Just like the Masters - The Paper of Montgomery County
Just like the Masters - The Paper of Montgomery County
We’re everywhere you are! Friday March 4, 2016 COME SEE WHY EVERYONE LIKES The Paper Us elp H Grow! We’re hiring for: Parts Department Technicians Detail Department Sales Department p COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY Montgomery County’s only locally owned independent newspaper CRAWFORDSVILLE, INDIANA www.ChristiHublerChevy.com 765-307-2900 1705 Lafayette Rd. Crawfordsville, IN 47933 50¢ www.thepaper24-7.com Just like the Masters MUFFY to announce partners The Paper Schedule your pool opening online at bestpoolandspastore.com Lafayette Crawfordsville TODAY’S VERSE Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. – Acts 2:38 (NIV) FACES of MONTGOMERY People who call our community their own. The Paper photo by Stu Clampitt The score cards have been counted and we have a winner! Judi Kleine has won the 2016 Crawfordsville/Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce putt-putt contest. After returning her winning score card—Kleine got three holes-in-one—and her $250 in Chamber Buck$, Executive Director Steve House surprised her by putting his one green jacket on her . . . just like at The Masters. House then specified that even at The Masters you don’t get to keep the jacket. The most creative hole award went to Crawfordsville Audiology. Special thanks go out to Wellbrooke for playing host and providing refreshments at the event. Looking at veterans’ health care Well it is time for another letter from the Veterans Service Officer of Montgomery County. I did visit with the American Legion at the Legion and DAV chapter at the Library this last month as well as we visited with those veterans at Wellbrooke. We also met with those that are in charge of the Vietnam Wall coming to town on Aug. 13. One of the most important things to do is to take your DD-214 or your Service Record to the Court House of Montgomery County to the Recorders Office. The reason to do this is to have a copy on file in the Recorders office for burial reasons, have a copy of your military service on file. Health care is a really big deal in America and here is the total of the Veterans Health Care: $68.6 billion, including collections. The VA is HONEST HOOSIER INSIDE TODAY’S EDITION Hoosier Hysteria! It just doesn’t get any better than this! AHW���������������������A2 Arni’s.................... A6 Ben Hur����������������A2 Christi Hubler��������A1 Davis Materials..... A2 Franciscan������������A2 J.M. Thompson...... A6 Zahn's������������������A1 TODAY’S HEALTH TIP Don’t smoke around kids – it can lead to increased numbers of ear infections and lung infections. Kelley Sheridan, Lafayette, was more than happy to smile for The Paper Thursday night at the Chamber of Commerce putt-putt event at Wellbrooke. She works in customer service for Wellbrooke and calls herself “the face of building.” She loves Crawfordsville’s hometown feel, the friendly people, and how it is small enough to fit but big enough to offer so much. Today’s health tip was brought to you by Dr. John Roberts. Be sure to catch his column each week in The Paper and online at www.thepaper24-7.com. The Paper appreciates all our customers. Today, we’d like to personally thank Todd Townsend of Crawfordsville for subscribing! The Paper THE MONTGOMERY MINUTE It’s all about our health The 2016 Montgomery County Community Health Summit is coming to the 4-H building March 15. From 4:30-8 p.m. you have an opportunity to engage with community health partners and to learn about health improvement efforts in our community. Food will be provided by Bon Appetit. Child Activities will be provided by 4-H Junior Leaders and Montgomery County Boys & Girls Club in the adjacent building TODAY’S JOKE Everyone has that little voice inside their head that tells you what you should or shouldn’t do. Everyone except the boss. TODAY’S QUOTE “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we do.” Nelson Mandela OBITUARIES Serving Alamo Browns Valley Darlington Crawfordsville Ladoga When you’re between jobs CARL J. BOWLES MOVE YOUR 401(K) Linden Mace New MarketCLICK New Richmond to someone you know. HERE TO LEARN ABOUT John F. Daley CLICK CLICK HERE HERE TO TO LEARN LEARN ABOUT ABOUT New Ross Waveland Waynetown See full obituaries on Page A3. CLICK HERE TO LEARN ABOUT Whitesville Wingate Yountsville Take charge of your future today – by keeping your retirement savings hard at work and close to home. Move your 401(k) into a State Farm® Traditional IRA. Call me today for help getting started. CLICK HERE TO LEARN ABOUT OF MONTGOMERY For more information about the Montgomery United Fund For You, visit their website, MUFFY.org. Joe Ellis Veteran Service Officer See VETERAN Page A3 After a busy 2015 fundraising campaign, the Montgomery United Fund For You (MUFFY) has made its decisions on community investment, selecting seventeen 2016 partner agencies from nonprofit organizations throughout Montgomery County that make lives better for children, families, seniors and people in need. The MUFFY Board of Directors invites the public to its Annual Meeting, Tuesday, March 15, at 5:30 p.m. in the Classroom D of the Crawfordsville District Public Library. Agenda items for the meeting include the announcement of the 2016 Partner Agencies and a special check presentation to the Youth Service Bureau’s Nourish program, which provides backpacks filled with nutritious food to children and families struggling with issues of food insecurity. MUFFY supplied a challenge matching grant in 2015 for companies who began new or expanded existing employee fundraising campaigns, with the matching funds going to Nourish. COUNTY Presented Presented Presentedby: by: by: Presented by: Sponsored by: Jason Wagner State Farm Agent Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Bus: 765-359-1159 [email protected] The The Paper Paper Paper TheThe Paper COUNTY OFOF MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE.® Providing Insurance and Financial Services Chris Bouwkamp, Agent Consult your tax or legal advisor for specific advice. 1782 State Rd 231 South, Crawfordsville | 765-362-7289 Want to participate? Presented by: Help your favorite player by donating! Go to www.thepaper24-7.com and click on The Challenge banner. Jennifer Callis Ma’i Cianciarulo Adrienne Clouser Chase Cummings Terresa Hatke Hargis TheKandi Paper Melissa Groumoutis O F M O N T G O M E RY No Picture Available Scott Hesler Greg Kleine CRAWFORDSVILLE SEW & VAC Shoemaker Funeral Home Judi Kleine Brad Monts Kara Edie COUNTY Missi Patton Donna Swank Matt Walters Rod Curran’s Tax Service 2106 Indianapolis Road See Rod Today! Kessco (765) 362-2522 Individual Standings State Farm Insurance Companies Bloomington, IL • statefarm.com® Team Pyle Waterford Apartments China Inn Try our healthy menu inspired by The Challenge 362-1252 By money raised 1. Judi ..................