Institutional Presentation
Institutional Presentation
Institutional Presentation 3Q 2015 Agenda Delivering profitable growth since the IPO How Iguatemi will grow from 2015 onwards Pipeline of Projects Recent Greenfields, Expansions and PSV Swaps Portfolio Overview Appendix Market Dynamic Key Performance Indicators Financial and Operational Indicators Stock Market Malls at a Glance Iguatemi at a Glance Highlights Selected Assets Portfolio comprised of 18 (1) shopping malls, 1 outlet and 3 commercial towers Operations focused on the South and Southeast regions of Brazil and A and B income classes • Only mall operator with a recognized brand among the 50 most valuable brands in Brazil, for the 7h consecutive year JK Iguatemi Iguatemi São Paulo Iguatemi Campinas Iguatemi Porto Alegre Iguatemi Brasília Iguatemi Alphaville Pipeline of 3 outlet greenfields, 1 mall expansions and 1 commercial tower under development Solid growth rates: sales reached R$10.5 billion in 2014, a 15.5% increase in comparison to 2013 Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 715k sqm Own GLA 440k sqm Total Sales (2014) SSS / SAS (2014) Credit Rating R$ 10.5 Bn 7.8% / 8.0% AA+ br S&P/ Fitch (1) Considers Shopping Esplanada and Iguatemi Esplanada as 2 different malls. 3 SECTION 1 Delivering profitable growth since the IPO Iguatemi created a platform to implement resilient and sustained profitable growth Pre-IPO: Creating the Iguatemi brand • Purchase of Iguatemi São Paulo, Brazil’s 1st shopping mall • Expansion to São Paulo countryside and Brazilian south region IPO: Accelerating growth through acquisitions Follow-on: Building the platform for quality growth (a new vintage of malls) • IPO: Feb/2007, raising • 1st follow-on: Nov/2009, raising R$410 M • Acquisition of malls and • New vintage of malls: State Capitals: Iguatemi Brasília, Iguatemi R$550M several stakes in the existing portfolio • Short-term 2nd follow-on: Apr/2013, raising R$425 M Focus: Acquisitions, expansions and outlets, decrease on the leverage ratio and costs reduction Alphaville and JK Iguatemi Interior: Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto, Iguatemi Esplanada, Iguatemi São José do Rio Preto • First multi-use • Medium-Term • Beginning of the expansions cycle project in Brazil: Market Place New Growth Cycle • Announcement of new greenfields and expansions • Entrance into the Premium Outlet Segment, creating Focus: Greenfields a new vector of growth 380 454 282 215 237 278 213 120 115 203 137 348 298 164 425 235 151 69 1979 2006 2007 2008 (1) Adjusted for the sale of Boulevard Rio Iguatemi mall. 2009 EBITDA 2010 2011 2012 (1) 2013 2014 2018 Owned GLA 5 Quality growth resulted in increased profitability per GLA Own GLA (thousand sqm) 380 121 2006 425 Increased Own GLA 3.5x 215 2009 2013 Net Income / sqm 17% CAGR (R$ / sqm) 2014 Gross revenues (R$ mm) 520 121 2006 543 657 244 2009 2013 24% CAGR Increased Revenues 5.4x 2014 2006 EBITDA (R$ mm) 348 69 2006 454 2013 2014 27% CAGR Increased EBITDA 6.6x 151 2009 248 Net Income / share (R$ / sqm) 2014 FFO (R$ mm) 238 50 2006 318 119 2009 2013 26% CAGR Increased FFO 6.4x 2014 0.35 Net Income (R$ mm) 184 30 2006 230 29% CAGR Increased Net Income 7.7x 86 2009 2013 1.30 2014 2006 2014 6 Long-term and short-term guidance have been consistently met since 2009 2009 Crescimento de Receita Líquida¹ Margem EBITDA² EBITDA (R$ MM) Dividendos (R$ / Ação) Permutas de VGV R$ (MM) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Guidance Real Guidance Real Guidance Real Guidance Real Guidance Real Guidance Real 9% – 12% 14.5% 15% - 17% 21.2% 25% –30% 25% 25% - 30% 24.6%(1) 15%–20% 13,0% N/A 27,1% ~70% 69.7% 70% - 72% 70.1% 70% - 72% 71.3% ~70% 72.5%(2) 70 - 72% 75%(³) 72%- 75% 77% N/A 151,4 N/A 202,6 N/A 235 N/A 297,6 N/A 348(³) 450 - 500 454 N/A 0,32 N/A 0,37 N/A 0,38 N/A 0,40 N/A 0,32 0,32 0,34 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 20-30 27,4 20-30 30,1 20-30 22,5 454 152 69 2006 2009 2014 (1) Iguatemi’s Net revenue would have grown 27.7% in 2012 if Boulevard Rio Iguatemi had not been sold. Alternatively, if the net revenue from Boulevard Iguatemi in both 2011 and 2012 were to be excluded, Iguatemi’s net revenue would have grown by 28.7% in 2012. (2) Adjusted EBITDA Mg exclude Other Operational Revenue of R$ 108.2mn from the sale of Boulevard Rio Iguatemi. (3) Iguatemi reached the implicit EBITDA indicated by Net Revenues and EBITDA Mg Guidance (implicit guidance of R$ 330–355mn vs real EBITDA of R$ 347.8mn). 