September 11, 2016 - St. Vincent Ferrer Church
September 11, 2016 - St. Vincent Ferrer Church
September 11, 2016 Founded in 1931 Dominican Friars of the Central Province, U.S.A. Twenty—fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) 1530 Jackson Ave. • River Forest, IL 60305 • “No day shall erase you from the memory of time” (Virgil). Pope Francis at the 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero in New York on September 25, 2015. Page Two PARISH AND SCHOOL STAFF Telephone:(708) 366-7090 Fax:(708) 366-7092 Fr. Thomas McDermo OP, Pastor Fr. Ma hew Strabala OP, Parochial Vicar Fr. Michael DeTemple OP, Parochial Vicar Jerome J. Trakszelis, Deacon John Gaughan, Deacon Mary Bodlak, Development Director Camela Daley, Music Director Chona Foellmer, School Secretary Jean Finnegan, CPA, Business Manager Kaitlin Hasenbeck-Meyer, Religious Ed. Sr. Immaculata Nneji DDL, Parish Visitor Mary Saldana, Secretary Mary Sklenar, Administra ve Assistant Dr. Charles Terry, School Principal Mary Ann Trakszelis, Secretary 24th Ordinary Sunday September 11, 2016 From Fr. Matt Strabala, OP x100 x112 x104 x117 x147 x141 x114 x118 x109 x100 x115 x141 x100 (Email addresses can be found at CHURCH: 7525 W. North Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 SCHOOL OFFICE: 1527 Lathrop Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 Tel (708) 771-5905 h p:// RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 1527 Lathrop Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 Tel (708) 366-7090 X118 PARISH OFFICES/PRIORY: 1530 Jackson Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 Tel (708) 366-7090, Fax (708) 366-7092 Office Hours: Sunday 9:00AM—1:00PM Monday-Friday: 8:00AM-12:00PM — 12:30PM-7:30PM Saturday: 9:00AM—1:00PM MASSES: Saturdays: 8:00 AM and 5:30 PM Vigil Mass Sundays: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 5:30 PM Mondays to Fridays: 7:00 AM and 12:00 PM noon Civil holidays: Go to SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Weekdays: 11:30 AM—11:50 AM Saturday, 4:30 PM and by appointment DOMINICANS IN RESIDENCE AT SVF PRIORY Fr. Michael DeTemple, OP, Prior Fr. Kevin Fane, OP Fr. Michael Garcia, OP Fr. Peter Hereley, OP Fr. Richard LaPata, OP Fr. Thomas McDermo , OP Fr. Jordan McGrath, OP Fr. Nicholas Monco, OP Fr. Jack O’Malley, OP Fr. Richard Peddicord, OP Fr. Ma hew Strabala,OP Fr. Dennis Woerter, OP Anyone who knows me knows that I enjoy music and that I enjoy singing. I’m occasionally asked why I sing so much of the mass when I get the chance and I’m also some mes asked why I don’t sing more. There is a ra onale behind music in the liturgy which operates on both general and a personal levels. First, music is an integral part of our worship. In other words, music is not something “added onto” the mass. Many parts of the mass are presumed to be sung and only recited as a secondary alterna ve. The great amen is generally expected to be sung and the alleluia is actually expected to be sung or omi ed en rely. The Book of Psalms is essen ally the hymnal of the Jewish Temple and consequently the responsorial Psalm is supposed to be sung whenever possible, though on weekdays it may be recited. The Sanctus or “Holy, holy, holy” and the Gloria by nature are hymns but can be recited. Other parts of the mass like the Kyrie, the Our Father and even the creed may be sung to add special solemnity to the liturgy. This leads to a second point, something called “progressive solemnity.” This means that singing more of the mass is considered to make it more fes ve, more rousing and to indicate a higher level of celebra on. This is why at masses during special seasons like Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter more of the mass will be sung and even the opening and closing prayers of the mass and the preface before the Eucharis c prayer may be chanted by the priest. The addi on of more music is meant to add greater beauty, seriousness, drama and intensity to our prayer during these special seasons. This points to a third reason for singing at mass, whether we are talking about hymns at the opening of mass, the offertory, communion and at the close of mass or we are talking about the prayers of the mass which are sung: music and singing can move our hearts