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97377570041602 JAP AN ESE T O Y C U LTU R E T R A N S F O R M E R S / J U M B O M A C H IN D E R S / D E S IG N E R V I N Y L S / M IC R O M A N / D IE - C A S T / V IN T A G E V I N Y L ART BY: C H A R L E S B U R N S / S E O N N A H O N G / B IG F O O T / D A V ID H O R V A T H / J IM B O KhCAtQ A P A R T T W O / U P D A T E S / H E D O R A H T H E S M O G M O N S T E R A R K D IE - C A S T / J U M B O R G A C E / B A N D A I U L T R A K A IJ U / M O R E mmmr \m m b b p ^ m f 'i h b b nr ib b b MM 1BF" BBEBBB9 BBB BB LiB B P^B IBBB E B B S ■■ B B .'^fS BBB BBBPL‘ .B B H B E BPPPEBg--- P8 * SBF'JBBB^BBBifc r I I F H P 9 B B B B ft.J ^ rflBB B 2B B B E B B B B B B BflBBHiSBBBBN ' SSSPBBBBBBPB a w * * I' J^BBBL I f iiB H k I tp g s m r w v s ik m u m m B B B R a y ^ i I S b b BBBBBBB SBBBBBP v u m m *S4 B E BBBBBBBBBBBB BP' .,'BNlBfl BBHr BBBBBBBBBSBB B r i E ^ w r i P ^ ^ B B C ^ i* r MU B k iH llifk . H & BBBBBBBBBBBB * B r 4 ^ 2 B . ._ BMB J B F .J B I K IK A ID A C O U T U R E FO R A L L Y O U J IN Z O N IN G E N W W W .C L U B K IK A ID A .C O M L « iilB B B B D B n B B B B B E I" ? BBBBBBilta^S BBBBBBBBBB m B »‘S a r •TIMT 5mma ^ 8 0 8 -5 6 6 -0 1 7 0 ( 2 0 0 3 K A T A C O M M U N IC A T IO N S ) BBBPBBBBBBRRKSSBBB B P B F T -:” = = s a US * illilliB * ,i T T “ ^ B f U B B I U -------“ “ • B B B B B B ■ * B P B B 1 iB a S r .; : . ' • _ r ~ -. 5 * 1 n x ; BLIH[ B B B H lt^J BBH l.. BBB BBB BP M BBB E S P ■: _____ 05 Editorial by M ark Nagata 10 News by Staff 12 Transform ers Colum n by Jack H urw itz ofT fo rm ers.com 15 M icro nau t Colum n by Bwana Spoons 16 So Crazy JapaneseToys! by Jim b o M atison 18 Designer Vinyls C olum n by Jim C raw ford and G regory Blum o f StrangeCo. 20 Jum b o M achinder Colum n by Sean Bonner 22 Ark Die-cast by M att A lt and Robert Duban ofToyboxD X 28 Kikaida Objects by Sanford Mock and KirkTaniguchi 35 Ban Daisuke Interview by Jim b o M attison 38 J um b org Ace - part tw o by Tree 44 Hedorah the Sm og M onster by Brian Flynn and M ike Johnson 50 Bandai Standard Kaiju vin yls - part one by Brian Flynn 53 A rt G allery Featuring: Seonna Hong, Charles Burns, Bigfoot, David Horvath and Sanford Mock. 03 3,0 House of Collect!. *>sw* Mo",w \ * fv Pez Robots Monsters G.l. Joe Star Wars Batman Star Trek Gundam Godzilla Macross Ultraman Super Heroes Japanese Toys Ceral Premiums Buy - Sell - Trade Nightmare Model Kits Transformers Captain Action We Have it all! Dr. Tongue’s, 1408 E. Burnside, Portland, Or. 97214 www.drtonguestoys.com (503) 233-8915 — sixspace 549 west 23rd street, los angeles, ca 90007 www.sixspace.com :: 213.765.0248 seonna hong glen e. friedman martin ontiveros nathan cabrera richard colman kirsten ulve -fafi esm-artifidal shepard fairey donovan crosby space invader tim biedron E D IT O R IA L - «A FEW W O R D S FR O M M A R K N A G A TA Wow! That's all I can say about the response to ou r prem iere issue of Super7. Even though we had a ton o f typos, I was very pleased w ith the ove rall design and feel o f the m agazine. But, like anything else, th is is a learning process and w e 're ju s t getting started. First off, the typo s w ill be kept to a m in im u m as m ore folks step in to p ro o f read. We're slo w ly expanding ou r coverage of toys beginning w ith th is issue to include T ransform ers and Urban vinyls. Subscriptions are now available (see page 10) and our w eb site at ww w.super7m agazine.com has undergone a makeover. The web site w ill soon feature vintage and new toys fo r sale, o rig in a l art and lim ited edition prints, buttons, exclusive T-shirts, and m ore! Check it out and let me know w h at you think. Super7 w ill also have a table at the San Diego Com ic Con, Ju ly 17th-20th, 2003. It's the largest convention in the US and features not only com ics but also toys! We w ill be debuting Super7 issue 3 at the show. Plus, w e 'll have toys,T-shirts and o rigin al art fo r sale. Stop by and say " h i" I w ant to thank all o u r advertisers, fo r helping sup po rt Super7. Many of them came on board early, when w e d id n 't even have a copy to show them . For that we say, "T hank you very m uch" I And last, but not least, o u r to y and art c o n trib u to rs and w rite rs... W ithou t them , we w o u ld n 't have access to som e o f the m ost rare and beautiful toys in the w o rld , as w e ll as fantastic art. J im b o , Brian and M ark as in te rp re te d by M ark Nagata. You guys make Super7 rock! -Mark 3/03/03 em ail: m ark@ super7m agazine.com Conventions: Super7 magazine w ill be fo r sale at the fo llo w in g conventions this year. Be sure and check out all dates and venues w ith each o f the convention organizers before m aking any travel plans. A ll dates are subject to change and cancellations. Cool StuffToys and Video w ill be d istrib u tin g Super7 magazines at the fo llo w in g shows: W onderCon - San Francisco A pril 25th-27th, 2003 http://w w w .com ic-con.org Wizard W orld East - Philadelphia May 30th-31st, and June 1st, 2003 http://w w w .w izardu nive rse.com /con ven tion s/p hilly.cfm Wizard W orld - Chicago August 8th-1 Oth, 2003 http://w w w .w izarduniverse.com /conventions/chicago.cfm W izard W orld -Texas http://w w w .w izarduniverse.com /conventions/texas.cfm Lenell Bridges and C hristopher Mah w ill be selling Super7 at this year's G-Fest. G-Fest, Ju ly 18th-20th, 2003 w w w .g-fan.com San Diego! Stop by and say hello to the entire Super7 crew live and in-person at the San Diego Comic-Con. We w ill have a brand new issue, and m aybe even an all-ne w exclusive to y! (hint, hint) San Diego Comic-Con Ju ly 17th-20th, 2003 http://w w w .com ic-con.org Stores carrying Super7 magazine: K inokuniya Bookstores - San Francisco phone (415) 567-7625 G iant Robot Store - Los A ngeles phone (310) 478-1819 M eltd ow n Comics - Los Angeles phone (323) 851-7223 Reading Frenzy - Portland phone (503) 274-1449 Zakka - N ew York phone (212) 431-3961 Special thanks: punkpunk crew - M ark M iyake and Miss Jin g, G-Fan magazine- JD Lees, Lenell Bridges, and G ertrude S m ith, D iam ond Com icsT heresaYung and M ark Flerr,Tower Magazines- C lint and Mike, JN Productions- Joanne N inom iya, Shono Planning- Masato Shono, Eddie Yates, Tom Franck and CJT, all the fine folks at ToyboxDX, and o f course, every sin gle co n trib u to r, past and present. We appreciate yo u r tim e and e ffort th a t makes th is magazine possible. 05 HARD TO FIND VINTAGE JAPANESE AND U.S. TOYS E AMERICAN DREAM is u Is o o E H 4 U f l i f a a 4 s 4 C 5 S U D a I E 0 ALL T E TOY NEWS ALL T E TIME i H U BILLY CALAXY 912 W BURNSIDE PORTLAND, OR 97209 (503) 227-8253 WWW.BILLYCALAXY.COM Cool Toys for the Savvy Collector Gloomy Bear Be@rbricbs Kubricks Monsterism & More!! Super7 Magazine, Volumel Issue2 - April 2003 U P D A T E S A N D C O R R E C T IO N S «- A FEW W O R D S FR O M T H E S T A F F Publisher Super7 Media, Inc. Editor Mark Nagata First off, w e had m ore typo s in the last issue than we w o u ld have ever expected! We proofed the magazine m u ltip le tim es and still m issed a ton o f errors. Some o f ou r errors are w orse than ty p o s they are fla t-o u t m istakes! Graphic Design / Assistant Editor Hybrid Design, Inc. / Brian Flynn Design Intern: G eoff Allen ww w.hybrid101.com Marketing / Sales S h a n n o n ! Stewart shannon@ super7m agazine.com Contributing Editor / Ad Sales Chad Hensley chad@ super7magazine.com Gracious Contributers Sanford Mock, Rae Mock, M att A lt, Roger Duban, Tim Brisko, SteveT., M ike Johnson, Sean Bonner, Bwana Spoons, Jim and G regory o f StrangeCo., KirkTaniguchi, Chad Hensley, J im b o , Masato Shono and Shono-Planning, Jack Hurwitz. American Distribution Tower Books, Diam ond Comics, Ingram s Periodicals, and Last Gasp. Hong-Kong Distribution Mike & M arco D istribution Other International Distribution sales@ super7magazine.com Printing Transcontinental P rinting/ LGM Graphics attn: M ike Bradley 1.800.661.0052 x24 Printed in Canada. Advertising ads@ super7magazine.com Editorial / Submissions m ark@ super7magazine.com Contact / Goodie Boxes Super7 Magazine P.O. Box 330235 San Francisco, Ca. 94133 415.922.6612 ww w.super7m agazine.com Legal The a d vertising and articles ap pe arin g w ith in th is p u b lica tio n refle ct the o p in io n s and a ttitu d e s o f th e ir respective au thors and n o t necessarily tho se o f the publisher or oth er persons affiliated w ith th is publication. All rig h ts to the p h o to g ra p h s, a rtw o rk and articles contained in this publication are c o p y rig h t ow ned by th e ir respective creators. A ll rig h ts to any character names and/or likenesses are co p yrig h t ow ned by th e ir respective owners, and no assum ption o f ow ne rship is m ade by this publication. Everything else contained herein is ©2003 Super7 magazine, and m ay not be reproduced in part or w hole w ith o u t w ritte n perm ission fro m Super7 magazine as w ell as any co n trib u to rs if applicable. In the end, it's a magazine about toys - so relax. First, o u r m ost sincere apologies to Sanford and Rae Mock. Not o n ly did w e m isspell th e ir last name as "M o k " we som ehow found ourselves calling Rae "E la in e "! We know better than this, and have no idea how we managed to make th is gregarious mistake. We are so sorry! (We also m isspelled Mark's art page as "N a rk " Nagata.) A n o th e r m istake happened in o u r G odzilla article. On page 38, in the b o tto m rig h t ph oto o f three green G odzillas, the m id dle Godzilla should be labelled "L' and not "K "T h e color-key box to the rig h t o f his head should be "L ' instead o f "K " as w ell. In ad dition, we fo u n d paint va ria tio n s o f the bootleg godzilla. On the red version o f the bootleg, you can fin d them in red w ith no paint, red w ith blue paint, and red w ith blue and green paint. We also received a photo o f a unpainted brow n vin yl marusan godzilla paired w ith a 1983 flesh vin yl, but we have no fu rth e r in fo rm atio n ab ou t it. We can o n ly assume it is a 1983 bootleg as w ell. N ot so m uch a m istake, as an o m issio n , in o u r frenzy to photograph the boxed sparker figures, w e fo rg o t to photograph our loose Kamen Rider-X sparker. W hile his name appears in the checklist, his photo was absent. A d d itio n a lly, we received a photo fro m a p ro m in e n t japanese collecto r o f a sparker we did not know about- Denjin Zaboga! Below you w ill fin d a picture o f both of these om itted toys. We also have a photo o f a store prom otional piece fo r the Kamen Rider V3 light-up. Lastly, w e have a fe w pictures o f a bagged large-size Kikaida-01 Double-M achine.The photo w e used was sm all and the to y was in bad con dition. Below is a photo o f a pristine bagged exam ple! We prom ise to be much m ore th o ro u g h th is issue! I I ! lillillM ilJ Iiii 1 III l l l t l il PLASTIC PASSION. (5©MM3(3^©©^ aE>@3 " . . . a c o l l e c t o r ’ s dream w i t h i n y o u r r e a c h . . . M A 2 IN G E R ^ 190 1 GARADA ' 6- • 12- T -2 8 G R A Y ¥E R . G A M E R A FIGURES SEGA C O M IN G M A R C H S“ M A Z 1 N K A IS E R D IE C A S T W e Carry. Godzilla Ray HarryHausen Monsters Gamera Ultraman Giant Robot Supr Robots MazingerZ Tetsujin28 www.thecolledge.com PH.FAX (626) 292-2403 Customer Service (Mon-Fri 10am -5pm PST (626) 757-5295 E X C L U S IV E T O Y S «- «- 1 9 5 4 G O D Z ILL A ® V IN Y L E X C L U S IV E F R O M B E A R M O D E L /S H O N O -K IK A K U This Lim ited Edition Godzilla® V inyl is available ONLY fro m th is issue of Super-7 Magazine! The 9” tall vin yl is m olded in translucent grey vin yl, w ith black and silver spray accents all over the body. Painted to replicate the underwater, dying Godzilla®, this scene has not been released in to y fo rm a t before, and w ill sell out quickly. Figures w ill on ly be made fo r exactly the orders received, w ith a m axim um run o f 500 pieces. All orders m ust be postm arked by J u ly 31st, 2003. Figures w ill be m ailed 6-8 weeks from deadline. Cut this coupon o u t and m ail to: Godzilla® Offer, Super-7 Magazine, PO Box 330235, San Francisco, Ca. 94133 USA. One order per coupon, o rig in a l coupons only. No copies accepted. If you r m ailin g in fo rm a tio n does not fit on the fo rm , please attach the in fo rm a tio n to the coupon before m ailing. Name _ Address E - m a il_____________________________________ Phone ( )_ Payment of $55.00 + 10.00 shipping enclosed as a money order in U.S. funds only. DO NOT SEND CASH! Payments made out to "Super7 Magazine" For Mail Order Sales in the U.S.A. and Canada only. No international orders accepted. G O D Z ILLA® AN D T H E CHARACTER DESIGN ARE REGISTERED TR A D E M A R K S OF TOHO CO., LTD. © 1 9 5 4 TOHO CO., LTD. A LL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 0 0 -P IE C E W H IT E V A R IA N T C O S M O U S E F IG U R E Super7 x STR AN G Eco e x c lu s iv e C o s m o u s e in w h ite . Designed by Japan's Koji Takeuchi and produced by Hong Kong toy boutique Flying Cat.The second figu re in Koji's "SciFi Heroes" series, Cosmouse features a rem ovable helm et and slidin g clear face shield. Figure is packaged in a paperboard box, and comes w ith collector post cards and goodies o n ly available th ro u g h th is offer. Lim ited to 100 pieces in the USA, available only through Super-7 Magazine! Cut this coupon out and mail to: Super-7 Cosmouse Offer, c/o STRANGEco, PO Box 460217, San Francisco, CA 94146-0217, USA. For international orders or express shipping, please contact cosmouse@ strangeco.com . Name _ Address E -m a il__________________ Phone ( ) ____________ Payment of $59.95 + $7.99 shipping & handling enclosed as a money order in US funds only. One order per coupon, original coupons only. No copies accepted. Offer available while supplies last. Visit www.strageco.com for more details. C o p y rig h t © 2002 Koji Takeuchi /ASTRO g ra p h ic a All Rights Reserved. I Stiper 7MagazTP no affiliated with Shoro-Kikaku. Bear Model SirangeCo or Astro Graphica, and is not assumingrespon ilrflty (or thefuSitilrnon! of either otter. Pleaseai ow6-8yvecks fromthe nos markdead! notot ycui order Only ©riyina- coupons fromthe magazine accepod no rr product ons of any knd Super-? is not responsiblefor lost or misdirected coupons. 