CALENDAR OF EVENTS Winter Art Classes Date(s): January - March Gallery Stratford 54 Romeo Street Make your winter creative and cozy in our awesome art studio. Explore painting, drawing, sculpting and more. Don't forget to register for our PA Day on February 3. Fencing Lessons (Foil) Date(s): Sun, Tues, Thurs Avon Public School 31 Huntingdon Avenue An original sport of the modern Olympiad, fencing is the only European martial art. It is a safe, exciting sport that engages both the mind and body for all ages. Summer Soccer Program Date(s): May - July 2016 St. Pauls Optimist Park Rd. 122, 3191 St. Pauls Register at or in person February 15, 6:00-7:30pm at Perth South Township Office (3191 Rd.122 St.Pauls). Also, form available online to mail in. Deadline March 4. JANUARY 2016 Time: Age: Cost: Afterschool & Wknds 2 years and older Starting at $35 Contact: Peg Dunnem Phone: (519) 271-5271 x 223 Email: [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: Varies 6 - 96 years $75 - 150 per person Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Robyn Godfrey (519) 949-3617 [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: Various, weeknights 4 - 20 years Age/League dependent Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Mark & Kim McKay (519) 273-1517 [email protected] Online Learning Date(s): On-going At Contact North or Home 130 Youngs Street Online education in Stratford. 1,000 programs and 18,000 courses from 24 colleges and 22 universities. Essential skills upgrading, reading, writing, math and other essential skills available. Sewing Classes Date(s): On-going Farthingales 20 Monteith Avenue Fashion 101 Sewing, for kids, teens and adults. All classes taught by professional stitchers in a large well lit classroom. Learn-to-Skate Lessons Date(s): Tuesdays and/or Thursdays William Allman Arena 15 Morenz Drive New learn-to-skate sessions begin January 2016. Come out and learn our great pastime, or improve your skating abilities with our nationally certified coaches. Register today! Maxey Travel Date(s): Varies Multiple locations Jan 16, 2016 - Ripley's Aquarium of Canada | Jan 21, 2016 - Phantom of the Opera | Feb 3, 2016 - Winter Mystery | Mar 2, 2016 - Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Time: Age: Cost: Varies 18 years and older Varies Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Patti Colins (855) 357-1894 [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: Varies 9 years and older Varies Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Linda Sparks (519) 275-2374 [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: Varies 3 years and older Varies Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Kevin Winter (519) 275-2379 [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: Varies All Ages $65 - 139 per person Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Maxey Travel (800) 265-8980 x 2 [email protected] Kiwanis Festival Date(s): Deadline January 18 Multiple venues Register now for the 2016 Kiwanis Festival, running April 3 - May 2. Professional adjudication available in musical instruments, classical, musical theatre, and pop voice, and speech and drama. Seed, Feed and Lead Date(s): January 8 - March 25 The Local 612 Erie Street Youth cooking program designed to impart the joys of cooking. Youth participate in hands-on cooking in our professional kitchen, share a meal, and bring home dishes for family and friends. Let's Do It! Date(s): January 13, 20, 27 Stratford Public Library 19 St. Andrew Street Winters are long. Let’s try learning something different. January 13: Learn how to sing | January 20: Hygee Colouring | January 27: Instrument Petting Zoo. Class Act! Date(s): Tuesdays, Jan 19-Mar 8 Playmakers! 