April - East Coast Sailing Association


April - East Coast Sailing Association
East Coast Sailing Association
P.O. Box 372054 • Satellite Beach, FL 32937-0054
BOAT/US number GA81299B
April 2010
Board of Governors
Next General Membership Meeting
Flag Officers
John Geraci
321 – 773 – 1437
Vice Commodore
Del Wiese
321 – 773 – 4884
Rear Commodore
Jim Edwards
321 – 779 – 9558
Loretta Schnitzius
321 – 783 – 1509
Karen Coleman
321 – 773 – 3265
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Satellite Beach Civic Center (565 Cassia Blvd)
Latitude 28º 09' North, Longitude 80º 36' West
Joe Coleman and Moorings representative
Barbara Daetwyler present:
“Bareboating in Greece, 2011 ”
Elected Governors
David Cordial
Don Theriault
David Keane
321 – 453 – 8842
321 – 254 – 4624
612 – 481 – 6343
APRIL Calendar of Local Sailing Events
Fleet Captains
Page Proffitt
321 – 806 – 0303
River Racing
Tom Knowlton
321 – 773 – 9212
Women’s Racing
Susan Jackson
321 – 622 – 2886
Newsletter Editor
Mary Ann O’Shea
321 – 986 – 8772
Program Chairman
Alan Clendinen
321 – 632 – 2799
Rating Chairman
Del Wiese
321 – 773 – 4884
Karin Mann
321 – 773 – 4793
Nancy Keane
612 – 481 – 6343
Spring #2
Spring Rum Race #5
Spring-Summer Race #2
Sebastian Inlet Fish Fry
General Membership Meeting
Spring #3
Big Boat Regatta
Small Boat Sunday
Spring #4
Spring Rum #6
Small Boat Regatta
Winter #4
Spring #5
MAY Calendar of Local Sailing Events
Membership Chairman
Brenda Merchberger 321 – 917 – 3698
Progressive Dinner / Samsons Island Workday
Cinco de Mayo Regatta
Small Boat Sunday
Spring #6
Summer Rum Race #1
General Membership Meeting
Spring #7
Brevard Challenge
More to come . . .
Foot, Tack & Clew is the official newsletter of the East Coast Sailing Association
and is mailed to the membership each month or available at http://www.ecsasail.com.
The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the East Coast Sailing Association.
John Geraci
Del Wiese
Liveaboard Discoveries
Sailing, Sailing
I love being out on the water (which seems like a contradictory statement considering my boat is about to be
declared a protected reef from sitting at the dock too
long), but for six lovely months Lynda and I were liveaboards. First, I should quickly point out that Avventura
is very comfortable both underway and in the harbor.
Lynda compares sleeping on board to being in a cradle
that gently rocks you to sleep.
The past few weeks have been hectic due to two very
different activities, but both with sailing in common. Last Saturday the Melbourne Yacht Club hosted a
sail-a-thon for Heart of Sailing. You may recall my
speaking about Heart of Sailing a few months ago. It is
an organization that takes disadvantaged persons, primarily those with autism or downs syndrome, day sailing. We were able to take about 14 persons and family
members out day sailing due to many MYC skippers
volunteering their time and boats. Most of those skippers are also ECSA members and their efforts, and
those who helped on shore, are very much appreciated. There are some great pictures of the event on
the MYC web site (http://www.melbourneyachtclub.com/
PhotoGallery/). The day sails continue to be a triple
win; the skippers/crew, participant and participant’s family all benefit. A great program; contact me if you are
interested in volunteering.
Our adventure began with locating the boat in West
Palm Beach where I was working for a large energy
company. We needed a place to stay, so I moved the
boat to a slip we called home. Trouble is, nature intervened. For example, one morning we got up, dressed
and came on deck only to find the dock about three feet
above the rails! I knew the tides were higher than at our
dock, but I’m not sure that I was prepared for this one.
So up on the cabin trunk and up to the dock we went –
actually becoming quite adept at doing the leap of faith
(that you would make the jump) with computers and
briefcases (note to self: tie up at floating docks whenever possible).