09 -* ■* l-A U C T IO N P R E M IE R E SUPER7 TALKS TO SHO HARA Q: Why did you start this internet auction site? I used to be the m arketing m anager fo r a m ajor Internet auction site. Unfortunately, last March, we had to shut dow n the Japan site because we w ere unable to dom inate the h ig h ly com p etitive Japanese auction m arket. I re a lly w anted to c o n tin u e in the Internet auction business in Japan because I fe lt th a t the m arket was still in its early stages. I was very fortun ate to have financial and technical support fro m US and Taiwan investors to open a new Internet auction site. And we d id n 't w a nt to be a superm arket type o f Internet auction site w here you can fin d anything and everything you are looking for. Rather, we'd like to have a site, which focuses on the niche m arket, such as collectib le toys made of soft vin yl and Japanese com ics and p h o to m agazines o f popular Japanese idols and m ovie stars. We believe th a t there is a strong m arket fo r this kind of craze. We knew from the beginning there are m any people around the w o rld w h o w a nt to collect Japanese collectib le toys m ade o f soft vinyl and Japanese comics. That is w h y we are creating auction m alls such as JapanAna M all to ta rg e t English speaking c o m m u n itie s w h o w o u ld like to purchase authentic Japanese toys and comics. Q: So is your site fully bilingual and w hat is Japan Ana Mall? No, not yet. However, w e have all the description and titles o f the item s in English. We opened the "JapanAna M a ll" fo r the English speaking users. In this M all, you can place a bid using an English Help G uide o r you can ask the seller ho w to go ab o u t in purchasing the item . This m all is run in collab ora tion w ith various fam ous vintage to y shops across Japan such as Forest Gangu (Forest Gang), ICHIBANBOSHI, G olden Age, Cosmo K night Alpha and others. M-World Service is going to handle all the auction process. IIIIII I II : Ill'll I hi! ill -* S U B S C R IP T IO N IN F O R M A T IO N We have been getting requests since day one asking "W hen are su b scrip tio n s go in g to be ava ila ble fo r S up er7 "? W ell, yo u r answer is- N ow ! W ith a set release schedule in place, you can now order a fu ll year subscription o f fo u r issues fo r ju s t $24! It is exactly the same cost as if you w e nt to the store and bought it, but instead, we w ill send the magazine stra ig h t to you! We also have had m u ltip le requests fo r a Super7 t-shirt. So, we tho ugh t, "W h a t the heck, let's do it ! " (Actually, M ark said that, and Brian was a little unsure, but he caved in quickly enough.) Now we also have the firs t Super7 t-sh irt ever! A vailable fo r a mere $15 including shipping, the t-sh irt has orange, red and w h ite ink on a black body. You can't beat th a t w ith a stick- and we w o n 't try. (see Bwana's m icronaut colum n fo r tha t joke.) Subscriptions are $24 per year (4 issues). T-shirts are $15 (indicate size S, M, L or XL.) Subscription andT-shirt com bo pack is $36. (indicate size) Please send check or m oney order (do not send cash) to: Super7 Magazine attn: S ubscriptions Po Box 330235 San Francisco, Ca. 94133 S u p er7 M agazine is in n o w a y re sp o n sib le fo r lost, s to le n o r m is d ire c te d funds. 10 A ll you need to do is fin d the to y you like and ask him to how to purchase it. There w ill be som e auction lots but m ost of the items w ill be sold at a fixed price. The price w ill incredibly reasonable com pared to that fou nd outside Japan. This m all opened from March th is year. We are planning to create a fu lly bilingual auction p latform in near future. Q: W hat are some of the items which can only be found on I AuctionNet? Under the supervision o f Hiroshi Aram ata, we are planning to release a set o f special soft vinyl figu rin es o f mystical creatures such as "U nicorn." I, myself, w ill create an original figurine. We are now planning m any other interesting projects. Q: Who is this female cartoon character on your web site? She's very cute! This character is an illu stra tio n by "R adical" Suzuki. He is an established "h ip h o p " illu s tra to r in Tokyo. His w o rk is known in te rn a tio n a lly and th is character is named Aiko. Some people say she does not fit w e ll in an auction site (that is w h at some people say). However, I personally feel th a t this character represents the sp irit o f everyone w h o is into Japanese toys and comics. But please, I d o n 't know w h y the im age o f "Aiko" gets so m any hits everyday. Probably there are m any people out there w ho ju s t like to enjoy "lo o k in g " at Aiko. We are planning to create soft vinyl fig u rin e o f Aiko by the end of this year. Thanks for your time, Hara-san. Japanese toy collectors have been waiting for an auction site like this for a long time. I'm sure our readers will access your auction site and that Super 7 will be a partner o f iAuctioNet. mi m m i ; in in i! n mu MADE EXCLUSIVELY FOR MARUSAN-USA GAM ERA-96 (flying) 8.75 inches from head to tail with nearly a 12 inch wingspan! sjT:. Limited to only 200pcs. $45 Gamera-95 (standing) 8 inches from head to toe! Limited only 200pcs. $45 For information, contact: MARUSAN-USA PO BOX 23452 Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023 USA Web site : www.marusan-usa.com KIMONO M Y HOUSE THE LARGEST SELECTION OF JAPANESE ANIMATION & SCI-FI TOYS IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE K IM O N O M Y H O U S E T O Y S .C O M USUALLY OPEN WED-SAT 11-6 SUN 12-5 1424 62ND ST. EMERYVILLE CA 9 4 6 0 8 5 1 0 .6 5 4 .4 6 2 7 ■* -» T R A N S F O R M IN G H IS T O R Y Q U A R T E R L Y C O L U M N B Y J A C K F R O M T F O R M E R S .C O M Next year, 2004, Transform ers w ill be 20 years old in America. However, it is not w id e ly known that Transform ers toys were made in Japan fo r m any years before they were introduced to th is country. T h a t’s right. The real roots o f The Transform ers go w e ll back to the 70s when a popular 12" action figu re known as G.l. Joe caught the eye of a Japanese toy company. In 1971 TakaraToys got a license to make the 12" fig u re and the rest is history. Though the prim ary focus was to introduce the m ilitary style figu res in Japan, som ething else was cast from that mold along the way. The Gl Joe as we knew him was merged w ith w h at was seen as a gro w in g interest in Science Fiction toys. In 1972 Takara released the Henshin Cyborg. It was a 12" action fig u re made in a strikin g transparent plastic body to ta lly absent o f clo th in g . The fig u re , em bedded w ith m etal and internal robotics, was retooled fro m the ground up replacing the elastic bands w ith real jo in ts th a t g re a tly increased the figu re's a rticu la tion.T he Henshin fille d the void between the Gl Joe and the cold mechanical drone. A new kind o f hero was born. Above, le ft to rig h t: M e g a tro n a n d Convoy - th e orig ina l G1 release. Over the years Takara continued to expand and experim ent w ith Cyborg type toys. Releasing subsequent Henshin figures and other variatio ns th a t evolved into a sm aller scale figure line th a t was introduced in 1974 as M icrom an.T he new line released wave after wave o f new Cyborg toys. Sold in a variety of form s and con figu ration s, the line included a m ultitu de o f vehicles and accessories made to accom pany the figu res.T he line grew in p o p u la rity in to the m id-70's expanding beyond the shores of Japan. In 1976 Takara licensed the M icro m an line to an Am erican action fig u re com pany named Mego w ho re-released the toys under the M icronauts name. Pretty soon kids all over the w o rld were playing w ith these Cyborg toys. By the late 70's Takara saw a gro w in g interest in to y trucks, autos and racecars. Heavily influenced by the M icrom an line, a new to y line named Diaclone m arried the vehicle and the robot. It introduced h ig h ly detailed space ships and realistic looking racecars th a t could be transfo rm e d to reveal a cleverly hidden robot inside. It was incredible fo r the kids to w ho played w ith it, m oving th ro u g h a series o f often confusing actions they could change (transfo rm ) an everyday racecar into a rob ot action fig u re . It was lite ra lly tw o to ys in one and was an instant success w ith kids and those ever-frugal parents. 1980 onward saw m ore gro w th in the num ber and types o f transform ing fig u re s . A new M icro m a n series called M icro Change, in tro du ced rea listic lo okin g everyday item s th a t could also tra n s fo rm to reveal a hidden ro b o t fig u re inside. Everyday playthings like a gun or tape player could now transform into a Cyborg too. Looking to capitalize on a boom ing trend fo r robot to ys in the USA, Takara borrow ed products fro m the M icro Change and Diaclone lines and re-introduced them as a new line un de r the nam e D iakron to A m erica in early 1982. U n fo rtu na te ly lo w m arket acceptance caused Takara to cancel the line in 1983. 12 N ot long after D iakron, G.l. Joe licensing pa rtn e r Hasbro approachedTakara looking fo r ways to expand its to y properties in the USA. Recognizing the fine workTakara had done w ith the new tra n sfo rm in g toys, an agreem ent was made to develop an all new to y series based on the o rig in a l D iaclone / M icro Change action figures. In 1984 a licensing deal was struck tha t w o uld bring tog ether the talents o f Hasbro, Takara and M arvel Comics to produce w h at is now the w e ll known cartoon and com ic series tha t has attracted fans both the young and old fo r nearly tw o decades. Today the interest in the Transform ers is stro n g e r than ever. Fueled by the 80's cartoon revival, Hasbro and Takara have pulled out all the stops. S uddenly,T ransform ers are all the rage again, show ing up in unheard o f places on ly to disappear just as fast. Before last year, collectors had to contend w ith the evils of eBay or buy fro m sm all to y im p orters to get th e ir G1 re issues and o th e r non-U SA releases fro m Japan. Then, last sum m e r Hasbro de live red the firs t o f the C o m m e m o ra tive Series G1 re-issues: O p tim u s Prim e, H otrod (released as Rodim us M ajor) and U ltra M agnus. O ve rn ig h t T ransform ers fans scram bled to get a piece of th e ir childhood. The toys sold o u t as fa st as the stores co u ld stock th e shelves. The C o m m em ora tive Series co n tin u e s in 2003 w ith w ave III re issues on the way like Thundercracker, Jazz and Silverstreak that should be in stores about the tim e you are reading this. If you have not been keeping up w ith T ransform ers in recent tim es there is plenty to catch up on. The m ost Recent series, Transform ers Arm ada in the USA or M icron Densetsu in Japan, is an all new Transform ers saga includ in g a lack luster cartoon aimed at a young audience and w h at is shaping up to be very im pressive to y line. It is d e fin ite ly w o rth checking out if you are looking fo r som ething new. Join Remy and m yself here fo r Super-7 issue #3 when we take a s tro ll th ro u g h the T ra n sfo rm e rs to y past w ith a 20-year re tro s p e c tiv e o f the m o st celeb rated character to y in Transform ers History, O ptim us Prime. I can assure you there is much m ore to this to y than meets the eye. A cknow ledgem ents: T echie/Artist/W riter Jack Hurwitz is a Cyborg w h o lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He collects hum ans fo r fun and profit. He can often be fou nd p ro gra m m ing his Transform ers news Web site at http://TForm ers.com A rtist/C ollector/P ho to gra ph er Remy Rodis lives in Hong Kong. He m aintains one o f the biggest O ptim us Prime to y collections around. See m ore o f Remy’s to y collection on his Web site at http://TFKenKon.com Many special thanks to Richard M istron fo r assistance w ith the early to y facts. Special thanks go o u t to Doug Diln fo r providing in fin ite in sigh t to us all. 13 LARGE SELECTION OF IM P O R T E D JA PA N ES E TOYS AN D A N I M A T I O N DVDS & VIDEOS JUST BE SPECIALIZING IN: HONG KONG ARTISTS □IECAST RELATED ITEMS: 1 2" ACTION FIGURE MICHAEL LAU MEDICOM ERIC SO TRANSFORMERS FEWTURE MODEL JASON SIU AND MUCH MUCH MORE! JUST BE TOYS 107 NW. 5TH AVE PORTLAND, OR. 9 7 2 0 9 503.796.2733 JUSTBETOYS.COM M Y F R IE N D T H E M IC R O N A U T *- «BY BWANA SPOO NS MFTM Report > 2.0 Let's brush upon the to p ic o f M icrom an exclusives ju s t a bit this tim e around. Too m any exclusives pre tty much wrecked the game o f collecting fo r anyone th a t d o esn 't have loads o f cash com ing out th e ir ears, and fo r those th a t do, the am ount o f exclusives made thin gs m ore than annoying. Proof is in the bag w ith m ost exclusives and any fu rth e r new figuresTakara planned to do in the future either canned or postponed indefinitely. Looking back though, there are som e m ig h ty colored plastic gems out there, and each o f us has a fe w favorites. Today we are gonna hit three o f the doubles, the 2-packs. The "B irth o f A croyear" Historical set th a t came out in spring of 2000, is top notch. The colors are crisp w ith m ilky green forest solids, em erald translucent, and m etallic green chrom e.The reason this set is so great is because Takara backed up the color scheme w ith part o f the old story line fro m the o rigin al M icrom an series. Our little buddies, the Tim e Travelers cruised th ru space in stasis, inside of tw in k ly little crystals. U nknow n to them the earths ocean flo o rs were suturated w ith N u-ku-lar crap, tra n sfo rm in g the little tykes lucky enough to land at the b o tto m o f the ocean in to dim w itted m onsters (Acroyears) th a t like to attack the fin e people o f Japan. Hence, the cosm ic green color and the beginning of an endless battle between good and evil. Next on the list of beautiful 2-packs is the Hyper Hobby magazine release in Decem ber 2000 o f "F la m e" M icro K night VS Cosmo Satan Arden "Lucifer? M ore sexy colors w ith Flame being a deep m etallic red, and a clear/red g litte r Police Keeper style case and m etallic red w eapons to boot. Lucifer is slig h tly less im pressive w ith clear arm s and legs, and m etallic gold details. But hell, his name is freakin' Lucifer. You can't beat that w ith a stick. If you even tried , Lucifer w o u ld tear you up fo r sure. Last is the "R evival o f C om m ands" Alpha H-7 Com m and 1 & 2 released in late 2000 as another one o f the Historical sets. These puppies are 98% g lo w in the dark, and the g lo w is good. The com m and 1 (M oai case) com es in w ussy pink, and Com mand 2 (Pharoid case) done up in baby blue. If you ever held you r Pharoid up to yo u r n ig h tlite before d riftin g o ff into M icro dream land and w o n d e r "W h y c o u ld n 't the y ju s t make the w h ole fig u re g lo w in the dark?'