7 Iguatemi reiterates its implicit EBITDA guidance for 2015 Net Revenues Growth 12% - 15% in 2015 and EBITDA Margin 76% - 79% in 2015 Net Revenues Growth (%) 12% 15% Probable Possible Ebitda Margin (%) Remote 76% EBITDA de R$ 502 M EBITDA de R$ 515 M Implicit EBITDA Guidance for 2015: R$ 502-536 million 79% EBITDA de R$ 522 M EBITDA de R$ 536 M 8 How did Iguatemi grow? Performing selective acquisitions Implementing Quality Greenfields Delivering Top Execution Strengthening existing assets 9 EBITDA growth was achieved using several levers EBITDA Growth Strategy (R$ mn) 46 454 PSV and Others EBITDA 2014 166 57 61 56 69 EBITDA 2006 Organic Growth Aquisitions of Stakes Aquisitions of New Malls Greenfields and Expansions 10 Iguatemi delivered high quality greenfields Performing selective acquisitions Implementing Quality Greenfields Delivering Top Execution Strengthening existing assets 11 Maturing Malls outside capitals represent 23% of Own GLA, but still only 8% of total Revenues Portfolio State Opening % IGTA Date Total GLA (sqm) Own GLA (sqm) Own GLA (%) Total Mall "Own" Mall "Own" Mall 2014 Revenues 2014 2014 Revenues Revenues (R$ ‘000) (R$mn) (%) Iguatemi Brasília DF 2010 64% 32,302 20,673 5.6% 51.9 33.2 5.6% Iguatemi Alphaville SP 2011 78% 31,312 24,423 6.6% 39.7 31.0 5.3% JK Iguatemi SP 2012 64% 34,957 22,372 6.1% 106.1 67.9 11.5% - - 68% 98,571 67,468 18.3% 197.7 132.1 23.5% Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto SP 2013 88% 43,648 38,410 10.4% 25.0 22.0 3.7% I Fashion Outlet NH RS 2013 41% 20,115 8,247 2.2% 9.3 3.8 0.6% Iguatemi Rio Preto SP 2014 88% 43,649 38,411 10.4% 21.0 18.5 3.1% Subtotal – Maturing Malls 2013 - 2015 - - 79% 107,412 85,068 23.1% 55.3 44.3 7.9% Mature Malls - - 56% 388,546 216,000 58.6% 652.1 384.7 68.6% Total - - 62% 594,529 368,536 100.0% 905.1 561.1 100.0% Subtotal – Maturing Malls, 2010 - 2012 Own GLA Breakdown “Own” Mall Revenues Breakdown Maturing Malls 2010 -2012 16.6% Mature Malls 62.5% Maturing Malls 2013 -2015 23.1% Maturing Malls 2010 -2012 22.4% Maturing Malls 2013 -2015 7.9% Mature Malls 70.0% 12 Maturing greenfields outside capitals still present significant upside Assets inaugurated in the last 5 years JK Iguatemi Opening Date Total GLA 2014 2014 Revenues R$ ‘000 2014 Revenues R$/sqm/year 2012 34,957 106,076 3,034 Subtotal – São Paulo Capital - 34,957 106,076 3,034 Iguatemi Brasília 2010 32,302 51,934 1,608 - 32,302 51,934 1,608 Iguatemi Alphaville 2011 31,312 39,704 1,268 Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto 2013 43,648 24,988 572 2014 43,649 30,299 694 - 118,609 94,991 801 iFashion Outlet Novo Hamburgo 2013 20,115 9,327 464 Subtotal - Others 2013 20,115 9,327 464 205,983 262,328 1,274 (1) Subtotal – Interior Total 3,034 3,277 Maturing Malls Mature Malls Other Capitals - 2014 Revenues (R$/sqm/year) Subtotal – Other Capitals Iguatemi Rio Preto São Paulo Capital – 2014 Revenues (R$/sqm/year) 1,608 1,583 Maturing Malls Mature Malls Interior - 2014 Revenues (R$/sqm/year) 1,187 801 Maturing Malls Mature Malls (1) Iguatemi Rio Preto (Inaugurated in June 2014): Revenues last 12 months. 13 Properties not aligned with our strategy of “best assets, best locations”, were divested 2011 Revenues (R$/sqm/year) Divestiture Boulevard Iguatemi Rio • Sold in 2012 for 18.3x NOI (5.6% cap rate) 1.432 • Property not aligned with Iguatemi’s strategy of having the “Best Assets in the Best Locations” -52% 687 Existing Assets Total GLA (sqm) R$ / sqm / year 26,100 687 Divestiture 14 2007 assets delivered strong organic growth per sqm Performing selective acquisitions Implementing Quality Greenfields Delivering Top Execution Strengthening existing assets 15 2007 assets delivered strong organic growth Assets that existed prior to the IPO Total GLA 2014 Revenue/ Revenue/ sqm sqm 2007 2014 Revs/sqm CAGR 2007-14 Total Revs CAGR 2007-14 Iguatemi São Paulo 46,134 2,649 4,094 6.4% 8.7% Market Place 26,940 800 1,878 13.0% 13.4% Subtotal – São Paulo Capital 73,074 1,915 3,277 8,0% 9,5% Praia de Belas 47,205 1,122 1,168 0.6% 8.5% Iguatemi Porto Alegre 38,926 1,314 2,107 7.0% 6.8% Iguatemi Florianópolis 21,189 607 1,545 14.3% 15.1% 107,320 1,090 1,583 5,5% 8,6% Iguatemi Campinas 54,321 892 1,762 10.2% 10.1% Iguatemi São Carlos 22,323 181 454 14.0% 16.7% Galleria 33,146 290 926 18.0% 23.6% 64,360 932 1,251 4.3% 19.8% 30,324 553 846 6.3% 18.8% Subtotal - Interior 204,474 659 1,187 8.8% 15.3% Torre Market Place 29,080 582 1,017 8.3% 8.3% Boulevard Campinas 32,422 - 113 - - Subtotal - Others 61,502 - 540 - - Subtotal Other Capitals Esplanada (1) Iguatemi Caxias Total Revenues CAGR 2007 - 2014 São Paulo Capital Other Capitals Interior 9.5% 8.6% 15.3% (1) Considers the Esplanada Complex, composed of Shopping Esplanada and Iguatemi Esplanada. 