$1055 2. Greg .................$1000 3. Brad ..................$900 4. Kara ...................$708 Melissa Myers Sewing Machine & Vacuum Repair PO56061 02/05 5. Scott ..................$500 5. Kandi . ................$275 6. Adrienne . ............. $50 7. Melissa G ............. $25 By percentage weight lost 1. Melissa G .............. 8% 2. Scott ..................... 7% 3. Jennifer . ................ 5% 4. Greg ..................... 5% 5. Kandi . ................... 4% 6. Adrienne . .............. 4% 7. Judi ....................... 4% 8. Brad ...................... 3% Group Standings Money raised $4,513 Percentage weight lost 3.3% The Paper O F M O N T G O M E RY 101 W. Main St. Suite 300 P.O. Box 272 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 main: 765-361-0100 classifieds: 765-361-8888 fax: 765-361-5901 www.thepaper24-7.com twitter: @ThePaperNews @ThePaperSports COUNTY PAGE A2 Friday, March 4, 2016 Rising to the Challenge Births A son, Noah Lee Phebus, was born to Abbigail Phebus and Dustin Wise Wednesday March 2, 2016 at Franciscan St. Elizabeth Health. He will be welcomed home by grandparents James and Jodi Phebus and Bobbi Joiner. Insurance work welcome THE PAPER OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY “Our Business is a Wreck” March 4, 2016 Volume 12 Number 52 607 WAYNETOWN RD., CRAWFORDSVILLE 364-1067 (USPS 022-679) Published Monday through Saturday (except for holidays) Subscription price: $48/6 mos.; $88/1 year. Photo provided Montgomery County Division of MIBOR Officers recently donated $500 to help Mat Walters hit is fundraising goal with the Challenge. (From left) Panch Hoar, Matt Walters, Shannon Lindley, Steve Zachary and Chad Hess. “The Challenge has reminded me how out of shape I have become,” Matt Walters said. “I am very glad that I agreed to compete, as it has helped me stay committed to a workout plan and be more aware of what I am eating. I’m approaching the 20 lb. mark for weight loss, and hope to add more down the final stretch. Thanks to all of my great sponsors I am also nearing my donation goal of $1000. The Challenge has been a great opportunity to do something to benefit both myself and a couple of great organizations, MUFFY and the Boys and Girls Club. If you would like to donate on my behalf, you can contact MUFFY or myself. I can be reached at (765) 376-4029 or you can stop or mail contributions to my office: American Dream Realty & Appraisals, 618 Mill St, Crawfordsville. 101 W. Main St., Suite 300 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 765-361-0100 Periodicals Postage Paid at Crawfordsville, Ind. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Paper of Montgomery County, 101 W. Main St., Suite 300, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Ready Mix Concrete Serving Montgomery, Tippecanoe & surrounding counties 11528 N. US 231 S., P.O. Box 9 Linden, IN 47955 Locally owned & operated 765-339-4055 • Fax 765-339-4088 0XOWLWDVNLQJPDGHHDV\ 2R SERIES TRACTORS • 24.2-31.7 engine hp† • Twin Touch™ hydrostatic transmission • Standard 4-wheel drive • Optional iMatch™ Quick Hitch Experts in Memory Care Our Memory Care is a structured, research-based program utilizing the social model philosophy of care. We care for our residents by making them feel at home, rather than in an institutional setting. Excellent healthcare is always provided, but quality of life is our primary focus. Stimulating daily activities are offered and encouraged to sustain independence and promote a healthy spirit. Best Nursing Home B iin Montgomery County ,03/(0(17%2186 3E SERIES TRACTORS • 31.1-37.3 engine hp† • Twin Touch™ hydrostatic transmission • Standard 4-wheel drive • Optional iMatch™ Quick Hitch 0 60 % FOR MONTHS AND APR $,20 OFF IMPLEMENT BONUS2 www.AHWLLC.com Ben Hur HEALTH & REHABILITATION MOVING FORWARD REHABILITATION, AUGUSTE’S COTTAGE MEMORY CARE, SKILLED NURSING SERVICES, LONG TERM CARE, HOSPICE, RESPITE “Where caring people make the difference!” )250217+6 $1' ASHMORE • 515 West Ashmore Street • Ashmore, IL 61912 CRAWFORDSVILLE • 2981 Industrial Blvd • Crawfordsville, IN 47933 DWIGHT • 27688 East 3200 N Road • Dwight, IL 60420 ELBURN • 559 South Main Street • Elburn, IL 60119 HOOPESTON • 1111 South Dixie Highway • Hoopeston, IL 60942 MANTENO • 200 South Spruce Street • Manteno, IL 60950 MELVIN • Highway 54 North • Melvin, IL 60952 MONTICELLO • 600 West Bridge Street • Monticello, IL 61856 ROCKVILLE • 420 Lincoln Road • Rockville, IN 47872 SOMONAUK • 705 West Market Street • Somonauk, IL 60552 URBANA • 314 North Cottonwood • Urbana, IL 61801 WATSEKA • 1753 North State Route 1 • Watseka, IL 60970 WILLIAMSPORT • 526 State Rd 28 • Williamsport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Ū0DQXIDFWXUHUŤVHVWLPDWHRISRZHU,62SHU(& 1375 South Grant Ave. Crawfordsville, IN 47933 765-362-0905 ASCSeniorCare.com ThePaper24-7.com WELCOME SCOTT SINNOTT, M.D., OB/GYN Franciscan Physician Network welcomes Scott Sinnott, M.D., OB/ GYN to the Montgomery County medical community. Dr. Sinnott received his medical degree from Loyola University in Chicago. He completed his residency at Michigan State University and Blodgett Memorial Medical Center in Grand Rapids, Mich. Dr. Sinnott is board certified in OB/GYN. He has a special interest in women’s health, high-risk pregnancies and minimally invasive surgery. He is a fellow of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and member of the Indiana State Medical Association. SCOTT SI SC SINN NNOTT, T M.D .D., OB/ B/GY G N Dr. Sinnott is now accepting new patients at Women’s Health Services, 1630 Lafayette Road, Suite 400. To make an appointment, please call 1-800-733-6944. 1630 Lafayette Road, Suite 400 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 1-800-733-6944 FranciscanDocs.org • CrawfordsvilleOBDocs.com The Paper of Montgomery County Friday, March 4, 2016 North Montgomery High School Honor roll for 2nd trimester 2016 12th Grade High Honor Roll Baylee Adams, Jeanine Addler, Briley Allen, Shasta Archer, Kennedy Bonwell, Carli Cahill, Cole Clore, Summer Coleman, Catherine Daron, Benjamin Douma, Brendan Gillenwater, Kristen Glass, Vincent Gwynn, Karina Jara, Madeline Jones, Alysse Mahoy, Lauren McClaskey, Jessica McCumber, Brian Mitchell, Tucker Moseley, Luke Murphy, Victoria Neideffer, Kaidlyne Neukam, Samuel O’Brien, Lauren Odle, Alexander Parsons, Austin Potter, Sheraya Smith, Cheyenne Warren, Kaleb Warren, Abigail Woodard, and Makhalea Young. 