3034 38 36 73 72 88 9 18 G G 1387 27 7' 71 74 .S 70.5 765 OlfJrlclflle CountlY Club 400 Augll,lr AV(J 1St. Jamas Assn.1 18 G 5956 6159 7' 72 72 72 70 HarbOur View Gall Courso (Municipal) 1867 Springfield Rd. (North KlidOrH1II1 9 G 1240 27 27 44 49 John 8lumberg Goll Course (Munlcl,lal) 4540 Portage A'IIe. (W of Perimeter Hwyl 18 G • 0193 9 G 6326 28 1a 18 G 5489 18 18 G G 6296 6488 & Coun t rv C lub, 112 mi. Non H wy 7 2 rill. N on 18 A 9 H w~ 391 Aulnnlbolno Goll Club No .. A'IIo, & Mande'llllle S t . (51. James-Assn.1 8tll ACl tI$ Gall & Countrv Club 3 till. N 01 Porimeter on S tur~eon Rd (ROiied 6475 3026 3043 3120 30 36 36 1941 3 137 1680 7020 6760 38 21 76 72 34 36 36 29 36 21 72 6609 71 69 70 75 71 8726 Elmhwst Go ll & Countrv Club 2 1/2 ml. E 0 1 Hwv 69 on Gur'llon Rond Klldonan Park Gall COIH$8 (MunIClpul) 202 1 Meln S tr eet IWos t KlidoflUIII Nlakwa Country C lub 620 Nlekw(t ROtll,! (St , Boni f oce ) Pine Ridge Golf & Cour) tlY Club 3 m L W o f Hw ~ 69 on GOI'IIUn Rd . Aosamele Gol f'" Country Club 926 Watt 51 . Ih$1 Kildontlnl St . Boniface Golf Club 100 You'IIlIIe St. (St. Bonllnc,,1 -- St. Cherles COU(llIY C lub 100 Country Cluh Blvd . (St. JornOIi Alilin.! '"18 G 27 G 6385 6500 71 70 68 686 64 696 735 72 69 69 71 72 71 49 27 71 46 69 70 71 706 3' 73 B 67 72 69 69 OB 74 76 72 72 73 74 70.6 76.5 72 70 69.6 73.6 70 70 6138 6295 6265 73 74 72 74 NS 6175 6473 SW-6146 74 72 73 70 77 71 69.6 71 G 70 70 705 Sou thwoOd GOlf & Country Club Unl'llOflitv Cr. & Markham Ave. (FOil GallV) T,all'COllrt M 6808 Croscont Drive Golf Courlle (MuniCipal ) 781 C ro acent Ori'lle (Fort Garry) WINNIPEG Gr.en, Gall C lub. 2121) Dugald Ad . (T(an aeona) Tu)(ado Gall Courso, 400 Shaftlibury St. Ilu)(edo) Wlidewood Club, 761 North Drive (Fort Garry) Windsor Park Gol f Cowso (Munlclpull 10 Dea Maurona (St. VltflllSt, I)onlfocol Wlnnlpog Cnnoe Club, 47 Dunki rk Drive (St, Vi tDI ) 72 6436 76.6 NW-6093 6483 715 18 18 18 9 G _ 6060 G 5776 18 9 G 5 104 G 2800 G 6925 G 3035 72 72 72 36 70 70 69 36 76 73 74 ·· ·· ·· · ·· ·- t--:- • ·- -·· · -:· ·.- -·. ~ · · • • • • · · ·· · · · · - ~ ·· -:· · 696 695 70.6 69 685 71 71 67 .5 36 73.6 89 68 67.5 34 69,5 83 66 - M L G A M G A - · ·· · ·· ·• ·· ·· ESSENTIAL FINANCIAL P LANNING • Annuiliu • Registered Rellrement SlHing~ P lans • Pe nsions • Pre - Re tirement Councelling r J. Rlc ~ &. 1\',OCI3tn 410 - 5 Oonlt ld Stfeet Wtnmpt:g. Manitoha R 1, 2 14 204 · 477 ·5350 M ANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL ' B6 I"'_~m &assocIates UIII':I I) Ilhuranl'C A.;.cnq I I(I 11 77 Na irn I\ \C! IIU C Wll1Illflcg , ManltllDsI ~l l • Guantnleed Investm enl Certificales • £mployee 8elle/ll I'rogr.m • I'erso"al. 8usirH'~s. Parlne rs hip Insurance Prograll1 ~ • Term OelW)ih ,1/-' - 10th Stn:cl UI3IUJ UII. MunHobu lOA 4Ub OYb 204 · 668-8277 1 · 72H~640 63 ADVERTISERS INDEX Kepron, Roy & Company .......... , ........... 45 Killeen' s Auto and Pla te Glass Ltd . . . . . . . . 1 Air Can ada ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 A lec's TV & Aud io ...... , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Balan Elec tric .......... , , , . , .. , . , ..... , . . .. 4 Bay Bronze Indus trios .......••..... , ......... 47 Ba y, The ...............• , " ' , . , .......... 55 Bel Acre. Golf Club ... ... .. ••••. ....••• , , .... 31 Belleville Homes Lt d ..............•.••....... IBC Birchwood Inn .... .... , ....... ,." ..... " , . 57 Blackw ood Beverages Limited .... . .. , .......... 16 Bos ton Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Brendan , City of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 6 1 Broez y Bend Golf and Country Club .......... . ... 50 Budgot Rent A Car ........... . ..... 17 Carman Golf Club .............. , Charles wood Golf Club .......... , Consolidated Turf Equipmont Ltd Cottonwood Golf Course ......... , CPGA M ani toba Zo ne ............ ............ 4 2 .•.......... 4 9 . . . . . . . . . .. 7 . , , ....•.... 4 3 , , , , , . •• .... 44 Labatt ' s (M anitoba) Brewe ry , , . , , .. , , .. , , . , . . .. 9 Manitoba Hydro .... . ....... , , ............ . . 20 M anitoba Park s Branch , ........ .• , .... , .. , 4 1, 62 M anitoba Telephone Sys t om ...••.............. 23 M arlborough Inn ............ , . .............. 52 McCaine Elec tric , ...... , ... , , , ..... , ...... , , 45 McNaught Pontiac . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Meag her 's Di stillery Limi t ed . . . . . . . . . 