16 Iguatemi acquired 4 new assets and 18 stakes in malls it already owned Performing selective acquisitions Implementing Quality Greenfields Delivering Top Execution Strengthening existing assets 17 Acquisitions since the IPO and Potential Future Opportunities Acquisition of Stakes in Previously Owned Assets Pátio Higienópolis JK Iguatemi Galleria Shopping Iguatemi São Carlos Iguatemi São Paulo Iguatemi Campinas Esplanada Shopping Iguatemi Rio Esplanada Shopping Torre Market Place II Torre Market Place I Market Place Esplanada Shopping Iguatemi Florianópolis Iguatemi São Paulo Esplanada Shopping Iguatemi Rio Iguatemi Porto Alegre Iguatemi Rio Proprietry Area (1) Date 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 Acquisition of New Assets Date Pátio Higienópolis I Fashion Outlet NH Esplanada Shopping Galleria Shopping 2015 2013 2007 2007 TOTAL % GLA Acquired (‘000 sqm) 8.4% 2.8 14.0% 4.9 50.0% 16.6 5.0% 1.0 7.0% 3.0 5.0% 2.7 4.8% 1.3 8.2% 2.1 3.4% 0.9 100.0% 13.4 100.0% 15.7 68.0% 17.7 2.3% 0.7 10.0% 2.0 11.0% 4.5 2.4% 0.7 3.0% 0.8 3.8% 1.5 30.0% 8,5 100.0% 3.7 Total 104.5 % GLA Acquired (‘000 sqm) 2.8% 1.0 41.0% 8.2 25.0% 7.1 50.0% 11.9 Total 28.2 132.8 Iguatemi São Paulo 27 JK Iguatemi 22 Iguatemi Alphaville 47k sqm 20 35k sqm 13 24 31k sqm 7 Iguatemi Campinas 51 Iguatemi Esplanada 22 35 Iguatemi São Carlos 11 11 30 38 5 44k sqm Iguatemi Rio Preto 38 5 44k sqm 14 Praia de Belas Iguatemi Florianópolis I Fashion Outlet NH Pátio Higienópolis 21k sqm 15 28 21 8 Iguatemi's GLA 30k sqm 12 34k sqm 30 25 32k sqm 20k sqm 12 4 Boulevard Iguatemi 47k sqm 29 Iguatemi Caxias 3 Iguatemi Brasília 39k sqm 25 18 6 64k sqm 22k sqm Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto Iguatemi Porto Alegre 73k sqm 7 27k sqm GLA not Owned by Iguatemi Total GLA not Owned by Iguatemi: 274,000 sqm (1) Area in the Esplanada Mall owned by Iguatemi through a subsidiary. 18 SECTION 2 How will Iguatemi grow from 2015 onwards? Iguatemi will continue to focus on high income and fast growing segments… Income Distribution – By Income Class (R$ billion) CAGR 4,767 2007 - 2010 2010- 2030E A Class 11% 13% B Class 14% 11% C Class 21% 9% 7% 7% D/E Class 2007 3,289 3,332 3,100 A Class 18% 36% D/E Class 41% B Class 18% C Class 23% 652 287 290 363 2007 390 427 637 2030E 805 D/E Class 21% 2010 A Class B Class C Class A Class 33% 2030 D/E Class 56% C Class 23% B Class 23% Income per Brackets: A: >US$ 4,706; B: >US$2,353 and < US$4,706; C: > US$1,176 and < US$2,353; D: > US$588 and < US$1,176; E: < US$588 Source: FGV and Ernst & Young projections. 20 … mainly in the South and Southeast regions… State SP # of Malls (1) Own GLA (sqm) 12 369,991 RS 4 42,650 DF 1 20,673 SC 1 6,357 Campinas Iguatemi Campinas Galleria Boulevard Iguatemi Sorocaba Brasília DF Iguatemi Brasília São Paulo Iguatemi São Paulo JK Iguatemi Market Place Porto Alegre SP Iguatemi Porto Alegre Pátio Higienópolis Alphaville Praia de Belas Iguatemi Alphaville Caxias do Sul Iguatemi Esplanada São Carlos Iguatemi São Carlos Ribeirão Preto Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto Ribeirão Preto Iguatemi Rio Preto SC Iguatemi Caxias Novo Hamburgo Outlet Novo Hamburgo RS Florianópolis Iguatemi Florianópolis (1) Owned GLA in SP State includes, besides the 12 malls shown in the map, 3 commercial towers and proprietary land (full description in the following page). 21 … and with a solid footprint in São Paulo Strategic Presence in the State of São Paulo São Paulo’s GDP is significant within Brazil São José do Rio Preto (1) City of São Paulo 12% 441 KM City of São Paulo São José do Rio Preto Ribeirão Preto KM 441 Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto KM 400 Iguatemi São José do Rio Preto Washington Luiz Highway Rest of Brazil 66% Anhanguera Highway KM 240 Shopping Galleria São Carlos Iguatemi São Carlos KM 100 Iguatemi Campinas Campinas Highest GDP in the country (R$ bn) 357 KM 60 Iguatemi Esplanada Sorocaba KM 111 Operating Malls (1) Source: IBGE 2011. Esplanada Shopping Greenfields (1) City of São Paulo Jundiaí Raposo Tavares Highway Rest of São Paulo State 22% Barueri Castelo Branco Highway KM 37 Iguatemi Alphaville Pátio Higienópolis Iguatemi SP KM 0 Main Influence Area 155 JK Iguatemi 118 Market Place Highways São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Brasília 42 30 Belo Horizonte Salvador 22 Iguatemi will continue strengthening the Iguatemi brand… Focus on consumer experience 19th highest rent in the world • We differentiate ourselves by delivering new services, innovative events and constant tenant mix improvements • Only mall operator with a recognized brand among the 50 most valuable brands in Brazil, for the 8th consecutive year • Iguatemi became a synonym of mall in Brazil Brand Recognition: High Value (1) 500 25th 22nd 450 31st 400 350 40th 472 473 449 38th 38th 349 42nd 300 23rd 8015 Banco do Brasil 340 250 200 150 100 50 100 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Value (US$ mn) Position Rank 2014 Location US$/sq ft/yr 1 Upper 5th Avenue (New York) 3,500 2 Causeway Bay (Hong Kong) 