Visit Sarasota PDF
Visit Sarasota PDF
,/.'"/!4+%9s,)$/+%9s3)%34!+%9s#!3%9+%9s6%.)#%s-!.!3/4!+%9s%.',%7//$s./24(0/24 E XPLORE THE ARE A’S ACCOMMODAT IONS ARTS & CULTURE BEACHES DINING ECO -ADVENTURES SHOPPING SPORTS '/"%9/.$4(%"%!#(%3 ® EVENTS Visit Sarasota County $GPLQLVWUDWLYH2̮FHV 1777 Main St. Suite 302 Sarasota, FL 34236 T: 941.955.0991 F: 941.955.1929 Sarasota County Visitor Information Center 14 N. Lemon Avenue Sarasota, FL 34236 The Mall at University Town Center 140 University Town Center Drive Sarasota, FL 34243 (Southwest corner of I-75 and University Parkway) 941.706.1253 800.522.9799 [email protected] Virginia J. Haley, CDME President Erin Duggan, CDME /\QQ+REHFN%DWHV$35 6HDQD0LQF\ (GGLH.LUVFK Visit Sarasota County Editors %HUQLH*RWWVFKDON Advertising Sales International Trade Representation Kelly M. Defebo, CMP [email protected] 941-955-0991 Ext. 106 7KH2IÀFLDO6DUDVRWD&RXQW\ Visitors Guide® 2015 is published for Visit Sarasota County by .QLJKW0DUNHWLQJ 2032 Hawthorne St. Sarasota, FL 34239 7UDF\.QLJKW CONTENTS visitors guide 4 )DOOLQ/RYH:LWK6DUDVRWD&RXQW\ 10 7KLQJV8QLTXHO\6DUDVRWD&RXQW\ 12 :KLFK:D\WRWKH%HDFK" 14 Don’t Miss It: Things you must do while you’re here 17 $FFRPPRGDWLRQV Stay in style in Sarasota County 30 Arts & Culture More than just a beach 43 Dining Taste of the town 51 (FR$GYHQWXUH Getting back to nature 54 6KRSSLQJ You better shop around 60 Sports *HW\RXUVSRUWV̬[ President 7LFLD0DKOHU Vice President $QQH(OKDMRXL 64 Event Calendar Save the date Art Director Renée Cseresznye Ad Manager VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 3 ,/.'"/!4+%9s3!2!3/4!s,)$/+%9s3)%34!+%9s#!3%9 Fall in Love with Sarasota W KHQ,̬UVWYLVLWHG6DUDVRWD&RXQW\ʈDVD\HDUROG ,RZDQZLWKYHU\OLWWOHWUDYHORXWVLGHWKH0LGZHVWʈLW GLGQʌWWDNHPHPRUHWKDQDIHZKRXUVWR̬QGWKUHH UHDVRQV WR IDOO LQ ORYH ZLWK 6DUDVRWD &RXQW\ , EHW LW ZRQʌWWDNH\RXPXFKORQJHU $XWKHQWLF Traveling to the While downtown was downtown area of the city of Sarasota, beautiful in its own right, traveling P\ÀUVWGLVFRYHU\ZDVDFRORUIXOVFHQH over the Ringling Causeway provided of niche shops, eateries, bars and a stunning image of the glittering bay. music venues lining the streets from ,W ZDV D SRZHUIXO FRQÀUPDWLRQ WKDW Burns Court through Palm Avenue Sarasota County has some of the and Main Street. I knew this was a most gorgeous views in the world. place I could enjoy a meal at one of 4 | Stunning. the many sidewalk patios and spend Serene.0\ÀUVWEHDFKH[FXUVLRQ the afternoon people-watching. to Caspersen Beach, was in the THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE +%9s6%.)#%s-!.!3/4!+%9s%.',%7//$s./24(0/24 County middle of August, however, the sand was still WRUHVRUWVRIIHULQJÀYHVWDUGLQLQJVSDVHUYLFHV cool to the touch despite the sweltering heat. and championship golf courses. As I strolled down the beach searching for Whether or not you decide to stay at a VKDUN·V WHHWK DQG HQMR\LQJ WKH VRXQG RI WKH Longboat Key resort, dining options on the azure blue waves rolling back and forth, I knew island feature some of the best cuisine in I had come to the right place. the area. Dine at Euphemia Haye, Dry Dock We h o p e y o u f i n d y o u r own reasons :DWHUIURQW *ULOO +DUU\·V &RQWLQHQWDO .LWFKHQV to love Sarasota County. Use this guide to 3DWWLJHRUJH·VRU&KDUW+RXVH help plan your stay! SARASOTA —Eddie Kirsch, Content Coordinator, Visit Sarasota County LONGBOAT KEY Fall in love with colorful bungalow shops lining Fruitville Road near downtown Sarasota, stroll through historic The beaches on districts, such as Burns Court, Laurel Park Longboat Key are some of the best to escape and Towles Court Artist Colony, and visit the crowd. While maintaining the feeling of a extravagant area gardens and museums. quiet escape, Longboat Key is only a short drive Fashionable, yet unassuming, the city of from the energizing bustle of St. Armands Circle Sarasota might surprise visitors with an and downtown Sarasota. This island is home unexpected mélange of art galleries, antique VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 5 ,)$/+%9s3)%34!+%9s#!3%9+%9s./+/-)3s/302%9 collections, niche retail shops, local restaurants, SIESTA KEY 6LHVWD .H\·V OHJDF\ ELVWURVDQGQLJKWOLIHYHQXHV7KHUH·VHQRXJK continues to grow. Siesta Beach, named here to entertain visits of any length—just ask $PHULFD·V EHDFK LQ WKH FRXQWU\ LQ our seasonal snowbirds! LV UHJXODUO\ UHFRJQL]HG DV RQH RI WKH ZRUOG·V LIDO KEY best island vacation destinations. The sand For those seeking eco- adventure, beaches, shopping and dining quartz, is always soft and cool to the touch. without the need of a car, look no further than Surrounded by vacation rentals and nearby Lido Key. This island is just a short drive over beach access, Siesta Key Village offers relaxed the awe-inspiring Ringling Causeway. dining with live music, souvenir and beach :LWKRXW D GRXEW \RX·OO ÀUVW ZDQW WR VWRS and stroll around St. Armands Circle—one of apparel shopping, and popular club venues and bars. 6DUDVRWD &RXQW\·V ÀQHVW ERXWLTXH VKRSSLQJ Home to beach sports and sand sculpting and dining destinations. Afterward, enjoy a competitions, there is never a dull moment on VLHVWDRQ/LGR%HDFKRULILW·VHYHQLQJZDWFK WKLVIXQÀOOHGNH\ a gorgeous setting sun disappear into the Gulf F i na l l y, l e s t we fo r g et , s to p by M ote CASEY KEY, NOKOMIS AND OSPREY Casey Key is a narrow Aquarium and Ken Thompson Park for some island near Nokomis. Isolated and exclusive, family-friendly activities. Casey Key is the ultimate getaway retreat of Mexico. 6 | RQ6LHVWD%HDFKPDGHRIÀQHO\FUXVKHGSXUH THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE s 6%.)#%s -!.!3/4!+%9s%.',%7//$s./24(0/24s V and the seasonal home of celebrities such as 6WHYHQ.LQJDQG5RVLH2·'RQQHOO2QHSRSXODU stop is certainly the Casey Key Fish House. Old Florida at its best, this stop is right on the water and features exotic cocktails and a waterside tiki bar. Casey Key and Nokomis are known as JUHDWÀVKLQJORFDWLRQVLQSDUWLFXODU%ODFNEXUQ HQLFHKDV PRUHWKDQ HQRXJKVSXQN WRPDNHIRU a great family getaway! Point Road—conveniently located right next to the Fish House—and the southern end of Nokomis Beach, which leads right up to the ULFKFLUFXVKHULWDJH\RX·OOEHERRNLQJ\RXUQH[W north Venice Jetty. stay before you leave. VENICE Venice is a city of treasures—one of which Downtown Venice is lush is Caspersen Beach. The beach was recently with boutique shops, delicious eateries selected as a “best beach to visit before summer and cafes, and pristine parks. Though long ends” by MSN Living. The publication touted as a great place to retire, Venice has SRLQWHG WR WKH WRZQ·V LG\OOLF ODLGEDFN ELNH more than enough spunk to make for a great friendly seaside location. And another treasure family getaway! With kid- and dog-friendly to many is Brohard Park—one of the only pet- restaurants, smooth bike trails, beaches, and a friendly beaches in Sarasota County. VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 7 -!.!3/4!+%9s%.',%7//$s./24(0/24 s LONGBOAT MANASOTA KEY 8 | Manasota Key (QJOHZRRGLVDQDWXUDOLVW·VSDUDGLVHZKHUH is an 11-mile-long peninsula transformed into a songbirds chirp and splendid sunsets are barrier island. Stump Pass Beach State Park is witnessed over Manasota Key. No wonder so a popular stop on the island, featuring a mile of many artists live and work there—inspiration is EHDFKZKHUHVHDVKHOOVDQGVKDUN·VWHHWKZDVK DEXQGDQWLQWKHDUHD·VQDWXUDOEHDXW\ ashore. Nearby, Englewood Beach features a boardwalk, restaurants, and tourist shops. On NORTH PORT Freckled with nature the northern side of the Key, Blind Pass Beach trails, canals and natural springs, North Port is LVDQH[FHOOHQWSODFHWRVHDUFKIRUVKDUN·VWHHWK a city for the adventurous! In 2013 North Port and, further north, Manasota Beach offers a was recognized as a Playful City USA for the popular snorkeling area. fourth consecutive year. The city is home to 26 ENGLEWOOD parks, 80 miles of freshwater canals, and 800 Englewood is miles of local roadways perfect for biking. painted—quite literally—by artists. Street murals Perhaps one surprising fact—the city DGRUQ WKH ZDOOV RI (QJOHZRRG·V GDUOLQJ :HVW of North Port is home to one of the most Dearborn Street, a strip of local shops and out- challenging mountain biking trails in Southwest door dining establishments. Nearby is Lemon Florida. One trail, along Myakkahatchee Bay Park, a 210-acre nature-based park with Creek, cuts through the heart of North Port, more than a mile-and-a-half of shoreline on the and is lined with exotic moss-covered oaks, Lemon Bay Aquatic Preserve. slash pines and thick palmettos. THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE îôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" € $€£¥₩฿руб ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? ∞§¶•ªº–≠“‘«…æ≤≥÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜Ø∏Œ‰Íˇ¨◊„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ êîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" € $€£¥₩฿руб nopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? º–“‘«…æ÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜،‰Íˇ¨„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ âêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" € $€£¥₩฿руб hijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? º–“‘«…æ÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜،‰Íˇ¨„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ âêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" € $€£¥₩฿руб ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? •ªº–≠“‘«…æ≤≥÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜Ø∏Œ‰Íˇ¨◊„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ àèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" € $€£¥₩฿руб cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? ¶•ªº–≠“‘«…æ≤≥÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜Ø∏Œ‰Íˇ¨◊„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ ôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" € $€£¥₩฿руб efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? §¶•ªº–≠“‘«…æ≤≥÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜Ø∏Œ‰Íˇ¨◊„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ îôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" € $€£¥₩฿руб nopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ XYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? dîz`baòfqrmóiAjwñﯵ{¶¹|º¼ª}ûx´ýt ©zcklþÿopsuv¿~y ×ÝÉÐÔÙßÈÏÓØÞáËÕÚ©°´¹¿¬³·¼Â«²¶»Áĸ®½ª±µºÀuiAhõs¯brs¯¨oû«°m jklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ XYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? dîz`baòfqrmóiAjwñﯵ{¶¹|º¼ª}ûx´ýt ©zcklþÿopsuv¿~y ×ÝÉÐÔÙßÈÏÓØÞáËÕÚ©°´¹¿¬³·¼Â«²¶»Áĸ®½ª±µºÀuiAhõs¯brs¯¨oû«°m qrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ XYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? dûz`bañfqrmòiAjwð{¶¹|º¼ª}úx´ýt ©zcklþÿopsuv¿~y Ò×ÝÉÐÔÙßÈÏÓØÞáËÕÚ©°´¹¿¬³·¼Â«²¶»Áĸ®½ª±µºÀuiAhôs¯brs¯¨oú«°m Let us find a beach you share only with starfish. mnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ XYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? dûz`bañfqrmòiAjwð{¶¹|º¼ª}úx´ýt ©zcklþÿopsuv¿~y Ò×ÝÉÐÔÙßÈÏÓØÞáËÕÚ©°´¹¿¬³·¼Â«²¶»Áĸ®½ª±µºÀuiAhôs¯brs¯¨oú«°m Let us help you remember what it feels like to be sun-kissed. Let us replace fluorescent lights with a stunning sunset. Let us make time irrelevant for a week. $489 $PNGPSU:PVm5IFJEFBMQBDLBHFUPDSFBUFGPOE memories for the entire family. Includes breakfast for two and up to a $50 daily resort credit. For reservations, contact your travel professional, call The Ritz-Carlton at 800-241-3333 or visit 6MMLY]HSPKH[WHY[PJPWH[PUNOV[LSZ[OYV\NO+LJLTILYZ\IQLJ[[VH]HPSHIPSP[`9H[LPZWLYYVVTWLYUPNO[IHZLKVUZPUNSLVYKV\ISLVJJ\WHUJ`L_JS\ZP]LVM[H_LZNYH[\P[PLZMLLZ HUKV[OLYJOHYNLZ"KVLZUV[HWWS`[VNYV\WZ"JHUUV[ILJVTIPULK^P[OHU`V[OLYVMMLYHUKPZUV[HWWSPJHISLMVY9L^HYKZYLKLTW[PVU(K]HUJLKYLZLY]H[PVUZHYLYLX\PYLK+HPS`IYLHRMHZ[ PZH]HPSHISLPUZLSLJ[OV[LSYLZ[H\YHU[ZHUKUV[]HSPKMVYPUYVVTKPUPUN*YLKP[PZHWWSPLKWLYUPNO[OHZUVJHZO]HS\LHUKPZUV[]HSPKVUYVVTYH[LHSJVOVSVY[OPYKWHY[`ZLY]PJLZ5V YLM\UKVYJYLKP[MVY\U\ZLKWVY[PVU=VPK^OLYLWYVOPIP[LK;OL9P[a*HYS[VU/V[LS*VTWHU`33* 10 Things 81,48(/< SARASOTA &2817< Not just your run-of-the-mill subtropical destination, Sarasota County has a plethora of things that make it stand out from other vacation hot spots. Here are ten of our favorite things in Sarasota County: 1.:KLWHVDQGEHDFKHV It may not surprise many that Sarasota &RXQW\·V ZKLWH VDQG EHDFKHV PRVW QRWDEO\ 6LHVWD Beach, are among its top attractions. The powdery white sand of Siesta Beach is 99 percent crushed quartz, which not only makes it sparkle in the sunlight, but also keeps the ground cool even in the steamy Florida summer. 2.3DUNVRISDUDGLVH For a lot of reasons, visiting a park in Sarasota County is a must. State and County parks like Oscar Scherer State Park, Myakka River State Park, and the Celery Fields—featuring the Sarasota Audubon 6RFLHW\·V1DWXUH&HQWHU³DUHWUDQVLHQWKRPHV to hundreds of species of birds. 3.:KHUHDUWWKRX 5RPHR" Sarasota Count y, also NQRZQDV)ORULGD·V&XOWXUDO Coast, provides a number of highly talented professional and amateur theaters. Several theaters, including the Asolo Repertory Theatre, Venice Theatre and the Florida Studio Theatre have per formances and shows year-round. 10 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE 8.6LPSOHWLPHVLQ3LQHFUDIW 4. Festivals galore ,Q6DUDVRWD&RXQW\·V winter season, there are multiple festivals virtually every weekend, featuring culinary deli ghts, ar ts enter t ainment, and familyfriendly fun. One such festival is the Chalk Festival, which recently received recognition by CNN as being one of the best chalk festivals in the world. 5.6KDUNʌVWHHWKIRUHYHU\RQH .QRZQ DV WKH ´VKDUN·V tooth capital of the world,” hunting for teeth is a fun activity for all, and occasionally you can even find a coveted prehistoric megalodon shark tooth in the sand on Caspersen Beach. Every year residents and visitors celebrate 9HQLFH·V VKDUN WRRWK WUDGLWLRQ ZLWK WKH 6KDUN·V7RRWK)HVWLYDO Pinecraft is a small Amish and Mennonite neighborhood just outside the city of Sarasota. The area is known for its home-cooked food, such as delectable pot roasts, fried chicken, homemade pies and baked treats. Visitors will also delight in han d c raf ted g o o d s such as quilts, soaps and wooden toys, made locally. 9. Destination business Sarasota County is unique in par t because of the unique businesses calling the area home. Popular insulated drinkware manufacturer Tervis has boomed in Venice. Companies like civilian powerboat business Chris-Craft have also found our area to be a perfect place to grow. 6.7KHDUWV\RXWGRRUV Events suc h as Siesta Key Master Sand Sculpting Contest, and the numerous galleries and public art prominently displayed all across Sarasota County make it an HQFODYHIRUWKHDUWVFXOWXUH,W·VHDV\WRVHHZK\ Sarasota was selected as a “best small city for art lovers” by TravelNerd in 2014. 7.$QDUFKLWHFWXUDOOHJDF\ Legendary mid-century modern architect Paul Rudolph designed several buildings in Sarasota County, including Sarasota High School. Today, the Sarasota Architectural Foundation regularly hosts tours of classic houses designed by notable architects and highlighting mid-century architecture. Venice is also home to celebrated architecture. Better known for its Italian Renaissance style, historic and Venetian theme districts are spread throughout much of downtown Venice. 10.&LUFXVKHULWDJH The longtime former winter quarters of the Ringling Bros. Circus, Sarasota County has a rich circus heritage that lives on to this day. Several retired and active performers still live in Sarasota C o u n t y, a n d t h e C i r c u s A r t s Conservatory holds regular performances throughout the year. VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 11 1. Longboat Key 1RUWK-HWW\3DUN /LGR%HDFK 9HQLFH%HDFK 3. Siesta %URKDUG3DZ :KLFK Way WRWKH Sarasota Bay Gulf of Mexico 12 | -),%3"9i 9.3 10.4 3.8 14.8 -),%3"9I 2.9 5.9 8.5 15.8 THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE Key 3DUN 7XUWOH%HDFK 1RNRPLV%HDFK &DVSHUVHQ%HDFK 0DQDVRWD%HDFK BEACH? 6DUDVRWD &RXQW\·V PDLQ DWWUDFWLRQ LV RSHQ every day year-round. The most popular beaches in Sarasota County are on Siesta Key. The calm surf and white sands are more than picturesque. And a cool cocktail is never too far away. The key has three beaches: Siesta Public Beach, Crescent Beach and Turtle Beach. Lido Key is another popular sun-basking location. North Lido Beach is conveniently located near shopping district St. Armands Circle, and South Lido Park often turns into major beach party play day. Further north from Lido is Longboat Key. Its beaches are elusive and, with limited access, often some of the most intimate in the county. Heading south of Siesta is Casey Key. Another beach known for its privacy, Casey Key feels like a trip back to “Old Florida.” Venice Beach is world-famous for the VKDUN·VWHHWK\RX·OOILQGDORQJLWVVKRUHV Other beaches nearby are Nokomis Beach, Caspersen Beach and the dogfriendly Brohard Paw Park. Last but not least is Manasota Key. Featuring Manasota Beach, Blind Pass Beach, Englewood Beach and Stump Pass Beach, this area is known as a getaway, perfect for a picnic and a dune walk! 5.0 1.1 2.9 1.0 10 -),%3"9i 5.6 1.7 4.3 2.1 6.2 -),%3"9I VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 13 7KLQJV you must do DON’T while you’re here 7KH5LQJOLQJ No matter how long the stay, stopping by The Ringling, if only to walk its 66-acre grounds, should be a to-do on DQ\RQH·VOLVW7KH5LQJOLQJLVWKH6WDWH$UW0XVHXPRI)ORULGD and features an art museum, historic mansion, circus museum, historic theater and more—all nestled on indescribably beautiful bayfront gardens. 0RWH0DULQH$TXDULXP Visiting Mote Marine Aquarium is a great family-friendly activity. The Aquarium, which also is home to research laboratories, celebrates and educates visitors in an HQWHUWDLQLQJIDVKLRQ)DOOLQORYHZLWK0RWH·VPDQDWHHV+XJKDQG Buffet, as well as sea turtles Caleb, Hang Tough, Harry, Shelley and Montego. 0DULH6HOE\%RWDQLFDO*DUGHQV Marie Selby Botanical Gardens is an estate garden dedicated to research and collections of various tropical plants. The grounds, located on the Sarasota Bayfront, are perhaps one of the most tranquil places in Sarasota County. Selby Gardens even has a rainforest garden for children, making it a great family trip. +LVWRULF6SDQLVK3RLQW Take a leap back in time at Historic 6SDQLVK3RLQW7KHVHDFUHVRIIHUWURYHVRI6DUDVRWD&RXQW\·V environmental and archaeological history. Truly an “Old Florida” oasis, +LVWRULF6SDQLVK3RLQWRIIHUVDJOLPSVHLQWR)ORULGD·VSUHKLVWRULFSDVW as well as its pioneer history. 7DNHDULGHRQWKH/HJDF\7UDLO Connecting Palmer Ranch to Venice, the Legacy Trail is fit for any outdoor enthusiast. The trail is 10.8 miles (paved), and several entry points allow riders to adjust their ride, run or walk as desired. Rated as one of WKHWRSWHQELNHWUDLOVLQ)ORULGDWKHWUDLOIROORZV6DUDVRWD&RXQW\·V historic rail corridor. 