Daunting tides were not the highlight of this trip, however. One night the pump on the head jammed up and
wouldn’t pump water into the head. In fact, the pump
handle went up but didn’t go back down. Now, for those
of you that haven’t been to my house, you should know
that I have three bookcases filled with old issues of
magazines, which Lynda continues to want to prune
down, and I keep insisting that each and every issue
contains some valuable information on boat maintenance, repair or other great tips for boat owners. This
one particular time, I was proven right as I searched for
information on head repair. The pump handle malfunction was quite a head scratcher, if you’ll pardon the pun.
As I turned the pages of my trusty collection of magazines that I had selected for this trip, lo and behold, I
found complete instructions to overhaul my exact model
head! I quickly amassed the correct collection of tools
and promptly set about with the procedure. As each
piece went into place like a much practiced surgery, the
head was rebuilt in only an hour and a half (this was my
first time, so I wanted to be careful). I also allotted time
The second event was the Ft. Lauderdale to Charleston,
SC, race. Even with weeks of planning, the last few
days proved to be hectic. We departed on Sunday, after spending all day Saturday with Heart of Sailing, to
take the boat to Ft. Lauderdale. We were going south
so of course the wind was blowing 20 out of the
south. We overnighted in Ft. Pierce and decided to stay
in the ICW and suffer the multitude of bridges rather
than brave the waves we thought were outside due to
protracted strong winds. Got to Lauderdale about
10:30p.m. only to find that the slip we had reserved
was occupied and had to anchor out.
Yacht Club provided a slip on Tuesday and the skippers
meeting was at the LYC facility. The weather briefing
reinforced what we had been seeing on the weather
sources: light air, not good news. Only six boats
showed up for the start; several who were registered,
for whatever reason, did not race. Three of the boats
were from Melbourne: my boat, Chasing Rainbows, Phil
Scalise on Santarella and Floyd Bryan on Esprit.
Winds were light at the start at 2p.m. on Wednesday,
but by 7p.m. had died. For the next 12 hours we never
saw more than three knots of wind. At times the boat
was pointed south and drifting north. Thursday brought
light winds again and by mid-afternoon we had deter-
(Continued on page 6)
Page 2
(Continued on page 6)
Karen Coleman
Loretta Schnitzius
Year to Date
Income Statement
Mar 10 Sep 09 - Aug 10
Activities Income
Advertising Income
Membership Dues
Merchandise Income
Misc & Sunshine Income
Total Revenue
Activities Expense
Bank Charge
Miscellaneous/Office Supplies
Sales Tax
Sunshine Fund
Total Expense
Net Income
Restricted Cash (Sunshine Fund)
Liabilities & Net Worth
Unrestricted Cash
Retained Earnings
Total Net Worth
NEW MEMBERS: The following were presented and
approved for membership at the March Board meeting:
Keith & Stacia Glavas, John Hixson, Kathleen Hardesty
(Associate Membership). The following were presented
and approved for membership at tonight's meeting:
Maryann & Nick Shauman, Indian Harbor Beach – Piccalo.
made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of
the February general membership meeting, and the
Treasurer's report, as published in the March Foot,
Tack & Clew. Karen also reported that in the time since
the budget was published, insurance premiums in the
amounts of $1046.19 & $1342.29 had been paid.
(Continued on page 4)
Restricted Cash (Lasowska Fund)
Net Income
CALL TO ORDER: Commodore John Geraci called the
meeting to order at 7 pm. Following introduction of the
board members, fleet captains, program chairs, and
past commodores, John welcomed several guests.
Total Assets
Board Members Present: John Geraci, Jim Edwards,
Loretta Schnitzius, & Karen Coleman.
Elected Governors present: David Cordial, Don Theriault, & David Keane.
Security Deposit
General Membership Meeting
March 10, 2010
COMMODORE John Geraci:
Thank you to Dave & Brenda Merchberger for arranging
and sponsoring the Miami Boat Show trip.
There will be two distance cruises to St. Augustine
– an inside passage and an outside passage. Possible date will be May 8. A sign-up sheet will be on
the table for those interested in going.