12th Grade Regular Honor Roll Brandon Alenduff, Zachary Aveline, Steffany Bireley, Jayden Bowman, Tristen Butler, Miah Campbell, Brettney Deck, Brandon Frederick, Ally French, Chase French, Clayton Fugate, Nelson Harpham, Abigail Henderson, Brandon Hodges, Ashlyn Hurych, Jeremy Johnson, Shelby Jones, Cortney Kolger, Brian Laube, Victoria Martin, Laurel McDaniel, Saxon Moyer, Michael Munro, Andrew Patterson, Eldon Phelps, Bethany Scott, Ashlynn Southwood, Hailey Stucker, Kira Thompson, Lyndsie Todd, Kaitlin Townsend, Kirstin Townsend, Kennedy Weliever, and Luke Weliever. 11th Grade High Honor Roll Rebecca Adams, Megan Bridgham, Elizabeth Budd, Keeley Carmean, Owen Coon, Anna Davis, Daniel Dittmer, Levi Doe, Chase Donaldson, Riley Edie, Nathan Emmert, Emily Foley, Bryce Frederick, Jennifer Guard, Konnar Haworth, Kinsey Humphreys, Harley Lumley, Sarah Marnell, Lacy Martin, Mitchell Merica, Hunter Moseley, Abigail Parker, Korey Pierce, Matthew Pietsch, Caleb Randolph, Cole Slavens, Logan Slovacek, Maxwell Sommer, Aria Warren, and Stuart Weber. 11th Grade Regular Honor Roll Daylen Bane, Andrew Brown, Jarrett Brown, Marleigh Carpenter, Matthew Cooper, Lindsey Cotton, Cassidy Crull, Taylor Dyson, Collyn Edwards, Sydney Eleuteri, Kenzie Emerick, Isaac Fruits, Jonathan Gray, Dakota Grimes, Scout Groves, Corwyn Hall, Mathew Ireland, Alejandro Jara, Taylor Jenkins, Alissa Kunkel, Gabriel Laffoon, Lucas Laube, Samuel Lovold, Augustus Maxwell, Kathryn Melvin, Kathryn Merritt, Brayden Miller, Jeffrey Miller, Diana Morales Reyes, Breanna Pierce, Gregory Pietsch, Hannah Ponto, Jamison Price, Nicholas Rodewald, Alexis Rogers, Ethan Runyan, Katharyn Sabens, Maverick Sarjent, Shelby Sims, Vaughan Stacey, Payton Stephenson, Emily Suiter, Tyler Swick, Catherine Teague, Alexis Thomas, Meredith Tyo, Sydney Utterback, Ryan Varney, Tanner Webster, and Dillon Wolfe. 10th Grade High Honor Roll Bryce Adams, Hadyn Allen, Kaleigh Biggs, Jenna Davis, Megan Douglas, Molly Douma, Matthew Fritzen, Caden Groves, Rhiannon Harpel, Sandra Hernandez, Taylor Johnson, Payton Kobel, Kasey Krutzsch, Andrew Long, Taylor MacNorton, Jetta Martin, Caroline McClaskey, Courtney McCoy, Megan Merica, Lillia Mitchell, Genesis Northcutt, Devan Plant, Charley Quigg, Ellie Sennett, Abigail Shillings, JoyceAnn Shirar, Braden Smith, Abigail Taylor, Ashlynn Voorhees, Makayla Walke, Makenzie Walke, Rebecca Weliever, and Rose Winters. 10th Grade Regular Honor Roll Riley Andel, Cheylan Bair, Faith Campbell, Clarissa Carlisle, Justin Clary, Joshua Cochran, Hanna Dearman, Jennifer Dearman, Sasha Gray, Kristoffer Greenlee, Morgan Hayes, Blake Jasheway, Collin Knecht, Macy Mahrenholz, Jeremiah McClanahan, Noah McClerkin, Kenley McClure, Emma McDole, Chelsey Morris, McKenzie Neal, Cody Newkirk, Corbin Osborne, Nicklis Pitman, Paige Pittman, Evan Pyle, Kelsey Sabens, Marilla Samuelsen, Kaleigh Sharp, Caryannah Stephens, Logan Summers, Skylar VanScoyoc, Mad- OBITUARIES Carl J. Bowles February 10, 1934 - February 27, 2016 Carl J. Bowles, 82, Attica, died 9:50 p.m. Saturday, February 27, 2016 in Woodland Manor Nursing Home, Attica, following a period of failing health. He had resided in Bowman Estates, Danville, IL the past few years, before moving to Woodland Manor recently. He was born in Newtown, February 10, 1934, to Woodford ‘Woody’ and Martha Diehl Bowles. He was a member a lifetime member of the Newtown Community Church and a 1953 graduate of Richland Township High School. He graduated from Indiana Business College in 1955. He had owned and operated several lounges in the Indianapolis - Lafayette areas, and Bowles retired from the State of Indiana, Department of Public Welfare in 1996, moving back to the Newtown area. He served 20 years with the Indiana National Guard and was a member of the Attica Eagles. His quick wit, sense of humor and genuine smile endeared him to all. Survivors include: two brothers, Charles ‘Ben’ (Mary) Bowles and Robert ‘Bob’ (companion Marilyn Billingsley) Bowles, both of Attica as well as several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and a nephew, Lance Bowles. His desire is for a memorial service to be held in the spring and be inurned in Newtown Cemetery. When the date is determined, it will be announced. Memorial contributions may be made to Newtown Community Church or Newtown Cemetery. Family and Friends Funeral Home of Wingate is handling his arrangements. Visit www.familyandfriendsfh.com to share a memory or leave a condolence. Þ VETERAN From Page A1 positioned to continue expanding health care services to its millions of Veteran patients. Health care is being provided to over 922,000 Veterans who served in Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn/Operation Inherent Resolve(OIR) and Operation Freedom’s sentinel (OFS). Major spending categories within the health care budget are: $12.2 Billion for the care in the community; $8.5 Billion for Long Term care; $7.8 billion for mental health; $1.6 billion for homeless Veterans, $1.5 billion for Hepatitis-C treatments; $725 million for caregivers; $601 million for spinal cord injuries; and $ 284 million for traumatic brain injuries. New veteran ID cards won’t be available until 2017. Congress passed legislation for a new veteran ID card last summer, but it will likely be another year before any are issued. VA currently estimates the program will be implemented in 2017. No veterans will be required to get the IDs, and the cards will not replace medical IDs or official defense retiree cards. Supporters called it a simple way to honor Veterans Service. World War 1 Centennial Commission selects design for DC Memorial The memorial will feature an open plaza of bas-relief panels, freestanding sculptures and green space that its architect says exalts “humanity and the human spirit over the glorification of war. The commission will need to raise at least $40 million to build the project and hopes to dedicate it on the 100th anniversary of the war’s end, Nov 11, 2018. Health Insurance coverage must be reported on taxes As part of the Affordable Care Act, anyone who has health insurance must report their coverage on their 2015 taxes or risk pay what is known as an “individual shared responsibility payment” on their taxes. The Affordable Care Act requires all Americans to have qualifying health insurance for the full tax year. Anyone who has insurance will receive an IRS Form 1095 from their insurance provider. There are 3 different types of IRS 1095 forms: 1095 – A for members who got their insurance through the Health In- surance Marketplace or Exchange. 