14 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE MISS IT +HDUWKHURDUDW%LJ&DW+DELWDW Big Cat Habitat and Gulf Coast Sanctuary is a safe place for rescued big cats and many other animals. The grounds feature three large indoor/outdoor complexes for its inhabitants. Open to the public, visitors can learn about and see all the majestic and beautiful animals of the sanctuary. Stroll down Dearborn Street A retreat to Englewood would not be complete without a stroll down Dearborn Street and Olde Englewood Village. Filled with shopping and fun hangouts, Dearborn Street is an artsy district. Catch a low-key evening concert DW0DQJR%LVWURRUPHDQGHUWKURXJKWKH(QJOHZRRG)DUPHU·V0DUNHW on Thursdays. Dip into Warm Mineral Springs1RUWK3RUW·V:DUP Mineral Springs are both ancient and soothing. This 87-degree SRROLV)ORULGD·VRQO\QDWXUDOO\IRUPHGZDUPPLQHUDOVSULQJDQGWKH largest mineral water spring in the world. Scientists believe that future excavations might reveal that the springs are as old as 30,000 years. ([SORUHKLVWRU\PHHWPDQDWHHVJD]HDWWKHVWDUV ([SORUH)ORULGD·VKLVWRU\PDULQHOLIHDVZHOODVDVSHFWDFXODUIXOOGRPH planetarium theater at South Florida Museum. Browse multiple galleries featuring fossil displays and mammal inhabitants. Be sure to say hello to beloved Snooty the Manatee. Born in 1948, and raised in captivity from ELUWK6QRRW\LVWKHÀUVWPDQDWHHWRKDYHDUHFRUGHGELUWKGDWH $OODERDUGWKHUDLOURDG As the winter quarters of the Ringling Bros. Circus, train travel was a vital form of transportation during early 6DUDVRWD&RXQW\WLPHVZKLFKLVDFHOHEUDWHGIDFWWRWKLVGD\%RE·V7UDLQ a boxcar-turned-café garnished with Ringling Circus fanfare, honors this history. Another must-see stop is at the Historic Venice Train Depot. Built in 1927, this depot was central to the development of the city of Venice. VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 15 'LVFRYHUWKHKRWHOVRI &KDUWHU2QH+RWHOV5HVRUWV <RXU)ORULGD&RQQHFWLRQ &RTXLQD +ROLGD\,QQ([SUHVV/DNHZRRG5DQFK %HVW:HVWHUQ0LGWRZQ +DPSWRQ,QQ6XLWHV9HQLFH Our hotels are conveniently located throughout Sarasota County. Our mission is to ensure that your stay is comfortable and a great value. So whether you seek a beachfront retreat or a vibrant downtown experience, our friendly and responsive staff will show you how we take hospitality to the next level. Visit for a complete list of Charter One locations. ACCOMMODATIONS STAY in Style in Sarasota County Accommodations include affordable traditional hotel rooms, weekly and monthly condo rentals, and many other options for all budgets. Book your stay at or stop by one of our Visitor Centers when you arrive. VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 17 Accommodations A Agent G Green Lodging K Laundry I Marina Pets Pool f Restaurant 6Water Conservation Wi-Fi K T B BB BF BH C E M R S V Beachfront Bed and Breakfast Bayfront Boutique Hotel Condominium Ef¿cienciesCottages MotelHotel Full Service Resort Steps to Beach VillaHome Longboat Key K 6T B, C, S BEACH ON LONGBOAT KEY | A modern, luxurious resort on the beach. Nightly and weekly options. Rooms: 16 3465 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-1636, 866-768-2291 K 6T B, C BEACHCOMBER CONDOMINIUMS | Beautiful Gulf-front one- and twobedroom rental condominiums. Rooms: 40 2721 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-1083 B, C CEDARS TENNIS RESORT KT | A luxury vacation resort on Longboat Key with world-class facilities. Rooms: 56 645 Cedars Ct., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | , 866-768-2291 A KT B, M SEA CLUB I | Quaint, clean and relaxing resort directly on the Gulf of Mexico. Rooms: 24 4141 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-2431 B, C SEA HORSE BEACH RESORT KT | Expansive, breathtaking water view. A serene home away from home. Rooms: 36 3453 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-2417, 866-383-2417 B, C KT SILVER SANDS GULF BEACH RESORT K T | A quaint beach-to-bay resort with a variety of bedding options. Rooms: 21 5310 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-2639, 866-768-2291 A | Acre of tropical garden on a private beach. Each unit with patio. Rooms: 11 5451 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-2552 | Silver Sands Gulf Beach Resort is located beachfront on Longboat Key. Rooms: 37 5841 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-3731, 866-768-2291 A 6 B, C BEACH CASTLE RESORT A SANDPIPER INN KfT B, BF, C, S VERANDA BEACH CLUB | Five-star Longboat Key resort offering weekly rentals. Rooms: 40 2509 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-5511, 800-411-5511 A B, C KT WHITE SANDS OF LONGBOAT KEY o`al]kYf\kgÛgf_ZgYl&[ge| Intimate Gulf to Bay resort with FREE amenities. Rooms: 30 5114 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-2428, 800-230-2428 B, BF, C, S KT WICKER INN | Charming cottage and suites on the beach. Lush gardens. Rooms: 11 5581 Gulf Of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-387-8344, 800-285-3481 KT B, E Sarasota AMERICINN HOTEL & SUITES THE DIPLOMAT BEACH RESORT | Gulf-front condo resort with private beach, pool, sun deck and laundry facilities. Rooms: 50 3155 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-3791, 800-344-5418 B, C K | A variety of rooms with micro, fridge, LCD TV and hot breakfast bar. Rooms: 111 5931 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232 | 941-342-8778, 800-634-3444 FOUR WINDS BEACH RESORT BEST WESTERN MIDTOWN G KT A GK6T M | Fully-furnished timeshare condos on the Gulf. Hot tub, pool with tiki bar. Rooms: 45 2605 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-2411, 800-982-8720 A B, C | Newly renovated pool and located minutes from the Gulf beaches. Rooms: 99 1425 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-955-9841, 800-722-8227 GULF TIDES OF LONGBOAT KEY BEST WESTERN PLUS – GATEWAY SIESTA KEY HOTEL Kf T Ûgja\Yj]fl&[ge| Luxury, fully-furnished studios, 1 and 2 bedroom condos. 200’ of beach. Rooms: 21 3008 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-3117, 800-333-7335 B, C, S KT LA PLAYA CONDOMINIUMS A G KT M | Stay just minutes from the most beautiful white sand beaches on Siesta Key. Rooms: 121 6600 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-924-4900, 800-930-4439 A | 15 beach units, 6 patio units, free Wi-Fi, heated pool and white sandy beach. Rooms: 18 4425 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-6224, 888-383-6224 6 B, C KT M COMFORT SUITES SARASOTA | New hotel located 7 miles from #1 Siesta Key Beach. Rooms: 97 K T RESORT AT LONGBOAT KEY CLUB | Dining, golf, tennis, spa, marina at luxury, four-diamond beachfront resort. Rooms: 218 220 Sands Point Rd., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-8821, 800-237-8821 A GI Kf T B, R | “Old Florida” cottages overlooking the blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Rooms: 8 6351 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-1323 B, E T THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE A KT M COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT ROLLING WAVES BEACH COTTAGES 18 | 5690 Honore Ave., Sarasota 941-554-4475 | Enjoy this newly renovated hotel directly across from the airport. Rooms: 81 850 University Pkwy., Sarasota, FL 34234 | 941-355-3337, 800-656-7890 A GKf6T M CYPRESS - A BED & BREAKFAST INN QUALITY INN T BB, BF A | Downtown bayfront location, includes gourmet breakfast, sunset social hour. Rooms: 5 621 S. Gulfstream Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-955-4683 DAYS INN SARASOTA / SIESTA KEY | Great value. Free breakfast, microfridge, poolhot tub. Rooms: 63 5774 Clark Rd., Sarasota, FL 34233 | 941-921-7812 A G K6T M HAMPTON INN I-75 SARASOTA BEE RIDGE | Free internet, local calls and free hot breakfast. Minutes to Siesta Key. Rooms: 121 5995 Cattleridge Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34232 | 941-371-1900, 800-720-9005 A GK6T M HAMPTON INN & SUITES-SARASOTA BRADENTON AIRPORT | Located at SRQ Airport, free local shuttle, complimentary breakfast and more. Rooms: 108 975 University Pkwy., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-355-8140, 800-HAMPTON G K6T M `aZak[mkkmal]kÛ&[ge| Gateway to Siesta. Continental breakfast. Suites and apartment-style rooms. Rooms: 41 1735 Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-921-5797, 800-822-5247 G K6T M HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES, SARASOTA EAST sarasotaeast | Minutes to Siesta Key. Near dining & shopping. Charming décor, deluxe breakfast, pool. Rooms: 100 5730 Gantt Rd., Sarasota A 6 M G KT 941-925-0631 888-465-4329 HOMEWOOD SUITES BY HILTON SARASOTA G K6T M QUALITY INN SARASOTA AIRPORT imYdalqkYjYkglYÛ&[ge| The Quality Inn & Suites® hotel in beautiful Sarasota is conveniently located near the Sarasota / Bradenton International Airport, Lido Beach and Siesta Beach. Rooms: 81 4800 North Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34234 | 941-355-7091 KT M RESIDENCE INN SARASOTA BRADENTON | All-suite hotel renovated 2011 with full kitchens and free hot breakfast. Rooms: 78 1040 University Pkwy., Sarasota, FL 34234 | 941-358-1468, 800-331-3131 A G K6T M RITZ-CARLTON, SARASOTA | A luxury landmark on Florida’s Gulf coast famous for personalized service. Rooms: 266 1111 Ritz-Carlton Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-309-2000, 800-241-3333 A HIBISCUS SUITES A | Free breakfast; fridge/microwave/ coffeemaker; hot tub/pool; conf. room. Rooms: 61 5778 Clark Rd., Sarasota, FL 34233 | 941-921-7750 G Kf6T BF, R SPRINGHILL SUITES | Newly renovated Springhill Suites, where art meets decor. Rooms: 84 1020 University Pkwy., Sarasota, FL 34234 | 941-358-3385, 888-287-9400 A GK6T M Lido Key/St. Armands Circle BEAU LIDO SUITES | Steps away from Lido Beach. Clean, comfortable suites. Rooms: 10 149 Tyler Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-726-5098, 888-LIDOKEY T B, M, S | Apartment suites; complimentary Suite Start Breakfast daily. Rooms: 100 3470 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota, FL 34237 | 941-365-7300, 800-CALL-HOME COQUINA ON THE BEACH HOTEL INDIGO SARASOTA A G K6T M | Award-winning upscale full-service boutique hotel in downtown Sarasota. Rooms: 95 1223 Blvd. of the Arts, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-487-3800, 866-2INDIGO A G Kf6T M | Original boutique hotel in the heart of downtown. Walk to shops, dining and entertainment. 9 apartment-type rooms. T BH 941-951-0111 866-951-0111 HYATT PLACE, SARASOTA-BRADENTON AIRPORT Complimentary hot skillet breakfast. Local shuttle. Near downtown. 24/7 cafe. Rooms: 114 950 University Pkwy., Sarasota 941-554-5800 888-492-8847 A 6 M G Kf T HYATT REGENCY SARASOTA | Centrally Located, Family/Pet/Boat Friendly, Happy Hour, Water Sports 1000 Blvd. of the Arts, Sarasota 941-953-1234 A I 6 BF, R 800-233-1234 G Kf T KT B, M GULF BEACH RESORT | 49 units directly on Lido Beach. Kitchens, free Wi-Fi, heated pool. Rooms: 49 930 Ben Franklin Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-2127, 800-232-2489 KT B, M, S HOTEL RANOLA 118 Indian Pl., Sarasota | Spacious studio and suite accommodations in a tropical beachside setting. Rooms: 34 1008 Ben Franklin Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-2141, 800-833-2141 HOLIDAY INN LIDO BEACH | Opposite the powdery sands of Lido Beach and two blocks from St. Armands Circle. Rooms: 135 233 Ben Franklin Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-5555, 866-306-5452 A G Kf 6T M, S LIDO BEACH RESORT | Sarasota’s jewel on the beach. Rooms: 222 700 Ben Franklin Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-2161, 800-441-2113 A G Kf 6T B, R LIDO DORSET CONDO ASSOCIATION | Fully-equipped condominiums across from Lido Beach. Walk to St. Armands. Rooms: 35, Condominium, Steps to Beach 475 Ben Franklin Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-1404, 800-734-3370 KTC, S LIDO ISLANDER | Lido Islander–your place in paradise–exclusive location with affordable rates. Rooms: 13 528 S. Polk Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-1004A C, S T SANDCASTLE RESORT AT LIDO BEACH | Full-service hotel directly on 600 feet of private beach. Near St. Armands. Rooms: 179 1540 Ben Franklin Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-2181, 800-225-2181 A Kf T B, R VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 19 Siesta Key ALL SUNNYSIDE PROPERTIES | Siesta Key beachfront & Village locations, 1-14 bedrooms, budget to luxury. Rooms: 18 654 Calle del Otono, Sarasota, FL 34242 | 940-455-7361, 888-786-6979 KT B, C, S I BANANA BAY CLUB | Water/beachside villas on Siesta Key. 1 to 4 bedrooms. Daily rentals. Rooms: 7 8254 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-346-0113, 888-622-6229 KT S, V A BEACH CLUB AT SIESTA KEY | Siesta’s newest luxury resort without the price tag for nightly-weekly stays. Rooms: 29 6732 Sarasea Cir., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-552-9810, 866-768-2291 A K6T BF, C, S BEACH PALMS OF SIESTA KEY VILLAGE HORIZONS WEST | Apartments and villas in the heart of Siesta Key with beautiful Gulf views. Rooms: 59 6140 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-3555, 800-559-5543 KTC, S, V HOUSE OF THE SUN | Fully furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath condos with private beach-view balconies. Rooms: 53 6518 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-4141, 800-618-6948 KT B, C HYATT SIESTA KEY BEACH, A RESIDENCE CLUB | Hyatt Siesta Key Beach where effortless elegance meets laid-back luxury. Rooms: 44 915 Seaside Dr., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-346-5900, 800-233-1234 GK6T B, C INN ON SIESTA KEY | Come experience vintage Florida with coastal charm Rooms: 6 515 Beach Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-346-7196 G K6T M, S | Beach-view suites and tropical island cottages on beautiful Siesta Key beach. Rooms: 5 153 Beach Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-9900, 888-241-7009 A CAPRI AT SIESTA KT B, C T B, E, S A | Condo-style resort located directly on Siesta Key. Daily rentals available. Rooms: 10 6782 Sarasea Cir., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-684-3244 K 6T B, M CAPTIVA RESORT | Ideal central location on beautiful Siesta Key. Vacation in tropical paradise. Rooms: 20 6772 Sarasea Cir., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-4131, 800-349-4131 GK6T B, M ISLAND HOUSE BEACH RESORT | Beachfront apartments and villas. $835 - $2002 weekly. Rooms: 75 6150 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-6101, 877-349-6101 JAMAICA ROYALE | Gulf-side Siesta Key studios, 1 and 2 bedrms, 3 pools, 2 BBQs, shufÀeboard. Rooms: 175 5830 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-1800, 888-981-1800 KT B, C, S LA SIESTA CONDOMINIUM CASA BLANCA TIME & TIDE | One- and two-bedroom, fully furnished condos facing Siesta Beach. Gulf views. Rooms: 50 909 Beach Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-6454 B, S Weekly or monthly 2 bdr/2 bath at Crescent Beach on Siesta Key 6154 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 508-451-0439 MIDNIGHT COVE VACATION CONDOMINIUMS A A KT B, C CONCLARE BEACH RESORT | Located 30 yards from the beautiful white sand on Crescent Beach. Rooms: 18 6738 Sarasea Cir., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-2322, 800-584-1138 KT | Life is great Private #1 Gulf of Mexico beach. Azure water, sugary sand. Rooms: 88 6302 Midnight Cove Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-3004, 800-469-3004 I KT B, BF, C, S KT M, S PALM BAY CLUB | Distinguished accommodations, all with beach and Gulf views. Rooms: 75 777 Beach Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-7766, 800-870-9199 AI CRESCENT ROYALE A KT B, C, S CRESCENT TOWERS BEACHFRONT | Large studios with full kitchens. Out the door and you’re on the beach. Rooms: 31 1035 Seaside Dr., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-2100, 888-233-9877 KT B, C | Private beach, two heated pools, tennis, ¿tness, full kitchens and more. Rooms: 150 5960 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-1911, 800-725-6229 KT B, BF, C, S RINGLING BEACH HOUSE ON SIESTA KEY | Just updated condo-style suites. Steps from the beach. Walk to everything Rooms: 10 523 Beach Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-1236 A K6T E, S SARASOTA SURF & RACQUET CLUB EL PRESIDENTE CONDOMINIUMS | Two-bedroom, two-bath, fully furnished condos directly on the beach. Rooms: 189 KT B, C 5900 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota B, C 941-349-2200, 800-237-5671 | Beautiful 2 & 3 bedroom condos on Siesta Key Beach with heated pool & private tennis court. Rooms: 48 6326 Midnight Pass Rd, Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-5333 EXCELSIOR BEACH TO BAY CONDOMINIUMS | Two- and three-bedroom Gulf and bayside deluxe condos. Two-week minimum. Rooms: 166 6263 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-2001 KT B, C, S KT SEA CLUB V BEACH RESORT | Newly renovated units. Directly on the Gulf of Mexico. Rooms: 41 6744 Sarasea Cir., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-1176, 800-475-1176 A KT B, C GULF & BAY CLUB CONDOMINIUM SEA SHELL CONDOMINIUM KT B, C KT B, C, S | Gated Siesta Key beachfront property. Pools, tennis, ¿tness, views. Rooms: 88 5730 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-3000 20 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE | Beachfront 2 bedroom-2 bath furnished condominiums. Rooms: 48 6500 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-1191, 800-624-9276 Casey Key/Nokomis SIESTA BREAKERS | Beachfront. Washer/dryer in each unit, heated pool, tennis and shopping. Rooms: 41 6480 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-6505, 800-853-0999 A KT B, C SIESTA DUNES BEACH CONDOMINIUMS | Comfortable and luxurious beach condominiums. Breathtaking views. Rooms: 88 6200 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-346-0210 A BEACH RETREAT ON CASEY KEY | On secluded Casey Key, offering the best value in beachfront vacation rentals. Rooms: 26 105 Casey Key Rd., Nokomis, FL 34275 | 941-485-8771, 866-232-2480 AI KT B, BF, C, S KT B, C BEACHCOMBER CASEY KEY | Directly on Florida’s Gulf Coast Lagoon-side. Beautiful island-style bungalows. Rooms: 10 8212 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-9025, 888-5SIESTA I T B, E, S SIESTA KEY BUNGALOWS A KT B, BH SIESTA SANDS ON THE BEACH | 16 one-bedroom condos (sleep 4) directly on beach, each with full Gulf view. Rooms: 16 118 Beach Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-1929 | An intimate, friendly place to relax in the simple pleasures of island life. Rooms: 12 129 Casey Key Rd., Nokomis, FL 34275 | 941-488-0715 GULF SURF RESORT | Located on prestigious Casey Key with ¿ve miles of private beach. Rooms: 9 3905 Casey Key Rd., Nokomis, FL 34275 | 941-966-2669 T B, BF, C, S T B, C, S ON THE BEACH CASEY KEY SIESTA SUN BEACH VILLAS | Brand new accomodations. Step out of your room and onto Casey Key beach. Rooms: 11 | Individually owned ef¿ciency, 1- and 2-bedroom units with full kitchens. Rooms: 24 6424 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-8233, 888-556-3577 KT B, C 221 Casey Key Rd, Nokomis T B, S A SUNRISE COVE CONDOMINIUMS | Intimate south Siesta Key condominiums with gorgeous bay views from every unit, 2 pools, tennis, ¿tness and direct access to Turtle Beach. Rooms: 40 8877 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-4955 I KT B, BF, C, S WEST WIND APARTMENTS | Old Florida beach setting. All units face Gulf and our private beach. Rooms: 6 408 S. Casey Key Rd., Nokomis, FL 34275 | 941-488-2508, 800-449-5411 T B, M TROPICAL BEACH RESORTS | A three-diamond AAA resort located directly on Siesta Key. Rooms: 70 6717 Sarasea Cir., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-3330, 800-235-3493 A 941-966-2121 K6T B, M, S Venice BEST WESTERN PLUS AMBASSADOR SUITES VENICE TROPICAL BREEZE RESORT | Genuine island living with the comfort and ease of your modern lifestyle. Rooms: 64 140 Columbus Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-1125, 800-300-2492 | All suite property conveniently located off I-75 at Exit 193. Rooms: 83 400 Commercial Ct., Venice, FL 34292 | 941-480-9898, 800-685-7353 WHITE SANDS VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES - VENICE A K6T B, M, S | 7-acre tropical setting close to Siesta Beach. 