2,735 3 Avenue of Champs-Elysées (Paris) 1,556 4 New Bond Street (London) 1,216 5 Pitt Street Mall (Sydney) 1,016 6 Via Montenapoleone (Milan) 998 7 Ginza (Tokyo) 953 8 Myeongdong (Seoul) 932 Schincariol 9 Bahnhofstrasse (Zurich) 875 17 70 18 65 19 Casas Bahia 10 Stoleshnikov (Moscow) 557 Pão de Açúcar 11 Kohlmarkt (Vienna) 521 Vivo 12 Kaufingerstraße (Munich) 514 6020 Perdigão 13 Wangfujing (Beijing) 481 5521 22 50 Smiles 14 Portal de l'Angel (Barcelona) 380 Amil 15 Shopping Centre (Bogota) 368 16 Orchard Road (Singapore) 362 362 23 Iguatemi 104 Most Expensive Retail Locations in the World 7516 45 170 (2) 17 Karl Johans Gate (Oslo) 24 40 25 35 26 Vale 18 Kalverstraat (Amsterdam) 340 Anhanguera 19 Iguatemi Shopping (São Paulo) 319 3027 Seara 20 Bagdat Caddesi & Istiklal Street (Istanbul) 312 Totvs (1) Source: Istoé Dinheiro – Most Valuable Brands in Brazil (2015). (2) Source: Cushman & Wakefield – Main Streets Across the World (2014-2015). 23 … and capturing the upside from its large landbank Mall (GLA sqm) Real Estate (PA sqm) % Iguatemi 5,000 - 58.13% Iguatemi Campinas - Site annex² - 501,000 50.00% Iguatemi Campinas - Boulevard - 19,638 77.00% Iguatemi Porto Alegre - 32,000 36.00% Iguatemi Porto Alegre - Site annex¹ 22,000 29,022 24.00% Iguatemi Esplanada 28,500 27,060 46.00% 5,000 - 37.80% 28,200 28,400 100.00% Mall Iguatemi São Paulo Praia de Belas Galleria Market Place 600 - 100.00% Iguatemi São Carlos 20,000 15,000 50.00% Iguatemi Brasília 10,000 - 64.00% Iguatemi Alphaville 12,600 - 78.00% Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto 20,500 35,000 88.00% Platinum Outlet 12,000 6,500 41.00% Iguatemi Rio Preto 21,500 - 88.00% - 23,000 88.00% 185,900 716,620 70.50% I Fashion Outlet Santa Catarina¹ 15,034 8,000 54.00% I Fashion Outlet Nova Lima¹ 15,000 8,000 54.00% Jundiaí ¹ 50,000 20,000 85.00% I Fashion Outlet Paraná ¹ 15,000 15,000 42.00% Subtotal, malls under development 95,034 51,000 52.00% 280,934 767,620 58.80% Iguatemi Rio Preto - Site annex³ Subtotal, malls in operation Total (1) Swapped land (2) Swap Option + Preference/First Stake (3) Swap Option Nota: This landbank is indicative. Those projects are subject to changes, which can alter coefficients and the usage of construction potential. 24 SECTION 3 Pipeline PipelineofofProjects Projects Pipeline of Projects Greenfields Expansions I Fashion Outlet Santa Catarina I Fashion Outlet Paraná I Fashion Outlet Nova Lima Iguatemi Porto Alegre Iguatemi Porto Alegre Tower Opening Oct/17 2018 2019 Apr/16 Apr/16 GLA (sqm) 30,000 30,000 30,300 20,376 10,692 % Iguatemi 54% 42% 54% 36% 36% % Leased N/A N/A N/A 85% N/A % Constructed N/A N/A N/A 72% 25% 26 Status Iguatemi Porto Alegre (Expansion) - RS Sep 2015 Sep 2015 The project has 72% of the construction completed and 85% of the GLA commercialized 27 Status Iguatemi Porto Alegre Tower - RS May 2015 Jun 2015 Sep 2015 Sep 2015 Constructed: 25% 28 Status I Fashion Outlet Santa Catarina - SC Sep 2015 Sep 2015 Sep 2015 Sep 2015 Ground/soil preparation phase. 29 SECTION 4 3 SECTION Recent Greenfields, Expansions and PSV Swaps Pipeline of Projects Owned GLA of 440 thousand sqm, reaching 500 thousand sqm by 2019 Owned GLA (‘000 sqm) ~202 thousand sqm of own GLA (46% of our actual GLA) inaugurated in the last 5 years 338 Acquisition of a 8.4% stake in Pátio Higienópolis Iguatemi Porto Alegre Expansion Iguatemi Porto Alegre Tower 440 3 Current GLA 2015 11 I Fashion Outlet Santa Catarina 16 I Fashion Outlet Nova Lima I Fashion Outlet Paraná 13 16 500 2018 2019 Total Announced GLA for 2019 -18 123 2006 (Pre IPO) Additional GLA Sale of Boulevard Rio 2016 2017 31 Expansion of Iguatemi São Paulo – SP Main Plaza (May 2015) & Expansion (Sep 2015) The expansion was inaugurated in September 2015, with 75% of its GLA leased. 32 Expansion of Iguatemi Campinas – SP (Apr 2015) 33 Expansion of Iguatemi São Carlos – SP (Jun 2014) 34 Iguatemi São José do Rio Preto – SP (Apr 2014) 35 Iguatemi Esplanada – SP (Nov 2013) 36 Expansion of Praia de Belas – RS (Nov 2013) 37 Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto – SP (Sep 2013) 38 I Fashion Outlet Novo Hamburgo – RS (Sep 2013) 39 PSV Swaps on Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto 2Q11 – PSV Swap (R$ 10.7 mn) 2 Commercial Towers (25.8 thousand sqm) Shopping Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto (43.6 thousand sqm of GLA) 40 PSV Swaps on Iguatemi Esplanada 4Q14 – PSV Swap (R$ 9.3 mn) 3 Towers (28.2 thousand sqm) 2Q12 – PSV Swap (R$ 24.3 mn) Commercial Tower I and II (32 thousand sqm) Shopping Iguatemi Esplanada (95.4 thousand sqm of Commercial Area - 64.4 thousand sqm of GLA) 3Q14 – PSV Swap (R$ 6.2 mn) Hotel Hyatt Place (11.6 thousand sqm) 3Q15 – PSV Swap (R$ 6.8 mn) Residential Tower (15 thousand sqm) 41 PSV Swaps