1095 –B For retirees, annuitants, and former spouses covered by TRICARE and people enrolled in the VA healthcare or Medicare. 1095-C For active duty members and their families who are covered by TRICARE and federal civilian employees. Just take your form to your tax preparer and they will deal with it. For those who are Retired Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force members or surviving spouses may get the form from MyPay website with all of your other tax forms. For Coast Guard members, retirees, and surviving spouses the forms will be available in Direct Access. For Veterans receiving VA health care, the forms will be mailed b the VA. In all cases you should receive the form not later than January 31, 2016. Some private companies have been granted a delay until February 29 to issue the forms to employees. As always please call me at 765-401-0432 or visit me at 110 West South Blvd., Crawfordsville, IN 47933. Joe Ellis is Montgomery County’s Veteran Service Officer. ison Weatherford, Josie Whittinghill, and Micah Wray. 9th Grade High Honor Roll Madison Altman, Brynn Anderson, Karsyn Carpenter, Camilla Clark, Colin Crippin, Regina Dodds, Marley Dyson, Wyatt Eldridge, Karli Fidler, Veronica Gwynn, Logan Hieber, Emilee Horn, Kendall Humphreys, Jayden Kelly, Kendall Kerns, Dustin Larson, Katie Lewis, Corbin Maze, Nathan McKinney, Parker Moseley, Dawson Odle, Jaxon Plant, Sydney Sabens, Caroline Turner, and Arianna Wright. 9th Grade Regular Honor Roll Alec Asbury, Isaac Bacon, Ryleigh Braun, Emily Brewer, Aubyrn Bridwell, Tristan Budd, Monte Bushman, Conner Cain, Chelsea Callis, Timothy Cook, Hunter Donaldson, Caitlin Fedor, Stephanie Figueroa, Daniel Fritzen, Logan Harper, ChloeElise Hemmerlein, Luke Holt, Emily Hughes, Lyllianne Ingalsbe, Mary Jackman, Matthew Jackman, Joshua Johnson, Seth Johnson, Zachary Jones, Samantha Karle, Kirsten Lawson, Tyler Livingston, Logan Manlief, Tabitha McKinniss, Taylor Miller, Destiny Pike, Andrea Ponto, Alexiss Runion, Callie Sering, Eithan Smith, Ethan Stultz, Jacob Verduin, Jaycee Walden, Victoria Warren, Hunter West, and Shane Young. Thanks for reading The Paper! A3 OBITUARIES John F. Daley March 3, 1929 - March 3, 2016 John F. Daley, 87, Crawfordsville, passed away Thursday, March 3, 2016 at I.U. Arnett Hospital in Lafayette. Arrangements are pending at Hunt & Son Funeral Home Online condolences may be made at www.huntandson. com. Surb’s Tires 210 N. Walnut St. • 362-0279 Oil$28.95 Change up to 5qts on most domestic vehicles must present coupon M-F 8-5; Sat. 8-12 Four Wheel Alignment $59.95 must present coupon most domestic vehicles J.M. THOMPSON INSURANCE One g good name. A team of good people. Insurance, Answers & A Personal Touch 362.8858 121 S. Washington St. Public Notices Notice of Determination to Enter into a Lease Taxpayers of the City of Crawfordsville, Indiana (“City”) are hereby notified that the City has determined to enter into a certain lease agreement (“Lease”) with the Crawfordsville Fire Station Two Building Corporation (“Corporation”), for the construction of a fire station (“Project”), for a term not to exceed twenty-two (22) years commencing with the completion of the Project. The Corporation will issue its Ad Valorem Property Tax Lease Rental Bonds, Series 2016 (“Bonds”), to pay for the cost of the Project and other expenses incidental thereto including capitalized interest on the Bonds and costs of issuing the Bonds to finance the costs of the Project. The lease will be for a maximum term of twenty-two (22) years with a maximum annual lease rental of $400,000. The maximum annual lease rental has been estimated based upon an estimated principal amount of bonds of $4,710,000 and estimated interest rates ranging from 2.2% to 5.3% with total estimated interest costs of $2,567,000. The City currently has no debt service levy or debt service rate. The estimated increase to the City’s debt service levy and rate, due to entering into the lease, is $350,000 for the levy and $0.0617 per $100 of assessed value for the rate. The purpose of the lease is to provide for the construction of the Project. Any owners of real property within the City who want to initiate a petition and remonstrance process against the proposed lease payments must file a petition that complies with IC 6-1.1-20-3.1 subdivisions (4) and (5) not later than 30 days after publication of this notice. Dated this 4th day of March, 2016. CITY OF CRAWFORDSVILLE, INDIANA /s/ Terri Gadd, Clerk-Treasurer PL2418 2/25, 3/4 2t hspaxlp Coal Creek Township, Montgomery County, Indiana Cash & Investments Combined Statement - 2015 Local Local Fund Beg Cash End Cash Fund Name & Inv Bal & Inv Bal Number Jan 1, 2015 Receipts Disbursements Dec 31, 2015 Governmental 1 Cumulative Fire $143,461.79 $15,995.94 $15,000.00 $144,457.73 Activities 3 Fire Fighting $75,895.43 $9,742.68 $23,000.00 $62,638.11 6 Rainy Day $5,375.98 $0.00 $0.00 $5,375.98 7 Township $32,551.92 $25,902.57 $29,189.57$29,264.92 8 Township Assistance $41,585.98 $13,232.42 $3,696.21 $51,122.19 9999 Deductions from Salary $1,363.27 $3,707.37 $3,707.41 $1,363.23 Total All Funds $300,234.37 $68,580.98 $74,593.19 $294,222.16 Coal Creek Township, Montgomery County, Indiana Detailed Receipts 2015 Governmental Cumulative Fire General Property Taxes $14,893.02 Activities Financial Institution Tax distribution $47.93 Vehicle/Aircraft Excise Tax Distribution $805.69 Commercial Vehicle Excise Tax Distribution (CVET) $44.90 Earnings on Investments and Deposits $204.40 Total Cumulative Fire $15,995.94 Fire Fighting General Property Taxes $8,986.08 Financial Institution Tax distribution $28.92 Vehicle/Aircraft Excise Tax Distribution $486 14 Commercial Vehicle Excise Tax Distribution (CVET) $27.10 Earnings on Investments and Deposits $214.44 Total Fire Fighting $9,742.68 Township General Property Taxes $14,630.71 County Option Income Tax (COIT) $10,156.55 Financial Institution Tax distribution $93.05 Vehicle/Aircraft Excise Tax Distribution $845.74 Commercial Vehicle Excise Tax Distribution (CVET) $176.52 Total Township $25,902.57 Township Assistance General Property Taxes $2,858.10 County Option Income Tax (COIT) $10,156.45 Financial Institution Tax distribution $18.18 Vehicle/Aircraft Excise Tax Distribution $165.21 Commercial Vehicle Excise Tax Distribution (CVET) $34.48 Total Township