and souls in a way which simply reci ng texts cannot. The mass is meant to be a foreshadowing of the eternal feast of Heaven and the scriptural imagery of Heaven always depicts the saints and angels singing praise to God, giving the fullest expression of praise and devo on through the use of music. If the mass is a foreshadowing of Heaven, it is quite fi ng that it be replete with music. Music is a way in which we can all give praise to God and join together in an act of great beauty. Each voice, each instrument, is like a thread of a different texture and color, woven together to create a tapestry of unique design and beauty. Music at mass isn’t something reserved for the professionals, it is something wri en and selected so that the congrega on can join in and add the contribu on that only they can make. Does everyone have a voice which would win on American Idol? Of course not! But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t contribute what they have. The Psalms themselves tell us “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” (Ps 98:4) It doesn’t say it has to be in perfect pitch. Fr. Ma Strabala, OP Associate Pastor September 11, 2016 24th Ordinary Sunday Page Three Page Four 24th Ordinary Sunday September 11, 2016 MASS READINGS AND INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday, September 12th 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 7:1-10 7:00AM +James W. Weging 12:00PM +William Kempf th Tuesday, September 13 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Ps 100:1-5; Lk 7:11-17 7:00AM +Edward Daley 12:00PM +Carmella & Sam Palumbo Wednesday, September 14th Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 7:00AM Betsy Pollak 12:00PM +Genevieve & Antony Laterza Thursday, September 15th 1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1b-2, 16ab-17, 28; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 7:36-50 7:00AM +Mr. LaMan a 12:00PM +William P. Connolly Friday, September 16th 1 Cor 15:12-20; Ps 17:1bcd, 6-8b, 15; Lk 8:1-3 7:00AM +Armand Andreoni 12:00PM +Jennie Ponzio Saturday, September 17th 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps 56:10c-14; Lk 8:4-15 8:00AM +Pia & Agos no Un 5:30PM +Ma eo Zaniolo Sunday, September 18th Am 8:4-7; Ps 113:1-2, 4-8; 1 Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 [10-13] 7:30AM People of the Parish 9:00AM +Joseph Monahan 11:00AM +Ray Casey & Deceased Members of the Casey Family 5:30PM +Eugene Smuda COLLECTION FOR SEPTEMBER 4, 2016 Needed: $14,800 Actual: $ 13,527.43 Online dona ons can be made to St. Vincent Ferrer Parish at BAPTISMS: Annabelle Rose DeBoer and Olivia Grace Madeck PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Corrine Albergo, Gina Bacon, Mary Baynes, Gina Bra man, James Budzban, Frank Cairo, Alexander Capraro, Alfred Cardillo, Rica Conci, Sabrina Conforte, John Corcoran, Rose Marie Cor le , John Dalicandro, Dorothy Elaine Dato, Veronica DelaTorre, Antonella DiBiasio, Nora DeVito, Rose Mary Fahey, Nico Felice, Christopher Garcia, Gemma Gotauco, Josie Karr, Elaine & Richard Kallal, Evelyn Kelly, Michael Reardon Kelly, Virginia Kielb, Stella Kowalczyk, Renee Kunkel, Marcella LaSpina, John Lennon, Frances Livich, Jeannine Malecki, Kris na Maria, Sam Mazzuca, Tiffany McGraw, Vedasto Mendoza, Sco Miller, Eleanor Milionis Constanza Misura, Kaylo Nanni, Tina Piscopo, Angela Orlando, Ernest Raczkiewicz, Rosalie Rizzo, Holden Sepe, Donata & Angelo Serritella, Nick Speziale, Mary Spinuzza, Mary Spitzer, Bill Steber, John Summaria, Barbara Thome, Leonard Trankina, Jacqueline Varani, Deacon Jerry Zych May our prayers bring them strength, healing and peace. Please call our Parish Office to add a loved one’s name to our parish prayer list. Names are removed a er four weeks unless the office is contacted. WEDDING BANNS: II Becca Madormo and Gary Li le II Leila Alawad and Patrick Moesta FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF: Sam Ciccio Teresa Cairo Margaret Trapani Rudolph DeVito PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY AND POLICE: Senior Airman Armando Chavez (Air Force) 1st Lieutenant Daniel Armstrong (USMC) Officer Robert Reeves HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR SEPTEMBER: Universal: Centrality of the Human