.'Then th is is yo u r ticket. As w ith the other Historical sets, there is a sto ry behind th is 2-pak. The g lo w is pure "Alpha 7" energy. Alpha 7 is w h a t gives M icrom an and Acroyear th e ir juice. In the dark, w hen the g lo w is all tha t, these buddies are full hum an sized, and w hen exposed to the sun's pow erful rays.These Alpha 7 charged Com m and 1 and 2 shrink back dow n to M icrom an size. Okay. Yeah, that's w h at I was thin kin g too. There are loads o f other 2-pack sets out there, and some o f them are pretty dope, so hunt them dow n and start some new Microbattles. If you w a nt to fin d o u t m ore in fo about these and any other wacked out M icro exclusive you can th in k of, take a gander at w w w .m icro fo re ve r.co m and scope out you r favorites. Thanks to Paul L. at M icro Forever. -Bwana. Top le ft: B irth o f A cro y e a r set, B a re fo o t M 1 0 X and A cro y e a r A30X. B o tto m le ft: H y p e r H ob b y set, M ic ro k n ig h t M C 0 7 "F la m e " and C osm o Satan A rd e n A 3 5 0 " L u c ife r" A b o ve: Flvival o f C om m a n d s set, A lph a H -7 C om m a n d 1 M 1 5 2 p in k a nd A lpha H -7 C o m m a n d 2 M 161 blue. 15 so c m rot book, Interview by Miss Rocky Mountalnz ■ All photos by Michael Garllngton and Jlmbo Mattson from the book So Crazy Japanese Toys It's here, and it's pretty dang crazy alright! C hronicle Books has just published a very bright and shiny photo book aptly nam ed So C razy Japanese Toys! The auth or Jim bo M atison team ed up w ith fine a rt photographer M ichael G arlington to create som e am azing p ortraits of Japanese live action character toys. E verybody's in here; U ltram an, Kam en Rider, Keiji K, Inazum an, Balton, Hikaider, Ikefire, Booska, Kure Kure Tacora, Tackle, M im ina, Agent Fuji, Spectrem an and the list goes on! W here did they get all of these toys to photograph? W hy do they look so good? W e tracked down Jim bo Matison and Mike G arlington to see how they did it. They w ouldn't show up at m y place unless I prom ised them beer. Boys. Rocky: T here's a lot of characters in here, do you know how many? Miss Rocky Jim bo: I think there's about 135. Mountainz Rocky: That's a lot of photos. Jim bo: W e left out about 30. Rocky: How did you get the toys to shoot? Jim bo: I just happened to know a couple collectors here in the bay area and Portland. W hen I got the go ahead from Chronicle, I just started calling people to see w hose frien ds had w hat toys and stopped when I had enough. There really aren't a lot of collectors in this book, just about 7. But they each had tons of toys! M ark Nagata, Brian Flynn and Bret Kibile are the bay area m adm en of toys represented in this book! The legendary Kim ono My House covers the east bay, Debbie H ughes stepped in with a great collection of super cute toys and Dennis Ham ann filled in som e holes. They w ere all so nice to help me out. My girlfriend even put in her Booska. W hoa, I bet you don't hear that too often? Rocky: So how big is your toy collection? Jim bo: M y toy collection really isn't so big. I've only got about 10 in the book. I don't collect full toy lines of certain toys or characters. I just get the stuff that really appeals to me artistically, good character designs. I have m ore m usic than anything. I'm not really your average toy geek. Rocky: Are there any toy geeks in this book? Jimbo: Ohh yeah! Very powerful toy geeks! Som e of the best! Rocky: Did they freak you out? Jim bo: No, why should they? You know w ho freaks me out? Sports geeks. Rocky: S ports geeks? Jim bo: S ports geeks. You know, all them avid sports fans who watch all the gam es, know all the players stats and everything but still don't actually go out and play the actual gam e. Rocky: I know a couple of those! To the left is Goldar lookin' good. Frankenruge is above lookin' like he should. Jim bo: Yeah, I think we all do. T here's som ething much g eekier about them . T here's actually a great art to m aking som e of the toys. All the collectors I m et through this have art galleries in th e ir hom es filled with beautiful toys. Rocky: W ere you afraid of dam aging som e of the toys? Jim bo: Oh yeah, a lot of those toys w ere w orth more than I had in the bank. I w as m ore careful w ith the toys than I was with cam era. Mike: T hat's right! Ya' nut. Rocky: W hat? Jim bo: It's M ike's cam era. Rocky: Okay, so w hat w ere shoots like? Jim bo: G rinding and fun! W e shot an average of 30 to 35 toys a day. T hat's a lot w hen you're shooting 4X5 form at. W e'd sta rt at about 10, w ork until Beer Thirty, take a break, and keep on chugging until about m idnite. Mike and I were a scruffy team , luckily we had our photo assistant Alicia to keep us rolling and sober. Mike: Yeah, sober. Booo. Rocky: Mike, w hat'd you th ink of the toys? Mike: I'd never shot toys before, I usually do fine art portraits of real people. Jim bo kept throw ing the toys in front of the cam era and he'd set the lights. T hen I would focus and shoot. So I didn't get a real good look at 'em until we got the transparencies back. T hey're all really cool toys. The prices are crazy, but for the m ost part, I dig 'em. Rocky: W hat's up with all the w ild backgrounds behind the toys? Are som e of those fur? Jim bo: Yes, big furs. Som e of the other toy books out just have a black background with all the toys. T hat's cool and all but I'm a little more graphic than that. I really w anted whoever picks up the book to be able to flip it and be shocked by all the colors flying out. So there's fabrics, furs, paper, vinyl and even sleeping bag lining on the cover. I think sublim inally I'm inspiring people to w ant to go cam ping. You w ant to go cam ping? Mike: Say no, Rocky, say no! Below is the lovely Tackle, right is Robo Deki. Way down there is Chibull Seijin and to the left sporting a fine white scarf is Kamen Rider Stronger. Rocky: No, Jim bo. Any favorite toys in the book? Jim bo: Oh yeah, I love G oldar and I really love Chibull Seijin and the Kam en R ider w ith C yclone, and aww! I like 'em all! Rocky: How did you get R odney Alan G reenblat for the forew ord? Jim bo:I love his w ork and I th ou gh t he w as a real good m atch for the book. I sim ply approached him about it and he was stoked. I fin ally m et him in person last ye ar and he is the nicest guy ever. Rocky: W ere you ever into any toys as a kid? Mike: I liked rocks. Jim bo: Yeah, rocks w ere cool, huh? Rocky: R eally guys. Mike: Oh, and d irt clods. Jim bo: Yeah, and the best d irt clods had rocks in 'em! Mike: Yeah! Jim bo: I w as really into M icronauts. I had m ost of them , I still have a bunch and som e nice M icrom en too. Actually, you can read a little sto ry about my childhood search for an Ultram an toy in So C razy Japanese Toys! It's a tragic story. Rocky: I read that, you found them in Tokyo though, right? W hy w ere you there? Jim bo: I used to be in a punk band called All You Can Eat, we toured Japan in '93. Too m uch fun! I m ade lots of friends there and have returned m any tim es. T he toy stores there are am azing! Little holes in the wall stuffed with yum m y toys. I was lucky enough to be there before the internet craze and the big co llectors cam e through and ruined everything. You all know who you are! I know of som e stores in H okkaido that I will never tell the locations of. Rocky: So w hat's next? Mike: I've got som e a rt show s com ing up, you can check them out at....oh crud, just do a G oogle search on M ichael G arlington or B arry S inger Gallery, you'll find me. Jimbo: I'm w orking on a nother book and I'm not sure w ha t else right now. I've got a couple TV pilots I'm kicking around and I never know when I'm off m aking m ore TV com m ercials and such. You can check out w hatever I'm up to at palookapictures.com . Rocky: Thanks for the chat guys. Jimbo: You're w elcom e. Are you forgetting som ething? Mike: You prom ised us booze. Rocky: I thought you guys w ere kidding about theMike: No, we w eren't kidding, w e w ant booze! Jimbo: I w asn't kidding about the d irtclod s either. I th ink I saw som e nice ones outside. Mike: My arm needs the exercise one w ay or the other. Rocky: Oh no. Well this girl learned these fellow s are not your typical sensitive artists. They w ere kind enough to give me the sound advice to serpentine as they threw d irtclod s at me on my way to the liqour store for them . I think they m issed me on purpose, they had no problem hitting each other. Nice guys! Really, they w ere true gentlem en. So C razy Japanese Toys! will be available in stores May 2003, that's now! You can find it on am azon.com also. C ollect and enjoy. XOXO Rocky D E S IG N E R V IN Y L S Q U A R T E R L Y C O L U M N B Y JIM C R A W F O R D A N D G R E G O R Y B L U M O F i The Hong Kong A rt Toy is a re la tiv e ly new c o lle c to r phenom enon, em erging in the late 1990s fro m the boutiq ue to y stores in the M ong Kok d is tric t o f K o w lo o n , Hong Kong. Popularly know as "H K V in yl" or "U rban Vinyl," these distinctive and lim ited edition figu res are unique fro m other collectible toys. Instead o f being derived fro m a film , TV show, celebrity or com ic book hero, the m a jo rity o f HK art toys have sprung from the im a gin atio ns o f th e ir designers, w h o have become interna tiona lly-know n celebrities in th e ir ow n rights. The Hong Kong fig u re scene has already caught the attention o f the w o rld and has inspired a new generation o f artists to use action figu re design as a m ode of creative expression. Hong Kong has been a cu ltu ra l ca u ld ro n of Eastern and W estern custo m s and tra d itio n since its ve ry be ginning s. Perhaps as a reaction to the 1997 re u n ifica tio n w ith China, Hong Kong yo u th c u ltu re focused its a tte n tio n on "frin g e " styles fro m the US and Europe. S kate boa rding teens and g ra ffiti became increasingly com m on in city parks and squares. Hip-hop m ade its w ay into Hong Kong fashion and music. The y o u th o f Hong Kong a p p lie d th e ir ow n c o n te x tu a l in te rp re ta tio n s on these w estern sub cultu res, pro d u cin g an interesting hybrid o f art, fashion and lifestyle culture. 18 The HK action fig u re revo lu tion was born from this dynam ic, p rim a rily th ro u g h the w ork of tw o fine a rtists— Eric So and Michael Lau.Them selves avid to y collectors, particularly o f 1/6 scale m ilita ry -s ty le fig u re s , these tw o a rtists a lm o st sim u ltan eou sly created th e ir ow n origin al takes on the classic fo rm o f the tw elve inch action figure. Eric So was a successful fine artist w ho already had a few Hong Kong gallery e xh ib itio n s under his belt when he unveiled his "B ruce Lee Fashion Show'.' A trib u te to his life-long hero, this gallery e xh ib itio n featured a collection o f tw e n ty-fo u r one-of-akind tw elve-in ch figu res, each w ith handm ade clo th in g that e xa ctly re p lica te d Lee's m o vie costu m e s and personal w ardrobe. M eanw hile, Michael Lau presented the "G ard en ers": one-off tw e lve -in ch fig u re s w ith unique, hand sculpted heads and c lo th in g . The G ardeners w ere based on his frie n d s and acquaintances and reflected the urban street style and culture th a t had been exp lo din g am ong Hong Kong's you th .T h e detail, expression and o rig in a lity o f th is w o rk quickly made Michael Lau the firs t o f a new sort o f celebrity. B e lo w left, Top row, le ft to righ t: Gardenergala ro to : ta tto (black version), brian (norm al version) a n d m axx (w h ite version) b y M icha e l Lau. Three ve rsions o f 6-inch Lam d o g b y M icha e l Lau. D evil Toyer, Toyer (Taiwan and Japan version) b y Toy2R. A b o ve le ft: W o rld o f M o n s te ris m m in is a n d B ig M o n s tro o p e r (PC CW version) b y Pete Fowler, J u ven ile D e lin q u e n ts capsule toys a nd B ea rd e d P ro ph e t b y Jam es Jarvis. S prite/D evilock Twin B o y a nd M A SKS Team (Japan Version) b y Eric So. H o t B oy (Toy H un te rs Special Edition) and Edison Chen b y Eric So. Taiwan Toyer (center), and BB Toyer s e t (diapered Japan version). A b o ve rig h t: B o u n ty H u n te r o f Japan: K AW S C om panion (N orm al version), S m o k in ' R abbit b y Kozik a n d S ku ll Kun (Nagoya version). Three fig ure s fro m Eric So's E sta te se rie s: a Kid, Sam Lee (Kids Special Edition) and G angster (HK Version). C hing Head, C hing H ead lim ite d version, and A n ti Ching H ead b y C hing St Co. S ignstein, Vapor a n d Fatcap (HK orange version) b y M ezco. II III u t i l I I 1. Ii I I ; IIII The w ork o f both artists received such accolades fro m the Hong Kong public that they began to make th e ir w o rk m ore accessible fo r th e ir gro w in g fan base. Lau arranged a deal w ith Sony's com m ercial licensing d ivisio n , w hich enabled tho usan ds o f enthusiasts to ow n a piece of his work. Beginning in 2000, Sony produced 3 variants each of "Tatto," "B ria n " and " M a x x " — edgy rotocast (soft vin y l) fig u re s based on Lau's tw e lve -in ch Gardenergala characters. These fig u re s w ere d is trib u te d in Japan and Hong Kong, each in lim ited runs o f between 1,000 and 5,000 pieces. Sony Hong Kong also produced the rotocast "W ew e" and "W aw a" as a prom o fo r th e ir new WAP m obile phone. In 2001, Coca-Cola Hong Kong enlisted Eric So to design the "S oul 4 " series, a set o f fou r rotocast figu res fo r a Sprite soda prom otion. "S oul 4 " was closely fo llo w e d by "MASKS',' a crossover pro je ct w ith the p re m ie r Hong Kong c lo th in g bo utiq ue Phase 02. These so ft v in y l fig u re series had a decidedly street-influenced style, likely in response to both the consum ers' appetite and the com m ercial sponsors' direction. The success o f these projects allow ed both artists to create th e ir ow n production com panies: Lau's Crazysmiles and So's Estate. Buoyed by the new celebrity, Crazysmiles and Estate began to produce unique and original figures that reflected each artist's personal visions. The com m ercial success o f th e ir lim ited-ru n figures expanded the no torie ty o f Lau and So, greatly defining this new em erging style. Dozens of talented Hong Kong designers were inspired by the w ork and success o f the tw o mavericks, and a slew o f new roto figures were available by the end o f 2001. Hong Kong designers and studios like Three Zero, Hot Toys, Brothersfree, Jason Siu, and Toy2R each had a hand in developing and w iden in g the design aesthetic that was becom ing known as "H K Vinyl'/ As to be expected, the developing phenom enon w o u ld n 't stay contained w ith in the borders o f Hong Kong fo r long. The near fanatic collector subculture in Japan soaked up anything by Lau or So like a sponge. U ltra -cool Japanese b o utiq ue clo th ie r Bounty Hunter produced an array o f roto figu res that were sold exclusively in th e ir retail stores, w ith a strict one-per-custom er policy. Local designers contributed to the series, as w ell as US artists KAWS and Frank Kozik. EBay is p ro b a b ly the e n tity m ost responsible fo r exporting awareness o f HK vin yl outside o f Asia. Indeed, aside from a tin y handful o f specialty shops in a fe w m ajor cities, eBay was the o n ly op tion fo r enthusiasts outside of Asia to see, let alone purchase, these d istin ctive new toys. As international collector interest grew, so did tha t o f designers and to y com panies in North Am erica and Europe. The US alternative to y com pany Mezco released th e "H o o d z " series in ea rly 2002. Clearly in flu e n ce d by the Hong Kong style, Hoodz fea tu re d fo u r rotocast figu res arm ed w ith g ra ffiti paraphernalia and urban chic clo th in g. Jam es Jarvis was enlisted by UK clo th in g label Silas to design graphics and soft vin yl figures. UK illu stra to r and Flash designer Pete Fowler began designing his "W orld of M o n ste rism " fig u re s fo r Cube Co. and Sony M usic, Japan. Clearly, HK Vinyl was no long er geog raph ica lly restricted to Hong Kong alone. "U rb a n V in y l" becam e the English buzzphrase o f choice by m id-2002, re fle ctin g the street-sm art aesthetic the m ost po pu lar figu res featured. The urban style still rem ains p o pu lar in Hong Kong, and is fin d in g its way into m ainstream US brands. The S tro n g h o ld G roup, X-Concepts, Palisades, V ital Toys and Mezco each show cased "u rb a n " inspired product lines at the 2003 New York International Toy Fair. M eanw hile, Hong Kong's hunger fo r fresh designs has driven a recent expansion o f style by local fig u re