Assistance $13,232.42 Deductions from Salary Payroll Fund and Clearing Account Receipts $3,707.37 Total Deductions from Salary $3,707.37 Coal Creek Township, Montgomery County, Indiana Disbursements by Vendor 2015 Fund/Category/Vendor Name Amount Fund/Category/Vendor Name Amount Journal Review $181.92 Cumulative Fire Kunkel, Roger $4,100.00 Other Disbursements Leader Lawn & Landscaping $2,900.00 5 Alarm Fire & Safety $15,000.00 Milligan. Suanne $105.00 Cumulative Fire $15,000.00 Mitchell Insurance Agency $2,062.00 Fire Fighting Linden Baseball Boosters $1,000.00 Services and Charges Montgomery County Treasurer $15.00 Coal Creek Vol. Fire Dept $23,000.00 The Paper of Montgomery Co. $113.69 Fire Fighting $23,000.00 Ronald Astin $3,000.00 Township Township Personal Services Other Disbursements Clark, Barbara $450.00 U. S. Treasury $768.78 Kelp, Mark $450.00 Township$29,189.57 Kunkel, Roger $8,700.00 Township Assistance McCord Kevin $450.00 Township Assistance Township Tipmont R.E.M.C. $3,215.97 Supplies Town of Wingate $230.24 Copyshop$32.05 Wingate Manor $250.00 U. S. Postmaster $49.00 Township Assistance $3,696.21 Boyce Forms $312.13 Deductions from Salary Township Other Disbursements Services and Charges U. S. Treasury $3,707.41 Coal Creek Booster $3,000.00 Deductions from Salary $3,707.41 Coal Creek 4-H $500.00 Jones, Dallas $1,000.00 I, Roger Kunkel, Trustee of Coal Creek Township, Montgomery County, Indiana, do solemnly affirm under the penalty of perjury that the preceding report is complete, true and correct; that the sum with which I am charged in this report are all of the sums received by me; and that the various items of expenditures credited have been fully paid in the sums stated; that such payments were made without express or implied agreement that any portion thereof shall be retained by or repaid to me or to any other person. I further affirm that a complete and detailed annual report, together with all accompanying vouchers showing the names of persons having been paid money by the township, have been filed as required by law in the office of the County Auditor, and that copies of such annual report are in custody of the Township Board and the State Board of Accounts. Said report is subject to inspection by any taxpayer of the township. Roger Kunkel, Coal Creek Township Trustee Telephone: (765) 339-4518 Date this report was to be published: 3/4/2016 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) before me, the Chairman of the Township Board of COAL CREEK TOWNSHIP at its annual meeting this 25th day of February, 2016 Barbara Clark, Township Board Chairman This report was received, accepted, and approved by the Township Board at its annual meeting, this 25th day of February, 2016. Coal Creek Township Board Barbara Clark Mark Kelp Kevin McCord PL2438 3/4 1t hspaxlp Never miss a public notice on legal proceedings! After it prints in your local newspaper, it goes online here: IndianaPublicNotices.com 60547C NEW 2016 Fiesta S A.C. Auto Hatchback Pwr Locks Sync CD List $16,850 $15,610 Sale Pricee YOU SAVE $1,240 60561C NEW 2016 Focus S Sedan Auto A.C Rear Camera Sync Full Power List Sale $19,195 $17,195 YOU SAVE $2,000 NEW 2016 Escape SE Alloy Wheels Fulle Power Rear Camera Sync A.C. CD List $26,385 $21,525 Sale Pricee YOU SAVE $4,860 $4 860 LEASE FOR $299 + tax 60553C NEW 2016 Fusion S Auto A.C. Rear Camera Sync Full Power 60413T List Sale $23,475 $20,365 YOU SAVE $3,110 0% x 60 mo 36 mo/10,5000 mpy 52586C NEW 2015 Taurus SEL Leather Navigation Sync ABS My Ford Touch Push Button Start List $33,975 $27,441 Sale Pricee YOU SAVE $6,534 NEW 2015 F-250 Crew Cab 6.7 Diesel Leather Lariat Pkg Plow Pkg Gooseneck Kit FX4 20’’ Wheels List $64,394 Sale Pricee $54,685 YOU SAVE $9,709 52462T NEW 2015 F-150 S/C XL Pkg Sync 4x4 Full Power Auto Tow Pkg Brake Control Running Boards 50893T List Sale Pricee $39,550 $32,963 YOU SAVE $6,587 52433T NEW 2015 F-150 Crew Cab 4x4 XL Pkg Running Boards Tow Pkg Full Power Alum. Wheels List Sale $43,115 $35,681 YOU SAVE $7,434 Must trade ‘95 or newer vehicle. All available rebates included in sale price MIKE RAISOR 3AGAMORE0KWY3O,AFAYETTE).sssWWw.Raisor.com Sports Friday THE TICKER A4 March 4, 2016 Scott Smith’s “From the Cheap Seats” will be back next Friday. Stay tuned for parts 4-6 of Bill Boone’s history of the Crawfordsville Sectional. Among the best Stand-out Schueren named The Paper’s Player of the Year By Maria Leichty [email protected] Photo provided by Bill Boone Pete Moore was one of the Waynetown stars of the 40’s. Waveland rises to the occasion By Bill Boone HISTORY OF THE CRAWFORDSVILLE SECTIONAL, Part 3 New Richmond won its only sectional in 1934. The Crawfordsville Sectional, which fluctuated from 11 teams the first year to 16 in 1917, 1919, and 1922, finally settled into a 12-team competition from 1925 until 1953. The only variations were in 1944 when Bowers had no team and 1933 when Linden did not play. In the fall of 1953, New Richmond and Wingate became Coal Creek Central and in the fall of 1955 Bowers consolidated with Darlington; the Sectional became first an 11 and then a 10-team affair. The Sectional had traveled from its initial site at the old YMCA gym to the CHS auditorium then to Wabash College before finding a permanent home at the new CHS gym where it would stay for the next 31 years, from 1940 to 1971. After winning the first four Sectionals in their new gym, Crawfordsville saw the County teams begin to flex their muscles. Waynetown won back to back titles in 1944 and 1945 with undefeated seasons. During a four-year span, the Gladiators would win 51 consecutive regular season games under veteran coach Ralph Capehart. The Glads also won two straight county titles during that time and won their only regional in 1944. C’ville then won the next three titles before Waveland rose up and won in 1949, starting a string of six straight county school wins in the C’ville Sectional. New Market followed Waveland with a win in 1950. Waveland reclaimed the crown in 1951 under the legendary Cliff Davis and held on to it in 1952 and 1953 under Jim Hannah. The Hornets dominated Montgomery County basketball from 1948 to 1955. During the Hornet era, Waveland won four County Tourneys (1959, 1951, 1953 and 1955) and four sectionals (1949, 1951, 1952 and 1953) becoming the only county school to win three straight sectionals. During that seven-year span, Waveland won 140 games and lost only 29 for a winning percentage of .828. They were undefeated in 1950-51 losing only to Covington in the Regional 54-48. The Hornets that year were led by