Person That each may contribute to the common good and to the building of a society that places the human person at the center. Evangeliza on: That by par cipa ng in the Sacraments and medita ng on Scripture, Chris ans may become more aware of their mission to evangelize. September 11, 2016 Reflection on Sunday’s Readings September 11, 2016 The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, The Lost Son First Reading (Ex 32:7-11.13-14). Moses intercedes with God for the people because they have fallen into idolatry. Second Reading (1 Tim 1:12-17). In his conversa on Paul is a witness to the fact that Christ came into the world to save sinners. Gospel (Lk 15:1-32). Through telling three parables Jesus jus fies his concern for sinners. The theme of all three readings is that of God’s mercy towards sinners. In the First Reading we see that the people had abandoned God and fallen back into idolatry. God’s reac on seems to portray him as an angry, jealous God, who will resort to the most terrible punishments when his law is disobeyed. But that’s not the message of the story. The message is that God pardons the sin of his people in response to the prayer of Moses. The fact that Jesus welcomed sinners and ate with them was a cause of scandal to the Pharisees. They, the ‘separated ones’, avoided all contact with sinners. They assumed that God has no dealing with sinners either. But Jesus shows them a very different kind of God. By means of these parables he jus fies his concern for sinners. All three parables stress God’s concern for the lost one, and his joy when a lost one is found. The parable of the Prodigal Son occurred earlier this year (Fourth Sunday of Lent), and is dealt with there. Here we might concentrate on the other two. The Second Reading also fits in with the theme. Paul’s conversa on is proof of the fact that Christ came into the world to save sinners. 24th Ordinary Sunday Page Five Page Six 24th Ordinary Sunday Gymnast keeps rosary close when she competes By Catholic News Service RIO DE JANEIRO (CNS) -- U.S. Olympic gymnast and gold medalist Simone Biles says when she travels, she some mes takes with her a statue of St. Sebas an, the patron saint of athletes, and she also carries a rosary her mother gave her. Biles, who won gold in the women's gymnas cs allaround compe on Aug. 11 and helped lead the U.S. women to a team gold Aug. 9, made those comments to Us Weekly. "My mom, Nellie, got me a rosary at church. I don't use it to pray before a compe on. I'll just pray normally to myself, but I have it there in case," the 19-year-old told the magazine in a July 8 interview. Her remark about her patron saint was part of a list in an Aug. 9 ar cle about Biles posted by the magazine online with the headline, "25 Things You Don't Know About Me." Biles' hometown is Spring, Texas, which is in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. The London-based Catholic Herald described her as "a Sunday Massgoer." Other news accounts said that Sunday is the only day she does not prac ce gymnas cs so she can go to church September 11, 2016 with her family at St. James Catholic Church in Spring. According to several news reports, Biles was born in Columbus, Ohio, to parents who were drug addicts. Her father le and young Simone bounced back and forth from her mother's house to foster homes. When she was 5 or 6, her grandparents, Ronald and Nellie Biles, adopted her and her younger sister, Adria, and they moved to Texas. According to her bio on the Team USA website,, Biles was homeschooled. Besides a sister, she has two brothers, Ronald and Adam. Her interest in gymnas cs took hold 13 years ago. "My first experience with gymnas cs was when I was in daycare. We took a field trip to a gym and I was hooked," she told Us Weekly. But she added: "Gymnas cs is just one part of my life, and I'm having as much fun with it as possible. At some point, I'll have to go get a real job." Her favorite rou ne is the floor, she said. Biles is described as determined, disciplined and something of a perfec onist. "She's always been headstrong," her mom, a re red nurse, told Texas Monthly magazine. "When she makes up her mind, it's, like, oh my gosh -- the whole world could be upset and she'd s ll do it. My other kids