WYNDHAM QUICK STI CHALLENGE CATCH & THROW, GIVE LACROSSE A GO! 2015 E S LACROSSTIX QUICK NGE CHALLE R E T S I G E R NOW! Register at lacrossevictoria.com.au/quick-stix/ to receive a promo pack which includes a lacrosse stick, ball, tshirt & wristband! WYNDHAM QUICK STI PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION FORM PARTICIPANT DETAILS CHALLENGE MEDICAL INFORMATION 6. Medical Surname: Does your child have a disability or any special needs? First Name: Yes No Yes No If yes, please specify Address: Does your child have any allergies or is he/she allergic to any medication? Suburb: In an emergency, do you authorise the Quick Stix Lacrosse Yes No centre coordinator to arrange any necessary medical treatment for your child where prior notification has not been possible and agree to cover any associated costs of treatment and/or transportation? If yes, please specify School: INDEMNITY: Except where provided or required by law and such cannot be excluded, I agree that the Quick Stix Lacrosse Centre and its respective directors, officers, members servants or agents are absolved from all liability arising from injury or damage to my child, however caused, whilst participating in the Quick Stix Lacrosse program. How did you hear about us?: State: Post Code: D D DOB: Gender: T-Shirt Size: M M / / Male Y Y Y Y 6 No Age: Female 8 10 12 DECLARATION Language/s other than English spoken at home? Do you identify as an Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander? Yes IMAGE CONSENT: I provide consent for the Quick Stix Lacrosse Centre to record my child’s image (photograph or video footage) for promotional purposes. I understand my child’s image may be used in mediums including: publications and promotional material, and broadcast, print and electronic media. I acknowledge that my child’s image will be used without any personal compensation or remuneration. I agree to forgo any rights to my child’s image including moral rights and copyright. Undisclosed Yes • I agree to pay all fees by the date(s) specified • I agree (member and parents) to comply with Lacrosse Victoria's Constitution, By-Laws, and Policies, including but not limited to the Lacrosse Victoria Member Protection Policy. No If yes, please specify the language/s: • I understand that the personal information provided on this form will be used to administer Quick Stix and for related purposes including providing you with information in relation to Quick Stix, the sport of Lacrosse and promotional offers. This information is vital to help Lacrosse Victoria provide fair, safe and inclusive environments for all. Data will also help your Quick Stix Lacrosse Centre and Lacrosse Victoria seek applicable funding to provide greater opportunities. • I understand that if I do not provide the information requested on this form, the Quick Stix Lacrosse Centre might not be able to process my registration and I will not be eligible to become a member or compete in the competitions/programs. PARENT / GUARDIAN DETAILS (Emergency Contact) Surname: I have read, understood and agree to the above terms and I personally consent to the application of my child. I warrant that all information provided is true and correct. Name: First Name: Date: Phone No.: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Signed: (Parent or legal guardian of participant) Mobile No.: Email Address: EVENT INFORMATION Centre: Dates: Wyndham Centre Monday, 2 March Monday, 23 March Monday, 13 April Monday, 27 April Wootten Road Reserve Wootten Road, Tarneit Time: Monday, 16 March Monday, 30 March Monday, 20 April Monday, 4 May 5:00pm - 6:00pm For further event information and details please contact Lacrosse Victoria on 9926 1390 or email at [email protected] QUICK STI