Keith Greve, Bill Wheeler, Don Whitecotton and Bob Harbison. See more photographs on Page A5. Extra POINTS Athenian Paige Schueren has made her mark on the Crawfordsville girls’ basketball history books. Schueren’s 98 career 3-pointers put her in the fourth highest in Crawfordsville history and helped her to be chosen this year as The Paper’s 2016 Girls’ Basketball Player of the Year. She made 38 of those threes this year and averaged 12 points per game. “This year, it was a nice confidence boost because I had so many other quote-unquote jobs that it was nice to go back to my regular old three-point self,” Schueren said. Schueren had a unique season as a lone senior with only one other upperclassman on the team. Despite a 2-21 season, she found the positives in this years’ experience. “[My team] helped me grow as a player because I learned how to lead while being constructive,” she explained. Athenian coach Tony Thomas said she was exactly the kind of senior you want on your team. “Paige was the coach on the court and she didn’t mind speaking up when something needed to be said and that’s what you hope for and what you need in a senior,” he said. Thomas coached Schueren in sixth grade and throughout her high school career. She is a three-year starter for the varsity team and had 573 career points throughout these three years. She scored around six points per game her sophomore year but it wasn’t until her junior season when the spark truly ignited. “It was obvious as she got older and got more opportunities to be the go-to person, she could do it,” Athenian coach Tony Thomas said. “Last year, she just started shooting lights out.” Schueren made 45 3-pointers her junior season which is the third most in a single season in Crawfordsville’s history. “If you had told me her freshman season that she was going to knock down 45 threes as a junior, I would not have believed it,” Thomas said. “She had just picture-perfect form. When she had the opportunity to set her feet or could elevate for her jump shot, she had as good a shot as any kid we ever had.” One of Schueren’s three favorite games in her high school career was when she set the record for highest three-point percentage going 5-for-5 in Crawfordsville’s 83-33 win against Turkey Run in her junior season. “Coach always gave me the green light to shoot,” she said. “If you have your feet set or even if you don’t, just go ahead and shoot, that is how you will make your shots.” Another big ‘3’ game for Schueren was the Hamilton Heights game her junior year when Lacey Garrett scored her 1,000th point and they vaulted to victory with 78 points. The last of her favorites was her final game in her career. She said this was a favorite because of how they played and that she had played with the Lebanon players since she was in sixth grade. “We could have folded under all the pressure with such a young team but we didn’t,” she said. “Of the teams I could’ve gone out on, that was the team I wanted to.” Schueren made six 3-pointers scoring 20 points and was one three short of the school record. “This was one reason I enjoyed the Lebanon game in Sectionals so much for Paige,” Thomas said. “She went 6-for-12 on 3-point attempts and that’s one of the best teams in the State.” Schueren has been a three-sport athlete for seven years and said she loves how different each sport is. “It was nice because at the end of every season, I was ready for the next one.” Her junior season she switched out volleyball for soccer but other than that season has played volleyball, basketball and track since sixth grade. She said she wants to continue playing basketball in some form whether it be intramural sports or just picking up a ball and shooting around. “The part of basketball that is my absolute favorite is the team comradery, just the team aspect of it and getting to know everyone,” Schueren reminisced. “I love being able to play with them on the court and see them succeed there and then also turn around and see them succeed in school.” She plans to study pharmacy in college and will start her final track season this weekend. South, North dominate All-County Team By Maria Leichty [email protected] Four Mounties, four Chargers and two Athenians represent their respective schools in The Paper’s 2016 Girls Basketball All-County team. The ten-player team has been chosen by the Montgomery County coaches and The Paper’s sports staff. Mounties Reagan Case, Brittany Barrett, Kasey Burton and Kaiti Chadd were selected to represent Southmont. Case scored the second highest total points of the County for the season at 228 (10.4 ppg) while also tacking on 143 rebounds (6.5 rpg). She had the highest free throw percentage of the County at 70 percent. Barrett had 213 (9.7 ppg) of South’s points with two team highs of 30 3-pointers and 61 steals. Burton had the highest shooting percentage for the team with 40 percent and 188 points (9 ppg). She also boarded the team high of 153 (7.3 rpg). Both Barrett and Burton shot above 60 percent from the line. Chadd led the team at the guard position with 12 3-pointers and 92 points for the team. The Chargers looked to Cheyenne Case Barrett Burton Chadd Warren Adams C. McClaskey L. McClaskey Schueren Hall Warren, Becca Adams, Caroline McClaskey and Lauren McClaskey for leadership. Warren shot the team high of 172 points and rebounded the team high of 78. Caroline McClaskey scored 83 points with 64 rebounds, Adams had 82 points with 51 rebounds and the team high of 25 steals. Lauren McClaskey accumulated 67 points and 57 rebounds. Paige Schueren and Jazmine Hall guid- ed the youthful Athenian team and represent Crawfordsville on the All-County Team. Schueren was chosen as Player of the Year with 252 points and 38 3-pointers. Hall broke Crawfordsville’s single-season block and rebound record. She led the County with her 339 rebounds (14.7 rpg). She supplemented this with 193 points and an unprecedented 92 blocks. On Tap In Montgomery County Today • North Montgomery vs. Frankfort (Sectional 25), 6 p.m. • Southmont vs. Monrovia (Sectional 44), 6 p.m. (Non-County basketball) • Western Boone vs. Tri-West (Sectional 25), 7:30 p.m. • Cloverdale vs. South Putnam (Sectional 44), 7:30 p.m. • Wabash track/field at NCAC Indoor Championships (Kenyon College), 2 p.m. This date in Montgomery County Sports March 4, 2006 Ross Wheeler scored 23 points and Ben Zachary added 22 to lead Crawfordsville High School boys’ basketball team to a 64-61 Indiana High School Athletic Association Danville Sectional semifinal win over Sagamore Athletic Conference rival Lebanon. Online