on Iguatemi São José do Rio Preto 4Q13 – PSV Swap (R$ 8.5 mn) Hyatt Hotel 1Q14 – PSV Swap (R$ 7.0 mn) 3 Residential Towers (17.4 thousand sqm) 1Q13 – PSV Swap (R$ 14.1mn) 2 Commercial Towers (22 thousand sqm) Shopping Iguatemi São José do Rio Preto (43.6 thousand sqm of GLA) 42 PSV Swaps on Galleria (subsequent event) Subsequent Event – PSV Swap (R$ 12.4 MM) Hotel Novotel Galleria (33.1 thousand sqm of GLA) 43 SECTION 5 Portfolio PipelineOverview of Projects Portfolio Overview Opening Date City Iguatemi Interest (%) Iguatemi São Paulo JK Iguatemi Pátio Higienópolis Market Place Iguatemi Alphaville Iguatemi Campinas Galleria Iguatemi Esplanada (2) Iguatemi São Carlos Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto Iguatemi Rio Preto Proprietary Area (3) 1966 2012 1999 1995 2011 1980 1992 1991 1997 2013 2014 - São Paulo São Paulo São Paulo São Paulo Barueri Campinas Campinas Sorocaba São Carlos Ribeirão Preto São José do Rio Preto Sorocaba 58,13% 64,00% 11,20% 100,00% 78,00% 70,00% 100,00% 55,37% 50,00% 88,00% 88,00% 100,00% 47.322 34.957 34.100 26.940 31.312 73.492 33.146 64.360 22.323 43.648 43.649 3.678 27.508 22.372 3.819 26.940 24.423 51.444 33.146 35.636 11.162 38.410 38.411 3.678 4.094 3.034 3.077 1.878 1.268 1.762 926 1.251 454 572 481 - 3.807 2.488 2.879 1.716 1.067 1.570 811 1.084 338 454 344 - Southeast Sub-total Iguatemi Porto Alegre Praia de Belas Iguatemi Florianópolis Iguatemi Caxias 1983 1991 2007 1996 Porto Alegre Porto Alegre Florianópolis Caxias do Sul 69,06% 36,00% 37,80% 30,00% 8,40% 458.927 38.926 47.205 21.189 30.324 316.951 14.013 17.843 6.357 2.547 2.107 1.168 1.545 846 2.021 959 1.445 782 29,61% 137.644 40.761 Iguatemi Brasília 2010 Brasília 64,00% 32.302 20.673 1.608 1.431 Federal District Sub-total I Fashion Outlet Novo Hamburgo Boulevard Iguatemi (4) 2013 - Novo Hamburgo Campinas 64,00% 41,00% 77,00% 32.302 20.115 32.422 20.673 8.247 24.965 464 - 296 - 63,22% 52.537 33.212 - - 60,40% 100,00% 100,00% 58,13% 681.410 15.685 13.395 4.469 411.596 15.685 13.395 2.598 - - Towers Sub-total 94,42% 33.549 31.678 - - Total 62,00% 714.959 443.274 - - Mall South Sub-total Premium Outlet & Power Center Sub-total Malls Sub-total Market Place Tower I Market Place Tower II Iguatemi São Paulo Tower (1) (2) (3) (4) 1991 1992 2012 São Paulo São Paulo São Paulo Total GLA (sqm) Iguatemi GLA (sqm) Revenues per sqm (R$) (1) - NOI per sqm (R$) (1) - As of December 31, 2014. Iguatemi owns 37.99% of the Esplanada mall (27,663 sqm) and 65.71% of the expansion (36,697 sqm). Area in the Esplanada Mall owned by Iguatemi through a subsidiary. Boulevard is contiguous to the Iguatemi Campinas Mall. 45 APPENDIX A Market Dynamics The Brazilian market is still underpenetrated Malls Share on Total Retail Sales Mall Penetration (GLA/‘000 inhabitant) 1.466 69% 62% 54% 53% Shopping Center Penetration in Brazil (100%) 52% 48% 940 24% SE 5% 7% MW S NE 16% N 28% 25% 399 250 231 180 150 69 Canada South Africa USA Mexico Australia France Brazil Canada South Africa USA Mexico Australia France Brazil Source: Abrasce and Company (1) Brazil: As of 2014 / Other countries: as of 2011 Canada Australia South Africa Italy France Germany Mexico Brazil 47 The Shopping Center sector presented sound growth over the past years… Total GLA Evolution (mn sqm) 14.867 CAGR 8% 11.9 CAGR (%) 2007-12 CAGR (%) 2012-15 14.9 6.7% 7.8% 5.2 16% 7% 3.9 18% 13% 5.8 5% 6% 10.132 CAGR 5% CAGR 10% CAGR 29% CAGR 24% # Malls 4.4 8.5 3.8 5.942 CAGR 14% 2.7 1.6 2.198 4.8 3.1 584 20 47 1966 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2015 1 4 20 79 280 453 585 (1) # Malls 2007 2012 2015 392 499 585 (2) (3) Top 9 Players Other Important Players Others Source: Abrasce and Iguatemi. (1) As of July 2015. (2) Top 9 players: Iguatemi, Br Malls, Multiplan, Sonae Sierra, General Shopping, Aliansce, JCPM, Westfield, Brookfield, Ancar. (3) Other Important Players: FUNCEF, JHSF, Soifer, Savoy, CCP, Participa, IRB, REP, Tenco, Terral, Grupo Tacla, Shopinvest, Zaffari, Sá Cavalcanti, PatioMix, North Empreendimentos, Grupo Santa Isabel, Prosperitas, Grupo Lider, LGR, Previ. 48 …reaching, in 2014, a total of 520 shopping centers (14 million sqm of GLA) Total Malls and GLA distribution North: 25 Malls 4.7% GLA 5.2% of PIB R$14,179 PIB/per capita Northeast: 76 Malls 14.4% GLA 13.6% of PIB R$ 11,044 PIB/per capita North Northeast Midwest: 47 Malls 8.9% GLA 9.8% of PIB R$ 29,843 PIB/per capita Midwest Southeast South Southeast: 290 Malls 55.1% GLA 55.2% of PIB R$ 29,718 PIB/per capita South: 89 Malls 16.9% GLA 16.2% of PIB R$ 25,633 PIB/per capita Source: Abrasce (Jul/2015), IBGE (2013). 