438 Downie Street Fun, active introduction to theatre. Eight one-hour classes enhance creativity, confidence, communication through story theatre, games, crafts, singing, movement – acting! Each session concludes with a presentation for family and friends. Time: Age: Cost: On-going 4 years and older Varies Contact: Janis Auster Phone: (519) 273-3011 Email: [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: 4:00 - 7:00pm 13 - 15 years Free Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Seed, Feed and Lead (519) 508-3663 x 4 [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: 1:00 - 2:00pm Aduts Free Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Stratford Public Library (519) 271-0220 [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: 4:45 - 5:45pm 6 - 7 years $109 per child Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Susan Kennedy (519) 274-1525 [email protected] Grade 7 & 8 Teen Dance Date(s): January 22, 2016 Kiwanis Community Centre 111 Lakeside Drive Join us at the Stratford Winterfest Teen Dance. Tickets available in advance at the Kiwanis Community Centre, Stratford. Limited number available. City of Stratford PA Day Date(s): February 3, 2016 Stratford Rotary Complex 353 McCarthy Road Have your child join our qualified camp staff as they roll out a creative, activity-filled day camp. Meet new friends and develop new skills in a safe, supervised environment. Babysitting Basics Date(s): February 3, 2016 St. John Ambulance 55 Charles St, Stratford Learn what you need to know to keep children safe and secure while babysitting. Participants - Please bring a peanut free lunch and a baby sized doll or stuffed animal. Home Alone Date(s): February 3, 2016 St. John Ambulance 55 Charles St, Stratford Being home alone can be uncomfortable and unsafe without basic skills. Safety, first aid and comfort skills are covered in this course through interactive games and role playing. Time: Age: Cost: 8:00 - 11:00pm Grade 7 and 8 $10 per person Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Jeff Otten (519) 271-0250 x 287 [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: 7:30am - 5:30pm 4 - 12 years $25 per child Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Jeff Otten (519) 271-0250 x 287 [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: 9:00am - 4:00pm 11 - 13yrs $50 per child Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Karen Mahovlich (519) 271-2290 [email protected] Time: Age: Cost: 9:00am - 3:30pm 9 - 11yrs $50 per child Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Karen Mahovlich (519) 271-2290 [email protected] Saturday is Game Day! Date(s): Saturdays Stratford Public Library 19 St. Andrew Street An variety of board & card games will be made available to play! You can also bring your own. Starts Saturday January 9 and runs each Saturday until May 24. Time: Age: Cost: 10:00am - 4:30pm 8 - 99 years Free Contact: Phone: Email: Website: Stratford Public Library (519) 271-0220 [email protected] Stratford Winterfest January 22 – 24, 2016 Special Events All events in Lower Queens Park unless otherwise stated Ongoing Activities Mountberg - Birds of Prey Show (Sat, & Sun, 11:00am-12:00pm-1:00pm) Apple Land Train Rides (Sat & Sun, 10:00am-4:00pm) ALL ABOARD! Take a trip around the park! Free train rides for the entire family. Sponsored by Stratford Lakeside Active Adults Association. (Weather permitting) Lower Queens Park Birds of Prey presentation with native raptors. Sponsored by the Stratford Leisure Activity Council. Rant and Rave - Woodcarving (Sat & Sun ,10:00am-4:00pm) Chainsaw carver and artist Paul Frenette demonstrates his talent will be on site carving wood masterpieces. Supported by Stratford Winterfest. Snow Slide Rides (Sat & Sun, All Day) (Weather permitting) A fun and interactive slide! A cool ride, perfect for youngsters to enjoy. Supported by Stratford Winterfest and Dig-It Unlimited. Snowman Stroll – MINION Style (Sat & Sun, All Day) Make your way through a winding frosty path of decorated minions from local schools - place your vote at the info booth. Supported by Stratford Winterfest. Stratford Festival Winter Warmup (Sat & Sun, 11:00am-4:00pm) Festival Marquee Warm your fingers and toes as you watch the action below. Try on production hats, bring your camera. Cash bar available. Face Painting for the kids as well as DVD movies while they warm up. St. John Ambulance will be serving pizza and beverages. Supported by The Stratford Festival, St. John Ambulance, Festival Marketplace Mall and Salon 5010. Little Tracks Petting Zoo (Sat & Sun ,10:00am-4:00pm) Interactive farm animal display. Wander over to see animals big and small. Take part in hourly feeding sessions. Educational talks will take place telling interesting facts about the animals. Sponsored by Trillium Mutual Insurance. Hockey Shoot Out (Sat & Sun,10:00am-4:00pm) You shoot, you score!! Try this cool hockey shoot out. Supported by Stratford Winterfest Music in the Park with JJ (Sat & Sun ,10:00am-4:00pm) Enjoy the tunes all day with JJ. Supported by Stratford Winterfest. Blow up Craze! (Sat & Sun, 10:00am-4:00pm) Get lost in our Blow up bounce. Squeeze through our Blow up obstacle course. Sponsored by Ontario Clean Water Agency. Bogle the Clown (Sat & Sun, 10:00am-4:00pm) Enjoy Winterfest with Boggle the Clown. Supported by Stratford Winterfest. Fatbike Frollic - obstacle course (Sat & Sun, 10:00am-4:00pm) Participants will be able to ride a fatbike built for the winter through an obstacle course in the snow. Sponsored by Totally Spoked. Obstacle Course (Sat & Sun, 10:00am-4:00pm) Come, play and have fun in our Winterfest obstacle course. Supported by Embro Cooksville Tire, Porters and Dan Lennon. Snowshoeing (Sat & Sun, 10:00am-4:00pm) Snap on a pair of snowshoes and snowshoe around the park. Snowshoes provided. Supported by Stratford Winterfest.. Winter Mini Golf (Sat & Sun, 10:00am-4:00pm) Try out 9 unique holes of mini golf on our specially designed course. Supported by Stratford Winterfest. Winter Carnival Games (Sat & Sun, 10:00am-4:00pm) Try a variety of fun carnival games for all ages. Tot Play Area (Sat, Sun, 10:00am-4:00pm) Saturday the Early Years Centre presents toys and activities for the younger crowd. Slides, shovels, blocks, all the fun things younger children will enjoy playing with in the snow. Sunday the Avon Co-Op will provide the little ones with a fun and fantastic play area. CRP Seating Area (Sat & Sun,10:00am-4:00pm) Sit and enjoy the day at one of many CRP Plastic chairs and tables throughout the park. Supplied by CRP Products. Winterfest Mighty Machines (Sat & Sun,10:00am-4:00pm) Check out our lineup of Mighty Machines on display. Supported by Perth Concrete, Dig-It, Stratford Fire Department, Stratford Police Service. Stratford Winterfest January 22 – 24, 2016 All events in Lower Queens Park unless otherwise stated Ongoing Activities (Cont’d) Food and Entertainment Ice Building Blocks (Sat & Sun, All Day) 250 blocks (5lbs each) of ice will be provided in a contained area for children to get creative and build their very own ice structures. Colouring Contest (bring your colouring page) Included in this package is our 2016 colouring contest page. Participants can bring posters down to the information tent in the park or the Kiwanis Community Centre before 3pm on Sunday, to be entered into a draw. Supported by Stratford Winterfest. Star Party (Fri & Sat, Sunset) The Stratford Astronomy Group is inviting you to join us for an incredible experience, observing the beautiful night skies of Stratford . Bring your telescope if you have one. Share your knowledge. A star party is a place for learning and teaching. Why wait for summer. Friday Badminton Club Open Night (Fri, 6:00pm start) Stratford Badminton Club - Burnside Agriplex Fieldhouse Racquets and birds available. Bring a pair of indoor court shoes. Everyone welcome. Brought to you by the Stratford Badminton Club. Winterfest Grade 7 & 8 Teen Dance (Fri, 8:00 -11:00pm) Kiwanis Community Centre Limited number of tickets available. $10 and must be purchased in