1 & 2 BR fully-equipped condos. Rooms: 124 5629 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-5600, 800-944-5629 I KTC, S A GK6T M | Opened 2010. Heated pool, ¿tness center, breakfast, micro/fridge & HDTV. Rooms: 103 2935 Executive Dr., Venice, FL 34292 | 941-488-4343, 800-228-2800 KT M HAMPTON INN & SUITES BAYSIDE VENICE Osprey | Bayside hotel located two miles from downtown Venice and beaches. Rooms: 109 881 Venetia Bay Blvd., Venice, FL 34292 | 941-488-5900, 800-HAMPTON BENTLEY’S BOUTIQUE HOTEL A GK6T BF, M HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS VENICE | Located between Sarasota and Venice near the beautiful Gulf beaches. Rooms: 87 | Off I-75 close to downtown and beaches. Hot breakfast included. Rooms: 73 380 Commercial Ct., Venice, FL 34292 | 941-584-6800, 888-465-4329 1660 S. Tamiami Trl., Osprey 941-966-2121 888-966-1660 A 6 BH INN AT THE BEACH GKf T THE VIRAGE HOTEL | Brand new hotel located in Osprey. Minutes to Siesta Key, Venice and Sarasota attractions. Rooms: 40 1650 S Tamiami Trail, Osprey GKf T M 941-966-2121 A KT M | Venice’s premier beachside accommodations, guest rooms and suites. Rooms: 49 725 W. Venice Ave., Venice, FL 34285 | 941-484-8471, 800-255-8471 A KT M, S RAMADA VENICE RESORT | All new tastefully appointed guest rooms, pool bar, meeting space. Rooms: 146 425 US 41 Bypass, Venice, FL 34285 | 941-308-7700, 800-2RAMADA A G Kf 6T M VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 21 Venice VENICE BEACH VILLAS | Beach vacation rentals on the island 1/2 block to downtown. Heated pool. Rooms: 23 501 W. Venice Ave., Venice, FL 34285 | 941-488-1580, 800-542-3404 KT S, V Englewood MANASOTA BEACH CLUB | Beachfront cottages and historic clubhouse. Summer cottages with kitchens by the week May - November. For weddings, family reunions and business retreats call for availability and rates. Rooms: 31 7660 Manasota Key Rd., Englewood, FL 34223 | 941-474-2614 KT B, E Surrounding Areas BEST WESTERN PLUS BRADENTON | Newly renovated hotel with business center, free breakfast, free Wi-Fi, pet-friendly. Rooms: 60 648 67th St. Circle E., Bradenton, FL 34208 | 941-757-5555, 800-780-7234 A G KT M BUNGALOW BEACH RESORT | Directly on Anna Maria Island beach. Classic 1930s-style boutique bungalows. Rooms: 15 2000 Gulf Dr. N., Bradenton Beach, FL 34217 | 941-778-3600, 800-779-3601 A KT B, V HILTON GARDEN INN | Close to Ringling Museum, Crosley Mansion, USF, great shopping and beaches. Rooms: 115 8270 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-552-1100, 877-STAYHGI A GKf 6T M HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS EAST LAKEWOOD RANCH | Conveniently located in Lakewood Ranch area of Bradenton at I-75 and SR 70. Rooms: 78 5464 Lena Rd., Bradenton, FL 34211 | 941-755-0055, 888-755-0056 A GK6T M HOLIDAY INN LAKEWOOD RANCH | A unique getaway in the heart of Sarasota’s fashionable Lakewood Ranch community. Rooms: 128 6231 Lake Osprey Dr., Sarasota, FL 34240 | 941-782-4400, 866-782-4401 GKf 6T M HOLIDAY INN SARASOTA-BRADENTON AIRPORT | 135 luxurious rooms/suites with exceptional event facilities and unparalleled service. Rooms: 135 8009 15th St. E., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-355-9000, 800-HOLIDAY A G Kf 6T M PALM ISLAND RESORT | Full service resort with car ferry access to two miles of private beach. Rooms: 67 7092 Placida Rd., Cape Haze, FL 33946 | 941-697-4800, 800-824-5412 AI Kf 6T B, BF, R, S Vacation Rentals A Agent COUNTRY INN & SUITES, BRADENTON I Marina GK6T M K Pool [gmfljqaffk&[ge'ZjY\]flgfÛ| New hotel at I-75/SR 70, Exit 217. Free full hot breakfast buffet, gym. Rooms: 79 5610 Manor Hill Lane, Bradenton, FL 34203 | 941-363-4000, 800-830-5222 COURTYARD MARRIOTT BRADENTON SARASOTA RIVERFRONT | Lovely hotel located on Manatee River near downtown Bradenton and airport. Rooms: 153 100 Riverfront Dr. W., Bradenton, FL 34205 | 941-747-3727, 888-731-9096 A G Kf 6T M COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT SARASOTA UNIVERSITY PARK | The area’s most refreshing hotel, featuring oversized guest rooms, within 1 mile of the new Mall at University Town Center and Nathan Benderson Aquatic Park. Rooms: 134 8305 Tourist Center Dr., Bradenton, FL 34201 | 941-360-2626, 877-424-6423 A GKf 6T M HAMPTON INN & SUITES SARASOTA/UNIVERSITY PARK | New hotel near Lakewood Ranch with free hot breakfast, ¿tness & business center. Rooms: 102 8565 Cooper Creek Blvd., Bradenton, FL 34201 | 941-355-8619, 800-HAMPTON GK6T M TIP: Book your reservations at least 6 to 12 months in advance. If you delay, you may see “No Vacancy” signs. Pets f Restaurant 6Water Conservation Wi-Fi T B BF C E M S V Beachfront Bayfront Condominium Ef¿ciencies/Cottages Motel/Hotel Steps to Beach Villa/Home ARGUS VACATION RENTALS | Wonderful Key West-style condominiums located on beautiful Siesta Key. Rooms: 73 1200 Siesta Bayside Dr., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-346-3499, 800-349-6156 A KT B, C, S ASCENDIA PM VACATION RENTALS | Private homes and condos for rent on or convenient to beaches and golf course communities. 5127 Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-306-4242, 888-489-6322 A KT B, C, V BANYAN TREE BEACH RESORT & VACATION RENTALS | Tropical setting offers 1, 2, 3 bedroom units. Bikes, kayak & beach provisions. Rooms: 30 378 Canal Rd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941-346-0651, 800-732-7231 A KT B, BF, C, S, V CHARTER ONE HOTELS & RESORTS | Managing and featuring some of the ¿nest hotels on Florida’s west coast. 6731 Professional Pkwy. W, Suite 100, Sarasota, FL 34240 | 941-907-9017 AI K6T B, BF, E, M, S, V CONCH OUT VACATION RENTALS ]f_d]ogg\Û&[ge| We offer luxurious condos to small cottages all located on Manasota Key. Rooms: 173 1927 Beach Rd., Englewood, FL 34223 | 941-474-9534, 800-881-9534 AI 22 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE KT B, BF, C, S, V CUNNINGHAM PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CORP. | Managing luxury accommodations on Siesta and Longboat Keys. Rooms: 107 1030 Seaside Dr., Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941-349-8061, 800-333-7335 I K6T B, BF, C, S FLORIDA VACATION CONNECTION ÛnY[Ylagf[gff][lagf&[ge| Private homes and condos on the beach, bayfront and Intracoastal Waterway. Rooms: 150 3720 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-387-9709, 877-702-9980 B, BF, S, V KT MICHAEL SAUNDERS & COMPANY RENTAL DIVISION | Luxury accommodations with luxury service included. You deserve the best. Rooms: 150 32 Osprey Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-552-4200, 888-409-4448 AI Kf6T B, BF, C, E, S, V A Agent U K K f Hiking Laundry Pets Pool Restaurant 0 Restrooms T C HU RV T Wi-Fi Cabin Full Hook Ups Recreational Vehicles Tent OSPREY LEISURE RAMBLERS REST RV RESORT | Osprey Leisure offers accommodations for all Sarasota area travelers. | Spacious RV and tent sites, 2 BR units, on Myakka River. Rooms: 85, Rates: $$-$$$ 1300 N. River Rd., Venice, FL 34293 | 941-493-4354, 800-576-8565 K 0 C, HU, RV, T 1660 S Tamiami Trl., Osprey 941-966-2121 B, BH 888-966-1660 A SUN-N-FUN RESORT KfT RVA, RESORT VACATIONS jnYÛ&[ge| Private rentals and resorts, some pet friendly. Nightly, weekly, monthly. Rooms: 500 4030 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 866-768-2291 A Campgrounds KT B, BF, C, S K T kmff^mfÛ&[ge| Large RV sites, 85 vacation homes, seasonal activities, beaches nearby. Rooms: 700, Rates: $$-$$$ 7125 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota, FL 34240 | 941-371-2505, 800-843-2421 AU K 0 C, HU, RV, T Kf T VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 23 NOW OPEN (:;,7()6=,;/,9,:; :HYHZV[H»Z5L^LZ[(SS:\P[L/V[LS Captiva Beach Resort TPSLZMYVT :PLZ[H2L`)LHJO>LZ[YP]L[VWYV]PKL¸@V\Y 7LYMLJ[:[H`¹>LTHPU[HPUL_[YLTLS`JSLHUHJJVTTVKH[PVUZ [VWUV[JOZLY]PJLHUKSVVRMVYL]LY`VWWVY[\UP[`[VL_JLLK L_WLJ[H[PVUZ;OPZ^PSSILL]PKLU[[OYV\NOV\[`V\YZ[H`MYVT V\YMYPLUKS`Z[HMM[V[OLPTWLJJHISLYVVTZ[V[OL7S\ZO 7YLTP\T)LKKPUN<WNYHKLK)H[OYVVT(TLUP[PLZ Nestled in the tropical lush atmosphere on Siesta Key 4HRL`V\YUL_[[YPWHZ\JJLZZ¶IVVR`V\YZ\P[L[VKH` guest rooms and suites with all the amenities of home. Beach, recently voted the #1 beach in the United States. Barefoot elegance on the pure white sandy beach awaits you at this go-at-your-own pace tropical paradise. This intimate retreat features 19 sophisticated *VTMVY[:\P[LZ:HYHZV[H /VUVYL(]LU\L:HYHZV[H 7! c-! JVTMVY[Z\P[LZZHYHZV[H'TWOOV[LSZJVT JVTMVY[Z\P[LZZHYHZV[HJVT 24 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE 941-349-4131 6772 Sara Sea Circle Sarasota, 34242 Country Inn & Suites by Carlson Crescent Royale TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence Our condos offer sweeping views of the white, powder sand of Siesta Key Beach, voted #1 in 2012. Our fully furnished condos have free Wi-Fi and cable TV. Relax by the pool, play a game of shuffle board, or simply watch breathtaking sunsets from your private lanai. Just steps to the beach. Close to Seista Key Village. Let your unforgettable Florida vacation begin right here. The new Country Inn & Suites at I-75 is convenient to beaches, shopping, golf and within walking distance of popular restaurants, grocery stores and department stores. Enjoy free hot breakfast buffet and free Wi-Fi. Guestrooms and suites feature a microwave and a refrigerator. 941-363-4000 5610 Manor Hill Lane Bradenton, 34203 777 Beach Rd. Sarasota 941-349-7766 800-870-9199 Imagine holding the key to a lifetime of experiences... 941.383.8821 / 800.237.8821 VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 25 Hampton Inn & Suites &LORIDA6ACATION#ONNECTION Sarasota/Bradenton Great vacation properties on Longboat Key Introducing the new Hampton & Suites at the and SRQ and Lido Key. Choose fromInnprivate homes ® Airport. First Silver LEED certified Hampton Inn in condominiums on the beach, bayfront and the world. Close to museums and theatres and minutes from intercoastal waterways. Sizes range from studios beaches, downtown, shopping, dining and St. Armands to five-bedrooms. Personal Circle. Enjoy Hampton’s On theservice House®and hot breakfast, shuttle service,properties. evening social including beer, wine and exceptional Hors d’oeuvres (M-TH), and Wi-Fi. 941-387-9709 877-702-9980 (800) HAMPTON, (941) 355-8140 975 University Sarasota, 34243 3720 Gulf Pkwy., of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key Gulf Surf on Casey Key The Gulf Surf is a uniquely serene and picturesque Gulf-front hideaway just steps from the water’s edge. Enjoy the relaxed, informal setting situated on prestigious Casey Key. Spectacular sunsets, mounds of seashells, peaceful walks and water fun are waiting for you at your private beach. 941-966-2669 3905 Casey Key Rd. (941) 966-2669 3905 Casey Key Rd., Nokomis, 34275 Nokomis, 34275 SUN. SAND. THE GULF. Genuine Florida Charm 941-388-2181 / 800-225-2181 26 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE Hampton Inn & Suites Sarasota/Bradenton Introducing the Hampton Inn & Suites at the SRQ Airport. First Silver LEED ® certified Hampton Inn in the world. Close to museums and theatres and minutes from beaches, downtown, shopping, dining and St. Armands Circle. Enjoy Hampton’s On the House ® hot breakfast, shuttle service, evening social including beer, wine and hors d’oeuvres (M-TH), and Wi-Fi. 800-HAMPTON, 941-355-8140 975 University Pkwy. Sarasota, 34243 Hibiscus Suites Inn The gateway to Siesta Key, less than one mile to the white, powdery sand beaches! This newly remodeled all-suite property offers one- and two-bedroom suites with fully-equipped kitchens and an outdoor heated swimming pool. Complimentary deluxe continental breakfast included. 941-921-5797 1735 Stickney Point Rd. Sarasota, 34231 Hotel Indigo Sarasota Located downtown, along the coastline of Sarasota Bay, Hotel Indigo captures the art of tropical inspiration with luxurious amenities and exceptional service. Our urban boutique hotel offers courtesy airport transportation; gourmet, local cuisine; complimentary Wi-Fi; covered parking; and pet-friendly room options. 941-487-3800 866-2-INDIGO 1223 Blvd. of the Arts Sarasota, 34236 Hyatt Place Sarasota/Bradenton Welcome to Hyatt Place. Enjoy our Coffee to Cocktail Bar proudly serving Starbucks® specialty coffees and Hyatt’s signature wines, 24/7 made to order food and complimentary hot skillet breakfast. Guestrooms feature 42” HDTV, living area with sleeper sofa and Hyatt Grand BedTM. Parking, shuttle and Wi-Fi are complimentary. To receive discount, request the Visit Sarasota County rate. 888-553-0788, 941-554-5800 950 University Pkwy., Sarasota, 34234 VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 27 The Residences on Siesta Key Beach, Hyatt Residences Jamaica Royale Welcome to the other side of Siesta Key. Where barefoot elegance meets uncompromising luxury on the white sands of Siesta Key Beach. Just a short drive to the vibrant Sarasota hotspots and charming Siesta Key Village, our 2 to 4 bedroom interiors range from 1,800 to nearly 3,000 sf. and feature private terraces, lavish baths with massage soaking tubs, fully-equipped gourmet kitchens with Wolf, Miele and Subzero appliances, and living rooms with custom-designed media centers. Exclusive amenities include front desk arranged activities, Wi-Fi and personalized grocery provision. Escape in style to our stunning beachfront resort. Mention offer code VSK14 when booking to receive a special discount. 175 tower and garden condos (studio, 1br and 2br) just steps from the #1 Siesta Key Beach. Beach chairs available. Relax under the shady tiki huts, BBQ beachside or at the community patio with shuffleboard. 3 heated pools, public beach, volleyball, tennis courts just a short walk away. On-site rental and real estate office. 941-346-5900 Reservations: 800-233-1234 915 Seaside Dr., Siesta Key 888-981-1800 941-349-1800, 941-349-7809 5830 Midnight Pass Road Sarasota, 34242 Tropical Breeze Resort Luxury 2BR/2Bath fully furnished condos located directly on award-winning #1 Siesta Key Beach. HBO, free Wi-Fi, heated pool, sauna, laundry facilities, covered parking, beach BBQ area, tiki-huts and lounge chairs. Whether planning a family vacation, a group gathering or a wedding, Sea Shell offers the perfect setting. Restaurants, shopping, boat, bike and sports rentals are within walking distance. On-site rental office. Weekly, monthly and three day rentals. 800-624-9276, 941-349-1191 6500 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota [email protected] 28 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE Located in the heart of Siesta Key Village and a short walk to beautiful Siesta Key beach, we feature all of the amenities to make your vacation unforgettable. 941.349.1125 140 Columbus Blvd. Siesta Key, Florida 34242 Midnight Cove Vacation Condominiums Sarasota Surf & Racquet Club Midnight Cove is located on the white sugary sands of Siesta Key Beach and the brilliant blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Over 11 beautiful acres of Gulf-side and Bayside condos, with 2 tennis courts, 2 pools, boat dock rentals, and complimentary beach lounge chairs and umbrellas. Sarasota Surf & Racquet Club, located on Siesta Key’s Crescent Beach, is a family vacation favorite. One and two bedroom, fully furnished condominiums on more than 300 feet of white-sand beach with heated swimming pools, fitness center and tennis facilities. Email: reservations @ 941-349-3004 6320 Midnight Cove Road Sarasota, 34242 myvacation @ 941-349-2200 800-237-5671 5900 Midnight Pass Rd. Sarasota, 34242 6DUDVRWD&RXQW\·V2IÀFLDO 9LVLWRU&HQWHUV Now with two locations to better serve you. <RXUÀUVWVWRSIRUWKHSHUIHFWYDFDWLRQ 2VSUH\/HLVXUH 3TAY0LAY$INE Find great Sarasota area hotels with Osprey Leisure. Plan your next getaway, event or destination wedding with us at one of our beachfront or mainland locations. Downtown Sarasota 14 N. Lemon Avenue Sarasota, FL 34236 7KH0DOODW8QLYHUVLW\7RZQ&HQWHU 140 University Town Center Drive Sarasota, FL 34243 At the southwest corner of I-75 and University Parkway LQIR#YLVLWVDUDVRWDRUJ 1660 S. Tamiami Tr., Osprey 888-966-1660, 941-966-2121 VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 29 By Loren Mayo MORE THAN :KHQ \RX WKLQN DERXW 6DUDVRWD &RXQW\ LWʌV SUREDEO\ GL̮FXOW to envision yourself doing anything besides digging your feet into the white-quartz sand and splashing around in the Gulf of 0H[LFR%XWEH\RQGWKHEHDFKH[LVWV6DUDVRWD&RXQW\ʌVQRQVWRS multi-faceted arts and cultural scene. We rounded up 10 cultural institutions that should be on your to-do list during your stay. Sarasota Opera House Built in 1926 by Arthur B. Edwards, the city RI6DUDVRWD·VÀUVWPD\RUWKH0HGLWHUUDQHDQ5HYLYDOVW\OHEXLOGLQJRSHQHGDV 6DUDVRWD·VÀUVWWKHDWHU7KH6DUDVRWD2SHUDLVXQGHUWKHDUWLVWLFOHDGHUVKLS of maestro Victor DeRenzi, who joined the company in 1983. The building, which underwent a $20 million renovation in 2008, has garnered international attention for producing the complete works of Giuseppe Verdi. $VROR5HSHUWRU\7KHDWUH Every year more than 100,000 patrons DUHGUDZQWR$VROR5HSHUWRU\7KHDWUH·VURWDWLQJUHSHUWRU\VHDVRQZKHQ productions—spanning from newly commissioned plays and contemporary and classical works to musical theater experiences—are staged under the dynamic leadership of Producing Artistic Director Michael Donald Edwards and Managing Director Linda DiGabriele. )ORULGD6WXGLR7KHDWUH Located on the Florida Studio Theatre campus LVDTXDLQWYLOODJHRIÀYHGLIIHUHQWWKHDWHUV7KH.HDWLQJ7KHDWUH*ROGVWHLQ Cabaret, Gompertz Theatre, John C. Court Cabaret and Bowne Lab Theatre each provide an intimate setting for engaging and entertaining performances. Just make sure you watch out for the FST Improv troupe—you never know what will happen next, especially if you end up on stage with them! 7KH5LQJOLQJ$UW&LUFXV&D·'·=DQ7KHDWHU%D\IURQW*DUGHQV,PPHUVH yourself in all of these fantastic adventures when you visit The Ringling. :KHWKHU\RX·UHLQWKHPRRGIRUDVWUROOWKURXJK0DEOH·V5RVH*DUGHQD OHLVXUHO\OXQFKRUGLQQHULQ7UHYLVR·VPRGHUQGLQLQJURRPEHIRUHWDNLQJLQD performance or a private docent-led tour, the beauty of this vibrant estate will leave you feeling enriched and invigorated. 6DUDVRWD2UFKHVWUD The Sarasota Orchestra performs more than 125 classical, pops, chamber, education and community engagement concerts per season, in formats that bring national attention to its 80-musician ensemble. 7KHV\PSKRQ\SHUIRUPHGLWVÀUVWFRQFHUWLQFRQGXFWHGE\'U/\PDQ Wiltse and in collaboration with the Manatee River Choral Club. 30 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE Just a %HDFK A R T S A N D C U LT U R E ,PPHUVH<RXUVHOILQ$UWVDQG&XOWXUH 6DUDVRWD%DOOHW The Sarasota Ballet is the only professional ballet company on the Gulf Coast. Founded by Jean Allenby-Weidner in 1987 with the goal of becoming a full resident ballet company, her GUHDPÀQDOO\FDPHWRIUXLWLRQLQZLWKWKHDSSRLQWPHQWRI'LUHFWRU Iain Webb who has introduced 88 new ballets, including those by George Balanchine and Dame Ninette de Valois. :HVWFRDVW%ODFN7KHDWUH7URXSH Spending a few hours with this exceptional troupe of men and women might just be one of WKHEHVWWLPHV\RX·OOKDYHLQ6DUDVRWD)RXQGHGLQ'HFHPEHU by actor, singer, director and playwright Nate Jacobs, the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe is the only professional black theater company RQ)ORULGD·VZHVWFRDVW 9HQLFH7KHDWUH The year was 1950. Tickets for Venice Little 7KHDWUH·VYHU\ÀUVWVKRZ´7KH7RUFKEHDUHUVµZHQWRQVDOHIRU each. Ticket prices at Venice Theatre have increased since then, the shows have grown to at least 25 per year and by 2008 the theater had expanded at such a pace that it dropped the “little” from its name. Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall The season line-up at Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall includes everything from Jersey Boys to Bill Maher. Nicknamed the “purple cow,” the enormous SXUSOHODQGPDUNWKDWVLWVDORQJ6DUDVRWD·V%D\IURQWKDVEHHQ entertaining audiences for more than 42 years with music, dance, theater and comedy. 7KH3OD\HUV7KHDWUHWhen Jeffery Kin belted out show WXQHVIURPWKHKD\ORIWRIKLVIDPLO\·V2KLREDUQWRDQDXGLHQFHRI FRZVKHGLGQ·WUHDOL]HLWZRXOGEHWKHVWDUWRIKLVDFWLQJFDUHHUDQG prepare him for the role of artistic director at The Players Theatre. This community theater is known for its diverse and entertaining volunteer-driven productions. /HPRQ%D\3OD\KRXVH A few local amateur actors formed the Lemon Bay Playhouse, located in Englewood, in 1987. Today the Lemon Bay Playhouse has developed into a great community theater. Featuring a handful of comedy and drama performances each season, tickets to a playhouse performance usually sell for under $20. VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 31 2014-2015 Nineteenth Season ASOLO REPERTORY THEATRE ONE OF AMERICA’S LEADING REGIONAL THEATRES Exceptional musicians from around the world, performing for you in America’s only 18th Century European Opera House, and other one-of-a-kind venues. PIANO VOCAL INSTRUMENTAL POPS Unique, live musical events that Entertain, Engage and Inspire More than forty performances annually. For our schedule, details and tickets visit TICKETS 941.360.7399 (Daily 10-4) GROUPS & INFORMATION 941.306.1202 (M-F, 10-4) 2014/15 Season: ASOLOREP.ORG 800-361-8388 6RXWK3DFLĠF The Matchmaker Good People Both Your Houses Our Betters Sotto Voce It Only Takes a Moment IN SARASOTA NEXT TO THE RINGLING MUSEUM Marissa McGowan, Candace C. Culclueasure, E. Faye Butler, Michael James Leslie in Show Boat. Photo by Frank Atura THE CULTURAL JEWEL OF FLORIDA’S IS RENOWNED FOR WORLD-CLASS 2014 - 2015 SEASON Opera is better in the sun! Come to Sarasota Opera on Florida’s Gulf Coast. 