Exclusives • Track and Field prepared for challenge at NCAC Indoor Meet: The Wabash track and field team knows what it takes to capture a North Coast Athletic Conference indoor title. The Little Giants own five straight . . . On the Air Pro Pacers March 4 at Charlotte 7 p.m. March 5 at Washington 7 p.m. March 7 vs. San Antonio7 p.m. March 12at Dallas 2 p.m. College FSI FSI FSI FSI IU Men’s basketball March 6 vs. Maryland 4:30 p.m. CBS Purdue Men’s basketball March 6 vs. Wisconsin7:30 p.m. BTN The Paper of Montgomery County Friday, March 4, 2016 Top of the Second Photo provided by Bill Boone The Waveland team dominated from 1948 to 1955. Pictured here is the 1950-51 team. (Front row, from left) Don Whitecotton, Bill Wheeler, Keith Greve, Dave Grimes, Duane Kelly and Bob Harbison. (Back row, from left) Wayne Seybold, Ray Spencer, Mgr. Larry Servies, Burnam Tolliver, Coach Cliff Davis, Gene Handley and Daryle Newell. A5 Photo provided by Bill Boone Waynetown won back-to-back titles in 1944 and 1945. This team is the first years’ champions. (Front row, from left) Gail Fairchild, Harvey Luse, Mascot Jim Capehart, Harold “Pete” Moore and Bob Powelll. (Middle row, from left) Oscar West, George Barker, Eunice McCracker, Bob Rosen, Mgr. Forest Richardson. (Back row, from left) Coach Ralph Capehart, Donald Bray, Tom Franklin, Jim Bounnell and Donald Proctor. Photos provided by Bill Boone (Above left) CHS had a record of 17-10 under Charlie Cummings and went to the Final Four. (Above middle) Ralph Capehart led the Gladiators in 51 consecutive wins in a four-year span. (Above right) The New Market team was Sectional Champs in 1950. BABY BLUES MONTGOMERY MIX-UP Below is a list of words that can be found in the puzzle below. They may be written forward, backward, or even diagonally. The solution will be in tomorrow’s edition of The Paper. S I K C T V N Y E P THATABABY A U N O Q L A E T E Blue Cobalt Navy MALLARD FILLMORE CRANKSHAFT BARNEY GOOGLE Saturday R C O B L U E O S A A B E N A Y C I C C P C K A V O O O U O Ocean Peacock Turquoise Cyan Teal Blue Cobalt Navy B E C A R U B A Q C A P N U Q E A B Y K Turquoise Cyan Peacock T Q Q R C N L U E C S U U A O E T B E Q Teal Ocean Q T T E U C A A N P Solution to previous puzzle C H C I R T S O E G B A H E A N Z B L B HOAZB E I B CBBA EOHB E E T AHOG I L BRC J OHB L BOAG I BH E ACNP S J O ZKOP I T L P A BOONAOA GHBOP BOL GOA K CBH I Cheetah Jackal Ostrich © Gazelle 2016 Hippo Zebra Baboon Bongo The Paper of Montgomery County Friday, March 4, 2016 A6 The Paper of Montgomery County Meeting Notes Dubble Duzzen Extension Homemakers met in February February 17, 2016 When February rolls around each year, the first thing that comes to mind is this famous groundhog located in Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney Phil. Will he see his shadow or not? Whatever he predicts, we can be guaranteed we will get whatever weather comes our way. Then our mind turns to Valentine’s Day and the family and friends we love. Today we meet at Linda Coopers at 1 p.m. Her co-hostess is Becky Thompson. Linda has her home decorated so beautifully for Valentine’s Day with favors and valentines for all her guests. · Our president, Peggy Dixon, calls the meeting to order with Food for Thought from our handbook and members repeated the flag pledges and Creed. · Sue Foy’s Inspiration was on Love. Daily Stepping Stones by Helen Steiner Rice and l Corinthians 13:4-7 reminds us that Love is not selfish. Love is Faithful. · Marcia Neal chose Thank You Lord for members to sing this month. Such familiar words for all of us. It was beautiful. No birthdays or anniversaries in February. · Marcia thanked members for remembering her with their thoughts, prayers and cards during her recent hip surgery. She is doing so well. Sue Foy will be having knee surgery this month. Pat Hall reported she had sent 2 cards (Mary Jo and Sue). A card was signed by all to send to Mary Jo as she continues to heal. · Roll Call was answered by 15 members and our guest speaker today, Susie Zach Baldwin. Members were asked to answer 2 questions for today’s roll call: what was your favorite valentine and what is your favorite thing about home Ec Favorite valentines were anything from grade school cards, to stuffed animals and homemade valentines from children and grand- children. Favorite things about home Ec were shared and most important to all was the friendships we share. What a special group of ladies! · Secretary and Treasurer’s Reports were called for: Dues were collected this month. · Health and Safety (Sue Foy) shared an article written by Dr. Roberts on Exercise and its importance in our lives. Start out small (but start) and increase weekly. Daily exercise is important for everyone. · Judy Tulley arranged for Susie Zach Baldwin from the Crawfordsville District Public Library to share with us for today’s lesson. Several know Susie and we enjoy her enthusiasm and bubbly personality. She brought lots of information to share with us about what our local library provides. Each of us were given a wealth of information and handouts to help us later for referencing. The library has children and adult reading programs, homebound services (for local residents), Mary Bishop Art Gallery (changes every 4-6 weeks), videos, fair exchange paper back program, genealogy, local history information, daily and weekly newspapers, over 100 magazine publications, large print section, Spanish section, borrowing program from other libraries, e-books, green living, Chilton online books and others not mentioned here. Also of interest is the Carnegie Museum across the street. Time at your local library can take you anywhere: read about travel, learn about your ancestry and your local history, crafts, cooking, maps, children’s books, fiction, nonfiction biographies; the list just goes on and on. Ready to visit? I am! BUSINESS MEETING · Nominating Committee (Sandy Caldwell & Marilyn Lewis) submitted the following slate of officers for the new year: President-Peggy Dixon, Vice President-Judy Tulley, Secretary and PR: Becky Thompson, Assistant Secretary: Sandy Caldwell, Treasurer: Marilyn Lewis, Health & Safety: Sue Foy, Song Leader: Marcia Neal, Membership: Linda Cooper & Sandy Caldwell, Advisor: Patsy Stephens. Motion by Janet Fagan and second by Judy Tulley to accept the slate of officers. Motion carried. · Guest Day committee Chairman Judy Tulley reported that Wed. March 16th will be Guest Day. Starting time is 11:30 a.m. at the New Market United Methodist Church. Cost per individual is $10. Be sure and invite your