43 Millen, Durnin & Parish ...... , . . • . . . . . 25 M erri ' s Tail oring , , , . , , , . , ... , .... , .. , .. 5 1 Motorw ays , , .. , ... , , . , . , , , , , , ..... , , . , , , .. 5 1 Niak wa Country Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 North America n Life A ssurance Co , .... , .. , .. , .. 39 O' Bri en W orld Travel Service , .. , . , ....... . ... , , 56 Pacific W es tern Airlines , ... , . , .. , • 13 Pine Ridge Golf Club ............ , • , .....•.... 36 Place Louis Riel . . . . . . . . . . . ... , ......... . 40 I DGR Globe Enve lopes . .. .... . .. . ....• , • . •.... 57 Ea ton's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , " , . " . . . . . . . 3 Edison Rental Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 40 Elmhurst Golf and Country Club ......••..•...... 53 Glendale Country Clu b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Golf Course Su pe rintendent s of M anitoba . . . . . . . . . . 46 Grea t·W es t Life Assur. nce Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 , 57 Harris Chov Olds , ..... . .. . . .. ......... 41 ICG Liquid Gas . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . .. . ....... 19 Imperial Tobacco Lim it ed ....... " ..... ,., ... Inland Tru st & Savings Corp . Ltd .... , •........ . . 62 Investors Syndica l O Limited ....... , . , •••• • . , , , , 37 aae XEROX SERVICE CENTRE •• , •• ' • • • •• RCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Rice , T.J . and A ssocia tes , , ... , , . . . . . .. . ..... 63 Rossm ere Golf and Country Club . . . . ...... 24 Royal Oak Gol f Course ............ , .. ........ 45 Royal Tru st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ••...... 5 1 51. Bonifa ce Golf Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 SI. Charl es Country Club . . .. . ................ 51 5 1. James Vo lkswago n ...... , •...... 55 Sand y Hook Golf Club . . .... , . , , ..... 5 1 Seagram Di still ers Li mit ed . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. .. IFC Selkirk Golf and Country Club .......... , , ...... 4 1 Shilo Golf and Coun try Clu b ............ , . ..... 53 Silve rwood Dairies ., .. , .. ,', .. ,......... . 45 Southwood Golf and Coun try Club .. , , ... , , . , , . , , 6 1 Stapl eton , B.W . & Son Ltd .............. , ..... 64 St ewart Trophies & Engraving Ltd .........• , ... . 55 Taurus Golf Ltd ....... , . . ...... , ..... , ..... 3 1 Tim ex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 53 T.N. T. Golf Equipment ..................•.... 2B Transcona Golf Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 W alling ford Press Llmi tod .......•............. 2B W estin Hot el .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 W ildew ood Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Winn ipeg Free Press , , , ... , ... , .... , , . , .•. , ,. 5 W innipeg Parks & Recrea tion . , . . . . . . ...... 2 1 1986 Manitoba Open Patron Xe rox Canada Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 , 64 B. W. STAPLETON & SON LTD. Excavating - Levelling - Loading Landscape Shaping, Speciali zing In Golf Courses WORK ING TO A NY DESIGN, YOUR S OR MIN E TO BUILD A NEW COM PLETE COURSE OR TO UPDATE TH E OLDER ON E CALL - DON STAPLETON Phone 832-1713 221 W allasey St. 64 W inn ipeg, M an . R3J 3C2 M ANITOBA GOLF ANNUAL '8e Belleville Homes Ltcl. MODEL HOME 2 WALLINGFORD DRIVE AFTER AUGUST 173 LINDENWOOD DR. E. TELEPHONE: 488·2330 FEATURES ·Master bedroom with circle head windows, whirlpool not tub. glass corner shower. walk·ln closet. ·Circu lar oak staircase. -Family room -Sun garden with spa to games room. - Kitchen garden window. • Oak kitchen and interior finishing • Insulation levels exceed double E standards ceiling R50 wall R27 basement R27 • Triple pane wood casement windows .Insulated metal exterior doors - EE fireplace with glass doors, fresh air Intake, heat return . brick facing. Belleville Homes Ltd. Design Services and Custom Building #3·935 McLeod Avenue Telephone : 667·2396 energy efficient , NO HOME SHOUW BE WITHOur IT WARNING: Heanh and Welfare Canada advises that danger to heakh increases with amount smoked - avoid inhaling. Av. per cigarette: du Maurier Liaht: Reg: 9 mg "tar", 0.8 mg nicotine; King Size: 11 me "tar", 1.0 mg nicotine. du Maurier: Reg: 13 mg "tar", 1.0 mg nicotine: King Size: 16 mg "tar", 1.2 mg nicotine.