2014 Fall Season Pagliacci Leoncavallo | Oct 31–Nov 15 2015 Winter Opera Festival Tosca The Marriage of Figaro The Golden Cockerel Don Carlos Puccini | Feb 7–Mar 28 Mozart | Feb 14–Mar 27 Rimsky-Korsakov | Feb 21–Mar 19 Verdi | Mar 7–24 “Few can have appreciated the extraordinary level both of Mr. Webb’s ambition and his company’s level of achievement.” – Alastair Macaulay, The New York Times | 941-359-0099 x 101 32 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE Call or go online at (941) 328-1300 or SARASOTAOPERA.ORG NEWSTAGES CONTEMPORARY PERFORMANCE AT THE HISTORIC ASOLO THEATER ETHEL photo by Stephanie Berger FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS FEBRUARY – MARCH $30, $25, $20 / $25, $20, $15 for Members Contemporary performance exploring the creative response to influences and inspirations both historic and anticipated. TICKETS: 941.360.7399 WEST COAST, SARASOTA COUNTY PERFORMING AND FINE ARTS! TM PXVLFDOV_FRPHGLHV_GUDPDV_FDEDUHWV_FRQFHUWV Share our Season of Discovery V HDWXUH 1RUPDO I Q R V R W , 1H[W WK6HD more! 2XUW\, 0DU\3RSSLQLUVDFOH:RUNHU& Get your concert tickets today! OO0RQ 7KH0 7KH)X +ROO\6WRU\, GG\ 7KH%X Anu Tali, Music Director 941-953-3434 7,&.(76,1)2 _ 941-488-1115 Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts. 140 W. Tampa Ave. on Venice Island PAID FOR IN PART BY SARASOTA COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX REVENUES VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 33 VACATION RENTALS | PROPERT Y MANAGEMENT Argus Vacation Rentals on Siesta Key and Longboat Key Argus has just the right spot for your VACATION! One, two and three-bedroom condominiums Offering Beach Front, Gulf and Bay views. GULF AND BAY CLUB BAYSIDE 941.346.3499 CRESCENT ARMS 941.349.4171 SIESTA HARBOR 941.349.2949 941-349-0917 Scan the MS tag from your smart phone to get to our website ARGUS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. 2477 Stickney Point Rd., Suite 118A Q Sarasota, FL 34231 Q 941.346.3499 Q 941.349.0917 Q [email protected] PALMER POINT PARK The Mall at University Town Center 140 University Town Center Drive (Southwest corner of I-75 and University Parkway in Sarasota) SARASOTA’S OFFICIAL VISITOR CENTER 14 N. Lemon Avenue, Sarasota Ma nasota Be ach Rd. L manasota key BLIND PASS BEACH Venice Municipal Airport 193 d STATE PARKS Venice Ave. venice 195 il SARASOTA-BRADENTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DOWNTOWN VENICE CASPERSEN BEACH Venice Inlet NORTH JETTY PARK Laurel Rd. no komis r. I-75 EXITS SR 72 OSCAR SCHERER 200 STATE PARK NOKOMIS BEACH casey key 41 wy . 205 207 Polo Grounds Sarasota or D MAJOR ROADS ota Pk osprey Central Sar as Selby Aquatic Center Clark Rd. Proctor Rd. Bee Ridge Rd. 210 213 Har b ia LEGACY TRAIL Nathan Benderson Park Bahia Vista TURTLE BEACH Osprey Ave. SARASOTA’S OFFICIAL VISITOR CENTER LEGEND gulf of mexico Siesta Dr. siesta key SIESTA BEACH Big Sarasota Pass LIDO BEACH lido key New Pass Tuttle Rd. longboat key 17th St. 301 Beneva Rd. 12th St. 10th St. Ed Smith Stadium DOWNTOWN Fruitville Rd. SARASOTA 41 Mcinto sh Rd. Sarasota Bay University Pkwy. Honore Ave. lakewood ranch 68 1 SR Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport Bee Ridge Ext. am . Jacara nda Blvd 191 41 Lake Myakka englewood MYAKKA STATE FOREST Warm Mineral Springs north port MYAKKA RIVER STATE PARK Lower Lake Myakka kwy . Sa on P tle Lit ay aB t o ras Ca r lt il m Ta a Tr mi gle dR 77 iv Bay erts b o R a Tr B s En o wo SR .( R m Ta i iam e nic Ve as yp d. S. R d. d. ail i Tr ine R rR er R i Tam ra Lor N. i ve 6) ay nB o em Downtown Sarasota 'RQʌWPLVVWKHVHDWWUDFWLRQVDQGSRLQWVRILQWHUHVW 12th St. Fruitville Rd. H G w Pa ng y Jo nt hn e. Ri lm fro 6%.)#% Dr. Featuring Daily Narrated Sightseeing, Lunch & Sunset Dinner Cruises. Ba Av li n g Cs #!3%9+%9 Main St. Ringling Blvd. I -!.!3/4!+%9 J N. Tuttle Ave. S. Washington Blvd. Aboard The Blvd of the Arts S. Osprey Ave. C B y. 3)%34!+%9 D N. Ora nge Ave. ,)$/+%9 Escape E F N. Lem on Ave. 3!2!3/4! L 301 10th St. N. Tamiami Tr. LONGBOAT KEY 41 K Mound St. sarasota bay %.',%7//$ ./24(0/24 Bahia Vista St. A 41 Tallahassee Jacksonville Orlando #2 Marina Plaza Sarasota, Florida 34236 Tampa Sarasota County Naples The Florida Keys Miami A B C D E F G H I J K L 6DUDVRWDʌV2̮FLDO9LVLWRU&HQWHU Circus Arts Conservatory Sarasota Orchestra The Players Theatre Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe Sarasota Children’s Garden Florida Studio Theatre Sarasota Opera House Sarasota Farmers Market Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Towles Court Ed Smith Stadium Things To Do Longboat Key $576&8/785( LONGBOAT KEY CENTER FOR THE ARTS | Division of Ringling College of Art & Design. Focusing on arts, culture, creativity and community. Classes, workshops, events and exhibitions. In season Tues-Sat 11 a.m.-5 p.m., or check website. 6860 Longboat Dr. S., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-2345 ),6+,1*0$5,1$6 CANNONS MARINA | Full- and half-day boat rentals, Grady-White, Scout and Southwind deck boats available. Full ship’s store, bait, tackle, ice. Multi-day discounts available. Open daily 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 6040 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-1311 Sarasota $576&8/785( LA MUSICA DI ASOLO | Annual international chamber music festival with concerts at the Sarasota Opera House, open rehearsals at New College and free community events. The 2015 festival concerts are scheduled for April 6, 9, 12 and 15. Please check the website for times and additional information. Sarasota, FL | 941-346-2601 PERLMAN MUSIC PROGRAM/SUNCOAST | PMP/Suncoast inspires the next generation of concert artists, educators and audiences. Programs include Winter Residency in December and chamber music concerts and education programs throughout the year. Visit for up-to-date information, dates, times and locations for all performances, events and initiatives. PO Box 3407, Sarasota, FL 34230 | 941-955-4942 PLAYERS THEATRE | Year-round programming includes Broadway Theatre Series, SNAP (something new at Players), concerts, Summer Sizzler Series, Backstage Theatre Series. Open Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and 1 hour before performances. 838 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-2494 SARASOTA BALLET OF FLORIDA | 23rd Season debuts 7 world premieres and 4 company premieres, including Balanchine’s Four Temperaments, Ashton’s Les Illuminations & Sinfonietta, and a premiere including Alina Cojocaru and Johan Kobborg from The Royal Ballet. Oct-May performances, 2 and 8 p.m. 5555 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-359-0099 SARASOTA CONCERT ASSOCIATION | A diverse and vibrant community arts center with changing work by local and national artists exhibited in four galleries. Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 707 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-2032 | Great Performers Series of ¿ve concerts brings world-class artists and orchestras to Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall. Munchtime Musicales features free concerts with outstanding local artists. Call 941-955-0040 and leave message; of¿ce open Nov-Apr Tues-Thur 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Fri 4-6 p.m. Or check website for more information. Concerts at Van Wezel and Holley Hall | 941-955-0040 ARTIST SERIES CONCERTS OF SARASOTA SARASOTA FILM FESTIVAL ART CENTER SARASOTA | Presenting a series of concerts annually, featuring world-class classical and popular musicians at Historic Asolo Theatre and other one-of-a-kind venues. Check website for dates and times. 1226 N. Tamiami Trl., Ste. 300, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-306-1200 kYjYkglYÚde^]klanYd&[ge| The 17th Annual Sarasota Film Festival features the best in cinema along with exciting programs and events, April 10-19, 2015. 332 Cocoanut Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-364-9514, 866-575-FILM ASOLO REPERTORY THEATRE | Known as the jewel of the Florida Gulf Coast, music lovers travel from all over to experience world-class opera in the setting of the beautiful historic Sarasota Opera House. Box Of¿ce: Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 61 N. Pineapple Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-8450, 888-OPERA12 | From Nov.-July, Asolo Rep is Florida’s leading professional theatre and one of the top resident acting companies in the country. Call or see website for hours. 5555 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-351-8000, 800-361-8388 FLORIDA STUDIO THEATRE Ûgja\Yklm\agl`]Ylj]&gj_| World premieres and contemporary works that have been produced on and off-Broadway within the last ¿ve years. Box Of¿ce: Tues-Sat 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sun 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Mon 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 1241 N. Palm Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-9000 FUZIÓN DANCE ARTISTS | A professional contemporary dance company with performances and weekly classes. Mon & Wed 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Tues & Thurs 10-11 a.m., Fri 5:30-8 p.m. Ongoing classes in pilates, modern and dance. 941-345-5755 JAZZ CLUB OF SARASOTA | Concerts most Fridays at 2 p.m., Oct-May. Jazz in Park, Trolley Night. Of¿ce: Wed-Fri 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 330 S. Pineapple Ave., Ste. 111, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-1552 key chorale Sarasota’s Symphonic Chorus Joseph Caulkins, Artistic Director 36 | Key Chorale is celebrating 30 years of bringing great choral music to Sarasota. Purchase tickets at THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE SARASOTA OPERA SARASOTA ORCHESTRA | Performs Classical and Pops concerts from Sept.-May. The orchestra schedule spans traditional masterworks to innovative multi-media formats. Box of¿ce opens 1 hour prior to concerts at event venue. Of¿ce: Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 709 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-953-3434, 866-508-0611 VAN WEZEL PERFORMING ARTS HALL | The best of Broadway, internationally renowned concert artists, dancers, musical stars, comedians and orchestras. Box of¿ce: Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; later hours and Sunday hours on show dates. 777 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-953-3368, 800-826-9303 WESTCOAST BLACK THEATRE TROUPE | Since 1999 WBTT produces high energy, high quality shows that bring diversity to the area’s cultural landscape. Hottest shows in town. Box of¿ce: Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Sat 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 1646 10th Way, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-1505 $775$&7,216 BIG CAT HABITAT & GULF COAST SANCTUARY | Educational, fun-¿lled entertainment featuring lions, tigers, bears, chimpanzees, and more, plus petting zoo. Check website or call for hours. 7101 Palmer Blvd., Sarasota 941-371-6377 BOUNCE DOWN UNDER THE RINGLING CHILDREN’S GARDEN & ART CENTER &58,6(672856 | Indoor inÀatable party and play center for kids up to 13 years of age. Clean, safe and air-conditioned. Open for walk-in play any time. Parties. Tues-Thur 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Fri & Sat 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 935 N. Beneva Rd., Suite 802, Sarasota, FL 34232 | 941-366-0123 | Enchanted place designed for kids. Pirate ship, monster garden, fairyland, maze, tree fort/slide, three little pigs’ house and dress-up room. Where magic begins. Nature, art and garden classes weekly. Open daily 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 1670 10th Way, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-330-1711 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SARASOTA COUNTY | A gateway to explore Sarasota’s history, traditions and culture. Docent tours in Sarasota’s oldest building. Historical church available for weddings. Open Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and available for rentals. 1260 12th St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-364-9076 MARIE SELBY BOTANICAL GARDENS | Explore the world’s most spectacular display of epiphytes and their canopy habitats. Visitors see beautiful horticultural displays and learn from educational programs. Open daily 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 811 S. Palm Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-5731 MARIETTA MUSEUM OF ART & WHIMSY | Visit our free museum and gardens. Enjoy the American creative spirit. Thur-Sat 1-4 p.m. Please check our website for additional hours and/or events. 2121 N. Tamiami Tr., Sarasota 941-364-3399 SARASOTA JUNGLE GARDENS | Discover the beauty and charm of Old Florida’s natural surroundings. Highlights include animal exhibits, up-close interaction and entertaining shows with birds, mammals and reptiles. Open daily 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. 3701 Bay Shore Rd., Sarasota, FL 34234 | 941-355-1112, 877-681-6547 SARASOTA KENNEL CLUB | Live Greyhound Racing Dec.-May. One Eyed Jacks Card Room open year-round. Simulcast dog and horse racing, restaurant, lounge, café, conference and banquet room. Sun-Thur 10 a.m.-2 a.m.; Fri-Sat 10 a.m.-3 a.m. 5400 Old Bradenton Rd., Sarasota, FL 34234 | 941-355-7744 SARASOTA LANES | 36 quality lanes with easy automatic scoring for family, friends & league bowling. Pool tables, lounge and party area. Mon, Wed, Thur: 1 p.m.-11 p.m., Tues 9:30 a.m.-midnight, Fri 9:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m., Sat 1 p.m.-1 a.m., Sun 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 2250 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota, FL 34237 | 941-955-7629 SARASOTA MEDIEVAL FAIR | An annual festival held for 3 weekends at the Sarasota Fairgrounds. Get Medieval with shows, feasts and family fun 3000 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota | 888-303-3247 SIESTA KEY RUM | Our Gift Shop and Tasting Room are a great way to spend an afternoon. We have tours most days that the tasting room is open (pre-register for tours, please). 2212 Industrial Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34234 | 941-702-8143 SMUGGLERS COVE ADVENTURE GOLF | Play adventure miniature golf in caves, by a shipwreck and near rushing waterfalls. Feed live alligators, too. Second location in Bradenton. Open daily 9 a.m.-11 p.m. 3815 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34234 | 941-351-6620 | The Ringling Estate includes the Cà d’Zan mansion, beautiful grounds and gardens, Circus Museum, Historic Asolo Theater and the Museum of Art. Daily 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; open Thur until 8 p.m. 5401 Bay Shore Rd., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-359-5700 Sailing from 3 locations Kathleen D Sailing Catamaran 941-896-6400 KEY SAILING | International Business of the Year, Siesta Key Business Person of the Year. Affordable, personalized, dolphins, sunsets, weddings, sailing lessons, ¿lm site. Call 24/7. 2 Marina Plz. Slip E-18, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-346-7245 LEBARGE TROPICAL CRUISES | Enjoy one of our many tours: dolphin watch, sightseeing, nature cruise narrated by naturalist/biologist, or sunset cruise with live entertainment. Open daily. 2 Marina Plz., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-6116 MARINA JACK II CRUISES | Join us for a relaxing sightseeing lunch or sunset dinner cruise through the intercoastal and the Gulf of Mexico. Sightseeing only cruise tickets also available featuring your favorite tropical beverage. Cruising 7 days. 2 Marina Plz., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-4232 MERMAID CHARTERS, INC. | Fun on the water, by the hour, day or week. Cruise with us and enjoy other excursions. Water limousine service too. Sarasota Area | 941-720-1728 MYAKKA WILDLIFE TOURS | One-hour narrated airboat tour to see alligators in the wild. One hour land tram tour through Myakka State Park. Learn about Àora and fauna. Seasonal hours. Call for info. 13208 State Road 72, Sarasota, FL 34241 | 941-365-0100 SARASOTA BAY EXPLORERS | Our Sea Life Encounter Tour is a wonderful extension to a visit at Mote Aquarium. Hands-on, fun and informative for all ages. Open daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Mote Aquarium, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-4200 SARASOTA BIKE TOURS | Bicycling tours around the city, beach and museums. Add kayaking to your bike tour for an exciting day outdoors. Daily dawn to dusk. Serving Sarasota and surrounding areas. | 941-313-0613 SARASOTA CULINARY TOURS | Offering a combination culinary and historical walking tour in downtown Sarasota, stopping at 3 restaurants, plus dessert Thur, Fri and Mon 3-5:30 p.m. 1298 Palm Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-315-8408 (17(57$,10(17 CIRCUS ARTS CONSERVATORY | Experience circus like never before From the world-class performances of Circus Sarasota to the inspiring productions of Sailor Circus, America’s longest-running youth circus. Classes and summer camp available. 2075 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota | 941-355-9335 VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 37 OH MAMMA MIA DINNER SHOW BAY AND GULF ADVENTURES WSLR 96.5 COMMUNITY RADIO DOLPHIN PADDLESPORTS ),6+,1*0$5,1$6 ENTICER WATER SPORTS | Live Italian dinner show. Chef Guiseppe Urbano is your host for delicious, original Italian food in his open kitchen atmosphere. Tues-Thur 4:30-9 p.m.; Fri -Sat 3:30-10:30 p.m. 2324 Gulf Gate Dr., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-706-2821 | WSLR-LP 96.5 is a local nonpro¿t community radio station. We host live music concerts and other educational and cultural events. Check our website for coming events. 525 Kumquat Ct., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-894-6469 FLYING FISH FLEET Ûqaf_Úk`Û]]l&[ge| Great family fun on classic party boats, 43 ft. sport ¿sher or 24 ft. inshore boat. Half-day, 6-hr. or all day ¿shing trips in the Gulf. Bait, tackle, license and ice provided. Call for reservations. Marina Jack Dock E, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-3373 HART’S LANDING | Bait and tackle for 75+ years, serving our friends and tourists, showing customers how to ¿sh in Sarasota Bay. Best ¿shing guides available for Bay and Gulf. Daily 6:30 a.m.-8 p.m. 920 John Ringling Causeway, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-955-0011 MAGIC FISHING ADVENTURES eY_a[%Úk`af_&[ge| Fish our bays, Àats and coastal beaches for snook, trout, red¿sh and more Native Sarasota guide with 30 yrs. experience. Open daily. Sarasota | 941-345-7788 OUTRIGGERS SPORT FISHING CHARTERS kYjYkglY[`Yjl]jÚk`af_&[ge| Offshore ¿shing on 35’ sport¿sh boat “Nice One.” Full and half-day charters include licenses and tackle. Customized for novice to expert. Open daily. Marina Jack Slip E-25, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-809-2211 REELIN & CHILLIN CHARTERS [`Yjl]jÚk`af_kYjYkglY&[ge| Inshore ¿shing, sightseeing and photography charters at affordable prices. Customized trips. Children welcome. 2, 4, 6 and 8-hour trips. Open 24 hours, daily. 930 John Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-228-7802 WOLFMOUTH CHARTERS | Offering custom light tackle sport¿shing for families and individuals on the calm and beautiful waters of Sarasota Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Daily trips to ¿t your schedule. Serving all the Islands | 941-720-4418 287'225 ALL ABOUT WATER | All About Water rents kayaks, paddle boards, wetsuits, and related equipment. We deliver the boats and equipment to the water of your choice. Serving Sarasota Area | 269-214-4848 ALMOST HEAVEN KAYAK ADVENTURES | Provides a wide variety of guided kayak eco-tours that will allow you to get closer to nature while experiencing an adventure of a lifetime. Open 7 days a week, including holidays. Serving Sarasota, Siesta Key & Anna Maria Island | 941-504-6296 AROUND THE BEND NATURE TOURS | Discover Sarasota’s natural and cultural history with our naturalist guides. Take a walk in a seagrass bed or play with ancient Indian tools. Daylight and sunset. Serving Sarasota Area | 941-794-8773 BALTIMORE ORIOLES | Sarasota’s hometown team for spring training at Ed Smith Stadium. Team arrives mid-Feb. Games in March. Call for schedule. Year-round sports complex with additional ¿elds. Details and tickets: 2700 12th St., Sarasota, FL 34237 | 941-893-6300 38 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE | Guided kayak nature/eco tours and kayak rentals. Dolphin, manatee, eagles, pelicans and marine life sightings. 