On our website, we now have a reference to
Google maps that will pin-point our meeting location.
John is continuing to work with Brenda Merchberger
on a hand-out flyer for publicity to attract new members to the club. Right now, it is an 8 1/2” x 11”
sheet that can be displayed flat or tri-folded. The
flyer was passed around so members could look at
A new wireless microphone for the meetings is a
possibility. The challenge is to find one for less than
Thanks to Nancy Keane and Dave Cordial for the
refreshments tonight.
Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2010
Page 3
Loretta Schnitzius
VICE COMMODORE Del Wiese: Del was not present.
John reported that there will be changes to the racing
applications. The ship's store is now open. There are
blankets, license plates and jackets for sale. More jackets have been ordered.
REAR COMMODORE Jim Edwards: There will be coed
river racing monthly. The Women's Racing is into their
third race. Del will be trying to get more cruisers into racing by having races at cruise events. There will be a
PHRF meeting at Melbourne Yacht Club on March 22.
Cruising – Page Proffitt: This weekend's cruise to Dixie
Crossroads Restaurant is scheduled to begin between 5
& 5:30 Saturday. The Titusville Marina has slips available for any boats that wish to be inside. You can also
anchor outside the marina.
Ken Windsor announced that our cruise is on to Sebastian Inlet, April 10 & 11. There will be a fish fry on Saturday at a cost of $5 for adults and $3 for children. Members to bring pot-luck side dishes. We will be at the #2
pavilion, just west of last year's location. Directions will
be in the Foot, Tack & Clew. Sunday breakfast will be at
8:30 a.m.
A new member, Claude Auger, spoke to us about
Heart of Sailing. This is an international organization
that takes children with autism and down's syndrome
out for a sail. They are all accompanied by an adult.
Melbourne Yacht Club will host this event on Satuday
3/27 from 12 to 4 p.m. Sign up your boat if interested.
Flyers are on the table and you can go to Heart of Sailing website.
NEW BUSINESS: From the floor: There is a dock for
rent on Tortoise Island. If you are interested, contact
Chrystal Wood – 777-3180.
This being John Geraci's birthday, a decorated carrot
cake was brought out and we all sang Happy Birthday.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Loretta Schnitzius, Secretary ECSA
Chip Worster: Progressive Dinner: Boats can anchor in
Lake Shepard and dinghy to host houses. Details will be
in the next Foot, Tack & Clew.
Karen Coleman announced that the Samsons Island
Clean-up in conjunction with the Progressive Dinner will
be on Sunday after breakfast 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. You can
come by boat, dinghy or car. The city will have transportation from the fire station to the Island for those arriving
by car. Lunch will be provided. Karen will post the details
in FT&C.
The cruise to the North Banana River Islands now has a
host – John Geraci. He needs a co-host.
Joe Coleman announced a proposed outing to the Greek
Islands for cruising in 2011. It will be a total 2-week
event with 7 days of sailing. The Moorings will be the
charterer. Please sign up if interested. Proposed dates
5/21 to 6/4/2011.
Mardi Gras Cruise: Karen said there were lots of floats
and some work trucks in the parade. Only one couple
came by boat. A group of members got together and
walked to the Mexican Restaurant for dinner.
Page 4
Upcoming Cruising
10th Annual Lake Shepard
Progressive Dinner and
Island Clean-Up
May 1-2
8 PM Dessert
Location #4
Chip & Louise Worster
413 North Neptune Dr
For more information, contact Chip at 321-773-5851, or
email him at [email protected].
Chip and Louise Worster
The folks at the south end of the Grand Canal will host
this year’s Progressive Dinner and Poker Rally, so
please make plans to join us for our 10th annual Lake
Shepard Progressive Dinner. Boaters will anchor in
Lake Shepard and dinghy to four locations Saturday
evening. Lake Shepard is located just south of Tortoise Island Bridge on the east side of the Grand Canal in Satellite Beach. If you are unable to join us in
our convoy of dinghies, you are welcome to come by
land yacht. All venues this year are within two blocks,
so dinghy travel time has been cut to a minimum. We
are trying something different this year. ECSA has
“adopted” Samsons Island as a club project. As a
result we plan on combining the Progressive Dinner
with the Island clean-up the next day. Transportation
to the island and a lunch will be provided. (See article
on page 8 on Adopting Samsons Island for details.)