49 APPENDIX B Key Performance Indicators Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) On-going Business Projects under implementation EBITDA REVENUES PER SQM EBITDA MARGIN CAPEX OF THE PROJECTS Future growth GLA negotiated (expansions, greenfields & acquisitions) LEASING SPREAD 51 APPENDIX C Financial and Operational Indicators Strong revenues growth over the past three years Gross Revenues Annual Breakdown (R$ mm) 657 520 463 12% 16% Rent Revenues Annual Breakdown (R$ mm) CAGR 11% Others +17,7% 17% Parking +21,4% Mgmt Fee +18,3% 11% 6% 16% 9% 352 5% 309 6% 9% 8% 66% 67% Rent 84% 2014 +21,0% Overage +6,5% Minimum Rent +19,9% 9% 7% 68% 2013 7% Temp Rent +19,0% 82% 2012 Growth 437 2012 83% 2013 2014 53 Strong gross and rent revenues growth on a year over year basis 3Q15 Rental Revenues (R$ million) 3Q15 Total Revenues (R$ million) 7.4% 177,8 165,6 10% 16% 5% VARIANCE % 10% Others -3.1% 17% Parking 15.0% Mgmt Fee 11.0% 5% 67% 69% Rent 3Q14 7.0% 7.0% 118,0 9% 7% 110,2 10% 7% 9M15 Total Revenues (R$ million) Temp Rent 0.7% Overage 5.6% Minimum Rent 7.7% 84% 83% 3Q14 3Q15 VARIANCE % 3Q15 9M15 Rental Revenues (R$ million) 10.5% 469,9 10% 16% 5% 68% 9Q14 519,1 10% 17% 6% 67% 9Q15 VARIANCE % Others 7.4% Parking 16.1% Mgmt Fee 15.2% Rent 9.2% 9.2% 315,1 9% 8% 82% 9Q14 343,9 9% 7% 83% VARIANCE % Temp Rent 5.1% Overage 8.7% Minimum Rent 9.6% 54 9Q15 54 Along with a decrease in costs and expenses Expenses (R$ mm) Expenses (R$ mm) 17 83 20% 79 19% Others -17.5% 8% 20% 5% Services Stock Options -27.1% -42.5% 50% 56% 3Q14 3Q15 23% 26% 26% 67 CAGR 25% 20% Others -9.4% Services -5.4% Variance 14 Personnel 29% 21% 13% 10% 8% Stock Options -30.4% 52 Variance 44 25% 41% 2012 2012 -7.1% 35% 2013 2013 47% 2014 2014 Personnel -2.1% 20% Others -33.1% 7% 16% 5% Services Stock Options -38.0% -42.5% 45% 59% Personnel +12.7% 9M14 9M14 9M15 9M15 22% 55 Economic and Financial Performance (1/2) Management Information (1) Consolidated P&L account, (R$ ’000) 2014 2013 2012 2014 x 2013 2013 x 2012 657,064 519,707 462,634 26.4% 12.3% -67,46 -55,957 -52,113 20.6% 7.4% Net revenue 589,604 463,75 410,521 27.1% 13.0% Costs and expenses -180,965 -173,829 -165,625 4.1% 5,0% 45,694 57,868 160,865 -21.0% -64,0% 454,333 347,789 405,761 30.6% -14,3% 77.1% 75,00% 98.9% 210 bps -2,380 bps Depreciation and amortization -87,435 -54,088 -40,667 61.7% 33.0% EBIT 366,898 293,701 365,094 24.9% -19,6% 62.2% 63,30% 88.9% -110 bps -2,560 bps -112,911 -62,906 -49,225 79.5% 27.8% Income tax and Social Contribution tax -23,278 -46,51 -47,561 -50.0% -2.2% Net profit 230,709 184,285 268,308 25.2% -31.3% Net margin 39.1% 39,70% 65.4% -60 bps -2,570 bps 318,144 238,373 308,975 33.5% -22.9% 54.0% 51,40% 75.3% 260 bps -2,390 bps 454,333 347,789 297,556 30.6% 16.9% 77.1% 75,00% 72.5% 210 bps 250 bps Gross revenue Taxes and discounts Other operational revenues (expenses) EBITDA EBITDA Margin EBIT Margin Financial revenues (expenses) FFO FFO margin Adjusted EBITDA (2) Adjusted EBITDA Margin (2) (1) Reports the 50.0% interest in JK Iguatemi consolidated, proportionately, line by line, in the Profit and loss account. (2) Ebitda and Ebitda margin adjusted by the sale of Shopping Boulevard Rio Iguatemi. 56 Economic and Financial Performance (2/2) Management Information Consolidated P&L account, (R$ ’000) 3Q15 3Q14 % 9M15 9M14 % 177,761 165,590 7.4% 519,083 469,915 10.5% -18,139 -17,615 3.0% -54,029 -46,894 15.2% 159,622 147,975 7.9% 465,054 423,021 9.9% Costs and Expenses -44,276 -45,850 -3.4% -135,727 -133,973 1.3% Other Operational Revenues 19,384 10,324 87.8% 30,444 22,101 37.7% 134,730 112,449 19.8% 359,771 311,149 15.6% 84.4% 76.0% 840 bps 77.4% 73.6% 380 bps -25,918 -23,180 11.8% -75,438 -63,578 18.7% 108,812 89,269 21.9% 284,333 247,572 14.8% 68.2% 60.3% 780 bps 61.1% 58.5% 260 bps Financial Revenue (Expenses) -40,123 -31,485 27.4% -106,025 -73,258 44.7% Income Tax and Social Contribution Tax -10,247 9,298 -210.2% -26,837 -8,963 199.4% Net Profit 58,442 67,082 -12.9% 151,471 165,351 -8.4% Net Margin 36.6% 45.3% -870 bps 32.6% 39.1% -650 bps FFO 84,360 90,262 -6.5% 226,909 228,928 -0.9% FFO Margin 52.9% 61.0% -810 bps 48.8% 54.1% -530 bps Gross Revenue Taxes and Discounts Net Revenue EBITDA EBITDA Margin Depreciation and Amortization EBIT EBIT Margin (1) Reports the 50.0% interest in JK Iguatemi consolidated, proportionately, line by line, in the Profit and loss account. (2) Ebitda and Ebitda margin adjusted by the sale of Shopping Boulevard Rio Iguatemi. 