20+ years experience. Free delivery. Open daily. Serving the Sarasota Area | 941-893-7221 Ûgja\YcYqYc&[ge| Stand up paddleboards, ¿shing, kayaking, swim gear and accessories for sale and rent. Kayak and SUP rentals and lessons. Open Mon-Sat 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sun 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 6018 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-922-9671 | Largest area diversi¿ed water sport rental for all ages. Kayaks-Paddle Boats-Sail Boats-Paddle Boards-Aqua Cycle. 5 Bayfront Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-7245 FRIENDS OF MYAKKA RIVER | A not-for-pro¿t community organization formed to protect, preserve and support Myakka River State Park and the Florida Wild and Scenic Myakka River. Main entrance on SR 72, 9 miles east of I-75. Open daily 8 a.m.-sunset. Myakka River State Park, 13208 State Road 72, Sarasota 34241 | 941-361-6511 MIRACLE SWIMMING INSTITUTE | Specialized fun classes for adults who are afraid in water. Pool and Gulf. 24 hour class over 5 days. We wrote the book, literally. Learn to Swim show, book, DVD at Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sarasota Pools and Beaches | 941-921-6420, 800-723-7946 SARASOTA FAMILY YMCA WATER PARK & ALPINE CLIMBING TOWER | Sarasota Family YMCA’s Water Park and Alpine Tower with waterslides, cannons, concessions and pools, 50’ tower with more than 60 paths to the top. Check website for hours. 8301 Potter Park Rd., Sarasota, FL 34238 | 941-922-9622 Lido Key/St. Armands Circle $775$&7,216 MOTE MARINE LABORATORY & AQUARIUM | Explore hidden depths of the ocean with sharks, manatees, turtles and over 100 species of marine life in touch pools, working labs, interactive exhibits. Open daily 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Open Thanksgiving and Christmas. 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-4441, 800-691-MOTE SAVE OUR SEABIRDS | Daily 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 1708 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-3010 Siesta Key ),6+,1*0$5,1$6 C.B.’S SALTWATER OUTFITTERS ;:kGmlÚll]jk&[ge| Boat rentals for sightseeing or ¿shing, half- or full-day. Fishing charters for light tackle and Ày. Bait, tackle, sportswear and T-shirts. Open daily 7 a.m.-6 p.m. 1249 Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-4400 287'225 ROBIN HOOD RENTALS | Segway rentals, kayak tours, scooter, bike and beach rentals. Located in Siesta Key Village. Open daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 5255 Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-554-4242 SIESTA SPORTS RENTALS | Renting bikes, kayaks, scooters, beach wheelchairs, paddleboards, strollers and beach stuff. Our kayak tours around the Jim Neville Preserve are only $45/person. Daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 6551 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-346-1797 SIESTA KEY FISHING ADVENTURES, LLC IMG ACADEMY SIESTA KEY WATERSPORTS MIXON FRUIT FARMS ka]klYc]qÚk`af_Y\n]flmj]k&[ge| A premier charter ¿shing service providing full service inshore, offshore, tarpon and custom bluewater trips and guides. Get Booked...Get Hooked. Sarasota Bay & Offshore Gulf of Mexico, Sarasota, FL | 941-993-6553 | Parasailing, Jet Ski rentals and now custom cruises, dolphin-watching and sunset tours. USCG-certi¿ed with over 20 years in business and spotless safety record. Open 9 a.m.-sunset. 1536 Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-921-3030 | Tram tours of the grove and wildlife education center, fresh fruit and juice, gift shop, deli, ice cream and fudge. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct-May; 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Jun-Sept; closed Sunday. 2525 27th St. E., Bradenton, FL 34208 | 941-748-5829, 800-608-2525 (17(57$,10(17 Osprey SARASOTA POLO CLUB AT LAKEWOOD RANCH $775$&7,216 HISTORIC SPANISH POINT Sarasota’s premier outdoor archaeological site and history museum featuring a pioneer homestead, nature trails and the gardens of Mrs. Potter Palmer. Call for hours. 337 N. Tamiami Trl., Osprey | With its renowned private school, youth sports camps and adult athletic programs, IMG Academy in Bradenton, Fla., is recognized across the world for its teaching methodologies. 5500 34th St. W, Bradenton, FL 34210 | 941-755-1000, 800-872-6425 941-966-5214 Nokomis 287'225 SARASOTA TRAP, SKEET & CLAYS | Two sporting clay courses with a total of 23 stations. Five stands with 10 traps, one wobble trap. Three skeet ¿elds and three trap ¿elds. Pro shop and rental guns available. Sat-Sun 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.; Wed 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thur-Fri 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 3445 Rustic Rd., Nokomis, FL 34275 | 941-488-3223 Venice $576&8/785( VENICE SYMPHONY | Enjoy pops and classical concerts Nov-Apr with the region’s ¿nest musicians and world-class soloists. Venice is a small town with big culture. Box of¿ce at 230 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice 34285, open noon to 4 p.m. The Venice Performing Arts Center, 1 Indian Ave., Venice, FL 34292 | 941-207-8822 VENICE THEATRE | Nationally acclaimed community theater year ‘round. Broadway musicals, classic/contemporary dramas, comedies, cabarets, concerts and family theater. Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 1 hour before performance. 140 Tampa Ave. W., Venice, FL 34285 | 941-488-1115 | The Sarasota Polo Club provides exhilarating polo matches every Sunday afternoon during season. The public is invited to bring out their picnic baskets and enjoy the thrill of the “fastest game on four feet.” Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 8201 Polo Club Lane, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34240 | 941-907-0000 287'225 ANCIENT OAK GUN CLUB AT LAKEWOOD RANCH | Ancient Oak Gun Club is open to the public and we encourage all who have never shot sporting clays—or who have never shot at all—to visit and allow us to walk you through the sport to see if this is something that would interest you. Daily 9 a.m.-6 p.m. (Latest start at 5 p.m.) 16800 SR 64 East, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34212 | 941-745-5900 PEACE RIVER CHARTERS, LLC | Peace River Charters offers airboat tours and private charters to the public. Take a breath-taking thrilling ride, stepping back in time down one of Florida’s most scenic rivers. Mon-Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 2998 NW Hwy 70, Arcadia, FL 34266 | 863-444-0693 TREEUMPH! ADVENTURE COURSE | Climb, swing, zip and jump, all while 15 to 60 feet in the air. Southwest Florida’s ¿rst elevated recreational park. Wobbly bridges, hanging nets, bungee swings and a 650-foot zipline. Adults and children 7 and up. Open year-round. Closed Wednesdays. Hours vary; check website or call. Reservations required. 21805 State Rd. 70 East, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211 | 941-322-2130, 855-322-2130 FAST FACT: The first outdoor farmers market originated in Egypt over 5,000 years ago. Sarasota County has almost a dozen farmers markets for you to enjoy today. Surrounding Areas $775$&7,216 DAKIN DAIRY FARMS | Producing and bottling milk right on the farm. Tours, feed baby calves, hayrides, 7-acre maze, farm cafe/picnics. Visit this sustainable farm for a memorable day. See website for visitor hours. 30771 Betts Rd., Myakka City 941-322-2802 VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 39 SARASOTA’S FAVORITE FAMILY ATTRACTION come curious leave enchanted A botanical and children’s rainforest garden on the shores of Sarasota Bay SARASOTA JUNGLE GARDENS An Old Florida attraction since 1939, allows visitors to experience things not found anywhere else. Feed freeroaming flamingos, watch parrots ride bicycles, touch an alligator or pet a skunk. The opportunities are endless! Daily interactive shows amaze and entertain. Wander the jungle trails, visit the gift shop or grab a snack. Just be sure to explore this timeless treasure. 900 S. Palm Ave Sarasota 941-366-5731 • 3701 Bay Shore Road | Sarasota, Florida 34234 941.355.5305 or 877.681.6547 | [email protected] See What’s Inside at the South Florida Museum Sarasota Kennel Club & One-Eyed Jack’s Poker Room The largest natural and cultural history museum on Florida’s Gulf Coast, featuring exhibits and educational programs interpreting the scientific and cultural knowledge of Florida, the world and our universe. The facility includes the Bishop Planetarium Theater and Parker Manatee Aquarium, home to Snooty™, the oldest known manatee in the world. Enjoy live Championship Greyhound Racing from fall to spring. We feature simulcast horse and dog racing year-round. One-Eyed Jack’s is a state-of-the-art poker room located on the second floor of the Sarasota Kennel Club. Live action cash games and tournaments are offered daily. Watch, dine and wager seven days a week at The Sarasota Kennel Club. Call for clubhouse reservations for lunch and dinner. Selby Gardens South Florida Museum 201 10th Street West, Downtown Bradenton 941-746-4131 40 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE Sarasota Kennel Club 941-355-7744 5400 Bradenton Rd, Sarasota 3ARASOTAKENNELCLUBCOM Marietta Museum of Art & Whimsy Museum & Sculpture Gardens Free whimsical art museum open to the public October 30, 2014 – May 30, 2015 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1:00-4:00. Indoor art exhibit and majestic tropical gardens. Bakery, Carry-out, Catering & Gifts 3713 Bahia Vista Street, Sarasota 941-955-8007 +2856 Mon-Thur, 6am to 8pm | Fri & Sat, 6am to 9pm May–October, Open at 7am — Always Closed Sundays 941-364-3399 2121 N. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, 34234 Be sure to visit Carlisle Gifts after your meal to find special items that you can’t get anywhere else. Flamingo by Fredrick Prescott nourish your creative passions — Located upstairs in Der Dutchman Restaurant — — selby + madeby + campus galleries at ringling college of art and design! reflect + learn + discover + renew Visit our galleries to explore a changing kaleidoscope of exhibitions by internationally known and locally recognized artists and designers. — longboat key center for the arts — t wo columns gallery — englewood art center — sarasota museum of art opening 2016! Contact us for complete exhibition schedule information: [email protected] | 941.351.5100 VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 41 0DJQLĀFHQW9LHZV From magnificent views of the Gulf of Mexico to the serene views of Sarasota Bay, The Palm Bay Club offers a unique variety or one-, two- and threebedroom condominiums. All available at a daily rate with a 3 night minimum stay required. Swim in one of our two pools, bike to our white sandy beach, have an outdoor BBQ, or just take a swim. We also boast lighted tennis courts, boat docks and a fishing pier. And don’t forget to relax in our outdoor spa. All suites include a fully equipped kitchen and all linens and beach towels. We also provide free wireless Internet and flat panel TV’s in both the living rooms and each bedroom. 5960 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key, 34242 3$/0%$<RU ZZZ3DOP%D\&OXEFRP DINING TASTE RIWKH Town Sarasota County, sometimes referred to as the cultural coast of Florida, might also be referred to as the culinary coast! Boasting one of the highest concentrations of Zagat® -rated restaurants in Florida, Sarasota County dining options include care-toshare tapas, prime steaks, fresh-caught seafood, homemade pasta and everything in between! Cocktail and other beverage options in Sarasota County will VDWLVI\HYHQWKHPRVWGHPDQGLQJFULWLFVʈIURPNQRFN\RXR̫ your-feet Mai Tais at Bahi Hut Lounge and elaborate concoctions at Pangea Lounge and The Table Creekside, to the numerous breweries hopping on the scene. We recommend trying JDub’s, located nearby Ed Smith Stadium, and Big Top, which features historical Sarasota-themed beers. Don’t miss an opportunity to dine at a Sarasota-Manatee Originals restaurant. The Originals is a group of more than 50 independent restaurants that put passion for a great dining H[SHULHQFHRQWKHPHQX Lastly, every year Savor Sarasota Restaurant Week highlights three-course menus at some of the area’s top restaurants—at DQD̫RUGDEOHSULFH 3KRWRE\0D[.HOO\ VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 43 Enduring Excellence in the heart of downtown Sarasota Café Venice Elegant bistro-style restaurant in Venice’s historic downtown district. Florida casual fine dining at it’s best. Lunch and dinner, indoor and outdoor dining. Our slow roasted pork ossobuco is known as “awesome-buco.” The meat literally falls off the bone. We hope you enjoy this house favorite! 1287 First St (941)366-8111 w w w.b ij o uc a fe . ne t 941-484-1855 VENICE’S WATERFRONT LANDMARK SINCE 1976 marina restaurant tavern CONSISTENTLY VOTED VENICE’S BEST RESTAURANT Duval’s LUNCH & DINNER DAILY FRESH. LOCAL. SEAFOOD. An eclectic eatery with a passion for stunning seafood, creative cocktails, fine wine, and superb service. Duval’s sources only the finest ingredients from local fisherman and farmers. CASUALTAVERN MENU AVAILABLE DOWNSTAIRS 1968 Tarpon Center Dr 9 4 1 . 4 8 4 . 9 5 5 1 w w w. c r o w s n e s t - v e n i c e . c o m 1435 Main Street 941.312.4001 Eat Like a Local 50+0UKLWLUKLU[YLZ[H\YHU[ZZLY]PUNMYLZOSVJHSÅH]VY 44 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE (QMR\FRQWHPSRUDU\ÀQHGLQLQJZLWKLQVSLUHG FXLVLQHKDQGFUDIWHGFRFNWDLOVDZRUOGUHQRZQHG ZLQHSURJUDPDQGVXSHULRUVHUYLFHLQDXQLTXH VXSSHUFOXEDWPRVSKHUHDW6DUDVRWD·V RQO\$$$)RXU'LDPRQG $ZDUGUHVWDXUDQW Euphemia Haye Restaurant and Haye Loft Lounge This fine-dining destination is one of the area’s “most romantic” and “most exquisite.” Creative, refined cuisine served downstairs. Casual food and live music upstairs. 5540 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, 941-383-3633 “A Truly Unique Florida Waterfront Dining Experience” Lunch and Dinner Daily Sunday Brunch Daily Happy Hour from 3-7pm PIER 22 Restaurant, Patio, Ballroom & Catering 941.748.8087 Downtown Bradenton Waterfront 1212 East Avenue S., Sarasota 941.366.0007 | Award-winning continental cuisine with unmatched romantic ambiance. Wine Spectator Best Of Award of Excellence. Family owned and operated since 1978. Casual bistro and outside dining available. Dinner: Tues-Sun, 5 p.m. 2033 Vamo Way, Sarasota, 941-966-5688 The Sarasota-Manatee Download our Free Dining App ANDROID iPHONE Originals VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 45 Dining Entertainment 5 Outdoor Dining R Valet F Waterfront Dining BUFFALO WILD WINGS B BR L D Breakfast Brunch Lunch Dinner | More than a Buffalo, NY-style wing joint, they offer a complete menu and 20 beers on draft. The best place in town for hot sports action 4067 Clark Rd., Sarasota, FL 34233 | 941-922-5554 L, D 5 CAFÉ AMERICANO | Open daily, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fully shaded dining al fresco where patrons can enjoy the simple pleasures of great food, wine and service while leisurely watching the world go by. Dogs are welcome 1409 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-1026 B, BR, L, D 5 Longboat Key CAFÉ AMICI CHART HOUSE | A favorite among residents and vacationers. Spectacular views of New Pass and the Gulf of Mexico. Seafood, succulent steaks and decadent desserts. 201 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-5593 FD 5 DRY DOCK WATERFRONT GRILL | A local favorite. Fresh seafood. Casual indoor and outdoor dining on Sarasota Bay. South end of Longboat Key. 412 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-0102 F L, D 5 EUPHEMIA HAYE RESTAURANT & THE HAYE LOFT | Exquisite a la carte menu with daily seafood specials, roast duckling, pepper steak, vegetarian favorites, award-winning desserts. Live music nightly in Haye Loft. 5540 Gulf of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-3633 D HARRY’S CONTINENTAL KITCHENS | Globally inspired coastal cuisine with an emphasis on local seasonal Àavors. Dine in a beautiful garden setting. Restaurant, deli, catering, C-store. 525 St. Jude’s Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-0777 B, BR, L, D 5 PATTIGEORGE’S | Overlooking Sarasota Bay, Pattigeorge’s offers an international menu of American favorites laced with Latin, Caribbean and Asian inÀuences. 4120 Gulf Of Mexico Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228 | 941-383-5111 FD 5 Sarasota | Loved by locals and friends alike, Café Amici offers classical regional Italian specialties in a festive trattoria atmosphere. 1371 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-951-6896 L, D CAFÉ BACI | Northern Italian cuisine with an emphasis on Tuscan and Roman specialties. Fresh seafood daily, veal, homemade pastas, breads and desserts. Award-winning wine list. Banquet room available. 4001 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-921-4848 L, D CARAGIULOS ITALIAN-AMERICAN | For over 25 years, the Caragiulo brothers have been entertaining Sarasota locals with their unique formula: simple, yet wonderful, Italian-American soul food. 69 S. Palm Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-951-0866 R L, D 5 C’EST LA VIE! | Authentic French bakery and Cafe/Bistro offering fresh French food, ¿ne pastries and creperie. 1553 Main Street, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-906-9575 B, L 5 CHIANTI RISTORANTE ITALIANO | Delicious Italian food prepared by seasoned restaurateurs. 3900 Clark Rd., Sarasota, FL 34233 | 941-952-3186 D 5 CURRENTS RESTAURANT | Chic upscale restaurant overlooking the bay. Enjoy regional favorites locally sourced, thoughtfully prepared. 1000 Blvd. of the Arts, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-953-1234 R F B, L, D DARWIN’S ON 4TH | Chef Darwin Santa Maria offers “evolutionary” Peruvian cuisine and an artisan brewery in an intimate and comfortable upscale setting in downtown Sarasota. 1525-C 4th St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-343-2165 RD 5 62 BISTROT ZakljglÛ&[ge| Like being in Paris in a cozy and comfortable bistrot. Serving homemade traditional French cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bon appétit 1962 Hillview St., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-954-1011 B, BR, L, D DER DUTCHMAN SARASOTA | An old tradition in a new setting since 1969. Traditional Amish family and buffet-style meals, bakery pastries and more than 20 types of pies. Gift shop. Catering available. Closed Sunday. 3713 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota, FL 34232 | 941-955-8007 B, L, D 5 BARNACLE BILL’S SEAFOOD | One of Sarasota’s ¿nest fresh seafood restaurants. Resort-style food at neighborhood prices. Retail ¿sh market at both Main St. and North Trail locations. 1526 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-6800 R L, D DUVAL’S NEW WORLD CAFÉ BIJOU CAFÉ FLEMING’S PRIME STEAKHOUSE & WINE BAR 5 | Fine continental dining since 1986. Zagat survey gives the Bijou its highest score for food in Sarasota. Wine Spectator’s “Award of Excellence.” 1287 First St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-8111 R L, D 5 BLUE ROOSTER | An eclectic eatery with a passion for stunning seafood using the ¿nest and freshest locally sourced ingredients. 1435 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-312-4001 R BR, L, D 5 Û]eaf_kkl]Yc`gmk]&[ge| Enjoy a celebration of exceptional food and wine in the company of friends and family. Mon-Thur 4-10 p.m.; Fri & Sat 4-11 p.m.; Sun 4-9 p.m. Happy Hour specials daily. Private dining rooms available all day for meetings and celebrations. 