designers. Just as the soft vin yl "u rb a n " style was be ginning to get m ajor attention in the West, a new crop o f h ig h ly stylized and origin al tw elve-inch figu res em erged in Hong Kong. Jason Siu's "G angs o f M onkey P la ygro und " tw elve-inch fig u re s adhered to the urban aesthetic w h ile design houses like Brothersfree and 2da6 pushed 1/6 scale actio n fig u re s in to e n tire ly new te rrito ry (in clu d in g c o n s tru c tio n w o rke rs, ga soline d e liv e ry m en and teahouse waiters). In fact, "U rban V in y l" has rap id ly becom e a subset o f a larger in te rn a tio n a l design style. The hip-hop influenced soft vinyl figu res o f 1999 have made room fo r a host o f new subject m atter, m anufacturing styles and conceptual approaches. Look fo r m ore articles ab ou t th is in te rna tiona l art to y phenom enon in fu tu re issues of Super7. w w w .s tra n g e c o .c o m -* -* J U M B O M A C H IN D E R S QUARTERLY COLUM N BY SEAN BONNER M y collecting m odus operandi goes som ething like this: Find som ething cool, track a few dow n, fin d other people also tracking these dow n, fin d out w h at they know, tell them w h at I know, track dow n a fe w m ore, continue w ith the m in gling and tracking fo r aw hile until I have a good chunk o f w h at I'm looking for, then blab to ju s t about everyone in earshot (and, w ith the w eb now at m y disposal, th a t' s the w h ole freaking w o rld ) about how cool these th in g s I'm looking fo r are and everything else I know about them , w hich turns a w h o le bunch o f new people onto som ething w ho then all run o u t and snatch up the ones I'm still m issing and ensure I'll never get m y hands on those last fe w th in g s I need. Som eday I'll learn to keep m y stupid m outh shut. That said... Jum b o M achinder villa in s are ju s t about the coolest th in g s I've ever laid m y eyes on (that's com ing from a guy w h o w orked at Playboy fo r years). I dream about them w h ile I'm d rivin g , stare at pictures o f them fo r hours on end, and generally tu rn into a dro o lin g freak when I'm in the same room w ith them . Yes, I am com pletely retarded about these things. A little background: Popy was b u stin g o u t Ju m b o s le ft and rig h t. Kids were snatching them up. A ll was w ell. Som e dude in m arketing gets the idea th a t kids m ig h t w ant to buy m ore ju m b o s (who w ere ALL hero characters at th is point) if they walked into the store and saw the ju m b o s the y already loved kicking ass all over som e bad guy fro m a TV episode. W hin ing and crying w o u ld alm ost certainly ensue and parents w o u ld be forced to buy m ore. So then som e other dude w ith the "p o w e r to make th in g s happen" as the y say, gives th is idea the go .T h ey make a few and ship them o ff to stores. Stores get them and set up displays. Mazinga Z stom ping Doublas M2, Kamen Rider sm ashing Kame Bazooka. If you have any idea w h a t I'm talking about you get the point, if you do n 't, you have a sm all glim pse into how far gone l(we) really am(are). Anyw ay, the displays got set up, kids dragged parents to the stores, saw the displays, but rather than buying up all the ju m bo s in stock, people start asking "h o w much fo r the bad g u y"? The storeow ners called Popy, m eetings were had, m em os were sent, and Jum b o V illains w ere born. Jum bos, as you SHOULD know, are about 2 feet tall, made o f the same crap you r sham poo bottle is and have a bunch o f stickers used fo r detail. V illains on the other hand, rarely break 18 inches, are made o f v in yl ju s t like yo u r Bullm arks and are hand painted. That's rig ht, in fact on m ost you can actually see brush strokes, so some guy sat at a table w ith a brush and painted these bad boys. They are ju s t plain breath takin g.T here are as m any explanations fo r this as there are Jum bos, but the m ost com m on seems to be th a t Popy d id n 't th in k they w o u ld sell, so, rather than go th ro u g h all the costs o f sculpting and creating a fig u re th a t w o u ld match the rest of the series, they ju s t decided to mass produce the store displays. Vinyl was typ ica lly used fo r those purposes anyway and besides, com pared to the PET [Polyethylene] th a t Jum bos are made of, it was much less costly and tim e consum ing. The firs t fe w the y released were super s im p lifie d . O bviously ju s t display pieces in boxes. Barely articulated at the sho ulders and hips, and packaged in a brow n cardboard box w ith a tw o color p rin t on one side. W hen they actually sold those, they decided to get a little sp iffy next tim e .T h e th e o ry says th a t the firs t fo u r villains released were ju s t to test the waters, the fo llo w up releases were actually made w ith the buying pu blic in m ind. The characters in this next run (which m ig h t have actually been broken in to tw o releases, depending on w h o you believe) came in full color boxes, although all in the same fu ll color box w ith o n ly the name o f the character printed on the side to tell them apart.They were still short and vin yl, so as to match th e ir evil bre th ren , but to the d e lig h t o f everyone eve ryw h ere, the y included a launching m echanism to shoot som ething w ith each one. As w ith the ju m b o s already on the m arket, if this launching device had anything to do w ith the character it portrayed was com p le te ly by chance. As far as rarity goes, these are the cream o f the crop. Some are easier to fin d than others, but fo r the m ost part, if you do w ant to get yo u r gru bb y little hands on one (get in line, sucka!) get ready fo r a w ait. I've been searching fo r years and there's som e I've never seen a va ila ble once. Som e I've never even heard o f sellin g anyw here, to anyone. If you have no patience, this is not the game fo r you. I have frien ds w h o go to Japan every few m onths and som e w h o live there year round w h o are con stantly on the lookout fo r me. One o f those frien ds had the luck o f going to a collector's house on his last trip tha t he could on ly describe as insane.The guy had 5 houses, all FILLED w ith toys. He was to ld th is guy is known everyw here as the m aster collector. I'd never heard of him , but that's pro ba bly m ore a com m e nt on me than him . Anyw ay, upon seeing my w ish list, he laughed out loud and exclaim ed "im p o s s ib le "!T h a n k s fo r the reassurance buddy. 24" ■/FT Old: Doublas M2 Kingdan X10 Rokuron Q9 Spartan K5 Taihou Buffalo Hasami Jaguar Kame Bazooka Lenz Arai Garada K7 New: Garada K7 blue and w hite Garada K7 silve r and black Garada K7 green and red L e ft: S p a rta n K5, H a s a m i J a g u a r, Karine B azooka & D o u b la s M 2. THE LOST ARK * M att A lt f t f f l JST (V'vh-T/LE) 7-i> l » 5 i s a g , ^LXfZ^m?LXLm-otz<D fs?J t£oTL'fe7>U*A=iU$*-®SUijtS<ftA'ofc. L*'U < h tfe*LlS®*, T. K ^-ar, C®5tm®A-xi?>r‘5 ^> h*®®***'*!*,, ?J1.7 7 5ffl S*tjL L 'L ^ E f S t i ^ T , SUi#tl r r —5>j *Tl 9 7 8^taifeLfe©T-ft«, Z O A y ? 7 ~ t> 0 r y - ~ !7 P > j 7 —S n ^ T tf - O B . ■t*ig¥rc®«ALM)o< y j^lM **ltri*fci4*lM :tt«e5jl.r< 7 - 9 o > i i . « n ro u t'3 ^ si!itii^ i5 :^ /n -:5'7>->y-x© ^T:5 'j^ --c * y , - a **®®»®£LMRftfcSit4. *5, C*L&®sa#±<S|At*-4£, *MiLfc/<-C/tfoLvtV> X, to liC ffi/t-’X Stt-fTHMtg* , @Bt S^Ttc^iSl'«B i^#l=IH f**t-CV '4K ttT!*<, #piJWUoTl'fcJIffl4>Lt* . m. mm. ttm & v . 5 iax > y -7 aA L tL5j=y=E>x$-*TX»#Aj:9»itB!ii<T-y!-f>Lfca»t#-=fr tSfVPTL'. ft't * 7 - 0 p >rois t h if a * tiT L'fc y u s a<a o r t'fe y l r t ' t . W ORDS: M ATT A LT & R O BER T D U B A N P IC T U R E S : T IM B R IS K O ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED A T TOYBOXDX.COM »£# Ark's "A rklon" diecast m onster toys are a subtle pleasure to be s lo w ly savored. They represent everything: that's rig h t about Japanese toy-de sig n. The toys are chunky, funky, m issilefestooned, and fu ll o f enough sharp edges to make one wonder w h at kind o f safety standards were in effect in late 1970s Japan. And they also happen to be charm ing as hell. W ith one exception, King Joe, every Ark diecast is a "m echanized" version o f a fleshy giant monster. In fact, the toys look very little like the actual characters they were supposed to portray. Perhaps it was fe lt th a t "s tra ig h t" re n d itio n s w o u ld n 't be interesting enough fo r kids, or th a t diecast co u ld n 't accurately capture the feel o f a rubbery m onster; perhaps the designers were sim ply hopped-up on m etham phetam ine and cheap sake. W hatever the case, it led to a series o f the m ost creatively gim mickpacked toys ever produced - a fusion o f Japanese kaiju and mechanical futurism ! & * *SLL ill li i! III! Illl I S / ' J - X t D ^ - 5 5 $ - t 4 < « ! T t ' f t l ' J : C 5 f £ t « l 4 S d . 0 W © * > 7 ■ -U3 - £ 1 8 # . 7 —7 □ >X 5 -©(MhfcS*©*:,, L/d'tT—?nvffl-T-y!'f+-ai[44-tf^<ffi-Cl,Mtc^a *£ # o fe © fS % 5 ? * © £ :£ » ¥ £ ftfc g J t-e i4 T -0 y S I= 9 l+ 4 l'£ ]g !o fc © f'5 5 i'? tt*® V 7 t fT liT E : / * * - © r « j a « tt# 4 t't,m o fc ® A '? t;fi.# f,*|::^£ tt!L *-t? iS fc © f= ? > -5 ;6 \ L' B * © E-f ■ 7 7 > © ^ I J # « - i ; o < y 7 — ? n > l i 7 > 'J*T ftlE S & iF ih .T I.'fc . t * V t , W I 4 » ® * S * l T l ' 4 l l l = A o i : T ! f t * . 1980ifft«]#!f=, o-y-V-tf^XCfeSterukai Trading Company i t ' 5 7 —S r P > S « , » 7 > 'J ® X t a « U r < * lt e . L f r L B * © T -flta tito x. c*ie>® 5tiiii»a7j‘ y© A icio -c# <© 5 X xy-T cofc. -E-masai*. * >7=1 > ? « « « .£ # . n tl.? ,fflg » © + 7 > 7 7 -i= 0 (,'T 7 > y © © -? -tta ii# < » b S * l.T U 4 ' A ' o f c f r e , 7 - 7 n > i - y - X l ; t . £ © J W 6 l$ f ? M * & f t T f c o f e 7 7 '. t * * ! g * ± : £ < > * o fc5an?*ofciaoT4,am-ei±&L'. i+*vf, z n m r * ' j t a + K m t T - t u t s s q m z t£L4A '=> fc„ £ © « * , 7 - 7 P > l4 '> « © ;? - tta © © ;H '» » * l= 4 y , ^ t u ^ B lc ^ X M S ©■CfcS. 7 - 7 © * * h - f© ftH r l« © tt* M » » . fe e l ( B O J * 5 * < a O ! L f c . * L T B # t © r io o k ( * » l+ ) j U I* C < T r g « i » ,- f e > * j * 4 * e * V © « l® ;M l= . + 7 > 7 7 -© *9 .t0 S # « 8 !!i< U > i:-3 l= *fcS -o T L *-o T l'-6 © T *5 o Just w ho WAS Ark, anyway? Saburo Ishizuki, an executive at the fam ed Japanese vin yl to y com p an y B ullm ark, fou nde d Ark im m ediately after Bullmark's bankruptcy in 1978. W hile m ost o f Ark's line-up consisted of reissues o f vinyl toys from the U ltram an series of shows, the Arklon toys were a radical departure from the status quo. At first glance, it's easy to underestim ate the intricate genius o f the toys. Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that each individual part o f every Ark diecast is interchangeable w ith the parts o f the others. Various body m odules contain m issile launchers, rotating gears, and other tin y m echanism s. The packaging is stuffed fu ll o f a u xilia ry attachments such as wheels, axles, w ind-u p vehicles, and extra lim bs, like a tw isted alien Erector set. It is as if the figures were designed by monster-crazed watchmakers rather than toy engineers. The price of this m odular charm is extrem e fra g ility: Ark used tin y plastic pegs to anchor the metal body-units of the m onsters together, which means that a large percentage o f surviving specim ens are cracked and broken. The genius o f Ark's diecasts is the ir abstraction, the ir distilled "essence of kaiju," that high lig hts the FEEL rather than the LOOK o f a given monster. They com bine every facet of a character's being into a single form .T h ey are diecast by way o f Picasso. Take fo r exam ple the bizarre King Kong piece. As if to h igh lig ht his p rim itive nature, the to y comes w ith a prisoner's ball-and-chain restraint, and a pair o f spring loaded knives that thrust forth from his nipples at the caress o f a switch. Also, instead o f providing the toy w ith Kong's tradem ark airplanes to snatch out of the sky, Ark rigged King Kong to actu ally launch a large cardboard glider from a hole in his stomach. The packaging fo r the Ark diecasts is incredibly colorful and playful. The backs o f the boxes h ig h lig h t variou s w ays o f co m b in in g the characters ("YOU decide the tra n sfo rm a tio n !"), com plete w ith silly descriptive captions (such as "I'm good at being a bad boy!" and "W hat a w eirdo!") The fu ll series also happens to have been distributed in the USA by the late, great M arukaiTrading Company, a (long defunct) California-based im port firm . W ith the exception o f being repackaged in English boxes, the toys were nearly identical to the ir Japanese counterparts. Ark has long since gone out o f business, but th e ir A rklo n toys rem ain a pinnacle of Japanese diecast to y achievement. A b o v e : M e c h a B a ita n S e ijin Le ft: K in g -J o e v e rs io n 1 23 le ft to r ig h t: K in g J o e v e rs io n 1, M e c h a B a lta n S e ijin , M e c h a B lack K in g , M e cha R ed K ing. K IN G J O E Version 1 King Joe was produced in tw o variations. This firs t version is a decent rendition o f the fam ed Ultram an villain. This piece was the first o f the Ark diecasts, and is the only one o f the series to be sold in a solid box w ith o u t a w in d o w . It was on ly available in a Japanese-tanguage box. Version 2 A second, later verison o f the King Joe toy. For some reason, Ark felt the need to totally rework the toy by repainting the head and replacing the thighs and forearm s w ith chunky red plastic pieces, The effect o f the change is u n d e rw h e lm in g — w h ere the firs t version has a subtle, understated charm, the "remake" manages to look like Ultra-Kaiju by way of Bozo the Clown. Both versions were available in Japan, but only this second version made it to U.S. shelves. M E C H A BALTAN Mecha Baltan" was an odd choice for the name of this toy, as it happens to be the most accurate and organic-looking portrayal out of the bunch. It also looks nothing like the actual "Mecha-Baltan’ character that appeared in later episodes o f the Ultraman series. In any event, although it's a relatively com m on piece in the States, it's high ly sought after in Japan. L t lii- # t l'S it '. © E p & j& t f c o - c . oM tiz J 7 / V * A © □ wo M E C H A R E D K IN G M E C H A B L A C K K IN G Saddled w ith the unlikely nickname of "Y o jim b o -K a iju 1 ("Bodyguard M onster"), Black King is one of the rarest pieces in the Ark lineup. It also features an extrem ely fragile w aist jo in t that is very, very easily broken. The upper torso rotates when a gear on his stomach is turned. The angular, aggressive sculpt of the head is satisfyingly fierce. Z<D * * -3=7 O > ( D « T 5 ii i & t l JP t < T . v £ D « T F ';t ® t l ? lo ¥B l- r « * a « ! j t m z t z L 't © . Just as w ith Black King, Red King's w a ist-jo in t is exceedingly fragile. In fact, this difficult-to-find toy is said to be a "b rothe r piece" to Black King (and even features a nearly identical catalog number), but there is very little commonality between the two besides the w aist and biceps. Red King's eight-chambered, dial-actuated gatling missile launcher is a perennial favorite. Although Red King has the ferocious-sounding nickname of "S kull Monster," his head actually resembles that o f a cow or sheep! MECHA GOMORA K IN G K O N G Quite possibly the m ost abstract portrayal out of the entire bunch, Gomora's hands have been replaced w ith shovels, his neck can extend to tw ice its length, and the body features a tin y (and easily broken) spring-pow ered car that can attach to the chest.The name can also be romanized as "Gom ola." 7 — * 1i di A ltho ug h sold in the USA under the generic name of "M ech-G orilla, in Japan th is piece was a licensed portrayal o f the fam ous A m erican monster. It is also the only piece in the Ark lineup that is not related to the U ltram an series. The Am erican version did not include the balhand-chain accessory. & % & < !)