would listen. Her, no. She makes her mind up and that's it." Biles' approach to her sport has paid off. She is the three- me world all-around champion, 2013-15; threeme world floor champion, 2013-15; two- me world balance beam champion, 2014, 2015; and four- me U.S. na onal all-around champion (2013-16). She was a member of the gold medal-winning American teams at the 2014 and 2015 World Ar s c Gymnas cs. Biles is expected to take home the gold in individual events s ll to come. She and her Rio teammates -- Laurie Hernandez, Aly Raisman, Gabby Douglas and Madison Kocian -- nicknamed themselves "The Final Five." Their margin of victory for the gold in the team event was 8 points. Russia took home silver and China took bronze. September 11, 2016 24th Ordinary Sunday The women of Chicago’s west side and the near-west suburbs are invited to gather this autumn at St. Catherine – St. Lucy Church to listen, reflect, and pray. “I’ve always known that if we had a chance to hear each other’s stories, we’d grow closer to God.” Shelby Boblick Join me as we hear from EVERYDAY HEROINES in our faith communi es. Each week a featured woman will share her faith journey and how she was led to the emphasis of her life and ministry today. Monday, Sept. 12 emphasis: Monday, Sept. 19 emphasis: Doris Brown (from St. Catherine of Siena-St. Lucy on being black & Catholic Julie Richardson (from St. Mar n de Porres) an gun violence Monday, Sept. 26 emphasis: Celine Woznica (Ascension) how being a lay missioner in South America shaped her life Monday, Oct. 3 emphasis: Peggy Leddy (St. Edmunds) domes c violence Monday, Oct. 10 Maria del Socorro De Leon (St. Leonards) living with chronic illness (7:30 pm. session ONLY) emphasis: Monday, Oct. 17 emphasis: Mary Ziegler (St. Giles Family Mass) living with chronic illness (1 p.m. session ONLY) Page Seven St. Vincent Ferrer School Directory We are looking for community and parish adver sing sponsors for the 2016-17 Edi on of the St. Vincent Ferrer School Directory. The school directory is an important resource distributed to 200+ school families, SVF school and parish staff and the local business community. Anyone placing an ad in the directory will receive a complimentary book. Full page ads (8” x 5”) $100 Half Page ads (4” x 5”) $50 Quarter page ads (2” x 5”) $25 A fourth op on is to have your business, organiza on or family name listed in the directory under the heading “Congratula ons SVF School” for a cost of $18. Send your check or money order payable to: St. Vincent Ferrer School A n: SVF Directory, 1515 N. Lathrop, River Forest, IL 60305 Please write SVF School Directory in the memo sec on of the check. Please send your ad exactly how you want it to appear in the Directory. You may mail a hard copy with your check to the address above, or please email your ad to Lisa Gonsalves at [email protected]. If you have any ques ons, please call Lisa at (708) 373-8025. The deadline for all ads is September 26th Shelby Boblick, pastoral associate of St. Catherine of Siena – St. Lucy Church, will open each session, guide a Q & A series with the guest presenter, and close the gathering. It ma ers not at all if you miss a week or several weeks. You are most welcome to join us when your schedule permits. Drop-ins are encouraged! Bring friends. We’ll offer duplicate sessions each Monday: one at 1 p.m. and another at 7:30 p.m. Please join us at whichever me suits your life. We’ll meet in the St. Catherine- St. Lucy CHURCH located at the southwest corner of Aus n Blvd. and Washington Ave. in Oak Park, IL. Please enter through the doors on Aus n Blvd. The Washington Ave. doors will not be unlocked. The church is HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE. Please join us! Ques ons or concerns…call Shelby Boblick @ 630-240-2765 St. Vincent Ferrer has a Men’s Group that meets monthly. Mee ngs consist of socializing, a short talk, discussion, prayer and pizza. All men in the parish are invited. The next mee ng will be on Tuesday, September 13th at 7:30 PM in the Cabrini Room (behind the church). For more informa on, please contact the Pastor at tmcdermo Page Eight 24th Ordinary Sunday September 11, 2016 September 11, 2016 24th Ordinary Sunday Page Nine Page Ten 24th Ordinary Sunday ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION BR. 358 Invites you to join us at our next mee ng, Tuesday September 20th, 2016 at 6:30pm in the SVF Cabrini Room. All are welcome!!! Italians & Non-Italians alike Parishioners and Friends Welcome Benvenu September 11, 2016 Severe Mental Illness? Faith and Fellowship is a ministry of spiritual outreach for adults with severe and persistent mental illness. This program of small-group faith-sharing needs volunteers to become part of their weekly gatherings. Could this be you? Check it out by coming to one of our Informa on/Orienta on mee ngs, offering four mes: Monday, September 12th at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm, and Thursday, September 15th at the same mes. Loca on: St. Catherine-St. Lucy Catholic Church, 25 West Washington Blvd., Oak Park. Ques ons? Please contact Connie Rakitan at [email protected] or (708) 383-9276. September 11, 2016 LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE September 17th and September 18th Saturday, September 17th, 5:30 PM (Vigil Mass) Lector: Roger Mastalarz EMC: Anita Spina, Pat Champagne, Frank Giglio, Augie Aleksy, Casey Czaja Servers: Bianca Cortez, Kaylene Gohmann Sacristan: Sylvia Zamora Sunday, September 18th, 7:30 AM Lector: Terry Shaker EMC: Mary Andreoni, Bill Andreoni, Veronica Zemuglys, Ron Catanzaro, Rose Felipe, Pat Schwandt Servers : Caelan Almagro, Ryan Perrino Sacristan: Mario Dato Sunday, September 18th, 9:00 AM Lector: Chuck Doherty EMC: Tim Trendel, Janet Homer, Anthony Barne , Anne Barne , Pawel Nowak, Diane Dygert, Irene O’Hara Servers: Sophia Trulis, Emilia Nowak, Kiera Collins Sacristan: Dolores and Robert Boveri Sunday, September 18th, 11:00 AM Lector: Bob Sasse EMC: Alex Duran, Anna Marie Massey, Sean Toohey, Jim Hardy, Jeanne Hardy, Jean Dugo, Myriam Escobar Servers: Anthony Saldana, Bella Saviozzi, Jamon Graham, Ma Matuszelanski Sacristan: Mike McDonald Sunday, September 18th, 5:30 PM Lector: Charlie Capps EMC: Sharmaine Tuason, Dean Mar ni, JoAnna Jaskiewicz, James Bratager, Jim Farina Servers: Sophia and Grace Miceli Sacristan: Ken Yourek 24th Ordinary Sunday Page Eleven Page Twelve 24th Ordinary Sunday SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION BAPTISMS: Infant bap sms are celebrated on Sundays immediately a er the 11:00 AM Mass. A endance at a bap smal prepara on class is required. For more informa on go to:— Sacraments—Bap sm. FUNERALS: Call the parish office at (708) 366-7090 x100. Also, look at www.svfparish.orgSacramentsFuneral Resources. (If applicable, read Crema on Guidelines). WEDDINGS: Marriage prepara on with a priest should be started at least one year in advance of the proposed wedding date. For more informa on go to www.svfparish.orgSacraments Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Contact the parish office before major surgery or in case of serious illness. Tel: (708) 366-7090 x100. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults). Contact Fr. Ma hew Strabala, OP, at [email protected] or phone (708) 366-7090 x112. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Contact Kaitlin Hasenbeck-Meyer, Coordinator of Religious Educa on, at (708) 366-7090 x118 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Usually done in the 2nd grade. Contact Kaitlin HasenbeckMeyer, Coordinator of Religious Educa on, at (708)366-7090 x118 or [email protected] SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Usually conferred on our youth in the 8th grade a er 2 years in the parish's Religious Educa on program. For more informa on, contact Kaitlin Hasenbeck-Meyer, Coordinator of Religious Educa on, at (708) 366-7090 x118 or [email protected] SPRED: Faith forma on for adults and children with developmental disabili es. For more informa on, go to Educa onSPRED or contact Sylvia Zamora at [email protected] HOMEBOUND PARISHONERS: Any homebound parishioner who would like to receive Holy Communion should contact Sr. Immaculata at [email protected] or Fr. Michael DeTemple, OP, at [email protected] or by calling them at (708) 366-7090 x100. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL: is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 12:30 to 8:30. To volunteer, please call the Parish Office (708) 366-7090 x100 FAMILY MASS: The 9:00 AM Mass on Sundays is the Family Mass. There is a separate Liturgy of the Word for children during the homily. ROSARY: Daily before the 12:00 noon Mass. September 11, 2016 NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Tuesday a er Noon Mass. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO ST. JUDE: Every Friday at the end of the 7:00 AM and 12:00 noon Masses. BLESSING OF THE UNBORN AND THEIR PARENTS: A er any Mass by prior arrangement through the parish office (708) 366-7090 x100. NEW PARISHIONERS: Go to www.svfparish.orgWelcomeJoin the Parish or come by the parish office to meet the staff and priests. (See office hours on page 2) BULLETIN SUBMISSION: Ar cles and no ces should be submi ed at least one week in advance to sv ulle [email protected] or by going to the parish office. CALENDAR SUBMISSION: For parish ac vi es to appear on our parish calendar online and in the bulle n: [email protected] or by going to the parish office. Sunday, September 11th MIMOSA SUNDAY 12:00pm Bap sm (Church) 3:00pm Art & Architecture (Church) Monday, September 12th 12:00pm Seniors Mee ng (Cabrini Room) Tuesday, September 13th 10:00am Book Club (Fenwick Room) 6:30pm Alateen/English (Fenwick Room) 6:30pm Al-Anon/Spanish (Sinsinawa Room) 7:30pm Men’s Group (Cabrini Room) Wednesday, September 14th 7:30am Coffee and Donuts (Cabrini Room) Thursday, September 15th 10:00am Bible Study (Cabrini Room) 1:00pm Scripture Study (Fenwick Room) Friday, September 16th Saturday, September 17th 2:00pm NAIM Mee ng (Cabrini Room) ED THE PLUMBER Ray Kalwajtys ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ Barnard’s Schwinn Financial Advisor In Home Local Dog Boarding 6109-11 W. 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Spina NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER James T. McGuire* Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Timothy H. Okal Depression - Anxiety - Stress John D. Spina Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español Felicia M. DiGiovanni Oakbrook Terr. RALPH AND ALBERT MASSEY GALEWOOD FUNERAL CHAPEL (773) 889-1700 1857 N. HARLEM AVE. Highest ethical and legal ability rating Lexis Nexis Martindale-Hubble 2016 Bar Register Preeminent Lawyers 630.691.1114 Parishioner Discount (708) 386-9398 • Family Owned Over 50 Years The Language and Music School Children • Teens • Adults Trial Lessons $28 - Second Trial Lesson $10 150 N. Oak Park Avenue Oak Park, IL 60301 708-524-5252 Sue Ponzio-Pappas 7375 West North Avenue, River Forest, Illinois 60305 (708) 771-8040 HUGAR FOOT & ANKLE SPECIALISTS “Two generations of dedicated family foot care” Specializing In The Care Of Bunions, Hammertoes, Corns, Calluses, Warts, Heel & Arch Pain, Ingrown & Fungus Nails, Arthritic & Diabetic Foot Problems, Work Related & Sports Injuries, and other Foot Conditions 7375 W. North Ave. River Forest, IL 60305 224-500-7441 cell Ponzio Dental 7053 W North Avenue Suite 2 Oak Park, IL 60302 (708) 452-8100 Board Certified Podiatric Physicians & Surgeons VIA GALANTE CEMENT CONTRACTORS, INC. American Board of Podiatric Surgery Call Today! 708-452-6100 1614 N. Harlem Ave., Elmwood Park, IL Patios • Sidewalks • Stairs Driveways • Garage Floors 773-589-9893 BELMONT FUNERAL HOME PETERSON-BASSI CHAPELS 7120 W. Belmont Ave. 6938 W. North Ave. (773) 286-2500 (708) 848-6661 “Our Family Serving Your Family” The Dr. Rebecca L. Anderson 610 S. Maple Ave., Suite 5300 Rush-Oak Park Medical Bldg. FREE Valet Parking Banquets by Biancalana Weddings • Anniversary • Holiday Parties • Luncheons • Fashion Shows 7370 West Grand Avenue Elmwood Park, IL 60707 708/453-3989 708-660-2350 Doctors of Audiology MCB ESTATE SALES FORTE PLUMBING Conducted Estate Sales Chicagoland Area 773-961-4827 [email protected] Repairs, Sewer Work Hot Water Heaters Patented Flood Control Systems Carmen, Robert, Angie Forte 708-456-6880 Lic# 14056 Lic# 055-009997 MJO REALTY, INC. Mary Jane Oliver Managing Broker Parishioner 708.386.5800 (office) 708.436.1498 (cell) Walter and Maria Bassi, Parishioner Sabrina Bassi LaBarbera, Parishioner 512150 St Vincent Ferrer Church (A) [email protected] River Forest, IL 60305 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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