guests. Turn in your reservations to Judy by March 10. See you there! · Sign-up sheets for county committees were passed for members to sign up and participate. Goals for Growth check sheet was also looked over by members. · Spring Tea Invitation Given to Members by Peggy. It will be April 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the 4-H Building. It is open to all so invite a friend to come to tea! · Habitat for Humanity - Discussion on supplying a meal for the workers. Motion by Patsy Stephens second by Becky Thompson to serve a meal. May 14 was chosen. Motion Carried. · Adjourned. Linda and Becky served wonderful refreshments. We had a wonderful dessert with a sugar cookie base with cream cheese filling and strawberries on top and pink valentine cupcakes along with assorted snacks. This was my first time to have red, white and pink candy corn. What a treat! Thank you Linda for sharing your home with us and Thanks to both Linda and Becky for the great refreshments and valentine cards and favors. Next Meeting is Guest Day so don’t forget to invite your friends and turn your reservations into Judy Tulley before March 10. Montgomery County Retired Teachers Association met in February On Monday, Feb. 8, 2016, the members of the Montgomery County Retired Teachers Association met at the Crawfordsville Public Library at noon. The lunch was served by Allen's Catering. President Larry Manlove welcomed everyone and acknowledged the many February birthdays. He began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the invocation given by Letty Calder. Vice President Karen Patton introduced the guest speaker, Kathy Steele. Her photographic and descriptive presentation of her trip to Iceland and Greenland was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. She acknowledged that Iceland was very green during the summer months and Greenland was mostly ice with no roads. The business meeting proceeded with Sheila Hodges reading the secretary's report - two corrections were made - followed by Russ Ruby reading the treasurer's report. Marge Hughes letter reported on the volunteer hours and winners, it also mentioned that in March we are to bring items for the Family Crisis Center. Karen Patton discussed the active teacher grants and stated she has applications. Bill Combs told everyone to contact their representatives to vote against HB 1311 and SB 397 as they are not in the best interest of the public schools and teachers. It was also mentioned that our 13th check had not yet been approved. Babs Reisner told of the many sympathy and thinking of you cards that had been sent and encouraged members to contact her or Mary if they know of someone in need of a card. Marilyn Spear acknowledged that we had three new members. Letty Calder and her committee were again thanked for their work on the constitution and by-laws by Larry. He Supporting veterans The Paper Legislation sponsored by State Sen. Phil Boots (R-Crawfordsville) addressing veteran business enterprises passed the Senate 50-0. House Bill 1312 defines the term “veteran” for the purpose of qualifying for a preference in state con- tracts. “It is important we expand the term ‘veteran’ in the sense of businesses,” Boots said. “By expanding the term, we also expand the number of opportunities available for veteran-owned small businesses, giving them a better chance to secure a state contract.” Computer Service 230-2132 109 N. Washington St. Crawfordsville, IN 47933 www.phantompoint.com Managed IT • Security • Phone Systems • PC Repair • Turn Key IT Solutions Construction read the letter from Dick VanArsdel thanking those who helped with the Salvation Army Bell Ringers. Larry also thanked the members who helped at New Market Fun Days. Bill and Larry will attend the Legislative Brunch. Carol and Kurt Holman invited members to AWL Valentine's Day dinner. nounced the door prizes. The next meeting will be March 14, with a presentation Rebecca Lang, the Montgomery County Health Nurse. Employment Hickory Creek at Crawfordsville A Charitable Non-Profit Nursing home Part-time RN/LPN Part-time C.N.A. Please apply in person: 817 N. Whitlock Ave. Crawfordsville 765-362-8590 Drug Screening and Background Check Required EOE www.hickorycreekhealthcare.org The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office is now accepting applications for the position of Sheriff's Deputy. Applications must be completed, and returned by noon March 31st to: Montgomery County Sheriff's Office 600 Memorial Drive, Crawfordsville, IN Applications can be picked up at the Sheriff’s office or by visiting our website, www.montgomerycosheriff.net Position available near Crawfordsville, IN Feed Mill Technician Full-Time Position Responsibilities: Working in collaboration with AMVC feed mill manager, producing feed that meets nutritional composition, delivering feed to sow farms, weekly inventories and general maintenance. Requirements: Class A CDL, pre-employment background check and drug screen. Must be able to lift and carry 55 lb. sacks and climb ladder over 100 ft. in elevation. Benefits: Health, life, dental and vision insurance. Competitive pay. 401 K and paid time off available for eligible employees. Apply online at www.amvcms.com. Call Jennifer at 712.563.2080 with questions. EOE adoption Real Estate ♥ADOPTION:♥ A musical, happy, financially secure home, loving extended family, travel awaits precious 1st baby. ♥♥ ♥♥Expenses paid♥♥ ♥♥1-800-352-5741♥♥ 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes, Contract Sales, Hooks, 18-8700 362-0185. www.hookshomesindiana.com merchandise Brand NEW Queen Pillowtop Matresses and Box Springs. $200. Still in factory plastic. We can deliver. Call 317-480-6463 drain service Johnson’s Drain Service Septic and Sewer Our family serving yours since 1968 Letty and Phyllis were thanked for the table decorations. Next months will be by Susie Larson and Jane Liebenguth. President Larry an- If your drain won’t flow, just let us know! www.johnsonsdrainservice.com Tyler Johnson Owner 765-794-4705 Cell: 765-376-8310 Visit us online: thepaper24-7.com The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office is now accepting applications for the position of Jail Deputy Applications must be completed, and returned by noon March 14th to: Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Attn: Captain Lonnie Jones 600 Memorial Drive, Crawfordsville, IN Applications can be picked up at the Sheriff’s office or by visiting our website, www.montgomerycosheriff.net Septic and Sewer
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