2001 Siesta Dr., Ste. 101, Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-358-9463 R D | Creative southern comfort cuisine and Sarasota’s best original live entertainment 6 nights a week and Sunday gospel brunch, set in a classic relaxed juke joint atmosphere. 1525-B 4th St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-7539 RD GECKO’S GRILL & PUB “AT THE LANDINGS” BROKEN EGG ON CLARK GIUSEPPE RISTORANTE 5 | Open daily for breakfast and lunch from 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Wi-Fi, bakery, gift shop, beer/wine and catering. Also on Siesta Key and in Lakewood Ranch. 4031 Clark Rd., Sarasota, FL 34233 | 941-922-2868 B, BR, L 5 46 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE | A favorite for tourists and locals alike. Lunch, dinner and late night. Neighborhood grill and sports connection with full bar. Five locations. 4870 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-923-8896 L, D 5 | Authentic Sicilian one-of-a kind dishes, updated versions of classics, plus home-made pasta and desserts. Enjoy our cozy dining room. 1900 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-6610 L, D 5 H2O BISTRO | H2O Bistro offers breakfast, lunch and dinner featuring local favorite recipes that emphasize fresh Àavors and quality ingredients. Local beer & wine selections in Lobby Bar. 1223 Blvd. of the Arts, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-487-3800 B, BR, L, D HOB NOB DRIVE IN | Original ‘50s drive-in. Outside seating, hot dogs, hamburgers and daily specials. Handmade milkshakes. Celebrating 54 years. 1701 N. Washington Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34234 | 941-955-5001 B, L, D 5 HYDE PARK PRIME STEAKHOUSE MOZAIC RESTAURANT | Enjoy Southern French and Western Mediterranean cuisine by chef/owner Dylan Elhajoui, an award-winning wine list, genuine hospitality, colorful décor & world music. 1377 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-951-6272 D 5 NANCY’S BAR-B-Q | Carolina Bar-B-Q’s home away from home. A fun, casual, hip eatery dishing out oak-smoked pulled pork, chicken, ribs, brisket and all the ¿xings. 301 S. Pineapple Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-2271 L, D 5 OFF THE HOOK SEAFOOD CO. | Nationally acclaimed, Zagat-rated. Specializing in thick-cut charbroiled steaks, chops, fresh grilled fish and seafood in a hip, urban-chic environment. 35 S. Lemon Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-7788 RD | Sarasota’s newest contemporary seafood restaurant. Simply prepared seafood, daily specials, something for everyone. 6630 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-923-5570 JACK DUSTY O’LEARY’S TIKI BAR & GRILL 5 | Sarasota’s most buzzed about NEW seafood restaurant, lounge and marketplace features Coastal Cuisine & Crafted Cocktails with enviable water views. 1111 Ritz-Carlton Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-309-2266 R F B, BR, L, D | Relax with great food overlooking sparkling views of Sarasota Bay. Full beverage menu featuring frozen drinks, beer and wine selections. 5 Bayfront Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-953-7505 R F B, L, D LAVANDA OWEN’S FISH CAMP 5 | Fine dining in unique Florida setting. Dine on the back porch of Lavanda Restaurant, located among art galleries, art studios and shops. Open Tues-Sat, Oct-Aug 1938 Adams Ln., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-0070 L, D 5 LIBBY’S CAFÉ & BAR | Recipient of more than 100 local, regional and national honors since opening in 2008. Varied modern American cuisine menu features small and large plate options. 1917 S. Osprey Ave., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-487-7300 R BR, L, D 5 LOCAL COFFEE + TEA | Come see us at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens and every Saturday at the Downtown Farmers Market. Sat 7 a.m.-noon Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, 800 S. Palm Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 941-726-1660 L 5 LOLITA TARTINE | French urban restaurant. Original concept based on tartines and stews. 1419 5th Street, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-952-3172 B, L, D 5 LOUIES MODERN | Downtown’s newest dining hot spot showcases Modern American cuisine from an open-air kitchen and handcrafted cocktails. 1289 N. Palm Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-552-9688 B, L, D 5 MADE | Modern American delicious eats. 1990 Main St., Suite 112, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-953-2900 5 BR, L, D MARINA JACK | Enjoy Sarasota’s downtown bayfront at the Patio Bar, Deep Six Lounge & Piano Bar and Dining Room offering steaks, seafood and award-winning wines. 2 Marina Plz., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-4232 R F L, D 5 go]fkÚk`[Yeh&[ge| Southern country Àavors and style in a cool urban setting. From the Sarasota grass Àats to the clear blue Gulf, our fresh seafood is making waves. Open daily 4-10 p.m. 516 Burns Ln., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-951-6936 D 5 PATRICK’S 1481 | Upscale sports bar and dining with great food and friendly service. Outdoor breakfast Sat. at 8:30 a.m. 1481 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-955-1481 R B, L, D 5 PHILLIPPI CREEK VILLAGE OYSTER BAR | Located in a tropical waterfront setting, this family restaurant features multiple seafood choices daily. A Sarasota landmark. 5353 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-925-4444 F L, D 5 POMONA BISTRO & WINE BAR | Pomona offers a seasonal menu, outside dining, large wine list, ¿replace, lots of parking. Open Tues-Sat 5-9:30 p.m. 481 N. Orange Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-706-1677 D 5 ROAST | Modern American cuisine restaurant with a forward thinking European Àair. The menu provides something for everyone. 1296 1st St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-953-1971 R L, D 5 FAST FACT: Sarasota has the highest concentration of Zagat®rated restaurants in Florida. 5 MATTISON’S CITY GRILLE | In the heart of downtown, a local favorite known for its friendly atmosphere, award-winning menu, great live music and full bar. Open Mon-Thur 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Fri 11 a.m.-midnight; Sat 9 a.m.-midnight; Sun 11 a.m.-10 p.m. 1 N. Lemon Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-330-0440 R B, BR, L, D 5 MATTISON’S FORTY ONE | Elegant dining with Mediterranean Àavors in a friendly, fun and comfortable atmosphere. Private catering facilities available. 7275 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-921-3400 R L, D 5 MICHAEL’S ON EAST | Inspired cuisine, world-class wines, creative libations and exceptional service in a glamorous supper club atmosphere. Live music Tues-Sat. Happy Hour in Michael’s Lounge, 5-7 p.m., Mon-Sat 1212 East Ave. S., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-366-0007 R L, D VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 47 Dining Entertainment 5 Outdoor Dining R Valet F Waterfront Dining TREVISO RESTAURANT B BR L D Breakfast Brunch Lunch Dinner 5 YODER’S RESTAURANT | Sarasota’s original Amish restaurant and village. Home cooking made from scratch, pies, local produce, Amish meats and cheese, and Amish gifts. Mon-Sat 6 a.m.-8 p.m. 3434 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-955-7771 B, L, D ZITI ITALIAN-AMERICAN-ASIAN Sarasota | Ziti blends three popular cuisines, Italian, American and Asian, in an elegant yet casual dining experience. Our philosophy can be summarized in one word—hospitality. 3501 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-706-1281 BR, L, D ROESSLER’S RESTAURANT | Established in 1978, we are committed to using the freshest and highest quality ingredients. Award-winning wine collection, impeccable service and picturesque ambiance. 2033 Vamo Way, Sarasota, FL 34238 | 941-966-5688 FD 5 ROY’S PACIFIC RIM CUISINE | Hawaiian Fusion Cuisine uses bold Asian spices with an emphasis on fresh seafood, hand-made sushi, European sauces. Warm, welcoming aloha service with ¿ne dining techniques. Paci¿c Rim cuisine. 2001 Siesta Dr., Ste. 100, Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-952-0109 R D RUTH’S CHRIS STEAK HOUSE | Sarasota Magazine’s ‘Best of the Best,’ Herald Tribune’s ‘Best Steak House,’ Florida Magazine’s ‘Top 500 Restaurants’ and Wine Spectator award. Group/private dining available. 6700 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-924-94429 R D SALUTE! RESTAURANT | Authentic Italian cuisine, imported cheeses and meats, homemade pasta, fresh whole ¿sh. An exclusive wine cellar. Outside patio in the heart of Sarasota. Check website for summer hours. 23 N. Lemon Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-1020 RD 5 SARASOTA-MANATEE ORIGINALS | More than 50 independently owned restaurants with a desire to preserve culinary heritage of the Suncoast. Don’t miss Forks + Corks Jan. 23 & 24, 2015. P.O. Box 32115, Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-955-3663 R F B, BR, L, D 5 SELVA GRILL | Innovative, intricately prepared dishes, plated and presented as works of art. 1345 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-362-4427 RD 5 SQUARE 1 BURGERS AND BAR (TAMIAMI) | Assortment of gourmet burgers including 100% Meyer’s Angus, chicken, vegan, pork and salmon. World famous onion rings. Full bar. Voted Best Burger in Sarasota by Sarasota Magazine readers 2012, 2013. 1737 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-870-8111 L, D 5 THE MELTING POT | Customizable fondue dining experience makes for an excellent dinner choice to make any occasion special. 1949 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-2628 D THE SAVORY STREET | By day, a European-style bakery offering breakfast and lunch. By sunset, modern international cuisine emphasizing fresh ingredients. 411 N. Orange Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-312-4027 B, BR, L, D 5 THE TABLE CREEKSIDE | Global cuisine. Diverse menu ¿lled with culinary artistry and pleasing Àavors. Upscale waterside dining. 5365 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-921-9465 R F BR, D 5 TOOJAY’S ORIGINAL GOURMET DELI | For many, the word deli conjures up images of NY storefronts and sandwiches piled high to the sky. The soups are hot and fresh, and the desserts are simply irresistible. So it is for TooJay’s Original Gourmet Deli. West¿eld Southgate Mall, 3501 S. Tamiami Tr., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-362-3692 B, BR, L, D 48 | | Treviso rede¿nes the idea of “museum” dining with a unique and fresh approach at the Ringling Museum of Art. 5401 Bay Shore Rd., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-360-7390 F L, D THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE &$7(5,1*'(/,9(5< DER DUTCHMAN CATERING | Full service catering for all events: sports, weddings and more. We deliver timely, consistent and attentive service along with quality and value. 3713 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota, FL 34232 | 941-809-2163 B, L, D DOORSTEP DELIVERY | Your favorite restaurants delivered to your doorstep. 200 S. Washington Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-3287 L, D MATTISON’S CATERING | In-house catering options feature a waterfront ballroom and garden, Italian-style private dining and event rooms. Award-winning. 7275 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-921-3400 R F B, BR, L, D 5 MORTON’S GOURMET MARKET | Sarasota’s ¿nest gourmet market specializing in freshly prepared foods, meat/seafood, deli and bakery. Open Mon-Sat 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.-7 p.m. 1924 Osprey Ave., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-955-98568 B, BR, L, D 5 Lido Key/St. Armands Circle CAFE L’EUROPE | Sarasota’s iconic ¿ne dining restaurant, Cafe L’Europe strikes the perfect balance between tradition and innovation. 431 St. Armands Cir., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-4415 R L, D 5 COLUMBIA RESTAURANT | Family-owned for over 100 years, Columbia has earned acclaim for its old-world charm, Spanish/Cuban cuisine and wine list. Lunch and dinner daily. 411 St. Armands Cir., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-3987 L, D 5 LIDO BEACH GRILLE | Comfortable West Indies atmosphere with exceptional views of Sarasota Bay. Impeccable service and American cuisine with a Mediterranean Àair. 700 Ben Franklin Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-5608 F BR, D LYNCHES PUB & GRUB | Sisters Ethna and Chris Lynch bring the spirit of Ireland to St. Armands. Serving Cork cottage pie, ¿sh and chips, burgers and Irish smoked salmon. Stop in for a bite, a beer and a chat. Full liquor and package sales. 19-B N. Blvd. of the Presidents, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-5550 B, L, D 5 NEW PASS GRILL & BAIT SHOP | Our Grill offers award-winning New Pass Burgers, ¿sh & chips, hot and cold sandwiches, and more. Bait Shop has bait, tackle and free instruction. Open daily 7 a.m.-5 p.m. 1505 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-3050 F B, L 5 Nokomis OLD SALTY DOG | Florida Keys with a British twist. Enjoy our City Island waterfront or our Siesta Key location at 5023 Ocean Blvd. Try our ‘Salty Dog Loaded’ as seen on Man v. Food on the Travel Channel. 1601 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-4311 F L, D 5 SHORE DINER | A fresh new American restaurant with a nod to mid-century Florida. Hip, modern place for a casual brunch, lunch or a stellar dinner under the stars. 465 John Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-296-0301 BR, L, D SALTWATER CAFÉ - NOKOMIS SEAFOOD | Family owned & operated for nearly 2 decades. Customer satisfaction in a friendly casual atmosphere. Steak, seafood and a beautiful wine cellar. 1071 N. Tamiami Trail, Nokomis, FL 34275 | 941-488-3775 B, L, D 5 Venice TOMMY BAHAMA RESTAURANT AND BAR | Eclectic with a tropical twist, Tommy Bahama Restaurant and Bar offers a relaxed, elegant island ambience along with truly inspired cuisine. 300 John Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-2888 L, D 5 Siesta Key CAFÉ VENICE RESTAURANT & WINE BAR | Small bistro-style restaurant featuring exquisite menu with Continental to Polynesian Àair and ¿ne wine selection. Located in Historic District. 116 W. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 | 941-484-1855 L, D 5 CROW’S NEST MARINA RESTAURANT ANOTHER BROKEN EGG CAFE | With over 100 southern-inspired dishes. Breakfast and brunch classics and signature meals like Bananas Fosters French Toast, Lobster & Brie Omelette, or Café Burger. 140 Avenida Messina, Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-552-8320 B, BR, L 5 BLU QUE ISLAND GRILL | Located in the village on Siesta Key, Blu Que Island Grill offers everything you need for a great time—live music, upscale BBQ, daily specials and a fantastic selection of cocktails. 149 Avenida Messina, Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-346-0738 R L, D 5 CAFÉ GABBIANO | Farm to table fresh Italian cuisine. A blend of classic and modern dishes with a 3,000 bottle wine collection. 5104 Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-1423 D 5 CAPTAIN CURT’S CRAB & OYSTER BAR | Siesta Key’s most affordable, kid-friendly seafood restaurant featuring “The World’s Best Clam Chowder” winner of the Great Chowder Cook-Off. 1200 Old Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-3885 L, D 5 DAIQUIRI DECK RAW BAR | Catch some sun, then catch a cool daiquiri at the coolest hot spot in Sarasota. Oysters, fresh seafood and more. Sarasota’s favorite place to meet. 5250 Ocean Blvd. Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-8697 L, D 5 MIGUEL’S | For over 30 years, Miguel’s has been specializing in table-side French and Continental cuisine, featuring home-made desserts and Sarasota’s best Caesar salad. 6631 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-4024 D SIESTA KEY OYSTER BAR | #1 on Siesta Key. Taste the “Flavors from the Sea” menu. Oyster Happy Hour daily and 2-4-1 drinks nightly. Enjoy outdoor dining and live music. Beach location. 5238 Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-346-5443 BR, L, D 5 VILLAGE CAFÉ | Serving breakfast and lunch in the heart of Siesta Key Village. Private parties and catering on and off premises. 5133 Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-349-2822 B, L 5 Osprey | Venice’s waterfront landmark since 1976. Voted “Venice’s Best Restaurant.” Wine Spectator’s Best of “Award of Excellence” since 1994. 1968 Tarpon Center Dr., Venice, FL 34285 | 941-484-9551 F L, D 5 FINS AT SHARKY’S ÚfkYlk`Yjcqk&[ge| Adjacent to Sharky’s, Fins offers a polished casual dining experience, featuring fresh and innovative foods in a coastal inspired atmosphere that showcases magni¿cent Gulf views and sunsets. 1600 Harbor Drive South, Venice, FL 34285 | 941-786-3068 L, D 5 MARKER 4 RESTAURANT | Enjoy a fresh & creative menu offering a variety of Àavors and selections. Located on the water, Marker 4 is your destination of choice, Old Florida Charm, New Florida Flavor. 509 N. Tamiami Trail, Venice, FL 34285 | 941-786-3291 F L, D WAVE GRILL | Featuring American Continental cuisine. Enjoy pool-side dining and weekly entertainment, including Karaoke Mondays and Jazz Tuesdays. 425 US 41 Bypass N, Venice, FL 34285 | 941-308-7700 B, L, D 5 Surrounding Areas BUFFALO WILD WINGS UNIVERSITY PARK | More than a Buffalo, NY-style wing joint, they offer a complete menu and 24 beers on draft. The best place in town for hot sports action Open late. 5235 University Pkwy., Bradenton, FL 34201 | 941-351-8584 L, D CAPTAIN BRIAN’S SEAFOOD MARKET & RESTAURANT | Daily selections of Florida’s freshest seafood have earned this local favorite Florida Trend’s Golden Spoon Award, an excellent rating by Zagat. 8421 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-351-4492 L, D CARMEL CAFÉ & WINE BAR | Carmel Cafe combines vibrant Àavors of a modern Mediterranean cuisine with a warm and inviting ambience. 8433 Cooper Creek Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34201 | 941-893-5955 L, D JERSEY MIKE’S SUBS | Authentic Jersey-style subs, wraps and salads made of the highest quality ingredients. Also, visit us at 3820 S. Tuttle Ave. Open Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sun 10 a.m.-8 p.m. 8210 Tourist Center Dr., Bradenton, FL 34201 | 941-359-1500 L, D 5 POLO GRILL & BAR MORGAN’S RESTAURANT | Great food in our bistro-themed restaurant, Morgan’s. Our Tiki Bar offers casual dining with live music on Friday and Saturday evenings. 1660 S. Tamiami Trl., Osprey, FL 34229 | 941-966-2125 L, D 5 | Locally focused food and wine, caring hospitality, casual surroundings, exceptional value—experience a new breed of American eatery at the Polo Grill. 10670 Boardwalk Loop, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 | 941-782-0899 L, D 5 VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 49 DINING Destination ;/,)3<,966:;,9 IS\LYVVZ[LYZYXJVTcVoted “Best Place for Live Music” and “Best Roadhouse.” Southern comfort food served with live blues, jazz, Americana, gospel and more. Happy hour every day! 1525-B 4th Street, Sarasota 6700 S. Tamiami Tr., Sarasota 9\[OZ*OYPZJVT #1 Island Destination in Siesta Key s t a Ke y S i e EST. 2003 SKOB SKOB.COM Oys t e r Ba r 941-346-5443 5238 Ocean Blvd — In the heart of Siesta Key TooJay’s Restaurant and Deli | Winner of numerous ´EHVWRIµDZDUGV7RR-D\·VLV reminiscent of your favorite NY deli. Specialties include signature overstuffed sandwiches, chicken noodle soup and traditional deli FODVVLFV$W:HVWÀHOG6RXWKJDWH 3501 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota DER DUTCHMAN | Located in 6DUDVRWD·V3LQHFUDIWFRPPXQLW\ 'HU'XWFKPDQVHUYHV$PLVK VW\OHNLWFKHQFRRNLQJ²KHDUW\ PDGHIURPVFUDWFKPHDOVWKDW PDNHHYHU\RQHKDSS\WRSXOOXS WRWKHWDEOH %DKLD9LVWD6WUHHW6DUDVRWD 941-955-8007 FRESH FOOD with a Splash of PANACHE Fine Dining Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 5600 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, FL 941.383.0777 50 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE 941-362-3692 June 1-14, 2015 Sarasota has the highest concentration of Zagat ® rated restaurants in Florida. Plan a culinary adventure around our award-winning eateries from June 1-14. You can enjoy 3-course meals for just $15 per person for lunch and $29 per person for dinner. For more information about restaurant week, visit 6DYRU6DUDVRWDFRP. *HWWLQJ %DFNWR ECO -ADVENT URE NATURE By bicycle, feet, board or kayak, discover the wild and natural side of Sarasota County. There are more than 60 nature attractions, parks and landmarks in Sarasota County, providing an endless list of activities to enjoy. Take a hike RQRQHRIWKHÀIWHHQPLOHVRIWUDLOVDWOscar Scherer State Park DQGHYHQVWD\WKHQLJKWDWWKHSDUN·VIXOOIDFLOLW\FDPSVLWHV Paddle around South Lido Park, a trail that features seagrass beds, mangrove tunnels and a shallow-water bayou popular among foraging wading birds. Go birding at the Red Bug Slough Preserve—a 72-acre preserve featuring a diverse natural environment or Venice Audubon Rookery where visitors can have a close-up view of nesting herons and egrets, or the Celery Fields where the Sarasota Audubon Society often hosts educational events. For more information as well as several eco-adventure ideas request a copy of our Discover Natural Sarasota Guide at VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 51 VENICE Venture to Hampton Inn & Suites Bayside Welcome to the Hampton Inn & Suites Bayside Venice, Florida, your ideal choice in lodging in Venice/South Sarasota. Conveniently located near Gulf Beaches and all Sarasota has to offer. 