* ■ * v 9 $ - Z<D%tJI£ y i~ . v f lg t z t # t? # * . w % ? is -> o < k 5 iz b l'o J-? K-trfgJELfeo ® /< ’y ( r - y i : l i A o T ( , ' 4 ' A ' o f c t . le ft to r ig h t: M e c h a G o m o ra . K in g K o n g . S in g le b o x e s fo r M e c h a G o m o ra , M e cha K o n g a n d M e c h a R ed K in g . A s id e b y s id e c o m p a ris o n o f th e s a m e th re e boxes. ii ill mu in I III I III I I I llll 27 King Joe X 3 6 A ' b t i i f c l f * ' y <DJ: 3 IS 15 King Joe - ver 2 ^ i f y a —d i i - o r o / C — i / 3 S ? > X tfx p |z m ^ § o U * X iiC £ D - t r * > K Like m any live-action super hero and m onsterTV characters, Kikaida had nu m ero us toys th a t extended beyond the action figure/vinyl doll. As w ith any p o pu lar Japanese character, various com panies shared licenses. This resulted in the p ro d u ctio n o f both generic and unique toys based on the actual character a n d/or the character's im age sim p ly applied to existing toys (such as the Kikaida attache case). Companies th a t had licenses to use the character's image ranged fro m m a jo r brands like Bandai and Takatoku to sm all com p an ies th a t made inexpensive toys. W hat is very appealing are the graphics th a t were used to enhance the toy. Just c o lle ctin g one character and all o f its m erchandise can be a very d a un ting task as there alw ays seems to be som e obscure to y surfacing ju s t w hen you th o u g h t yo u 'd seen them all. But, then again, this very fact is w hat makes Japanese to y collecting so challenging and exciting. B e lo w ( le ft to rig h t): K ik a id a T in B u s, a p p r o x im a te ly 9 “ lo n g , m a d e b y S T to y s K ik a id a tric y c le , 5 .5 " x 6 .75", m a d e b y S T to y s . K ik a id a B u tto b i r id e r s e t: C o m p ris e d o f 4 SO fig u re s w ith b ik e s , in c lu d e d a re : H a k a id a o n W h ite C row , K ik a id a 01 w ith D o u b le M a c h in e , B e jin d a o n b ik e , K ik a id a o n S id e m a c h in e . These b ik e s h a v e a p u ll b ack fe a tu re . C irca 1990. B a n d a i. f "■ // , ^ ^ ' k v v ♦>* A bove L e ft B e lo w (le ft to r ig h t) y I • / 'V K ik a id a a n d K ik a id a -0 1 p la s tic m asks. K ik a id a ir o n - o n h e a t tra n s fe r K ik a id a s e c re t m a c h in e case: P ro b a b ly a ta ke o f f o n th e s e c re t a g e n t 0 0 7 a tta c h e case. T h is o n e h a d a p o p -u p te le s c o p e , a c o m p a rtm e n t th a t can b e lo c k e d w ith a p la s tic key, a n d fir in g m e c h a n is m to s h o o t little p la s tic p e lle ts . O n th e le f t is th e case a n d b o x , th e ce n te r, th e o p e n e d case. K ik a id a tr a d in g c a rd s a n d p ackages. 2ft 3#!#*'»**< /W ft- <*Si: t-|: ST06317001 ' K ik a id a ta rg e t se t: This s e e m s lik e a c o lla b o ra tiv e e ffo r t b e tw e e n to c o m p a n ie s , o n e s u p p lie d th e fig u r e s (fig u re s h a s th e T.T. o n th e fo o t) (O ra n g e A n t, B lu e B u ffa lo , a n d K ik a id a ) w h ile a n o th e r c o m p a n y s u p p lie d th e ta rg e t a n d d a rt g u n (b a ckin g c a rd h a s d o lp h in lo g o Top F a r B ig h t Top C e n te r K ik a id a s ta n d a rd b e lt p la yse t. t ! fH ! K ik a id a 01 p la y s e t: In c lu d e s p la s tic w a lk ie ta lk ie s w ith 01 lo g o , p la s tic g u n th a t fire s p la s tic b a lls w ith h o ls te r ( h o ls te r h a s flic k e r b e lt b u ckle ). K ik a id a J a ck in th e b o x /T a ts u y a m a to y s : S m a ll p la s tic b in s th a t h o u s e s e v e ra l d iffe r e n t p o p -u p p la s tic h e a d s (K ik a id a , Y e llo w J a g u a r, B u ll K o n g , O ra n g e a n t, p o s s ib ly o th e rs ). w ith th e w o r d "S anyo'-' U n lic e n s e d K ik a id a b e lt. Ii K ik a id a d is c w a tc h : S m a ll p la s tic w a tc h -lik e to y th a t has a flic k e r im a g e o n th e fa ce , a n d w a tch fire s m in i discs. T h is is a n o th e r g e n e ric to y th a t h a d m u ltip le c h a ra c te r usag e . L ic e n s e d b u t n o t b ra n d n am e d . S cre en is 1.5"x 1". B e lo w (le ft to rig h t) K ik a id a S w itc h -O n ! b e lt p la y s e t. K ik a id a d e lu x e s e t/T a k a to k u : G e n e ric w a lk ie ta lk ie s , n o te b o o k , 5 S D K ik a id a /v iU a in fig u r e s /p la s tic (g re y rh in o , g re e n m a n tis , o ra n g e a n t, b lu e b u ffa lo a n d K ik a id a ), s m a ll p la s tic g u n th a t fir e s p la s tic b u lle ts , K ik a id a m e d a llio n a n d s m a ll T.V. lik e s c re e n th a t r o lls a c o u p le o f im a g e s . A M A /S f \m v - A iS A S ’ A K ik a id a 16" u k e le le a n d b o x , m a d e b y Takatoku. K ik a id a s e rie s ja c k -in -th e -b o x to y s . These w e re a v a ila b le in m u ltip le ca se c o lo rs , w ith v a rio u s s tic k e rs a n d hea d s. The la rg e p h o to is B u ll K o n g w ith a K ik a id a sticker. S m a lle r p h o to s a re (to p ro w , le f t to rig h t), O ra n g e A n t w ith O ra n g e A n t s tic k e r o n b lu e , B u ll K o n g w ith Y e llo w J a g u a r s tic k e r o n w h ite . Y e llo w J a g u a r w ith B lu e B u ffa lo s tic k e r o n red, (b o tto m ro w , le f t to rig h t), Y e llo w J a g u a r w ith O ra n g e A n t s tic k e r o n re d, K ik a id a h e a d w ith B lu e B u ffa lo s tic k e r o n b lu e , B u ll K o n g w ith B lu e B u ffa lo s tic k e r o n g re e n . K ik a id a s h a m p o o b o ttle , 9 .5 " ta ll. B e lo w d e ft a n d ce n te r) B ro m id e la rg e fo rm a t tr a d in g ca rd s, 7 .7 5 "xl0 ". 2 d iffe r e n t plas tic p a c h in k o m a c h in e s . B e lo w (r ig h t a n d o p p s ite ) Amm m fl AM* m A D D IT IO N A L IM A G E S B Y K IR K T A N IG U C H I Top 09 S p a ce G u n b y T a k a to k u w ith K ik a id a p a c k a g in g . K ikaid a -01 d ie -c a s t G T c a r b y Popy. T h re e d iffe r e n t K ik a id a s k e tc h b o o k s . B e lo w T h re e d iffe r e n t K ik a id a m in i-s iz e p uzzles. K ik a id a fo ld in g n o te p a d a n d c o in h o ld e r b y S unstar. 1$j.U otsooac 9- Top (clo c k w is e ) 34 T akatoku p o c k e t s to r y b o a rd to y s fe a tu rin g K ik a id a . Two d iffe re n t s id e s o f a m a s k m a d e b y G lico. B e lo w K ik a id a p la s tic th e rm o s a n d b e n to box. ( le ft to r ig h t) ^ d iffe r e n t K ik a id a n o te b o o k s b y Seika. K ik a id a te a c u p s a n d c o ffe e m u g s . K ik a id a -0 1 s k e tc h b o o k b y Seika. T akatoku U S C a rb in e g u n w ith K ik a id a p a c k a g in g . K ik a id a tr o p h y fig u r in e s b y Yam asan. Interview by Jimbo and Eddie Yates-all photos courtesy of Toei/JN Productions Ban Daisuke is Kikaida! Kikaida rolled onto Japanese TV sets in 1972 as a half man, half m achine and half guita r totin' rockstar! Kikaida was great but Ban co uldn 't get enough hero action, so he also em erged as Inazum an the follow ing year. W hile Inazum an and other projects did okay, it's K ikaida that Ban's m ostly rem em bered for. M any th ou gh t Kikaida w as just a m em ory but not anym ore. W ith the am azing guidance of Joanne N inom iya, president of H aw aii's m ulticultural television netw ork KIKU TV, K ikaida is on the air again! The new popularity of the show has surprised Joanne Ninomiya. "I see the kids im itating the Kikaida m oves and singing the them e song ju s t the sam e way they did 29 years ago! It's like deja vu." Lucky for us, Ban took a trip to Hawaii for a series of prom otional appearances and w as kind enough to grant us an interview . Jim bo w rote the questions and our friend Eddie actually m et up w ith Ban and courageously questioned him. Jimbo: Are you surprised there's still such a strong Kikaida fan base? Ban: Yes...definitely. Eddie: W hy do you think Kikaida is still popular? Ban: Thanks to the efforts of KIKU TV and JN Productions in Hawaii for treating Kikaida right and for it's strong efforts bringing the show back after alm ost 30 years. Also the fans w ho grew up during the Kikaida G eneration w ho w here w aiting for it's return. The am azing part about it is that their children now love the show. Jim bo: Do you have a favorite episode? Ban: I get asked that all the tim e but I really don't have a single favorite episode. Jimbo: How did you feel w hen you saw the first toy made of yourself? Ban: I didn't like the first one, Jiro looked funny. I asked the toy m akers if they could m ake it nicer or m ore handsom e. They couldn't because the toys w ere already m ade by the tim e the show cam e out. Jim bo: Of all the Kikaida toys, w hich do you like the best? Ban: I don't particula rly have a favorite toy except the original Kikaida mask, the look of K ikaida's face is very unique and original. It w as part of the show's appeal. Jim bo: Did you feel any responsibility know ing that m illions of children looked up to you because you w ere a T V hero? Ban: Yes, definitely. Eddie: W ere you w orried about kids copying the stunts they saw on Kikaida? Ban: Yes, in Japan we m ade a 30 second spot that ran before show s to tell kids not to copy Kikaida. Jim bo: Do you still keep in touch with any of the other actors from the show? Ban: Yes, som e of them . W ith the actors w ho played H anpei, M asaru, and the voice of Hakaida. Eddie: W hat was an average day like w hen shooting Kikaida? Ban: Long. 12 hour days. W ake up at 4 am, in the bus with the other cast m em bers to be on location at 6 am. Eddie: W here w as m ost of the shooting locations? Ban: Either the m ountains, beaches, or q uarries surrounding Tokyo. Eddie: The locations m ust have left you d irty by the end of the day. Ban: Dirty, yes... the hardest p art w as that the budget w as not huge on the show so your w ardrobe was lim ited. The w ardrobe person had the hardest job having to keep everything clean and repairs w ere constant. T he K ikaida suits, even back then, w ere expensive and lim ited in num bers. Jimbo: Did you feel any responsibility know ing th a t m illions of children looked up to you because you w ere a TV hero? Ban: Yes, definitely. Top: Kikaida laying down the law. Above: Ban Daisuke as Jiro/Kikaida in 1972! Right: Ban Daisuke in Hawaii with some fine reading material. Photo by Eddie Yates KAIJULICIOUS. C h i b i & o jiT o y s @ a o l. c o m w w w . c h ib ig Q jit o y s . c o m ill Ww/Br m tmm 1L' f -JSksjfcif• J ljiilJ T &. j ^■volume 3 I vkfeo'jronsfaiion graph-o. tscodaig dvrf Distributed b y : T h e M ountain A p ple Com pany j gyyjjMF' ifc . ipSgg | ^ b ^ W l get your copy oow! v is it o u r s it e a t g e n e ra tio n k ik a id a .c o m C E A fE fia W A L www.generationkikaida c< Jimbo: Did they let you keep one of the show 's cool Kaw asaki m otorcycles? G irls still like th a t bike! Ban: No, I don't think anym ore of them exist. Jimbo: How m any hot chicks did you fit in the sidecar? I say three but my friend says only two. Ban: Just one... Mitsuko. You let go of my arm! You don't have a cool sidecar motorbike! Lum-dee-dum-dee-dum.... Gee, the sidecar seems a little light today. Give us that bike! We wanna' pick up Mitsuko! She's a hottie! jjjHM Hand over that bike, Jiro! I'm gettin' Mitsuko! *9kj i f f m Easy does it Kikaida, just gimme the keys to the bike and nobody gets hurt! Oh hi, Mitsuko, nice dress. Ohh Jeez! I forgot to save Mitsuko from evil!!! Wow, Mitsuko is popular. She's gotta stop w earing them summ er dresses. I'm cornin' Mitsuko! Jim bo: Rats! W hat do you drive now? Ban: The train. W here I live there is really no reason to drive or own a car. Jim bo: Now really, if Kam en R ider and Kikaida ever were forced to fig ht each other, like m aybe they're both hypnotized by som e horrific scientist from another planet, w ho w ould win? Ban: (After a long pause he answ ered reluctantly.) Hmmm. If you had to jud ge by ju s t strength, then Kam en Rider would be stronger. But Kikaida has the love in him to keep the peace. Both characters are a necessity in the real world and have th eir own m ethods to trium ph. Jim bo: Blondes, B runettes or Redheads? Ban: (Laughs w ith a sm irk) I guess Brunettes, but that's not a very good question to ask som eone from Japan w ho really doesn't have a choice. Jimbo: Did the costum e m ake it hard to see w hen riding the m otorcycle? Ban: Oh, very difficult, especially with the bouncing of the m otorcycle and the sm all eye holes. Both m yself and the stunt man in the Kikaida suit had sm all accidents but nothing serious. Eddie: After appearing in so m any different super hero series, Kikaida, Inazum an, Battle Fever-J and more, w hat was your favorite role? Ban: 1. Kikaida/Jiro 2. Inazum an, in that order. Jimbo: T hank you so much for the great interview ! The official Kikaida website is a t.... generationkikaida.com Great downloads and even DVDs for sale! In the last issue o f Super7, I gave you a glim pse of the Jum borg-A character and the dream y m agic o f theT suburaya teleplay. Now, it's tim e fo r the toys. One o f m y fa vo rite figu res is the large-size Jum b org Ace made by the obscure to y com pany, Takemi. This is the to y tha t really caught my attention and started me dow n the path o f collecting J u m b o rg figu res. Check o u t the stocky p ro p o rtio n s and the straig ht-on , alm ost innocent pose- b rillia n t, sim ple, a little odd, bu t d e fin ite ly kid frie n d ly . The ho rizo ntal stripe s make the un ifo rm look like pajam as and those boots and gloves; looks like he may be headed fo r som e sanitation w ork. I loved the fin. But even m ore engaging was th a t face: so serene, distant, even noble, it seemed incon gruo us w ith the clum siness o f the uniform . A no ther com pany, Banso, seems to have distribu te d (and maybe m anufactured) Jum b org vin yls using theTakem i m olds som etim e after Takemi folded. Banso put a gold sticker over the Takemi engraving on the bottom o f the fo o t o f these figures, i have seen Banso vin yls in the bag w ith odd details (like no red paint on the ho rizo n ta l leg stripes) sellin g fo r high prices (over $300) on Japanese w eb auctions. A collecto r tryin g to com plete a Jum borg collection can go nuts w ith these. A Robot is a Robot is an... Airplane? In m y earlie r article, I m entioned tha t I could not figu re out w hat was going on w ith the Jum borg character ju st by looking at the toys. I th o u g h t he was ju st a guy in an odd uniform w ith a radio headset. I was w rong. A b o v e le ft: Closeup o f 2 0 inch Tsuburaya/Chaiyo Ju m b o rg A ce to s h o w “ a irp la n e " e le m e n ts in th e design. B e lo w le ft: C loseup p ro file o f s ta n d a rd size Takemi Jum borg: Ace. The Takemi J u m b o rg fig u re s ca m e in