Those individuals with last names beginning with A-L,
please bring appetizers or finger food to share at location #1 “Happy Hour”. Those with last names beginning with M-Z, please bring a dessert to share at location #4 “Dessert.” Also please bring your own beverages and folding chairs to the venues. The Saturday
event will end after dark, so bring lights and the required “stuff” for your dinghy.
Event Information-see locations on map
5 PM Happy Hour
Location #1
Jim & Lynde Edwards
446 South Neptune Dr
6 PM Salad Bar
Location #2
Simon Koumjian & Eileen Kiesel
457 Nautilus Dr
7 PM Main Dish Location #3
Dave & Marci Hutson
458 Nautilus Dr
Sebastian Cruise and Fish Fry
April 10th - 11th
Ken Windsor
Ken’s fish fry is this Saturday. If you have signed up, remember that dinner is at Sebastian Inlet State Park Pavilion #2 at 5:30 p.m. ($5 for adults, $3 for kids 10 and under, but Ken must know you’re coming!) Potluck breakfast is on Sunday at 8:30 a.m. Park entrance fee is $8;
pay at the ranger station. Additional details are in the
March newsletter and on the ECSA website. Questions?
Email Ken at [email protected].
Page 5
View from the
Vice Commodore
(Continued from page 2)
(Continued from page 2)
to retrieve the miscellaneous parts that scurried out
of my reach on the head’s floor grate. Well, after
much satisfaction that I had assembled everything
correctly, I reattached the unit to the fixture and
plugged in the intake hose and tried to pump the
head. This still didn’t work! Quickly, I retraced all of
my steps – yes, the valves were pointing the right
way, everything looked correct until I peered into the
intake hose. Sitting just inside was a small fish that
was almost the size of the hose – great, I thought;
just when I decide to pump, I pull in a poor unsuspecting fish. I removed the remains and reattached
the hose: success! Once again the sweet sound of
water flushing in and exiting into the holding tank
was music to my ears - Yessss! I am the master of
the head.
mined that we had very little chance of making the
72-hour deadline for the race. We spotted a competitor with a 54-foot boat heading south and called
him on the radio. He had withdrawn and told us he
had satellite weather data indicating he had no
chance of finishing in time. At 37 feet, we had less
of a chance and that firmed up our decision. A bit
later Esprit withdrew and later Santarella followed
suit. Before long all competitors had withdrawn.
Now I could take the magazine proudly into the main
saloon to prove to Lynda that I was justified in keeping my vast information stash. She grudgingly
agreed and we settled back to wrestling with the
tides. Only a day or so later, the pump handle refused to budge – what?!! My handiwork has failed?
Quickly, I removed the intake hose and, yes, you
guessed it, another one of those pesky fish swam up
inside the hose blocking the intake again! What perversion of nature is this fish? I tried to see if there
was more info on this species, some documented
incident that was published in my voluminous collection, but no – nothing was mentioned. I decided to
contact the game and fresh water commission to
report the discovery of a new species: Crappie Pluggus Maximus.
It was a bitter end to a lot of planning (and expense) but we still had some good times. My crew
is a great bunch of guys that I really enjoy being
with, and being out on the water is always great so
it was not a lost cause. And there is always next
year. Or maybe we will decide to do the Gulfstreamer, a race from Ponce Inlet to Charleston in
late May.
A note of possible interest, all boats are required to
carry a white box which relays the boat position and
speed to a satellite.
There is a web site
www.ionearth.com that displays all boat locations
and information. It is great for interested persons to
Volunteers to bring
refreshments for our April
Membership Meeting are:
See you on the water,
Thank you . . .
to all who have switched from US Mail to email
delivery of your Foot, Tack & Clew. If you
would like to move to the email distribution list,
please send email to [email protected].