881 Venetia Bay Blvd., Venice Ramada Venice Resort Enjoy Venice, the City on the Beach—bicycle and pet friendly. Our hotel offers 146 contemporary guest rooms, over 6000 sq. ft. of flexible banquet and meeting space, perfect for small business meetings, elegant weddings, or banquets. Enjoy the Wave Grill restaurant or cocktails by the Splash Pool Bar. 941-308-7700 425 US 41 Bypass, N. Venice 941-488-5900 4 MAR K ER R ESTAUR A NT BEST SUNSETS IN VENICE! Newest built hotel 2010 VENICE Happy Hour 3-6 Daily & Waterfront Dining LOCATED AT FISHERMAN’S WHARF MARINA (NEXT TO THE US-41 BRIDGE) 509 N Tamiami Tr VVenice, FL 34285 941 786 3291 52 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE 2935 Executive Dr., Venice YPNO[VɈ0,_P[ 3H[LZ[*OLJRV\[PU;V^U-9,,/V[)YLHRMHZ[ What could be better than the 14 miles of beautiful white sand beaches and glis tening Gul f w a ter s o f Venice? Well, this little piece of paradise also has an abundance of recreational activities, H[TXLVLWHJROIFRXUVHVFXOWXUDODWWUDFWLRQV parks, shopping and restaurants. Miracle Swimming for Adults You’ve wished for this class your whole life. CLYDE BUTCHER The foremost landscape photographer in America today Venice Gallery and Studio 237 Warfield Avenue, Venice, FL 941.486.0811 FINS AT 6+$5.<·6 Conquer your fear of water. Learning to swim happens in the same moment. Classes, Instructor Training, Book, DVD 800-723-SWIM (7946) 941-921-6420 Upscale dining in a casual atmosphere with an unparalleled gulf view. Handcrafted cocktails, fresh sushi, steak and chops. Private dining room available. 1600 Harbor Drive S., Venice 941-999- FINS 941-484-8995 941-485-3371 941-484-6621 Explore North Port. Opportunities are Unlimited. Tucked beneath a thick tree canopy rich with archeological history and beautiful natural springs, the City of North Port offers a unique environment and youthful vibrancy as Sarasota County’s southern-most city. Visitors can canoe and kayak, mountain bike, ride horses, golf, play at parks, and enjoy family festivals. Achieve Anything! © Olwen Hughes, MBE 30-acre outdoor museum on Little Sarasota Bay 5,000 years of History and Pre-History 337 N Tamiami Trail, Osprey, FL 34229 (941) 966-5214 City of North Port 4970 City Hall Boulevard North Port, 34286 (941) 429-7000 Visit: VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 53 <RX%HWWHU SHOP AROUND There may be sun, sand and surf in Sarasota County, but the area is also a mecca for shopping addicts. Whatever your heart’s desire, be it trendy boutiques, antique stores, beach bazaars, thrift shops, art galleries, home furnishings or jewelry, look no further than Sarasota, Venice and Englewood. Each shopping area outlined is MXVWDVHQFKDQWLQJDVWKHQH[WEXWWKHELJJHVWEX]]LQWRZQʈDVIDUDVUHVLGHQWVDUH concerned, at least—is The Mall at University Town Center. By Loren Mayo 6W$UPDQGV&LUFOH This circular island shopping GHVWLQDWLRQHQWLFHVYLVLWRUVZLWKPRUHWKDQÀQHUHWDLO shops and restaurants. From art festivals, wine tastings DQGH[RWLFFDUVKRZVWRWKH+ROLGD\1LJKWRI/LJKWVWKHUH·V DOZD\VVRPHWKLQJKDSSHQLQJRQWKHFLUFOHVRWKHUH·VDOZD\V a reason to shop. 'RZQWRZQ9HQLFH Quaint, charming and historic— these are the words that come to mind when crossing over the bridge to downtown Venice. Shady palm tree-lined VWUHHWVÀOOHGZLWKPRUHWKDQVKRSVUHVWDXUDQWVDQG boutiques, and most recently, Island Organics and Croissant and Company. Signature downtown events include outdoor art shows, craft fairs, old-fashioned parades and music performances. Dearborn Street When it comes to shopping in Olde Englewood Village, look no further than Dearborn Street, where an abundance of historic buildings repurposed into small town art galleries, antique shops and restaurants await. :HVW̬HOG6RXWKJDWH0DOOAt the intersection of Siesta Drive and Tamiami Trail is a nice collection of shops offering a variety of shopping experiences. This mall is centrally located, minutes away from downtown Sarasota and Siesta Key. Take the trolley to Siesta Beach and make a day of shopping and relaxation. 54 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE SHOPPING 6DUDVRWD6TXDUH0DOO Located in VRXWK6DUDVRWD:HVWÀHOG6DUDVRWD6TXDUH is chock-full of shops ranging from Sephora and Costco to AMC Theaters. With stores like Hollister and Co., Charlotte Russe, American Eagle and Forever 21, the mall is a popular spot for teen fashion. Siesta Key Siesta Key holds the magical key to everything casual, laid-back and UHOD[HG6KRSWR\RXUKHDUW·VFRQWHQWIRUWKDW perfect beach hat, bathing suit or sundress, hit up Book Haven for your summer reading material and pop into a nail salon for a manipedi. Your hands and feet will thank you. 7KH0DOODW8QLYHUVLW\7RZQ&HQWHU The Mall at University Town Center opened its doors Fall 2014. The 880,000-square foot, twolevel shopping center features retail shops such DV6DNV)LIWK$YHQXH0DF\·VDQG'LOODUG·VDQG restaurants including BRIO Tuscan Grille, The Capital Grille, The Cheesecake Factory, Kona Grill and Seasons 52. 1 BOOKSTORE SARASOTA 1359 Main Street Sarasota, Florida 34236 941-365-7900 tttttt Full-Service Bookstore Book and Author Events Customized Group Events tttttt Facebook: Bookstore1Sarasota Twitter: @Books1Sarasota The Downtown Shopping Destination Downtown Sarasota,ILW·VGHVLJQHU DSSDUHO\RX·UHOXVWLQJIRUGRZQWRZQ6DUDVRWD offers a cache of high-end boutiques such as %RKHPLDQ%OLVV7*HRUJLDQR·VDQG/RWXV FDUU\LQJWUHQG\IDVKLRQV\RXOLNHO\ZRQ·WÀQG HOVHZKHUH<RX·OODOVRÀQGDQDEXQGDQFHRI art galleries, gift shops, home furnishings and jewelers, plus antiques, bridal wear and even a gourmet spice shop. /DNHZRRG5DQFK Main Street at Lakewood Ranch is an ideal leisure shopping experience. Spend an afternoon strolling this outdoor venue of boutiques, international restaurants and even a miniature golf course. Enjoy Music on Main—a free outdoor concert WKHÀUVW)ULGD\RIHYHU\PRQWK VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 55 Shopping Sarasota ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE | Find artifacts, objects d’art, furniture and great oddities that have withstood the test of time, traveled the globe and represent a Àavorful mix of cultures. Shipping available. Florida Retailer of the Year. Mon-Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1093 Central Ave., Sarasota, FL 32436 | 941-362-0803 ARTFUL GIRAFFE | Eclectic mix of handcrafted art, gifts and jewelry. Pottery painting studio, including creative art classes. Fine and funky stuff you’re gonna want. Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Evenings and parties by appointment. 1861 Fruitville Road, Sarasota | 941-388-3700 ARTISANS’ WORLD MARKETPLACE | Providing a concrete way to respond to the global problems of poverty, hunger and our environment through a fair trade retail outlet. Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat 9 a.m.-2 p.m., 1st Friday Gallery Walk 6-9 p.m. 128 S. Pineapple Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-5994 ENCORE & MORE CONSIGNMENT SHOP | Fashionable collection of designer clothing, jewelry, home décor, antiques, artwork, crystal and china at this non-pro¿t boutique. Consignment donations accepted. Mon- Fri 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Store hours are subject to change for holidays and special events. 1439 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-953-4222 HOME RESOURCE | A “must see” contemporary and modern furniture showroom. Representing some of the world’s most revered brands, Home Resource brilliantly displays sophisticated, stylish and timeless designs. Mon- Fri 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 741 Central Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-6690 MACY’S DEPARTMENT STORE | Offering “the best names in fashion for you, your family and your home.” Mon -Sat 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sun noon-6 p.m. West¿eld Southgate, 600 Southgate Plaza, Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-953-9300 MALL AT UNIVERSITY TOWN CENTER | This new two-level enclosed mall features over 100 stores and restaurants, including Saks Fifth Avenue, Dillard’s and Macy’s. Check website for additional information. 140 University Town Center Dr., Sarasota, FL 34243 (Southwest corner of I-75 and University Parkway) NEW BALANCE | Locally owned and operated Athletic Specialty stores. 2 locations: Sarasota and University Park. Shoe and apparel fit experts; certified pedorthists. Open daily. 1872 Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota 941-921-3696 866-921-3696 BOOKSTORE1 SARASOTA | A full-service, New York Times reporting bookstore in the heart of Sarasota’s cultural and restaurant district with a staff experienced in book selling and event management. Varies by season. Call us. 1359 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-7900 CARLISLE GIFTS | Located in the Der Dutchman Restaurant building. For home, garden or yourself, ¿nd a delightful variety in our unique shop. Mon-Thurs 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Fri & Sat 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Closed Sundays 3713 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota | 941-955-4009 CHANGE A LIFE CHARITY THRIFT STORE | We offer a variety of items, including household goods, clothing, books and furniture at very low prices. All proceeds bene¿t the community. Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Closed Sundays 1749 Cattlemen Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232 | 941-371-5111 COSTCO WHOLESALE | Membership warehouse club. 7 days Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m., Sat 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 8201 Tamiami Trail, Sarasota FL 34238 | 941-554-2800 DESIGNING WOMEN BOUTIQUE | “Sarasota’s must-shop non-pro¿t boutique.” Consigned and new designer clothing and jewelry, home furnishings, accent pieces, accessories and antiques. Full estate liquidation services. Open Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat 10 am- 4 p.m. 1226 N. Tamiami Trl., Ste. 101, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-5293 DOWNTOWN SARASOTA ALLIANCE | Live from Downtown Sarasota every Friday night. Shopping, dining, live entertainment. Main Street, Towles Court, Burns Court or Rosemary. 6-9 p.m. Of¿ce: Mon-Thur 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 1416 State St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-366-7040 ELYSIAN FIELDS-BOOKS & GIFTS FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING ]dqkaYfÚ]d\kgfdaf]&[ge| Award-winning store in Midtown Plaza where something wonderful is always happening Books, gifts, jewelry, clothing, intuitive readings and more. Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun 12-5 p.m. 1273 Tamiami Trl. S., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-361-3006 56 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE THE PEANUT SHOP OF SARASOTA | Hand-roasting the ¿nest Virginia Peanuts for over 40 years. Visit us for Southern gourmet foods, unique gifts, premium nuts, scrumptious candies and our world famous peanuts. Call store for hours. 27 N. Blvd. of Presidents, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-1236 SARASOTA DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION | Downtown is the place to shop, dine and enjoy the extraordinary styles of life that Sarasota has to offer. Various hours. 1383 Main Street, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-953-3788 SARASOTA FARMERS MARKET VENDORS | The Farmers Market continues its 30+ year tradition of serving the community with local produce, plants, prepared food, entertainment and unique artisan products. Saturdays 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Main St. & Lemon Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-225-9256 SOUTHGATE VILLAGE SHOPS | Italian, French, American cuisine, cupcakes, designer consignment, salons/barber, day spas, feng shui, tattoo, shoe repair, alteration, dry cleaning, dog grooming, interior design, hearing aids, pharmacy, dentist, botox, wigs and more. 2061-2191 Siesta Drive, Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-952-1114 SOUTHSIDE VILLAGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION | Behind Sarasota Memorial Hospital on Osprey Ave. and Hillview St. A popular gourmet market, trendy boutiques, jewelry stores and sidewalk tables at restaurants and taverns. Open daily. Osprey Ave. & Hillview St., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-366-0771 STATE OF THE ARTS FINE ART GALLERY kYjYkglYÚf]Yjl&[ge| State of the Arts Fine Art Gallery has become the foremost source for collectors focusing on acquiring contemporary art created by Sarasota artists. Tues-Fri 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Sun/Mon-by appt. 1525 State St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-955-2787 SWIM CITY | Designer swimwear, resortwear, accessories for women, men and children. Special needs swimwear also available. Mon- Sat 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun 11 a.m.-6 p.m. 50 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-958-8800 and expertise that will get you moving with the shoe that’s right for you. VISIT HERE. SHOP HERE. LET’S FIND YOUR PERFECT FIT. AREA’S LARGEST SELECTION A unique island shopping experience with over 140 upscale shops, boutiques, art galleries and award-winning restaurants set amidst lush tropical landscaping, antique statuary, Courtyards and patios. Art Festivals, classic car shows, family-friendly Halloween event and a spectacular holiday display add to the excitement. WWW St. Armands Circle Shoe Sizes Infant to 20 Shoe Widths 4A to 6E Our experts know FIT matters LET OUR FIT SPECIALISTS GUIDE YOU TO THE PERFECT SHOES & APPAREL 941.921.3696 941-388-1554 300 Madison Drive Sarasota 34236 1872 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, FL Just West of US 41 near South Siesta Key Bridge 8204 Tourist Center Dr., University Park, FL On the North side of University Parkway just West of the Mall at University Town Center. VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 57 TOWLES COURT ART ASSOCIATION | You’ll discover artists’ studios, galleries, restaurants and much more when you Stroll Towles beneath the old oak trees. Art Walk Third Friday of every month, 6-10 p.m. Tues-Sat 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1938 Adams Lane, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-587-9851 WESTFIELD SOUTHGATE o]klÚ]d\&[ge'kgml`_Yl]| Sarasota’s premiere shopping destination. An upscale, boutique-style center with signature stores such as Macy’s, White House Black Market, Banana Republic and more. Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Sun 12-5:30 p.m. 3501 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-955-0900 WHOLE FOODS MARKET CENTRE | A unique destination in downtown Sarasota, featuring an organic grocer, a salon, sophisticated boutiques and restaurants. Free parking. Open daily. 1401-1451 First St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-955-8500 SANDY’S DESIGNER CLOTHING | Comfortable clothing and accessories for women XS to XXXL. Sandy strives to carry US-made clothing whenever possible. Special sale room of samples and close-outs at near wholesale prices. Open Mon- Sat 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Sun noon-4:00 p.m. 128 W. Venice Ave., Venice, FL 34285 | 941-484-9911 VENICE MAINSTREET | Beautiful and historic Downtown Venice, home to hundreds of unique independent shops and restaurants, is only minutes from the Gulf coast. Open daily. 101 W. Venice Ave., Venice, FL 34285 | 941-484-6722 Surrounding Areas BENDERSON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Lido Key/St. Armands Circle | With 14 shopping venues throughout Sarasota County, including the newest University Park area shopping centers. Check your favorite stores for hours. 7978 Cooper Creek Blvd., #100, Bradenton, FL 34201 | 941-359-8303 ST. ARMANDS CIRCLE ASSOCIATION ELLENTON PREMIUM OUTLETS | “Get out of the box. Get into the Circle.” More than 140 upscale shops and restaurants. Lush courtyards, antique statuary and Circus Ring of Fame. Open daily. 300 Madison Dr. Suite 201, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-1554 Siesta Key CRESCENT BEACH GROCERY | Food and beverages from basic to gourmet. Full-service grocery, wine/microbeer, delicatessen, cigars, lottery and ATM. Delivery to Siesta Key. Open daily 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. 1211 Old Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242 | 941-312-0472 SIESTA KEY VILLAGE ASSOCIATION | A non-pro¿t organization representing the Siesta Key Village neighborhood, including shops and restaurants. See website for more information. Various hours. 5049 Ocean Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34242 Osprey TERVIS TUMBLER COMPANY | Insulated drinkware with a Lifetime Guarantee. Dishwasher and microwave safe. Five sizes, a water bottle and hundreds of designs available to ¿t any lifestyle. Open daily. Mon-Sat 9 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sun 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 928 S. Tamiami Trl., Osprey, FL 34229 | 941-966-8614, 866-TUMBLER Venice CAPTAIN’S LANDING-FINE MEN’S APPAREL | At Captain’s Landing, a tone of relaxed elegance permeates through our entire collection of only the ¿nest men’s apparel available. Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Sun Noon-4 p.m. 243 W. Venice Ave., Venice, FL 34285 | 941-485-2329, 866-463-1643 CLYDE BUTCHER ART GALLERY | Clyde Butcher Venice Gallery and Studio and Big Cypress Gallery at 52388 Tamiami Trl., Ochopee, FL 34141. Tues-Fri 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 237 War¿eld Ave., Venice, FL 34285 | 941-486-0811, 888-999-9113 DOME FLEA MARKET l`]\ge]Û]YeYjc]l&[ge| 300 a/c and covered farm and Àea market booths. Oldest farm market in Sarasota County. Historic Woodmere town exhibit. Lowest cost vendor market. ATM. Open Fri-Sun 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 5115 S.R. 776, Venice, FL 34293 | 941-493-6773 58 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE | 130 designer and name brand outlet stores including Coach, Nike and Polo Ralph Lauren at savings of 25% to 65% every day. Mon-Sat 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sun 10 a.m.-7 p.m. 5461 Factory Shops Blvd., Ellenton, FL 34222 | 941-723-1150 LAKEWOOD RANCH MAIN STREET | Offering stylish boutiques, specialty shops, international restaurants, cinemas and our own miniature golf course– the ideal downtown with a unique plaza for strolling and shopping. Open daily. 8131 Lakewood Main St., Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 | 941-907-9243 REALIZE BRADENTON | A walkable riverfront community with art, history, science, shopping and more. See our website for what’s happening now in Bradenton. 