th re e sizes: standard-large (left), m e diu m , and sm a ll (above). I do n o t g e t th e sense Takemi p ro d u c e d m a ny vinyls. There is a big, bulb o us early version Jum borg, a s m a ll Ju m bo rg 9 figure, a n d a c o u p le o f villains, b u t th a t's a b o u t it. Jum b org 's charm seems to o rig in a te in a design th a t m orphs fa m ilia r images into a single cyborg form . In the story, Jum b org is a giant robot th a t transfo rm s out o f a Cessna airplane flo w n by the main character, Naoki Tachibana. Both the rob ot and the airplane are represented in the character design, but I could not see them in theTakem i toys. This super cyborg look comes th ro u g h better in newer toys fro m Thailand where it is clear tha t the face is not ju s t sticking out o f a hood but, is itself, part of a com plete mask. Consistent w ith the television im agery, these newer toys incorporate a head design that is really a face-on vie w o f an airplane w here the w in g s have been shortened and folded in; the eyes are the w indsh ie ld o f the craft, the fin is the ta il fin , and the nose is a carved and compressed version of the nose o f the plane. Even the antennae are sim ilar to the kind fou nd on the w in g tip s o f passenger jets. The Jum borg Portfolio In ad dition to the T a kem i toys, there are several unlicensed '70s-era figu res available. These figu res are often made of cheap v in y l and paint. The la rg e r knock-off fig u re has a rou nd ed b a by-d oll bo dy re m in isce n t o f '60s style vinyls. Com pare the large Takemi to y and you can see how the toy d e sig ners w o rke d a co m p ro m ise betw een the baby-doll physique and the im p osin g guy-in-a-rubber-suit robotness of the actual character. Jum borg Ace is very po pu lar in Thailand w here the show has recently been revived. The new Thai figu res are collecto r toys, not playthings fo r children; the y rem ain true to the stylistic depth and innovation o f Japanese design. In contrast, the Takemi toys are sim p lifie d and som ew hat aw kward in form . The old toys resonate w ith the human elem ents o f the Jum b org story. A bove righ t: (le ft to rig h t): Five-inch Takemi King Rubanga; Ten-inch, unlicensed, J u m bo rg Ace. B e lo w rig h t: Eight-inch Tsuburaya C o m m n icatio n s (Japan, 2000), Ju m b o rg Ace. Look again at the old Takemi Jum b org . It could be an im age of som eone's father. In fact, in the story, the pro ta go nist, Naoki Tachibana, does not appear to have a father. He lives w ith his brother, w ho is a hotshot p ilo t in a w o rld-sa vin g aviation crew. B rother does e ve ryth in g rig h t, co n s p ic u o u s ly d is p la y in g a beautiful w ife and fam ily. In contrast, Naoki has never gro w n up. He sleeps iate and is perpetually m isunderstood. He is im pulsive, angry, lost, and som ew hat hapless. An am ateur boxer and Cessna p ilot delivery man, in early episodes his brother's children laugh at him , he gets stom ped in boxing matches, and th o ro u g h ly chewed out by his loud-m outhed boss, the Cessna ow ner; d e fin ite ly not the s tu ff o f heroism . That is, u n til his b ro th e r is killed by the monster, King Zygrus, w h ile try in g to save a child. Consistent w ith his im p ulsive nature, Naoki's outrage, fru stra tio n , and vengeance are focused on a single desperate act: to destroy the m onster by ram m ing him w ith the Cessna. G ood-guy aliens, not seeing the m indlessness o f Naoki's fury, are so im pressed w ith his courage that before he can reach the monster, the y give him the pow er to transform into Jum borg Ace. 11*88 From then on, m onsters m ust beware and Naoki begins to fin d his place in the adult w o rld . Naoki's once hidden goodness begins to flou rish .T he story portrays an alm ost m ythic hum anity: Focus yo u r energy, strength, and de term in ation on doing good, young man, and the tools you need to succeed w ill be given to you .T h e young boxer p ilo t is w ired into a gian t machine th a t am p lifie s his fig h tin g moves via a virtua l reality control system (rem em ber, th is is the early 1970s). Jum borg Ace, in tu rn , enacts the same headlong enthusiasm fo r battle th a t we saw in Naoki in the boxing ring. Thankfully though, fo r a m onster-besieged w o rld , he does so w ith much greater success. I see the old Ju m b o rg to ys as d e p ictin g a child's hero, not threatening or aggressive, but serene and in control; a hum ble countenance ready to take on the d irty w o rk o f saving the w o rld . Tsuburaya's e xp e rim e n t w ith a hapless hero in a secondary tele visio n sho w com es to us via a secondary to y m aker as a gentle, aw kward, and soulful figure. It is som ething ju s t beyond a baby d o ll, yet an icon to the hu m a n ity, vis io n , and ch ild like sen sib ility o f Japanese to y m aking. To me, the T a kem i vin yls are great treasures o f ingenuous s im p lic ity in to y design. mm The ultim ate bad ass aspect o f Jum b org show s up in the new Tsuburaya C om m unications fig u re produced in 2000. The detailing on the Tsuburaya C om m unications sculpture is some o f the best handiw ork I have seen. There is a darker outer space version o f Jum b org as w e ll as a Ju m b o rg 9 figure. A tra n sfo rm a tio n of N aoki's car, Jum b org 9 was a second giant hero robot th a t was added som e tim e after the show began. The Thai company, Tsuburaya Chaiyo, produced a series of six-inch fig u re s in 2001. These to ys m ay be the m ost accurate depictions o f all. The de tailing on these figu res is quite stunning; the backs o f the u n iform s have zippers and fold s to de p ict an actor in costum e. This set has som e incredible m onsters and bad guys. The m ain bad guy is A ntigone. He used his wand to create a d e lig h tfu l array o f m on ste rs fo r Ju m b o rg to com bat, u su a lly d ra w in g on objects fro m Earth's e n viro n m e n t. His evil p lo ys often offered sub tle co m m e n ta ry on the dangers o f the a d u lt generation's eco no m ic a m b itio n s. For exa m ple, one o f Jum borg's m ost d iffic u lt foes is created by A n tig on e o u t o f an obsessed and e g o tistica l earth scie ntist's rocket. The scientist is so taken w ith his technological creation tha t he pays little attention to his ad m irin g son, even as the boy is threatened by A ntigone's monster. Jum b org dispatches the monster, and the rocket along w ith it. The scientist, tw isted and selfish, ends the episode bem oaning the loss o f his rocket rather than show ing appreciation fo r the rescue o f his son. A b o ve: S cene o f J u m b o rg fig h tin g away. B e lo w le ft (top to b o tto m ): B e g inning o f tra n sfo rm a tion fro m J u m bo rg A ce back to Cessna. C o m p letio n o f transfo rm a tion . B e lo w rig h t (top to b o tto n ): Six-inch Tsuburaya Chaiyo villains: L e ft to R ight: J u n k ille r J u n io r: Im it (e v il im ita tio n ) J u m b o rg A ce , (tra n s fo rm e d ), A n tig o n e , D em ongone D e m o n g o n e (norm al). Six-inch Tsuburaya Chaiyo h ero s: L e ft to R ight: E m eralm an (frie n d ly alien), J u m bo rg Ace, J u m b o rg 9, Em eralKain (frie n d ly alien). Homage Though the Jum b org Ace tele visio n series o n ly lasted one year, it rem ains one o f m y personal favorites. In m any ways, the Jum b org series was g ro u n d b re a kin g . The s h o w d isp la ye d som e o f the sop histicated , m oo dy m om e nts th a t gave Tsuburaya p ro d u ctio n s substance, as when Naoki plays a p la in tiff tru m p e t w hen m ou rnin g his lost brother. Jum b org also was an early version of the Japanese concept o f a tra n sfo rm in g robot, con tro lled by a man and w ired up so that the pilot's m otions were m anifested on a much larger scale in the super-m achine. An a rticle by som e Japanese scie ntists, rece ntly posted on the internet, suggests th a t the m odel o f a m an-guided, virtua l reality robot as firs t depicted in Jum b org Ace, m ay even be the future of robotics science. Add the com passionate in sig h t in to the life o f the character, Naoki, to the s im p lic ity o f the Jum b org toys and you have a tim eless classic: Jum b org represents respect fo r the in te g rity o f childhood and im a gin atio n, freedom o f expression in design and message, sci-fi in trigu e, and ju s t plain fun. W hat m ore could you ask for? Jum b org toys are hard to fin d but not im possible, thanks to the age of the in te rne t.T heT h ai vin yls can be fou nd at reasonable prices on both US and Japan w eb auctions. The sm all Takemi vin yls occasionally come up fo r sale on Yahoo Japan between $50 and $100. The large Takemi fig u re is m ore elusive and can bring up to $300 fo r a loose one in good con dition. If a large Takemi Jum b org 9 exists, I have never seen one. M y Jum b org "h o ly g ra il" is a large size Jum b org Ace vin yl w ith a clear, rem ovable mask m anufactured by an unknow n company. I know it exists, but I have never seen one fo r sale. A bove: S m all Takemi J u m b o rg 9 fig u re in o rig ina l bag. A bove rig h t (to p to b o tto m ): 18 Inch Tsuburaya/C haiyo D x M e g a M o d e l, J u m b o rg 9 Ip ro file ). 2 0 inch Tsuburaya/Chaiyo, J u m b o rg A ce : 18 inch figure. J u m b o rg 9 Ifu ll figure). In cre d ib le Popy J u m b o rg w in d -up tricycle to y (vinyl, p lastic, a nd tin ; 4 inches long). ........................................................................................................................................................................ . . . " v W ORDS: B R IA N F L Y N N & M IK E J O H N S O N I I HI! i I ; !! II I I I -IS I I I 1:1 1! 11:11 I I I ,i !! I l l if! I l l ) : 1 Easily th e m o s t p sych e d e lic G odzilla film ever m ade, Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster was one of the most bizarre monster film s to come out of the Toho factory. In 1967, with the atomic and radioactive menace of Godzilla turned upside down to recreate the monster as a benefactor of humanity, Toho looked for another manmade evil to power a monster that could rival Godzilla. Instead of the atomic inspiration that bore Godzilla, Toho turned to the new menace of pollution and garbage for inspiration. In return, Hedorah the Smog Monster was born. While only appearing in this single Godzilla movie, the level of cultstatus and devotion many collectors show to this single monster is comparable to the devotion Universal Monsters collectors attach to Creature from the Black Lagoon- another unique and unorthodox movie monster. While only a few toys were ever made of this kaiju in the "vintage" toy era, the popularity of this monster has made it one of the most popular characters with collectors today. The first Hedorah vinyl to be released was the Bullmark standard-size figure. Cast in yellow vinyl and standing almost 9” tall, this vinyl is the figure most readily associated with the kaiju. Bullmark would later release this same figure in a pink vinyl for export to Hawaii, ultimately becoming one of the most valuable and sought-after Toho vinyls released. Between them, Bullmark released a 3" mini-sized version of Hedorah in yellow vinyl is well. to p o f page: Size co m pa riso n o f a va rie ty o f Hedorah vinyls, o ld a n d new. above: O riginal B ullm ark standard-size p in k vinyl H aw a ii version, orig ina l B u llm a rk standard-size ye llo w vinyl re g u la r version, M l re p ro d u ctio n g lo w vinyl. le ft: Size com parison b e tw e e n th e standard-size B u llm a rk a nd M a rm it giant-size vinyl. rig h t: b e lo w : O rig in a l B u llm a rk m in i-H e d o ra h in y e llo w vinyl, M 1 re p ro d u c tio n versions in p a in te d p in k a n d b lu e vinyl, u n p a in te d M l re p ro d u c tio n s in orange and b ro w n vinyl. The p a in te d ve rsions w e re re le a se d in a 2-pack w ith a M anda figure. The u n p a in te d ve rsio n s w e re re le a se d in lu c k y bag sets. M a rm it giant-size fig ure s in d ark green, charcoal, orange a n d g lo w vinyl. The dark green, charcoal and orange vinyl w ere th e firs t release, w h ile the g lo w vinyl w as re le a se d later. There are also fo u r d iffe re n t " lo tte r y " colors rele a se d as s h o w exclusives. above le ft: B andai 1993 release in charcoal vinyl, Bandai M e m o ria l Box 1995 re lease in dark-green vinyl. above rig h t: B a re m o d e l P ink H ed o ra h w ith s m o k e s ta c k , e dition, g re y vinyl Japanese ebay exclusive. c ry s ta l “ lo tte r y " b e lo w le ft: B a rem o d e l m iddle-size y e llo w vinyl, a n d exclusive p in k vinyl. b e lo w : M a rm it m ini-size vinyls in a v a rie ty o f colors. le ft: H eader ca rd fo r th e 1967 IKB to y se rie s s h o w in g th e s ta n d in g fig u re 11), w alking fig ure (2) a nd fly in g fig ure 13). b e lo w le ft: Side b y side com parison o f th e IKB w alking fig ure and a b a g g e d fly in g figure. b e lo w rig h t: C o lle c te d im a g e s o f a fe w d iffe re n t IKB figures. There appear to be several d iffe re n t p a in t versions o f each figure. The w alking a n d fly in g fig u re s b o th have ra diu s-lin e s ilv e r sticke rs fo r the eyes. While Bullmark's Hedorah is generally considred the original vinyl made of Hedorah, it was not the first. In 1967 four years before the 1971 release of the Bullmark Hedorah, a company called IKB manufactured three seperate poly-vinyl toys of Hedorah. These toys were released in conjunction with, or slightly after the theatrical release of Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster, predating both Marusan and Bullmark. While the toys are clearly labelled by their manufacturer on both the Header cards and feet, no mention of Toho is made anywhere on the toys or their packaging. Debate abounds as to whether the IKB toys were bootleg figures, as their crude design and poly-vinyl bodies would indicate, or licensed goods that were released before standards for a toy of this style were imagined. Generally speaking, these figures are unknown to most collectors, and those who know of them, consider them to be unlicensed goods. Unfortunately, putting these figures in the magazine will only make my hunt for them that much more difficult, as they can be quite tricky to track down. The IKB Hedorah came in three forms, representing three different stages of the monster in the movie- standing, walking and flying. The standing and walking versions have articulation at the neck and shoulders, while the flying version is more of a puppet, with a circular hole cut into the base of the figure, presumably to put your hand into and "fly " around. After years of neglect, Bandai finally resurrected the monster in 1991, with their standard-size figure. Another figure extremely popular with collectors, the bandai version is incredibly detailed, even having clear lenses placed over the eyes of the figure. This vinyl was later included in the 1996 Memorial box set, but molded in a slightly softer, dark-green vinyl as compared to the original charcoal colored version. m id d le le ft: C om parison o f th e M a rm it s ta n d in g vinyl. S econd e d itio n release w ith m e ta llic re d s p ra y (left) and th e firs t release w ith re gu la r red spray. The m a jo rity o