

The fully integrated
forkpositioning attachment
which combines fork
spreading and sideshift with
the third function
O. Bodins Maskin AB
The fully integrated
forkpositioning attachment
with the third function
O.Bodins Maskin AB
OBM offers you the perfect forkpositioner attachment for your basic material
handling. The inventor of the C-model* attachment Mr Ove Bodin spent over
three decades building and fine tuning different attachments for fork lift trucks.
Our attachments come in two different models: C-model or Pin type-model,
both deliver every quality essential for efficient pallet handling.
The hydraulics within the attachment are all lead through steel pipes which
grants an outstanding visibility through the attachments. The tight fittings of the
forks provides a smooth and close to noiseless operation.
Thanks to the full integration of our attachments the lift capacity of the truck is
virtually unchanged. We fit our attachments on every existing truck model on
the market, get in touch with us for more details!
Fork spreading
The fork arms are adjustable from within the truck. Where a
variation of materials are being handled by the same machine
every day the fork spreading function has proved to be a must.
The fast and precise operation of the forks give a clear advantage
in time consumption, not to mention a great improvement in work
environment for the driver. Studies also show a great decrease in
objects being broken during handling when the driver has the
advantage of a fork spreading function from within the truck
versus having to move the fork arms manually.
Side shift
The ability to move the fork arms parallely has great use
especially for loading, unloading from lorries, it gives the
possibility of slightly adjusting the pallet sideways rather than
moving the entire machine. The C-model also gives the advantage
of being able to sideshift even as the forks are in their most
central position on the attachment.
The third function
With an attachment from OBM you also have the possibility to
use the fork arms in a squeezing motion to pick up objects from
the ground. This should however be limited to very light weight
objects since the fork arms are built to withstand heavy loads
from above but do not have the same capacity for sideways strain.
*Note that the C-model is design protected.
Manitou MSI70 custom made Pintype
attachment with one of the forkarms
adjustable vertically as
well as horisontally.
CAT DP35N Simplex
fitted with a standard Ctype attachment
CAT fitted with C-type attachment with KOOI-reach forks
The OBM attachment offers outstanding visibility!
O.Bodins Maskin AB
Tel. +46 (0)583 34050
Fax. +46 (0)583 34264
E-mail: [email protected]