1001 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, FL 34205 | 941-681-0708 RED BARN FLEA MARKET j]\ZYjfÛ]YeYjc]l&[ge| One of Florida’s most popular markets. Now air-conditioned. More than 600 unique retail stores and Àea market-style booths. Enjoy family fun and more. Flea market: Open 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Fri-Sun year-round; Wed seasonally from Nov.-April. Plaza: Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tues-Sun year-round. 1707 1st St. E., Bradenton, FL 34208 | 941-747-3794, 800-274 FLEA (3532) TIP: Find something no one else has and take home a story. Enjoy troves of antique and consignment shopping in Sarasota County districts such as Gulf Gate and downtown Sarasota. Weddings A FLORIDA BEACH WEDDING | Florida destination beach wedding packages: bamboo arches, chairs, tiki torches, bridal aisle, live wedding music, photographers, video and other wedding requests. Sarasota and Surrounding Areas | 941-479-6039 ALL EVENT RENTAL & DESIGN | Our experienced professional event team can provide management or a la carte services, ‘day of’ coordination, full Àoral and event design for your wedding or special occasion. 2048 Bee Ridge Rd., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-894-3406 BAREFOOT WEDDINGS | Beautifully customized wedding ceremonies and wedding vow renewals performed by an experienced civil of¿ciant at a location of your choice in Sarasota or Manatee County. P.O. Box 25421, Sarasota, FL 34277 | 941-952-1440 ELEGANT SARASOTA WEDDINGS | Visit us online for a full list of professional artisans that are dedicated to “Making Dreams Come True for Your Happily Ever After.” 6981 Curtiss Avenue, Suite 8, Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941-308-3125 FLEMING’S PRIVATE DINING Û]eaf_kkl]Yc`gmk]&[ge| Turn your special occasion into memorable times. Personal touches make an event special. We take care of every detail so you can enjoy your guests. 2001 Siesta Dr., Ste. 101, Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-358-9463 REV. SUSAN BIERKER, MSW | Caring All-Faiths minister offering personalized, heartfelt and memorable wedding and vow renewal ceremonies. Complimentary Unity Sand shell. Serving Sarasota County | 941-922-5908 THE RINGLING WEDDINGS | With breathtaking architecture, beautiful grounds and stunning views of Sarasota Bay, The Ringling is a favorite for weddings and receptions. 5401 Bayshore Road, Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-359-5700 ext. 5703 WEDDINGS OF SARASOTA | Weddings of Sarasota, the original event association of Sarasota, includes all of the professional resources you’ll need to plan an event to remember. Sarasota and Surrounding Areas | 941-923-4333 Golf , f Instruction Available Restaurant SARA BAY COUNTRY CLUB Founded in 1926, the historic Sara Bay CC is a private, member-owned golf club designed by legendary architect Donald Ross. Located just north of downtown and only minutes from the islands of Longboat, Bird & Lido, as well as Lakewood Ranch . . . Sara Bay CC is recognized as one of the most venerable clubs in Florida. Golf is our passion! Host of the 2015 LPGA Symetra Tour Sarasota, FL 34243 941-355-7658 [email protected] POPE GOLF | Holes: 5 x 18, Par: 72, Rating: 68.5 - 71.5, Rates: Call Managing Bent Tree CC, Buffalo Creek Golf Course, Esplanade Golf & CC, Misty Creek CC, Manatee Golf Course, Mission Valley CC and Twin Isles CC. P/S 941-444-6600, 877-767-4699 ,f ROSEDALE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB | Holes: 18, Par: 72, Rating: 72.9, Rates: Call S 5100 87th St. E., Bradenton, FL 34211 | 941-756-0004 ,f SARA BAY COUNTRY CLUB | Holes: 18, Par: 72, Rating: 73.8, Rates: Private P 7011 Willow St., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-355-7658 P Public R Private Course S Semi-private BIG SUMMER GOLF CARD | Golf privilege card for summer months. 5812 Lakewood Ranch Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34240 | 941-923-2232, 800-391-3665 ,f TATUM RIDGE GOLF LINKS lYlmeja\_]_gdÛafck&[ge| Holes: 18, Par: 72, Rating: 72.2, Rates: $38-$66 S 421 Tatum Rd. N., Sarasota, FL 34240 | 941-378-4211 ,f TPC PRESTANCIA GOLF CLUB | Holes: 36, Par: 72, Rating: 72.1, Rates: Membership available. 4409 Tournament Players Club Dr., Sarasota, FL 34238 | 941-922-2800 ,f P UNIVERSITY PARK COUNTRY CLUB THE FOUNDERS GOLF CLUB | Holes: 18, Par: 72, Rates: Private 3800 Golf Hall Dr., Sarasota, FL 34240 | 941-371-9720 P mfan]jkalqhYjc%Û&[ge| Holes: 27, Par: 72, Rating: 71.3, Rates: Call S 7671 The Park Blvd., Bradenton, FL 34201 | 941-359-9999 GOLF IN VENICE.COM WATERLEFE GOLF & RIVER CLUB ,f _gdÚfn]fa[]&[ge| Holes: 2x18, 1x27, Par: 72, Rating: Various, Rates: Call, Representing Calusa Lakes, Capri Isles & Waterford | 941-484-6621 ,f S ,f | Holes: 18, Par: 72, Rating: 71.2, Rates: $45-$85 S 1022 Fish Hook Cove, Bradenton, FL 34212 | 941-744-9771 ,f VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 59 SPORTS SPORTS *HW <RXU 52:,1* Racing toward the top of sporting headlines worldwide is 6DUDVRWD&RXQW\·VYHU\RZQ1DWKDQ%HQGHUVRQ3DUN$OUHDG\RQHRI the best rowing and aquatic sports centers in the country, Nathan Benderson Park strokes ahead in the standings as it becomes a premier 2000-meter World Class Sprint Course in North America. This state of the art facility will be put to the ultimate test in 2017 as it hosts the World Rowing Championships. (48(675,$1 Equestrian-lovers should check out Sarasota Polo Club at Lakewood Ranch, which hosts thrilling polo matches every Sunday afternoon from early-December to mid-April. Be sure to also stop by the beautiful, award-winning Fox Lea Farms, which offers annual horse shows, dressage events and grand prix events year round. *2/) Choose from numerous greens in Sarasota County featuring layouts challenging to all levels of skill. If you prefer to play where you stay, a few resorts offer onsite courses or have partnered with local courses to RIIHUVSHFLDOSDFNDJHV*ROIHQWKXVLDVWVZLOOÀQGFKDPSLRQVKLSFRXUVHV throughout the county designed by some of the best in the business including Arnold Palmer, Ron Garl, Ted McAnlis. and Bobby Jones. With so PDQ\FRXUVHVWRFKRRVHIURPYLVLWRUVZLOOÀQGFKDOOHQJLQJIDLUZD\VVWHHSHG LQULFKJROÀQJKLVWRU\ 6:,00,1* Sarasota County is home of the U.S. Masters Swimming organization, whose members include 60,000 Masters swimmers from across the country. Various regional and national swimming events are held throughout the year at the newly renovated Selby Aquatic Center— VHWZLWKLQWKH6DUDVRWD<·V&-/RÀQR)DPLO\&RPSOH[ 7(11,6 Tennis lovers will relish the numerous facilities found in Sarasota County public parks, tennis centers and country clubs/resorts. Be sure to check out the Sarasota Open, a USTA Pro Circuit Event held every year at The Resort at Longboat Key Club Tennis Gardens, which was named top place to play by USA Today. 60 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE FIX Sarasota County’s sand and sunshine are courtside seats to premier sporting facilities and venues which aren’t just great, but award winning—and no. 1 at that! In 2014 Sarasota County was selected as the best sportsfriendly vacation destination in America. We guess our beaches and attractions smoked the competition! %($&+ If you are looking for beach sports, look no further than Siesta Beach. Every year a variety of events, including beach volleyball tournaments, stand-up paddle board and triathlons, are held at this number one beach. 5811,1* Recently rated a top running destination in America, 6DUDVRWD&RXQW\·VQXPHURXVSDUNVDQGWUDLOVDUHSHUIHFWIRUUHFUHDWLRQDO and long-distance runners alike. We recommend starting a run at Marina Jack and heading over of the Ringing Causeway—one of the best views in Sarasota County. 75$,1,1*)$&,/,7,(6 Major sporting facilities nearby include the Premier Sports Campus at Lakewood Ranch. This facility hosts nightly soccer, lacrosse, rugby and football, as well as national and international competitions, such as the Nike International Friendlies Soccer Tournament. IMG Academy in Bradenton specializes in developing student athletes from around the world, and also hosts training sessions for professional sports teams. In 2014, the facility hosted several Major League Soccer teams for pre-season training, during which teams competed in friendlies that were open to the public. 6DUDVRWD&RXQW\LVSURXGWREHWKHVSULQJKRPH RIWKH%DOWLPRUH2ULROHV Knock it out of the park with your spring vacation by taking a trip to the recently renovated Ed Smith Stadium, the spring home of the Baltimore Orioles. For the spring training fanatics, Sarasota County is within a short drive of seven other spring training venues. VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 61 Services ('8&$7,210(',&$/ ADULT & COMMUNITY ENRICHMENT @ SCTI | 4748 Beneva Rd., Sarasota, FL 34233 | 941-361-6590 AMERICAN MEDICAL SEMINARS | P.O. Box 49947, Sarasota, FL 34230 | 941-388-1766, 866-267-4263 DOCTORS HOSPITAL OF SARASOTA | 5731 Bee Ridge Rd., Sarasota, FL 34233 941-342-1100 FLORIDA MEDICAL RETREAT Ûgja\Ye]\a[Ydj]lj]Yl&[ge| 1303 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34236 941-552-3288, 800-643-0529 NEW COLLEGE OF FLORIDA | 5800 Bay Shore Rd., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-487-5000 RINGLING COLLEGE OF ART + DESIGN | 2700 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34234 | 941-351-5100, 800-255-7695 ROAD SCHOLAR | 1820 Brother Geenen Way, Sarasota, FL 34236 941-556-3269 SARASOTA MEMORIAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM 0((7,1*5(6285&(6 AMERICAN APPAREL | 121 Corporation Way, Ste. C, Venice, FL 34285 | 941-488-3770 COASTAL PRINTING | 1730 Independence Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34234 941-351-1515, 800-354-5155 FLORIDA STATE MASSAGE THERAPY ASSOCIATION | 9070 58th Drive E, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 941-677-8280 GULF COAST DESTINATIONS | Serving Sarasota County and surrounding areas 941-927-3737 HBC EVENT SERVICES | 215 Central Ave., NW, Ste. 3A, Albuquerque, NM 87102 | 505-346-0522 MAIN STREET GRAPHICS | 1900 Main St., Suite 108, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-2229 PRO-MOTION NOTIONS | 4411 Bee Ridge Rd., #301, Sarasota, FL 34233 941-952-1119 SIGNS NOW | 1693 Main St., Suite B, Sarasota, FL 34236 941-951-7888 | 1700 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34239 | 941-917-9000 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING STATE COLLEGE OF FLORIDA, MANATEE-SARASOTA | 3939 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34231 941-922-1563 | 7131 Professional Pkwy. E., Sarasota, FL 34240 | 941-363-7000 SUNCOAST CHARITIES FOR CHILDREN | 5317 Fruitville Rd., Ste. 43, Sarasota, FL 34232 | 941-371-8820 5(17$/ A TO Z BABY, BEACH & BIKE RENTALS UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA SARASOTAMANATEE | Serving Sarasota & Manatee Counties, FL 941-961-3527, 888-503-AtoZ | 8350 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-359-4200, 877-411-4USF ABC BABY RENTALS (9(179(18(6 | 2300 Bee Ridge Rd., Ste. 204, Sarasota, FL 34239 941-929-1850, 866-342-2446 B.J. PALMER HISTORIC HOME FOUNDATION *(1(5$/ | 342 N. Washington Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 770-499-9209 ATLARGE, INC. ED SMITH STADIUM | 238 S. Links Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-365-9200 | 2700 12th St., Sarasota, FL 34237 | 941-893-6300 AUTO CLUB GROUP, SARASOTA THE FRANCIS | 3844 Bee Ridge Rd., Sarasota, FL 34233 941-929-2299, 866-201-0385 | 1289 N. Palm Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236 941-552-9650 MOTE AQUARIUM | 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-388-2252 MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM |801 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-954-4165 PREMIER SPORTS CAMPUS AT LAKEWOOD RANCH | 5895 Post Blvd., Lakewood Ranch, FL 34211 | 941-757-1582 CHAPPELLROBERTS | 1600 E. 8th Ave., Suite A-133, Tampa, FL 33605 813-281-0088 CLEAR CHANNEL RADIO SARASOTA | 1779 Independence Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34234 941-552-4800 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF SARASOTA COUNTY | 1680 Fruitville Rd., #402, Sarasota, FL 34236 941-309-1200 FLORIDA SUNCOAST TOURISM PROMOTIONS Ûgja\Ylgmjake&[ge| 10750 75th St., Seminole, FL 33777 | 727-544-1212 62 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE IMAGICA COMMUNICATIONS | Sarasota, FL | 941-350-9615 JAENSCH IMMIGRATION LAW FIRM | 2198 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34237 | 941-366-9841 JEWISH FEDERATION OF SARASOTA-MANATEE | 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232 | 941-371-4546 LAKEWOOD RANCH BUSINESS ALLIANCE | 8430 Enterprise Circle, Ste. 140, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 941-757-1664 MLC AND ASSOCIATES | 1819 Main St., 12th Floor, Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-364-5695 ST. ANDREW UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST | 6908 Beneva Rd., Sarasota, FL 34238 | 941-922-7595 ST. MARTHA CATHOLIC CHURCH | 200 N. Orange Ave. (at Fruitville), Sarasota, FL 34236 941-366-4210 SUNTRUST BANK | 1777 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941-951-3307 WATER CHAMP SuperShuttle & ExecuCar Need a lift? We provide door-to-door airport rides to and from your home, office or hotel 24/7. Serving Tampa (TPA), Sarasota (SRQ), and St. Petersburg/Clearwater (PIE) airports. Whether an individual or group, we help coordinate your ground transportation needs. Book online and use discount code CMZ5M to receive a special fare discount. | 2379 Broad St., Brooksville, FL 34604 352-796-7211 63$6$/21 MANDALA MED-SPA & YOGA SHALA | 1715 Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota, FL 34231 941-927-2278 (800) Blue-Van, (727) 572-1111 11901 30th Ct. N. St. Petersburg, 33716 75$163257$7,21 ALL ABOARD CHARTERS | 2571 12th Street, Sarasota, FL 34237 | 941-365-3676 PRACTICAL CAR, JEEP & SCOOTER RENTALS | 3416 S. Osprey Ave., Sarasota, FL 34239 941-365-7333, 800-338-0084 SARASOTA BRADENTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT | 6000 Airport Cir., Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-359-5200 Chartered t Open-Air Meetings, Conferences Weddings & Events 941-346-3115 SRQ SERVICES LIMOUSINE TRANSPORTATION DMC | 4773 Sweetmeadow Cir., Sarasota, FL 34238 941-925-7733, 844-385-1039 SUPERSHUTTLE / EXECUCAR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES | Serving Sarasota and Surrounding Areas 727-572-1111, 800-BLUEVAN SIESTA TROLLEY | Serving Sarasota and Manatee Counties | 941-915-3232 GO MOBILE ZLWK2XU2IÀFLDO$SS DW9LVLW6DUDVRWD$33RUJ Get all the essentials on the go from upcoming events to a directory of hotels, beaches, restaurants, attractions and more. VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 63 -$18$5< Thunder by the Bay will rock and roll Sarasota County with live shows, Harley-Davidson motorcycle showcases and more. 6PHOOWKHÁRZHUVDW6DUDVRWD2UFKLG6RFLHW\·V Annual Show and Sale—featuring award winning orchid displays. Forks and Corks is a major culinary extravaganza featuring the greatest food and wine in the area. &HOHEUDWH6DUDVRWD&RXQW\·VFLUFXVKHULWDJHDVWKH Circus Ring of FameLQGXFWVWKLV\HDU·VKDOORIIDPH members. SAVE THE 6DUDVRWD&RXQW\ʌVVSHFLDOHYHQWVFDOHQGDU EULPVDOO\HDUORQJ)RUDFRPSOHWHOLVWRI ORFDOHYHQWVJRWR9LVLW6DUDVRWDRUJHYHQWV The Ringling Bridge Run in January is a perfect 4-mile run over the Ringling Causeway Bridge. MARCH )(%58$5< The Greek Glendi Festival hosted by St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church features live music, dancing and great Greek. The Second Nature Environmental Festival in North Port is an educational adventure. Hunt fossils with local archaeologists. Baltimore Orioles return as part of the Grapefruit League season. Sarasota County Agricultural Fair features rides, entertainment, horticulture and livestock. The First Watch Sarasota Half Marathon is a perfect spring break race drawing in thousands of runners annually. APR IL Venice Italian Festival & Carnival, sponsored by the Italian American Club of Venice, features rides, fun and food making you say grazie! Sarasota Film Festival regularly screens more WKDQÀOPVVKRUWVDQGGRFXPHQWDULHVHYHU\ year. VDUDVRWDÀOPIHVWLYDOFRP The Sarasota Jazz Festival features a concert in the park and jazz club favorites around town. Florida Winefest & Auction plates an epicurean adventure for food and wine lovers. ÁRULGDZLQHIHVWFRP The Circus Arts Conservatory launches its winter performance, featuring acrobatic feats and trapeze thrills. The Sarasota Opera Winter Festival hits a high note February through March with concerts and special events. Orange Blossom Festival at Mixon Fruit Farms blooms with arts, crafts and rides. The Sarasota Music Half-Marathon is a new race with 20 bands, lawn parties and more! 64 | THE OFFICIAL SAR ASOTA COUNT Y VISITORS GUIDE Fiesta on Siesta Key is a collegiate beach volleyball tournament on the white sands of Siesta Beach. ÀHVWDRQVLHVWDNH\FRP The 9HQLFH6KDUN·V7RRWK)HVWLYDO celebrates WKH´6KDUN·V7RRWK&DSLWDORIWKH:RUOGµ The Sarasota Open Tennis Tournament, a USTA 0HQ·V3UR&LUFXLWHYHQWVHUYHVXSDW7KH5HVRUWDW Longboat Key Club. $ÀQJHUOLFNLQ·KRWSLFNLQ·JRRGWLPHWREHKDGDW the Suncoast BBQ Bash. 0$< Classic Corvettes on the Circle is the VWDWH·VWKLUGODUJHVWFODVVLF&RUYHWWHVKRZ Festival of Roses highlights a rose garden tour, displays and cultivation classes. Harvey Milk Festival showcases local music, performances and visual artists. The Venice Brew Bash features more than 60 craft and import beers from local and regional breweries. -81( Savor the spice of Sarasota County during Savor Sarasota Restaurant Week with local restaurants RIIHULQJVSHFLDOSUL[À[ The best up-and-coming young musicians from around the world perform at the annual Sarasota Music Festival. 0RWH$TXDULXPFHOHEUDWHVWKHZRUOG·VJUHDWHVW natural resource with World Oceans Day Family Festival. 2& 72%(5 The Ringling International Arts Festival features performers from around the world. 0RUWRQ·V)LUHKRXVH&KLOL&RRN2IIZLOOÀOOHYHQ the biggest of appetites. The Sarasota Pumpkin Festival features trick-or-treating and a pumpkin maze. Show your colors at Sarasota Pride, a festival promoting a positive image of LGBTs in the Sarasota area. 129(0%(5 The Sarasota Bay Water Festival celebrates the bay with races, live entertainment, food trucks and more. Celebrating street and performance art, the Chalk Festival features world-famous chalk artists. -8/<ʔ$8*867ʔ6(37(0%(5 Sarasota Super Boat Grand Prix Festival surrounds the week of the 4th of July and features 15 racing events, a festival and more. Sarasota Improv Festival invites comedic troupes from around the country for two days of comedy. ÁRULGDVWXGLRWKHDWUHRUJ ,QWHUQDWLRQDOVWDUVRIGDQFHÁRFNWRWKHSarasota International Dance Festival. The Siesta Key Crystal Classic Master Sand Sculpting Competition comes to the shores of Siesta Beach. The Sarasota Polo season begins in November and continues through early April. Experience 11th century England at the Sarasota Medieval Fair. '(&(0%(5 The Fabulous Independent Film Festival IHDWXUHVPXOWLSOH/*%7À Holly Days & Mangrove Lights puts Historic Spanish Point on festive display. Englewood Pioneer Days features a festival and parade during Labor Day Weekend. Christmas Boat Parade of Lights on Sarasota Bay shines on the Sarasota Bayfront. Summer Cabaret Festival features local talent performing music, comedy and theater. Venice Christmas Boat Parade rides along the Intracoastal Waterway. VISITSAR ASOTA.ORG | 65 Awarded Tripadvisor Traveler’s Choice Award for “Top Romance in US” “#1 Best Beach in America” by Dr. Beach SEARCH THE RINGLING Find art from the masters to the moderns. The joy of performance in a jewel box theater. A miniature circus and big top thrills. A Circus King’s mansion on the Bay. Secret gardens and gnomes. Find yourself at Florida’s State Art Museum. Find yourself here. Visit Sarasota County 1777 Main Street, Suite 302 Sarasota, FL 34236 ANTHROPOLOGIE APPLE BANANA REPUBLIC BOSTON PROPER BRIO TUSCAN GRILLE BROOKS BROTHERS CALYPSO ST. BARTH THE CAPITAL GRILLE THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY CRATE & BARREL GAP H&M J. CREW KATE SPADE KONA GRILL LILLY PULITZER LULULEMON ATHLETICA MAC MAYORS MICHAEL KORS POTTERY BARN I-75 and University Parkway ROBERT GRAHAM SEASONS 52 SEPHORA STUART WEITZMAN SWAROVSKI TESLA TOMMY BAHAMA TUMI VERA BRADLEY WILLIAMS-SONOMA Z GALLERIE