f th e se c o n d release fig ure s w ere s o ld through d ealers in th e U n ite d States. b e lo w le ft: M a rm it sta n d in g vinyl firs t release yellow, p in k and charcoal co lored v in y l fig ure s. D ark-g re en vinyl San D ie g o com ic-co n exclusive color. b o tto m le ft: M a rm it fly in g vinyl firs t release yellow, p in k and charcoal co lored vinyl figures. P utty-green vinyl C hiller-fest exclusive color. Baremodel was the next company to make a Hedorah toy, with their middle-size yellow vinyl in 1998. As with many current figures, this figure was re-released in 2001 as a store-exclusive in pink vinyl. Also in 2001, Baremodel released their version of the standard size Hedorah, complete with a smokestack accessory. Originally released in pink vinyl, this figure was also released in grey vinyl as a Japanese ebay exclusive, pearlized clear-white vinyl as a premium purchase item, and the soon to be shipped glow-in-the-dark vinyl version from super7. About a year after the Baremodel middle-size release, M1-ichigo released a reproduction of the Bullmark mini-size vinyl in a bagged twopack with a Manda vinyl. The figures came in either a painted blue or pink vinyl, which was bagged w ith a Manda of the opposite corresponding color. Later that same year, M1 released the figures in both unpainted brown and orange in sealed "lucky-bag" sets that contained various unpainted kaijus from bothToho andTsubaraya. Although there is plenty of interest in this classic monster, the company doing the most to keep Hedorah fever alive and well, is clearly Marmit. Marmit released the standing and flying versions of Hedorah in 1999 in three colors each- yellow, pink and charcoal. True to form, they later released the standing version in dark-green vinyl at the San Diego Comic-Con in 2001, and the flying version in putty-green at the Chiller festival of 2001. Both were rumored to have only been limited to 100 pieces each. The standing version was released again in February 2003, this tim e as a gallery exclusive in blue vinyl, and limited to 100 pieces. In 2002, Marmit released what is easily the most grand Hedorah yet, with their giant-size rendition of the kaiju. The first release was made in three colors as well- charcoal, dark green and orange. Although originally rumored to be gallery exclusives or small run figures, these versions are all quite plentiful, and were made In extremely large numbers. After the initial release, a "prototype" colorway was released in an off-white, non-glow vinyl, as well as three seperate "lottery" colorways. The "lottery" figures were handed out at toy conventions through a raffle system, and are rumored to be limited to 20 pieces or under, although there is no way to know for sure. In 2003, Marmit released the latest giant-size Hedorah colorway, as a painted glow vinyl. Also in 2003, marmit released a series of small 1.5" figures that have been made in a large variety of colors. Although a translucent blue version of this figure was made for a 1998 toy show, Marmit has been releasing these small figures lately w ith wild abandon. As of this writing, there have been eight different colorways of the figure, with surely more to come. above top: A g rou p o f sm all-scale figures. Front row, le ft to rig h t is th e s m a ll Bandai M o rinaga figure, then a va rie ty o f IM S fig u re s (green,purple, b lu e and red) a n d s m a lle r B andai M o th ra SD s e t figure. Back row, le ft to rig h t are fiv e m o re IM S co lo rs (black, clea r yellow, clear, clea r p in k a nd yellow ), and the N agasakiya sta m p fig u re in re d a n d green. (The re d version s till has the ru b b e r sta m p a tta ch e d to th e botto m , m a kin g it appear taller, th e g ree n version no lo n g e r has the s ta m p attached.) above m idd le: A g rou p o f sm all-scale figures. Front row, le ft to right, Bandai battle s e t figure (pink), Bandai M u s e u m o r P roclam ation s e t fig u re (blue), tw o b o o tle g vending m achine fig ure s (red a n d green), a b o o tle g sta m p fig ure (yellow), a n d sm a lle r scale Yamakatsu fig ure (pink). Back row, le ft to right, fo u r Bandai Godzilla w o rld fig u re s (gray, blue, red, green, 1992 ©), th e B andai Godzilla Capsule s e t fig u re (flesh co lo re d , 1984 ©), la rg e r sca le Yam akatsu fig u re (blue) a n d an u nkn o w n large p in k figure. All along the way, Bandai and several other companies have been cranking out small premium figures of various poses for candy toys, rubber figures and capsule sets. Many of these figures were released multiple times in different editions, with colors changing in every edition. While there is no definitive list of every small figure made, we have done our best to track down as many of them as possible. As with any toy line out there, big or small, there are going to be omissions and unknown toys that will pop-up along the way. Just keep your eyes open, and let us know when you find them! above b o tto m : A g rou p o f sm all-scale figures. Front row, le ft to righ t, B andai Dash s e t fig ure (green, also ca m e in y e llo w a n d silver), B andai F B I figure, Bandai illu s tra te d c o lle ctio n fig ure (sm all b ro w n spray area), Bandai Godzilla Part Two fig ure (large b ro w n sp ray area) and the Bandai S o u kou g eki figure. b e lo w rig h t: M a rm it S tanding version g a lle ry e xclusive in b lu e vinyl. There are tw o d iffe re n t eye c o lo r variations fo r th is vinyl. The firs t version has g o ld e yes w ith re d pupils, th e se co n d version has re d eyes w ith g o ld pupils. They w e re re le a se d ro u g h ly tw o w e e ks apart. 47 above: Left, Yutaka B ottle-cap figure. Right, g rou p s h o t sh o w in g a ll th e sm all-scale fig u re s w ith each o th e r Hedorah the Smog M onster - Vinyl figures Bullm ark Standard-size - Yellow vinyl -1971 Standard-size - Pink vinyl, Hawaiian release M ini-size - Yellow vinyl -1971 Yamakatsu sm all rubber 1" fig ure (in bag) -1 9 8 4 sm all rubber 1.5' fig ure (in bag) -1 9 8 4 Carded Set, Rubber 1.5" fig ure s -1 9 8 4 Bandai Standard-size - Charcoal vinyl w ith tag -1 9 9 3 Standard-size - Dark-green vinyl. M em orial Box edition w ith card -1 9 9 5 IM S Box s e t o f 20 fig ue s -1991 Theater bags (Black plastic bag) Ba rem odel M iddle-size - Yellow vinyl -1 9 9 8 M iddle-size - Pink vinyl store exclusive (Slightly Smaller) • 2001 C andy toys Bandai Godzilla Great Illustrated C ollection 2 (finger puppet, card) -1 9 9 2 Nagasakiya Gojira Dai Shugo - Gyakusbu Hen (w / card and stam p) -1 99 3 M orinaga S et (w / Battra Larva, hedorah, Super X-2) -1 9 9 3 Bandai Battle Set box B) (Sm aller then Proclamation) -1 9 9 5 Bandai Godzilla Proclam ation Blue (W ith biollante, card) -1 9 9 5 Bandai M o n s te r M u seu m (box B) (same as proclam ation) -1 9 9 7 Bandai Godzilla Soukougeki (19 figures, card)- 2001 Standard-size Standard-size Standard-size Standard-size M a rm it Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Flying Flying Flying Flying Flying - Pink vinyl w ith Sm oke Stack - 2001 C rystal e dition lo tte ry fig ure - 2002 Grey vinyl, ebay japan exclusive - 2002 G lo w vinyl, super7 exclusive - 2003 version version version version version version version version version version version version version version version M ini-size M ini-size M ini-size M ini-size M ini-size M ini-size M ini-size M ini-size -Y ellow vinyl, firs t edition, bright red paint -1 9 9 9 -Y ellow vinyl, second edition, m e ta llic red paint -1 9 9 9 - Pink vinyl -1 9 9 9 - Charcoal vinyl -1 9 9 9 - Dark-green vinyl, San D iego C om icon exclusive - 2001 - Blue vinyl, gallery edition, gold eyes, red pupils - 2003 - Blue vinyl, gallery edition, red eyes, gold pupils - 2003 - Charcoal vinyl, unpainted, u nknow n release - Flesh vinyl, unpainted, u nknow n release - M aroon vinyl, unpainted, unkn o w n release -Y ellow vinyl, firs t edition, b rig h t red p aint -1 9 9 9 -Y ellow vinyl, second edition, m e ta llic red paint -1 9 9 9 - Pink vinyl -1 9 9 9 - Charcoal vinyl -1 9 9 9 - Putty-green vinyl, C hillerTheater exclusive - 2001 -Translucent Blue vinyl, unpainted -1 9 9 8 - G lo w vinyl, painted - u nknow n release - Brow n vinyl, unpainted - 2002 - Aqua vinyl, unpainted - 2002 - Blue vinyl, unpainted - 2002 - Pink vinyl, painted - 2002 -Y ellow vinyl, unpainted - 2002/2003 - Green vinyl, painted - 2002/2003 Giant-size Giant-size Giant-size Giant-size Giant-size Giant-size Giant-size - O range vinyl, gallery exclusive - 2002 - Charcoal vinyl, gallery exclusive - 2002 - Green vinyl, gallery exclusive - 2002 - Cream, lo tte ry prize - 2002 - Purple vinyl, lo tte ry prize - 2002 - Yellow vinyl, lo tte ry prize - 2002 - G low vinyl, gallery exclusive - 2003 M 1-ichigo M ini-size reproduction - Blue vinyl - 1998 M ini-size reproduction - Pink vinyl -1 9 9 8 M ini-size reproduction - B ro w n vinyl, unpainted, Lucky Bag #2 - 1998 M ini-size reproduction - Orange vinyl, unpainted, Lucky Bag #2 -1 9 9 8 Standard-size reproduction - G low vinyl, cam e w ith book- 2002 rig h t: Ba re m o d e l S u p er7 e xclusive in g lo w vinyl. far rig h t: M a rm it m in i Hedorah, se co n d version, p a in te d g lo w vinyl, p h o to b y Ryan Brow n. 48 Hedorah the Smog M onster - Small figures Capsule Bandai Bandai Bandai Bandai Bandai Bandai toys Godzilla Capsule s e t -1 9 8 4 Godzilla Dash -1 9 8 5 Godzilla W orld (Same as 84, diffe re nt copyright) -1 99 2 Godzilla Part 2 (finger puppet) -1 9 9 2 FB1 (15 figures) -1 9 9 3 M othra SD (30 figures) -1 9 9 6 Yutaka bottle cap Hedorah the Smog M onster - Small bootleg figures bootleg vending m achine fig ure s b ootleg sta m p fig ure s s e t (box) Hedorah the Smog M onster - Large bootleg figures IKG Poly-vinyl figures Standing version W alking version Flying version S p ecializin g in exclu siv es fro m M l,B a r e M o d e l,M a rm it,M e d ic o m JR Y A N J V in tag e Popy D iecast V in ta g e B u llm ark V inyls C ontact m e w ith y o u r w a n t lists. I tra v e l to Japan n e a rly e v e ry m on th . Em ail m e a tjry a n j@ s a n .rr.c o m o r call ( 8 5 8 ) 4 8 3 0 3 2 4 and le av e a m essage. Look fo r my au ctio n s on eb ay u n d er The House of Monsters 1579 N- Milwaukee Ave. #228 Chicago, i l 60622 (7 7 3 1 2 9 2 - W B P 8 S T TOYS’ ° 98o MODEL KITS mmmm ... W0m£% $$: WmM mm BOOKS mm i.ooo square feet of MOVIE MOM . ■ 1 - 1 great prices a l lmonsters * » * H v !-■ « * at 8 5 * - h A25000 *4 # ■ 45/ — M t » .L > ____ RED KIN G ULTRA COLLECTION © ULTRA COLLECTION -* - B A N D A I U L T R A K A IJU PART ONE B Y B R IA N F L Y N N For m any Japanese vin yl kaiju collectors, the gateway to y has been the Bandai Ultra kaiju series. Easily the m ost prevalent vinyl to y line ever made, these vin yls w ere in itia lly released in 1983, and have been con tinu ou sly released since th a t tim e. P lentiful and affordable, Bandai has o n ly accelerated the pace o f th is line in recent years, and is m aking great stride s to replicate every iteration o f every kaiju ever show n in the ultra series. The in itial release o f these vin yls w ere launched in 1983, and continued until 1987. During these fo u r years, 40 d iffe re n t kaiju figures were released and were in d iv id u a lly num bered random ly throu gh 48. (The other eigh t vin yls being Ultra-heroes and one unreleased figure.) These figu res are easily id en tified fro m later year releases by the hard plastic tag th a t came attached to each figure. W hen these same vin yls were released in 1988, the tags were changed to paper instead o f plastic, and later renum bered. The hard tags come in a variety o f fro n t im ages, each relating to the pa rticu la r sh o w the kaiju cam e fro m , w h ile the back is standard fo rm a t show ing a picture o f the kaiju and the figure's number. O ver the years, the m olds, colors, spra y d e ta ils and vin yl com position o f these figu res have changed m u ltip le tim es. One main difference between the early figu res and later figu res is the vinyl used to make the toy. A ll figu res released before 1994 are made o f a hard vin yl, w h ile later vin yls are a softer, m ore pliable vinyl. A dd itio nally, the m a jo rity o f the o rigin al release vin yls have a m ore elaborate and detailed paint scheme than subsequent releases o f the same kaiju from 1988 throu gh 1994. W hile th is firs t part of th is article w ill deal w ith ju s t the firs t 48 releases, part tw o, in the next issue w ill go in to great detail o f the variatio ns in figures and production w ith all releases. A nother version o f the firs t wave o f figures, are the unpainted, w h ite vin yl figures. There is a bit of speculation on the exact nature of these vin yls, but the y are generally assumed to have been salesman sam ples and prototypes fo r the firs t figures. 50 The very firs t versions o f the w h ite figu res are actually a milky, sem i-clear vin yl tha t is com pletely painted in w h ite paint, w hile later vin yls are an opaque w h ite vin yl. The firs t wave of vinyls, both sem i-clear and w h ite came w ith loose hard tags that are unpunched in the corner. These unpunched tags also have the Nichion sticker placed on the kaiju side o f the card, w h ile all punched and tagged versions have the Nichion sticker on the hero side. A ll o f these figu res did o rig in a lly come w ith tags, although m any are fo u n d w ith o u t them , especially those th a t o rig in a lly came w ith the loose tag. O verall though, the m ajority of figures came w ith tags sw ift-tagged to the vinyl itself in the same manner th a t the pro du ction figu res are. It does not appear tha t the w hite vin yls w ere made beyond num ber 29, but no one knows fo r sure. As fa r as pro du ction variances w ith in the firs t 48 figures, there are on ly a fe w m in o r changes. The Gandar fig u re was released w ith both fla t feet, and a revision th a t contained a sm all ridge along the back o f the heels a llow in g him to stand up properly. This v a ria tio n is fo u n d in both the w h ite vin yls as w e ll as the p ro d u c tio n vin yls. This firs t release Baltan S eijin came w ith pinchers made of hard-vinyl and painted a solid silver rather than the softer, g litte r fille d vin yl used on all later releases. A dditionally, th is version o fT w in ta il is also the only release w ith the firs t mold of th is vin yl. This m old is very sim ila r to the 1994 resculpt of T w intail, but it is larger, and has unposeable top tentacles. The fig u re was discontinued fa irly quickly, m aking it very desirable to collectors. Lastly, the 48th figu re, Grand King was released as an exclusive vin yl, and is quite d iffic u lt to track down. Grand King was released a to ta l o f three separate tim es over the years. This first, hard-tag release of Grand King is cast in dark brown vinyl w ith gold spray as opposed to silver spray on later releases. This firs t release o f ultra kaiju set the stage fo r the unprecedented run that th is series of vin yls has had up until today. W ith over 150 diffe re nt kaiju made, m u ltitu de s of paint and size variations, new m olds, exclusives and tag changes- th is little chart is ju st the beginning! A bove le ft (left to right): Five d iffe re n