Page 6
Pat O’Brien
Mary Ann O’Shea
Thank you!
More Cruise
Cape Canaveral to
Fernandina Beach
May 8th through May 22nd
Dave Cordial
It’s time to untie your boats from the dock and join a
small group of fellow ECSA members for a cruise to
beautiful Fernandina Beach, FL. The object of the
trip is to do as much off-shore sailing as possible
(weather permitting). However, part of the group will
travel north using the ICW. We plan to spend several days at the Fernandina Harbor Marina visiting
the city and the surrounding areas of St. Mary’s,
Kingsland, and Cumberland Island.
A proposed itinerary is posted at http://
www.pageproffitt.com/cruises.htm. If you would like
additional information on this trip, or would like to join
us, contact either George Schorn at 321-783-8297
([email protected]) or David Cordial at 321-258
-8347 ([email protected]).
Memorial Day Cruise
May 29th - 31st
Although John Geraci has volunteered to host this
cruise to the North Banana River islands, his travel
schedule has been a bit intense lately. He needs
two more volunteers to co-host this cruise.
Please consider helping out! Send email to John at
[email protected].
Mardi Gras Review
Karen Coleman
Since our cruise hosts, the Merchbergers, were indisposed, here is my brief account of the weekend.
It was a really, really cold and drizzly Saturday, and
Joe Coleman was the only intrepid sailor determined
to come by boat. I went along for the ride and stayed
below where it was possibly a degree warmer.
Gail and David Cordial wanted to get credit for arriving by boat - some silly story about untying the boat at
their slip at Whitley Bay and moving it a bit before
retying. Bob Wiley had already joined them on Mrs.
No one was at the dinghy dock at 6:00 pm, so the five
of us walked around the park to El Charro, where an
ECSA group had already been seated. All told, we
had a group of 17 for dinner there, far fewer than in
previous years. The weather must have deterred a
lot of people because the restaurant had a lot of
empty tables and the park was not nearly as crowded
as usual. Some of our diners didn't even stay for the
The parade was reported to have 45 floats this year
and there were some good ones, including several
kinds of boats. However there were a few work
trucks and vans with business advertising on them
and no other decoration - some with no beads even that I hope weren't included in the float count. Some
of the beads had businesses cards stapled to them
too. A sign of the economy?? I ended up with a
neckful of beads again, easier this year than before
since there were fewer people along the barricades,
and no tall Dave to reach over me.
Since we had taken a slip instead of anchoring out
and dinghying back and forth, we were able to use
our little electric heater and we returned to a toasty
boat for the night. We believed that we were the only
ones left in the morning, so we vetoed breakfast in
the park and motorsailed home.
Attending: Colemans, Cordials, and Bob Wiley, Chip
and Louise Worster, Dave and Marcie Hutson, Tom
and Mary Ann O'Shea, Alan and Jennifer Clendinen,
Simon Koumjian and Eileen Kiesel, Clay Bernichon
and Pat O'Brien.
Page 7
Samsons Island Adopt-aPark Workday
May 2
Karen Coleman
Samsons Island is a 52-acre environmental preserve in the Banana River just west of Satellite
Beach. It was once a spoil island with only exotic
plants, but volunteers and city staff have worked
diligently since 1991 to clear and replant with Florida native species. Walking trails, primitive campsites and picnic areas have also been established.
Now the city’s goal is to supplement the usual core
of volunteers and staff with Adopt-a-Park groups
that will commit to two work visits a year, in the
spring and the fall.
At the February general meeting I suggested that
this would be a good way to make the club visible
while doing good for the community, and a show of
hands indicated that there would be enough volunteers to make it worthwhile. I met with the Recreation Director and decided on two dates: Sunday,
May 2, and Saturday, October 9.
Our first Adopt-a-Park workday is the day after the
Progressive Dinner and I scheduled the cleanup
from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (unless we finish earlier!) Some ECSA members may arrive in their
own boats, kayaks, or dinghies, and Satellite
Beach has a boat to carry those who do not have
their own transportation to the island. The boat will
leave its dock west of the Satellite Beach Fire Department at 10:00. Parking will be allowed in Dr.