57 Operational Indicators (part 1) SSS 8,4% 7,5% 8,1% 8,9% 7,3% 8,0% 8,0% 8,1% 8,1% 6,8% 7,4% 8,1% 8,2% 6,9% 7,2% 6,0% 4,6% 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 9,2% 9,1% 3Q14 4Q14 8,6% 8,7% 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 SSR 14,1% 10,0% 3Q11 9,0% 4Q11 10,9% 10,1% 8,1% 1Q12 2Q12 8,1% 3Q12 8,8% 4Q12 8,8% 1Q13 2Q13 8,4% 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 8,1% 1Q15 6,8% 2Q15 5,5% 3Q15 58 Operational Indicators (part 2) SAS 11,4% 10,2% 10,9% 9,1% 7,5% 9,9% 8,1% 8,4% 7,3% 8,2% 7,6% 8,3% 8,2% 7,1% 7,3% 6,2% 4,7% 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 SAR 14,5% 11,4% 11,3% 9,6% 3Q11 4Q11 11,4% 8,1% 1Q12 2Q12 9,0% 3Q12 9,3% 9,4% 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 10,8% 8,5% 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 9,3% 2Q14 8,8% 3Q14 8,9% 4Q14 8,1% 1Q15 6,8% 2Q15 5,4% 3Q15 59 Operational Indicators (part 3) Occupancy Rate 97% 97% 97% 96% 96% 96% 95% 96% 97% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 96% 95% 94% 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 12% 12% 12% 11% 12% 12% 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14 2Q15 3Q15 Occupancy Cost 12% 11% 10% 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 11% 2Q12 11% 3Q12 11% 4Q12 12% 1Q13 11% 11% 2Q13 3Q13 11% 4Q13 13% 1Q15 60 Iguatemi has a comfortable Cash Position Debt 09/30/2015 06/30/2015 420.078 368.660 Debt -2.038.055 -1.868.763 Net Cash (Debt) -1.617.977 -1.500.103 502.948 480.673 3,2x 3,1x Cash and Savings EBITDA (LTM) Net Debt / EBITDA Debt Profile Debt amortization (R$ million) 301 254 166 149 58 15 266 286 221 149 Others 5% 261 60 199 TJLP 14% TR 15% 200 64 74 86 66 19 19 19 19 19 4 CDI 66% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Financing Debentures 61 APPENDIX D Stock Market Performance IGTA x IBOV LTM Stockholding Structure Jereissati Participações Number of Shares (’000) % of Total 90,801,522 51.4% 1,441,248 0.8% 18,021,602 10.2% 172,700 0.1% Outros 66,174,506 37.5% Total 176,611,578 100.0% La Fonte Telecom Petros Treasury IGTA 3Q15 (1) Iguatemi x Ibovespa (Feb/2007 - Actual) 250 Final Price R$ 20.55 Highest Price R$ 26.45 Lower Price R$ 19.35 Depreciation in 3Q15 -19.51% Depreciation in 2015 -13.35% Number of Shares 200 150 100 176,611,578 Market Cap (R$ million) R$ 3.6 Average Daily Liquidity 13,070,329 50 IGUATEMI 0 fev-07 (1) Source: Economática – base date 09/30/2015 set-07 mai-08 dez-08 jul-09 mar-10 out-10 jun-11 jan-12 set-12 IBOVESPA abr-13 nov-13 jul-14 fev-15 out-15 63 Properties for Investment 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Total Total Total Total Malls in Operation Greenfields / Expansions Total Value of 100% of mall 5.849 7.340 8.678 10.531 11.401 12.536 77 12.613 Iguatemi Equity interest 3.288 4.181 5.258 6.118 6.862 7.606 41 7.647 Total GLA (‘000 sqm) 628 672 704 704 768 773 Owned GLA (‘000 sqm) 376 420 451 434 470 484 79.255 79.255 79.255 158.510 176.612 176.612 Price per Share R$ 32,44 R$ 40,32 R$ 34,32 R$ 25,50 R$ 22,32 R$ 27,25 NAV per Share 41,5 52,8 66,3 34,6 39,1 39,1 Total Shares 7,647 5,247 45.7% 2014 NAV Multiples 2013 2014 Cap Rate 6.6% 6.6% NOI (R$ mm) 697.3 825.9 NOI Multiple² 15.2x 15.2x (2) 3,629 Market Cap (1) Base Date: 09/30/2015. (2) Malls in Operation. EV NAV 64 APPENDIX E Malls at a Glance Iguatemi São Paulo at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 47,322 sqm Own GLA 27,508 sqm Revenues (1) R$ Revenues/sqm NOI (1) R$ (1) NOI/sqm R$ Mn 4,094/sqm R$ (1) 189 176 Mn 3,807/sqm Ownership Structure Main Retail Brands Outros 37% IGTA 58% Funcesp 5% (1) As of December 31, 2014. The Total GLA considered in this calculation is 46,134 (prior to the 1,188 sqm expansion delivered in 2015). 66 JK Iguatemi at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 34,957 sqm Own GLA 22,372 Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI 106 R$ (1) R$ (1) (1) R$ Mn 3,034/sqm R$ NOI/sqm sqm 87 Mn 2,488/sqm Ownership Structure Main Retail Brands TIAA-Cref 36% IGTA 64% (1) As of December 31, 2014. 67 Pátio Higienópolis at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights 34,100 sqm Total GLA 3,819 sqm Own GLA(2) Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ (1) NOI/sqm 105 3,077/sqm R$ (1) R$ Mn 98 Mn 2,879/sqm Ownership Structure Outros 13,7% Main Retail Brands IGTA 11,2% FI SPH 25,0% Brookfield 50,1% (1) As of December 31, 2014. (2) Considering the second aquisition of 8,4% announced in October, 2015. 68 Market Place at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 26,940 sqm Own GLA 26,940 sqm Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ (1) NOI/sqm R$ Ownership Structure (1) As of December 31, 2014. Mn 1,878/sqm R$ (1) 51 46 Mn 1,716/sqm Main Retail Brands IGTA 100% 69 Iguatemi Alphaville at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 31,312 sqm Own GLA 24,423 sqm Revenues (1) R$ Revenues/sqm NOI (1) R$ (1) NOI/sqm R$ Ownership Structure Mn 1,268/sqm R$ (1) 40 33 Mn 1,067/sqm Main Retail Brands Takaoka 22% IGTA 78% (1) As of December 31, 2014. 