t h a rd tags. Front v ie w o f u np u n che d tag fro m u ltraseven, fro n t o f p u n c h e d u ltra se ve n tag, fro n t o f p u n c h e d ultram an tag, back side o f unp u n che d tag w ith N ichion sticker, back o f p u n ch e d tag, AH unp u n che d tags have the N ichion sticke r on th e back, all p u n ch e d tags have th e N ichion s tic k e r on th e front. The fro n t o f th e tags d ire c tly relate to w hich se rie s th e m o n s te r on th e back o f th e tag is from . B e lo w fa r le ft: D e ta il s h o t o f th e Balan S eijin h ard v in yl p in c h e r w ith s ilv e r spray. B e lo w le ft: Group s h o t o f w h ite vinyl kaiju. Godola, A lie n Guts, Fled King, Bernier, Gomora, Gandar, Neronga, W indham , E leking a nd B altan Seijin. R ight top: A fe w m o re bandai hard vinyl kaiju th a t have ye llo w e d due to cigarette sm o ke (an u nfortunate, b u t c o m m o n o ccurre n ce in Japan), o r e xpo su re to sunlight. This ca nn o t be rem oved. King Joe, Gubira and A lie n M efilas. R ight b o tto m : D e tail s h o t o f Gandar's fe e t sh o w in g th e variations b o th w ith and w ith o u t add e d the add e d h e e l pad. Far rig h t: The o rig in a l Tw intail m old. This m o ld is ve ry s im ila r to th e 1994 m old. Bandai Ultra Kaiju - firs t release, 1983-1987. Ultra Seven Ultram an 1 iSHR 2 X Regular boxed figure. Gango 25 Black-brow n vin yl w / red, w h ite , blue and m edium brow n spray. Regular boxed figure. Gubila 26 L igh t-grey vin yl w / dark-blue spray, fo u r y e llo w spots on back, red d rill and m outh. Brow n vinyl w / go ld and m e tallic green spray, green on back o f head, bu t no t back o f figu re. Banila 27 O range vin yl w / red spray. Dorako 28 M e dium -gre y vin yl w / black spray and w h ite teeth. Red King 2 Gomora 4 D ark-brow n vinyl w / black spray, s ilve r hands. Neronga 5 Light grey-blue v in y l w / green and m aroon spray. Hydra 29 Grey vin yl w / pink spray, y e llo w beak, horns and eyes. Bemlar 6 O live-green v in y l w / red, s ilv e r and black spray. Keeler 30 Black vin yl w / silve r spray, y e llo w eyes. Micras 7 Ligh t-brow n vinyl w / brow n all over spray, red under spray on face, w h ite and red horns. Return o f Ultra 3, Regular boxed figu re. Q Beige vinyl w / bronze-gold m e tallic spray. Garam on 32 Ligh t-grey vin yl w / b rig ht-red all over spray, w hite eyes w ith large black pupils, w h ite in d ivid u a l teeth. 9 Grey-blue v in y l w / dark-blue all ove r spray, brow n neck spray, red m o u th and black eyes w / w h ite dots. Skydon 33 Grey vin yl w / silve r and m aroon spray. 10 W hite vinyl w / red spray, red beak, large grey section at waist. Seebozu 33 G rey-pink vin yl w / silve r and black spray, red m outh. W hite vinyl w / red and grey spray, red beak, large grey section at waist. G eronim o 35 O live-green vin yl w / silve r and re d-purple spray. 11 Grey vinyl w / all over m e tallic m aroon, blue spray on head and chest. First ve rs io n has fla t feet. Second version has heel pads. Nam egon 36 Grey v in y l w / m e ta llic blue spray and heavy redbrow n spray on bo ttom o f figure. Kanegon 37 Beige vin yl w / silve r spray, silve r m outh zipper, large black dots on eyes. Black King 38 C harcoal v in y l w / s ilv e r spray and general silve r spray on back o f fig u re (no detail to horns). Bem star 39 Dark-green vin yl w / green and pink spray, go ld spray on horns. U ltram an A 40 R egular boxed figu re. Ultram an Zoffy 41 R egular boxed figu re. U ltram anTaro 42 Regular boxed figu re. Tyrant 43 M e dium -green vin yl w / silve r and red spray, ye llo w eyes. ' Fig ure is v e ry d iffic u lt to fin d w ith h ard tag. H ippo rito 44 M aroon vinyl w /m e ta llic blue and green spray, orange eyes. * Figure is v e ry d iffic u lt to fin d w ith h ard tag. Tw intail 45 B row n vin yl w /g o ld spray, red vents and y e llo w eyes. O rig in a l m o ld w ith bent, b u t unposeable to p tails. King Joe Icarus Alien Guts W indham 8 Gandar 12 Gyeron 13 M aroon v in y l w / black all ove r spray, lig h t-g o ld color sprayed high lights. Godola 14 W hite v in y l w / black and red spray, black head spray, w ith w h ite eyes. Eleking 15 M e d iu m -y e llo w v in y l w / black spray, m ore elaborate detail on tail and at least one vertical strip e on back. Pegassa 16 Dark N avy-blue v in y l w / w h ite and lig h t-b lu e spray, red chest and no spray on back o f figure. U-Tom 17 Metron 18 Blue vinyl w / red, w h ite and y e llo w spray. 19 Ligh t grey-blue v in y l w / s ilve r spray, y e llo w eyes, red m o uth, and hard vinyl pinchers painted silver. Baltan Seijin Z-Ton 20 Black v inyl w / s ilve r and m e dium -ora nge spray. M efilas 21 Dark Charcoal v in y l w / w h ite face, blue eyes and orange m outh. A ntler 22 Caram el v in y l w / re d -b ro w n and s ilv e r spray, no spray on back o f figure. Gudon 46 Abolas 23 Dark-blue vinyl w / ye llo w -g o ld and w h ite spray, red m outh and w h ite painted teeth. . . . 47 U nproduced figure. Telesdon 24 Red-brown v in y l w / go ld spray. 48 Brow n vin yl w / go ld spray, red eyes and pink dots. Released as an exclusive figu re, and is d iffic u lt to find. ' F igure is v e ry d iffic u lt to fin d w ith h ard tag. Grand King D ark-brow n vin yl w / m e tallic green spray. *F ig u re is v e ry d iffic u lt to fin d w ith h ard tag. 51 r a r c v in t a g e M O N STER S & ROBOTS! D o you have vintage Japanese toys... ...stu ff for sale, stu ff for trade? GO DZILLA • ULTRAMAN SHO-GUN W ARRIORS GIGANTOR • GAMERA ARK DIE-CAST VINTAGE VINYL TIN • PAPER PLASTIC • RESIN & MORE! ASTRO BOY • JOHNNY SOCKO SENTAI-RANGERS ROBOTECH • MACROSS KAMEN RIDER SPACE-GIANTS SPEED RACER GATCHAMAN K IM B A AND MUCH MORE! M -l POPY BULLMARK BANDAI • UNI-FIVE MARMIT • MARUSAN TSUBARAYA • B-CLUB BARE MODEL • NAKAjIMA TAKATOKU • NITTO • YAMAKATSU BANPRESTO ‘ X-PLUS • BILLIKEN TAKARA • MARUII • PLAYSETS SOUL OF CHO-GO-KIN ‘ PROMOS GODAIKINS ‘ JUMBOS ‘ HIGH GRADES CALL STEVE AGIN! (908 ) 4 75-179 6 e-m ail: r r lQ n fS T L R [email protected] ZgR Q D a ik a iju E ig a L is t Searchable Database D iscu ssio n F o ru m s N ew s & A rtic le s The ultimate resource for daikaiju collectors http://www.clubtokyo.org/ M ailing. Lists A R T B Y S E O N N A H O N G *- *- Seonna Hong, an em erging artist in the fine art and anim ation com m unities, received her Bachelor of A rts fro m C alifornia State U niversity in Long Beach. Since then she has been included in group exh ib ition s in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Portland. She m ost rece ntly had her fir s t solo e x h ib itio n at sixspace in January 2003 title d Princess w here all fifte en paintings of her princesses fro m around the w o rld sold out. Look fo r upcom ing 2003 exh ib ition s in M inneapolis, Portland, and Seattle. Hong sim ultaneously has a successful career in an im ation. She currently w orks on Nickelodeon's M y Life as a Teenage Robot and has also done background an im a tion fo r Gary Baseman's Em my Award W in n in g te le visio n sho w Teacher's Pet and recently did background scenes fo r Power Puff G irls: the M ovie fo r Cartoon Network. Her artw ork was recently featured on the cover o f the Portland Mercury, a weekly paper based out o f Portland, OR and in a fancy new stationery set produced by Darkhorse. Her paintings o f the adventures of a little girl and her kitty, princesses, or glossy trucks prove that art can be sweet, hum orous, and entertaining w h ile also being perfectly executed. A w e ll-ro un ded artist, w h e th e r painting in oil or acrylic, fig u ra tive or illu stra tio n , Hong is quickly becom ing one o f the m ost revered artists in her field. Seonna Hong is represented by sixspace. Website: w w w .seonnahong.com A ll art is © 2002 Seonna Hong. King G hidorah is © 2003Toho Int'l. 53 A R T BY CHARLES B U RNS Charles Burns is a cartoonist and illu s tra to r livin g in Philadelphia, PA. He recently designed a set o f six "M o n ste rT e e n s" fo r Sony's "T im e Capsule" series. Charles is also con tinu ing w o rk on Black Hole, his 12-issue te e n -h o rro r-ro m a n ce co m ic p u b lish e d by Fantagraphics books. Look fo r it at: w w w .e-tim ecap.com and w w w .fa ntag raph ics.com A ll art is ©2003 Charles Burns. M onsterT eens and L ittle Green M an are © 2003 Charles Burns. Baragon and Gamera is © 2003 Toho In t'l. Chibul A lie n , Eledortas and M yste lle r Seijin are © 2003Tsubaraya Prod., Co. Ltd. Bat Kaiju is © 2003Toei. Frankenstein and the W olfm an are ©2003 U n iversal Pictures. 54 A R T B Y C H A R L E S B U R N S «- - O p p o site p age (clockw ise): Japanese p o s te r a rt fo r th e " M o n s te r Teens " release, h ea d e r card a rt fo r "L ittle Green M a n " o rig in a l c o v e r a rt fo r L ittle L it #2, b e fo re revisions. This p age (clockw ise): Back c o v e r and fro n t c o v e r a rt fo r B ig Baby. A fe w o f C harles' toys, c o lo re d version o f "C h ib u l A lie n " fro m a s k e tch b oo k p age p u b lis h e d in "C lose Your E y e s " 55 -* - A R T B Y B IG F O O T Independent o f the gallery circu it, B igfoot has become quite w ell known w o rld w id e fo r his com m ercial success including the logo design fo r l-path and t-sh irt design fo r FTC Skate. B ig fo o t w o rks big, using recycled w o o d and pa in ts to co n stru ct bold visu al re m in d e rs o f the po w e r o f nature. Bigfoot's sym bolism , p rim a rily m anifesting itself in W ild West characters and the legendary Bigfoot, addresses the con flict between the respect fo r nature held by Am erica's indigenous peoples and the destructive agenda o f W estern Conquest. His fa v o rite Japanese m on ste rs are Sanda and G aira, the Gargantuan tw ins. See his w o rk at: w w w .upp erp layg rou nd .co m 56 A R T B Y D A V ID H O R V A T H «- «- lan e * '1 C H icice f^s W orking from his Brooklyn art stud io in Dum bo, David Horvath spends his days and nights creating fu n n y m onsters and strange creatures fo r the people o f Earth. He creates m any characters for the Japanese m arket, and is curre ntly w o rking w ith Sony Japan on his ow n Playstation 2 game. His w o rk has been shown at the Zakka-corp art space in Soho and is represented exclusively by the Interlink planning com pany based inTokyo. Several o f David's fu lly anim ated TV program s w ill begin to air in both Japan and in the US by fall, 2004, and his creations are often featured in the pages of G iant Robot magazine. David and frien d Sun-M in Kim have also started their ow n to y com pany, Prettyugly, w hich makes the plush versions o f his characters seen above. Check them out at: w w w .u g lyd o lls.co m or call1-866-HEY UGLY. 57 - K IT S B Y S A N F O R D M O C K Born and raised in Hawaii, S anford gre w up on com ics and cartoo ns w hich led him on a na tural pro gre ssion to toys. A lth o u g h he missed buying all the cool vintage kaiju on the islands in the golden age o f Japanese toys, he has since made up fo r lo st tim e , and is a stickler fo r being a co m p le tist in his collecting. An avid m odel builder, graphic designer and illustrator, Sanford now w orks w ith his advertising photographer w ife, Rae. The 4 Kikaida villa in s w ere from a lim ited edition resin kit set. They w ere licensed and m an ufacture d by Kaiyodo, circa1990. Sanford assem bled, painted and photographed all fou r kits. 58 Me! Mascot Toy $ 14.95 www.meitcomiss.com All logos and likenesses are property of Meltdown Inc. Mel Character © Dan Clowes ABSOLUTE VINYL. F TB TO YS .C OM FULL TILT BOOGIE 315-622-2771 Marusan Popy Sega X-PIus Yutaka g . ^ (|f We sell G o d zilla , G am era, M othra, and other figures, toys, books, posters, mini posters, highgrades, hyper figures, plush toys, models, candy toys and THEATER EXCLUSIVE ITEMS.Kaiju collectors serving collectors, Tom and Diane lived in Japan for six years! They know the country and they know the Kaiju! Vintage toys or new toys, toys for all budgets, they have the largest G o d zilla inventory in the USA! W eb site: h ttp ://w w w .cla w m a rktoys.co m Clawmark Toys 1308 Tour Drive G ulf Breeze, Florida 3 2 5 6 3 Phone: (850) 9 1 6 -4 5 1 7 Japanese vintage toys (1960-1980) Super-Heroes & Monsters SANFORD — E-mail: clawm arktoys2000@ yahoo.com VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED 02.003 Jitn t A a + i s o n - P a lo o k a P i c t u r e s Say hey fella's, I'to sur prised to see you two hanging out a fte r what I ju s \ h e a r ^ A f - v r l Aw w craf>, here cotoes JItotoy Courage. That cold sucfcer Is .always Ma^Tn^ t rouble! N O g f ^ / P a n <?. t h a t \. p v t> W J e rk s L W dreav* y e <i u e n c e Hey? shut th e frlcfcup Jltotoy/iVouVe a lw a y s ~ \ a ™ coivtinf round talfcln.? hte trash and toafcln* usl v it: V o a d o n ’t h a v e + o llr+en b u f I h e a r d your buddy h ere w a r c h a r t i n g up your g irii Penny* Sounded h ea^V R e ^ T e . ^ " f W e a!nTt I M fs te n ln ^ d * 1 N J Say? you are a pretty penny \ a r e n ft y o o ?3>- O h C a lv T n k you say 4 9 I such n i c e > ^ j j ^ things, l i l Why \ doesn't/ M p l | M R e ^ ie v baton you Calvin.' ^ / told you to keep 4 o f f rwy wotoan.'J S jlfc /j ( ever say \ ^ such nice) M H £ & [th in g s?/ [H T . f t>ude! '* ! didn't I say j a c k l H e 's j e r k i n ^>us a g a in .' , I , x e * f* th is />onfc w h a t he deserves,] / SUMMOW OWE JOWWWT SWR/WER ySw w ^ 'eah* /V e freen w a t c h f n J t h iy M o w - h o ^ fo r yotoetltoe now* /t yeeto* 7f jthly nefarlouy ,?ent(etoan needy a cap In hly ,genliaty« m W oah? y o u b e coo* J o h n n y S h r ln e r , / ^ o t ^ no w h e r e ' s t h e b e e f , * ■ ^ x w Ith y o u * ^ o t tru e iwy flappy Itoooth friend fcnow yo oV e heen telling [certain that II peoples I h a v e a serious booze f>roMeto and that /fi» a hfr red faced Iron toting toor</erer.f Sr ;''5f| v ? e ((^ o (7 7 ^ T i^ h T T T | iiw a ^ in a r y fr ie n d s to Y a a h ' h a d j a ' h a ' h a . l G o o d y fc o t w fc a c fc c h o W s ‘ | to^TNt fCa(v?n«/: J o f c r m y . '/ . yaaaay ^ A L L IE S O F T H E R E V O L U T I O N I T H E K ID S W IL L H A V E T H E IR S A Y D IT C H W O R K , GO S K A T IN G W W W .A L L IE S O F T H E R E V O L U T IO N .C O M M R=EK )► ©2002 VIVA la i'EVOllltlC.V A V A IL A B L E AT: T R U E :S F UPPER PLA YG R O U N D :SF R O L O :S F G IA N T R O B O T S T O R E : LA IN D IG O F L O W E R :SM IG L O O :S D JU S T B E : PDX U N IO N : N Y C W W W .T H E G IA N T P E A C H .C O M Attention all Japanese Toy Lovers! iAuctioNet auctionet.co.jp/ se collectible Toys and Comics? iAuctioNet is thetforemost Japanese internet auction site where you can find cool items and more! Some items that you can find here are Kikaida, Ultraman, Godzilla, Gamera and otRfe^yintage Monsters & Robots. m -W ORLD SERVICE yi w w w . m-vv -service.com m -w o rld -s e rv ic e @ s a le s .ffn .n e .jp Service Contents 1. Japanese Auction Service W e can place bids fo r you on any Jap an ese auction site. 2. Selling Service W e can sell y o u r item s on Jap an ese auction sites. 3. Purchasing Service A n y typ e o f Japanese item can be purchased throu g h us. In addition, M -W o rld S ervice can help you search for rare and hard to find item s! w w w .m - w o r ld - s e r v ic e .c o m