advance at the KCC. Saturday Ice Carving Demonstrations (Sat 10:00am, 1:00pm) Lower Queens Park See ice blocks transform into works of art by professional Ice Carvers. Supported by Stratford Winterfest. Winterlude Entertainment (Fri. Jan. 22, 1:30pm start) Kiwanis Community Centre Enjoy a free afternoon of Entertainment for winterlude Easy listening with Tom Osgerby and Caroline Burchill, The Greenwood Hill Bluegrass Band with Vern Brenneman. Sponsored by The Special Events Committee of the Stratford Lakeside Active Adults Association. YUK YUK’s Dinner & Show (Fri. Jan 22, 6:30pm start) Arden Park Hotel Three comedians, one hilarious evening of fun. At $40.00/ticket, join us for dinner and show (dinner served at 6:30pm). Show starts at 9pm. Cash bar, assigned seating. To purchase tickets in advance, please call 519-275-2936. Sponsored by the Arden Park Hotel. Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre (Sat. Jan. 23, 7:00pm start) The Parlour Inn Who wants to be a Millionaire - Book a group of friends and come for an adventurous dining experience! tickets include a delicious 3 course dinner and show. $65/person (includes taxes/gratuities). Limited seating available. For tickets please call 519-271-2772. Sponsored by The Parlour Inn. Pancake Breakfast (Sun. Jan 24, 9:00-11:30am) Kiwanis Community Centre Enjoy fluffy pancakes, sausages, juice, hot chocolate, and coffee. Cost for breakfast is $5/adults; $2/child. No tickets required in advance. Sponsored by Civic Beautification and Environmental Awareness Committee. Food Vendors Saturday 10:00am – 4:00pm Sunday 10:00am – 4:00pm Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi™ Demo (Sat. 10:45am) Lower Queens Park Renovate your body with Taoist Tai Chi™. Members of Taoist Tai Chi™ Stratford will brave the elements to demonstrate this ancient art that strengthens body and mind. Come join us and give it a try. Big Screen Movie Night (Sat, 7:30pm-9:30pm) Come out to the Kiwanis Community Centre to catch "Minions" Popcorn & Concession will be available. Sponsored by Community Services Dept. Ken’s French Fries A Stratford spud favourite! Pat’s Apple Frits Purchase mouth-watering apple fritters and apple cider. Tim Hortons Warm up with a hot chocolate or coffee. St. John Ambulance Enjoy pizza and beverages up in the Festival Marquee Stratford Winterfest January 22 – 24, 2016 Our 2016 Supporters Bronze Platinum Black Swan Brewery Cooperators – Peter Maranger Dr Cheryl Pacheco Malt Management Saville Pools and Spa Bardwell Law Office Jordan Family Diamond In-Kind Supporters Dig-it Ltd. CRP Plastics Stratford Festival Theatre Porter’s Dan Lennon Camp Out RV Trailers Perth Concrete Embro Cooksville Tires Salon 5010 Stratford Fire Department Stratford Police Department Jim Jordan Design Gold Army, Navy + Air Force Veterans United 261.Inc Trillium Mutual Insurance Company Stratford City Centre BIA Sliver Volunteers Interested in volunteering at Stratford Winterfest? Alliance Mortgage Group Festival Marketplace JPH Residential Design MTE Consultants Rotaract Club of Stratford Best Western – Arden Park Hotel Civic Beautification and Environmental Awareness Taylor Fluid Systems Inc Totally Spoke'd Tim Hortons Stricklands Automart The Parlour – Vintage Hotels We would like to hear from you. Opportunities include assisting with the following events. The Appleland Train, Hockey Shoot Out, Inflatable Rides, Mini Golf and Obstacle Course. We are also looking for Mascot Volunteers. Volunteer shifts can be as little as two hours. If you are interested please contact us at [email protected] OR visit us at Colouring Contest – Return to the Kiwanis Centre by Jan 24 Stratford Winterfest January 22 – 24, 2016 Name: Age:
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Being home alone can be uncomfortable and unsafe
without basic skills. Safety, first aid and comfort skills
are covered in this course through interactive
gamesand role playing.