Ireland’s parking lot just across Cinnamon Court.
Samsons Island has a dock on the Grand Canal
and there is another in the cut through to the Banana River on the south side of the island. The
Satellite Beach boat requires half of the front of the
main dock, so that must be kept clear. (Note: A
permit is required to be on the dock or island after
dusk.) We will hang the ECSA banner to promote
the club.
A Satellite Beach representative will be there to tell
us what our assigned work area is and what we
are to do. The city has a supply of work tools and
gloves available, but many people prefer to bring
their own. There is no fresh drinking water, but
there is a deep well for hand washing. Dress appropriately for the weather and the work, being
sure to have closed toe shoes. It might be a good
idea to have your mosquito repellant and sunscreen handy, but no purses are necessary –
there’s nothing to buy there. If I provide a headcount to the Rec Department by the previous
Wednesday (April 28), they will bring water and
lunch for members of the work party.
So mark your calendars and show up ready to work
on May 2 to burn all those calories you consumed
at the Progressive Dinner. Be sure to sign up at a
meeting or via email ([email protected]) so
you can have lunch, too. If you let me know that you
will need transportation, I can give the Rec an idea
of how many to expect. In case you need it, my cell
phone number is 321-795-5588 and Joe’s is 321223-6871. See you there!
Karen Coleman
Labor Day Ft. Pierce Cruise
September 4th through 6th
Dave Cordial
Due to the holiday weekend, it is recommended that
you make your Ft. Pierce City Marina reservations
early. Don’t forget to let them know you are with
the ECSA group. Additional information will follow.
Ft. Pierce City Marina phone numbers:
Individual Cruises
Page Proffitt
I have created a web page to display various individuals’ cruising plans, listed in chronological order.
The web address is http://www.pageproffitt.com/
This list includes trips planned by both ECSA and
MYC members, and will be available to both
groups. If you would like to share your plans,
please send me the following information:
Dates and destination
Skipper’s name
Cell phone number
Email address
Any other useful information
[email protected].
Page 8
Classified Ads
1978 ODay 25, $7800. Contact: Lloyd French
at [email protected]
15 HP Johnson outboard, 1994 short shaft,
original owner. Runs great, always starts.
Owner’s manual, 6-gallon fuel tank, TWC-3
outboard oil, and spare prop. Used one
month a year since 1994 on dinghy in Bahamas and then stored inside. Motor stand not
included. $850. Call 321-412-3991 or send
email to [email protected].
Tune your rig! Loos & Co. Professional Tension Gauge model PT-1 for cable sizes 3/32",
1/8", 5/32". Excellent condition. $50 Carla
Stewart 321-544-1733 or
[email protected]
1979 Tartan 27, 1996 Yanmar diesel engine,
teak interior, tabernacle. Sail complement
includes 2 mains, spinnaker, genoa plus numerous jibs. New sail cover, Bimini top. Asking $13,500. John Schnitzius 321-783-1509
Same gear as West Marine
J/24 for sale. 1978 Fast & fun, race/cruise.
Steel blue beauty. In water Space coast,
ready to go. Moved inland. $5995/BO must
sell ASAP. More information available at
Best PRICES in Brevard
World class SERVICE
Pacific Seacraft “Flicka” Carina. Also a brand
new 2008 Mercury 9.9 4-cycle outboard engine, 40 hours engine time, 3-gallon tank included. Contact Bob White at 321-622-4866.
Please email [email protected] to add
or remove items from this listing.
2145 US 1, Rockledge, FL
Page 9
Upcoming ECSA 2010 Race & Cruise Events
April 10
Spring-Summer Race #2
April 10-11
Sebastian Inlet Fish Fry
May 1-2
Progressive Dinner / Samsons Island Workday
Worster / Coleman
May 22
Spring-Summer Race #3
May 29-31
North Banana River Islands Cruise
Jun 5
ECSA Women’s Race #5
Check out http://ecsasail.com/node/163 for the most up-to-date racing info.
PO Box 372054
Satellite Beach FL 32937-0054