70 Iguatemi Campinas at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 73,492 sqm Own GLA 51,444 sqm Revenues (1) R$ Revenues/sqm NOI (1) R$ R$ (1) R$ Mn 1,762/sqm (1) NOI/sqm 96 85 Mn 1,570/sqm Ownership Structure Main Retail Brands FEAC 30% IGTA 70% (1) As of December 31, 2014. The Total GLA considered in this calculation is 54,321 (prior to the 19,171 sqm expansion delivered in 2015). 71 Galleria at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 33,146 sqm Own GLA 33,146 sqm Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ (1) NOI/sqm R$ Ownership Structure (1) As of December 31, 2014. Mn 926/sqm R$ (1) 31 27 Mn 811/sqm Main Retail Brands IGTA 100% 72 Iguatemi Esplanada at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 64,360 sqm Own GLA 35,636 sqm Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ (1) (1) R$ Previ BB 34% (1) As of December 31, 2014. 70 Mn 1,084/sqm Ownership Structure IRB 6% Mn 1,251/sqm R$ NOI/sqm 81 Main Retail Brands Outros 6% IGTA 54% 73 Iguatemi São Carlos at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 22,323 sqm Own GLA 11,162 sqm Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ R$ (1) R$ Mn 454/sqm (1) NOI/sqm 10 8 Mn 338/sqm Ownership Structure Main Retail Brands Sobloco 50% IGTA 50% (1) As of December 31, 2014. 74 Iguatemi Ribeirão Preto at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 43,648 sqm Own GLA 38,410 sqm Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ (1) (1) R$ Ownership Structure Retiro do Ipê 4% WTB 2% Mn 572/sqm R$ NOI/sqm 25 20 Mn 454/sqm Main Retail Brands Bianp Serviços 1% Vila do Ipê 5% IGTA 88% (1) As of December 31, 2014. 75 Iguatemi São José do Rio Preto at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 43,649 sqm Own GLA 38,411 sqm Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ (1) NOI/sqm R$ Ownership Structure Mn 481/sqm R$ (1) 21 15 Mn 344/sqm Main Retail Brands Beny Haddad 12% IGTA 88% (1) As of December 31, 2014. 76 Iguatemi Porto Alegre at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 38,926 sqm Own GLA 14,013 sqm Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ (1) (1) R$ Mn 2,107/sqm R$ NOI/sqm 82 79 Mn 2,021/sqm Ownership Structure Main Retail Brands LGR 14% Maiojama 14% ANCAR 36% (1) As of December 31, 2014. IGTA 36% 77 Praia de Belas at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 47,205 sqm Own GLA 17,843 sqm Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ R$ (1) R$ 45 Mn 959/sqm Ownership Structure Belsul 5% Mn 1,168/sqm (1) NOI/sqm 55 Main Retail Brands Nora Teixeira 4% Nova Vicenza 15% IGTA 38% Participa 18% (1) As of December 31, 2014. IRB 20% 78 Iguatemi Florianópolis at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 21,189 sqm Own GLA 6,357 sqm Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ R$ (1) R$ Mn 1,545/sqm (1) NOI/sqm 33 31 Mn 1,445/sqm Ownership Structure Main Retail Brands IGTA 30% PRONTA 70% (1) As of December 31, 2014. 79 Iguatemi Caxias at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 30,324 sqm Own GLA 2,547 sqm Revenues (1) R$ Revenues/sqm NOI (1) R$ (1) NOI/sqm R$ Mn 846/sqm R$ (1) 26 24 Mn 782/sqm Ownership Structure Main Retail Brands IGTA 8% Outros 30% BR Malls 46% Maiojama 16% (1) As of December 31, 2014. 80 Iguatemi Brasília at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 32,302 sqm Own GLA 20,673 sqm Revenues (1) Revenues/sqm NOI R$ (1) R$ (1) (1) R$ Mn 1,608/sqm R$ NOI/sqm 52 46 Mn 1,431/sqm Ownership Structure Main Retail Brands Paulo Octavio 36% IGTA 64% (1) As of December 31, 2014. 81 Outlet Novo Hamburgo at a Glance Financial and Operational Highlights Total GLA 20,115 sqm Own GLA 8,247 sqm Revenues (1) R$ Revenues/sqm NOI (1) R$ R$ (1) R$ Mn 464/sqm (1) NOI/sqm 9 6 Mn 296/sqm Ownership Structure Main Retail Brands São José 10% IGTA 41% Credit Suisse 49% (1) As of December 31, 2014. 82 IR Contact Cristina Betts CFO and Investor Relations Officer Gunther Schrappe Strategic Planning and Investor Relations Director Carina Carreira Investor Relations Coordinator Elisa Manzato Investor Relations Analyst Jessica Tedesco Investor Relations Analyst Phone: (+55 11) 3137-6872 e-mail: [email protected] Statements relating to the prospects of the business, estimates for operating and financial results, and those related to growth prospects of Iguatemi Empresa de Shopping Centers S.A. (IESC), eventually expressed in this release, are merely projections and, as such, are based exclusively on the expectations of Iguatemi's management concerning the future of the business and its continued access to capital to fund the Company’s business plan. Such statements depend, substantially, on changes in market conditions, government regulations, competitive pressures, the performance of the Brazilian economy and the industry, among other factors and are, therefore, subject to change without prior notice. IGUATEMI EMPRESA DE SHOPPING CENTERS S.A.
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